Llli: OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY MARCH 1. lOOS CHAIN A5D PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Doer, Not Blly tnd Wall Street Shapei Out Market. COUNTRY MILLS SUFFER BY COMPETITION t'ara Bear Polat--Waal 4 ash Market Dees Sot Ktrp I p rrltn ga.em llntlTe Oats Storks Deere ase. OMAHA. Feb. 28. 1. The wheat continued weak today. The sudden rally Monday from II14S to tl lH't gave th ImprF-selon the liull click was only giving the market a shaking nut for the purpose of Riving; It follower a scare. Wad the market not len supported It might have candy rnne during the flurrv to $1.10. May was offered during the excitement at $1.14 and was not tuken. This was the first time a dates tip haa gone wrong. It win understood to be safe at $t"18 eiirlv In the session. The market opened today at S1.1&V nut that waa the high point, and tie market sagged to tl.14'4, recovering to ' at nnon. The July waa also off. ('able mere weak; Uverpool closed at to down; Paris 10 to in iower; Antwerp unchanged; Berlin 9i lower and Hilda Perth declined . Tha public la Just Upcoming wise to the demoralization of the amall country mlllera which has been going on for month at the hand of the large mlllera. These ' have been unable to export their flour as Unuul and ao In preference to becoming demoral ised themaelvea have turned on the amall producer. They have been entering hla territory tinder the plea of extending their business, but the dealers who showed any Interest s on found that price waa no object. Bradstreets' world a available sup pllea of wheat ahow an Increase of 148,000, 4.ono of thla being east of the Rockies and 300.000 afloat. Tha wheant decreased 78.000 Isst week and the shipments Hia.ooo against 3W.0O0. The northwestern receipts continue to bold up, being 4.14 cars today. 106 last week and 402 lat year. The t'hlcngo con tract atocka Of wheat have decreased 17. 277 for the week. The No. 2 hard changed from 1.011.243 to I.O'.H.fiOO. The No. 2 red winter remalna at 271. 541 and the No. 1 northern at 16i0. The total la :1.73 bushels. The May corn at the worst today, be fore noon$ reached 4ic. The high point and close of Monday waa 4syjc, and the heat thing thla morning Was 48Vc Corn bears are consoling themaelvea with the position of the cash grain When the May old at 44c. No. 3 track. New Vork. sold at Sc. over the May. Now the May has ad vanced 4'V, and the cash grain Is only 4c In . New Turk above tha option. The rates have continued the same, so that the cash haa lost I or I cents when compared to the option. The cash market In Chicago declined W, with aalea of 60.000 bushels. It la the general opinion' that very little corn will he diverted to Chicago because of the New Orleans fire; Jf la understood the remaining -elevators have offered their facilities to the Illinois Central road and that these are sufficient to take care of the export cord a It arrives. The corn clear ances today arc 760,000 bushels, of which 825,000 bushels went from New Orleans. Bradstreet's world's available supplies of corn have Increased 823,00 bushels. The Chicago contract stocks of corn stand at 2 163,000 bushels, an Increase of 34,000 bush els. The primary rereints nre 974,000 bush els, against 711,000 bushels, and the ship ments. 618.000 bushels, against 353,000 bush els. Bradstreet's gives the world's visible In oats a decrease of 1.300.000 bushels. Ware A Iceland sold 300,000 bushels of May oats today In Chicago. The Chicago stocks of contract oats stand at 581,911 bushels, n de crease of 112.475 bushels. Chicago has only 620.000 bushels of standard outs In public elevators. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. i hard. $1.0ftfil.07: No. 3 hard. S1.0H: No. 4 hard, SOcl.oO: No. 3 sprin $1.06. CORN-No. i. 44Hc; No. 3. 44ttc; No. 4, 43Hc; No. 3 vellow. 4414c; No. 3 yellow, 44Hc: No. i white. 45c: No. 3 white. 46c. OATS No. 2 mixed. !V; No. 3 mixed, M4c: No. 4 mixed. 28c; No. 2 white. J0V,e; No. 3 white 304c; No. 4 white, 2SKg29V4c; standard, SOVie. Omavha Cash Prices. "WHKAT-No. S hard, 1 car. Be lbs., $1.06. CORN Nb. 3 yellow. 1 car, .4HC RYK-No. 3. 1 car, 63 lbs.; 75c. tarlot Receipts. 1 Wheat. Corn new. 4s 2d: American mixed Futures, quiet; March, 4a l4jd; old. 4a lid. Msy, UlSd. IHK.tf.O KRAI AI PROYIMOSt Kea tares of the Trading; ! Cloalag Prlees Bear ttt Trade. CHICAOO. Feb. M.-The Msy deal In wheat Is down and out. At least that wss ths general Interpretation of a new break of VuCNc today In the price of wheat for May delivery. July wheat sold off an even 1 cents. The market cloned at practically the lowest of the daf. May corn la off TjtTlc Oata are down 4c and provisions tWa lc. 8ime weakness In tha wheat market wss manifest at the etart. Opening quotations on Mav were off Sit1 to lmt, at SI. IS1 to SMKV July waa down VS,e to Vii'V?. at $1.Mn to II.00H. The sensational slump In prices yesterday was the principal fac tor In the situation today. Opinion was persistent that the Mai deal has been abandoned by Wall street promoters and that there waa little possibility of any re newal of bull Interests In that delivery. Jn consequence there waa a scramble to sell the May option. When trading began, commission houses were active sellers and for the greater part of the session the bulk of offerings rame from that source. To ward the noon hour the msrket was further weakened by an Increase of 248.000 bushels In world's visible supply, against a de crease of 2.7'fl.ooo bushels last year. Sell ing became more general during the last hour of trading and the market suddenly broke under the load of offerings. May fell to tl.134 and July to JHc. The close was the lowest point reached, quotations on Mav being at $1.13 July closed at 9 94c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 11,300 bushels. Primary receipts were 595.500 bushels, compared with ii;i.io bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 43 cars, against 198 cart last week and 408 cars a year ago. Weakness of wheat was tha main cause of selling of corn and of the consentient decline In values. The volume of trading waa large, with commission houses the principal sellers, Shorts wre good buyers throughout the dsy. A larger movement than was expected was an additional bear ish Influence. The market closed at about the lowest point of the day. May opened He to So lower, at 477c to 4Wc sold off to 47Nia-47,y and closed nt fmfM7c. Local recelpta were 42 cars, with 8 of contract era do. Trading: In oats mas comparatively quiet and the market had an easy undertone. Cash houses were fairly active sellers. Liberal receipts and weakness of whest were the main factors. May opened un changed to a shade lower, at 31 V, 431 V. sold between .lofyfjftir, and closed at 31'4c. Thecal receipts were 183 cars. Provisions had a good start and prices showed a fair advance at the outaet. Higher prlcea for live hogs waa the cause of the Initial , firmness. Lster ths break In grains started general selling, resulting In a considerable decline. At the close May pork waa off 10c, at $12.52'44H2.56. Lard waa down 2HC t $6.86. Ribs wera 242$c lower, at $6.75. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 9 cars; corn, 243 cars; oats, 132 cars; hogs, 46.0(10 head. The leading futures ranged follows: It A. 40 ...126 ...369 42 139 Oata. 169 67 Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis ri,,i.,ti. 04- Louis, : 68 ' ' Il5 - Minneapolis Grain Market. The range of prices paid in Minneapolis as reported by the Kdwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board- 6 Trade, waa: - Articles. Open. Wheat- May July Sept. 1.13 High. I Low. 1.13. .1.111 93 1.11V 1.09. pioae. 1.114. 1.09H WW! Yes'y. 1.14 l.nt; MEW VORK C GENERAL 93 MARKET atatloas af the liar' Various Commodities. NEW YORK',- b. 28.-KLOUR-Recelpts, M.102 bbla.v' exports, 1,402 bbls. Tns mar ket was- dull and easy; Minnesota patents, 1& 9O&H.40: Minnesota bakers. $4. 2u4i4.80: win ter patents, $6.60r;i5.85; winter straights, $6.26 8(6.40; wlular extraa, $a..i4.$0; winter low grades, $3.4b4i'4.h. Hye Hour, steady; fair to good, inone to runcy, 4.). Buckwheat fjour, dull;, per 100 lbs., fci.Outf S.10. Artlcles.l Open.l Hlgh.l Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat I i 1 16 1 u May - July Sept. Com Feb. May July Sept. Ota Feb. May July Sept. Pork May July Lnrd May July Rlha May July 1 004fi. l ooi 91 WOW 1 16 1 00 ' 92 1 13 I. 1 13H1 W' 1 W:88!l 00Mi I I l w W4 SO SZ 47-R. 484r48 I I. 31f sl aifil 12 70 12 85 7 OB 7 17 6 R2j 96 I 45 48'47,W!47fi4l 48! 44; 43 4h 4T7a48'ti"i 48 484i 47 47! I 30;31S31 31!30fl31 XWHW31 31 2l 13 70 1216 7 OS 7 17 31 29 12 60 ' 12 62 I 6 92 7 05 6 72: 6 87 3K31 12 65 13 65 6 96 7 07 C 75 6 90 3U: 29 12 AS 12 72 7 02 7 12 6 80 6 92 No. Z. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady; winter patents, $5.10 6.20; winter straights. $4.90i6.00: spring pat ents, $5.1OifM.ti0; . spring straights, $4.5O&5.00; borers $3.6OW3.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring-. $1.101.15; No. 3, tl.nH4jr1.16: No. 2 red. $1.131?1.14. CORK-s-No. 3. 46c- No. 2 yellow. 45c. OATS No. J. Hc; No. 3 white, 324f32c; No. 3 white, SCmSle. RYB-No.'2. 76877c. BARLKY Good feeding, 3Sc; fair to choice malting. 3t$46c-. . SKEU)8-No. 1 flax, $1.24; No. 1 north western, $1.34. Clover, contract grade, $12.60. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hbl., $12 35 (812.40. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.80. Short ribs Bides (loose), to.564f0.70. SlKWt clear sides (boxed), $6.ibe.77 Receipts. Shipments. ... 28.000 28,200 ...'67,000 64,000 ... B06.400 272.400 ... 336.400 126,600 4.000 27,200 127,200 17,000 CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel- u; Kim Urled, $i90(jj3.10. low, $1.26U'l.3o; coarae, new, Jl.tO'l.lu; RYK Nominal: No. 3 western. 80c. " BARLKY Steady; feeding. 4,1'4c c. I. f. New York mulling. 4tici62c. e. I. I., Buffalo. WHKAT Receipts, 22.426 bu. ; spot mar ket weak; No. 2 ted, nominal elevator and 1.20 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 .northern Uu tith, $1.23 f. c. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Mani toba, $1.11 f. o. b. afloat. Options were Very Irregular today and generally weak Under renwwed liquidation and bear press ure, coupled with, the reported settlement of a big short Hue In Chicago ahd u bear ish Bradstreeta statement of world'a stocks. The close ahowed l(fl'21kc net decline; May,' 1.1.11V1.16. closed at $I.13T; July. $1,02 9-16 (WI 0I. closed at $1.02; . September, 94i 94-40. closed st 94c. c'ORNr-Hccelpts. 187.060 bu.: exports. 211. 42 bu.; spot market easy;. No. 2. 58c ele vator and 64c f. o. o. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 64'ic; No. 3 white, 64'c. Option market opened lower, with wheat rallying on big clearance and then yielding to Jlberal re ceipts, closing 44c net lower; May, 58fi1i3e, closed at 63c; July. 6.'!ff63c, closed at 6.1c. OATS Receipts. 600i bu.; spot market quiet; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs.. 374ttlhc; natural white. 30 to 32 lbs., 38c; cllpiied white, 36 to 40 lbs., iW4,41c. HAY Qulei; snipping. COtpTOc;, good to Choice. tR6c. . . , HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1904, T.fi'iic; 1903 . 254? 28c; olds 11613c. Pacific const. 10O4. 27W3U-; 1903. 2Rfl28c: olds, lift 13c. H1PKS Quiet: Galveston, 30 to 2i lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., IDe; Texas tdry, 24 to 30 H.. I4c. LKATHKR Firm: aefd. 24Wc. I'ROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. $1100 tiU .00: mess, t9.0iuij9 50; beef hania. $22.00 j:ni0: packet. $H 6oill.0o; city extra ines. $15.0017.00. Cut meifta, stendyl pickled bel lies. $i.Xri7.6n: pickled "huulders. $6; pickled hums, '$" 7f'W9.W). jirA. firm: western steamed. $7.:0; refined, firm; continent, $7.23; South America, $7.75; compound. $4.87V '126. Pork, steady;. family, $!4.00n5.00; short clear. $13 004il?.25: mess, $ 12. 76i(j 13.50. TALU1W-Oull city ? Tier, pkg.), 4c; rountrv (pkgs. freel. 44l4c. RlCri firm; qomestic, inir to extra, VV9 Flour, bbls......... Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oata, bu.,.., Rye. bu.. Barley, bu On the Produce exchange today the butter market was easy; creameries, 2432c; dai ries, 24ijj 27o. t BOGS Steady; at mark, cases included, ViTJTtc; firsts, 27c; prime firsts,, 29c; extras, 31e. ...... CHEESE Firm; 12&18o. t. IO Is Oraln and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Feb.. .-WHEAT-Lower; No. 3 red cash, elevator, $1.11; track, $1.1, May. $1.12; July, 94t94'c: No. 2 hard, $1.12 1.14. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 45e; track, 47c; May, 45f 46c; July, 4trti(6 4tic. OATS Weak ; No. 3 eaah. 31c; track, 42c: May. 81&31cs No. 2 white. 33c. FIXH'R Market, dull: red -winter ratents. $5.3016.60; special branrle, $5.60&.75; extra fancy and straight, $486630; clear, $4.40 HKKD Timothy, steady. (2. 00J2.&0. CORNMKAL Steady, $2.40. BRAN steady and firm; sacked, eaat track. 8f(axuc. HAY Small demand; timothy, $6.00912.50; prairie, o.w.uu. IRON COTION TIES 93c. ' BAOGING 7i4c. HEMP TWINE 6c. " PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, $11.80. Lard, lower; prime steam, $6.40. , , r. . tin. j r r i i. m. Bill, I in, $7.37: clear ribs, $7.87; short clears, $7.62. i-t-iL'ti in-Bieaay: cnicaens ana springs, 10V4c: turkeys. 15c; ducks, 13c; geese, 7c. BCTTER Dull; creamery, 24l4c; daJri". lS'QJUC. KGGS Lower at 26o, rase count Receipts. Shipments. (tc; Japan, nominal. 1 ( J LTHV A live. t. steadvi . western chickens, , 12i-;' fowls I4t",- turkeys. 16c. liressea. eay; western cmcaens, iitQiic; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 16ti'Jlc. BITTTEH Steady; street price, extra creamery, 32U3S Otrlclnl urlies: Cream ery. cotnmpD to extra, WifiMi!; creamery, held. roimiKHi to extra, 2032p; state dairy, common to extra. 24ti30c; renovated, com mon to extra. 20tf-8c: western factory, rqm nion to extra. 2oj2(ic: western Imitation creamerv, common to extra. 248i80c CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, small, colored and white fancy. 13-c: state, flne, IJe; state, late made, colored and white, poor to choice. 10V(fil2c; slate, large, col ored and white fumy. 13c; state, fine, 12V18of late made, colored and white, poor to rbolce, ail24c. KGGS Firm: western flrsbj, 30O.Hc; west, ein seconds. 28fi?c. - Available Rapply of Grain. NEW TORK, Feb. 38 Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bruostreet's show the following chaogus Ip available supplies as compared with lust account : W HEAT-Vnlted States and Canada, eaat Rockies, decreased 861.000 bushels; afloat for and In Kurope, increased Ar,wu du.; total supply, decreased 761.000 bu. (V)RN-Cnlted States and Canada, east Rockies, decreased 323.000 bu. OATS 1 'tilted Slates and Canada, fast Rockies, decreased 1.300.000 bu. The only Important change reported this week Is an Increase or 61,000 bu. b the Chicago private elevators. Liverpool Grain Market. " LIVERPOOL. b. 28-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, steady; March. 7s; Msy, 7s. CORN slpot, ateay;-American mixed, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Reactionary Tecdencj in Market that De raloped Monday 3aina Fores. LEADERS FROM TWO TO FIVE POINTS OFF Movement line to Decrease In Ont slde Demand aaa Tendency of Newcomers lo Sell Bends Are Easy. NEW YORK, Feb. 28-The reactionary tendency In stocks gained force today and was of 'moro influence on speculative sen timent than yesterday. A Monday reaction is viewed with equanimity during the course of a rise In stocks for reasons well understood, but there are less plausible explanations for the carrying over a sell ing movement into the second day of the week. The day's operations disclosed a well organized bear part In the trading and their attacks on prices and the suc cess which met them were testimony to the vulnerable condition Into which the speculative situation has fallen. The falling back of prices was not at tended with unfavorable news developments and was clearly due to technical causes. For one thing the newcomers In the mar ket for the outside public were dispirited at having bought stocks yesterday morn ing at the top level only to see them de cline. There was In consequence a slgnm csnt decrease In the outside demand for stocks and Inclination by the outsiders to sell out holdings. The failure of confirma tion by official announcements of any of the numerous reports recently circulated begot a solrlt of tlmldltv amongst buyers. This was the more pronounced In prompting selling on account or targe proms anown ny the advances which the lately current rumors had caused. Many buyers were prompted to take profits " offered rather than run the risk of the failure of re ported projects to be consummated. The shaky conditions of prices yesterday had the effect of Inducing the placing of stop loss orders to a very large extent nt prices below the current level as a precautlonury measure. In the recent feverish condition of the market brokers have been Inclined to Insist on this measure of precaution on the part of customers. This condition waa sufficiently notorious to Invite aggression by the bears, who could be sure to buy In and cover their shorts at a pmflt. if once these stop-loss orders were uncovered. The action of the mnrket showed very plalnljf that raiding tactics were resorted to. wide declines and sudden recoveries showing the eager haste to cover shorts on the present nears. Kecent ravorites in the speculation were naturally most vulnerable and New York Central, I'nlon Pacific, Southern Pa cific and Pennsylvania conseouentl v suf fered most severely In the day's movements. in the per ions of recovery stocks were pushed upwards apparently with the pur pose of supporting the market and ex tending the rally. Amalgamated Corlper, the New York Public ( tllltles. the Erles and a number of specialties, Including the high grade Industrials, made such ad vances from time to time. The Imminence of the hearlna- In the Northern Securities appeal matv have been an Influence In the realizing which was In progress, as the expected decision In that case has been made the hasls for such long continued movement In the various stocks affected that further results from the announcement are hardly to be ex pected. Yesterday's advance In United States Steel came to a cause, althnueh further heavy purchases of pig Iron bv this corporation were reported. Reading's strongotatement of January net earnings did not help that stock. The day's record clearing house balances and exchanges, only slightly below the highest record. witnessed tne heavy requirements of the Southern Pacific bond payment madp yes terday. With this oneratlon comnleted easier money conditions are to be expected. uui mm uio not serve io chock tne specu lative liquidation In stocks. The feeble rnlly In power In the market aggravated the tendency to throw oyer stocks and the pressure Increased, making low prices for the day In the final deal ings and a decidedly weak closing. New rora t;enirars loss ran to nearly five points and the other active speculative leaders were down from 2 to 3 points. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value. $4,720,000. United States bonds were all uncnansr-d on call. The following wire the closlna nuotatlona on the New Vork block exchange: saics.Hign.Low.Clo.se. Atchison ,lm twi xm, s84 do pfd .. 2.800 lu2t 1II2U...1 Atlantic Const Line.' 2,oOO36 ! 125 . 126' Baltimore & Ohio... 45,400 lus4 107" 107 do pfd '. .: Canadian Pacific 17,000 4(ji J39H 139 Central of N. J 500 W &!) 198 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 3,500 61 front Chicago & Alton pfd- 100 82 ' 82 82 Chicago Gt. West..., 4,) 23 23 , 23 C. A S. W 1,301) 241 239 239 C M. & St. P 29.KK) 179 176 176 Chicago Term. & T. 700 1 8 17 17 do pfd 1.400 32 30 80 Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu 10.000 . 68.010 .116,000 . 77,000 16.000 88.000 87.000 88,000 Kansas City Urn In and Provisions, KANSAS CITY, Feb. 28 WHEAT-l2c lower; May, $1.02; July, 87fi8c: cash. No. 8ncu$1.03; No. -'ed. l"l H; No. 3". $106S l.m; iNo. . scmj.u; reseipis, M cars. CORN lwti : Atsi, 4noc; July, 46c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 40c; No. 3, 46c; No. 3 white, 47c; No. 3, 4Tc- OATS I.nwer; No. 2 white. 32g32Vc; No 2 mixed. 31 c. EGGS Ixiwer; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood rase included, 24c per aos.; case count, zo per aoi. ; cases re. turned, c per dos. less. HA Y Steady: choice timothy, $9.50(810.00 choice prairie, $7.5oj8.00. RYE Steady. 78e;9c. ' BCTTER-eteady; creamery, 2731c; dairy pat mug. szhc. ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6a.nfl- 64.600 Com, bu 83.000 52,000 Oats, bu 46.000 28,000 Philadelphia Prooace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 28. BUTTER Steady aud fair demand; extra western creamery, 34c. EGGS Steady and fair demand; west ern, fresh. 30c at mark. CHEESE Firm and good demand; New York full cream, fancy, mci New York full cream, choice, 13c: New York full cream, fair to good, lz0'U'4e. Milwaukee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 28. WHEAT Mar ket lc lower; No. 1 northern. $1.16; No. ; northern, ll OO-al U; May. $1.13 bid. RYE Easy : No. 1. 8Jfi4c. B A RLEY Quieter; No. 2. tl$3c; sample 30uttc. CORN Firm; No. , 46U45c; May. 47 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 38. WHEAT May, 1.11; July. 1.U: September, (; No. 1 herd. $1.13: No. 1 northern, $1.11 N. t northern, ll.Oty. FMU'H Market lower; first patents 3s.00iq6.10; second patents. $6.9043.0o: first clears, $4.u(p4.; second clears. 32.804r2.70. UHAN-ID duik, u.a. OH ano Rasln. OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb.. M.-OII8 Credit balances. $1.38: certificates, no bid;, ship ments. $0,897 bbls.: average. 68. 430 bbls.: runs. 83,248 bbls I aversge. 08.861 bbls. Ship ments. Lims. 88.02a bbls.: average, 68.UO rnis. : runs, urns, is.uj odis ; average, 48, 391! SAVANNAH. On., Feb. 38. TUR PEN TINE Firm at Uc. ROftlK-FIrm: A. . C. $2 TRl D. $1 0; i-'kh; r' :n"ri7K:; i. ;so; n, w7; 1. H 60, K, $1.60; N, $4.76; W G, $ Oft; W W, e.u. reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avsilnble cash balance, $13.. -; guld, $ul.618.12C. Hew York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. .-MONEY-On call. Arm. t48 per cent; closing bid, 8: offered at 2. Time loans, steady; sixty days and ninety davs. 8 per cent; six months, 3. Prime mercantile paper, 3&4 per rent. Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi ness In bsnkera' hills st $4..t4 80 for de. msnd, and at M 845MH 8456 for sixty day bills. Posted rates. $4 86 and $4 C74 KS. Commercial bills. $4 H4fi4 84. SILVER Bar. sDc; Mexican dollars. 4e. BONDS Governments fteady; raillroad. easy. Closing prices on bonds were: n 8. ref. U. reg... .10414 Japan ta. rtfi 10l4 in coupon H'4t 1. A N. nnl. 4t 10114 4o tt r l'H Minhatun . 4s ...lixni. ia S coupon M ittfi. Ontral 4 74i o oew 4s. res 112 1o 1st tne 114 do new 4s. roupon.lM- .Mlrtn. St. I.. 4a.. M 1I0 eld 4a, re 1MH M.. K. T. 4 imi do old 4k. coupon. .I"1 do 2 l"i Am Tobacro 4a. ctfa. 7H N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. do (a. ctfa ,...1tt4 S. Y C. ( Wa loS At.-hlson (en. 4a lMi N. J ('. (. Uh . . V7fe rn. rarinc la irta . .10. , 1 do 3a 77 ..105 N. A W. r. 4a IIM'a .. M O, S. L rfdf. 4a t7S .J1S rnn. conr. Iaa In. .. 1 Raadlnx sen. 4a 10J4 . . 7 Ht. W 1. M. r. ta .111 ..1Mi St. L. A S F. Is 4a. ' 4 .. K St U s w. c. 4a aH .10.1 Seannant A U 4a... .. 2i So. Parlflc 4a n .. 7 So. Kallsajr (a )la rt'O. A St. L. g 4..l"3"j Taiaa A P. 1 t hlraso Tr. 4a S T., St. I.. A W. 4a.. a". Colorado Mid. 4a US fnlon Paclltc 4a 1i".' Colo. A Bo 4a Sl do conr. 4a lW'a Cuba to, rtta 1" t. S. Steel :d Sa 4' D. A R. O. 4a 114. Wahaah la 11 rust I Here- Sac. Sa.... 7 1 do oh. R ""' Erla prior llan 4a....l01'a Weatsrn Md. 4a 2 do ftti. a :viW. A I.. K. 4 5 F. W. A P. ('. 1a...l"4 Wia. Central 4a 4 Hocklna Val. ...Ill I Offered. do adi. 4 Atlantic C. h. 4s. Bal. A Ohio 4a . do I'ta Central of Oa. ta do lrt Inc de 2d Inc Choa. A Ohla 4a t'hlraso A A. S'ta C. B. A Q n. 4a C, R. I. A P. 4a do col. ta Boston Mocks svnrl Bonds BOSTON, Feb. 28 Call loans. 2 cut tlniM Ifinita 31fft4V iter cetll. closing on stocks and oonns: 4a. Atrhlaon ad do 4a Men. Ontral 4a Atihlaon do pf.l Roaton A Albany. Roaton A Maine.... Poaton Elevated ... Meitcan Ontral ... N Y.. S. H. A H. t'nlon Parlflc Amar. Arse. Them. pfd Pnau. Tuba.. Sugar pfd T. A T Woolen pfd Pnmlnton I. A 8... Edlaon F.lxr. Illu... General Electric ... Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Oaa t'nltod Erult United Shoe Mach.. do pfd V. 8. Staal do pfd Weatlng. common . Bid. Asked. do Amer. A mar. do Amer. Amer. do Conaola, moner ... t Y. Central do account tt .-U Norfolk A w. Anaconda tS do pfd Atchlaon t24a Ontario A W. do pfd ...lutViPennaylvanla . Haitimora A t)nio....iioHana Minea Canadian Pacific ....140 Chea. A Ohio Chlraso Qt. W. C. M. A St. P. DcBaara D. A R. a do pfd Erie do lit pfd... do 2d pfd... minora Central Loula. A Naah. iS . K. A T.... C, C, C. & St. I Colorado & Southern do pfd do 2d Dfd. Del. & Hudson V., L. & W Denver & Rio G. .... do Dfd Erie do pfd do 2d pfd Hocking VaJ'.ey do pfil Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ioiils. & Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry....: Mexican Central M. A St. Louis M., St. P. & 8. S. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. W Norfolk & Western... do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & St. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A S. F 2d pfd. St. Louis S. W.. do pfd . Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & W. ....... do pfd Vnlon Pacific do pfd Wnbash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central .. do pfd Adams Ex American Ex 1'nlted States Ex Wnlls-Far.ro K.x...... Amal. copper am 98 97 7V 700 26 25 25 .... ' 0 ' ..:.. 36 2,000 133 . 189V. 189 .... 363 300 88',. 84,7110 47 10.OTK) 81 6.30O 66 700 91 i Mi 91 H,J' luO 82 81 45V 81 65 91 91 168 28 64 29 4 138 88 45 80 6 91 91 167 20) 29W 29 1J o1 Ol'.'a 1.200 30 3HV 1. 10 6 64 7,900 140 138 1.800 172 171 171 4.300 82 80 80 13.500 122T 120 120 20,100 24 234 23V 67 1,800 113 111 111 159 14,00 10(1 107 107 200 32 31 81 600 06 64V 64 700 4:"i 42 68.600 159 164 14.KO0 64 53 3.3JO 84 ' K3 88.900 144 142 , 600 8 2 814i G0,3"0 96 93 34 V tl 154 63 83 92 142 80 94 91 89 84 36.000 3ii 8.7(0 81 T9 79 TO 100 2 400 62 227.8HO 72'4 1.000 119 10.700 ST)i l.a.) 8.100 26 2R 61 . 61 coi.T rAi 9K : 3tvV4 64 6914 35 98 30 54 118 35 97 87 36 ft:t'i 218.7O0 l:C. 131 132 2.3i) lcJ 99V 99 1.3110 2:1 22U J3 2,800 47 46'J 4tJ Ill 800 24'i 23 23 1,000 ' 53'i 62 52Vi Vtt 235 100 13( Wi 130 .. 67,400 Am. Car & Foundry. l.Sts) 600 10 77 35 U 94U M1 75 34 V. 9.1 35 V, 400 1,400 6 40 5 39 1i 39 39 .. 7.900 43V, 41 .. 100 111 llivl r. 14.000 91. mi lita-l HO 1 a " $.4in 100 KI7V4 107IA 78.100 KK at'', mil do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. '.oeomottve do pfd Am. Smelt. Refng. do Dfd ino 118 118 Am. Sugar Refng.... 9,3i) 146 144 Am. Tobacco, pfd cert 1.000 9fi . 95 Anacona.i im. i o Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall people's Gas pressed Steel Car.... do prd 250 75 34 93 96" 6 39iZ l.j '4 j, in v. 8!e UK 144V 96 4i 17.0OO hZ 60 fa. 8.8t 5u9 2t;i-J ama; 400 78 77 GipO 38 3 Ti 1.4U0 500 400 H.i'4 I 8 4.(100 35 3314 S3 21 lfwvi 3 OHO S.i'a 10 7il O ?8.lm l.(1 20 79 i 99 94'4 12 100 88 Pullman Palace Car. M.tkaO 264 Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd "... Tenn Coal Si Iron... C S. leather do pfd C R. Realty IT. 8. Rubber do pfd. exdlv I. 8 B'eel do nfd V. -Carolina Chem. do nfd Westinghouse Elec. w steen 1 nlon 21 774 3 8.1 1.: 1111 imv i. 1.700 47 44' 46 7.600 10S 1"7 107T4 HI .is '4 s, XT 88 8714 246 247 iH'-i lV4j 7i. 71 2K (' 914; !- 12V 1IH 89 89 41 41 a10 V4 104 . 1.O10 89 . 3.900 41 3110 HI .131910 3.' . 44 1'Kl W. . 1..VO Sl Mil 107 , 4,1 ! 300 si; 1in iittu 34, ?4 91 9a . XIU. ,t4 Ht loiv, 11 11 9.H. 9-.V. Total sles for the day. l.W7,io shares Treaaurr statement. WASHINGTON Feb " --Today's state. ment of the treasury balances In the sen eral fund, exclusive of the $180,000,000 golit VIAdventura . . . 102 Allouet . .. 731 Amalsamated .. .,. M Amert.-an Zinc . ...102 Atlantic ,rt Rlnjham .ITU cal. A Hecla.. .K,4 Ontennlal . !24j copper Range .?06 tlalv Went .1.114 Dominion Coal . L'O1 Franklin . II Oranry .'.. t lata Roval .... .144ti Maaa. Mining . .r.s Mtrhlain .144 Mohawk . n Old Dominion . Oa. eola . l'4iParrot 2SI Qnlncy . 1 S7 'Shannon . 14 Tamarack . 67 Trlnlty .'411411'. S. Mlnlni... .11014, r. S Oil . 7 U tah . 17 Victoria . Mli'winnna . 4 tWolverina . 0 I fj3 per Ofllclal .. II . . ir,i . . si ... .. .. ti .. .. 7H .. 11 .. .. 20, .. 12 .. 11', .. fti'4 .. i .. 91 '4 .. 2Vi . -1( .. 7 ..12S .. 10(4 .. 24 .. 'a .. 42 .. 4'4 .. 1314 ..1W ls4os Stork Mnrket. LONDON, Feb. 28. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Reading- . 2 ' a lit pfd 244 do 2d pfd US 80. Railway 1S'4 do pfd ... H(t So. Pacific .. 8 I'nlon Pacific 4714 do pfd ... V. I. Steal.. 47V, do pfd ... 14 Wane ah 144 do pfd ... 3214 Bpanleh 4a .. SILVER Bsr, steady, 27d per ounce, MOM lay 2"vp:t per cent. The rate of discount In the ODen mnrket for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2tK per cent. ..lM .. H6 .. 4 .. 65 H .. 74 .. 10'i .. 48-H .. 47 .. 4 . . aa 10014 7214 1JS1, 102 3414 9V 2S-4 4a4 144 rn York' Mfnln Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 28.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adama con zo Little unlet.. A I les Breeco Brunawlck con . Comatock Tunne ... -7J . 25 . 5 Con. Cal. A Va.f....l70 Horn Sllvei 17V Iron Sllvef. :...190 Leadvllle coo. .... 1 Onrarlo Ophlr Phoonli Pothal :. gaae Sierra Nerada fPm.lt Hopea... lasam 87i 6tfi 7 ..... 18 li 44 2d 170 K-orelarn Financial. lX)NDON,' Feb. a8.4Wny was In good demand In the market Today for month-end requirements. Discount Were a shade easier on talk or a reduction 00 me riank or Eng land's rate of discount. Prices on the Stock exchange were steady. A moderate amount of business Was transacted In flrst class securities, which were firm, but con sols and home rails were somewhat weaker on realisations. Americans opened weak. especially speelaltles, but later the parity level was maintained and sometimes ex ceeded. The feature was Southern Pacific, which closed nt 73 on dividend rumors. Operators -were Inclined to be cautious owing to the heavy selling In Wall street vesterday. Stocks - weakened slightly dur ing the last hour, but recovered and closed firm. Japanese were bought well on the war news. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted 104 Peruvians were In demand for the continent. BERLIN. Feb. 28.' Trading on the bourse today generally was sluggish. nnlnth Grnln Market. DULUTH. Feb. 28 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. $1.00; on track. No. 1 northern $1.09: No. 2 northern. $1.07;, May, $1.10: July, $1.10; September, 91c. , OATS To arrive nnd on track, 30c. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. 28. Bank clearings today were $1,412,961. For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were $1,366,915.77. Wool Market. BOSTON, Feb. 28 WOOLS The prevail ing quiet tone In the wool market Is due to the depleted condition of stocks and the general hesitation of buyers to Invest. The bulk of wool now being offered is Australian or South American, domestic supplies being at low ebb. Pulled wools are easier, though some holders refuse to accept lower bids. Territory wools are quiet with offerings light. Foreign grades are steady. Quotations. Territory-Idaho, fine, 18U19c; heavy fine, 16il7c; tine me dium. 18u..19c; medium, 22fc'23c; low me dium, Kfti'Mc. Wyoming, fine, 17318u; heavy fine, 16tfj16V; fine medium 17Vfil8c; medium, 23C4c; low medium, 23$j"24e. Utah and Nevada, fine, I718c; heavy fine, 15 16c; tine medium, I71)18e; medium, 2-''(() 23c; low medium, 23"24c. Dakota, fine. 18rjl9c; fine medium, lMjjlSc; medium, Zi'0 24c; low medium, 2124c. Montana, fine, choice. 2122e; flne, average, 19r20c: tine, medium, choice, 2l0(!2c; average. 194140c; staple, Z2$C23c; medium, choice, 2325c. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 28. WOOLS Market steadv; medium grades, comnlng and clot h Ing 26i28c; light fine. 214j22c; heavy fine, ITit ISc ; tub washed, 33fi39c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 28.-METAI-The London market for tin.' meeting with less pressure from speculative sources, was firmer recovering about hulf of yester day's losses arid closing 131 7s Ad for spot and 130 15a for futuree. Iyx-ully the mar ket waa steady In sympathy, cloning at $28.50tit!.0O. Copper Is unchanged at 68 6s 3d for spot and 6S 16s for futures. Lo cally the market continues firm with pro ducers holding lake ut $16.60; electrolytic, $1S.3715.60; casting. $15,006-15.25. Iad was easier abroad, closing at 12 3h 9l In the London market. Ixicallv It was unchanged at $4 4614.60. Spelter Is steadier at 24 In London, hut remained unchanged In New York, where It closed at $6.10ifr.20. Iron closed at 63s 6d In Glasgow (jnit 48s P1 In MiddleslKiro. Locally Iron continues strong with good demand: No. 1 foundry, northern, $1?.W18.25; No. 2 foundry, north ern. $17.504318.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundrv. southern, soft, $l7.75Jf 18.25 all f. o. b. tidewater. Bf. IMM8.- Feb. 28. METALS Lend, quiet at $4.35?4.37. Spelter, firm at $6.10. Cotton Market NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 28.-COTTON Market steady; sales,' &.200 bnles; ordinary, 4 13-16c; good ordinary, 6c; low middling. 6c; middling. 7 5-160; good mlddllnr, 1 ll-16c; middling fair. 8c; recelpta, 18.K58 bales; stock. 924.543 bales. ST. I)U1S, Feb. 2H.-COTTON-Market quiet and fl off; middling. 7c: sales, none: receipts. 50 biles; shipments, 4H bales: stock. 43.270 bales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 28. COTTON-ln siot a good business was done; prices un changed: American middling, 4.14d; sales of the day, 12-O.a", bales, of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export and In cluded U.8110 bales American; receipts. 17, 000 bates. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Liberal, bat Pricei Held Fully Steady. OGS SOLI MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Active Demand for Sheen nt Steady Prlees, bnt l.nmbs W ere F.it remely Slow Sale, with the Keeling Weak on All tirades. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 28. 19"5. Receipts Were: Cattle. Hog Sheep. Official Monday 3.254 6,732 4.717 Official Tuesday 6,ta 8,700 7.H60 12.397 20.790 6,120 14.291 10,271 25.410 1:13.129 148 o-M 112...2 71.S72 80.1S4 113.441 IihJ.523 l',572 51.019 1.1.248 12,564 Two days this week 8.2T-6 Same days last week. . . .10.22O Same week before 1.813 Same three weeks ngo.. S.sno Hume four weeks ago 6.4i2 Same das last year 6.030 Total this month 56.H30 1S3.9I iniai reorunrv. it"4 w,tu Total February, 19"3 75.591 Total February. 19"2 6I.40S Total February 1901 51.673 Total February, 19m 49.572 Total February, Total February, Total February, Total February, r... , iwiai rruiunry J1.S97 2lH.4l 243.941 198.571 139.7i 131,074 134.W2 112.2M 79.772 121.343 1W 43.654 1S9S 5(1.141 1V97 47.13S X96 33.308 PWf'li.lUTQ IIL' VL.--AD Tt 1 niTV. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep mi South Omaha for the year to dute, with comparison with last vear: 1915. 1M. Dec. Cattle 126.6V2 140.I23 1-4.451 Hogs 39.511 399.9"1 liLS""' Sheep 256.669 287.946 31,377 The following titble hi.oa ... averago price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Sugar and Molasses. VKW YORK. Feb. 21-BrJAR - Raw. firm; lr refining. 4ci centrifugal. 1 teMt. 5c; molasses sugar, 4.'. Refined, firm; crushed, 675c; powdered, 6.16c; granulMteil, .tV. NFW ORLKANS. Feb 2S.-SUI3AII-Msrket strong: open k-ttle, 3tr4(c: open kettle. t-enlrlfugnl. 4,45c: cnlrlfu-il whites. S (-I6i-; yellows. 4tt6'; sci'niuls, 3.i4c. .MOLABSKR Quiet: otieu kettle. 3i-: centrifugal. 62 16c. Syrup, steady at :?c. 1905 1900.1'''99. Feb. I.... Feb. Feb. S....I Feb. 4....i Feb. s....' Fob. ,.... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8 ... Feb. .... Feb. 10... Feb. 11... Feb. 12... Feb. 13... Feb. 14... Fr-b. 15... Feb. 16... Feb. 17... Feb. 18... Feb. 19... Feb. 20... Feb. 21... Feb. 22... Feb. 23... Feb. 24... Feb. 25... Feb. 26... Feb. 27... Feb. 28... Indicates Sunduy. The otTUlal number or cars of stock brought In today b" each road was: Cattle.llogs.snt'ep.M r s. C. M. & St. P. Ry... Wabash 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 2 Union Pacific System. 3'1 C. A N. W. Hy 7 F.. E. A M. V. R. R... 45 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 35 B. & M. Ry 60 C. H. & Q. Ry 10 C R. I. & P. Ky., cast 9 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Great W 2 1 17 5 34 9 23 7 19 3 3 130 Total Receipts 202 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle, Hops. Sheep 131.2 Omaha Packing Co 551 Swift and company 10.59 2217 Cudahy Packing Co 1(03 2976 Armour Co v 871 21S9 Carey A Co Lobman & Co McCreary Clark.... Hill A Huntzlnger.... Huston A Co Hamilton A Co L. F. Huse Wolf Murnan Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A Co Bulla A Kline s. & s...- C. M. Church & Co....:. ... 113 V. H. Clark..-. Held Over 871 57 29 59 1(6 32 227 4 206 52 108 .61 2 267 81 2313 1565 1376 .i- v 1788 Total 4804 9067 7854 CATTLE There was quite a liberal run of cattle here this morning, but supplies at other points were not heavy, and as a result the morkef ruled active, with prices If anything a trifle better than those In force yesterday. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of lit good season. Receipts included a liberal proportion of beef steers, but there did not appear to be any too many to meet the requirements of the IochI trade. Anything at all de sirable changed hands quite freely at what could be culled fully steady or strong firlces. When It came to the common and Ight cattle the market was again very uneven, the same as It has been of late, so that some Kales looked much better than others. On the ' average, however, the prices did rot show much change from yesterday. The cow market was also active, with prices generally steady with yesterday. In some cases something that Just happened to strike the fancy of a buyer may have sold to a little better advantage than yesterday, but on the whole the prices paid were, much the same as those of Mondav. As all of the packers took hold quite freely It was not long before most everything was disposed of. Bulls, veal calves and stags also com manded J'ist about the same prices thy did yesterday, there being no quotable change In either direction. The demand for Blockers and .feeders was fully equnl to the supply and the market couid safely be quoted strong on anything at all desirable in the way of either heavy or light weight cattle. When it came to the common catUe of all weights the mar ket was not bo active and no Improvement In prices waa noticeable, as the demand country is cuiiiineu mrgciy to poor quality- , Representative from the cattle of sales: No. l. .. I. .. 2... J7... JJ... 14... 2t... 1". .. 6... II. .. 45... 16. . . 11... 12... 7... 20... 1... J... II... II... II... I... 35... i:... 45... I... 40... 6... I... tl... 15... II... 17... It... 4... 1... 1... I... 4... 1... 1..'. !... i..: t... i... i... i... i... ... 10... i... l... I. .. i .. i... t... ... 4... II. .. I. . . 7... a... 11... 7... ... 11,.. :4. . . it... i... l... t... 3 . I... ... t ... I... I... BEEF STEERS. At. . .. t ... 140 ...100 ... ...lona ... M.7 ... 2 ... 168 ... 2 ... 181 ...11107 ...1122 ...HH14 ... 141 ... . .. SM2 ... IW) ...1110 ... 142 ...IOCS . ..111 . . .10:12 ...1216 .. .1121 .". U'4I ...1ln ...1028 . ,.10fi ... im ...1105 . .1071 ...1112 STKERS AND HEIFERS. ... 141 ... 12 . 140 .1025 Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 0 11 148 4 IS I 25 S 1173 4 20 I 25 Da 1106 4 20 I t0 6 , I0U i n I 50 7 111 4 25 t 70 21 10F.4 4 25 3 T6 16 18 4 25 3 75 11 1170 4 25 8 75 1 12l'1 4 30 I 75 I 111! 4 30 I 10 10 1175 4 30 I 10 96 1177 4 30 3 ao 12 103.1 4 85 I 85 4.-1 1139 4 3f 3 85 10 1X10 4 85 I 85 2 1320 4 40 til 11 1182 4 40 I 0 13 1211 4 41 1 90 23 U73 4 45 I M 13 l.'OJ 4 55 4 00 24 1281 4 0 4 00 18 1:125 4 10 4 00 II .1212 4 60 4 00 48 1370 4 15 4 00 ' m 1210 - 4 70 4 00 10 1311 4 70 4 00 17 1411 4 76 4 10 1 Hn 4 80 4 10 16 14il 4 80 4 10 15. 1324 4 50 4 10 27 1362 4 00 4 10 782 780 600 176 I ISO 1160 810 830 1030 H4 1030 1020 867 91 10 1036 ..... 76 1110 930 130 1180 1140 1075 9h0 90 11.30 r.4 r.7 1070 1..49 liao Dir. Ill COW 781 ti 887 Iir.o IL'50 (fMitl no r.'o ano lovu 8 70 24 una 4 10 3 75 II 1077 4 to :ers and cows. I 36 6 1131 4 50 4 30 7 4 50 COWS. 1 00 II 070 8 20 t 110 4 1060 8 20 t 25 15 1UM 3 20 2 25 20 7t t 26 I 50 21 990 I 25 1 50 S 1210 I 25 2 50 I llll I 26 2 50 1 893 I 25 1 60 3 ....173 I 26 2 60 II 1071 3 25 I . 1 176 I 80 t 10 11 172 I 30 I 75 12 921 I 16 1 15 1 1005 I 85 2 10 10 1071 I 13 I 00 1031 I 40 8 00 1 1091 I 50 I 00 1 1120 I iO I 09 I 1 1 23 III I 00 4 887 8 60 I 00 1 1026 I 50 IK) 6 94 3 69 I 00 I 1176 I 60 i 10 22 1210 I 63 I 10 12 91.1 t 66 1 10 li Ill IN 2 16 I I11SO J to I II I U'3 I 70 3 16 II 1136 I 70 3 16 1 I 76 3 Ui 20 111,3 I 6j 5 "AND HEIFERS. I 46 18 I..'l I 70 1 15 I... l.'JI I 75 S 45 1 - - 1031 I 10 BULLS. 2 0 1 1510 8 00 2 60 t I7MI 3 to 2 75 1 nan 3 15 2 ti I 1l2fl 3 23 2 U 1 ICM 3 28 2 90 I IM) J 2 10 I , 148.1 I 25 I 90 1 1615 I M 1 to 1 . sa 1 too 1 i 1 1450 I M 1 i:e I 6 HKIFatKaV 1 490 i JJ 13 a, J (a 1 40 I It 4 481 8 50 I 110 I M I eea I 60 I . t T83 III 1 Ill 19 II 965 8 56 T 81 1 I 10 II Ill I t t IT6 I II at 904 is 1 no in t ao 1 1 I i It . 1 1040 1 as I M III 1 1111 4 21 4 137 49 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 310 I 15 1 450 1 6 1 151 1 46 CALVES. 1 1 to I 26 1 200 6 91 4 Ill I 50 I 131 t 01 1 204 I 60 1 150 00 1 1.. 119 I 71 1 17 I 90 tVrOCK CALVES. 1 240 2 75 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 1 t I 59 . I. 149 I 40 1 4t I II I 610 I M 1 110 I 94 I 735 I 10 1 .- 690 I 90 11 M IH 1 710 I 21 1 126 I 16 1. .., 100 I 25 1 711 I 16 2 715 I 16 I IfO I 15 1 680 I 25 7 121 I 15 .7 417 I 10 I 147 I 19 ! 144 I 16 II 801 I 70 2 346 I 10 51 121 I M 1 470 I 40 2 feeders.. fWO 1 feeder... 1230 1 feeder... 910 11 feeders.. 870 3 feeders.. 870 64 feedere. .10o 8 feeders.. 1009 18 feeders.. 9J8 93 feeders.. Iff 43 feeders.. t W TOM INO 3 90 1 00 1 85 3 86 3 60 4 06 3 50 3 90 t 9 4 00 10 feeders.. 90 3 feeders.. 990 24 feeders.. 960 28 feeders.. 9R9 2 feeders.. 989 28 feeders.. 9SJ 2 feeders. 2 feeders. ( feeders. 4J feeders. 928 1 "9 o9 S 88 I 60 4 15 4 06 3 60 4 00 1 60 8 60 3 25 1 26 l.noa 13 0O4l 84 Mgher; plsrs and lights. 4ojvb4 9: packers 14.90 6 00; butchers snd best heavy, ti ftwtt k in SIlKFr AND T.AMBS-recelpts. head; market steady; native muttons. 6 00; lambs, I4iH7 76; culls and bucks. 0V; atockers. 10ttiS.S(i. St. Joseph Live Sleek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. f -CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.44K hesd: market active. 1V higher: natives. 83.7n4i6.aO; cows and heifers. 1.75fJ 4 45; Blockers and feedera t2.7Vi4.2n. IKKIgRecclpta. 7.217 head: markef SfTlrte higher: light. t4.8tU4.K; medium and heavy. $4 85Sfln HIIFKP AND LA MBS -Receipts. 40 kead: market steady to weak; lamlis. 1766: yearlings, $.5; ewes, t6.su. 8I9II City Lire Meek Market. SIOUX CITT. Feb 28-lSpoclal Tele, gram CATTLE Receipts, l.fart head: market steadv: beeves, fct.snbfi.on; cows, bulls and mined. 2.'dM.0o: Blockers and feeders. 82.75 3.80; calves and yearlings. $2 2Mi3 50. HOOS Receipts, 4.nno head: market ' 6 higher, selling at K607J4.85; bulk of sales, $4 7l"S4 SV. , Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the si principal western marsets yesteroBT were BAlh n. V, I Steal City Kansas City St. Ixiuls St. Joseph Chicago Totals 1904. 1903. i 1902.! 1901. 4 S ) 4 721 II k1 6 22 4 7 3 64 4 . I 4 73 ( 6.1 I 6 25 4 68 I (4 4 72H 4 841 70l K 931 4 62 3 63 4 711 4 811 6 801 6 V 6 31 3 68 I 4 77! 8 821 12 6 23 , 4 66 4 rim 4 811 6 77 161 6 21 1 4 70 3 64 4 74l 1 74 031 6 28 4 68 I 86 4 6a 4 (81 I t 86 6 29 4 75 I 64 4 68 4 69 6 711 5 26 4 84 I 70 4 7A 6 01 6 76i 00 4 80 3 71 4 767 6 00 6 70 6 02 6 32 I 66 6 01 6 72 043047 81V 4 36 801 5 99 6 241 4 82 I 61 4 84 ( 86 6 921 5 SI I 4 75 1 3 6J f o. 4 84y4 4 99 6 81 8 28 4 75 I 68 4 85UI 6 03 6 9.3 I 6 2s 4 83 t 68 1 4 73 6 0: 7 03 6 79) 4 76 S 68 Ji' 4 1. 6 041 6 7 6 78 6 22 J 52 "' b 121 6 91 6 851 6 23 4 83 m. 4 65 6 24 6 98 5 86 6 311 4 78 3 61 41. 4 lis', 96 6 B8 t 33 4 74 I 47 71. 4 7j-4 3 27 1 6 9j 6 ij 4 69 8 65 66. 4 9V 5 22 6 S3! 6 321 4 69 3 58 71. 4 60V? 6 19 6 84 1 6 97 4 69 63 11. 4 73 6 32 811 6 93 6 39i 8 fc8 . 6 391 6 911 6 88 6 331 4 66 4 75V 6 32 6 861 6 81 5 27 4 67 I 62 !?' I 6 22; 6 89 5 90 6 28 3 77 JJ' 72. 70. 76. r,2. ti. MONTANA. 37 feeders.. 1226 4 20 lltKiS Receipts of hogi Were quite mod erate this morning st all points and ss a result the general tendency of prices was upward. The market here opened In good season with an advance of fully a nickel. Some of the buyers took hold freely, while others did not like the Idea of pay ing the advance, so that trading was only falrlv active. The bulk of the butchers and mixed sold from 14 o to 14.87. with henvles largely from I4.87H to 14 Ho. with prime heavies as high as 15.00. The lighter weights sold largely from 84 80 down. The hogs kept moving toward the scales, so It was not long before the hulk of the offer ings was disposed of. This advance car ries the market to the highest point reached since Fehruary 16, and the top price Is the high point of the year to date. The latter end of the market was hardly as good as the opening. Some of the pack ers persistently refused to pay the early nrlces. and as a result after the more urgent oide;-s were filled prices weakened s trifle. Most everything, though, wss dis posed of by noon, and the general market showed an advance Representative sales: ev. sa. rr. ..Ill ... 4 15 . tit 40 4 73 . .194 40 4 76 .. . 12 40 4 71 . . 206 10 4 71 ..114 ... 4 77 ..221 ... 4 77 ..111 ... 4 77 ..121 40 4 M ..200 ... 4 to ..III ... 40 , ..310 ... 4 10 , .101 200 4 80 ..181 40 4 W ..191 ... 4 19 ..191 ... 4 10 , ...100 ... 4P ..201 80 4 80 ..201 ... 4 80 ..199 ... 4 10 ..tot ... 4 10 '! 201 ... 4 80 61 206 ... 4 10 21 11 40 4 10 78 197 ... 4 90 1 221 50 4 10 - M 217 40 4 80 71 110 ... 4 10 15 181 40 4 M 5! 233 ... 4 19 16 114 10 4 10 SG 243 ... 4 10 IS.. 221 40 4 12 ti 231 ... 4 12 71. 238 10 4 82 70 211 10 4 12 161 233 ... 4 42 14 221 ... 4 87 76 246 10 4 82 4. ...... .244 80 4 12 16 240 ... 4 81 61........23tl ... 4 12 76 806 ... 4 82 73 234 10 4 12 71 301 40 4 13 74 111 10 4 II 65 101 ... 4 12 71 141 ... 4 U 62 .211 .... 4 13 74 226 10 4 12 54 214 ... 4 12 ot fully a nickel. Ha. 41 10 73 64 15 11 74 I 16 71 13 71 II 7 II II 66 17 7 4 71 70 17 Tl 71 61 77..... M 31 63 77 76 66 II 11 46 II 14 71 10 II 71 2 52... 12... 44... 44... 66... 66... tl... 40... A. ..Ill ..324 ..281 ...274 ..214 ..131 ..291 ..too ..241 ..231 ..121 ..217 ...354 ..234 ..251 ..281 ..241 ..231 ..240 ..241 ...251 .141 ..224 ....111 ....Ml ....281 ....117 ...141 ....244 ....246 ....237 ....231 ....267 . ... 296 ....133 ....250 ....246 ....261 ....281 ....244 ....105 ....241 ....294 ...261 ....218 ....236 ....163 ....243 ....347 ....291 ....407 SS. r. 40 4 82 ... 4 16 ... 4 86 ... 4 95 40 4 16 4 16 100 4 85 10 4 16 10 4 II ... 4 16 ... 4 16 40 4 96 40 4 15 ... 4 85 ... 4 86 ... 4 16 ... 4 16 ... 4 16 ... 4 15 40 4 15 40 4 86 40 4 15 ... 4 16 ... 4 16 ... 4 16 40 4 M ... 4 M ... 4 15 ... 115 ... 4 16 ... 4 16 ... 4 86 ... 4 17 140 4 17 140 4 17 ... 4 17 40 4 17 10 4 17 200 4 K ... 4 90 ... 4 90 ... 4 90 40 4 10 120 4 90 ... 4 10 ... 4 10 ... 4 90 40 4 90 ... 4 91 ... 4 16 ... I 00 sheep and lajnbs hero this morning than arrived yesterday. In the case of sheep, the demand wan fully equal to the supply and the market was fairly active, with prices Just bout steady with yesterday. The .quality of the offerings was not good, so that the market on paper does not look particularly high, but considering quality prices were steady. As high as $6.60 was paid for ewes, but no good wethera or yearlings were offered. , . The Tamb market waa very slow and Waalr ' A lorira. nrnnortion of the receipts constated of lambs, and as the trade is already well filled up on lambs practically oil over the country, packers did not take hold very freely, particularly of the less desirable grades. As high as $7.26 and $7.45 was paid for good, lambs. Feeder buvers were competitors on the shortfed stuff and as high as $6.60 Was paid by them for lambs of good quality. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings. $6. 40. 90; fair to good year lings, $.00r6.4O; good to choice wethers, $5.60Cq6.00: fair to good wethers, $5.004i6.60; A hnin. dtt.. tc rww . fv fair to Brood ewes, $4.50C(6.00; common to fair ewes, $4.00 &4.50; good to choice lambs, $7.60j.7.65; fair to good lambs, $7.004j7.&0; feeder Iambs, $6.50 fatj. .0. Representative sales: jvlo. 3 western bucks 10 western culls , 4 western bucks 1 western ewe , 30 western ewes 12 western ewes 305 western ewes 414 western ewes 9 western ewes 634 western ewes 278 western ewes 1 native lamb 69 western yearlings 26 western cull lambs 13 western wethers lo western wethers 3 western wethers 33 western yearlings 6 western yearlings 354 western yearlings and weth 99 western yearlings and weth ers , 300 western feeder aml( 175 western feeder lambs 4 western lambs 22 western lambs 515 western Colorado lambs ... 35 native lambs 16 Colorado cull ewes 24 western ewes 121 western ewes 1 Colurado ewe 423 Colorado ewes 100 western ewes 60 Colorado lambs 9 western lambs 799 Colorado lambs 20 western cull ewes 68 western ewes 1 western wether 62 western ewts 153 western ewes 95 wemern lambs...... 71 western lambs AV. ..133 .. 96 ..147 .. 80 .. 91 . 84 ..116 ..102 .. 92 .. 91 .. 91 .. 60 .. 77 .. 47 .. 99 ..106 .. 80 . 69 99 62 62 102 84 86 96 81'. 88 93 80 92 116 . 73 84 79 91 102 160 82 82 54 71 Pr. 3 60 4 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 C 60 6 76 6 76 & 75 6 75 6 75 6 25 6 26 6 26 25 6 60 6 60 7 00 7 25 7 26 7 60 8 00 26 4 60 6 2u 6 30 6 50 7 25 7 28 7 48 3 60 6 25 6 00 4 50 4 no III 50 Cattle. .5.000 1.600 .8.000 4.ono .1.448 ,.5.500 Hon. 8.700 4000 6.500 8.000 7.217 22.000 Sheen 7.800 10.600 l.oi 6.940 i8.oon .25.448 66.417 . 44.040 rilKA;) I.IVB STOCK MARKKT Cattle Meadr. Hoejs Five Cents Ip, Rheep anal Lambs Stead). CHICAGO. Feb. 28. CATTLE Receipts E.5t head: mnrket steady; good to prime steers, t6 8.U 40; poor to medium. $3 9ow6.75; Blockers Hnd reiers. lioiawini cows. 41 .t-o 4 50; heifers. t2.imtiK.A0: cannera. I.2l1f!.?0; l,nM Il .(ariil 10: calves. I3.iK.co 1. 50. HOGS Receipts. 22,000 hesd; estimated for tomorrow. 40.000 head: market 6c higher mixed and butchers. t4.SOJi5.05; good to choice heavy. $5 0015.12: rough heavy, $4.85f 4i.v in i k or sn es. 64 hk.io ."J. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18.000 bend: mnrket. steadv: aood to choice weth ers. $5.tati6.25; fair to choice mixed. $4,054? Sou; western sheep, $6.0oto.20: native lambs $5.7517 75: western lambs, t5.75'a7.R0. Kansas f Mr Lire. Stock Market. KANSAS CITY., Feb. E8. CATTLK Re. relnts 8.K11 head. Including POO head south erns: market steady to 10c higher: choice export and dressed beef steer's, $o.0011i.76: fair to good. $4 0"fl5.00: western fd steers 3.756.00: Blockers nd feeders. $3. 00134. 60; southern steers. $5.254.50: southern cows, 82.2513.50; native cows. tl.7K4Y4.26: native heifers. $3.73S60; bulls. $2.60fSJ.;8; calvea. i una H. 76. HOGS Receipts, 8 6a hesd: market 60 higher: top. $5.06; bulk of sales. 4.764toi: heavy. M.M6.H6: packers. $4.90tfr5.00; pigs and uhts. I4.'Jr'i4.P. 8HKBP AND LA MBS Receipts. lO MD head; market for slisep stesdv for lambs 10c lower: native lambs. $a.8ot7.75: ti'ittve wethers. tA.2S4Yil.lH: native fed ew. 14 8,Vlf 6 75; western red lambs. 6nti7,76: western (ed vearllngs. tt!.ii4itl.l"l: western fo) sheep. $4 NV(H, ia; sum Here and reeuers, n.Mo r" Nt. I.nols 1.1 ve IMock Market. H'P. LOU 18. Feb. 28 -4 ATT I. K- Receipt p. 4.000 hend, Including 2.500 hed Texan; mar ket nigner: ntl'e snlnping ano exooft st. ers 14 6Vvi',.ort 1 tressed beef s'ld bulrlie sleers. H.Vu6.75: steera im'a' 1 ivv. IImi.. 13 on 413 80: Blockers end fder , '.' !.Vf4 10: . snn het'ers t.uva 76: r''ers 11 8 V hulls, f 5oiV4 1"; calves ti viii".;; Texas and Indlen steers, 12 60fll.76: cows Slid Iiei'ee. f ?64i3 75. HOGS -Receipts, 1000 hesd; market OMAHA WHOLES A LK MARKKT. Condition of Trade and 4lotatlons on Staple and l'aar IVodace. EGGS Csndled stock. 24c. LIVK POULTRY Hens, 10c; young. roog ters. according to slie. 8c to 10c: old roos ters, 64i4ie: turkeys. 15c; geese, 8c. DRF.8SKD POULTRY Till keys. r7tTl0; ducks, 12c; geese, Hlli-; chickens, lUYUc, roosters. 7a8c. BUTTER Packing" stock, 21c: choice to fancy dairy, 23i2.c; creamery. JTtJSOej prints, Sic. FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout, c; pick, erel 64-; pike. 8V: pcicli. 7c; Ixuensh. 12o; whlterlsh, 9c: salmon, He; redsnapper, 10o; halibut 9c; frog legs, rpr dos.. rahtrah art halibut. 9; crupples. lie; buffalo. 7c; while bass, 11c; herring. 6c; hluetlsh. 11c; Spanish mackerel 11c. Krog legs, per doaj., 40c. BRAN Per ton. tH.do. HAY Prices nuoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers' association: Choice No, 1 up land, t7.00; No. 2. $6; medium, t6i'0:eoarse, $6.60. Rve straw. 85.00. These prices sre for hav of good rolor snd quality. . OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per ran. 36c: standards, per can, 30c. Bulk: Standards, per gal.. $1.40; extra selects, per gal., $1.i5; New York counts, per gal., tl.so. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra :'ancy Bed la nd navels, all sixes. $2.5i: fancy navels. 2.25; choke navelB. large sixes m. to. uj 00. LEMONS Callfo'Hs. fsr-cy. $2.70; SK and 860. $3 26: choice. 270, 3o0, 390. $S.C0. DATES Per box ot au-10. nags.. -.t; Hallowee, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 44j6e. FIGS California, per ki-id. carton, ioto 86c, Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 10c; 0 and 6-crown, 12c; fsncy. Imported (washed). In lb. pkgs., 16018c. BANANAS Per tnedlum-slxed bunch, $1.TS 2.25: Jumbos, $2.5O3.00. ORAPEF-RUIT Per box of 54 to 64. I6.S04S 7.00. FRUITS. APPf.KR New Vorir Kings. $3.25: New Vnrlc Greenltias. 13.00: New York Baldwins, $3.00; Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box, $1.50; Pippins. $1.60. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. $6.6047.00. TANUKK1H.K.H uauiornia, per i dui, LrtAiNx5n.nnir.pl Wisconsin kwii nu nu gle, per bbl.. $8.(10; Jerseys, per bbl., $8.(10; per box, iz.id. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown. In sacks; per bu., 46c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c. TURNIPS Old. per bu., 40c; canatia rui- absgaa, per lb., lc; new. per do 4oc. t AnnU l D-uw, per ou., sue; iijw, ir dos . 45c. PARSNIPS Old, per uu., wc. BEETS Old, per bu.. DOc; new, per dog.. 45c. BEANS Navy, per bu.. 2.00u-'.lo. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, pee lb., 2c; Bpanlah, per crate. $2.60; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per dos.. 46C. . Cucumbers per aoi., i.ywbz.w. TOMATOES Florida, per t-basket crate. U fUV.00. CABBAUbr-Mouano aeea, per ip., iia SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln drl per bbl., 3.5. .''..' crJi.r.ni t-aiuorniB, toidc. RADISHES Hot house, per do., 48c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen hesds. 60c. RHUBARB per dos. rmnenes. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, $2-25. , ClUJUK iNew jura, pel half bbl., $3.3o. CHEBSE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14o; block Swiss, new. 16c; old, ltfaivo; Wisconsin brick. lBo; Wisconsin llmburger, 14c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, c; No. 1 salted, 8Hc; No. 2 salted. 7Vc; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c: dry sailed, 8tel4e: sheep pelts, 2&C&I1.00; horse hides. S1.60tf3.00. , NUTS vvainuis, wo. I sort sneus. new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chili walnuti. per lb., lSCTUVtc; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hsrd sell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb., 12ft4j13c; new black walnuts, per bu., "690c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., fl.TS; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50.- . 4ts. dried, TRcJ$1.0a 75c. . v per kes. $5.60: per Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. COFFEE Market for futures opened Irregular at a decline of lOg'20 points under continued liquids Hon. declines abroad and full primary receipts. Thore seemed to be a very fair demand at the decline, which carried the market Into a new low level, but supports nor sufficient to hold the latter, reports that very large Interests were liquidating coffee bought at much higher prices, In connection with s. late break In the French market and sell ing bv Importers caused sensational weak ness, final prices being essy at a net decline of 3.V640 points. Salea were reported ot 333.300 hales. Including March. 6.061M I60I April, 6.30c; Mav, .164n.60c: July. 6.4fV96.TVi! September. 6.60fii.90cj November. 6.80c; De cember, .80t87.10o; January, 6.86ff7.20c. Spot Rio, nominal; No. 7, 77c. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated ) , riiln Office: Fiftb snd Robarts Strssti DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to lis -11 1 a , ,i '. raaela Ofllce, 110-111 Bears mt Treats Old.. Ouaslaa, Heb. Telephone SB 14. ru-214 Exchange (lldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'Phone i Independent 'Vhoae t. PET STOCK Horses, Cattle. Dos and Fowls of All Kinds. Increase your farm products 60 by using Stock Cereal Condition Powders. "None Just as good" but the only. Agents wanted. Easy seller. Sells on Its merits after once being Introduced, Regular 6 pound package, 60c. Address, STOCK CEREAL NFG. CO., BUTLER, PA. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, !Nt. U S- OiSMllar? Capital and Surplut. $600,000 PIAMI MUtPHy. Sris. U"8li MAKE. Catkin. i Main T. HatfllToH. Int. Custer, Raeatv aetvaaata a ban a a. leakers. eoror atlone. ir v4 Ia4ll4uala ao faoM larana. .. rrels Ss'kaaae keaisM ss aelil Latum af er.lit leave. aailaala la all pane al tka warl.l liitarrat sell e Tlaaa rrtl lotei a Pen ale, rollactlane asala a.omailr ul eaassan nails.. We reauaat eTeiM4eB4aa.