Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Foreign Crop" Reports Show Wheat it
, Generally Prosperous
Talk mnt of ftmall Corn nrtrrtt
In that Hand of 1IHbIs and
Ian a, Farmers Keeaters Ila.
' ins In Othir States.
OMAHA, Feb. 21. 1M6.
The May hit regained today what it
lost Monday. The low point Mnnduy wm
41 l(IV and ths market opened this morn
ing at ol.lHV but that was iho low point,
and from there it advanced by noon to 31.11).
iha foreign markets were weaker in conse
quence, with the low point of Monday and
the better newa from India. Liverpool
closed down Ho to vC Antwerp was oft
Sc. Pans gained V. Merlin went down '.c,
and Buda Pesth Rained 1c. If the lor
elgn marketa had any effect on the Ameri
can the news of the damaging of the
wheat crop in the central provinces of
India of mora than Do per cent would
have been noticeable. It did not have
any effect, however, which shows the sit
uation Is dependent entirely on domestic
The foreign wheat crop summary shows
lor the I'nited Kingdom the plant looking
fine; in Oermany and Hungary, weather
unseasonable, but crop complaints not
serious; trance Is given an improved con
dition, with larger offerings, Russia re
ports show covering for wncat and small
arrtvals at ports; Italy, Spain and north
ern Africa are given a fair prospect; and
In India shippers now say the Punjab,
which was reported Injured by cold, is all
right. ' Bradatreel's show a decrease east
of tho Rockies of 779.000 bushels and an
increase in Europe and afloat of 700,(Ju
bushrfls, making a decrease In the world's
of 7H.0O0 bushels. The Chicago contract
stocks of wheat have decreased 2ii,0t2 bush
els for the week, This Is all In No. 2 hard,
which Is st total of l,029,5u bushels. The
total stocks are too bushels. The
northwestern cars, including Chicago, are
200 today, 638 last week and TtjO a year ago.
Not much com Whs on the market today
and the undertone was strong. There was
a good covering by shorts on reports that
the western rouds were to get together on
the rate Question. The May corn wss
4Hc Monday for Mgh. It opened this
morning at 4'c,' wliloh was the low point,
and advanced by noon to 47c. Galveston
cleared 286,000 bushels of corn.
.There Is mora talk of. a small reserve In
Illinois . and Iowa. Stock shippers from
these two states are quoted as saying the
farmers have fed and eold a large, part nf
laat year's crop. Many, they say, have sold
aa high as one-half or even two-thirds of
the crop. Sotne large -.feeders are reported
to have fed all and to be buying of other
farmers. - The small renters have been
especially large sellers. Southern iowa is
reported to M buying freely', of central
Iowa and Missouri iteders from Nebraska.
The price varies, being 3 cents in central
Illinois. 40 cents In eastern Iuwa and 32
cents in central Iowa. Some claims are
made that the government crop figures
were exaggerations and that only thirty
five to fifty bushels have been husked
where forty to seventy-five were reported.
A canvas has been made tf a large portion
of Illinois, including Peoria and the terri
tory near Chicago, and the reserves In the
farmers' hands found to be only 9.3 per
cent, or a reduction of 20 per cent since
January 1. The oats reserve Is figured to
have decreased to 19.2 per cent, a decrease
since the first of the month of 4.2 per cent.
Bradstreet's corn figures show a decrease
of I.TOD.OOO and in oats a decrease of 669,Oo0
, Omaha ' Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 31.0ftyl.10: No. S
hard. 81.02(31.07; No. 4 hard, 90c1.01; No. 1
spring, 31.03.
CORN No. 2. 43Uc: No. 8, 43V4e: No. 4,
42Vac; no grade. 3fn41c: No. 2 yellow, 44c:
No. I yellow, 43Hc; No. 2 white, 44c: No. 1
white. 43c.
OATB No. 3 mixed, "fc; No. 3 mixed,
Hc; No. 4 mixed, iDo; No. 2 white. 30iAc;
No. I white. SOc; No. 4 white, 29fi29c;
standard, SOtte.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 21 314 109
Kansas City , 105 73 9
Minneapolis 10
Duluth 19
St. Ixuils 49 M 47
Omaha s 115 11
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
The range of prices In Mlnneannlis. as re-
eat el-ojriold wards-Wood com Dan v. 11.
11 Board of Trade, was:
Commodity. ppen. High.) Low. Close.
Wheat. ,
May .-..i..
1 13H
' 4
1 16'i,
1 141,
1 15S 1 574
1 1441 1 14v!
1H'I 84J
((.stations f the Day. on Various
' '. ' 'Commodities,.
" NET YORK. Feb. 21-FIOUR-Recelpts,
17.499 bbls.; exports, 10,657. bbls. The mar
ket was dull but firmly held. Mlnne-
. sota patents, f6.004t'A.45; Minnesota bakers,
34.3O04.tib; winter patents, 36.60fa6.BS; winter
straights. 16.H00i6.46; winter extras. 3.66t'
,4.80; winter low grades, 32.45(i4.10. Rye
flour, steady; fair to good, t4.Hfku4.70; choice
.to fancv, 'f 4. 754)4.16- Hurkwhcat Hour,
quiet: per 100 lbs., I2.00tr2.10.
I COR N M E A I. Steady ; tine white and yel
low, 81-26; coarse, new, $1.06(y 1.07ft; kiln
dried, Ii.903.lft.
HVE Nominal: No. 2 western, 80c asked.
. BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 43o, c. 1. f.,
New York; malting, 4.Vu6;c, c. 1. I., But-
WHEAT Receipts, 10,726 bushels. Spot,
firm: No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. i
red, tl.24,4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du
luth 127V f. O. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Multi
loba $1.12 I. o. b. afloat. Options after open
ing a shade lower on account of poor
- cables wheat turned stronger and was
' well sustained all day, especially in New
' York on a scare of shorts and bull sup
' port. Lat prlcea here showed Vrulo net
advance, the outside on May. May, 1119
01.17, cloned tl.17; July, $1.061.064,
closed 11.06V; September, 96Hwic. closed c.
CORN-r-Heceipts, 110,726 bushels; exports,
' 74,402 buahela. Spot, market firm No, 2,
64o elevator and 64c f. o. b. afloat. No. 2
) allow, 64o; No. 2 white, 64c. Options, mar
ket fairly active and strong on good local
and outside demand and with the west
closing high and c net. higher; May, 61vwu)
. 62V closed. 61V July closed b2c.
OATS Kerelpts, 94.6ml bushels; exports,
21,658 bushels. Spot market dull. Mixed,
& 83 lbs.. SiiiXc; n mural white, 30 to
.81 pounds. 84t3X4o; clipped white, 36 to
40 lbs.. 3HHS4lViC.
v.- HA1 Ouiet; shipping, SSGTOe; good to
Choice, ooejeoo.
HOPS Quiet: stats, common to choice,
1904, 294i33c; 1903, 28'q31c; olds, 12ai3c. Pa
' rifle coast, 1904, 2&32c; 1903, 27f30c; olds 12
HIDES-FIrm; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs.,
lie; California, 21 lo 26 lbs., lc; Texas
(dry), 24 to 30 Ins., 14ftc.
' LJEATHER Steady; acid, 24(i2oo.
' PHOVIoIONB-Beef, firm: family, 111.00
'61180; mm, f9.gO4i8.10; beef hams, fOO
23.60! pocket. 10.8otf 11 00; city extra India
mess, U&UOd'lT.OO. Cut meats, firm; pick
led belli, 87.007.60; Pickled shoulders,
fti.00; pickled hams. t8.T69.00. Ird, dull:
western steamed, 87.10; refined, quiet; con.
tlnent. . 87.16; South America, 87.66; com
pound. 84.764Y5.12M. Pork, easy; family.
114.0316 00; short clear, U Otal6 26; mesa,
J3.mi-fi 13.74.
TALIOW Kasy; city f!2 per pkg.), 4c;
country (pkgs. free), 4H4i4,c.
KlCfcJFlim; domestic, fair to extra, JT
3c; Japan, nominal. .
BUTTER Strong; street price. extra
creamery 3636; official prices, creamery,
common to extra, 27nV6c; creamery, held
common to extra, icoajc; state dairy,
common to extra, 24tt:Cc; renovated, com
mon to extra, 20O28o; western factory, com
mon to extra. 2U29c; western Imitation
creamerv. common to extra, S4ti31c.
I'HEEBB-Firm; atste, full rreum, small
colored and white, fancy. l.H4c; stale Hue,
lilc; atate. lata made, colored and while,
poor to choice. 10ft KV1; large and uhite,
fancy, lSle: nne, 12Vtil2r; lata made, col
ored and white, poor to choice, I4i4l2ic.
KtKB Weak; western firsts, ;
frn seconds, SiHaSc,
POl'I.TRY Alive, steady; western chick
ens. 12c; fowls, 14Vc: turkeys, lie. Dressed,
quiet; western chickens, 1314c; fowls, Y.Vii
14c; turkeys. KO-Juc.
t. I.nala Grain and Provisions.
8T. LOUIS, Feb. 21. WHEAT Higher;
No, 2 red cash, elevator. I1.14H; traik.
fl.l7ei.lR: May. ll.16ijl.ljW; July, ,c: No
2 hard. 11.14 nl 16.
CORN Higher; 3 rash, 44l4e.' track, 46UO
tor; May. 46'46ii: July, 4ti'.4c.
OATH Higher: No. i cash, 3Uic; track,
8'friiHc; My. 3VtSlc; No. 2 white, S3
FIjOUR Very quiet; red winter nutents,
8.'i.Si(i6.60: spei'lal brands. 86 iai5.75; extra
fsncy still straight, 4.0'i)6.1j, clear, 84.4i
8KFD Timothy, steady at 82 OoV'j.40.
PORN MKAI. SteMdy at 3-'.40.
BRAN Stead ; sai ked. east track, 8311
HAT Firm: fur b't timothy, $1. fOfllilO,
prslrle, iW9Vi. ..
I KtN CO H OW TlKg-53.
PROVISION'S)- p.,rk. higher: jobbing.
$'t'H ' I-ard.' h ght-i ; prime steam, !ii n
Rn'on. nnrhsnged; boxed, extra shorts,
3.V: clesr ribs. 8T Sn; short clr. 87. 7S.
POULTRY F-asy; rhlf kens. 10v : springs.
10"v; turkeys. 16r; ducks. 13c; gese. TQ-m
B I "TTKR Higher; creemeTy. r.tfTbc; da
iry. 1f.iAC.
KtitiH Lower. 2c, esse count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls loom Ji.ooil
Wheal, bu 60nn0 74.000
Pom, hu 65 0") W M
Oats, bit 47,0fl 64,000
Features nf tho Traalax and Closlag
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Decresse in primary
receipts due largely to impassable country
roads caused a net advance of uV today
In prices for wheat. Corn- shows a gain of
Oats are up Sc. Provisions are
unchanged to 6c higher.
Strength In the wheat market developed
soon atter the opening. At the start the
market was beanrhly affected by a decline
at Liverpool, ssid to be caused by larger
offerings from Argentina. Initial quotations
on May were unchanged to lower at
Jl.lKVI.lX'V July slso was unchanged to
.e lower, at 81lVsU 1.01H- Trading was
confined largely to the July delivery, al
though some shorts covered May on all
slight declines. The demand for July at
times was of such a character as to sug
gest that the market was receiving sup
port from a prominent hull trader. As the
session advanced wheat became more bull
ish. Little improvement, however, was
noted in the volume of business. Marked
falling off in primary receipts had a
strengthening influence during the last part
of the day. Strength of corn helped stim
ulate a demand for wheat. Statistics of the
world's visible supply proved a disappoint
ment to the bulls. Bradstreet's report show
ing a decrease of only 79.0HO buahela, as
against a decrease of 3.34,OtiO bushels a
year ago. Prices, however, reached the
highest point of the day Just before the
close Mav sold at 81 lr and July at
81.01'. The market finished strong with
May at the top, 81. 19V Flnar quotations
on Julv were at 31.0Hnif1.01V Clearances
of whn'at and flour were equal to 63.2
bushels. Primary receipts were i9.0n0 bush
els, compared with 1.131,ono bushels ttwo
days) a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and
Chicago reported receipts of 200 cars,
against 526 cars last week and 7G0 cars a
year ago.
Shorts were fairly active bidders for corn
and in consequence the market gained in
strength as trading progressed. The main
causes of the renewed activity ahiong
shorts was a rumor that, owing to the fail
ure of a reduction In freight rates to in
crease the movement of corn former rates
were soon to be restored. A deereaae of
1,790,000 bushels in the visible supply, as
compared with, an Increase of 2.100,000 bush
els last year, was an additional bullish
Influence. The market closed practically at
the highest point of the day. May opened
unchanged to a shade higher at 4Va4rSc
to 4SSC. sold up to 47c and closed at 46'c.
1ocal receipts were 814 cars, none of con
tract grade.
A firm undertone prevailed In the oate
market the entire day. Pit traders were
bullishlv Inclined owing to a rumor of the
restoration of former freight rates which
would tend to check the free movement
of the grain. The' volume of business, how
ever, was light. Some of the more timid
shorts cover!. Mav opened unchanged at
M)e, advanced to 31Hc and closed at 31c.
Local receipts were 199 cars.
Early In the session an easy tone was
manifested In provisions owing to selling
by commission houses, but later as a result
of strength In corn shorts covered mod
erately, causing a firmer undertone. At
the close May pork was up 6c at 812.82H&
Lard was up 2'ioc at i.2 V.96. Klbs
were unchanged at 86.82HO.
KMlmuted receipts for Thursday: Wheat,
7 cars; corn, lis cars; oats, 97 cars; hogs,
44. IHO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.1 Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Cloae.l Yes'y.
luiy. .
Fcb. May
11SVH 1 !' 1 18fc 1 19HI 1 1"H
lioiw-si ioni 1 oi&ioivi 1 oi
icy yzfti
44',, 43H
47 46Vt-H. 4tiTk4Vq
47' 47 47V4;Vfl.4i
471 7 4747V
31 I
4, in
W 1)
31 1 sn,3ovg:n
2!29 14 J,
12 r!W, 12 12 "
12 92x 12 Vk 12 90
6 90
.7 00
6 NO
S 96
6 96
6 S7Vi
, 7 00
6 B2H
6 82Vtl 6
6 7 92
12 0
12 'i74
12 90
6 90
2 02
6 R2 6 66
82V 6
12 2i
J2 sw;
12 971
C 99
. 7,1)6
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 86.109
6.20; winter straights, 84.8006 00; spring pat
ents, 85.0fVef6.4O; spring straights, 84.6O8'4.90;
bakers, 2.6n3.80.
WHEAT No, 2 spring. 81.15if1.20; No. 1,
81.10til.18; No. 2 red, 31141
CORN No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow. 45c.
OATS No. 2, 80'e; No. S white, 82iff32Vic;
No. S white, 3tVWi31c.
RYE No. 2. wmo.
BARLEY Good feeding, 38c;. fair to
choice malting, 424o . .
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.18; No. 1 north
weatern, 31.2H. Timothy, prime, 12.90.
Clover, contract grade, 312.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 12.fi2H
(f12.G5. Ird, per 100 lbs.. 86.7796.80. Short
ribs sides (loose), 86 .62if6.76; short clear
sides tboxed), 3e.75i&.87H.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 20.600 , 20.200
Wheat, bu 63,000 41.700
Corn, bu ,...351,800 217.700
flats, bu 29.70O 131.600
Rye, bu 3,000 2,000
Barley, bu 123.800 27.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa firm; creameries, 24434c;
dairies, 24(fi30c. Egys, steady; at mark,
cases Included, 241jiiHc; first, 27o; prima
firsts, 29c; extras, 81c. Cheese, firm, 12
Kausns City Grnln nnd Provisions.
May. Ii.o; -July. ravtiTOTsc. Cash: No. 2
hard, tl-09l-10: No. 8 81.0561.08; No. 4,
9N'tjcftt!.0t; No. 5 red. 81.10(31.13; No. 3. 8107
O1.08; No. 4, tl.0oei.06.
CORN Firm; May, 44'ie; July, 44H44'!ie.
Cash: No. 8 mixed, 47c; No. t, 46Vj4fc;
No. 2 white, 47c; No. 8. 46iSH7c.
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, S34; No. 2
mixed, 33c.
RYE-Steady. 7979V4c.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, 89.601000;
choice prairie. 87K)t8.00.
EGGS Lower; Missouri and Kanses,
new No. 2 whitewood cases included, 25c;
canes returned, 34c.
BUTTER Creamery, !StS32c; packing. 24c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 40,000 57.600
Corn, bu '. 24.000 t.m
Oats, bu 3,000 30,000
Available Sapply of Grain.
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreet's show the following changes In
available supplies as compared with last
account: 1 f
Wheat, In the United States and Canada
east of the Rockies, decreased 779.000 bu.
Afloat for and In Europe increased 700,000
bu. Total supply decreased 79,000 oil.
Com In the United States and Canada
east of the Rockies, decreased 14. 730. mm bu.
'' Oats. In the United States and. Canada
east of the Rockies, decreased 669.000 bu.
The leading Increases reported this week
are 214.1X10 bu. at Fort Worth, 62.000 bu. at
Nashville and 57,0m) bu. at Knoxvllle.
The leading decreases Include an estimate
of 100,000 bu. at the northwestern Interior
elevators, 77,000 bu. at Portland, Me.. 74.000
bu. at Manitoba. TS.fsO bu. at Depot Harbor
and 60.0UO bu. at Minneapolis private ele
vators. Minneapolis Grain Market.
81.15; July. tl.!4i2?1.14i; September. 94Ht
94Sc; Ne. 1 hard. 3117: No, 1 northern.
81 1!: No. 3 northern. tl.llV
FI4.1UR First patents, 36.3.'Mfi6.60; second
patents, 86.160 3O: first cleara, 84. 1604 86;
second clears. 32 x91.70.
BRAN In bulk. 814.25qi4.60.
Mllwaakee Grnln Market.
ket steady: No. 1 northern. 31.18; No. 2
northern. 81. 16; May. 8I.19S. asked.
BARLEY Quiet; No. i, Jc; sample, 87
PORN Btronge-; No. 8. 444jM5c; May,
46c. '
Dolath Grain Market.
DULUTH, Feb. ll.-WHEAT-To arrive.
No. 1 northern. 8113; on track. No. 1
northern. 3113: No. 2 northern, 31.0;4p
111; May. 11.14; July, 3114; Septem
ber. H4c.
OATS To arrive and on track, 29o.
Oils and Rosin.
OIL CITY, Ps.. Feb. 21.-OIL Credit bal
ances, II. "9; rertlfliates. no bid; shipments.
HI Mil bbls., average 74.160 bbls.; runs, II 000
bbls , sversge 43.926 bbls ; shipments, Lima,
46! blila., average i).22 fchls. ; runs, Ima.
14 1H7 bbls. aversge 42..' bbls.
SAVANNAH. Ftip. II TOlL-,Turpentlne.
nmhing doing. (2c.
ItOftlN-FIrm: A. B P. H.gT: D. 82 72:
V.. 3'.' 77: F. 82 85; G. 32; I. F.H): K. 84.0;
M, 34.60, N, 84.T6, W O, 86 0o; W W, 85.16,
Valnet Are Higher Because of Iztenaire
Bnjing by Outiden. 1
hares Co A hove the High Mark Made
Fonr tears Ago I taring Fight
for Control mt tho
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. The operations tn
today's stock market were of a character to
rncourage the hope long deferred of an ac
tive entry into the market of the public at
large, 'i ne principal share In the market
hltnerto has oeen attributed to professional
operators, incluaing the ususl contingent of
weelihy men who mane campaigns in the
stork market on a large scale ana who com
mand almost boundless resources for all the
pieparatlona incidental to such a campaign.
Tne success which has ai tended these
preparations is of course based on a gen
eral confidence In the prosperity of general
conditions and a rnntinueu investment de
mand, which buttresses the market by a
waiting demand on ail recessions. But thi
hope of the professional contingent which
has been booming stocks has looked long
ingly forward to an outbreak of speculation
of a much wider scope than la Involved In
such operations as thee and which Is seen
but once or twite in a generation. Such a
movement has already occurred in thla gen
eration and it culminated In the panic of
May. 1901. The unfortunate issue of that
experience brought severe punishment that
seemed to serve as a warning to the whole
public and to discourage tuelr attempt to
obtain any share In the benefits of the long
advance which hua occurred in the present
stock market. The demand for stocks from
this source up to this time hs been en
tirely Inconspicuous, but evidences were
unmistakable today that the public was
coming freely into the market. The tide
of the buying demand had all of the Im
pressive sweep of periods of widespread
speculation, and the movements were char
acteristically lucking In special newa to
explain them. The only news which seemed
to be regarded waa an advance in price.
Wherever this occurred it was sure to be
followed fiuickly by a surging demand
which churned up the particular stock af
fected into violent activity and buoyancy.
All news was favorably Interpreted, or, if
that waa not feasible, was Ignored. Union
Pacific was the sensation of the market and
waa carried Irresistibly to A record price
level. The previous record of 133 was made
in Mnv 1901. doing the period of buying of
the stock In retaliation for the campaign
by Its owners for control of Northern Pa
cific. Information from well Informed
sources precluded the Idea that anything
like a corner In the stock was threatened
Equally well Informed authorities depre
cated the talk thnt any plan whs In prog
ress looking to a change in the status of
the company. Hanking Interests near to
the company were authority for the opin
ion that the movement waa purely due to
speculation In the stock.
An even more violent price movement
was that In Sloes-Sheffield Steel, which
was Jumped up over 20 points. Rumors
were plenty of a coming merger of southern
iron companies. Storm blockades and hold
ing of cotton are forcing down the earnings
of railroads in the southwest, but that
group waa conspicuous for strength In the
day's movement. The reported abandon
ment of rate legislation for this session of
congress, the hope that the New Haven
labor trouble Is to be arbitrated and the
belief that that war of rates on expert
frraln will soon be terminated were minor
ufluencea In keeping up the demand. But
the overriding factor was the growth and
spread of speculative excitiment. which
brings Increasing crowds of buyers Into
the market. Buying of this character,
without a reason why. swept price Irre
sistibly to a higher level. That advantage
was taken of the advent of public buying tn
secure profits on an . enormous scale was
evident from the occasional unettlement
of the market. The closing itself waa rather
Irregular, but the general character of the
day's highly speculative market was not
altered by this fact.
Bonds were steady, but were not so active
as stocks. Total sales, par value, 85,035.000.
United States bonds were all unchanged on
Quotations on the New York Stock ex
change ranged as follows:
Ha les. H Igh. w.Clnse.
20.900 69 -88 89-
4,200 . log 102 102
300 Ul '121 1;o
-.(B, lt 10ti ' !, lofii.
do pfd ! ,
Atlantic Coaxt Line
Baltimore & Ohio..
do Dfd i..;..
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J
Chesapeake & Ohio..
Chicago & Alton
do pfd
Chicago Gt. Western
Chicago & N. W.
- 800' '97
7.0UO- 137
iu an
& T...
C. M. & St. P 30.8HO 178
Chicago Term
do pro ..-
C. , C, C. & St. L
Colo. & Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Delaware A Hudson..
D. . L. ft Wfl
Denver ft Rio Grande
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ...
do pfd
K. C. Southern ,
do pfd
4.8UO 194 191 192
6 .610
'..'.'.'. i'.ioo
88 '
88 .
172 :
Iuls. ft Nashville.... 2,700 138 138
Manhattan 1 4.300 1 72 172 '
Met. Securities 2.900 82 81
Met. St. Ry 8,800 121 120
Mexican Central 600 23 22
M. & St. L
M., St. P. ft 8. 8. M... 3.300 106 104
do pfd
Missouri Pacific 37.700 108 107 108
M., K. ft T 6.3HO 32 31 32
do pfd 4.600 66 64 65
N. R. R. of M. pfd.... 100 41 41 41
N. Y. Central 11.9H) 148 147 148
N. Y O. ft W 77.600 6&t 6354 66A
Norfolk ft Western... 6,3oO 84 8.1 83
300 93 93 92 :
.85,000 140 139 140
do pfd
Pennsylvania ....
P.. C. C. ft St. L
Reading 189,600
do 1st pfd luO
do 2d pfd
Rock Island Co 2.100
do pfd 500
St. K ft 8. F. 2d pfd.. MO
... 800
... 1,400
... 300
... 32.300
... 4.0
... 9.600
70 70
2ti 26
63 63
69 69 69
130 119 119
so1 34
2.800 101 101 101
9 Oi) 00 9.T
2.000 23
2.700 47
... 200 260
..118.1H0 77fl
61 10
St. Louis S
do pfd
Southern Pacific ..
do pfd
Southern Railway
do pfd
Texas ft raclfio ..
T.. St. U ft W
do pfd
Union Pacific
do pfd
do pfd
Wheeling & L. 10..
Wisconsin Central
do pfd
Adams Ex
American Ex
United States Ex..
Wells-Fargo Ex...
Amal. Conner
Am. Car ft Foundry.
do pfd
Am. Cotton Oil ,
do pfd
Am. Ice
do pfd
Am. Linseed Oil
do pfd ar.,
Am. locomotive
do pfd
Am. Smelt, ft Refng
do pfd
Am Surer Refnr....
Am, Tobacco, pfd cert
Anaconaa ru. vo..
Brooklyn R. T
Colo. Fuel ft Iron.
Consolidated Gas..
Corn Products ,
do pfd
i 1 1 1 . . ..I , L
General Electric 1.2o0 187 I81UI
IliinriiAiiuiiMj 47avv. .uv 7S 1
no pro
International Pump.
do pfd
National Iead
North American ....
Pacific Mall
People's Has
pressed Steel Car...
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do ofd
Tenn, Coal ft Iron 87,100
. 4.800
. 2.700 119
.21,800 1 451
1.300 40
. 200
. l aw
. 8.100
. 2.BU0
U. S. Leather 1.400
do pfd 1.100
U. S. Realty Mrt
U. 8. Rubber 2.0n0
do pfd ?no
U. 8. Steel 127.SIO
do nfd 43.000
Vs. -Carolina Chem.... 2.9"0
do nfd 400
Westinrh'wiss Eleo..... n
Western Union ........ 1 400
..... 94
8? . 86
1! 12
106 . imu
44 43. K
33V M
95 96
lie 110
10 1X0.
93 M
2.100 109 107U
..25.100 631 62
..22,600 62 61
.. 4.3110 207 206
.. 2.900 21 21
w il 77 V
6) 38
39 '
3.1i0 17 lft7sl
4,0ft) M S7i2
fid cotT
80 '
77 :
Total sales for the day, 1.800.000 shares. ,
Treaanry Statement.'
WASHINGTON. Feb 21 Tedy s -slate-ment
of the treasury balance in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 815),04),(4W gold
reserve In ths division of redemption. ! nil 1 1 it'n CTHPL' 1 D L' L T
:ls7i.v,,w c"h b"'"nc ,10v,i:!Uj1A11A LIt MOU jlAKKtl
Xew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. fb. 21 MOXET-On rail,
steady at 3ir?W rer cent: closing bid.
2 per rent; offered. . 2 per cent. Time
loans, steadv; (0 and 90 days. 1 per cent;
months, 3V,tl3 rp cent.
''VtkRLING EXCHANGE Weak, with
actual business in bankers' bills at 84 8726tf
4 8730 for demand and at 84 86H4 8515 for
en-da v bills; posted rates. 84 864600 and
84.8'B4.88'4; commerclsl bills, 84 85.
ILVER-Bsr. Kir; Mexican dollars. 47V.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing prices On bonds:
f. S. rrl. I; reg....l4t Jtpan . etft 1(11
da coupes .., Itxt I. A N. unl. i lflOt
4a It. rf tn4 Manrurun e. t 4..lo'4
do ronpon lnd Mei. ontrsl 4t 74S
do Bw 4s. ft Oi (to 1st Ine t3
do coupon HI Mlna. 8. U 4s.... M
do old 4. ref 106n M . K. T. 4a mi
do coupon 1061 do I
Am. Tobacco 4a. ctfa. 75', N. R. R. of M. r. 4 12
do to. ctfa tut N. r. r. 1st ine
Alchlaon tn. 4a HM1 N. 3. c g. it
do sdi. 7 No. racltte 4a 1WW
Atlantic r. L. 4 lltt do ta
Hal. A Ohio 4a 1 N. A V. c 4a tot
do ta S O. S. L. rfd 4a 7i
Central of Ca. ao IX r cmr. l I0'
do lot Inc ti Readtas sen. 4a lU'a
do td Ine 4 st. L. I. M. r a . 117
rhn Ohio 4 St. U ft 9 T. fx 4a. 1
t'hJcaxo aV A. J Si. 1. t. W. e. 4a ... 12
C . n. A Q. n. 4 ins Seaboard A I,. 4a l S
C. It. I. ft P. 4a.... MS Ho. Pacific t
do col. ta M Bo Rallwar is m
rci'. sr. 1 g. 4a.. ins Toaa A P. ta Its
rhlcsfto Ter. 4a T iT.. gt. U w. 4a.. 14
Colorado Mid. 4a.... 7 t nlon Paclflc 4a in
Colo, ft So. 4a Ml do roar. 1SSV.
Cuba la, ctfa 107 t". S. Slael id ta a
"D. R. 0. 4a'. IftlS.Wabaah la 11V
nintlllera' 8ac. in 7l to dah. II '"W
Erla prior Man 4a 10144 Weal em Md. 4a. tl't
do fen. 4a ? w. 4V U K. 4a
F. W. ft.D. C. la..H0iWI. Cantral 4a 4
Hockltif Val 4'... lni,l
'Offered. Bid.
Boston Stors Market.
ROSTON. Feb. 21 Call losns. 24
cent; time loans. 394 per cent. (
closing on stocks snd btmds:
Atctiiann adj. 4o M Weatlns comrann
da 4a
Max Cantral 4s..
do pfd
Booton a- Albany.
Doaron A Mains.
'Ronton Clevatad ..
Pitch bun pfd
Max. Control
N. Y.. N. H. ft H.
Pars Marquatte ..
t'nlon Pactfio
A mar. Argo. Cham,
do pfd
Pnau. Tubs..
Pillar .......
t. a t
Dominion t. A a..
Ed Hon Eire. Illu...
ttaneral Rlectrle ..
Maas. Klactrle
do pfd
Una. tlaa
I'nlwd Prult
I'nited Shoo Math..
do pfd
I'. S. fstoel
do pfd
Asked. "Bid.
... 1414
.. .I4'
. lit
American Xlne
(al. A Hocls..
fntannlal ....
f'oppor Ranga .
Paly Waal
liomtnlon Coal
;i!lnle Rorala ...
. lOVa Maim. Mining .
. t Michigan
.143 IMohaok
.1St"4lMnl C. A C.
.144V Old Dominion .
. 14 lOacaola
. IS 14 Parrot
. t
1 14
. M
. 44
. MS
. S6U
ITamarack ....
t . B. Mining.
f. t. Oil
t tah
Wolvarlno ....
iS per
... 7
... SS
... 7714
... tl
... 17
... :t
... 71
... an
... 11
... i
... il
... 14
... U
... 4
... !7S
... ti
... it
... I
... II
... 41
... 1-1W
Usdoa Stock Market.
LONDON, Feb. 21, Closing quotations oh
stocks and bonds:
Conaola, money .. V) 1114
do account ..
do ptd
Baltlmor A Ohio. .. . 104
Canadian Pacific ....141
Chaa. A Ohio...
Chicago Ot. W.
C. M. A St. P
Denver A R. 0..
do pfd
do lat pfd...
do 2d pfd..,,
Illinois Cantral ,
Ioula. A Naah..
M . K. A T
N. Y. Cantral
Norfolk A W
do pfd
Ontario W
Hand Minea
do lat pfd
do 2d ptd.
9b. Rallwar
do pfd
3o. Pacific ..
Union Pacific
do pfd ....
I'. 8. Staol...
do pfd ....
do pfd . . . ,
Kpantah 4a ..
PILVEP-Bar, firm. 28 1-16d per ounce,
. mu.'n r. x Vx'tlo per -cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2 per cent. The rate
of discount In the open msrket for three
months' bills is 2ttP4 per cent.
w York Mining; Storks.
NEW YORK, Feb 21,-The following are
the closing quotations on mining mocks:
.. l.
.. 11V
., 0
.. 47S
.. Mi
. .111
. 4'
. 9S
. ss
. 71"
. 10
. 44
. 47
. 41
. j;.
. 71
. S41,
. 41
. ta
. 4744
. tl
Adatna Con' is iLtttla chlaf.
A Ilea 0TKatarlo
Bretee ZD Ophlr
Brtinawlck Cnti I Phoantx
Comatook Turtnal ibV Potnsl
Con. L'al Va. !,
Horn Silver ...... ,,..1T0 flarra Nevada
Iron Sllvor . .too Small Hopoo ..
Loadvllla Con I Htandard
... a
... 14
... S
... 44
I Forelgrn ' Financial.
TENDON, ' Feb. Si. Money was in good
dqmand In the market today, calls and dis
bursements causing' a considerable move
ment. The tone on. the Stock exchange
was cheerful and a fair business was trans
acted despite the .settlement. There was a
continued Investment demand, this being
stimulated by the monetary outlook ana
the hopes-for peaoerln.the far east. Con
sols were strong, but relapsed later on
profit-taking. Home rails were active, par
ticularly the heavy lines. Amerlcsns were
firm and above parity. Numerous advances
were recorded, especially In New York. On
tario AV Western, Atchison. Topeka A. Santa
Ke, Southern Psciflc and I'nited States
flteel, while Union .Pacific rallied after a
lower opening. The stocks were fairly ac
tive throughout and closed firm. Japanese
were the features. Imperiul Japanese gov
ernment 6s of 1904 were quoted at 103.
Copper shares were well supported and had
a hardening tendency.
BERLIN, Feb. 21. On the Bourse today
the market was firmer In most of the de
partments In consequence of the Paris and
London advices.
PARI8. Feb. 21. The tone on the Bourse
today was firm except in the case of Rus
sians, which were depressed as a conse
quence of the student agitation In Russia.
Russian Imperial 4a were quoted at 91.60
and Russian bonds of 19o4 at 607.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Feb. 21. WOOl Interest in the
local wool market IS divided between the
foreign grades, which sre now from neces
sity In tne principal demand, and In the do
mestic wools, which are nearly exhausted.
There is some talk, of lower prices, the
market now being steady, but It is consid
ered doubtful if these will develop. Pulled
wools are In good demand. There is little
trading in territory wools. Territory, Idaho
fine, 18519c; heavy fine, 16Jfl7c; fine me
dium, 18ulSc.; medium, 2&23c: low me
dium. ' 234i4c; Wyoming, fine,' I8f18e;
heavy fine. 22fJ23c: low medium, 23(240.
lT?ah and Nevada, fine, 170-180; heavy fine,
16Tal6c; fins. 17&'18e; medium, 22igU3c; low
medium, 23824e. Dakota, fine, 17419c; me
dlum, 18'8,19c; medium, 284r24c; low medium,
23t'24e. Montana, fine, choice, HijrtBc; flue,
average, lij20c; fine, medium choice, 21
22c; average, 194f2Qc; staple, 2ff:3c; medium
choice. 28ffl'?4o.
- ST. ions, Feb. a. WOOI-Steady: me
dium grades, combing and clothing, 20ff;(f;
light fine, 21fc22c; heavy fine, l.lSc;
washed, 330400.
Cotton Mnrkct.
NEW YORK. Feb. 21. COTTON-Spot
closed quiet. 10 points higher; middling up
lands. -8c; middling . gulf. 8.26c; sales, 83
fair demand: prices points lower: Amer
ican middling fair. 4.82d; good middling,
4 SOd: middling, 4.18d; low middling. 4.0M;
good ordinary, 8.92d: ordinary. 3.76d. The
sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which
I 000 were for speculation and export and
included 9,100 American. Receipts. 26,400
bales all American.'
Bteady; sales. 2.S60 bales: ordinary. 6 3-lHc;
good ordinary, 6c: low middling. 7c; mid
dling, 7 1 -16c; good middling. 8 1-16c; mid
dling fair, 6c; receipts, 7,176 bales: stock,
79 W8 bales.
ST. LOl'IS. Feb. 21.-COTTON-Quiet. un
changed: middling. 7c; sales, ho bales; re.
relpts, 100 bales; shipments, 60 bales; stock,
44,093 bales.
Metal Market.
' NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-METALf4 London
cabled lower tin .prices with spot at 130
16s and futures at 130 6s. Locally the
msrket was easy, with spot held at 8'J8.7S4t
29.00. Copper was a shads higher at 01
6s 3d for soot snd 88 13a d for futures
In the London market. Locally It was un
changed, with lake held at 316.60, electro
lytic at 816.87&16.60 and casting at 316 00
(trl6 25. 1,ead waa unchanged at 34.464&4.AO
In the local market, while Ixmdon waa
firmer at 12 lus.- flnelier was easier In
Ixindon, closing at 24 7a Jd. but remained
unchanged at tL10h.20 In New York. Iron
closed st 63s In Glasgow snd st 47s 10d
In .Mlddlesborouah. Locally Iron waa un
changed, with No. 1 northern foundrv at
217.60417.96, No. 3 northern foundrv at 817.S0
and No. 1 southern snd No. 1 southern soft
foundry st 317.7Mrl.2&.
ST, ICIS. Feb. 31. METAI.B-I.esd.
quiet. 84.364.37. Spelter, sleudy, 86.
jj6.00. ,
NEW YORK Feb. 21,-Bl'GAR-Raw.
2rm; fair refining. 4c; centrifugal, 98 test,
o; molasses sugar. 4c: refined, firm;
crushed. 6.76c; powdered, .16c; granulated,
QiUct: open kettle, 34Wc; open kettle,
eeiitrlfuaal. 4ft4,c; centrifugal whites,
f.c; vellows. 4,fatruc; seconds. 34;.
MOI A8Ufc--CJiilrt; open kettle. 1312oc:
centrifugal, tfl6c Byrup, steady vff"?6c,
Cattle Beceipti Hetj and Market Again
Slew and Weak. ,
Good Demand for sheen nt Steady
Trices. Some a 1. litis Higher,
test tenths Were Hard to
Sell at Steady Trices,
SOt'TH OMAHA. Feb. 21, 1905.
Receipts were: Csttle. Hoes. Sheep.
Official Monday 4.1M 7.810 13.149
Official Tuesday tt.soi) 14,21 'i,.1)
To davs this week. .10 4.18 21.010 20.S49
Same dnjs laat week 1.813 3.093 4.747
Same days week before. .!so 16.319 14.291
Same three weeks ago.. .4ir.' 10i3 10.271
Psme four weeks sgo... e.370 17.535 13.S21
ftame days last year. . . .12.'J0 23.818 21.827
The following table shows tfr. receipts ot
cattle, hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for
ths year to date with comparisons with last
li6. 1904. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 113.04S li;.41Hi i.'MH
Hogs 337.11 331.613 8,164
Sheep 219,76(1 261.601 H.'4i
The following table shows the average
price nf hogs at South Omaha for the last
several dsys, with onmpsrleoin:
'all anxious for supplies and the general
m-irket was lust about steady with
uay. Trsding was active after buyers and
fellers got tugether. on tb bs!s of a
steady msrket, and It wss not long bef.ire
most of the early arrivals hsd chsngel
hsnds. The same aa was the esse yester
dsy, however, the late arrival of some of
the trains delayed the clnse until a late
hour. The quality of the receipts today
wss notlccsbly better than yesterday,
which beips out the appearance of the mar
ket on paper to quite an extent, there being
a large number of good heavv h"g In
cluded In the offering. The light weights
sold largely from II down, butchers snd
mixed 84 66 to 84.70 and choice heavies from
M TO tn 84 80.
There wss not a g'est deil of change In
the msrket, though some of the late sr
rlvsls mav have sold a shade lower
those that came in earlier. Ccnslderlng the
liberal recelnts, a rood clearance was made.
Representative sales:
Feb. t...
Feb. 2...
Feb. 8...
Feb. 4...
Feb e...
Feb. 7...
Feb. 8 ..
Feb. ..
Feb. 10..
Feb. 11..
Feb. 12..
Feb. 13..
Feb. 14..
Feb. 13..
Feb. 1..
Feb. 17..
Feb. 18..
Feb. 19..
Feb. 20..
Feb. 21,.
j 19f. 11904. 11903. 11902. 11901. ;i9no.'lW9.
4 69 I 4 721
.1 4 70 ! 4 73
.1 4 721 4 84I
.1 4 74 4 811
' 1 4 77,'
4 821 4 (11
4 74l
4 63,
4 14
4 76-
4 7
4 81
4 84
4 M
4 73
4 66
4 881
4 881
6 01
i OH
t 01
4 96,
n 621
6 74
6 I2i 6 22!
I 25
8 9.11 I
t 961 I 31
8 111 i 23,
14! 6 211
081 5 ZX!
4 99
6 03(
6 02:
6 04
6 12!
6 24;
6 70
6 72'
6 63:
( 9.1
7 03;
6 97 1
6 ks'
0 P
6 981
8 00
C 04
5 99
6 n
i 81
6 29
6 251
6 32
6 30
6 24
6 31
6 28
5 28
4 87 3 64
4 m 3 64
4 821 3 U
I 8 68
4 661
4 701 3 Si
4 1 X 66
4 75!
4 84
4 80
8 64
3 70
3 71
8 66
8 68
3 M
8 65
5 79;
6 78, 6 22
6 861 6 23!
6 Ml 6 31 1
5 8 6 :3i
4 79
4 ffl"! f8
4 76! 3 SS
4 83
4 781 3 50
4 74! 3 47
Indicates Sunday.
The (ifflulal number of cars of st
brought In today bv each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'
C, M. St. P 10 7
Wabash 2
Missouri Pacific 5 2
I'nion Pacific system. 75 44 24
C. & N. W 9 10
F., E. A M. V 34 49
C, St. P., M. & 0 39 19
B. A M ri4 6.1 8
C B; AY Q 10 10
K. C. ft St. J 1
C, R. 1. A P., east... 2
C, R. I. ft P.. west... 2
Illinois Central 6 ..
Chicago G. W 2 6
Totals receipts.
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sneep
Omaha Packing Co ho
Swift and Company 816
Cudahy Packing Co 1.139
Armour ft Co 903
Vansant ft Co Iu2
Carey ft Benton 7
Ixibman & Co lot
McCreary & Curey u
Hill ft Huntzlnger 109
H. F. Hamilton 149
L. F. Hun 29
Wolf A Murnan 131
Sam We.rthelmer 79
Mike Hnggerty 69
Sol Degan 20
Bulla ft Kline 43
J. B. Root, ft Co 32
S. ft S
B. H. Clark 9
Other buyers 6ti2
Totals 5,180 14,792 8.024
CATTLK--There was a btg run of cattle
In aight this morning and as a result the
tendency of prices was again Downward.
Packers still complained 01 a shortage of
refrigerator cars and used that as a Dear
1 eat ui e on the market. It waa the miaule
ot Iho torenoon before buyers went into
the yards and at noon only a small per
centage of the receipts had changed hands.
The steer market could probabiy best oe
described by calling it very slow and gen
erally a dime lower. Something that hap
pened to Just suit buyers may not have sui
ter ed that much, but on ine other hand
some sales were more than a dune lower,
so that on the average a dime would prob
ably Just about cover the loss. Saliismen
(ild not like the Idea ot taking otf that
much in view of the break in yester
day and nt the close of last week, but con
unions were all against them and they
finally had to cut loose.
The cow market was also slow and lower
all around. Buyers did not take hold wl;h
any life except In the case of something
that struck their fancy, which they bought
at not far from yesterday's prices. Wnen
It came to the general run of cattle the
market was safety a dime lower and in
some cases more. 'The same as with steers,
a dlmrt would Just about cover the Ioks on
ths sverage. Owing to the lH(k of activity
and the number of cows and heifers on
sale, it was late In the afternoon before
even the bulk of the offerings was dis
posed of.
Bulls, veal calves and stags were nil slow
and weak In sympathy with the decline on
steers and cows.
There was a fair demand for feeders of
good weight and quality, but offerings were
limited largely to warmed-up corn feds.
Where that clnns of cattle had sufficient
quality feeder buyers took hold of them
quite freely and paid considerably more for
them than packets would give, but unless
the cattle were of good quality feeders
would not buy them. Green cattle. If of
good weight and quality, sold freely at
steady prices, but common and light-weight
stockers were slow, the same as usual.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr No. Av IT.
ir. lots 3 M 14 in: 1 s
11 1014 H to 1144 4 00
13 Ml t U JO 107 4 OA
4 1070 S 40 II 1H1 4 04
1044 I 44 IS Ml 4 no
7 1 4 tl 1101 4 00
20 1041 8 t Id 12S 4 46
4 1104 1 10 Z0 1JT7 4 10
It 11SI I 70 7 1IM1 4 10
41 104.1 1 70 13 12,11 4 10
4 1141 3 71 to 11(0 4 14
It 1014 1 TD 19 14: 4 to
1 1140 1 40 10. Mitt 4 V)
21 1040 I IS J U-J5 4 u
11 1141 I 0 14 121S 4 4il
21 UTO 1 40 1 1100 4 76
U 1131 1 0
4 171 1 00 1 f? 4 (a)
10 1411 I 60
1 740 1 Vt 1 11M I n
1 7 1 40 1 1150 t 00
1 P20 1 DO 1 mo I on
t 176 t 00 II 1114 I II
6 1004 I 10 . II Illl I 10
1 736 I 16 14 10.11 1 10
1 410 t M 1 1004 I 10
i 747 I in 1 1044 I 11
1 116 : S4 6 10! I 16
1 110 i 11 II 108 1 It
4 lit I 40 4 mi I It
1 IM t 60 7 122 J 3 10
14 Ml I 44 11 1116 I t
I 1041 I 4ii 11... M! I If,
t U'il 1 44 4 1114 I 2k
1 1011 I 71 17 1004 8 44
1 110 1 40 1 11U I 40
10 1041 t 40 1 1151 I 40
7. 142 2 H4 4 1270 I Hi,
II 441 8 14 4 1.V.7 I 44
1 1116 1 40 14 I .'II I M)
It 170 2 6 61 1111 8
!0 11 t l 9 IM 1 10
4 7M 9 00 I Ml 8 25
il .' 744 3 00 '4... 1017 I a
1 1600 I 14 1 ll.'W I 10
1 14U0 I 10 1 17K0 1 15
1 1410 I 20 '. 644 8 76
1 .1110 I 26
1 S4 J 00 1 144 t It
1 tO 4 00 1 110 I M
1 ISO 4 00 1 170 4 75
1 140 4 60
It Ill 8 76 I tit I 64
I IM 4 ...
1 440 I 16 1 1004 J 60
704 1 10
I Mil I 15 1 740 I 26
4 t'2 I 26 I IM I 21
1 410 I 16 6 644 8 26
1 640 I 64 1 724 I It
I 110 I 51) 7 M I St
t 471 I 14 4.... 711 8 14
7ut I 76 26 70S I 40
II 11.4') 1 44 6 . 644 8 40
10 Ill S 40 ' 2 ." I 45
1 411 " 4... 1(6 a 45
I ,. 404 I 40 14 404 I st
I , IM - ' 1 176 I 60
t 776 I 0 6 40 I to
11 414 I it 1 10S4 I 40
II 147 I 14 6 114 8 tft
II, 4.14 I 1 1 11100 I 40
I. MS I 20 II 1116 4 44
4 Ml I 24
HOGS-Rerelpts this morning were very
liberal, over 2u0 cars being on sale, Re
ceipts at other points were also fairly lib
eral, but still the market held up in very
satisfactory manner. Al the start lackers
here were Inclined to be a little bearish and
some sales may have been made a trifl
weaker, but the market soon strengthen!
ss It hetsma apparent that packers were
No. A. 8k. r.
12 nt ... 4 0
102 146 ... 4 4n
22 14 ... 4 40
S 147 ... 4 40
II 117 ... 4 40
4t Its ... 4 41
47 14 ... 4 n
41 OJ ... It"
i 144 SO 4
14 let ... 4
71 2) 124 4
1 2:4 ... 4 48
61 lu ... 4 .
ct rw 40 4 44
24 nt ... 4 40
41 J40 ... 4 45
71 200 ... 4 44
44 144 ... 4 45
45 11 ... 4 45
44 Ill 44 4 45
31 IM ... 4 45
77 207 140 4 45
47 Zl ... 4 45
44 246 IM 4 44
43 ??o ... 111
77 2"! ... 4 45
44 - fl 4 46
fl 241 tfl 4 4
II J") ... 4 45
IS 212 ... 4 45
75 207 ... 4 45
J 217 ... 4 46
11 210 ... 4 65
15 144 ... 4 45
71 7 ... 4 45
214 ... 4 45
71 241 144 4 4714
44 246 ... 4 4714,
13 214 10 4 47V,
74 211 ... 4 471,
in ril 114 4 7H
75 214 ... 4 47i
71 117 40 4 471
75 164 ... 4 47V,
76 144 ... 4 47V,
17 211 ... 4 47H
14 '41 ... 4 47'4
42 221 ... 4 47V,
77 222 10 4 4714
21 210 ... 4 471,
15 214 ... 4 47V
45 224 ... 4 47
No. A. Sh. Fr.
241 M I 1714
II IM . . 4 4, v,
40 124 tn 4 47V,
hi ?i ... 4 a'v,
4. 241 ... 4 47V,
51 Ill ... 4 41V,
l . .21 40 I 70
61 277 i 4 7li
54 Ml SO 4 7'i
41 si: ... 4 !
41 .Kit ... 4 70
( 21 40 4 7a
71 2.M 1411 4 70
71 24 an 4 70
It :.t . . 4 70
44 52 120 4 70
4.: 2 .4 44 4 70
16 211 . . 4 74
61 IWI 40 4 7il
70 147 ... 4 70
71 2.-4 ... 4 7n
21 247 ... 4 74
21 141 ... 4 70
74 207 ... 4 70
10 214 120 4 7n
44 171 40 4 70
74 217 ... 4 7li
71 245 ... 4 7n
44 .......211 ... 4 70
51 210 ... 4 70
44 24 40 4 7n
64 241 ... 4 70
21 241 ... 4 70
12 110 ... 4 in
75 234 ... 4 70
77 234 ... 4 70
10 254 ... 4 70
74 IM ... 4 70
47 254 4" 4 70
20 254 40 4 70
61 251 ... 4 111
ID 271 ... 4 72V,
44 241 ... 4 7 2V,
40 STO ... 4 2'
47 255 ... 4 72 V,
61 12 ... 4 71V,
61 14: ... 4 721,
44 144 120 4 76
111 : ... 4 "6
SJ 124 40 4 76
61 Ml tn 4 40
64 171 10 4 to
is quite a liberal run of
sheep here this morning, though not a
msnv as arrived yesteruay. Hrports trom
other points Wete not very encouraging, tuc
still buvers took hold fieely and a .alriy
active and about steady market waa ex
perienced on sheep, with some ot the
choicer grades, particularly ewes, a little
higher. Muyers seemed to want the sheep
and It was not long before the bulk of the
better grades was disposed of. Ewes, both
westerns and Colorado, sold at 3i.t5,
Is the top notcl. of tne season. Yearlings
and wethers mixed brought 86.36 and year
lings 86.60.
The lamb market was again rather slow,
with the feeilng weak rather than other
wise. Buyers did not take hold with any
life, and although there were some choice
lambs offered, trading was dull. Ab com
pared with yesterday, though, there whs
not a great deal of difference in ruling
Quotations for led stock: CSood to choice
yearlings, 86.26i86.M- fair to good year
lings, r..75(t7J.lA; good to choice wethers.
36.26I&8.66; lair to good uetnr. t4.itiTi.l.t:
good to choice ewes, 85.00rtr5.5U; fair to good
ewes. 4 aWi v0; .'' 1 itl i
434.60; good to choice lambs. 37,BO(tf7.75; fnlr
to good lambs, J7.U0fi7.fru; feeder yearlings,
34.iOiti6.M); feeder weinori 4.uu4.oo. :eeder
ewes, 43.2503.75; feeder lambs, 46.5oOti.JS.
ReDicfcniaiive suits:
No. v Pr.
5 western bucks 118. 2 76
I western stags ; 9 2 75
10 western cull ewfs i7 3 60
1 western buck 120 4 01
170 western ewes '.-9 6 00
16 western ewes 91 5 25
32 western ewes 62 5 2i
4 western ewes 75 6 26
2 western ewes 115 5 25
226 western ewes 112 5 35
475 western ewes 102 6 65
40 western yearlings and weth
ers 82 6 SB
203 western yearlings and wetb-.
era 84 ft
201 western fed lambs 62 6 50
27 western yearlings 91 6 50
31 western lambs 7; 7 to
219 western lambs " 7 10
126 western lambs , 72 7 30
191 western ewes Ill 6 25
344 Mexican ewes 87 6 55
124 Mexican ewes M 6 66
479 western lambs 78 7 50.
620 western lambs 78 7 30
100 western ewes 114 5 05
292 western ewes 118 5 65
459 western ewes 96 6 10
398 western ewes 107 5 30
S9 western wethers 93 5 60
391 western ewes 97 6 55
240 western yearlings 92 6 50
78 western yearlings 80 R fti
282 western lambs 64 6 75
Cattle and Hogs fteady heep and
Iinibs Tea Cents Lower.
CHICAGO, Feb. 21. CATTLK Receipts,
8.500 hesd; market steady; good to prime
steers. 36.75dJ4J.26: poor to medium. 4.0Kii
5.66: stockers and feeders, 3-'.50a4 40; cows,
81.2 11)74.60: heifers. 82 OjCtfS.OO; canncrs, 81.35
(62.75; bulls, 32.00024.25; calves. 33.DDQ.7.75.
HOGS Receipts. 28.600 hesd; estimated
for tomorrow, 40.0O1I head; market steady;
mixed and butchers, $4.7014.95; gond to
choice heavy, J5.72ifx72Vj: rough heavy, .)
ltd. 80; light, 4.66'ia4.oo; nulk of sales, !
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 18,r00
head; market 10c lower; to choice
wethers. 85.608600; fair to choice mixed.
34.50tt6.sri; western sheep, 84.7o''o 1.00; native
lambs, 3t); western lambs,
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 7,6t) head. Including 100 southerns.
Mi.rket steady to strong; choice export and
dreeied beef steers, 34.9(ff5.00; stockers and
feedenx. $2.00ifi4.26; southern steers. 83.i5(t
4.60; southern cows. J2.26iS3.26; native cows,
Jl.76i84.10; native heifers. 32.6OS4.60; bulls,
J2.6i33.76; calve. J3.OOftH.75.
HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head. Market By
10c higher; top, J4.96: bulk of sales. 34. 7043
4.90; packers. 14.86(8 4.95; mixed, J4.75G 4.90;
pigs snd light. 84.05'4.8n.
SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 11.BO0
head. Market 10(fil5c lower; native lambs,
87.OiKfi7.Bii: native wethers. jr,.00f5 75; native
ewee, J4.751J6.25; western fed lambs. J7.0mi
7.80; western fed yearlings, 80.26341.80; west
ern fed sheep, J4.i54j6.75; stockers and feed
ers, J3.6tXgfi.66.
reached since the high point of the season,
and later a rally In Havre holding the msr
ket somewhat thre ss a recovery to a net
dec Ine of about STtW points. The close,
however, while stesilv Wns net IflTilS points
lower. Salts ta.-ie rr.i'ted of 139. :'.'0 bugs.
Including: Mav. 4'.v.vj;c; July, 7.-041 1;
Septemltrcr. : 4ii: 4.V: Octntier 7..W: Ie-
cemhor. 7 0lr7.ti6c; Januarv. 7 vfl7.7Sc. Sprit
Rio. unlet: No. 7 Invoice, S'iC. Mild, quiet;
Cordova, 1"r1.'c.
OM4.H4. WMOI.r.s 4.I.F. M4.RKF.T.
Condition of Trade and Quotations oa
Mtople anil Fancy I'roilaice.
Kims Candled stock. i3c.
i.lK I'ult. I'MY t hli kens, lot; roost era,
S1! ; uirs, 1.1c; gc-h .vkiOc.
iiKK.vSi',1) iiu.'i.i m-iu.K.yn. lryt'io;
di.cks. i.'i , (of .f, He; t h.v kens. 11 .1-0,
1 one. rs. 7tu8e.
hi "11 Ki r-scklng stock, 22-e: cholre to
fancy nairy, v ; creameiy, .ijTOi
pi mis. ...c.
Khb.Sn FROZEN FISH Trout. 9t ; pick
erel, in ; pike. c; perch, id tnuettsn. Loj
nbitcti(h. 9c, salmi n, l.u-: rcdsnsppf r. 110;
lot.fcter iRreeni. -; lnOstrr tuuiiidi. Saci
bu IheHds. He; catll.-ll. lie; bl 11k bass,
halibut, )2c; crappies. lie: nutTalu, .c; whlta
bass, lie; irng 1, gs, pir dux., 2c.
HKAN-l'er ton. l'i.U.
HAV Prices tinitd by Omaha Wholesale
Hay llers' association: t hi Ice No. I np
lai.d. 85.1; No. 2, Ji.0'; m' J5.ii; e. j 5 mi. Kve strw. 8,-i.tO. Thrse pries
are for hn 01 good cmor and quality.
OYS I K Kf New York counts, per rnn
45 ; extra seiects, per rsn. Snc; standards, can. Stic. Hulk: Standards, per gal,
41.75: extra selects, per gal., J2.n; New
York counts, ier gal.. 82.00
TROPICA I . hit rim
ORANGKe eallftii nis. extra lancy Red
land navels, all sites. t-.So; choice tvedlaai
navels, 22a; cnolce cavc-is. ell sites, t.'.co.
Lr.AiONN 'alitcrria. fancv. J2.70: 3 0 ani
r8". . 2.'; choice. 270. 3t. Sttt, 3.t0.
DATKri Per box of ;i(-.b. pkgs.. J2.14);
Halloween. In oi-lh. tnxes, per lb, ,icj
layers. 44c.
KIGrt 4. Mllfornls. per 10-lh carton. 7.VJ
r5c; Imported Smyrna. 4-erewn. 10c; .i aul
6-crovsn, 12c; fancy, Impnitvit iwasuedl, 111
1 lb. pkgs., 16-ylSc.
BANANAS per medlum-slied bunch. J1.TI
ti'2.:6: lumbos. J2.5. tb'.i.oo.
GltAi'e.r Kl'1 T-l cr box of 54 to I'd. JOJ
Fill" ITS.
APPLES New York Kings. J3 26: Nets'
York Greenings. J2.75; New York Baldwins,
J2.75; Colorado Wlnesaps, per bu. box, Jl.50
Genlton. 81. 10.
UKAPEH Imported Malaga, per kef,
Jk on'iid 50.
TANGERINES California, per H beg.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell nnd Bu
gle, per bbl., JM.00; Jerseys, per bbl., JS.OO,
per box, J2.76.
POTATOES Hume grown, In sacks, per
bu., 45c; Colorado, per hu., 55c.
TI'RNIPS-Old, per bu., 4c; Canada rut
abagas, per lb., lc: new. per dog,, 45o.
CaKROTS Old. per bu., 40c; new, per
dox.. 4ic.
PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 40c.
BEETS Old, per bu., 60c; new, per dos
BEANS Navy, per bu., J1.HV91.9rt.
ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, parr
lb., !c; per crate. J26o; Colorado
yellow, per lb., 2c; white, per lb., 2lc; new,
southern, per tint , 45c.
CI.'CfMHERR-per do.. J1.7.Vfi.o.
TOMATOES Florida, per 6-hasket crata,
CA H RAG E Holla lid feed, per lh.. l'c.
SWEET Pi 1TATOE8 Kansas kiln dried,
per bbl., J2.50.
CELKHY-Culifiirnla. 4.",(675c.
RADISHES Hot house, per dux., 45c.
LETT CCE Per box of about fifteen
heads, 80c.-
RHI BARB Per dog. bunches, 75cfJJ1.00.
PARSLEY Per tins, hunches, 75c.
SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg..
82 25
CIDER New York, per bbL, 36 .60; per
half bbl., J3.25.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream,
13c: Wisconsin Young Amerlcn, 14c; block:
Swiss, new. 15c; old, 1b(c17c; Wisconsin
brick, 15c; Wisconsin llmbiirger, 14c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 green. 6c;
No. 1 salted, 8V; No. 3 salted, 7V4c; No. 1
veal calf, 9c; No. 8 ve calf, 7c: dry salted.
f"Nc; sheep pelts, 26ri& 81.00; horse hides,;.tYi.
Nl 'i-S Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb.. 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c;
No. 2 soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard
shells, per lb., 12c; I'ecans. large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c;
masted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chili walnuts,
per lb.. 12r,rl3,c; almonds, soft shell, per
lb., 17c; hard sell, per lb., 16c; chestnuts,
fier lb.. 124fl8e; new black walnuts, per
nt., 75r90c; shellbark hlckorv nuts, per bu.,
J1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., JI.50.
Toledo Heed Market.
TOLEDO, Feb. 21. SEEDS 'lover, cash,
J7.45; February, 87.46; March, J7.47'; April,
J7.324; October, J5.85; prime alslka, Ji".7o;
prime timothy, J1.36; March, J1.37V.
Rt. I.00U LIT stock Market.
BT. LOUIS. Mo., Feb. 21. CATTLE-Receipts.
4,000 head, including 2,000 Texans.
Market steady. Native shipping and rx-
Sort steers. 84. 50fi6. 90; dressed beef and
utchers steers, 33.75116.60; steers under l.Oint
lbs., J3.264i'3.86; stockers and feeders. J J. 76
ifi'4.10; cows snd heifers, J2.sitf4.00; csnners.
Jl. 86472.26; bulls, 32.2rV48.40; calves, 33 2647.26:
Texas and Indian steers, J3.0ii4.80; cows
and heifers, J2.6uttW.76.
HOGS Reoelpts, 8,000 head; market
steady. Pigs and lights, 33.76ff4.7S; packers,
84.7Wr4.90; butchers and beet, 34.90(6.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head; market Bteady. Native muttons,
84 .6Vge.40; lambs, J6.00i8.00; culls and bucks.
l. Joseph Mt tck Market.
Receipts. 2.816 head; market steady. Na
tives, 8.1. 76.40; cows and heifers, Jl.fcVtf
4.36; stockers snd feeders, J2. 76(84.10.
HOGS Receipts, 11,4 head; msrket
steady to 6c. higher, advance lost Light,
J4.5644 80; medium and heavy. J4.66Q4.96.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.894
head; market active and steady. Colorado
lambs, 17.90.
Bloux City I,It Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, Is., Feb. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head. Mar
ket weak to slow; Blockers steady; beeves,
J3.iViib6.00; cows, bulls snd mixed. 32.26e63.80;
Blockers and feeders, J2.60t43.76; calves and
yearlings. 82 26iJ.7l.
HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head. Market
strung, selling at J4.6o4.76; bulk of sales,
J4.60t) 4.6.
toek la sight.
Receipts of live stock at the sis pr nclpal
western markets yesterday were aa 10I
lows: CatU. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha ,. 8.30) 14.20.) 7,'00
Sioux City 700 4.5-10
Kansas City 7.5 o 14,(00 n.trO
St. Louis 4 OM 8.0110 i 0
HI. Joseph 3615 11,214 394
Chicago 8.6jO 28 000 18.CV)
r.416 79.914 43,994
toffee Market.
market for future opened steady at a de
cline of 1 K& 1 5 iKilnts In resixiiiee to loner
European cables, continued full Brazilian
reports and a cable frum Havre to the ef
fect that a noted Pratlllan authority re
ported larger steaks In the interior of San
tos than expected snd estimating the cur
rent Santos crop at 7.7uOOuO bags. There
wss a fair demand at ths decline, which
carried the market tn the lowest level
Deeds filed for record February 21, 1906, as
furnished by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company bonded abstracters,' lbl4
Farnam street, for The Bee:
R. K. Kagun and wife to Ad. lie Iaw
ton, lot 15, block 7, Poppleton park J30O0.0O
B. F. Folsom et al, to R. C. Stiech
low, 14 feet strip adjoining lot, 4,
block 2134, clry nf Omaha.... 2.00
Same to name, lot 4, block 2134, city
of Omaha 3000.00
H. J. Grove and wife to C. H. Davis,
lot 8, block 4, Halcyon Heights.... 175.00
K. J. Anderson to C. A. Anderson,
undivided M of block 1. West Lawn
park ,, 12o0.U
G. A. Wlllff to W. A. Ileide, lute
17 and IS, block 14. Haioyon heights 600.00
Alice Chambers to . . Chambers, lot -
3, block K, A. S. Patrick 1.00
Aditllne M. Kellogg et al, to Lucinda
English, lot 7. Howes addition...... 700.08
H. B. Robinson and wife 10 H. H.
Karnes, lot 20, block 8, Hanseom
place 0500.00
Nellie Hennessey to Mary J. Barry,
lot 17. block 3, Linton place 200.00
K. Peterson and wife to F. M. Han
sen, lot 20. block 5. West Side 1250.00
Same to same, lots 19 and 21. block
5, West Side 300.00
11. Farmer to 1 Holland, lot 19,
block 117, Dundee place 400.00
11. Eva Nattlnger pnd husband to
E. F. Updike, lot 18. block 7, Col
lier place 900.00
Marv llllmer and husband to Emma
I). Meier, lot 13 and wVi of 14, block
3.3. Albrights choice 1200. M
University of Michigan lo R. C.
Strehlew, part of block 25, Walnut
hill 320.00
Nona Baldwin to R. C. Strehlew, n4
of lot 110, NeUons 1600.00
The Merchants
National Bank
of Omaha, Not.
U S 0peilkrF
Capital and Surpttu, $600,000 .
flANK MlMm. Prt.
UMEI DRAKE. Caaklar.
ft AN II T. M41LT01. A4it. fMSOsr.
oootvo sooeusts f Mau, kenkars, torpor.
laaiTiaiiMa ss i
Inn au4
Porolta xckasra WrisM sa4 Bsl4, '
Lattara st erotlt laauot, aallaVlo W all
Saxta at tka wsrld. .
Interest salt as Tims Cartlgoatas st Doooott.
Oollaottos swta tromptlr sat auasoialislly.
Wa raguest tairaniaatasss,
Edwards -Wood Go.
riaia Office: Fifth and Roberta Strostt
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to U
Irasck Offlee, 110.441 Deard il Ti(44
ld.. Usaaba, Nk. Tlka H4.
812-114 Kachana Uldg.. South Omaba.
ell 'Phono lis. Insenendant 'Vhon 6.
Hones, Cattle, Dorfs and
Fowls of All Kinds.
Increase your firm products 60 by
using Block Cereal Condition Powders.
"None Just as good" but the only.
Agents wanted. Easy seller. Sells on
Its merits after once being introduced.
Regular 6 pound package, 60c. Address,