THE ONfAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. MARCH 4. 1fMo. CRAK AND PRODUCE MARKET r GoTtrnment Much Report Anxioutlf Awaited to Show Grain Betem. WINTER WHEAT REPORTS ALL PROMISING iv a. Vara Ball Preface Klgarea ta Show with Heavy Wlater Caasaaaptlea Cara Reserves Maat Be Small Eaeagh lor Stroag Market. OMAHA. March a, 104. The principal interest in the iim mar lot tooay was alternation aa to what the government report wuuid show as to farm leeerve. There la a great diversity of opinion on the matter of wheat and corn supplies, and the report will be tne first ngures out fof ionic time. The Ohio elate report gives the winter wheat condition for March aa 71. The condition in January u 72, a year ago t and lam July as. The Modern Miller is slightly bearlsn. It finds the conditions tinuaually favorable for win ter wheat, especially where the plant has tome out from under It covering of Ice and anow. The top growth la a ma 11, par ticularly, in the late aown, which In some sections has not ahown above the ground. Elsewhere the plant la green and thriving. Winnipeg' a government report for Manitoba shows Is per cent of the crop atlll In farm er' hands. The speculative market waa rather strong today, but did not eahjblt any Mreworka. The May, before noon, covered a range of from $1.15N to $1.1 tTfc. This la practically the range of Thuraday. Cables were rather weak, Uverpool going off from St"1. Herlln being unchanged and Uuda Pesth weakening 4. The Argentina visible eup ply shows wheat at $.118,000 bushels, against 4.72.000 bushela a year ago. The Argentina shipments are 1. 7O4.00O bushels, sgalnat 8,684, ( buahela a year ago. New York la re ported to be due for another shipment of Oregon wheat from Antwerp. Thla la to be fcoft.oiiO bushela and ta eald to te the laat almllar shipment to be rnade. Wheat clear anrea were SS.Ml- buahela. which la larger than fof aoma time. The north weatern cara, Including Chicago, are 2A2 todav, 404 last week and 275 laat year. The northwestern elevator stocks are being cleared out In an ticipation of the tax levy, which comes April 1. The stocks are estimated at $.600. fl") bushels, or half of what they were at thla time laat year. The primary receipts re aTl.OSO bushels, against 434.000 bushela ast year, and the shlpmenta are 249.000 bushels, agslnst 1:4. onn bushels last year. If the government report shows 75,ono,ono or ioo.ow.ouo bushels more in farmera hands than waa ahown last year It will show that durlngjhe first four months of thla crop from lX.000,000 to 1dO.000.OuO buahela more of torn has been consumed than laat year. The cron of 1908 was bushels and the farm reeerve March 1 waa 839.000.- 000. showing a consumption In the four months ending March 1 or bush els. The crop of last year waa figured at 1.465,009,000 buahela. If the reserve March 1 prove to be 100,000,000 buahela larger than last Mtren, or 40.onu,uo ouaneia. it win show that the consumption has been 1,627.- OOO.OOO, or 125,000,000 bushels more than last year. Tf the Increase In the reserve proves to be less than 100.uu0.000 bushels It will show the consumption hns been Just that much more. These are the figures on which the bulla have to base their Idea that corn is a good thing. Argentine presents another bull argument. The shlpmenta were only 198,000 bushels. The demand there Is strong for export, with the arrivals at ports very small. The Argentine' vislbio Is, however, 7M.0O0 bushels, against 51.000 a year ago. The shlpmenta a year ago were 531, OHO bush els. Tlis primary receipts of corn are 7M.000 bushels, against 460,000 last year and the shipments are 462,000 bushela agslnst ,286,000 a year ago. Onaaha Cash Prices, WHEAT No. 2 hard. $1.06fll.O7; No. 8 hard. Il.00fil.06; No. 4 hard. 91c: No. 1 prlng, $1.06. CORN No. .2. 44i,4c; No. 3, 44V: No. 4. lHc ;, no grade. tSMM'e; No. 2 yellow, 44Vc; No. rysllow-. 44Vpq; No, 2 white, 45c; No. I whlte4Sc. OATS No. 2 mixed. 30c; No. t mixed. 30c; No. 4 mixed, 29c; No. 2 white. 31c; No. 3 white, 30Hc; No. 4 white, 2Hc; standard, 90c. tar lot Receipts. Chicago ..1 Kanaas City Minneapolis - Puluth St. 1ouIS Wheat. Corn. Oats. 24 458 14 64 250 8 31 48 t r-. r.-VrW. n ' , -r Mlaaeapolla Grata Market. 19 - . -48 The range of prices paid in Minneapolis aa' reported by the Edwards-Wood company, lio-lll Board of Trade, waa: Artlcles.l Open. I Jllgh.l Low, Close,! Yes'y. Wheat i i I May... 1 12i; 1 13HI 1 14 1 "IM 1 124 July... 1 10iJ . 1 10, X09', il0H 1 10, 8ept... 92Sj 91 BUHl 92 Vl i new. 4s M; Amcrlcaa mined, old. 4s lid; futurea. steady; Merc. 4a May, 4a 40. C HICAGO -OH Al ASD PROVISIONS I ' aaaiaaaa Featarea of Ike Tradlag aa Cloalag Prlrea oa Board of Trade. CHICAOO, March 3-Trsde waa brought almost to a halt here today in nil grain and provisions. The chief reason seem ingly waa a report that the attempted equeeie in wheat for May. delivery had never In reality been abandoned. With the exception or May wheat, which Is up VeV'. closing prlcea are practically Identi cal with yesterday's nnal quotations. From tart to finish the wheat market showed little signs of animation, business tielng confined to trades of small proportion. Notwithstanding lower prices at Liver pool, the market here opened quite ateady. May being a shade lower to Mfc lower at Sl.laei.l&S to 11. H; July was VbV lower to a shade higher at Smfl9:ic. Com mission houats showed a tendency to mako moderate piiruhnees, but offering were ex tremely light. A rumor that the May deal waa still In operation and that the price of the May option would soon sharply advance appeared ta be the tualn factor In restricting offerings. The market was bearishly affected by a report f a flt. Louis trade paper claiming that fall sown wheat to be In good -conditio!. - ITospeots of an early epriiu aueea some swuinir of the July delivery. In consequence the innA r 1 m nntmn was relatively wchr-i than May. At I1.14T May reached the low est point of the (lav. The bottom price on July was W4c. CovertoaT by snorts caused May to rallv to 11 16. In sympathy July sold up to 9PMiC. The market closed nbout steady with May at ll.lttfc. KJnal quota tions on July were W7ec. Clersnci of wheat and flour were! to U2.4 bush ela Bx ports for'the week as shown by Bradstreet's were equal to S07.000 bushels. Primary receipta wera 371.800 bushels com pared with 464,900 buahela last week. Minne apolis, Iiul'ith and Chicago reported re ceipta of 22 cars ugalnst 404 cara laat week and 275 cara a year ago. . Bmall acceptances from the country formed the- basis of a Arm' corn market. Leaders In the trade predict light receipts until after the completion of spring work oil the farma. The large clearances helped to maintain a firm undertone. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 47T,1j4Hc, old between 474Q48vc nnd closed at 4Hc. receipta, 463 cara. none of contract grade. The main factor In the oats market waa a good demand for the cash grain, shtp- Cers and elevator Interests being active uyera. A moderate advance In cash prices tended to stimulate speculative trading. The market was steady the entire day. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 31Vfcc to llVitl-HSc. sold up to 31n and closed at lHc. Ix-al receipta, 164 cars. Provisions were firm early on light re ceipta of hogs. Iter the market eased off on aelllng by pit tradera At the close May pork and ribs were each off a shade at 2.62Vi,12.R6 and 75. respectively. Lard was unchanged at $6.96i!i8.97Vi. .... Estimated receipts for tomorrow1: W heat, 27 cars; corn. 393 cars; oats, 1.13 cars; hogs, 21,000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlcles.l Open. High.' Low. I Closo. Yca y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mar. May July Sept. Oats Mar. Mav .lulr Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs-May July ll.U'rV llBlVi I 1.18 I 114 I".! 4m 41 4 4XV(I I :. . I47H-8 ,4S'A84 48!4 48HW;!it;'WVi I .! SlWf1 314 31V4 31'4i 81.i 3IV,i I2'e629,?i30! ' 1.15H 1.15Vi le-ai 1.15' 90 Sl',t 464 1 481: 4i-Hi 48Ni' I 45S 48 48'.; 18H 31ii8Hi(fi-5i 31 S )lVti 31S. 3114 :9T :! 12.B7t4 12.67V41 12.47' 12.RS 12.70 11.70 12.621 VJ.67H 6.97W .97HI ?.10 I 7.10 .72Hi .90 I 11.75 6.90 k.9: ".074! fi.7"!1 d7H 6 97', 7.10 12.65 12.;Va .n7'. 7.10 6.75 1 6.7714 .( I .S2V, No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: Kl,OL'K-Kaaler; ,. winter patents, J5.10(hv 5.20; winter sii-mmiUS, 4."tt8 ; Kprmg pat ents, xs.liirO.S"'; soring atraigms, m.ooio.irj; bakers. U.&xa .). WHEAT No. 2 spring, il.104fl.15tt: No. 3. $1.07en.l5; No. 1, red, $1.14T117. LOKN-mo, l, 4ft4c; iso. i yeuow, 10c. OATS No. 2. 31Sc; No. 2 white, 32tt'g33c; No. 3 white, JlHUsic. RYrl No. 2. 78c. BARLEY Good feeding. S8ft49c; fair to choice malting, 43B46c. BEBU-no. 1 nax, xi.znvfc; iso. 1 nortn Westerrr, $1.S; clover, contract grade, $12.60. PKQVI810N8 Mess cork, per bhl.. U.40 .1- f .arri nee 100 lha Iri ftrvfie t?U. Short -ribs sides (loose). $ft2tt9-73; short clear sides, tooxed), f6.76a.siH. Receipta. Shipments. Flour, bbls 34.100 L'4.M) Wheat, bu 24,000 . 46.100 Corn, bu 67.500 ? 239. 909 Oats, bu 260.9i !"U.310 Rye, bu .t . l' Barley, bu ;.. 107,8(0 14,100 JKW VOHK (iKXKIl.U MiHKKT 4aotatlona of the Day oa Varlooa Commodities. NEW YORK. March 3.-FIXfR-Re-celpta, 21,146 bhls.; exports, 9.2M bbls.; mar ket steady with light demand; Minnesota patents, t6.fca.40; Alinnesola bakers, $4.20 4.10; - winter patents. 6.5(.s6: winter atraighta, 5.3Mi6.i: winter extras. $3 66 41; winter low grades, $3.46tt4.1o. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. $4.6i?4.70; choice to fancy. I4.7S. Ritckwhent flour, dull; per lt)0 lbs., $2.002.10. CORNMKAlSteady; fine white and yel low, Il lWl.M; course, new, $1.0yallU; kiln dried. $2.9Ofl3.10. RYE Nominal; No. 2 weatern. 80c. BARLKY Slow; feeding, 44'c. c, . f. New York: mulling. 4ti62c, c. I. f., Riiffslo. WIIBAT Receipts. 18,660 bu.; exports, 39,981 bu. ; spot market barely steady ; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator,' No. 2 red, $l.3oTi f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Dtiluth, I1.2SS f. o. b. aflOHt: No. I hard, Manitoba, $1,114 f ' b.- afloat. Options, unsettled conditions prevailed In wheat all day, with the average about sternly, declining easily under bearish Argentina shipments and lower cables. The market recovered on a later scare of Mav shorts, closing net unchanged to 4c lower; May, I1.14H. closed at $1,144: July. ll.n'.'Sfi 1.034. closed at IV.OC?,; Septemler, 3i944o. closed at 940. CORN Receipta, &9.22S bu.; exports. 167. 287 bu. : spot market steady; No. 1. 5c ele vator and He f. o. b. nfjont; No. yel low, 54c; No. 2 white, Me. Option roarket oniel until near the close, when It be- aiaa active on covortna orders and was tlnal!v 40 net higher; Mar. L3t!4c, closed al N7c; Jtuv cioso1 ai o.i'c. OA T8 Receipts. O.0i0 bu. ; exports. '.27. 370 hu.: SDot market stendy; mixed nats, 2H to 32 pounds. $7'(i38r; natural white, 30 to X pounds. 88r;ao; clipjied white, 36 lo 40 tiounns, ii". llii'R mntp.'itimmon lo choice, 1904. 27ffl31c; 190. K'SSSc; olds, H1il3c; Pselflc coast. 1H. 27iD31c; aJ8. 2fitf:c; olds. Iljl3e. mrra J.. . r . . art A ! Uvaa 111 l'rn-Pirntl,' j U"l r aw aw ixese.i 18c; California. 21 to 25 Iba, 19c; Texag idrvl. 24 to SO lha.'i!44c. LEATHER Firm; acid. 242iic. .. . PROVISIONS Hie f. Arm: family, $12.00 013.00; mesa. I9.outj9.90: beef hams. $410041 13 00; packet, ilO.It". 11 00; . city extra mess, $IS.00ff'17.0l, Cut nicnts, linn: pickled bel lies i7.uti7.&0; plrkled xhuulders. $6; pickled hams, $SO'4.0O. . Lard. steady; western alas m. $i.3u; refined, tlrm: continent. $7.26: South America. $7.75: compound. $4.374 ti't. Pork, steady: family, J14.otKgl6.00; abort clear. $13.0mu.'l niesa. $13.50. TAI.IVWDitllt city i$i per pkg), 4Hc; eountrj (kB. freal.i 44t44c njfft-rlrm; domestic, fair to extra. 240 Hie: Jsnun. nominal. Bt'TTKK Irregular; atreet price, extra creamery. 8lif314c. Official prlcea: Cream ery, common to extra. 2&831o: creamery. held. 201161c; slate, dairy, common to extn '.M'atfm': renovaieu. common to extra, ?Tc:. western factory, mmnwm to extra . wMtarn imltatlfin rrHmirt. 1luilQu (hlicksiC Fli in; state, full cream, small, colored nnd white fancy, 134c; atate, flnt. 1.14c; atate, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. 1046124c; stats, large, col ored and white fancy. 134c; atate, fine, lijl3c; late made, colored and white, imor to choice. Mai2'c. KtiOS Rasy; western firsis. 33c; weatern licconds. !Cc. POI'LTRY Alive, dull; western chickens, lav I fiwls, 14c; turkeys. ISO. Dressed, weak; woetsrn chlckena, lifoltc; fowls, llK4e; trk4 li2lc Vlslklo Sapoly of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS, March S Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible sunplv of cotton shows a total visible of 4.1&.MJ bales, agalnal 4.179,421 balxa last week. The total of Anverlcsn cotton Is 3.1(1142 bales, against $.177,421 bales last aeek. . ... llaaeaolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March $. WHEAT-No. 1. hard. $1,164; No. 1 northern, 1 l.4; No. Iuorthern. $1 K4: May. $1 1341-14. July, 10 Ti 1.104; Beploniber. , fl.oi'R-rlrat t.tenta, $.ouif4T.l; second aatenta, $6 kw W. first deal a, $4.164.36; IVeond cleara. $) 0jriU. giltAN-Jo built. tX4.26. ; Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Marsh I WH BAT Spot, nominal; futures, easy; Marph. sa May. ta Hd; July, o 11. . " ' tORN 8a4 ttoaAKa American mixed, On the Produao exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creamery, 23(8;)0c; dairy, 2ii&28c. Eggs, weak; at mark, rases included, ivanw, nrsts. zi'o'ri. prime firsts. 2c; extras. 28c. Cheese, Htm, 12'd) 13ttc St. I.oala Oral a aad Provisions. ST. LOIMS, March WHEAT Steady; No. 2 red caah. elevator. $1,114: track, $1.16; May, tl.12ttfll.12?,;, Juy. 44'64Hc; No. 2 hard, $1.18. CORN Higher; No, 2 cash. 464c; track. 474c; Mny. 464c; July. 464c OATS Quiet; No. 2 cafh. 32c; track, 32ttc: Mav. SISc; No 2 white, 34c. FJJUR Steady ; red winter patents, $5.30 $6.60; special brands. JS.mhiin.K.i: extra fancy and straight, $4 86fl6.3S; clear, $4.4oft 4.60. SEED Timothy, steady at $2.00i2..V). CORN MEA1-Htead- at $2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 8b,r 87c. HAY Moderate; timothy, $C.00rai2.50; prai rie. $6.O0tj9.60. IRON COTTON TIES 93c. BAOOINrt-7P. HEMP TWltfE-tttte. PROVISION" Pork, unchanged: Jobbing, $11.80.' Lard, firmer; prime steam, $6.4S. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts; $7,874; clear ribs, $7,374; short clear, $7,624. POt'LTHY I nchanged; chickens and springs, 104c; turkeys, 14fll5c; ducks, 13c; geese, 7c. BI'TTKR Heavy; . creamery,' 25fl32c; dairy, 1&27c. EGGS ljwer at 214P- case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.......;... lo.ouO lo.OM) Wheat, bu 81.i 7t (torn, bu 4,oio 67.000 Oata, bu., 49,000 5o,ooo .' ' - 1 11' Kaaaaa f'lty Grala aad Proviatona. 1.1K.BIO CITT March 8. WHEAT Mav $1,024: July, 874c; cash. No. 2 hard, $1.04q 1.08; No. a. l.oiil.w. tso. . asvyc'flvi.w; iso. 2 red. $1.07if.0; No. S, $l.O4t91.07; No. 4, 96ei'tl.04. CORN Lower; May. itHW-; July, 454 io464c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 45o; No. 3. 454 b4a.c: No. Z White. 447c; ISO. 1. 4WJ46VC. OATS Steady ; !o. 2 white, 3132e; No. 2 mixed. 8 fnOltto. .. HAY Steudy; choice timothy, $9.50 10.00; choice prairie. 17.7IB.UI. RYE-Steftdv at tT.ijj78'. BOOS Iower: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 white-wood cases Included, 20c; case count. le: cases returned, to less. BI TTER Creamery, n31c; dulry. pack ing. 204c. , ' 1 . .. nereipis. aninmenis. Wheat .'.I. a. ...Mt.m . , S6.R00 Corn. bu... 29.6i0 ' .-' 62.400 Oata, bu, .,H, 000 83,000 Dolath Rrala Market. nit.CTU U.rnk IWUfc-IT ...I... No. 1 northern. 1.104; on track. No. i northern. $1,104: No. 1 northern..- $1.04tt .m; May, $1,114; July, t.ii4; September 24c. . . OAT8 To arrive and on track, 304c. i Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March S. BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 324c RtJOB western rresn. we at mark. CHEEBK-Flrm, 124j;8l4C," ( ; .Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, March 8SSEED-Clover. cash $7,634: March. $7,624; April. 17 474: Oc tober. $5,874: prime alstke. $7.76; prime tiraotny, ,j.oj; mat c 11 uniuiay, SJ..3ii. Peoria Market. A''''- PEORIA. March $-Corn. higher: No. L 4oc; .o. 4, 440; no grade, 4ze. - Wool Market. BOSTON. March $ WOOL-Of the wool market the Commentlal Bulletin tomorrow will say: There has been a little more business put through. Fine Australian has been selling, but in no large quantities. South American crooa-breds are tieglected, easy and offered at coat In aome caaea. A lino of staple Oregon wool haa been .moved at a full price. Fine fleeces and territory are steady and Arm, but domestic medium fleece la weak. The oiwiilng of the 1 A 11 1 toil auction aales la awaited with In terest. If prices are ausialned there It will go far to restore confidence here. The shipments of won from Boal on to date from December 241. 1!M, according to the sume authority, are 44.146,3X3 lba, against lbs at the aame time last year. The receipta to date are 4K.275.4M6 His against 31,oS,0M lbs. fbr the samo period last year. ST. LOt'IS. March 1-WOoL-Steady: rnediuro gradea combing and i-MhU g .S'u Uci light nriv. :jc; beavy not. rgiso; lub-waaliad, t3v3, , . NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Opens Weak and - reeling f Depreiaion Lasts All Daj. WAR NEWS AFFECTS FOREIGN EXCHANGES There Are Uerailaasl Recoveries aad lertala Iaaaea Are Stroag at Tiatra Ratea for Tleae l.eaaa Marked I a. NEW YORK. March $. A number of In cidents occurred today which served to upset speculative sentiment on the Stock exchange and renew apprehension over the reliability of many reports regarding com binations and mergers of existing proper ties which have been msde the ground for buying stocks for some time. The market was weak from the outset, owing, it wss said, to an unexpected vol ume of selling for foreign account. The unfavorable news regarding the Russisn position al the seat ot-war and some sug gestive rumors of possible Internal dis turbances In the empire to take form on Sunday were supposed to account for the weakness from foreign sources. The wesk ness was again pronounced In the Pacific nnd New urk Central stocks. The mar ket showed good recuperative force from the first decline and there were occasional recoveries and special points of strength served as a rallying point for the real of the market. But aentiment waa again un settled by the unostentatious appearance on the tape of a quotation for a single loo share lot of Hloss-Sheffleld Steel. Selling at the price of 6. A second sale of the same amount at the same price followed. This Is one of the properties which haa been reported as practically Insured for Incor poration In the southern Iron merger and reporta have l ad practical official sanction that the organisers of the combination were to pay 125 for all of the outstanding common stock. Many thousand shares of the stock passed through the market on the Stock exchange at prices which never touched the alleged figure agreed upon for absorption, but which did reach 1184 mo mentarily. The stock sold yesterday at 108. Thu fact that 100 sharea should be offered down continuously for 22 points without finding a single buyer naturally had a disturbing effect. There has never neen a wide market ror this particular stock, so that the material results of the slump might be expected to t slight.' But other stocks which have been associated with tho merger report are more actively traded in, especially Tennessee Coal and Ita aharp break In the market had a dis turbing effect on sentiment generally-. The admission that the proposed merger had oeen aeierrea was tne only newa to ac count for the movement. The forecast of the currencv movement of the week Indicated a small gain for thla center on balance of the regular express movement with the Interior. Subtreasury operations, however, have absorbed more tnan X3.0U0.0UO. no nt na to a decline In the cash Item. The present large drain Into the subtreasury is largely due to drafts by inte rior national banks on their New York cor respondents for payments to the Treasury department to make good the national bank 6 per cent fund, which had become depleted by the large current redemption of iiiiiv huict. . inis targe redemption Was an Incident In the heavy flow of currency in. m imp interior to rsew York, the New York bunks offerln the hank nni.t tnr re demption as they were received. The move- nient to replenish the 5 per cent fund marks a stage in the reflux of the currency movement. Kates ror time loans were marked tin aicaln todav and It aeema m-i. dent that large progress has been made in taking up the available supply of credits offered by the trust companies as well aa by the banks. There were some very large transactions n Kansas City Southern !is.-sunnnsed to he the outgrowth of the coming dissolution of tne voting trust. The small fluctuation In the price cave the Imnrpwilnn nf urit-.i. sale passed through the market. Roods were steadv. Total auloa mr v.ini. $4.806.0110. fulled States bonds were all un changed on call. 1 he quotations on tr.e New Vnrk Dinnii exchange ranged as follows: ., . , Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison B.3(io M'a 89 dO Pfd (KID 1I-T 1,1014 , -IA-M 4 ...,.. . . , , . - ...... r - ' ' r ' """"in. v imm Line.. aa,,9j do pfd Canadian Pacific.. Cen. of New Jersev unesa. oa tmin.,.,,, Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi. Oreat Western.. Chi. & Northwestern. Chi., Mil. & St. Paul Chi. Ter. & Trans.... do pfd :... C, C, C. A St. Uiuia Colo. & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d ufd Delaware & Hudson.. Del., Lack. & West.. D. i R. U do pfd Erie do lw pfd do 2d ufd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do Dfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ixnils. & Nash tho division f redemption. Available caah balance, IM1.J67.131, 1401. Ohio. .. 18.200 lu4 1ok: o ' 1 i 13,000 14oH 'la, 140iJ 2,ft - 614 - 100 2,4110 3') .! iXlO, . 100 700 301 400 M) 60 0 6l - 300 S3.3iO 8.300 30,000 41 814 ,1 2KV 224 240 2394 1774 177 1 11 814 234 24H, 174 .. 17 -.314 T.8t''; 3I 90 W 60 ,, 374 1W4 300 3 88' 7t, 824 4 (Mtt ' i5 64 37 ; 180 855 S3 884 474 814 704 14 100 914 914 9lZ 1,100 1684 1584 164 WVfc 2t , 60 84 1J 3i3tt 8S4 88 47 t 800 3.400 SO 30 34 SO 6ti Ixiuls. & Nash 3ti,8i) 1444 1424 1424 Manhattan L l.ono 1711, 1704 1701! Met. Securities 19.700 844 83 Mi2 2.300 15.600 644 834 143, 82 m 914 so Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. Iritis... M , St. P. & 8. S. M. 00 pro Missouri Pacific M.. K. St T do Dfd Nat. H. R. of M., pfd New York Central.... N. Y., Out. A West.. Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L ... Rending uo IN prd do 2d pfd Rock Inland Co do pfd St. L. & S. P. 2d pfd St. L. Southwestern.. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Hallway.... 00 pro Texas & Pacific 22,10 T.. St. L. ft West.... 1. do ufd Vnlon Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd.. W. A Lake Erie , Wisconsin Central . do pfd , Adams Express American Express . I'nited States Exp.. Wells-Fargo Exp..,. Amal. Copper , Am. Car i. Fdry , do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd Am. Smelt. eV Ref... do pfd Am. Sugar Ref., ex-d. 37,oo 149 Am. Too., prd. cerllf. 2,400 Anaconda Mln. Co.... 300 109 Hrook. Rapid Transit 2.700 jz.t', me-, 244 244 t4tt 68 1.900 115 1144 l' : i6 2,100 1090, J084 1084 300 ?4 Jl 31V 2.8iiO 664 ' 65 664 10O 42t4 4'ili 41 U 10.800 157 1644 1564 544 834 142 4 Wtt 914 894 54 $34 92 1424 SOU Hi 4.000 1,300 SLOnO 400 82.800 500 20,7(10 864 344 85 1,800 804 794 794 2,K 73 70T '7ott 264 ' 26 26tt $.100 ' 624 81 614 8.000 704 4 ' 694 l.-OO llHOk 11NU 11H-U S0.800 364 364 354 900 98tt K 9D " 894 8M 384 100 3S 8 800 64V 64U, F,.1V 96,li)0 1334 1344 1324 1.900 Km 994 99 1.800 23 21", 224 1,900 44 4W 46 100 19 19 19 . 600 244 '244 244 5?4 240 '206 iso - iso 127 250 8O.2O0 78 77U 774 6.6O0 M'Z 364 354 400 944 944 91 100 34 36 36' I 96 B'V '394 '394 394 100 17 17 17 100 " 40 - ' 40 atv ,-IUO 44 43 4.'! reserve Ifi shows: gold. $64,497,510. BISIE9S OP ASSOCIATED tlAK9 t learlaga of ' the Oroai t oaiaaerrlal t'eaters of Coaatry. NEW tORK, March $.-Tke following table, compiled by Bradstreet. shows the bsnk clearings at the principal' cities tor the week ended March 2. with the per centage of increase and decrease, aa com pared with th corresponding week last year: - ' CITIES. I Clearing, I Inc. Dee. New Trtrk Chicago Roston ...:.v '.1 Phlladelphfa . St. lours Pittsburg Pan Frant'lsco Cincinnati ..... Baltimore ...-i Kansas City . New Orleans Minneapolis .. Cle eland Iulsvllle Detroit .; : Mllwsukee OMAHA Providence . . .. txa Angeles i Buffalo Indianapolis ..... 8C Paul Memphis .............. St. Joseph. Richmond ........... Denver ....1 Columbus -. Seattle i..- Washington Savannah Albany Portland. Ore . Fort Worth Toledo. O Atlanta Salt Lake .City Rochester Peoria Hsrtford Nsshvllle Spokane. Wash Ies Moines Tacoma I... New Haven Grand Rapids Norfolk Davton Portland. Me Springfield. Maaa... Augusta. Ql. . Evansville , . Sioux City Birmingham Syracuse Worceater Knoxville ' Charleston, 8. C... Wilmington, Del.... Wichita Wllkeabarre ......... Davenport Little Rock ......... Topeka Chattanooga ........ Jacksonville, Fla... Kalamasoo. Mich... Springfield, III Fall River ..... Wheeling, W. Va... Macon Helena 1exlngton Akron Canton, O. ......,. Fargo. N. D .. Youngs tow 11 New Bedford Rockford, 111 Lowell Cheater, Pa Blnghamton Bloomington. III.... Springfield. O Oreenshurg. Pa Qulnc.y. Ill Decatur, 111 Sioux Falls. S. D... Jacksonville. Ill Mansfield. O Fremont. Neb Cedar Rapids .'. (Houston tOalveston .., Total. V. S....'.;( Outside New York.. .4K5.0TO.Tr' 2-JJ.816.938! 157.11.775! 170 95.290 t,426 e4 66.J30.716 Sw.MO.1621 24.186.4im .074.877 ai.336.4f n.WL219, 16.479.0261 15.ttS,M' 13.K1.016' ll. &34j 9.3!.27J 9.3H8.5X' 7.7.i: 8.711.8JS.! .. .$. 6&0i S.I21JWI s.n.i6r S.101.8HS; 4.811.41 6.i2.234i 6.u76.i)OI 5.16;. 123' 6.5t."WO 2.840. 44ti' 4.0W6.096I ' 3.392.006 . 6.oiM.aH3 4.9tA8Wl 3..V9.S01 2.n.j62, 8.409.919! 3.93.3X3! 8.48.347 3.3I0.8A2 2,793.867 2.778.8401 2.514.h8 2.219.7351 2.015.6Sl 1.M2.2K9I 1.828.019 1.637.KT7 1.946.442 1.822.494! 1.048. 4f31 1.603.148! 1.. 149.9791 1.39.335 1.619.534! 1.360.37$:! 1.163.066 1.116,631 1.35.421' SW.9H11 995.557! 969.357 1, 163.666 802.7181 714.7R91 643.9181 805.3881 517.141 759. 4.16 945.506 670.0001 692.580 646.886! 642.806 636.686 403.666 436.161 4.S3.623 415.800 1,256.262 $90,159; 3H8.500I 463.677 469.143 263.828 883.729 374.045 . 382,181; 688.448 . 12.178.644 9.822.O0OI 13 J . 13 81. 31 1.. 52.7 . 8 1'. 44 .6 . 21.3 . $ . ,.47:8r 18'. 1.1. 11 t . 18.7 . 9.2 . 26 0. 9.2 . 12 6 . '43.1'. 13.8 . 2.11. 2.6'. la 0 1 22 8;. 43.3!. 16 5 . 30.0 . $1.2;. "ita's!. 4 4'. 77.2 . 43 .9 . $7. 18. t1. 90 2 . 14 t . 16 . 30.8:. 28 6 . 2.6'. 17.3 . 12.6 . 10.8' 19.7 . 2.81. is. r. 1 18 1'. 6 1. 29. II. 64.$ . 26 6 13.8 , 18. 1!. 41.8 $.$j '$: 8.0j 84.1 12.5 30.6! 14.01 5.1 .1 0.4 7.0 35.7 44 14 2 9 3 16 4 3 9 29 1 ii'.i -SL2 "i'.i '21 6 5 "!6 83.3 ii.o 26.0! 24.6 I lit 51.... 13.6 .... $2 8 .... 0.3i.... 18.01.... S.T (13.886.0621 ,048.875.315 78.61. 22.7. CANADA- 19 ...f..jf. . . a. Montreal .... Toronto Winnipeg-Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, 8 Quebec ... Hamilton .........o.4'v ' St. John. N. B. ...... Iondon, Ont Victoria, B. C..: Totals 550.148 .452.846 ,289.847 ,829.529! 364.153 AAA m b.ln ..T-y...-, .....T '1.403,131! 973.6611 740.355 838.591 700.425 j "VAC. . c i-'j-"-,(1 .v.,4 ::c-' 41.0!. 58.0. OS ' OA -I- $ 58,578,8081 82.8;. 3 6 0.S li 1.1 Balances paid 1rl cgih. ' tLast week. 4Ntn lnr.iAA In t ota 1 a heea naa eAntalnlnv other Items than qlearlngs.- 1SW York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, March $. MONEY' On call: Market steady at 2tJ2 per ctnt; closing bid, $4 per cent; offered at $4 per cent. Time loans: Market Arm; alsty and ninety dava. 344584 per cent; alx months. B3 $4 per cent. PHIMB MERCANTILE PAPER-34Q-44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANOB Market ateady. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 8704.lsT75 for demand and at $4.R4t4va4,g4 for alxty-day bills; posted rata, $4,854 and $4 8546-4.88; commerclt) bills. $4,844. SILVER Bar, 694c; Mexican dollars. 46c. BONDS Market ateady for both govern ment and railroad bonds. Closing prlcea on bonds were: 0. S. rat. la, ref ....14WJa,aa (a. rtfa 101H So roups lWVlil,. N. ant. 4t 1H o la. rag. l44JHanbattan a. g. 4a...l0li a coiison 14 4 1 Max. Cantral 4s 7 to saw 4a. rag Ss 1st lar H' do roups, ..st2H Minn. A St. U 4a.. M aa old 4a rag 104S4 14., K. T. 4i 1004 da old 4a. coupon.. Itcvi do la Am. totaweo 4a, etfa. 71 H N. K. It. ot M. e. 4. 134 do U, rtf. Atrhlaon gen. do adj. 4a... Atlantic 0. L. Bal. Ohio 4 do 14a Cantral ot oa. do lit too do id Inc , Chaa. Ohio 4,m... rhlrago A. ivta.. C. B 0 n. 4a... C . R I. P. 4s... do rol. la red. A St. L. g. 4a. Chli-aio Tar. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a.... Colo. So. 4, Cuba 6a. ctfa P. R. O. 4a. niatillar,' Sac. (a Eria prior liaa 4a do gan. 4a F. W. St D. C. la Hording Val. (Via. Offered. tltst'N. T. c. a. lua i ..IIH4 N. 1. C. g. Kt 1S4 .. rt14.N0. raelflo 4a. 10t4 ..144 I do lo 7? . .1044 N. A W. : H 10JS .. O. S. U rtdf 4t.... I7H ..111 iPana. ooa. m 10444 .. 10 Raadlsg gn. 4a 11 ,. 18 t. L. A 1. M. c. la. 1114 10IH St. V. A s. r. fa. 4a. tltt M St. li. S. W. a. 4a.... Mil ...100 'sa,Mard K. L,. 4a.... ai ... 114 So. PacIRo 4a Ml ... N So. Railway la U, a..lMUTaiaa A f. la Ill ... 17 - T.. 8t. U W. 4a.. S6' ... Ttt'o t'nloo PaclAo 4a 106 ... SI da easT. 4a 1114 ...114 V. 8. Steal id la H ...19IH waoain la ... 74 do dab. B ...101 W'ostarn lid. it ... MHW. I.. E. 4a llIWla. Cantral 4i ill 1 ..1144 .. 704 .. l4 .. M .. M4 A ) 1114 1114 1114 4M.811O 924 901 914 1.900 1184 1184 H8 Colo. Fuel ac Iron Consolidated Oaa.... Corn Producta do pfd DLstlllera' Securities.. General Electric Int. Paper ' do pfd Int. Pump do pfd Int. Lead North American .... Pacific Mall People's Oaa Pressed Steel Cur.... do pfd Puulman Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good, do pfd Tenn. Coal a Iron.... V. 8 leather do pfd V. S. Realty I'. 8. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Va.-Car. Chemical .. do pfd Weatlnghouae Klec. 11,3110 K.8110 200 1,700 800 100 9T4 St 1464 74 104 664 604 211 . 20 146 9741 109 664 514 1 ! ..-in. 624 214 t--a if it.-, 77 76V 764 384 $72 $7H 1884 1874 187 214 214 . lltt Li '.'ioQ . JO 864 34 V 2.5110 1034 I'M 4kV AVeslern I'nlon T,6oo $) loo !.80 1.300 m :iui 64.100 1.700 9fi0 3 ! i 1MI 67.1011 29.9011 3.000 1 mo 81 1) 11114 88 246 214 784 254 974 94 114 1M 944 4-'4 1134 . 3, W, 37 v 181 94 864. 1024 464 109 38 -88 245 39 19 344 103 46 109' 245 19, 3 264 ;x4 :5ia 97 87 8S4 na 1034 1084 92 92l! 414 414 1114 1114 3u?, V 181 934 ill1., 964 ;ii4j 18 181 HJ4 Total aslea for the day. 1.04o.u1 sharea. Haak learlaga. OMAHA. March 3 Bank ctearlnga today aere $1,957,148.85. For Ihe con esponiilng day of 194 the clearings were $1,540,320.63. Irraaary Sratraaeal. WASIIIVGTON. March 3 .-Today s auit ment uf the treasury l.l.iinca In the gen ral (and, oaolujuvs of the (Uu.Ctwu.OOO fold Boatoa Storks aad Boada. BOSTON, March $ -Call loana, 334 per cent; time loana, $4944 per cent. Official closing on stocka and bonds: Atcntaon sdj. 4a MHiAdrsatura do Mai. Cantral 4a.. Atiblaon ...J. ...... do pfd ......... Beaton A Alfcanr.. Boaion A Mains Ill Boaoo BlaTatad Ill .14 . I4l .101 ritchbura pfd Mel. Cantral N. V., N. H. aV H. tTnfon Partflo ...... Amar. Ar,a. Cham. do pfd Amir. Pnau. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar do pfd .-. Amar. T. It T Amar. Woolaa do pfd Dominion I. A . Kdlaoa Kiac. III,., ttanaral Biactrlo .. Mia. Rlactrla do pfd Maaa. Oaa 1'nlted Fruit I'nlied Shoe Mack.. do pfd t'. S. Btasl do pfd Bid. "Asked, Allousa Amalgamated .. Amarlo,, lna Allaatlc Bingham Cal. Herla... Cantannlal .14$ Coppar Raaga . . . I44 nalr WW .. Domlnloa Coal . Franklin .. K4 Oraocy .. H4 lata Karala .... .. Maaa. Mining ., ..14414 Mlchliaa Mohawk ..11 Mont. C. A '.. .. 4614 Old Domlaiaa . .. ()! ul .. M Parrot Muinar . ,.1IT Shannon .. II VTB4rack .. 41 iTrlnlly .. 4H'l'. S. Mining.. ,.liH I'. fll .. MS4 I'lab ., 44 Ivirtona . , 4144 Winona .. Woitarlna .. I .. 414 .. 1TH .. 11 .. li.4 .. K4 ..IT .. 114 .. IS .. 14tt .. W'4 .. 14 .; 14 .. 14 .. 111 .. 114 .. 434 .. .. 24 .. 14 .. t4 . .K .. 14 ..124 .. IOUj ... 44 .. 4 .. 40 ... 44 .. 1IV4 ..111 Iaadoa Stack Market. LONDON, March I. Closing quotations atoegs gno oonas: Cooaola. moaay do account .... Anaconda Atrhlaaa da p(d ........ Raltlmora A Ohio Canadian Pacltc Chaa. Ohio.... i'huago Ot W... C. M. A St. P.. DaBaara Daniar A R. 0 . do pfd Erla da' lat pfd....'. do Id pfd Illlnoia Caairal .. Uul A Naafe... M.. K a r SO ll-ll.Norfolk A W M'4 H 11-11 da pfd 14 ... 14 Ontario A W , .... M IPennarlvanla 7.1S ...IMHIRand Mluaa 10' ...112'a'Kaadlni ...144t da lat pfd 41 ... 411 do Id prd 41 ... 24 Sa. Railway 17 ...lll4 do pfd luu ...ill !Su. Pacltc 71 . .. it l alan Faelflc 114 .,. y- do pfd 10) .... 4t it'. S. Slaal 17 .... do aid 91 ... 71 Wabaid IS 'I ....1141 do pfd 41 ...141 iSaaaian 4a 1 ; OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csttls Eeceipts kfoderste snd Msrkst Enled Strong oa 8te ejs and Cows. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Hardly Kanaga Offered to Teat 4ar ket aa aeea aad 1 sa ha, hat Kornaer Coald Be Mooted Steady aad Latter Rather !"lo. SOCTH OMAHA. March 5. 19.6. Receipls w.-re; Cattle, lloaa. Sheep. Official Mnnrtv ..- 3.266 6.1S2 4.747 Offlclal Tueedav 4 868 9.X9 S.42o OfTlcial Wednesday 2. 74 ' 1".;:'4 S.089 8fTtcal Thursdav 2.992 13.67$ IO.O80 fflclal Friday a.l) 10.000 2.2S0 Five dsvs this week ... 15.800 49.418 30.."4 Same days last week. . . . li.fH 64.663 44., iM Same days week before.. 9.169 21 2.$ 2."i7J Same three weegs ago... 15.614 43.'i9l 265." Same four weeks ago I4.1i7 is.;46 21. "bi Same daya last year 16.28 3498 35.766 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. - The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last vear; 1906. 1904. ' Inc. Dec. Cattle 184.215 161.353 .... 17.138 "" 424.527 4S1.191 1.336 Bheep 274.71 312.537 .... .S19 Tho lOiiotaaia imi.. Ii.... .'-i rfVtiaM price of hog at south Omaha for the laat several day,, with comparlaona: Feb. 18 Feb. 17.. Feb. 18.. Feb. 19.. Feb. 20.. Feb. 21.. Feb. 22.. Feb. 23.. Feb. 24.. Feb. 25.. Feb. 26.. Feb. 27.. Feb. 28.. Mar. 1.. Mar. 2.. Mar. 3.. I 1S0J. 19(;1901. 11900.11899. Tss i 4 654I t 03 I 4 73 I $ 02 4 ( I t 04 1 ili I 4 6T. $ 24, I 4 M) I ., 4 (j-, i 2 W 6 22 4 654, 19 -I 4 73-J iK I 4 754, 32 I 4 834, a 22i 1 4 M 1 6 14 ., 4 71' 6 1 .1 1 6 12 S3 7 0$i 9l Si. 4 8 M i-l 84 811 91 $ 80, h91 1 98 y os- 6 79 i s 6 86! W. o J I 6 97 6 93 5 88! 6 81 1 & 90, 6 VI 0 . 6 2a $ 111 I t 32 6 a, i i; 6 U a 1 6 a 1 K 38; i S3 6 27: 6 38, 4 63 4 76 $63 i $3 4 S3; 4 71 $ 50 4 '.4 3 4i 4 1. a 00 4 H $ M 4 69! 8 63 I 8 4 66 4 67 3 ;; 4 6.1 4 Ml 4 69 3 tl a $ 61 .1 62 $ $7 Indicates Sunday. The official number or cars of a brought In today by each road was: . C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 4 3.. Wabash I Mo. Pacific Ry 2 6 I'nlon Pacific System 15 26 8 C. N. W. Ry 2 7 F., K. & M. V. R. R.. 47 C, 8t. P.. M O. Ry. 11 . 7 B. A M. Ry 12 26 2 C, B. & g. Ry...... 6 8 C. R. I. A P.. east., i 10 Illinois Central 14.. Chi. Great Western.. 1 2 tock ses. 'i 144 10 Total receipts 89 The disposition of the day's receipts was as tollows. each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated': Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing company 463 2.491 .... Swift and Company 4.S 2.11H 12 Cudahy Packing Co b7 1.671 5-1) Armour Co 7 - 3.1 1$ ad2 Vansant at Co 23 Carey Benton 18 l.ohman dt Co 6 McCreary A Carey $3 Hill 2b Huston A Co 18 L. F. Hum 30 Wolf Murnan 2 MIms Haggerty 43 J. R Root At Co 8 Mill la A Kline 4 Other buyers ; 184 358 Total 2.287 10.378 1,177 CATTLK There was only a fair run of cattle In aight for a Friday, and aa the demand was quito brisk, the. market ruled active and strong on anything that would do to kill. Buyers were all out early and It waa not lung before everything was dis posed of.' J The market on beef steers could safely be quoted active and strong and, the same aa usual under such conditions, some sales were made aa much na a dime higher. Packera all seemed to be anxious for them and aa a result competition was keen. Aa compared with a week ago the market on practically all grades Is fully , a quarter higher and some salea show even' more Im provement than that. . . .-, e - The cow market was also , active and stronger, sales going all tho way from steady to a dime higher. Aa compared with a week ago the market may be quoted 2o 85c higher, the Improvement being on all gradea, the common kinds having advanced along with the choicer cattle. The demand has apparently been In excess of the sup plv all the week, 'and 'consequently each dsv'a offerlnga haa been well cared fof. The bull market waa also strong today and for the week prices have advanced fully as much as cows. Best gradea are now selling up to $4.00, agalnat $3 50 a week ago. Veal calves were strong, the top be ing $6.00. There were only g few stockers and feed ers on sale today and speculators bought them at good, steady prices, even though It waa Friday. The demand from the coun try this week haa been In good ahape and prlcea are a big 26c higher than a week ago. Aa high aa $4.50 was paid yesterday bv a feeder for cattle to go back to the country. Representative sales: BEES' iTiana 81 LV KR Bar, steady, 27 S-l6d per 01. .huh r. 1 s per cent. The rate of discount m the opennarket for short bills Is t'yfl-'4 por cent; for thiee months bills, 3 61t)4 per rent. 1 "agar ood Molasses. NEW TOR K.- March I -Sl flAR -Raw ninel; fair refining. 4Sc: centrifugal. 94 )si 5c; molaarea sugar. 44c Refined, qui; rnnnea, Mac, poaotiso, 0.14c; granulated. $.0kl, , No 1 I 1 4 ( 1 4 I I 4 11 16 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 14 I II II 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 4 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I.-... 1 I 1 1 l..... I I I I I I 4 1 t I 4 I 1 1 1 , I 1 I I I I I I i 1 I 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 .... 1 1 I 1 1 7 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1'.'.'.'.'. 1 .... 1 1 1 1 t , I Pr. I OA I 60 I Ml I 44 I II I 11 I M I 10 t Hi I M I IS 4 o 4 00 ..1010. 4 00 tO 4 00 Aa. . 17 . 7M . 710 . 107 .. 77 . 14 . 744 . 747 . Ill . 141 160 174 710 No. II I 6 W... 1 I....... 1 4 12 2 II 74 II 1 41 1 II II II 22 II 10 20 4 09 ,.11W 4 OS ,.1IM 4 00 . . 4 4 00 1.1100 4 10 .. 110 4 10 . H4 4 10 .441 4 10 (3TEERS AND COWS. A. ...1011 ...1044 ... Ml ...11D0 ....1040 ...10JO ....1010 ...1045 ...1114 ...1260 ...1012 ...UT1 ...1111 ...1410 ...1264 ...1191 ...12M ...1141 ...1I4S . . . 1240 ...1247 ...1440 Pf. 4 II 4 16 4 10 4 16 4 21 4 24 4 24 4 10 4 40 4 41 4 4S 4 64' 4 II 4 ' 4 61 4 II 4 10 4 04 4 II 4 10 4 10 4 M 114 .. 170 .. M0 .. ISO .. 710 .. M .. ISO .. 420 .. 740 .. 142 ., I0 .. 150 .. 110 .. 121 .. I6 .. 470 .. If ., Ml .. Ill ..1044 ..1000 ..1010 .. MO ..1110 .. I2 .. 711 .. 147 .. 104 .. 741 .. 104 .. 147 ..1140 .. 710 ..1040 ..Itntt .. 110 . .1210 ...MM ..1000 ... Ill ..1224 ..1000 .. .. 110 .. in ..1204 .. 120 .. MS .. 140 ..11M .. MS) .. U7 ..loot ..1114 .. 140 .. 170 ... MO .. tut . .1X10 4 10 13. COWS. 1 10 1 00 I 0 t 00 i 00 1 00 1 II I II I II I 26 I K I II I II I K I 40 I 44 I 40 t 60 I 10 1 10 I 10 3 10 I M I 00 t M t 41 I 70 I 70 I 71 I H I K I 00 I 00 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 40 I 00 I M I 111 I 10 I 11 I 16 I II I IS 1 10 I 20 I li I 26 I 26 I II 1 II I 2S I R I IS ..1240 4 1 14. 1... I.... 21.... II ... 4... 10.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 1.... 1 ... 4 ... t.... I.... 1.... 1... I.... I.... I.... I.... I.... I. ... .... II.... II ... 4.... II ... 4.... I ... 7 II.... 0... 2.... II. ... II... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 10..,. 1.:.. !.... 14.... I. ... in.... 14.... II. ... I ... I ... II.... 11.... I.,.. 4 ... II.... it. ... Ml ...1120 ...11M ... 121 ...1106 ... 1.14 ...1001 ... M7 ...1170 ...1270 ... 720 ...1220 ... I4 ...1210 ... Ml ...1011 ...1MI ...1110 ...1140 ...1011 ...1001 ...1144 ...10M ...1140 ...I1M ...1244 ...1117 ...1017 ... Ml ...1017 .... Ml ...1111 ...1107 ...1IM ... 012 ...M0 ...1004 ...1061 ...1111 ...1140 ...1140 ...110 . ..100 ...1IM ... IM ...1140 ...1111 ...1011 ... M4 ... M7 ...1031 ... no ...1011 ...1117 ...1244 ...1111 ...1444 1111 COWS AND rfKlFERB .1011 .1041 .. 174 . . 4f.O .. 477 . . 141 . . I0 .. 447 ., KM .. 7 .. i .. 114 .. 411 .. 174 .. 771 .. 170 ,.US ..! ..117 .. 174 .. 410 ..1410 . .HU' ..1t4 ..134 .. tw ..104 140 II I 76 J ItfCIFarCB. 3 00 2 10 3 14 1 to I 4 I 4f, I 44 I 70 1 71 I II I IS $00 I 00 I n 11 3.. I.. 1 I.. 14.. I.. I.. If.. I . 11. . II.. I.. 21 U I 10 I OS I 41 I 1" I u I to I 00 1 0" 1 ' I w I BVJJM. 14. lw .1107 1041 . 117 . 110 . 440 . 0 . 4S1 . 114 . 140 . Ill . Ml . tt . It, . 4-1 . Mi . 141 ..1.-.II .1410 . .l;o .1440 . .U'.-O . . MW , . a-w .1 '44 ,.l0 ,.1440 I SI I u 40 I 40 ' I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 4 I 60 I 10 I la I so I 14 I 14 I 10 I M I 10 I 60 I 10 I 40 1 40 I 40 I 40 I M I 10 I M I 46 I M 46 44 I 4fi I 44 I II t M I M I OS I 46 i 70 I 70 70 I 70 I 71 I 71 I 74 71 I 71 I Tl 71 I 75 I II I 71 I 10 I I IA 4 M 4 10 I U I 40 I II I I.'. I t I 10 I 14 I 10 I la I 40 I 74 ! I lo I 16 4 2l 4 14 I 26 I 44 I 4(. I la I Hi I M t 44 t 10 I Id I ill I to 4 ...110 .. 1 ...tas ...447, ...ill . .1,414 ...mi ...IM, ...104 ...410 ... ! ... a ... 11 ... 140 ... 410 ... SO. ... 10 ... 114 ... 10 aa 1 W I i 1 n 1 1 ..Itoa I 40 ..1444 I 4 . .170 II ..IT I II .lia, I 0 .I...I04A 3110 I OS I M TA08. I s . 1 CALVES. t I t M I 04 I 4 OS 4 sa I os , I 21 I 14 I M 1070 t t I 71 I 71 71 I 4 en M I 04 00 4 II . lea ln , III 10 . in Mo STOCK CALVES. 11 in 1U It4 .411 40 TOCK ERtt IT0 I s ... ' I 10 0"0 4n . 4M . 170 . 4S4 . 40 . S0 . 701 . 477 071 It I II I 24 4 I 4 t 41 I 10 I M I II I 44 I 4 I K I OS 1. 1.. I. . AMU I . I . II.. I . 4 . II. . 4 . '. 12 . 4 ... I .. II... 1J.. 100 464 too rBKDKRJ 11s 411 171 .1l Ml Ill 70 Ill 721 M4 114 171 T 74 I 1 4 0.1 I IS I 7 I 74 I 7 I 7 I 14 I 14 I U t n I M I K I M I M I 00 4 31 non There were not as msny hugs here today ae arrived yesterday by about $600 bead, as will he seen from tne Utile above. The demand was good, and with favorable reports from other points, the market ruled active and generally a nickel higher. Trading began In good sesaon, and aa salesmen as a rule were sstlsfled with the prices offered. It was not long before the fnilk of the offerlnga waa disposed of. The lighter weights told largely from $4.i5 down, butchers and mixed $4.754a4W and heavies $480 to $40. The advance waa on all kinds, the lights aa well at the hravles. Toward the close of the msrkst, however, the feelfrg was hardly aa good and the lata arrivals were a trifle slow and weak. Rep resentative sale Mo s... M... 41... II .. 2... 74... 72... 71... 74... 44... 77... 74... II... 77... 71... 4... 41... M... 13... 7.. 74... 44... 71... 14... 46.. 74... 74... 72... 70... 71... 21... 71... 71.. 71... 0... 44... 14... 44. .. 1... 71... 74... 77... 74... 14... 14.1. 47.. 41.. 42.. II.. It. .. II.. I. . II... 71... IS... 72.. II.. 14... 44... 41... 76... 77... 44... 47... 71... 71 II 141 147 II 10 IM 17 127 11 200 241 t4l ' Ill 241 2.11 2 211 244 11 211 ......2J7 212 214 21 .!.... 221 ....too .....27 ...i.207 2 221 120 22S 211 IM 221 Ill M 12 W7 Ill 104 IJ 0 114 .,...134 S40 IM 114 IM Ill 212 240 121 127 134 140 .......111 260 246 217 244 lit 141 144 122 2U ..111 ta. 4 44 4 44 4 47', 4 70 4 74 4 10 4 10 J?? 4 724j 4 71V, 4 71V, I 724j 4 721, 4 72S 4 72V, 4 72V, 4 72V, 4 7l4j 4 711, 4 71V, 4 72 v, 4 71V 71V, 4 71 4 71 4 71 I 74 4 71 4 71 4 11 4 71 4 74 4 74 4 74 ' 4 71 ..4 74 tn 4 74 10 4 71 M 4 74 . . 4 74 4 71 4 71 4 74 ' 4 Tl 4 71 4 71 4 71 4 74 4 71 4 76 4 71 4 74 4 Tl 4 74 4 Tl 4 71 4 77V1 4 77V 4 T7V4 4 77 H 4 T7V, 4 77l4j 4 TTtt 4 77 S 4 TTV, 4 77 V, IM 0 40 0 IM so 40 H. 74.. 71.. IS. . 41... . 74., 14.. 40.. 71.. 41... 44... 71... 7.. 44.. 17... 74.. II . 1.. 71 . 10.. M. . 47.. 7.. 1.. 11.. 41. . 44.. II . 14.. 74.. 41.. 44.. 71.. 71.. 1.. 41.. 74.. M... 42... 42... SI... 40 .. 41... 71... .. 41.. f. . 71., 41 . 44.. 41.. 41.. 44.. 41.. It.. II. . 71.. 41... II... II... 41... II... 67... 14... A a. I 110 . 221 . 112 . 242 . Ill . Jil I 212 1 242 23 . ...114 . ....211 . ....244 . 111 174 1 ....147 141 . 104 1 147 . 122 . 211 . 21 . 171 141 117 . 401 . Ml M0 . Ill . 114 224 . 21 141 144 . 14 , 141 . IM 1 141 .....140 . 171 . Ml 1 Ml Ml 1 141 , Ml 100 141 141 144 17 171 M4 Ml 100 241 Ml 274 IM 140 0 110 144 ..111 ,.171 .171 .11 .Ml .141 .141 .tot 240 4 7714 4 771, 4 77V, 4 77V, 4 17V 4 T7V, 4 77V, 4 77, 4 77 V, 4 77, 4 77V, 4 77V, 4 77V, 4 M 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 to 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 M 4 40 4 M 4 10 4 M 4 lo 4 to 4 lo 4 II4 4 II V, 4 UV, 4 12V, 4 1' 4 12V, 4 13V, 4 66 16 4 M 4 4 4 44 4 M 4 41 4 IS 4 M 4 II I IS 4 IS 4 II 4 46 4 to 4 M SHEEP There was a fair run of aheep and lambs reported thla morning, but only three cars were on aata, part of the receipta having been sold to arrive and part billed through. . With only three car on aale not much of a test of the situation could bo made, but sbeep could safely be yuotad ateady, with lambs alow. FVw the week the market on sheep has thown very nttie cnang. tne qemana br parently being fully equal to -tne supply IjhiIm are also not a great deal different from ths mean close of laat week, but as compared with Monday and Tuesday of this week there Is a loss of fully ID to i5c. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings, $6.40436.M; fair to good year lings, M.004B4.4O; good to choice ' wethers, $8.60O.00: fair to good wethara. $5.008.e0; good to choice ewes. $6.00036.60: fair to good twos, $4.60476.00; common to fair ewes, $400 (0.du; goo a 10 cnoice mm oa, fi.amtTi.ou; rair to good lambs, $7.00717.26; feeder lambs, $(.60 ft 6.75. Representative sales: NO. AV. 113 weatern ewet '. 64 $ Colorado ewes 103 280 weatern wethers and owes.. $1 362 western' wethers snd owes $97 Colorado wethers 1 Colorado wether 6 Colorado yearling wethers 81 110 110 10$ Pr. 4 5 6 60 6 78 t 75 6 8i $66 $0 CHICAGO I.ITK STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and laabi Are Steady Hoars Fire feats Hlgbetr. CHICAOO, March $.-CATTLB-Rcelpta, 2,600 head; market ateady; good to prime steers, $6.fi0e.i0; poor to medium, H-O0itr6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.40aa.45; cows, $3.50 tH 20; heifers, $3.60ijg4.76; canners, $1.263i2.75; bulls. $2.26p4fl0; calres. $3.Our?.0O. HOGS Receipts. 24.000 head: estimated to morrow, 18,000 head; market 6c higher; mixed and butchers. $4.7Vy6.05: good to choice heavy. $4.80436.10; rough heavy, $4.76 436.00; light, $4.70S4.96; bulk of aales, $4.Oo? 6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 head- market steady; good to choice weth era, $5. 764.00: fair to choice mixed. $0,611 6 75: weaterraheep, $6.5036 00; native lambs, $7.0087.80; western lambs, $7.50g7.80. Kanaas City Lire stork Market. ' KANSAS CITY. March $. CATTLK Re ceipts, 1,400 head, Including 60 head south erns; market steady to strong; choice ex port snd dressed beef steers, $5,0016.75; fair to good, $4.0nj.O9; western fed steers, $3.78 fgB.w; stockers snd teeners, $3.01x94.60 soutnern cows, 44.ntxnB.rni; native cows, en!; native heifers. $2.754.76; bulls. 04. no; calves. s3.0UQti.T6. HOOS Receipts. 6.300 head; market 5c higher; bulk of aalea. $4.7MjM.974: heavv. $4 iiKflfi.OO; packers, $4 80.86; plga arid lights. $4 loVt.ftO SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 4.200 head; market stesdy; native lambs, $6,600 7.50; native wethers, $t.0Ofit).85; native fed ewes, $4.769.5A; western fed lambs. $6.60(9 7. til; western fed yearlings. $6.0H.66; west ern fed sheep, $4.7&j26 8t; stockers and feed era, $3.50b6.50. i'iot) $2.60 St. I.ools Lire atoek Market. ST. LOUIS, March 8 CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head, Including 100 head Texana; mar ket strong; native ahipplng and export eteers, $4.506.9ti; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.766.dO; ateera under 1.000 Iba., $3.2o$4.10; stockers and feeders. $2.50fH 65; cows and heifers. $2Kft4.60; canners. $1.86 ff'1.16; bulla, $2.4690.16; calves. $4 0004)26; Texas and Indian ateera, $2.60$4.7S; cows tnd heifers. $2.00'cft).8t. HOOS-Racelpts. 6.000 head: market steady; pigs and lights. $3.75U4.7u; packers, $4864).no; butchers snd best heavy, $6.00Ht SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts. 1.200 head; , market strong; natives, I4.Ch.kC 600; Uimls, $4.6O9,7.50; culls snd bucks, $4 2fi 4.50. St. Joseph I. Its atoek Market. ST. .JOBKPH. Mo.. March 8. CATTLK Receipta, 722 head; market steady; natives, $3.76'ln.60; cows and heifers, $1710-4 45; Stockers and feeders, $2.7604.26. ' HM8-Recelpts, 6.803 head; market 5c higher: light, $4.70434.o; medium and heavy, $4 toft 02V. SHBKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28$ head; lamba, $7.60. loos City l.lT4 toek Market. SfOrX CITY.' la.. March 3.- (Special Tel egram. I CATTLE Receipls. 10 head; msr ket strong; heevea. 3 5oifj.i.e; cos, bulls Jnd mixed, $2.2694.10: stockers and feeders. l.Ttpx m; calves and yearlings, $?.26ti3.60. 1IOOS Receipts. 8.0u0 head; market fc higher, selling at $4.&Mgr4.SlO; hulk of sales. $t.66tJ4.;o. Stark la Sight. Receipts of Hu4 stock tt ths tig principal wesisrn maraets yeaierony were; South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Louis 61. Joseph . ,. Chicago Total Cattle. Hog,. Sheer ... '..$. IO.O11O 1.250 4) S Oim 1 f" 1 6 4 Hi I.6a .() l.K) n 2x8 .6io 24,(l"0 e.tsio $,$2$ 64,10 t oaTeo Market. NEW YORK. March l.-t'OF F K K - T he msrWM for future opened steady and lilghei-.'Ths floes wait steady at a nef ad- vain of limit points: sale wire reported of 1J4, A bags. Including Man-h, 4.064 10c; April. ll.VHdjnr; Mav, ft 281 tor; Jm. ! 4o4S.56c; September. 704a75c: November. 6 " ; liemmiHT, aii) i.'-i-. Spot . market quiet; No. 7 Rio Invoice, 7c." OMAHA WHOIKItlK 3l.Rla.KT. . ..." . Coadltloa af Trade Qaolatleaa aa k Staple aad raaey lreda. K(K7S Receipts Increasing, candled stock, lfajisv. LIVK POULTRY Hens, lr; young roog. ters. according to slsr, $c to lOr: old tooe- ters, SWjjtlc; turkeys. Inc; ducks. 10c. BI'TTKR-Packing sUJt V'c; choice lo . fancy dairy. 24y.ic; creamery. rjW; prints, $lc. FRESH FROZKV F18H-Trout, tc; pick erel oi pise. se; pouch, V; 4risan, j.'c whlteflsh. &c; salmon, lie: redsnapper. Inc; halibut. ; trapple. lie; buffalo, .c: white buss, 11c; herring. 5c; blueflsh'. llc;'Spanlah mackerel lie. rog legs, per dot., 40c. HR AN Per ton. fl7 Oft HAY- Prices quoted ny Omaha Wholesale Hav Peslera' association: Choice No. I up land. $: '; No. 2. ettfae, medium, 6 i.oarOH, $5.50. Hyp straw. $Vno. These prices are for hsv of gocd color and quality.' OTS TERS New York counts, per eta. 45c; extra selects, per can 35c; atandarda. rer can. Hoc. flulk: . Standards, per ftal., . $1.40: extra elects.-' per gal.. $1.16; New York counts per est . $1 A TROPICA! FRUITS- ' r ORANOES California, extra ttnvt Bed land navels, all sixes. $.'.50; fancy navels. $:' 25; choice navels, large alses 64,, 9$. 112 $2.10. LEMONS Callfi'i'f. foe-ey. $! TO: '34 and $. $3 si; choice. 270, 300, $X, $0.(41. . . DATF.Srer m.x of 30-lb t-kgs.. $2o; Ilallowee. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 46c. FIGS-Callfornla. per Hi-in., 764 , 85c; Imported Smyrna.' 4-crtrwn.' tor; and t-crown. 12c; fancy, Imported (Washed), is 1 l ib. pkg., 16lao. RANANAs Per medium-sited bunch. $1.7 452 75; lumbos $2 ttr3.00. GRA t'EKRUIT Per box of $4 lo 64. M.6S. FRUITS. , APPLKS-New I org Kings. S.S: Kaw York Greenings. $3 60; New York Baldwin, tl.oo; Colorado Win neaps, per bu. bog, $1.50; .. Pipplna, $1(0. r ' 1 ' GRAPES Imported Malagaa. .per keg, $7.00. TANGERINES California, per bo4 v $2.50 CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bu gle, per bhl., $8.00; Jerseys per bbU, $$01); ' per box, $2.76. VEGETABLES.' POTATOES Homo grown, .in sacks, per bu., 46c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c. . TURNIPS-Old. per bu., 40c; Canada rut abagns. per lb., lei new. per dos 46c.. . CAH HOTS Old, per bu., 40c; new, per dot., 4nc. PARSNIPS-Old. per bu., 40c. ' BEETS Old, per bu., 60o; new, por dot., 1 45c. . , r BEANS Navv, per bu.. $3.004$ .10. ONIONS Home grown, red in sacks, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $3.60; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per dot , 46c. CUCDMBERS-Per do , $1.7502.00. ' TOMATOES Florida, per t-baskot crate, $46006.00. CAULIFLOWER - California, per crate. $3.00. CABBAGE Holland leed. p4r 4b; Uc ' SWEET POTATOES Kansas klUl urled. per bbl.. $2.60. CELERY-Callfornla. 457c RADI8HE8 Hot houae, per do., 46e. LETTUCE Par boa of about fifteen., heads. 60c. RHUBARB Per Aax. bunches. TScl.OO. PARSLEYPer dos. bunches. Joe. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, par keg. $2.26. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5 50: per. half bhl.,J3.25. CHEESE Wlaconaln twins, full ' earn, 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14c; block Swiss, new, 15a; old, l$'17c; Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. green. 8c; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. $ tatted. 7Hc; No. 1 . veal calf, tc; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; dry aalted, 84T14c; sheep pelts, 25ctJ$1.00; horse hldoa, ti.6otr;t.oo. NUTS Walnuts,' No; I soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 11c; No. $ soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. t hard shells, per lb., 13c; Pecana, large, per lb., ' 12c; small, per lb , 10o; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted pes nuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuta, fier lb., I2$rl34c; glmonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard sell, per lb., 15c; chestiiuts. per lb.. 12V,.7J13c; new black walnuts, per bu., T&tTOOc; shellbark hickory nutt. per bu. $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60, Metal Market. . , NEW YORK. March $, METALS An other decline In lndon tin market, where spot closed at 10 6a and futures at 1$t . 10s,- caused weakness here and spot was lower at $28.25itj'28.75. Copper also wss easier abroad, closing at 67 17s 64 for spot aad 68 6s 3d. for.. futures. Locally tho market remains firm. It Is said, (hers are aome small lots which might possibly ba secured a shade under quotations, hut producera are alill firm In their views, with lake quoted at $16.60; electrolytic, $l6.7Vt49) 16.60; casting. $16.00fi-!5.25. - Lead- wta-lower In London,, closing- at 11 17s 6d, but to-' malned unchanged locally at $4.46434.60. Spelter -waa lower In Ixindon,. closing at 33 16a. Ixically the market 'Was quiet, but showed a firm- undertone,, with spot Suoted st $AM056.2&. Iron closed at 64s In lasgow and 4Hs 10V,d In Middlosborough. Locally iron was reported firmer, and some foundries are said to be holding; fof higher- .' prices. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $17 fVf18 25; No. 3 foundry . northern. 1 $17.75Y18.00; No. 1 foundry southern snd No, I 1 foundry southern soft at $17.75H8.2&. Cottoa Market NEW YORK, March 3. COTTON Spot ) closed quiet; middling uplsnds, 7,75c; mid dling gulf, fc. Sales, 630 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 3-COTTON-Spot In fair demand, prices 4 points lower; American middling fair, 4.54(1; good mid- . rtllng, 4.22d; middling, 4.10d; low middling. I 3.f8d; good ordinary. $.84d; ordinarv, $.68d. The aales of the dsy war lO.OM) bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and ex port, and included 9,609 American. Re ceipts, 1,000 bales, Including 2,000 American. Futures opened easier end closed steadv; American middling, g. o. c. March. 8.97d; March and April. 8.97d; April and May, 4d; May and June, 4. Old: June and July, 4.03d; July and August. 4.03d; August and Sep tember, 4.040; September and October, 4.(;; October and November. 4.06d; November and December, 4.06d; December and Janu ary, 4.07d. , Oil aad Roaln. ' OIL CITY. March 3. OILfVCredlt bal-' . ances, $1.89; certificates, no bid; shipments 100.361 bbls.; average, 91,261 bbls.: runs, $7.7ll , bbls. Shlpmenta, Lima, 88.052 bbls.: aver age. bbls.; runs, IJma. 58.110 bhls. ' havannah, Marcn 3. i u iMrpentin. . , firm at 61c. ROSIN-Flrm: A. B. C. i.T7A: D. $J85: K. " $2 874; E. $2.242.5: O. $2.97Sj.O0' II, .' $3.K: T. $3.50: K. $4.06; M, $4.50;, N, $4.71; ! W a. $5.00; W W. $6.16. . Jew York Mining; Stocks. ' NEW YORK. March 8 -The following ant the nosing quotations on mining stocks: Adam eon.... 41k Bra Vrunawlrk co .. CVomatock Tilonel ton. cl. Va.. Hora tllvar Iron flilvar Laaarllla con 16 it.tttle rhlaf..;..,' t ,. 76 Ontario ....' 271 . . M nphlr 461 ' .. 4 Irhoanli 4 .. I iPotoal II .110 tavaa ..170 llarra Ketaaa 47 ..100 .Small Hop....!. M .. I lluodart 1st ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFER., DEEDS flled for record March 8. aa fur nlshed by- the Midland Gusrantee and . Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farpam afreet, for The Hee: Belle E. Hickman and husband to F. E. Ixickwood, n '4 nwVt and awW nwW sec. 26-16-10 $1,50$ II. A. Loekwood and wife to F. E. Iockwood, 114 nwv and swV nw' ' aeo. 26-16-10 1.50S C. M. Loekwood nnd wife to F. tt. j.ncJcwood. n1, nw4 and ' ,BW tec. 26-16-10 .....i 1.000 Elixa S. Sedwlch et al. to I'nltt. lot 6. block "U." Iiwe'a add 56 A. W. Andersen to Kiln M. Anderson, lot 14. block 6. Drake's add 1,000 Elisabeth T. lAcey to Elslnore Plait cunipany. port nwU of sec. 7-16-18.. 1 Jrvlngton Cemelery soclatlon to A. Cojol, part of swi4 sec. 36-16-12 1.09 A. Bowman to Issbelle . Meeker, lots ' j 40, 41 and 42, block 2 and other prop- ertv In Saunders A Hlmebaiigh'a add. ' to Wnlitul Hill 1 '! Mattle E. Shelby and husband in 1 ' Sophia M. l'Hv iM. pari of lots 26 tnd - 2li. block 8. Hanscom Pises 2. ft1) " R, R. Hsatlngs to Harriet K Williams, t, lot 11. block 2. sub. of J. I. Redlck a.. t E. R. Benson and wife to W. T. (Ira- .ham, lot 18, block 2. I'lalnvlsw 5t , J W. Thoniaa and wife lo Lily K BlMi k, lot 3. block 12. Highland ('lace $ Mm Edwards -Wood Co. tlnrorporatsd i fltln Olflcti Fifth and Robarta Straatt 1 ST. HAUL. niNN. ' OIALIRS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to-ljV raaeh Oltlso. 110-411 Board $ Trada Hlabf., Uanaaa. Rati. Teleaajeae atlf. j. vf 214 Rxrhang llldg... Souiaj Omaha. Roil 'koot $14 Iiatliii4l 'rusaa k f1