THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PAT UK DAY. FKHUtTAKY 11, 190.. Unquestionable Bargain Opportunities in Every Department Saturday. Come Early Drug Dept. Specials Balb Hjrlng-es 2ie 4711 Glycerin 8onp, rnke lie Colft-nt' English Process Ronp, rake.... 8c Eastman's Talcum, bottle He Colgate's Talcum, bottle ISe Dr. fltuarfs DuUanDillc and Cucumber . Soap, box ' 12c Foumart lie Tooth rasta 17c Eutbymol Tooth Fsate 17c China Dept. Specials OPKN BTOCK DECORATED DINNER WARE Cups and Sancpm, Covered Dlshrs, Vegetable Dlsbo, Oatmeals, all slgps of riates. etc Choice Saturday, each 5c DECORATED CHINA- rLATES-Frencb, Austrian and German China (roods In this line, worth up to $1.00 to close out at once choice J '. Saturday, each iC rn LIU THE RELIABLE STORE. Three Hosiery Specials LADIES' WOOL HOSE In gray and Mack, worth up to 8tc, C at I JC ladles' IiAce, Lisle and Embroidered Hose, worth 5tc and 73c, C nt J DC Three pair for $1.00. BOYS' F.ICYCLE HOSE Ileary wool or cotton fleeced regular !i3c Tl quality, seclal, at , ..Is2C Special Announcement We ore now prepared to fill nil Doctor's Proscriptions and Family Receipts with the greatest accuracy and despatch. Competent Register ed Pharmacists will always fill your prescriptions. OUR MOTTO "No Substitution; Reasonable Prices." In Ladies' Furnishings We are offering unequalled values In Winter Garment. You'll always find out stork the most complete and our prices the lowest of any house In ttaa country. Saturday's offerings are very extra special values. 85c VTXTR AND FANTS Heavy ribbed, great bargain, 75c VE?TS AND FANTS Heavy ribbed, exceptional value, 3J)c 50c AND 75c COMBINATION 8TJIT8 heavy ribbed, for ladles and TQ mIssm, special, at rC LADIES' UNION SUITS Extra heavy, open down the front, ' 7 C n worth $1.50, at.. .'. JC VESTS AND PANTS Fleece lined, for boys and girls, worth J? double the price, at, 25c and. ,.1JC 60c AND 75c JERSEY KNIT UNDER WEAR Special, 1Q at, 80c and ' 1C Wonderful Bargains Saturday . In Our Great Cloak Department.! GREATEST BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS AND SUITS and Women's .'WjChter Coats, Waists and Skirts evei known In Omaha. Choice of any Chllds' Coot In the bouse, many that sold from $8.N to $12.00 all wonderful 1 Pj bargains Saturday JmD3 125 Children's Ixmg Coats. In ages' 2 to 14 years, good styles and colors your choice t flfl Saturday l.UU 175 dotn Women's WajHts, purchased by our New York ' buyer from Max Roth & Co. at a small fraction of their real value. They come In Venting, Flannels, Albatross and Nun's Veilings. In orded to dispose of them quickly we have divided them for Saturday's '. 95c-69c25c LADIES' WINTER COATS-Your choice of any gar niont In the house, no matter what the it OH former selling price, at 0U ladles' Winter Coats. In great variety of color and material, garments worth up to $12.00, M Qf choice sr."J Ladies' Winter Coats, that sold up to $0.00. choice 1 C. C Saturday , JD Odds and ends of broken lines In Ladles' Winter Coats your choice . f f t Saturday l.JU Children's Winter Dreswoa an immense line of pretty, stylish and well mude garments. In great variety of fabric and color, handsomely trimmed In lacea or taffeta,. regular $2.50 to $7.00 values, divided Into J M Q f f 2 lot. Saturday, at.. ..I.rO-V DC WOMEN'S SKIRTS-Our sales of women's skirts has been Immense dur ing the past season but -we are deter mined to double our sales for the next two weeks, and In order to do so will sell: Men's Hats Saturday StfSt 117E have purchased from the Martin-Cott " Hat Co, at a great bargain Their Un damaged Hat Stock and we will place the entire line on sale beginning Saturday, Febru ary 11th. at prices which, quality considered, have never had an equal. No antiquated styles, water soaked, revamp ed, milldewed or unsightly stuff in the line, but all of these goods are New, Bright, Clean, Up-tO-Date Stock. All the newest styles for spring wear in both stiff and soft felts. fln Opportunity of a Lifetime -:- Come Men's and Children's Ldfc in great II did variety of styles, choice Satur day 25c I0c All $2.00 and $2.50 Felt Hats From the Mart'n. Cott stock -p 0 choice 6 L All $2.75 to $3.00 Felt Hats From the Martin - Cott stock choice Saturday 75c a 1.00 Saturday. AN IMMENSE LINE OF CAPS worth up to 0c choice Early Saturday Swellest Spring Styles Men's Ft HatS From the Martin-Cott stock, worth 13.00 and 13.50 r choice It JU 10c In Men's Furnishings You will find the best values here. You can save many dollars by closely wntchlng our ads and taking advantage of the wonderful bargain offerings. For Saturday we are showing: $1.00 WOOL UNDERSHIRTS DRAWERS All sizes, wonderful values, at AND 50c 75c TO $l.BO SWEATER S For men and boys. In heavy cotton and part wool, great snap, at, 40c and , . . . . 25c MEN'S HOSE Heavy . neece lined worth double the price, f i at, 12c and 1UC $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS Good patterns, all sizes, slightly soiled, at, 40c and C 50c MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS Heavy fleece lined, wonderful f Q values, at 1C JERSBT TOP SHIRTS For men and boys, very heavy, worth 50c and 75c. at 80c and 25c $4.00 Women's Skirts, at $tl.00 Women 'a Skirts, at , $8.00 and $10.00 Women's Skirts, at , 1.98 2.98 4.98 EARLY SHOTTING INDUCEMENTS. From 8 till 9 a. m. Women's Wrappers, at from 8:80 till 11:30 a. m. IOC $10 and $12 Cloth Capes, at.. Zt.JD From 9 till 10 a. m. $1.00 Black Tfl Snteen Underskirts, at .,. . . . t . JC 29c Big Sheet Music Sale VOCAL Mil- i . i . . . - , . ( : .. . " " I ... . . J ia mUB n id ivmiw, inMni im h. i.riii i't. . . i ,. . j . i. .... .1. 1 wnjr mo Aiunir : HarK 1 usiumor one was From Missouri"; "Abraham": "Girl Who Bv?Vu!;i V1'W.W".'k ""If .by T wnipossra of "Good By.. Llttl. Q rl. Oood BiTr.'V M Bother iie"; 'Hollyhock." (big coon hit); "Don't Cry. Kails INSTRUMKNTAL rf.SiJ.'im.!?,iL"raM'Ai;'8' nd SMIns": ."Echoes of the Conro"; if P r! .P"0, nMo, : "Undercurrent ": "Uncle 8mmy"; "Zenith" Bhf.h "aii-h LL T" s iulff J Fiier ".i "Merry Maiden."? "K.rama ' Ladies9 and Children's Golf Gloves And MitteuB Goods which regularly sell for 39c to 75c. In order !5c-25c to clone them out quickly Saturday, special, nt. UNSURPASSED CORSET VALUES $1.00 SATIN GIRDLES In pink, blue aud white with supporters ACn attached, at "0 75 BATISTE TAI'E GIRDLES OQn special, at OiC WARNER'S RUST FROOF CORSETS, regular $1.00 values, special 'JQ A new line of Whalebone filled goods ' la all the newest fabrics and 1(100 models, at from $2.50 to. . -LVJ.VfW DOUDLE BONED CORSETS for stout figures, long hip and two sets of hose supporters, all sises up to 30, Q fl at. Newest Shapes Spring Millinery now being shown in our New Milliner Departmsnt Miss Belle Knowlton, Manager. Optical Department Our new LUCIDUM LENSES fitted in newest styles of frames and mountings at Lowest Prices Lenses Exchanged Repairing a Specialty GROCERIES The Best Goods for the Least Read these prices: How' GROCERIES 4-!b. sacks High Patent Minnesota Flour Pur Rye Flour per eack 5 pounds best Pearl Tapioca for .. t poundi good Japan Rice for 6 pounds Hominy, Sago, Barley or Farina. 10 pounds beat kind dried Corn meal T pounds best Rolled Oatmeal for S pounds Hand Picked Navy Beans On Time Teaat per package Eapollo per bar Pearllne per package only The bent Mines Meat per package J.49 57ic 19c 19c ...19c ...15c ...15c ...19c .... 2c 5c 2c 5c 10 bars best Laundry Soap tor Qutirt cans Uolden Table Syrup for 3-pound cans solid packed Tomatoea . 3-uound cuns Boston Baked Beans, - for 3-pound cans pure Apple Butter, for 3-lb. cans Lye Hominy or Golden Pumpkin 2-pound cans Sweet Sugar Corn 2-pound cans Early June Peas, lor 2-lb cans Fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans The best Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk Crackers, per puun A X-c;io. Malta Vita, Force or Egg-O- See. ier paokase All regular and lie Cookies, this mile 3 pounds for Fancy Seeded Rnlalns per package , 25c 7ic 7ic 7ic 7ic 74c 74c 74c 74c 54c 74c 25c ...5c Fancy Three-Crown Raisins, per pound Fancy Four-Crcwn Raisins, per pound Choice California Prunes, per pound ORANGES AND HONEY. Fancy Highland Navel Orana-es Fancy Colorndo White Clover Honey. KeguiHr mc iNavei iiratiftes every where our price, per dozen Regular 3ic Navel Oranges every whereour price, per dozen Regular 25c Navel Oranges every whereour price, per dozen Regular 2ic Navel Ornngea every whereour price, per dozen Regular 18c Navel Oranges every where our price, per dozen 8PECIAL This sale only Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey, rack BUTTER. BUTTER. BUTTER. Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, Off. per pounn t w Omaha Headquarters for Valentines. 6c 7c 4c and ,25c 20c 174c 15c ."12c 10c HAVDEN BROS. HAYDEN BROS. Valentines ISVaientines The greatest assortment of valentines ever shown in the west. Every possible style is represented in this great stock. Buster Brown Valentines Baskets of Flowers Acrobatic Valentines ; Novelty Comic Valentines Our Prices Are Extremely Low Valentines-lc to 5.00-Valentines k Big Slaughter in Shoe Prices Saturday Ilayden Bros, buys one of the largest stocks of shoes from an Eastern factory ever brought to Omaha at about 1-3 regular prices Men's, Boys' and Youths' satin and ebony calf shoes, repilar urices would be , $1,150 and $1.75, Saturday lAQ Women's, Misses' and Chllds'. $1.50 and $1.7B vie! kid lace and button "f fjC shoes, broken sizes ' Child's 2-8 00c warm shoes, leather soles, at Child's 0-12 $1.00 oil grain lace shoes, at . Child's flOc felt Juliet Slippers, felt soles : Infants' 35c pink and red soft sole lace shoes Men's and Women's 3fc plush bath slippers Misses' and Chllds' two buckle Arties, snow excluders, at ! Men's and Women's $2.00 and $2.50 fine sample shoes, vlci kid, box calf and patent leather Closing out the entire line of Brooks Bros, fine Rochester made $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes Selling Are lines of the Ultra patent calf and vld kid shoes sold every where at $3.50 ... llust the thing for this kind of weather. Men's best quality storm calf, $4.00 Bluchers 120 PER CENT OFF OX ALL MEN'S HEAVY SOLE STETSON SHOES. Agents In Omaha for the celebrated STETSON, CHOSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL shoes for Men. and the ULTRA aud G ROVER shoes for Ladles. Twenty-six styles of the. GROVER shoes carried In 6tock. 39c ...59c 19c 79c 1.59 .2.48 .2.00 .2.98 Meat Department Have s look. Resd and be convinced, good bank account yearly. Cudahy's Diamond C Hams -others ask 12c oi'r price, per lb.. Cudahy's Rex Hams others ask lie our price, per id Cudahy's Rex Bacon others ssk ISc our price, per lb Armour's Bacon others ssk 13o our price, per lb Armour's Hams others ask lOHc our Drioe. per lb Omaha Packing Co.'s Hams-i Q?C other, ask 10o our price, per lb....w Morrell s Iowa Hams others ask He lie our price, per lb.......; w Morrell's Baoon Backs others ttkc ask 12H4t our price, per lb -pound pall Rex Shield or Red Seal OCKn Lanl others ask JOc our n'lce w" l-po: nd i all Rex Shlld or Fed Seal 42c Ij&ra otners asa ooc our price JOJc ...9ic ..lUc ...10c ..9ic 20 per cent saved. This would make, a 10-pound rail Rex Shield or Red Shield bUC or Red SMeli 3.73 6ic .6c .'5ic Lard others ask II. W our price CO-pound pall Rex Shield Lard others ask H 25 our price Pork Loins, per lb Pork Steak, ' per lb Spare Ribs, per lb ALWATS SELLING LEAF LARD. Largest Salt Fish Department In the Wast. Order your supplies for Lent. In 4 and H-barrel lots. Mall orders promptly to. N'S REVIEW OF TRADE Low Tsmpertttre and 8tormi Interrupt Traffio to tone Extent BIG ; DEMAND FCR INTER CLOTHING Fatvorblv, Reports. Are Reeelr4 , Irulu Kvrrjr Department of the , lro a aid , Steel la-daatrr. NKW TORK. Feb. 1A-K Q. Dun Co.'i Wsekly Rvlw of Trade tomorrow will syr Some disturbance has been caused by the Wmenta, but business conditions are other wise unusually satisfactory (or the svason. Distribution of mervliamtlse Is of liberal proportions and the new year la fulnitliuj anguine exprotmKms. Luw tennerature and storms Interrupted truffle to some ex tent, but aw'lvra(Ht business In li.svy wearintr apparrl. overshoes and fuel. M in ufacturlng la still tha Usi featura. eeie cuily lu the various departments of the Iron and steel Industry, while textile mills nd shoe shops are well engaged. Bom conservatism Is noted In the placing ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND S A POLIO All Qtxtfn Mod Druggis CMiCMtaTta-si r Mails. EUNVROYAL PJLLS E Trl aj svj UiiMiw h! IbIm. I V . U.M m mm 4 (' Si at for asMiarst Si. ass.aSssigai. trrtius . r mlM4Sob f BIS Ml S. , . lu. ..i .a i .sWaaaCT1 ss3 air Jswatasm, V S.a. Z ie.ilil..t JV? r. sar si as. c t t-ij ri. uasMaa teaaass. of advance orders, but this Is a favorable symptom, Indicating the absence of reck less operations that produce Inflated prices and ultimately cause excessive accumula tion of stocks, followed by the inevitable period of retrenchment. Favorable reports are received from al most every department of the Iron and steel Industry, even steel rails sharing id: better feeling, orders on the booka now ex ceeding l.wMtXV tuns. The advancing sea son Is oringlug out more demand for struc tural shapes, while specltlcationa on con tracts for plulee keep mills busy. Notwithstanding the firmer tone of the raw material, several var.itiee of. cotton Soods have been reduoed .iuiA, the market tvelopcd much Irregularftf,'. instead ol stimulating business aa expVcied. the con cessions havs caused buyers to act with In creased conservatism I'i4rchasea are still limited to urgent requirements. Hides have ruled fairly steady, native steers constituting the bulk of offerings. Arrivals of foreign dry hides are absorbed at full prices. Business In leather Is expanding. Failures for the week numbered !M In thv t'mted States, against . last year, and !7 In Canada, compared with H a year ago. Trade reports from branch offices of R. O Dun St Co. at the leading citlee report favorable condition on the whole, but the weather has been unsatisfactory at several points. Severe weather make business stagnant at Dallas, but promises good agri cultural conditions In that section. Storms have Interrupted traffic at Chicago and movement of grain and live stock has de creased. Weather retards business at Louisville. St. lunula reports a large at tendance of buyers In the market for wear ing apparel, and building permits are larger than a year ago. Special excursions are bringing country merchants In Kansas City. Farm Implement houses are pushing spring shipments and all manufacturei s are busy. Ample rain has greatly Improved the outlook in central and northern California. Other Important points report good busi ness. Bank exchanges exceed the first week of f eoruary or any preceding year, though If allowance la made for the short week two years ago the sain over 1903 Is small. Total exchanaea this week at a!l lead n cities In the t'nlted States are W.5J1 STt JS4. an Increase of J. 7 per tent compared with in corresponding week last year. BRADSTREET'S REVIEW Of TRADE Sprlac Jokblwc ; Beglti t Kxsjaad mm All Factories Are Basy. NEW TORK. Feb. lO.-Bradsireet a to morrow will say: Spring Jobbing has at last begun to ex pand, and reporta of Improvement com from the west, northwest and far wi, tills despite severe wiuler weather, which Is the case of th south, aperatrd to check the development noted last week. Dry goods, slioa. groceries, hardware, millinery and lumber at wholesale have all pld better of late, and certainly In largvr volume than at this dat a year ago, which Utter period, however, saw some what of a halt occurring Cold weather, snow and sleet haw interfered with r'ver transportation and wHh telegraph aervic th'oughout th entire south. iduatry remains as aotii at hereto fore and th Iron trade confirms th best reports heretofore made In statistics, show ing production and consumption the heaviest ever rervrded Collections are still suhtrct of comphunt, apparently feeling the effect of weather ruturitlon. dulling retail distrtbuitun. whloli In a few lines, however, inch aa eheea. rtibhees and heavy wear g-coda. has been favured by t h in cletacal weather. Mwr la stlU p Use out- i enally easy and a temporary check to the heavy outgo of gold Is noted. Some benefits from climatic conditions are noted, likewise some drawbacks. Anthracite coal demand has been stimulated at the east and prices are very rlrm. The west has taken more freely of bituminous grades, which are reported In rather better supply there. The labor rituatlon Is on the wnole favorable, but the perennial unrest In the New York building trades Is again mani festing Itself, with grent possibilities for future trouble. The general undertone Is still one of undiminished confidence In a large trade when the winter grip Is flnaily broken nnd milder weather arrives. Reports to Bradstreels Indicate a gain of 6 per cent In the gross receipts of railroads over the same month last year. Business failures in the Cnlted State for the week ending February S number 7 a gainst 2K Inst week. 2 In the like week In l!Oi, 21" In 1!03. Ko In 1902 and J-M In 1901. In Canada failures for the week number 2ti against 3" last week and lit in this week a year ago. Wheat exports Including flour, for the week ending Februarv 9 are SWT. 742 bushels against 945.S3S bushels last week. 1.7-W.255 bushels this week last year. 2.SM.4S9 bush els In ISMi and S.175.4.l bushels In 1M. From July 1 to date the exports are 41.M4.K4 bushels against 10S.W7.59 bushels Inst year, 153 814.9T7 bushels In lftj and 16S.T97.ii32 bush els In 1U. Corn exnorts for the week are J.44).4tS bushels against 6.30C.H3 bushels Hst week. bushels n year ago. l,K50.17o bushels In 19i8 and &27,3 bushels In 1M2 From Julv 1 to date the exports of corn are JS 592.U9 bushels against 36 47,950 bushels In 1904. 24.5K.W buahcls In 1 and Sl.ufil.S37 bushels In iM- MORE OREGON INDICTMENTS Foraaer District Attorney ' d Coagressinam Blager Hermaaa Aerased f Coasplriaiy. FORTLAND. Ore., Feb. lO.-Ex-Vnlted States Attorney John H. Hall was In dicted today by the federal grand Jury In connection with the federal land fraud case In course of Investigation. Tha Indictment against former Vnlted States District Attorney Hall Is for al leged participation In a conspiracy to pre vent and obstruct the free passage ever and tha free us of public land altuated In Wheeler county. The document also alleges that threats of violence and other means of Intimidation were used to drive legitimate householders already settled on the Sand from the vicinity. Among the de fendants named. In addition to Attorney Hall, are Congressman Plnger Hermann. Clark P. Loomls and nine others, all of whom. It Is alleged, worked In the Interest of the Butte Creek Land, Lumber gt IJv Stock comnanj-. A - second Indictment returned today charges Henry Meldrum and associates with having conspired to defraud th gov ernment of the Celled States by false and fraudulent surveys. SPORTS OF A DAY. won. Patsy Brown second, Great Mogul third. Time: 1:42. CON KLIN IS BILLIARD CHAMIMO Don't quarrel with your cook. Tdk Diner's Digester before meala. Prevents and cure Indigestion. Wjars -IHllou Drug Co, I KVEXTS ON THE HINNINQ TRACKS Two Horace Kali . oa the tilppery Coarse at New Orleaae. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 10. -The track showed no Improvement today and was verv heavy, with treacherous footing. Bisque, in the first race, and Lady Free Knight in the second, fell. Both horses unu rldere escaped Injury. Baywood, wiu tired so badly In the heavy going, could not si md off Redman's challenge, and waa the only beaten favorite. Results: First race, one mile: Sexton won, Hesh mnii second, Bannockbell third. Time: l:5S. Second race, one mile: Redman won. Bay wood second. Merry Acrobat third. Time: 1:52. "ihird race, half a mile: Filatory won. Chief Archibald second. Blue Grass Lad third. Time: 0:UV Fourth race, one mile: Lampoon won. Fits Brillar second, Bpec third. Time: 1&4H. Filth race, six furlongs: Contentious won. Floral Wreath second. Mary Worth thiid. Time: 1:23. Bixth race, one mile and seventy yards: Knowledge won.. D.xie Lad second. Plaului third. Time: 1:57V,. SAN FKANCiaVO, Feb. 10. Results at Oakland: Fust race, six furlongs: The Volt won. Dundreary second. Maxetta third. Time: l-l1- . Second race, Ave and a half furlongs: Cal culate won. Alone evcond. Harvester 11 third. Time: 1:10V Third raie. Ave furlongs: Adirondack won. Taiu o'Shanter second, Bath beach third. Time: Fcurth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Expedient won, Mr. Dingle second. 1'luy Ball third. Time: Fifth rsce. seven furlongs: Dr. Sherman won. Hlppouax stcond. Follow Me third Time: l.J. Sixth race, one mile: Scherxo won. n BUI sectmd. Northwest thud. Time: 1:43. I HOT Sl'RINGS. Ark., Feb. lO.-Kesulls at I Etsex lark: rirst race. Ave and a half furlongs: The I Captain won. Golden Age second. Temerity third. Time: t:14. Second race, one mile: Annie Chapman 1 won. Nuptial second, Imboden third. Time: Third race, five furlongs: Jlfg'f wfM I Thisbe second. Harfang tnlrd. Time: 1:15. Fourth race, four furlongs. Busne-a Mens stakes: Pruy Nellie won. Minna 1 Baker second. Lady Charade third, rime: I I) My Fifth race, stx furlongs: Ous Heydon won. I Aden second. Mirthless third. Time: 1:42 8 xth rac. fl and a half t rj Fllllpo won. Ce'ebration second. Juvenal laxlm thlra Time: 1 . lA8 ANGELEjS. Feb. 10. Result at As cot Park: First race, three and a half furlongs: We Girl w"n. Silver Sue second. Sandstorm third. Time: 0 4V Second lace, one mile: Fumlan won. Pan Ique second. Ralph Tour.g third. Time: 1:41. Third rai-e. Slauson course: Rublana won. arl Gentry second. Sweet Kitty Beliairs tlnrd. Time: 1 F -urth race. x f.rlor g. handicap: Cigar I ight. r won, M.irttnmo- e-ond. PrlncrjiS'a third. Time: 1 11. Fifth race, one mile and an eighth: Hel-r--n won. position aecoiid. Goiden Light third. Tim: 14. Cutli rav, vu mll; Montaa trtm Chicago Maa Wins Final Game core' of aoo to 231. CHICAGO. Fob. lO.-Charles F. Conklin of Chicago Decame amateur billiard cham pion of tne L'nited state by uefeating W. Jl. Sigourney ol San Fiancisco, ma tu Zil, In an extra match to decide the tie result of the National Amateur Billiard tourna ment. CoiiKlln gets the Brooklyn Eagle s cup, emblematic of the American amateur championship. In addition to the cup, which Conkiin will have to win three times at different times to be permanent pos sessor. Jewelry valued at w goes to the winner of the present tournament. Conklin aio won tne prize lor the high est run made during the tournament, tils high mark waa 7i. Conklin and Gardner are tied fur the individual average of I lie tournament, each having a score of 11 3-37. They will meet in an extra game to dc cloe who Hhall receive tlie priAe that goes with this honor. The so. unu prise, won by Sigourney. is a diamond ring, valued at o.-j. Gardner had the highest grand aver age during the contest and Ui receive a handsome jewel. Gardner also won the third prise. Fourth and tit th prizes went to Norrls of New York and x'hieshle of Boston, respectively. The game ton I g in between Conklin and Slgouri.ey. whicn decided the champion snip, lasted over three hours. Both play ers were so deliberate and careful In their pluying that the game grew tiresome at tin:e. Conalln took the lead at the start and kept it ail through the contest. Hlgour ney played good billiards In spots only, and seemed to weaken at critical momenta. On several occasions luck seemed decidedly against him when he had the position for a good run and he failed of several easy shots. Conklin played the more consistent game of the two. nowever. and kept well in the lead throughout th contest. The following is the score of the game: Conklin o, o. l. m, l. z, l. s. l. u, u, 6. 1 0, K 1. 3, O, 4, 6. 12. 27, 3, 0. 0. 0. 0, 1. 1, 1J, 2. . B. 14. b. V. i. U, M. 6. 1. U, 8, lu, , 4. -AO. High run: 31; average: 44-46. Sigourney 2. v. u. 1, 0, 10, U, 1, 0, 2, 6. 2, 1. 2. 1. 2. 4. 2. 1. 2. 17. 3. 4t. 0, 0. 0, 2, 2, 2u, 1. 3. 0. S. , 23, 0. 1. 2. S. 1, 0, 3. 21, 0, 6. 6, 10. v. 21. High run: : average: 6 6-45. Wheaton, 111., during the second week of Al'.UBt. 1 ,.e woman's amateur national champion ship was awarded to the Morris County Golf club, the date blng left open. The open championship will be held dur ing the. weei beginning September 17 at the Myopia Hunt club. WITH THE BOWLERS. On the alleys of the Omaha Bowling as sociation laat night the Woodmen of the World won two games from the Storx Blue Ribbons. The Woodmen bowled good, steady tenplna and deserved their victory. Johnson was the only man to make a 600 score. Score: WOODMEN. . . 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Johnson 204 178 223 605 Stls 200 158 133 491 MrKelvey )K3 232 15( W5 nderson 27 164 173 544 Btapenhorst 169 156 232 656 Totals 943 W7 911 741 BLUE RIBBONS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tots rrltsoher 167 224 188 S?9 Marble 145 153 184 484 Weber 169 146 ?H4 M9 Forscutt 122 200 128 (48 Elliott 19." i2 Ui u.i Totals 902 907 886 J,69s Kid Sullivan Defeat Kid Broad. BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 10. The seconds of Kid Broad of Cleveland threw u; the sponge In the tenth round of his fifteen round bout with Kid Sullivan of Washing ton tonight. It waa Sullivan's fight from start to finish. RAPID RISE0F A RIVER Crest of Twelve-Foot ' Flood Doe Damage to Lumber Outfit at Bcattyvllle, Ky. BEATTVVILLE. i.y.. Feb. 10,-The crest of a twelve-foot rise In the Kentucky river passed here today. Several lumber Arms lost heavily by the brenklng of booms and the releasing of logs. There was no loss of life In this vicinity. f seH GOLF ASSOCIATION IN SESSION , tiey ward G. Leavltt of Omaha Elected Oa of th Director. NEW YORK. Feb. 10 The l'ntrd States Golf ass.tctatlon held Its annual meeting at Delmonlco a tonight. 2M clubs, of which thirtv-one were associute, being rep resented. President Thomas of the Mor ris County Golf club of Morrtstown pre sided. In following officers were elected: Pres ident. Hansom H. Thomas. Morrtstown Golf club. Morrtstown. N. J : vice presi dents. Albert L. Ripley. Oakley Country club, Boston, and Theodore Slieldon. Chi cago Golf club; secretary. Wtillani Fellow, Baltusrol Golf club Short II. lis N J ; treasurer. Samuel V. Heebner. Phlladel- fhla Cricket club; executive committee, unlet Cl.auneey Garden City I I.) Golf club; Herbert O lee1. Myopia Hunt club. Hamilton. Mis.; Hey ward G. lea Itt, luiiala Country club, and Eben M. Bvers. Allegheny luntry cl iu. Tn-HSiiror Heebner nTv.rt.-d a lIance U the treasury of II 41. .in Increase of It.JU ' utrr th previous year. The nmatur national rhampt.Mishlp was awaruVd to Ik Chicago Gulf club of There is no element of speculation in the quality of Id Uideroof Rye It is good beyond compare CHAS DENNEHY & COMPANY, CrJdgo. Hi