I 10 TITE OMAnA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, FEPTUTARY 17, 100.T. COONCILSEX TO MARE FIGHT Delegation Ooei to Liicoln to Oppose Nelson Charter Features. SUSPENSION CLAUSE PRONOUNCED VICIOUS frovlalon that Woold Allow Contln loit Dlarnptlnn of City CJor ernment la to Re Killed il Possible. Counellmen Schroedrr. Huntington, Evans and Nicholson hav gone to Lincoln to protent with all the vigor of tl.elr official and private voices BKalrM certain sec tion of the Ncluon charter bill. What the councilman don't like Is the proponal to have members of that body, the mayor and other officers removed by the district court for certain misdemeanors neglect of dwfy, etc., as well as for malfeasance In office, and suspension during trial In the district court, all of which may be brought about by three electors, and the burden of showing themselves guiltless being thrust upon the city officers accused. It ha been pointed out that factions, cliques or persona having grievances against city officers can oust them from office, tempor arily at least, and have their places filled by other men during suspension. Simply holding an offlclal document more than thirty daya is sufficient cause for removal from office under the proposed new sections to tha charter. Wright Kara It's Ylclons. "The proposition Is decidedly vicious," ays City Attorney Wright. "It means that any corporation, political faction or person has In his hands a powerful club to make a city officer do his bidding. If the aggrieved party wants to make life miserable for the officer and deprive him for at least awhile of the duties and emolu ment of the position, he Is In a position to do so. : Possibly the men who drew the section thought they would give the people additional power In compelling councllnien and others to do their will, but they forgot that the same privileges are extended to corporations and disgruntled politicians and office seekers. "I am informed that Mr. Nelson, per sonally, does not favor the proposition. It Is certain that it should be stricken out of any Omaha ' charter bill." It Is said that the councllmen have ar ranged to rescind the resolution appropriat ing $300 to Mr. Nelson for drafting the bill at the flirt meeting. mm a COMPANY WINS A REVERSAL nits for Damages Growing Out Electrocution of Firemen Sent Hack (or Kew Hearing. of Mandates have come down from the state aupreme court reversing the Judgments of the district court In the cases of Charles Hopper and George Bendsen. Both cases are remanded for new trials. These cases were brought by Fred An derson, as administrator, and by Carrie M. Bendsen, as administratrix, of the estates of Hopper and Bendsen, respectively. Both men were firemen In the Omaha department and were shocked by electric light wires and killed at the Mercer Chemical com pany fire in August, 1899. Otto Glesecke, also a fireman, was killed at the same time. The suits were directed against the New Omaha Thompson-Houston Electric Light company, and In the district court a verdict for 13,000 was given In tho Hopper case and for 16,000 In the Bendsen case. From these verdicts the defendant company took ap peals. The Judgments are reversed and the cases remanded on the ground that the defendant company was not guilty of negligence and was under no particular obligation toward City firemen in tha pursuit of their duty under ordinary circumstances. The wires which killed the three firemen had. It seems, been handled without bad result by other firemen standing on ladders. Tho victims were standing on the wet ground handling the crank of a ladder truck when a connection was formed, which shocked them fatally. mas RENNANT SAL That Breaks All Bargain Records Thousands of remnants of high grade cashmeres, Hen riettas, albatross, serges, voiles, etc. in all solid col ors, black and white many p l rx to match regularly worth Wv 4 j uf up to $1 a yard go at, each Jr II JJ V Importer. Sample Pieces 35c Eaxh A greater, newer lot, direct from the U. S. Customs House Importer's sam ple lengths, matched up In bundles of 8 to lO pieces of 7-8 yard each enough for a full dress these goods are highest class Imported fabrics, selling up to $3.00 a yard, black, and all colors, panamas,, granites, tweeds, serges, etc, at, each, :35c Thousands of bundles of shorter lengths of same high lO grade dress goods, 8 to lO pieces, at, each Sale of Importer Silk Samples 5, 000 silk sample'pieces, beautiful.designa and very highest grade3 actually worth upto $1. BO yard in lengths of 1-4 to m f f flC 1 yard each, many to match on 1 II C-IJf C sale in Arcade, at 1 Velvets at 5c and 10c Piece All the short pieces and odd lots of fine velvets, bought from a Pater- P f fl son, N. J., mill, at, each t Remnants of fine Muffler Silk Finest crepe and heavy Jap Muffler Silk in white and cream in Tt f Ck lengths from 1 1-8 to 11-2 yard3, actually fCf7C worth as high as $2 each, at, each t-','v Embroidery Remnants Remnants of fine nainsook and cambric embroideries and insartings all "1 C. t(t new patterns on bargain squares, yard....2v tJC'lUC All the extra wide corset cover and skirt flounc- f C y Cn ing remnants very finest grades, at, yard UC'fcJC Remnants of Lace Odd lots, short pieces and assorted remnants of laces and insertings, up to 7 l ln C inches wide, at, yard I2C"J,2C" DC Remnants of New Spring Goods IN THE BASEMENT AT LOW PRICES Extra fine corded ginghams, In plain colors or fancy stripes and checks, in lengths to 10 Q j yards for, yard O2C First showing of beautiful Organ dies remnants in all the new floral deHlgns that are so much in demand; selling price, per yard I4&2C 30c mercerized plain color suiting, in all desirable shades; f B special price, per yard lJC 35c printed dress sateens look like silk In remnants, per 1 A yard IUC A special lot of spring voile suitings large assortment of fancy mix tures that are new for spring shirt waist suits; special price, Irt IUC per yard. Silk dot mulls dress lengths, beautiful shades In every color at, a yard... Pine cambrics, long cloth, muslin and Nainsook Just purchased from the mm best wnlte goods made ror Frl day, at per yard 25c quality India linon, 40 Inches wide a great bargain for fn Friday, at, yard IUC 40 inch wide Victoria lawn In mill lenths goes at, per r yard JC 1 Diiniiun 19c 6k 40c grade mercerized sateens In plain colors mill lengths as long as it last at, a yd. All the newest styles in lie standard dress prints yard J Mill ends double fold dark percales 10c val ues for Z 1 rt a yard iC 36-inch bleached musliu remnants v arloui ffrades for, yard J2C One lot of calico rem nantsmill ends for, a yard ZC J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE BsgRsssBsngBssp To Dyspeptics In search of a cure: .You've tried the rest, now take the best. Diner's Digesters cure sure. At Myers Dillon Drug Co. , SEASONABLE FASHIONS. CURRENT LITERATURE. KO. 4609-BOT'S ONE-PIECE SUIT. Blies, 2 to 6 years. For tha accommodation of readers of The Be these patterns, which usually retail at from Zi to 60 cents each, will be furnished at tha nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "rat tern Department, Bee, Omaha." The publishers of Collier's Weekly have Issued a new volume under the title, "Col lier's Self-Indexing Annual for 1905," which Is designed to be the first of a series of annual year books, printed In convenient form for reference, and contemporaneous review of the principal events and leading actors of the year. The book Is well edited and indexed, and Illustrated with repro ductions of news photographs and por traits taken largely frcm the current Is sues of Collier's Weekly, but Is much more convenient for reference than files of such a newspaper would be. In a word. It is a pen and picture history brought down to date, such as Is not to be found anywhere else. "The Wandering Twins," a story of Lab rador, by Mary Bourchler Sanford, Is the story of two children, a boy and a girl, twins, who had started on a search for their father. They, after a terrible voyage, found themselves landed at a finning sta tion. The good fishermen and their wives are as kind as they can be to. the little unfortunates, but they have many adven tures and exciting times. It is prettily Illustrated, and, best of all, has a happy ending. A. C. McClure & Co., publishers. "Cabbages and Kings,.' by O. Henry, de scribes in a ludicrous manner the revolu tionary convulsions which so often attack Central America. There Is a great deal of humor In the book, and the reader will not get sleepy. Published by McClure, Phillips & Co. "Finding a Fortune," by Horatio Alger, Jr., Is a prettily illustrated book that will please the boys. The young hero has plenty of adventure, and there are numer ous exciting incidents, all combining to make It a very Interesting narrative. The Penn Publishing company. "A Prairie Infanta," by Eva Wilder Brodhead. This Is a clever western story that develops In a little Colorado mining town. One can almost see the green, tall cottonwoods, the straggling mud houses and the goat corrals of the people, among whom lived the woman who took to her heart the motherless Lola, tho "Infanta." The story of the little girl's life Is nicely told, and finally her father appears and brings the story to an unlooked-for and happy ending. Henry Altemus company, publishers. "The Confessions of An Old Maid," by Lou Lawrence. This Is the,, first volume bearing Imprint of The Press of "The Rose Jar." It Is an amusing narrative 6f the life of an unmarried woman of today and strips the sham sentiments, which are common to humanity, as well as to old maids, of much of the veil which enshrouds them. It is a neat volume and Is as different from the average novel in exterior as it is in text Oalllard Hunt has written of "The First Inauguration Ball" for the March Century. The story should make Interesting reading Just at this time, especially when compared with the coming records of 1906's Inaugural fu notion. "Buster Brown Abroad," by R. F. Out cast, author and Illustrator of "Buster" and "Tige" In all their fun and trouble. There are fifty-three Illustrations in this book. and really "Buster" a,nd his companion in scrapes, "Tlge," seem to outdo themselves. t.lrs.J. BENSON New Muslin Underwe'r We are showing all that's new and beautiful in muslin underwear. Pretty match sets In lace or em broidery trimmed, from $12 up very pretty showing of white skirts, elaborately trimmed, with lace or embroidery, l.o0 up., Plain skirts, 58c, $1.00 and $1.25. Excellent quality muslin gowns from 50c to $1.00. Better quality gowns In muslin, cambric or nainsook,' In high neck, long sleeves or low nock and elbow sleeves, lace' or embroidery trimmed, from $1.00 to $8.00. We are showing a beautiful stock of Corset Covers and Drawers from the cheaiient to tho best. ( ' SEE OUU NEW HMBUOIDERIES. Wis "The Tiger of Muscovy," by Fred Whl shaw. In this romance Beautiful Amy Romalyn, who was the Beatrice to every little Dante In the countryside, is the hero ine. Her tovetaffalrs and who the "Tiger" Is will be enjoyed the more if left for the reader to discover. Published by Long mans. "Tonda," a story of the Bloux. by War ren K. Moorehead, Is a story treating of the adventure Incident to life on the plains A very interesting portion of the story are the chapters relating to the coming of Custer and his death. Published by The Robert Clarke company. "The Kegro; The Southerner's Problem," by Thomas Nelson Page, is a volume of essays relating to this problem. The au thor has spent many years In the study and has more or less familiarity with the dif ferent phases of this problem and he en deavors to present his Ideas to his readers as plainly and candidly as possible. Pub lished by Bcrlbners. In "Double Harness" Anthony Hops takes up the problems of those, both men and women, who have found marriage' a failure. The author handles the subject as Anthony Hope would be expected to do and answers the questions In - a manner that will un doubtedly be very satisfactory : to many. McClure, Phillips gt Co., publishers. "Beatrice of Venice," by Max Pemberton, la a thrilling story of feuds, fights, flights and adventure, down to the last chapter, p))Ml hi O il I I OMAHA WF. 4T1IF.H REFORT-Fri. H day Fair and Colder. -SSt Friday is tenant Sales at Silk and Dress Goods Courtiers. Silk Remnants, worth Day Dress Goods black and colored p to $1.50 per yard 25c 25c worth up to $1.50 per yard Bargains on Our Second Floor A Great Gash Cut irt the Prices of Children's Wool Dresses Pretty little dresses made in Iiuster Brown effect, with full skirt of heavy serge, trimmed in braid and buttons, dresses we have sold all season at $3.00, they come in blue, red, brown and green, ages 6 to 14 f CA on sale Friday, at Is J if Another lot in several styles, including the Buster Brown effects and graceful capes on shoulders, made of serges, Scotch mixtures, and checks, in blue, brown and QQ red, ages 6 to 14, worth $1.50, $1.75 and $2, at ZJOC BOYS' WAISTS in Tennis Flannel, Fleeced Cheviots and all heavy materials, just the thing for school and cheaper than you can buy the cloth. These waists were sold at 30c, 39c, 50c and 69c, all colors and ages up to 14 IO, years your choice Friday, at IC Friday Will Be Our Great Bargain Day in Domestic Section Cream Shaker Flannel, full pieces, all perfect, worth seven cents a yard, at, per yard 3Jc Apron Check Gingham, worth 8 l-3c, Friday, yarcL . . . . 5c Challis, worth 10c yard, Friday 5c Extra Good Blankets, worth 75c pair, Friday 49c 54-in. heavy fleece, Table Padding, worth 50c, Friday. . .2Qc B Extra large White Bed Spreads, worth' $1.50, only. . . 1.00 J T 1 C11 -L IV . uAiru uou lieu pueeiB, worm uoc, at UilC Bennett's Great Grocery Special offers dHlly, that are of in- lereBi 10 ail Housekeepers. Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with ten cans solid packed Ink Tomatoes I. LIU SO ($3) Green Trading Stamps 4 flH with ten cans I.X.L,. Corn I.vJU Early June Peas .three cans for Pure Fruit and Sugar Pre serves, per Jar , Catsup, pint bottle, for ; Corn Starch, per pound package Rai.xtrtH, California, per pound , Cream, per can, at i.. ..i 25c ..10c 10c ...5c ...8c .. 5c 12c 28c ,124c 10 tfl.00) Oreen Trading Stamps with pound, can Bennett's Capitol " A n Uukiiig Powder AIM 10 ($1.00) Grean Trading: Stamps with eight bars Bennett's Bargain boud 10 (ID Green Trading Stamps with can Gay Island Clams 10 ($1) Green Trading Stamps er with frame Colorado Honey,... 'cJV 10 ($1) Green Trading Stamps (Oln with 3-lb. can Daisy Syrup ... 10 ($1) Green Trading Stamps tAr with two pounds japan Klce... 10 ((1) Ureen Trading Stamps with can Diamond S. Fruits, 10 (SI) Green Trading Stamps with can Imported Sardines 10 Ul) Green Trading Stamps Ozlr with can Win. Baker's Cocoa. iW 10 (Jl) Green Trading Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol Pre mlura Chocolate 10 (SI) Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Snider s Chill O- Snce t.... "f 10 (SI) Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Snlder'8 Salad Oln Dresslnir CJ. 10 (SI) Green Trading Stamps with pt. bot. Snlder's Catsup. . BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. 20 (S2) Green Trading Stamps tfr with Geo. Washington's Hatchet 16 (S1.50) Green Trading Stamps tiftr with jar assorted Candy IvFW 10 ($1) Green Trading Stamps Oflr with box stuffed Dates 40 (Si) Green Trading Stamps with pound Cinnamon Imperials or OC- Wlntergreen Drops 22c Fruit! Fruit!! Ten (SI) Green Trading Stamps with T-txll UL 1113 1UI1UWII11T II Friday: One peck New Tork Baldwin or Greening Apples 6 measures oi Peanuts following items, all day 30c 25c 3 quarts Fancy tr Tantiemes -ifuw 20c fresh 1 pound lanre, fancy r-npusn walnuts TANGERINES. MUSHROOMS, TOMATOES. And the finest display of fancy Colo rado apples In Omaha. Everything in the fresh fruit and vegetable lines. FRUIT SECTION, BASEMENT. HARDWARE Specials in Hardware Friday Ten (S1.00) Green Trading g Stamps with set White I fin Metal Ten Spoons W Twenty (JJ.OO) Green Trading Stamps with set White Metal Table Spoons Vl Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps O with 12-lnch Basting Spoon t Jw Five (50c) Green Trading "H g Stamps with 14-inch III Basting Spoon IUv Ten (Sl.OU) Green Trading Stamps with 16-inch I rf Basting Spoon Five (5c) Green Trading f Stamps with Mixing IUC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading 8tamps with B0 ft. Cotton Braided Clothesline Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Scrubbing Brush 20c 15c SPECIAL ATTRACTION IN W00DENWARE Candy Pails , Wood Salt Box 8 dozen Clothes Pins. . . , Wood Knife Box Vegetable Cutter Feather or Wool Duster Ten ($1.00) Green Trading with each. IOC EACH Stamps which is "The Momentous Hour." Dodd, Mead & Co. are the publishers. "Divided," by Clara E. Laughlln, a sweet story of how the poem "Divided," by Jean Inaelow. affected the lives of two young Frederick A. Stokes Company. DuhllsherH Lneople. The book Is a work of art in itself, and the sweet, sad, little story win Dnng "Flower Fables and Fancies," by N. Hud ton Moore. The pages are beautifully deco rated in color by Frederick Q. Hall and there are forty-eight Illustrations from photographs of flowers. There are tulips, daffodils, crocuses, violets, lilies and roses, and many more. The beautiful flowers and the dainty cover make an extremely hand some book. Frederick A. Stokes Company, publishers. mnnv memories to those who read of a part in which "Divided" means so very much. Published by Fleming H. Revell Co. Above books for sale at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth St. CORN CARS MOVING SOUTH Ketarn of Warm Weather Allows the Railroads to Resume Tbelr Normal Traffic ! diamonds! SPECIAL One pair old mine color and cut. carats 7 3-64 $685.00 Will be sold singly If desired. One weighing 2V4 carats, fair color, perieci. $250.00 15-& DODGE. The spring-like weather Is of considerable value to Omaha grain men, for It is allow ing the railway to move out of the local yards a few cars of Nebraska corn which have been frozen fast for a week. During this last seven days little, If any, grain moved out of ths city for the reason the railways could not haul it. They accepted the cars at ,the low rate, but are now getting them nicely under way for their points of consignment. Omaha gTaln handlers were, as a rule, not very largely loaded up with the Indian cereal when ths rate slashing began and so were not In ths best possible position to profit by it. Most of the corn which Is coming into tnia roarsm is oousni or. ...r It gets hers. There are at present four 8wl Cigar ?""" :":7 fo? elevators in omans, pui n oi meo nu very little capacity. Tha Omaha Elevator company's plant has a capacity of 1,500,000 bushels. This is a private house and does not make rsports, so that the trade in general does not know the present stocks on hand. It Is understood not to be much mors heavily loaded up than ths other houses. January 21 the public houses had 630,000 bushels of grain. Of this amount only about 170,009 bushels were corn. Wheat, oats, barley and rye are not affected by the rate war. as corn la the grain on which ths fight started. Satur day last one of ths public houses reported $00,000 bushels of grain on hand, of whloli 100,000 was corn. The other house would not Lave us much. Cigar Prices Slashed Again. MsMMsMBMBMslsasMHBMHMtlliy We have Just received the laraest ship ment of cigars, we believe, ever shipped to an Omaha RKTAILKR and are going to give umalia smokers a chance to GET EVEN WITH THE TOBACCO TRl'ST, Buy them by the BOXFULX, or POCKET FULL: Henry George Cigar ..7 for 25c Tom Keene Cigar :..7 for 25c Little Tom Cigar 7 for 2Sc 2fc La Purita Cigar 7 for 2f.c iiacneior cigar. for 2oc Tom Moore Banquet 4 for 2fic Tom Morre Club House 3 for 2c La Marlew 4 for 26c Gan-la, fine Key West, Conchas 3 for 2 Oarcla, Knickerbocker sUe. 25 box $2 60 FA Belmont. 15c quality, for loc straight. HUNDREDS OF OTHER BRANDS AT . CUT PRICES. Sherman &McConnell Drug Co, Cor. Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, OMAHA, NE3. LEALERS IN DRUGS AND CIGARS. ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Oas Dollas Year. FURNITURE SALE MONDAY flWDEHi THB RELIABLE ITOnl. RIBBON SALE (. SATURDAY Remnant Day Friday A day in which tho weekly accumulation of remnants from our own stock and mill-ends purchased expressly for these sales are sold nj, radical price reduction always in many cases below manufacturer's cost. . ) Remnants of Wash Goods in the Main Wash Goods Department oH-ysrd lengths of fine Imported Mar seilles thnt sold at BOc, Jurqimrds that sold at 6c. Imported Walstlngs that sold at 75c choice , per lQc 10r and 12Hc fine Olnghams by the Cr yard to clone Remnants of a9c, 35c and 2c Linings, Mlnml and other silks, worth up to Uic, fr at yard IOW 3H-ynrd lengths of fine Imported Marseille. Jaoquards, Oxfords. Mercerized IJlnKh.mis, etc., that sold from 35c to VOc prr lOln yard, at yard I9V 60c and 6nc Suitings In 10-yard 1f)c lengths, at yard 10.000 ynrds of all wool nnd hnlf wool Dress (Jooris, worth from 5c to $3.f per f)r yard, at yard 39o, lVc, 15c and In the Great Domestic Room 5C 15c Printed Batiste 3S Inches wlde at yard 10c Bleached Muslin 36 Inches wide very fine, soft finish, at fxic " A w 36 Inches yard 19c English Flanelettes wide, at yard 5c 6He Standard Prints at sn yard 60c Mercerized Sateens at IOC 10c White Goods' at Cr. yard OL, 12'4c Cheviot Shirting In black and ASr white very heavy at vard 4 2Eo Waist and Sleeve Linings In all colors great snap Friday at SilC va rrl EMBROIDERED FLANNEL REMNANTS Hemstitched nnd scalloped edge beautiful- designs the embroidered flannel of this quality would sell ordinarily lor ioc XIJC choice of thee remnnnts. Friday, nt EIGHT AND ONE-HALF CENT SHAKER FLANNEL REMNANTS nt- 4 .', C m rrl . "S a W Remnants of Plain White Wool Flannel at HALF PRICE. t. Silk Specials for Friday KIMONA SILKS Japanese and China X0 inches wide at yard ... JAP SILKS In all colnrs27-lnch AQn 25c 45c WHITE JAP WASH SILK 13 Inches widfv at yard Tl 1 "1tltt Oil IV" 19 Inches wlde-at-yard :.. OOC exceptional value, at yard REMNANTS OF FANCY SILKS worth up to one dollar yard Friday, as long IQg as they last at yard REMNANTS PLAIN AND FANCY VELVETS worth up to one dolar and a H5c half yard special value Friday at yard The finest, sweetest and iuciest that ever grew. OrangesI Oranges! We have Just received the finest car of Fancy Highland Navel Oranges shipped this season. uwiiik 10 me com weainer ine mnjnei in uhuij uiuivm. t im.) s Saturday we will place the car on sale at per dozen These OranKes retail everywhere from 36c to 40c per dozen. We buy direct from the grower no commission house or broker's profits to pay. This we give 10 our customers. NO LIMIT. ALL YOU WANT. A Few of the Many Other Specials Fresh, crlRp Soda, or Oyster Crack ers, tier noiind 0V1C Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound.. 6c X-Cello. Malla Vita or EKg-O-See. 7 nounds Breakfast Oatmeal, for "hie 7 pounds Breakfast Oatmeal for loc 10 oars Bwirt s friae, Beat ah or White Paris Laundry Soap ror Zoc pounds best hand picked Navy Beans, Rice. Tapioca Sago, Barley or Farina for 4 198 3-pound cans solid parked Tomatoes.... 7VsC 2-pound cans Sweet Sugnr Corn, Lima Beans. Early June Peas, Wax, String or Baked Beajis 0 New Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack lo (plenty of hard coal A W I C I TTZC ALL SIZES. Also Our Old Genuine CANON CITY LUMP COAL SEND US YOUR ORDERS. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. 1414 PARNAM STREET. These Rates Are Low Grand Junction, Colo., Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, Pocatello, Ida., Heleua, Butte, Ana conda, Missoula, Kulispull, Mont Spokane. Ellensburfr, Wenatehe, Wash., Pendleton nnd Huntington, Ore. Tortlnnd, Taeoma, Seattle, Wash., Van couver, Victoria, B. C, Ashland, Astoria, Ore. San Francisco, Sacramento, Ilornbrook, Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diego, Cal., Phoe nix. Yuma, Benson, Tuscou, Ariz., El Paso, Tex. $20.00 S22.50 $25.00 $25.00 Above rates apply from Missouri River points and will bo In effect dally March 1st to May 15th. Rock Island System offers choice of two routes to California via El Paso and via Colorado with through Tourist Car service. For further information call or write". F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. DR. BRADBURY 1506 FARNAfl Teeth Extracted-.. 23c ;orcclain Filling $1 up (Jold Flllinra $1 up Silver Fillings... 89c up Crowns $2. 50 up Plates 2 00 up DENTIST 15 Years Ssme Locatloq 'Phone 1 756. Bridge Work 62.50 up Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Made Aolld. Work g-usruitssd 10 : OUR WATCH DEPARTMENT is a specialty with u. Ws are howlng an opn facs a-ent's filled watch, $15.00, $16.50. $20.00 and $22.00-sum In hunting cas for email additional coat. Ladlea flllea watch. $12 00, $16 00 to $J6.00 handnoms patterns. Spend a few minutes 1 n our atore. Look tor the name. , S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1616 Dougl aa Street. J8v For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. BOOK IBO, Tel. B22J. lf 2 ftmn St. mm el.