i j TTTE OMATTA DAILY REE: ' MONDAY. 'FEimFATiT 20. 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlsesaeat r fe eetai-as will takes) -all IS as. far evening edition aatll a) p. a, far ha moralaa as In4r ltl-. Hate 1 $- a war a Brt lesertleai la war Ikmatltr, nnthlasr taken far lea thaa BOa far 8ret laser. Una. These rtlnaU aaaal aa raa eneetlvely. Ad ertteers, ar raajaaatlac a aim here. rkk, aaa have aasefers dresaea ta sabers letter la para af Tka Be. Aaawara aa (Mee) wilt aa dell-ere aa reatala al rneek. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPHY, Fuslnes, Hhorthsnd, Typewriting. Normal, English and Civil Barvka Couraaa. DAI ANU NIGHT. BOYLES COLLEOB. MAIL LISBON In ssorthsnd. typewriting, bookkeeping and penmanship. Send for, cstslogue Today. ttlng whether Inter ested In correspondence or residence work. II. II. Boyle, president, 16th and Harney ta.. Omaha. Neb. R M682 TR I XELLI 8 TOW EX BUPPLY. Tel.3ral R-667 CITT RAVINGS BANK pay 4 tier cent R W Msroantll taw and collection. Our ystsm collct. O. T. Voorhses Co.. 626 N. Y. U R-M117 Pianos for Rent, .1.0O$4 0-Nw Pianos. High grd. Rant allowed K lou purchase. 1'ertleia 1 iano ny, 1611 Farusnk Telephone iuu Compan Open evening. lt-670 ANTI-Mnnopoly Garb Co. (21 N. 16th. Tel. 17TK. R-4V2 STOVE&FURNACEREPAIR3 Uei. 90. 1207 Doug. Unuuia btova KeP- V ks. h-67 CM AHA 8af and Iron Work make a p clalty ot Ara escape, ahuttara, door and (. U. Andxaan, prop., 102 H. luth at H-675 ETK STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment flauM ta fit; price right Bennett. R 2J0 ..buDGEON. th expert PLUMBE K. Two 'puone. 1MV and L27. R-U9i M7 MILL WORK m.TS.rSS architects' plana and speelllcatlons: sav contractor money. Wentworth, tils Fax ton block. R-148 F22 LQUiTABLE Llf As-jrnno "Strongest In th World"-!!. D. Neely. Mar., Mer ( lianta National Bank. R 744 t il CUT RATH railway ticket vrywher P. H. Phllbln, If Farnam. 'Phone 7X4. H-67 FREPSORIUM, beat cleaner and dyers. 1A24 Farnam. Tel. 800. R Ml COAL New kind aoft coal. "Yukton" Egg. $6.25 ton. Harmon Weeth, 'phone 24W. R MO FAILING EYESIGHT RESTORED Our New Toilc lena la the Intent wonder In optical science. The. field of view la en larged more than Ara times. They coat mora than olhor lena and they aro worth It. Consultation free. Huteeon Optical Co., 21$ He. Wth. Paxton blm k. R M71I Fli F. WM. KIIEIJ.E, Architect. 604 Hee Bldg. Tel. 7m. H 420 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 111 KOUTH 11TU. TEL. 4. ,V truat everybody. Flannela and colored good, laundered at our r'- F2J FREE, PLUMBINGS? .n'aS: Tel. 1U4V. R-M2U 1 V'HO'B your tallorT It ahould ba Dreaher. Too buay making clothaa to cloae. Open vanlnga. 1H6 Farnam at. R 1W H. 1. DAV18. SAFE MOVER. HEAVT HAULING. 1U FARNAM. TEL.. SA. K-M7&4 MS 1R. WILKtNBON, eye. ear, noaa, throat, catarh. Call or telephone B&23. t'rclgn ton Blk. R !W7 . C. W F.EDEN, Z10S Mapla at , Omaha: public accountant and auditor. Periodical or aneclal examlnationa on reaaonabla terma. R 40 28 1MANOS moved by. expert mechanlca: alao eiorert. raxe and rellabia. Bchmoller Mueller, 1313 Farnam. R 721 Marl MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE .WANTED City loaaa. R. C, Patera A Co. w-tw FARC and city loans; loweat rates. W. H. Ttiomaa. Flrat Nat l Bank Hid. Tel. 1Mb. ' 1 R1VATE money. F. D. Wead, 1&20 Pouglaa W u WANTED City loana and warrant. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-0 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-610 UARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam-Clty loans at loweat ratea; no delay; get our terma. W Mm LOWEST ratea on city property: per cent on farm In eastern Nebraska. Bern la, axton block W u PRINTING PRINTING HlUH-GRADB WORK, i Ci rCTih Crouna Block. Corner of LYNGMAL) 16th tit. and Capltoi A vs. KRAMER CHANDLER. 4U1CK PRINTERS, 110 06 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. ; THE Nebrsska Printing Co. everything new and up-to-date; prompt attention given to all ordera. Ill 8. 14th, 2d floor, 'hona TO. M77 VHI will loae monev If you don't let ua figure on your priming. Tel. 3S31. Great Western Printing Co., Chicago. MTitt FM DANCING ACADEMY CHAMPERS, society and stare; new tisane now forming. 'Phono F-1S7L CI.A8S for adult beginners Is now form Ing. Tues. snd Fii., i p. m., at Morand a, lh'h and Harney. The cotillion and all Hie latest glides sre taught in one term. Private leeaons and Wednesday aeaem bllea. Call or tel. 1041. 714 FZS HORAKPa aprlng term will open for adult beginners on Tuesday. February 2S, at p. m- Two dollar lea than regular lrto if yoa Join on opening nlicht. Chil dren, Katurday S p. m. This term, . Private leeaoiui dally. Tel. lo41. 714 2ft PATENTS II. A. BTl'ROIFA registered attorney; pat enta. trade marka. copyrlghta. no fea un lesa saoeaaful. 17 N. T. Ufe, Omaha. Wl PATFMT SKCl-RKO OH NO FEB. I I til I O ADVICE FREE. American Knpineerlng Co., registered at torneys, t Bee Bldg.. Omaha. 2U FM INVF.NTORf--Beor you spend money for a patent, have an examination made ta dlsiover If your Invention la new. Tneaa examlnationa cost $2. Addreea 8 ilea Co., Attorneys, Washington, D. C-. or Omaha. Neb 1ST CLAIRVOYANTS CVI.MKR. sclent i tic palmist. 716 N. !3d. MRS FRITZ, clsirvoj'snt. ua leaven worth. . aHM MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California St. s-Mm FOR EXCHANGE IF YOlT do aot And what you want la thia column put an ad la and you will enoa get u. 1'IANO for nor. Isrfteld, plan. lll Far. Sr-lftl F. WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and DouRlas. NOW OPhN. Nw cinsses In an departments. Send for catalogue at once. MliN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road faro uMn our failure to convince yuu of thla Iwlng the B KHT and only re liable, must practical barber collegs In ths United StHlea. Wilts for tstalogu tuday. Wentein Barters' Inatltuta, Omahs, Neb. B 7 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT-Able-bodled unmarried mn. between agea of 21 and U, clllactia of United Btatoa, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who apeak, read and write Liigllsn. For Information apply lo Recruiting utllcer, l;uh and Douglas Hts., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or feloux City. Ia, IS Si I WANT and furnish drug clerks, Jlrug Stores and doctors. Knltst, 701 N. X. L, B MS IF YOU ar In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk witn THE UXPEKT, 401 N. 1. Llf. n-ut WANTED Mfn and boy to learn plumb ing trad, (.oyne Bro. Co., ohool of practical plumbing. Hend for catalogue. A.ldreaa 4H73-74 Easton av . St. I-oula, Mo. B-M70 Fl 04 WANTED, harneaamaker. Frank Feldler, David City, Neb. B M441 il $S PERMANENT salary tn rellabln men In oulslile towns; we handle properties everywhere. Northwestern Real Kstata & tiuaianty Co., Dr Moines, Jh. B MSD7 Mx WANTED, printer for country office. Ad dress, with amnples, references and wages wanted, X3. Onmha. Bee. H M737 2ix UlHHtiN EM CIOVM ENT AOENCY, IN NEVILLE IIUH'K. are frank and open, fair and square with all wanting em ployment nml all needing help. Try them. Phone Bill. B-M510 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; have Just moved Into our new building anil can offer advantages that cannot ba bud elsewhere; fortv revolving " chairs; everything flrst-cUss; special thirty-day offer: time saved by constant practice and careful Instructions. Csll or write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 111a Far nam St. j - H-M6M 24x WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED, an experienced cook; reference required. Mr. L. L. Kountsc, 423 8. 391 h St C-M370 WANTED ladles to tesrn hslrdresslng, manicuring, facial masaage, chiropody or electrolysis. Have Just moved Into our new building and have all modern facil ities for teaching the work. Short time completes. Special offer for thirty day. Graduates earn splendid pay. Call or writ Moler Collegs, 1114 Farnam at. C-M106 IX WANTED A good girl at the Creche, 19th and Harney. C M0O1 20x WANTED Ijidle to learn hair dressing, manicuring, facial masxage, chiropody or electrolysis; practical course given In few works; special offer for thirty days; Imve Just moved Into our new building, where we have every facility for teaching the work thoroughly. Call or write for cata logue. Moler College, 1114 Farnam HI. C Mu67 24X WANTED, good cook for hoardlnghnuae; good wages. 202O Harney St. C 744 21x GIRT, for general housework; one who can cook. Apply AOS 8. Xittvave. C M739 21 WANTED, a competent girl for general housework. Call after 4 o'clock at 40. N. 22d st. C-M74S 22 WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeeper Canadian offlc, 15th St Dodge. A-m WANTED Installment collector for mer chandise accounts; good salary and ex penses. Address Manufacturer, P. t). Rox 1027, Philadelphia, Pa, A MiVKl Mx STENOGRAPHER, admitted to the bar, wants position tn law offlc. Address: W 62, Bee. A M6B5 20x LAW GRADUATE and stenographer want place In law office.. Address: w 67,' Be. A-M6T4-2AS WANTED SALESMEN NEW editions of "Eugene Sue," Burton's "Arabian Nights." "Progree of Man," etc., over 200 good sellers for experienced D Lux men. Htxenbaugh, 600 War blk, M13 WANTED First-class salesmsn to sell side line to established trade (hardware; good compensation. Address Caledonia Chem ical Co.t Caledonia, N. Y. M64S 20 . BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want tn buy, aell or exebang your property or business quick se J. H. Johnson, bit N. X. Lit, 'l hons L 2.'7u. Y-ftM ATTORNEYS. verywbere. If you hav an account, note or claim of any kind against person. Arm or corporation we can aettie It lor yon. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. mln Aovr N. Y. Life. 'Phone 132. Y-lt ABBOTT-COW' AN CO., 1st Nt. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 61 L GOOD hotel, well furnished, doing good business. In central Nebraaka, for sals, or will exchange for good farm or ranch land. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. Y-7 FOR SALE OR RENT Maloney theater building, 1606-1S07-1(k.9 Capitol avenue; 60x loo feet ground floor space Apply to Henry Rohlff, 2tf Lavenworth st. Y-770 WANTED Party with SO0 to buy one-half Interest In good paying offlc business: must know now to una typewriter and possibly to take full charg- of office. If you are a miser or drone, don't answer. I wsnt wideawake party who knows a good thing when sees it. Address W 42, Bee. ' Y M48 20 $2,000 DRUG store for sale; good trsde; only drug store tn town. Address Ragsn Drug CO., Ragan, Neb. Y MSnC 22x ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE Account, notes or claims settled, against person, firm or corporation. The New Church Co., main floor N. Y. Lila, Omaha. .'TeL 133. Y-4I2U IF YOU wish tn buy or sell a business or real estate., consult U. o. Hales Bureau, bit and Be Bldg. Y M4m FOR BALE, my meat market, tools and slaughter house tilled, and residence. Gus Konatile. Yutan. Neb. Y MtM HOTELS exclusive. Hart. 401 N. Y. Llf. Y-M7U Ml FOR SA1JC, for cash only, clean, up-to-dat stock of dry goods snd millinery, on of the best towns In stste; beat location in town, or stock can be moved. Address 8, M. Morgan. Friend, Neb. V Ml7 For sale cheap, less and furniture of 24 rooni boarding house; business established 14 j ears and never changed hands; very centrally located, only a short dlstsncs from courthouse. Have a high-priced, first-clans transient trade and continu ously refuse applicants. Furniture and carpets In good condition; building mod ern and rent reeiins4ile. Closest Investi gation solicited. Present owner desires to retire, and if anyone Is looking for thl kind ot business here is a SNAP, as i will sell cheap for cash. W 21, tsre He. Y IF TOIT wsnt to buy, sell, rent or exchange real etat or business QUICK, see Comp-ton-Watts Co., A35 Psxton block. Y MI7S WANTED. location In southern Nebrsskx by sn evpcrlem'ed doctor. Will buy office outfit and property not to exceHl ll.miO. Address W ti.1, Hee! Y--M6H4 :'2x WANTED TO BUY SHONFKLD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 2 N. Y. Life, pay bights; price for hooka Tel. 303. N-l 8UUARE PIANO In good condition. 1S11 Farnam. N-M2M WANTED AT ONCE. On 100 horse-Mwer boiler and engine, tn good running order, now or second-hand. Alfalfa Meal Co, Omaha, Neb. x N-MKs BUY Landeen' antiseptic hair tonic N MSW MX WANTED, l rent, t unfurnished rooms with best; new building preferred. X la itrt Bee, South Omaha fnce J N-Tll as Lots of People Want What You Don't Want Look Around and See What You No Longer Use, Sell It or Trade It. A Bee Want Ad Will Do It FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, lth d Chicago E-697 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th 4i Farnam. E SOUTH front parlor. 2014 St. Mary av. E-601 THE FARNAM, utth and FARNAM ST 3. E M149 VIENNA hotsL Private dining mi. cafe. E M7I7 100 warm room, Ogden hotel, Co. Bluff. Ia E-128 NFJ4.TLY furnished south front room, also smaller room; private family, modern walking distance, closo to car; mesls If desired, reasonable. Apply 1712 Charles. E 818 2nx NICELY furnished single room, modem, reitsonable, easy walking distance, ims Chicago St. E 617 Six PARI.OR, bay window bedroom, porch and liiill, all furnished for light housekeeping. 2716 North 26th Bt. E MSi 2lx FlR RENT, two nice rooms, furnished; front room snd slide doors, third floor. 420 N. 24th St., South Omaha. E "30 20x NICBLY furnished rooms, 1818 Dodge. K M7u 21 x HOUSEKEEPING, first floor; also sleeping rooms 112 Jackson. K M 743 21 x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. H, TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-601 THE fell ELTON, 26th and Dodge; Ideal home for the winter; pleasant rooms; strictly moUsrn; hum cooking; reason able. F-0J GOOD room for two, gentlemen preferred. 212 S. 2lh at. F-W0 FURNISHED room, miltabl for two; also good board. 626 So. 19th F 726 21 x FURNISHED room and board, modern bouse, horn cooking. 1818 Capitol Ave. F M537 21 X ROOMS and board for three; home cook ing; everything modern; board by the week; reasonable ratea. 116 N. 25th. F-4D9 tlx 120 NO. 26TII ST., large front room, for two; modern and convenient, with board; reasonable. PM504 20x THTfl ROSE 2020 Harney t., nicely fur- nisnea, warm rooms, reasonable; also good board. F 600 21 X ROOMS and board. 614 North 19th st. F 466 21x ROOM snd hoard, $3.60 per week; 21 meals, '; single meais; i.ic. ttlve us a trial. 1619 Dodge. 'Phone ash 33991. F-MH64 21x THE LINCOLN, 1619 Dodge; board and room, .;.ou up; zi meals, XL'.ho: sinRle meals, 15c. Give us a trial. F M736 21x LARGE, comfortable room, and boiird. with private family; use piano and other homo privilege, at reasonable price; 2 lady teachers or emplovcd preferred; West Farnam district; best neighborhood; near 2 car lines. Address X 1, Bee. F-719 20x FURNISHED moms, with or without board; also day board. 1811 Capltnl ave. FM690 21x LARGE newly furr.lslied parlor and other rooms; tabl excellent. Tel. 8024. , F M6S8 21x FOR RENT Nicely furnished esst front room, with board; close In, modern, tele phone, eto. Reasonable. 618 So. INth st, F-747 22x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO unfurnished moms for house keep ing; walking distance. Address: W 58, Bee. G M658 21x UNFURNISHED rooms, 2, t or 4. modern. with rurnace neat, 2214 is. lutn st. G-M654 20x FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES In all psrts of the city. R. C. Peters eV Co., Bee Bldg. D 622 THE Omsha Van and Storage Co. pack, mov and store H. II. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Offlc, laUs Farnam. Tel. 166. D-620 WE MOVE pianos, Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1498. Office 1713 Webster sU D-621 HOUSES In all psrts of the city. The O. F. Davis Co., 608 Beebldg. D-19 McCauley Express, Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 616 S. 16th. Tel. 1464. D-624 $666 DOUGLAS, I ROOMS. $27.60. D-624 CHRIS BOYER, Snd and Cuming at Tel. 2049. 1667 SIX-ROOM cottage. 2107 Ohio street. $18; In tine order, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, gaa. J. II. BLAIR. 726 N. Y. Life bldg. D Ml 75 812 N. $STH ST.. -8 moms, modern, hot wstcr heat; 830 per montn. ine Byron cea to. D M551 21 F. D, WEAD. HOUSE nd ten lot on N. 16th st; paving paid: $1,600. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D 747 22 MODERN brick, walking distance. New, eight rooms, all modern, 6 So. 24th St., fJ. Viarvin ro, wn r aruajn 8-ROOM modern house. 1128 So. lst st; "0. 8-room modern house. 1144 80. S2d st; $30. $-rom modern house. $1126 Wool worth ve; $-room modern house. Jo2S No. 2oth St.; $91. 8-mom modem house. 424 No. 40th st. ; $26. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room No. 1, New York Llf Bldg. D-M512 24 i ROOMS for rant. 846 South 18th. D M615 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barlrer Blk. D-61S FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES WE have vacant a particularly desirable email office, which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, wlr and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee Building and ts Just ths thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best offlc building la town. R- C. Peters Co., Rental Agent, Ground Floor, Be Building. 1771 $-STORY and basement brick building, 100$ Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholes Is or manufacturing. 314 Flrat National bank building. i 606 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Blue Lake Park, consisting ot forty acres or less, nearly one mile lake front. For psrtlculars Inquire of the owner. Geo. Reed, Onawa, la., R. F. D. No. L 'Phone 80L RE 284 $7 FOR SALE One note of $1.9no. due tn on year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent li.terrst, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,60'. due on or before three years, Interest at 6 per- rent, payable semi-annually, secured by flrat mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely snfe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, 8 26, Be, office. KU-M468 INDIAN I1AND8 FOR SALE" In Creek Nation, 1. T. ; rich soil, pure water, mild winters, sure crops, perfect titles; write lis. Jackson A Foster, Union Depot, Kansas City, Mo. RE M463 20 A RARGAIN 640 acre df the choicest wheat lands In Mnnltoba; all broken and good Iml tilings' four miles from station and elevators; forty miles from Winnipeg. Seventeen thousand ilollnra; $T,Oi1 cash. Address Box 62, Winnipeg, Manitoba. RE-M475 20X Williamson Co.. M . , RffijL, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-New and second-hand bllllnrd and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy paymenia. Bend for catalogua Brtinswltk-Balke-Coliender, 407 B. loth St., Omaha, Q M429 COMPLETE line 'new and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. g fc2S IND-HAND safe cheap. Deright, lilt Far nam. '4-629 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AT A BAR GAIN. We have about 260 feet 0. stranded electrlo light cable and one 800 ampere knlf switch. Address Be Building Co., or so W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Building, Omaha. Q-M MOTOR FOR SALE We hav for sale a 10 H. P.. 110-volt. direct current. Northern motor. Thl motor Is In perfect comlltlon In every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or e W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q 774 TWO HEAVY STEeT HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100-horse power, which have been used but six years, made ot firebox steel, triple rlvlted butt and strap Joints, Insurance company permits of preasur of 126 pounds. They are now ia use and can be seen at boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or addrrra W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building. Omaha W M902 FURNITURE of six-room flnt for sale. 1617 Howard, $250. Q M485 21x FOR RALE Good secondhand threshing outfits; different sixes and makes. Al bert Stahly, Milford. Neb. Q M478 12 FOR SALE, cutter, almost new. 3329 Ave, B, Council Bluff, la, Q-M624 20x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman A MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q M699 IF you apply at one w can give any one desiring a tars Offlc apace, almost any arrangement they desire. This snare Is on the sixth floor of Th Be building, with north light. R. C. Peter Co., Ksntal Agent, around Floor Be Bldg 177$ FOR RENT or sal. Maloney theater build ing, 1609-U-18 Capitol v.; very larg floor space, ground floor. Inquire of Henry Rohlff. 6lh and Leavenworth sts. 1-M4TI OFFICES In th Nevlll block for rent; elevator, Janitor service and steam heat: lightest office In th city. Cor. 16th snd Harney. 1-69 F28 MEAT MARKET for rent, best location In North Omsha. C. W. Shrader. 2th and Blondo st. 1496 TREES, SHRUBS, ETC- A COMPLETE Un of fruit, shsde, orns mentsl trees, lnes. shrubs, roses, etc. Address: Omaha Njrser, Pspillion. Neh M671 BLOWER FOR SALE 1 No. ( Sturtevant blower. In jierfect con dition, will be sold cheap. Address Bee Building Co.. or see W. H. Bridges, en gineer Bee building. y 77 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. SO Pulleys, from 6 in. to 48 in. In diameter, 8 Countershafts complete. 40 Feet. 1 15-16 In. Shafting, with couplings and hangers, tojalhi- with about 40 feet of 6-lnch belting. These are all In ifieet-olas condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. tj-UJ SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over the following supplies: 2.6-iiich Jerkin s globe valve. 1.8-Inch Austin horlxontal separator. 14-Inch Austin vertical separator. Thes have been taken out on account f changea In our steam plant and ar In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 632 ONE fine new double sleigh at cost; also one fine second-hand double sleigh, fine condition, $40.00. Drummond Carriage Co. Q 61238 OLDS OAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES Are Reliable like OLD8MOR1LE8. Several slightly used engines CHEAP. 1116 Farnam St., Omaha. Q-M457 22 FOR 8ALE. several scholarships in a first cUss standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course in business, short hand 'snd typewriting. Inqulr at Bo office. y 862 CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long Ar timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-ply white basswood, 901 Douglas. Q 631 ENGINE FOR SALE 1 4x4 Sturtevant vertical engine, automatlo engine, cheap. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. Bridges, engineer Bee build ing. 0-776 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY Is boniiiimcs a necessity. Our facilities ure unsurpassed for quick and confiden tial service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Receipt, Live Stock, etc. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other Security required. With us you pay for what you get and only for what time you keep It. It is our motto to try to pleas. If you hav dealt with u and ar pieased, tell otheis; If displessed. tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trsde Bldg. Tel. 24V tEstsJlished U2 ) tvN So. 16th St. X-434 LOANS msde on all kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. l-ow Rttes. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 6K4 Faxton Block. X-C36 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.; hslf usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214. at 209 S. 15th St. Tel. B 2964. X-6i MONEY loaned salaried people and other without security; easy payment. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 New York Llf building. X-610 BOW EN 8 MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, plan os. horses, cows. Jewelry. Plain note If steadily employed. 70$ N. Y. Llf. X.-446 MONEY loaned on salsry, furniture. Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co.. S , Barker block. X 3 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, Tiorses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, $n 8 1$. X-640 ' MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. 8TAR LOAN CO.. 44 PAXTON BLOCK. X-641 . SEE FULER, 436 Fasten block, for loan on watches, dismoads snd Jewelry. X-642 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 louglsa X 671 CHATTEL, sslsry and Jewelry loana Foley Loan Co., 16 Farnam st. X ii SALARY snd chattel loans. 212 Be Bldg Templeton, X-644 . PRIVATE MONEY A PRIVATE PARTY WILL MAKB loana on furniture, pianos or other se cuilty st very liberal rales; you hav th privilege of paying hark In small In stallment. Addles 1 11 Be. X-704 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Masonlo Temple, Cor. let a A I " Capitol Ave. CAPITOL I.ODOK,, NO. . A. F. and A. M. Special meeting Monday evening at 7:.W ror wors in ai aster Mason degree. Vis itor Invited. R. V. COLE. Master. JOHN BAM FORD. Secretary. KMOIIT OF PYTHIAS. NERRASKA NO. 1. K. OF P.-Regulsr meeting Monday evenlig at 7:30 o'clock In Myrtle hsll, 15th and Douglas sts. Vis itor welcome. A. B. ANDERSON. C. C. ROY A. DODGE, K. R. and S. PERSONAL RESPECTARLE gentleman 35. engaged aa I'noni lencner, oesirea to meet or corre spond with Catholic Inriy not over 35 of somo means. Address W 64, Ree. U-M527 20X DR. ROY, Chiropody, R, 1 t 8. 1606 Farnam. J 266 DON'T WEAR GLASSES Unless absolutely necessary; thousands have ruined their eves bv wearing glasses that do not At. Honker the Eve Specialist Will .,11 ..... ,1.- , . . ..1.1, ii, ou ine cause ui iuui nv,. ,.,.. V 1- a kt In. . . 1 a, j,n J-.OV1U 21 IOC K. U 1 CHRONIC and nervous diseases uccess fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. U-7S2 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano; $2. Perfield Piano Co.. 16U Farnam. U 646 THEATRICAL, masq. costume. Lleben. 1410-12 Howard, U-47 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11 St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call phone 4135 and wagon will call. OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge blk. U 648 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING BUTTONS Send for price list and Sample. 1Hb UOLDMAN PLfcAllNG CO.. M DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936. U-649 TUB, vapor and alcohol bath. 720 S. 13th. U-tiW DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free lor glasses and guarantee satisfaction. . THE II. J. PEN FOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U-661 FT7FM A absolutely cured. B. J. Scan l.lmrt nell W8 War Block. U-715 F28 PRESSOR1UM R0rtchaem.Pre"udf!4 PRIVATE home during confiement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden, 2216 Charles. TeJ, A 2618. U666 We rent sewing machines 75c week. W repair all makes of machines. Second hand machines $6 to $10. Neb Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-654 TRUSSES made and At ted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam St. THE H. 1. PEN FOLD CO. U-6S3 OMAHA souvenir view mailed free to any person sending us the name of any one owning a square piano or organ. Perfield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. Tel. 701. U-M162 F23 DR. PRIES treat successfully all diseases snd Iregularitles of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with sianiD. Dr. Pries. 1M1W Dodce SL. umaua. u- PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies sdopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl tsrlum. 2S let av.. Council Bluff.. Ia Tel. 774. U-626 TRY KELLBY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3630. ' U 657 M AriMPTir treatment & bath. Mnle. IHrtVJlX C 1 1V amlth, U8 N. 16. 2 A. R. 2. U 3w RELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massacon cure middle-ear trouble. Acousticon aids ths hearing as glossss do ths eye Hutchison Acoustic Ci, N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 199. U-668 LARSON JOHNSON, cut ratea to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem Mr American Ticket Broker Ass'n. U-669 IT'S FREE! Send stamp for copy of Chi nes Slave Girl and her young American lover. Address J. Boyle, fl D St., N. B., Washington,' D. C U 690 31x HANDSOME widow, worth $65,000. wants immediately able. Industrious husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldg, Chlcsgo. U-M717 22x PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. Dslbey, 2207 Mason. 1 U-M150 M8x PIANO CLUB, Just forming; 60c and $1 weekly; pianos delivered immediately ; r ilano lessons free. Call for particular. 611 Farnam st U M138 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator hss brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interference with work; relief In 1 to 5 days. We have never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., Room 3S, 84 Adams SU. Chicago. 660 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles, never falls. $2, postpaid. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. M700 FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE One of the Anest Improved farms in central Kansas, cheap, and on easy terma. Also stock of Hereford cattle. Address: Mr. E, C. Chamberlain. Hop. Kan. MtioJ 21x Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. V. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A" HE 617 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goe to 60,00 home of farmer and stock raisers, so if you hav a good piece or land to aell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The coat or an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or $20 per inch If set in large type. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending school. Boyles col lege. Tel. li4. K 445 WILL the party living one block from 24th and Dodge sts., who snswered ad In Bee on the loth concerning room and board please send address? W $6, Bee. K- M616 0x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N Y Llf bldg. Tel. 164 6U MRS JOHN R. MUS1CK. Osteopathv Phy sician; office, Neville block. TeL 2628 -434 LOST AND FOUND LOST, on Friday, gold chased locket from silk fob. Please iclum lo Bee office for rewerd. Losl 792 FOUND The right rises to hsve your eyes tested &d Attvd right-Bennett's JTound-M FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -46$ L. HENDERSON. 1619 Famam. Tel. 1258. -6t4 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR.. 1807 Farnam. 1 e 1. km. FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACRES one mile east of lrvington; no improvements; n per acre. LAND FOR SMALL GRAIN ONLY. fiP seres, no Improvements, on Dodge street. Just west of citv; $150 per ncre. GEORGE) A CO., IHfil Farnnm St. M-757 a DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, jhone A-; 666 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Llf Bldg., rooms 304 and 819. Tel. 1562. -696 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILT by all Interested, s changes mny occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending Feb ruary 26, 19K), will close (PROMPTLY in sll cases) at the General Post Office as fol lows: REGISTERED AND PAR-CELH-POST MAILS close one hour earlier then closing time shown be low. Tarcels-Post mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. February 30, per s. s. Kronprln Wilholm; February 22, per . s. Barbarossa: February 24, per s.a. Graf Waldersee; and February 27, per s. a. Breslau. - , Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton streets) half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that sup plementary na!!s for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close on hour later at foreign station.) Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY (21)-At 4 a. m. lor EUROPE, por s. s. KriMiprlni Wllhelm, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. WEDNESDAY (22) At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Majestic, via yueens town and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. a. Amster dam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Am sterdam "). THURSDAY (23) At 7 a, m, for F RANCH, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Gas cogne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Gascogne"). SATURDAY t25)-At 6 a. m. for EUROPE; per n. s. St. louls, via Plymouth and Cherbourg tmall for Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland must be directed "per n. s. St. Louis"); st 6:30 a. m. for EUROPEi, Per s. . Campania, via Qucenstown and Liver pool; at 8:80 n. m. for BELGIUM PARCELS-POST MA1IS. per s. s. Vaderland (regular mull for Belgium must be di rected "per s. s. Vaderland"); at 8:30 a. ru. fpr ITALY dlrocr, per s. a. Weimar (mall must be directed "per s. a. Wei mar"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per, s. s. Furneasla, (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ktirnessla"); at 10 a, m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Re public (mail for Italy must ba directed "per s. s. Republic"); at 11:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Prlnx Adalbert (mail must be directed "per s. . Prlnx Adalbert"). Mall for Sooth and Central America, Writ Indies, Etc. MONDAY (ai)-At 8 a, m, for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad. TUESDAY (21) At 9:30 a, m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS texcept East Coast), SALVADOR, PANAMA, CANAL ZONE, CAUOA DEPARTMENT OF CO lAMBI A, ECUADOR, PERU. ROLIV1A and CHILI, per s. s. Seguranca, via Colon (mail for Guatemala must be directed, "per s. s. Seguranca"); at 12 m. for AR GENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Elaine; at 13 m. for YUCUTAN and CAMPECHE, per a. a. TJomo (mall must be directed ' per s. s. TJomo"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEE-WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and GUI ANA, per s. s. Kornna (mail for Barba dos, Grenada and Trinidad must be di rected "per s. s. Korona"); at 1 p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY per s. s. Soldier Prince. THURSDAY (23) At 9.30 a. m. (supple mentary! 10:30 a. m.) for INAGUA, HAITI, SANTA MARTA and other places in MAGDALEN A DEP'T, COLOMBIA, per s. s. Alene: at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN ami CAMPECHE, per s. s. Havana mall for other parts of Mexico must be iiireciea -per a. s. Havana ): at 13 m supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS per a. s. Santiago (mall for Mexico, via 1 ampi Ico, must be directed "per s. . Santiago"). FRIDAY (24-At 9:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Silvia, SATURDAY (25) At 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Bermudian; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VKNEZUEIjA. per s. a. Maracalbo mall for Colombia, via Curacao, must lie directed "per s. s. Maracalbo"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a, m.) for PORTO RICO. ST. THOMAS. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, per s. . Ponce, via San Juan (mall for Burhadoa, Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Ponce "); at 9:30 a., m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISL AND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA, ex cept CaucA and Miigda.lens departments, per a s. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rica, via Llmon, must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany"); at 10 a, m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD. CI U DAD BOL IVAR and GUIANA, per a. s. Marsval; at 12 m. for BARBADOS and NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Maranhcnse, via Barbados, Para and Manaos, NOTICE Five cents per half ounce IN AD DITION ru i mk iu.uL-i.An ruH'i Aun must be prepaid on aii letters forwarded bv the SUPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited In the drops marked "LETTERS FOR FOREIGN COUN TRIES." after the CIX1SING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for despatch by a par ticular vessel, will NOT be so forwarded unless such ADDITIONAL POSTAGE is FULLY PREPAID thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Mails ar are slso opened on the piers of the AMERICAN. ENGLISH snd FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9 a. m. or later; and latf mall may be deposited In the mail boxes on the piers of the GERMAN LINES sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time and close ten mlnute r sailing time. Onlv regular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the AMERICAN, WHITE STAR and GERMAN (se post) steamers; double postage (letters 10 cents a half ounce) on other lines. Malls Forwarded Orrrltst, Etc., Bi. eept Traaspaelge. CUBA Via Port Tsmpa. Florida, close at this offlcs dsliy. except Thursday, at H a. m. tthe connect Inn maJii. close here on Mondavi. Wednesdays ana tsaiurnaysi. MEXICO CITY' Overlsnd. unless specially sddressed for despatch bv steamer, closes at this offlcs daily, except riundsv, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:90 p. ni. 8und-y at 1 p. m. snd 10:30 p. n NEWFOUNDLAND (except Psrce)-Post MsJlsl By rail to North Sydney, snd thencs by steamer, closes at this offlc dallv, except Sunday, st 7 p. m.; Sunday st 4:80 p. m. (connecting malls close are every Monday, Wednesday and featur e's vj. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thenc by steamer, closes at this offlc st 7 p. m. Tuesday By rsll to Philadelphia, snd thence by steamer, close at thl offlc at 10 80 p. r.: Weanesdfci. MIQUELON By rsll to Boston, snd thenc by steamer, closes at tms office oaily ex cept 6unday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at 6.M BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Mails)-. Bv rail to Miami -"ls and thenu- ny si earner, rlos at tms orhce at (1, a. to, Mondav. Wednesdsy and Saturday BRITISH HONDURAS ilO:L H.S (East Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail to Nem Orlesns, snd tV-nce by steamer, closes at this office daily, except Sundsy, at 11.30 p. m. arid io.fti p. m. . Sundays at (1 P m- and ki0:30 p. m. (connecting msil closes here Mondays at 110:30 p. m.) COtTA RICA-fc rsll a New Orlesns, and thence bv eteamn. close st this offlc dully, except ounoya st 11.90 p. m. snd 1(:90 P- m ; Sundays st $! p. ui. and JlO.M p m iconnectins mail cio ss her Tues rtyi st li:v p. m.) NICARAGUA (East Coast By rail to Nw Orleans, and Hit lire by l earner, closes st this office eaiiy, except Sunday, at i: p. rn. snd Ki.3c p. 111.; Sundays at 1 p. at. and flo 30 p. m. (conner-una mall close here Wednesdays st llo.2u p. m i PANAMA snd CANAL SSuNK By rail te New orlesns. La., snd thence by M earner, closes st tbl office dally, except Sundays and V.-ondys, st I) ii p. 01. and 10.3 p. m. ; Hundsys st 1 p. m iiu.t p. in. (Connecting mall C:oses tiers vry Kunoay si im.u i. m i IRegislered mail close at 6 vious day POSTOFFICE NOTICE i p. m. pr- Traaraciae Malls Forwarder Over lead Dall. TVe ached ui of rioting of trsnspsrlfle maj'B is si rsnged on i.',tu.v. lion of tbelr uninterrupted overland iiansu to port of sslllng. The Ansl -nnnecilng mails (ex cept registered trsnspaclflc malls oe patched via Vancouver. Victoria, Taeom or Seattle, which close 6 p. m. prevlou dsy close at the general poetofllce. New York, follows: JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA nd specially addressed mull for PHIIJPP1NR IS LANDS, via Seattle, close at p. m. vhruary 19 for despatch per s. a. Shaw- mtit. HAWAII, JATAN. KOREA. CHINA nd -peclally sddressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at t P- m. February tt for despatch per . . Coptic. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS snd GUAM, via wan rancisco, close) at I p. m. February 24 for despatch per U. 8 Transport. FjJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C. close at 6 p. rn. February 25 for despatch per . . Moana. HAWAII, via San Francisco, clos at . m. February 27 for despatch per s. , Alameda. HAW1I, JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS via fcun PV.,,. rlsco. close, st 6 p in. Marc4i 3 for des patch per s. s. Siberia. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at $ p. m. March 10 for despatch per a. s. Mariposa. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except YVest), NEW CALEDONIA, SAMOA. HA WAII mid FIJI 18I.AND8, via San Frsn clseo, close st 6 p. m. March 11 for di spatch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this deo patch, extra malls closing nt 6:90 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.; Sun days st 4:30 a. m.. 9 s. m. and 6 p. nt. will be made no snd forwarded until th arrival of the Cunard stesmer. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Mails), KO REA, CHINA snd PHILIPPINE ISL ANDS, via Y'ancouver and Victoria. B. C., close st p. m. March 14 for despatch per s. s. Empress of India. MANCHURIA (except Newchwsng anil Port Arthur) snd EASTERN SIBERIA la st present forwnrded via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via 8an Frsnclsco and certain place In the Chinese Province of Tunnan; via British India the quickest roittea. Philippines specially addressed "via Eu rope'' must be. fully prepaid st the foreign rates, Hawaii Is forwarded via Ban Fran cisco exclusively. ) r f 1 1 -Y. WILLIAM R. WILLOOX, Postmaster rostofflce. New York, N. Y., Feb. 17. lfN 1908. RAILWAY TIME CARD rNIOlf bTATIONTKSTH AKD MARCY. tnlon Faclfle. Leav. Overland Limited a 9:40 am Colorado Cal. E a 4:10 pm Cel. ft Oregon Ex a 4:20 pm North Piatt Local a 7:60 am Fast Mail a 8:60 am Colorado SpeclaJ a 7:46 am Beatrice Local b 4 $0 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express Bt. Ixiuls Ical (from ..II T31,,eat Shenandoah Local" (from Council 'tunas Chicago Great S. Paul ft Minn. St. Paul ft Minn Chicago Limited Chicago Kxpres) 6:30 pm 9:14 am 1:45 pre Western. a 9 J0 pm Arrlv. a 8r06 pr . a I 30 am a 6:10 pm a 7:00 pm a $:20 pm a 7:40 am b 1:80 pm $: am 10:80 pm ' $ 30 pm 7:46 am a 0:00 pm a 6:05 am Chicago, Rock Island EAST. S-l - T I n. I , nr, .. . - V. II II. .it...' ' I. Chicago Daylight Local b 7:00 am cnicago uiiiirw, du.ui mm Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:40 pm U'l'IIT Rocky Mountain L t d.. a 7:20 am I.lnroln. Den. ft West. .a 1:30 tun Oklahoma ft Tex. Ex. .a 4:16 pm Chicago at Northwest--. Local Chicago..... aU:80a 1 Mail a ;.iu pm Daylight bt- rui a :mi ara i,.,'Ui.e Chicago a 8:00 am Limited Chicago a 8:26 pm Local Carroll a 4:0 pm Fast St. Paul a 6:15 pm Local Bioux C ft St P..b 4:00 pm Chicago Express a 6:60 pm . . . , Tl . a. UnnaalMl a 7 Aft - . Lincoln ft Long Pine b 7:40 am Casper at wyomius w owpm Deadwood ft Lincoln... 2:50 pm Hastings-Albion D 1:00 pm a 7:1 am 7:66 pm alO lO am a 8:80 pm Paella. hlcago, Mllwaak)) 4t t. Pasjl. a 7:10 am a 8:66 pm a 6:16 pm bU :60 am a 1:20 pm a 3:60 pm a 6:05 pm 03:40 pat 1:30 am 11:60 pm ' 11:60 pm 9:16 am 9:30 am 7:06 am 9:30 am 8:30 am a 3:46 pm 10:36 am 1035 am 615 pm s:io pm 6:16 pm i-M.ins-ii n-vlti-ht Ex...t am r-iisn-rtMia-OrABrnn K!k m.'l:4& nm LIUIIUI Ml- " "" Overland Limited .......a 8 Al pin De M. ox ukouuji x.v.. 1.09 am llltnola Central. Chicago Express a t:s 1 i Chlcsgo Limited a 7:60 pin Minn, ft St Paul Ex. ..b 7:26 am Minn, ft St. Paul L t d..a 7:50 pm Mlssoarl Fcle. St, Louis express a :su am K. cT& St. IlSx nll:15 pm all:00 pn a s:iu pm a 7:3d am a 3:10 pm 10:8S pm 86 m bl0:85 pm a $:06 pm 6:00 am a 1 6:0u pm BBRLIHGTOH TATYOlf 10TH ft MAIO.1 Bnrllngtea. Leav. ..a 4:10 pm .11:10 pm .a 8:50 am 1 (In msii d i n pm aii:oe p ok ft Flettsm'th.b i:b2 pm al0:26 a is ft Plattsm'th.a 7:60 pm b 8:8$ a i ft Fsc. June 8:30 am 12:16 pm Arrlv. a $:20 pm a 4:08 pm a 7:40 pm 12:05 nm m am rie-ver ft California Northwest Express lNeDrsssa ; Uncoln Faat M. l..,....b $.67 pm nUvu T3 Ullsft Bellvu Pc- June Timlin Chicago Sneclsl a 7J0 am Chicago Expre a 4:00 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 916 am St Louis Kx press a 4.25 pm Kanss City ft St. Jo..sl0:45 pm Kansss City A Bt Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansa City ft Bt Jo.. 4:26 pm WEBSTER DBPOT-IBTH ft Mlssoarl Faclfle. Lear. Arrlv. Nebraska Local. via Weeping Water b 4:60 pm bll.40 am Chlcaao, St. Pant, Minneapolis A Oanaha. Twin City Pas enger...b 8:80 m b 9:10 pr Sioux City Passenger.. a $. pm all :50 am Oakland Lor si b 6:46 pm h 9:16 am A dally, b dally except Sunday, d dally except Saturday. daily except Monday. a 66 am a $:S8 prti a 7:2 am 11. -00 pm U :46 am . a 6:46 am a 6:06 pm ... . WKBSTaft- I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only On Dollar a Year, SEASOIABLE FASHIOIS. ! '0 I v N(8 f.2?7-fi'.'44 (Two ratternsl-LADlESr DUSTING CAP AND APRON. Sires. No. 6J27 n slse Sle, No. 64432 to 42-IIICh. huBt Each pattern 10 tents. For ths aororarnedatlo of -retvder f Th Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 21 to 60 cents each, will im furnished st the nomlnsl pries of 10 cents. A supply I now kept at our office, n those wku wish any pattern may get It either by rail ing or enclosing 10 cents, address "Pis tern Department, Bee, Omaha,' 1 1 I,?