to TITE OMAtTA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1003. GEORGE VON II ALLER ON TRIAL Man Accused of Murdering Maurice D. Beea Formallj Presented. MOTHER, WIFE AND CHILD IN COURT Vtelatlrea Form BirkRroiait of '" ber Picture aad Add Touch of Interest to Solema Proceed Inge Before Jads;e Day. Gfcirrfe Von Hallor went to trial for his lif! Monday morning on the charge of hav ing shot and killed Maurice D. Rees on the flight of Wednesday, August 10, 1904. Bfated along with Von Unllor and his counsel are his wife and little daughter, 4 years old, and his mother. Both women were modestly dressed and of a quiet de meanor. The curly-headed little girl looked like a picture out of a children's book when she came In, following her father. Timid at first, abashed by the sea of faces that confronted her. ihe child sat without moving. Soon she became somewhat rest less, - Insisted on having her bonnet and Jacket' off and then moved from mother to grandmother and then to the arms of her father. She gad with some Interest on the first bunch of Jurors called to the box, but thereafter her busy little fingers were concerned mainly with the clasp and the contents of her mother's reticule. The elder Mrs. Von Haller, sitting Immediately be hind her son, wora an air of resigned readi ness for whatever the testimony might be, while the younger woman cast anxious eyes oa each new Juror as he stepped forward to take hla seat. Von Haller Looks Well. Von Haller himself was thoroughly self contained. Neatly dressed, cleanly shaven, with a keen face and high, full brow, slightly bald, to a stranger entering the court room ha would look like one of the lawyers engaged In the case. If there ever was any Indication of dissipation In his countenance It has vanished under the regular regimen he has undergone In the county Jail. Von Haller had lived In Omaha, where his mother still resldea, until about four yeara previous to the time when Roes waa killed. At that time hla wife and child were liv ing In Denver and he waa here on a visit. For the laat three or four months the wife and little daughter have made their resi dence In Omaha. ' It waa 11 o'clock when County Attorney Slabaugh arose to make hla preliminary statement to the prospective Jurors. He said the state expei-ta to show that on the night In question Von Haller and a com panion, Adolph Hubcrmann, loft the Ar cade hotel and went to Mickey Mullen's saloon. From there, he said, they would be traced to the north part of the city. They spent some time In the saloon of J. L. Behrens at 2024 North Twenty-fourth, and from there he would follow them to the scene of the killing of Rees. Among other witnesses to be called would be the wife and sons of the dead man, who were pree ent at the time of the killing. Afterward, In questioning Jurymen, the county attor ney named a dozen witnesses the state ex pects to call. electing; the Jury. Of the first twelve men called Into the Jury box two were peremptorily chal lenged by the state for bias. At noon nine men had been temporarily passed by the county attorney. Judge Slabaugh directed his principal questions to the possible prejudice against the death penalty and to the weight that Jurors would give to circumstantial evl dence. When he attempted to go Into de tails as to the talesman's feelings on this latter point Attorney Jefferis, for the de fense, objected and Judge Pay promptly sustained the objection. He held that tha statements of the jurors aa to their belief In tha principle of circumstantial evidence should stand for what they were worth. and that the psychological dissection or analysis of that belief would be out of order. It required until 4 o'clock In the after noon to get the first twelve men in the box. Then began the challenging, the state being allowed six peremptory chal lenges and the defense sixteen. From In dications at the close of court Monday afternoon It will be at least noon today before a, jury can be secured. Talesmen Admit Prejudice. Quite 'a number of men on the ventre confessed to prejudice that would prevent them from being Impartial Jurors. They had read accounts of the case or had talked with people who knew something of It, and had thus formed an opinion that would require strong evidence to remove. One of the stereotyped questions In such casese Is: "Do you know either of the attorneys for the defense?" One man answered that he knew Mr. Jeffries, of counsel for the defense. "How well do you know him?"' "Well, I judged he was the man, from thinking of big Jeffrie the prize fighter." Mr. Jeffries joined In the laugh which followed, for he la a man much above the average In height and breadth. Mrs. Rees, widow of the man who waa killed, waa In court at the afternoon ses sion and eat with one of her boys at the prosecuting attorney's side of the table provided for counsel. She will probably be the first witness for the prosecution. A good deal of interest Is felt In the story Of tha killing by the witnesses for II nil I J E,.I K The Secret of Long Life and How to Overcome Waste. To 'Know thyself,' is to take advantage of life's aecreta and equip one's self with an armor which will successfully resist the attack of disease in the battle of life. The old idea of fate or "kismet," and that a person al ways dies when his time cornea, ia now exploded. Every mecnanism, wheth er made by God or man, has a definite amount of wear and its life can be lengthened or I shortened accord ing to tha care that is riven it If ac cident or careless, neas destroys the works of the watch ar tha human mechanism an end comes to its necfulnees, but it has not actually 'worm out.' Man's system at times gets maty like tba wheels of the watch and only needs a little cleaning and oiling to put it in shape for life's battles. An imitation of nature's method of re storing waste of tissue and impoverish, mcnt of the blood and nervous force is nsed when you take an alterative extract mJ iierbs and roots, without the nse of alco hol, like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. This vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive functiona and helps in the assimilation of food, or rather enables the organs to take from the food just tha nutriment the blood requires. Hon. John B. Buitt, Kcgittrer of Deeds, Court Roum, Durham, N. C, write s We have used Dr. rierce's Golden Medical Diacovery in our family, sad have knows of some of our neighbor aainf h. W h slways found it to do all thai ia claimed fa It. and feci confident that it U a splcmUd remedy. Mr, nettle Mill, oi Cotton. N. C. writes: I procured Dr. Fierce' Ooldea Medical Dis covery and took it fur ar cough. The medicine acted like a ensna ; cured aiy cough all U. K. I fed very grateful to you tor your kindness. Us fuyoacbooM. AoeeyH no subititute for"Golden Medical Discnvery. There is nothing "Just as good' lor diseases of the stomach. Dr. fierce Heeaant Pellet, the beat Bsatt Mr old people. They cult & Sheet Music Sale in Arcade. HllnS,. sag 3TeTOR in the JO Great Silk Sale 10,000 Yards of Silks, worth TCIr atteU $1.50 and $100 Yard, at JJCJC 10,000 yards of very fine silks, the accumulation of sev eral leading eilk mills of Paterson, N. J. We bought tbem for rash at an absurdly low figure and place them on sale Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. Many of the finest silks shown for this spring are here fancy silks for shirt waist suits in all the leading colors, black and colored taffetas, jK)ngees and crash silk suiting, messaline, peau de cygne, foulards, plaids, handsome brocades, in fact one of the grandest lots of silks we have had on sale in many years. Thousands of Omaha ladies have admired the display of these silks in our show windows for the past few days worth from $1.50 to ?2 yard, at, yard and 1 $1 Ready-Made Veils at 25c Thousands of beautiful new all silk chiffon reils, with wash silk and satin ribbon borders, also with wide hemstitched borders, many with chenille dots and velvet dots. Nearly all are yard and a half lengths white, black and all colors, the greatest variety, worth up to $1.00, at, each , ;uib. xraiijr 25c 29c LACES ON BARGAIN SQUARE Fine lot of wash laces, vala, torchons, clunys, point de Paria, etc., In In aertings and edging, special for T I J r Tuesday, at, yard J2C &1CI DC 75 C FANCY SILK EOLIENNE AND CREPE ONDULE. at yd 29c The demand for these beautiful fabrics has been so enor mous that we have decided to put out a fresh lot of similar goods for Tuesday's selling. We can thui satisfy scores of ladies who were disappointed at Monday's sale in finding the crowd too great for satisfying selection. We Jill another square with these elegant silk crepes, eolienncs, voiles, crystalines, soie armures in cream, black and every colora grandbargain at 29c per yard. We have received a fine new line of the fashionable Shepherd checked drest food Our Great Millinery Section, 3d Floor Brandels millinery will be more artistic and more popular this season than ever. Our department was never bo fully equipped. A new and skillful corps of assistants In our work Is under the direction of Miss Margaret Daverne one of the best known of New York's fashionable designers. The millinery display at Brandels' will be the greatest and most complete In our history. See ihe Shoes in ihe Window We are pleased to announce the purchase of the entire floor stock of John Ebberts, Buffalo, N. Y. Manufacturers of WOMEN'S HIGH ART SHOES. We respectfully solicit your attendance at the sale which commences THURSDAY. MARCH 2. Altogether there are about 3,000 pairs, ranging In value from 3 to 5 a pair. Absolutely the best in style with every width and size. The price will be 11.98 a pair. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE the state who are directly concerned. The exact facts leading up to and surrounding the firing of the fatal shots seem not to have been heretofore told. Von Haller's attorneys have given the impression, too, that their client's story of the affair will throw a new light on many heretofore un explained features. A dog that the dead station agent owned promises to figure largely In the explanation of certain fea tures of the case. To Dyspeptics in search of a cure: You've tried the rest, now take the best Diner's Digesters cure, sure. At .Myers Dillon Drug Co. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. Leave of absence for nine months has been granted Colonel John Van R. Hoff, U. S. A., assistant aurgeon general at Fort Leavenworth. Contract Surgeon Preston M. Kellogg, temporarily on duty at Fort Crook, has been directed to return to his station at Fort Robinson, Neb., his services being no longer required at Fort Crook. The Blghteenth United States Infantry, recently returned from the Philippines, has left San Francisco for the Department of the Missouri. The regiment will take sta tion at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley. First Lieutenant H. A. Drum, Twenty seventh infantry, aide-de-camp to General Baldwin of the Department of Colorado, was a visitor at army headquarters, en route from the cast to his station at Den ver. Orders have been issued from depnrtment headquarters relative to the payment of troops In the department for the month of February. Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Muh lenberg, chief paymaster of the depart ment, will pay the troops at Fort Meade, Fort Robinson and Fort Niobrara, Neb. Major J. R. Lynch will pay the troops at Fort Crook and Fort Mackenzie, and Major B. D. Slaughter will pay the troops at Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth. SE1S0IULE FISKI0K5.' 1 p5 i i x9 SHAPELY SHOES FOR WOMEN. The Foster and Hanan shoea, for which we are the exclusive dealers are the recognized leaders In styles that are new. We can truthfully say to our Omaha and outside trade that we carry a line of women's shoes equal to the largest stores in the East The new spring lines ars now ready and we show all the new novelties In low and high cut shoes for spring These are styles never before shown in Omaha and are exclusive with us Come in and look them over. Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 FAuNAM STREET, Omaha's Up-tt-taia Shu Horn ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 3 av; NO. W J GIRLS' SQUARE YOKE NIGHT DRESS. Sizes, 4 to lti yeara. Each pattern 10 cents. For tha accommodation of readers of Tha Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 centa each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 centa. A supply Is now kept at our vfflce. so those who wish sny pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "i'at Ura Department, Sea, Omaba.1 ICE ON RIVER IS ROTTING Missouri Likely to Torn Loose Its Covering; Almost Amy Day Son, "There la but little to aay regarding the status of the Missouri river Just now other than that the ice Is pretty rotten and la covered with water from the thawing snow." said Weather Forecaster Welsh. "I would not care to be quoted Just at this time as to what will happen. There Is no way of forecasting when tha Ice will break, but It cannot be deferred long with the present thawing weather. I sea by the press reports that Hoods are beginning In the smaller streams and that the tea la breaking up In many of them, causing tha usual destruction to bridges and low lands. "There Is no decided change promised In the weather, nor are there any storm condi tions anywhere. Wa look for about freez ing temperature tonight, with possibly wanner Tuesday. CHS. WISSLOY'S sooti:;::q syrup Baa (Mies osed by MUllou of Mother for ouuai-ii wiiiie leriums riir oti It suuuius UK chll'l. H.runs the auiui, eUan itiliis fur or Klfiy Vesra. all imuo. oures wlud ouUo eu4 M US ImmI f LuiiMly for dU.rrh.JMh. TwuTi-riri ce.ti a aami. UJ J) H mmmr- colder, fair. 41"' Sunday's Advertised Specials ZtJr Mon Most of Them Are Continued Tuesday Dry Goods Specials (unsold), Art, Chinaware and Wall Paper are continued Tuesday. THE DRY GOODS SPECIALS ARE SENSATIONAL Think of itlSWnch Black Mohair Sicilian-ai, CA. vard. 3UC And Again k6-lnch French Voilesblack and col ors at, yard 75c Bennett's Great Grocery Dally money-saving sales, the most satisfactory products. Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with ten cans solid packed f flO Tomatoes I.VJKJ 30 3) Green Trading 8tamps with ten cans 1. X. L. Corn. 30 ($.1) Green Trading Stamps wlthriound Candied Peol 20 (fcijf Ireen Trading Stamps 1.00 .25c 28c with can Diamond S. Fruits.. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with found can Bennett's Capitol iyAr taking Powder 'W Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with eight bars Bennett's OC Bnrgaln Soap 80 3) Green Trading Stamps 1Cr. with Jar Capitol Preserves JJV Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol fn Premium Chocolate owe 10 ($1) Green Trading Stamps 0,r with can Dessert Peaches Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Sardines In OH Qr of Bossange .-. ' Ten ($1.00t Green Trading Stamps with pound package Schepp'a OSn Cocoanut v Furniture Carpets and Draperies :onstruc- S 7.50 g Special Sal a of Couches Velour Couch with fringe all around, M regular $6.60 value, Qg H rifiMpn Oh It Pram nil tel ronstrun- f tion, with 7 rows deep tuft lng. retrular $11 value, at . Gulden Oak Frame, best steel con struction, upholstered with choice velour, roll edge, regular sf Rfl price $13.50. at IVJ.OV Deep Golden Oak Frame, neatly carv ed with best steel construction, 8 rows deep tufting, regular 0 En price $!6u0, at Golden Oak Frame, with neatly carv ed claw foot, beat steel construction and covered with extra quality ve lour, regular price $19.00, 4,05 Quartered Golden Onk Frame, hand somely carved, fitted with best san itary steel construction, deep tufted seat, covered with Imported Verona velour, regular price $23.00, Jg QQ Peninsular Stoves and Ranges MOST SERVICEABLE, MOST ECONOMICAL. ' ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, ALL STUICTLY GUARANTEED. TUESDAY DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL PENINSULAR RANGES. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL PENINSULAR BASE BURNERS AND HEATERS. STOVE AISLES BASEMENT. CANDIES Japanese Teapot Sale . 1 5c Twenty (?2.O0) Green Trading Stamps with pound box Bennett'a Special Chocolate Creams.. 25c VISIT THE NEW MILLINERY SECTION EX CLUSIVE SINCLAIR STYLES. r? 3C mm South Omaha Shoe Stock From THE LEADER, N St., So. Omaha, ON SALE ON BARGAIN SQUARES Your choice of all the ladies' shoes in the South Omaha stock on Bar gain Squares, at All the ladies' Slippers and Oxford Ties 50C All the boys' and girls' Shoes go in one lot, at -Jw ALL THE MEN'S SHOES Regular value up to $3. 50 and $4. 00, go on sale in 3 Lots On Big Bara.irv Squares, at 98cl-59-$l-98 All on Basement Bargain Squares except men's shoes at 1.98 ON MAIN FLOOR. in WANT EB- A BOY in every iowi io sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES FREE It contains 18 paces of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For Full Particulars Write io The Omaha Bee, , Omaha. Nebraska Great Sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear THURSDAY See Display Center hi flWDEK TUB REL.IS.BLIC STORfc. Manufacturer's Stock of Child' ren's Dresses on Sal Wednesday NEWEST SPRING DESIGNS Our Cloak buyer lias just returned from New York with an immense stork of new high class novelties in women's garment for spring 1905. SILK AND PANAMA Sl ITS-175 now boautlps shown for tlip first tinip Tuesday, oxtrrmrty lmnclsoni jtnr nipiits in all the new colorings and styles, priced at. 40.00-30.00-20.00 rovEUT roATS In the very nobbiest 15 O styles, every jrnrnient made J from spoused covert cloth and guar- nnteed not to shrink. 200 new gar ments, priced at, 18.50-15.00-12.50-9.90- 4.95 EXTRA SPECIAL SUIT VALUE HANDSOME Silk Shirt Waist Snlts and Wool Suits in great variety sell at f 15.00 and J18.50. Choice Tuesday ty Cat OA of style and weave. (o new garments to select from, made to (KtJU FOUR DOMESTIC ROOM SPECIALS 12c Snow White Cambric, 30 inches wide at, l yard QC lco Curtain Swiss 36 Inches wide, per yard, at 62c 2oc Silk Mousse line De Sol, per IT1: 12c 6o Standard Pilnta from bolt, per yard, I g CANNED CORN TRUST BROKEN The market badly broken on all canned goods. We have taken tb advantage of this Slump nnd will give our customers the Heueflt 2 LB. CANS TIIK VERY FINEST SWEET SL fiAK t'OHN PACK ED AVE (S-, WILL. SELL KOR. t'Elt rAN OC 2 lb. caim Fancy Htringlpsa Means, fine pack, per can 5c 2 lb. cans Golden Wax Hcuns, rry fine, per can 5c 2 lb. cans Fancy Lima Heaps, nothing finer, per can 5o 2 lb. cans Fancy Early June Sifted Peas per can . 7u.r 3 lb. cans FlneBt Solid Packed Tomatoes per can 714c 3 lb, cans Golden Pumpkin, nothing finer, per can Thic 8 lb. cans Lye Hominy, best pack, per can 7Ue 3 lb. cans Boston Baked Beans, with or without sauce, per can ve Quart cans Golden Table Syrup "He Baltimore Cove Oysters, per can TVfec Anderson's or Campbell's Soups, any kind you want, per can 'Iftc Oallon cans Finest Solid Packed Toma toes 25c Gallon cans New York Apples 20c Big Slump in the Cereal Market 7 lbs. Kiln Pried Oatmeal 15o lrt lbs. Klin Pried Commeal V b lbs. best llamtpicked Navy Henna. .....10 0 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Bago, or Barlev 19e 8 lbs. Best Wheat Farina ..lo 5 lbs. Fancy Japan "Rice 19o Xcelo, Malta, EgK-O-See, per pkg 7HO ID bars best laundry Sonp 2oo Fancy Seeded Raisins, per pkg ....60 Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb 440 Special at the Big Fresh Fruit Dept. The best Colorado White Clover Honey per rack ....10a Fancy new Halloween Pates, rer lb..... 60 Soft Shell English Walnuts, per lb 12V4 Fancy Imported Smyrna Figs, per lb.v.LHja Lflrpe Sweet Juicy Highland Navsl Clrangea, per dox ..J?a Large Juicy Seedless lemons, per dos..I2o 1 lb. pkg. Persian Dates Fresh Boasted Peanuts, per measure... .44 To Many Point In California, Oregon, Washington FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS (Kansaa City to Council Bluffs, Inclusive) UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY MARCH 1 TO MAY 16, 1908. to Ogden and Salt Lake City. to Butte, Anaconda and Helena. to Pendleton and Walla Walla. to Spokane and Wenatcbee, Wash. to San Francisco, Loa Angeles, San Diego and many other California pointa. to Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van couver, Victoria and Astoria, to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland, to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle, $20.00! $22.50 $25.00 AND TO MANY OTHER POINTS. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam tt. 'Phone 816. GOOD IN PIES, CAKES, PUDDINGS AND COOKIES j SNONESUCHMINCE MEAT. I In 2 Pie 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premlums.C lS&'m 1 L. i aw wm mm mm mm mm mt mm mm mm aJ Tourist Sleepers Three out of five people who go to California use Tourist Sleepers. Why? Simply because they are comfortable, they are satisfactory to ride in by day and to sleep in by night, and last but not least they're much cheaper. By taking Ilock Island you have the choice of Two ways to go Southern route, via El Paso and through New Mexico; Scenic route, via Colorado and Salt Lakb City. Both have advantages. A good plan is to go one way and return the other. Tourist tickets on sale March 1 to May 15, $25.00 from Miusouri River points. Informa tion on request. F. P. RUTHERFORD, 0. P. A.. 1323 FaroaiD St,, Omaha, Neb, THE WAY THEY ARE MADE makes a gild nlled watch s good, practical one to buy. In good makes the kind we handle you are perfectly safe In buying one. Gents' or ladles' watches, $16.ij0, ?I8.00, 120.00 and K&00. Spend a few minute. In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, UK Pouglaa Street. Ask for a QUALITY tS OUR MOTTc n to nmm iaain ti frf f.-sViaajlh -J1- " flEST BECAUSE You are HOT raying tor bill , t'rtPAm,,n,.lJtK. (SCai r naIiii. Havana 1'uhirro, I :tj I A L to I ''mmlfJ!2 i?tZll, b7 rich MKUtt'ciuAR co., m rlok. I m nortfta) OUa toU direct to the reuiur b f.R. OH MKUO. C1UAR qo.. Huiluet gate-re, t t. UOllS. ,