Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Newest Arrivals of Dress Goods
Revealing the Lea tier a of Extreme Fashion
' Wo brlriff forward for Monday's selllnu many cases of the most attractive mohairs,
Illuminated in pretty Iridescent effocts Sicl- I g r Ci I I Cfl
Han melange-plaid siltc Sicilian-Invisible A VOl. VC" 1 I3" I""
checks tartan plaids, etc., at yard. Txw f a a
Check Voiles the height of faxhion, ideal Tamlse Checks Invisible checks, lis de
shirt waist suiting invisible checks, vin, chasseur, marron, metolo, myrtle,
Shepherd checks, in J j jc 4 fcf e v., 40 inches . Cfl
pastels, green, fawn viol v"s3U wide, M
brown, etc., at 1 at yard '.
SILK AND WOOL CREPE3 Rich silk crepe ondules imported direct from France,
all pretty tones, five shades of brown, three shades of lis de vin, two T
shades of copper, three of green, etc., every odd and stylish shade, PM
at yard.
WHITE MOHAIR Croam and pure white Sicilian, new cream voiles, paoama,
worsteds, etc., 42-inch Sicilian, at yard tJ
Pure white Irish, Austrian and French
linen, round thread, sheer, butchers'
etc.. at
Silk Mu5,in Fancy stripes and small
Finest French Organdies Eletrant floral
design, voiles in chintz and g
floral patterns, latest for Bnlrt,VC
waist frocks, yard
Linen Damask Suitings All colors
Damask wash walsiings, at yard 25c
Two squares with the balance of stock from St. Louis jobbers, broken bolts, dress.
patterns and full pieces, no old number here. There are lt. O
panaraas, Sicilians, tailor cloths, checks, fancy suitings, voiles, fC"OZC
Mill Lengths of Fine Floral Or
gandies 00c quality, at yard . . .
Ifi ! White India Lawn-(42 inch) and I'll
1UC India liaon, at yard 12C
We arc every day receiving new shipments of high clas3 embroideries, the
latest and most attractive designs, fresh and crisp from the foreign mills.
Monday we will lay out scores of dainty new embroideries on squares.
Fine embroideries, inserting, galloons and ribbon headings in nain
sook and cambrics variety of widths new patterns regular
price is up to 25o a yard, at yard
Extra wide flounolngs and corset cover embroideries !
up to 17 inches crUp new goods on bargain square, J JC"SJC
Match Sets of Embroideries Here are dainty and elaborate em
broideries, with insertings to match regular hand loom em-
Droiaeries mnny preuy DaDy sets, at yard.,
Newest Spring Ideas in Ladies Apparel
The new spring Ideas In ladles' tailored apparel show decided novelty this season. There are
many Innovations which give a fresh and very becoming apperapoe to the smart frocks boU in
tailored and shirt waist suits. ,
TftJTeta B11K tstllrt waist suiw-maae wnu me uuw ir
mutton sleeves, shirred yokes, waists and 50
skirts, a pretty nev special, at, each 1
Exclusive new styles in Shepherd Checks covelt
blouse and eoat styles and silk and cloth suits
ir.TlD.1. 22??-24!? to $50
Redingote Suits, in broadcloth, In new clay worsteds and
novelty mixtures and coverts, splen- A SO up (TA
did styles, at At to p U U
Spring Tailor-Made Suits -fashioned of new broadcloths,
cheviots, mohairs, novelty mixtures, in all J$Q
round blouses and semi-fitted styles, at I a
New Fancy Shirt Waist Suits and Coat Suits daintily and
elaborately pleated and shirred, Hedlnjrote
rf."... 14??-16??-22??"S $60
Charming novelties in the Jaunty, handsomely tailored
covert eonts for the coming spring season, fine lining,
tightly stitched straps, prices
7??.9?M2?M45? and upwards
Newest Tailored Skirts for 1905
New models in spring tailored skirts, all the
newest style features at
7.50-9,98-12.50 and up to $40
Tailored Panama and Cheviot Skirts, close fit
ting tops, pleated and flounced, A. Oft
at each T..U
Fresh Arrivals of Lances
The new shipments of laces show scores of the most
fetching new patterns, a wide variety at a very modest
range of prices.
A big new lot of medium width, also neat and dainty narrower kl f
width French Valenciennes laces new patterns a wide variety f qCJC
on bargain square, at yard .
Laces and insertings, up to seven Inches wide point de
Paris cluny torchon Normandy vals point d'esprit
etc., at yard.. .
Superb Array the New Spring Silks
New arrivals daily added to our already broad variety of handsome and fash
ionable Rllka no style of fabric that Is to play a prominent part in the spring Dish-,
ions Is missing. There are many imported patterns and exclusive novelties abso
lutely confined to Krandels In this territory. W e wish especially to announce that
we have Junt received a complete shipment of
The Celebrated Winslow 27-inch Taffetas
in a complete assortment of the very newest shades ' for spring. As a special In
ducement to bargain seekers who wisely shop early ...
Monday We Announce a Series of Very Special Bargains
Voile Calypso New French Importation, shown only at Brandels' black, y y C
white and all the newest shades. 45-incli wide vard
Peau de Qant Fiicconns handsone nov
elty, variety of colorings, J 39
French Foulards All in single dress pat
terns no two alike at, I Cll
a yard
New Pongees and Silks in the Stylish Rough Effects
Burlinfham sacking, yd. $2
Heather Suitinr, yd $2
Lyons Dye Pongees, yd 1.25
Burlinjfham Le Jungle, yd, $2
Rajah, yd. 1.25 Bungalow, yd.$l
Double Waterproof Pongee, yd..$l
Note these Interesting Monday Specials
$1 fine all silk I.ouloene checks, for fkOn
waists and suits, yard "
79 c
100 pieces cable cord wash silk, lOr
best quality, at JW
50 pieces extra fine 27-ln. white mash lOr-.
silk, 60c quality, at, yard Ovl
50 pieces extra quality 27-ln. Tussah
silk (Pongee) worth 75c, at
11.26 fine all silk 27-Inch figured
taffetas, for suits, at
$1.50 changeable taffetas, full 3ft-In
wide, pretty combinations
Special Sale Black Bonnet Taffeta
The Inst opportunity for many days to buy this celebrated taffeta at these
extraordinary prices.
Kc 21-inch Bonnet Black Taffeta fiQr I quality 27-inch fine black chiffon ;n
at, yard I taffeta at OvQ
1-1.60 Bonnet Black Taffeta QSc I W-26 fine 27-inch Swiss Black Taffeta On.
at, yard -ruv at yard OVC
$1.5p and $2 American Lady Corsets at $1
New spring designs Longfelo model made of white French batiste-
two pair hese supporters regular Ipl.ou and VI values, at
Sale of 'Irish Linen Handkerchief Seconds
Men's and ladies' handkerchief seconds tiny flaws too small to be noticed
convent hemstitched, many sheer quality medium ana narrow Hems
worth in a regular way up to Joe eaon, at, each.
35c Hoslety at 15c Laco, plain black and fancy
colored hosiery lisle and cotton, lace foot,
silk embroidered, etc. o-'ao men's f
hose in plain aud new fancy effects, Iff
at, pair.
Ladles' Black Spangle Collars Large cape
effects a big variety of new styles would
regularly sell as high ft tym (
asSl-very stylish for WC ATSC AiC
I spring oostumes, at. ... '
Great Special Sale of Draperies
full six, rood wearing Nottingham
Lace Curtains at, per
Irish Point, Cable Net, French Net and Nottingham
Lace Curtains, over 75 styles to select from, many
worth up to 14.00 per pair, to close 1 Clfi
(Nit small lots they to at. It JO
p4r pAlr
All the regular Parlor Curtains, such
Arab, Cable Net, Brussels Net and
Loe Curtains, to clone out all the
. amaJI lota, they will go at,
per pair ,
as Point d'
Bon Femma
TAPESTRY PORTIERES-A new line of French
stripe, Roman stripe and plain, color
ored 60 Inches wide and S yards long
portieres, at, per pair
n r l mien
A new line of Snowflak Curtains In 1 C
cross stripes and a splendid line of I
colors, at, per pair mamr
One big lot of Fish Net and Nottingham
Net, some of these are slightly noil- f (
ed but would be cheap at 25c per 1 1 If
yard, goes at, per yard
One big lot of new. Curtain Swiss, 46 Inches
wide, sold last season as high as 36c per
yard, from a fortunate purchase we
are enaDlea to oner tneee at
per yard ,
Lace Curtain Rods, good heavy brass and
wide extension, the regular 26c tl
kind, complete with fixtures, IIJC
go at, each aw
75c New Evening Sis at 29c Yd.
We place on sale Monday over 6,000 yards of brand new Silk
Eolienne, Silk Crepe Ondule, Silk Poplin, Sole Armure,
Silk Crystaline, which were bought by us for spot caah at most
extraordinary bargain prices. They are the season's latest productions.
They are in long mill lengths, running from 3J to 12 yards, and no hand
somer goods were ever shown. The colors are cream, chartreuse, sky,
grey, navy, black, maroon, reseda, maize, Havana
brown, old rose and pink.- This lot is now on dis
play in our show window, and has caused great
comment. The entire lot will be placed on sale
promptly at 8 o'clock Monday morning in two
large bargain squares, at
In the Largest and Most Complete Millinery
Department West of Chicago.
Brandeis starts the season with the most capable force of experienced
milliners that have ever ministered to the tastes of Omaha ladies.'
A new and skillful corps of assistants in our work room is under the
personal direction of Miss Margaret Daverne, one of the best known
of New York's favorite millinery designers. In the selection , of
becoming millinery at Brandeis this season, the ladies of Omaha
have the advantage of the greatest variety of handsome models,
together with the advice and assistance of one of the foremost
exponents of faehionable millinery in America.
Extraordinary Basement Bargains
From 8 until 11 in the
morning. Fruit of the
Ioom and
Muslin, per
(full pieces, not remnants.)
Good heavy un.
yard wide,
per yard. .
Mill remnants of all
grades or Dleached mus
lins and
Early Showing and SaJe of New Spring Carpets
A full new line of spring- carpets In the latest floral and Oriental patterns. We carry the largest
assortment of stock rugs In Omaha. Bring tho measure of your room and we will fit you out with a
handsome rug of the newest pattern.
9x12 Best Axminster Rugs- 11 eft Full line of Smith's Velvet Carpets,
9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs
9x12-10 Wire Brussels Rugs . 16.50
7 ft-
at, yard JC
All spring patterns in Axmiuster Car
pets, this week, yard
Solid colored Voiles in mill
lengths, worth up to 35c
per yard,
tn up to hm
All silk
per yd...
Long mill lengths of
cambrics and
long cloths,
per yard
icug tug ux
Mercerized Tino Crepe-i-
looks Just like silk worth
25c per
at, per
.c una-- v vi ui
Printed dress
satlnes, known
as Eddy silk,
Best g r a d e
oil cloth,
S0e Farmer's Satin New lot
just received, double fold, mer
cerized sateen it Farmer's satin.
15c 1 1
3c Moreen Skirtings inlong
mill lengths, black and plain I
colors, at, a yard
It's the Shoe Stock of
Tho Leader from N St., South Omaha
All the Women's Slippers and Oxford Ties go in Two Lots, at 35c and 50c
All the Boys' and Gairl's Shoes go on Sale in One Lot, at 75c
All the Ladies' Shoes go on Sale in Two Lots, at 98c and 1.59
All the Men's Shoes will go in Two Lots, at 98c and 1.59
Hew fork Central, Northwestern and Union
' Paolflo Am Violently Affeoted.
A H Tna;lbl News Follows Open
lug aad Thf Is Hoar?
noallslaa- Prices Go to
" Lower Lorela.
NEW YORK, Keb. 16. Speculative excite
ment was rampant on the Stock exchange
this morning. The largest trading centered
about the stocks aft acted by the long-time
rumor of a railroad combination across the
continent from ocean to ocean, including
New York Central, Chicago & Northwest
ern and Union Pacific Thoss stocks w"e
all violently affected and spread a sympa
thetic influence into other stocks tn a modi
fled degree. Opening sales ot New York
Central were ot 10.000 share all the way
from 16 to 169.
. Union Pacino was bought at the opening
to the extent of 16.000 shares from 14 to
137. It subsequently touched an eighth
higher before reacting.
. The rla in Northwestern ran to T points
and its subsidiary stocks, Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis a Omaha, to 4 points. .
The opening bulge Involved heavy realis
ing and there were sharp reactions from the
top level. New York Central fell back IV.
Union Pacino to W and Northwestern 6
points. There were heavy dealings in Penn
sylvania, apparently in sympathy with the
New York Central movement. tn opening
seles of 16.000 shares running from HZVi to
14244, with a subsequent rise to 143H- That
stock also subsequently ran off a point.
Iteaetloa Takes Place.
. The whole market yielded during the
course of the first hour and prices In some
easts fell beiowt last night. The opening
gain In a number of stocks had run from
1 to I points and upward.
Toe material advances at the opening re
atvee additional Impetus from London,
where the range fpr Americans was gen
erally higher, due no doubt to buying orders
received from New York.
Of the several stocks that opened Penn
sylvania was most generally bought. Brok
ers representing Philadelphia and other out-of-town
houses were, large purchasers of
this stock. Commission houses as a rule
reported increased business from various
out-of-town points.
The buying of Pennsylvania, Union Pa
cino, New York Central and several of the
more active issues waa of such Indiscrimi
nate and general character as to defy
analysis. Naturally the concurrent rise in
New York Central. Pennsylvania and
Northwestern, the latter gaining several
points soon after the opening, gave the rise
to renewed gossip as to deals, mergers and
the like. Of actual news there waa none.
The southern Iron and coke properties,
which were the chief features of strength
a few days ago, were today rather reaction
ary. The late bulge in the leaders was taken
advantage of for very heavy realising !n
the general list and Union Pacino waa un
der constant pressure. The market closed
highly Irregular, but Pennsylvania was
very buoyant, selling as high as 144'.
Union Pacinc closed unchanged from last
The tone of the stock market was fever
ish and unsettled for a time, with heavy
realising In the active leaders, but after
the appearance of the favorable bank state
ment the most active stocks shot up agsln
and the market became very ' animated
again. New York Central touched lsovi.
Pennsylvania went near to 144 and St. Paul
touched 180. ,' Union Pacino met heavy
offerings, which kept it below Its previous
high price
Nomlaatloae by t-re.ldcat.
WASHINGTON. FeB. 26,-The president
today sent to the senate the following
United States circuit ludge for the Sev
enth circuit (Illinois. Indiana and Wiscon
sin!, William 11. Keamau of Wltw-onain.
I'nlted Statea dUlrl.t Judge for eautern
dlHtrli t of Wtm-omln, Joseph V. Quarlea of
Wisconsin, whuae term as I'nlted Biatee
senator eaplrea March 4 next.
Invest Constant OU stocx, 101 N. Y. Life.
Omaha and Douglas County Have Interest-'
ing Collection on Hand.
Papers Relating to Early and Im
portant Transaction ' Stored
with Little Regard to Or-'
der or Accessibility,
No glee that is particularly noticeable Is
manifested by the principal custodians of
public records and documents . in . Omaha
over the legislative' bill which proposes to
make It optional with the custodian
whether or not he shall turn over docu
ments more than twenty years old which
are not needed In the transaction of busi
ness to the State Historical society for
preservation at Lincoln. That is to say,
such books and records as the State
Historical society curators think would be
well to have. This attitude on the part of
the custodians may or may not be due to
the fact that the public records more than
twenty years old, so far as original docu
ments are ' concerned, are not precisely
easy of 'access and nice to handle. In fact
the general condition of these antiquated
papers may be described as Jumbled.
A big vault underneath' the court house
holds an Immense quantity of matter,
relevant and Irrelevant, and altogether Im
possible to, an orderly, methodical man. In
fact it positively gives the clerks In the
courtly clerk's office a headache to think
about this vault. About once every six
months one of them, preferably Frank
Dewey, has to dive Into the hetrogeneous
collection and endeavor to extract certain
faded and discolored papers. Sometimes
Mr. Dewey spends days below the surface
of the broad, free earth. At other time
he reappears In the course of a few hours
from his underground retreat without
hobbles on bis smile and itching for a
wide play where he can do a few can-can
steps expressive of delight.
Dewey Knowe They Are There.
The most heart-rending part of this
performance Is that, no matter how dis
couraging the delving may seem or how
many weeks It may require, Mr. Dewey
feels in his heart that the desired records
are there. If he could only look awhile
and quit with a clearance card for his
conscience, based on the theory that the
records are incomplete and faulty, it
wouldn't be so bad. But there is a popu'ar
tradition at the court house that there Is
nothing above the earth that cannot be
found below the earth, so there you are,
with nothing to do but look for It until
you find it.
At the city ball it Is not quite so bad.
There some one has had a fancy for storing
ancient writings In old soap boxes. There
are the boxes. Any one can see them by
politely asking City Clerk Elbourn for the
privilege. You can observe the decora
tions on the sides of the boxes and the
names of the Arms that made the soap as
long as you please ' But what Is In the
boxes? One might find out by taking a
year off from his regular duties and paw
ing over said . writings, but he must be a
man 6f unlimited patience, not afraid to
soil his hands and courageous enough to
let his nostrils and lungs get stopped up
with dust. No doubt It would be Interest
ing, but a person would be willing to give
odds that the Job would take longer than
a year. There are many soap boxes. ,
Coateats of the Soap Boxes.
"What Is there In the soap boxes that
would appeal to the State Historical so
ciety T"
"That is something that no one knows,"
responds a person who knnws pretty much
all that Is necessary to know about city
records that are of any Immediate and
mercenary use to man. "Doubtless many
documents in those boxes would be valua
ble In the society's archives. There are
funny proclamations saying that Mormons
will no longer be allowed to camp at
Omaha, because pestilence of some kind
always follows them; Interesting resolu
tions and motions concerning means ot
protection against bands of marauding In
dians; edict from the mayors ordering all
dogs to be muzzled or shot, for the mnd
dog scare worried the early mayors a lot.
The resignation of George Armstrong as
mayor of Omaha, sp he might enlist In
the union army, would probably be inter
esting. Various proclamations regarding
the calling of volunteers; the reception of
returned warriors; measures taken to pro
tect the community against lawlessness;
what the city government did to welcome
Oeneral Orant when he stopped here on his
trip around the world; the ordlnaces and
resolutions regarding the Union Pacinc
bridge, the Union Pacific ant other rail
roads and the bonds voted for them. All
no. doubt and many others of a slmlllnr
Import would appeal to the historian. If
ha liked humor a certain famous order
forbidding the Mother Hubbard wrapper
from the streets of the city might tickle
his fancy, .
.Not Needed, by City.
"Theae original documents, or many of
them, are not needed in this office. All
that are Important are transcribed In the
Journal records of the city council, to which
we refer whenever called upon to give out
Information of the kind. Nowadays the
original documents are carefully preserved
and Indexed, but the records twenty years
back and before are hopelessly Jumbled
together. It would be an Immense task
to sort them -out and .properly classify
tem.' If a representative of the Historical
society would undertake the work and And
anything In the boxes that was desired, It
would not inconvenience the office or the
public In the least to let them go."
On the top floor of the city hall may be
found Secretary Burgess of the Board of
Education. . ,
"What old records have you ths'c the
State Historical society would Want?" was
"You've certainly got me," responds Mr.
Burgees. "There's a lurge vault buck
there full of old documents. Maybe some
of them might be Interesting. I don't
know. It would be a - del thing if the
State Historical society o'.- some other so
ciety would take them awuy. We have
all the records we want In our Journals
and other well bound books. Take a look
through the vault, if you want to, and If
you don't get through this afternoon come
In again tomorrow."
The Invitation was respectfully declined.
Cobwebs are good enough,' perhaps, to
stop bleeding, hut hnrdly any one likes to
wallow In them unless he has to.
Trouble with the County. '
"Sure, there's lot of stuff down there
that would be good for tho Historical so
ciety," says Frunk Dewey at the court
house. "But it wouldn't be right to let
any of It go. Kvcry once In a while some
one comes along with a request for a. cer
tified copy of un origlnlal document that
originated way buck, and we have to dig
until we con rind It. Here, when the street
railway merger wua made, the attorneys
were worried half to death because they
couldn't find the old franchise for Dundee.
It took three days to get this precious
paper, for they said it whs absolutely
necessary. Not long ago I had to dig up
the bond for a saloon licensed about twenty
years ago. The bond was wanted to prove
a signature. None of this stuff ought to
go to Lincoln. It should, however, be
properly Indexed and classified. Doubtless
much of It could be thrown away. Perhaps
some early Incorporation papers, documents
relating to railway and other bond issues,
franchises and election returns, might be
taken away, but the matter would have to
be handled with rare."
Records that Are Needed.
Early maps, tracings and blue prints In
the engineering departments are all needed
there and are conslantly referred to by
abstracters and others. In the county
Judge's office the clerks don't think it
would be right to allow wills and docu
ments of that kind taken away. In nil
branches of the government the records
of every neetlng of official bodies, from
the first to the last, are absolutely Indis
pensable to the proper transaction' of busi
ness. These are well kept und preserved
and easy of access. But the detached
documents of the early years are not In
shape to be examined lightly. Again, the
early clerks of the Board of County Com
missioners had a hublt of simply alluding
to valuable documents embodying official
transactions and falling to copy them is
the record, making the latter worthless)
without the other writing. This mokes It
particularly hard to separate county docu
ments that could safely bo placed in the
Historical society's archives.
fits lomlnxo la Quiet.
SAN DOMINGO, Republic of San Do
rs In .o; Feb. 28. Nothing positive i known
he.e of the' plot to assassinate President
Morales. Some suspicious persons have '
been arrested as a precaution. The report
of the consplrucy was based on a dispatch,
received by the authorities. The country
Is quiet.
Dairy M ine a Race.
MELBOURNE, Feb. 26 Arthur F. Duffy,
the American runner, today scored his first
win In Australia, capturing the l'O-yard
Invitation handicap from scratch. Time,
lovi seconds. In the 100-yard open handi
cap Duffy lest the preliminary heat.
Why Endure Pain
the excruciating misery of blind, bleeding,
itching piles, when there is an absolute cure f
Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific is an internal
remedy that painlessly produces a positive
and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it
is absolutely free from opium, cocaine or
other injurious drugs. Simply take
spoonful three times daily before each meal
Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific
Th Internal Remedy
Tor dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation.
biliousness, catarrh of the stomach end
that has ever yet benefited mankind.
Think what a relief it would la to you to
be rid of these troubles and to avoid tho
almost certain consequence of Piles.
Dr. Perrln Medical Co Helena, Moot.