Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 17, Image 17

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Northwestern Wheat BeceipU to Ba Leu ia
March than Lait Year.
BULLS look for fifty-five-cent corn
overnmeat Report Daa March lO
Will Cora Re.erve Farias
nr Advance and Stocks
14 ta Be Vcrr
OMAHA r.h 32 1
The northwestern receipt have been gen
(Tally conslrir1 ...r...i.
,II-M( BllUatltin. The havi lnt nr. -
i aiu DroaiciiiiniL tm narth,t
ern cars today, Including Chlcsgo, sr m,
against last week nd ga last year,
wruwn of Minneapolis explain this by
Haying thu elevator hv been moving a
olock of wheat this year which wsa not
moved lait year until March. Kor this
n preuicts smaller rolpts la
Alsreh this year than laat. H expects tha
terminal stork to decrease sharply. H
aaya th tarmera hav been selling- mora
C'ioaely thia Veur than tiruvlnnyl t and hv
-March 1 he predicts the country elevator
" - "in ub viuy iwyt nan oi wnii
they were at that time last year. Tha
Minneapolis total wheat stock are 12.630,
t47 bushel, with decrease tor the week
pf J70.4I busheis. and tor today of ,uW
bushel. Th Australian wheat shipment
this week have fallen off, being l.Ott.ow
bushel, against 2,040,000 bushels for the
preceding week. Broomhall estimated the
ona s snipmnnts for the week at about
10.lHJO.OuO bushels of whnit. all of which
went to Europe. Tha primary receipts are
644,000 bushelu, against 6T6.0UU bushels last
year, ana tun shipment are 102.000 bush
els, sgalnsfLVI.OOO bushels last year. The
speculative market was dull with a limited
iraae. me May opened at II. 14 and
dragged down to 11.18. which waa Ho lower
than, the worst of Friday. Liverpool
cloeed unchanged, Pari declined 6 to 16
centimes. Berlin closed with a gain of lie
ra nuns rrnn went up ie.
Tha corn market did not do so well
today, although the corn bull predict sn
advance In sixty days to 66 cents. Tho
May corn at high Friday reached 47T4c and
opened today at 40. It Advanced to 4e,
but from there gradually declined and
closed at the low point. 47Uc. Liverpool,
on the other hand, closed wlih an advance
of c. The government report March lu
may show whether or not the corn bull
are right In their position that the corn
reserves In formers' hands are Hot as
large as formerly supposed. Much talk Is
heard lately about the email reserve. The
ease with which the market seems to ad
vsnce Is explained by some commission
houses that there are now no hedging
sales. In usual years, they aay, there are
from 40,000,000 to 60,000,000 bushels of My
sold against corn In cribs. This Is not so
now, tney prores to neneve, ana tor tnat
eason me market i nuoyant ana responds
to any buying pressure. The commission
houses are advlslna their customers to
i rade In corn because It I free from mani
pulation, while wheat la too much In tha
hands of on combination. Th primary
receipts Of corn ate 9411.000 bushels, against
610,000 bushels, and the shipments
bushels, against 1(04,000 bushel. The corn
clearance are tM,000 bushels.
Peoplo are discovering something doing
In rye.. A milling demand for the rye ha
sprung tip which has advanced the price So
In two weeks. The stock In the country I
said to be very low and mainly In tha
visible supply. This Is 1,770,001) bushels,
agaJnst l.ovH.otO bushels last year. Chicago
has no stocks in private houses and during
the week 32,000 bushels were withdrawn
from public houaes for shipment. In Chi
cago and Buffalo the stocks amount to
1,042,000 bushels.
Omaha Cash Rales.
corn-No. 2, 1 car, 44Vic; No. 3, 1 car,
BARLEY-No. 4, 1 car. 47 lbs., 37c.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.Oft49i.lO: No. f
spring, $1.06Srl,OI; No. hard, $1.03; No. I
spring. $i.0i.
CUHN No. 2. 44'4c; No. J, 44fte; No. 4,
4314c: no grade. 40HW3cj No. t yellow, 44o:
No. 3 yellow, 44i,c, No. 2 white, 45c; No. i
White, 45o. .
OAT8 No. 2 mixed, 29c; No. S mixed,
SUfec; No. 4 mixed. 28c; No. 2 whlta, i'H-l
No. 3 white. 3W4c; No. 4 White, 2V$c;
stauuard, 30Hc
Carlot Receipts. x
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 24 830 160
Kansas City...., 44 .20 12
Minneapolis ....370 ... ...
fruluth 4 ... . ...
St. Louis 4 66 .3D
Omaha I XiX
Mlaneapoll Urala Market.
The range of price paid In Minneapolis a
reported by the Edwards-Wood company,
llo-lU Hoard of Trade, was:
Commodity. Open. J High. I Low. Close.
May 1 15 1 15H 1 16 1 16
July 1 134 1 18 1 13 i 13
September ... iMVti Bt 94 94
tlootatloaa of tha Day oa Varloas
NEW TORK. Feb. 25. FLOUR-Receipts,
8.216 bbls. ; exports, 4,x7 bbls. ; market neg
lected, but steady without change; Minne
sota patents, M.U0fl.5O; Minnesota bakers,
4 3X4.t6; winter patents, Io.606.8A; winter
straights, IU.SofliS.45; winter extras, flMOt
4.30; winter low grades, 13,n4.10. Rye
flour, quiet; fair to good, 14.364.70; choice
to fancy, 14.75. Buckwheat flour, dull; per
m 11. ,n ik.i
CORNMEaI. Firm; fine white and yel
low, II. 26)1.80; coarse, new, 11.08421.10; kiln
dried. $2.903. 10.
H E Nominal: No. 2 western, 80c.
BAKLUlf Dull; feeding, 43e, c. I. f.
New York; malting, if(,2c, 0. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 117,000 bu. Spot mar
ket steady; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator:
No. 2 red. .3, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 north-
111 lJUluill. i.D1M. A. U. U. BHUHl. HU. X III&IU
dull all day and generally easier, reflecting
prospects of bearish statistics on Monday,
favorable weather and liberal northwest re
ceipts. The close Bhowed a partial c net
decline. Mnv 11 17 l.lKfil.174.. closed at
$1.17; July, tl.06 9-l31.17, closed at 11.06;
September. 90"OWic, closed at tic.
COHN'-Recclpts, 161.1'W bu.; exports, 4.4C4
bu. Spot market steady; No. 2. 57Hc ele
vator. 64c f. o. b. atloat; No. 2 yellow,
64Hc; No. 2 white, 54c. Option market ac
tive here and easier because of realising,
but rallied near . the close, with Chicago
showing final c net decline. May, t3'uf;;e,
closed at 53'ic; July, 6Hc, closed at 63c;
Septemlier closed at SSHc.
OATSwRecelpts, 36.700 bu. : exports, 655
bu. Spot market dull: mixed, rJi to 32 lbs.,
171338c; natural white, SO to 3'J lbs., 3ftS3Sc;
clipped, white. S6 to 40 lbs., 3t41c.
HAY Unlet; shipping, 66700; good to
choice, KO16H6C.
HOIH Steadyi state, common to choice,
1904, 27A31c; ID"! Uitc olds, lift 18c. Pacific
COluX, 11104, 27ffl31c; 1WJ3. 26lB28c; olds. llfilSc
HIDES Steady : Oalveaton, 20 to 25 lbs.,
18o; California, tl to 2t lbs., lc; Texas
tdry), 24 to 30 lbs., 14i
LEATHER Firm; acid, 24fl2c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 111.00
tilf.oo; meaa, fy (Xi'if 9 Do ; beef hama, $.2.atf
2X00: packet, tl0.60jll.00; city extra mean,
$16.00fl 17.00. Tut meats, quiet; pickled bel
lies. f7.u"07 55: pickled shoulders, $D; pickled
ham. $8. 764)9. 00. Lard, steady; western
steitmed, $7; refined, quiet; continent. J7.ll;
8nmh America, $7.60: compound, 4.s7HQ
efl. Pork, quiet; family. $14 ooyisoo: short
clear. Il8.0i1jl8 26; mess. $1175(1113.60.
TAIJXW Quiet; city US per pkg.), 4c;
country (pkaa- free), 4SCT4Tc.
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 2
6'4c: Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Market weak; street price,
extra creamery, 3263c: nfflclal price,
creamery, common to extra. 26ti32c; held
common to extra, 2tii32c; dairy, mmmon to
extra, 24ttic; renovated, common to extra,
'.NKrt'.Hc; western factory, common to extra,
x6'iiK-; western Imitation crwtmery, com
mon to extra, 24iftJOc.
CHEESE Strong; state full cream, small
colored, white, fancy. 13c; state fine. 13Wc;
state, late made, colored and white, poor
to choice, KfStl-'V-; state, large colored
and white fancy, lSVc; stats fine. 12itfi3c;
state late made, colored and white, poor to
choice. 9MUVtc.
EJ18 Barely steady: western fir I a, M
POt'LTRT Alive: Market firm: western
chicken. 12c; fowls, I4i,c: turkeys. 16o.
lireHsed: Market weak; western chickens,
13ttl4c; fowls, 1341114c; turkeys, 5$30c.
rhlladelphla Praiiaee Market.
Market l)3c lower; extra western cisam-
cry. MM33Sc.
Kilus- bteady ; nearby fresh and western
n. si 10. at mart.
HKE6K Firm, good demsnd; New York
I cisiinia. fancy. UMOlSo: New York
ii vB vw r.iii
unis, fulr to good, U'HlilJc.
- Tsitss mwwn Hiriiri.
TOLKTXi. O.. Feh. 16 SEEI Clover,
ash, $7.60; Fcbruuiy, $7. ; March, $?.);
April. $7.46; octnher, $5 K7. Prim tlmo
il)v, $1.35; March. $l.f.7. Prlin slik.
Dalath Urala Market.
IjL'M'TH. Feb. 25 WHEAT To arrive.
No- I uortUern, $114; oa track, N 1
northern, B.12; No. 2 northern. tl.0HO
uir, ffi.i. cjnr ttui ,
OATS To arrive and on track, inc.
Featares of th Traalag aad Cleslag
Prices oa Board of Trade.
CHICAOO. Feb. 36 Liquids tlon ws th
rule In all grain pits today. Increased
receipts northwest constituted th prlncl-
fai item 10 aepress wneat values. jii
he close wheat for May delivery was off
fee; July wheat I down Sc: corn I off
1,'iIV. Oat show a loss of 4e; provisions
are zhc lower to S'tf, He nigner.
Weakness In the wheat market was In
evidence from the start. ImDroved weather
conditions In ths northwest resulted In sn
Increased movement from the farms. This
raci inaucea oonrtaerabie selling ty com
mission houses aid put trader. Initial
tradings on May were off c to c. July
was a shad to 4Vc lower. For a time
tne market receive some support irom
streneth in corn. WhAn. however, the price
of the yellow cereal began to decline under
th weight of realising sales the wheat
market followed downward. After touch
Ing U1i1.l8 for May and $1.02 for July
prices eased off gradually. There was lit
tle snsp to the market. Trading was small
In volume. Proscects of a liberal Increase
In worlds shipments and In the amount
or passage neiped to create oeansn senti
ment. For May th lowest point of the
cession was reached at $1.1$. July sold off
to $1.014'61.01H- Tha market closed weak,
with May at $1 14. Final quotation In
July were at $1. OiVfffl. 01. Clearances of
wheat and flour were equal to 2XS.5oO bush
els. Primary receipts were 601,600 bushels.
compared with 567.000 busneis a year ago.
MlnneaDolls. Duluth and Chicago reported
receipts of 898 cars, against 288 cars last
week and $21 cars a year ago.
Profit taking on a liberal scale was
responeiDie lor a moaeraie seioaca in mo
nrlce of corn. A nromlnent commission
house was the principal seller. Advices
to receiving houses reported free loadings
at country points, tnus torecasting nnerai
arrivals next week. Tha possibility of an
Increased movement had considerable In
fluence on trading. The market opened
quite firm as a result of moderate receipts
and higher cables, but sentiment soon be
came bearish. As ths seaalon advanced
prices gradually eased off. May opened
unchanged to c higher, at 47c to 48c,
sold between 47 'to and 48c and closed at
47c. Local receipts wer $u& car, with
S3 of contract grade.
Weakness of corn and heavy selling by
cash houses. Indicating larger arrivals,
caused an easier feeling In the oats mar
ket. Commission houses were lsrge sellers.
Local receipts sbnorbed most of th sell
ing. The volume of trading, however, was
small. May opened a shade to 4c higher,
at 1C to Jl31c, sold between 21&31o
and closed at 31 c. Local receipts were
160 cars.
Selling of pork by commission houses
was the feature of tracing In provisions.
Lard and ribs were In fair demand. Smaller
receipts of live hogs than expected had
a buoyant effect on the general market.
Mny pork closed with a loss -of 2c, at
$12.(12. Lard was up fwr7c, at $6.92. Ribs
were up 2c, at J.70r.72.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
21 cars; corn, 387 cars; oats, 222 cars:
hogs, 44.000 head.
The lending futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.1 Opn. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I I
May 1 Wktt 1 "
1 1H 1 18
July 1 oiVji 1 02
1 01
Sept. 93 93
May 47j4S 4S
July 4NV(i'H 48
Sept. 48y 48
May SIHW'S 31
July 14lh 3114
Sept. 29 29Vt
May 12 66 12
July 12 72 12 72
May 90 92
July 7 02H 7 05
Rlba- I
May 6 70 6 72H
July ( $2 6
111 1 18 1 18
1 01 1 01 1 01
i oi l (n l re
924,2Hi MV
47 47g
48 4 48'iHs
30i 30W31
31 3mnli,3lWa
12 52j 12 66
12 2Vt 12 65
12 42
12 H
6 87
6 80
6 92
7 05
6 72'
6 86
6 7
7 00
6 70
Cash quotations were as follows:
vi.ot'R Rtesdv: winter patents. IS.lOia
6.20; winter straights. M.t.oO; 'P'""!
ents, $5.10a.0; spring straights, $4.5u6.0O;
bakers, ;i.80-3.bu. ,
WHAT-Slo. 2 SDr ng. $1.161.19: No. 3,
ll.10ffl.19; No. 2 red. $1.181.19.
cokn iso. s, 4'c: rto. i TOiiiw, ,7L;1
OATS No. 2. SOaO'ac; No. 2 white, 81
CB2c; No. t White, J0S31c.
BARLEY Folr to choice malting. 43046c
nmrna-Nii. 1 flay. I1.23V4: No. 1 north
western. $1J4. Prime timothy, $2.80. Clover,
contract rrade $12.50. -
PROVTSIONS Mess pork. per. bbj $12.25
A12.40. Lard, per 100 hs $6.726.75. Short
rlh aides (loose!, fa. ROM 6.02V4. Short clear
aides tboxed), $6.76.87.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls .ioo
Wheat, bu 40,000 22,700
CoYnTbll. 366.100 M.OOO
Oata. bu 211.700 7J.J00
KVe. DU. . o.vw ,'-v
Barfey. bu "4.000 12.200
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was easy; creameries, 24ifr32c; dai
ries, 242T29e. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases
in,,iiitd tfcfirtc: firsts. 27c: prime firsts.
2u; extras, ilc. Cheese, Arm; 12313o.
St. I.oals Grain and Prorlsloas.
r.m t ni'lQ TT-V, c A7 Hl'lT Uafkkl
hi. swuAia, w w. - - ......
lower; nv. a rr .mu, -. , - - i
track. $1.180118; May, $1.161i1.16; July,
ISWsc; Iu. i nam, ,i.ioVi.iu. ...
(nt)M.uriit easier: No. 2 cash. 45c:
track. -46c; May, 46c.
track. 82c; May, 31e31o; No. 2 white,
3e. ....
FLOUR Good domestic trade; rea winter
patents, $6.3O'a6.60; special brands, to.wxQ?
.76; extra fancy and straight, $4.85$630;
c'?a.l JM-Sw"-. ...
BKKU iimoiny, sieaoy, w.wnai.ow.
CORNMEAL Steady, $2.40.
BRAN Firmer; sacked, east track, 86c.
HAT Firm for heat: timothy. $6.0.(9.2 i.0:
prairie, $6.OMi9.60.
BAOaiNO 7c.
$11,774. Lard, higher; prime steamed, $6.34.
1BCOI1, UnCliailSVU. UUAHU, CAII. omwi ,.
7.37; clear ribs, $7.27; short clear, $7.62.
POULTRY Market alow; chickens and
iprlngs, 104c; turkeys, 144i15c; ducks, 11c;
geese 7o. '
BUTTER Market easy; creamery, 26
$6o : dairy. I93lc.
Euu Market steady at zsc, case count.
RecalDts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 5,000 10,000
WhKil. hil 47.000 41.000
Corn, bu f8,ono
Oats, bu S900J ;6.(00
Kansas City Grata aad frovlslons.
n A 0 v , tl'. -v. ' . . .
Steady to lower; May, 11.06V g 1.06; July,
8Wc: cash. No. 3 hard, $l.lfiil.ll. No. 3.
$l.u&1.10; No. 4. c'ol.ot; No. 2 red. $1.10
1.13; No. 3. $1.07(gl.OS; No. 4, $1.00(31.06. Re
ceipts. 93 cars.
CORN May. 45c; July, 46c; cash, No.
1 mixed. 474o : No. I. 4iVic: No. 2 white.
47c; No. a. 4747o.
OATS No. 2 white, 33433c; No. 2 mixed,
HAY Steady : choice timothy. t9.KeiO.00:
choice prairie, $7 60ii8.o0.
H Y h. Steady, iHfliM.
EGOS lllxher: Missouri and Kansas, No.
3 whltewooU cases included, 27c; eae cqunt,
26c; cases returned 4c less.
Bin kk uteany; creamery, l.ljaic;
dairy, packing, 22c
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 73.6 0 82.000
Corn, bu 7.6fl S.'.HCO
Oats, bu 29,00) 14 00)
Minneapolis Urala Market.
11 lr.x-ftl 1B5: Julv. 1.144; September.
944c; No. 1 hard. $1.17: No. 1 northern,
$1.14: in o. I nortnern. si.ios,.
FLOUR F1r.l patents, $6.2,Mi4.45; second
patents. $u.l6t'42V Urst clears, $4.1604.36;
secend clears. iw.
BRAN in bulk, u.a.
Mllwaakeo Orala Market.
MTt .WAl'KEE. Feb. 25. WHEAT
Hosier: No. 1 northern. $1.17141.174: No. 2
northern. $111118; May, $1 18401.18 bid.
RYK uo higher; too. 1, 4C
BARLEY Steady; No. I, U52c; sample.
87w &"ie.
CORN 4c n gner; rso. 3. '4rj4otc; aiay,
Liverpool Orala Market.
I.lVERl'OOU Feb. 21. WHEAT Snot.
nominal; futures quiet: March, Is' u;
Miiy. 111; July, as lid.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
new. 4a ld; American mixed, old. 4s H41I:
futures, quiet; March, 4s ld; May, 4s 3d.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. fi-COFFEE-Markel
for futures opened st unohangeil prices In
lln with tealy European markets, owing
to tbe holiday In Brasll the usual cablis
from that source were lucking, und so far
as could be learned no fresh news of Im
portance wa received. The market, how
ever, turned easier during the middle of the
morning under mderale crTrlns In the
absence of demand, which may have teen
reste' -led by light warehouse deliveries,
fi.,1 the clow waa barely steady at a decline
of Mlu points. Hales were reported of 6G.7SO
base. Including: March. 6.60c: May. 6 N6'(f
.!h-; July, 7 an-; Bei iember, 7 tj7 30c; Jan
uary, 7 6-irx7.66c aiot, u,uiet; No. 1 Mlo, In
voice, I t-lte.
Bumor of Tramooatinantal Merger Send
Railway Sharet Up.
I.ate Realising gales eada Yalaes
Down Again aad Set Galna Arc
Few Bank Statement la Re
garded as Favorable.
NEW YORK, Feb. 28 -The stock market
was thrown Into excitement again today
by the violent speculation In the trunk
lines and Pacific railroad stocks and there
was a full revival of the speculative en
thusiasm of the earlier part of the week,
which was chilled by the break of Thurs
day consequent upon the feverish move
ment of the southern Iron stocks.
A glance at today's sale list will dis
close how highly congested were the opera
tions In the few speculative leaders of the
day. and a study of the day's net changes
reveals that emotional phase of the trad
ing waa not so overwhelming a to pre
clude a thrifty disposition to take profits
on a very large scale In numerous stocks.
While the advantage offered of tha sustain
ing effect of the dominant movement. Ru
mors and intimations have circulated for
many week In Wall street that the con
trol of New York Central. Chicago k
Northwestern and Union Pacific wa being
worked out to a condition of perfect har
mony, If not of Identity. The belief In
the substantial basis for the Central proj
ect pointed to by this cloud of rumor was
the professed basts for the excited buying
today 01 the stocks concerned. The new
variation of th story was the Inclusion of
Pennsylvania In the benefits of the project
by an agreement with the New York Cen
tral for a division of spheres of opera
tion. It will be seen that In Its general
lines this report follows existing relations
amongst the properties concerned. The
consequence of the movement was a price
during today's trading of 180 for New
I org central, 144? for Pennsylvania, 1377
for Union Pacific and 249 for Chicago &
Northwestern. There are aaina elsewhere
In tbe list, reaching a point In some cases,
but there are also small declines as the
result of the heavy realising of the dav
and Union Pacific Itself closed unchanged
iroin last nignt.
The bank statement wsa remarried as
favorable and rallied the market from Its
considerable reaction, but the closing was
Irregular. The decrease in the loan Item
of the banks Is attributed to the tuktria-
over of loans by the trust companies and to
transreTs oue to tne leading of foreign
banking houses. The artim! vnlum nt
Credits has exnanded litlnuat1nnn.Mv Aurm
Ing the week on account of the large opera
tions in ine oona market. Total sales of
bonds, par value, $3,410,000.
Followlnc Were tho anlm anil nn l,t
F'lim on tne biock exenangf- touay
serve 3(.a.$oA. Increase ftX.); reserve
required $4.96.5. decrease tS.tK.TSO; sur-
Elus $14,646,075. Increase $5,441,660; ex-United
tat deposits $19.746,426, Increas $6,357,175.
Kew Yark Manor Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 25.-MONEY-On ralL
nominal; no loans. Time loans, firmer; 0
day. $ per rent; 90 days 3 per cent;
months. 3'i per cent.
aVT ERl .1 NO EXCHANGE Easier, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 1686
for demand and at tftlto for sixty-day
bills: posted rate. $4 86 and $4.8.1; com
mercial bills. $4.!Htjl.&4.
SILVER-Bsr. MOHc; Mexican dollars. 47c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotation sn bonds were:
t. 8. -rf. la, rf... 1HM ;pn ss. etft 1014
esspon l. a r ast. 4s ih
to U. ret 14
to eoupos 104
is w 4s, ri ill
do coupon 192
to oil o, res
do roupoa
Manhattan e. I 4s...lM4
Mi. Central 4 Tt
00 tat Ine 11
Mian A St. L. 4a...
Wi n , K. A T. 4a ltoti
lie 't as is
Am. Totan-e 4s, ctf T4VN. R. R ot M. c. 4s I4
Ao tfl. CtfB..
Atchiaon sen. 4a.
So adj. 4a.
Atlantic O. h. 4a....lotti to 3a
.115 N. T. C. s. ivta IWIi
.IMH'N. J C. . la
fl No. Pacrse 4s Ji
do cfd
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore & Ohio...
do pfd
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J 400 199
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 4,8) 51
v.inciiKo at Alton .... 700
do pfd I11O
Chicago O. W 300
Chlcaaro & N. W in 7
C., M. & St. P 68.000
Chicago T. A T 100
do pfd inn
C. C C. ft St. L 900
Colorado & Southern. 2,700
do 1st pfd
do 2d Bfd
Delaware A Hudson.
Delaware, L. & W...
Denver & Rio Grande
an pfd
Sales. Hlgh.Low.Close.
89 k
200 1244 122 124'4
13,000 106 106 106
23,800 141 140 111
178 179
14 lVVa
300 358
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking valley
oa pin
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern .....
do pfd
loulsvllle & N
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Metropolitan St. Ry.
Mexican Central ....
Minneapolis A St. J.
200 884 884 M
61.100 46 404 46
1,400 SO Rljj
1,200 66 63
81 U
4.400 161 161 lul-
60A 29 29 19
100 53 6l 664
I0 21 304 30
2,700 67 66 66
14,400 1414 140 14
1,400 1724 171 172(4
600 81 804, 804.
l.OOO 121 12fl 1204
11,600 23 23', 23
M.. 8t. P. ft 8. St. M. 4,800 117 114 1154
do pfd 200 161 1-4 31 160
Missouri Faclflc l,0O lou li 10
Missouri, K. & T.... 2,000 32& 82 3JH,
do Dfd 1.400 IMu kr. ui
N. K. R. of M. pfd.. 200 424 424 42
New York Central. ...121,300 IR04 l5t4 159V
N. Y., O. W 7,600 58 64 65
4,300 84H 83
600 (84 93
264,800 144 142
)0 x-i
68, 00 97
.104, N. a W. e. 4s It4
. O S. L. rfrfs 4a ITta
.114 Pans. cost, ma IM4
. si Keamns sen. 4a inivt
. , St. L. A I. M. a. b..ltT14
.inH'gt. U t I. r, li a 1'4
. 1:4 St. L. S W. . 4a.... M
. ipo soatoara a. L,. u.... it
. 13-1 'Sn. P.clflc 44 N
Mt so. Railway 9a 1114
lial. A Ohio 4a.
do Sta
Ontral ot Oa. ia..
do lat Inc
do 2d Inc
Che. Ohio 441..
Cblcain A A. 34a.
C, B. A q. n. 4a..
C, R. I. A P. 4a..
da col. fta
CCO. A 8t. L. 4s..l0S4,!Ttaa A p. la Itt
Cloaicg Priaei on Both Eteen and Cows
About Tea Higher Than Week Ago.
Best ineer Sat Over Tea I.ovVer for
tka Week, bat Best Lambs Fifteen
ta Qaarter Lower and Caaamoa
taartr ta Forty Lower.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
7. ail) 1.1.14
SOl'TH OMAHA, Feb. 26. 1905.
Receipts were:
omclsl Moh-lny ...
8fflclal Tuesday ..
fflolal Wednesday
8fflclal Thursday .
fflclal Friday. ...
Official Saturday...
.... 6.062
.... 1,97
.... 1,9"4
.... 1.140
.... 122
14.9 U
Chlcaso Tar. 4,
Colorado Mid. 4a.
Colo. A go. 41...
Cuba ta. ctta
P. A R. O. 4a....
Dlatlllera' Sec. F,,
Erta prior Ilea 4a
do sen. 4a
7 IT.. St. L. A W. 4.. SS
. TJ Vnlon Pacltc 4a lt
. ii do con,. 4a 1IT4
.1074 f. 8. Steal id (a MS
.leiH.Watnati ta 111
. 7' I a dab. B 7n
.loi'a ;Wcatern Md. 4a IIV
. M't W. A L. E. 4 4a
r. w. u 1. ia...iii wis. (.antral aa. et
Ilocklns Val. 4 4 a ... 1 1 1 Sa. !
. . . London Stock Market
LONDON, Feb. 25. Closing quotations On
siocks una Donus:
Conaola. money ... 91 1-14 N. T. Central..
do account I4 Norfolk A W...
Anaconda ftS do pfd
Alchteon tS4 Ontario W...
do pfd 10.iv, Pennaylraata ..
Baltimore A Ohio.... lift Rand Mlnas ...
Canadian Paclric 1414 Reading
Chaa. A Ohio 61', do lat pfd...
Chirato Ot. W 244 do Id pfd...
C, M. A 8t. P 184 So. Railway ...
DeBcers 19 do pfd
Danvar A R. 0 T 80 Pacific
do pfd 04 Union Paclto ..
Cms 47 H do pfd
do lat pfd l- I'. 8. Sleel
do id pfd M do pfd
Illinois Cantral 1KB '4 Wabaih
Louli. A Naah 144V, do pfd
M . K. A T 314
100 V,
Norfolk 6 Western
do pfd
P.. C. C. & St. L
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd on
Rock Island Co 60.000
do Dfd l.aim
St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. m
St. L. Southwestern
do pfd 300
Southern Pacific 16.800
ao pia 400
Southern Railway.... 47.800
00 pi a ii)o
Texas & Pacific 11.806
T.. St. L. & W 400
do Dfd 20fl
Vnlon Pacific 182.200
do Dfd inn
Wabash 2,000
do Dfd R Fw1
Wheeling ft L. E
Wisconsin Central.... 400
do pfd 2o0
Adams Express
American Express....
U. S: Express
Wells-Farao ExDress
Amalgamated Copper 21,600
American C. ft F 3,500
do Dfd ... sou
American Cotton Oil. 60O
American Ice 2
do Dfd 4ll
American Linseed Oil 100
do pfd loo
Amcr. Locomotive... 8,800
do Dfd 61A
American S. & R 8,2(0
65 r
400 119 1194 119
700 246
800 130
- 94
do Dfd.
Amer.- Sugar Reftn...
Amer. Tobacco, p. c.
Anaconda M. Co
Brooklyn R. T
Colorado F. ft I
Consolidated Gas ....
Corn Products
00 pfd
DlatUlero' Securities.
General Electric
International Paper.
do pfd
International Pump..
do pfd
National Lead
North American
Pacific Mail
Peoples Gas
Pressed Steel Cur
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
Tetineaaee C. ft I
U. S. Leather
do pfd
C. 8. Realty
V. S. Rubber
do pfd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Va. -Carol. Chemical.
do pfd
Wcstliighouse Elec
western i nlon..
Total aales for the day, l,$16,6oo shares.
4.800 146 144 144
u !'
400 110 108
6.900 64 634
S.90U 63 6
1,600 204 204
600 20 20
0 "J is
600 33
700 187
1,600 22
600 36
6110 lui
1.100 47
6.200 106
2o0 38
1O0 88
300 243
S.700 22
118 118
.... 77
.... 40
.... 86
34 84
101 101
46 46
1U8 108
38 38)
88 88
243 242
21 21
1.000 26 26 25
700 98 S6 9.'.
14.9UO 4 91 9;
l.oo ia 12 12
toO 105 104 104
1.000 90 f9 90
1,000 43 42 42
200 113 lli 112U
69.11)0 34 4 84
17J 93 9.7 95
1.8110 361, 36 3i
Lit 108 io;i i7
4O0 1ICI 1N0 H.
1111 H. 4& U.'4L litIZ
cent; time loans,
closing on stock
Atchlaoo tdj. 4a....
do ta
Mai. Central 4a...
do pfd
kcatoa A Albany.,
Buaton A Maine
boatoa Ulavatad ....
flKanurg pfd
Mai. Caniral
N. Y., N. H. A H..
talon Pacltc
Amar. Arsa. Chain.
do pfd
Amu. P.iau. Tubs..
Aanar. Susar
do pli
Anar. T. A T
Am,r. Woolaa
do pld
Dominion I. A S...
Kdlaon KlK'. lllu
ic.ral Elacirk. ....
aiu Rltatrio
do pfd
Maa. Uaa
I'nliad f ruit
t'niiad (ho Mack...
do pfd
I'. S. Siaal
do pfd
Waatlng. common ..
Afked, "bid.
to4M Market. ,
26 Call loans. 2Ti3 ner
34r4 per cent. OfflcLl
s and bonus;
N tAdventura
.H'JSk Ailouas
. 14 Amalsamated ....
. POH Amrrloan Zinc ...
.loin. Atlantic
.114 Hiiiuam .'
.17., ('al. Hacls....
.1M. Crntrnnlal
.1U', Coppar Han ...
. 3t Ial Wat
.u Dominion Coal
. Ki-lilOmnij,
. l lale Koyala
. aw Ma us. Ulnln ....
. W
. n
. in
. 14
Mout. c. A I'...
Old Douilalon .
1 amarack
I'. S. Mining.,
f. g.'bii.. ......
t tah
aola Molvarlna
.. 7
.. 224
.. 1-,
.. 11
.. U4t
.. S2-.,
.. la
.. 704
.. ITU
.. S74,
.. 114
.. 4
.. 4
.. 1C4
.. 144
.. M
. . 24
.. 4 j
.. 4
. lo
.. 114
.. f
. . J't
.. 4:4
.. 6
.. 14
Clearing Hooso Averages.
NHW YORK, Feb. 26. The statement of
averages of the clearing house banks of
thia city for the five diys ot this week
hows; 1 .0,1 11 dcruaee I't.
79V.700; rieiHislts $1,178. 8-'4.S, decrease $12.
711.400: . circulation $(:... i0, t-create
tmi, legal Irmb-rs $j,, Increase $42,,
av; specie $2i4,17U,4uw, lucrcas $i,216,wj0, r-
SILVER Bar, firm, 27 15-16d per ounce.
MONEy 2f3 per cent.
The rat of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2S2 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2 per cent.
tew York Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK. Feb. 26.-The following are
tne ciosmg quotation on mining stock;
Adams Con 2t
Alice 75
Breooa St
Brunawlck Cos t
Comatock Tunnel t
Con. Cal. A Va 171
Horn Silver 170
Iron Sliver 1M
Loadvilla Con I
Utile Chief....
Starrs Nevada
Small Hopao ..
... It
... r
... 41
... tt
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Feb. 26. Rates for money were
firm in the market today, owing to the
large Indctednesa to the Rank of England,
though the supplies were Increased by the
disbursement of $10,000,000 In dividends,
which, with other dividends, was calcu
lated to eaae tho situation. Prices on the
Stock exchange were firm, though business
generally was restricted. Consols led the
advance, the reduction of the German bank
rate strengthening other securities. Amer
icans were the most active section of the
market. They opened above parity. In re
sponse to the tone of Wall street. Union
Paclric and New York Central were spe
cially strong. The expectations of 11 good
New York bank statement assisted th ad
vance. Stocks closed steady. Foreigners
were uncertain. Japanese hesitated on buy
ing and selling, became somewhat heavy
and closed firm. Impoiial Japanese 6s ot
1904 were quoted at 104. .
BERLIN, Feb. 26. Prices on the Bourse
today were firm and higher throughout.
PARIS, Feb. 26. Prices on the Bourse
today were tending upward and the tone was
firm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at
90.35, Russian bonds Of 1904 at 606.
Bank of Germany Statement.
BERLIN, Feb. 26 Tho weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows
the following changes: Cash in hand. In
crease. 87,800,000m ; treasury notes. Increase,
l,5o0,00m; other securities, Incrcaae, 13.140,
000m; notes in circulation, decrease, 30,800,-000m.
Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 25 Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of $150,000,000 ?rld re
serve In the division of redemption, shows:
Avntlable cash balance, $139,890,627; gold,
Rank Clearings.
OMAHA. Feb. 26. Bank clearings today
are $1,265,980.40. For the corresponding day
of last year the clearings were $1,226,886.66.
Wool Market. ,
BOSTON, Feb. 26.-WOOL-Concernlng
the wool market the Commercial Bulletin
today says: The market 1 dull,
generally speaking, though some holders
report it slightly more active. Sales ara
confined to small lots of domestic grades
and In foreign no large trades have been
closed. Importers feel a little better. De
struction by fire of about 2,500,000 pounds of
Australian wool has taken that much off
the market. There Is so much less to sell
and the loss Is fully covered by Insurance.
Quotations show little change. The finer
grades are about as strong as aver, but me
dium and coarss wools are weak. The
shipments ot wool from Boston to data
from December 29, 1904, according to tha
same authority are 36,783,249 pounds, against
87.731,126, pounds at the same time last year.
Tne receipts to data are 41.209,834 pounds,
against 2i,829,247 for the same period last
ST. LOt'IS, Feb. 26.-WOOL Steady ; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 264
27c; light tine, 194ij2ic; heavy tine, l&oioc;
tub washed, 83fa39c.
NEW YORK, Feb. 26. WOOL Steady J
domestic fleece, 32Qa6c.
LONDON. Feb. 2u.-WO0L The arrivals
of wool for the second series of auction
sales amount to 289,72i bales, Including 16o,
000 torwarded direct to spinners. The Im
ports this week were: New South Wales,
90,106 bales; (Queensland, 227 bales; Vic
toria, 2,4)9 bales; South Australia, ,1,083
bales; iew Zealand, 18,84 bales; Cape pf
Uood Hope and Natal,. 8,919 bales; China,
224 bales; Singapore, bales, and 67
from various other points.
Kaasas City Live stock Market.
ceipts, 600 head, Including !s0 southerns;
market unchanged; choio export and
dressed beet steers, 6.0wfl.76; fair to good,
$J.7d(&'4.90; western-fed steers, $3.7G6i.26;
stackers and leaders. $2.00ttt.25; southern
Steel a, $3.a4.6j; southern cows, $2.2btj4l.26;
native oows, $1.7d4.2&; native heifers, W.aotO'
4.5j; bulls, 2.6Kl! j. 76; caives, $3.uu4i.76. Re
ceipts for week, 27,uOo head.
hOQS Rece pts, ji.tO htad; market strong;
top, $4.90; bulk of sales,; heavy,
$4.6ft4.9): packers, 4.0ti4.8o; pigs ami
lights. W.10(tf4.76. Receipts tor the week,
tkl2'0 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls, (00 head;
market nominuily steady; nutiv lamos,
$7.0O'7.90; native wethers, 5.1,4j4 80; natlve
ted ewes, 4.8o4Jo6o; western-ted lambs,
$7.0137.90; western-fed yearflngs, flOnijO.ftO;
western-lei sheep, t4.85b6.90; stockers ana
feeders, i.&O&
St. Login Llva Stack Market.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 25. CATTLE Receipts,
loo head; market Steady; native shipping
and export steers, $4 8rfS.0o; dressed Le(
and butcher steers, $4.o..ntio.46; steeis unaer
l.too pounds, $a.i64)4 10; stockers snd teeders,
62.7uitt4.25; cows and heitets, tx2ia4.26; call
liars, $i.air2.l5; bul.s, $2.6. 3.76; calve, $4.01
tt7.5o; and Indian steurs, 2.60a4.70;
cows and hellers. $2.fe(tvJ.75.
HUGS Receipts, 2.0UJ head; market &c
higher; pigs and lights. $3.7644.?5; packers,
$4.tOl.96, butchers and beat heavy. h '-V
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head;
market steady; native muttons, $3.0'&4. In:
lambs, $(.("fi7.75; culls and bucks, 2,ou43
4.60; stockers, $3.00(3.10.
St. Joseph Live stock Market.
ceipts. 106 head; market steady; native'.
$4.114 46; rows and heifers. $1.86a4.4u;
ktsckcrs trd feeders. $-Mltl4 16.
HUGE Receipts, 4.791 head; market 60
higher, closing eaxler; liar tit. $4.64.86; me
alum and heavy, 4 7o'a4 91.
SHEEP AND LAMES Receipt, tit
head; market steady.
Slang rttg Live Meek Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Feb. 26 especial Tela.
frani.) CATTLE Receipts, 3n0 head; mar
et steady; beeves, U.&Otit.Oo; rows, bull
snd mixed. $2.764t4.u9: stockers and feeders,
$2.7M3.76: calve and yearlings, 12 2648.'
I! (IUS Receipts, S fit head; market 6t)1"a
higher, selling at $4.4oU4. 60; bulk of Sales,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Feb. 2.-CORN-Hlgher; No. t,
44c; N 4, 43c; no grade, 41 o.
Total this week 16.523 60.754 44.350
Total lt week $.461 84.578 ' 81.667
Total week before 15.654 49.4" 31.970
Sama three week ego. M,m 23.M9
Same four weeks ago... .17.682 57.220 26.4H4
Same week last year 22.fc27 68.S8 36.44J
The following table shows the receipts ot
cattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, with comparison whh last
l$o5. 1904. Inc. Dec.
Catti 118.633 138.737 20.104
Hogs 376,411 878.846 3.4J6
Sheep 843,457 284.234 40.7,7
The to, lowing tame show th average
prlce-qf hog al South Omaha for the last
several day, with comparisons:
1906. I
Fab. 4 ta i a Ml 1
fat. 1 I 1ft I A rj.l
Feb! 3.'.'..' 4 72461 841
r eD. 4....1 4 744 4 81 a to
Teb. 1 77i Ui
Fob. 4 8J1 4 81 0 771
Feb. 7.... 4 74 6 74
Feb. f... 4 634 4 M
Feb. 4 68 4 89 4 71
Feb. 10... 4 764k Bill I 76
Feb. U... 4 76 6 00 70
Feb. 13... 5 01 i?2
Feb. ii... 4 81 i 95 6 80
Feb. 14... 4 84 4 85
Feb. 16... 4 84 4 99
Feh. lit A MHUl A'l a MI
Feb. 17...) 4 73 1 $ 021 7 03
r id. f 04i v 1
Feb. 19... I 12 6 91
Feb. 20... 4 6 t 24 4 98
fnh i 1 a a k
Feb. 22... 4 78-t 5 27 1
Feb. 23... 4 6!)i 6 22
trh a I i. eriZ K 10
Feb". 26'.'.. 4 781
1904. ilSvl. 11902. 11901. 190O. jl8.
,01 t 970
1 a ok.
6 96 It 31
4 12 i 83
4 161 t 21
081 6 28
t 88 4 29
6 26
4 00
4 04 I
r, 99 i
K 021 i
t HI
( 28
6 28
!l ? !l .'
6 S81 6 88:
1 6 9 6 so 1
6 93i I 6 32
A Ml t 071 a 1
6 32 6 Si: 6 ta S 38;
4 87
4 n
4 62
4 Ml
4 701
4 68
4 76
4 84
4 80
4 79
4 81
4 76
4 76
4 83
4 76
4 78
4 74
4 69,
4 69i
4 69!
$ 4
8 61
3 69
3 69
$ 86
$ 66
i 70
$ 71
$ 6$
1 W
2 68
8 66
8 62
8 6b
3 68
3 63
3 68
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Horse.
C, M. ft St. P J
U'aKakVi 1
T nvanii -
Missouri Pacific :
Union Pacific 3 16 4
C. ft N. W J,
F., E. ft M. V 2
C, St. P., M. 6 U ,.. 2 9
B. ft M S 2
C, B. ft Q ,
C. R. I. ft P., east !;
Chicago Great Western 4
Total receipts 3 ' 85 , 7
...w - 1 i.i .1 ,hi ilav's renoiota was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber 01 neao. imutaicu.
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs
Swift and Company 1 J
Cudahy Pctclng Cb 3 1.834
Armour at o -r
inninna,i A Cn 113
Other buyers
Totals W
' CATTLE There were only a few bunches
Of cattle reported this morning, so a fair
test of the market wa not tnauo. ior th
L. u.ini. ,h a an in over the IlKht
run of last week amounting to about 6.u00
head ana aa comparea wn mc ' -
of laat year there has been a falling off of
about 7,000 neaa.
The market on beef steers lias been very
Irregular this week, prices fluctuating up
and down at a rapid rate. The early part
of the week supplies were quite liberal
and packers pounded the market In bad
shape, claiming they were not In position
to handle the cattle owing to a shortang
1 ..,.1...., r o.r. After Tuesday SUD
plies moderated very materially and a. tna
am, time there was an Increase In tne
number ot refrigerator cars available, so
that the market Improved about as rapidly
it hrnke the first two day. Closing
prices can safely be quoted fully as good
as those Jn force at the close of last week
and a good many operators were calling the
market on anything at all desirable about
a dims higher tor the week. Good to
chole grades may be quoted from KM to
$6.40, fair to good $4.25 to $4. 16 and the
common and ahort-fed kinds from 4
down. . . . ,w.
The cow nan ioiiowcu mucu
earn course as the trade on steers that
Is, prices declined sharply the early
part of the week and recovered the
loss the latter part, so that the mar
ket at the close of the week Is fully as
good as at the close of the last week and
soma of the better grades may be a trifle
Stronger. Trading has been active 011 all
grades since Tueiday and early clearances
wr marl, flnnA 'o choice grade may be
queted from $3.00 to $4.26, fair to good $2.40
to 13.00 ana common 10 iir irura ai.ou iu
Bulls hav not changed much, prices be
ing a trifle lower early In the week, but
the loss has since been regslned. Choice
grades sell from $3.00 to $3.50 and commoner
kinds down to $2 26. Veal calves are In
r;ood demand and higher, the best ones sell
n up to $8.00.
There have not been many stockers and
feeders on sale this week and the demand
has shown considerable Improvement ever
what It was during th cold weather. Ths
Imnrovement has been particularly notice
able In the demand for lieht cattle of sat
isfactory quality. That class of stuff and
also good heavy cattle may be nuoted a
little tronger for th week, but there ha
not been much change In the common cat
tle of any welsht. Good to choice trades
sell from $8 76 to 84 85. fair to good f3.2" tc
13.75 and the common grades from $3.25
down. Representative sales:
No. At. Tt, No. A v. Pr.
1 1000 I 00 1 .' into 1 20
1 t0 t It tt 171 I 30
1 77D S K
8 14ft.. 4 M '
8. L. W. Ranch Colo.
8 feeders.. 949 3 86 11 feeders. .1188 3 60
34 feeders.. 949 8 9S
HOGS There was a light run here this
morning, In fact, smaller than generally
eapeotad. Chicago did not show much Im
provement, but tna demand at this point
from both packers and shippers was in
good shape and as a result the market
ruled active and 6l0c higher. buyer
War all out in good season and it was not
long before the early arrivals were dis
posed of. Soma of the trains were a Unit
late In arriving, but still everything was
disposed or oy ine miuuie or tne rorenoon,
and the late sales were fully aa good aa
those made eerly In the day. The light
weights sold largely from $4.74 down, tm tell
ers and mixed hogs from 84.70 to $4.76 end
heavies largely from $4.75 to $4.80, with
prime heavies as high as $4.90. The top in
Chicago was only $4.97 and the bulk prac
tically the same as at this point, so that It
may be said that local packers are paying
nearly Chicago prices for their droves.
For th week receipt have been more
than twice ss large aa the light supply of
last week, but as compared with the cor
responding week of last year there Is but
little change. Prices have fluctuated up
and down to quite an extent, but at the
close of the week then Is a net gain over
the close of laat weak of about 6 to 10
cents. Representative sales:
Ma. As. a. .1. Ho. A, th. Pr.
1) M ... 4 M i:t ... 4 7S
14 lit ... 4 M 71 317 W 4 74
10 12S ... 4 " a tm 4 75
II Ill ... 4 M t Ii4 W 4 71
40 171 4 4 ta 44....
IS 141 ... IK :....
U IU ... 144 14....
Tt. lit ... 45 K....
fl ttt to 4 44 70....
tA tot 4 4 6 10 ...
7 101 ... 4 t M....
tt II ... 4 4 41....
It Itt ... 4 474 111...
tt UI SO 4 47', at.
79 107 ... 4 7
14 IM ... 4 70
81 17 ... 4 7
tl tit ItA 4 7n
II Ml 40 t 7
6 Si W0 4 70
M. ...... .110 Itv 4 Tt
It i: ... 4 10
11 Ht 4 4T
7 lit ... 4 lu
U i.t ... 4 la
lilt 40 4 71
211 120 4 70
Ml ... 4 7S
. . .:o to 4 7S ... 4 7;
...4:i 2t t Ii
...U7 ... 4 74
...213 ... 4 75
...? ... 4 74
...314 ... 4 75
fMifl fii)Wfl rifl
71 1.7 11 4 Ii
44 til 40 4 71
II UI ... I 76
71 Ui aa 4 71
14 tit 40 4 n
71 :ul ... 4 It
17. ... 4 71
71 !2 10 4 71
til 40 4 711
tt m 40 4 Ii
.117 ... 4 1.1
tl tl t 4U4 tt tit ... 4 774
II Ml H i t!4 14 tl ... 4 71
43 til ... 414 44 Ill ... 4 T74
71 tit ... 4 714 H tt! ... 4 T"4
1l Ult M 4 77
4 17
71 tit ... 4 714
14 13 ... 4 ItV.
It lit it 4 721 t4 lit
It Ill ... 4 114 II 1" 4 77't
4 Ml ... 4114 14 " o 4 n'a
10 lit ... 4 114 M HI 4 M
14 tl ... 4 114 44 241 ... 4 1
11 net to 4114 m :t: ... 4 fi
to Ill M 4 75 It r: 4 4 a
it t:t to 1; 11 an 411 4
14 160 ISO I 71 4 tut 4 Ii
tl 140 ... 4 It It HO 4o 4 K
M tit ... t It II 14 1X1 4 tl
II.... ... till . . I 71 to (71 11 4 an
10 IU M Hi tt .17 ... t m
Stock gives ownership In all mine of the United Min
ing and Exploration To. The great (loldllt'ld Nev. Gold
(JiHvn Group and Kabbit Fraction on same dike as the
Bonanza Mines, the Jumbo and Florence. Tbe Combina
tion f'o. one 'claim from our Rabbit Mine, opened' up ore
in gold per ton. "We are rushing work, have cut feeders
which are rich in free gold. Any shot may oieu body of
Bonanza ore.
"While sinking shaft on Modoe'the United Mining and
Exploration Company cut a vein containing a body of ore as
saying 8 J oz. ($170.00) in gold. There is every indication
the vein is continuous and the mine will develop into one of
the greatest producers in the district." The Modoc has pro
duced to date over
Our big strike on Modoc may be duplicated on the Kabbit
or Gold Queen any day. Stock will advance to 50c or 75e.
$20 BUYS 1,000 SHARES
Par value $1.00. Positively advances March 4th. May be
withdrawn from sale entirely on account of the rich strike.
Write or wire at once for full particulars; orders post
niaked March 4th will be accepted.
Denver Securities Company,
Bank Block. Dial. H. Denier, Colorado-
Barrels CONSTANT OIL CO.'S Barrols
a Day WELL "-s a Day
The above well was shot February 21, 1905, and
indicates the enormous wealth stored in the under
ground depths of the CONSTANT OIL property.
As the price of CONSTANT OIL stock is bound to 1
advance as more wells come in. Money is needed .
to drill new wells and the stock will always be sold
at figures low enough to insure a handsome profit .
to investors. ,
Remember, tho Earlier You Invest,
the Surer and the Larger the Profits Will Bo
The company owns three separate leases compris
ing nearly 800 acres in all (enough for nearly 300
wells), nil located in the famous Chauute oil field. It
is officered by well known and reliable Omaha men
and its offer affords a rare opportunity for safe and
profitable investment. Call or write for particulars.
T 01 CO..
4 10
It. MS ... 4 tt n.
17 Ml ... 4 71 .
SHEEP Practically no test of the sheep
market wa made today, but for th ween
receipts have been quite llbeiul. As com-par.-d
with last weesT there Is an Increase
of about lli.000 hesd anil as compared with
the same week of last year the Increase
amounts to about 7,0) head. In view of
the heavy receipts the tendency of the
ninrket has been downward.
The early part ot the week packers were
handicapped to quite an extent by the
shortage of refrigerator cars, and besides
that tho quality of the offerings has been
ratner inrerior. t hc-iiid ui ......
prices have brought In a good many Imrna-
ahaon a n4 lumh. and that neVST fttllS
to have a depretslng effect upon the mar- i
sheep nere not over a dime lower than last .
weeK, except penini in uir l ? v
ferlor grades, which might be 10&lBe lower.
. I , . . . ... 1 .... I ul ef
1 ne nig ena ui ine rr c ir" .un
lambs and most of those were unfinished.
That of course made too many of one kind )
and the market broke 16c to 4e on the me
dium and common kinds. Well finished
lambs, though, nre not to exceed lfsiSs
nwpr ThA last rew oavs tiuiie a ivw wi
. . , . . 1. . . V. hV
ine iuiiun uiifiru nu,n
feeder buyers to be finlilicd. clrpd and
sold a little Inter In the sern. '1 hejrlcea
pa ia rangea mostly irom .o" m
Uuot.ii Ion for fed stock: Good to chctce
vearlings. lfi.2S'8ll.6S; fair to good year
lings. fS.7Sft15; good to cholc wetliors,
.S65.ti5; fair to good wrther. t4.K4S.lrf:
good to choice ewe. tj.ttViS.Co; fair to coo il
VfW, 1. DIM! t'iUIIIIItn, t,v m" " . " T. .
. j. - . l i I IT Kika"n7 tif. faslt
to good larnbin. feeder lamba, Iti.o)
C.T5. Reprefentatlve tftle:
The Merchants
National Bank
of Omaha, Neb.
U. 1 D,iilrjr
Capital and Surplus, $400,009
riXIK MUtfRV. rcs.
UTMl 0A. Csikisr.
rtAtt t. lAMaron. aji. Cssst.
Itaoatva sacsust at Sanaa, Mnksn, aarawea
sUans. trsas sisi latirMiMli a tevsrsal
rails xafcsst WatM BB sold, -Latiara
st cr4lt laaiw. Inlulk at aB
aaru at tha world.
Iutarai sal n Tlma Ortltaatas at PirtsH.
CvllaMioas sssi prsmptir si
tt ruat
tattle Steady Hog. Klva to Tea teats
lllcher sheep aieady.
fHICACIO. Feb. 2J. CATTLE Receipts,
110 hesd. Market steady; good to prime
steers, tA.GOiU'ti.46; poor to medium, t.AP
6.5f; slockers and feeders. fi.Zhyi.V); rows,
I1..WH.S6; lielfern. t.'.w34 Vk earners. H.4
i.iw; bullH. V.(ifJ3 .80: calves. K.itXtXI .31.
llCHiB HeceiptH. 1S.UO head; estimated
Monday. 4i.t00 lietid. M.irW. t S'.j'.fcc hlKher;
mixed and butchers. 4.TS4i4.H6; good to
choice heavy. $4.T(tS.(0; luugh heavy, II. iMf
4K; light, 1104.66; bulk of Sdles, II..
SHEKP AND I.AMBB-Rccelpls, .fi0
head. Msrket steady; good to cholc weth
ers. t'i botiti.uo; fair to c holes mixed. t4.fiKjf
( 3d: weetern sheep, It S:iiti .00: nativ lambs,
6.cKj7.75; western lambs, l6.7iiiT.60.
stork la Sight.
Receipts of live stock nt the six principal
western mrkt cterday were;
Cattl. Sheep.
Bonth Omaha K3
nimix fltv lu H1
Kansas t'lty ' 3.t)
Si. I.ouls 1"" i.t"'!
Et. Joseph I'"! 4.7!'4
Chicago fits
V. Farnam Smith
& Go.
1320 Farnam St.Tel, 1084
Edwards -Wood Go-
Halo Office: Fifth and Robtrta Stresti
5T. PAUL, niNN.
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Us
Brnarb OOlee, lin.ttl Board at Trad
Hldar., tlanstia. Rett. Telephoa 8814.
Ii:-Jl4 Kxohniigs tilde.. 8ouih Omaha.
Ball 'fhaas l lndsasadant 'fhon t
Have u Mock of T)e Forest Wireless Tele
graph ktock, "Original t.'ompany." Will
sell 100 shares, far vslue llu per share.
y ' All common stock. No preferred Issued by
I'M i this compuny. Perfect transfer guaraji
icw ted. H p r share If taken at once. This
f.twu system In uiie by ('. 8. gu ernment. Mom
-- ' valuable ili i:i Telepliont Stock, Vr
t.H3t drefs 7.