Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 15

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Adverliseaneota lor Ikfit cola mo a
rrlll bo Ukri ! 12 aa. for tha
fTla( cdllloa aa4 aatll S p. an. for
the rauiaiat and "anday edKloa.
Ratee 1 -: ward Srat lnaeriloa
la a word (hereafter. Nothing taken
for leaa tbaa BO for the firat laaer.
Una. These adTertlaeaacata aaaat ba
tin eonaecot Ively.
Aaertraera, by reqaeatfaa: a aam
bered cheek, east bare anaeeera art
dreaaed ta a aambered, letter la ears
of The Bee. Anawera aa addrcaaed
trill be delteerad aa preaeatatlaa al
Business. Short hand. Typewriting, Normal,
kngiian and civil Service Courses. DAi
a.nD xauuT.
MAIL LESSONS In shorthand, typewriting,
bookkeeping and penmanship. Send for
catalogue today, stating wuctner Inter
ested in correspondence or residence work.
M. 11. Boyles, president, mn una Harney
bis., Omaua, Neb. K
TlTvlaiLLY-S TOWEL SUPI'LY. Tel. 3630.
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cnj.
ANTI-Monnpoly Garbage Co. 6-1 N. lfith.
Tel. 1779. Xiii
Tel. KiO. 127 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cialty of nre escapcu. shutters, ooors and
a lea. O. Andreen, prop., 102 a. loth et.
, R 2.0
t'YE BTRAIN relieved by expert optical
treatment; glasses to nt; prices right.
Bennett's. R 2i6
V. W. DUDGEON, tho expert PLUMBER.
Two 'phOnes, 196t and L2S.3. R M993 M7
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere.
P. II. FhliDin, l&utt Farnam. 'Phone 7b4.
COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukton" Egg,
$6.25 ton. Harmon & Wecth, 'phono 21..
It 278
F. WM. KRELLE, Architect, 604 Bee Bid.
Tel. 3060. ' R 271
EXPERT accountant and public auditor;
prices reasonable. A. D. Toiizalin. Tel.
Black-4432. R-853 M22x
Simply letting newcomers know our age
and address 211 8. 11th; 28 years; Tel. 2o4.
R 422 M27
WHO'S your tailor? It should bo Dresner.
Too busy maKing clothes to close. Open
evenings. lolS Farnam St. R 280
PIANOS moved by expert mechanics; also
stored. Sate and reliable. Schmoller &
Mueller, 1313 Furnam. Tel. 126.
R-721 Marl9
Iron and urasa Castings. 802 Jackson.
Tel. ML R Mi 64 Alii
WE repair and sell all makes of typewrit
ers. .Nebraska Cycle Co., corner loth and
Harney. 'Phone 1663. R M177 M4
P. W. DUDGEON, expert PLUMBER; 2
'phones. R M993 A7x
Indexed' GLIDE to 't rain Times; March
iHsue now on sale, 26c of all news stands;
1.60 a year. Published ,501 bee bldg.,
Omaha. R M540 lo
Cleaners of wall paper, frescoes and paint
washers. Telephone 3527; 322 North 15th
t. A. E. Yetzcr, Mgr. -R M541 17x
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tail musical Instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. 113 ti. 17th St.,
omaniu R
E. L. LOVEJOY will repair your sewing
machine and warrant it. . Adresn 2016
Spruce St., R 647 6x -
BADGES, banners, flags, buttons, robes,
Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. B, 413
8. 15th St R-577 b
If You Want Reliable
Information at
Reasonable Prices
Are you willing to follow Instructions, to
bring honor, riches and dignity to your
self? If so, call at once on
Mme. Boyer
, . .. rf
Get started right; also get terms for les
sons In occultism, Phrenology and as
TOMORROW for all who bring this card
to my office. This may be an Important
turning point In your life. Do not hesi
tate; delay means danger.
Now is the Accepted Time.
Belf-addressed envelope for horoscope life
readings and phrenological charts. No
business transacted on Sunday, ao N.
17th St., Center hotel, block N., W. of
P. O. 'Phone B2647. 8-799 6
"NO. 18th. S-MS32 6x
MM,E. ALLURA. palmist, 1708 Jackson st.
' WW 11
MME. FRANCISCO, seventh California
lady, clairvoyant and iwlinlst. -Office 1724
Capitol ave. 'Phono 5610. t Readings. oOo.
a mms fcx
UYLMER, scientific palmist. 715 N.-'.'3d
. .. S io3
11 R 8. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1521 Leaven
worth. 6304
MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St.
MME. BOYER. Center hotel, 210 N. 17th
H block northwest P. O. 8 M180 M4
MME, ALLURA, palmist, 1708 Jackson st.
8 M377 4x
MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady
clairvoyant and palmist. Office 1724 Cap.
ll'ol ave. 'Phone 5610. 8452 4x
MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady
queen of clairvoyants. 807 N. 18th.
6 M506 4x
YOUR FORTUNE told by the most relia
ble clairvoyants; send birth date, dime
and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln, 4!K N.
Clark St., Chicago. - S 638 5x
YOU R FUTURE told free This Is a trlHl
reading, but a reading that will r Into
detail regarding the most iniNrtant
things that you are Interested In at
this time pertaining to business, love,
courtship, marriage and divorce, old es
tates. mnrtgiiKt's. wills and buried irraa.
tires: whether your comb's: marriaita or
divorce will be for your happiness or
not; sena your name' ana inrtn date and
three 2o stamps. Address Mme. Roll
Kulum, 3953 Drexcl Boulevard. Chicago,
III. ; 8-632 Bx
II ESS aV 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -M6
U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam.
Tel. UT4.
-a i
' Winter Term
Omaha Lommercial College,
17th and Douglas. NOW OPEN.
New classes In an uepartmcnts fceim for
catalogue at once. B 2kt)
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road tare upon our failure to convince
jou of this ieing tne bM 1 and only re
liable, most irHCtical itarncr conege In
the L nited States. Write tor catalogue
today. Western Barbers institute,
Omaha, Neb. B 2iW
1 WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
tores and doctors. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L.
GIBSON Employment Agency, In Neville
Bile, are truiiK turn open, imr and square
with all wanting employment ana all
lietulng help iiy theiu. 1 none k4il.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men, between ag oi 21 and Ho,
citizens of L nited States, ot good cnarac
tcr ana temperate habits, who speaa, read
and write Engiixh. ! or information apply
to Recruiting Ohicer, 13in and Douglas
stj., Omaha; Llncoin, Neb., or bloux City,
la. B-K73
IF YOU are in need of a position call and
have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART,
THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-292
WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. CoynoBros. Co. school (Of
practical plumbing. Send for catalogue.
Address 4V73-"is Easton ave., St. Louis,
Mo. B M765 F3 06
TAILORS, Attention: If you are first-class
coat makers we can use you. Good prices.
Steady work to men that are right.
Dresher, 1515 Farnam St. Dmi
WANTED Printer for country office; send
samples, references, wages wanted. The
Republican, Papilllon, Neb. B-M504 x
P& PERMANENT salary to reliable men in
outside towns; wo handle properties every
where. Northwestern Real Estate and
Guaranty Co., Dea Moines, la.
B-M522 Cx
MEN wanted to learn the barber trade;
taught by mail; tuition free; send 10c
for postage; you may not see this liberal
offer again. Dyers' Barber S(ool,
Odessa, Mo. B M635 4x
WANTED At once, local representatives
In every section; conditions easy; $21
weekly salHry and expenses to right par
ties. Sales Dept., 3d floor, 210 Olive St.,
St. Louis. B-M537 6x
GROCERY clerk wanted. C. W. Shrader,
26th and Blondo. B-M542
WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., lou Oakland Bank
building. Chicago, 111. B M543 6x
WANTED-Harness makers; first-class me
chanics deMied; good pay. Frenvmt Sad
alery Co., Fremont, Neb. B M648 10
WANTED An experienced pants presser ;
Siock work. Apply to Bryne & Hammer
. D. G. Co. Factory, 12th and Howard st.
B M658 5
EVERY ONE desirous Improving his posi
tion, Increasing his pay, should read our
free 80-page book. Our mall course plan
in electricity and steam engineering show
the short road to success. Electrical En
gineer Institute, New York,
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska and
Iowa; staple line; high commissions; ad
vance of 1100 monthly; permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess II. Smith Co.,
Detroit. Mich. B 661 5x
WANTED Sober, reliable man with refer
ence and 1250.00 to take charge of and
half Interest In business in Council Bluffs
and Omaha; salary $15.00 per week and
half the net proceeds. Address W. C.
Handley, 411 Observatory Bldg., Peoria,
111. B-660 6x
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for enterpris
ing person In Omaha or surrounding
coutry; state present occupation.. Thom
son, 415 Dearborn, Chicago. B 675 5x
WANTED Two men for 1905 to travel and
collect; $20.00 and expenses paid weekly;
experience not necessary; self-addressed
envelope for reply. ' Address Travelers
Dept., Star Bldg., Chicago. B-634 5x
124 WEEKLY For man with rig to Intro
duce royal stock and poultry remedies;
year's contract; we mean business and
furnish bent references. Royal Co-Op.
Mfg. Co., DCJt. 20, Indianapolis. Ind.
B-38 6x
WE WILL make you a present of $100.00,
give you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free
and pay you a salary of PS per month
and all traveling expenses to take orders
for the greatest and most reliable por
trait house in the world; all this will be
guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel, Dept.
145. Chicago, 111. B-637 6x
SALES MANAGER To employ and look
. after salesmen on new mechanical de
vice In territories to be assigned; must
be men of unquestioned ability, both as
salesmen and managers of salesmen, and
financially responsible; only men capable
of earning large Income need apply; ref
erences required. Automatic Cash Dis
count Register Co., Chicago.
B-C44 IX
NINE ODD FELLOWS In each state given
permanent, pleasant, prontable employ
ment near home; whole or part time;
good pay. Fraternal, Thames Building,
New York. B 646 5x
WANTED, fraternal Insurance worker to
take charge of state. Professional or
business man preferred. Right party can
secure large returns. National Life build
ing. Chicago, R. 1156. B-72 6x
FIREMEN and brakemen on Nebraska and
other railroads. Young men, age 20 to so,
strong, good sight and hearing. Firemen
earn $i6 to $100 monthly, become engineers
and earn $125 to $176 monthly. Brakemen
earn $iW to $75 monthly, become conduc
tors and earn $100 to $140 monthly. Name
position preferred. Send stamp for par
ticulars. Railway Association, Dept. 59,
Charles Bldg., Denver, Colo. B
WANTED, energetic party In this locality.
v eeaiy salary or commission ana ex
penses; experience unnecessary. Man-
nger. Travelers, oh onve ot.. bi. louis,
B M676 tlx
DETECTIVE Our secret service men earn
good money. Good men wanted every
where; experience unnecessary; give age
and references; address American De
tective Association, Indianapolis. Indiana.
B-651 Ex
COATMAKER wanted; steady Job. E.
Burgner, 10 riast f ourth Bt, Atlantic, la.
B 765 6x
WANTED. J. L. Brandels A Sons require
the services of several thoroughly up-to-date
shoe salesmen at once. Apply Man
ager, shoe dept. B-M798 7
PHONE 3350
It will pay you to call and see
R. W. M HALE make
on the MILES MACHINE for all kinds of
B-651 5x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere, in 1I.
tribute circulars, samples ami advertising
jutit-r. uvhi fay. cttiivaMHing. tu-
ulcerative Advertising co., .ow York.
B 666 8x
WANTED, traveling men to aell olla.
Kreasea aim paiuis cm salary or rommls
Hlon, exclusively or as a side line. The
frescfiu oil una faint Co., Cleveland,
Ohio. B till &x
WANTED, person to call on retail trade
for jiiaiiiirarturing nouxe; local turrltory;
aalary, $25, paid weekly; expense mom y
advanced; previous experience iinneces
' Miry. Amolicuu HoUtM, Star btii'iing,
WANTED, two bright young men In every
cttv for shadow work and to act as
agents for Rice's Reliable Detective
Agency. Hennepin ave.. Minneapo
lis. Minn. Answer With directed stamped
enveloe. B 631 ex
YOUNG men, bright, to fill railroad cleri
cal position; no shorthand; eight to ten
week training tietinlly sufficient to secure
position pn.vlng $50 a month or over;
positions guaranteed as soon as compe
tent; the demand for men exceeds the
mipplv. Write nt once for full particulars
to Chlcsgo Railway and Commercial in
stitute, Su Washington St., Chicago. III.
B 630 5x
WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Few
weeks complete bv our method; every
thing first-class. Special thirty-day offer.
This opportunltv cannot be had elsewhere.
Call or write Moler Barber College. 1116
Farnam St. B-M629 10x
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position; good
pav. American Union, Pontlac building,
Chicago. B 612 5x
WANTED Representative In each district;
salary. $J0.o0 and expenses paid weekly;
old established house; business success
ful; work easy; position permanent; ex;
perlence not essential. Manager. N55
Corao Block, Chicago. B 616 Bx
ambitious young man who ha had sotno
experience with accounts nnd can take
ordinary dictation and use Remington
typewriter; will be an advantage, hut not
necessary, to be familiar with milling and
grain business. This Is an exceptional op
portunity to a young man of good habits,
fair education and willingness to work.
Give salary expected ana references In
first letter and address box 220, care Mill
ing and Grain News, Omaha. B 688 6x
WANTED At once, local managers In
every Town; rnusi oe niiciKen.; nuclei,
straight guaranteed salary, $20 a week
and office expenses; pleasant work: no
ranvasslng: clean records only essential;
state experience fully. American Mfgrs.
Jobbing Co., 263 Dearborn St., rJ!,,4B0'
$70.00 PERMANENT salary to men In out
side towns. Very pleasant wnra. Aimri
H. Porsch Co., Crawford Block. Fort
Dodge, Iowa. ' B M725 9x
WANTED Beet workers, families, for
western Nebraska; free fare: no rent to
pay. vCall after 6 p. m. Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, Delmonlco Hotel, South
Omaha; Thursday. Friday nnd Saturday
after 5 p. m. our office, over 215 S. 13th St.,
Omaha. Standard Beet Sugar Co.
B M5S3 6x
IF TjOOKINQ for work of any kind, you
will be treated right at uiwstiN m
PLOYMENT AGENCY. Rooms 222-223 Ne
ville Block, Cor. lfith and Harney Streets.
B 739 5
ONE first cook for hotel.
1 Pastry cook for hotel.
1 Chambermaid for hotel.
1 Dining room girl for R. R. eating house.
10 Ulrls for general nouseworR.
1 Pantry girl for hotel.
3 Dishwashers for restaurant.
1 Tuning room srlrl for hotel.
222-223 Neville Block, Cor. 16tn ann Marney
Street . B 737 5
$10.00 EASILY?
See Rce Ad on Page 13.
YOU ARE WKLIi fAllJ run luun.
We have a great many vncancles.
Bookkeeper, single man, $05.00, $75.00.
Good stenographer. $60.00.
Insurance sollcttory, salary.
Stenographer to work up to position of
Young man for city salesman.
Stenographer for out of town.
Stenographer and bookkeeper, Al , moral
Good shirt salesman.
Call or write for complete list of vacancies.
WESTERN KKr . & BOrsU. .ASS IN, list;.,
840-841 New York Life.
B 7415
1 furnishing goods salesman.
1 experienced hat salesman.
1 partner for hardware, $75.00.
1 clothing salesman.
6 Insurance men (salary).
1 buggy salesman.
4 typewriter salesmen.
3 netly dressed solicitor.
1 skirt salesman lor lowa.
HART, 401 AND 402 N.,Y. LIFE.
B-752 6
WANTED, a competent drug clerk; one
that can lane cnarge or a store, ur. u.
A. Yoder, Elm Creek, Neb. B 734 Bx
WANTED, two good coatmakers, . at once.
Hicks & Lundgurd, 13 Pearl St., Council
Bluffs, la. B
A NUMBER of people to assist us In writ
ing letters, short stories, anecdotes or
description on any subject or eminent
person of your own choice; not exceeding
100 words. Anybody and everybody can
send In specimen letters for. our new
Monthly Magazine. It Is not necessary
for you to be a practiced letter Writer;
choose your own subject;. It costs you
nothing to try your hand at It. Liberal
compensation. Send specimen letter and
addressed envelope for reply. Russell,
Gardner & Cable, 611 to 661 Broadway,
New York. ' B-787 5
WANTED, neat careful penman to do ad
dressing at home. Address or call 614
New York Life bldg., or telephone F3217.
B 7S6
BARBER TRADE taught quickly and
graduates put at work; special spring
offer. Write the American Barber Col-'
lege, Omaha, Neb. B 853 6x
WANTED Reliable persons to work for
good pay. Southern Advertising & Dis
trlhuting Co., Baltimore. Md. B MS46 6x
LADIES, earn $20 per 100 wilting short
l.ti.r.1 BnnH BlamnMl wnvnlitnA t.ip nun.
titulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich.
. . C Mtsiia
WANTED 25 machine operators at once. M.
E. Smith & Co., factory, 11th and Doug
las ste. C M22K 5
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. 2416 Farnam St. C 466 Bx
WANTED, a competent cook and house
maid; references required. 303 Willow
ave., Co. Blurts, la. C-465 7
WANTED Y'oung lady hairdresser; good,
steady position. 1411 Farnam street
C-M507 6x
WANTED A well trained housemaid at
Happy . Hollow, Dundee; wages $4 per
week. Apply R. W. Patrick, m6 Karbach
block. . C MG15 6x
WANTED Experienced sewing women for
alteration work, also salesladies thor
oughly experienced In cloaks and suits.
Apply at cloak department, Hayden Bros.
i C 625 4x
CAPABLE girl for general housework;
small family. 1226 8. h ave.
C-524 6x
WANTED 2 good girls, cook and house
maid. 406 B. 40th. C 1H52U
WANTED 60 experienced operators on
overalls and jackets. Apply to Byrne &
Hammer D. G. Co. Factory, 12th and
Howard St. C M559 5
WANTED Experienced lady's clothes
Ironer. Hlnchey Laundry, 24th and N sts.,
South Omaha. C 653 t
WANTED First-class maker. Miss Rlley'i
Millinery Parlors, 203 Brown block.
C-701 6x
HOME WORK $9 to $15; no canvassing; $5
to $6 weekly working evenings; experience
tinnecessery ; enclose stamp for instruc
tions, sample, etc. , Address B. Wilson &
Co. 603 Wulnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
CV-6G3 Bx
LADIES $26 ' thousand copying short let
ters at home; material sent free every
where; send stamped addressed envelope
for copy of letter and particulars. East
ern Co.. 817 Heed Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa.
C 662 Bx
LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned doing
plain sewing at home; material aent free
everywhere prepaid; stamped addressed
envelope brings particulars. Union Co.,
1216 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa.
C 6S5x
LADIEH. having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, battenberg, drawn work, aUo
to ) other work; stamped enveloive. La
dles' Exchange. 34 Monroe St., Chlcsgo.
C-6U4 Bx
$20.06 salary and exponana paid weekly to
energetic ladiea aa district managers for
large manufacturer. Headquarter at
lioine. Experience unneceaaary. 8eqd ail
dreaaed envelope Managerb' Dent.-. ' 52
Dearborn, Chicago, . C tU2 Bx
LADIES, to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weeklv. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago.
C W6 5x
WANTED, flrst-c'ass cook for meat and
ixistrv. State where formerly employed,
erklns Hotel, David City, Neb.
C-674 ox
LADIES, $.10 thousand copying letters; no
mailing to friends or furnishing ad
dresses; stamped envelope particulars.
Commercial Letter Co., Dept. 29. Chlcsgo.
C-627 6x
WANTED, ladles to learn hair dressing,
manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis. Few weeks completes by our
method. Special thirty-day ofTer. Good
pay when competent. Call or write for
catalogue. Moler College, 1114 Farnam st.
C M628 10X
$20.0i SALARY Expenses paid weekly to
energetic ladles to represent old estab
lished house; solid financial standing;
headquarters at home; experience unnec
essary; work easy. Manager, 850 Como
block, Chicago. C-617 6x
LADIES to sell st home during spare time;
stendy work, plain sewing, all materials
furnished1 free; send addressed envelope
for full particulars. Madum 8. E. M.
Du Pont, Philadelphia. Piu C 681 5x
EVERY woman to use Mlnter Snam Rip
per; best of steel; well sharpened; will
rip seams, without tearing material. In
skirts, waists, coats, cloaks ami chil
dren's clothing, better and qulrker than
scissors. Iiescrlptlve and Illustrated In
structions with each Instrument 'by mail
25c tstamp). Eugene It. Trott, 132 Nassau
St., New York. C 702 Bx
IF LOOKING for work of snv kind you
will he treated right at GIBSON EM
PI,OYMENT AGENCY. Rooms 222-223 Ne
ville Block, Cor. lfith and Harney Streets.
C 740 6
ONE stenographer and bookkeeper.
l rirst cook ror hotel.
1 Night cook for restaurant.
1 Office boy for hotel.
1 Grocer clerk who speaks German.
1 Hoy for dining room.
222-223 Neville Block, Cor. lfith and Harney
Streets. C 73S 5
We have very seldom found It necessary
to advertise In the femnle want columns,
as our general publicity has always
brought Us all the applicants we could
place, but tho past week has flooded us
with calls for women of ability and we
need a number of good applicants.
Partial list of vacancies:
Bookkeeper. $$tiS.00.
Saleslady, skirts and suits.
Stenographer and clerk, . one with brains,
Clerk nnd stenoamnher, quick and accu
' rate at flcures. $50.00.
Saleslady and fitter, suit department.
Good correspondent.
Insurance bookkeeper and stenographer,
Call or write for complete list of vacancies.
840-S41 N. Y. Ufe Bldg.
C-595 5
WANTED, good experienced lady solicitors.
Room 423 Bee Bldg. C M716 6x
1 crockery saleslady.
6 ladies for Insurance.
HART, 401 AND 402 N. Y. LIFE.
C-753 5
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, maids and gen.
girls for housework.
HART, 401 AND 402 N. Y. LIFE.
C-764 5
WANTED, girl to do light housework and
.cook for family of two. Inquire today.
2234 N. 18th St. C-711 5x
WANTED, experienced cook, must have
references. Mrs. J. E. Baum, 35 Har
ney st. C 780 7x
WANTED An experienced woman presfler;
must be nble to do high class work. The
Pantorlum, 407 So. 15th. C 842 5
WANTED, experienced cloak salesladies.
( Apply Cloak Dept., J. L. Brandels & Sons.
. - - . C M795 7
WANTED, experienced hands In cloak al
' tprntlon room. Apply J. L. Brandels &
Sons. C M796 7
WANTED, a pianist In music dept. J. L.
Brandels & Sons, Unless you can read
popular music at sight do not aoplv.
- . : C-M797 6
COMPETENT, bill Clerk and -office, assist
,fnt;. state experience and salary - ex
pected. . Address Y 8,' Bee. C M827
COMPETENT skirt and waist finisher.
Mrs. Hale,. 2034. N. 19th. C-M831 6
WANTED Competent girl, general house
work; one from country preferred. C. G.
Scott. 4927 Davenport. C MSol 7
GOOD housekeeper. Canadian office, 16th
and Dodge A 293
SITUATION wanted; baker, steady, reli
able, wants steady Job. E. J. Deater,
207 Lowell ave., Shenandoah. Ia.
A M444 7
SITUATION ' WANTED By male stenog
rapher, good education, excellent char
acier. Will uccept 'most any kind of
work. Address X 41, Bee. A M479 5x
stenographer. Address X 40, Bee.
A-M478 6x
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, rapid and ac
curate, wants position. Address XI2, Bee.
A M4t 5x
POSITION wanted, man and wife without
Children, as foreman on a ranch or to
feed cattle; um a tlrst-class farmer and
feeder. Address C. J. Almgreen, Genoa,
Neb. A-M486 8x
POSITION as collector by capable, ener
getic young man; good references. Ad
dress X43, Bee. A M487 4X
WE WANT situations for the following ap
plicants, towit: ...
1 hotel cierk, 3 bookkeepers, 2 stenograph
ers, 1 collector, 2 solicitors. 1 clothing
talesman, 2 drug clerks. 1 grocery clei k, 2
hardware clerks, 2 shipping clerks, 1 fore
man for ranch, 1 hotel porter, 1 dining
room girl, 2 second cooks, 4 Janitors, 3
office clerks, 1 rtal estate salesman, 2
traveling salesmen, 1 foreman printing
office, 1 wutchiajun, 1 butcher and meat
cutter. .-.
We are pleased to say that we secured po
sitions for many that were In our lust
week's list.
Employers will-please bear In mind that we
secure testimonials from former employ
ers and others and send out no help, ex
cept such as bear good record In regard
to ability and reputation.
222-228 Neville Block.-Cor. lfith and Harney
Streets. 'Phone 6411. A-735 5
POSITION by good' all-round" watch re
pairer and Jeweler; can engrave some;
good references. Address I, Box 7,
bradshaw, Neb. A 693 5x
YOUNG MAN wants active employment In
some business where he can be learning
and have an opportunity to advance. Ad
dress X 45, Bee. A 759 5x
WANTED, work by the day or hour, clean
up yards, carpets, etc. Address X 68. Bee.
A-714 Bx
EXPERIENCED male stenographer, with
K'Kd typewriter. Addrest) X 65, Bee of
fico. A 767 6x
POSITION wanted by male stenographer;
law or real estate office preferred. Ad
dress Y 6, Bee. A M833 6x
NEW edition of "Eugene Sue," Burton's
"Arabian Nights," Progress of Man," etc.;
over 200 good sellers for experienced Da
Luxe men. liixenbaugh, BOu Ware Blk.
SALESMAN'S sido line. Small sample,
Liberal commission. Standard arlLie.
Glsh Novelty Co., Sta. O. South Bend.. Ind.
SALESMAN WANTED High gradii spe
daily salesmen to inuki- a killing next
ten weeks; srasonahlo staple, well adver
tlael. with all attractive features of
splendid specialty, whic h It really Is; big
side line opixirtuulty. Manager Boyd, 2o4
uquilaiue, st. ixiuih.
63H 6x
WANTED First-class traveling salesmen,
with clear record and experience drum
ming retail trade. State lines handled
and territory covered. Adiresa Whole
sale. Box 155, Rock Island. III. & 6x
SALESMEN WANTED Excellent oppor
(unity; aeasou Just opening: exclusive or
aide line; paint experience unnecessary If
f-ou are a salef --u; we school you. Kln
och Paint Co., dl. J.uls. 636 6x-
territory; staple line with entirely new
and unusual Inducements to the trade;
high commissions with vxrx nt.e udvaiicv.
Mufr., livx 6-4, DvUVll, Mich. 615 Si
WANTED Intelligent men and women (In
cluding teachers, students, etc.). every
where, to give all or part of time to
work of highest class, (no book selling
or peddling), commanding everylody a
respect: an opportunity seldom offered,
yielding permanent Income; send refer
ences. Address L. Werner, Sec., Monad
nock Block. Chicago. 691 6x
ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th 41 Chicago
SALESMEN mske SOO per cent commission
selling "Noveltv Sign Cards." merchants
huv 10 to pn on sight. 800 varieties. Cata
logue free. Sullivan Co., 4'6 W Vnn
Buren St., Chicago, HI. 671 Bx
LADIES treated successfully by mall. Write
today, stating how long suppressed. Dr.
Brlney, 12 State street. Chicago.
WANTED, a good, live representative In
each county to sell our truck scales direct
to merchants and farmers; exclusive ter
ritory; liberal commissions. Address The
Indiana Scale and Truck Co., Toledo. O.
673 Bx
TRAVELING salesman by large wholesale
house for Nebraska; unusual opportunity
for right man. Watson, Sales Manager. 56
Fifth Ave.. Chicago. 6K7 Bx
SIDE LINE traveling men can make $26 to
$.'0 per week carrying side line of most
up to date advertising fans of our ex
clusive and special designs; season now
opening. Apply at once. The Kemper
Thomas Company, Fun Dept., Station H.
Cincinnati. O. 614 Bx
SALESMEN WANTED Road experience
required; good staple line; no fakes. W.
J. Ixirack, sales manager, lowa City, la.
611 ox
SALESMEN to Introduce our famous "Earl
of Warwick five-cent cigar. Special In
ducements; experience unnecessary. Fine
side line. National Cigar Co., 530 Market
St., Philadelphia Pa. otx
SIX noveltv calendar, patented, absolutely
new Idea; never before shown. - Write for
samples, cruvcr, Mgr., i:o Biaie street.,
Chicago. 658 6x
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by
larora Cleveland lobbln house to fill va
cancy for 1906. High commissions with $35
weekly. W. S. Finley Co., 90 P rospect St.,
Cleveland, Ohio. t ox
A FEW first-class salesmen; yearly con
tracts, good money to right people. H. I
Manley, Arcade Hotel. M6R9 7x
A COMPETENT furniture and carpet sales
man, with experience. Apply to Omaha
Furniture & Curpet Co., 1211 t arnam st.
-571 B
$) FOR $30.
For quick sale will take $30 per acre for this
good lowa sou, lou miles east or umana
D. C. Patterson, 123 Farnam.
675 S
LEADING lithographic house wants expe
rienced salesmen, naving a traae in aa-
Vfrtislng specialties, calendars, novelties,
etc.: salary or commission, with oppor
tunities for advancement. Address Pub
lisher, 373 and 375 Broadway, New York.
700 Bx
WANTED Traveling salesman; also city
man to sell a line of spool cotton on com
mission as sida line. Address: X 55. Beo.
743 OX
SALESMAN wanted to take general agency
for Prismatic Electric Shades; Increases
light 100 per cent; every electric light con
sumer buys; a good proposition to ener
getic man; can clear $10 per day. Write
tor descriptive circular. American mm
matlc Shade Co.. Southwestern Agency,
375 Main St., Dallas, Tex. 733 6
SALESMAN wanted to handle our sweat
pud line on commission. For particulars
uuuress xom i'augut 1,0., waco, J ex.
-M503 11
AGENTS Men and women coin money
selling "Corno" corn killing plasters cpre
guaranteed; loo per cent pront; stamp
brings sample and terms. Best Supply
Co., Juliet, in. j 043 ox
AGENTS make $6 dally selling the cheap
est and most perfect water filter ever In
vented. Ketalls at 2.oo; tig pront; ex
elusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen
eca. Mo. J 606 Bx
AGENTS can clear $6.00 daily selling our
household article; needed in every home;
absolutely no talking or experience re
quired; entirely new plan; sells at 25c;
profit 20c; complete samples and terms
inc. rtousenoiu, ait iocqst, eu ixuis,
Mo. -. . J 665 6x
AGENTS wanted In local option towns to
sell our Kentucky whisky direct to con
sumers; big commissions; write for par
ticulars. Watson & Co., Louisville, Ky.
J 664 6x
AGENTS Read In dark; name plates,
signs, numbers; 200 per cent profit; sam
ples free. Wright Supply Co.. Engle
wood, 111." ' J 639 6x '
writes one ugent; new; demand; quick
sales. Farmers' Account Book Co., New
ton, Iowa. J 689 Bx
WE pay 136 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Yearns contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.,
Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J
WANTED Agents sell out $1 bottle sarsa
purl 11a for 35c; best seller; 200 per cent
pront; write today ror terms ana terri
tory. F. H. Greene, 116 Lake St., Chicago.
$500 PER MONTH and expenses may seem
big to you, but It can be made, selling
jny patent for making smokeless gun
and blasting powder at 8c per pound;
beware of fakes advertising a worthless
and dangerous article. I am the inventor
and have the iatent. General agents
wanted In each state, to travel and ap-
Solnt sub-agents. J. A. Str&nsky, Box
XI, Pukwana, S. D. J 619 Bx .
LADY agents making less than $26 weekly
should write for catalogue and terms; we
start you tn business and mate you in
dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Ap
parel Supply Co., Chicago. J 652 ox
SKILLED women agents to handle an arti
cle used by every woman; strictly high
Krado money maker; greiit talking points;
exclusive territory; write quick. Manager
Dept. T, Puritan Bldg., 10 Gratiot ave.,
Detroit, Mich. . J 649 6x
AGENTS wanted to sell Squeezle easy
floor and carpet cleaner; greatest labor
saver ever Invented; can be sold to every
home; 200 per cent prollt; our agents are
averaging v daily. ej. tinner, J.l w
Grand ave, Chicago. J
AGENTS Wiite for free sample of work
Hiid terms, Star Harness Mender, best
2f)cj seller out; we make otner quick sell
ing necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS make $3 to $10 daily fitting
ftlasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye
ook tells iiow; write today. Jucksonlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Mich. J
EVERYBODY can make money easily with
our wonderful new goods; no risk, new
plan: write quick for samples. J. A. Tip
ton & Co., Plains, Kansas. J 691 Bx
WANTED Representatives in ever local
ity to sell our tens, coffees, spleen, ex
tracts, baking powder, etc., direct to
consumer; liberal Inducements; a chance
to establish u business of your own; we
assist you In every way. Address Royal
Tea Co.. 2S01-3-5 Cottage Grove Ave.. Chi
cago, 111. ' J-685 5x
AGENTS Big profits handling our new
innnii true: sells nt sight: sample pre
paid 10 cents. Chasse Mfg. Co., 1S6 Dear
lorn St., Chicago. J 679 Bx
AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them
selves; sells on sight, for It does a wash
ing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own
power, requires no labor, nnd eosts leas
than any otlierntiachlne. Free sample and
exclusive territory given. Automatic
Wusher Co., Station U, Chicago.
J 708 6x
NEW sleeve protector for office and house
work; writo today; get territory: quick
sales; other goods. Ladies' Supply Co.,
Forest Ave., Chicago. J 6741 Bx
LIVE MEN in all localities for a new slot
machine proposition: must have small
capital; prolita large; machines easily
placed; no law against them anywhere.
Exclusive territory. D. B. Klngery, lis)-S
East I'earl St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
J 724 Bx
FREE SAMPLE to agents, self-lighting
pocket lamp, size of pencil, takes the
place of kcrosenH lamps, candles and
matches; rapid seller; seelng'a Ixillevlnft.
Send stamp. Peerless Light Works, 37B
Broadway, N. Y. J Ti2 Bx
WANTED Experienced agents to anil
stock; sound proposition; hustling man
agers and salesmen i.t-eded; large com
mission; pirt cash; exclusive field, strong
seller. Address Eugene Monro, manager,
210-211 OUa Fellow Bid'., St. I -rails Ma.
J Mid ?
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th Farnam.
SOUTH front parlor, mt St. Mary's ave.
VIENNA hotel. Private dining mis. cafe.
100 warm rooms. Ogden hotel, Co. Bluffs, la.
FURNISHED room, M4 8. 27th. E M158 4
MODERN, well furnished front rooms, one
block from car, $7 and $8. Phone B tfl.
2U34 N. 19th. E M9oS
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences.
116 N. 26th street. E 232 Bx
FOR RENT-Four rooms, ground floor,
bath, running water: large lot, fenced.
Very desirable. Call at premises, 2M7
North 17th ave., first house south of Corby
t. E M47U B
FOR RENT, nicely furnished south front
room, modern. Both Walnut Hill and
Harney cars;. $10. 320S Cuming St.
E M496
ROOM and board, $3.60 per week; table
board, $3; single meals. 20c; good, home
cooking. 019 Pacific street. Phono 2183.
F-M509 Bx
THREE rooms, modern, second floor, gas
stove In kitchen; references required;
adults only. 2701 Wooiworth ave.
E M534 lOx
LARGE front room, newly furn'.shed for
light housekeeping, all modern; tele
phone. 210 N. lth. K-M5I7 Bx
BACK ROOM for rent. Davldge block,
flat 2. K-660 6x
FURNISHED rooms for sleeping or house
keeping. 1811 Cass street. E 4S 7x
FRONT room and alcove fronting Hanscom
Sark; private family, references. Address
L 64. Bee. E 585 Bx
FURNISHED rooms rent quickly If fur
nished here. Our goods are atvllnh and
much cheaper than at Installment stores.
Terms, $25 worth, $ per week.
Omaha Furniture ft Carpet Co., Between
12th and 13th. on Farnam St. E 673 6
LARGE front bedroom and alcove, nicely
furnished, 2562 St. Mary's Ave.
ONE furnished and 4 unfurnished fooms,
2421 Dodge St. E M7GO-7X
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. 403 N. 14th st. E-M763 7x
SLEEPING rooms, from $1 to $2 per week.
1712 Jackson. E M849 7x
FOR RENT, neatly furnished rooms, one
large south room and one small room. In
strictly private family; meals If desired
Y 1, caro Bee. F 799 7x
FIRST CLASS room and board for two gen
tlemen; all modern and onlv one biock
from postofflce. 1714 Douglas.
F 891 8x
PRIVATE boarding house for gentlemen.
Rooms single or en suite. Special rates
for two meals a day. Everything new
and modern. Park district. Address X.64,
Bee. F-766 B
LARGE front room suitable for two. Good
board. 628 South 19th. F M792 7x
O. M. E., TEL. 611.
THE SHELTON, 26th and Dodge; Ideal
home for the winter; pleasant rooms;
strictly modern; home cooking; reason
able. F 309
GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred.
213 8. 25th at. F 310
B27 PARK AVE. South room, with board,
suitable for two; beautiful lawn; refined
surroundings; modern. F 387
ROOMS and board. 614 North 19th.
. F-M4S3 6X
FURNISHED or unfurnished, with or with
out board; private family. 2223 Burt st.
TWO young men for room and board; mod
ern. 2529 Seward. F 655 6x
TWO rooms and board; gentlemen pre
ferred. 1914 Locust st. F M610 7x
FURNISHED room suitable for two, with
or without board; also day board. 1811
Cap. ave. F-M716 7x
ROOMS, with or without board. 2211 Far
nam. F M712 6
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, east-front
room, with board; close in, modern, tele
' phone, etc.; reasonable. 618 S. 18th st.
F M854 8x
LARGE room, with board: private bath;
outside entrance. 1811 Chicago street.
F M86B 8x
STOP and see me. Best board and room
$3.60 per week; table board, $3.00; single
meal, 20c. 619 Pacific St. 'Phone 2183.
F-M847 7x
UNFURNISHED rooms and flats, $2 to $10,
according to location; all In St. Mary's
ave building, 27th and St. Mary's ave.
Call at room 6 or N. P. Dodge & Co.,
1614 Farnam St. G M244
THREE unfurnished rooms on second floor
of 8-room modern house, 2220 Chicago. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street.
PARTLY furnished or unfurnished rooms,
light housekeeping; modem. 2680 Harney.
G M660 6x
THREE unfurnished rooms at 81B South
18th st. G 554 6
TWO rooms for light housekeeping; also
two basement rooms. 1120 N. lvth st.
G 652 x
TWO large parlors and kitchen; three
ground floor rooms, with range: $15.00.
Tel. 5309. G M848 7X
O. A. R. Attention! We wish one reliable
person in each town to act as our agent;
we offer extra Inducements and good pay;
write for terms. Grand Union Tea Co.,
Omaha. U-868 6
FIFTY" square pianos and organs fully
guaranteed and good enough for begin
ners, $15, $22, $27. $36 and up, $3 cash
and 25 to 60 rents per week. Call to see
them. Schmoller 4 Mueller, 1313 Farnam
st. U-818 t
$275 WILL buy piano and player combined;
easy payments. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313
Farnam st. U 816 6
$450 CHIOKERING upright piano, rose
wood case, only $148 If bought before
Thursday; payments If desired. Schmol
ler & Mueller, 1313 Farnam at. U 814 6
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and molea
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential: all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Uta.
French. Spanish, German lessons. Peters,
115 8 20 th. U M828A4X
WANTED To moot the blonde young lady
who noticed me on the Harney street
car Saturday evening. Am the gentleman
who sat Just opposite. Address Y 8, Bee.
U-M850 7x
TRAVELING man, stranger In city, de
sires the acquaintance or young woman
not over 26, brunette preferred; must be
good dresser, good looking and refined.
Address Y 9, Bee. U-M853 7x
FOR 25 cents wo will furnish a formula
for maKllig any sianaara prepiu-uiioii.
Go In the manufacturing business, make
money and be Independent. Specialty
Co., Lansdale, Pa. V 706 5x
VIAVI A wholesome, rational treatment,
Invaluable in ail innainmaiiona ana ois
placementa. Send for booklet. 350 Bee
Building, Omaha. Neb. I' 580 6
WANTED, party to charter car Jointly for
flOUKelloia KiXfun iff on'ivain, wani.
dreos $40 Beo bldg. U-983
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women ana cnuoren: w years pracuce.
Office, 23 5 Cuming. Residence telephone,
3666; office, 3667.
AGENTS See our dollar proposition first;
sample prepaio aoc; urm wmi mauum"
turer: crew managers wanted. Davis
Soaps, 356 Drarborn St., Chlcugo.
OMAHA Stammerer' Institute, ftamge blk.
On Machines That Have Been
Turned in on Wheeler
& Wilsons.
Thee machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are the latest thing that
the different manufactories produce. They
are complete with attachments and aro
guaranteed to be In first-class condltli .
The following Is a list of machines wo
have on hand: .
Singer. B-drawer, drop head.. ..$20.00
Singer, 7-drai-er, drop hend.... 22 00
Dnvls, t-drawer, drop head 17.60
Davis, 7-drawer, drop head an. 00
Standard Automatic Grand 25 00
White, B-drawer, drop head 15.00
Domestic, 6-drawer, drop head... 20.00
Second-hand machines, box top, of any
make, from $5.oo to $10.00.
We rent machines at 76 cents per week.
These are completo with attachments and
will give you good service. '
Yours respectfully,
Nebraska Cycle Co:
'Phone 1W.1. Cor. .oih and Harney,
825 North 21th St.. South Omaha. ,
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
JEE-POAl-R ITOLadlea' regulator; no
failure; sate; powonui; no rui.usea;. prtco
Jl.xi; what women, young or old, should
know; tree. Jce-Poal ftomody Co., 1
Main St., Cincinnati, O. i H 613 6x
A VERY wealthy, middle aged bachelor
would llko to correspond with worthy,
lady; object, matrimony. Lock Box H,
Blue Island. 111. U 616 6x
DR. T. PIE RCE-Special 1st; diseases of
women, cures all irregularities am ab
normal suppression; particulars, lik:. 419
iiennepln .ve., Minneapolis,- Minn.
U-620 Bx
VERY wealthy young woman will corre
spond; object matnmony; no objection
to poor man, It noliesl- Lock Box B,
Blue Island, III. U 18 Bx
WE MAKE banners and flogs of all kinds.
Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. C,
415 B. lBtll Bt. L 0'6 6
DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam.
J 331
CHRONIC and nervous diseases success
fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Hamge blk.
U 33
'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tuno
your piano; 2- Perneld Piano Co., 1611
Farnam. U 339
THEATRICAL, masq. costumes. IJeben,
1410-12 Howard. U 340
Just forming; ace and $1 wetKiy; pianos Sa
liereu immediately ; piano lessons tree,
call tor partic ulars ltul Farnam st. ,
U 353
PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2207
Mason. U Mlw M8x
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell,
216 Charles. Tel. A-2618. U 3o
WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. W
repair all makes of machines; second
hand machines, 6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.
'j.ei. lt3. Cor. loth and iiarney.
DR. PRIES treats successfully all disease
and Irregularities of women troin any.
cause; experienced and reliable. Address,
with hump, Dr. Pries, 1611ft Dodge St.,
Omaha. U-348
PRIVATE home during confinement: ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 28 First ave.. Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. U-626
M AfiNFTlPtreatment 4 baths. Mmo.
1VIAUIX C 1 IK Bmith, 118 N. 16. 2d n.. r. ,
Massacon cures middle - ear trouole.
Acouatlcon aids the hearing as glasses do ,
the eye Hutchinson Acoustic Co., N. Y.
Life building. 'Phone 1999. U 360
LARSON & JOHNSON-Cut rates to all
points. 14t6 Farnam. Tel. B-2113. Mem
ber American Ticket Brokers, association,
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft cloth
ing; In fact, anything you do not need;
we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11 St.,
for cost of collecting to the worthy poor.
Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call.
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th.
Tel. 3569. U M60a
Send for price list and samples,
200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. '1938.
TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th.
U Hi
H.HENKER, eye speclallst.307-8 Neville blk.
MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory free; pay when married; entirely
new plan; send no money. Address H- A.
Hol ton, Dept. 297. Tekonshu, Mich.
U 678 Bx
10-CENT package for 6 cents Eclipse Sheet
Bluing or Rubber Mending Tissue; big
catalogue novelties tree. Island Mercan
tile Co., Board of Trade, Kansas City, Mo.
U-377 Bx
SEND stamp for sampla of THOUGHT,
new magazine, telling what right thought
can do; get well and prosperous; you
can. Address Magnum Bonum Co., Chi
cago. U 682 Bx
YOUR fortune free; everything told; mall
- 10c, birth date, 2c stamp. Irene Wilbur.
343 Michigan ave., Chicago, III. U 707 Bx
- height medium, light hair, brown eyas,
fair complexion; has been In Canada, but
apparently left there and came to tho
United States. Any Information regard
ing him will be thankfully received by
E. J. Parker, 124 West 14th St., New York
City. U 424 ix .
Pr7PUA absolutely cured. B. J. Scan- '
C.C Jltt 00( fitfl ware block.
U 449 31
GENTLEMAN has cravenette coat which '
for obvious reasons he desires very much
to dispose of; coat Is In perfect condition N
and used only part of one season; cost
$21 and will sell for $12.60 cash; must be
seen to be appreciated; an article of this
kind can be worn on any occasion and
any time of the year. X 87, care Bee.
U-M429 Bx
YOUNG man wants to communicate with
teacher who will give private Instruc
tions In English two evenings a week;
stata price. Address X 33, Bee.
U-M477 x
Manufacturers of paste for all purposes.
Tel. 4521, 2210 Cuming. Established lifts.
; U-
LA DIES, our new "Protector" Is wonderful
Invention. Particulars In plain envelope
10o silver. Minneapolis Specialty i'o.. Box
242, Minneapolis, Minn. U 670 Ex
ROYALTY paid on song poems and musl
ral compositions; we arrange and popu
larize. Pioneer Music Pub. Co., Inc.,
660 .Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.
U-693 6x
MARRIAGE paper. 12 pages, 10c. Sealed;
many wealthy; only incorporated mar
riage bureau in the world; Vth vear;
strictly reliable and confidential. It. K.
Love, Box Piov, Denver, Colo. U 660 Bx
GENTLEMAN of wealth, kindness, Integ.
rity. Becks congenial wife. A (hires Mrs.
Cole, 506 Walnut, room 7, Philadelphia,
Pa. U-066 Bx
HANDSOME business man. middle, age,
worth $50,0o0, pleasant homo, desires at
once true, affectionate wife, maiden lady
or widow, no objection to widow with
children. Money no object. Address Bel
Moule, 819, 14 State St., Chicago.
U-623 Bx
HANDSOME. Intelligent young lady. $0 000
In her own name, will marry Immediately
and will furnish husband with capital to
start business; no objections to tionnrabla
poor man. Address Mia, Belmont, 737
LUiuiyUa Bldg., CiiiUlfj, L' -6.4 Is
f yi