THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TCESDAV. MABCIT T. 1S0.S. CRUX ASD PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Bewi Bearish Tt; Mornirg and Market it Weak. EFFECT NOT YET FELT FROM NEW RATES Osaka t-mrm Market t u Off la a k tr t 1. Aatlelptloa ( Higher Ratea Export Boslaeoo &. OMAHA, March I, W. The wheat news nun morning, tvhat uioro Is ot it, waa bearltn. 1 no ud. aro about rc lower. i ue woriui nnmmin are n.flnri.ww bushels and tne wheal on passage increa.a ,m,hOu ousnels. or tnem- ir tuner reason the iimi lout a little g roll no trniny. The May iienea at i.tnffc. ine low point reached before noon waa $l.ltV and tne high mara H.16, which la c lowei i nun the bent 101 baturuay. Ine imy wneat also ranged V4C under tne baturaay market. Uverpool waa fiom S to lower, ifie reason assigned being nravy liquiuatiou on the very neary shipments, wnion amounted to A' bushels. Antwerp wa unchanged. Tne butlinh leature of tne eq uation is the heavy aexreass In tne viaible aupiny, which amounts to 96H,nit iiusnel. i ne ieavy norm western receipts nave i aimed an Increaae in stocks ai Minne apolis ot u,(kjo iushis in two daya. 'the nurtnweatern care, Including Chicago, iel iown aiightly too ay, boing only k4, agalns. M7 mat mmk and B4 laat year. 'J he Amer ican wheat anipmenta are 1,1'H.0 nuaneis, against !.0ot ouaheia the preceding week and H.227.UOI buahela laat yeur. The Kus aian anipmenta ie 3,UaOMi buhela, againt I.SWi.iMi ouaheia the preceding week and t,o4,ii buahela last yeai'. The Argentina wheat shipments are 8.7o4.tW ouaheia, against 4,3tj0.uM bushels laat week and ,Am. uo buanela laat year. The total worlu a n,p ment are about busnr-ls. The pri mary receipta today are 1i,000 buahela. againat Mb bushels last year, and the thlpmenta are IU7,U0 buahela, againt Z24,uuO huheis laat year. The newa se.-m to con Mrm the report of aoiloua damage In India Dy reason of rual. Omaha doea not feel the effect yet of the teatoratlon of railway ratea and will not do bo lor o mo r'ajH. The opinion variea H orn one week to aa late aa the ath when the care Willi ba crowded through. The market la aure to decline to a certain ex lent, probably i .v eenta. The eastern markeia, to meet the new ratea, will have to advance somewhat to get the Ne braska corn. Offerings Were freer today. The visible aupply of corn ha a been nearly stationery during the laat week. Increasing only (4,) bushels. The oata visible shows the heavy decrease of RSfl.OOO bURhels. Sat urday saw a good export business In corn and tbla morning's cables bring accept ance!). It Is reported American corn from New York and the gulf la arriving In Liv erpool and London In much better condition than It did some time ago. The tendency la upward In the oorn, with a atrong under tone to the market. The May sold as high aa 48 this morning, being an advance over Saturday of "c. The world s shipments are 3,3,0O0 buahela. The car are 76. while Mu were expected. The receipta have been heavy, aa the railways were busy In clearing up their lines. It Is predicted that receipts will fall off a good deal now for some days. Iowa points and Terra Haute reported very little country move ment and no grain offered at preaent prices. The primary receipta of corn are 960,000 bushels againat 673.000 bushels last year, and ' the hlpments are 380,000 bushels, against 360,0(10 buahela. Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. 3 aprlng. 1 car, $1.0. CORN No. 2, 1 car. 45Vc. , Omaha Cash Prlcea. WHEAT No. 3 hard, il.05Ol.0ti; No. 3 hard, avwtifll.tH; No. 4 hard, aoti&oc; No. S aprlng, 31.06. COKN No. 2 444c; No. 3, 44c; No. 4, 43mi44c; no grade, 39ti-43o; No. 2 yellow, 44-fcc; No. i yellow, Hc; No. 2 white, 46c; No. 8 white, 46c, OATS No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 mixed. ?8c; No. 4 mixed, 2c; No. 2 white, 31c; No. wniie, 3vc; no. 4 white, Wic; standard, 3oc. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 4 J 7S6 305 KanaaaiClty 64 69 15 Minneapolis 600 Duluth ; 12 8t. Irfiuls 9 73 13 Omaha 12 162 23 Mlaaeapolla Wheat Market. , The range or prices paid In Minneapolis as reported oy int tawjun-Hooa company, ilu-ni Board of Trade, waa: II 04-il V May,'; September, Kc. July, 31. 114; Commodity. Open-1 Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I I I I May 1.13V4I 1-U'il US'. l.'JiVs July I 1. m-, MM 1.10 l.iO' Boptamber ...1 2S tHl fc-'hi !' HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotations of the Day on Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK, March 6.-FLOUR-Re-ceitits. 23.313 bbla. : exports. 3.323 bbls. : mar ket dull and unchanged: winternatents, 16.60 qo.u; winter straignts, n.sat.o; Minne sota patenta, 36.9ow.; winter extraa, 3.5 4,30; Minnesota baker. 34.3)64. tM; winter low grades. (3.46Q-4.10. Rye r'lour, quiet; fair to a-ood.- I4..'to(li'4.70: choice to fancy. t. iiit.06. dour, auli; per iuw pounds, 3Z.outaii.iu. COKWMhiiv rlrni; fine white, $1.30; coarse new, t. Ufa 1.12; kiln dried, $2.4r3.10. RYE Nominal; &0c. HAKLtCYrUui; iccdlng, 44c c. I. f. New York; malting, 4j02o e. I. f. Buffalo. WHKAi'-neceiuia Bio bu. : aot market irregular; No, J, nominal elevator: No. t red, i. o. u. ; xno. nvrinern, uuium H.26U f. o. b. u float: No. 1 hard. Man itoba, $1.10 f. o. b. afloat. Optlona Irregular. May t showing a comparative ateadlneaa all day, while July waa depresaed by favorable crop anu weatner news. Weekly statlatlc. except the visible sup nlv. waa bearish and receipts liberal. Pinal prli-ea allowed Vc decline and Ho other wise. May, $1 .UHfc'US 3-lc. closed at 31.16; July. 31.02Hl.o2'k. cloa.-d at $1.02hi September, NSSMc, closed at 8c. CORN Receipts, S24,WO bu.: exporta, 27,- 91 bu. ; a pot niarKei nrm; eto. t. osc ele ctor and 64o f. o. b. afloat; No. t yellow, 644c; No- whit,, 64c. Option market waa quiet again. In aympatr.y with tne west closing Hj-o higher. May, Jtawsc closed at frrHc; "July cloaed at 64So; Sep tember closed at 64o. OAT Receipts. J2.000 bu.; expot'U, 10 a.tfl fin snot market firm: mixed oata. K to 32 pounds, 87H4iSSHo; natural white, SO to 32 pounds. S8"p8o; clipped white. 36 HAY Firm; shipping, 6&&70c; good to choice, 82H4J90O. . HOl'R ieiidv: alate. common to choice. 1!M. S74aic; 190S, Ji38e; olds, Hfil8c; Pa cific coaat. 1904. :j30c; 1808. 24ib27c; olds, 1!?UDK8-ult: Galveston. 20: to 26 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 26 lba lc; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14H". t,KATHKR-Hnn: acid. ettc. PROVIBIONftBo''. firm; family, $12.0nffl nieaa. 39.00I&S.8O; beef bams. $;'.'.00'( 2S.i0; packet. $ll.(if liOO: city extra India mesa. $l.0oril8iio. Cut meats, steady; nlik led belllea. $7.00f7.5O; pickled ahouldera. W OO; nlrkled hoii. -.""'ns-''- Ijtrd. lirm; west ern ateamed, $720; teflned, steady, conti nent, 37.3S; Smith American, $7.76; eoni; pound. 34 87H&5.2S. Pork, itwidy i fftinll. $U.00idl6.(Oi short c)r, $t3.00rli.2; lues. $IS.76alS.6U. TALIXJW Bteaoy; city, , -ic; uuuniry, Hltc. ItlCE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, JH &54o; Japon, nominal, Bl'TTEH In-egular; street price, extra i ruman. m(i3iv.c. OfMolal prices: Cream cry, common to extra, 2ft-a31c; creamery held, common to extra. 43W;; atate dairy, common to extra. 2lYr9c; renovated, com mon to extra. JOtjiWe: western factory, common to choice, f"Hj26c; weetem Imlta tr. ormmc-rv. common to extra, 2"a29c. CHEKSE Firm; atate full eream, small, colored and white, 'fancy. 18c; sUt fins, I.IUo: atate late made, colored and white, poor to choice, 10US12Vc; state large, col ored and white, famy. 13Vrc: atate fine, 12, 18e; late made, co'ored and white, poor to t-hole. H-tfl2'kc - v . KOOS S'eadv: western first, lie; west ern econds. SoBMc. POPLTRY Alive, steady: western chick ens. 12c: fowls, 14c; tuikevs. 16c. Pressed, easv: western chicken, lifallc; fowl, IV; turkey. 164 1:. Visible (apply of Grata. NEW VOIIK. March 1 The visible sup ply of grain March 4. as compiled by the Nw York Produce exchange. Is as follow! Wheat. .tft.fMiVOiiO bu.; decrease. atiS.Ootf bu. Corn. .lfe,U) bu.; Increaae. Hi, 000 bu. Oata. H.T3.o! bu.; drcrane. K4H.000 bu. Kye, 147. oi bu.; decrease. 4n.uM bu. Barley, 4, 332, On) bu.; de'reae. S47.010 bu. Mlaaeavalls ft rata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. .Mrch H. WHEAT May. .,; ,lul . $1 H T: Seplenihi r. 2c; No. I listd. $1.1'' No. I northern, $l.i4'i; N. J northern, $I 00. rfHH-lllgirr: I rt pi. trots. $ inftCJO: sr.iii(l patents. 3.S.fMii ii: rttet t-lcs. $4. If 4 ,;V r n end i leiirs. fc1t.i0.- lilt .V -iu bulk. $14 .25. Ilalath Krala Market. I H'M'TH, Minn.. March -WHEAT To nle. ,Vn. I ivM-iherii. 31.10V on trai-a, u. 1 uurtheru, $110;,; Nu. i northern, CHICAGO c;rai AID PROVlalO Featarea of tha Tra4lla ss Cleslag Prices Board of Trade. CHICAOO, March . Increased ahlpments from Australia were partly responsible for an eaay tone In tho wheat market here today. Heavier movement In the I'nlted State was the additional bear factor. At the close May wheat was off 'eiic; July Is down He. Corn Is up a shade. Oats show a gain of c snd provisions 7tyn1i!Hc. From the start the wheat market waa Inrllntd to weaknesa Influenced by lower prices at Liverpool Initial quotations here showed losses. May being on V&HiC. at $1 .lsmjl.isv July was down HSc. at xs WV. The decline at Liverpool waa mainly due to weekly statistics, which were de cidedly favorable to the bears. World's shipments last week were considerably In excess) of those of the previous week. The amount of breadetuffs on passage Increased j.Mo.niin nuHhels In the rtnmstie situation. A factor that contributed to the early weik nes waa aeasonsble weather for fall-sown wheat.) During the first hour selling was led bv commission houses, greHtest press ure being upon the July delivery. I'rlcea weakened under the offerlnc. Mav declln Ing to 11 lofi 1.161, and July to hc. Iiter the market had a temporary rally on cov ering by ahorta. One cause of this buying was report from India that the crop of the loading wneat growing provinces nan n-ii damaged 46 per cent pv tinravornnie weatner An influence that tended to increase specu lative demand was a decrease of 9i3.0iiO bushels In the visible supply, a larger re ductlon than had been generally antici pated. On the advance May showed the areatest rain, selling iid to $1 1. July bsrely reached opening quotstlons. The market weakened again on fairly liberal selling of July by pit traders. For the first time In two months or more the arrivals today at Kansaa City and 8t. Iuls were somewhat larger than for tne correspond ing time last year. The Increased receipts In the northwest were taken as an Indica tion that prospects for the coming crop In that section were rood. Final quotations on May were at 31.1n. July closed at !c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 91,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 739,000 bushels, compared with 846.801) bush eta a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 564 cars, against 847 last week and 634 a year ago. Despite an extremely liberal movement the corn market was comparatively firm the greater part of the day. Higher prices at Liverpool and reports of an excellent export demand were the chief causes of the firmness. Early In the day the mar ket waa rather easier. Influenced by large local receipta and by the weakness of wheat. Buying by an Influential house, however, soon created a firmer tone. May opened a shade to c lower, at 48'c to 4l(i,(, 48Vic, sold up to 4N4C and closed at 48'4ifi4H,Sc. Local receipts mere 7&6 cars, with 18 of contract grade. Oat developed fair strength. At the opening prleea were off a trifle owing to heavv local receipts. On good demand by fill traders the market soon rallied, offer ngs being light. A llbersl decrease In the visible supplv was the principal source of strength. Msy opened Mi?Hc lower, nt 81i&311ie. wold up to 32Sc and closed at 32Ce. Local receipts were 3rt5 cars. Provisions were easy at the outset, hut later firmed up. Demand was quite active the entire day. Weakness of Jrralns was the main factor at the start. Shorts were good buyers during the day. May pork cloaed 12So higher, at 312.80. Lard was up 7V. at 3 1. 10. Ribs were 7 10c higher, at 86.0(a.8?H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 cara; corn, 474 car; oats. 2S cars; hogs 32,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I High. Low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn- March May July 8 P . Oats March May July Sept. Pork Mav July Lard May July Rlhs May July 1 16 8874 1 J .484 1 15' j in '4 l ish i i5;i? I 1 167 98 99 MW 81 I 48''4 lluk IftifiiH,. 48V6Ti 4484H1 49V4SVtf'i 31 Jli 3'-V 32 32 '31Vi32 11 98 90,' 4fi 45' 4L4R13V 4KV.. 4X1V48V-?7 48 VaS lSlVfT :u 80 (...,..'.. 828.1 31 , 32'4 30. 31 31) 12 82V4! 12 80 , 12 82 HI 12 80 12 7',i 12 80 I 12 92VI 13 97Vj 12 12 80 7 00 7 15 82Vjl 7V4 7 10 7 22V4 924 7 06 7 00 7 15 I 8 824 e 971 7 10 7 22H 7 02 7 174 fi 924 6 824 7 05 I 6 934 No. 2. Cash quotation were as follows: KLuL'R Easy; winter patents, $6.10 6.10; winter straights. 4.!Mo.w; spring pat ents, $5.10(35.80: spring straights, 4.5uijo.ou; bakers, $2.6063.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.1051.16; No. 3, $1.06r1.16; No. 2 red, $1.154'al.l7. CORN No. 2, 484c; No. 2 yellow, 4fi-c. OATS No. 2. 81c; No. 2 white, 32,Ij3.14c: No. 3 white, 32e33c. . RYE No. 2, i1anc. 1 BARLEY Good feeding, 39iij41c; fair to chplce malting, 444147c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1,274: No. 1 north western, $1:90: clover, contract grade, $12.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.70 12.76. I-ard. per 100 lbs.. 36.9W8.974- Short ribs, side (loose). $rt.75fi0.874. Short clear side (boxed), $S.75!ft.874. Keceipi. onipments. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oata, bu Rvo. bu Barley, bu. .. 17.100 .. 23.0O0 ..523.300 ..19l.5i)i) .. 1.000 .102.300 6.900 42,400 67,ft 41.300 l.onO 10.IJO0 On the Produce exchange today the hut ter market whs steady; creameries. 23i&30o; dairies, 22f28c. Eggn. weak; at mark, cases Included. 19W194c; nrsts. 204c; prime firsts, 204c; extras, 22c. Cheese, firm, 12fcl34c. it. I-oale Grain anu Provisions. ST. IX3UIS. March ' 8. WHEAT-Flrm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 3L11V track. $1.16 jl.l7: May, $1,1241 12Si July. 4(&944c; No. i hard. $1.124t)l.U4- CORN Higher; No, 2 caah, 47c; track, 49c; May, 46; July,- 474c OATH Higher r No. 2 eash, S2c; track, 8284l334c; Msy, 81c: No. 2 white, 34ffi344c. r lOl'R Cnchanged; red winter patents, $5,304(5.85; extra fancy and straight, $4.ui& 6.00; clear, $4.404i4.o. 8EED Timothy, steady, at $2.00$2.63. CORN MEAlx-Flrm. $2.50. BRAN Firm: sacked, east, track. 87(B98c. HAY Steady, quiet; timothy,. $6,0912.50; prairie, $6.(KVil9.60. IRON OO'l TON TIES 9.1c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, $1215. Ird. higher: prime steam, $0674. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.75; clear ribs, $8.76; short clears, $6874; Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. $7,374; clear ribs, $7,374; abort clear, $7.(124. POULTRY Chicken, firmer, and springs, 11c; turkeys, 14U15o; duc ks. 13c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Weak; creamery, 24U31u; dairy, 191J27C. EGOS Lower; 164c esse count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10i ' 11 1100 Wheat, bu . M.0H0 Corn bu - TS.Ow RX.flno Oata. bu 1 113.000 ' 34.ouo Kansas t'lty IJralu and lrovlsloua. KANSAS CITY, March 6. WHEAT Firm; May, $1.2: July. 87Va87fe; cash, No. 2 hard. $1,064? 1.08; No. 3. $1.044jl.uj4: No. 4. c'ij$1.0J; No. 2 red.; No. "l, $1.0641 1.07; No- IWCBW-W. Receipts, 131 car. CORN Firm: May, W-ili 46Tc ; July, 46",c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 464'(i4iie; No. 4, 464o; No. 2 white, 47c; No. 3. 4t4c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, J24fi334e; No, 2 mixed, U2c. HAY Firm; etiole timothy, 39 BOiti lO.tK); Choice piulrle, $8.0t. RYE Steady; 8iK-. EUUS Lower; Missouri and Kunsns, new No. 2 whitewond cases Included. 18c; case Count. 18c; cases returned, c less. UUTTER Weak ; creamery, 271310; pack ing, 194-'- Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 14.8U) 20.ono Corn, bu l.8i) Outs, bu 60.UKW 87,01) Uvarsiool ttrala Market. LIVERPOOL. March H.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, quiet; March, nominal; May. 8n lod: July. 6a 104d. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new, 4s 84d; American mixed, old. 4a ll',d; fu tures, quiet; March, 4s 28,d; May, 4 44d. 1'eledo Seen" Market. TOLEDO. March B.-SEED-Clover. cash and March. r'.a: Arll. 7.60: October, $3.74: prime Alslke, $7.86; prime timothy, and March llmoiiq. ;i.4Q. Tottaa Market. NEW YORK. March .-COTTON-Snot closed iulet and steady; middling up lands, 7.6c; middling gulf,; sales, 1.3u0 ST' IOriB. March 8,-COTTON -Steady ; middling. 74c. Hdl'-s. none; receipts, 850 bab's; shipments, 291 buli-e; slock, 42,4m bales. LIVERPOOL. March $. COTTON-Hpot In fslr denvind; prlrrs 7-IKKl higher; American middling, run ti, good mid NEW YORK STOCKSAND BONDS Market Maintaina ConsemtiTe Attitude Toward Ppecnlation. SECURITIES DECISION HAS LITTLE EFFECT Foreign Markets Take View that the Rasslan Reverses Bring Peace Closer anal Valaes Are Firm. NEW TORK. March 8 -Wall street msln talned today the more conservative attitude towards speculation, which was assumed last week as the result of the shsrp re sctlons In prli-cs and the manifest disposi tion of holders to unload on the higher flights which prices took before the reac tion. The handing down of a decision bv the supreme court on the question of the Injunction against the distribution of North ern Securities assets stirred the market, but even that potent subject was of mod erate effect compared with the frensled movements which have followed the sugges tions snd expectations of a decision In the past. There was some natural skepticism also as to whether the definitive result had been reached clearing awav the possi bilities of further obstruction to the opera tion of the plan to distribute the assets of the company. There was some revival of activity again in the stocks Immediately sffecteii when the definite character of the decision became better understood. The bearing of the decision of the respective interests of the parties to the contest ha largely heen modified bv the progress of events In the stock mnrket. The Cnlon Pa cific contention against the receipt of por tions of both the Oreat Northern and Northern Pacific stocks In place of the merger was on the ground that this plan would represent a large discrepancy In the valuation of assa-ts as compared with Ita original holdings. The great enhancement In market valuations which has since oc curred has gone far to settle this conten tion. The action of the market reflected the feeling that the potentiality of the sub ject as a market factor was largely ex hausted. Foreign markets again took the view that Russian reverses tended to bring peace nearer and a otrengthenlng effect on se curities wan the result. Our own market started off with a considerable nhow of strength, but the v.elght of offerings to be Hiisornea on ine advance necame effectively manifest at once. Such points of strength as developed afterwards were due to spe cial causes. The Gould south westerns ad vanced on the cheerful views regarding the business outlook expressed by the head of the system after a trip over the terri tory. There waa a special movement In the local traction and the Southern rail road group and the Canadian group made a further show of strength without special explanation. Railroad IniHc officials re ported their only embarrassment to be the finding of sufficient cars to take care of offered traffic. Monev on call fell to a lower quotation notwithstanding the poor bank statement of Saturday and foreign exchange declined In response to relaxing foreign money markets. The languid tem per of the speculation reasserted Itself in the late market and price yielded, easily making a heavy closing. The bond market was duller and rather heavy. Total sales, par value. $4,500,000. I'nlted States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following were the opening and clos ing prices on the New York Stock ex change: Sales. Open. High. Ixjw. Close. Atchison I.I.90O snag R94 904 do pfd 1.100 102 I024 12H Atlantic Coast Line. 8.000 143 4 141 141T. 73.900 110 1094 pen 96 33.8H0 144 141H 142T eral fund exclush'W of the $l60.nn0onn gold resrv9 In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $143,079,472; goid. a&s.ioo.rv Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March l-MOSKT-On call, steady at IM'74 per cent; clofng bid, 1 per cent: offered, t per cent. Time loans, steady; 80 and 80 day. 3Q34 per cent: ( months, 84ti.1V per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3fl4 per cent. 8TKRLINO EXCHANtiE Eay. with ac. tun! business in bankers' hills at t 86ffi 4.8670 for demand nd at 34.84fo4.4 for 80-dav bills: posted rates, H.SMtft).; commercial Mils. $4.84.. SILVER Bar. VHc; Mexican dollsrs. 48o. BOND8 Oovernment. steady: railroad, heavv. Closing prices on bonds were: V. . ref. S. r....l4lJMn is. -tf IDf ..11H ..1"4S .. M I ..inV ..IIS .. tl . . . .1H .. 114 .. nil dn ro.son . tf 3s, rs do coupon .... do ne 4a. rwf do coupon dn old 4. re. . do old 4b. coupon, .lis Am Tohscce 4. fl.. TSW 1I0 ett. Atchison gftn. 4.... do id) 4n Atlantic O. L. 4a. Baltlmnr A O. 4a do Central of Oa. St. do lnt Inc dn td tne rhca a Ohio 4va Chicago A A. H C, R. A A. new 1 C , R. I. A P 4a. do cot. ba err. A it. U, rm 4a IMS Chicago Term. 4a a; Colo. Midland 4a IS Colo. A Southern 4a. KS Cnha 5. ctta Penrer A R. O. 4a P'atlllar.' aacur. Sa Hrto prior Mo. 4a, . .101 14 Wnrtem Md an gen. 4a w. 1.. F. F. W. A f. C. Is. . .110 ,Wla-onaln C, Hocking Valley 4a..lll I Offered. ..IM Unn. N. unl." a .10? '4 ..104i Manhattan c. . I1...IH1 .,10414 Mei. Central 4a i ..lKtHI do Irt In.- !S4 ,.l.i;S'Mlnn. St. I. 4a .. M ..inC-Nn. Kan. Tel. 4a 1"1 do : SJ-H . R. R of M. c Sa i, S. T. Cantral 8 S'a ice'4 N. J Cantral g Sa. INN Vorthera Parlnc 4a...lnsi da la 7 X A w. c. 4a ln.tV dragon U rfdg. 4a il't Pano. osna. SWa i' Reading g. 4a 101 St. I,. A I. M. e. Sa. llSH St. I, A B. r fg. i St Ixiiila W c. 4a. ?' ScalKMlrd A. L. o M. T., St. 1,. A W. t'nlon Paci8c 4a do ronv. 4a . . )VV S Steel :d Sa ini Wabaph la . dn Dab. B la... l 4a... la...l2.m 4a.. 1n,V, 1MH 1 i 114 7'-l4 -- '4 Rn.ton Stork Market. BOSTON, March .-Cal loans. 2463 per cent: time loans. 3'944 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlann adj. 4a 4 Adtantura 60- 404 80 2- 3424 240 241 4 16.800 178' 1774 178i 11)4 674 31r 9 26. 804 1904 8S'. 4SS 82' 704 138 4 9 304 hl) 90 92 mi 68 304 H4 142S 1704 844 23.3i) 1244 1IB4 1234 18.400 .. 234 244 24w . . . . 59 1154 Uni; mo i;9 1004 1004 81 66 424 dllng, 4.11d; middling. 4 19d; low middling 4Uol; g'HKi oroinury. j j.ii, ordinary. r,,i. The sales of the day were l(),o IUa f which 1.0SA aere for speculation and export and Included 8 700 American. Receipts acre 1(J bale, all American. XKW Oftl .KAN8. March .-COTTON Mnrket steady; sales oai bales: ordliiary, 4c: good ordinary, i 16-16V. lorn- middling. $ ll-loc; midilling. 7'c: good middling. 7S": mlildllPg. 1'" Hectipla, Iu.mI l-la, stock, llO.-'.O bale. Baltimore & Ohio. do rfd Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J.... Cheaapeake & Ohio.. 2,0i 61 5o4 Chicago & Alton do ptd 601) 82 SI 4 Chicago Jt. West.. I.801) 23 22V . niCHHO ox i. w.... l.noo C M. & St. P.. Chicago T: Ai T do pfd ,.. 100 Sir. C. C. C. & St. L 400 90 Colorado Southern 700 28 do 1st pfd :tm fH', do 2d nfd 900 -37? Delaware & Hudson 200 1904 Del., I.ack. & W lienver & R. G do pfd 9oi RS. Erie 42,900 484 do 1st pfd ti.9n0 83 do 2d pfd 7.900 714 Hocking Valley do Dfd .. Illnnis Central 1.100 159 Iowa Central '. 100 29 do pfd 4 K. C. Southern 1, (mo- do pfd 5.000 lAiulsville & Nasii... 2, 800 Manhattan L 800 Met. .Securltlea 32.900 Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minneapolis & St. L M. St. P. & 8. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. ft Texas.. do nfd N. R. It. of M pfd N. Y. Central N. V. Ont. W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania Pitts.. C. C. & Bt. L. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway .. do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. ft W.. do pfd Cnlon Pacific 198.800 lag do pfd oo loo Wabash 1.100 234 do prd '. ... l.suo Wheeling & L. E . . . . 2n0 Wisconsin Central .. 3.400 do nfd 1.. 2.40D American 200 234 238 Adams I'nlted States .... Wells-Fargo Amal. Copper 60.100 78 774 Amer. Car ft Found 8)0 854 'SSS do pfd 4l 94 944 Amer. Cotton OH.... 900 35' 354 do nfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive : do pfd Amer. 8. ft Rof do pfd Aine. Sugar Ref Amer. Tob., nfd. cert Anacondu Mining Co Brooklyn Rapid T.. Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. Consolidated Oaa ... Corn Product do pfd riHllllers' Securities General Electric Inter. Paper , Tl-t -" do pfd 784 74 International Pump T do nfd . National Lend 3l an 4 North American .... ) lie' I'arltlc Mall ) 4.1'J People's Ous 88ji lloV I'ressed Steel Car.. 3 37 , do pfd 87 Pullman Pal. Car... 2l 215 Republic Steel ' 1.2n0 19, do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd.. ex-dlv.... Tcnn. Coal and Iron I'. S. Leather do pfd S. Realty I'. 8. Rubber do pfd f fl. Steel do pfd 21.61) 9fi), Vlr.-Caro. Chemical. l.JuO 37 ' do pfd Westlna. Electric Western I'nion .... 7o0 94 31 98 2o t4 T, 1904 3K 333 88 474 Allnuaa 2! Amalgamated 7. American glnc 11 Atlantic lr ningham , 11 f'alnmct A tta la . . . i7S Crnlennlsl IS Cnppar kanga Daly Waal Dominion Coal ..... Knanklln Orancy Isle Rnrala Am. Pnu. Tuba S (Vaaa. Mining Am. 8ugar 147-4 Michigan do ptd ta .Wohawk Am. Tal. A Tel 14 Mont. Coal A Coke Am. Woolen 3"4'oid Dominion do pfd 100 lOecenla Pom. Iron A steel . . S8 Parro' Kdlaon Kler Ilium.. .JH) Qulnry Den. Electric 17 .Shannon '. Maaa Rlectrlc l'y Tamirar do pfd M iTrlnlly Maaa. Oaa 43 V. S Mining t olled Fruit lJlH't'. s. oil dn 4a llVi Met. Cantral 4a 71 Atchlann X) dn pfd 102 Beaton A Albany. .. 27S Ronton A Maine ....1m Roatnn Rlevated 15 ritchburs Dfd 1S4 meiican 1 antral -'H N. T., N. H. A H..204 t'nlon Psclflc 1144 Am. Arga. chem 204 do pfd 11 I'nlted Iho Macb. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd WMnghou Com. Bid. 117 ll'tah 31V Victoria la W1nons KHiWloverln 0 . TV . It . 71 . ins, . a1 . 344 . 1S4 . H' . 6SV4 W . ;4 . M'i . 2S .104 . .12 . 11 S4?t 40 . 4 . 14 ew York Mlnlna tttorkn NEW YORK, March .-The following are tne closing quotations ot; iii.ning stocks: Adama eon. Alice Breeca Brunawi-lc Con Cnmaiock Tunnel ... Con. Cal. A V Horn flilva.- Iron Sliver beadvlila oon. M . TS . K . 1 . I .11 .17S .204 i 'Assessment paid. .Little Chief. Ontario lOpiilr 'Phnenlg (Pntoal Sarage Sierra Nevada iHniall Hopea... Standard ..175 ..;s .. .. 14 .. 24 .. 41) . . M ..174 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. March . Rank clearings today were $1.8n4,072.1ii. For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were $1,401,485.37. OMAHA WHOI.EJAI.E MARKET. Condition ot Trade and Qaotntlons on Staple and Fancy Produce. 1 KGGS Receipts increasing, candled stocjc, 18c. LIVE POULTRY-HefTs. 10c; young roos ters, according to size, 8v to 10c; old roos ters, 64&tic, turkeys, lnC, ducks, 10c. BL'TTKR Packing stock, zuc; choice to fancy dairy, 'UQitc; .creamery, 27'fl30c; print, 81o. r Klttst-l rKUZKN r iHrt xrout, c ; pica- ii'8 j erel 04c; pike, 4cj peteh, ic; i)iuennn, lie 3.1O0 1174 200 100 41.700 II04 200 32 4m) 80 100 42 14.51X1 158 10.700 654 6.000 - 844 4l'.7(V) 1434 101) 80 101.700 97 1.3O0 92 6.900 854 Of) Rl4 3.700 734 Hof 2HJ 9i 2 41.2011 70 1.611 119 10.200 3H 400 9Wi 20.100 40 1,100 37 65 42 IWU 1604 t)4Vi , 64 474 19 24 53 834 80 864 914 344 80 , 72 28 81 KR4 118 35'i 984 394 88 1324 9!7t 227 48 19- 24 Hon 1.H00 1,300 4.8IIO 89i 194 44 434 113 914 394 19 404 74 9,Ni) 92Vi 2.2il W 118V lO.tioO 14S 147 1 400 88 974 8,4110 1W4 J0()4 67 tM 2 3) 6.7i) 2.0 I OKI 71 ) UN) 7ii4 31 674 211 19 74 2,'JnO 100 15 an 2.7 74 264 90 124 aoo J044 1.000 K3 71) 424 3l 1124 47.300 3i. 314 Ml 4)i 11I4 37 97 244 18 7'i 264 87" 11 1044 94 414 112 Sri4 96 to 9J 8714 92 1434 80 96 914 894 354 80 72 26 004 704 1184 3 984 39 364 634 1344 99 224 40 19 24 624 233 246 130 260 7H4 35 914 354 95 J5' 3!) 4 I84 45 484 111 91 118 147 974 l'i9 ti 51 4 212 194 70 37 187',i 784 39 84 35 I1124 4i;, lH- 87' 87 24.1 34 89 11 1044 94 414 111 3U4 V 3d 1074 180 Total sales for the day, 1.087,800 shares London stock Market. ' LONDON, March 6 Closing quotation on stocks and bo nils: Coaeola. money . . . .VI 1614IN. V ( antral 141 14 .11 1-14 Norfolk A Western.. M. . . a a do pfd u .. J'JS Ontario A Weatars... a4 .lOu'a Pennaylvaiila .111 Kami Mlnea H' Heading . du let pfd . . i-.i'il do lid prd .lfel1 IHouthern Ry . la do pfd . M' Southern Pai I80 ., . l IX .win I'aolnr . 4 ia pfd . ,,!;. . sieal .. U dn pld .in WaiMah .141 do pfd a. 'gpi.leh da ai-ouunt Anai-onda Ao-nleon du pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian farlnc .. Chea A tOito Chicago (it W . .. C , M A St. P... Pa tleere Llonvar A H O . ' do ptd gria , do let pfd do nd pfd lliliioia 1 rctral . . . lmla A N'aeh ... Mi. . Kan a Tei. HI I. V Kit Mar. (iniei, .7 -I6d per ounce M i :K1 i73 per cent. Tlo- rji- ' -i ' "iv ti 1,1111 kt for short bills N J 7-181i:4 per tent; for tht-e months lulls : per cent. Trresary ItalraiFat. W'AHIIIXli'h'iN. March aj -Today stsre uiciit of ilis lieasury balances In the gen- ' . H'i . J114 41, . 41 . 44 . IJ'4 .luit . 71! .111 .1011 - 47', fts . 47 '4 11. whilenah, 9c; sit In, on, lie; . redanapper. loc; halibut. 9: crandes. I'ieV'buffalo. 7c; white bass, lie; herring, 6c ; lc4lsh. He; Spanish mackerel 11c. r rog togst per do.. 4tx;. HAY Price quoted py pmaha Wholesale Hav Dealer' association; Cholcfl No. 1 up land. 7 ou; No. 2.; inedluni, d.uotcoarae, ta.60. Rye straw, $5.00. These price are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. 11? 0. OYSTERS New York count, per can, 46c; extra selects, per can. 35c; standards, per can, toe. Bulk: Standard, per gal., 11.40; extra select, per gul tl.iu; New York count, per gal., 81.90. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra fanoy Red land navel, ail sixes. 82.60; fancy navels. 82.26; choice navels, large sites 64, 96. 112 $2.10. . LEMON8-Callforna. fancy. $2.70: SOU and 360. 83.25; choice. 270, 30. 860, 83.06. DATES Per dux of 30-lb. Dkg.. $2 00; Hallowee. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 4416c. F1Q8 California, per lo-io. cartur. 750 !ic; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; and J-crown. 12c; fancy, Imported twashed), Id 1-H. pkgs., letBlko. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch, 81.TJ C2 1'8: lumbo. t2.ooa313.oo. GRAl'EFRUIT Per box of il to 4. $8.00. FJilTITS APPLES New lora king, U.2S; New York Greenings, 13.00; New York Baldwins, 13.00; Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box. 11.50; Pippin, 81.60. GRAPES Imported, Malaga, per kef. $7.00. TANGERINES California, per 4 box. $ CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bu gle, per bbi., 18.00; Jersey, per bbl., $8.00; per box. lil.76. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown. In sacks, per bu., 46c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c. TURNIPS-Old, per bu., 40o; Canad rut abagas, per lb., Ic; new, per do., 4oo. CAR HOTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per do . 45c. PARSNIPS-Old. per bu., 40c. BEETS Old, per bu., 80c; new, per do., 45c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $3.001.10. ONIONSHome grown, fed. In sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate. $2.60; Colorado vellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per do., 45c CUCUMBERS Per dog., $l.5ifcT..OO. TOMATOES Florid, per 8-basket crate, 4.slfr6.00. CAULIFLOWER - California, per crate, $3.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. 140. SWEET POTATOE8 Kansa kiln uiled, per bbl., 12.60. CELERY-Calirornla. Kgl3o. RADISHES Hot house, per dot.. 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads, 60c. W HUB ARB-Per do, bunches, 73c$1.0a PARSLEY- Per dox. bonohes. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. . SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg., $2.25. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5 60:, per half bhl.. 18.26. CHEFiSE Wisconsin twins, full eieain, 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14- block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 1617c; Wisconsin brick. 15c: Wisconsin Umburger, 14c. rwur.s ."mo. 1 green, ic; jno. 1 green, c; No. 1 salted. 84c; No. i salted. 74c; No. i veal calf, 9c; No. 1 veal calf, 7c; dry salted, Ho 14c: sheep pelt. 26citll.00: horse hides. 11 MkTj'd NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard (hells, per lb., 13c; No. i soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 1 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., ItV; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c: roasted peanuts, per lb., (c; Chill walnut, per lb., 2jl34c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard sell, per lb., lac; chestnuts, per lb., 1244.1-lc; new black walnuts, per bu., 7590c; shellbark hickory nuts, pr bu., 11.75; large hickory nut, per bu., II. jo. t'oflTe Market. NEW YORK. March I. The market for future opened steady at a decline of 5-&10 points, which waa only a partial response to foreign weakness and full Interior re ceipts. Offerings were not very pressing and with reports of Important support the market ruled generally steady, closing quiet at unchanged prices to a decline of 0 r ilnts. Sales. ii.Ouo bags. Including April. (fitrtUOc; May. 62oil io; June, 6.30c; July, (doc: August, (sue: September, .rJ5ttT?.76c; October, .75c; November. 6 85e; December, ; January, 6 687.0ik-; February, 7c. Spot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 7c; mild qjlet; Cordova, loy8c. F.lgln Bolter Market. KIilN. March .-BI'TTF.R-Rulert weak today aid sold at 3h-. This Is 1 cents lower I hi 11 last week' prices. Sales for the week were 4J0.UO Ins. iloas t lly Live glaek Market. SIOUX CITY. March (.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 4 H) head; market steady, slrK-kei. best, steady, 01 hots lower; beeces. $3 .dafl. t.25: cows, bulls ami mixed, I.', stiK-kers nid feeders. 12 7bit3 80; calves and )earllngs. $'.'. ii'n 3 do iKHaS---Receipts. 3.600 ht-sd: market strong to 6,1 tilglier: selling, $4.iwJ id i bulk ot sales, $17180. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steer Aotir and Steady, Cows 81ow and a Little Lower. HOGS SOLD GENERALLY A NICKEL HIGHER Big Han of sheep anal Prices Broke Ten to Fifteen teats, bat 4)nly n Few Lambs Arrived and They Held Abont Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. MARCH 6. 1905. Receipts w.-re: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Orhclel Mondav 4) 4,iH5 18.01 Some day last week i.7o2 4.. 4, Hame day week before.. 4,13 13.149 Same three weeks ago.. 6.18 1.199 Same four woeas ago 1un 3.:u s.lln fame day last wcea .... S.23 4 ll RECEIPTS FOR THE YbAR TO DA 1 K. Th followina table shows the icceipts of cattle, hoaa and sheen n ctouth omaha for the year to aate. with comDarlson n I' vear: 190S. Inc. Dec. -altle l.o. h7 l.n..hll 18 014 Hogs a.., hi 4.., b.h u78 "beep 2TO.551 Ka.ittO S).7i 41, AOa.OH.lita ...... . V...;u Puce ot nogs m bol'.iI uiuana tot ilia last several days, with comparisons: Feb. Feb. r t'u, Feu. r'eb. r'eo. I- CO. Feb. feo. Feb. Feb. Feb. rep. Mar. Ainr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Alar. !.. 17.. is. . is.. 21'.. a.. ii, . -j.. 14.. 10. . 26.. 27.. 46. . I lUi. 1904., 1903. 102. ;1S01.19"0.I1,W. -I- , j 1 1 .1 4 SS'.l 8 iS3i Mi I 8 iX! 4 83i I 6 . 4 71 I b t)i J uai 6 791 1 4 J01 b I 4 fc, ! 11 v4 v b.i i6 iU I : .1 I- .. U. ,. . !, I 11: I 4 66: 6 24! tl 8i S M, 0 dl 4 .! I t -I 4 ae 1 jot ei 4 . 4 a 2. 1 w 'i - i - I 4 , a ii, fi i3 , j H i , 4 tn4, e is, t 4, 5 7, 4tWa4 . I O JJ, Si. S M 6 3S 1 J) t .1 if. mu. h ml Ski t 83. 4 tl tUI 8ui 6 811 n 4 i s u -u s a, s 8O1 s ii 8 n on. V ' , V 4 0 4 bn, 4 tit). ...11 ...lnn ...1S74 ...114S ...lit . ..I4.M1 ..13S ...14 ...1(00 ...1034 t sa n I (M I 8 14 t M ( ! 1 n 1 ti STAGS. 1 75 1 .... CALVES. ISO! .1111) ..into . .1714 144 lata . 1TM I 4 I 4l i . 8 M 1 to I to I 7n I 74 ..110 t M ion 1 on 1 IH ts 1 JiM 4 e I 4 8s 1 ........ ?s 4 I tM 4 . 1 177 4 16 I rs n I lia I M It 171 I en I IK I Ml 140 I 74 1 110 I 71 1 14TOCK CAX.VE8. 141 I 60 STOCK COWS ANU lo , 10 , 1411 , fA , 50 , 1JI . an fm . 140 . 114 . 140 m 170 , 1M I I 00 t on ou t on 00 on tin On 00 4 en fi tl 111 i0 ID t 8n t on I 00 IK) ! II g'lXK KEKt4 nan t on S t 140 I bfl 4X1 ItiH 7f7 M l ; 4T4 It . 4.. I . It . 1.. AND 14 .. tl . I. . It.. 14.. HEIFERS (7H t 40 til I 40 I an So 111 41 1 80 ricieORKo Ti I 00 s 'I io;t, I 4 fch,, 1 4 m 1 i 4 ill,, i) , I 4 77, a I2 I 4 801 6 14 I I 0 0i i 4 88 I j u :, " . o -ai 7 03, I) 111 I 1 til! 0i 6 32: 1 U, o i d Si 1 7 on 'a HO, i) M, 3 jl 4 0: 3 61 3 02 3 s4 ' 1 ndlcute fanay The official number or cars of stock brought 111 today uy each road was: Cat tie. Hogs Sheep.H'ses. P. Ry. C, M. & St Wabash ... I". r. System 32 C. t N. W., east C. A- N. W.. weat ttii C St. P., M. O. Ry In C, M. ot g., west an .'., H. v., cast 4 C, K. 1. tc 1'., east.... 3 Illinois Central a Chicago Ot. Western. 2 20 4 la Total receipts 172 70 67 6 The disposition of the day s receipt was as lollowa. eacn nuyer purcnaslng toe num ber of head Indicated: omana far-King Co 3KI - 812 13 KWlit una (. ompHity 9nA l.Jlu 3.S.V, Cuoafxy i'acKing t,o .. b, ,jai t,2u Arinou - ot co , i4t t.iiiti i.K.u cuuany Co., UenVer 01 .... .... annnt A: Co i Carey at henton luV Lootuiin oc Co 218 .... .... AicCreary r carey ij Mill oc Hunixlngcr 248 iiumliwin At ituiiicnliu.. ij .... .... L. f. Htisz , iu moIi Ai Murnan 4 Mike j-taggoity hoi OfiiHa ii J. B. l.oot Co b. a: o 64 other ouyers 2"j 22 2,oi4 Total 4.464 5,0i9 ll,4n8 CATTLE There waa not an excessive run of cattle here tnls morning ana with a ialr cicnianu 110m local pacaer tne maraei 011 most oei-lraoie graaes ruled famy active anu Just aoout ateaay. buyers sisiteu out In good seuon una it wus not long before tne bulk ot the onermgs .v-as disponed of. The proportion 01 lif tt steers to tne total receipts was ratner small this morning and us all tne pacaers seemed to be anxious tor supplies tne market ruied active and tcady. In some spots It was It unythlng a utile stronger, lucre were a tew ounehea of tairly goou cattle in the yards but aalue from tuose tne quality 01 the offerings was rathei' common. As trading waa quite active on all kinds the bulk 01 the offerings wus soon alsposed of. 'i tie cow market was not a active s It wa at the close of last week) aa packers ail seemed to be feeling rainer bearish. They evidently maue up their mind tnat, they advanceu price too rapidly laat week ana made an eltort to take off part of the Advance this morning. In case of the better graaes, thougn, tne market did not show a great aeal ut change, but when. It came to the common ana medium kinds prices were around a dime lower. The general market then could best be de scribed by calling it weak to a dime lower. Bulls, veal caive and stars did not show a great deal of change from the close of last week. Tne demand for neavy feeder of deslr ble quality waa fully equal 10 the supply nii in Ices on such kinds held just aoout steaov. The llgnt stackers, though, and I especially tnose of common quality, were slow sale slid considerably lower. It will be remembered that such klnda advanced quite rapidly last week and today price were fully 10c to 16c lower than the high time last week. Representative ale: I 1 1 It 4X1 t to II 114 I -tn 1 it 14 414 4 7F.7 I On ; 141 t M I on t 7M 1 1U I no 4 474 I ; 4T4 t 00 U Tbl J too t no SI 4W I ao ih 1 7 il 76 jm 4 ti 4 lit 1 10 11 am 1 4JC1 111 I Ill I S4 1 6 . ti tat t 714 1 n 1 mi I IU I IS It 71 41 Ml 14 t 741 T 441 I 40 II inn PM I 44 11 ioej I ann I 40 I 0 1 0 I 10 41 tM 7 47 I a I" T7n tl M IH il 770 HOOS There wa only a fair run of hogs In sight this morning snd with a good de mand the market ruled fairly active and Juki about a nickel higher than Saturday's average. The demand was best for the heavier weights, and a a rule they changed hands flrst. Toward the close of the mnrket packers were Inclined to be a little bearish, partlculsrly on the lighter weights, anji aa a result mime of the light hogs 1, id to sell late at prices that looked verv little better than those paid on Ralurdsy, Salesmen nsturallv wanted more moliey for their lights, ss well as for their heavies, so that trading on the close was rather slow. The light hogs sold from $4. 82V down, butcher and mixed from II 8?i4 to I4.87H. and heavies from n.iai to 4.w, wnn sen tat I ve sales: ftll I M I I ao I i I n I ts I t 41 t 7i n 1 it 1 11 11 I 71 I an I M I K, I i M 4 00 4 00 4 04 top at 8600. Repre Kn. TO... ... S7... ft..., 10... II.. .1 I..., 14..., 10... il... 1.... il..., 44.... 71 ... , 40... 78.... 4... SI... 13... 49... 77 ... It... .... 4... il... 48... 40... ... til... to..., 3.... 137.. 71.... ... Ti... 71... I... a. ....174 ...IH 17t IS ....11 ,...! ...US ....itl ....tfl ....lit ....10 ....too ... !1 ....ill ....111 ...oi ....oi ....114 ...11 ....14 ....111 ....23 100 2M ....121 ....211 ....!?! ....241 . ...I!t ....141 . . . .241 ...-.1J2 ... .209 ....!! ...,1M St. 10 ltO 1:0 1411 120 an 12 Ml 140 an 110 120 40 40 Pr. 4 70 4 Tl 4 71 4 IT 4 Til 4 10 4 10 4 io 4 10 4 I 4 in 4 I21, 4 tl 4 I2L, 4 M 4 i?4 4 US 4 I2H 4 4 its 4 t2S 4 2S 4 i!S 4 I!', 4 li 4 IS 4 IS 4 to 4 11) 4 it 4 HE. 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 in 4 to 4 St . 84... Tl... tt... 74... t. . . I..., 44 .. 71... 40... 71... 14... 74... 87... 4... IS... Tl... II... II... 44... 0... tl... II... HI... 20... 21... 62... 4V... 47... 10... 0... tl... 12... 28... it. . . 41... a. ...134 ....15a ...lit ....126 ,...m ...111 ...247 ....171 . ...:t ...244 ... IM . ...245 . ...3J.4 ...24 ,...201 ...240 ...Ut ....III 250 . . . . 2t0 ...174 ....M2 ....IM ....lit ....I4S ....244 ...274 ....I'M ... .inS ....274 ....134 ...321 . . . .364 St. l 10 40 120 4 it 4 It 4 to 4 it 4 It 4 it 4 i74 4 IT ', 4 I7S 4 7S 4 lis 4 17', 4 87', 4 I7 4 iTi, 4 17 S 4 I7S 4 7S 4 ITS 4 17 S 4 t7s 4 tTS 4 to 4 V 4 o 4 4 tn 4 K 4 ?S 4 2S 4 2 ', 4 2S 4 2S 4 95 4 to t 011 No. 1 I 11 1 I 1 1 T II t t 11 1 3 I It it t 1 it 24 u it 10 t 11 it 22 li it 21 t 8 .' . . A it'!'.'.!! !!!!!!! it. ...... ui"- -ItiLi.i. A. ft. N At. rr. .... t20 I 2t li 1061 4 It .... lit I to 1 I'm 4 It .... 711 1 70 15 107t 4 tt ... 12 i It 11... lilt 4 I .... 711 1 76 1 1124 4 10 .... 10 I 16 It U7i 4 10 .... lit 1 7t 1 1421) 4 10 ... 17 I 11 HI" 4 U ... .10110 t to 11 KiM 4 It .... 120 8 to 24 1MI 4 Ut ... tr.2 4 00 It 120 4 It ,... 4 00 4 1021 4 40 , . .1100 4 00 It Hit 4 4 .... M 4 00 10 1104 4 40 ,...10M 4 00 1 U" 4 40 ... 31 4 OS II 1214 4 40 ...1024 4 10 12 1142 4 to .. .10114 4 10 la 124J 4 to ,...1110 4 tt t 1160 4 to ....1064 4 It ...1241 4 to ...1IS 4 li 12 1216 4 60 .... 1011 4 It 1 14U 4 10 ,...1034 4 It SO KM 4 40 ... .11162 4 16 1245 4 to ... 142 4 W 20 1112 4 W ,...llt 4 SO 17 1212 4 10 . 140 4 20 II moo 4 76 ...1146 4 In 1 141 4 16 .1074 4 16 II 1311 4 16 ST KERB AND HE1FEHB. ..141 I o t 1060 4 to ., 1 I M I lilt 4 40 .. .iota 4 VO 1 1641 4 tt , ..IMS 4 10 dl fiEHS AiS'D COW. 4wcowi' ,UT 00 ... too l to i t"0 8 10 ... TM 1 71 1 121 t III ...1140 t 00 1...., KHO i 10 ... 721 i It I tlO It ... 110 t M 1010 1 tt ...110 I 16 1 Ill i 26 ... ton t 26 t 1079 I 26 ... ITD t tt , 4 1020 8 It ... Ml I 20 1101 I 26 ...1140 i 26 t 160 I 26 ... 1041 t 40 1 110 I 26 ... 101 t 4t 1 120 10 ...1112 I t 1 1040 t 10 , ., 140 I 60 176 i ti) ... 120 6 1 IMA I t ... 441 1 00 1 1 I 40 ... 4 I 10 1 1270 i 40 ...120 t 10 II SIT 40 60 4 II 14 ...1010 2 50 144 i 44 ... 10 i to i 144 i 40 ...1110 S 50 t 1140 40 ...100 I 60 1 KlO I 40 ... 14 2 ao 1 1024 I 4A ...1040 I It t 1171 I t . . .1 1 li I 46 .11 1077 1 M ...1004 t It ' 14 1031 t to ...127 I It I Mil I to ...IKS I 16 4 104T i 60 ...1220 I It 1 171 1 60 ...1IW) 3 16 I Hot 8 to . . . at I Ti 1 140 I 60 ...1310 I II 11 162 I It ... 124 2 15 II 1011 i U ...kit to J 146 i ...loo t it It 1041 I to ...1220 1 tS It 1064 8 10 ...1250 1 ti 27 104 I U ...170 I In 4 10if I 16 ... toi I 10 1 1012 I it ... 766 I CO U It t TO . ,, too oo 6 loto 8 7 ... 110 t 00 1 1110 8 Ti ... Itli i 00 II 1160 I Tt ... 141 IM 2D 114 t Tt ... 120 i 0 tl IH TI ... MlT t 00 23 lilt t 16 ... 110 1 VO 25 IftIO 16 ...1070 i Do 12 1102 I an ...176 8 Oo 14 1110 I In , .. 6'l a Ml tl Ill 8 K ... 71.4 I 00 1141 I 10 . .. o I uo r U20 t Mi .. .1100 I (Ml 1 1240 4 0 t I oo 1 wn 4 oo COWS AND HEIFERS. ... li.i I 60 11 1!6f I M , . . K1 8 TO HEIFKRS. , . . too t 40 130 IM ... 110 I to I ot Io ...ail it t 4o; I 2t ... 120 1 M IT 624 I It ...74 I to 1 10VO I 21 ... 1 to i Til i M . . . 24 t 40 I 714) 4.1 . . . son t to 1 tail j io , . . 30 I TO I it t 40 . , 460 1 70 1 t,i) , . . . to I li 1 1 1 hi .1 ', ... 410 li 1 40 4 H4 , . . 61 If. . . IM t 1 440 2 1, , ..loin t t I inn I 14 .. 1410 t ) 11 1M1 I 14 8HEP:P There was a very liberal run of sheep here this morning, over U.nOu head being reported. In view of the liberal run packers were able to break the market, and as a general thing succeeded in taking oft Hie tt. 16c from last week's closing prices. Trading, though, was fairly active at the decline, so that the bulk of the offerings wsa disposed of at as early, sn hour as could be expected under the circumstances. The commoner grades, of course, suffered the most, but still all kinds Joined In the decline. There were some ewes good enougn to bring 8660, wether sold up to 86.76 and yearlings (8.60. Very few iamns were Included In the receipt, so that price showed very little change from last week's close. Some Mexi can,, .jambs and also some native lamb old for 87.26. Quotation fji fed stork! Oood to choice yearlings. Wl.40iitl.80; fair to good year lings, A.00t4i.40; good to cnolct wethers, 16.6186. 00; lair to good wether. io.OOtrj&.sO: good to choice ewes, 6.0042'6.60; lair to good ewes, 84.6066.00; common to fair ewes, 8400 (B4 50: good to choice lambs, $.'.. j(&7.60; lair to good lambs, 8'.00tr7.a; feeder iambs, )6.oO (66. ,5. Representative an lea: No. Av. t western ewes Jw) 381 western lambs 78 110 western lambs 12 cull ewe 218 western ewe 117 Mexican ewes 2i Mexican ewe 2 western ewes 1 western ewe 423 western ewe 3K6 western ewe ti Western ewes 481 ewes, wether, yearlings. .. 70 ewes and wethers 104 yearlings and wethers 1:2 yesnlngs ai d wethers...... H18 western wethers 10 native cull lambs 851 western yen! lings 130 native lamb .lod westernewes 329 western ewes .... 210 Colorado ewe ... 432 western ewe .... 484 Colorado ewes ... 600 Co lorn do ewes .., 170 Colorado ewss .... 3HI Colorado ewes ... 64 Colorado ewe ... 463 Mexican ewe .... 6 western ewes 4N Colorado ewe ... 17 Colors do ewe ... 400 western ewes .... 21)4 western wethers . 332 western wether . 66 western wethers . 147 western wethers .. 74 western yesrllngs 166 western yearlings 3( western 4 Mexican 300 western It Mexican 4 western 433 western feeder lambs.. wethers feeder lambs., lamb lambs lamb . (8 . . 66 , m . 86 , 80 , 82 . 78 , 106 , 88 , 7 . li.S . 68 , 1)8 . 81 , 86 . 96 101 . 92 9i) 98 W 104 104 84 88 112 113 113 10.' 102 90 99 91 87 00 92 84 79 7 7S Tr. t 50 7 28 7 26 2 75 4 00 6 10 6 10 6 a 6 2,i 6 26 6 26 6 2.i 5 76 6 io 6 TO t Ml 5 75 a co H 60 7 26 6 10 I 10 6 15 6 25 5 26 6 26 t 25 6 30 6 80 I ) 6 30 6 36 6 36 6 60 6 80 6 t 5 78 6 75 25 26 6 36 60 80 7 2 7 2S 7 28 t. Louis Live HttM'k Market. ST. LOIMB. Miircli .CA'ITLE Re. celpt. 11.600 head. Including 1.8H0 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers. H.IWM.OO; dressed beef and butcher steers, tt.26?r4i.7!: steers under I.Ono lbs., 3.2?4i4.0O: stockers and feeders, I2.50 4.65; cow and heifers. 83.nOfT7.50; Texas and Indian steer-i. 12 Sr4.7S; cows and fcelfer. I2.nn3.8s. Hi "19 - Receipt', K.i'H' head: mnrket steadv to strong: pie and light 88.78ft 4.7S; packers, $4. !. i.'; butchers snd beat heavv. 85 R 15. 8IIKKP A NP T.A M HP-- Receipts. l eft.) bend: ii"i' steaiTv ' natives. 4 mfe.: lambs. 85 flii7 SO; culls nnd bucks, 14 00; stockers, $2 innhS tH). t HM At.O I.IVK STOt K UtRKKTi Cattle sal Hog Higher Sheep nd l.ambs Weak anil Lower. CHICAOO. March --CATTLK- Receipts. 27.0rl hesd Market hltther: good to prime steers. f5 2TiH'. IS: poor to medium. 81 7.Mt 4.75; Mocker and feeders, SJ.tfieti.nO; cows, 82.757i-4.50; heifers. J-' iii4.T5; dinner. $180 412 40; hulls, 85.50?f4.1S: calves. $1 IUVrn, 75. HIX78I- Receipts. 4'.,.0n head; estimated for tomorrow, :.0no head. Market 5e higher: mixed and butt hers. $4 V-ft5 16; good to 4-holce heavy, t.V0Mi6 K'b; rough, heavv, $4 df (0; light, 81 Soft 5.0.1; bulk of sales. f4.Mf1.IA. 8HKKP AND I. AM US- Receipt. '. Ml head Sheep mnrket "k: lamh. 1rfl5e lower; good to choice weathers. 85 tiiti if; fair to choice mixed. $5.omn6 50; western sheep, 5 :x4.i.fl: native lambs. KAfr7.T; western lamb, fi.5fvo7.75. Kansas City Live- Stock. Market. KANSAS CtTV Msrcli CATTLK- Re ceipt, 8.500 head. Including 1.700 bead south erns; nisrket steady to shade hlghef. ac tive; choice export and dreeised beef steers, 85495.80; fair to good. 84 rtvriS fS; western fed steers. $4 imiml .36: stockers and feeders, 83.254T4l.75; southern steers, f3.5noi4.75: south ern cows, t2.jrwjta.rV; native cows, fl.754r4.35; native heifers. t2. 75414 00; Mills. t2.5i)i-4.26. UOOS Receipts 7. ton head; market 50 higher; top. t5.074: bulk of sale. f4.ff.VtW; heavy, ft of 'nt.7',; packers. 14 P54if..6; pig and llFthts. $4 2iVrt4 .95. . BHKKP AND LA M US Receipts, 9. .Of) head; market lottVIOo lower; native lambs. 6..toi7.35; native wethers. fR.OJHi" ; native fed ewes, 84.7Mifi.S5; western fed lambs. fft.6nfi7.fto- western fed esrllng. f.1; western fed sheep, f 4 7.Vfl .t; stockers and feeders. f1.5Oifif..50. St. Joseph I. Ire Moi-k Market. . ST. JOSKPM. Mar.-h CATTLK Re ceipts, 1,461 heart: msrket steady to strong: natives. f8.754ia.rVi; cows and heifers, tl.75 tr4.46: stockera and feeders. f2.764T4.25. IlOtiS Receipts. 8.151 heart: mnrket 60 higher; light, f 4.80676.110; medium and heavy, BHKKP AND LAMRS-Receipts. 10.719 hesd; market a shade lower; Colorado lambs, t7.6i1; ewes, f.1.85. 4tock In Mllht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western maraets yemerony were: l nine. nogs. 4J0O 4. i OR South Omaha... Sioux City Kansss Clt..y... St. Louis Bt. Joseph Chicago Tolal 4. Ron 8.50U 2.600 1.4fd 27.0K) 3.000 7.400 R.OOO 6.151 4J.OS) Sheep. la.oa 9.700 1.(410 10.710 28.nrv ...48.561 6S.316 63.431 Peoria tJraln Market. PEORIA, March . CORN Higher; No. , 4c; No. 4, 45c; no grade, 4.".T 43V'. ftF. 41. KUTATK TR ATtSJFKR. DKI5D8 Hied for record yesterday, as fur nished by the Midland (luiirantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1611 Ka r nam street, for The Bee: N. Petersen to Dora Hanson, r25 feet lot 6, block A, Lowe's add t 135 J. P. Lattn and wife to F. C. Fuller, lots 9. 10 snd 11. block 3, Sherman Avenue piirk 1 Ellen M. Koote and husband to S. Shaperd. lot 11, block 11, Plalnview.. 1,050 Mary 11. Learned et al.. to Caroline L. Popplefon. lots 1 to "21, block 6. Sul phur Spring's 10 Elizabeth K. Shannon and husband to Caroline L. l'oppleton. same property 1 J. Oehrke et al. to J. Mohr, nMi lie'; 8-18-12 5 000 Clementine Ilrown to M. B Copeland, lot 8, block 1, Knuntxe Place 8.71 B. 8. Kimball to New Hampshire Sav ings Bunk, lot 20, block 2, sub. of John I. Redlck's add 20,000 Annie McGavock to Rcna Eltzslmnns, lot 36. block ' 3. McGavock & O'Keeffe's ndd 1 Ida M. Vose to Minnie M. Vose, lot 1, block 133, South Omnha 2,600 C. A. Retistmm and wife to Soren and Mary Hansen, s'i lot 3, Isaacs' add 2.500 8 1). Bangs to H. E. Tagg, lots 1 and 2. block 12 nnd other land in Summit add , , 1.308 BUY JULYCORN IT WILL 8ELL ABOVE 55c A BUSHEL BEFORE THE END OF JULY OUR SPECIAL LETTER Outlining Condition which will bring about this BIO ADVANCE, will bo mailed FREE upon request. - Adisr Stock & Grain Co. 212 N. Fourth Street 8T. LOUIS, MO. Edwards -Wood Co. incorporated (lain Office: Fifth snd RobarU Straati 5T. PAUL, niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Sraaali um, IIO.ill Dnard ( Trad Bide, Oniki, Mali. Trlephosis !I0H. tlJ.14 Kxchaiifs tildg.. South Omaha, lull 'Phono II Indsoandant Vhons 1 The Old Reliable Commission House li 1W)2. vcur pi'4- IIiis p'uwu Rtrutlily siiict' it was estuhliislHl Kurh yar'H busings bfiug rfiitcr tlmn lli i-i'ding. This Is due to tln fact that our service ami reruittancerj are both HiOMIT and ACCUKATK. We are the oldest house west of .Chicago, and our facilities for handling business are the best, money and brains cau devise. We particularly ra'll"yoi)r attention to our references and auk that you investi gate them fully, h we want you to feel Unit your In terests are safe in our hands. Write for free booklet ou speculative in vent nientgj and our red book f statistics. DONOVAN COMMISSION CO., 517 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.