Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Week Full of Little Things to Be Followed
by Another.
HDi)boillF Have Mnrli to Snr
on Affair thai Inmltm Well
Known I'eniile anil I
la He talrt.
nik Front Vernns Si. Valentine.
Jvuw what on earth are w to do Hgalnn
Jn k Front, this fallow who
With n bi-low th line iam-' lu re to thwart
Bt. Valentine?
l'lret thin rnjri of low decree brought
nnow nnrt then, bv Jingo, ho
Froze all the hearts In Omaha D hard
IhHt norm nf thrtn coulrt thaw.
And when mir little Valentino hit hrarti
hlH arrows (everv time)
In splinter broke nnil Jett no mark upon
the frosty, hardened heart;
Jiut rt ill our arelier fhot hln shafts, until
Jark Krot ramii runninc fast.
And with hm north wlnd'n Hharpent etlng ha
cut our tiny friend n how-strins:.
And with lee tweezers nlnrhed hln none an
chased him home mid whirling nniiwn
And now vounn V'Hlentine, half frcte, uc
fore, his fir, warms his toes:
Ills (ulver h empty, and his bow Is useless
mane bv his rold foe.
And no thl day I set tio lino from my dear
John and, alentlne.
G. E. R., Omaha
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY Omaha club dinner; Mrs. Frank
Barrett a lunc heon.
TUK8DAY Mrs. Joseph M. Cudahy, at
home; Mrs. G. J?. Moorehead, a, ken
W E r N JC S D A Y Annual Washington
birthday dinner of Umaha club: Mrs
JoHeuh I,ehmer's luncheon: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Harding, n dinner; Visit
Inar Nore.s Hiinual tilrihuay party a
Klks' club r'Kim.s; Southwest Dancing
club, rotllllon; Mrs. U 1.. Hamlin an
Mrs. A. W. Huff, a ruchru party at the
homs of Mra. kuit.
THURSDAY Mrs. J. H. Butlers luncheon.
r HIDAY Mrs. J. II. Kuth-r'n card party
Mr. and Mis. A. C. SinJth. a dinner.
SATURDAY Omlkron Alpha i'l dancing
It has been ft week' of luncheons and din
ners and . hearts. Such a crush of unim
portant thlngn as there, tuts been these pas
six days and ths most of them In honor
of St. Valentine, too. But they have all
been pretty, valentine parties could scarcely
be otherwise, and the fact they were mostly
unpretentious only added to their enjoya
Mlity. This . week the hatchet and tho
cherry tree will take the place of the heart
and the cupid and society will search the
depths of the family trunk for garments
of tho Colonial period In which to array
Itself and Its tables In celebration of
Washington's birthday.
Some time during March there Is to be an
exhibit of miniatures of some of Omaha'
prominent women and children, and some
truly beautiful likenesses will be shown on
that occasion. One of tho miniatures to be
exhibited, that of a prominent society
woman, was made as a Christmas gift for
her husband. She told this to a friend re
cently and was laughed at for being "so
conceited." Of course, such a bit of senti
ment Is considered awfully bad form by
some but It la refreshing after all.
The busybodles are saying and saying
very persistently too that there is to be a
wedding out In California before long, prob
ably next month, and that the Interested
parties are to be two very well known
Omaha people. He Is a lieutenant on the
staff of General Wint and she Is a young
matron who has had her share of social
attention ever since she came out seven
or eight years ago. Just why the wedding
In to take place out of town, however. Is
not clearly explained by tho busybodles
except that as her former marriage wag
a church affair and one of the conspicuous
events of the season she prefers a
privacy that could scarcely be secured In
Omaha owing to her social position.
There has been a little system of piracy
In operation among some of Omaha's fash
ionable dames of lato that has aroused the
Ire of some other fashionable dames to the
point of "doing something." The servant
problem Is by no means a new one In
Omaha, and the supply of competent domes
tics Is by no means equal to the demand
inoc an ine lasmonaDie tamilies make a
practice of retaining their full corps of
servants during the summer vacation and
as a result there Is usually a general chang
Ing about spring and fall, all of which
In perfectly legitimate, as It Is usually a
change for the better where It Is volun
tary. But this winter, It Is alleged, certain
well known society women have resorted
to means "unbecoming a lady" to secure
desired cooks or maids. One woman learn
ing that a luncheon at which she was a
guest had been planned by her hostess1
cook, had tho audacity to inquire of that
hnatess the name of her cook and promptly
wrote her a note offering Inducements that
were promptly accepted. Another woman
telephoned four times In one day to the
home of a friend, to a maid who had for
merly been In her employ, with tho result
that that maid resigned shortly to return
to her former mistress notwithstanding the
fact that the "friend" was about to give a
series of entertainments which was qujte
wen Known to mis enterprising lady. And
these are only some of the things that have
happened of late that have afforded themes
for discussion among fashionable women
and mmle them determined tt use names if
In the six day bleyele races the pace
tails terribly at the end. Mas after
tnau falls out exhausted. The victor
wabbles wearily over the line. Ia the
business race it' the same. Man after
man drops out exhausted. ' The success
ful man is often a dyspeptic, unable to
enjoy success. When the stomach ia
diseased there ia not enough nutrition
assimilated to sustain the body and re
pair the daily waste of tksues. The
result is weakness, tending to collapse.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
enables the perfect osauuilation of food
by which the body is built up with
sound, healthy flesh.
I have takes en bottle of Doctor Ptemre
Golden Medical Diaccwwv for indigestion sod
liver complaint. writ Mr. C M. Wilaoo, of
Yadkin College, Uividaon Co., N. C. Hsv
had no bad sutlta .iac I commenced taking
your moilicloe-a fact, have not frit like the
same ma a. Iteiuee I took the ' Coldvn Medical
Dlacoeerr' I could nut rat anything without
awful dt.treea, but now I ran rat anything I
wish without having unpleaaant ieetioga, Laat
UBimer our baby wu teetuuie aua waa o pooe
he was almost s skeleton, we gave him your
'Qoiden Medical niaovery sua now lie is i
healthy aud well as anv child. I will apeak a
good word for your medicine whenever I have
Sa opportunity.
Dr. Fierce' Pellets cart sick hesdstha,
ne.-essary to put an end to the practice of
servant ttcalii.g
The Visiting Nurses association will hold
Its annual birthday reception Wednesday
afternoon, February 22. from t to 6 o'clock.
In the Elks' club rooms. The birthday party
Is one of the most largely attended social
functions of the year and tho Increased
attendance has made It necessary to hold
It In some halt sufficiently lipaelous to ac
commodate the people without crowding.
In the past It has been the custom for the
matrons of the larger homes of the city to
lend their homes for the afternoon for this
occasion, but this year the Elks have cour
teously offered their club rooms in the
Ware building. Tho-ofticers of the associa
tion, together with the members of the
board of directors, will constitute a recep
tion committee and there will be ft pro
gram as usual during the afternoon. Borne
of the best local talent has been secured
for the program, among them Mr. Alex
ander Stewart, Minn Kay Cole and Mrs. J.
B. 8cannll. voealiRts and Misses Grace
Conant and Pearl ty, pianists.
ther 8tlnson performed the wedding cere
mony. The bride was attended by her sis
ter, Mis Myrtle I). Ine, and the groom
by his brother, Mr. Dan Daly. The bride
was prettily gowned In a cream colored
crepe du chine, while the bridesmaid wore
white mousseilne de sole over white silk.
A wedding breakfast at the home of the
bride's parents followed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Daly will be at home to their
friends at l.TM South Twenty-seventh street
after March 10.
The wedding of Miss May Maynard,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. May
nard. and Mr. Kdward Robinson of Wray.
Colo., was solemnized at 7 o'clock Inst
evening. Rev. T. J. Maekay officiating.
Owing to the illness of the bride's grand
mother the wedding took place at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alton B. Smith and only
the members of the family and a few other
relatives were present. The bride was at
tended by her sister. Miss Florence May
nard, and Mr. Bruce Robinson of Wray,
Colo., served as groomsman. Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson left last evening for a bridal trip
to New Orleans and the smith and will be
at home after April 1 at Wray, Colo.
riennores Past.
The MIfs. s Bushman rrtertalned the Ins
Tescadorcs club and a number of Its guests
Iii-H evening.
Mine Olive Huntley entertained the
Omaha High School Hawthorne society on
Saturday afternoon. The occasion Was car
ried out In colonial effect
Mr. W. S. Wright treated a score of
children to a slelghrlde Friday afternoon
and after a two hours' ride the party re-
Snrlal Chit-Clint.
Judge and Mm. Benjamin S. Baker have
located for the winter at the Georgia.
Miss Mabel Marr spent several days last
week In Lincoln visiting school friends.
Dr. W. A. Boiling and fam'ly will move
Into their apartment at the Hamilton dur
ing the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mets and family
sin sans snssnnnnnnnnnnmnrssnnnnnnnnnsannnnnnnnnnnnnjnnanni III II II Sin sent anasni annnnMSn
are preparing to make a tour of Europe
turned to his home at Thirtieth avenue and the coming summer
Poppleton. whero hot refreehments were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Melkle expect to
served before the young rcple were' re- I leave February S for Mobile, from where
turned to their homes. they will sail for Cuba
A party of young folks surprised Miss I Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Houtre have taken
Anna Tompson last Tuesday evening at I apartments In the Hamilton at Twenty
her home. 817 South Twenty-third street, fourth and Farnam streets.
The evenli.g was spent with games and
music. Misses Gertrude Lannan, Bessie
Davis, Maud McArdle and Clara Nelson
sang several enjoyable songs. The solo
rendered by Miss- I'earl Norton was an
other very enjoyable feature of the even
Miss Alice MeCullough entertained In
formally on Friday evening for Mr. Ben
Mickey, who came up rrom Lincoln with
the high( school debaters. Misses Irene
Jaynes. Bessie Charlton, Marjorie Schram
and Eleanor Jacquith, and Mr. Harold
Bowman, Mr. George Graham, Mr. Horace
Mr. and Mrs. Wattles went to Lincoln
for a couple of days this week to visit
with a niece who Is living there.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Marsh have
again taken up their residence in Omaha
and are now occupying their apartments In
the Hamilton. '
A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Lynch
of Chicago, Sunday. Mrs. Lynch was Misa
Rowena Hlgginson, daughter of Mrs. W.
B. Melkle of Omaha.
Mrs. E. V. Lewis and Miss Lewis are
spending a few weeks near Pasadena, Cal.,
and expect to be Joined by Mr. and Mra
Schram nnd Mr. Hubert Owen assisted In C. M. Wllhelm soon.
making the evening pleasant for Mr. Mra J. L. Brandels was taken to Chicago
Mickey, enabling him for a time to forget last night, where she gees to enter one
hla disappointment at the outcome of the of the hospitals for treatment. Her chll-
debnto I dren all went with her.
One of the charming affairs of the week Captain Keller expects to Join his regi-
was the reception given Wednesday after
noon by Mrs. Burt Blanchard and Mrs. C.
A. Melcher at the home of the latter, Twen
ty-third and F streets. South Omaha. Dur
ing the afternoon about Id) guests were re
ceived. The house was beautifully decor
ated, the parlors In pink and white, re
ception room and dining room In red. The
ment, the Twenty-second Infantry, at Fort
Sheridan, soon, having been unable to ef
fect a transfer back to tho Thirtieth in
Mrs. Pratt, nee Kate Copelnnd of Omaha,
has arrived with her husband. Colonel
Pratt, who will take command of his regi
ment at Fort Crook. Mrs. Pratt's return
hostesses were assisted by Mesdames Rock, will be welcomed by many Omaha friends.
red Melcher, J. M. Farmer, D. L. Holmes.
T. J. Nolan, and Misses Stella Murphy,
uurKeea, Melcher and Frances Tanner.
On Thursday evening the friends of Miss
Susie Phelps, whose marriage to Mr. J.
E. Almy occurs next month, gave a "nov
elty shower" at the residence of Miss Jose
phine Shultz, 1017 South Thirty-first street.
Captain and Mrs. J. M. Arrasmlth were
among the arrivals with the Eighteenth
United States Infantry on the transport
Logan last week, coming from the Phil
ippines. They will be stationed at Fort
Leavenworth and expect to visit Omaha
after February 20.
According to friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
The entertainment consisted of guessing Clarke are Dooular members of the Ameri
contests, the prizes being won by Margaret can colony In Paris, where both have be
Foley and Emma Quick. The rooms were I come readers In the Christian Science
handsomely decorated and dainty refresh- church. Mrs. Clarke was Miss Maud Oak-
ments were served. Among those present ley of Lincoln and a frequent visitor In
worn the following: Mrs. Gay and the Omaha. Mr. Clarke was among Chicago's
Misses Elser, Cullen, Bradley, Zllg. Fisher, foremost vocal teachers previous to their
The ( 'Inn ( alrnilar.
MONDAY Oeneral meeting, of Woman's
WEDNESDAY Meeting of the Woman's
Club of Railway Mail Service; English
literature department. 3:lfi; Annuity as
sociation meeting; English history de
partnimt. 2:15; oratory department. 10::tn.
TH i 'RSDAY Household economics depart
ment, 10 o'clock.
FRIDAY Musical department, 10:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Dora V. Wheelock, president of
tho Nebraska Women's Christian Tempcr
anco union, spent last week In Chicago
attending a meeting of the trustees of the
Temple fund. While a full report has not
yet been made It Is expected that It will
be but a fchort time now before the trust
bonds are paid and the purchase of the
bonds begun. A gift of $rAo"0 has been
made recently by "a friend," together with
several other substantial gifts and the
promise of still others. In spite of the op
position that bos been offered tho Ne
braska Women's Christian Temperance
union has stood by the Temple project and
done its share In the way of money and
encouragement and now that the enterprise
that for several years threatened to lose
out because of the opposition of some
members of tho executive committee
of the national organization and the
prejudice they create in others, promises to
become a success after all, the trustees
find It somewhat easier to Inspire the
confidence of those who waited to see
which way the tida would turn before
giving their aid.
While the Associated Charities, the
county and city have been taxed to care
for the poor during tho last mouth, a
heavy work has fallen to tho Visiting
Nurses' association In Its care for the
poor sick. The month ending February 15
was tho hardest and heaviest In the history
of the association. Owing to the preval
ence of grip. It was difficult to secure
nurses enough to care for all the patients
and several were brought over from Coun
cil Bluffs. During the month eighty-seven
patients wero cared for. nine of which re
quired special nurses; 692 visits were made
and fifty-three of the patients being grip
cases. There wero four deaths. As this
work is among the most unfortunate and
destitute of the city It Is frequently neces
sary to provide tho necessities In clothing
and food. These Items have to be met
out of special donations or provided
through societies of women over the city
who do auxiliary work In the way of sew
ing. The regular funds of tho association
are taxed to provide medicines and pay
the salaries of the trained nurses.
Sample Lines of Womens
ilslin Underwear on Sale
Tomorrow at One-
half Price
We purchased from six of the best Muslin Underwear fac
tories, in this country, their entire sample lines. We bought
them at 50c on the dollar. Every garment in this sale strictly
high grade, and were made to -take orders for this spring's
trade they have served their purpose; tomorrow you can
make your selections from these beautiful spring garments
"r y Ladies' fine long cloth and cambric covera, drawers, skirts and gowns,
y A O trimmed in lace and embroidery, beautiful styles, all full sizes and per
U V fectly made. Made to sell at 75c sale price, 37c. '
4- Ladies' extra fine quality cambric and long cloth covers, drawers, skirts and
a A sP gowns, daintly trimmed with lace and embroidery, beautiful new styles,
" slightly mussed from handling, made to sell at $1.50 sale price, 77c.
Isjiff Ladies' high grade samples, most beautiful styles of gowns, skirts and
M A covers, made of the finest materials and dainty styles, trimmings in em-
Aai V broidery and laces all made to sell at $2. 50 and 3. 00 sale price, $ 1. 27.
The English literature department will
present tho program at Monday afternoon's
mooting of the Woman's club. Miss Kato
McHugh will give a talk on "Some Forces
in English Literature:" Mrs. Samuel
Katz will contribute an Instrumental and
Mrs. J. W. Thomas a vocal sola
Craig, Schoninlaw, Deck, Dunn, Quick.
Tatt, FTtth, McShane, Foley, Arthur, Lar
son, Llnkey. Goudy, Josephine Shultz, Nel
lie Shultz, Vincent and Weych.
Coming Events.
Mrs. Frank Barrett will entertain at
luncheon Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding will enter
tain at dinner Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Joseph Lehmer has issued cards for
a luncheon to be given Wednesday In honor
of Miss Laura Congdon.
The students of Brownell Hall will be
given a colonial party Wednesday evening
by the faculty of the hall.
Mrs. J. H. Butler has Invitations out for
a luiii neua 10 oe given i nursaay and a
card party Friday afternoon.
The members of Omlkron Alpha PI fra
ternity win give a fancy dress party Sat
urday evening at Chambers' academy.
Mrs. Joseph W. Ruff and Mrs. Lee L.
Hamlin will entertain at euchre Wednesday
afternoon at the home of the former, 1844
uinney street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton will give a
fancy dress party Wednesday evening for
tneir small daughter and son at their home
on Park avenue.
The members of the Current Topic depart
ment of the Woman's club will be guests
or Mrs. q. p. Moorhead Tuesday afternoon
at a kensington.
The cotillion to be given by the South.
west Dancing club at Chambers' academy
weanesaay evening will be among the
larger arrears of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith
have Issued cards for a dinner to be sMven
Friday evening In compliment to Miss Mary
iee jHcenane ana Miss Klrkendall.
marriage two years ago.
It Is, expected that Mr. and Mrs. Wing
B. Allen of Salt Lake City will he among
the out-of-town guests who will attend the
wedding of Miss Sadie Burn ham and Mr.
George Holmes, which will take place at
Lincoln March 1. In the event of this visit
Mr. and Mrs. Allen will probably visit
Omaha also, both of whom formerly lived
here. Mrs. Allen will be remembered as
Miss Llla Alexander, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Alexander.
Friday evening February 10th. a new
chupter of the Order of the Eastern Stat
was instituted at Piattsmouth, by Mr.
Jesse Gidley, Grand Patron of Cedar Bluffs,
assisted by Mrs. Anna C. Simpson, Grand
Secretary of Omaha. The officers of Vesta
Chapter No. 6 Omahai were Invited by the
new Chapter to exemplify the work, all
the offloers accepted the' Invitation and put I
the work on In full form In a beautiful
manner. At the close a vote of thanks
was extended Vesta Chapter. The session
closed with a banquet. The new Chapter
wan named the Masonic Home Chapter,
and was organized with thirty members.
41 fBBf mom Ladies' fine cambric and loner cloth gowns, covers and drawers and skirts,
II A n a Pretty line of tbe latent pattern gowns and skirts, all well made and
Jbl M ft"
finished, wiTTadces. hemstitching and embroideries, $3. 50 quality at 91. 77.
Ladies' most beautiful lace and embroidery trimmed skirts and gowns,
cut long and full, in swell, dainty styles of laces and embroideries
garments made to sell at $5.00 and $6.00 sale price, 82. 47.
New Hosiery Department,
In a few weeks Omaha can brag of the
finest high class hosiery department In the
west. Several cases of imported hosiery
have already arrived at Shelley's, 1511
Douglas, and others are expected soon. The
line will embrace the most exclusive nov
elties from Europe's greatest manufac
tories. Mr. Shelley has been Importing
pattern hats direct from Tarls the last
few weeks and his agents are now search
ing 'the Parisian market for exclusive nov
elties for the suit department.
Miss Fannie Schadell of F. M. SchadeU
& Co., left for the east Wed. eve. to buy
her spring goods.
Come and Go Gossip.
Miss Viola Cahn Is the guest of friends
In Baltimore.
Miss Nellie Baum Is visiting -friends In
Philadelphia and Washington.
Miss Florence Kllpatiick Is In Pasadena,
t-TH., the guest or Alias Rena Ross.
Mrs, Lewis Reed Is expected home toda
rrom an extenaeu visit In the east.
Miss Anna Coad has gone to Houston
iex., tor ine remainder of the winter.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield returned Wednesday
from a visit to Chicago and St. Paul, Minn.
Mrs. Jessie Dickinson Lyman returned
yesterday from a fortnight's stay In Chl-
ca go. ;
Mr. Mosler Colpetser spent a few davs In
Omaha last week enroute from Grand Is.
land to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kountxe have mn
to New York, from where they will go
ouiu ior several weeks.
Fair and Festival Will Open In
I'arlsh Hall on Monday
The bazar for the benefit of the Sacre
Heart church and Its schools will open
Monday evening In the parish hall. Twenty
third and Blnney streets, and will last dur
ing the week, afternoon and evening, clos
ing Saturday night. Five fancy booths have
been tastefully decorated by the women.
Father Judge Is to give a valuable diamond
pin, a diamond ring and a gold ring, or
the equivalent, to the young man, young
woman and married woman, respectively,
who will turn in the most money to the
fair fund. In this connection some names
are popularly mentioned aa being probable
winners, such as Misa Lohleln, Miss Made
lene O'Conor, Mrs. J. II. Gibbons, Mrs.
J. B. Wilson, Kdward Kelly and Ralph
Ranee. Many of the. hardest workers are
keeping their counsel wjth the view of
springing a surprise later. Each evening
of the fair a select program will be
rendered for the entertainment of the visi
tors, Monday night an address on educa
tional topics will be given by Rev. Edmund
Hayes of Imogene, la., who will be intro
duced by the chairman. Councilman D. J.
O'Brien. Tuesday evening the choir will
give a brief concert. The Sacred Heart
high school pupils will give a dramatic and
literary program on Wednesday evening,
Mrs. I. R. Andrews will address Wednes
day afternoon's meeting of the Woman's
club of tho Railway Mail service which
will bo held at the home of Mrs. G. G.
Whitmore, 1807 Pinkney street. Her sub
ject will be "The Evolution of the
The Bible Study department of the club
will meet at 2:30 Thursday afternoon in
the club rooms. "Esther" will be the sub.
Ject of the afternoon.
"Teas of the. d'Aubervilles" will be tho
subject at Wednesday afternoon's meeting
of the English literature department. Th
meeting will call at 3:30 o'clock.
I'nder the auspices of the social scienco
department of tho Woman's club, the can
tata, "The Enchanted Swan," will be pre
sented In the auditorium of tho First Con
gregational church Thursday evening,
March 2, at 8 oclock. under the rilree-
mm p
A. O. I . W.
A. O. V. W. Temple, HO X. 14th St.,
Fifteen Prizes now on exhibition at Black
the Halters.
TICKETS, 2F. Cents.
can be secured at the hall.
the benefit of the Newsboys Home. There
will be a rchcarsul of tho chorus Thursday
at 3:30 p. m. and Friday at lu a. m.
Thnt means a wedding present. The best kind of
gift of this sort is something in Sterling Sliver and the
largest assortment and lowest prices are always found
here. 1
German Thenter.
This evening the German stock company
at Oermnnla hall will produce "Nlobe,
the Statue of Marble," an excellent com
edy, by Blumenthal. Johanna Jaugers will
play Nlobe and the other parts will be
taken by M. Elsemann, Laura Monjenn, E,
Pacully, T. Held, C. Haubelmann, etc. The
masquerade ball of the company takes
tion of Mrs. G. W. Noble. It Is given fof I Place on Thursday, Feb. 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gulou reinm-H
Thursday from Chicago, where they at
tended the automobile show.
Mrs, H. T. I.emlat will leave inAav, t- I Thursday nlht Cuntaln Dunn will
St. Paul, Minn., whero she will be th and Blgnor Martini, tho magician, will iv
guest of Mrs. S. Q. Strickland. his laughter provoking exhibition of slight
Miss crris, who has been the imc.i I of hand rjerformances. Th. nrinnm fnr
Miss Faith Potter for the past fortnight, Friday night will be furnished by the young
"" "J ner nome In St. Louis. women, who will put on the stage a very
rtiinur jerrems and son whn I amnalnar nnntnnilme "The .limn... w.H
the guests of Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton for a ding." Saturday night there will be amuse
aB"' '""e returned to their home in "ent enough In deciding the contests and
"" winding up tho fair.
Mrs. J. D. Otis of New York rri-- .k. I
early part of the week to be the a-net Hotel aad Hestanrant Men's Meetlu
or Her sister, Mrs. S. S. Curtis, for a short There will be a meeting of the Omaha
l line. I Hotel and Restaurant Urn', n
A cablegram has been eiu..i I the Millard hotel Monday evening, l-'ebruiu-v
V. A n ii . ",nuin , . -
.. 41 uni announcing his safe arrival "l 4 o ciock. ine election of officers
"onoimu and that he is In excellent ttl
Mrs. Alice Ackerman and Mra a n
cox of Springfield, III., are vlsltlnr" the.r
liter. Mrs. W. J. Haves of sh.r,n..
avenue. '
Mrs. C. B. Schmidt anrl hrr.iv,., m.
O HnhmlH. "'
ru""". i-oio., are guests
u Bln"dt'' duu'"-. Mrs. Georg.
Weddings and Etiiiem..,.
Miss Fannie Merrill loft
taplehurst. Neb., where her mam.-. .
Dr. Stuart MacDUrnild will I. rjmni..
Wednesday at the home cf her uncle and
'on, air. una Mra. Kumual M-,l, I,..
i'"am T. ualy and Miss Kstle Lane
were murrled at S o'clock last Wednesday
morning ai nt. milomena'st cathedral. Rev.
atner Jveiiy said the mu and ltr. Fa-
and other matters of vital Interest to the
betel and restaurant men of Omaha will
be considered. Every hotel and restaurant
man, whether or not a member of ttie
SMKH-latlon, is urged to be present at tills
meeting. Refreshments will be served.
IRWIN A. MEDLAR, Secretary.
Very Low Kates,
Washington, D. C, and Return,
Via "Northwestern Line,"
"The Only Double Track Railway to
( hlcago."
Tickets on Halo Feb. 2S to March 2.
Good Till Murch 18.
City Offices, 1401, lm Farnam
inn Men In Orchestra.
Auditorium, March 7 Musicians'
Clothing on credit at RlUgley'a, 1417 Doug.
Vt'o have opened n wholehnle office In tlie Iteo Huilcling. this city,
where a complete line of nuniple pianos Mill be kept on hand for tho
n personal Inspection of dealerH in tills section.
J Having the Instruments here aud belnjr at no additional expense,
we havo decided to introduce otir pianos in Omaha, by selling direct
5 from tho factory' at retail, and .give our patrons the benefit of special
Our factory located in New Castle, Indiana, Is one of the largest and
best equipped iu the world and the pianos made there are the highest
; "
5 A cordial Invitation Is extended the public to visit our wholesale
2 i'or the convenience of those who do not wish to purchase for cash, J
arrangements will be made on the easy monthly installment plan.
Krell-French Piano Company I
1 526 Bee Building t
2 Factory New Castle, Indiana. .
CHAS. W. BRAINERD, Western Wholesale Representative
1 '&ifMh&i--Jr
a - 'Phone 711
Have you tried Ralduff's Table
d'Hote Sunday Dinners? Many
find it moro convenient and less
expensive than geltlng up a dinner
at home. KverythlliK is nerved In
a most delicious and appetizing
manner. Try it today. You will
Kime again.
PRICE OOc. Sunduy, Feb. 19, 1006.
Raw Oysters
Saratoga Flakes
Bouillon a la Franeaise
Soup Sticks Olives
Fillette of Halibut a la Jalnvtlle
Roast Turkey
with Cranberry Sauce
Individual lee Cream
Assorted Fancy Cakes
We wouldn't be growing as we are
In this department unless our service
and prices were all that could bo desired.
Jet nn estimate for catering for any function yo-u may be In
terested In: Wedding Receptions. HreakfMMs, Socials, eto.
1518-20 Farwam
Mrs. J. Benson
Ladies' and Children's Knit Underwear (broken sizes) In Cotton and
Tart Wool at less than half price.
All our Fur Scarfs at half price.
liolf I Moves at half price.
White Klderdown Coats, from 6 months to 2 years, at Just half price.
Children's Coats, from 3 to N years at less than half price.
All Dress Trimmings at half price.
Misses' Kid Cloves were lfl.H now .ric.
Ladles' Mi aud t! Kid Cloves were $!. now .ISc.
I'illow Tops, slightly soiled Dollies, Centers aud Lunch Cloths all at
half price.
Soiled IIandkerchlefs-$l.L'." Handkerchiefs, fi.".e; $1.00 Handkerchiefs,
Wic: 7rc Handkerchiefs, 3Sc; ti.V Handkerchiefs, HIV; 13c Handkerchiefs,
All our New Spring Goods are now coming
in which were selected by Mrs. J. Benson
sJUliMllMlsWJJJUlnlHIIII ssllMai I IIIHI sisHlllllllssl slhUI IIMIH HW slIllimUllllisiiaiM
MR. HENRY W. SAVAGE'S Magestic Production of
Produced aa at Bayreuth, with a Cast of Artists Selected
from tbe Leading European Opera Houaea
Company of 200 Orchestra of 60
The most Impressive operatic production ever sent on tour.
Prices 50 Cents to $3.00.
Mall Orders will be filled when accompanied by remittance.
(Ucrnianla Mall I
"KI0BE. St&tue 5 Marble."
(foinedy III 3 Acts.)
Till HMOW, I- KB. T.I.
t'rplshlon llall, Wednesday, Feb. 23,
Aniifsio i ck: vrs.
Onlr Oaa IMIlajr p, Ysava.