TIIE OMAHA DAILY PEE: ' St'XDAY. MATvOTI 5. 1003. 15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Life Building. TeL 49. House Tel. 5460-093, Never, No Never Did the Futile of Omaha Look as Bright as it Does Today. THE'MAJORITY OF THESE PROPERTIES ADVERTISED ARE BARGAINS. YOU OUGHT TO BUY NOW. tw-.l411 Jackson St.. 4 rooms. 33x124 ft. lona8417 Jackson HI., 8 mom. S.lxL'4 ft. 8 1,500 Blondo St.. comer. IMxIS ft., large 2-story, 10-rwoni house, coot about 84,""0, fine view, big snap. f 1.80O Corner th snd Arbor St., new -room house, pore, bath, newer, water ml gas. 50xl27 ft. $ 1.6501222 S. 27th St., rooms, tno.1. ex cent furnace, new plumbing. kt 50x150 ft. f 1.750 ixsi Park Ave., 2-stnry anil hejuv ment, rooms, and one 3-room cot tare, lot 60x15" ft. SNAP. t 000251 Cumin St., S rooms, lot 64x124 ft., a decided bargain. 8 2,000984 No. 27U Av., 7 rooms, new nickel plumbing, hot and cold water, bath, fine shade, lot 62ViXl28 ft. I2.1CO-1212 Ho. 17th 8t.. good, neat, g-room house, fine repair, nicely arranged, barn. Just the place for a railroad man. $ 2,200 32is California Bt., on 6 and one 7-room house, well and cistern; good cellars; renting $30 per momh; $2O0 down balance monthly at l per cent. I 2,500 16 Locust St., neat 6-room, 2-story house, atiictly mod., consider cash offer. I 2,80 Near 26th and Cap. Ave., 1x133 ft.. -room, nearly new, ail mod. hut - .furnace, built last year. Take good vacant lot part payment, f 3,300 Near 41st and Caan Bts., rooms, well built, hot water heat, hardwood floors and finish, lot 60x120 ft- A rattling bargain. I 1,3001315 Bo. 27th St.. 60x127 ft, roonts, mod. Want an offer. 8 2.300 No. 19th St., near Charles. east front, 7-room, 2-story, all modern house, nearly new. Desirable. . $ 3,600 31st St., near . Pacific, 7 rooms, strictly modern, fine finish, barn, lot im ft. Bsrrain. $3,7502220 8. 10th. 66138 ft., 2-story -room house, sewer, water. Kan bath, flno repair, beautiful location. Very cheap. 83,6508.. E. cor. Woolworth and Georgia Aves.. 60x100 ft., 8 rooms, all modern. A bargain. 14,000 N. W. cor. 28th and Jackson St., 76x140 ft., 8 rooms, all modern. SNAP. I 84,200 70S N. 40th St., 7 rooms, nearly new, strictly modern, lot 60x111 ft. Choice location. 84,200-611 8. 21st Ave., lot 60x140 ft.. 6 large rooms, strictly modern, fine shade, ' good repair. A bargain. Close In. 84.500 27th St., near St. Mary's Ave., 8 rooms, hot water heat, best of plumb ing, fine repair. Right In town. 84.5003520 Dpdga Bt.. choice location.- 7 rooms, square house, all modern, oak floors down stairs, porcelain bath, full lot. 87,500824 Worthington Place, opposite Brownell Hall. 60x132 ft.. 10 rooms, strictly modern, hard-wood finish on two floors, house alone cost over 810,000. Best built In Omaha. $11,000 Facing Hanscom Park on the west side, overlooking the flower beds, the must beautiful spot In Omaha, splen did 9-room strictly modern house, oak finish, oak floors, fine plumbing, hot water heat, burn costing 82.400, beautiful grounds, white stone steps. And Ideal home. Investigate this. $12,000 Near 22d and Chicago Sts.. hand some It-room, strictly modern, well ' built house, large grounds, very best Inside location, all street Improve ments paid, house has steam heat,, four mantels, fine shade. Owner leav ing city, which means he Is going to sell. $13,000 West Farnam district, finest loca tion, nearly new, 10-room, strictly modern, beautiful Interior, hardwood flnlsh, tiled bath, first-class In every . particular. Can't duplicate It for the . price. V $16,000 The Judge Dundy residence, Georgia avenue and Leavenworth; ground 150x140 feet, 12-roorn brick house and barn, steam heat, thoroughly mod ern, cost over $40,000; a bargain. $15,0(0 The old Hellman property, 24th and St Marys Ave.. Ix143 feet. 15 rooms, steam heat, brick mansard roof, with barn; want an offer and want It quick. VACANT $ 125 x93 feet, on Pacific, near Kth, above grade. 8 0 56x140 feet, south front, on Ban croft, between 14th and 15th. lies fine. $ 60096x14.' feet, south front. Cass St., be tween 33d snd 34th. lying good. 8 50x113 ft., south .front. N. W. cor. 22d and Poppleton ave. ; bargain. $1,0001112x132 leet. south front, on Blnney street, near th. $ 1.250 84x140 feet, B. E. Cor. 31st and Jack son Sts., or corner $&). Inside $". $ 1.310 l.Vx"0 ft., north front on California. 110 ft. west tif 32d; on car line. Or 43x3rift ft. for $450. ' $ 1,20011x124 ft., south front on locust. Kountxe Place, between 11th and 17th. SNAP. $ l.lOft 07x1 ft., north front on Davenport St.. opposite Yates1: permanent walk and raving paid. SNAP. . $ 1,500 2xl34 ft., east front on 4"th. oO ft. north of Burt; paving paid; choice. Will divide. $ 2.100 6ix?7 ft., south front on Harney St., 150 ft. east of Sfith. $ 4450100 ft. north front on Dewey ave.. next east C. T. Kountse's residence; finest In West Farnam district; pay ing and permanent walk paid. Will divide. , $ 5,500 N. W. cor. Farnam and Park ave.. 115 ft. on Farnam. 87 ft. deep. Une location for flats. SNAP. SPECULATION $ 1.000 17 lots 50x127 ft., all Joining. 2 blocks from end of Ames ave. car line; high, commanding view. $ 2.250 2 lota 6uxi:7 ft.. S3d and Ames ave.. to close an estate. Big speculation in these. Kountze's Sub., 36th and Farnam. If you don't know the ground take the Fsrnam car. get off at 37th St.. and behold the finest tract of residence froperty in the city of Omaha, abso utely perfect In every respect. Lots v (.0x165 ft. inside at $4,0or, opposite $25.0110 homes, are cheap. Vomer lots 7&xl5 feet, with all specials paid, permanent walks, are also cheap. This ground ought to and. soon will bring $126 to $15 per foot. Enough buvers now figuring to take every lot and more, too. INVESTMENT $6,2604 6-room modern cottages, good plumbing, with lots 30x127 feet each, near 26th and Charles sts.. renting $04 per year and water rent, best renting proposition on the market. Must close out this week. $4.800 N. W. corner 22dand Maple sts.. two 7 and 8-room houses, flne repair, rent $47 per month, mod., except fur nace, 4,00 for quick sale. They are choice. $21,000 toxlJO feet of ground. H block from new postofflce. on Dodge St.. with brick building, renting $100 per month. Considering the buildings In this vicinity and the future pros pects, in the heart of a city like Omaha, and If you don't say this will be worth double the money In a reasonable time and the best Inside bargain offered today, we will pre sent you with a new suit of clothes. It certainly Is. ACRES 52 acres immediately Joining Fort Crook; very fine land, but no improvements. Street cars will soon be running to Fort Crook and this land, will then seem choap . at double the price. Can give Immediate possession. Price. $S0 pef acre. - 74 acres near this, very fine land, at $7 per acre. Farms 15 to 20 miles from Omaha are 'selling for $10 to $25 per acre higher than this. RE SHIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses West Farnam District Elght-roorrt mod ern dwelling except heat; two south front lots, variety of fruit In bearing for family tise; owner anxious to sell. Price accord ingly low. $2,500.00. Eight-room modern house In north part of city; large grounds, 110x132. set to fruit and shade treoa; a flne home; $3,000.0. One acre of. ground. Ideal for fruit and gardening; best snap yet; almost new six room house and barn; fruit and shade trees, handy to cars and paved street, $2,260.00. New seven-room all modern dwelling, combination gas and electrlo fixtures, cor ner lot, paved streets, cement sidewalk, car at door. For quick sale, $2,800.00. Property on the Boulevard, West Far nam, Hanscom Park and Dundee. Busi ness sites, trackage, etc. Shimer & Chase Co. Phone SS57 1509 Farnam St. KE-66 5 A BARGAIN In eight-room residence; mod ern; -good neighborhood; large lot, tine lawn. Inquire 60S Hickory st. RE 6 ROOM, MODERN. t rooms, nearly new. Royal furnace, latest plumbing, full corner lot. on Boulevard near lMh St.; $2,250. Terms If desired. BEM18, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 804 6 . W. G. SH RIVER, 1023 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. New 5-rooro cottuge, 40-foot lot. North Omaha $, New 6-room house, modern, Wirt St.... 3,000 4-room brick house. N. 2Mb st 1.-0J l-room house, 43d and Charles sis 1.DU0 7-roora house, HO-fuut lot, Emmt'tt near 24th at 1.SO0 7-room house, 22d near Seward I.o00 7- room house, modern, Dth and Ban croft J 6-room cottage. 26th and Purser sts i,20 8 rooms, full lot, modern. Kuuntse Place .; 2-2 8- room house, modern, barn, Kountie Place ,5w Corner n" th and Parker, vacant. room for two houses 600 FOR EXCHANGE. Two flne building lota, Hanscom Place, for house and lot. ' ' Fine residence lot. 40th and Howard, for 10, 16 or a acres outside of city. Two sections of land In Perkins county. Nebraska, for Omaha improved property. Vacant lots in North Omaha for Improved city property: will assume mortgage. . WANT FOR CV8TOMER3 THE FOLLOWING. 10 15 or SO acres outside of city; to'8-room cottugea, cash payment down, balance monthly: a modern residence for t3.O."0 cash; cottage of 6 or t rooms for $l,6o0 cash; bargains In any part of the city or counly- , RE-764 5 F. D. WEAD Real Estate, Fire Insurance and Ixans. 6- r cottago with city water, lot Juxluo. eor. of alley on 26th St.. near Grant, perfect title. $s50.o. -r. house and barn. cor. lot 0xl40. ono block from Harney car. on Blondo st; easy payments. $76.Wt $-r new cottage home nearly modern, south front, cor. lot S4xS, $200 cash, bal, $1.75 per month. $1,600.00. 7- r. house and barn, 17th and Mandcrson, lot 30x140, 820 cash, balance, $25 per month. $1,575.00. -r. house and barn, with 10 lots, on north 16th St.. paving fully paid, would make good home. :U cash. bal. tu suit, $1.6m r. house with kt 'iliJ on S. 16th St., room for two more houses, paving" fully l1. $2,500. 7- r. houno on S. 2th St., full lot, near Hanscum Psrk, $1.2W. 8- r. house nearly modern. S years old, In Bemls Park, full lot. easy terms and payments. Z.W. 1S24 DOUGLAS. RE-S24 CLOSE IN. 1 rooms, with furnace, on 8. 11th st., near depot; $.' a. BEMI3. PAXTON BLOCK. RE-801S FOR SALE By owner, on account of sick ness, a lovely modern home, t rooms. hot water heat, toilet tlrst and second floors, slso bath, good barn, trult. beautiful lawn and shade; close to car. schools and tuurvUcs. Adurtsa i 60. lice. lU-Alitii MODERN HOMES. New,- attraatlve 7-room cottage, with two tots and barn, on one of the best corners In Benson and on car line. This property will surely please you. Let us show It. Price. $1,900.00. DUNDEE. New, modern home with 1H lots, one block from car, finest site In Dundee, south front, 8 rooms, oak finish, first floor, finely papered and burlapped, polished floors, ce ment walks. Price, $4,250. This Is an ex ceptionally nice property and up to date tn every respect. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL, 642 Paxtun Block. RE-663 6 TWO ELEGANT LOTS Near 20th and Vinton streets. On grade; east and west front. One on paved street. All taxes paid. Can be sold cheap. Make offer. E. K. LOWER & CO., 203 Brown Block. RE 696 6 BIG SNAP $950 1817 Miami St.. 6 rooms, water, new roof, newly painted, 2 car llntK. easy payments. G. E, Turkington, 06 Bee building. RE 7.3 5 SOUTH Fine building lot, 18th and Spring streets, $460. t.' 6-room house, city water, brick walk, barn, full lot, near 18th and Spring streets, $1,600. 5- room house, good repair, city water, near 18lh and Castellar streets, $750. 6- room house, good repair, city water, lot 30x133. 17th and Castellar, $1,260. 7- room house, almost new. modern except furnace, full lot, 6th and Bancroft streets. $2,500. NORTH 8 rooms, all modern, almost new, corner tot. permanent walk, 1624 Military avenue, $3,000. 6 rooms, barn, city water, full lot. In good repair, S3d and Spaulding streets, ll.lt). 6 rooms, barn and outbuildings, city water, ' lot 6oxl50, near 28th and Miami streets. $1,250. O. C. OLSEN. 1704 Farnam St. RE 790 6 6-ROOM (COTTAGE AND li ACRES OF GROUND. 6 rooms. 1" acres, or 8 lots, some fruit, one block from car, near Country club; 82.6UO. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 807 $ The Opening of a New Addition. A new addition which we are opening at 24th and Gust sts., bring Just north of Fort st. These lots lay Jut a trifle higher than Fort St., making perfect drainage. Full 60-foot front, 133 feet deep. These lots will surely sell for $3uu within the next six months; - most desirable residence location. Call at our office and one of our salesmen will go out with you and show the lots. Do not . delay as the addition only contains 24 lots snd they should all sell the early part of the week. $-! each; easy terms to desirable purchasers. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. RE-809 6 H Suiphur Springs H 1 " Addition Lots. Tomorrow we will put on Bale 21 lots In this choice addition, located on Shermnn Ave., between Blnney and Wirt Sts.. run ning east to 16th St. Just think of the price-$660 for lots 6uxl24 ft., fronting north on Wirt. $70u f r lota fronting south on Blnney. $! for lots fruuting west on Sherman. Asphalt paved street, sewer and city water. Bluff View Addition. Just 4 blocks farther north, unit six lots. Have a few left at $5U. loSO and $A These are by far the best values being offered in the north part of the city. Hastings & Heyden, ItiOH Farnam St.' tfJround Floort. Open Monday evenings until 10 o clo.-k. RE r. gardening lands: fLasv terms. E. L. Emery. 1 Ixmglas Bireeu ' RE-Mit-x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VH Insure your title and save you the coot of attorneys' examining your title. If there l :i mistake In the abstract or the examination is at fault, the loss falls ou us- MIDLAND UCARANTF.E TRl'ST CO., 1614 Farnam St. RE 6 $ WHEN buying or selling real estate see that you grt a Midland Guarantee Trust Co. abstract. They are the best. N. P. IK) 1X3 E, JR. 1611 Farnam St. . President. RE-406 5 JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 Farnam Si. Tel. 529. $4,250 7-room cotta;e and lot 5ixl4S, N. W. corner 3th and Mason. This is a thoroughly modern one-story cottage, with polished white osk floors In main rooms, por re in In bath and funim-e, large, beautiful shade trees around the rot, paved street snd permanent sidewalks, all In good repair and In a fine location, only 1 blocks, from Hunsconi Park. Good rea sons for selling. Call or write for full particulars. $3,600 7-room 'house snd lot 43x140. on Georgia Ave., between Mason and Pacific; modern plumbing, umierreed furnace Hue shade trees, asphalt pavement and permanent sidewalk. VERY CHEAP. $1,600 100x145 ft. cn lJifayette Ave., bet. 36th and 3t h. or will divide. This Is a beautiful piece of ground, with sewer, water, gas and Shade trees. In a fine neighborhood and fronting south on a parked street . l'"i ft. wide. This is a good buy to im prove for a home or an Investment. I have irther bargains tn both vacant and Improved properties In different parts of the city. SEE ME BEFORE BUYING. RE-717 & STOP, LOOK. BUY. 8-room modern house, 216 8. 31st, on paved street, walking distance, east front on park. Easy terms. J. li. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. RE-697 S H New Houses H We have several new, all-r.odern houses that have Just been completed, two In Bluff View addition, on Sherman avenue, just north of Plnkney, paved street, sewer, city water, furnace, fine plumbing, elec tric light, ulcely located. Price, $2,&0u ami $3,000. Now home, 2019 Maple street, between 20th and 21st, choice location, fine new houses all around, all home owners. Price, If sold this week, $3,500. Many otner tine Homes In nil pnrts of the city, oil prices. Call and get a list. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden, 16094j Farnam St. (Ground Floorl. . RE FOR SALE. TEN CHOICE PRIVATE RESIDENCES. Detached, new and modern; several are corner, southeast fronts, with good barns, largo lawns, flne shade. Located In West Farnam, Hanscom park and Capitol Hill districts; hardwood floors and finish, fire places, mantels, gas, electric lights, bells, speaking tubes. lavatories up and down, tiled baths and closets, steam, air and hot water heat. laundries, cemented cellars, plastered ceilings. Hard and soft -water. Brick ash vaults built in cellars, with Iron doors In and out. Some of these are great bargains, being offered for less than half the cost; must and will be sold; seme of the owners are moving out of town. These houses are unexcelled in appointment and finish, built by day's work. The prices range from $6,0"9 to $75,100 and on terms to suit. ' RICHARD C. PATTERSON. Sole Agent. 1224 Farnam Street. Telephones A1645 and F261U. RE 565 6 A GOOD HOME CHEAP. !.". . '.V $U50. 5-room brick house, barn, outbuildings, city water, sewer, nice shade trees, all In good repair. COMPTON-WATTS CO. 535rPaxton Block. RE 666 S FINE TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE. Modern, southeast front, lot 92x153. large lawn and shade, hardwood finish, flne fire places and cherry mantels, double ce mented cellar with plastered celling, finest heating plant in city (most economical), gas and electricity, choicest neighborhood and finest view in Omaha. This beautiful private home cost $25,000. Must and will be sold. Price $12,000 net. RICHARD C. PATTERSON, Sole Agent. 1224 Farnam Street. Phones A-1645 and F-2616. RE 730- GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam Street. Phone 756. HOUSES FOR SALE. $8,000 for a 9-room. modern house. In flrst claas condition, located on Park avenue, one block north of Leavenworth st. Im- f rovements alone cost over $,000. Lot 76x 40 feet. $5,000 for 3310 Dodge street, 7-room modern house, oak finish on first floor. In good con dition. Fine lot, 47.8x136 feet. Very desir able. $3,200 for 4124 Farnam st., new 6-room modern , cottage. Conveniently arranged, hot water heat, oak mantel, with gas ? rates, combination fixtures, good cistern; ull corner lot, paved street. Very attrac tive and desirable. $3,150 for 142 N. 19th St., 7-room 2-story house. strictly modern and up-to-date, built only two years. Easy walking dis tance. Reasonable terms. X2.6UO for Pratt Mt new K-room pnt. tage home, modem except furnace, cornerf lot, neauiirui shade treeo, attractive and definable for small family. $2,600 for 1032 8. 22d st., 6-room cottage, elty water, cistern, etc: good barn, fine lawn. Iron fence In front, lot 60x132 feet. Within easy walking distance. $2,350 for 314 N. 24lh St., 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, two blocks from high school. $2,260 for 1111 N. 18th St., 7-room cottage, modern except furnace. In first-class condi tion. Immediate possession can be given. Terms. $750 cah: balance monthly. $1,660 for 1561 N. lHth street, 7-room two story house, city water, sewer, gas, etc. Painted and papered throughout last fall. Terms, $660 cash; balance monthly. ACRES IN OMAHA SUBURBS. $200 per acre for 20 acres unlmiu-oved west of Dundee Place and south of Benson. Will sell In live or ten-acre tracts. Easy terms. $2.5iO for 4624 Grand ave., 14 acres highly Improved. Good seven-room house, barn, all kinds of bearing fruit. 4 blocks to good school and church. Submit offer. Owner anxious to sell. . $2,860 for s acres north of Krug park. New house, Ixtru and outbuildings. All kinds- of fruit, running water through place. Desirable lots for sale, located In all parts of the city. RE FIVE-ROOM cottage, hewer, water, closet, east front lot, on 24th. little south of Bristol street, 40x110; very cheap $1,300.00. Five-room cottage on Ohio St., near 22d, bath, gas. a neat home for the small sum of $1,500 00. . A very neat five-room cottage, with bath all complete, at 3711 North 19th street; good barn, lot 50x140 $2,H)0.0O. Elx-room cottuge. with bath, at 2119 Maple, lot 60x122 I2.0u0.00. Beveri-roain house, with hath, barn and lot, 521s Miami, for $2.ono.0u. Seven-room cottage, on tbe Boulevard, south of Iike, modern except furnace, new barn, lot 30x110 $2. 3u0.0o. ElKht-room house, with good barn, on Ohio, Just east of 24th, modern excrpt furnace, good order, south front $2.66000. Seven-room house, modern except furnace, on Lake street, es.t of 24th, lot 6xl4o; a nice home for $3.aio.00. Eight-room modern house In Kountxe Place, with full Int. at a sacrifice price of $2,776.00. llxlSl, south front, - Just west of 24th, sewer, walks, only ffciO.OO. 6xl24, east front on 16th street, near Spen cer, with sll street improvements in and tmtd for 8f.oO.0O. 6xl24. 00 Blnney, near 2"-'d, paving paid for- !1.ijO.00. 41127. on 24lh, ons block of Vinton, for $o0i0. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. Office .'puuutt LL slus. 'phone, red ' . . RE;! i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOMES J31J Lsrimore Ave., S rooms and full lot. only $T50. 8 cottages on Binney street, only $1,000 each. S2"3 Ohio 8t, 1 lots and S-room house for $1.20. 8-room house and SO-fot lot, east front, on 8. 12th St., only $LS. House and lot on 32d St.. between Cali fornia and Webster Sts.. $1,200. 7- room house, on 8. 15th St., $2.5on. Brick house and corner lot on S. Jllh St. Price. $2,500. 2210 Poppleton Ave., 10-room modern house, only 13,000. 8- room modern house, on 8. 29th Ave., 83.000. i houses and full lot. corner, on 2Sth St. and Woolworth Ave., 1 block from Hanscom park, only 83.O00. 7-room house and full cast-front lot, on Georgia Ave., one block from Hanscom park. only$3.500. -room, modern, south front. In Kountxe Place, $.1.5"0. Elegant 7-room. modern snd up-to-date house, Kountxe place, hardwood finish, south front. $4.'io. Elegant 9-room modern brick, corner lot, iMxll.i, on lxw Ave., only $S,i. Modern row of $ houses, on 26th Ave., south of Harney, $s.oi. Elegant brick row. corner lot. 8 blocks from postofflce. 8.vin. Six brick houses, modern, rents $120, price $7.Wm. N. W. corner of 25th and Davenport Sts.. irxl32, with 6 houses, $15,0"0. VACANT LOTS t east front lots, on 8. 36th St., only $1,000 for both, snd they are cheap. 8 vacsnt lots, on paved street. In Kountie Plice. $1,500 for both. Most deslraM. corner lot In Hanscom Plxce. 1 block north of Park, high and slghtlv. See us for special price. ! fee, on N. fth St.. paving all paid. Just the place for a brl-k row. price 2 .5n. Corner lot. 6 blocks from court hoiie, south snd east front, high and sightly. room for row of 7 houses, price $3,",i. A snap. TRACKAGE 64x233 tracksge, on paved street, very de sirable, $6,ou0. INVESTMENTS $-story brick block on 8. 16th St., between Ijeavenworth and Jones. $15.. Substantial brick block, on 16th St., rents $3.4"0 per year. $25.nnr. Brick block, in wholesale district, price 833.000. Brick block, on 16th St., eents for $4. per year, tenant makes all repairs, $t."00. FARMS. AND ACRES 80-STe fsrm, flne Improvements, 1 mile from Dodge street pavement, price $s,4". $o-scre farm, stock scsles. windmill, barn, large corn cribs and 4-room house, close to station and only 10 miles from Omaha. Immediate possession. Can make it 120 or 1) acres at $i5 per acre. This It a errest snap. Garden, fruit and poultry farms In nil parts of Douglas county. Also fine acreege for country homes. Office Open Monday Evenings 7 to 10. Thomas Brennan, 1 New York Life BIJg. W. H. Crary, Mgr. Real Estate Dept. RE- PASTURE LAND CHEAP. For 200 head cattle; plenty good water; 640 acres under fence. Price $l,oy cash and 6 per cent per annum on $l,2. W. S. Liv ingston. Mahaska, Kas. HE M398 19x MODERN residence. Kearney.. Nebraska: same street as new Normal school. Real estate steadily rising. Nine rooms. All conveniences. Barn. Fine lawn and trees. For sale, $6,000. or exchange for farm or hardware stock In Nebraska. L. F. Stoddard. Kearney. RE 3H1 Ix Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten yeais' time. Land Dept. L'. I'. H. H. Co., Omaha, iseb., Dept. RE-61I FOR SALE One note of $1,800. due in one year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing to per cent interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for aue on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payaole semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Botn are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S io. Bee office. RE M 453 FOR SALE Modern six-room- cottage; good location, for $l,3oo; must be sold. Mho O. F. Davis Co., 5os Bee bldg. RE M443 E $1,000 WILL buy cottage and lot on Bln ney street, one block from car line. Thomas Brennan, room 1, New York Life building. ' RE M502 C1AS Williamson Co.. u; 8j.?5hrdr RE 320 FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acres of sand land soil. 4 miles from Columbus, H mile from school. This is nn Ideal farm for fruit and has 30 acres set out to trees, mostly apples; some cherries and plums; the cherries snd plums have borne and the apple trees are about ready to bear. Improvements for sale; price, $i6 per acre. Will take small city property as first pay ment. R. S. Dickinson, Columbus, Neb. RE M531 8 The Abbott-Cowan Company. Note Our New Txcatlon, NEVILLE BUILDING Hlii At HARNEY. 'Phone 31s. 11 Rooms, Modern In Every Way, Located In West Farnam, across street trom beautiful property; large barn, trees and Is fenced in; lot 66x1'. If sold soon, $3,uro.OO 9 Rooms. Walnut Hill. Modern In every way, hot water heat, barn, fruit and shade, lot 5nxU2. handy to car, church and school; owner Is moving to California $.'.9o0.w. 8-Room Houses. Entirely modern, hot water heat, almost new, water In barn, lot 6''ixl33, south front by Kountxe Place; elegant home; will tako vacant property for equity. Entirely modern, furnace, summer kitchen, permanent walks, lot 5uxl32. liundy to car. In West Farnum. $2,600.00. 7-Room Houses. Between Clifton and Walnut Hills. 1 block to car; splendid neighborhood; a gem In every way; floors and finishing of select oak and. birch; lot 50x160, south front, $2,700.00. Out north. Just off 24th St. car, modem except furnace, perfect ' In arrangement and almost new; owner has given up work and must leave this week; splendid chance to get nice home for $2,500.10 maybe less. Close In. 10 minutes' walk downtown, al most new, modern, $3,500.00. For Sale Poultry Farm. Eleven acres of rich land with good im- ?rovements, 6 miles from postofflce at jincoln; Just right for chicken and hog business; 6 acres tn alfalfa; Immediate possession If sold; other land adjoining can be rented. For price and terms see L. L. E. Stewart, owner, U. 8. National bank bldg. RE M538 FOR SALE 160 acres unimproved, Keya Paha county, Neb., $226 casn, the balance $200, time, 7 per cent. A. J. Barkham, V. 7th and Michigan, Leavenworth, Kan. RE M53U 6x A 9-ROOM modern house, 2626 Davenport St., for sale or trade for a 6-room cottage equally well located; call at residence. RE M544 6x FOR SALE CHEAP, corner lot with three story brick building; oentral location; good rental property paying over 12 per cent on investment. Inquire 906 Hickory. RE FOR SALE, or exchange,- a 10-room brick house, east front, with barn and 4' lots, on corner, Portland cement walks. In Blair, Neb. Address: Rlker & Cham bers, Blair, Neb. RE 581 6x HOMES. On 34th St.. near Francis, 7 rooms, flne lot. shade and shrubbery, close to Hans com park and very desirable neighborhood. 1'rice, $2,000. Brand new. 7-room house, fine location, on Webster near Central Blvd., not quite com- fileted, but will be In very short time; will lave best open plumbing, piped for furnace and wired for electric lighting. Price, Another new home, near Koutse Place. 8 rooms, barn, excellent hot water heitlng plant and all ' modern, large lot. Price, $3,500. Will accept good lots In Omaha or acreage near Benson for equity. Hanscom park location, .-room house and fine corner lot, paving paid in full. Price, $3,600. Big bargain In flne gisw Kountxe Place residence: 8 nice rooms, all modern and ex ceptionally well built; price has been cut from $6,Oi)0 to $4,500; one-third cash to right party. You cannot produce ss flne a home for the monejf, nor can you buy such ano other new house for the price; flne corner tot, northeast corner lftth and Spencer sts.; Immediate possession; key at our office. We can offer you another big bargain in a beautiful home; this one Is close In and located In one of the most sightly spots in the city; if you will take a few minutes to examine this property you will get inter ested. It Is a delightful home, lower story finished In cherry and oak, open fireplace, attractive reception hail, large bath room, excellent heating plant and all In perfect condition; ground alone easily worth $5,000; ground, house and all for $12,000 or even less. LOTS. At all prices: some very flne ones at $500, $600, $700, $800 and up. W. FARNAM SMITH & GO., Modern In every particular. large reception hall, nicely finished, easy walking dis tance, $3,6i'0.on. 6-ROOM HOCSES. Never occupied, elegant little home in West Farnam. permanent walks, lot 60x132, handy to car, $3,000.00. Clifton Hill, very sightly, permanent walks, nice-terrace, shade and fruit, lot 60x135; handy to car; thoroughly, modern $l,&0o.00. Bemls Tark. on 1 floor, modern. 3 bed rooms, very nice, large lot. splendid property adjoining, 14 block to ;ar, $2,650. 6-ROOM COTTAGES. Near 24th and -Vinton, Just off boulevard, city water and gas- In kitchen, electric light, good cellar, large lot, 6oxl40, all In young fruit, $1,600.00. Just off Park car, on Castellar St., city water and sewer, gas, a splendid cottage and only $1,250.00. Out north, shade, fruit and outhouses, good well, all in good repair, $1,000.00. Near 24th and Vinton, city water, sewer, gss and furnace, In best part of South Omaha: less than 2 years old. built by contractor for home; will sacrifice for $1,550.00. 4-Room Cottage. Handy to 24th and Vinton, splendid neigh borhood: gas. water, sewer, good cellar, all less than 12 months old; price, $1, 200.00. - Suburban. At end of Ames Ave. car line; lot. 60x150; shade and fruit; deep well, out sheds, very sightly: $1,000.00. Summer House. Just north of Country Club house, 7 rooms, modern. 2 extra lots; permanent walks, shade and fruit, barn and sheds, almost new; $2,500.00. Gilt-Edge Investment. 2-story frame business building; owner has living rooms upstairs and rents down stairs store room for $15.00; $1,350.00 will buy this if you hurry. Lots. One choice. 60x140. In West Farnam. for $1,750.00. Two out north, corner, 60x126, lies very nice, only 8326.00. Come and see us In our new location, Ne ville Building, across from Bennett's. Tell us your troubles and we'll fix you out on short notice. The Abbott-Cowan Company. 16th and Harney. RE Sd Floor, Neville Bldg. INVESTMENTS. 1143-45 N. 17TH ST.. 6 X1K). pAVING PAID, $324 YEARLY RENTAL , 300. 2566-6S DOI'OUH ANNUAL RENT $630, TWO 8-ROOM HOrSE8-$5.500. TWO NEW MODERN BRU K.S. WITHIN 4 BLOCKS OF P. O.. $960 RENTAL Sf,0f. THREE ft-ROOM MOD. FIRICK8. HAN SCOM PARK, $1,400 RENTAI-$12,000. HOI SKS LOTS. ACREAGE AND FARMS. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE 670 6 1320 Farnam Street. RE-01 6 H Acres. H We have a large list of acres close tu Omaha. Improved 10 acres best garden land in state, 3 miles out, small house, $1,360. 8 acres north of Krug park, 3 acres In fruit; well Improved. Price, 2.). - 10 acres, sll In fruit, perfectly level, chicken house and good buildings. - Price, $:,uuo. Unimproved. 40 acres, 5 miles southwest of 'city, '$100 an acre. 80 seres Z miles from city limits., on paved street, fine bargain, $lu0 an acre. 10 acres west of city, good house, flne place for raising chickens, fruit or. garden truck. 12 acres east of Irviugton, flne piece and a good bargain for $1.J. 6. 10 or 16 acres, southwest of Benson, good piece. lYlce. $30 an acre. 10 acres southwest of Ruser's' park, $123 an acre, liberal discount for rash. 10 acres S miles north of Florence, nearly all in fruit and bearing, buildings poor. If sold soon, price $2.1uu. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden. lorf Psrnsm St., ground floor. RE BLONDO ST. LOTS. Betwren Hth snd 27th Sts.. South Front. 60-foot lots $6rt) . 40-foot lots tut) BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK r - - .-itJB-M, A. P. TUKEY & SON BEMIS PARK. We are selling 10 beautiful lots on Lin--coin boulevard and th street, running us far noith as Hamilton, fronting on the new Water Works park. We can mske prices and term.-i tight. Look at these lots at once. HALCYON HEIGHTS. We have ICO lots, one block south of Ben son car line and two blocks southwest of Benson school, that we are offering at S rices ranging from $75 to $150 each: $25 own and balance $10 per month, without Interest. THOMASON & GOOS ADD. We have 30 lota on 32d and Vinton, Just west of the new car barn, on the hill west of the boulevard. Price, $325 each, oa easy terms. SIXTH AND CENTER STS. Five lots on 6th and Center street at $275 to 6150. ACRES. We have several 40-aere tracts north r.r Krug nark Just the uface fur mhuriun nomes. A 10-arre fruit farm for K.flOO thut i ih. best place for the money that we have ever offered. Acres In Omaha ' Heights, west of old Fort Omaha, for $'. per acre. A. P TLKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. RE EIGHT-ROOM modern home on Lowe ave.. near Dewey ave.; hard flood flnlsh, well built and In good order, lot 81x165. paved street $0ro.0o. W. H. GATES. 17 N. T. Life. "Phone 1204. RE-750 6 ATTENTION. REAL ESTATE O.WNERS. List your property with me for quirk ales. Office open Monday evenings from 7 to 10. THOMAS BRENNAN, No. 1 New. Yoxk Life Bldg. W. H. CRARY. Mgr. Real Eatate Dept. . . RE I FOR SALE Anyone desiring a modern 8 roomed cottage. 60 feet east from, loca tion not excelled, ran get a snap buying now from owner. 11) fcoulh imti avenue, .about out lioca nultll vt Hanscom park. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One of the best quarter sections of improved land in Douglas County 2la miles from Elkhorn Station, 15'miles west of South Omaha. Double frame house, in excellent con dition. Rentals pay 6 per cent on $10,000. x Choice location, $7,000. MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate in Omaha and South Omaha. Loans for building purposes. W. H. THOMAS First National Bank Bldg. 60x100 southeast corner of 20th and Shirley, owned by a nonresident who Is very anxious to sell. Will make nn exceed ingly low price. If you arc Interested, come and sec us. Payne Investment Company 1st ft., N. Y. Life bldg., Tel. 1781. RE 7S4 8 F. D. WEAD. Two houses, one 5 rooms, one 4 rooms, city water, on Parker St., east 26th. pav ing fully paid: property rents for $252 per year for both. This is a snap, $1,9'J0. 1521 Douglas. P.E-20 5 52,000. 423 N. J4th. 75xl.vs s-room house, brick basement, cemented collar, well, cistern, barn, nice shade trees, all fenced. In good repair, nice home, two blocks from street car. COMPTCN-WATTS CO. 635 Paxton Block. RE 6S7 S F. D WEAD. 6-r. house, lot 8.1x132 on Webster St., east 18th, all specials paid, $.1,150. 1524 Douglas. RE 822 5 N. P. DODGE & CO., TELEPHONE 829. 1614 FARNAM ST , HOUSES " nnn 934 N. 27th ave.. 7-room house, with new modern plumbing, new roof, painted rivUU BmI repaired, urge lot. 62xK5; small barn, large shade trees. This Is close In and a big snap at $2.0o0. We sold the large house next to It last week and If you want this one, come early. enn You will be sorrv If you get left on that nice 5-room cottage and Z lotg south tZ,JVV nt Kountxe addition nnd one block of car. Nice iron fence and on corner; east front, hot and cold water and enamel bath and stationary washstand; basement under all nnd cemented and large garret and high celling, and a pretty home; $500 down and balance terms. See us at once. l Ofifi 3521 Parker st., 7-room house and big corner lot; nice barn and shade tree tl,vv an(1 roi,Pg; 8l)ft water In house and tn fine repair; $300 caan. INVESTMENTS ? son-Tour houses on Iaard St.. near 22d. granite pavlnK In the street snd alley; lot fi),0'JV 611x132. In the Original City plat, close In. These have never been vacant a dav In several years, nor has the owner lost a dollar of rent from the four tenants. For a genuine, steadv real estate Investment we kuow no better at the price. Total Income. $482 per year. Can be purchased on easy terms. . mo S314-83W 8. 20th St.. one 9-room and one 3-room cottage; rents for $20 pef 51,500 month:-50-foot east front. Will sell on easy termp. Can you beat this? Four now bouses, built last year, one 9-room brick, $3,600; one 5-room cottage. $-'."; one 7-room. $2,600: one 7-room brick. $3,000, and 40 feet east front lots 4ixli0, on car line and this side of Bemls park; walking- distance. One-half cash. Can you beat it? ACRES! ACRES! fiSfl seres of ground. 6-room house, barn and chicken house, all Improved and P-tOiv fenced, with running water on the premises, located north of Krug park about half mile. This needs no more argument from us to prove thl is a snap. If you are familiar with the prices of acreage near Omaha. t fifli"i S nerea high, sightly ground, north of Krug park, reached by Benson and, pj,vuv Ames avenue car; can sell 10 or 20 acres If desired. 1 1 ftnn 5 acres near the South Omaha stock, yards, outside the city limits, near pi.uuu ga,-py county line; convenlnent to new. electric line. This to high, sightly ground and a bargain in price. $3 300Acre on West - st'' or near Meliaa' addition, on South 40th st. n-A. 1 1 v-, orurl hniia. orM ham: vounr orchard with 1.100 annle trees. 100 $4,50U peach, 300 plums, 20 cherry', pears and apricots; small fruit of ail kinds; This -property Is near the home of Mr. Kelby, north of Omaha and west of Flor . ence, on high, sightly ground. If you want a handsome country borne, here i ' la your chance. , N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 FARNAM ST. RE-600 I AN EASTERN SAVINGS BANK, OWNER OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES. AI THORIZKD I S TO MAKE THE FOL LOWING PRICES, WHICH ARE A GREAT DEAL LESS THAN THE PROP ERTIES ARE WORTH NOW. AND THEY ARE VERY 8URE TO ADVANCE IN VALUE. The Time to Ruy Is .When Some One Wants to Sell. 2315 S. 12th St. large rooms with gas. cltv water and bath room, nice cemented cellar, lot 33-foot frontage,' 132 feet deep. Price $2,500. . 1208-10-12 8. 20th' St. One 3-room house, two 6-room houses, total rental $20.50 per month, lot 66x102. on a street which Is paved with granite and all paid for. Prlc $2.5uO. 1714-vJll a 94th far Two a-mom eottna-es on a full lot, rent for $10 per month each, j See them and mane nn onrer. inis win be very desirable property when the 24th St. line Is extended, through to South Omaha. 1302-4-6 N. 24th St. A 2-story brick building with three stores on the ground floor snd three flats above; also 2406 and 2412 In diana Ave., 2 modern 9-room houses, lot 6uxl27, property fronts on two paved streets on which the paving taxes are all paid. Total rental, $12o per month. You could not begin to put the Improve ments on this ground for what the whole property can be bought for $12.i0. This price docs not remain open Indefinitely. ' Payne Investment Co., First Floor New Y'ork Life Bldg.. Telephone 176L Solo Agents. RE GEORGIA AVE. CORNER 100x150: flne place to build 4 or 6 houses; fiaved street; only $2,250; cheapest bulld ng corner in Omaha. Call us up and let us show this corner. It is a bargain, you bet. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor N. Y. Life. RE-839 8 VACANT LOT BARGAINS $26060x150 on Lafayette ave., near 42d. 6300-60x150, In Walnut Hill. I $.t(0 60x125, on 23d. near Vinton car barn. $ 42x128. near Krug brewery. $1,250 3out heart corner 30th and Dodge; paved street. $1.500On 24th st., near Cuming, run from 23d to 24th. $5" r Corner 23d and I-alrd. $ SOth and Manderson, south front. , $500 2mh and Manderson, south front. $ioi 20th and Manderson, south front. i2.5u 17th snd Burt, 6ixl32, down town, cheapest lot on the market. $76 5"xl24, on Locust, near ICth, Kountie iiace. ACREAGE FIVE-ROOM lH-Htory house; east front; owner Is anxious to sell, or might ex change the equity for some other prop erty. Payne Investment Company, First floor, S. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17S1. RE 709 6 Bargains in Improved Properties Two 6-r. cottages; two full lots; south front; $1,000. 6-r.; city wuter: cistern; lot 60x120: large number of fruit trees; 42d and Ersklne; $25u cash; balance $11 per mo.: $1,250. 8-r. ; city water; sewer; electric bells; screens; brick basement; barn; full lot; ernianent walk; $ei cash; $18 per nu. ; l.eou: 3th and Franklin. 8-r.; city water; sewer; bath; closet: lav atory; laundry; good repair; lot 6127; permanent walk; , $l,r0; 27th and Pop plwton. Two cottages, one 7 and one 8 rooms; full lot, fronting on two streets; walk ing distance; rent, $15: price, $2.4"J. New -r. cottage, thoroughly modern; on Capitol avenue, west of high school; lot 33x132; r?.6eO. 8-r.. all modern, lot 50x150; ISth and Plnk ney sts.; ,',i't. New s-r.. all modern house. Just being fln twhed; lot 75xl2i; south front; one tdc-k from car; well located lit Dundee; $l,25o. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 6108. KH N. Y. Life Bldg. r- oi ' fifO. &t) acres hay, pasture and stork farm, $l,0iJ worth of Improvements, for $5uoo C. R. OLOVER a: SJ.V. Room 3, New York Life, Omaha. 'Phone 133. RE 785 6 F. D. WEAD. 70 ACRES near Omaha at $73 per n-re is s splendid investment: half hours drive n. w. ot lleiison car; buildings and under cultivation; easy terms. F. D. WEAD, 15J4 DourlHS. RE-MM0 7 WHAT ABOUT THIS? $ rooms; hath: rloeet: wash howl: gas; hot and cud water: bam; chicken house; lots of fruit; ground lxl3n; plentv of rom to kwp a cow; flne location: la gt.od re pair; only $2.6)4; wet pail of town. Cn kiiow pru-riy any time. Payne, Bostwick & Co., - sin Fluor N. T. Lilt -. BE- $5 i 6 acres near Benson $ 750 l'l acres near Benson 1.000 1J acres near Benson 2,ni i acres. Ruser's park, on Center St., $lij an acre. 10 acres, west of South Omaha, $125 an acre. 2o acres, west of South Omaha, $12 an acre. 40 acres, west of South Omaha. $126 an acre. We have a big bunch of bargains in houses, lots and acreage. s THE BYRON REED CO. 212 South 14th Street. . RE-776 S NORTH PART OF TOWN Good 7-room house; hard oil flnlsh: nlca reception hall; den; parlor; dining room; kitchen; butler's pantry; extra large bed rooms, on second floor, with fine hall, large bath room, gas and electric light combination fixtures; cellar under whole house; good furnace; 60-ft. lot; paved street, all paid; ready to move right in. Will sell very cheap on reasonable terms. Payne. Bostwick & Co., 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE-839 I New condition, nobby, up-to-date home on 40th st.: 2 blocks from car; price, $4.too; owner wants to change to neighborhood of Field club. F. D. Wead, 1..24 Ioug. las st. RE S44 6 FARMS FOR RENT FARM for rent, cheap for cash, 7 miles from Council Bluffs. Address Henr Miller. 1329 S. list St., Omaha. 880 2x "0 ACRES one mile east of Irvington, no Improvements, 83 00 per acre. LAND FOR SMALL GRAIN ONLY. GEORGE & CO., 1001 FARNAM ST. -465 S SEVENTY-ACRE farm, 6 miles from Lin coln; very best upland soli, good build ings, windmill, etc.; 20 acres alfalfa. 11 alice cultivated; long-time lease to satis factory tenant, money rent. Call Saturday or Monday. I.. L. E. Stewart, owner, L. 8. aionon). .. I,, r-. ri-w.ii, i, . un , . National Hank building. M 611 6 FOR RENT Twenty seres In Bo. Omaha, with old house: good rich lend. N. P DODGE t- CO., . 114 Farnam St. r 807 I FOR RENT. 25-acre fruit farm, close In. Call IMO ('.rare. KM ix THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tills agricultural weekly goes to 80,608 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, so If you have a good' piece or land to sell at a reasonable price you wlU find a buyer among thsm. The cost ot an advertisement Is small I cents per word In small ItV l.sV rr l"Cb U MllU lUt tjps.