1 1 ! i; i J 1 19 TTTE ; OMATTA DAILY BEE: RATFTDAT. MAKCTT 4. IPOS. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTerttsetaenta tor Ikru eomsens will be alre-a ! 13 . for th tTtalif odltloa Bad til A . m. fat orali( and Sands? edition. Rates 1 a war drat Insertloni la ward thereafter. Nothing; taken far less tlia far the rst Inasr. tloa. Theae ndTertlssnaents ssast he ran eeaaeeatlTelv. Advertisers, hr reajaestlu am liered check, have drraaed ta uasnarcd letter la rare af The i Bee. Answers aa addressed be alsltrersd aa Breeeatatlea al cheek. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPHY, Business, Short Sana, Typewriting. Normal, Jnglisn Bjirt Civil Service Courses. DA asu night. . boyles college. WAIL LESSONS In shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping and penmanship. Send for catalogue, todny, slating wncther Inter ested in correspondence or residence worK. li. U- Hoy les, president, 18th. and Harney st., Oman a. Neb. It 2i0 TRY KELLY'S TOWBU SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. li -dill CITY SAVINGS BANK pays Pr cent. , R tit ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 21 N. 16th. TeL 177. R-2,3 STOVE AND GASOLINE REPAIRS ; Tel. 960. 1297 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wki, i . . . K 0(3 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and tales. O.- Andreen, prop., Mt S. Wth at. K 2 to EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to nt; prices right. Bennett's. - .. R lKV. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phonee, ISM and Lii3. R MIM Ml CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, U06 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R '-T7 COAL New kind soft coaj, "Yukton" Egg, Sfi.26 ton. -Harmon & Weeth, 'phone R-278 I'. VM. KRELLE, Architect, 804 Bee Bids;. Tel. 3U3G. R 279 EXPERT accountant and public auditor; prices reasonable. A. D. Touxaltn. Tel. Black-4431. R-863 M22x THIS IS NO AD. Elmply letting; newcomers know our age and address 211 S. 11th; 28 years; Tel. 254. CITY. STEAM LAUNDRY ,1 1 R 422 M27 WHO'S youi tailor? It should be Dresher. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenings.) 1516 Farnam St. R 2o riANOS moved by expart mechanics; also stored. Safe and reliable. Schmoller & Mueller, ,1318 Farnam. Tel. lt25. R 7a Marls THE OMAHA, FOUNDRY Jron and toraaa.' Castings. 8v2 jackson. Tel. Xlli 'R-'lliM Mil .AVE repair and sell all makes of typewrit, era. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner loth and Harney. Phone 1663. R-M177 M4 THE TRAVELERS' T1MESAVER. Indexed OUHJE to .Train Timei; March issue now on sale, 26c at all news stands; 1. b0 a year. . Published 601 Bee bldg., I Omaha. R M540 lo IMPERIAL CLEANING CO Cleaners oi wall paper, trescoes and paint washers. Telephone 3o2"; til North lath at. A. E. Yetzer, Mgr. R M541 17x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, new. and. second-hand billiard find pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy puyuieiut,. Senu tor catalogue. Brunswlck-Batke-Collender, 4U7 ti. lota st, Omaha. . . g 926 COMPLETE line hew and 2d-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., itiu Douge. Tel. 2020. - Q ya, 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Deright, Ills Far nam. Q 297 Electrical supplies, at a bar ' GAIN. .We have- about Ml feet 0. stranded electric light cable and one BOO ampere knlte switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. 'Bridgeu, engineer, Bee building, Omalia. . ' g 6s3 MOTOR FOR SALE iVe have lor Kale a 10 H.' P., lio,volt, direct curreiitt Northern motor. This motor is In pertect uoiicliUpn In every way Ad drrns Bee Hiiildlne; Co., or aee W. H - Bridges, engineer. Bee building, g 774 ' EUIER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. , g as BLOWER. FOR SALE l No. t teturtevant blower. In perfect con dition; will be sola cheup. A dress Bee Building Co., or see Vv. H. Bridges, en gineer. Bee building. g 77ti PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. CO pulleys;, from t In. to u In. in diameter, 3 countershafts, complete. ii U-ot 115-1-Iii. shalUng, with couplings and hangers, together with about to feet of tx-lmh belting. These are all In nrst-class condition. V 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. ' : g-112 HEOOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you Want a bargain Ui steam tlttiiiga call and look over the following supplier: lb-inch JenkJu's globe valve. l.k-luch Auatiu's iiorizontal separator. Lt-incU Austin veriicai separator. STheae ha,ve been taken out on account of chunges in our atcuiu plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see AY. II. Bridges, engineer. Bee building, Omaha. iibSi 1 3TUH SALE, several scholarships In a first olaas standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In buameas, short hand and typewriting. Inquiro at Bee g-a fJORN aribblng, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-p'y white basawood. Mil Doughts. g 2s)a ENGINE FOR SALE l 4x4 Sturtevant vertical unglne, automatic engine, cheap. Adui vsa Bee Uuilding Co., or ace W H. Bridges, t iiauit-ei , ae build ing. ; . g ua TOY DOGS French -silk poodles no... months to J years old. Price in to Aduresa B, 1414 lngltsiue avenue, Miu,ux Cn, la. g-M404-(ix RUNABOUT, buggy and wagon cheap. Johnson t Daiiturth, S, VV. Cor, 10th and Jones. ' ' . , g C'7 FOR SAth-New Underwood typewriter with cover, 7&. 2702 Bristol St. Q-M475 4 I RUN FENCE wiorli- Poultry, lawn St. VI M 4&J FOR SALE, Square Knabe piano In good condition. 641 Park ave. g 498 bx SAVE EVERY CHICK tU and booklet free. Bunnell tt liadl 24th and Belt Lino, Omaha, g MM2 sain- M&12 a2 GOOD wahing machine for sale, cheap. 221! California St.. , Q-.-fcl s FOR BALE A complete btitcher'a outfit. Including gasoline engine. Stevens' tiatt nt cooler, gxlO; will sell cheap, us 1 have two ouints. ti. jvnotl, Oavm city, Nrti, Q M549 S DRESSMAKING IN FAM.ILIE8. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A-27G4. .' , -371 MRS. KKlijjR. JT1 No. Hh; 'phone 2S52; naote gnca. , aioii x 4 WANTEDMALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial Coliege, 17th and Douglas. NOW OPEN. as!ee In an ueparlmenls New catalogue a l once, Senu for B 2 MEN TO LEARN barber tradej free rail' road lare upon our talhire? to convince jou ol this oeing the Br.riT and only re nanle, most practical oarb-r college ill the l niled Siats. Write tor catalogue today. N estern Barbers' inntitute, Omalia, Neb. B 2SW 1 WANT and lurnlsh drug, clerks, 'drug lores and doctors. Kniest, 24 N. x. i B 688 OIBKON Employment Agency, In Neville ink., are tranx ana open, fair and actuate with all wantina employment Htid all neeoing help Try them. Phone 5411. B M510 YOUNG man, 16-1S years old. drugs. Good bualnens change manager. 8 good city salesmen. Kxpe.i'lenced i lgar salesman. Male stenographer. Call or write for complete Hat. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N, INC. 040-641 New York Lite. B-52 3 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men. between ages ot -1 ana .to citizens of United Stales, of good charac ter alio temperate habits, wno xpcaK, reaa and write KiikIIhIi. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13tn and Douglas si.?., omana; uncoin, sivo., or dioux city, la. B-873 IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-22 WANTED, men and boys to learn plumb lnff trade. Coyne Bros. Co. school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue. Address 473-5 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. B-M756 F3 W TAILORS. Attention! If you-are first-class coat makers we can use'you. Good prices. Steady, work to men thut ate right. .Dresner, 1615 Farnam St. 34!) WANTED Printer for country office; send samples, references, wages wanted. " The Republican, Papillion, eb. B MS04 9x !"5 PERMANENT salury to reliable men In outside towns; we handle properties every where. Northwestern Roal Estate and Guaranty Co., De Moines, la. B-MJ22 6x MEN wanted to learn the barber trade; taught by mall; tuition - free; send 10c for postage; you may not see this liberal otter again. Dyers' Barber Scnool, Odessa, Mo. B M636 4x WANTED At once, local representatives In every section; conditions easy; $-1 weekly salary and expenses to right par ties. Sales Dept.,' 3d floor, 210 olive St., St. Louis. B M537 6x GROCERY clerk wanted. C. W. Shrnder, 2tthund Blondo. t B MUi WANTED Men', everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. mutter, tack tcignfl, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank building, Chicago, 111. . . B M543 6x WANTED Harness makers; first-class me chanics desired; good pay. Fremont Sad dlery Co., Fremont, Neb. B-M64S1 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES, earn $20 per 100 wilting short letters; send stamped envelope tor par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolis, Mich. . , c Mm BOOKKEEPER, experienced. 14S.00-J5O.O0. Stenographer and bookkeeper, 4fj.0o-Sii.'.w. Stenographer and clerk, good penman, . ....... r. .... . 1. . . .. .in i ..Mi i m Bookkeeper and stenographer, $65.00-175.00. 1 ' ii 1 1 ... W . n . . r- ....... 1. 1 t n 11., WESTERN REF. A BOND AS3 N, INC., S40-b41.New York Life. C-527 9 WANTED 25 machine operators at once. M. E. Smith' & Cot, factory, .11th land Doug las sts. . '' C M228 6 COMPETENT girl for general housework; good wages. 2413 Farnam st. C 456 6x WANTED, a competent cook and house maid; references required; 303 Willow ave., Co., Bluffs, la., r. 0486 7 WANTED, good girl for. general house work;. three in family;' reference required. Mrs. A. H. Fetters, 2711 Poppleton ave. ) : -. ' - ' ' -' C-458 ' WANTED Yonng 'lady hairdresser; .good, steady position. 1411 Farnam street. - C-M307 5x " WANTED A . well trained housemaid at Happy Hollow. Dundee; wages $4 per week. Apply R. W. Patrick, Soft Karbach block. . , C M51S 6x WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work, also salesladies thor oughly experienced in cloaks and suitv. Apply at cloak department, Hayden Bros. C 525 4x CAPABLE girl for general housework; small family. 1326 8. th ave. C-524 Bx WANTED I good girls, cook and house maid. 406 S. 40th C M51'9 8 WANTED SALESMEN NEW edition of "Eugene Sue," Burton's "Arabian Nights," Progress of Man," etc.; over 2u0 good sellers ior experienced De Luxe men. lllxenbaifgh, 500 Ware Blk. ; M294 AGENTS WANTED SALESMAN wanted to handle our sweat pad line on commission. For particulars address Tom Padgitt Co., Waco. Tex. M503 11 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick see J. 11. Johnson, b43 N. Y. Lite, '1'none L, Win. Y-2M ATTORNEYS, everywhere, If you have an account, note or claim of an kind against person, firm or corporation we can settle it for you. THE NEW SNOW-CHUHCH CO., main floor N. i. Life. 'Phone 13::. Y-2K2 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., CMU gCl JIUU II, Ul UUl Ul UUB1I1BK8. Y 2S3 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real (flute, consult u. a. bales Bureau, 634 and txlu Bee Bldg. , Y M.hl IF YOU wnnt to buy, sell, rent or exchange i real estate or business gl'IC'K, see Cunip-ton-Watts Co., 5:15 Buxton block. Y 2sa IF YOU want to buy of sell a hotel, board ing or rooming House, can ami get our ; tpeclul plan. BOWEN CO., 703 N. . Y. Life ' building. . . Y M835 FIRST-CLASS restaurant and business for sale at WclKer, lduho;.you people who are looking for a snap should write at : once. Address Lock. Box 2, .Welser. Y M431 9x FOR SALE Oil and gas leases in the In dian Territory; a paving invest ment for an individual or Muck eompuny. For full particulars address Frank L. Stet son. Chanute, Kan. . Y M617- 12x GOOD opening for goneral store. Addrexs X 46, care of Bee. Y Mai 4 7x FOR BALK Stock general merchandise and new building; slock invoices ti.Hu; good reasons for selling. F. S. Benser. los klns. Neb. ' Y-M513 12x . $10,000 ANNUALLY GUARANTEED. Representative of camera concern in town to arrange exclusive manufacturing privi leges on ataplc article for term of years; exceptional opportunity; $3,000 required; principals only. Address X 47. Her. Y M53ii t2x LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Ufe Bldg., rooms 304 and 31. Tel. 1552. 37J G. T. VOORHKES, bonded. Our system coll. eta. Ctaitnx against corporation so. llcitcd. 817 N. Y. lafe. MS26 ATTORENYS. everywhere, If you have an account, note or claim of any kind ugainxt pernon. firm or corporation we can settle It for you. THE NEW BNOW-CHURt'll CO.. main floor N. Y." Life. 'Phone 1S2. '.' TREES. SHRUBS ETC. A COMPLETE line of-fruit, shade, orna mental IreeB. vines. hi uhs. ruxi, etc. Address: Omaha Nuiei, Puplllion, Na. i . , , . M T1 In Weighing Advertising Values Results Are What Count. Bee want ads bring the best results. Bear this in mind. A trial will convince. No ad taken for less than 20c. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago E 303 DEWEY, European hotel. 13th & Farnam. E-4 SOUTH front parlor, 2024 St. Mary's ave. E 305 VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. & cafe E-3o7 100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel, Co. Bluffs, la. E-12S FURNISHED room, 824 S. 27th. E M158 4 MODERN, well furnished front rooms, one block from car, $1 and $8. 'Phone B 2S6i. 2034 N. 19th. E M9U FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. 116 N 26th street. E 232 Ox NICELY furnished south front room, steam hat. modern. 2234 Farnam, flat 6. Tel. 23)3. E 461 3x FOR RENT Four rooms, ground floor, bath, running water; large lot, fenced. Very desirable. Call at premises, 2'il7 North 17th ave., first house south of Corby St. E M473 5 FOR RENT, nicely furnished south front room, modern. Both Walnut Hill and Hurney cars; $10. 3208 Cuming si. E M496 ROOM .and' board, $3.50 per board, $3; single meals, 20c; cooking. 619' Pacific street.. week; table good, home 'Plume 21S3. F M009 5x THREE rooms, modern, second floor, gas stove In kitchen; references required; adults only. 2701 Woolworth - ave. E M534 10X LARGE front room, newly furnished for light housekeeping, all modern; tele phone. 210 N. 19th. E-M517 5x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E.. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-308 THE SHELTON, 25th and Dodge; Ideal home for the winter; pleasant rooms; strictly modern; home cooking; reason able. F 309 GOOD room for two; gentlemen preferred. 213 S. 26th St. F 310 527 PARK AVE. South room, with board, suitable for two; beautiful lawn; refined surroundings; modern. F 387 ROOMS and board. 614 North 19th. F-M433 6X FURNISHED or unfurnished, with or with out Doara; private lamny. ZS Burt st. ' F M533 Bx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED rooms and flats. $2 to $10, according to location; all in St. Mary's ave building, 27th and St. Mary's ave. v Call at room 5 or N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. G M244 THREE unfurnished rooms on second floor of 8-room modern house, 2220 Chicago. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam utreet. G M402 PARTLY furnished or unfurnished roomn. light housekeeping; modern. 25t(0 Harney. G-M550 6x WANTED TO RENT YOUNG ' man wants place to work for board while attending school. Boyles col lege. Tel. 1984. K 446 WANTED Suite of rooms and board for three adults; first-class; private family . preferred preferences exchanged. Address X 49, Bee. , K M528 6 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES WE have vacant a particularly desirablo small office, which rents for $10.00 per month. 'Price includes heat, light, water and janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The B)e building and is Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Petera & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1771 8-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, sun nble for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First National bank building. 1319 IF you apply at once we can gle any one desiring a large omce apace miudm any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light, ft. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. 1772 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sometimes a necessity. pur facilities are unsurpassed for quick and confiden tial service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Receipt, Live Stock, etc. We also loan to ' SALARIED PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other security required. With us you pay for what you get and only for what time you keep It. It Is our motto to- try to please. If you have dealt with us and are pleasud, tell others: If displeased, tell us. OMAHA MUHIUAUI'. LUAIN LUi, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 192.) 306 So. 16th St. X 322. LOANS made on all ' kinds of chattel ae- Mv ... . . .... r . ni La curities, aiwu uu oA.vr.o. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick, and confidential service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., , 633 Paxton Block. X-323 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214, at 209 S. 15lh St. Tel. B 2!h;i. X 324 MONEY loaned r.alarled people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 53 principal cities. T'olman, room 714 New York Life building. X 326 BOWEN'8 MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows, Jewelry. Plain note if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-'-a-'e MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elrv horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. 8 Barker block. X 327 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X 328 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR UUA1 - " 3 SEE FULLER. 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X 330 EAG1.E Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing' all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 332 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam st. X 331 SALARY and 212 Bee Bldg. chattel loans. Templeton, X-333 MONEY TO LOAN REAL EATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W 3iii FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1M8. W-35, PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W-36S WANTED City loans Farnam Smith & Co., W. MONEY TO LOAN- and warrants. li-U Farnam St W-J59 Payne Investment C( W Mi GARVIN BROS.. lt4 Farnam City loans at lowest rates; no Ueiuy; get our terms. W-.l LOWEST rates city property; 6 p. c. on farma in eastern Neb. Bemls, paxton blk, V 3H2 l. Ml on cltv property. N. Y. Life Bldg. L. D. Holmes, 712 '-ba 36 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS IN HOMES , 1 7Cn Beautiful lot, 60xlI7tt; 7-r. cot- tage; room tor anoiner; rents $19.: a year; tino trees, paved atreet, permanent sidewalk; No. 2o20 Charles. If) 9?fi 4751 Capitol ave., -r., modern; iPi.,4.jj two flll. lutSi CI OCn Modern. 8-r.: full lot; Califor- 76,u nia, near 28th. TOO New, modern, 8-r.; hot water ,- W beat, gnod-tain. tine, large lot, 66xi40; near KounXie Piace. ftj, Crin Nine rooms, modern; barn; i7T,JUU , Nortn J9tn. homes north. C7 f Will1 One of the best ifi,jjj wt.,i uiiht, a i., goou Darn; an In iirsi-ciass repair. GEORGE (J, ALbACii, uKUWN BLK. RE oo PASTURE LAND CHEAP. For 200 head tattle; plenty good water; 640 acres under tence. Price $i,mj cash and 6 per cent per annum 6n $l,il. W. S. Liv ingston, Mahasaa, Kas. RE M3i8 19x MODERN residence, Kearney, Nebraska; same street us new Norma! school. Real estate steaduy rising Xsing rooms. All conveniences. Barn.' Fine lawn and trees, sot sale, jS.oOO, or exchange foi farm or hardware stock. In Nebraska, i.i ... j .( i, .... i . , . mi.. jit i RE-1 6x Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. 11. li. Co., Omalia, iseu., iJti'l. "... ' KE 617 FOR SALE One note of $1,800, due in one year, secured ty first mortgage on good improved Omalia property, Hearing b per cent interest, payaole semi-annually; also one note tor $i,tmo. due on or before three. curs. Interest at 6 per cent, payable seini-anuuaily, secured by first mortgage, on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given, by respectable parties. Address the. owner, S 2a, Bee office. RE M463 FOR SALE Modern six-room cottage; good location, for $l,3a0; inuxt be sold, 'xhe O. F. Davis Co., 5ue Bee bldg. RE M 443 5 $1,000 WILLNbuy cottage and lot on Bln ney street, one- block from car line. Thomas Brennan, room 1, New York Life building. . RE M502 FOR SALE Anyone desiring1 a modern 8 roomed cottage, 5o feet east front, loca tion not excelled, can get a snap, buying now from owner. J130 iSoutli 80th avenue, about one block, north of Hanscom park. RE 469 6x CHAS Williamson Co.. u- siafg- ' 'V;' ',' ' RE 320 FOR SALE By owner, on account of slck . ness, a lovely modem home, 9 rooms, hot water heat, toilet first and second floors. also bath, good barn; fruit, beautiful lawn mid shade; close to oar, schools and churches. Address X 50, Bee'. - RE M530 6x FOR SALE OR TRADE 130 acres of sand land soil. 4 miles from Columbus, H mile from school. This is an ideal farm for fruit and has 30 acres set out to trees, mostly apples; some cherries and plums; the cherries and plums have borne and . the apple trees-are -about ready to bear. Improvements for sale; price, $75 per acre. Will take small city" property as first pay ment,, R. S. Dickinson, Columbim. Neb. RE M531 8 For Sale Poultry Farm. Eleven acres of rich land with good im provements, .5 milcjLfrom. Dostofflce at Lincoln; Just right for chicken and hog business; 6 acres. Irk alfalfa; Immediate possession if Sol; ' it her f land adjoining can be rented. Fjf'prtcw and terms see L. I.. B. Stewart, owner, U. S. National bank bldg. . RE M538 FOR SALE-r-160 a'cr unimproved, Keya Paha county, Neb.. J226 cash, the balance $200, time, 7 pee cen "A; J. Barkham, W. 7th and Michigan, Leavenworth, Kan. RE M539 6x A 9-ROOM .modern' house, 2526 Davenport St., f.ir sale or trade for a 6-room cottage equally well located; call at residence. . r. RE M644 6x FARMS FOR SAlE 40 ACRES. SARPY COUNTY, Four miles south of Gretna; all good up land; has completa set of improvements, bearing orchard; possession can be given Marcii 1. Price, $2,000. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 864 2S FOR RENT HOUSES Unl ICCC lu all parts of the city. The nWU JLJ 0, j,'. Jjuvia Co., 606 Bee bldg. D 314 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store ti. it. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. 1559. . D 312 WE MOVE pianos, age Co. Tel. 1496. Maggard'Van & Stor Ottice 1713 Webster st. D 313 HOUSES V'( parts, of the city. R. etera & Co., Bee Bldg. D 311 2566 DOUGLAS. 8 ROOMS, $27.50. D-316 CHRIS BOYER, 22d & Cuming. Tel. 2049. D-817 MODERN brick, walking distance. New, eight rooms, all modern, 540 8. 24th St., $10. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D-472 6 ROOMS for rent. 846 South 18th. D-M516 HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker blk. D-318 HOUSES FOR RENT. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th. D-S16 FINE HOME TO LET. North 24th St., 1 block from Park ave. and Shermuii' ave. street car lines, 9 rooms, strictly modern, fine lawn, all kinds of shade and fruit trees and shrubbery $30. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. D 824 7-ROO.M house, N. 24th. Tel. 884. DMS30 FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, near Hanscom Hurk ,i $30 7- rooni modern house, 922 N. 19th St 23 8- ruom modern house, 2i29 N. 20th St 20 10-room modern house, 2210 Poppleton avenue 20 THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. D-MI57 4 CENTRAL S-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D-259 T-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace, good condition; rents for $22.50 per month. No. 2548 Chicago St.. 10 rooms, modern throughout, first-class condition; rental $40 per month and water rent. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. D-466 S NEW brick house, the city, 2!th ave., Harney. William, blk. finest of the kind In between Farnam and K. Potter, 301 Brown D M520 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern, 212.1 Cullfornl i St.. $32.60: 7-room, 2N67 Farnam St., modern except furnace, $26. Apply at 607 N. llith street. D M532 FARMS FOR RENT FARM for rent, cheap for rash, 7 mile from Council Hinds. Address Henry Miller. U-'J S. 31st St.. Omaha. 8d0 29x 70 ACRES one mile east of Irvington, nb Improvements, $3.U per acre. LAND FOR SMALL GRAIN ONLY. GEORGE & CO . I FARNAM ST. 465 5 SKVENTY-ACRK farm.- miles from Lin coln; very beat upland soli, good build ings, windmill, etc.; 20 crs alfalfa, bal ance eiiltivaU'd; long-time lease lo satis factory tenant, money rent. Call Saturday or Monday. I.. I, K. Stewart, owner. U. b. National, Bank . building. M-611 i ' PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & J. 1505 Farnam. J 337 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. L 3.1s 4- THONE 701 and a man will call and hme your piano; $2. Pertleld Piano Co.. iu Farnam. U-339 THEATRICAL, masq. 1410-12 Howard. costumes. IJeben, U 340 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES j, Naaemle Temple, r. -faSAj, Car. 16th Xp&l psjr& Capitol jKJf'7 EST A CHAPTV.R, NO ular meeting Saturday i t inn or welcome. WINIFRED W At. LACK 6. O. K. S -Reg-evening. March 4, Sec. CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, scientific palmist, 715 N. 23d. S IM MRS. FRITZ, wot th. clairvoyant, 1521 I,oavcn-S-304 MRS. FAIRFIELD. 1714 California St. S-.V5 MM K. BOYER. Center hotel, 210 N 17th t4j block northwest P. O. 8-Mly) M4 ' MME. ALLl'RA, palmist, 1708 Jackson st. S-M377 4x OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge blk. U 441 PIANO CLUB Just forming; uvc and $1 w ..; pianos ae livereu immediately; piano lesr-ons tree. Call lor particulars, lbii Farnam ft. U-353 1'IANO TUNING Tel. Mason. 5604. Dalbey, 2207 C Mloo M8x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 2J6 Charles, 'lei. A-i6IS. U 3io WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair all makes, ot machines; second hand machines, f to $t. Neb. Cycle Co. 'lei. 163. Cor. 15th and Hainoy. L'-34 DR. PRIES treats successfully nil diseases and irregularities ot women irom any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with s-amp. Dr. Pries, loll" Dooge St., Omaha. L 3w MADAM FRANCISCO, the Cnllfornlu lady clairvoyant and palmist. Office 1724 Cap itol ave. 'phone 5t'10. 8452 4x MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen of clairvoyants. 807 N. ISth. . 8-M.V6 4x PATENTS H. A. STITRGHS. registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. PATENTS FEE SECURED OR NO AIlVtl-K FHKI American Engineering Co., registered at torneys, 609 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 896-M24 INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent, have an examination made to discover If your Invention is new. These examinations cost $2. Sues & Co.. att'vs, Washington, D. C, or Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nen. ir,; FRI VATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 1 28 First ave.. Council Bluffs, I. Tel. 7,4. U-62i TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530. U-349 MAGNETIC tment & baths. Mme h, 118 N. 15, 2d tl., r. i. u JJ HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Mussncon cures middle - ear trouble, Acoustlcon aids the hearing as glasses do me ee. Hutchinson Acoustic Co., Is. i Life building. 'Phone 1999. U 350 LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B-2113. Mora- Mr American Ticket Brokers, association. U 3jI THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing, in tact, anything you do not need; " coneci. repair and sell at 114 r. 11 St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. "Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U-KU PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 10th Tel. 3669. U M505 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLfcAlING, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and samples. THb GOLDMAN PLfcAltNG CO. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1938. U 342 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th, U 343 H.HENKER, eye peclallat.307-8 Neville blk U-380 KEioiJNAl.o OSBORN BROWN, age 19, ut:iiii mkxuuiii, ngni iiair, Drown eyes, rair complexion; has been In Canada, but apparently left there and came to the u niiea Dial es. Any Information regard ing him win be thankfully received by E. J. Parker, 124 West 14th st.. New York U 424 4x FC7FMA absolutely cured. B. J. Scan LC' nell, 609 Ware block. ' ' U 449 81 iir.flii.i'.MAK has cravenette poat which for obvious reasons he desires' verv mneh to dispose of; coat Is in perfect condition vi u.ra uuiy part or one season; cot $21 and, will sell for $12.50 cash; must be seen to be appreciated; an article of this uu in worn on any occasion and - oi tne year. Jt 37, care Bee. ' U M429 5x . v. H wants to communicate with u ;io win give private instrue nous in English two evenings a week; U-M477 8x MEDICAL i A-uu'r I -rompt regulator for i tT, 'r.nr V, 'f."s' - Postpaid. Sherman ... .... . .Mineu irug to. , lima n a. 3.i5 WANTED SITUATIONS SOOD housekeeper, and Dodge Canadian office. Uth A 293 SITUATION wanted; baker, steady, reli able, wants steady job. E. J. Deater, 207 Lowell ave., Shenandoah la. . A-M444 7 SITUATION WANTED-By male slenog rapher, good education, excellent char acter. v ill accept most any kind of cum, Aiiuitm A. i, liCG. A M479 6x BUUAiiun WANTED-By expert male aiciioKiayiicr. Auuress A, 40, iiee. A M478 6x FIRST-CLASS stenographer, rapid and ac curate, wants position. - Address X42, Bee. A M485 ox POSITION wanted, man and wife without . children, .as foreman on a ranch or to feed cattle; am a first-class farmer and feeder. Address C. J. Almgreen, Genoa, b. A-M4S6 8x POSITION as collector by capable, ener getic young man; good references. Ad dress X43, Bee. A M4S7 4x YOUNG MAN wants active employment In some business where he can be learning and have an opportunity to advance. Ad dress X 45. Bee. A 494 3x LOST AND FOUND FOUND The right place to have your eyea tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 286 LOST, ladies' gold locket, monogram I. B. on one aide, small setting on reverse aide Return to A. B. Rice, Omaha National bank. Reward. Lost 460 8 LOST One pearl cross. Finder will pleasa deliver to room 3, Army bldg. Lost M472 4 WILL the person who took the wheel from in front of Bee building between 11 a. in. and 11:46 a. m. return same to Bee office? lMtt M508 LOST Solid gold, hunting case match; lib eral reward for return to 1310 Douglas st. Lost M546 6x LOST, lady's gold watch; Initials "B. R. C Reward for return to Bee office. ; Lost M551 6 PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK. uii-CTin Crounse Block, Corner of LYNOalAL) 16th St. and Capitol Ave. , 334 KRAMER & CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-08 Douglas St. to de liver work when promised Is our hobhy. 335 THE Nebraska Printing Co.; everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention given to all orders. 113 S. 14th, 2d floor. 'Phone Msa 836. OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 516 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel .1664 3m MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Neville block. Tel. 2823. -370 Huntington St Stratton, 832 N. Y. L. Tel. 799 FLORISTS DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, . society and stage; new classes now forming. 'Phone F-1871. -jni MORAND'S spring term will open for adult beginners. on Tuesday, February at, at 8 p. in. Two dollars less than regular price if you Join on opening night, chil dren, Saturday, 3 p. m. This term, $3. Private lessons daily. Tel. 1041 3i2 10 WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, S22 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. N-287 POSTOFFICE NOTICE p. m. (connecting malt ciosea tier Tul- 5 . . .... ... . . NICARAGUA (East Coasi B rall t New (C Orleans, anil thence by steamer, closes at -" 1 IIUS Ullice UI1H7. rxir-ei numi.j, m . j .wm p. m. and liu.au p. m. ; tiundnys aw I. p. m. i en (connecting- mail lose and 110.30 rt. m. here Wednesdays at 110:10 p. in.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE By rail to New Orleans, I.S., and thence by steamer, closes st thi vfrlee dally, except Sunday and Mondays, at l:39 p. n. and 1 10.3 p. m.; Sundays at II p. m ;r..1 f 10 : jo p. in. (connecting mall noses here every Hunony at Ilit SO p. m.) IRegistered mall closes at 1:09 o. m. pre vious day. Ottf. SQUARE' PIANO in good condition. Ifill Fainam. ' N-2S8 BUY IandcenR Antiseptic Hnlr Tonic. N-M991 M6X TYPEWRITERS OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE . Densmores. Buy and sell any typewriter. Your prices. Expert repairing. 1012 N. Y. Life. Tel. 4916. M-871 WE RENT typewriters. lilICK Ultg. CO., 838 IN $2.60 per month. Y. Life Bldg. 3S4 M26 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column put an ad in and you will soon get It. - . 7. 9X3 WANTED TO T.XCIlANGE, new upright piano on a good team of horses. Address X 44, Bee. Z 495 3x OLDS Gas and Gasoline Engines are as serviceable on the farm as In the factory. Cheaper by far than horses, and they never tire. Several slightly used engines for sale at a bargain. HIS FAR SAM ST.. OMAHA, jNEB. "'l1"lnlw1tl, Traaepaclfle Malta Forwarded laad Dall. Tne schedule of closing of t ran spa rifle malls is arranged on Inn prettii.iption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The rlnnl connecting malls lex. cept registered transpacific malls des patched via Vancouver, Victoria. Tacoma or Seattle, which close 6 p. m. previous day close at the general poalofllce. New York, as follows: JAPAN. KOREA CHINA and specially addressed mail for PHILIPPINE IS LANDS, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. February 26. for despatch per s. s. Trs mint. HAW AIL via San Francisco, close at $ p. m. V ebruary 2T for despatch per s. . Alameda. HAWAII, JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via Snn Fran cisco, close it p m. March 3 for des patch per s. s. Siberia. HAWAII, vis. San Francisco, close at I p. m., March 4, for despatch per s. s. Nevadan. JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close, at p. m.. March 4. for despatch per s. sw lyo Maru. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, closi. at 6 D. m. March 19 tr despatch trr a. s Mnriposa. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at p. m. March 11 for de spatch per . s. Sierra. lf the CunuM steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing st 6:30 a. rn., 9.30 . m. and 6 p. in.; Sun days at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. in. and 6 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close at 6 n. m. March 13 for des patch per a. s. Mongolia. JAPAN (except rurccJs-Post Mails). KO REA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C, close at p. m. March 14 for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. FiJI ISLANDS.' AUSTRALIA (except West) and NEW CALEDONIA, Via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, elose at p. m. March 26 for despatch per s. s. Aornngl. ' ' PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. March 24 for despatch per U. 3. Transport. MANCHURIA (excent 'Newchwan and Port Arthur! and EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San . Francisco and certain place In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "Via Eu rope must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded via San Fran cisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. W1LLCO.V. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., February 24. 1906. V1 GOVKRXMKXT NOTICKS. FORT RILEY. KAN.. MARCH 1. 190ft Sealed proposals In triplicate will be r-, reived here until 11 a. m. March 30. 1!;.. for the construction of one Subsistence Storehouse and one Rulldlng for the care and treatment of sick public animals. In formation furnished upon application here, also at offices of Depot Quartermasters, Chicago, III., St. Louis. Mo., and Omnha. Neb. Bidders will state In their bids the time In which they will cnmplete tTie work, as time will form an Important considera tion in the award. United States reserves the right to accept or reiert any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be en dorsed. "Proposals for Public Buildings'" nnd addressed CAPTAIN LKON S. RolT D1EZ. Q. M. M4-6-T-8-29-SO M RAILWAY TIME CARD HMO STATION TENTH AND MARCY. POSTOFFICE NOTICE rsiinuld bo read DAII.T bv all Intereated. as changes may occur at any time). f oreign mails tor the week ending March 4. 5906. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases; at the General Post Office as fol lows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-Post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. February 27, per s. a. Breslau; March 1, per s. s. Bluecher, and March 6, per a. s. Kaiser WUhelm der Grosae. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign station (corner or West and Morton streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown , below, (except that sup. plementary T.&V.a fur Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign station.) HESS & 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. L. HENDERSON, 1518 Farnam. -36 Tel. 1158. -37 ALFRFD DONAOHUE, JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. J33J. Tranaatlaatle Malla. SATURDAY (4,-At 6 a. m. for EUROPK per a. a. Philadelphia, via Plymouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland must be dl reeled "per s. s. Philadelphia"!; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM PARCELS POST MAILS, per s. s. ' Kroonland (regular mall for Belgium' must bo directed "per s. s. Kroonland"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Konlg Albert (mail must be directed "per s. s. Konlg Allien"); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Citta dl Torino (mall must be directed "per s. s. Citta dl Torino"); at 10::) a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. Etrurlu, via Qucenstown and Liverpool. Malls for South and Central America, West Indies. Rte. SATURDAY (4) At 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary h:;h a. m. ror i-ukiu Kict), CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Caracas (mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must be directed "per s. s. Caracas"); nt 9:30 a. m. isiipplementary 1:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca. and Magda lena Departments, per s. s. Siblrla (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Siblrla"); at 10 a. in. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Ollnda, via Matanxas (mail must be directed "per s. s. Ollnda"). NOTICE Five cents per half ounce IN AD DITION III l nr. nr.'ii 1 L.n ronmurj must be' prepaid on ali letters forwarded by the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited in the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES." after the CIXISJNG OF THE REGULAR MAIL for despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGW la FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamts. Supplementary Transatlantic Mails are are also opened on the piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a. m. or later;' and late mall may be deposited In the mall boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hobokrn. The malls on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time and close ten minute" before bailing time. Onlv regular postage (letters 6 cents a half' ounce) la required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WH'TB STAR and GERMAN (sea pos'. steamers; double. Hostage l letters 10 cents u. half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., El. resit Transpacific CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, closes at this ornce dally, except rnursaay, at 4:ju a. m. (the conne. ti- man.-, close here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addreaaed ror aespatcn ov eteamer, eioses at this offleo daily, except Sunday, at 1:80 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. bunaays at 1 n. m. and 10:30 D. n- NEWFOUNDLAND (except Pareels-PoM AlailvJ ny ran to norm oyuney, anq thence by steamer, closes at thl- office dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. in.; Sundays at 6:30 P- n.. (connecting main close icre every Monday, Wednesday and batur- .. ., , JAMAICA 3y rail to Boston, and" thenca by steamer, ciosea si nun miice a' i p. m Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by steamer, closes at this o flics a, ni 'tii i. j:: Wenf xd&r. M1QUELO.N By rail to B'.-ton. and henc py llcHlllr, li-B ill iu,a .miiv-j uaiijr ex cept Sunday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at t.M d. m. BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls) 4by rail lo Miami - m una innuc uy atMmer. clone at tms orihe at 4:8 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday BR1TIMU HONDl'KAS. IIO.'.'Ji HAS (East Coaslj ana uiiAitAii-ny rail to New Orleans, and U.ilc oy uteumer, elue-a at this (.rfl'-e daily, except Sunday, at 11.30 -p. in- and ai0:30 p. m.; Sundays at II U. in. and IO..(u p. in (connecting mall closes hern U .ndr.js nt l!0:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA-L rail m New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, iioana at thla office dallv, except m.cd-i)" at 11.20 p. in. and 10:W p. in ; Hundst at 1 an. and 110.34 Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited. ..a 8:40 am a 8:05 pin Colorado & Cal. E a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am Cal. & Oregon Ex a 4:20 pm a 5:10 pm North Platte Local a 7:60 am a 7:00 pm Fast Mall .a 8:60 am a 3:20 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:40 am Beatrice Local b 4:90 pm b 1:30 pm Wnbnah. St. Louis Express 6:30 pm 8:20 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) 9:16 am 10:30 pm Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffs 6:46 pm 2:30 pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minn........ a 8:80 pm a 7:16 am St. Paul & Minn a 7:46 am a 7:55 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm al0:30 am Chicago Express a 6.05 am a 3:30 pm Chicago, Hock. Island fc Pacific. ' EAST. Chicago Limited.. a 3:65 am Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am Chicago Express bll:16 am Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:20 am Lincoln, Den. & West.. a 1:30 pm Oklahoma & Tex. Ex.. a 4:16 pm Chicago A jrorthwesrern.- Local Chicago all:30 am Fast Mail a 8:10 pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:60 am Daylight Chicago a 8.00 am Limited Chicago a 8:26 pm Local Carroll a 4.i pin Fast St. Paul a 8:16 am Local Sioux C. & St. P..t 4:00 pm Faat Mail Chicago Express 6:60 pm Norfolk & Bonesteel....a 7:4fr am Lincoln & Ixmg Plne....b 7:40 am Caaner & Wyoming. ...e Z:60 pm Deadwood & Lincoln:. .a 2:50 pm Hastings-Albion ...b 2:60 pm Chicago, Milwaukee 4k at, p Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:56 am California-Oregon Ex. .a 6:46 pm Overland Limited. ...... .a 8:20 pm Des M. & Oltobojl Ex..a 7:66 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:28 am Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm Minn. & St. Paul Ex. .b 7:25 am Minn & St, Paul L t d.. a 7:50 pm Missouri I'acliia. St. Louis Express a 9:30 am li. C. & St. L. Ex all: 16 pm a 7:10 am a 9:66 pm a 6:16 pm bll'50 am a j.20 pm a 3:50 pm a 6:05 pm al2:40pm 3:46 pm 8:30 am 10:00 pm 11:60 pm 9:16 am :') am 7:05 am a 9:30 am 2:60 pin a 7:30 am 10:36 am 10.35 pm a, 6:616 pm 6:18 pm 6:15 pro anl. ll:00 prn 3:10 pm a 7:35 am a 3:10 pm aI0:36 pm a 8 06 am blO;36 pm a 8:06 pm a 8:00 am a 6:00 pm Bt'RLINGTON STATION lOTH MASON Darlington. Leave. Arrive Denver & California. ...a 4:10 pm t 8:20 pm Northwest. Express ....all 10 pm a 6:08 pm Nebraska points a 8:60 am . a 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:57 pm . al2:06 pm Ft. Crook A Plattam'th.b 2:63 pm al0:26 am Bellevne & Plattsm'th.a 7:60 pm b 8:32 am Bellevue & Pac. June. .a 3:30 am Bellevue & Pac. Junc..al2:l6 pm Denver Limited a 6:60 am Chicago' Special ........a 7:10 am Chicago Expreaa a 4:00 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago r tysr a s:ix pm a 7:26 am Iowa Local a 9:16 am all:00prn Bt. Louis Express a 4:26 pm all:t6 am Kansas City & St. Joe..al0:46 pm a 6:46 am Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:16 am :06 pm Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 4:26 pn WEBSTER EPOT-15TII WEBSTER Missouri Pacific. , , Leavs. Arrive. Nebraska T.ocal, via Weeping Water b 4:60 pm bit 40 am Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 8:30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:00 pm al 1:20 am Oakland Local ,...b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am A daily, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday, e dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS,' E U R O P THIRTY TOIHI THIS ftKANON April to Aunuat, br'H Routaa, aparlal wrli la th MdUrranuii. Tosra ww th bla l Europe. KAHKM, INC I.I DING A 1,1, EXPENSES laatptnitrnt Hallnaul and atanHlp Tkkatt Kwrywnvra. wrua lor uouklet. THOS. COOK A SON, $175 to $1,015 Ml Broadway, Ker Vsrk ALLAN LINK ROYAL MAIL aTKAMBRS MONTH KAL. ta MVKKPOOL. . Wnkly SalllDgi SI. Unni Route ghortt. mnolhvat and moat pMarawiua. NEW FAST TIKMINK JRII'I.K SCRILW SIKAMgRa V lcluino ' and viraiiiian''.-, u.vou loua aaoa. TWIN SI H K W STKAMCHg , 'Tanaaaan" and "Bavariaa' - lO.aoo isaa aaiia. Appl; ta anr local (nt. or ALLAN IX). lit JACiUON SLVB. CHICAGO 1 y r