i2 TITE OMAilA DAILY BEE: "SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES A4-ertlat-aeata ror llfM colaanaa will be takes aatil 12 ai. far the alas odltloa an antll S p. n. (or the aaoralaa; d Xaada? edltloa. mm 1 l-2e a nr4 n( Insert toat la a word thereafter. Notblag takea for lea thaa for tfca inl laaer. tloa. THeae adrertiaemeata nail bo ' roa eensecallvely. Adverttsera, by reqaeatlaa; a nam bered ebeek, emm have aaatrera ad. dreaaed to a aambered letter la eare of Tbo Bee. Aaawera ao addeeaeed arlll bo delivered oa preacatatloa ol cheek. MISCELLANEOUS ' NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE A. C. QNG, A. M.. Uf.tf-Rr. Pllnc, COR. 17TH AND HARNEY 8TP. MERIT WINS ' ' The entire seating capacity of the dlffer . ent departments of thin school la being ' taxed to almost the limit. Graduate aro '.' joins; out every week, while new students - are rapidly tilling their places. This can only bo accounted f.r l.y tlio thorough. . conscientious work being done from year to yea r. : The following Is an extract from the pub lication. "CUMMERCK OB GREAiKR OMAHA," tinder date February 8, 'Od: "There la acarcely a city In the I nlted . R(ate but what hax Ita business college. " but wo don't believe there la one In the west that ran rhnw the absolute thorough ness that the Nebraska Business and Short hand cun. Many of the leading buslneaa -. men In thla city and for milea around ore being ma acceptably and efficiently nerved ' by graduates of thia Institution. When a atudent Is turnod out he Is sure of being able to till any position, as ho cannot re ceive hla diploma until ho la efficient. Kvery atudent who takea out a full term scholarship is given a year's memberahlp In either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. V. C. A. without extra charge. No auch proposition was ever made by any achool. The value of thla memberahlp to a atudent can acarcely be computed. To be a member of the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. means char acter, culture and refinement. Apply for catalog and college literature. it TRY KELLY'S TOWEL, SUPPLY. Tel. 3530. R 662 CITY 'SA VINOS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 563 Mercnntllo law and collections. Our system collects. O. T. Voorheea Co.. 625 N. Y. L. R M117 ',JW-., Pianos for Rent, l3.00-fl.oft5.N-w Pianos. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Ferlleld Piano . Company, 1011 Varnam. Telephone 701. Open evenings. K 670 'ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. R-672 STOVE&FURNACEREPAIR5 Tel. W0. 1207 Doug. Oiiiaiiu btova Kcp. VVks. R i.a OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and . safes. G. Andreen, prop., 10 ti. 10 ill tt. , i 675 '.:' EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glussea to tit; prices tight. Bennett a. R 2M WE build to order and furnlEh free esti mates for repairing and reflnlshlng planoa. Write for catalogue or 'phone 1023. Schmollur & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. R MX FU D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Twc 'phone, 1906 and L2873. R-M993 M7 Mill WOkK given apcclal attention, 1H1L.L. VVWII estimate made from architects' plans and specifications; save contractor money. Wentworth, U18 Pax ton block. R 143 F22 TRAVELING bugs, suit cases. Stetson hats. C. II. Frederick Co., 151 Farnam. R 745 F15 EQUITABLE Life Assurance "Strpngest In the World" H. D. Neely, Mgr., Mer : chants National Bank. R 744 F18 FOR expert piano moving telephone 1625. Bchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. R-405 FU CUT RATE railway ticket everywhere P. II. Phllbtn, 1606 Farnam, Phone 784. R-67 PRE8BORIUM, best, clcanera and dyers. 1324 Farnam. Tel. 8800. R-601 COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukton" Egg, $6.26 ton, Harmon & Weeth, 'phone 2417. R 680 OUR perfect work jjlsarms crltclsm, dls courages prejudice and makes friends. Zt That something essential to (satisfaction la always found In a' Chicago Laundry V bundle. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 206. ' r R-M72S F1S FAILING EYESIGHT RfcSTORED Our ' '- New Torlc lens 1a .the lateat wonder In " optical, science. The field of view is cn- . larged more than live times. They coat c more man otner lens and tney are worth optical F1S It, -Consultation 'ree- Huteaon O; r'TToT'.tri'.lic. 16th, Paxton block. Z'-t ' " R-M71? ?z. , , is- , L CITY STEAM LAUNDRY " ill SOUTH UTH. k ' TEL. 261. ; We truat everybody. Flannels and colored goods luuuaered at our risk. V3 Ifln mm ?! FREE. PLUMBINGS? .nTC$SSS! Tel. 1049. R-M241 26 C;WHO' your tailor? It ahould be Dreaher. Too busy making clothea to close. 'Open tr' evenings. 151S Farnam at. R 204 ;rE- J DAVIS, SAFE MOVER, HEAVY - HAULING. 1119 FARNAM. TEL. 363. '.- U-M754 MS COLLINS PI AITC CO., Wholeaalb and ro-- tall musical lnatrumenu. Talking "mu uhlnoa, records exchanged. US B. 17th at.. - omaha. v ! VH. -WILKINSON, eye, ear, nose, throat, I. oatarh. Call or telcphono B3623. Creigh- 'JT 2SJ21IL R-357 Z:,. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. VIOLA - ' (Mrs. Boy or.) CENTER HOTEL. Trance Medium, Palmist, Psychic. Reader and Phrenologist. , READS YOUR LIFE CORRECTLY See her. Graduate of Prof. L. W. Dllar verence. Occult H.chool of Chicago. FREE READINGS! FREE READINGS! To all who bring this card to my office Monday. No business trunsacted on Sun day. 210 No. 17th Half block N. W. of P. O. 'Phone B2647. Send self-addressed stamped envelope for reading by mall. 8 luu 12 ' UYLMER, "aclentlflo palmist, 715 N. 23d. . . 8-42S MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1521 Leaven t worth. ' S 626 MRS-ny AIRFIELD,, 1714 California at. " ... . ... S-MB8D ' MMH. VIOLA, CENTER HOTEL. - Mra. T. 8. Boyer, trance medium, palmist, Z; paychlc reader nnd plirvnologiat, reads your life correctly. f FREE TEST. FREE TEST. Send arlf-addressed stamped envelope for " trial reading. . :i N. 17tU -su ' Tel. B-2M7. S MUW 11 ;;.TO'JR fortuno told by the most reliable nlall-voyaiirs. Send birth date, dime and stamp. Prof. Curl & Rollln, 4io N. Clark . - at.. Chicago, S 287 Ux YOUR future told fr Thla Is not a trial " reading, but a full and complete reading. Going Into detail what you should do and what not to do regarding all affairs of life. Advisee o.i bualnem. love, courtNlilp, . marriage and divorce, old estates, murt gagea. wills and burled treaaurea. Whether your coming marriage or divorce, will be for your happlmws or not. Bend liniua Hud birth date and 4 cents In stamps. AddreuH Madam Hull Kalum. 63 Drexel Boulevurd, Chicago. S 24 12x SI M E. FRANCISCO, the t-allfornla lady ." palmiat and clairvoyant; reada life from tho eraul to the grave. Gives Invaluable . , advice on all affaire concerning your fu ture. Heading, toe. 1?J4 CnplU'l ave. . 'Phone btnn. B 3s! U'- DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Mia Sturd, paon A-ilt, tiW WANTED MALE HELP THE DEMAND FOR TELEGRAPHERS Expert Telegraphers are not being "mado" fast enough. Formerly messengers wero gradually "broken Into" the business. But hardly one out of 100 messengers ever be come Telegraphers now. This Is particu larly true la the big titles Just where the big opportunities and big pay for Telegra phers are to be obtained. N The graduate of Boyles Telegraphic , Department not only enters a field where there 1 a scarcity op expert men, but he entere It as an expert. He knows more than the practice of Telcsrnphy. He KNOWS the ihiory ot Telegi Hpny and the theory t Electricity us applied to Tih-grapny. He can "send'' accurately, smoothly and kwiftly. Ho can "receive" on the type writer ihe modern method of receiving that saves time Rlongtdde of the skilled olJ veterans on the line. Young mnn. Tehgrnphy holds out oppor tunities for you. And Boyles t'ollege nolds out the knowledge of Telegraphy to you. If you can't attend our Day School, our Night School, with session three nights per week, uIho teaches Telegraphy and has the same staff of Instructors as has our Day School. Call or wtJte for further Information, tuition rates, etc. Boyles College, H. B. BOYLES Pres. t Boyles College Bldg., OMAHA, NEB B MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fure upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' lnatttute, Omaha. Neb. B-W7 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY-Able-bodled unmarried men, between agea of 21 and 36, citizens of United States, of good charae tcY and, temperate hablta. who apeak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting otficer, 13th and Douglas Pta., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B-873 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlest, 701 N. Y. L. B-688 IF YOU nre In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B-689 WANTED Men and boys to learrt plumb ing trade. Coyne Broa. Co., school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue. Address 4U73-73 Kaston aVe., St. Loula, Mo. B M755 F3 06 . HART. THE EXPERT, can get a position for SOME of tho peoplo ALL tho time and ALL the people SOME of the time, but I can't get a position for AH the peo ple ALL the time. HART, 401 and 402 N. Y. Life. r B M802 18 WANTED By a Cincinnati wholesale liq uor house, salesman for the states of Ne braska and Missouri; to ono who has a large established trade with good people the most liberal Inducements will be of fered both In regard to salary and ex penses,; others need not apply. Address, with references, P. O. box No. 612, Cin cinnati, O. , B 384 13 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. H-ive Just moved Into our new building where we have everything new and mod ern. Forty revolving chairs, facial mas sngo vibrator, shampoo apparatus and every facility for successful teaching. Special flffer for short time. Call or writs, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M104 12x WANTED, by Iowa beef and pork packer, experienced sulesman. capable handling full line packing house -product; through out state of lowa; answer, wltn run par ticulars, age, experience, salary expected, etc. Address w 13, Bee. B M149 11 WANTED An experienced well man to run hydraulic well machine. H. H. Brown, Fremont. Neb. B M161 16 SOLICITOR Catholic preferred; lady or gentleman; experience unnecessary; eal are 2 per day. 316 Ramge bldg. Mr. Black. B M172 11 x WANTED To travel for house, estab lished 30 years; expenses and straight weekly salary, or commission, or both; experience unnecessary. Mgr. Salesmen, 6th floor, 202 Olive at., St. Louis. B M192 12x WANTED Experienced night clerk, with references, for first class hotel. Gibson Employment Agency, Neville blk. B M1S8 12 WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to - distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., 100 Oakland Bank building, Chicago, Ul. B M187 12x DETECTIVE Private secret service pays good money; men wanted everywhere; experience unnecessary ; references re quired. Address Webster's Detective Agency, Des Moines, Iu, B M190 J2x STOUT boy living at home to learn trade, apply Sunday morning between 10 and 11. 1108 Douglas (upstairs). . B 199 12x ' WANTED, reliable man to manage branch office for large manufacturer. Salary to mart, J1.600 per year and extra commis sions. Applicant must have good refer ence and $1,000 cash capital secure; expe rience unnecessary. Address Manufac turer, 708 Chamber Commerce, Detroit, Mich. B RELIABLE man wanted. A prominent cereal food company will contract with a thoroughly reliable man for two yeara at 1160 per month, together with com missions and office expense. Highest ref erences required. Address: Manager, Box 824. Bellevue, Mich. B PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S election In sures an Increase In civil service appoint ments. Those Intending to take 'the next examination should send to the Colum bian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C, and secure Its free civil service an nouncement, containing dates, salaries, pluces for holding examinations and questions recently used by the govern ment. B FIREMEN AND BR AK EM EN On Ne braska and other railroads; young men, age 20 to 30. strong, good sight and hear ing, firemen t earn 65 to $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $125 to $17 S monthly; brakemen earn $60 to $75 month ly, becomo conductors and earn $100 to $1) monthly. Name position preferred. Send stamp for particulars. Railway As sociation, Dept. 69, Charles Bldg., Den ver, Colo. B WE PAY $37 a week and expenses to men wnn rigB to tntrouuee poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons. Ki.u. B 8JT 12x TRUSTWORTHY person, each district, to manage ousinea lor wnoiesule nouse; 120 and expenses nuld weekly: ex Dense mnnev ' advanced; previous experience unneces sary; position permanent, ueneral Man ager. 800 Como Bldg., Chicago. B 276 12x HELP WANTED, professional, clerical, trades; positions filled daily! no commis sion; daily bulletin givea detailed Infor mation regarding vacancies everywhere; annual dues $6: can pay monthly; quicker results than all agenclea combined. Co operative Bulletin Association, Motion Bldg., Chicago. 341 12x DETECTIVE SERVICE Railway, hotel, store, criminal and civil branches thor oughly taught by mull; steady altuatlona; 14 years' practical experience. Nat'! De tective Service Co., Milwaukee, W!k. B-269 12X ENERGETIC workera everywhere to dla. tribute circular, samples und advertising matter; good y; no canvassing. Co operative Advertlalng Co., New York. B 2U 12x WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let tera ut home spore time: materials free; no mailing or canvassing. Inclose ad dressed envelope for particulars, and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 448, Philadelphia, Pa. XS 12 1 WANTED, person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; sal ary $Js puld weekly; expense monev ad vanced: previous experience unnecessary. American House, Siar Building. Chicngo. v B-298 12x WANTED, good, hustling solicitor to sell mining stock In a good gold mine; big romuiissluil. Ben Li Torry, Alexandria, Nt-U 11-Jul U WANTED MALE HELP WINTER TERM of the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE IS NOW IN SESSION EVERY DAY ENROLLMENT DAY New Classes Begin Every Monday. 1. The attendance now approximates $00. 2. A number of students . were given positions last week and more calls than W3 can supply are coming In for Stenographers, Bookkeepers and Telegraph Operators. 3. The IJterary Society is the most largely attended It has ever been. The pub lic is cordially Invited to attend ita regu lar meetings on Friday nights. A epeclrl trogram will be given next Friday evening, o not miss it. 4. Several achools have Introduced Moan er Shorthand during the past week. The eystem la becoming moro popular every day, 5. The Business Department Is now the busiest place in Omaha. Many students have recently entered, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ROHRBOUGH BROS., i Omaha, Neb. B 398 12 MAN to travel; references required; salary $21 per week; expenses aelvancea. J. o. iilegler & Co., 323 Dearborn st, Chicago. B 301 12 WANTED. 10 men In each statt to travel tack signs and distribute Bomnles and clr- euiais ui our gooun. oaiHry, io I'ci inunui, $3 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., Dept. F-6, Atlas block, Chicago. B-310 12x A POSITION In New Yol k. Manaser. book keeper, salesman. Others on file; send for free list. Business Opportunity Co., 1 union (square, i. x. a o it MANAGER WANTED Every section, to appoint agents for new scientific game replacing forbidden slot machlneB In pub lic places: evades law everywhere; played with nickels; nnlsn oeauiirui; line casn register: rented or sold on easy pay ments; sample sent on thirty days' free trial; proposition will please you lr we still have opening In your section. But ler Cash Register Co., Department 67, Chicago, 111. B 228 12x WANTED, first-class watchmaker at once. Apply 1518 Dodge. B M220 13 WANTED, young man with some experi ence repairing typewriters. Address N 24, Bee. B-219 12X TVANTED Energetic man, each county, post signs, advertise and distribute sa . to post signs, advertise and distribute sam ples: salary. $18 weekly: $3 per day for expenses: honesty and sobriety mo-e es sontlitl than experience. National 720 Chestnut Bt., Phlln. B-31S 12x GOVERNMENT POSITIONS 30.000 ap pointments last year; chances better now; Ry., mall and all other examinations soon In every state: booklet 231, giving posi tions, salaries, examinations, sample ques tions, etc., sent free. Nat'l Cor. Inst., Washington. D. C. Br-315 12x WANTED Advance man who can work lodges, societies, etc., for high-class en tertainer; right man gets half tho receipts. Address Box 512, Guthrie Center, Iowa. B 317 12x . WANTED Married man to take charge of large farms, capable of managing largo number of men thoroughly familiar with farming In all Its branches, and the rais ing and feeding of homes, csttle and hogs. Address, wltht references, T. W. Wltwer, 878 Wabash ave., Chicago, HI. B 318 12 TINNER for ordinary Bhop work, roofing and guttering; steady Job for right party : state age, experience, salary wanted and give names and addresses of former em plovers. Mason Bros., Weeping Water, Neb. B 321 12x CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere: permanent position, goon pay. American Union, Pontlac Bltg.. Chicago. B 274 12x AN experienced candy maker for a large wholesale house: most he good on cream woVk. Acfdress W 28, Bee. . B 249 12x WANTED First-class fireman to run steam heating plant nnd do Janitor work; Bteady Job year round: must be well rec ommended. A. I. Root, Incomorated. 414 S. 14th St. B MHO IS WE ARK COMPLETELY SNOWED UN DER WITH CALLS FOR RELIABLE. TRUSTWORTHY AND COMPETENT PEOPLE. Flour salesman, road. " Al traveling salesman, familiar with Gen'l merchandise. . $150. Mechanical draftsman. Good bookkeeper. Cigar salesman, experienced. Experienced ment salesman. Traveling salesman speaking German. Al printer. Young man. two years' drig business. Salesman, draperies, carpets, etc. Traveling salesman, candy. A number of general office jnen. Call or send stimp for complete list, WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASSN., 840-41 N. Y. Life, Omaha. B-389 1 2 - GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Have the pleasure of announcing that both the. employer of better class help and the employe who Is seeking to better hla condition, endorse our system of doing business, judging from the number who. have so kindly responded to our Invitations and havo called upon us, some in person, some by letter and some by telephone, und all of them with a good word. We have received orders for help from some of pur very best hotels, restaurants, stores, manufacturers and offices, besides a large list from our best citizens for do mestic help. We have also had a very excellent class of applications for many different kinds of positions and we are placing them us fast us we receive their testimonials whlcii will warrant us In doing ao, and we can Secure suitable positions for them. We are determined to do only a fair and square business and ask only those who appreciate this kind of dealing to patron ize us. ' GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Neville Block, Harney and 16th sts. 'Phono 6411. i ' B 390 12 THREE neatly dressed youiig men aa solid tors; good commission. HART, 401 and 402, N. Y. Life. 7 B 382 13 EXPERIENCED seed salesman. 10 insurance salesmen. 4 typewriter salesmen. 1 stenographer, $10 00. 1 experienced hat salesman. 10 crew managers. HART, 401 and 402, N. Y. I.I fe. B 383 13 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Send for free catalogue and compare our terms and advantagea with others. Amer ican Barber College, cor. 12th nd Doug 4us eta. B-405 12x WANTED Salesmen who can use to ad vantage additional side Hue of staple fur niture, to sell to the trade from photo graphs, on commission. State territory J'ou cover, references and experience. Coenlg Furniture Co., St. Louis, Mo. B-407 2x II. C. WEEDEN, 2103 Maple at., Omaha; public accountant and auditor. Periodical or special examlnatlona on reasonable terms. R406 28 ANY peraon to distribute our samples. $18 weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire." 4 Wei la WANTED FEMALE HELP 1 CROCKERY ealealady. 6 lady solicitors. HART, 401 and VO, N. Y. Life. C-384 13 WANTED FEMALE HELP I AM now In position to handle high grade domestic help; none but the very best need apply and must have the very best references. Hart, 4ol and 402 N. Y. Life bldg. C 144 SEVERAL magazine solicitors; good propo- aitiun. uruiuiaux Co., 307 Brown r.iocx. C M8e6 11 GIRL for general housework. 704 N. 23rd. . C-M108 WANTED Ladles to learn halrdreaslng, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or eleetrolysfc. Hve Just moved Into our new building and have all modern facil ities for teaching the work. Short time completes. Special offer for thirty days, Graduates earn splendid pay. Call or write Moler College, 1114 i-arnam st. C M106 2x tl, 1 VTPn f ........ 11 A,a n n n n r r. 1 housework; no washing; no cooking. 8402 . . . . . ,M xtarney st. i in 10 WAITRESS for first-class restaurant; good wages. Gibson Employment Agency, Neville block. - C-M177 11 YOUNG lady for office work; good penman. Address W 19, Bee office. C M189 12x $20 8ALARY and expenses paid weekly to energetic ladles ns district managers for large manufacturer. Headquarters t home: exDerlence unnecessary. Send ad dressed envelope. Manager's Dept., 62 Dearborn, Chicago. i C 277 J2x LADIES having fancy work to Bell. Em broideries, Battenberg. drawn work; also to oo oraer worg. Htampea envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe St.. .Chicago. C-328 12X WOMEN to aew at home; good pay: ma terials sent everywhere free; steady work; plain sewing only. Send addressed en velope ror run particulars, a. ri. m., ju Tont. Philadelphia, Pa. C 266 12x LADIES, earn $10 weekly copying letters at home. Address stamped envelope for par ticulars, national uistrinuung .., ai blon, Mich. C 271 12x T intra n.. ..i .... i. ti,... t,nM.. AJ-i i- ii, .-. i yj i it i j.m:t-wui jv til in... 1 1 1. 1 1 1 . , we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chicago. C-325 12x t . LADIES, $26 thousand copying short letters at home: material sent free everywhere: send stamped addressed envelope for copy or letter ana run particulars, h-astern Co., 817 Head Building, Philadelphia, Pa. C 269 12X. LADIES $7 to $10 weekly earned doing plain sewing at home; material sent free everywhere, prepaid; stamped addressed envelope, brings particulars, i nion uo., 1215 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pn. C-258 12x A LADY ngent for rnnld selling article sells at sight: big profits; for free sample and particulars address Maristta Stanley to., 4t f ourtn Bt., uruna ttapios, Mien. C-296 12X COPYISTS wanted, writing at home; $25 per luu letters sent us; stamped addressed en velope. Continental Wholesale Co., Desk 42, St. Louis. C 305 12x ACTIVE Catholic lady to represent manu facturer. $36 paid for 12 days' trial; pro motion If satisfactory. John Engwall, 2S3 Lakeside Building, Chicago. C-286 12x 60 GIRIS WANTED to work in our mall order department, between the ages of 16 and 20 years; no experience necessary. Nebraska Clothing Co. C M205 14 LA DIES WANTED; those having skin af flictions, pimples: easy money made, homo work, no canvassing- send stamp for nar. tlcularj. C. Bee, 196 Broadway. New York. . . C-369 12x WANTFT, an experienced cook; references requln?a. Mrs. L. L. Kountze, 423 S. 8!ith Bt. C M370 SIX girls fot general housework In city and one middle-aged woman for good place In country. Gibson Employment Agency, Neville block. 'Phone 5411. C-391 12 SALESWOMAN who has had good experi ence In the crockery and queenswaro business. Gibson Employment Asency, Neville block. C 392 12 WANTED Cashier for large retail cloth ing house; mtiHt know how to keep books, operate typewriter and be quick at mak ing change: state nlaces of former em ployment, also salary wanted. W 30, care. Bee, C 351 12x . WANTED-Brlglil women to represent us In their locality. An hour's work daily; no canvassing. Can earn big pin money. Address Bird sail Institute, 369 West 4tith Bt., New York., - C 363 12x WOMEN to sell article necessary for chll dren's comfort. Something new. Appeals to every mother. Fast seller. Good profit. Ptragon Company, 637 Chapln Block, Buffalo, N. Y. C 366 12x Insurance bookkeeper and stenographer, $00 to $75. Three solicitors, straight salars. Telephone girl, private exchange. Call or send stamp for complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., 840-41 N. Y. Life, Omaha. C-388 13" WANTED AGENTS BIG MONEY in squab: tney aell for $1 to $6 a doaan; cheaply ralaad In only four weeks; write tor our free book about thla rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab to., ZKB Atlantic Ave., Boston, rasas. SKILLED wtwnen agents to handle an ar ticle used by every woman; siricuy nigu crude monev maker: areat talking polnta; exclusive territory; write quick. Man ager lept. i, suite b-l, ureen niog.. ie- tiolt, Mich. J WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compouim year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept bt. Parsons, Kan. AOEMTS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Sax- sAparilla for 36c; best seller, 2o0 per cent profit. Write today for terms and ter ritory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chi cago. AGENTS wanted to Bell Squeezle easy fioor and carpet cleaner; greatest labor saver ever Invented; can be sold to every home; 200 per cent profit; our agents are averaging $6 dally, tt. jiiiKcr, sn w Grand ave., Chicago. J $500 PER MONTH and expenses may seem big to you, but It can be mado selling my patent for making smokeless Gun and Blasting Powder at 8o per pound. Beware of fakes advertising a wortniess ana dan gerous article. 1 am the Inventor and have the patent. General agents wanted In each state, to travel and appoint sub agents. J. ,A. BtransKy, tsox tew, run wana, s. v. j Jv vol FREE sample to agents: self-lighting pocket lamp; sizo of pencil; taRea tne place of kerosene lamps, candles and matcnes; rapid seuer; seeing s neucving; send stamp. Premier Mfg. Co., Dept. 67, S3 Park Place, N. r. J its izx AGENTS. se our one dollar proposition first. Sample, prepaid, 36c. Deal with manufacturers. Crew manager wanted. Davis Soaps, 3&6 Dearborn St., rmcago. J-386 12x "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent. rvew. Demand. wuick sales. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton la. JOii LADY AGENTS malting less than. $26.00 weekly should write for catalogue end terms; wo start you In business and make you independent; outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel supply to., cnicag. J 281 12x WANTED, active man of good character to travel ror beat line or soctlonal bookcases. Salary, $3.00 per day and expenses to those wno win quaiiry. 1'osition permanent Hiett, Manufacturer, last uearoorn si Chicago. J-311 12x WANTED, a live, hustling representative In every county to handle our reversible map or the Li. s. and world; no expert ence necessary: positive demand; an un tisuul opportunity to make money. Address Rand, McNally & Company, Chicago, Illi nois. J 309 12X WANTED, agents with small capital for barber, cigar and saloon trade. Entirely new line and takea everywhere. Territory given, by responsible firm. F. Jonsen, 830 b. Haistcd st., cnicago. j ao i.x WANTED, nsrents and solicitors to repre sent largest Sick and Accident society in the country; big commission; easiest sell ing policy in tne worm. American ttenev olent Association, St. Louis, Mo. J 299 12X $75 WEEKLY and expenses easily made, wrltina: Life. Health and Accident Insur ance; experience un.iecenmry. Write Royal Fraternal union, st. louis, mo. J-293 12x AGENTS Read In dark. Name plates signs, numbers. 200 per cent profit. Sam- Mo tree, wngnt euppiy co., Hingiewooo, ill . J -JO 12X AGENTS WANTED Skilled woman agents to handle an article used by every woman strictly high-grade money-maker; great talking polnts:i exclusive territory: write quick. Manager dept. T, Puritan bldg., 10 tiratiot ave., uetrolt. Mien. J- SALESMEN WANTED NEW editions' of "Eugene Sue," Burton's "Arabian Nights," "Progress of Man," etc., over 2oo good sellers lor experienced De Luxe men. iiixenbaugn, 600 ware big. M139 TRAVELING salesmen by large wholesale House tor .Neurnsiui. tiood paying, perma nent position to right man. References required. Drawer a, Chicago. 836 12x SALESMEN For automatic copying books. bin registers and many otner specialities. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, lnd. SALESMEN, profitable fide line: no earn plea; dating; best proposition ever onerea tor li vo men. write quick ror territory, Holland White Lead Co., Chicago. -310 12x SALESMAN'S side line; small sample; lib eral commission; standard article. Ulan Novelty Co., Hla. u, Bourn Bend, lnd. 263 12x 100 GIRLS for gen. housework, also house keepers, chambermaids, laundresses; din ing room girls for out of citv.. HART, 401 and 402, N. Y. Life. C-385 13 WANTED, a comDetent girl for general nousework. lo.l park ave. c M3.8 14 FRIENDSHIP CLUB Correspondent ev erywhere: particulars free. Box 24, Cleveland. Ohio. U 265 12x WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeeper Canadian office, 16th & Dodge. A 695 SITUATION as housekeeper In widowers' home, no children, by competent middle agedjady; best reference. Address W 15, Bee office. , A M173 12x STENOGRAPHER desires situation; expe rience in law office; city reference. Ad dress W. 20, Bee. A Ml 96 12x YOUNG attorneys-front central Nebraska ucsireg siiuuiion; Mienugrupner. Address W 28, Boo.- A M358 13x WANTED, position no traveling salesman uy man or uuiuty nnn experience; refer ence and bond. Address W 33, care Bee. A-377 12x WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED, to make more money tnun cun be earned on a salary, la entirely dependent on one thing the selling quali ties of the line. A wide experience in agency merchandising convinced us that Indies outside gurments, sue.h as suits, walHts, skirts, capes and raincoats, was the proper line, and we opened an agency department for that class of merchandise. It was successful from the start and has required continual enlargements, until now we are prepared to handle orders from every town in the country. We want permanent representatives everywhere, both men and women, , to whom we will give exclusive territory. A complete sam ple line will be furnished free with all necessary supplies. We pay very liberally and aid in aecuring orders by extensive high grade advertising. Full particulars In free booklet 241. Chester & Fleming Co., 178 State Street. Chicago. J 291 12x $6 TO $10 a day made by conducting a man oraer otisinesa ut nome or omce dur ing apare hours or evenings, under our successful system; small expense starts you; we furnish complete outfit, cata logue, stationery, advertising, etc., sup plying merchandise as orders come In to you; a fine business; cash coming In daily; exceptional line mall order gouds. Catalogue und: comoleto Information for 4c. Chicago Speclulty Co. lEst. lb;5i, Chi caso. . J 233 12x AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them selves; sells on sight, for it does a wush Ing in 30 InllnuloH; furnishes Its own power, requires no labor and costa lesa than any other ilYachlue, free sample and exclusive territory given. AutomutkJ AVuaher Co., Station V , Chicago. J-232 12x WANTED Honest man !n each atate aa district manager by Jobbing house han dling staple line: $16 a week and expense. Union Trading Co., Rochester,. N. Y. J 235 12x RESPONSIBLE agenta to sell retail stores patent cob pipe; quick seller; large profits; permanent business; exclusive territory. Kismet Novelty Works, 123 Liberty St., New York. J-236 13x AGENTS In every county to market staple household article. Quickest seller on mar ket. Write, Inclosing stamp, for particu lars. Beelman Mfg. and Lumber Co., CUcago, Ohio. J 327 L'X AGENTS make $J to $10 a day htllng glasses; big profits; our 24-puge free eye book tells bow; write today. Jucksonlan Of. Ileal College, College Place, Jackson, Midi J- EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by largo Cleveland Jobbing nouse. to tUi Va cancy for 19U6; high commissions with $35 weekly. W. S. Kinley Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland, omo. 262 12x SIDE lino traveling men can make $25 to $00 per week carrying side, line of most up-to-date advertising tans or our exclu sive and special designs; season now opening; apply at once. The Kemper Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Sta. 11, Cincin nati, U. Zlli 12X TO salesmen covering northern Iowa or South Dakota, We have something Inter esting to offer. Only capable men need apply. Address W 16, Bee. 302 12x WANTED First-class specialty salesmen to sell attractive proposition; cart earn 3,ooo per year, net. aarton-parker Mrg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 326 12x WANTED Salesmen to sell proprietary medicines on commission; attractive line; eiiBy sellers. Central Chemical Co., .Cedar Rapids, lowa. 320 12x SALESMEN of all lines of business (splen did side line) to sell our advertising fans; 76 different styles, newest, latest patterns; Just the thing customers want; we pay the largest commissions; many of our men give their entire time to our line and make from $75.00 to $125.00 every week; guaranteed best side line ever offered; write promptly with reference; commis sions paid promptly. The Gebhart Co., Cincinnati, O. 319 12x WANTED, first-class man for Nebraska and Iowa to sell staple line of goods to general trade; elegant line of samples fur nished free; commission contract only un til ability lsi demonstrated: reference and bond required. 309 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. 313 12x SALESMEN wanted everywhere to handle "Novelty Sign Curds;" every merchant buys from 10 to loo on sight; 800 varieties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. HI. 267 12x WANTED, experienced men to sell our n.'itAntpd unit Ponvrlifhted Ariv.rt!.4itiir Fans, the most attractive, novel and best sellers In tne market. Humpies now ready; large commlsalons, prompt settlements. Write for information and give reference. United States Novelty Company, Clneln nat, O. 272 12x CAPABLE aalesmen to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions, with advance of $ln0 monthly.! Permanent posi tion to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. 270 12x SALESMEN wanted to sell house paint to dealers. Experience unnecessary. Ex clusive or side line. Klnlocli, Paint Co., St. Louis, Mo. 2S9 12xs SALESMAN, experienced selling patent medicine, tine advertising Inducements, permanent position, established company, references, bond. Box 666, Chicago. . 282 12x TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska terri tory; staple line, with entirely new and unusual Inducements to the trade; high commissions, with expense advances. Manufacturer, Box 624, Detroit, Mich. -3O0 12x SKILFUL scheme salesman, retailer wins out and la pleased; office or road position; nothing equal to It: $Lii0 per week can be made: can be used ns a very profitable side line; aumples light and funilnhed on referencea; , correspondence confidential. Address Dept. O, Box 365, Chicago. -295 12x SALESMAN wanted by well rated manu facturer; speelnl proposition for real salesman; line aide line. Manager Boyd, Equitable Bldg., St. Loula. 292 12x WANTED A saleaman for Nebraska and northern Kansas to, sell our celebrated Dlsmond Brand tUotlng for men's, boys' ap children's wear; men without tnide apd exiierience need not apply. Felix IV'thschild Co.. N. E. cor. Jackson and Market sts., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN to sell the hardware, furni ture. Implement and general store trade; references given and required; also side line. Washburn & Wheeler M'- '"., , Decatur, III. TS7 lfx WANTED SALESMEN REAL ESTATE SALESMAN: good com mission, with salary later; chance for pro motion to line position tn company; give references. Address W St, Bee. 376 13 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chicago E 597 WE furnish rooms complete; our goods are styiisn, give general siitisiaction ana 25 per cent cheaper than at the Install ment stores. Our terms, $25 worth $1 per week. Omnha Furniture Carpet Co., Between 12th and 13th, oh Farnam street. I E 225 11 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th & Farnnm. SOUTH front parlor. 2024 St. Maryjn ave. i E 61 THE FARNAM. lth and FARNAM STS. E M149 VIENNA hotel. Private dining rms. ft enfe. E-M737 NICELY furnished room. 1426 N. 19th St. hd 78 100 warm rooms, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. Ia FURNISHED Moms, strictly modern; also for housekeeping. 220 No. ltn i. E-M176 12x LARGE room, for gentlemen only; stenm heat. Mrs. Fox, 107 8. 14th st, second nour. E-M372 13x NICE room for gentleman; hot water beat; rent reasonable. 2n N. 2t'th. v. E M209 12x NICELY furnlehed front room, also one small room; modern house; private fnmlly: with meuls If wanted. 171 Charles. ' E 410 14x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. K., TEL. fill. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F 602 THE 6H ELTON, 25th and Dodge; Ideal home for the winter; pltasunt rooms; strictly modern; home cooking; .reason able. F 6U3 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; also day board. 1811 Capitol Aver K-.M248 14x NICELY furnished, strictly modern rooms. Telephone. 704 S. 17th St. F-40S 12x W1C T.-ADVAHr OT . . .. , .. ...... t. . ... - n flr.l floor, single or en suite; steam heat, first- class board ; prices very reasouauic. F-604 GOOD room for two, gentlemen preferred. 212 S. 26th st. F-990 THE LINCOLN. 1619 Dodge, room and board, $3.50 up; 21 meals. $2.50; single meais, toe; good nome cooging. F-166 llx THE ROSE 2020 Harney St.. nicely fur nished, warm rooms, reasonable; nlo good board. F 165 llx FIRST-CLASS modern room for couple, with or without board, bath, gas. hot and cold water. 1714 Douglas. F M171 12x 120 N. 16th at., large front room, modern and convenient, with board, for two; reasonable. F 181 12x ALCOVE room for two at $50 a month. The Bachelors. F M185 12 NICELY furnished front room: also small room; modern home; private family; with meals if desired,. 1712 Charles st. F 409 14 WANTED, two gentlemen to bonrd and room In private family. Plenso call at 717 South 31st st. . F-M218 12x ROOMS and board for three; homo cook ing; everything modern: board by the week; reasonable rates. 116 N. 25th. F 204 13x WITH or without boardv handsome largo front room; furnace heat, bath and gas. 2216 California st. F M198 12 LARGE room, good board, modern. 626 S. 19th. F 200 13X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS for housekeeping and other rooms. 324 N. 16tri. U M222 13 TWO or three light, modern, furnace heat. 2214 N. lVln. Q M 216 J3 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES WE have vacant a particularly desirable small omce, wnicn rents ior iu.vu per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of The Bee Building and U Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the beat office bunding In town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. 1771 PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 U 3. 1606 Fsrnsm. EYE SPECIALIST II. II EN KE It, eye specialist; glasses per fectly fitted. Rms. 3v7-a Neville Blk., V.th and Harney. U-M221 CHRONIC and nervoua diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge bin. U 132 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano; (2. Perlield Piano Co., 1611 Fnrnatn. U 4 THEATRICAL, masq. costumes. Lleben. 1410-13 Howard. U-47 THE Salvation Army solicits csat-off cloth ing; in tact anything vou do not needi ye collect, repair nnd sell at 114 N. 11 St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phono iljd and" wagon will call. V -fl OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge blk. U 64S ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLLATIN'G, KUCHING BUTTON3 Send for price list and Sample lHh OOLDMAN fl.fcA I ING CO.. 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1934. , U-o49 TUB vapor and aluuhol baths. 720 8. 13th. U-66U DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eye free for .glasses and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO... Lcuding opticiuna, 14o8 Farnam. - u-at Ff'PMA absolutely cured. B. J. 8ca l--Lltlrt ncll up Ware Block. U-71S F28 EXPERT PIANO tuning by factory tuners. Sohmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 16- U-4V4 n: PRESSUKIUM g.iejf' PRIVATE homo during conflement; ba bles boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell. 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2618. - U666 , Wo rent sewing machines 75c week. Wo repair u 11 makes of machines. Second hand niuchlnea ia to $10. Neb Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. loth and Harney. U 664 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women aiid children. 1408 Farnam St. THE II. J. PENFOLD CO. . V-&3 OMAHA souvenir view mailed free to any person fending ue the name of any one owning a square piano or organ. Perlield Piano Co., lull Farnam St. Tel. 701. U-M162 F23 1 Dlt. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Iregularitles of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, wllh uiamp. Dr. Pries, 1511H, Dodge St., Omaha. U 666 PRIVATE homo during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl tnrlum. 728 1st ave., Council Bluffs,. Ia. Tel. 774. U-526 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 353ft. U-6J7 M A r, N PT1 P treatment & baths. Mine. 1V1 C 1 1 Smith, 118 N. 16, i fl. R. 4. U-360 HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massacon cures middle-ear trouble. Acousticon olds the hearing as glasses do the eye Hutchison Acoustic Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phono 1999. U 668 LARSON & JOHNSON, cut rutes to all points. 140G Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers Asa'n. U-669 IT'S FREE! Send stamp for copy of Chi nese Slave Girl and her young American lover. Address J. Boyle, U D St., N. E., Washington, D. C. U 690 31x HANDSOME widow, worth $66,000, wanta Immediately able, Industrious husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldg, Chicago. U-M71 22x CULTURED gentleman, 35, engaged in real estate business, would be pleased to correspond or meet with affectionate woman of nitons. Address J. T.-L., Box 4, Pliny, Minn. U-M996 llx PIANO TUNING Tel. 6604. Dnlbey. 2207 Mason. U M160 M8x PIANO CLUB, Just forming; 60o' and 11 v cctvij , iiuuun uuivt-reu immeniaieiy; piano lesson.? tree. Call for paitleu ara. 1611 Farnam et. U M138 RESPECT A BLK mnn, 31, stoady situation Bnd good pay, desires to meet widow of same age or younger who has property oi uusiuesn. mrictiy siraigiit proposi tion and only earnest people need apnly. u MIS1 lzx Address AV 12, Bee. 3-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, zzxiw, nyarauuc elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First National bank building. 1605 IF you apply at oncO we can give any one desiring a large omce space, almost any arrangement they desire. This space is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor Bee Bldg. 1-773 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wurts iind rr,nl. I permanently removed by electricity; con j sulfation free nnd confidential: all work guaranteed, miss Allcnder, 422 N. Y. Life. U STOPS the craving, cures the habit Moss bnrgs" Anti-Nicotine Gum, the only sure nntldoto of tobacco. Largo package sent by mull, postpaid, 25 cents. Antl-Nlcotlne Gum Co., 1528 Masonic Temple, Chicago, FOR RENT or sale, Maloney theater build ing, 15U9-H-13 unpuoi aye.; very large floor space, ground floor. Inquire of Henry KohlfT, 26th and Leavenworth sts. 1-M478 OFFICES In the Neville block for rent; elevator, janitor service ana steam neat; lightest offices In the city. Cor. 16th and Harney. 1-4162 F2S A VERY desirable office In the First Nat'l bank bldg. Apply to waiter M. Carter, superintendent. I DESIRABLE MODERN OFFICES. singly or en suite; cars to depot, South umana ana Minns, i-rices rignt, includ ing heat, Janitor and elevntor service. CHAS E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-208 13 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, to rent, by experienced farmer, a farm In Nebraska wltn stock and tools furnished for share of crops. Address Box 98, Aurora. Neb. K M168 12x WANTED TO RENT Room with or with out board, Windsor place or itanscom park district, by two young men. Ex cellent references. Address T 86. Bee. K-212 12X ROOM and board In private family; state all particulars. Address w 31, nee. K-349 12x WANTED to rent, furnished housekeeping rooms; must oe convenient. Aoaress w , 31, Bee. K 350 12x YOUNG couple want three rooms, fur nished, ror ngni nouseaeeping, in -private family; must be modern. Telephono 2.'t99. K 375 12x MEDICAL . FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S if.tl.lw Tj..,ri,1n r.r hna hrontrht hunnineMrt to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interference with work; relief lu 3 to 6 days. Wo have never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mail. DR. R. G. RAYMOND REMEDi" CO., Room S6, 84 Adams St.. Chicago. QUO DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist o women nnd children; 30 years' practice. Office, 22i5 Cuming. Residence telephone. 3666, ofllce, 36C7 , INDIAN girl, half blood, pretty, educated, very wealthy, wants to marry a good whlto man. Curran, 1242 Wabash, Chl cago. U 831 12x MARRY wealth and lieuuty; marriage di rectory free. Pay when married; entirely new plan: send no money. Address II. A. Horton, Dept. ,297, Tekonsha, Mich. U-330 12x MARRIAGE Paper, 12 pages 10c; sealed; many wealthy: only incorporated mar riage bureau in the world; ninth year; absolutely reliable; bank references. R. K. Love, Box 1600, Denver, Colo. U-261 12x ROYALTY pnld on song-poems and mu sical compositions; we arrange and popu larize. Pion-er Music Pub. Co., Ino.. 660 Manhuttan Bldg.. Chicago, 111. U-324 12 WEALTHY gentleman. unencumbered, reeks appreciative wife. Address Mrs. Cole, 606 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphia, Pa. u 276 12x LUCILLE: I have neither heard' from you ior Belle K since I lust saw vou at M January 3. If you see this, please writ to my old address, or W 18, In care of Tho uce. u. o. u M273 13X PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladlea, never tans, jjui.,m. buc, muu ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Miuo LADIES, avoid disease and trounie by Ublng OUT fenect j-roieoiur. r mi m:u- lar 10c. Sun Medical Co., 310 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 207 Ux LADIES Chlcheater'o English Pennyroyal PUIS are tne leai; Wlto, irimnn , , w r. u 'J other. Send 4c stumps for particulars, "Relief for Ladlea," In letter by return mull. Aak your druggist. Clilcliester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES treated auccesbfu ly liy mall. write iouhj oi " ..... - free. Dr. Brlney. 182 State St., Chicago. LADIES When In need, send for free trial of our never-falling remedy; relief uuick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, YV'l LADIES-$M0 reward If our remedy fulls to relieve oeiuyru iiioiihhj, , .,, ni ter how long suppressed; safe relief, $.1 Women's Private Institute, dept. 1, 185 Dearborn at.. Chicago. LADIES, aafe and aura relief; all Irregu larities and aonormai Buiipreion . iihii -ulura PV. Bun Medical Co., 310 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. -279 12x VERY wealthy young woman will corre spond. Object, matrimony. No oblectlon to poor man If honest. Lock Box B. Blue Island, III. U 283 12x HANDSOME. Intelligent young widow, no children, $:!0,0u0 in her own name, will marry Immediately and will furnish hus band with capital to start business. N obji-ctlon to honorable poor man. Ad dress Mrs. Belmont, 357 iunrden Bid., Chicago. U 284 12x BUSINESS mnn, middle age. tall and hand some, worth $40,0tin. magnificent home, dr. sires at once true. affectionate wife, maiden lady or widow: no objection to widow with children. Money no object. Address A. Bel Monte, 14 Stat,- at . Chi- ' cago. U 2S5 12x VIAVI A wholesome, rational treatment. Invaluable III all Inflammations and disp lacements, hend for booklut. JnO Bee building, Omaha, Neb. U-221 12 A WEALTHY, middle aged, honorahlo American gentleman, lonely, wanta lm mediately, a kind home loving wife; no objection to n sincere, plain woman. Ad dress Mr. John, 4o8 Ogden, Chlcuso. U-231 12x A WEALTHY und attractive maiden wants without delnv kind husband to relieve, her of biir-lucBH cares; no objections to I onoruble capablo ooor mun. Address) Cook, t;7 Flouinoy, Chicago, U 230 12x OM i AI I A STE AM PASTE"Co! Manufacturers of past for all purposns. Tel. A-205.'. 2-10 Cuming. Established lb88. U SEND 12c and birth date for life reading, about 30io worda. typewritten form. Prof. Jcmea, 4i5 Culumbue ave., Koston, Mujs. U 360 12x PERHONAL Instruction. Mall course. Iearn to draw everyl"dy. Cut thla out today and address i Thomas Naat, Jr.. 68 West 112th at., 'New York. U-264 12x LAW AND COLLECTIONS' JOHN M. MAC FA BLAND, New York IJfO UlJg , room una tin, I Y :J7