Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Cattle Carried Over from Tridaj Were Blow
Sale and Lower.
beep sad Lamb Hold Jost About
tlradf nlth Friday aad Ten
to Fifteen Cent Higher
Than Week Ao.
receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Ofhclal Monday o.W
Official Tuesday 1,275 194 1.438
Official Wednesday 31 Mo 4.(47
oniclal Thursday 4.4W 10.11a
OfflclMl Friday t.Ma 13.1W 6,i
Official Saturday 2W 13.W) 4.tO.J
Total this wck .41 8t 2'3 S"-777
Total iHKt week 15.654 49 4"i 31.9. .
Total week before 14.18 .W U.V
Same threo ww ks ago..l7.2 67.2'J) 2h.4M
Same four weeks Bgo....l7.2 M.i5 32.H23
Same week laHt year. . . .18.279 60.600 40.2NJ
The following table shows the receipts of
(utile, iiofcs and sheep at South Omalia Tor
ths year to date with comparison with last
1M6. 1904. Dec.
Cattle IOUxW 11H.U"4 12.P3U
iti 31f..352 31H.242 2.W0
Sheep 1W.317 246,176 46.8o9
'Ihe following table sliowa I no average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat
several days, with comparisons:
Feb. I....
Feb. 4....
Feb. 6
Feb. 6....
Feb. 7....
Feb. ...
Feb. ....
Feb. JO...
Feb. 11...
Feb. 12...
Feb. 13...
Feb. 14...
Feb. 15...
Feb. 16...
Feb. 17...
Feb. 18...
1904. 108.
4 68
4 7
4 7244.
4 74WI
4 824
4 74
4 68V,
4 bX
4 707,,
4 8H4
4 04
4 847,
4 HI
4 73
4 721
4 731
4 Ml
4 Ml
1902. 101
I Kl 5 22
6 26,
6 03
t 3
6 80 6 6 6 31
4 671 8 64
I 4 77 821 6 12 6 2Ji
i! 4 Ml 77 6 161 6 21
J 6 74 6 03 1 6 28
6 71 6'2i
6 76 6 00
t 70 6 021 6 3!
6 72 6 04 5 30,
tf 80 6 Mi 6 24
4 881
4 !),
6 ol,
6 00,
6 01
4 t
4 99
6 031
6 021
6 04!
6 85
6 93
7 03
6 97
6 921
6 81
5 79
6 78
6 31
6 28
6 28
6 221
4 68
4 62
4 66
4 70
4 68
4 76
4 84
4 80
4 79
4 82
4 75 1
4 75
4 83
4 7b
8 61
a 611
3 6
8 56
1 66
8 66
3 70
3 71
8 65
3 68
3 68
3 68
3 68
8 62
Indicates Sunday
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. & St. P 1 13 ..
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific 1
Union Pacific 3 21 17
U. & N. W 12
F.. K. & M. V 8 66
C. St. P.. M. & O U
B. & M 13 1
(,., B. & Q 7
C., K. I. & P., east t 15
Illinois Central 19 4
Chicago Great Western..... 2 12
Total receipts 13 182 22
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of bead Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 8 1,974
Swift and Company 314 4,544 1,631
Cudahy Packing Co 71 4.324 120
Armour eV Co 2 8,6oo 602
S. & S 540
Totals 390 14.882 2453
CATTLE There were a few cars of cattle
reported this morning and a good many
were carried over from yesterday that
either came In late or that packers would
not bid on, so there were enough to make
quite a market had any of the buyers
wanted fresh supplies. As a matter of fact,
though, none pf the packers seemed to care
whether they' bought anything or not, as
they figured that they would have to carry
whatever they bought until Monday, and
from their standpoint It would be fully as
profitable to lot the commission men hold
them over. Their bids on both steers and
cows were unevenly lower than yesterday's
market and not a great deal of business
was transacted.
For the week receipts have been exceed
ingly light owing to the severe storms,
which tied up transportation lines. As com
pared with the same week of last year, sup
plies have been only about half as large.
The snow storms have also blocked the
roads In the east, so that refrigerator cars
have become blocked and for the last week
there has been a shortage at this point
which in a large measure is responsible for
the break in the market. The situation,
though. Is. rapidly Improving and it Is ex
pected that by next week there will be
enough cars to move the meats now In
packers' coolers.
The beef steer market advanced rapidly
the early part of the week and by Wednes
day was a big '26c higher. On Thursday
and Friday, however, all of the advance
was lost and with today's decline closing
prices are a little lower than at the close
of last week. In a good many cases the
decline for the week amounts to as much
as KxjjlBc. All kinds of cattle have suf
fered, the good as well as the common.
Good to choice steers may be quoted from
84.90 to (6.60, fair to good 84.26 to 4.90 and
commoner grades from 84.16 down.
The cow market also advanced rapidly
the early part of the week, but since
Wednesday all of the advance has been
lost. The market today was very slow and
weak and salesmen had their choice of
taking less money cr carrying their cattle
over until Monday. Good to oholce cows
and heifers may be quoted from 13.00 to 84 ft)
and something very- prime In the way of
spayed heifers might sell for a little more
than that. Fair to good grades, of course
go from 32.40 to $2.9o and common stuff
mostly from 31.75 to 32.25.
Bulls are also a little lower for the week
though choice grades could be quoted from
33.00 to 83.40 and common grades from 32 90
down. Veal calves have been selling a little
better this week, top grades selling up to
There have not been many stockers and
feeders on sale this week and owing to
the bad weather not many were, wanted
That was particularly the ease the early
part of the week and prices then suffered
to quite an extent. Toward the close of
the week the situation Improved, and good
heavy feeding cattle may be quoted about
y Jor tne Wfie- Common and light
cattle, however, have been rather slow and
T!Hk-.(iood ! choice cattle may be quoted
from 33 75 to 34.25. fair to good 33 25 to 83 75
and commoner grades from 33.25 down.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. Aw
II HO 8 40 24 H
t (44 I 40 I H74
l i70 i to it us
U 101 I 40 T 12ST
11M I 40 II 1M
a ,.. q i m
f urn no
I 1044 I It 10 1J07
1 0 HM
M4 1 00 IT MI
1 MO I 00 ' U
M..m m toe l o i
1 0 I M II
1 Ml III 1
lot I 0 4
1 TW I to T
I.....' 104 I Tl 11
1 1100 IT t
1 Ill I 00 1
. a Kl IU f M
1 Kl I I K4
I...... Ill I M II TU
1 . M IH 1 11
84 144 3 40 T m
I4M I 41 I IMS
: 1... mo i to ' i iim
l.......KT 1 41 1 147
.... Nt
I 44
I 10
4 01
4 M
4 W
t le
I il
l to
I 10
I Sf
I 40
3 Tl
I oe
Forget the fuct that It la not how much
n)iul(, but Low much aaved, that count.
Why uot now plant your pennies, let
them mount to dollars and enrn U per
cent each year? When old ngo conies
8ou will renp the harvest with much
O. W. LOOM IS. President.
O. U. NATT1NGER. Secretary.
l i I m 1 IBM H
1 17M 1 en
1 1171 I II 11 1M4 I 44
4 1 I n 1 1 I It
I l IS 7w) I M
I Ill 1 iO II Mi I 36
HOGS Receipts of hogs were very lib
eral today, there being about 13.000 fresh,
with about 2,(M) carried over from yester
day. Reports from other points were unfa
vorable to the selling interests and as a re
sult prices suffered to some extent. The
market could perhaps beet be described by
calling It about a nickel lower than yester
day s average. As compared with yester
day morning the decline amounts to more
than that, but as compared with yester
day's close the decline Is not that much.
Trading was active, particularly after buy
ers and sellers got together on. prices, so
that the bulk of the offerings was disposed
of in good season. Borne of the trains were
again late In arriving, which prevented the
market from coming to a close until a late
' For the week receipts have been very
light, both as compsred with last week and
with the corresponding week of Inst yeir.
The tendency of prices was upward the
early part of the week and Thursday was
the high point of the year to date. Yes
terday ana today, however, the market has
lost more than the early advance, so that
closing prices are about a dime lower than
at the close of last week. Representative
No. AT. Bh. r. Ho. AT. ah. Pr.
7 81 .. 4 00 74 2.11 40 4 474
11 Hit .. 4 2D 7,.......tJ3 .. 4 47,
34 146 .. 4 85 49 344 .. 4 474
S3 ISO .. 4 40 71 214 .. 4 47V4
M 1B .. 4 60 14 323 .. 4 67',
4 1K4 .. 4 MS 74 2S7 .. 4 67
73 12 10 4 f7'4 71 22S .. 4 67
32 102 .. 4 0 43 324 .. 4 74
2 14 .. 4 40 74 214 .. 4 47"
77 171 .. 4 0 44 2M 140 4 7
0 in 40 4 40 64 234 40 4 7,
76 1M ..4 4" 77 Ill M 4 74
84 1 .. 4 12 4 66 2M .. 4 47V
to 14 .. 4 I2t M 243 10 4 I74
i 2m ., 4 2i 7ft 130 .. 4 I74
3 1S7 .. 4 J4 71 Ill .. 4 74
0 1X6 .. 4 621., KJ 121 .. 4 471,
M 177 .. 4 62 PR 274 120 4 474
6R 314 .. 4 2W 75 213 .. 4 47
Mi 304 IV 4 624 72 0 40 4 474
42 211 10 4 621, 74 247 .. 4 67'
85 16 .. 4 2H 73 211 40 4 67 1,
14 197 .. 4 621, 7s 2S3 10 4 67 V,
44 187 .. 4 42 64 237 .. 4 47i
71 110 120 4 62 74 341 40 4 671,
73 I'M) .. 4 tl 71 291 .. 4 474
40 111 .. 4 46 74 1i .. 4 474
41 207 .. 4 46 47 244 .. 4 474
160 226 160 4 46 71 241 .. 4 47 4
61 134 .. 4 61 44 281 40 4 70
21 141 .. 4 66 60 271 100 4 70
64 224 .. 4 46 41 137 .. 4 70
M 201 .. 4 66 44 22.1 . . 4 70
84 227 .. 4 46 71 243 10 4 70
11 276 10 4 66 41 161 10 4 70
71 277 .. 4 66 61 201 .. 4 70
40 214 40 4 66 274 236 40 4 70
88 141 .. 4 68 70 2!8 .. 4 70
84 J 7 40 4 46 43 223 .. 4 70
74 201 .. 4 46 42 2t .. 4 70
77 215 .. 4 66 77 220 .. 4 70
74 140 .. 4 46 18 271 .. 4 70
74 221 .. 4 66 71 231 10 4 70
74 221 .. 4 66 48 266 . . 4 70
41 lAt .. 4 46 66 223 M 4 70
40 144 .. 4 46 46 235 10 4 70
60 236 240 4 66 67 285 80 4 70
71 242 10 4 45 61 104 80 4 70
68 104 10 4 66 68 255 .. 4 70
12 192 .. 4 65 66 115 80 4 70
84 204 .. 4 45 49 254 .. 4 70
40 2.14 .. 4 46 66 234 .. 4 70
68 2H9 .. 4 45 69 144 .. 4 70
81 224 40 4 65 75 241 .. 4 70
74 211 .. 4 46 64 271 40 4 724
76 221 .. 4 65 64 2.15 .. 4 72 4
76 211 10 4 65 II 156 .. 4 72
71 ...234 .. 4 68 64 266 .. 4 724
77 224 .. 4 65 57 283 40 4 724
80 227 .. 4 46 61 274 .. 4 724
78 221 120 4 45 44 177 80 4 7!4
71 118 .. 4 45 49 174 40 4 734
48 ill .. 4 65 26 278 .. 4 72 4
74 Ill .. 4 46 44 204 .. 4 75
79 237 110 4 46 70 101 .. 4 76
74 Ill .. 4 66 66 114 .. 4 71
76 248 .. 4 67 4 59 123 .. 4 75
43 256 120 4 47 4 41 316 80 4 76
61 260 .. 4 474 42 141 .. 4 76
71 221 80 4 474 '
SHEEP There were about 4,000 head of
sheep reported this morning, but quite a
few of them were billed through, so that
the actual number on sale was small. Some
of the buyers seemed to be quite anxious
for supplies, so that trading was fairly
active, with prices Just about steady. Aa
high as 85.50 was paid for ewes, and lambs
sold for 37.40 and 37.60 that were only of
fair quality.
Receipts for the week have been light, as
compared with a year ago, and the first
part of the week price advanced sharply
and gained fully a quarter and In some
cases as much as 35 cents. Part of this
advance, however, has since been lost, but
still closing prices are about 1 IKS 16c higher
thsn the close of last week.
The shortage of refrigerator cars has in
terfered with the demand to quite an ex
tent and made prices fluctuate back and
forth to quite an extent. From the way
packers act, however, they are now anxious
for good stuff, as they believe that next
week they will have enough cars to handle
their business.
Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice
yearlings, 86.26(26.50; fair to good year
lings. R.75S6.15; good to choice wethers.
35.2IVfJi6.65: (tir to rrxrt wethers. 84.90(6.15:
good to choice ewes, 35.00rg5.60; fair to good
ewes. M fiiWfd 00; common to f.!r ewes, 34 00
W4.60; good to choice lambs, 37.60(37.75; fair
to good lambs. 37.00r37.60; feeder yearlings,
I4.5ft4i6.0ft; feeder wethers, 44.2MS4.50 ;eeder
ewes, 83.2593. 76: feeder lambs, $6. 5004.25.
preventative sales:
No. At. Pr.
1260 western ewes 113 6 50
500 western lambs 74 7 40
271 western lambs I.... 76 7 60
2 western stags 130 3 00
1 western buck 140 8 60
3 western buck lambs 126 5 00
1 western ewe 90 6 25
S western yearlings 60 6 00
110 western lamb 60 6 85
All Classes of Stock Steady Receipts
of Hogrs Large for Saturday.
CHICAGO. Feb. 18. CATTLE Receipts.
800 head: market steady; good to prime
steers, 36.60I&43.1O; poor to medium, 33.80(a6.4o;
stockers and feeders, 2.40'u4.3(J; cows, 11. 25
4.00: neirers, iz.uumfc.uu; canners, i.;mbz.6o;
bulls, I2.IHXu4.00; calves, 33.60fr8.50.
HOGS Receipts. 22,000 head: estimated
Monday, 42,000 head; market steady; mixed
and butchers, 34.70(ij4.95; good to choice
heavy, M.9o4jo.0u: rough heavy. 34.664.75;
light. 34.66(886: bulk of sales, i4.R(j4.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000
head; market steady; good to choice weth
ers. t6.tV0i1.10; fair to choice mixed. 34.60(3
6.50; weatern sheep, I4.70ab.10; native lambs,
35.76(.15; western lambs, 36.75iS8.15.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 600 head, including lOu southerns;
market unchanged; choice export and
dressed beef steers, 36.8Xfl6.75; fair to good,
33.8O&4.90; western fed steers, 83.756.25;
stockers and feeders, fi.UxaH.2S; southern
steers, 83.OUiij4.60; southern cows, $2,254(0.26;
native cows, J1.7aU-.00; bulls, 2.2wu'J.75;
calves, $3. 0orii6.00; receipts for the week.
24,500 head.
HOG 8 Receipts. 4.000 head: market &a
10c lower; top, 34.92V,; bulk of sales, .84.80;
neavy, 4.vto: paciters, 4.ti4.yu; pigs and
lights. S8.9udi4.7&: receipts for the week.
40,200 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpts, 1,200
head: market nominally steady: native
lambs, 37.004p8.00; native wethers, 35.26cyiG.80;
native fed ewes, 34.90(66,60; western fed
lambs, 37.00(88.00; western fed yearlings,
$6.0oy4.90; western fed sheep, K90&6.80;
stockers and feeders, 83.603.M; receipts
for the week, 80,100 head.
St. Loale Live stoek Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. U, CATTLE Recelnts
850 head, Including 150 Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
M (Mftf-OO; dressed beer ana butcher steers,
33.86U.50; steers under l.OnO lbs., 38.26j4.15;
stockers and feeders, 32.75(04.10; cows and
heifers, $2.003-4. S6; canners, $1.7tygC.2S; bulls,
32.35ij'3.65; calves, $6.0.a'7.75; Texas and In
dian steers, 83.00&-t.7&; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head; market
tteady; pigs and lights, 33.764i4.7B; packers,
I.764j4.90; butchers and best heavy, $4.90a
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 600 head;
market steady; natives, $4.6ot&ti.OO; lambs,
$b.CKJ(8.10; culls and bucks. 34.26&4.60.
St. Joseph LIts Block Market.
ceipts, 167 head; market steady; natives,
33. 664C3. 76; cows and heifers, 3I.654r4.2&;
stockers and feeders, 32.7&ai4.16.
HOGS Receipts. 9.192 liead; mostly So
lower; lights, $4,6644.80; medium and heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 747
head; market steady; Colorado lambs, 37.85.
glonx Cltjr Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, Feb. 18. -(Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Reoelpts, 60 head; mar
ket steady; beeves, 33.5O4j6.0O; cows, bulls
and mixed. 32.25'a3.50; stockers and feeders,
12.50(3.60; calves and yearlings, $2.2SU8.&0.
HOGS Receipts, 7.5o head; market 6c
lower, selling at $4.j4.75; bulk of sales,
14. 666465.
atock la SIsTBt.
Receipts of live stock at the sis principal
western murkets yesterday were as fol
lows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2f-o I3.i 4,0im
Ploux City 6( 7, SO
Kun.irt, City U 4.onO l.y
til. Louis 360 3.000 6"0
St. Joseph 157 9.192 747
Chicago 800 32.0U) 3.000
2.557 68.393 9.447
Invest Constant Oil ...ex. MM. N. Y. Life,
Uaxrg avii indtiutw, 4U M. Ullfc
Basinesi in All Linea Greatly Curtailed hj
Uafarorabla Weather.
Both Country Merchants and Local
Jobbers Still Confident that
Sprlna; Dnslness Will Be Brisk
and Break All Records.
Rusiness was more or less demoralized
last week in all sections of the country
tributary to this market, owing to the
unfavorable weather. as a result the
amount of goods bought and sold was
small. Toward the close of the week con
ditions were a little mora favorable, as
railroads had cleared their lines from snow,
which had tied up some of the main lines
and all of the branch lines the early part
of the week, but country roada were still
In bad shape, so there was not much op
portunity for farmers to go to town. Trav
eling men for local Jobbers were unable to
cover much territory, so that future busi
ness lunereu as well as immediate traae.
But while business was slow last week,
ne.'her retailers nor wholesalers are doing
much complaining, as .tliey tlrmly believe
that In the course of a few days country
roads will be In good shape, and then they
can expect a resumption of normal trade
conditions. Everything points to the most
prosperous spring trade they have ever had,
and under such circumstances they art not
apt to become discouraged with a delay of
a few days caused by unfavorable weather.
A large number of merchants are ex
pected In Omaha this week to place their
orders for spring goods, unless the weather
should again be too severe. Quite a few
arrived last w-eek, and It was noticeable
that they were among the largest mer
chants and their orders were correspond
ingly liberal. The time is now close at
hand when those merchants who have not
completed their spring purchases will have
to do so, ami as a result Jobbers look for a
brisk house trade from now on.
Very few market changes were reported week In any line. In most cases
prices may be quoted firm, and good, strong
markets are being predicted by those who
ought to know.
Sugar Practically Unchanged.
Wholesale grocers report trade for last
week as being very light. Country retailers
found trade quiet and consequently their
orders were email and not very numerous.
The market also showed but little change
In either direction. In the case of sugar,
raws eased off a trifle early In the week,
but since then the loss has been partially
recovered, with Indications pointing to still
higher prices. Refined sugars have been
unchanged all the week, us rentiers did
not seem to be at all Inclined to make con
cessions in prices.
Coffee also showed some weakness the
early part of the week, but toward the close
it gained strength, so that the decline has
been nearly all regained. Many of the
larger operators, who compose the bull
clique, still maintain that higher prices will
eventually rule, and, acting on their belief,
they bought steadily on any and all de
clines. From New York comes the report
that the demand from interior points shows
considerable Improvement
There has been no change since last re
port In the canned goods situation. The
demand has been exceedingly light of late,
owing in a large measure, no doubt, to the
bad weather. Dried fruits are also devoid
of special interest, for, the same as with
canned goods, the demand has been very
much curtailed. The general Impression,
though, Is that with more favorable
weather the demand for all of these lines
will show considerable Improvement.'
Slight Redaction In Cotton Goods.
The only change made in the cotton
goods market was a reduction of 1 cent per
yard on Pepperell wide sheetings, and some
of the competing lines met the reduction.
Other staple lines of cotton goods are In
Just about tho same poaltion they were a
week ago, with nothing at this time to in
dicate any material changes In the near
Woolen goods are still In the same strong
position they have been for some time past,
and owing to the fact that the 19(6 clip of
wool has been contracted for at high prices,
there does not seem to be any chance of
reductions during the coming season.
Quite a few of the larger retailers arrived
on the local market laat week In spite of
the weather and placed large orders. More
intended to come, but were doubtless de
tained by the show and cold. A large num
ber have expressed their intention of com
ing to Omaha this week, and as a result
Jobbers are making preparations for a lively
house trade.
Some delay waa occasioned last week by
the crippled condition of the railroads, but
goods are now being shipped at a rapid
rate and In a short time It is thought ad
vance orders will all be filled.
Hardware Market Steady-
The demand for hardware last week waa
rather limited, the same aa It waa In other
lines. This is about the tlrst time In many
months, though, that hardware men had
had a chance to say that business was
?Ulet, so that they are content to wait a
bw days for proper conditions to develop.
Their sales so far this year have gone far
ahead of last year or any former year, and
they consider the prospects for future busi
ness the brightest they have seen at this
time of year.
While there were no market changes last
week worthy of mention, prices may be
said to be tlrm all along the line, with the
tendency upward rather than otherwise. It
will be remembered that several advances
have already taken place tills yens on wire.
nails and other staple lines, ana sua
further advances on a number of lines
would cause no surprise. It seems that the
demand for hardware all over the country
Is exceptionally good this year, and under
such circumstances it Is only natural to
expect an advancing market. Mills are
getting behind with their orders, but local
Jobbers bought early and consequently they
expect to have ample stock with which to
meet the requirements of their customers.
Robber taoods More Active.
The advance of 7 per cent In the price of
rubber goeds which waa announced
through these columns a week ago has had
the effect of stimulating the buying of
fall goods. Merciia-nts have evidently made
up their minds that Jobbers were not Jok
ing when they predicted higher prices, and
that the safest tiling to do Is to buy before
another. advance goes into effect. An ad
vance of 6 per cent is announced for April
1, but that does not necessarily menn that
E resent prices will prevail until that time,
aet year there were two) unannounced ad
vance, which caught a good many meiw
chants unawares, and so far this year
there has been one such advance, with the
possibility of others.
There will undoubtedly be a big de
mand this spring for light weight rubbers
and for loots. Merchants, as a rule, have
quite liberal stocks of that claas of goods,
but there Is bound to be a good deal more
of mud, owing to the heavy fall of snow,
so that Jobbers are looking for a nice re
order and sizing up business. Already
merchants are beginning to size up their
stocks, which gives good promise for the
future. . , .
The demand for leather goods has been a
little quiet of late, but a lively demand Is
expected In the near future. With the
coming of sloppy weather people will dis
cover the necessity of good footwear, when
retailers ought to do a goad business. As a
general thing, winter stocks ore being
cleaned out in good shape, and prospects
are bright for a lively spring trade.
Fruits and Vegetables..
Very little was done the early part of
last week with perishable goods. The
latter part of the week, however, trade
opened up In good shape and pn Friday
local wholesalers had tne of the busiest
days they had since Christmas. The de
mand came both from Real retailers and
also from out-of-town merchants, whose
stocks must be getting rather low.
Prices on fruits and vegetables are in
luBt about the same position they were
a week ago, and no new lines have arrived
on the market. With moderate weather,
however, new stocks of fresh vegetables
anJ of fruits are expected.
The egg market advanced sharply ths
early part of the week and got back to
about the high point of the season, good
stock selling around 36c at wholesale. To
ward the close of the week, however, there
was considerable weakness, and It was
difficult to tell Just what eggs were wortn.
Butter was firm all the week and the high
est prices of the season prevailed. Com
mon packing stock sold around 21Vc, with
U,e better grades of dairy at S4gc. and
creamery sold all the way from 25c to 52c.
also the high point of the year.
Bad storms in the east oaused a scarcity
of oysters and they advanced sharply. It
Is honed, however, that the supply will
soon be sufficient to permit of a reduction
lQuotatlon now ruing on the various
lines of fruits, vegetables and produce will
be found In another column.
Attention, A. U. V. W.
To ths officers and members of Patten
lodge 178. A. O. U. W.: You are requested
to meet at Doddard'a undertaking parlors.
23d and Cuming streets, at 2 p. m. Sunday,
to attend the funeral of our lata brother,
Charles Frledrich.
G. 8. BUTTON. M. W.
J. O. M LEAN, Rec.
Sister lodges Invited.
IT COSTS NOTHING to obtain a profitable agency of the
Bankers Reserve Life Company
of Omaha, Nebraska,
the agent can show a clean record
and demonstrate his ability.
Offering the most attractive policies issued.
For particulars concerning liberal contract
or agency, call on or address
B. H. R0BIS0N, President.
. 1806 FARNAfl
Teeth Extracted.... .25c
Porcelain Fillings $1 up
dold Fillings $1 up
Silver Fillings... 59c up
Crowns...... .$2.50 up
Plata $2.00 up
18 Years Same Location
'Phone 1736.
Bridge Work $2.80 up
Nerves removed wltb
out pain.
Loose Teeth Made
Work guaranteed 10 years.
We can deliver promptly from our ample stock of
Hanna Nut $6.90
A high irrade Wyoming- Coal, especially suitable (In size
and quality) for the kitchen stove and also for the furnace.
We can supply Itock Springs Nut quick, too. Ualf a
dollar more than Hanna.
Big yell-o wagons and fine, husky horses constitute the
best delivery service in Omaha and T1IAT COUNTS these
Sunderland Bros. Co.
New Offices, 1608 Harney Street
Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats,
ladles' suits, skirts, millinery, etc.; rash or
cisdiu a'sufle a Blurs, ,UUi and FarotHia
Special Low Rate
Excursion South
Feb. 21, March 7th atid 21st
$22.85 New Orleans Return
Feb. 21st and March 21st
$17.25 New Orleans One Way
Correspondingly j0w rates to nearly all points in
Particulars and copy of booklet "About the South"
at Illinois Central Office, 1402 Farnfim St., Omaha.
District Passenger Agent.
Cleaning Dyeing'
If you have anything that needs cleaning or dyeing, would It not
be well to see us?
We are acquainted with every known process. The best process In
one instance might not be the best in another. We know which to
use and have every, facility for doing it rightly.
The cost depends on the work to be done, but prices are reason
able considering the services rendered. Work is called for and deliv
ered promptly. Estimates cheerfully given.
319 5.
IStb St. I
Bo great has been the demand for tick
ets for "Pinafore," the comic opera to be
given at the Crelghton university audito
rium on next Wednesday evening, Febru
ary 22, that the management has found It
necessary to reserve the choice seats In
the balcony of the auditorium. These tick
ets may now be had at Sherman & Mo
Connell'a and Myers & Dillon's drug stores.
Gas and electric fixtures, wholesale and
retail. Nehraeka Electric Co., Iim and
Harney streets.
Have Root print !t.
Attention, Alpha Camp So. 1, W. O. W.
The funeral of Sovereign Chns. Hoilder
will take place Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock from the fnmlly residence, MS
Franklin street. Members of other camps
and visiting- swvereigna Invited.
C11A8. UMTT, Clerk,
Homeseekcrs and Settlers)
On the first and third Tuesdays of each
menth ths Iowa Central Railway has on
sa)e round trip excursion tickets to points
In Minnesota, Dakotas, Canada, Nebraska,
Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc.,
at rate of one fare, plus $2.00. Return
limit, twenty-one days from date of sale.
Stopovers allowed.
For rates, time of trains, etc., call on
agents or address,
O. P. A T. A., Minneapolis, Minn
Edholm, Jewler. ISth and liarney at.
Don't depend i,n lrug to digent your food
take Diner's lUKi st.-rn and get your stom
ach In condition to do Its duty. At Myers
Dillon Drug- Co.
Sate This Week
&e Ad on Pgt
8 of Illustrated
Sale This Week
See M on Pije
S of lllustnttd
Wonderful Clothing Values
In Our Final Clearing Sale of
Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats
$7.50 to $10 Suits & C
a i.t-jvi t "Wi ry 'v jfienjeri
Zand Overcoats
Stylishly cut, well tailored, service
able garments. Itroken lines from
our own high grade stock the suits
come in plain blue, black, oxford
gray and fancy mixed cheviots, mel
tons and cassimeres. The overcoats
in black, brown or oxford gray ker
seys, meltons and Irish frieze.
Hest values to be found in
the city at our sale
$12.50 to $15 Suits and Overcoats, $7.50
A specially handsome and complete line in all the newest fabrics
and colors, the materials and workmanship throughout are ex
cellent. Garments that are without an equal in
fit, finish or fashion at our stile
Special Pants Sale
Men's Tants In cassimeres, chev
iots and worsteds, in stripes,
mixtures and plain colors regu
lar $2.00 to $ values, CA
special, at $2.50 and 1. Df
Boys' US,
In double breasted or three-piece
styles, all shades and great va
riety of fabrics, regular $3.fi0 to
$r.00 values, special 1 Cfl
sale price ,3U
nn n nirrs
Prices from SI. BO to $5.00
Write for Catalogue.
Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts.. OMAHA.
is the I
If you haven't been in to
see our bargains yet, don't
put it off any longer. You'll
be sorry if you miss them,
they're so good, and this is
You will have for a long time
at such
Remember, they are all
from our own stock of reli
able high grade goods, and
the prices have been greatly
reduced. We have bargains
For Men, Women, Children.
lie sure and call this week;
it's the last week of the sale.
Shoes for Women
If you are troubled with bunions, we
have a woman's shoe that Is so con
structed that you can wear It with per
fect ease and comfort. It Is mnde one
size smaller at the instep and two
sizes larger over the ball of the foot.
This Insures a smifr lit and gives
plenty or room tor tne nan or tno root
to rest easy on the bottom of the shoe,
not cramping; or bending the Joints.
The stock used in this nhoo Is fine,
soft kid, and the sole Is very flexlhlo,
making it easy to walk in.
These shoes are made In lace only.
N e are prepared to lit any root,
Drexel Shoo Co,,
Omaha's (Jp-ti-liti Shu Hons
16th and Douglas.
Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason Sts.
OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 639.
Our Cigar prices make the Tobacco Trust
scowl, but SMUKKRS SMILE.
We have Just received tho largeHt shin
1 mcnt of Cigars, we believe, ever Hhlpie4
to an Omaha retuiler, anil are going to
give Omaha smokers a rhunce to GET
I liny them by the boxful or pocketful.
Honry George Cigars 7 for 25o
! Tom Kecno Cigars 7 for
Little Tom Cigars 7 for r
CaKtle Hall Cigars 7 for l!"n
Owl Cigars 7 for 2.1u
La 1'urita Cigars 7 for lims
Bachelor Cigars.... 7 for ur.o
Tom Moore Baniii''t Cigars 4 fur 2fio
Tom Mo ire Club House 8 for 25c
' T o MiirL.W 4 for Z.0 .
Garcia, line Key Went, Conchas 3 for 2i'ni
Garcia.. Knickerbocker size. 25 box 2 5u
El Belmont, 15o quality for 10c straight
HuiidrcdB of other brands at cut prices.
Look In our window and see. t
Sh8rman & McConnell DrugGo.
Corner 16th and Dodgn.
Dealers In Drugs and Cigars.
IftO Men In Orrbestra.
Auditorium, March. 1-M.uelgiiuia' ball, J
It is our pride and pleasure to supply in the shape of best
quality coal for your stove and furnace.
Gives absolute satisfaction, and will do all that it is expected
to do; a coal that is free from slack and all other foreign sub
stances;' that is clean and leaves no clinkers; a coal that will
save you money and annoyance.
LUMP, $6 50. NUT, $6 00.
C. B. HAVENS & GO. "IW.n1.!''
Ask for a
. ,-...ui -nr r-r r--'i-Tr-i!, .
rtwrm-r nCraillPTn, r. MOT navlna for bill boards, fence palatine. ro