Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Advertisements tor these eolaanna
will be takes aatil 12 as. far ths
evealaa- dltloa antll A p. as. for
! aad aadar adltloa.
Hates 1 1.2a word drat tascrtlaai
la a word thereafter. Nothing; takea
far less thaa BOa far the erst laser,
tlna. These adTertlseateata saast be
raa romseeatlvely.
Advertisers, by reaaestlaa; a iom
bered ebeek, eaa have ansefera ad
dressed ta a aaanbered letter la eara
af The Bee. Answers so addressed
will ba delivered ea areaeatatlaa al
A. C. Ong, A. M., IT. P., President.
A. J. Lowry, Principal.
RPPAtlQP The school Id Ion estab-DtV-rtUOC
Ushed and absolutely
RFPAIKP " ls the mo!,t eWantly
DtVAUJLi squlpped west of Chicago.
tJpfAlTCp Us teachers are men and
OLVnU J Iw women of rlpo experience.
DCp AtlCC U Is endorsed by banks
UbLirtUO.L tnd business men.
RPPAIIQP Df Its select location, select
ULnu mrthodn, select students.
RC("AT1QF Our students succeed, that
DLrtUOC iB WHY wa succeed.
Y. M. C. A, or Y. W. C. A. to every stu
dent. Apply for catalogue, bound in alligator.
B-707 19
, R-667
CITY SA VINOS BANK pays per cent.
Mercantile law and collections. Our system
collects. O. T. Voorhees Co., 625 N. Y. L.
it Aim
Pianos for Rent.
$3.00-K00 New Pianos. High grade. Rent
allowed If you purchase, Perfleld Piano
Company, 1611 Farnaro. Telephone 701.
Open evenings. K 670
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th.
Tel. 1778. R-673
Tel. MO. U07 Doug. Oinuna biove Kep. wk
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe
cially of tire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes. U. Andreen, prop., 102 ti. luth st.
EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical
treatment; glasses to IK; prices right.
Bennetts. RZSO
t. W. DUDGEON, ths expert PLUMBER.
. Twc 'phones, 1806 and L28i8.
R M993 M7
Mil I AnWkf 'ven special attention,
K1ILU WUIr t1raate made from
architects' plans and specifications: says
contractors money. Went worth, til8 Pax
ton block. H 143 F22
TRAVELING bags, suit cases. BUteon
bats. C. 1L Frederick Co., 1604 Farnam.
R 745 F18
EQUITABLE Life Assurance "Strongest
In the World"-!!. D. Neely, Mgr., Mer-
UdMflts national oaui. tiin no
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere
P. H. Philbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784.
PRESSORIUM, best cleaners and dyera.
1324 Farnam. Tel. 8800. R-601
COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukton" Egg,
ki.zd tea. Harmon & W'eetb, 'phone 2417.
. R-680
OUR perfect work disarms crltclsm. dis
courages prejudice and makes friends.
That something essential to satisfaction
Is always found In a Chicago Laundry
bundle. 214 N. lth. Tel. 206.
K M728 F1S
New Torio lens Is the latest wonder In
optical science. The field of view Is en
larged more than five times. They cost
more than other lens and they are worth
It. Consultation free. Huteson Optical
Co.. 213 Sc. Kith. Faxton bhjek.
F WM. KRELLE, Architect, 604 Bee Bldg.
TeU SOPfi. R 420
mi Hi vl fTW II'PH. Till Li. 264.
Is. AS. - . , . , .
W e trust everybody. Flannels ana coiorea
goods lauuaerea a.. ... ,-rmmo Fa
Tl 1049. R M241 M
WHO'S your tallorT It should be Dresner.
Too busy making clothes to close. Op-
evanings. 1616 Farnam St. R al
U-M754 U3
DR. WILKINSON, eye. ear. nose, throat.
calarh. Call or telephone B&23. Crelgh
tou Blk. R-8K7
II. C. WEEDEN. 1101 Maple St., Omaha:
public accountant and auditor. Periodical
or special examinations on .. reasonable
terms. R 406 28
COLLINS PIAIfC CO., wholesale and re
tall musical instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. 113 8. 17th at.,
Omaha. R
BADGES, banners, flags, buttons, robes,
Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. R, 415
S. 16th St. R 735 19
PIANOS moved by expert mechanics: also
stored. Safe and reliable. Bchmoller tt
Mji e Her, 1313 Fa rj n 1 a m . R 7:'l Ma r!9
We mum have at once
City salesman, creamery supplies, $15.
Stenographer and bookkeeper, $o.
Correspondent, 176.
Bright boy, little knowledge of stenog
raphs work, fair salary;
Manager drug store, city, 1100.
Salesman drug specialities, road ITS and
Good stenographer, $66.
Credit man, familiar with the saloon.
Western Ref. 4 Bond Ass'n.,
840-841 New York Life.
B 696 19
1 WANT a first-class man to take desk
room and give his entire attention to
Omaha real estate. C. R. Glover, room
$, main floor, New York Life bldg. B
Bend for free catalogue and compare our
terms and advantage with others. Amer
ican Barber College, corner 12th and
' Douglas sis. B 743 19x
WANTED, printer for country office. Ad
dress, with samplfs, references and wages
wanted, X3, Omuha Bee. B M737 Dux
WANTED, amateur photographers to fur
nliih photographs for our newMtpers sn1
magHslnes; opportunity to earn steady
Income; enclose loc stamps for postage
and book lt-t. Art Dept., Tlie National
Press Ass' 11, Washington, D. C.
H 740 19s
SOLICITOR for bank; salary. Hart, 401
and 403 N. Y. Life. B-687 19
WANTED An all around printer at once;
state and experience. BatiBhman,
Printer, Menlo, Iowa. B 691 li
The door to Opportunity Is often opened.
And It gives he who rassea through' the
chance to PUSH open the door of Success.
Stenography opened the door of Oppor
tunity to "Billy" Myer of Joplln, Mo., five
years ago. He secured a position as
stenographer with the Mexican Central
railway, Mexico City, Mexico.
"Billy" was 17 years old then.
Now, at the age of 22, "Billy" has pushed
open the door of Success. At 22 he is su
perintendent of freight and transportation,
which position his experience as stenog
rapher and the knowledge he gathered
while fullllllng the duUes of stenographer
fitted him.
The crying need n". the business world Is
for young men stenographers. It can't
get enough. It needs Uiem for particularly
important and high-salaried positions. It
doesn't want and won't have Incompetent
stenographers. 1 owever. It eagerly em
ployes Buy if it graduates, knowing that they
not only possess a mastery of stenography,
but that the practical training and careful
and Instructive discipline of Boylea College
renders its graduates capable of taking up
tha reins of business with a sure and
steady hand.
We Invite young men's Investigation of
our methods, bend or call for tree cata
logue. our Home Study Course will Interest
thwe who cannot attend our college In
pt.'i'Hon. Send lor special literature.
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail
road fare upon our failure to convince
you of this being the BEtiT and only re
liable, most practical barber college In
the United Stales. Write for catalogue
today. Western Barbers' Institute,
Omaha, Neb. B-87
WANTED FOR U. 6. ARM Y Able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages ot 21 and 36,
cltlxens of Lnited States, ot good charac
ter and temperate habits, who speak, read
and write Englimi. For information apply
to Recruiting Oltlcer, 13ih and Douglas
Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City,
la. B 873
I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
stores and doctor Knlest, 701 N. Y. L.
B 688
IF YOU are in need of a position call and
have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART,
THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Life.
B 689
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co.. school of
practical plumbing. Send for catalogue.
Address 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis,
'Mo. B M756 F3 04
WANTED, hamessmaker. Frank Feldler,
David City, Neb. , B M441 IX
EITHER ludy or gentleman With $1,600 In
profitable business; good salary, with a
chance to watch Investment. Address
W 41, Bee. B M466 18 ,
YOUNG man; bright; over 18; to prepare
for govt, position; good salary.1 See at
once, 410 Bee Bldg., after 2 p. m.
B-M481 18x
WANTED First-class, experienced retail
shoe salesmen, live, wideawake, energetic;
state In your letter of application how
long you have worked In each place, what
salary you are now earning and what
your references are. Address W 61, Bee
office. B-493 19
WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., 1U0, Oakland Bank
building, Chicago. III. B-M505 lSx
85 PERMANENT salary to reliable men In
Outside towns; we handle properties
everywhere. Northwestern Real 'Estate
& Guaranty Co., Des Moines, la. -
B-M507 21x
WANTED Sober, reliable young man to
travel with the California Exhibit Car
and run card printing stand. Must he
talker enough to sell the eaFds and print
them "while you wait." Answer with full
particulars, W 47, care Bee.
B M508 19x
NEVILLE BLOCK, are frank and open,
fair and square with all wanting em
ployment and all needing help. Try
them. Phone 5411. B M610
WANTED Bright, gentlemanly boy of 15
years to act as page; must have good
references. Apply ller Grand not
CIRCULAR and sample distributers
wanted everywhere; permanent position;
ood pay. American Union, Pontlae
ullding. Chicago. B-682 19x
WANTED Honest, sober, Industrious man
to learn the real estate business am'
stnrt In ns special representative of
large, prosperous and well known Arm,
splendid opportunity for right party. For
particulars address W 49, Bee.
B-680 19x
$3 PER DAY and all expenses to capable
man to travel fqr manufacturer; splen
did chance for advancement;, reference
required; previous experience not essen
tial. Card Sec, 366 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. B 681 18x
A POSITION In New York; manager, book
keeper, salesman; others on file ; send for
free list. Business Opportunity Co., 1
Union Square, N. Y. B-67819x
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing house; local territory;
Hilary $'6, paid weekly; expense- money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Building,
Chicago. B-676 19x
WE WILL make you a present of $100.00,
give you a splendid suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free
and pay you a salary of 385.00 per month
and all traveling expenses,, to take orders
for the greatest and most reliable por
trait house In the world. All this will
be guaranteed. Address R. D. Mortal,
Dupt. 845, Chicago, 111. B 677 19x
WANTED Energetic man. each county, to
post signs, advertise and distribute sam
ples; salary 318 weekly, $3 per day for ex
pen ieo; honesty and sobriety more es
sential than expeiionce. National Co.,
720 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
B-678 19x
MAN TO TRAVEL References required;
salary $21 per week; expenses advanced.
J. S. Zlegler & Co., 823 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. B 672 19x
$J4 W E EKLY1 For man with rig to Intro
duce Royal Stock and Poultry Remedies
year's contract; we mean business and
furnish best references. Royal Co-Op.
Mfg. Co., Dept. 20, Indianapolis, Ind.
B-670 19x
WANTED Two men for 1905 to travel and
"collect; $2o.OO and expenses paid weekly;
experience not necessary; self-addressed
envelope for reply. Address Travelers'
Dept., Star Bldg., Chicago. B564 19x
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
have Just moved Into our new building
and can offer advantages that cannot be
had elsewhere; forty revolving chairs;
everything first-class; special tnlrty-day
offer; time saved by constant practice and
careful Instructions. Call or write for
catalogue. Moler Barber College, 1118 Far
nam St. B M5&8 24 x
DO YOU want to Improve your position,
Increase your pay? Read our so-page
book, sent free. Our mall courses in
Electrical and Steam Engineering helped
thousands. Students helped to positions.
Electrical Engineer Institute, New York.
WANTED Young men with experience as
aaalstant bookkeeper; good opening for
right party; state age, experience and
salary expected. Address W 62, Bee.
B 641 19x
WANTE1 Licensed fireman for night
work, oltice building. Address W 63. Itee.
B 643 19x
WANTED, an agent for a reliable surety
company at South Omaha. Address Surety
Company, 420 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha,
Neb. B-j 19
DETECTIVES Oldest established secret
service In the United States wants shrewd,
reliable men: experience unnecssary we
give li ructions. Give age and references.
Write today. American Detective Asso
ciation, Indianapolis, Indiana.
B 608 19x
WANTED 1.000 people to clip newspapers
and write lists of names; good pay; noth
ing to sell; experience unnecesstiry ; de
vote part or all time. Harnttt s 11 of L,
South Bend, Inf tt-690 19X
MERGED' with sppliosnts for positions In the various
branches of Industry who are walling,
ready and anxious to show their anility
and willingness to serve employers of
"BETTER CLASS" help In the following
lines, to-wit:
2 accountants. bookkeepers, 1 dry goods
Clerk, 7 grocery clerks, 9 shipping clerks, 1
hotel clerk, 1 drug clerks, 1 foreman for
cattle ranch, 2 life Insurance solicitors, 1
lumberman, 1 office, boys, 4 office girls, 2
rest relate salesmen, t stenographers, 1
shoe salesman, 1 theatrical help, i travel
ing salesman, 1 watch repairer, and many
other applications.
These all come with references, and ref
erences have been written to and testi
monials received suportlng the applicant as
to ability and general reputation.
In their behalf we appeal to all employers
who are In need of any of this help to
write or telephone us, and we will take
freat rlsure In filling every requirement
or "BETTER CLASS help, and will send
none who do not have proper testimonials
on file In our office.
The reason that so many register with us
for ponltions Is that they know we will
work for their Interest, and If we have no
positions In walling for them we will ad
vert ls and try In every way to secure
positions, and will treat them all fairly and
With all these applications on file, we still
hnve some positions which we are unAble to
fill so far. Come and see us or call tele
phone 6411.
HARNEY. B 630 19
INVEST: $5.nno position. $loo.on per mo.
ti per mo.
00 per mo.
00 per mo.
00 per mo.
HART, 401and 402, N. Y. Life.
B (597 19
invest: vt.itm.iti position, 16
Invest: $2,( position, $W
Invest: $1,000.00 position, $M
Partner for hardware. $75
WANTED, reliable man to manage branch
office for large manufacturer. Salary to
Mart, $1.M0 per year and extra commis
sions. Applicant must hnve good refer
ence and $1,000 cash capital secure; expe
rience unnecessary.- Address Manufac
turer, 708 Chamber Commerce, Detroit,
Mich. B
braska and other railroads; young men,
age 20 to 30, strong, good sight and hear
ing, flrement earn to $100 monthly,
become engineers and earn $126 to $173
monthly; brakemen earn $60 to $76 month
ly, become conductors and earn $100 to
$10 monthly. Name position preferred.
Send stamp for particulars. Railway As
sociation, Dept. 69, Charles Bldg., Den
ver, Colo. B
sures an Increase In civil servloe appoint
ments. Those Intending to take the next
examination should send to the Colum
bian Correspondence College, Washington,
D. C, and secure its free civil service an
nouncement, containing dates, salaries,
places for holding examinations and
questions recently used by the go'rn--ment.
ONLY about three out of a hundred re
plies to help wanted advts. receive at
tention. There are reasons for this. If
you want to be In the "lucky three
class" send 10 cents for expert informa
tion worth many dollars. Bibelot Bros.,
44 Pine St., New. York. B 643 lx
ACTIVE) agents, most extraordinary of all
extraordinary offers by large eastern cor-
f oration; the one opportunity of a life
line; establish yourself permanently In
profitable business; no experience neces
sary; big cash profits every day. For
tune knocks at your door. Don t waste
time with hard selling propositions. This
Is new, unique and In universal demand.
Everyone villi buy; no effort necessary.
Write toda'; full particulars will t-e sent
you by return mall. Address, Secretary,
231 Broadway, New York. . B 613 19x
DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted
In everv locality to act under orders.
Write Webster's Detective Agenoy. Des
Moines, Iowa. B-24 19x
PAPER hanger and painter to work for a
trust company by the vear; salary; must
be temperate, responsible man; reference.
V. W. P., 923 McMillan, Cincinnati. Ohio.
B 621 19x
DO YOU want to become a traveling sales
man? If you would like to know how you
can get a position on the road FREE and
at once, send your name and address to
Dr. Lobdell. Ellwanger Barry Bldg.,
Rochester, N. Y. ' B-661 19x
DON'T make engagement for employment
of snvklnd until you have talked with us.
WANTED, men to distribute samples, tack
slngns; $3 dally; no canvassing. Conti
nental Distributing Service, Chicago.
B-&8 19x
WANTED, an experienced cook; references
required. Mrs. L. L. Kountze, 423 S. 39th
t. C-M370
WANTED, at once, capable skirt cutter.
Mrs. A. C. Marks, 1G2S Douglas.
C-M414 19
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis. Have Just moved Into our
new building and have all modern facil
ities for teaching the work. Short time
completes. Special offer for thirty days.
Graduates earn splendid pay. Call or
write Moler College, 1114 Farnam st.
C MlOu tx
WANTED At once a first class house
keeper; one who can cook; the best of
wages; two In family. Address W 43, Bee.
C M490 19x
WANTED A good girl at the Creche, 19th
and Harney. C M501 30x
WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing,
manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis; practical course given In few
weeks; special offer for thirty days; have
Just moved Into our new building, where
we have every facility, for teaching the
work thoroughly. Call or write for cata
logue. Moler College, 1114 Farnam St.
C M567 24x
HOME WORK $9 to $16, no canvassing,. $5
to $6 weekly, working evenings, ex-
ferlence unnecessary; enclose stamp for
nstructlons. sample, etc. Address B.
Wilson & Co., 603 Walnut St., Philadel
phia, Pa. C 606 19x
$20.00 SALARY and expenses paid weekly
to energetic ladies as district managers
for large manufacturer; headquarters at
home; experience unnecessary. Send ad
dressed envelope. Managers Dept., 53
Dearborn, Chicago. C 669 19x
WANTED Bright women to represent us
In their locality. An hour's work dally;
no canvassing: can earn big pin money.
Address Blrdsall Institute, 359 West 4fith
St., New York.
C 642 19x
LADIES having fancy work to sell. Em
broideries, Battenberg, drawn work; also
to do order work. Stamped envelope.
Ladlea' Exchange, 34 Monroe st., Chicago.
C 611 19x
LADIES, obtain home employment during
leisure moments. No canvassing; experi
ence unnecessary. Send ntamp for par
ticulars. C. Bee, 196 Broadway, New
York. C-660 19x
WANTED, stenographer, experienced and
who understands bookkeeping, to accept
a position in law office. Applications
from lady or gentleman will be consid
ered. No person who does not posaeei
good habits and strict Integrity need ap
ply. Application must be in own hand
writing. State salary required. Address
W. W. Young, Stanton, Neb. C 648 19
LADIES $25 thousand copying short letters
at home; material sent free everywhere;
send stsmped addressed envelope for copy
. of letter and full particular Eastern
Co., 817 Heed building, Philadelphia, pa.
C-684 19x
LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned doing
plain sewing at home; material set free
everywhere prepaid; stamped addressed
envelope brings particulars. Union Com
pany, 1215 Filbert street. Philadelphia, Pa.
C683 18x
COPYISTS wanted, writing at home; $25
per 100 letters sent us: stsmped addressed
envelope. Continental Wholesale Co.,
room 41, St. Louis. C 687 19x
LADIES To do piece work at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from
$7 to $1! weekly. Bond stamped envelop
to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe Bt.. Chicago.
C-634 lx
LADIES to sew at horns during spare
time; steady work; plain sewing; all ma
terial furnished free. Send addressed en
velope for full particulars. Madam 8. E.
M. Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa.
vassers wanted everywhere for the fam
ous Medici Secret Massage Cream; Satis
factory remuneration; previously Inex
perienced ladles are now making $3.60 to
16 a day with us. If you have previous
experience, state particulars. Permanent
position. For trial box and full particu
lars address: Medio! Secret Cream. South
Bend. Ind. C 8-i8x
2 Girls, general housework $.".
3 Ulrls, general housework $3 50 to $4.'
1 Girl, general housework; three In fam
1 Gin,
general housework, except cook
ing .
1 Ulrls, general housework; small fami
lies $3.
1 Girl, general housework, Swede pre
ferred $3.50.
1 Girl, general housework, for country $3.
NEVILLE BLOCK, 16th and Harney sts.
'Phone 641L C 633 19
LADIES, earn $20 per thousand writing
short letters. Send stAmped envelope.
Best Mfg. Co., Valparaiso, Ind.
c m ijx
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family. 3319 Dodge. C S7 19x
WANTED, good cook for boardlnghouse;
good wages. 2020 Harney St. C 744 21 x
GIRL for general housework; one who can
cook. Apply 02 S. 35th ave. C M739 21
HOUSEKEEPER for out-of-town eating
house; good wages. Call early Monday.
Gibson Employment Agency, Neville Blk.
C 710 19
TWO MAKERS, Millinery.
Good bookkeeper, $40.
Solicitors, iiuuiance. $10 per week.
Office girl and stenographer. $'! per week.
840-841 New York Life.
C-696 19
WANTED, a competent girl for general
housework. Call after 4 o'clock at 4 N.
22d St. C-M746 23
GOOD housekeeper Canadian office, 15th
Dodge. A-695
WANTED, by married man, position as
foreman on ranch or feed yard; can give
good referenoe. Address W 46, Bee.
A-M4S4 19x
FIRST CLASS cook wants position In pri
vate family. Call 1406 Howard, upstairs,
Mrs. Boyd. A M5u2 lSx
WANTED Installment collector for meri
chandlse accounts; good salary and ex
penses. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box
1027, Philadelphia, Pa. A-M503 20x
SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper or
cSshler by gentleman, married, having
had 16 years Chicago experience as audi
tor and accountant. Now employed In an
executive position by large corporation,
but for good reasons will change. As
head bookkeeper has handled books hav
ing 10,000 accounts. As traveling auditor
for same firm handled 175 men on the
road. Salary not so much an object as
permanent position, where ability and
honest service Is appreciated. No objec
tion to traveling, Address: W 61, Bee.
A 668 19
STENOGRAPHER, admitted to the bar,
wants position In law office. Address:
W 62, Bee. A-M665-20X
LAW GRADUATE and stenographer wants
place in luw office. Address: W 67, Bee.
A M656 20x
POSITION as foreman In mpltlng depart
ment of Crucible Steel Works. Fifteen
years' experience In manufacture of all
kinds crucible steel. Best reference. Ad
dress J. B. Barratt, Beaver Falls, Pa.
A-648 19x
NEW editions of "Eugene Sue," Burton's
"Arabian Nights," "Progreus of Man,"
etc., over 200 good sellers for experienced
De Luxe men. Hlxenbaugh, 600 Ware blk.
THREE salesmen wanted by Rand, Mu
Nally & Co., to handle in exclusive ter
ritory one of their moBt rapid sellers;
men already In the field making from
$18.00 to $30.00 per week; permanent em
ployment; exceptional opportunity for the
rigm parties. nana, jviciNauy & 10.,
Chicago, 111.
655 19x
WANTED Typewriter supply salesman
with established trade to handle our
goods. Non-Smut Carbon Mfg. Co.,
Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A. 654 19x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska ter
ritory; staple line, with entirely new and
unusual Inducements to the trade; high
commissions with expense advances.
Manufacturer, Box 524, Detroit,- Mich.
.679 19x
WANTED-First-class hustling salesman,
able to Interest retail merchants and
close contracts on strong proposition;
$8,600 and expenses. Address U, Box 155,
Rock Island, 111. 576 19x
open territory for which we desire a
capable .ensrgetlo, honest man; grocery
experience la not necessary, but must
be a good salesman; permanent employ
men and liberal compensation for the
right man. Reply, stating occupation and
giving references. John Sexton & Co.,
wholesale grocerB, Chicago. 574 19x
SALESMEN For automatic copying books,
bill registers and many other specialities.
Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind.
WANTED A salesman for Nebraska and
northern Kansas to sell our celebrated
Diamond Brand Clothing for men's, boys'
and children's wear; men without trade
and experience need not apply. Felix
Rothschild & Co., N. E. cor. Jackson and
Market sis., Chicago, 111.
WANTED Flrst-cloas salesman to sell side
line to established trade (hardware; good
compensation. Address Caledonia Chem-
. leal Co.. Caledonia, N. Y. M645 20
WANTED Salesman who can use to ad
vantage additional side line of staple
furniture to sell to the trade from photo
graphs on commission. State territory
you cover, references and experience.
Koenlg Furniture Co., St. Louis, Mo.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions with
advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 604 19x
THREE men canvassing together In Texas
want good premium sellers, also articles
for side line. What have you? 8. An
derson, 4612 Indiana Ave., Chicago, III.
622 19x
SALESMEN, experienced, energetic, to rep
resent line of popular priced ladles' neck
wear, catering to department stores and
Jobbers; good commission basis. Crescent
Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md. 689 19 X
WANTED First-class speelaltv salesmen to
sell attracive proposition; can earn $3,000
per year, net. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co.,
Cedar Rapids, la. C36-19x
SALESMEN Profitable side line; no sam
ples; spring dating; best proposition ever
offered for live men; write quick for ter
ritory. Holland White Lead Co., Chicago.
636 19x
TRAVELING salesman "by old established
house for Nebraska to sell general stores;
good pay and permanent position. Drawer
T'S," Chicago, 111. ' 631 19x
WANTED. Immediately, by house with es
tablished trade, experienced salesman to
sell wall paper, stationery and kindred
lines in south half South Dakota and N.
W. Iowa. Man with established trade In
the territory and good references will be
paid salary, expenses and commission.
Address W 55, Bee. -626 19
WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let
ters at home spare time; materials free.
No mailing or canvassing. Enclose ad
dressed envelope for particulars and
wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 448,
Philadelphia, Pa. 696 19x
SALESMAN'S side line. Small sample,
Liberal commission. Standard article.
Glsh Novelty Co., Sta. O. South Bend. Ind.
EXPERIENCED traevling salesmen by
large Cleveland Jobbing house to All va
cancy for 1905. High commissions with
H6 weekly. W. B. Finley Co., 90 prospect
St., Cleveland, Ohio. 602 19x
WANTED, salesmen of ability and nett
aptarance to call on merchants In their
territory; elegant side line, convenient lo
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.
600 19x
SIDE LINE traveling men can make $26 to
$50 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date Advertising Fans of our ex
clusive and special designs. Season now
opening. Apply at once. The Kemwr
Thomaa Company, Fan Dept., Sta. H.,
Cincinnati O. -698 19x
singly or en milte; cars to depot, South
Omaha and Bluffs., Prices right. Including
heat, Janitor and elevator service.
fit .a v Tin 1 r iaui,iw sn
v.imCT. ... i.u. ... -,'-. . wt
Ground Floor U. ft. Natl Bank Bldg.
AGENTS Read In dsrk. name pistes,
signs, numbers: 200 per cent profit; sam
ples free. Wright Supply Co., Engle
woo?. 111. Jm 19X
$500 PER month and expenses msy seem
big to you, but it can be made, selling
my patent for making smokeless gun and
blasting powder at 8c per pound. Be
ware of fakes advertising a worthies,
and dangerous srticle. I em the inventor
and have the patent. General agents
wanted In each state to travel and ap
point sub agents. J. A. Stransky, Box
600. Pukwana, 8. D. J-661 19x
MANUFACTURER'S agents wanted In
each conntv; $10 dsllv; no competition.
King Mfg. Co., Room 635, 4 East Jackson
Blvd., Chicago. J 6H2 19x
LADY agents wanted; don't ruin your
eyes: send 10 cents for automatic needle
threader; catalogue articles of merit.
Geo. D. Tobias Co., 670 Taylor St., Chi
cago. J 667 19x
WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall
getting our liberal offer: $6 dally sure.
Carlmn Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 653 19x
AGENTS wanted to sell flqueezle easy
Door and carpet cleaner; greatest labor
saver ever Invented; can be sold to every
home; 2nd per pent profit; our sgents sre
averaging $6 dnlly. E. Hllkcr, 371 W.
Grand ave., Chicago. J
WANTED Agents, men and women; steady
work, big profits. Write for free sam
ples. Kunx, 21U1 Franklin Ave., gt Louis,'
AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting
classes; big profit s; our 24-page free tye
book tells how; write today. Jscksnnlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Mich. J-
BIG MONEY In squabs: ther sell for $2 to
$6 a dosun; cheaply raised In only four
weeks; write for our free book about this
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
tS Atlantio Ave., Boston, Mass. J
AGENTS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Snr
saparlllA for 85c; best seller, 2fK per cent
profit. Write today for terms and ter
ritory. F. R Greene, 115 Lake st, Chi
cago. J
WE pav $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
54, Parsons, Kan. J
SKILLED women agents to handle an ar
ticle used by every woman; strictly high
grade money maker; great talking points;
exclusive territory; write quick. Man
ager Dept. T, Suite 6-7, Green Bldg., De
troit, Mich. J
FREE sample to agents; self-lighting
pocket lamp; size of pencil; takes the
place of kerosene lamps, candles and
matches; rapid seller; seelng's believing.
Send stamp. Premier Mfg. Co., Dept. !7,
32 Park Place, N. Y. J 638 19x
The Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co. of Mil
waukee, Wis., wants an active representa
tive, man or woman, for Omaha and sur
rounding territory to sell the "World's
Only Dustless Floor and Carpet Brush."
Wlrmer of the gold medal at the St. Louis
exposition, 1904. This brush sweeps with
out dust and Is rapidly taking the place
of other methods of sweeping. Its dura
bility makes It cheaper than a broom.
This is an excellent opportunity to secure
a good paying position and permanent
employment. No experience necessary.
If interested write the Milwaukee Dust
less Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
J 607 19x
AGENTS and canvassers, send 2c for sam
ple, weekly, patented household neces
sity; big profits. Box 475, Denver. Colo.
J-618 lx
LADY agents making less than $25 weekly
should write for catalogue and terms; we
start you In business and make you Inde
pendent; outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel
Supply Co., Chicago. J 692 19x
NEW slteve protector for office and house
work; write todoy; get territory; quick
sales; other goods. Ladles Supply Co.,
Forest Ave., Chicago. J 644 19x
one agent; new; demand; quick sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la.
1 J-632 19X
AGENTS Write for free sample of work
and terms, Star Harness Mender, beet
26c seller out; we make other quick Bell
ing necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. . J
PORTRAIT agents; get our new catalogue.
We want to Interest you. Give us your
address. Free samples. Fidelity Portrait
Co., 120 S. Paulina St., Chicago, III.
J-610 19x
AGENTS, Automatic Washers; sell them
selves; Bells on sight, for It does a wash
ing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power,
requires no labor and costs less than any
other machine. Free sample and exclu
sive territory given. Automatic Washer
Co., Station U, Chicago. J 627 19x
MLN willing to work positively make $2,000
to $8,000 per year selling our Just patented
machine. Eagle Tool Co., B 616, Clnnln
natl, O. J 597 13x
KUYAL HOTEL, European. 16th & Chicago
E 597
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th 4 Farnam.
FURNISH your rooms here. Our prices are
25 per cent cheaper than at Installment
stores and our goods are better. Terms,
iJt worth, $1 per week.
Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co.,
Between 12 In and 13th, on Farnam St.
E 649 19
SOUTH front parlor. 2024 St. Mary ave.
E 601
B M149
VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. & cafe.
100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs, la
E 128
ROOMS by day or week. The Latoka, 1613
Howard st. E M4U1 18x
FURNISH ED rooms, all modern conveni
ence 1901 California st, E 465 18x
FRONT parlor and upper front parlor, for
sleeping or light housekeeping. Tel. B2784,
407 N. 19th st. E M48S 19 X
NICELY furbished room, 1426 N. 19th st.
E M482 19X
NEATLY furnished south front room, also
smaller room; private family, modern
walking distance, close to car; meals If
desired, reasonable. Apply 1712 Charles.
E 818 20x
NICELY furnished single room, modern,
reasonable, easy walking distance. 1818
Chicago st. E 617 20x
PARLOR, bay window bedroom, porch and
hall, all furnished for light housekeeping,
3716 North 26th St. E M669-21x
NICE warm room, east front; modern
conveniences. 608 N. 23d St.
E 636 19x
FOR RENT, two nice rooms, furnished;
front room and slide doors, third floor.
420 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
E 780 20x
NICELY furnished rooms, 1816 Dodge.
E M708 21x
HOUSEKEEPING, first floor; also sleeping
room 1712 Juckson. K M748 21 x
NEWLY papered furnished room: modern;
telephone; for one or two gentlemen. 210
N. 19th. E 756 19x
O. M. E,, TEL. 611.
THE feH ELTON, 25th and Dodge; Ideal
home for the winter; pleasant rooms;
strictly modern; home cooking; reason
able. F-401
GOOD room for two, gentlemen preferred.
213 8. 26 in at. F-8M
FURNISHED room, suitable for two; also
good board. i'M So. 19th F 726 21 x
FURNISHED rooms and board, modern
house, home cooking. , 1K18 Capitol Ave.
F-M537 21 x
Fl'IlNIStlKD south room, modern house;
private family; gentlemen preferred: use
of 'phone. 1113 Park ave. 'Phone Cedar
41842. F M458 ltx
ROOMS and board for three; home cook
ing; everything modern; board by the
v.erk; reasonable rates. 116 N. 26th.
F-4W tlx
120 NO. 2ITH ST.. large front room, for
two; modern and convenient, with board;
reasonable. , F-M604 30x
THE ROSE 30-JO Harney St., nicely fur
nished, warm rooms, reasonable: also
good board. F-400 21 x
ROOMS and board. 614 North 19th st
F 46 21 x
ROOM and board, $3.60 per week; 21 meal.
$2 60- single meal Inc. Give us a trlsl.
1619 Dodge. 'Phone ash 33891. F M664 J1X
THE LINCOLN. 1619 Dodge; board and
room, $3.50 up; 21 meals, $2.&o; single
meals, 15c. Give us a trial. F M736 tlx
LARGE, comfortable room, and board, with
private family; use piano and other home
frlvlleges, at reasonable price; 2 lady
eaehers or emploved preferred: West
Farnam district; beet neighborhood; near
t car lines. Address X I, Bee.
F 719 20x
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board; also day board. 1811 Capitol ave.
F M690 21X
LARGE newly furnished parlor and other
rooms; table excellent. Tel. 3024.
F-MSS8 llx
FOR RENT Nicely furnished east front
room, with board; close In, modern, tele
phone, etc. ' Reasonable. 618 So. 18th st.
F-747 22x
THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, heat
and light; desirable. 2us2 Harney.
O M16J lx
TWO unfurnished rooms for house keep
ing; walking distance. Address: W 58,
Bee. G-M638 21x
UNFURNISHED rooms. 2, I or 4, modern,
with furnace heat. 2.14 N. 19th st.
G MOM 20x
GYLMER, solentlflo palmist, 715 N. 23d.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 15U Leaven
worth. 8 626
MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California st.
YOUR future told free. This Is not a trial
reading, but a full and complete reading;
going Inta detail what you should do
find what not to do regarding all affairs
of life; advises on business, love, court
ship, marriage and divorce; old estates,
mortgage, wills and buried treasures;
whether your coming marrluge or divorce
will be for your happiness or not. Send
name and birth date and 4 cents In
stamps. Address Madam Boll Kalum, 8963
Drexel Blvd., Chicago. B-666 19x
YOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants; send1 birth date, dime and
stamp. Profs. Carl & Roll In, 490 N. Clark
St., Chicago. 8-663 19x
YOUR fortune free. Everything told. Mall
10 cents, two 2-oent stamps. Irene Wilbur,
343 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. S-628 19x
MME. LA RUK. noted card reader, 1202
Douglas, corner 12th, room 2. . 8640 19x
Just for a fad. If you want
on business, marriage, board of trade, law
suits, mining Interests, stolen money, jewels
or lost friends located,
Be convinced, and directed on the road to
happiness and prosperity.
for all who will bring this card to my
office tomorrow. (No business transacted
on Sunday.)
Center Hotel, 210 N. 17th St.,
Half block northwest P. O.
Self-addressed stamped envelope for read
ing by. mall. 'Phone B 2547. S
(The Cnllfornla Lady.)
Your future Is correctly foretold1 by this
remarkable woman, who Is gifted by a
power which approaches the miraculous.
She Is acknowledged to be the marvel
of the present century, a prophet of
world-wide repute. She Is recommended
by every one of her patrons. Her power
excites the wonder and admiration of
even the skeptical. Her advice Is in
fallible and convincing.
Office 1724 Capitol Ave. Tel. 5710.
B 716 19x
Monthly R-gulator has brought happiness
to hundreds of anxious women. No pain,
no danger, no Interference with work;
relief In 8 to 6 days. We have never
known of a single failure. Price $3, by
CO., Room &5, 84 Adams st., Chicago. 660
PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for
ladles, never falls, $2, postpaid. Sherman
& McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. M700
LADIES When rn need, send for free trial
of our never-falling remedy; relief quick
A TlM PVamll 'rt V. M ....... 1 ...
LADIES $500 reward If our remedy falls to
ilieve delayed monthly periods, no mat
ter how long suppressed; safe relief, $3.
Women's Private Institute, dept. 1, 185
Dearborn St., Chicago.
LADIES Chlchester'a English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
other. Send 4o stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
mall. Ask yaur druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
MEN, If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our AcmeVan
uum Developer will restore you without
drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
one to four weeks; iS.OOO In use; not one
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 728
Barclay blk., Denver, Colo.
CHAMBERS, society and stage; new
classes now forming. 'Phone F-1S7L
A CLASS tor adult beginners Is now form
ing. Tues. and Frl., 8 p. m., at Morand's.
16th and Harney. The cotillion and all
the latest glides are taught in one term.
Private lessons and Wednesday assem
blies. Call or tel. 1041. 714 F28
MORAND'S spring term will open for
adult beginners on Tuesday, February 28,
at 8 p. m. Two dollars less than regulsr
price If you Join on opening night. Chil
dren, Saturday 8 p. m. This term. 15.
Private lessons dally. Tel. lo41. 714 28
WE MAKE banners and flags of all kinds.
Omaha Paraphernalia House, Dept. C,
415 8. 15th St. U 732 19
MARRY wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory free. Pay when married; entirely
new plan; send no money. A dress H. A.
Horton, Dept. 297 Tekonsha, Mich.
U-612 19x
ROYALTY paid on song-poems and mu
sical compositions. We arrange and pop
ularise. Pioneer Music Pub. Co., Inc ,
660 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, 111.
U 623 19x
pleased to see her friends at F. M. Bcha
dell A. Co.'s. U-666 19
WANTED, to borrow, $3no. $500 or $1,000 for
six months or a year, with first-class se
curity, 7 per cent Interest. Address W 60,
Bee. U-662 19x
YOUNG man 26 desires to correspond with
young lady or widow of suitable age; mum
be refined, accomplished and pretty. Ad
dress P. O. Box 124, Sioux Falls. S. D.
U-686 19x
MARRIAGE PAPER 13 pages, 10c. sealed;
many wealthy; only Incorporated mar
riage bureau In the world; 9th year; re
liable: bank reference. R. K. Love. Box
KM). Denver, Colo. U 685 19x
A WEALTHY, middle aged gentleman
wants home-loving wife. No objection to
sincere poor woman. Address Mr. John,
408 Ogden, Chicago. U 629 lx
RESPECTABLE gentleman 85. engaged as
school teacher, desires to meet or corre
spond with Catholic lady not over 85 of
some meuns. Address W 54. Bee.
U-ML27 JOx
VIAVI A wholesome, rational treatment.
Invaluable In all Inflammations and dis
placements. Send for booklet. 360 Bee
building, Omaha, Neb. U 646 19
GENTLEMAN of wealth and Integrity
seeks congenial wife. Address Mrs. Cole,
506 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphia, Pa.
U-693 19x
PRETTY country girl, brunette, age , has
llo.uo, will Inherit mur-h mora, wishes to
marry. Curran, 1243 Wabash, Chicago.
V7-636 hi
LR. ROY. Chiropody, R. t Jk 3, 1605 Farnsrn,
In.. " k-,.- - . I hnilMAII
have ruined their eves hv wearing '
.Kb. A . . . . . I . L . O .- . i . 1 I . t
..10. 11,, ui, 1 ni, fienser (utj r-
will tell you the cause of your trourde.
807-g Neville Block. 1-419
CHRONIC and nervous diseases succ.
fully treated. Dr. Jackson, $11 Ramgs
'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano; $3. Perfleld Piano Co., 1011
Farnam. U 64
THEATRICAL, masq. costumes. Li"-1410-13
Howard. U-47
THE Salvation Army solicits csst-olt cloth
ing; In fact anything you do not need;
we collect, repair and sell at 114 N. 11 .
for cost of collecting to the worthy poor.
Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge VM.
U 64B
Send for price list and Sample
TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th.
DON'T fool with your eyes; be cartful who
examines them; we test eyes free for
glasses and guarantee satisfaction.
THE H. J. i'LNl'ULU CO.,
Leading opticians. 14u8 Farnam.
FT7FMA absolutely cured. B. J. 8ca-
mA Qtll M Ware Block,
U-Vl5 Ft3
PRESSORIUM Kaem.Pre"ud-l65i:
PRIVATE home during confiement; ba
bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. GardelL
2216 Charles. Tel. A 261s. -U6W
We rent sewing machines 75o week. Wa
repair all makes of machines. Second
hand machines $6 to $10. Neb Cycle Co.
Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 664
TRUSSES mads and fitted to men, women
and children. 1 Farnam St.
U 6&3
OMAHA souvenir vlsw mailed free to any
person sending us the name of any one
owning a square piano or organ. Perflsld
Piano Co., 16U Farnam St. Tel. 701.
U-M163 F23
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and Iregularltles of women, from tnt
cause; experienced and reliable. Address,
with stamp, Dr. Pries, llillK Dodge St.,
Omaha. 0-466
PRIVATE horns during confinement; b
bis adopted. Ths Good Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs,. Ia.
Tel. 774. IJ 626
M AHNPTIP treatment Sz baths. Mme.
mrtUnCUL bmith, 118 N. 15, 2 fl. R .8,
Massacon cure middle-ear trouble.
Acoustlcon aids the hearing as glassea
do the eye Hutchison Acoustio Co.,
N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1999. U-668
LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to all
points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2U8. Mem
ber American Ticket Brokers Ass'n.
IT S FREEI Bend stamp for copy of Chi
nese Slave Girl and her young American
lover. Address J- Boyle, fl D St., N. 14.
Washington, D. C. U 690 81s
INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, page 13,
HANDSOME widow, worth $66,000, want
Immediately able, Industrious husband.
Address Aetna, Oneouia Bldg, Chicago.
U-M717 22x
PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. Dalbey, 2207
Mason. U M150 MSx
PIANO CLUB. Just forming; 60c and $1
weekly; pianos delivered Immediately;
piano lesson.! tree. Call for particulars.
1611 Farnaiu St. U M138
Several boys for adoption; ages 9 years and,
YSHnBi at the Cnlld Saving' Institute,
1806 Ohio St. UM483 19x
INVEST in Constant Oil. Read ad, page 13.
VERY wealthy young woman will corre
spond; object matrimony; no objection to
poor man If honest. Lock Box B. Blue
Island, 111. U 568 19x
HANDSOME, Intelligent young widow, no
children, $30,000 in her own name, will
niarry Immediate' and will furnish hus
band with capital to start business; no
objections to honorable poor msn. Ad
dress Mrs. Belmont, 367 Hampden Bldg..
Chicago. U-668 19x
INVEST in Constant OH. Read ad, page 13
BUSINESS man, . middle age, tall and
handsome, worth $40,000, magnificent
. home, desires at once true, affectionate
wife, maiden lady or widow; no objection
to widow with children; money no object.
Address Bel Monte, A 14 State ft, Chi
cao. U-6S9 19x
FRIENDSHIP CLUB - Correspondents
everywhere; particulars free. Box 24.
Cleveland, Ohio. U 671 19x
DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist r
women and children; 30 years' practice
Office. 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone,
3666; office, SCOT
Manufacturers of paste for all purposes
Tel. 4521, 2210 Cuming. Established 1S88.
SUPERFLUOl'S HAIR, warts and moles
permanently removed bv electricity; con
sultation free and confidential: all work
guaranteed. Miss Al'.ender, 422 N. Y. Llfs.
STOPS the craving, cures the habit Moss
bergs' Anti-Nicotine Gum, the only sure
antidote of tobacco. Large package sent
by mail, postpaid, 25 cents. Anti-Nicotine
Gum Co., 1528 Masonic Temple, Chicago,
111. U
LA DIES treated succeshfully by mall.
Write today for safo relief. Circulars
free. Dr. Brlney, 18a State St., Chicago.
BEND 12c and birth date for life reading,
about S.OuO words, typewritten form.
Prof. James, 455 Columbus Ave., Boston,
Mass. U 639 19x
PERSONS wearing false teeth will learn
Bometning to tneir advantage hy address
ing Con forma Co., ISO W. 126th St.. N. Y.
U 647 lx
INVEST In Constant OH. Read ad, page 13
FOR RENT Beautiful brand new upright
pianos, not worn-out used Instruments; $8
per month. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller,
1311 Farnam st. U 723 19
INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, page 11.
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small office, which rents fur $10.09 par
month. Price Includes heat, light, water
and Janitor service. It Is located on the
iourth floor of The Bee Building and Is
ust the thing for anyone wanting a nice
ittle office lo the best office building lit
town. R. C. Peters ft Co., Rental Agents,
Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1771
$-8TORT and basement brick building, 100$
Farnam, 2x100, hydraulic elevator, suit
able for wholesale or manufacturing. 814
First National bank building. I-4V
IF you apply at onca we can give any
one desiring a large office apace, almost
any arrangement they deairs. This space
Is on the sixth floor ot Ths Bee building,
with north light. R. C. Peters A Co.,
Ktntal Agents, Ground Floor Bee Bldg.
FOR RENT or sale, Maloney theater build
ing. 1609-11-18 Capitol ave.; very large
floor space, ground floor. Inquire of Henry
hjulff, 36th and Leavenworth its.
OFFICES In ths Neville block for rents
elevator. Janitor service and steam heat;
lightest offices In the city. Cor. 16th and
Harney. 1663 F28
MEAT MARKET for rent, best location
In North Omaha. C. W. Shrader, 26th
and Blondo sta. 1486
8TORE ROOM st 1106 Farnam $
' 1 tW-l