14 ' . . , . rnE OMAHA DAILY DEE t SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1903. WANTED AGENTS I rtnoUNAL SPECIAL NOTICES will fce Ukti natll 12 for the ertilic edltloa aad aatll S at. aa. fat lha boidIhi ill Haadar edition. Ratea 1 l-2o a ward rst laacrtloai la a word tfcereaftsr. nothing takea for less tail 20a far flrat Inacr. tloa. Thcaa aderi4aeaaeata nut b raa eoaeecstlTely. Adrerttsere, by reejaeetiaaj a in hered check, caa bit aaawra ad. dreaacd ta a naaabered letter In car af The Bae. Aaawera aa addrraaed rill be delivered aa preeeatatlea at check. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MALE HELP NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. Ong, A. M., LLB., Pre.; A. J. Lowry. Frlnc. Cor. 17th and Harney Sts. MERIT WINS . The entire seating capacity of the differ ent department of thla school la being taxed to almost the limit. Gru.tuates are going out every week, while new students are rnpldly filling their places. Thin can only be, accounted for by the thorough, conaclentloua work, being done fr.n year to ear. The following Is an extract of the pub lication, "(.flMMERCK OF GREATER OMAHA." under date Feb. 8, '06: "There ia acarcely a city in the United 8tates but what has lta business college, but we don't believe there ia one in the went that can show the abaolute thorough ness that the Nebraska Business and Shorthand can. Many of the leading bust lies men In this city and for miles around are being most acceptably and efficiently served by graduates of this Institution. When a student la turned out he is sure of being able to fill any position, os he can not receive Ills diploma until he is effi cient.'1 Every student who takes out n, full term scholarship is given a year's membership In either the Y. M. C. A. or T. W. C. A., without extra charge. No such proposition was ever made by any school. The value of thla membership to a student can scarcely be computed. To be a member of the T. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. means character, culture and refinement. Apply for catalogue and college litera ture. B-168 26 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL BUPPLY.'f eirScL R-667 CITY SAVINGS BANK payi 4 per cent. R-669 Pianos for Rent, I3.00-H.00 New flanoa. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Perfleld Piano Company, 1611 Farnam. Telephone 701. Open evenings. It 670 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 177. R-672 STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS Tel. 10. 1207 Doug. Oinuiiu biove Hep. Wka. U 674 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors aud safe. U. Andreen, prop., 102 fa). 10th et R-4.7S EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glaaaea to 111; price right. Bennett's. R 239 t. W. DUDGEON, tho expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 1966 and L2878. R-M993 M7 CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere P. H. Fhllbln, 16t Faxuam. 'Phone 784. K-678 COAL New kind aoft coal. "Yukton" Egg, $6.26 ton. Harmon ft Weeth, 'phone 2411. R 6W F. WM. KRELLE, Architect, 604 Bee Bldg. Tel. 3096. R 420 EXPERT accountant nnd public auditor; prices reasonable. A. D. Touzalin. Tel. Black-4432. R 853 M22x FREE, PLUMBING pEXS: Tel. 1049. R M241 2 WHO'S your taJlorT It ahould be Dreaher. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenlnga. 1616 Farnam at R 204 E. J DAVIS. SAFE MOVER, HEAVY HAULING. Ill FAKNAM. TEL. 868. R-M764 M3 DR. WILKINSON, eye, ear, nose, throat, catarh. Call or telephone B3523. Crelga ton Blk. R 397 H. C. WEEDEN, SflOS Maple at.. Omaha: public accountant and auditor. Periodical or apecial examinations on reasonable terms. R 406 28 PIANOS moved by expert mechanics; also stored. Safe and reliable. Schmoller Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 16L'6. R 721 Marl THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and Brasa Castings. 802 Jackson. Tel. 232. RM784 M31 BADGES, banners, flags, buttons, robes, etc. Omaha Paraphernalia Ilause, Dept. B., 416 a Ulu at. R 125 26 COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesalb and re tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 S. lfth at., omaha. R WE repair and sell all makes of typewrit ers. Nebraska Cyclo Co., corner Ibth nnd Harney. Phone 1663. R M177 M4 NOTICE. The undersigned . respectfully announces to nts former customers and the publio that tho Western Bar Fixtures and Hotel Supply Manufacturing company, with whom he was interested, have sold out their business, , and that he is now con ducting his tin shop and sheet metal works at 1407 Harney at. on the fourth llnor. tumporarliy. until a more suitable location is obtained. Telephone 1014, Herman Kunde. . R M2tO 27x WANTED MALE HELP MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Bend for free catalogue and compare our terms and advantages with others, Amer ican Barber College, corner 12th and Douglas ats. B .WANTED, reliable persona to work for gooa pay. Boutnern, Aavertising and DlS' tributlug Co. Baltimore, Md. B 264 20x A COMPANY organising a chain of de partment storea will have permanent po altioaa for young men now employed in the varloua lines; an opportunity will be given to obtain an Interest in the busi ness by small monthly payments. For particulars aaoj-eas uea, c crandall, secretary, 308 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, B-977 26x AMBITIOUS young men In every town to go Into the electrical novelty business; no capital required; big money maker. Ad ores j. Elliott tjjiaw company, Hhaw Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. B 8S1 26x WANTED J. L. Brandela & Sons require the aervtcea of thoroughly experienced, live, wide-awake, enargelio ahoea sales men. Apply to manager or anoe denart ment Monday morning. B 159 24 1 Stenographer. 1 Stenographer and Discount Clerk. 1 Bookkeeper; 176. 6 Insurance Men; salary. Partner for Hardware; ITS. House Man (hotel). HAKT. 401 aud 403 N. Y. LIFE. JJ-1S8 26 MAN WANTED To Introduce a natent hardware article; 118 a week and expenses; honesty and sobriety more necessary than business experience; state age and past employment. International Shear Com pany, t r. tin et., fiuiaaeiphia. ra. B-ff-'O 26X MAN to travel. Referencea required; salary till per week; expenaea advanced. J. 8. fclegler ft Co., 323 Dearborn at.. I hlcago. B-9SS 2bx WANTED, at eel and copper plate printers. Steady work. Stationer-Engravers' club, 121 MonaanocK diock, inicago. B W3 26x DO YOU want to become a traveling aalea inanf If you would like to know how you can get a position on the road free and at once, aend your name and addreaa t Dr. Iobdell, Kllwanger &. Parry KMg., HX nsster, r. x. . ki I WtNT and furnish drug clerks, drug atorta and doctor. Knleet, Ki N Y. U e-4 Inviting Investi gation Uncle Eben said: "Wha'd folks be now ef de man dat dlnklvered the oyster hadn't stopped to open de shell?" Young man. you'll never know what oppor tunities the profession of Stenography holds out to young rren unless and until you Investigate. Do you know that during one year ont of 6.49S calls for men stenographers received bv The Remington Typewriter Co. thy were able to secure only 4,ifl men stenog raphers? THEY HAD NKAKLY 2.0"O J'UHITIONS WAITING FOR MALE Bl'HINESS COLLKflE GRADUATES. Do you know that the United Btstes gov ernment, although It paya us mate stenog raphers from 11.200 to $1,400 per year, cannot get enough competent men to nil lta Doalttona? Do you know that 18 leading officials of the. Canadian Racine Kauway company reached their present positions by aid of the stmmlna- stone of stenoaraDhv? Do you know that the Stenographic Course at BOYLES COLLEGE Is prepared by an expert stenographer who has included In that course every thing that will be of business value to a young man stenographer and excluded from It everything that will be Just of ornamental value to the student? Why not see us tomorrow about It? Qlad to see you any time between :su a. m. and 6 p. m. BQYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, Pres., Boyles College Bdg., Omaha, Neb. a ONE STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. 2 solicitors for lite Insurance. 1 clothing salesman. 2 hamuli makers. 1 foreman tor printing office, country. 1 grocery clerk who speaks Uerman. 1 night cook, short ordur. 1 boy to wait on tuuie. OIKSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Neville Block, corner luth and Harney Sts. li 101 M OIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. IN ncviuLC UJ.UCK, are irana aim open, fair and square with all wanting em ployment and all needing help. Try them. 'Phone 6411. B M610 WANTED FOR U. 8. AK.MY-Abla-bodled unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 3a, cltlaena of United blatca, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, real and write Eiigllsn. For Information apply to Recruiting Oltlcer, 13th and Douglas Hie., Omaha; Llncoiu, Neb., or bioux City, la. B 873 IF YOU are in need of a position call and urtvv m liven l-iv-livt&l I Itftl nnu i THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. n-n WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ' lng trade. Coyne Bros. Co., school of practical plum Ding. Send for catalogue. Address 4K73-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. B M766 F3 0 TRAVELING salesman to carry our goods aa a side line; reliable goons, noerai proposition. Answer quick. Minneapolis Cereal Co., Minneapolis, Minn. B-M8C5 2C WANTED, an allround blacksmith; must be good on plow work; steady joo ror right man. Address M. H. Matthlesen, Superior, Neb. B M877 25x BARLOW-WILSON'S Minstrela (white) want band and orchestra, all parts double atage orchestra, end men, specialty peo ple, lady vocalists, sketch team, all Al. Salary sure; expenses after you Join, write quick: tell It all; open March 1; loin on wire, P. E. Stater, Mgr., Lead, 8. D. , B-M876 26x WANTED, flrRt-Closs coatmaker; steady Job und good wages to right man. Ad . dress W. 11. Ford, Tailor, Creston, Ia. B MSS6 26 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. 'matter, tack signs etc.; no canvassing. Adhess Na tional Advertising Co., lou Oakland Bank Building, Chicago, 111. , B-M888 26x WANTED, at once, local representatives In every section; conditions easy; 21 weekly salary and expenses to right par ties. Sales Dep't, 3d Floor, 210 Olive St., i St. Louis. B M891 26x WANTED, men to distribute samples, tack Mgns: (3 dally; no canvassing, continen tal Distributing Service, Chicago. B DOJ 26x WANTED, honest, sober. Industrious man to learn the real estate business and atart in as special representative of large pros perous and well known firm; splendid op portunity for right party. For particulars address X 17. Bee. B 963 26x DETECTIVE wanted, shrewd, reliable man in every locality; to act under orders. Write Webster's Detective Agency. Dea Moines, la, B 963 26x WANTED Business man with from 1760 to 11,600 cash to take charge of general aales and distributing wareroom in Omaha; salary and commission will net from 13,000 to 15,000 yearly; first-class references re quired, Address The Le Ma I re Company, 211-213 D. Madison St., Chicago. B 840 26x WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary 126, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B 954 26x WANTED Man over 21 to travel Nebraska advertising and collecting; salary !X0 monthly and expenses. Road Mgr., 1110 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. B 969 26x WE PAY 137 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. B-96S 26x WITH THE OPENINO OF SPRING OUR CALLS ARE INCREASING. WE HAVE HAD 23 CALLS FOR HELP THIS WEEK THAT WE COULD NOT SUPPLY. We need badly: Hat salesman, road, $160 per month. ' Good tea and coffee salesman. Al country printer. Skirt salesman. Stenographer for Underwood. Credit man for liquor house. Hog buyer. Manager for business chance dep'rtm'nt. Young man, experienced, soda fountain and druga. Man capable of taking charge of bank; requires considerable Investment. Two bright boys, 16-16 years old. Experienced salesmen. SALESMEN, SALESMEN OF ALL KINDS Call or write for complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Incorporated) 840-M1 N. Y. Life. B-147 26 SEVEN FREE MASONS In each atate given permanent, pleasant, profitable em ployment near home; whole or part time; good pay. Fraternal, Thamee Bldg., New York. B 110 2x PRESIDENT ROOSEVELTS election In aurea an Increase in civil aervloe appoint ments. Those Intending to take the next examination should aend to the Colum bian Correspondence College, Washington, 1. C, and secure its free civil service an nouncement, containing dates, salaries, places for holding examlnationa and queationa recently uaed by the govern ment. B BEE Gibson Employment Agency Ad. "Situations Wanted." They are the only agency who advertise for situations fot their applicants. B 162 26 WANTED, young man come south 1 months with tou or leva, assist superin tending valuable Mica mines; board free and Mi interest given. W. L. Bruce, Fa lie- ton, N. C. (Cleveland Co.) B-116 26x CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere; permanent position; good pay. Amurlcan Union. Pontlac Building, Chicago. B-101 2bx WANTED Men to learn barber trade: ad vantage that cannot be had elsewhere: newly fitted throughout; forty revolving chairs; special thlrty-daV offer; prepare now for spring rush; quick and practical method, full or write Molt-r Harber Col lege, 1116 Farnam st. B-M120 Mch3x FIREMEN AND BR A K EM EN On Ne braska and other railroads; young men, age 20 to SO. strong, good sight and hear ing, firemen t earn n6 to 1100 monthly, become engineers and earn 1176 to $175 monthly; brakemen earn to 176 month ly, become conductors and earn 1100 to 111) monthly. Name position preferred. Bend, stamp for particulars. Railway Aa-aoi-Utlon, Dept. W, Charles Bldg., Den ver. Colo. B Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and DouRlas. NOW OPEN. New claaaea Id an departments. Send for catalogue at once. B- MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, moat practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbera' lnatltute, Omaha, Neb. B 7 WANTED, reliable man to manage branch office for large manufacturer. Salary to aiart, l..Vm per year and extra commis sions. Applicant must hsve good refer ence ana ll.ono cash capital secure; expe rience unnecessary. Address Manufac turer, 7t C'hambci' Commerce, Detroit, Mich. U IF LOOKING for employment register with the Gibson Employment Agency, Neville Block, and If they have no work for you they will advertise for work and use every effort to help you, and will be found very moderalo in their charges. TRY THEM. B 153 26 WANTED FEMALE HELP 1 PANTRY GIRL FOR HOTEL. 1 pastry cook for hotel. I experienced waitress, Iowa eating house. II girls for general housework, $".0M. I girl for general housework, 13.50. 1 girl for general housework, country. 1 crockery saleswoman. 1 first cook, Council Bluffs. GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Neville Block, Corner 16th and Harney St. C 160 26 WANTED Pastry cook, also pantry girl, for first-class hotel. Gibson Employment Agency, Neville Blk. C M867 25 WANTED A lady of neat appearance to do fine pastry work for a store demon stration. Apply Saturday between 3 and I p. m. at room 704 New York Life build ing. C-M900 26x WANTED Capable girl for general house work; small family. 1326 So. 30th ave. C-M901 26x LADIES, earn 120 per 100 writing short letters: send stamped envelope for par ticulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. C MSS9 3x LADIES having fancy work to sell, em broideries, Battenburg, drawn work, also to do order work: stamped1 envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe St.. Chicago. C 946 26x WANTED Trustworthy woman, each lo cality; pleasant home work; salary $50.00 per month; spare time ' valuable: work easy; any woman can do It; position permanent: write today for full particu lars. Cooper & Clarkson, 800 Como Blk., Chicago. C 950 26x COPYISTS wanted, writing at home; $i per 100 letters sent us; stamped addressed envelope. Continental Wholesale Co., Manager, 42, 8t. Louis, Mo. C 106 26x HOME WORK-19 to $15; no canvaMlng: $5 to $6 weekly working evenings; experience unnecessary: Inclose stamp for Instruc tions, sample, etc. Address B. Wilson & Co., 603 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C-115 26x Stenographer and clerk, experienced, $50. Millinery Salesladies. Demonstrator and Solicitor. Experienced Stenographer, $8. Lady Collector. Bookkeeper and Stenographer, $65, $73. Experienced Bookkeeper, $46. Call or write for complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Incorporated) S40-841 N. Y. LIFE. C-148 26 LADIES We teach halrdresslng, manicur ing, facial massage, chiropody or electro lysis In few weeks; special thirty-day offer; tlmo saved by constant practice and careful Instructions; call or write for cat alogue. Molcr College, 1114 Farnnm st. C Ml 21 Mch3x. LADIES, earn $20 per hundred writing short letters. Send stamped envelope. Best Mfg. , Co., Valparaiso, Ind, C 993 26x $20.00 SALARY and expenses paid weekly , to energetic ladies as district managers for large manufacturer; headquarters at home; experience unnecessary. Send ad dressed envelope. Managers Dept.. 62 Dearborn, Chicago. C 9i8 26x LADIES To do piece work at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C 976 26x WANTED 26 machine operators at once. M. E. Smith & Co., factory, 11th and Doug las sts. C M228 6 WANTED House maid; family of -two; Dundee; wages $4.00. Apply 306 Karbach block. C 156 26x t Cooks, three In family $26. 2 Cooks, private family$30. 2 House Maids $6. 2 Maids, two in family $4. 10 Gen. Girls: good wages. 2 Dlnnlng-room Girls, out of city. Cook and Second Girl, out of city. Housekeeper, three In famly. HART, 401 and 402 N. Y. LIFE. C 188 26 1 Crockery Saleslady. 1 Policy Writer and Clerk. HART, 401 and 402 N. T. LIFE. C-187 28 GOOD girl to help with housework. 2206 S. lOth St. C M261 28 WANTED, young girl about 16 to assist In housework. 3660 Howard st. C 26S 27x WANTED SITUATIONS WE HAVE the following; lists of applicants on our books, to-wlt: 1 expert accountant, 2 bookkeepers, 1 as sistant bookkeeper, 1 dry goods clerk. 8 grocery clerks, I wholesale clerk, 1 cloth ing clerk. 1 drug clerk, 1 elevator boy (experienced), 1 hardware clerk. 1 ship ping clerk. S collectors, 1 harness sales man, 1 hotel cook, 1 hotel porter, 1 Janitor, 1 lumber scaler, 2 office clerks, 1 office boy, 1 butcher and meat cutter, 1 stenog rapher, 1 traveling salesman, 1 watch man. All with references and all refer ences have been written to and answers received supporting applicants as to abil ity and reputation. We ask all employers of "BETTER CLASS" help to look over above list and aend ua their orders early Monday morn ing, and at the same time do a favor to themselves, to the applicants and to us, and "we will all be happy yet." GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Neville Block, Corner 16th and Harnev Sts. Phone 4611. A 149 26 GOOD housekeeper Canadian office, 15th A Dodge. A 69$ EMPLOYER, If you must economize yet re quire first-class stenographer, I will do expert work nair aaya ror nair pay. L,ong nee. experience. Address X 6, care A 992 26x WANTED A position as road salesman: years of experience: can furnish best of city references. Address X 25. Bee. A 910 26x PLACE In private family; good cook; no washing. 1214 Cass st. A M248 27x WANTED SALESMEN NEW editions of "Eugene Sue," Burton's "Arabian Nights," "Progress of Man," etc., over 2u0 good sellers for experienced De Luxe men. Hlxenbaugb, 600 Ware blk. M13 WE want five aaleamen capable of earning $3,000 to $6,000 a year; ataple Una: retail trade; rapid aeller; generous commissions. Box 314 BA, Iowa City, la. 971 26x TRAVELING salesman by large wholesale house for Nebraska; splendid opening; year contract with -right man. drawer 8, Chicago. 946 26x WANTED First-class specialty salesmen to sell attractive proposition; can earn $3.0uo per year. net. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Ia. 962 26x THREE salesmen wanted to handle Rand, McNally & I'o.'e new unrivaled Atlas of the World; !0 pagea of new large acale ma pa. illustrations and Index to towns; handsomely bound; low price and big profits for the aaleaman; men already In the field getting from I to 8 ordera dally; experience not necessary; write at once for full particulars. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, III. 109 2fix EXPERIENCED traveling aaleamen. by large Cleveland Jobbing house, to nil va cancy fur x; high commissions with fcl6 weekly- W. S. Flnley Co., 90 Prospect St.. Cleveland. Ohio. 104 2tx SALESMAN Bryn Mawr Mills. Philadel phia, want a man to aell blanketa, flan nels and dreea goods on commlaalon to re tailers. Strong aide line for traveling man. -)02 2x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED, residing salesman In every state west of Pittsburg, who covers the terrl- tory thoroughly, to seU on commission our concentrated line of Ladlee' Jackets, Cra-vennete-Coats and Skirts, consisting of about 24 garments. Prefer men carry sim ilar lines and have acquaintances amongst the dry goods trade. Apply by letter only; state territory and give other informa tion. Ladies' Garment Mfg. Co., Racine, Wib. 997 26x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with simile line. Hlsh commissions with advance of $100 monthly : permnnent posi tion to right man. Jesa II. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. 103 26x SALESMAN'S side line. Small sample, Liberal commission. Standard article. Glsh Novelty Co., Sta. O. South Bend, lnd. WANTED A salesman for Nebraska and northern Kansas to sen our ceieuraieu Diamond Brand Clothing for men s, boys' and children's wear: men without trade and experience need not apply. Felix Rothschild ft Co., N. E. cor. Juckson and Market sts., Chicago, III. SALESMEN For automatic copying books, bill registers and many other specialities. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, lnd. SIDE line traveling men can make $25 to $50 per week carrying side line or moat up-to-date advertising fans of our exclusive and special designs: season now opening: ap ply at once. The Kemper-Thomas Com pany, Fan Dept., Sta. 11, Cincinnati, O. 123 26x WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all rnercnams in their territory; elegant side line conven ient to carry: good commissions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. -122 26x SIX Novelty Calendars Patented. Abso lutely new Idea; never before shown. Write for samples. Cruver, Mgr., 1K5 State street, Chicago. -911 26x SALESMEN WANTED Experienced, to handle non-rust tinware in unoccupied territory: liberal commissions: rapid seller. Rochester Non-Rust Tinware Co., Rochester, N. Y. 919 26x SALESMAN wanted. We have some open te.Titory for which we detilre a capable, energetic, honest man. Grocery, experi ence is not necessary, but must be a good salesman. Permanent employment and liberal compensation for the right man. Reply stating occupation tind giving ref erences. John Sexton & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. 9R9 26x WANTED, two men for 1906 to travel and collect. $20.00 and expenses paid weekly: experience not necessary. Pelf-addressed envelope for reply. Adrcss Sexton. Mgr., Star Bldg., Chicago. B-9S4 26x WE want an energetic salesman for a gilt edged proposition paying $30 to $100 weekly. No samples. Salary or commis sion. R. O. Evans, Dexter Bid . Chi cago. 9K5 26x WANTED, high grad traveling salesmen for strong special line.. Must be a per sistent, energetic worker, able to produce results and earn $3,000 and expenses. Ad dress Q., Box 165, Rock Island, 111. 9K6 26x TRAVELING salesman for Neb. territory: staple line with entirely new and unusual Inducements to the trnde; high commis sions, with expcnKe advances. Manufac turer, Box 624, Detroit, Mich. 987 26x SALESMAN wanted, experienced selling groceries, drugs or specialties, worth good salary. Responsible house, staple, well es tablished line. Write with references. Personal Interview if satisfactory. Ad drees X 4. Bee. 951 26x SALESMAN WANTED Big commission to traveling salesman for selUr ns side line our "Perfection Brand'' ladles'wrap pers, dressing saeques and klmnnns; han dled everywhere bv dry goods trade. Ad dress with exnrlonce and references M. B. Loewensteln & Co., 615-617 N. th St., St. Louis, Mo. 215 26x WANTED, trawling snlesmnn who can furnish good references: pood chance for promotion. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. 256 26 WANTED AGENTS MONEY In soap; our big 7-cnke box as sorted Toilet ind Medicated Soaps; regu lur price $1; goes like wildfire at 25 cents. We ship 10.00U Ijnxeg dally. Agents make 14 cents on each box; their profits amount to $1,400 dally. Can use few more active agents; no experience required. Positions open for crew and brunch office managers. Parker Chemical Co., 237 Market St., Chi cago, 111. J-9 2tix . AGENTS Read in dark. Nameplates, signs, numbers; 200 per cent profit. Samples tree. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, III. J-964 26x AOENT8 wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Sign Cardi;" every merchant buys from 10 to 100 on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, ill. J 908 26x BECAUSE of death must sell established, well paying manufacturing business; $4,000 food orders on hand; juice $10,000 cash, nvestlgate. Owner, 41 State St., Chlcngo, 111. Y-967 2tix WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Nebraska, representing large manufacturing company; salary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address, with stamp. J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 945 26x $6 TO $10 a day made by conducting a mail order business at home or ofilco during spare hours or evenings, under our suc cessful system; small expense starts you; we furnish complete outfit, catalogues, stationery, advertising, etc., supplying merchandise as orders come In to you; a fine business; cash coming in dully: ex ceptional line mail order goods. Cata logue and complete Information for 4c. Chicago Specialty Co. (Est. 18851, Chicago. J 944 26x $500 PER month and expenses may seem big to you. but It can be made selling my patent for making smokeless gun and blasting powder at 8c per pound. Be ware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangerous article. I am the Inventor and have tho patent. General agents wanted In each state to travel and np- Eolnt sub agents. J. A. Stransky. Box j0, Pukwana. 8. D. J 947 26x I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent. New; demand; quick sales. Farm ers' Account Book Co., Newton. Ia. J-949 26x GENERAL agents and canvassers for the latest Improved self-heating sadiron, au tomatic fastener; great success; large commissions. Write at once for terms and territory. Ideal Iron Company, 174 Lincoln Ave., Newark. N. J. J-938 26x FREE sample to agents; self-lighting pocket lump; size of pencil; takes the place of kerosene lumps, candles and matches; rapid seller; seelng'a believing. Send stamp. Premier Mfg. Co., Dept. 87, 32 Park Place, N. Y. J-937 26x AGENTS Automatic washers selll them selves; sells on sight, for it does a wash ing In thirty minutes; furnishes its own power; requires no labor and costs leas than any other machine. Free sample and exclusive territory given. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J-941 26x AGENTS WANTED To sell the Ideal waist and skirt supporter; sample with demonstrator. 25c. Geo. N. Scents, 1303 Grace St.. Chicago. J-90O 26x WE START you selling diamonds; don't fail getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. Mention paper. J 114 2tix AGENTS Write for free sample of work and terms, Star Harness Mender, best 26c seller out; we make other quick sell ing necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., St. Louis. Mo. J AGENTS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Bar saparilla for 3ic; best seller. 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms and ter ritory. F. R. Gresne, 115 Luke at.. Chi cago, J AGENTS wanted to sell Squeeile easy iioor and carpet cleaner; greatest labor saver ever invented; can be sold to every home: 200 per cent profit; our agents are averaging $6 dally. E. Hllker, 371 W. Grand ave., Chicago. J WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rlga to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., lept. 64. Parsons, Kan. J BIO MONEY in aquaba: tner aell for $2 t M a doaen; cheaply raised In only four waeka; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., ti Atlantic! Ave.. Boston. Mass. J NEW sleeve protector for olfice and house work; write today; get territory: quick sales; other goods. Ladles' Bupplv Co., Foreet Ave.. Chicago. J HJ6 26x AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J LADY agents making leas than $26 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we sttrt you in business and make you inde pendent; outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J 9 Six SKILLED women agents to handle an arti cle ueed by every woman; strictly high grade money maker; great talking points; exclusive territory; write quick. Manager Iept. T.. Iurltan Bldg., 10 Gratiot ave., Detroit, Mich. J-2L'7 2x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 18th Chicago E-697 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th ds Farnam. K-9a FURNISH your rooms here, our prices are 25 per cent cheaper than at Installment stores and our goods are very much bet ter. Terms 125 worth. $1 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO.. Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam Street. E 182 26 80UTII front parlor. 3024 St. Mary ave. E-801 FURNISHED south front room, steam heat. 2234 Farnam. Flat 6. E 265 2sx THE FARNAM. ith aud FARNAM STS. E M149 VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. ft cafe. E M717 100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs, Ia E 128 PARLOR, bay window hall, all furnished for $7. 2716 North 26th St bedroom, porch and light housekeeping. E M659 26x ROOMS by the day or 1613 Howard. week. The Iakota, EM843 ZSX FURNISHED room. 824 a 27th. E M15S 4 PARKER STREET BARGAIN. 2 houses, one of 6 rooms and one of 4 rooms, east of 26tli at.; property now rents at $252 per year; paving and all apecial tax paid in full; this Is a snap, $l,90i. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. E 154 26 MODERN, well furnished front rooms, one block from car, $7 and $8. 'Phone B-2567. 2o34 N. 19th. E M90S LARGE front room In Davldgc block, Flat 2. E-S52 28x NICELY furnished room with 'phone and modern conveniences. 1426 No. 19th st. E M870 26X SOUTH front alcove room, modern. 25S0 Harney. E M894 27x FIVE furnished rooms, second house west of Walnut Hill car line, on Parker St., with beautiful lawn and fruit trees. 'Phone B-2214. E 906 26x ROOM and board, housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. Information free. Omaha Room Rental Exchange, 432 Paxton Block. E 212 26x FURNISHED rooms, modern. 1818 Chi cago street. E M33 2Sx TWO modern front rooms; board for 4 f;entlemen; private family. References. 914 Locust. E M911 28x FURNISHED, room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private family; use of 'phone. 'Phone Cedar 41842. 1113 Park Ave. E M161 2Sx NEATLY furnished rooms, one largo south room and one smaller. In strictly private family; with or without meals. 1712 Charles st. E M247 28x ONE furnished room. 2421 Dodge st. E M178 2Sx FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 1811 Cass street. E 237 28x NICE, large, front room, table excellent; use of piano, prices reasonable. 'Phono 3024. F-M260 28 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping or Bleeping; first or second floor. 1712 Jack son St. i F 268 28x BEAUTIFUL south front room: modern in every respect; first class table served family style. 1920 Dodge. . F 269 28x SPLENDID south rooms, modern; furnished or unfurnished: fine board. 2573 St. Mary's ave. "Phono Red 4432. F 258 26x NEATLY furnished rooms, reasonable. 1811 Cass street. E238 28x FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences. 116 N. 25th street. E 232 28x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-60J THE 6H ELTON, 26th and Dodge; ideal home for the winter; pleasant rooms; strictly modern; home cooking; reason able, F 603 GOOD room for two, gentlemen preferred. 212 S. 26th at. F 990 THE ROSE, 202O Harney street, nicely furnished rooms; good board; modern, reasonable. F 231 28x ROOM and board, $3.50 per week; table board, $3; single meals, 20c. Give us a trial. 619 Pacinc st. F M167 2SX YOUNG woman wants roommate; first class accommodations; room and board very reasonable. Apply 620 So. 19th. Tel. 1208. F M874 26x LARGE modern room, private bath and entrance, with board. 1811 Chicago. F-236 28x . NICELY furnished east front room, sult ablo for two, convenient to car line, easy walking distance; strictly modern; flrst claas board, reasonable. 618 So. 19th at. F M873 26x FURNISHED room, with board, for $18 per month; modern house. 2215 California. F 902 it ROOMS and board for three; home cooking; everything modern; board by the week; reasonable ratea. 116 N. 26th street. F-M924 28x FURNISHED bed rooms and board; home cooking; detached house, modern. 1818 Capitol Ave. F M933 28x NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two, with or without board. 1811 Capitol ave. F M199 28x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO or four unfurnished rooma, modern, lieut and light. 2582 Harney. G M831 26x TWO rooma for light housekeeping; also two basement rooms. 1120 N. 17th St. O 845-ffix LIGHT housekeeping room, modern. 2680 Harney. G Ms93 27x 807 N. 26TH ST. Three large pleasant rooms with heat, light and water. G M899 26x UNFURNISHED rooms and flats, $2 to $10, according to locution; all In St. Mary's ave building, 37th and St. Mary's ave. Call at room 6 or N. P. Dodge ft Co., m Bt. 1614 Farnam O M244 FOUR unfurnlBhed rooms. 2421 Dodge at. O M179 2HX WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man wanta place to work for board while attending achool. Boyles col lege. Tel. 114. K 445 WANTED To rent a desk In room where can have services of a stenographer; stale location and price. Address X 20, Bee. K-MS96 26x LARGE front furnished room, private fam ily; lianxcom Park or West Farnam; permanent; references. Address X 26, Hue. K 164 26x GENTLEMAN wants room and board with private family. Referencea. Omaha Room Rental Exchange, 432 Paxton block. K 211 26x WANTED To rent, 7-room house. Inrge garden patch, near car line. K 160 26x DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Mlaa Sturdy, 'pbona A-278 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phons A-rf. -too E. L. liOVEJOY will repair your "ewlng machine and warrant It. Address al Spruce st. C 1m 2hx DROP Into Continental Cigar Store and see Butch Freese's monkey "Mike. The base ball mascot. 1301 Farnam. U 209 26X WANTED Party to charter car Jointly for household goods to Spokane, Wash. Ad dress or call S40 Bee Bldg. U 217 26x HANDSOME. Intelligent young widow, no children. $.W.( In her own name, will marry Immediately and will furnish hus band with capital to start business; no objections to honorable poor man. Ad dress Mrs. Belmont, 651 Hampden Bldg., Chicago. U 974 2tix ROYALTY paid on aong poems and musi cal compositions; we arrange and popu larise. Pioneer MukIc Pub. Co.. Inc., 66') Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. III. L 980 26X VIA VI A wholesome, rational treatment, Invaluable in all Inflammations and dis placements. Send for booklet. 350 Hee building, Omaha, Neb. I -934 26 GREAT EA8TERN CURTAIN CLEANING CO. has moved to their new location, 2911 Leavenworth at. Telephone 631 CENTRAL 3-room cottage. 217 N. 24th. D 2o9 THREE greatest novelty games for $1: amusing and Instructive: great fun for long winter evenlngsr makes handsome present. H. Boulter, 163 Sixth ave.. New York. U-119 26x JEB-POAL, R 1392: ladles" regulator; no failure, safe, powerful, no nausea; price, $1.00: What Women. Young or Old. Should Know, free. Jee-Poal Remedy Co., 619 Main street. Cincinnati, Ohio. U 124 26x MARRIAGE PAPER Prints photos nnd all addresses; 8 pages, 10 cents; correspond without further expense. A. Stovrr, Drawer V 6V.7, Chicago. III. U 914 26x MUSIC lessens 50c at vour home, lxidy graduate. Address X 22, Bee. U-912 26x WANTED, acquaintance of a lady of means by n. business man; business preposition; matrimony If SJlted. Address X 24. Bre. U-913 26x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of pnslo for nil purposes. Tel. 4521, 2210 Cuming. Established .188. U OMAHA man, 31, wants to meet woman of suitable age. education and station In life to be good wife to a steady, reliable mHii holding good position. Address: X 28. Bee. U-213-26X SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wnrts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. U- STOP8 the craving, cures the habit Moss bergs' Anti-Nleotlne Gum. the only sure antidote of tobacco. Iarge package sent by mall, postpaid. 25 cents. Anti-Nicotine Gum Co., 1528 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III. U DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist ol women and children; 3o years' practice Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3666; office, 3667 YOUR FORTUNE FREE Everything told; mall, 10c; birth date: 2c atamp, Irene Wilbur, 343 Michigan Ave., Chlcngo, III. U-939 2tix VERY wealthy young woman will corre spond; object matrimony; no objection to foor man if honest, ljck Box B. Blue sland. 111. U-951 26x GENTLEMAN of wealth and Integrity seeks congenial wife. Address Mrs. Cole, 606 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphia. Pa. U-107 26x WE MAKE banners and flags of all kinds. Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. C, 415 S. 15th st. U 126 26 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN. We have several thousand dollars of pri vate money to loan In amounts of $500 to $2,000 on Improved city property. See us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17R1. U-M141 Ml WHY PAY 50C EACH for cabinet photographs of your favorite actors and actresses when you can obtain the same phorofr-raphs for 60c n dosen? IT. S. Souvenir Post Cnrd Co., 1140 Broad way; New York. Agents wanted every where. ' . ' U 995 26x MARRIAGE PAPER 12 pages 10c sealed: many wealthy; only Incorporated mar riage bureau in the world; 9th year; relia ble; confidential. R. K. Love. Box 1600, Denver, Colo. U 998 26x SEND 12c and birth date for life reading about 3,000 words typewritten form. Prof. James, 455 Columbus Ave., Boston. Mnss. U-118 20x PIANO CLUB Just forming; 50c and $1 weekly; pianos de livered immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars, loll Farnum et. U M138 PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2201 Mason. U M16o Mtx ELTA P. LYONS. Please communicate with your wife as to your whereabout and return home. Your wife and chllU are awaiting you. U-MS34 25x GENTLEMAN has English cravenetto coat, exceptionally fine garment, which for va rious reasons he wishes to sell. Address X 19, care Bee. U 884 26x THREE boy babies and one girl baby for adoption at tne Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-M810 27 FAMILY washing, the Star Laundry. Phone 4405. 3001 Cuming. U M892 27 BUSINESS man middle age, tall and hand some, worth $40,000, magnificent home, de sires at once true affectionate wife, maiden lady or widow; no objections to widow with children; money no object. Address Bel Monte, 636, 14 State St.. Chi cago. U 973 26x MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory FREE. Pav when married: en tirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Morion, wept, zsi, leKonsna, wiicn. ' U-970 26X LUXURIES within everybody's reach: enjoy life; particulars with 25 fashionable visiting cards, 12 cents; send plain copy. Luxury Supply Co., 105 West Madison, Chicago, 111. U 966 26x Pf"7PM A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan- b'wbbiitrt neii 6o Ware UJocK. U-715 F28 PRIVATE home during confiement; ba blea boarded and adopted. Mra. Gardell, 2216 Charlea. Tel. A 2618. U656 We rent sewing machlnea 76c week. Wa repair all makes of machines. Second hand machines $6 to $10. Neb Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 16ih and Harney. U-664 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 14us Farnam Bt. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U 661 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and regularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addreaa, with stamp. Dr. Prlas, 1611 Dodge St., Omaha. U 864 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bia adopted. Th Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 1st ave., Council Blufis.. Ia. Tel. 774. U-628 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8630. U 667 M A fi M CT"lf"" treatment & bat ha. Mme. lYlAU IN t 1 IU bmitu, 118 N. 16, 2 n. R. J. U-JOM HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Maaaacon cures middle-ear trouble. ' Acouatlcon alda the hearing aa glaasea do the eye Hutchiaou Acoustic Cu., N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1HW. U 6U LARSON ft JOHNSON, cut ratea to all tot nts. 14U6 Farnam. Tel. B21I3. Metu r American Ticket Broksra Aas'n. U-861 IT'S FIIEEI Send stamp for Copy of Chi nes Slave Girl and her young American lovtr. Addreaa J Buyie, tl It at., N. E., Washington, It. C. U-tttO 81a DON'T WEAR GLASSES unleaa absolutely necessary; thouaanda have ruined their eyea by wearing gluasea that do not fit. Hanker tho Eye Speclailat will tan you the cause of your trouble. $07-8 Neville Block. U-419 THE Salvation Army solicits caat-olt cloth ing; in fact anything you do not need; we collect, repair and aell at 114 N. 11 at., for coat of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phons 4136 and wagon will call. U-811 DR. ROT, Chiropody, R. 1 ft I. 1506 Farnam. J 266 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson. 311 llamge blk. U 732 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $2. Porlield Piano Co.. Ifill Farnam. U 646 THEATRICAL, masq. coetumes. 1410-11 Howard. Lleben. U M7 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge b'k. C 64H ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING BUTTONS Send for price list and Sampled 1HE GOLDMAN PLKA1ING CO. 200 DOUULAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936. L 64J TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 131 h. U ioO DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glssaes and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO.. Leading Opticians, 14u8 Farnam. L Col MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take io other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES When In need, send for free trial ot our never-failing remedy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis, LADIES treated successfully by mall. Write today for safe) relief. Circulars free. Dr. Hrlney, 182 State St.. Chicago. FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly R -gulator hio brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pai. no danger, no interference with work; relief In 3 to 5 days. Wa have never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mail. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY! CO., Room 36, 84 Adams at.. Chicago. 660 PEN-TAN-GOT Trompt regulator for ladlca, never falls, $2, postpaid. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co.. Qnmha. M.'OO LADIES $500 reward if our rotnedy falls to relieve deluyed monthly periods, no mat ter how long suppressed; safe relief, Women's Private Institute, dept. I, 15 Dearborn St., Chicago, $1,000 REWARI-LADIES-$1.000 REWARD LADIES, I positively guarantee my Never Falling KRGO-KOLO REl51'LATIN COMPOUND. Safely relieves thn longest. most obstinate. dlncourHglng cases of sup pressed or delayed monthly periods within THREE to FIVE days without harm. pain, disappointment or interference with the regular routine of life. KRGO-KOLO COMPOUND is also a sovereign remedy In piiinful. Irregular or profuse periods. A remedy of which no woman can do Jus tice to herself nnd bn without. Saves you time, money, worry, embarrassing exami nations and liselem experiments. Secure this remedy at once that never falls to bring you "SPEEDY RELIEF." By mnll In plain sealed wrapper. Price $1 50; dou ble strength, $2. "SPECIAL FOLDER FOR LADIES" FREE. Write today. Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Ofllces C. C. 615 Main St., Knnsa City, Mo. ' CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. 8-628 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven worth. 8-026 MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California st. 8-M6S9 YOUR FORTUNE told by the most relia ble clairvoyants; Bend birth date, dim and stamp. Prof. Curl & Rollln. 490 N. Clark St., Chicago. 8 955 26x WONDERFUL French clairvoyant: what he tells comes true; send dimo and birth, date. Prof. Garnot, Dept. 76, Box 2179, Boston, Mass. S 113 26x MME. BOYER, Center hotel, 210 N. 17th, y block northwest P. O. S Ml) M4 MME.' ALLURA. seventh daughter of a' , seventh daughter, reads tho palm a though It were a printed code. She takes way the veil of futurity, therefore mak ing your life one of simplicity. Her ad vice Is essential to absolute knowledge. She can help you. See her. 1708 Jackson street. B 170 26x . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is sometimes a necessity. Our facilities are unsurpassed for quick and confiden tial service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos. Warehouse Receipt, Live Stock, eta. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other security required. With us you pay for what you get and only for what tlmo you keep It. It la our motto to try to please. If you have dealt with us and are piea&ed, tell othera; if displeused, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Bourd of Trade Bide. Tel. 2296. (.Established 1892.) 306 So. ltilh St. X C$4 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rites. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. ; Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. X-638 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe- now, room 214, at 209 S. 16th St. Tel. B 2964. X-638 MONEY loaned salaried people and othera without security; easy paymenta. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Life building. X 610 BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, planes, horses, cows, jewelry. Plata note If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X ,4a MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., Barker block. X 639 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry. horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed. 819 S. 18. X-640 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAM LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. SEE FULER, 42S Paxton block, for loans) on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X 643 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 671 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 643 Templeton, X-44 SALARY and chattel loans. 213 Bee Bldg MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City luana. R. C. PeteraftCo. FARC and city loans; lowest rates. W. ff Tuomas, First Nat l Bank BUig. Tel. 164. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W 108 WANTED-Clty loana and warrants. W. Jjainam Smith & Co., 1320 FarnamSt. W 60S MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 610 GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam City loana at lowest ratea; no delay; get our im. xw IlLi LOWEST ratea on city property: 6 per cent on farma In eastern Nebraska. Beuile. Paxton block. W tlli $1,600 on cltv properly. L. V. Holmea, 713 N. Y. Life Bldg. W-886 26 WANTED Cltv and farm loans, $) to $26,ori; lowest rates; no delay; we pass on security. Garvin Bros., 104 Farnam. W 929 26 LOST AND FOUND LOST, on Friday, gold chased locket frd allk fob. Pleuaa return to Bee ofllce fo reward. t-oat ni FOUND The right place to have your eyes Ualed and filled right BenneiUa. ' Found 228 LOST On 2th, near Farnam. a fur collar. Reward. 2545 California IU 'Phone A-X-'it V ! i !" ui V "' -i If V