TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 100.". 15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. t Ky 4IJ Jackson St., 4 room. 83x124 ft. I 1.00O-3417 Jackson St., 6 room, 23x124 ft. I 1.06O 3u67 Cam tit., 66x11 ft., 6 room, large burn, chicken house, shade trees, $350 cash, balance ttmr. S 1,300 2X1B Biondo St., corner, 16'.xl34 ft., large 2-story 10-room house, cost about $4,0. fine v'ew, big snap. $ 1. COO Corner anh and Arbor Sts., new 6- room house, pore, bath, fewer, water and gnu. 6"xl27 ft. t 1.6501223 8. 27th St.. 6 room, mod., ex cept furnace, new plumbing, lot 50x150 ft. t 1,730 13a Park Ave., 2-story and base ment, 6 rooms, and one 3-room cot tage, lot 60x150 ft. SNAP. f l,800-:!4t N. lsth St., 80x140 ft., large 10 room house, all mod., good repair. Want an offer. J,000-3711 N. 19th St., 60x140 ft., neat 5-room cottage, mod. except furnace, born, fine shade. $ 2,000 2508 Cuming St.. 6 rooms, lot 64x124 ft.; a decided bargain. $ 2,000-934 N. 27th Ave., 7 rooms, new nickel plumbing, hrt and cold water, bath, linn shade, lot 62V4X125 ft. t 2,1001213 8. 17th St.. good, neat 8-room house, fine repair, nicely arranged, Just the place for a railroad man. t 2.1o0 33iO Hamilton St., new 6-room house, pore, bath, mod. except fur '.nace; easy terms. 2,200-3218 California St., one 8 and one 7- room house, well and cistern, good cellars, renting 120 per month; fm down balance monthly at C per cent. t 2,600-621 N. 41st Ave., 60x110 ft., rooms, all mod., good repair, nlca floors fur rugs. I 2,600 lm Locust St., neat ft-room. 2-story house, strictly mod.; consider cash offer. I 2,660 Near 26th and Capitol Ave.. 33x135 ft., 7-roam, nearly new, all mod. but furnaceT built last year. Take good Vacant lot part payment. t 8,2004170 Cui St.. rooms, well built, hot water heat, hardwood floors and fin ish, lot 60x120 ft. A rattling bargain. $3,800-1315 8. 27th St., 60x127 ft., rooms, mod. Want an offer. $ I.JOO-N. 19th St.. near Charles, east front, 7-room 2-story, all mod. house, nearly new. Desiranle. $ 8,600 31t St., near Paclfle, 7 rooms, strictly mod., fine finish, barn, lot 60x128 ft. Bargain. t 8,7502220 S. 10th, 66x138 ft., 2-story, -room . house, sewer, water, gas, bath, fine repair. Beautiful location. Very cheap. $ 8.650 8. K. corner Wool worth and Georgia Aves.. 60x100 ft., 8 rooms, all mod. A bargain. 8 4,000 N. V. corner 28th and Jackson Pts., 76x140 ft., 8 rooms, nil mod. SNAP. 8 4,200 70 N. 40th Ft., 7 rooms, nearly new, strictly mod., lot 60x111 ft., choice location. 8 4,100-511 S. 21st Ave., lot 60x140 ft.. 7 rooms, strictly mod., fine shade, gnod repair: a bargain; close In. 8 4,500 27th, near St. Mary's Ave.. 8 rooms, hot water heat, best of plumbing, fine repair. Right In town. 8 4,6002130 Blnney St.. 75x121 ft., rooms, mod., with barn. 86,2501125 Georgia avc., 9 rooms, all mod., 50x150 ft. 8 7,500 24 Worthlngton Place, opposite Brownell Hall. 60x132 ft.. 10 rooms, strictly mod., hardwood finish on two floors, house alone cost over 810,000, best built In Omaha. 810.000-Kast front. 33d St.. one block from llarucom Park, 90x140 ft., 10-room, 1 Tel. 49 2-story, strictly mod., white tiled bath room; fine home. Owner leav ing city; consider cash proposition. 113.000 V est Farnam district., finest loca tion, narly new, lo-room, strictly mod., beautiful Interior, hardwood finish, tiled bath, flrst-cluss In everv particular. Can't duplicate It for the price. $lfi.0O0 The Judge Dundy residence, Georgia ave. and Leavenworth, gTound isox 140 ft. 12-ronm brick house and barn, steam beat, thoroughly mod., cost over $4000. A bargain. 815,000 The old Hellman property, 24th and St. Mary's ave.. 160x143 feet, 15 rooms, stam heat, brick, mansard roof, with barn. Want an offer and want it quick. VACANT. 8 126-0x93 feet on Pacific near 26th. above grade. 8 40056x140 teet. south front, on Bancroft between 14th and 15th: lies fine. 8 60096x112 feet, south front. Cass St. be tween 33d and 34th. lying good. 8 S50-6OXU3 feet. N. W. cor. 22d and Pop pleton ave: bargain. 8 1.000132x132 feet, aouth front, on Blnney St.. near 26th. 8 1,250 4x 141 1 feet. S. K. cor. 31st and Jack son sts., or corner 1650, Inside $V 8 1,800 130x3CO feet, north front, on Cali fornia, 110 feet west of 82d, on car line. Or 43x300 feet for 8460. 8 1,300100x124 feet, south front, on TJcust. Kountse Place, between 16th and 17th. SNAP. 8 1.600-67x106 feet, north front, on Daven port at. opposite Yates, permanent walk and paving paid. SNAP. 8 1,60092x134 feet, east front, on 40th. 60 feet north of Burt, paving paid. Choice. Will divide. 8 2,10060x97 feet, south front, on Harney St., 150 feet east of 86th. 8 4,350 li) feet north front on Dewey ave.. next east C. T. Kountie residence, finest In West Far. dlst.. paving and permanent walk paid. Will divide. 8 6,500 N. W. cor. Farnam and Park ave., 115 feet on Farnam, 87 feet deep. Fine location for flats. SNAP. SPECULATION. $ 1,00017 60xl27-foot lots, all adjoining. 2 blocks from end of Ames ave. car line; high, commanding view. 8 2.250 28 6flxl27-foot lots, S3d and Ames ave.. to close an estate. Big speculation In these. KOUNTZE SVB-36TH AND FARNAM. The choicest residence property In the city, Wh and 37th and Farnam sts. Read the big sign. Inside lots, 60x165 feet, 84,000; all specials paid. INVESTMENT. 8 6,2iO 4 6-room modern cottages, good plumbing, with lots 30x127 feet each, near 26th and Charles sts.. renting 8864 per year and water rent: best renting proposition on the market. 8 4,800 N. W. corner 22d and Maple sts., 2 7 and 8-room houses, fine repair, rent 847 per month, modern except fur nace. $4,800 for quick sale. They are choice. 821,000 90x120 feet of ground on Dodge St.. H block from postofflce. brick build ing, rent $100 per month. Worth double In five veers, sure pop. ACRES 62 acres, Joins Fort Crook on the south, very fine. $80 per acre 74 acres near above. $75 per cre. Can give possession now If sold quick. These arc. bargains. See us. R- H New Houses Ready To Move Into H 2 new 6-room houses on Sherman ave., near 1'lnkney; paved street,' large lot. high ground, choice location, ntrlctly all mod ern; . furnace, electric light, gas, fine plumbing. One -room house on 27th ave.. Just south of Lnkc, 4 rooms and bath on first floor and 2 bedrooms on second floor; modern but furnace; east front, high ground; one block from Dodge car line. Will make easy terms. Have other houses In all parts of the city. Call and get our list. WE BUILD HOUSES Last year we built 22; have plans for 5. A, 7 and 8-room houses. We may have Just what you want. It will pay you to see us before- you build. Wo only build good houses; -we employ first-class workmen and put In good material. Open Monday evenings until . 10 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden '.; 160914 Farnam 8t. (Ground Floor.) : FOR SALE HOME8. 8 750 6-room house, corner lot, near the north end of the Harney car line. 81,250 8-room house, In Hanscom Place, east of park. 81.600 Neat cottage short distance west of Kountze Place. 82,100 Nobby cottage, sightly location, Bemls park. 82,800 7-room house on Farnam St.; bath, mantel, closet and barn. $4,260 Nobhy cottage built In the last 5 years, on 40th st. Eastern owner wants offer on 2424 Emmet St., lot 100 ft. frontage. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 139 26 FOUR good, exceptionally well located res idence lots In Oakland. California, value 86,000, to exchange for Omaha property. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 194 26 BARGAIN Choice location, (food 7-room house, In fine condition, beautiful corner lot, permanent wulk, paved street, fine shade trees, ex cellent nellrhhorhnnri Tr thA hnuj im largo enough for you and you wish tol nvo in one or tne most desirable loca tions In tho city, look at this property--the Houtheast corner of 30th and Mason streets. The price is only $),S00 Half Cash. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnsm Street. RE 224 28 28 ACRES near Fort Crook, 875 acre. 82.8508 acres, new 4-room house, barn, pout . try houses, 300 young fruit trees, 100 each gooseberry, grape and currant ' bushes, acre strawberries; tele phone; mall delivery. A nice country .home, 4 mile north Krug's park. 82,300 New 6-room house, Hanscom park district: modern, east front, on grade; nice shade trees; a delightful home. 81,200 Good 6-room house, full lot. four blocks from Dundee car; east front. A nice home cheap In a swell sub urb. , COMPTON-WATTS CO. 535 Paxton Blk. RE 145 2 A BARGAIN In eight-room residence; mod ern: good neighborhood; large lot. fine lawn. Inquire 906 Hickory St. RE All of These Properties Are Sure to Advance in Price. 1706 Canton St., 4-room rottago, city -water, south front, $900; easy terms. 4200 Curulnf St., 7 rooms, good barn; price $2,000; easy terms. 2315 South 12tli St., G-rooiu bouse, modern except furnace, $2,500. 3224 Cuming- St., a strictly modern 0-rooni house, south front, on a paved street; owner has left the city and Is anxious to sell; price $3,300. On Davenport, near 27th, lot 50x132, south front, fine neighborhood, bouse has 9 large rooms, gas, bath, furnace, etc. If you want something close In, close to Crelghton College or church, you had better Investigate this proposi tion right away; price $3,500. On North 21th St., 2-story brick building and two frame houses on Oxl27 toot of ground; rent $120 a month; price $12,000; easy terms. ; VACANT Two full lots, i;i.;n west on 41st Ave., between Davenport and Chicago, at . very low price. 2x135, near 27th Ave., facing north on Cuming; special taxes all paid; price $450. You will miss It If you don't sec that 85x150 feet on northwest corner of 27th Ave. and Webster, on the new Central Boulevard, on which you can build three or four houses that will always rent well. Price only $2,0U0. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE1 . CAN YOU RAISE 5300? Seven-room modern house for 8300 cash: -balance 810 per month; full lot, south front, well located; price, $2,000. Wliy do you pay rent? Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 187 26 FINE INVESTMENT 27IO-2T12 Parker St.. 8 -room houses fronting tiouth on a good paved street; paving pal 3 In full; permanent walks; rents for 133 per mouth; price $3,250. THE BYRON REED CO. 21? 8. 141 h. RE-140 26 r 11 Vacant Lots South H $600 for a Rood lot on 20th, Just north of Vinton, on paved street. 8500 fur a good lot Just south of Vinton, on kith street. ft. m for lots 8 blocks from !4th and Vinton $ and $5ue f'-r hue laying lots on and nmr the Boulevard, west of Krug's brewery. $x"u for a lot 011 24ih. just across the street,' 1 10m me nuw street cur Darn ai ma ana Vlutoh. Benson, Dundee and Florence In Mensem. $100 to 80: In Dundee, 8300 to tu: in Florence, 8150 to $300. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. Hastings & Heyden 1000'i Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) SIX-ROOM cottage, 18th and Martha sts.. lot 66x188. $1.(U0. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. (108. 836 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. t-las as i'j ACRES adjoining Honth Omaha, good improvement, mis or rruit; price, ,' Will eschaiitfe for farm properly. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. tloS. tZi H. V. Ufa Klilg. MODERN HOME $3,350 NO.128 NORTH 40TH 8T. An excep tlunal location; eaet front; rooms, with reception hall and bath, furnace, cement orllar. This is a bargain. BENSO N & CARM1CHAEL L3 Paxton Block. RR-144 it 8-ROOM modern house, porcelain bath, closet, lavatory, gas. city water, sewer, laundry room, cement t)aeiii,-nt, elec trio bells, good barn, full lot, at' 150, good repair- $S.Wo. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 110. 83 N. Y. life Bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BEMIS' BARGAINS Houses and Lots Five rooms, nearly ntf, full lot. south front, near 2fith and Saratoga. Price re duced to $1,150. Kasy terms. Five rooms, two large lots, near 4?d and California, In splendid condition. Owner very anxious to sell. Price only $1,700. Part time If dewlred. . Six rooms, near th and Lake streets, hot water heat, city water, sewer. Best bar gain in vicinity. Price only $1.S00. Blx rooms, eight largo lots, near Country club. $-S. A bargain. Seven rooms, only one year old, near high school, modern except furnace; half lot. $.tH0. Very cheap. Seven rnomx, modern except furnace, near All Saints church. $.',00. VACANT Still a few desirable lots south of Miller park, on :th street; on car line, paved thoroughfare, light taxes; $5 down and $6 per month. $1A) up. Thlrty-flve-foot east front on South 30th street $300. ACREAGE One acre fronting on Ames avenue, close to car $500. Fpcak quick if you want It. FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Forty acres twentv-five mlls north of Council Bluffs, $3.0CH). Will exchange ti.iKQ equity for Improved city properly. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RS-21 : FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS. $ 100 Lot In Lincoln Place, east of Dun dee, 8 blocks from car. 8 225 For H lot. ad and Manderson; city water, gas, cesspool, barn and foun dation. 8 3o0 Corner lot, 36th and Cass st. 8 4i liast-front lot on 40th and Jones st. $ 7:it 60-tt. east frontuK on 24th st. $1.5MOn ltith, near CaBtelliir. Hxl40 ft. $1,5U0 Iot on Cuming St., fronting Bcmls park, 4ixlfi5 ft. i,n-67-ft. lot between 31st and 32d sts. on uavenport, fronting Mr. Yates home. $1,75060x160 ft. lot on Park ave., north of Hickory St., fronting Hanscom rark. $3,130 Kast front, on 34th St., Just north of Farnam st. $3,400 To customer who will build a $6,000 or $K,ono house, 62x138 ft., lot on 32d avenue. F. V. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE-13S 26 AN eastern owner, quite aged. Is anxious to sell house and lot 419 Cuming st. $2,000 la the price: might be discounted for im mediate sale and all cash. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RK 130 26 $1,675 In payments buys 7-r. house with lot 30x140, on litli near Manderson. V. D. W ead. 1524 Douglas. RE 136 26 $700 buys 3-r. house and full lot In Sheeley, 29th and DuponU F. D. Wcad. 1524 Doug las. RE 134 26 RARE BARGAIN One 7-room modern brick house and one 6-room modern brick house, except fur nace. Price $5.nno for both. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. RE 222 26 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SHI1Y1ER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. New houe of 7 rooms, modern plumb ing, latest furnace, paved street on two sides, corner of i'4th and Blnney. This Is a model home. For quick sale will make the prc $2,800. Six-room house, south front, corner lot, new and modern except heating; easy terms. Price, $1,950. SHIMER & CHASE Co. I. N. HAMMOND. RE-1S3 26 GEORGIA AVE. 832 S. 29th, choice 8-r.. ntrictly nil modern house, with hot water heating plant, nice yard, flrxt-class location, $37.50. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Rlf-172 26 HOME BARGAINS $1,300 Fine lot, house needs some repairs. 2920 8. 20th. $1,400 For good 5-room cottnge and large lot. $1,600 For 8-room residence, full lot, near 21th St. car line. $1,800 For modern house, 8 rooms and al cove, 18th St., near Lake. $2,000 Fine location, near Hanscom park, 7 rooms, paved street. $2,3O0-In Clifton Hill, good 8-room house, barn, shade, fine lot. $2,8ii0 Close In, near Central boulevard, 7 rooms, bran new, bargain. $3,250 Modern, 7 rooms, close In, south front, very desirable. $3,500 For excellent cottage, 6 large rooms. nne lot S. 10th St. 84,000 For 8-room modern residence, 1822 Blnney St.. choice location. 84,850 Two excellent houses, 7 rooms and six rooms, large lot, north. 84.600 Excellent 8-room brick and frame residence, 3109 Pacific St. 84.600 Ten minutes' walk from postofflce, 9 rooms, all modern, bargain. 84.500 All modern, 8 rooms, barn, Kountze Place. 85,250 Excellent, close In Investment, rents at $60 per month. $5,500 For southwest corner 32d and Pa- f-'fic, 8 rooms, oak Interior. $12,000 Fine home. West Farnam location. large grounds, barn. LOTS $3,2oO-For West Farnam location; choice. $1,900 For residence site on Harney, be tween 3!th and 40th: fine. $l.F00-Two lots, S. W. Cor. 30th and Burt. $1,200 Fine, east front, 16th, near Vinton; bargain. $1,850 For choice lot, 10th, near Arbor: beautiful view. $1,000 Fine, south front, Miami, near 24th $ 800 Choice, South Omaha, south front, on A St., near 24th. $ 750-S. W. Cor. 9th and Oak, fine for railroad man. 8 "0 Choice location, 85th, near Burt St. $ 600-East front, 20th, near Bancroft; pav ing paid; bargain. I 450 Full lot In Dundee: bargain. $ aiOFor acre lot, west of Miller Park. W. FARNAM SMITH& CO., 13 J0 Farnam Street. RE-225 2 FOR SALE CHEAP, corner lot, with three story brick building; central location; good rental property paying over 12 per cent on Investment. Inquire 9u6 Hickory. P.E- STOP, LOOK, BUY 8-room modern house, 210 S. 31st, on paved street, walking distance, tust front on park. Kasy terms. J. H. PARROTTE, Paxton Block. RE 22326 Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. Sacrifice sale; owner will sell their nine room house, oil finish, polished floors, gas, bath, two toilet rooms, two bedrooms, on first floor; fine hot water heating plant, good burn, lots of fruit. We want offer on this. Come In and let us show It 4204 Harney St., brand new house, strictly all modern, built by day's work, 11 perfect little gem. ready to move right In. To ee means you buy it. S92G N. 24th St.. 7 rooms, brand new. oil finish, hot and cold water, nickel-plated plumbing, large bed rooms, cemented cellar, gas and electrio light, everything up to dute. Price $3,000. VACANT PROPERTY 100 ft. on Georgia ave.. 150 ft. on Shirley st. for $2,:50. This Is the chow pout ground In the city today, all graded ready fur build ing; Georgia ave. paved and pHid for; per manent walk i" ft. around property Don t fall to ac It. ' ' ' In West Farnam district. 100 ft. frontage near Chaa. T. Kountie residence, for $j.uu0 Iilg snap. 10 acres noar Center st. road, well improved FRUIT FARMS all kinds of fruit. 10 acres near Council Bluffs, with lota of fruit; good buildings. Thepe ure both fine places for raising fruit und poultry. Can give Immediate posses sion. List your property with us for quick sale. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 171 86 713 ACRES In Platte villey, Buffalo county, Neb.; 8 miles from Kearney, $ miles from shipping point; 200 acres rich farming Und. 10) acres good pasture, balance tin hay meadow; good water at 10 feet. Price, $.15 per acre. For particulars write W. C. Uulmes, Clbboii, Ntb. RE-MT58 itx FOR SALE 336 feet of vacant trackage - property (UNION PACIFIC) LOCATED AT TENTH AND CLARK STS. A SNAP AT $2,000 Howard Kennedy & Son., 209 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 722. RE 10 PER CENT investment. Business prop erty In prosperous city In Wyoming for sale. On main line of U. P. Nets 10 per cent. For particulars address C. L. Kauner, Laramie, Wyo. Ho agents. RE MS78 2x INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. The following inside properties paying 6 per cent net or better are worthy of consid eration. $2O.O0ii.O0, five blocks from postofflce. $30,000.00 one-half block from tho Her Grand hotel. 833,000.00, one block from Bennett's big store. $70,000.00. one block from Bennett's big store. $100,000.00, very substantial and desirable. For particulars call on or Bddress GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha. RE M 829 25 $1,800 WILL BUY a modern six-room cot tage fronting Hanscom park. Street paved and paving tax paid. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-M875 NEW 7-room, modern house, cheap If taken at once. Inquire 2416 Caldwell st RE-953 23 FOR SALE ACREAGE. $150 Corner aero In Hyde Park, 30x120 $176 One acre In Brighton. $1,250 Between 4 and 6 acres, 60th and Grand ave. $1,250 fi-acre block In Florence, 3 blocks from car. $R,noo 40 acres, 64th snd Grand ave. $12,000100 acres about H hour's drive north west of Benson oar; easy terms; for rent March 1st. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RE-131 26 . FOR SALE TWO VERY CHOICB- PRIVATE .RESI DENCES, new. modern, built by days' work; beautiful grounds, shade, perma nent walks, asphalt . pavement; both southeast corner fronts; best locations, neighborhoods and the finest views In all Omnha; hard-wood finish, electric and gas lights, speaking tubes, five fireplaces and mantels, verandas front and back, cemented cellar floors and plastered ceil ings. These handsome homes are unex celled In appointment und unsurpassed In all respects in this city. Owners leaving city and I am authorized to consider any fair offer. RICHARD C. PATTERSON. Sole Agent, 1224 Furnom Street. RE 230 28 ACREAGtJ for sale or rent; 25 acres close In, about Vt in fruit. Call or address isio Grace st. RE-256 26x CASH DESIRED. 37H acres of level Iowa land: I have a five room house in good condition, cave, barn, hog pen, chicken house; only one mile from good town; plenty of fruit, etc.; must raise. $1,000 before March 10; Imme diate possession. I will sell for $2,000. I have a mortgage of $1,000 on the place and mv eqtiltv, $1.(K, I must have in cash. Ad dress X 30. Bee. 253 26 N. P. DODGE & CO., TEL. 829. 1614 Farnam St, SmiNO WILL KOON BE HERE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THE FIRST PICK FROM THE BARCAINS IN ACREAGE OR IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY THAT WE HAVE BEEN BVSY LISTING THE PAST THREE MONTHS. WE GIVE BELOW SOME OF THE SPECIAL BARGAINS. WE WILL PUSH FROM NOW ON UNTIL SOLD. THEY ARE ALL GOOD AND OUGHT TO SELL WITHIN NINETY DAYS. $1,800.( $:,3oo.( HOUSES 00934 N. 27th Ave., T-room house with new modern piumDing, new roof, painted and ' repaired, large lot. 62x125. small barn, large shade trees. This is close in and a big snap at $1,800.00. Wc sold tho large house next to It last week and If you want this one come early. 00 On ISth St., south of Kountze Place, $500.00 down and the balance on terms. Neat 6-room cottage and two lots, on the corner, modern except furnace, large rooms, ce mented basement under the entire house, large garret, room for two more rooms upstairs, neat lawn with iron fence, one block from car, enamel tub, hot and cold water. See Us about this. 00 7-room modern house, large lot. near lfitli and Corby Bts nickel plumbing, hot and cold water, enamel tub, stationary wash stand, good cellar, good piazza, neat lawn, asphalt pavement. permanent walks. This Is a splendid bargain and will sell Quickly. 003523 Parker St., corner lot, 60x137, 7 rooms, barn, fruit trees, house In excellent repair, on grade, three blocks from Harney car, terms $300 down and balance on payments. INVESTMENTS $3,800.00 Four houses on Izard St., near 22d, granite paving In the street and alley, lot tj0xl32 In the original city plat, close In. These have never been vacant a day In several years nor has the owner lost a dol lar of rent from the four tenants. For a genuine, stea'dy renl estate investment we know no better at the price. Total Income $492.00 per year. Can be purchased on easy terms. $3,750.00 Four houses In the vicinity of 24th and Cuming Sts., the corner prop erty. Monthly income $54.(h. Houses In good condition. This Is a snap. Can be held or turned to advantage. 003314-3316 8. 20th St., one 9-rooni and one 3-room cottage, rents for mo per month, 50-foot east front. Will sell on easy terms. Can you beut this? $2,300.( $1,200.( $1,600.0 ACRES! ACRES! $3,250 00 7-room house and two acres of ground near Florence boulevard and Fort Omaha; well Improved, with fruit and plants. This Is a very attractive home. $2,S50.00 H acres of ground, fi-room house, barn and chicken house, all Im proved and fenced, with running water on the premises, located north of Krug Park, about mile. This needs no more argument from us to prove this is a snap, if you are familiar with the prices of acre age near Omaha.' $4,500.00 2u acres, with good house and barn, young orchard with 11 apple trees, 300 peach. 300 plums, 20 cherry, pears and apricots; small fruit of all kinds. This property Is near the home of Mr. Kelley, north of Omaha and west of Florence, on high, sightly ground. It you want a handsome country home here Is your chance. $1,000.006 acres high, sightly ground north of Krug's Park, reached by Ben son or Ames avenue car; can sell 10 or 20 acres If desired. $1,000.096 acres near the South . Omaha stock yards, outside the city limits, near Sarpy county line; convenient to new electrio line. This Is high, sightly ground and a bargain in price. $300.00 Acres 011 West Q sr. or near Mcllas' addition on South 40th street. BUILDING LOTS $ti45 00 The northeast corner of 40th ' and Hamilton sts., 40x107 feet. $475.00 40 feet south lot on Hamilton st, between 33d aud 34th sts., right for grade. ' $500.001 ne southeast corner of 31th and Charles sts., 50x80 feet. $800.0044 feet east front on 24th St., Just north of Bristol st., 3 feet above the grade of tho street; Just right for building. $650 The norlheast corner of Manderson and the boulevard, 60x110 feet. $550.00 South front on the boulevard, near Chicago st. and 2Sth ave.. no pav ing to pay for, broad park in front of the lot and trees maintained by the city; sewer, water and gas convenient. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 FARNAM ST. re- GEORGE AND COMPANY 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone 758. HOUSES FOR SALE $5,000 for No. 8310 Dodge St., 7-room house, strictly modern, oak finish and floors downstairs, in tlrst-clnss condition. I -fit 47.8x135 feet. A very desirable location. $3 200 for 4124 Farnam St., new 6-room cot tage, all modern, hot water heat, 'combi nation fixtures, open plumbing, fine man tel and grate, good cistern. Full corner lot. Paved street. Nicely urranged. Very desirable. 83 2ii0 for 1428 N. 19th St., 7-room. 2-story house, strictly modern ond up-to-date, built only two years ugo for a home. Within easy walking distance; good terms. . .., . $2 250 for 2028 N. 19th St.. 5-room. lU-story house, large lot. 66x140 ft. Room fur an other house. One can make a good In vestment out of thlx property by re modeling old house and building new one. ACRES OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS 82.860 for about 8 act-en north of Krug Park, new 4-room house, barn find other outbuildings, all kinds of fruit. Ocod place for small family. $200 per acre for a) ueies unimproved weRt of Dundee. Will tell In 5 or 10-acre tracts on easy terms. Desirable lots tor sale located In all parts of the city. RE-174 2 FOR SALE One note of tl.SOO. due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing t per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $i,W. due on or before three years. Interest at per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property, both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address tbe owner, 8 25, lies office. FIVE-ROOM cottage, city water, sewer, gas, bath, closet, lavatory, laundry room, cement basement, cistern, good repair, brick pavement, permanent walks; alley In reHr; nice shade; :7th and 1'uppletun $1,900. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co,. Tel. 6108. 83 N. Y. IJfe Bldg. R t.-?i a I'll R. C. PETERS & CO. $1,200 A large 4-room cottage. large porch; lot 43x178: one block from 24th and Vinton street car barn. $1,200 Five-room house, barn, well, pump, corner lot 65x130, on Pratt St. Will trade for something closer in. $2,000 6-room house, modern except furnace, east front on 28th street, Just south of Leavenworth. $2,60O-8-room, modern house, facing east on the Boulevard, near Clark street. $3,350-8-room strictly modern house, good barn, lot 60x124, Spencer and 19th, Very easy terms. $3,u0O KUgantly finished 7-room modern house on 2fith St., near Capitol ave. $3,1100 Four f.-room cottages renting for $576 per year; always rented; pays 10 per cent net. $1,200 Two 7-room houses, modern except furnace; room for another house; Patrick and 2th sts. $4,200 7-room modern house on Lincoln Boulevard. In Bemls park; lot 57x2i. $7,000 14-room house, finished In oak down stairs: elegant reception hall with lavatory, 3 mantels, large hath room with tiled floor; handy to car line. $2,000 acres with 7-room hojse, barn, 8 blocks from car line. VACANT RES. PROPERTY We have them In all localities ranging from $50 to $6,000. Kindly ask for our list. BOULEVARD TERRACE S. W. cor. of Poppleton and 35th sts. The addition where you g'-l value received and Where values are eure to Increase. There will be mure good reHidencee built In this vicinity within the next three years than In any other locality In Omaha. No better neighborhood or slglitlbT addition In Omaha. Call and git plat, price and terms. Any of the abr,ve properties ran be seen at any time. Call und let us show them to you, as they are all of good value. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam. BRISTOL ST., east 26th St.. two 5-r. cot tages, with kit txiil.'U paving fully paid. Price for both, 82-750. F. D. WAl. 1424 Douglas. JtFe-137 16 RE FOR SALE TRACKAGE. 66xl32-font lot In original plat of city, pav ing fully paid.- $2,000. 449-foot frontage on the Belt Line eaat of 24th st. A snap at $1,50u. This will surely double n value. 66x133 feet, with three houses, near V. P. depot. $6 000 F. V. WBAP, 1524 DOUGLAS ST. RB-133 8$ . A. P. TUKEY & SON FINE LINE OF GOODS ACRES SO . In Halcyon Heights, one block irom car, school and cnurcn. we wi'i divide to suit purchaser. This Is very desirable property and very cheap. 10-acre fruit farm. 3 blocks west of Central Park school, with good 7-room house, stable, carriage sheo snd outbuildings. We can sell 10 acres with Improvements for $t"0, or 194) seres and Improvements for $7.5iXi. This Is an opportunity for a man to step right into paying property. The asparagus, cherries and small fruit alone will yield $2,000 the coming year. 40 acres one mile north of Krug Park, va cant, very high and sightly. lor s,tio. 40 acres of a mile north of Krug Park. nigniy improved, with elegant nouse. barns and "everything complete. Fine lo cation for a suburban home, for $1S.000. 40 acres H of a mile north of Benson Or- pnansge. Willi rair nonne, narns. etc. a fine location for a dairy. Price $3,600, 60 acres In Omaha Heights, 4 blocks north or central I'srk school, w e oner tneee at $2 per acre. 10 seres In Mayflpld. west of Dundee. Llca high and sightly; for $4,000. VACANT LOTS Choice of 100 lots in Halcyon Heights, t block from car and 3 blocks southwest of Benson school. These lots, which we offer at $100 each, ure the cheapest In that neighborhood. Many houses ar being built In blocks adjoining, and thcsn lots will bo In good demand for cottages very soon. . Choice- of 35 lots In Thomuson & Ooos addition for $325 each, on paymonta ef $i5 cash and balance at $10 per month, without Interest. Cash for these lot will make some difference with us. Choice of 6 lots In Lcssentlne's Saratoga addition, on 25th and llrand Ave., f Mocks north of Amea Ave., for $2M each. These lots He absolutely level; 1 block; from street car. One lot on Howard, south side, betweem 84th and 36th, slightly below grade, for TwcMots on 2Mh and Chicago; south front 011 Chicago for $s50; west front on 25ttk for S1.000. One lot 011 45th and Tatrioli Ave., Cllrtoa Hill, for $aw. Four lot on Lafayette Ave., west of Sfltli St.. In Reservoir addition; In a fine neigh borhood and on parked street, for $750 t $1,325. . 2638 Capitol Ave., good 7 rooms, modern e xcept furnace, suitable for 'two famllle for $2,600. . . 444-5 Board of Trade Bldg. Tels.. Office 2181. Res. F2?80. RK $1150 6-ROOM cottage, best of condition, one- half block car line, near xil ana vven ster; first time offered. A very pretty, small home, and cheap, so be sure to see us about it. S ROOM MODERN Owner left cltv Monday, refuses to rent his new modern cottsge. ills parting words were "sell It." Ji look at ft, then see us.- 23u6 Sprague street. Price $l,6u0. $2000 buys 8-room i house, modern except fur nace, fine condition, locatea near jtn and Ohio. This is an exceptionally , good bargain, so be sure and Investigate. Almost new, . 7-room, modern house, , near Crelghton college and hign scnooi. r-rice onlv $2,600. THIS IS A GENUINE. SNAP. SEE US MONDAY. SWLbl & Bfcbi 613 N. T. L. Tel. 1472. RE-234 2U CHOICB corner lot In wholesale district, $12,000. SH1MKR & CHASE CO., I. N. Hammond, Manager. RK-MS90 25 cSA8Williamson Co.. u-ABP'k5?fl- i . RH-416 On account of the rapid growth and the volume of our business wo-are com pelled to remove from 304 x First National Bank, our. old location, to the Neville "block,. 16th and Ilarney Sts., where we will occupy EIGHT ROOMS - on - the second floor. The Abbott-Cowan Go. Real Estate and Business Chances. RE ACRES1 ACRES! ' Wc have the finest ten and twenty aree tracts close to the BurlinRton rail road or nenr the new Interurban electric line on Sarpy f'ounty line, high sightly ground near Md and the county line. Ideal location for feed yards or country home where you can have fruit and vegetables. fee us about this ground in time for spring planting. We also have some acre lots near Melias' Addition at $300 each convenient to school and Just one mile south west of Cudahy's, which Is as near as H street and 24th on the north. $1,6004 acres on West Q street, near the brick school house. $1,3006 acres between I and Q streets on KM. See us about these, as the rush fur acreage will soon begin and prices will go up when the new interurban line is built. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1G14 Farnam St. RE- FIVE-ROOM cottage on 24th street, east front near Birstol. sewer, water, and lot 40x110, brick walka; very rheap nt $1,300.00. Five-room cottage on Ohio street, near 22d, bath, gas, a very neat home, lot 80x119 $1,600.00. Five-room cottage and lot, 62x132, at 2417 8pencer-$1.600.0ii. Five-room cottnge at 3711 North 39th. mod ern except furnace, good barn, lot 60x140, nice location $2,000.00. Six-room cottnge at 2119 Maple, bath, lot 60x122 452.000.01). Seven-room cottnge at 2214 Miami, bath, barn, nice lot, 60x122 $2,0i 0.00. Seven-room cottage on the Boulevard, near Iake, a very nice home, modern except furnace, new barn, lot 30x180 $2,300.00. Eight-room modern house In Kountio Place at a sacrifice price of $2,775.00. 60x124, on Blnney, near 22d, with street Im provement In and fully paid for $1,000.00. 60x124. south front on Iucust stree'., near 22d, for $900.00. 50x124. on Ixcust street, south front, be tween 16th and 17th streets $7u0.00. 50x140. on 37th street. Just south of Leaven worth street, east front $475.00. 36xlO, on 20th street, east front, paved street, near CastellHr $400.00. 18x127, on 24th street. Utile north of Vinton, for rmo.oo. W. H. GATES 617 New York Life. Office 'phone 1294. Resident 'Dhone rd M29. RE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 51000 will buv neat cottsge In north part of city one block from street car line. 51500 for large house, barn and 60-ft. east front lot: nice shade; three blocks from two car lines. JI1800 will buy n modern cottage and good lot fronting Hanscom park; street puved and paviiyg tax paid. This will make a neut and comfortable home. 52000 will buy two brick housep, half block from street car line. Will rent fur $40 a month. 2210 Poppleton avenue, a 10-room modern house, .built by contractor for a home. Price only $3.0tO. Several di-ulrable Kouiilxe Place houses very cheua. Large brick block, five slores snd ten apartments overhead; well locsted and ran be improved snd made to rent for $300 per month. Will take part trade. Twenty acre worth $3,000; If sold this week $2,0V0 will tskt It. THOMAU BRENNAN, No, 1 New York IJfe Bldg. W. 21. Crary, Mgr. Real irate rept. RE 2td 21 CHEAP HOUSES $SOO R-room cottnge. 40 fruit trees, lot 200 ISO. 4 blocks from car. In Benson. $1,000 Two cottages, one of 6 rooms, one of 4 rooms. 4 blocks to car, both for $1,00 on corner lot. $1,700 5-room cottnge, on car line, near 30tl and Orace, paved street. VACANT LOT BAR GAINS $250-50x150 on Lafayette Ave., near 42d. $300 ooxl&o. In Walnut Hill. $,-iOO-f,Oxl25, on 23d. nenr Vinton car barn. $400 il'xl2S. near Krug brewery. $1,250 Southeast corner 36th and Podge; paved street. $1,500 On 24th St., near Cuming, runs from 23d to 2-lth. $500 Corner 23d and Laird. i $400 20th and Manderson, south front. $,-,00 20th and Manderson, south front. $600 2oth and Manderson, south front. $2,6UOlTth and Burt, 66x132. down, town, cheapest lot on the niHi ket. $73050x124, on Locust, near 16th, Kount Place. ACREAGE 6 acres near Benson 750 10 acres near Benson l.ono 20 acres near Benson 2,000 40 acres, Ruser's park, on Center St., $125 an acre. 10 acrea west of South Omaha, $125 an acre. 20 acres west of South Omaha, $125 an acre. 40 acres west of South Omahn, $125 an acre. -Ve have a '.lg bunch of bargains la houses, lots and acreage. THE BYRON REED CO., . 213 South 14th Street. RE 143 241 MAKE YOUR MONEY WORK. While you sleep. In these It earns BIO wages. The rents pay tho rates named on price. One $1,600 earning IK per cent; $2,000 15 per cent; $9.00o 14 per cent. Cam sell tho $9,000 bv dividing), to make in ninety days a PROFIT of 20 per cent. .C1IAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. RE 163 2 SPENCER STREET Nent 6-room modern cottage, with corner lot 34 by 96, south front: $200 caRh; balance monthly; $1,600.00. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE 176 26 A STRICTLY" modern, well located 20-room flat, well furnished, clearing $100 per month, for sale' cheap. Nellie Rvolg, 1328 Q St., Lincoln, Neb. RE 923 26x FOR SALE. Blue Lake Park, consisting of forty acres or less, nearly one mile lake front. For particulars Inquire of the owner, Geo. Reed, Onawa, la.. R. F. D. No. 1. 'Phone 801, RE 294 FARMS FOR SALE CANADA LAND 320 ACRES of choice farm laud, nine mllea southeast of Reglna, N. W. T., Canada, a city of 10,000 population,' three miles from railroad station; $17 per acre. Will exchange for farm laud In eastern Nebraska, Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. 240 CUMING county. Neb., all improved, excellent community, near good trading point; $50 an acre. U. H. HALES BUREAU, 631 and 636 Bee Bldg. . 208 26 FOR PAIJ5 No. 1 farm of 820 acrea In Sol dier Creek valley, Shawnee county, Kan sas. For further information write C. Dyson, Topcka, Kan. R. t. No. 1. vim i Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Depu U. P. R. H. Co., Omaha, Nab. Dept. "A." ltE-617 40 ACRES. $4,600 for 40 acrea 12 miles S. W. of South Omaha and 8 miles S. 'W. of Paplillon, known as the James M. Martin home stead; all good land, good 6-room house, cellar, with stone walis; good barn, corn crib and other buildings, about acrea strawberries, also bearing orchard, with apple, cherry, peach and plum trees, ala fooseberries, currants, raspberries and, lackberrles in abundance; possession March 1. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Street. M38 28 SELECTED wheat farm lands, . thirty miles from Winnipeg, Mnnitoha; excet lent railroad facilities; price, W per acre, half cash. E. A. Schmidt, Riallo Build ing, Chicago. Ml Ms ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN SARPY COUNTY On March 4, 1905. st the court house in Pa- SMIon, there will be eold 1J0 acres of th nest farm land In Harpy county. This farm Is situated midway between Spring field and Gretna and will be sold at pubiio auction by referein under an order -of court. This Is an excellent opportunity to get a fine farm cheap. For further infor mation addrewi E. K. BEVINS, ATTORNEY, 1517 Farnam St., Omaha. . ' 128 26 200 ACRES Harrison Co , Iowa, all up-to-date Improvements, $6,&o0, or will exchange for clly property. L. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 63 Bco Bldg. ' 207 26 FARMS 12H aores, four miles east of Council Bluffs, fine lying tract of land, 14j acres of fruit, large house and barns, other good Im provements. Buildings practically new $2,750. 12u acres fine land, within one mile of Cal houn, not rough nor bottom land, has on it a largo seven-room house, good large barn and other buildings, excellent water system, two large urrltHrdH in good con dition, $86 per acre. Kasy terms. 160-acre farm, one mile of good town, six miles of Fairmont, Fillmore county, fair improvements, elegant lying laud, $M per acre. 160 acres, seven mllea of St. Paul, good lying land, 75 cultivated, 30 in pnsture, good frame house, barn, well and mill, near school, price $i,('i. 177 acres within 10 miles of Arcadia, . Neb., close to alio! her town, so acres in culti vation, balunce pantum and hay, good house, lurge barn ami other improve ments, a good place. An excellent bur gain at $2.5oo. A 16-year )' on 240 acres good land within )4 miles of Omaha for sale at $2,500.00. JOHN B. HANSEN K21 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I'hons 1432. UO-tf , i