12 TITE OMA1TA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1003. NEW JERSEY OFFER IS DEAD Cicr.cil Not Inclined to Grant Franchise to Electrio Light Concern. TERMS TOO VAGUE AND INDEFINITE tllr Authorities Prefer to Stmasjle Along; 1'ndrr GiUlInK Coadl Urns t'ntll m. Belter Propo sltloa Can Be Had. Action on the proportion of the Electrical Development and Securities company of New Jersey for An electric light, heat and power franchise will probably be taken by the council next week and from ex pressions of members of the body the Droooial seems to stand no chance for being accepted. City officers who have talked about the matter cay they can see nothing- of particular advantage to the ctty In granting the franchise, unless possible competition for commercial service If the new plant la built and pot In operation. The fact that a p4Tprtu.nl grant Is de sired, for whlrh It Is proposed to pay only $10,000, Is one reason why tho offer Is looked upon with disfavor and another Is that to get are lighting for Ifi5 a lamp a monopoly on alt tho street lighting, with a minimum of 1,24ft lamp;!, Is demanded. Promises for cheaper commercial light and power serv ice are declared vague and uncertain. Searljr Heady (or Rest. At the council committee mooting last Monday the proposition came very close to being placed on file, but this action was not token because only four or five of tho council were present Acting Mayor Zlm man and the others throught It would be unfair to try to dispone of the matter with out a larger attendance. So far as can be learned, no particular efforts are being made by the Eloctrlcal Development and Securities company to work the deal through, and If it has a local representa tive on the ground that Individual has not made his presence known. City Engineer Rosewater advocates call ing for bids immediately, specifications to be drawn dcscriIng Just what the city wants, the contracts to be let to whatever responsible company or corporation, singu lar or plural, offers the best terms, not only for street lighting, but for commercial service as well. He calls attention to tho fact that the latter really means much more to tho peoplo of the city than the street lighting. Zlmmnn on Corporations. "I believe the same as Mayor McClcIlan of New York regarding franchised cor porations," says Acting Mayor Zlmman. "That In, that as long as a public utility corporation gives good service at reason- . .ic mm . . t u i a .iic OI1U (IIS officers decently In all respects, it should be allowed to conduct its business. Just as soon as the public utility corporation becomes obnoxious and seeks to exact un fair toll, then its property should be promptly condemned and operated by the municipal government. "In the matter of advertising for bids for now, street lighting contracts many difficulties will be found in making the specifications and In securing bids on an equal busts. I think the mayor and coun cil have the right to regulate the charges of all public utility corporations, so long as it. is not unreasonable, and that we can get terms that will bo perfectly satisfac tory to ell intelligent citizens by simply laying down a Hut that so much will be paid and no more. Ir, after trying this and failure result, then let us attempt municipal ownership." B 1 100 Calling , Cards at 39c in Arcade Sale Ladies' Pattern EM IN MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 3rd Floor. ic a!,4-L Just received, the finest lot ladies' pattern hats from one of Fifth Avenue swell est milliners. Here are all the latest fall and winter shapes and designs that sold In Now York up to 25 In two great lots Saturday.. $i7?,50$ a and Sale of Ladies Tailored Suits, $6.90 An extraordinary offer in ladies' hand somely made and finished suits blouses,. tight-fitting styles, vest effects, long and' short length coats, all made of it CJQ lusiiiuuctuit; mil lci mi, jiiiu w orth 15, $20 and $25, at Ladles' $12.50 and $15 Winter Cloaks and Jackets Odd lots of ladies' long and short coats nearly all are satin lined fashionably made special ,, ...I', Ladles' Wool Waists r- Stunning from our great purchase from Max Roth made of Atlantic flannel, French flannel, Alba tross, etc, Saturday bargain Specials In Basement Cloak Department Ladies' 11.00 Melton Skirts f 4Qc Children's Eiderdown Cloaks, worth $1-00, 25C Girls' i.66 Sweaters, silgh'tly' damaged',' E at, each ACW. French Coney Cluster Fur Scarfs . . fClc worth 11.50, at ..WVw .6S j nu jacKris 3L new ideas 69c MET A STRANGER IN NEED Henry Ba"Kleaton of Emerson Invests Bight and a Halt In a 1 Freight BUI. Henry Eggleston of Emerson, Neb., is the latest . victim to go the freight bill route. Mr. Egglcston took $8.50 worth In Omaha, where he met an accommodating individual who wag willing to sacrifice Chamberlain. 618 North Seventeenth street. his time to show the man from Emerson J where he Is said to have taken a suit of Ladies Neckwear at 5c QL 10c Ladies' turn over collars, scores of pretty new ideas, hemstitched' and embroid ered also f 4 f stock col- P-llltO i lars, at. ..... . Ladies' plain and fancy colored border handkerchiefs, also lace edged hand kerchiefs at, each , Great sale of embroideries great variety of styles new, fresh goods at, yard Extra wide embroideries at, yard 15c and 25c 5c Sale of Hosiery at 10c & 124c Ladies', men's and children's hosiery fast black and fancy, worth up to 25c pair 10c-12k Ladles' and men's handkerchiefs- many embroidered linen at, each 12k 2k-5c-72c SHEET MUSIC SALE Mv Indian Queen. Teaslnc. I Was Only Fooling. Blue Bell. Come Home Soldier Boy, By the Dear Old Delaware, Let's PER COPY, All io Ud to Maude's. When IFell In Love With You (new), Kate Kearney, My Dream of Love (lntwo keys), Alexander, Watermelon Am Good Enough for Mine, In Old Ireland Meet Me There, Billy, In Sleigh With the Girl You Love, When Sleigh Bells Sweetly Chime, Good Bye Lady Love INSTRU MEN TAL Karama, Satisfied; A Whispered Though, Kllza Simoklns. Northern I.iarht Waltzes. The Burglar (a new one), Oneonta. Moon Winks (new I-step), Josephene, (a brand new intermezzo : Just for Fun (the very latest waits- I St. Louis Tickle, She Was from Mis song hit, Life Ain't Worth Living souri. Festival Hall Walts, Iolanthe, When You're Broke (Irving Jones' I She Was from the South- composition and sung by him 0p i your Qr .-' I choice 15c at the Orpheum these two for.1 thj hidden mysteries of freight bills. Mr. Eggleston was completely taken off his feet when the stranger accosted him and told him he would be glad to show him around the town. Just to be doing some thing. Mr. Eggleston now realizes there was something doing. In Eggleston's case it was the same old story in the same old way. He had 18.50, while the stranger had a freight bill and a tale of woe. By some hocus pocus operandi the men exchanged their wares. Eggleston says he( received the worst of it. He told the police all about it and then the police told him all about It. He says he will be careful next time. B0YNT0N A BUSY BURGLAR Yodic Man Who Will Be Arraigned la Police Court (or Many Crimes. Edward Boynton of Lincoln has been ar rested by Detective Mitchell and Is charged with burglary at the city jail. He will be arraigned in police court Saturday morning on two complaints of burglary filed by Deputy County Attorney Shotwell. Boyn ton is wanted for a score or more thefts committed during the last few weeks, since he came to Omaha. Boynton is charged with stealing a valise and contents from the room of D. W. Vaughan. Jr., at tho Millard hotel. The plunder Is valued at 135, and for this Boyn ton Is charged with burglary. The second charge of burglary against him is the charge of entering the home of Harvey G. new clothes. He is also charged with steal ing a watch from his room mate, Fred Faucett; a bicycle from the New York Life building, carpenter tools from Twenty eighth and Farnam streets and Eighteenth and Chicago streets, soldering irons from the postofflce and other things from various parts of the city. The bicycle referred to was locked, but Boynton is said to have carried the wheel off lock and all. Boynton is comparatively a young man. It Is said his craving for cocaine drove him to steal. BABY ABANDONED BY PARENTS Authorities Investigate Case Reported by Mrs. Delmore of 1411 Cass Street. Police Matron Anderson and Superintend ent Morris of the Bureau of Associated Churltles are investigating ' the case of a 2-year-old boy who was left one evening two weeks ago at the .home of Mrs. Mary Delmore, 1411 Caps street, by a strange man and under circumstances that grow more mysterious the more thqyi,are fathomed. About 8 o'clock In the eyeahig. two weeks ago Thursday evening a well dressed man appeared at the front door of the Delmore home and was admitted by Mrs, Delmore. The man bore In his arms the trembling form of the baby and said he had Just found It in a nearby hallway, crying. The child had only a night robe and pair of stockings on. The evening was very cold and a heavy fall of snow was on the ground. Mrs. Del.nore hastened to the fire to warm the little waif and expected the man would follow her into the house as soon as he had removed the snow from his feet, as he said he would do, but he did not go further than the hallway, where he placed the child in Mrs. Delmore's arms. While warming the child the woman heard the front door close and the sounds of carriage wheels leaving the front of the house. She did not see the man again. She noted that he appeared nervous and evi dently was under a mental strain. Mrs. Delmore kept the little boy, cared for It and believed the man would return to explain his sudden call. She made inquiries around the neighborhood, but could locate no one who had lost a child. Thursday evening she brought the matter to the notice of the police department. Edholm, jewler. 16th and Harney st. Severe Winter (or Whalers. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 10. Advices re ceived here from the whaling fleet in the frozen north state that the present winter is a severe one and that not one whale has been captured- since the ice shut them out from the rest of the world. Thg Beluga, Herman and Bonanza nre winter ing in Langlon bay . and the. Karluk and Bowhead at Hersoliel it-land. Auditorium March 7 that's all. Invest Constant Oil stock. SOI N. T. Life. nnnn 5 Mm SEASONABLE FASHIONS. 0I8BI ARE THE BEST for Household and Medicinal Use. fish the Doctor. FULL QUARTS: 80c, $1.00 and $1.25 Hiller Liquor Co. 1309 FARNAM ST. OMAHA, NEB. We ship four quarts or more, prepaid, to ny tvddress. Send for complete price list. NOB. 4579-4591 MISSES' CORTI'MK. Sizes for waist No. 457V-rlt, 14 and 16 years. Sizes for skirt No. 14 and 16 years. Each pattern 10 cents. For the accommodation o readers of Th Bee the.e patterns, whicb usually retail ai from to to W cants .each, . will be furnished at toe nominal price of 10 cents. A supply la now kept at our office, so those who wlsn any pattern may gut it either by caj. tng or enclosing tv cent, addressed "iat-' Urn Deiiarumwl, Bee, Omaha." ALHANDRA Navel Oranges thplr superiority, because they Eireed In welht and slie are unsurpassed In briarht nrss nnil Incomparable In juiciness. but their cardinal virtue, their Transcendent Sweetness cannot be conveyed to bum an Intellect without tasting this delicious fruit. 21c 21c TJielr appearance attest S-pound can Oolden Pumpkin. aiiiii-Coli! ell us at an extremely low figure a ioi or Hats, Caps, Gloves not da maited In the least. We now place them on sale at prices fiat can't help from catching the crowd. Soft Hats Worth Up to S2, Your Choice 69c Look for Martiu-Cott's name on the sweatbaud. Stiff Hats Worth Up to $3, Your Pick 95c filartin-Cott's GaDS 1 ffl 28th and Farnam Sts. US 25c 7c S cans standard 16- Tomatoes tOW 2 pounds choicest Prums OKr ohtfunahlp 2 rHckngee Saratoga KlHkeo 4 pounds Ralston 25C Strictly Fresh Eggs 32c Per Dozen 32c Just received an Immense ship ment and are warranted as rep- HHenteU. tolling Beef, per pound Cornea Beef, per pound Sugar-Cured Ham, n?r per nound Iv4 W Sugar-Cured Bacon, 1 1 I r per pound 1 f NEW MACKEREL, Qc each "w So ill me r Bros. Exponents of Good Living 3c 4c Made in Omaha, in Martin Cott's own factory. Men's heavy brown and blue Beaver Caps, 10c. Caps worth up to 75c, your pick, 39. Caps vlth fur lining, worth up to S1.125, 45c. Marfin-Cott's Gloves and Mittens Men's heiwy Fur Mitts, 65)c. riush Gauntlet Gloves, worth fl.50, sale price !9c. Lined Huck skln Gloves, 4.Sc. Dollar Kid Gloves 48c. Wool back and India tan palm, lined, 25c. Extra heavy lamb lined Mittens, title, and many other equally extraordinary bar gains. On Our Second Floor We offer a big bunch of men's hats at 25c, your pick; choice out of all sorts of men's, boys' and chil dren's Caps, ,9c; thousands of I men's and boys' Gloves and Mitts, worth up to 4ijc, your pick 15c Other Great Bargains Men's odd Suits,' worth up to $18, your choice, $7.90. Heavy all wool I'lsters, worth $12.60, sale price $0.90. Men's extra heavy fan cy Corduroy rants, $1.90. Choice of any Silk Muffler in the house, worth up to. $2, , your pick, 45c. Choice of . lioygV Knee Tauts,. worth up to $1, your pick, 39c, Choice of any Overcoat in the house, includ ing Alfred IVcyJLuln moke, $15. Guaran! eo Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St. FMXMftiWnasMHH (fx, p Johnson & Goodlett Co. If you only knew how much you could save by purch&Hins; your Groceries, Meats and Bakery goods from us, you would not hesitate to give us a trial. Just Note These Prices: BUTTER, Fancy Creamery in 1 lb packHges, per sif pound OUC TOMATOES, High Grade Stond . ard, 3 large cans 25c MALTA viTA."per ig package Ivlw DR. PRICE'S Breakfast )nn Food, 3 pkgs. for Ub SARDINES In mustard 10c can for CORN, Good Quality 2 cans for.... POP CORN, Shelled 8 lbs. for PORK LOINS, per lb BEEF ROAST, per lb. 6c and , LAMB LEGS, per ib . 6c 15c 10c 74c . .8c He . Juicy 25c 30c Johnson & Goodlett Co. 20th and Lake Streets Groceries, Meals and Bakery. ORANGES, fine, large, sweet Navels, per dozen CAKES, 3-layer you know how good they are, each.... 1 We've a hobby That we ride and it's our boys' $1.50 shoes and we've ridden it a great many years with the satisfaction of knowing that our customers are oleased with the value we give them. These shoes are made from honest leather, with soles that outwear any two you ever had. Saturday we have extra help in our boys' department so we can give you the best of attention we take as much care in fitting the boys' shoes as We do the fathers'. Drexel Shoe Go. (419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Ui-ti-lati Stioi Hti ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOOC7E. HOTELS. 1 vs. Phones 1676 and 4743. In Improve ment TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only One Dollar Year. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and Sixty -thirds treot Empire Fork NEW YORK CITY over $250,000 JUST COMPLETED ELECTRIC CLOCKS, TELEPHONES AND AUTOMATIC UQMIINU DEVICES IN EVERY ROOil Completely Remodeled. Hedecorated and Refurnished throaubont One annate to Elevated and Bubway Stations Trfie nearest car at an? Railroad or Steamboat t erminal, tner an pass or transfer to the Kmplro Within easy walking distance of . all Theatres and Department Stores. Restaurant noted for Excellent Cooking, Effi dent Service and Moderate Charges Rooms (with use of bath) J1.50 per day up private " 12.00 ' Bultes $3.50 W. JOHNSON OUIINN NO MEATS LIKE OURS. Only the very choicest meats that can be found, sold at our markets. Positively no chenp trash allowed. We buy our meats In car lots-sull it cheaper than our competltors-ln fact, have no competitors. Our cus timers demand the best and we carefully cater to their wihes We have everything that a first-class market carries and handle the goods In a clean manner. PORK ROAST per lb PORK CHOPS 8 lbs. tor SPARE RIBS per lb NO. 1 SIRLOIN STEAKS g Jq TOT ROAST per lb., 7o and BOILING BEEF per lb M 6Jc 25c Sic HOME MADE PORK ' Tr Sausage per pound i PRIME RIB ROAST Of ' . . 1.11 V ., - Tfl Special Sale on Provisions Baturaay auu SPK.CIAL HATES TO HOTELS. HESTATRAXTS AJID BOARDING HOlsES. Central Tularkets, VEAL ROAST per lb VEAL STEW per ID. 6c 3ic 8c .6c "WIIKHK VOI SAVK MOSIs.1.-......h.nd(.ult-l.tv. Msireatta and Harney Sts., Telephone 1T1M1. Telephone HIM. GREAT SALE OF MEN'S HATS. Undamaged Stock of the Martin-Con Hat Company f Urf c Ad Pl THUS RELIABI.K STORE. Undamaged . Stock of fhe Martin-Cott Hat Company Set lirjt Ad Safe MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS 3C MEN'S CORDUROY PANTS-worth up to Special at SriOCtALS FOR SATURDAY. I12.W and S15 MEN'S SUITS AT $T. Thee suits are nil mnde up In the very I. 'itest styles and beet fabrics. In all pat terns and colors The heat valtiees hiwa In the city nt our special Cft -"v price. Suturday iOU 1 IIS and fc MEN'S SUITS AT I10.no 4 This entire line conMHts of strii-tlv hand-" tailored Karmetits. In the very rlnest ma torlaln and bent patterns, plain black, unfinished worsteds, blaek tlilhets, blue serite, fancy mixed Scotch cheviot, etn. Your choice ii iWi 1 Saturday at .i IU.UU J" MEN'9 FINE OV KRtvOAT9 in vicunas, cheviots, Irish frhze, kererys, beavers, etc.. In Ions; and medium lennth, worth tin. 12. Il.'i and IIS. divided Into two lots., for Sutunlav's Helling- 7 Bn choice, st I1O.00 and ',0Vl HOYS' KNKE PANTS SUITS In Rfros 8 to 16 years, roxulur $3.50 to o.V0 value, special Saturday 2 50 BOYS' KNEE PANTS worth from tc to II. 00, on sale Saturday In DnC two lots, at uoc and uuw 1.50 GROCERIES! GROCERIES! The Best Goods lor the Least Money. Read Jhese Prices: tS-lb sacks HiKh Patent Minnesota Flour Pure Rye Flour per sack b ids ueat I'eari 1 aptoca 6 lbs good Japan Hire 6 lbs Hominy, Sugo, Barley or Farina, lo-lbs best kiln dried t'ortimeul 7 11 bent Rolled Oatmeal 6 lbs Hand Picked Navy Beans On Time Yeast per package Supollo per bar I'earllne per package Tho best Mlnee Meat per package 10 bars best Laundry Soap Quart cans Golden Table Syrup 3-lb cans solid packed Tomatoes 3-lb cans Woston naked Means 3-lb cans pure Apple Buttr.. S-lb. cans l.ye Hon Pumpkin imlny or Golden 2-lb cans Sweet Sugar Corn 2-Ib cans Early June Peas 2rlh cans Fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans The best Soda, Oyster, Butter or Milk .11.49 67Vic Wc lac 19c ..ir.c irc lo 2c 6c lie 6c 26c 7HC "Vsc 7Hc 7C .7Hc 7Ho 7V4c .7c nor nim.l KttA X -Cello, Malta Vlto. Force or Egg-O-See. per package ......... .....7o All regular 12Hjc and 16c Cookies, this sale tliree pounds for . Fancy Seeded Raisins per paeitage. . . . . 60 r.n..v Th.M..('rn'n Rulslnn. WT OOUnd WJ I-aiic'v Four-Crown Raisins, per pound. Choice Cullfornia Prunes, per pound... ORANGES AND HONEY. Fancy Highland Navel Oranges and Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey. liar 4ic Navel Oranges, every- 'lO every- ..260 ..2rto where our prices, doien . Regular 30c Navel Ornnges, where our price, ooien I,'Kum, . .... v.. -' n - - - wiiere our price, dozen li0 Regular 2ic Navel Oranges every whereour price, doxen 160 Regular ltic Navel Oranges every whereour price, doxen 12o SPKCIAI This sale only Fancy Colorado White Clover Honey, rack. ...loo fr.AVDEE3 mm E .AWk. S BROS. . e. . .. 1 XMnrati f If"'-' .v tew -(, SPADRA Is the best Arkansas Anthracite unsurpassed for furnaces and heaters.. Burns with a slow, even heat. No smoke, no slack, no slate, no dirt. Its lasting quality cannot be excelled. We have just received a fresh supply. A MONEY SAVER. PRICE $8.50 ir m L, lipase E.,.h-. -r. f f""!Sl S"",'! KRWfl P ftM?-f 4 !'!liSJI fcfct..ij I C-W-ffULLCO ZQViSc IZARD STS. TEL Jt..."H-'ja -, t il .yjrinr il rvvnsssMM'asi KwrcsJ s? KtWftWiSII VALENTINES The most attractive and complete line of Valentines in the city. All the new and dainty novelties of the season. All styles of Buster Brown Valentines, and any new thing in the market. Our prices are tho cheapest in the city. Lace Velentines from c to 25c, Post Card Valentines, 300 styles, 2e 3 for 5c, Novelty Valentines, very dainty, 2c, 5c, 10c, 19c and 25c, in boxes. Large Valentines 39c, 49c, 59c, $1.00, 1.25. Take a look at our line before buying. It will pay you. Yarns, llosiery and Underwear as usual. Jos. F. Bilz, 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. tr H Fry Shoe Co. Saturday's Bargains In our Grand Clean-Up Shoe Sale Will be fully equal to the splendid bargains of the past ten days. FOR ME 65 pairs H.OO French Enamel calf Rouble soles while tney S. ft M's 16.00 patent colt, AC double soles, clean-up price... Hoyden's -Iti.OO patent colt and A Af vlcl "kid, double soles All broken lines of $3 00 and O 45 W.50 shoes go at...'. WOMEN ASD CHILDREN Women's 14.00 kid and gun 2 Q5 metal culf. heavy soles atmnj Women's $5 00 patent kid. calf r Ck and vlcl kid xtreet shoes..... All broken lines of 13.00 and O .&0 shots go at Misses' t-.M patent leather 1 A.1 dress shoes now !,- Women's 13.00 and $3 .60 shoes on bar gain table, mostly small t All sixes f 25o, 50f and 0!c Imrgalns for MIkhcs arid Children ore greet val ui' if you find a pair to tit. K B 16th & Douglas?. 1 H End of Season SALE 7e offer you rre bargains In Ladies' Stylish Garments and even at these bargain prices we say to you, charge your purchase and pay conveniently a little each payday. iii Stores Ladies' $12 Suits now S 7.68 Ladies' 13 Suits now 0.f) Ladies' 18 Suits now 11.08 Ladies' 20 Suits now 13.33 Ladles' $ 9 Coats now $5.08 Ladies' 12 Coats now 7.98 Ladies' 13 Coats now 0.98 Onotblrd OH All Furs One. half Off All Millinery llto'i mud Boys' Salts and Overcoats 1508 DODGE STREET rrT SSBMklBBSMsZs