THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PTXPA Y. MAttCII 1007,. JGHOOL BOND REDEMPTION Treasurer Henning Make a Showing of the Operation of the Fond. MONEY SAVED FOR THE DISTRICT TO DATE Parrssee ef Hads for Rfllrrmrit litrilanl later the Restriction t the I -aw Carries rreaiahlf. In response to a requeet from the Hoard ht Education and other source City Treasurer Hennlngs, who. In treasurer for tha school district of Omaha aa wrll, has Just Issued a comprehensive statement of tha money set aside for the bond re demption fund elnce Its establishment by law In 18f., the Investments made and tha bonds retired. The recapitulation shows that the school board haa placed 1:55.487.42 tnnH In the fund, which the treasurer has caused to earn a net interest of I30.W1.B5. The statement was made on March 1, or before 147,548.97 was Invested In S per cent bonds maturing: in If, by which transac tion mora than 12,800 whs earned by re tiring these bonds. Minus this Isst trans action bonds to the fsce value of tJ2R.i)J0 Were purchased, the premiums costing lO.Stt.M and the accrued interest 11,064.8:. i An exhaustive abstract showing exactly what bonds were purchased with the money In the bond -redemption fund Is attached to the exhibit. The recapitulation is as follows: School bonds, due 1908, S per cent $i3,) chonl bonds, due 1S19, 4 per cent 20.0UO Hchool bonds, due 1921, 4 per , ; cent 28.OO0 $111. Out) City bonds, due 1918, 4 per cent IS,flCJ CMy bonds, due 19. 4 per cent Ift.fti) City bonds, serial. 4.S per cent 5.m tTty bonds, serial, 4 per cent 66.(ino $MB,u00 In addition 19,000 of county, bonds were purchased, which later were exchanged for 4 per cent school bonds. Carlaar for the Debt. This means that tl 11,000 of the bonded debt of the school district, which amounts to IfnC.MK). haa been lifted throuah the -bond redemption fund. In addition, that $108,000 is Invested In city bonds, purchased be cause it was considered that they would yield more revenue than by buying school district bonds at the particular times when money was available. Whenever possible and profitable it has been the custom to repurchase the bonds of the school dis trict. The bonded indebtedness of the dig-, trlct Is as follows: Five per cent bonds. Issued In 1888. due 1H $200,000 Five per cent bonds. Issued 1892, due 1tl2 885,000 Four per cent bonds. Issued in 1W9, " due 1919 ISO.OOO Four per cent bonds, issued In 1901, due 191 40.000 $373,000 Opinion of an Rspert. Concerning the Investment of money In the bond redemption fund, which haa until this year been solely under the control of Treasurer Hennings, the following corre spondence recently was had: OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 27. 105.-Mr. W. F. Haker, Manager Bond Department, Kountzn Bros., Hankers, New York City. N. V.: 1tl ait' 1 luba tha 1 1 1 ..... , .-. ..-I. m,m, a favor; as treasurer of the School District of Omaha I have charge of the investment of funds of the school redemption nccount. I'nder our law funds must be Invested In londs of Omaha school district, bonds of the city of Omaha, county of Douglas or -t'nltcd States bonds. 1 have done the best I knew how under these restrictions and would asl' you to go . carefully over the ! inr IMIH1K nn nnijnpir, uiiu 10 Hive nie your honest opinion of the result. The folloming. 1 think, should be taken Jn consideration; "$250,000, twenty-yeat, 4 per' cent Omaha school bonds, dated Jan nary 1, 1899, brought a premium of $21,275, and therefore the school district Is paying only 1.43 per cent on this Issue, of which 1 have purchased, aa you will notice, twenty $1,000 bonds." 1 have heard repeatedly of some criticism as to the result accomplished and Intend to furnish each member of the board with a copy of the statement enclosed. The next meeting of the board will be held March 6, and for thla reason would thank you to furnlh me mith vour opinion as soon as possible. Respectfull A. Ms WtNNiNOJ. Treasurer School District of the City of Omaha. NEW YORK. March I. I905Mr. A. II. ITennlng". City Treasurer, Omahs. Neb: Dear Sir We have your favor of the 17th. together with the rhedu ef Imnds pur chased for the school redemption account, which we have gone over with considerable cars. While vou have purchased ten bonds on about a .V basis, and forty on a the bulk of your Investments show much better returns, about seventy being on a 8.5 ba'l and seventy-seven on a lift basis. The average, we believe. In n little over a 8 Wi basis, and we think you are to be con gratulated in showing so favorable results and keeping your funds so well Invested with little joes of interest on Idle money, under the severe restrictions Imposed by your law. W do not think that any Just criticism can attach to you In this respect, but rathet to the absurd law whirh ne cessitated youi either keeping funds Idle until the few authorised bonds are offered at reasonable prices, or. to bid such high prices for Hie bonds as to induce those who have previously purchased them to sell them to vou at a very large profit to them selves We would suggest that the law be so amended as to iiermlt your invest ment In anv bonds legal for New England savings banks. There are always plenty of such securities offered, yielding from i to 4 per cent. Respectfully yours. W. F. BAKER. Manager. PURE FOOD SH0W CIRCUIT Dates for the Kxpoaltlon that dtsrti In Omaha and Ends la Detroit eit Fall. The circuit of the pure foid show, which is to be in Omaha next August, starts from this city and ends In Detroit. The show will open in Omaha August 14 and close the 24th. The exhibition will be given in the Auditorium. St. Joseph Is the next IHiint and the show will last from August 28 to September 7 in Turner s hall. The stands follow: Kansas City. September 11 to 2S. ' Convention hall; Springfield, Mo., September 27 to October 4. Exposition hall; St. Louis, October to 21. Zoo building: Indianapolis, October 26 to November 8, Tomllnson's hall; Toledo, November 13 to 25. Nesboya' auditorium; Detroit, Novem ber 29 to December 16, In the Light Guards' armory. The prospectus for the show will be Is sued In a few days. It will contain pic tures uf ten members of the committee In each city, showing that prominent mer chants are connected with the movement. They will be distributed after April 1 and made by those interested. The books will give complete Information about floor plans and other details of the exposition. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair In Nebraska Today, f older la West Portion Monday Fair. WASHINGTON. March 4.-Forecnst of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Fair Sunduy; colder In west portion: Monday, fair. , For Iowa Partly rloudy Sunday; warmer In extreme east portion: Monday, fair and colder. For the Dakotas Fair and colder Sun day; Monday, fnlr. For Kansas Tartly cloudy Sunday; rain In south portion; Monday, fair and colder. For Wyoming Partly cloudy and colder Sunday; rain or snow at night or Monday In southeast portion; fair In north and west. For Colorado Fair Sunday; colder In east portion: rain or snow at night or Monday In east portion; fair In west; colder. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'REAl. OMAHA, March 4 Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. Maximum temperature.... .V) 41 ?5 . 37 Minimum temperature 89 21 32 28 Mean temperature 44 31 ?4 3! Precipitation 00 .(0 .02 .T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaba since March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 30 Excess for the day 14 Total exceea since March 1 83 Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day 04 Inch Precipitation since March 1. 1906.. .on Inch Deficiency since March 1 16fnrh Deficiency for cor. period. 19M W'n.h Deficiency for cor. period, 19)3 14 Inch T Indicates trace of precipitation. OF DRINK Drunkenness Whiskey and Beer Habit CURED TO STAY CURED BY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Given in a Glass of Milk, Tea, Coffee, Water or Mixed in Food Without Patient's Knowledge. RESCRIPT WELL RECEIVED Bujsian Lib;rali Willing to Wait levelop Djeot of Government' i Policy. RAilCALS ARE FAR FROM PACIFIED General strike May B Declared la t. Petersharai Tomorrow War Kltnatlna Absorbs At-teatton. ST. rETERSBt'RO. March 5.-2:28 ft. m The Imperial rescript has been well received and the liberals generally are willing to wait and give the government a chance to formulate reform measures. In the absence of knowledge of details or of the extent to which the reforms will extend, they are not declaring themselves positively either for or against the rescript. The more rad ical ff the worklngmen. however, under the Influence of socialist leaders, are far from pacified and a general strike may be declared March 6 or 7. The moderate fac tion of the workmen is averse to striking and orders to strike would be a test of strength of the prevent leiders. There were no disorders In St. Peters burg yesterday and no trouble Is expected today. Work has now ceased In eighty three factories and M.fiM men are Idle. Sev eral newspapers will not publish today. War Detracts from Home Affaire. The absorbing topic of conversntlon In St. Petersburg yesterday wss the critical con dition of Oenernl Kouropatkln's army and the complete absence of any nems of the results of Saturday's fighting, especially as to the outcome of the expected renewal or the battle southwest of Mukden. The most startling rumors afloat bad their origin on the Bourse. According to these, Field Marshal Oyama had cut General Kouropatkln's Hrmy in two, but dispatches from the front reported comparative quiet on the renter during the day and did not In dicate a movement there of this Importance. The situation, however, Is sufficiently peril ous. During the fighting at Sanlinpou on Fri day the Russians were passing only a division and a half of the four Japanese divisions in the I.lao river valley and with the utmost difficulty repulsed these. Cor respondents telegraphing Friday at mid night prophesied a renewal of the fight Saturday morning against a reinforcement of the Japanese army. The war office Is guarding well the secret of the outcome of the fight and no dispatches, official or otherwise, were permitted to pass Satur day. The general stnff declines to Bay whether General Kouropatkln Is standing his ground or If he Is already retiring. An Important council of war was held here Friday and another will take place today which Indicates the gravity of the situa tion. Current gossip Is to the effect that Gen eral Kouropatkln's position was one of the reasons for the Issuance by the em peror of the rescript. In military circles It is believed that the landing of Japanese forces north of Corea and the movements of the mysterious fly ing columns outside the extreme Russian left may be the initial movements of a campaign against Vladivostok. Kitra Precaution In Warsaw. WARSAW, March 5.-12:03 a. m.-The city was quiet last night. The police made many arrests and the patrols stopped pe destrians, searched them and took away their wnlklng canes. All the government buildings are guarded. The workmen In nearly all the sugar fac tories In Poland struck again on March 3. The situation at Sosnovlce has hot Improved, but the district is quiet and there Is evidence that the strikes are end ing. LODZ. March 4. The town remains quiet, but further strikes are anticipated. GENEVA, Swltxerland, March 4. Father Gopon, loader of the Russian workmen on the fatal Sunday (January 22; has started for Ixindon via Paris. AM I announce to the world that I have an absolute cure for drunkenness in anv form In White Ribbon Remedy, based on thou sands of cures made of the most obstinate esses, after taking White Ribbon Remedy. By degrees the patient gets a distaste for Intoxicants atid finally leaves off altogether. It is wonderful. Many a hard drinker has thus been reclaimed by White Ribbon Rem edy and restored to his family and friends. White Ribbon Is easily and secretly given to anyone without their knowledge by fol lowing the simple directions. It Is taste less, odorless and perfectly safe to take. White Ribbon Remedy will cursor destroy the diseased appetite for all alcoholic drinks, whether the patient is a confirmed Inebriate, s "tippler," social drinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to have an appetite for alcoholic liquors after ualng White Ribbon Remedy. It restores the vic tim to normal health, giving him or her steady nerves and a determination to resist temptation. This Remedy for Drunkenness is Indorsed by Members of a Woman's Christian Tern pc ranee Union. Mrs. Anna Moore, press superintendent ui the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Los Angeles. Cel.. states: ''1 have tested .Whits Ribbon Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In most cases the remedy was given with out the patient's knowledge. I cheerfully recommend and advise to give It to any relative Buffering from drunkenness. Mem bers of our union sre delighted to find a practical and economical treatment which ran be recommended as safe, sure, secretly and safely given." Recommended by Hundreds of Women Whose Dear Ones Hnve Been Cured by White Ribbon Remedy Indor e ' by Clergymeu, Physicians and Lovers of Temperance Everywhere. Whits Ribbon Remedy does Its work so surely and swiftly that while the devoted wife, slater or mother looka on, ths drunkard Is cured evea against his will. I advise everyone who has a loved one who la a slave to the drink evil to give them White Rib bon Remedy at once. Write rr Vt R Brown. SI Tremont St., Boston. Mais., for trial package and let ter of advice fre'e In rUln aealed envelope. All letters confidential and destroyed soon is answered. Whits Ribbon Remedy sold by druggists everywhere, slso sent by mail lu plain package, price 11.00. Bold and recommended in Omaha. SSHAEFER'S DRUG STORE, I6t! and Chicago Sft. ARGUES THE ELECTION CASE Attorney for Pea body Talks to Colo rado Legislature on Behalf of Contestant. DENVER, March 4.-Jnhn M. Waldron. chief counsel for James H. Peabody In the latter's contest for the office of governor, continued his argument before the Joint convention of the general assembly In favor of ousting Governor Alva Adams and seat ing the contestor. Nearly all the seats In representatives' hall, In which the Joint convention meets, were occupied. Only persons holding tickets are admitted. The two contestants were In the audience at limes and gave close attention to Mr. Wal dron's arguments. Attorney Wuldrnn dwelt on the alleged Illegality of the practice of assisting Illiter ate voters without first having them swear to their Inability to lead or write the Eng llsh language. , Mr. Waldron touched on the alleged f lauds In Adams, Conejos, I,as Animas and Pueblo counties, which m contended wa all In favor of the democrats. If the precincts In these counties whers Illiterate voters were allowed to vote with out being sworn he thrown out, as he said they bhotild be under the law, Mr. Pea- body s plurality, he claimed, would be In- creuHcd by nearly 3,000. Mr. Waldron elected to take up the en- tire day in his presentation of the case of his client, and to reserve but two hours for j his closing speech, lie closed his argument kjuu.v wiui nn eloquent appeal to the as sembly to seat former Governor James II. Pen body. The attorneys for Governor Adams will have eight hours, beginning Monday and continuing until 3 p. m. Tuesday, to pre set their case. Mr. Waldron will make his closing address Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday the discussion will be open to me members of the legislature, each mem. ber being limited to ten minutes. If nil the members avail themselves of this priv ilege or iransrer the time to fellow mem bers, voting will not begin berore next Friday. MK5. ANNA MOORB For Years Press Superintendent of Women's Christian Temper ance Union. States White Rib bon Remedy Has Brought Joy and Oladness to Thousands of Homes. JOHANN HOCH IS INDICTED Cblcairo Man Will Have to Faes Charge of Killing; Oas Wife. CHICAGO, March 4.-Johatin Hoch was Indicted today. Tlis specific charge on which the indictment waa found la that lloch murdered his last wife but one, Mrs Marie Walcker-Hoch. Fatal Boiler Ksplnsloa. JKM.ICO. Tenn March 4.-John Batson and Hiliis Hronks have been killed and four others seriously injured in a boiler explo sion at Robert Mulhollaud'a sawmill, near here. HKAI. ESTATE TKASsFttRS. Deeds fired for record March 4. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Tiusl ofmpany, bonded Abstracter, 114 Kamam street, for The Bee: J. K. George to J Htenker, lot M. Si.lllvan's add f U( T. P. Mahammett and wife to A. Wil son, ui.d. V lot 3, block "B." I.nwt a First add j U Allan to Maraaret Falconer, eU lot I. block 7. city ;,(((0 pHHSiimpalc Saving bank to E ('. Hiisii. lots ;M and 24. block 113, Dun dee l Oiy F. II. I.lbliard to T. Klabunde. sw4 section 21-16-1! 4 40 P. J Csvmtauah to Susan Cavanaugh, uutll TV Ivrl lot , block 14 ,0"0 T Pedestal Extension Tables (like cut) solid oak highly polished 45-in. top extends six feet very heavy pedes tal regular value S22.r.o- j;-i r 7; lama usasssr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I JWlll Ttt 1. mil iY:f-rcil lJ nun i i saie m Vm I Iron Beds fi BUI fl rwvr r -ws nm On Sale INAUGURATION HE inauguration of the greatest of March sales or mrniturc and Carpets was an unqualified suc cess. Many carloads of the manufacturers' surplus stocks and samples have arrived in the past few days and have been added to the stock and are now on sale. GENEROUS CREDIT AS USUAL Easy Payments -Colonial design carmine enamel heavy chill -regular value SS.00--March sale is-rejruiar value $2.75 Couches and Parlor Suits Couches (like cut) solid oak frames six rows of deep tufting coverings of three-tone velours sanitary construction $f75 regular value $14.UU March sale Chase Leather Couches solid oak frames plain tops made of tbe be'. -4i "VO grade oi cnase teainn tiu it(u larly for $16.50 March Bale Parlor Suits mahotany fin ished frames-heavy carvlnfs-covered In rich Imported Verona velours rej-u lar value $25.00 March sale NEVER MIND THE TERMS WE MAKE THE PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU I Fibre Carpets New patterns make an excellent summer carpet March sale Brussels Carpets Kntrely new de signsregular 95c values March sale Mattings New importation 25c values Empire Brussels Rugs 9x121903 patterns. In choice colors regular value, f 20.00; March sale BFtrsSKI.S NKT CI 'RT A I N 8 fine tex tureregular value JP.TO March s;ue ALL ON EAY PAYM 3-Piece KITCHEN SETS Monday-1 C Special See South 16th St. Indow Men's and Women's Clothing mftek-bot:: to Easy Terms & fA 1612 &NAM STREETS, OMAHA. The Peoples Furniture and Carpet Co. U IMA nressers fe xactlv I like cut) solid oak well !'lfil 1VJ plate beveled mirror 2 I ffM large and 2 small drawers I lliWJ m g w I vaiue, tisi I (I l Mah sale. j ItA 1 39c xtx m 69c j c"m Co-Carts-We arc Tl sole agents for the W famous Heywood- rN Wakefield line Go- ."arts Latest Improvement" 1 B fine reed biiillei". rubber tirerl I Ifi ' rnhemele"rt & t) BS seiirinft M fir Cash or Credit i - Nature's Tonic for Women 816 Wells St., Marinette, Wis., Sept. 25, 1903. I was all run down from nervousness and overwork and had to resign ray position and take a rest. I found that I was not gaining my strength and health as fast as I could wish, and as your Wine of Cardui was recommended as such a good medicine for the ills of our sex, I bought a bottle and began using it. I was satisfied with the results trom tee use or tne nrti bottle, and took three more and then found I was reetored to good health and strength and able to take up my work with renewed vigor. 1 consider it a fine tonic and excellent for worn-out nervous inititinn and am nlffg to endorse it. r SCBBTABT, HOSTS' WISOOIfSIH BOLLARD SOCISTT When a woman is all run down tbe trouble can not be localized In a single symptom. Because too much dependence is put on a single symptom is the cause of thero being so much unsuccessful treatment today. There is always a cause back of an effect. Disordered menstruation causes neatly nil of the sickness from which women suffer, and female weakness causes stomach trouble, nervousness, constipation, headache, liver trouble and the long list of ailments. Thorough' treatment is necessary for a woman who is 'all run down." The most thorough treatment Is Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught. Wine of Cardui cures the ailments of womanhood. Thedford's Black-Draught, in invigorating the stomach and regulating the bowels and liver are tonics so thorough in their result that the system is entirclv rejuvenated. These medicines are truly Nature's tonics, as meu and w omen who have used them never fail to bear witness to their virtues. Miss Westley's letter has a message for every sufferer today. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wino of Cardui and a 5c. package of Thedford's Black Draught from your druggist today. JZ J I Miss. Agnes Westley 816 Wells Street. Marinette.Wis. OMAHA IN THE OIL FIELD AllBCBNT 8FKCTAL from t'hamite, Kan., annnunreti the Hlioollim of a big well there by an Omaha company. In view of which one of our re IHirlers waa promptly dispatched to the office of the company where lie waa Informed that the leaao on which the oil waa etrurk lay Hbout two miles from the town of L'lianute, on land Immediately adjoining- the fa mous Barker property, right lu the mldnt of the beat producing portion of th oil trend. Tha new well la emimated to run JO to -5 barrels a dny mid s the fifth producing well on thin lease. As an old oil expert nald: "Drilling on this leuse la a clnrh." And IiIh judgment la fully verified by experience, the aureeHMlve well having been drilled without a aingin failure. The company' plant coiiaiata of five producing wella, a ixiwer house with aMiorim power gua engine and equip ment for pumping twenty welW. Conatant Oil Co. wan In corporated la Ht fall ami ho Kin li'iiHe covering Hbout Knfl acre III the Chanute till Field. H'll- llcient fur mure than wella. Regarding the policy of the company the rcimrler was told Iin aim waa to ptiKh developments a rapidly aa noKnlble, and by nelling their mock at a low figure and nil ling quirk and developing iiilck they will in the end real up inure and faster than by ruining prices in advance of drn'rlupement. Their aim I" to combine the greateef aecmity with the largest profit for the stockholder, and It la their firm belief that the stuck will more I lian quadruple In value before another year goea by. The Officers of the company are: J. M. Hendrle. president, M. I. Muukler. vice president: K. V. Wolcott. aecretary. and Frank Roaewaler, treasurer. Mr. Hendrie. t he president of the company, has for more than twenty ears been Identified with the nil busineHa. and tue remaining officers are all resident of Omaha of known character and ability. The office of the company is at S1 N Y. Life building, where fiutluy particulars concerning the company can be obtained, or by phoning lu V .iii. I Phootlng of Constant Oil Co.'s Well No. 5. TO toeon washing VIA UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY to Mh.v l.", mo.-. 25 8HORT LINES. FAST TRAINS. NO DELAYS. He $ure your irktln read o-er thi- line. I in 1 u I ! nt lr 'I'lcUet (intce. Far nam Nt., Tli one .'11 1. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS