TITB OMAnA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 190X 15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' WAY UP IN "G." WAY-DOWN in pRir.p and Shirley street, lon-ft. rut front on "fpru, ave. by 150-ft smith front on Shirley t; Georgia, ave. paved; perma nent walks, all ald for. Thla la the best PrODQSitlo- ter - hilll)n n .- in .!... Prt of the clty-$2.250 will buy the entire round, which la only about 50 per cent of real value. PAYNh, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Flooa N. T. Life Fldg. RE 2'3 11 r Opportunity Extraordinary A.).', 3fxl24 "flr Manderson and 22d St., . uy same arid get out vour plana for a nice, modern house. We will advanco ail money necessary to build at 6 per cent Intercut, without commission, grant ing option to repay loan In small month ly, quarterly or semi-annual Installments. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-242 12 "INDIAN TERRITORY." 100-pago book, profusely Illustrated, containing Informa tion of Indian 'Territory and Its largest city, Muskogep, sent free on receipt of 25c. Commercial Club, Muskogee, Ind. Ter. UU-312 12x SHIMER & CHASE, BUILDERS OF MODERN HOUSES 160 acres of land In Perkins county. Neb.. 0 acres undor cultivation; no other Im provements; 14 miles from Madrid; all good tillable land; lays fine. Would tike good horre aa part payment. Price, $1,000. J80 acres in Deuel county. Neb. All choice second bottom land; neex county seat. For quick sain and a good investment for the buyer, $3.00 per acre. We have a number of quarter sections of lanl In Holt and Rock counties. Neb., for WOO a quarter. - See us for acreage In or near the city and bargains In residence property. SHIMER & CHASE CO., Phone SS67. 1609 Fafnam St OMAHA, NEB. ' ' - ItE-211 13 c,B1Aa Williamson Co., uift RE 61 CHANCES KOR CARPENTER. Old house and full lot, 44th and Harney, $325.00. Another, 8th and Bancroft; make your own price. Another, 41st and Decatur, partly burnrd. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE 408 12 , CLOSE IN BARGAIN A neat five-room cottage, city water and Sewer, gas, on 23d, near Mason, $1,500. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. T - RE-243 13 CASH! lowest cash price. City, Mo. for your real estate or business ' anywhere. I can sell it. I moan It. Send description and W. E. Mlnton, Kansas RE- FREE EXCURSION to beautiful Indian Territory. Soil richer than Iowa at Vi the price. . Easy terms. W. E.. Mlnton, Kan sas City, Mo. VIRGINIA FARMS All sizes. Produce all kinds of crops. For health, wealth and Information writs' Virginia Farmer, Dept. 67, Emporia, Va. RE 1000 ACRES . -. -F IRRIGATED LAND Big Horn Basin ON EASY PAYMENTS. . Perfect Titles Perpetual Wfter NEAR NEW LINE OF B& M. R. R. For particulars call on or address, ' L. D.-HOLMES, 712 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' RE 202 13 i '40 ACRES 2 blocks from car line; fine,' level land; (100 per acre. THE, BYRON REED CO., ; 213 8. Htlv . RE 161 13 NEW HOUSE in norm, pan or city, on paved street, seven rooms, extra large bed rooms, good plumbing, for sale on easy terms to right party. Price, $3,000. " PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Flgor N. Y. Life Bldg. . RE 254 12 S2.600 Will buy a new, S-room house, two stories. with hall, parlor, dining room and large kitchen on first floor, with three nice bed rooms and bath room on second floor; nice gas fixtures throughout, porcelain bath, toilet, wash bowl, good cemented cellar, with fine furnace; hot and cold water connected with furnace; fine shade; on UAnscom Park boulevard. Owner wants money, Thla Is a genuine snap. See us quick; immediate possession. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life BIdg. RE-250 13 Six Room Cottage and Eight .' .Lots ; A .good cottage, containing six large rooms,, nd eight large-slued lots, near Country Club; owner going east; $2,600. Terms if desired. . 13BMI8, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 244 12s FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H Why Not Let Us Build H You a Good Warm House? We can build It better and for less money than you can have it built by the average contractor, because we , build so many houses, which enables us to buy our ma terial cheaper and eet better work done, as w-e only employ good workmen. It will pay you to figure with us before you build. Vacant Lots We have the best values In vacant lots In the city'. $joo and 550 for lots 50x134 feet In Blurt View addition, cornering on Kountse Place and 16th and Fintkney. Only a few left at these prices. iots near 24th and Vinton for $300, $400. (500 and $ii"0. Lots In Dundee, $IVW and fiX. ' Lots In Florence, $150 to $:W. Lots In Kountze Place. $750 and $00. Many others in all parts of the city. New Houses We have several new houses that will be completed about February 15 that are In a very desirable neighborhood. Call and get our list. Open Monday evenings until 10 o'clock. H Hastings & Heyden H IGoj's I "amain St., Ground Floor. KE-348 13 A SMALL amount above value of lot will purchase 1.114 S. 31st St., and the house has 9 rooms, porcelain bath and neat mantel; mortgage $1,400, 61 per cent, so only pHrt cash required. Better terms can be made now than later. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE 403 13 ' THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., ' ' 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. The weather is so bad we will advertise only k few SNAPS. If you should not see In this list Just what you are looking for, come and see us. We have properties of all sixes, prices a ad locations. ' 7 ROOMS CLIFTON HILT Two of the prettiest and best built houses In the city: OHk and birch finish; less than one year old. These can't possibly be beat for $2,700. -ROOM COTTAGE BEMIS PARK. Built about 3 years ago for a home; lady had to give up on account of 111 health! mod. In every way; 3 bedrooms, bath, man tel and grate, also furnace. Good Tor $2,650. 5 ROOMS 2501 VALLEY ST. Electric, light, gas nnd water In kitchen, cement cellar, muple floors, all on large lot 60x140 ;all kinds of young fruits ' 4-r.OOM COTTAGE ON 8. 13TH STREET CAR LINE. And one extra lot, city water, basement, sewer, hydrant In yard. Would sell without extra lot on terms. Price on all. $1,300. 4-ROOM SURURBAN HOME. Large lot. some fruit and shade, I blocks from car, built about 3 Years ago by car- J .enter for his home. This Is dirt cheap or $875. GOOD AS GOLD. $1,000 on mortgage, i per cent on city Im proved property on car line close In. Owner must have money In business. For full particulars about any of the above call and seo us. Every one Is good. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st NATL BANK BLDG. KE-200 13 MODERN HOUSES We have a large list and ran suit your taste and your pocketbook. All prices and sixes. $30,000. I , $.O0a ' SJ5.0U0. $12,000. " $10.01)0. IS.OOrt. ' 16,000. $4,600. , , I . M, (Mi. U.u. $2,000. Cll at our ' office for full particulars. We can -talk to you there cheaper than here. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Faniani St. RE-357 13 GOOD five-room house. Potter r Cobb's arkl , Council UlufTi; will n il cheap for cash, u. B. dsics Dureau. ail w rc bid. , K 12-306 U 11 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. 2314 Boulevard ave., umall cottage close to new car barns on 24th and Vinton sts.: rental $8 monthly; owner has reduced Trice to $750; eay terms. This will pay 11 per cent above the taxes. WALTER BREEM, Room 416, Karbach Blk. RE M371 12 IF YOU want a comfortable home, 9 rooms, hot water heat, bath, etc.; barn, east front, good elevation, north of Han scom park, we have It on easy terms $4,500. F. D. WEAD, 1D24 Douglas. RE 403 12 12,000 FIRST MORTGAGE 6 per cent, due In 5 years, Interest payable neml-annually, secured by a farm of 80 acres miles from South Omaha, Just been sold for $3,400 cash; absolutely good mortgage. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17R1. RE 347 12 FOR SALE. Blue Lake Park, consisting of forty acres or less, nearly one mile lake front. For particulars inquire of the owner, leo. Reed, Onawa, la.. R. F. D. No. 1. 'Phone 801. RE 294 27 WANTED, to purchase 7 to 10-room modern house, Hanscom park, West Farnam or Bemis park; monthly payments principal and interest. Exact location, terms and description or no notice taken. , Address W 11. Bee. . RE-lT6 12x- $3,000 WILL BUY a house that cost $1,500, built for a home on sightly elevation, near school, 4 or 5 blocks from Farnam car; distance to car only objection. F.. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE 103 13 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 520-ncre ranch In Knox county, Nebraska, only about three miles south of Spring field, 8. D. Good dwelling, barn, well and wind mill: about forty acres under cultivation, balance In pasture and meadow, living water in various places. Indian land adjoining can be leased at low flsures. A splendid stock ranch. Will sell for part cash, balance 7 per cent, or will trade for stock of drugs, tillable land In Iowa or eastern Nebraska, or good salable city . property. Price, $12.50 per acre. Also for sale, several good farms In Bon Homme county,' 8. D. Write for description, prices and terms. Address GEO. W. SNOW, SpringfWd. 8. D, . . . - RE M247 18 THAT Douglas Co. farm has not been sold; too cold for tne wives to see,it. it is a bargain and It's an opportunity to get a snap bocause Its cold; $75- tier acre; easy terms; half hour from Benson car. F. D .WEAD. , 1534 Douglas. RE-403 12 CHEAP HOMES GOOD INVESTMENTS Three practically new dwellings, modern - except furnaces. Rent of one $13.50 per month. Can be sold together or sepa rately. Prlco of the three, $2,600. 815 S. S4th St., 7 rooms, new house, all mod ern, with full lot. Rents for $35 per month. This Is the greatest bargain on the market for $2,350. Fine home on 31st St., between Lake and Ohio. New und modern. Rents for $21 per month. Price for short time, $1,800. Corner of 27th nnd Snauldlng, a good dwell ing, with full lot. Not modern, but-a bar gain at $1,200. Houses Nos. 3M7, 3211, 3213 and 3219 N. Slth ave., each 5 rooms, new, with full lots, for sale together or separately. Price of each, $S60. Rent $10 per month. No. 5012 N. 42d bt.. 7-room house, well fur nished, with cistern, cellar, shade trees. -sfour lots. Price. $1,400. ' Two nne lots witnin trree blocks or school house In Benson. Noeds no grading and will be for sale for one week. Price, $200. . JOHN B.HANSEN, 821 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 'Phone 3432. RE 396 12 HALF LOT. foundation and barn, near 22d and MunderBon $225. "F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-403 12 GEORGE & CO., ltl Farnam St. 'Phone 756. HOUSES FOR SALE $2,150 for 1111 N. 18th st.. 7-room cottage, modern except furnace; In first class con-, dil Ion; handy for shopman; Immediate possession can be given; terms. $750 cash, balance monthly. for 28 N. 19th St.. 6-room IVi-story house; large lot 60x140 feet; room to build nother house; ground alone worth almost price asked; terms, one-third caslt, bal ance at 6 per cent. $3,2o0 for 1428 N- 19th St., 7-room 2-story house, strictly modern and up-to-date, built only two years ago for a home; easy terms. $3,7H) for 2O60 N. 18th st., new 2-story mod- em house; 6 rooms and reception hull, full bailment; housu never occupied; lot 53x140 feel; terms, $l,0u0 cash, balance 0 per cent. INVESTMENTS $900 for 1117 8. 6th St., 1-story frame store building; rental, $120 per year; suitable for grocery or bakery business; tuny terms; lot 1:2x120 feet. $3,000 for 1433 8. 16th st., 2-story frame store building with six large living rooms above, also small house in rear; rentul, $34 per year, leaving over 40 per cent net after deducting taxea and insurance.- ACRES . v $2,850 for about 8 acres located north of Krug Park; new house, barn and out buildings; all kinds of small fruit. $3ci0 per acre for M acres unimproved, lo cated about one mile west of Dundee car Hue and one mile south of Benson; will sull In -five or ten-acre tracts; easy terms. Desirable lots for sale located In all parts of the city. RE 374 12 OWNER of 8. E. Cor. th and Douglas Is anxious to sell $7.5u0 askud; make offer. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE 043 FOR SALE One note of $1,800. due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing b per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; slso one note for $1,600. due on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable temi-annually. secured by Aral' mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner. 8 25, Use ornce. RE-V453 -ROOM house, newly papered, bath, attle and barn. Heward st., $2000. -r., bsth and barn, lit 12 8. 30th ave.. 6-r. house and $1 lota south side Country club. 70 nores, large house, dulry burn, adj. city limits, few blocks from Florence car and yiu st. F. D. WEAD, tC4 Douglaa. RE-40I li FOR RENT HOUSES WE don't ask Installment prices for our good. You save at Itwt U per cnt. We carry tho largest stock lu Omaha. Terms, $J$ worth. l per week. On.iha Furniture tk Carpet Co., Between Uth and 13th, on Furnam street. D 224 12 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 1S HHTKP ln 8,1 Pr9 of city. R. I1UUOLO c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D-22 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store 1L 11. goods. Storehouse 110-24 N. Uth. Olllce, laUta Farnam. Tel. 15T. D a WE MOVE pianos. Macgard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office 1713 Webster St. D-621 ll JACKSON. 6 rooms, bath; $J0. 1214 Wo. 17th. 6 rooms; $12. UARV1N BROS., 161 FARNAM. D M1H5 12 HOI IsF? ,n Parts of the city. The "UUJLJ O. F. Davis Co., 608 Beebldg. D 614 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 616 8. Uth. Tel. 1454. D-623 2566 DOUGLAS, 8 ROOMS, $27.60. D-624 CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming sts. Tel. 2049. D M567 SIX-ROOM brick, modern, 1621 Kyner ave. D M443 1U FOUR nice rooms. 816 S. 25th. Apply next door. D A1942 12x t-R. MODERN cottage; 2-story barn. 119 So. 2-Jth $l8.t r. U. tAU, 1!24 Douglas. D-139 11 ELEOANT 12-room house, hardwood fin ish, hot water heat, 29th and Harney; for full particulars and price apply F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. D-160 il SIX-ROOM cottage. 2107 Ohio street, $18; ln fine order, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, gan. J. II. BLAIR, 726 N. Y. Life bids. D M175 MODERN HOUSES. WALKING DIST ANCE. New, eight rooms, all modern, brick; 5W So. 24th; $40. New, seven rooms, all modern, brick; 623 So. 17th ave.; f40. GARVIN BROS.. 1G04 FARNAM. D M194 12 719 8. 27th St., 3 rooms $t.no KJ20 8. 10th St., 6 rooms s.00 N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. D-206 13 ( ROOMS. gas, water nnd fewer, corner cottage, In good condition, 2103 N. 27th, $14. We have others. Tel. 1472. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. Y. I D 239 12 8 ROOMS, modern. 41th and Dodge $19.00. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. D-C45 12 , FINEST COTTAGE IN TOWN Seven rooms, all on one floor; strictly mod . ern, including furnace, at 4028 Cuming st. See at once; quick possession. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. 601-3 Nl Y. Life bkla;. . D 252 12 FOR RENT. 2820 Leavenworth St., 7-rm., MODERN ex cept furnace, $25. 2S02 Pratt st.. 6-rm.. city water, $17. 8327 Spauldlng St., 6-rm.. city water. $11. 2550 Sahler st., 6-rm. and bam, city water, $13. 2118. 28th ave.. 5-rm.. modern except fur nace, $16; good repair. 1312 Park ave., FINE 8-rm. MODERN bricks, $37.50. 29tli and Dewry, 7-rm. modern flats. $22.50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Mabn Floor N. Y. Life. D-S46 13 FOR RENT 1420 N. 25th St.. corner Charles St., 7 rooms and bath. Rent. $20.00. . In quire of W. II. Griffith, 2519 Chicago st. D 401 l-'x FARMS' FOR SALE V. THE COURT Has authorized the administrator of an es tate holding 80 acres of very lino farm land, one mile .and a half southeast of Omaha, to xiell same nt once, and they have placed the price at $80 per acre, a figure at which this should meet with very ready sale. There is a good margin of profit for the purchaser of this farm. See or write us at once. ' ' Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. V 334 12 A COUNTRY HOME. 22 acres, improved farm. 24. miles north of Florence, near Ponca church. Price, $2,300. ('all at place or address J. J. Chamb'-rs, Florence, Neb. M241 13x 120 ACRES IN IOWA. , $40 FOR $30. For quick sale will take $30 per acre for this good Iowa soil. 100 miles east of Omaha. D. C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. M 215 12 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kans.b, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. UV P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE-617 160 "ACRE FARM $8j.00 per acre, located about 16 miles 8. W. of South Omaha and near Springfield. New 9-room house, large barn, double corn cribs, sheds, new windmill, etc. All good land and under cultivation. ' Posses sion March 1. George & Co., 1601 Farnam 8t., Omaha. -M964 11 FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. $2,600146 acres' on Columbia river. Wen atchee. Wash.; six acres fruit trees, spring water, steamboat lundlng. telephone; best fruit section. Address Call Box 67. Wen atch.e, Wash. M143 llx FOR SATJO In Iowa and Nebraska farms we havo some rare bargains. U. 8. Sales Bureau, 034 and 636 Bee bldg. 352 12 BARGAIN IN 80-ACRE FARM SO acres of No. 1 farm land, 60 acres In cul tivation, balance can bo cultivated; 20 acres of good puature; good house, barn, granaries, corncrib, henhouse and other outbuildings; some fruit., well, windmill, tanks, corrals; close to school; six miles from good railroad town; ten miles north of Alma, Harlan county, Neb.; best of soil. $40 per acre. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. . 393 1 3 THE ' TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER , This agricultural weekly goas ta 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so' If you have a. good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price yflu will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type or K lOjperbiclfeMnlarge type. FARMS FOR REM FOR DAIRY OR GARDENING. 60 acres 3'i miles west of city und four blocks to street car; house live rooms will lease three years. $5.00 per acre 70 acres 1 mile east of Irvinglon. no Im provements; $3.00 per acre. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha " MiHio U li ACRES.-northwest part of city; half in fruit. 6-room cottage, large burn, cnlcken "house; rent. $3ix. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. - 24C13 70 ACRES, one mile east of Irvlngton No improvements. $3.00 irer acre GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St M387 Is DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, ' society and stage; ecu classes now forming. 'Phone F-U7L -627 A CLASS for adult beginners Is now form ing. Tues. and Fri , S p. rn., at Morand'a. It'll and Harney. The cotillion and all the latest glides are taught In one term. Private losnons and Wednesday assem blies. Call or tel. Iu41. 714 F.K FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS CHANCES OLDS GAS AND OAXOLINE ENGINES WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange Are Reliable like OLD8MOB11JC9. your property or business quick see J. H. Several slightly used engines CHEAP. Johnson, 43 N. V. Life, 'l'hone L 2.'70. 1116 Farnam Bt... Omaha. Y 6j2 Q-MM 11 . ATTORNEYS, everywhere. If you have an FURNITURE, Carpets, Stoves and every- secount. note or claim of any kind against thing for housekeeping on easy payments. person, firm or coiporatlon we can settle '.he largest stock in Omaha. ft for you. THE NEW SNOW-CIll KCli Omaha rurnlture Carpet Co., Between CO., mln fiocr N. Y. Life. 'Phone 132. 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. Y 103 Q-223 13 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard ,an get you In or out of business. YiAi and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment. fiend for catalogue, a GOOD hotel, well furnished, doing good Brunswick-Balke-ColJender, 407 8. loth St., business. In central Nebraska, for sale, Omaha. Q M429 cr -,-ui exchange for good farm or ranch . . lands. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl- u Y-676 ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. - . . . Tel. 2020. M for SALE OR RENT Maloney theater building, 1506-1607-101 Capitol avenue; eox 2ND-IIAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Far- 1Q0 t(t ground floor space. Apply to nam. 628 Henry Rohln. 2563 Lavenworth St. ' . Y 770 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AT A BAR- . GAIN. ..... ATTORNEYS EVEUT WHERE Accounts, We have about 200 feet 0. stranded electric ,notes or claims settled, against person, light cable and one 800 ampere knife flrm or corporation. The New Church switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see p0 main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. Tel. W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee Building, i Y M216 Omaha. QW . ' IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or MOTOR FOR SALE &lm&&'rAv- 8a,e8Yu We have for sale a 10 H. P., 110-volt. direct . current. Northern motor. This motor Is f-OR SALE, my meat market, tools and In perfect condition in every way. Ad- slaughter house filled, and residence. Gus dress Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Konagle, Yutan, Neb. Y M&M Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q 774 ; ,,.... . ! HOTELS exclusive. Hart, 401 N. Y. Life. TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL Y-M718 Ml TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. 1 Two boilers, 100-horae power, which have WIL Invest $2,500. a hat can you offer? been used but six years, made of firebox Address W 3, Bee office. Y M924 llx steel, triple rlvlted butt and strap joints, Insurance company permits of pressure FOR SALE, for cash only, clean, up-to-date of 125 pounds. They are now la use and otock of dry goods and millinery, one of can be seen at boiler house, rear of Bee the best towns ln state; best location In building. Can be delivered at once. town, or stock can be moved. Address S. " Call or address W. H. Bridges, fngl- M. Morgan. Friend, Neb. Y M917 neer. Bee building. Omaha Q MK - ' FOR SALE On account of sickness, con- FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- trolling Interest in gilt-edge gold mining class standard school in Omaha, comprls- claim; If you have ambition to get rich lng complete course in business, short- Investigate this. 2206 Lake St.. Omaha, hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee Y M997 13x office. Q 862 . . r FOR SALE, centrally located grocery, nice CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers. clean stock, about $1,200; extra good flx- cvDress fence lath, 3-ply white basswood. ture; cheap for cash. f-holc-Armstrong 901 Douglas. Q-31 Co.. 722 N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y-M147 11 EM "IMC CfVD C A 1 t? FOR SALE A stock of furniture and tin- fclNL$llNC rt 5AL dertaking In a live southern Nebraska 1 4x4 Bturtevant vertical engine, automatic town; might consider a trade for a good engine cheap. Address Bee Building Co., eastern Nebraska farm; good reasons for or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee build- selling. Address W 14, Bee office. jnB. Q 775 Y M186 13 FOR SALE, carload of drivers and work GOOD opportunity for German pnyslclan horses lust in from Iowa Melcher & who Is a registered druggist to take prac- Pchwager Livery Barn, 601 So. 19th. Tel. tlco of doctor and assist In operating ere Q M247 drug store. In good Nebraska town. Ad- dress W. 17, care Omaha Bee. GOOD carriage, runabout wagon and har- Y M103 12x ness cheap. Johnson & Danfurth, S. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. Q-633 FOR SALE Ment market. In good Iowa . . town, clearing $l,5rt per year; good ret- SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED on for selling. Baker & . Wilson, Mc- PAINT. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Clelland, la. , Y Omaha. Q M699 . ... CASH for your real estate or business no rjw -viied TfD CAI C matter where located. If you desire a tJLV'WIr rt OALC quick sale send us description and price. 1 No. 6 Bturtevant blower, ln perfect con- Northwestern Business Agency. D 312, dition, will .bo sold cheap. Address Bee fiuik 0f Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, en- Minn. glnecr Bee building. Q-VS yQU npver prf)fit by bune chancen PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS unlaa V0" h"vf B,?!e money, small sav- BARGAIN '"8 are tne foundation of large fortunes; 30 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 In." In diameter, 5artJa Blvl"KS accounts with J. L. a roiVntershafts complete Rrai-.dels & Sons, Banker, lth and 40 FeHl5aln ihaflmg ? with couplings Douglas Sts. Assets Over $400,000.00 and hangers, together with about 40 feet These "are I'lrf'first-class condition. W. DO YOU want to go Into business? A II Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. woman's business for women. AVe sell Q 112 our corsets 111 shops established by our- - selves. Write us for particulars. Sylph SECOND-HAND Form Corset Co., Detroit, Mich. Y STEAM FITTINGS. FOR SALE $5,000 NURSERY" business, established forty If you want a'bargaln ln steam. fittings call years; live town; 3 ratlronds; good local and look over tne following supplies; and mall trade; will Invoice; particulars 2.6-inch Jenkin'a globe valve. 1 tipon application. Fred Wescott, Security 1.8-inch Auntin horisontal separator. Bldg., Chicago. Y 3i9 12x 1.4-luch Austin vertical separator. . These have been taken out on account ef ESTABLISHED Mall Order house, requlr changes ln our steam plant and are '.n lng additional capital to Increase Ity fa good condition. Address Bee Building Co., duties, desires to sell a limited' amount of or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee bull 1- treasury stock. For particulars address lng, Omaha. Q 631 Flsk, 60 Wabash. Chicago. Y 338 12x BIDS will be received by B. C. Wade at DO you need capital? Wo will Incorporate, Y. M. C. A, until Feb. 15 for the brick organize, complete and finance high class, house at N. E. corner 16th and Howard, strictly legitimate enterprise. Positively same to be wrecked and removed. no wild cat scheme entertained. Amerl- 1 , Q M123 14 can Finance and Industrial Co., 123-125 ' La Sallo St., Chicago. Y-329 12x FOR SALE, 2nd hand white plno flooring . at church, 34th and Dodge. CH-M170 13x FOR SALE. 2.000 shares dividend paying Djj 8tock; pays of 1 per cent monthly; ONE fine new double sleigh at cost; also conservative management. Lock Box 246, one fine second-hand double sleigh, tine Lima, Ohio. ' Y 334 12x condition, $40.00. Drummond Carriage Co; . . Q M238 AN Income for tho family; dividends that will please you. Adresa International "SAVE-THE-HORSE" Spavin Cure perma- l,Umber and Development Co. (assets thlr- nently cures spavin, Tlngbohe (except low teen million dollars), Odd Fellows Bldg., ringbone),- thoroughpln, wlndpuff and all St. Louis, Mo. Y-333 12z lameness without scar. Scores of letters . on every klndi of case, absolute and posl- GOLDFIELD STRIKE. tlve certainties. $5.00 a bottle, with a $15,480 stringers found In our shaft. Look - written guarantee as binding to protect for quantities any day. Own ISO acres and you as the best legal authority could make assay office. Whole story FREE. Gold It. Send for copy and booklet.- Dealers field Rex Co., 506 Mack Block. Denver, or express pnld.lTroy Chemical Co., Blng- Colo. Y 264 12x hamton, N. Y., formerly Troy, N. Y. , horse?306 STOP' L00K AND LISTEN To lntroJuyur Pixlno Vet. Remedies we STOP 00i"? i cr..,irjIT-' l?..!!1 will mail our valuablo Horse Book free; ' KJr waatetul sepculationa and haxar- lt tells all about lameness and other . d"us.."mes-, .,.' ,,.,, .,, horso ailments; how to detect, locate 1 OOKLlr ",afcty,, -nA e" and cure, them; write for it. Plxlne L'V,t,.bly ,la;g,t!-p5 iMr,?' Chemical Co Vet DeDt 13 Trov N Y cesstbltity of your capital, third, cqcmicai co., ei. epi. w, iroy. i. iTEM tl,ls statement of facts. For , many years Inventors In cotton FINE Vose & Sons upright piano, must have been pa'J fvery month lorge and sell, $100. A bargain. 3615 N. 24th st. "J,r,V,!"taI? 1 jRS "L 'PiiAn. ; ci asri Method. Never a dollar oi. capiini ai- JPhonc345-. QL. subject to withdrawal subject to terms of contract. . UnMCV TO LOAN CHATTELS Send for "As Others See T s." mailed free. IV1UK-; I IU -.UMIH -una I I LLJ Storey Cotton Co., 660 Bourse Bldg.. Phlla. ' Y 312 12x QUICK MONEY SEND for free book. Facts and Figures, T 1 ,. , , m.i explaining option trading ln wheat; $20.00 la somotlmos a. necessity Our facilities -g n'8, 1,000 bu., 2 cents. Osborn Grain uro unsurpassed tor quick and conttden- l Mliineanolis Miiin. ' Y 323 12x Hal service. We loan on Fursaturp, Pianos, Co.. Minneapolis, Mum, " Warehouse Receipt. Live Stock, eto. We PATENTS We start the Mfg. and sale of also loan to . goods for patented and unpatened lnven- On their own axemen ffoepfy ; no other VnTstrla?relmLl1CSalleF1S?nCCh security required. With us you pay tor ""8trlal -" 'a-1" t,a"v3 lo what you get and only for what time you ca' " . Ca Wm-jm Arc and Incan- 1 8di.? w 5 lifA'fl. for fuel Intensified. Costs two-thirds less (Established 1S9J.) Jou So. lbth St- than electricity and one-third less than A gas. Gives three times more lleht. Dem- ..uva ,,. n" t,iAm h.ti . onstrations now being mado In the best ?,m.a Z n sat a'pim ltel a hotels, stores, factories and residences of iLVw Rt ?rv Term. Chicago. Dividends not less than twenty Quick nnd Confldential Service ' 8to,k t,,ld at Par. Address cSl'on usdlfC?nnn.feL of MONeV. B .18, care of Lord Thomas, ChUago . PHOENIX CREDIT CO., x jm i-x 633 Paxton Block. HUNDREDS becoming rich through In- vestments In Goldfleld, prospects which MONEY . loaned on furniture salarv "-re dally becoming bonanza, gold mines, howei etc t half usual rae"" Dr. PrVbhS: United Mining and Exploration company now, room 214. at 20 8.15th St. Tel. B 2964. owns 60 acres on same dikes as the bo- X 638 naiiza miner. $20 buys 1,000 shurcs for a ----. short time only. For full particulars write MONEY loaned salaried people and others Denver Securities Company. Bank block, without security; easy payments. Offices Department ' B, Denver Color-do. ln 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714 Y Jos i-x New York Life building. . JC-610 0 , r 0 ..-,.,. ' U. S. SALES HI REAL, BOWEN'S MONEY; easy to get on furnl- 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. ture, planes, horses, cows. Jewelry. Plain The furniture and lease of ono of tho lead note If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. lng hotels In the state. . Price, $1,000. X 646 Terms. i Rooming house right near P. O., all mod- MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew- ern, 12 rooms always rented, $900. Must elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., be Fold at once. Barker block. X 39 Furniture and lease of small hotel In Ne- , ; : braska town for $650. MONEY loaned on pianos furniture Jew- tm myn en little business for lady In elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. SI 9 8. 13. western Iowa town. x Wl) $3,000 buys one of the best drug stocks In MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR M.ltZrtrtM VlOoSTl LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK ear In eastNeTraska town ' JLU $2.0(10 Invested In hardware business In 6EE FULER. 425 Paxton block, for loan western Iowa to'"'1' f'V K'ltu'f- on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. Vry goods and 1"" ea"trr" Ne- ij brsska town nt a big sacrifice. Easy com- , , petition and clean stock. EAGLE Loan Offlce. reliable, aceommodat- Stock of general merchandise in western lng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. Iowa town st tn-,0"rth.'' ck- v57i ness causi selling- Will trade for farni. ' Small stock general merchandise In s-ond CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Nebraska town at 76c on the dollar. Part Loan Co., 1504 Farnam at. X 64i cssh. , , a blacksmith looking for a location can SALARY and chattel loans. Templeton, find a snsp in western Iowa town. Small 213 Bee Bldg. X-644 cash payment. - Hardware, harnens. Imn'emenf and furnl- nniit i Tr t trt; ' "r toek In -o.vi towa town. No eom- PRIVATF AAllNrY petition. About H5 000. I ll n I 1j iflVil 1 Creamerv In good Iowa town at one-half A PRIVATE PARTY WILL MAKE nrlce. ? ono. loans on furniture, pianos or other e- Our cltv list comprise- all branches of busl curity at very liberal rates; you have the ness an cen b -M-iine " cning. privilege of paying back in small In- IT. B. SAT F BI'SHAI', stallmenta. Address T 14, Bee. 634 and 636 Pee Bldg. X-704 Y 353 12 FLORISTS EXCEPTIONAL HESS &'SW0B0DA. 1415 Farnam. -63 OPPORTUNITY ; Ht-uin iiunN f.ia v.m.m T- iotj. We want an honest, ambitious man In each l HENDtRHON, 113 Hrnim. l. f a- town; we teach you the real estate buiil- ness by mall; appoint you our special "'REP DONAGHUE. JR.. 17 Farnam. ffi h'onrl.'hl'.u.lnlss Sf 'your i ei. aij. . , . OWOi 8nd neip yOU make big money at 1 once. Write todav for free booklet. Na- WANTED TO BORROW. x A?hanaeuC,-Xirl.caR,eottl,y vJESi , T ' iii i, ' 1 ' WANTED to borrow $125 for months or a x new Industry, gold dredging ship. Write year; will give abundant chattel security Unlisted Securities Exi-liMn", K Wall St., and pay good Interest. W 35, Bee. N. Y. "We buy and sell all storks nnd -393 I2x I fcondi." . Y-210 12 .. , ' l "V. BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCE It pays to raise mushrooms; enormous demand; easy to grow In cellar or stable, or you can utilise old boxes, shelves and barrels. Ono wo man paid off $3,0iM mortgage on what grew In her cellar. Anyone can make wages equal to those of a skilled mechanic work ing odd moments. The Initial expense Is practically nothing. The Chicago Tribune Dec. 18. 1914. stated that a mntormaii makes $1.5on a year during spare time growing mushrooms In a basement. Learn this profitable Industry and add to your Income, Instructions for making bed, copy of U. S. government report and Illustrated booklet sent free to anyone on request. No other Industry offers such grfttt oppor tunities for making monev. It does not Interfere In sny wav with one's dally em ployment. Write todnv to the V. S. Mush room Co.. 247 Odd Fellows' Building. St. Louis. Y 314 lix WANTED To rent, half of mv shoe store room, to parties who will put In stock of gents' furnishing goods: I have an . old established traiie nnd can start any one off with a good paving business from the stat: we have lo.OoO Inhabitants and one of the best locations In Nebraska. Address W 25, Bee. Y M229 17x FOR SALli-r.Ool stock of dry goods, clothing and shoes; you take only what you want and succeed to oldest and best advertised business In countv: time on part. J. 8. Johnson, Schuyler, Neb. Y-228 12x MONEY : MONEY ! All o'ir clients are making money every week, every month and e-ery year; ac counts can be withdrawn on demand: our small s well as large customers, benefit eouallv; we make no distinction; mercantile and financial references. Book let mailed upon request. Leslie. Morris & Co., Inc., Tho Bour, Philadelphia. Pa. Y-227 12x $600 WILL huv what originally cost the owner over $6,000. The most complete confectionery, notion and cigar store In the city; business reasons. C. .T. Csnan, 1715 Leavenworth St. Y"-207 12 100 SHARES of Goldfleld mining stock for 50c, mnrket value 6c per share, to you for Ho. Write for nlnn and prosnctus. One-Ida-Tonopah Mining Co., S02U. P"ven1a ave., Jersey City. N. J. Y 368 12x FOR 8AT,VRaloon within two blocks of 16th and Farnam: $33 per c'ay trade $2,250. cash. Call Mondav morning. SHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 723 N. Y. Life, Tel. 49. Y-251 12 INVEST In a wonderful money maklna Improvement; ground floor opportunities ior investors to oupueaie neil i eieiiiiune, e tree F 'or Investors to duplicate Bell Telephone, IV'estlnghouse, etc. success. Particulars' 'ree. Frederick Kunneckc, Room 1201, 108 Fulton St., New York. Y 361 12x FOR 8 ALE Plumbing, tinning, heating business, good will and property In West chester Co., near New York City. Terms to suit, or exchange for valuable property as part payment; for full particulars ad dress L. M., care of Rudolph Ouenther's Advertising Agency, 108 Fulton St., New York. Y 362 12x HALF INTEREST legitimate, profitable business to lady or gentleman, small cap ital. Control, your own money. Enor mous future possibilities everywhere. Co operative, 133 W. 41st St., New York. Y-367 12X LAUNDRY In fast growing city; no in cumbrance. A good bargain. . Address W 27. Bee. Y M369 18x SMALL HOTEL For sale cheap, lease and furniture of-24-room boarding house; business established '14 years nnd never changed hands; very centrally located, only a short distance from -courthouse. Have a high-priced, first-class transient trade and continu ously refuse applicants. Furniture and carpets in good condition; building mod ern and rent reasonable. . Closest Investi gation solicited. Present owner desires to retire, and If anyone is looking for this kind of business here Is SNAP, as I will sell cheap for cafh. w 21, care Bee. Y"-381 12x IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchanges real etrtate or business QUICK, seo Comp-ton-Watts Co.. 535 Paxton block. Y M879 J H. JOHNSON, Real Estate and Business Chances, , Has for Sale or Exchange; General merchandise. Groceries, Hardware, Drugs, , Boots F.nd shoes. Millinery stocks. Jewelry. Furniture and undertaking, Implement stocks, Cigars, Wall paper and paints, Bakery und confectionery, Steam laundries. Meat markets. Livery stables, Newspaper plants. Restaurants, Hotels, Rooming houses. Flouring mills, Pool and cigar stands, Lumber and coal business. Books and stationery, Houses and lots, Farms and ranches, And scores of other legitimate lines of business and property not named. So tell me what you want tT sell. And tell me what you want to buy. Then If I don't find you a deal, Why you may Bay 1 never try. Fhono L2270. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-386 12 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. . W 606 FARC and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Xhoniao, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. lt4 W-607 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W-u8 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith He Co., 1320 Furnam St. W-609 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-610 GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam City loans at lowest rates; no deluy; get our terms. Y 1 1 , ft. LOWEST rates on city property; E per cent on farms In eastern Nebraska. Bemis, Paxton block. W-ii2 TO LOAN $1,200 on Omaha property. L. D. Holmes, 712 .N. Y. Ll(e Bldg. W-M106 13 TO IX3AN $1,500 on Omaha property. L. D. HOLMES, 713 N. Y. Llfo bldg. W-158 11 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column put an ad la and you will soon get It- zm PIANO for horse. Perfleld, pianos. 1611 Far. Z-161 Fi3 TO EXCHANGE for hardware, lumber yard or mill one of tho best 1,600 acre grain and stock forms In the county. For full description, write Fred L. Bar clay, Stuart, Neb.' Z-M102 13 FOR exchange, hardware stock, business house and dwelling In-good eastern Ne braska city, each or all for farm. Address W 22, Bee. Z M217 15x WR HAVE furnis in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska to exchange fo; all kinds of merchandise. U. 8. Sales Bureau, 621 and 636 Bee bldg. Z-363 13 WHAT have you to offer for bouse and lot ln good town In southwestern Iowa? V. 8. Soles Bureau, 634 and 636 Hee bldg. JC-354 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST, on Friday, gold chased locket from silk fob. Please return to Bee offlce for. reward. Lost -72-2 FOUND The right place to have your eye tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 228 LOST Half grown brindlo bull pup. wear ing spiked collar. Finder pleane telephone 762. Lost-203 lix LOST Plain bracelet, with lorket Initials "A. R. K.." bet. S2d and Muhoii and 2!Uh and Leavenworth. Return to T. (. Kinney at M. E. Smith & Co. Lost 402 llx OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N.Y-Uf bldg. Tel 1664 613 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK, Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Neville Muck. Tel. . 2823 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Masonic Temple, tor. 16!h C apltol At. VESTA CHAPTER. NO. 6. ORDER EAST ERN STAR-Vuleutlne pnrtv Tuesday evening, February 14. Members and friends cordially Invited to attend. Spe cial meeting February 1?. Winifred Wulluce. Scc'y. BKI.LEVI.E CHAPTER. NO. 7. R. A. M Business meeting Wednesday evening. February 15. A. T. AY RES. Sccretar-y. NERRA8KA. NO. 1. A. V. A. M. Spe cial meeting Tuesday evening. February 14, for work in Entered Apprentice de gree. CHARLES L. SHOOK, Master. W. C. M'LKAN, Secretary. OMAHA CHAPTER, NO. 1. R. A. M. Special meeting Tuesday evening at o'clock for work In Mark Master degree Visitors Invited. A. HUGH HIPPLE. Secretary. CAPITOL IirWK, NO. 3. A. F. & A. M Special meeting Monday evening at 7:30 o dork for work In Fcllowcraft degree. Visitors Invited: R. V. COLT, Master. JOHN BAM FORD. Secretary. KMtillTft OF PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA NO. 1. K. of P.-Rcgulnr meeting Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock In Myrtle ball, ldtli and Douglas Sts. Visitors welcome. A. M. ANDERSON. C. C. ROY A. DODGE. K. R. and R. TRIANOLE LODGE. NO. 64 Meets overT Thursday evening at Castle hall, 22d ana Cuming. Visitors always welcome. D. B. ST1XE, C. C. J I R. 8TLNU, K. R. and 8. TRIUNE LODGE, NO. 66. K. of P. Meet a every Tuesday night at southwest corner Fourteenth and Dodge. Visitors welcome, A. II. HAWIT.KR. C. l J. C. BKEWINGTON, K. R. and 8. 1IOYAI, AKCAMM. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL No. 1069. Meets second nnd fourth Mondays eacl month at Arcnnuni ball, northwest corner Sixteenth and Hnrney. Visitors welcome. N. F. RECKORD, Regent. PIONEER COUNCIL No. US. Meets In regular session second and fourth Tues days In each month In Continental block. Fifteenth and Douglas. Visitors Invited. O. C. THOMIfON. Secretary. WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. N-6&1 SQUARE PIANO lu good condition. 1611 Farnam. N M280 WANTED AT ONCE. One 100 horse-power boiler and engine, In good running order, new or sccond-hund. Alfalfa Meal Co., Omaha, Neb. . N-M966 BUY Landcen's antiseptic hair tonic. N-MU91 M6 WANTED, to buy for cash, business of about $1,000; must be payiug proposition. Address W 23. Bee. N 201 12x I WANT several cheap lots to build on; no particular location, but want cheap cash prices. Address W 67, Bee. . N-2E6 12 WILL pay cash for'a nice 5 or K-room mod ern cottage; must be in good neighbor hood. Address W 20. Beo. N-343 12 I WANT to buy, on fair terms, a 7 or 8. room modern house. Address W 48, Bee. N-344 12 IF PRICED rlirht will buy a nice sub urban home. Address W 44, Bee. ) N-345 12 WANTED, room and board in private family by young man who will be perma- ' nent; must be convenient to car lino; state price. Address W SO, Bee. N 411 14x PATENTS H. A. 8TURGIES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade murks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Llfo. Omaha. 681 ' PATPNTC SECURED OR NO FEE. I A 1 Lll 1 O ADVICE FREE. American Engineering Co., registered at torneys, 609 Beo Bldg.. Omaha. 213 F24 INVESTORS Before you spend money for a patent, havo an examination made to discover If your invention Is new. Thcs examinations cost $2. Address Sues & Co.. Attorneys, Washington, D. C, or Omaha, Neb , 157 PATENTS - GUARANTEED PATENTS. SECURED OR FEE RE TURNED. Send model or sketch for fn?e opinion ns to patentability. Send for Illus trated Guide Book. Contains KK) mechan ical movements and LIST OF INVEN TIONS WANTED. TELLS HOW TO OB TAIN AND SELL PATENTS, etc. PAT ENTS advertised for ale nt our expense. EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Reg. Patent Attorneys. 615 F qtrqet. Wuhlngton. D. C. PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK, i vm-ct a r Crounse Block, Corner of LYNGSTAD lth St. and Capltoi Ave. &3 KRAMER & CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1100-08 Douglua St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. 684 THE Nebraska Printing Co.; everything new und up-to-date; prompt attention given to all orders. 113 8. 14th, 2d floor. "Phone 6380. -M677 YOU will lose money If you don't let us figure on your printing. Tel. 3831. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. M702 F2S BRASS FOUNDRIES T BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat Iii2 end finishing. Speclulty Mf. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. To whom It may concern and to 8. Helen Hinckley, Jennie Buren, John Mulr, Ed T. Doodmun, Luura C. Knupp, James H. McCulloch, Goo. Haas Hazeii, Edgar M. Morsman, jr., and Ezeklel Ross ami Joel P. Huston, executors of estate of Isaac Dodge, deceased: You are hereby notified thut the under signed, five disinterested householders, have been duly elected by the board or trustees of the village of Dundee, Douglas county, Nebruaka, to iiHaess the damages to the owners of property und parties in terested In property, respectively, which may be caused by the vaeutlon of the alleys in blocks 100 und 111, In Dundee Place, and block 18, Cartilage, in ald village, declared necessary to be. vacated, by the provisions of Ordinance No. 8 en titled "An oidinunca declaring the neces sity of vacating the alleys in blocks 100 and 111, Dundee Place, and block 18, Curthage. In the village of Dundee, und providing for appraiser therefor. You ure further notified, that having ac cepted said appointment, nnd duly quallrhvl as required by law, we will, on the lith day of February, A. D. 1!'M. at tho hf.ur of 8 o'clock, ln the town hull in Dundee, at 50th street and Underwood uvenue, within the corporate limits of nald village, meet for the purpose of considering and making the assessment of damages sus tained by the citizens of the vil lage and of the owners of prop erty therein taken for or abutting upon said proposed improvements ami each, and the compenmtiion which shall be made the person or persons whose prop, crty shall bo taken or injured by the vaea. tlon of the alleys aforesaid. Tho property belonging to you whlcn mav bo affected or Injured by said v.ieation la Described as follows: I-ot 13, block lot), and lots 5, 6. 13, 14, 13. 20, 23 und 21, block III, all Iri Dundee Place, and north lot 6, h 11 of lots 7, 11, 12 and 13, of block 8, Cartlutjrw addition, ull In village of Dumb-. You ure notified to bo present at the time and place aforesaid und inaka any claim for damages or objections to or statement concerning said proposed vaca tion or ue-essnietit of damages, an you may desire. H. R RUSH. J. W. HAMILTON, J. H. CAItMK IlAUL, J. H. PARl'.oTTE, J. O. YEI-EK, Appraisers. Dundee, Ktbrasku, Feb. 7, ISA.