IP OMAHA. KO'HAY MOKX1NO, SUNDAY. MARCH 5. 1005. 00 R LETTER BOX. Ttorm Sot Blle l Tkoph ORAND ISLAND, Feb. 27, 1906. To the Editor of The Bee: I read an arttel In your Issue of today under tho holding "In dian TheosophlHt Angry," and In relation to th utatoment made by "Amanyl Guru raramahansa" and Ills eo-rallod disciples, "Ir.' Thskore and finrlnf Rao," as quoted by your correspondent aa to "II. P. Blav atsky. Koot Hooml, and pretending f males," are false from beginning to the very end of the statement. Tills I know of my own personal knowledge, notwlth Handing "Agumyl Guru rnramahansa and hln disciples' wonderful miracles per formed in controlling the heart' action which I have Been done by many persons of ordinary capacity In daily life, during n period of forty years of medical praC' tlce, and I presume that many other peir sons have seen the same. M. J. OAHAN, M. D. I'nlreraKr "of Pens Iranla. OMAHA. March 4. -To the Editor of The Bee: On Washington' birthday The Bee published a complete Associated Press dis patch of the proceedings at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, where Provost Har rison of the 1'nlvrrslty of Pennsylvania, In accordance with the request of the board of trustees, conferred the degree of I.. I D on President Roosevelt and Emperor Wil liam of Germany. Following this there Is a sketch of the university from ihfi time of Its foundation by Benjamin Franklin In 1840 of Its patron, the first president of the I'nlted States, Oeorge Washington; of Its many beautiful buildings on the west aide of the Schulklll river In Philadelphia and a history of some of the Illustrious men of the university for 150 years. This account reached the provost Indi rectly through the weekly Journal of the university "Old Penn." In a personal letter to an alumni the provost shows appreciation of little things, Ms amenity not forgetful of the smallest favor a characteristic of the Phlladelphlan "to the manner born." By your courtesy, may I ack that this greeting of Provost Harrison be published? He writes: "I wish that a message of ' good will to all our alumni In Nebraska could reach them. I want them to know the new Engineering building now nearlng completion will he tho best equipped and best housed school of engineering mechan ical, electrical and civil In the English peaking world. GEORGE WILKINSON. OI,f COMfVJJIV BRANCHES OCT. The Omaha Clothing- Co., One of (he Oldest Firms In Omaha, Adds ' Department of Furniture. The Omaha Clothing company some time ago leased the three-story building at 131tf Farnam street and moved their stock of clothing from their old location at 1314 Far nam Into the first floor, thus giving them much more commodious quarters, which their rapidly Increasing, clothing business demanded. The second and third floors were occupied by Behmoller & Mueller as a storeroom for their pianos until recently. Upon their removal both floors have been remodelled and stocked with a complete line of furniture. Mr. Rosenthal, manager of the Omaha Clothing company, states that In their fur niture department they will extend the same liberal credit to furniture buyers as It has been thelr pollcy to' do In the past With their clothing, creditors. . nOLLER SICATI.NG AUAI.V -Auditorium . Open lp Monday . Might for Another Sea-son . of Skating. The circus, ring which haa occupied the arena' at the Auditorium during the past week will vanish by Monday noon and the floor will be put In fine condition for roller skating, which begins Monday afternoon. There will be skating at the Auditorium every afternoon and evening during the week, excepting on Tuesday, when the mu sicians give their annual ball. For Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and evenings Manager Glllan has engaged Mr. C. ' L. Franks of Minneapolis and hi daughter, Goldle, to give exhibitions In fancy skating. Mr. Franks and his daughter are considered the finest performers oh roller skates in the country, and the patrons of the rink, are assured a great treat in witnessing their work on skates. Invest Constant OH stocE. 801 N. X. Life. Rates to Pacific Coast Cut 15.00. .Commencing March 1st. the Iowa Cen tral will have on sale dally one-way tick ets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, . Port land and other points In the weat and northwest. Rate cut 115.00. Through tour ist cars to California without change. Call on agents for full particulars, or address, A. B. CUTTS. Q. P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn. ISO Hen In Orchestra. ' Auditorium, March 7 Musicians' ball. Mr. 11. Ileyn haa reopened his studio which was damaged by fire Feb. 6, having entirely remodeled and refitted his rooms, and facilities ore finer than ever. City of Mexico. The . Missouri Pacific will sell special round trip tickets from March 4th to 7th Inclusive. Limit of tickets thirty day. Stop overs allowed. For full Information call or address any agent of company or Tho. F. Godfrey, P. T. A., S. E. corner 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Have Root print It. ' Another Great Purchase. ' The immense stock of ladies' furnishings, fancy goods and notions formerly owned by II. O. Miller & Co. of St. Louis, Mo., has been purchased by Hayden Bros., and 'will be placed on sale during the coming week. Omaha retailer seem to be absorb ing everything in sight. Great Bankrupt Sale. Hayden Bros, have purchased the entire lock of H. G. Miller & Co., St. Louis, Mo. Tills stock was considered the finest In St. Louis during the recent World's fair and the greater part of the goods were pur chased expremly for sale to exposition visitors. It consists principally of ladles' furnishings, fancy goods, art needle work, silks, braids, notions, etc. This stock will be placed on sale Tuesday, Feb. 7, and will be one of the greatest bargain opportunities of the season. Watch Monday eve. paper for prices. Clothing on credit at RIdgley's, 1417 Doug. Mosaoaeekera' Excursions. The Chicago Great Western railway will on the llrst and third Tuesdays of each month sell tickets at one far plus $2 for the round, trip to point in Alabama, Flor ida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin.. For further Information apply to 8. 11. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Far. nam street, Omaha, Neb. The Ladies Aid of Garfield circle. Ladles of the Grand Army -of the Republic, will meet with Mrs. Bnkforwlne, SUh and Bew. ard at., Friday afternoon, March 10. Spe cial business. Maul Undertaking Co., 419 8. 15th. Tel. 26, Men', boys', children' clothing, hats, adies' suits, skirt, millinery, eta; casli or trvtllk People store, lttb and Fainaiu. Marrelnua Success In Mltn. Omaha's nrw suit department exceeds all expectations. Shelley's suit department ha filled a long-felt want In Omaha. The de partment Is overflowing- with suits, crav enetles. ' coverts, opera csjpes, shirt-waist suits, etc. Five expert fitters and a., corps of salesladies are on hand, and the depirt ment Is crowded every dsy with- apprecia tive customers. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1226. ISO Men In Orchestra. Auditorium, March T Musicians' bnll Sonthweat Colonist Kates. . On February 21st and March Us the Towa Central will sell special one-way set tiers' tickets at half fare, plus 12.00. to points In Nebraska. Colorado, Kansas, Mis sour), Arkansas. Oklahoma and Indian Ter ritory, Texas, etc. Don't fall to consult agents, or address, A. B. CUTTS. G. P. T. A., Minneapolis, Minn. Rain Goats, $1.90 Men's Raincoats, worth five dollars, sale price $1.90. Pants. $1.25 Men's Pants, the two dollar kind, now on sale at $1.25. Suits. $7.90 Odds and ends In Men's Suits, worth up to $!S.00, your choice, $7.90. Dollar Shirts, 48c All sorts of neat patterns, all site?, from USi to 17, worth one dollar, sale price, 4Sc. Other Seasonable Bargains Spring Caps. I5c and 45a Heavy , ribbed Underwear, 45c a garment. Good Kid Gloves, 75c. In Our Basement We carry the biggest stock of Work Clothes In the city at the very lowest possi ble prices. We are agents for Sweet, Orr & Co. and McDonald, etc. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DCUGUS ST. 6& K lunch Agbocibeer JTYOtOMEJl OMAHAS FAVORITE BR it's sure iohe good Ifa goodMome or cafe . . BY UNANIMOUS VERDICT OF THE WORLDS BEST EXPERTS I.W. Harper BEST WHISKEY COLO MEDALS CrttGAfiO NEW ORLEANS WMftlS i09? . teas i90o r.X A Kin DRITIT HtOHtST ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR BLUNT MEN . A a rule, sharp business men re rather blunt. Meblie that's why they prefer tlie Muut-eud Cutaway Frock. They'll le pleased to know that Dauie Fashion lias lucluded the Cuta way Frook among tier favored style this uprlng. The (iray Worsteds that we're showing Just now make up particularly smart In tlits style that makes . the boss look more like the boss and less like the clerk. ' $ Irt Is the favorite price, ' MncCortliy- ; Tailoring: Co., 04- 0. lth St. Next Ttoor'to Wafcaan Ticket Offlaa Phone IBM. UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION t'-KhTIFlfATH 1)F 1M' BT, I CATION. State of - Nebraska. Office of AUDI roil - OF rUMI;IO"-AtVOt'NTS. Mncoln. March 1st, I'.Hkl. Tt is Hereby ( Vrtlti.Nl; That the RANKKRS KESKUVK LIFE COMPANY of Oninha. in the State of Nebraska, has compiled with the Insurance Ijitv of this State, applicable lo such companies, and is therefore authorlaed to continue the business of Life Insurance in this Slate for the current year ctidiiix January .list. 1!XX. . Summary of report tiled for tli year ending December 31st, lOtil: INCOME. . ......... ........ 3SV..VCI.S.". Premiums All other sources Total Paid policyholders . AU cither paymeiils. Total .. v; lUSUrilSKMENTS. .$ ' ."2,.'."i.72 , ! HS'IHUO ADMITTED ASSETS. . . . .t. LIABILITIES. Net reserve ". . . : Net policy claims. All cither liabilities Capital stock paid up.... Surplus beyond capital liabilities .: ........ .$ 2:.74S.10 7,500.00 $ 3.'5,Ol".10 ?! Lts),S2o.0S 9 344,504.82 I $ 301.248.10 stock a ud other .$ 4.1,250.72 $ 43,250.72 .: Total $ 344.504.82 Witness my hand and the seal of tho Auditor of Public Accounts the day aud year first above written. , E. M. SEAKLE, J II.. (SEAL.) Auditor of Public Accounts. . JOHN L. FIERCE, Deputy. A SOLID, CONSERVATIVE WESTERN COMPANY. B. H. Robison, President. $15 $15 $15 $15 FIFTEEN. $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 OUR ANNIVERSARY $15 $15 $15 tic We have Just completed our llrst year's business In Omaha. 4EK We felt confident the high quality of our uiade-to-order pic" $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 SUITS AY NO MORE NO LESS would meet approval and we are pleased to acknowledge the generous patronage that has made our efforts successful. $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 OUR SPRING WOOLENS $15 arc in. Come in and examine the finest line in the city... All the $15 r. !!Lst'V,w ""fV Portions of the highest grade garmunts-tbe only $15 differencc-the irice. "u,) $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 Dunham , Dunham HENRY W. DUNHAM, Jr., Manager 118 So. 15th Street, Between Douglas and Dodge Streets. $15 $15 $15 $15, $15 FIFTEEN, $15 $15 $15 $15 DR. BRADBURY 1806 FARNAfl Teetb Extracted. 23c Porcelain Fllllon $1 up Qold Filling.. , ..$ up Silver Fillings... eoo up Crow as..... ..S3. 50 up Plates $2.00 up DENTIST 15 Years Same Location 'Phone 1756. Bridge Work $2.80 up Nerves removed with out pala Loose Teetb Made Solid. Work fruaraatcad 10 years UDIT0R1U Tuesday, March 7 QOnntftSfunffiiffltfu fB) M kJ M U Mb in) a uj(fr 150 MEN IN ORCHESTRA If you don't dance, come and hear the music. Tickets on sale at Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. ADSISSflOE3 50c Arrangements have been made for Special Car Service. 1 IrS Sa J) S5Q)te Extra Special Values in New Spring Dress Goods ' TBI RCUAILI STORE. Immense Showing of Newest Spring Silks V To Be Prosperous Tou must APPEAR pros perous. Good clothes and nlfty-looktng fnotwear are a paying; Investment. We will dress your feet In trood shape for 13.50. Ve can do a better Job for tt.00, and for a five dollar bill we 'give you a pair of the top-notchers of all swell shoes. Any leather. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. .J SIIPFRR SPRINH STY I F? In Men's. Yautht' anti Children's Clnthincr '. Good Farmland At Low Prices. If you contemplate buying a now homo of for Investment, this is the time and your opportunity to . buy good land at a low price In Northern Wis consin. New Extension of tb3 "Cmaha Road" From Rice. Iike. northeast some fifty miles has opened to easy access, large tracts of land. The unusual growth of kll ' kinds of grasses, abumlanre of pure water, makes It suitable for stork raising and dairying. Good crops of barley, wheat, rye, etc., are raised In. this section. OESEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS fan be purchased on the 1st and 3ru Tuesday of carh month at one fare plus $2 for the round trip to Radissnn or Blrchwood, Sawyer County, Wis consin, on the new extension. Kor Pamphlets, Descriptive Matter, Add reus, T. W. TEASDALE, Ges'l Psuenger Agent, ST. PAIL, MIX. ..ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS., WE SELL ABOUT FORTY KINDS Prices from SI.SS to 9S.OO DRUGS AND RUBBER GOODS. Write for Catalogue. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUQ CO Cor. J6th and Dodge Sts.. OMAHA. 1W lA.-T nt Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffncr 6? Marx ' Distinctiveness of tlcsijjii and ex elusiveiiess of fabric are dom inant features in this season's show N iiuj, the most complete and varied collection of high ' class garment ever brought to the city. You can never miss it in style or quality if you buy here. .: MEN'S SUITS in the nfjwcpt spring styles, shades and fabrics, unsurpassed in workmanship, tit or finish, nt, 7.50-10 00-12.50-15.00-18,00 to 25.00 SPUING TOP COATS in latest stvles and best fabrics at, 10.00-12.50-15.00 and 18.00 CKAVKNKTTK HA l.N t'OATS In tho nob- blest patterns nnd no west 10u5 styles, at 12.50-15 00-18 00 and 20 00 YOfXO MKN" SI ITS iu tho very best materials, 'snnppy, stylish designs, very pleiLslng to the youthful lover of good dress prices, 500-6.50-7.50-10.00-12.50 and 15.00 BUYS KXKB TANTS iSt lTS, the most complete assortment, ever shown in Omaha, 1.50-1.95-2.50-2.95-3.50-4.50 to 6.50 BOYS'. KNKIi TAXTS In tront iniico of. si.os and fabrics worth from rOo to IT.y (ioe as a special for Saturday, choice C When Your Eyes Fail Visit Our Optical Dept. PERFECT FITTING CLASSES. VERY LOWEST PRICES. SPECIAL SALES MONDAY on Pearl Buttons, Ladies' Belts, Ladies' Neckwear, Silk Ribbons, New Veilings, Etc., Etc. &.AYDERS BROS. THE HIGHEST PRAISE.... That can be said about coal is that it is satisfactory Now -that fits our i MONARCH COAL It exactly, satisfies the most particular housekeeper. It supplies her with a good, solid, hot fire, and it roasts hev meats, and bakes he"r pies and puddings in such a manner to display her cooking abilities to the best advantage. LUMP.....6.5Q NUT 6.00 C. B. HAVENS & CO., 20BS- pffif ff5 Show you how wellm Clean To add that extra bit of work to a gar menttakes a llttlo more time costs a little more money makes the garment look a great deal better. We clean and dye almost everything. Do i-epalrlng and pressing, too. Work Is done the best it can be done. Price aa low as we can make It Is fixed when we examine the goods. Call on us, or phone and we'll call on you. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS H 319 South ISth St.. Phins H2t. ohi, 21 North 26th St., "hine 110 Co. Bluffs. mm l.p I, G6e Peerless Hainan Shoe 5.00 This season we have put in a Victor last In men's and women's shoos. The style 1 trnh;ht and the moder ate round toe the soles are light weight double, or heavy weight single. We mention this one style only on account of the shape, fitting qualities and comfort combined. Men and women with tender feet will And this shoe a sure relief. Ask to see the Victor last In tho Ilauan Shoe. Drexol Slioe Co., 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Op-ti-liti Shot Houss ASK FOR OUX FREE CATALOGUE. i , Low Rates I FOR mi E3omeseekers ra Tak e a. Nap ... BEE , WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS Our Vitalised Air enables us to perform all operations without pain, x bo you can take a nap If you wish while we -w ork on your teetb. You do not have to suf fer the old-fashioned torture here. Teeth extracted without pain 7Cc. ... TAFT'S DENTAL R004S, 1517 00UUS STRiir. AM, Ul)RK Gl'AHANTEKD. To Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Indian and Oklahoma Territories Every 1st and 3d Tuesdays KptH-ial one way colonist rates to above points on March 21st, and to certain points in Colorado and Louiwana. Mur norma tut oniifjn tdid pi UI1L I nllL I Ull I ML IIUUI1U I UN S2 US PINAL LIMIT OF TICKETS, 21 DAYS. Stopovers will be allowed within transit limit of 15 days going after reaching first homcseekerw' point en'route. Tor further information or Land Pamphlets, Folders, Maps, etc., address any agent of tho company, or T. F. GODFREY, TOM HUGHES, Pass, and Ticket Agt. Trav. Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. 1 Bee Want Ads Produce Results Ask for a V QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO S Mil1 1 Mtttrfrm k BEST BECAUIETou sm WOT ryln lor hill kaarAs, ttsf pslallas. eloeks. ra ato.. but fur riu uar H 1'vb.re., KMVA.I. t lmVort4 tuxvra, ST. IMVIM. I