THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. FEHIITARY S. 1J0. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Tiguiei on September Wheat in Former Deals. WHEAT WEAK ACAIN AND SCALPERS BUSY Raaaatr la Kant nt Ilia Omaha torn I'arrhaafa for F.mpert lay the (.alf Armour Sell . the Ma), OMAHA, Feb. 7. The iroed Is turning its intention to September wheat and trying lu rigure out whether or not It In a good thing i" short ell. In 1h Lelter deal In ih year lh:'S ihe May wheat reached 11.86, the July wheal wan 11.24 and thu September !jc. In the Armour deal during; 1SW2 (ho Hept.'mher went out at Mc. In the Armour ucal uf Mav, 1S4, th'j May wus lift I lie July W and the Beptemb-r ',c Inr new atyi and Me for old style. In the Dates deal the Muy reached S11SV or 4c at one time, and flic July ii fi-w lays Bgo was il.irflt. The September is M'V". before In the lM and 1!K4 deals the September went back Into, the lH or the 7t. 'Ihe question now to be decided Is, will the September go back into tho His this year by full? Short selling In that case would he prolltable. It Ih pointed out h a poKslbility that this) year will see a larger acreage of spring wheat in the I lined Htates and Canaila than ever be fore. The Muy wheat mav advance and -considerable opinion makes weight for July being an old -rop future. The question Is, can any advance In May and July bring the September over a dollar? The May wheat was Sl.17'4 Monday for high point and the highest lodav was He below that point. The low mark wan c below. The July was at one time lK,c be low Monday and the (September wan alno weak. Liverpool cloned with a decline of ac; Antwerp and Berlin were each un changed and Riida 1'esth and Turin declined 4c. HradntreetH shows n world " increase In wheat of 6,29:1,000 bushels. There In a decreaao east of tho Rockies of I.COi.Ou) bushels and an Increase for F.nrope of 5.291, OuO buaheli. The primary receipts are 327, U00 bushels, against Mo.nuo hushels last year, and the shipments 260.ijo bushels, against 3a.U0O bushels. Tho Chicago con tract stocks have decreased Is.lHO bushels for the week. The Nd. -2 red Is 271. Ml and Ihe No.' 1 northern Is 2. fro bushels, both of these not chanaflng. The No. 2 hard de creased from 1.12, KU bushels to 1.06l,ti22 bushel.. The total stocks are l,338,t3 bushels. Chicago has the report that Omaha has old 80u,"00 bushels of corn, free, on hoard, t 42c, for export via the gulf. Shipper were also reported buying 2M.00O bushels In Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois' and taking advantage of the low rates. . These rumors re exaggerated, but there Is a good corn business here, which does not appear on the floor of the exchange. Armour sold from foo.ono to 1.000,000 bushels of corn today In Chicago. It Is surmised these sales are made against country purchases. The primary .receipts are fi57,000 bushels against 763,000 bushel last year, and the ship ments 4u6.000 bushels .against 4!f,000 bushels. The Hradstreet flgUrea show a world's In crease In corn of 424.HOO bushels. The oat decrease la 844,000 bushels. Omaha Cash Pales. OOKN-Ni). 3 yellow, 1 car, 42c. OAT8-Nd.'8 Whltel car, 2914c.', Oman Cask. Frltvea. WHEAT No, 2 hard. Sl.O70l.OS; No. 3 hard, 1 nfiff 1.07; No. 4 hard. SUcfoll.CH; No. i spring, 31. OS. , COHN-No. 2,' 4isc) No. S, 41c; No. 4. 40ty41o;-no "grade, Jtt';40c;,. No. 2 yellow, 4Jc; No. 3 yellow, 42c; No. 2 white, 414c; No. 3 white, 414e. OATS No- 2 mixed, 2SV4e; No. 3 mixed, Mo; M. 4 mixed, 27c; No. 2 white, 2S'4c; No. 3 white, 29'4jc; No. 4 white, 284c; stan dard,' 2SHc. 1 Carlot Receipts, ' " ' v Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 29 603 142 Kansas City 65 43 24 Minneapolis 11)6 nulutti 33 St, I-ouls 23 40 33 Omaha 8 72 10, SI.,. Cm track. No. 1 northern. ll.ll'V o t northern. Sl.oSN; May, S1.1S; July, tl.uv: Bentember, 4tc. OATS To arrive and on track, 9'ic. Wheat (laatatlona at Minneapolis. The range of prices tn Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, was: Commodity. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat ' ' ' May 1.1M, 1M 1.14',' i.VoK July U3i i.i3"AL 1.1241 1.184, September ... Vt H54 9ft', I ' 9iH MB W YORK UKIKR4L MAHKKT i (notations Varlons o the liny Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. T.-FLOUR-Receipts. 20,668 bbla.; -exports, 17,120 bbls.; the market was steady but quiet; Min nesota patents, 5.xt i.20; Minnesota bakers, ' 4.3ofi4.il6; winter patents, $5.fi0 (p.86i winter straights. 35.2tiHi5.36; Win ter extras, 33.tt6b4.3i; winter low grades, 33.46(04.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 4.36'a4.7'; choice to lancy, 4.7;i'o5.. buck wheat flour, slow: per luo pounds, 32.00j2.10. CORN MEAI Steady; line white una vel low, 31.35; coarse, new, Sl.OMf 1.07; klln drled, . RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 80c. asked. HA RLE Y Quiet; feeding, 43,c, c.l.f. New York; malting, 4662 e. I. f. UufTaJo. WHEAT Receipts. 10.7X bu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 11.22V t- o. b. afloat ; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.27S- f- o. b. afloat; No. I hard Manitoba. 31.11V f. o. b. afloat. Options opened firmer on foreign buying and was afterward very Irregulur, with u light trade, finally advancing on the big decrease in domestic stocks covering: and a small In terior movement. The close showed a par tial 4He net advance. May, 31.15 15-ltMj) 1.1S. closed at 31. Ill1: July. 3104 15-ltk&i 1.06V closed at 3106H; September, 974j7Hc. Closed at 97V. CORN Receipts, tio.375 bu.; exports, 6,984 nn. Spot market steady; No. 2, 644e ele vator, and 61c. f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 31So; No. i white. 6140. Options market was dull and about steady, closing lc net lower; May closed at 60Hc; July closed at OATS Receipts, 46.000 bu.; exports. 13,320 hu. Boot market steady: mixed, 2tf to 32 lbs., );t!H371c; natural while. 30 to 32 lbs.. "Vifl37Ho; cupped white, 3t to 40 lbs., 374i Ke. , HAY Quiet: shipping, 6AM6c; good to Choice, 8Wi6e. HOPS Easy: state, common to choice 1304, t34c; 1908. 3(J'c; olds, 14"j1tfc- Pa clflc coast, 1904. "SKiiMtr; 1903, 29fij3:c; olds, 14fl8o. IIIDE9 Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs 13c; California, 21 to Jo tiis., 19c: Texail (dry). 34 to 30 lbs.. 14'c. ' T.KATHEH Firm; acid, 24260. PROVISIONS Flee f. steudv; family siion 12 00; mess. W Wrt.M; beef hams. 32" uotfi 23.60; packet. 10.5O:.i 1 1.00; cltv, extra India mess, 315.OiiTn7.Oci. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. 3rt.7iVrt7.50; plrkld shoulders 00 HfH.SO; pickled hams. 3S.76tfiS.00. Lard quiet western steamed. 37. IS; refined, quiet con tinent. 37 20: South America, 37.75; com tWHind. 34.TMfti.12V Pork, steady; family 8l 2fS!s5' ,'ort ll,'rtr' 13.1fli50;, mess! T ALLOW-Firm: city i33 per pkg.) 40. rountrv. (pkgs. free), 4V(HlvaO. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra 6'A Cfc: Janan. nomliuil. m BVTTER Market strong renovated, com mon t extra, I71i2fic; western faetorv common to extra. 17eo-'4c; western Imitation Creamery, common to extra; 21fK!7c CHEKSK Market firm; state full cream large. Isle made, colored and white, choice ltc. EWS Market strong: western finest, un froeted. 81c: western, average best 3uc POli!HRY'A!,v":. Market steady; west ern chickens. 11V-; fowls. 14c; turkeys. l5o. HiVL ar.k,w' "rm: western chickens. 18Jil4c; fowls. 13Hc; turkeys. 15ci20i-. Kansas Clly Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Feb. T.-WIIEAT-ln-rhanged lo higher; May. 3I.0US; July siu.. No. f hard. $1.121.14; No 3. II 0uu 1 2" I? 4. 8$1.06: No. 2 red. 3I.U l.l; No 8l.12al.13; No. 4. tlx:'VlM. "i&M&S; & cars. CORN-FIrm: May. 4:4.140; July, 4XVi V5i vash. No. 2 mixed, lo; No. 3, 43c; No. S while, 41c; No. 3. 44c. OAT8-8teady; No. 2 white, 3ia3l14o; Nu. J mixed V. BI TTKK-Creamery. dairy, lo HAV-Steady; choloe timothy, 39 30410.00: choice prairie. 37 oorji.oo, RYK Steady TSHc X10 Steady; Missouri and Kansis. I.ew No. whltewoud case Included. JOc; case count, 2KV: case returned, Uu u,i. . . Receitits. Shipments. Wheat, bu 32.iJt iw.4iM torn, bu w.juo , Oats, bu li.uuv it.ohI fhlladrlsihla Pruduve Market. PHILADKLPIIIA. Feb. 7-Hi'TTER-Onnd demand, firm; etra western. ream err. San; extra nm.-hy prints. 31c. KfKlS-. Firm. giod dotnand; nearby fresh and weetern fresli. v. at mark. . .'HEE8F Qule' bift "rm; N"w York fn'l Teams, fancy. T.tuV-; choice. U ; fair t goud, UHtfiiV'. Dulath Grain Market. UL'Ll'TH. F.h. 7 -WIIFAT-To arrive. No. 1 nortLru, 1 ui Nw. J uoitbvrn, CHKAOO GHAI A .NO PHO ISIOS Fralarrs ( the Tradla and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 7.-A smaller Incresse Hi. in opectej in the worlds visiole supply cause a nrm casn demand In tne wneat pit here touay. final quotations on May were up wmo nrt Julv "a'lV. l.'orn Is down -fa-ao Oats are practically un rliangeo. rovlsions ate 7'4je to l-"4e oft. ihe general attitude of wneat tinners at the opening was wlthuut uecliied leaning Initial quotations on May were a snaoe lower to a shade higher at l.!S-va July was a shade lower to V'i'iC nighei, al 31.1'HaSl.Olin. Comninsslon nouses were lair nuyeis. At tho seme lime mere was considerable selling by pit traders, espe cially of the July delivery. Atter tne nrst hair hour the market yleidert eomeevhat to selling pieesure. Mav declining to l . lhV and July at II.M'v Some 01 tne selling wan Iwuted on expectations ol a large Increase In the world s available stocks, i.ater, upin tne announcement of the vlsllile supply sta tistics showliia: mi increase of 6.2VI."' ousn eis, some operators who ban sohl , early turned buyeis. Shorts also were rair pur chasers late in the day. The market gr. l ually developed firmness, May udvanclng to ll.luVcl 17. July sold up to l.l's- 'he cloee was almost at the highest point of the day, hnal quotations on jtay tn-ing at 31.16V July closed at 31.01V Primary re ceipts were 3-7,3i) bushels, compared with t4U ai bushels a veur ago. Minneapolis, Luluth and Chlcatru reported ri-eelpts of Kl cars, aaninst 29; cars last week and 32 cars a year ago. Notwithstanding heavy selling by a prom inent elevator interest, the corn marKet held comparatively steady. A good demand from commission houses readily absorlied all offerings and held the marKet steady at a small decline. Lower cables and lib eral receipts were early bearish Influences. May opened a shade to He lower nt 46'Vui 4o-c, sold off to 46c and closed at 4ie. Lo cal receipts were 603 cars, none of contract grade. Trading in oats waa very quiet, being mainly of a scalping nature. The market was steady throughout the day. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at 30J to aOVtiilOV;, sold off to Soo snd closed at 80V- Local receipts were 142 cars. Liberal receipts of live hogs caused weak ness In the provision market. The volume if business wan small. At the close May pork was off 12Vo at 31&82V Lard and ribs were each down 74c at 3 0 and 36.82V Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 12 cars; corn, 177 cars; oats, 63 cars; hogs, 8,0no head. . . The leading; futures ranged as follows: A'rtlclea. Open.l High. I Ijow. Close-! Yes y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn Feb. May July Oats Feb. May July Sept. Pork Feb. May Lerd Feb. May July Ribs Feb. May July 1 16H 1 JIM 1 01 'W 1 01 "4, 4 VI II 16'4fl 1 11 I 01' 46VfH 1 UM. 1 01V 46Vt 46 30N4eVl'V8',4 30''aSi30,''aV 2STfc2i28H59i U 924 7 06 6 90 7 00 46 46H 30 30t 2SV: 12 2V! 12 80 8 95 16 90 7 07V! 7 00 90 7 00 83 8 96 1 140 1 16Ti 1 1 OlVd 1 oiv 1 H WTfcl WV4 42V 2 45'46 464 46V '904 30H 804 28ts 12 82V 12 82V 70 ; 8 90 7 00 6 2H 8 82V 97H 30'i 304 29 12 95 8 77H 87 7 10 8 70 90 T 06 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: 6.20: straights, 3I.8WH6.00; spring patents. 36.006.60; straights, )4.ooit4.9o; Daxers , -'.w 63 90. WHEAT-No. 2 spring, tl. 1391.18; No. 8, 31.06iil.16; No. 2 red, 31.18V$120- CORN No. 2, 4S'4c; No. 2 yellow, 43V- OATS No. 2, 30Mic; .No. 2 white, 82f(j32ic; No. 8 white, SO-'iiflUZc. . RYE No. 2, 75c. BARLEY Good feeding, 3738c; fair to choice malting, 484614c- SEEDS No. 1 flax, 31.16; No. 1 northwest ern, 31.22; prime timothy, 33.004J2.75; clover, contract grane, iz.tiu. PROVISIONS Mess pork. Tier bbl., 312 82H ft'12.ti6. Lard, per loo lbs., tfl.704r8.72. Short ribs sides (loose). $ MhtftG.lo; short clear sides (boxed). 34 76AA.87V Followltig- were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 13.600 SO.OOO Wheat, bu W.onft H4.700 Corn, bu. '. 357.3no 2R3.7O0 Oats, bu 139.200 204,700 Rye. bu , 1. 8.600 5,100 Barley, bu 82,400 l,8O0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 13Sa0c; dairies. 194325c- Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 24$j;i9c; firsts, 32c: prima firsts, 34c; extras, 3fic. Cheese, steady, 11 12c. St. I. sale Oral a and Provlsloaa. ST. LOl'IS, Feb. 7. WHEAT Iower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 31.154 r track, 3i.lK 1.19: May. 3M5VtPl.5V July, 7c; No. 1 hard. 1.)301.15. CORN Easy; No. 2 cash, 43c; track, 44Hc; May, 48T4c; July, 444c OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 31c; track, S2c; May, 34'(304c; No. 2 white, 33c. FLOUR Dull and heavy; red winter pat ents, 35.35fr6.65; special brands, 36.866.85; extra fancy. 34.86i85.00; clear. 84.404.60. 8KP:D8 Timothy, steady. 32.0uft2.40. I'ORNMEAL Steady. 82.40. BRAN Dull and unchanged; sacked, east, track, 86c. HAY Steady; timothy. 38.00igl2.00; prairie, 35. HU9.50. IRON COTTON TIES-93C. BAOaiNQ-7'4c. HEMP TWINE 6V. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing. 312.07V Ird. lower; prime steam. 88 .82V Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7.60; clear ribs, 37.62H: short clear, 37.874. POULTRY Steudy: chickens. 9c; springs, 10c; turkevs, 16c; ducks, 12c; geese, So. BUTTER Quiet; creumery, 2430Hc; dairy, 16(ii25c. EuGS Higher, 32c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.000 15.0M Wheut, bu,... 23,000 77.(0) Corn, liH. 41,Ui 48,00) Oats, bu 34.000 46,1.00 Visible Snpply of Uraln. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-8peclal cables and telegraphic communications received by Brudstreets show the following changes lu available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat.' United States and Canada, east of tho Rockies, decreased 1.007.0iX) bushels; afloat, for and In Europe, Increase ti.3ai.000 bushels. Total supply, increased 6.203.000. Coin. United States and Canada, east of the Rockiea, Increased 424, W) bushels. Oats. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased. 316,000 bushels. The following important decreases were reported this week: An wtimitte of 200.000 bushels at tho Northwestern Interior elevator. 108.000 bush els' at Louisville. 75.01 ) bushels at Port Huron, 60,000 bushels at Goileiicn and 55.C0O bushels In Manitoba. Minneapolis Oraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 7-WIIEAT-May. II.I6VUI.IM4: July. 3t.l8S6'1.1SV; September. 95V: No. 1 hard. 81.1HH; No. 1 northern, II HV No. 2 northern, 31.104. FLOUR First patents, 36.2W6.S0: second patents, tVOutKUO; first clears, 34.154.36; e Mind clears, K txtfi2.7i. BRA N In bulk. 113.50. . Mllwankeo Orals Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. T.-WHFAT-Dull; No. 1 northern. 81 l&til 18; No. 2 northern, tl.lUal.13: May. 311HV bid. RYE W higher; No. 1. 81tl82Hc. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, BJ.-; sample, c. UORN-r;asler: 0. 3 yellow. 43c; May, 45V bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 7.--WH EAT Snot, nominal; futures, easy; March, 7s Sd; May, 6s 1IV1: July, os IN. UORN-Spot American mixed new steariv. 4s VI: American mixed, old. quiet 4s l'Vd. futures quiet; March, 4a Id; May, 4s 2d. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Uneven tod Intermittent Bine of Values on Wall Etreet Continues. Toledo Heed Market. TOLEDO. Feb. 7 - 8 FED Clover, cash. 17.10: February 37.40; March. 37.46: April. 37. Hi; Octuls-r. 35.8a: prime alslke, 87.80; prime runoiny, casn, niarcn, ei.ii. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Feb. 7 CORN-Murket steudy; No. 3. 4014c; No. 4, 41V; no grade, 4lic- NEW HIGH LEVEL OF PRICES REACHED Ranaor That There Hill Be o legis lation on rials Hates for This session (lives Strength to Railroad 1. 1st. NEW YORK, Feb. 7. The uneven and Intermittent rise In prices as cuiitlnued today on the stock exchange. There were more railroad stocks Included in the move ment than was the case yesterday, but the relative prominence of the Industrial and specialties was still great. The rail rosd stocks which were acllve and strung were not of first rat importance in ih. Ir representative capacity or In the piopur th.ns of the market fur them. Many of the most conspicuous favorites In the mar ket were slugKish end comparatively tug lected, especially after the opening ad vance, which was In sympathy wlm the London market. The strength abroad was attributed to rumors of peace negotiations, which were of less Influence here, so that the higher prices for Am-rlcnn stocks sent 1 1 cm 1 ondon, h le they we,e well letalnrd were noi extended In the esse ot some u the leaders. Yesterday's rumors of a com prehensive merger of local traction stocss dropped Into the background today, with the natural result of some realising In those stocks. But one of the notable feat ures of the rotation of rumors which have Induced the spotty rise in prices Is the manner in which Ihe advances are re tained after the rumors have spent their force. The Inference suggested by this aotlon of the market Is that the rumors of deals are suggested bv the movement In stocks, rather than being the cause ot them. While the stocks affected fall Into neglect, they yield comparatively little. As a consequence the average level of prices la constantly rising. Today It was nt the highest In many months, althougn many stocks are slightly below the max imum. Specific causes for the buying of Individual stocks were larking, but it In probable thnt a large general effect was produced by the report that the Interstate and foreign commerce committed of the senate was to sit during the summer re cess to Investigate the railroad rate mak ing question. This was adopted as a prac tical announcement that definitive legisla tion was to be postponed beyond the pres ent session of congress. Tbe advances In southern Iron stocks were due to vague rumors of a project of a consolidation of southern Iron Compa nies. The United States Steel stocks were almost Immovable for the greater part of the session. The special strength of Nor folk & Western and of Atchison In the railroad list were unaccounted for. The common carriers were helped bv the cen sus bureau's final report of cotton ginned up to January 18. Indicating a crop of close to 13,000,i)n0 bales. The rates of ex port grain, which were re-established after being cut, were out again. The enor mous diversion of corn traffic from the Atlantic ports to the gulf already effected Is sufficient notice of the serious character of this contest. The rates for sterling- ex change yielded to a slight extent, but In quiries Indicated that practically all of the 35.000,000 In gold bars transferred to New York from the Philadelphia mint would go out on Thursday. The realising- of profits cost only a slight portion of the advance and the market closed steadv at very little below the best. Bonds were firm. Total sales par value, United States bonds were all un changed on call. Wuoiations on tho New York Stock ex change were as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. 60,500 81.14 . 87 H9Vi 1,400 lirj-ji 1024 102U Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line B. & O... do tf d Can. Pacific Central of N. J dies. & Ohio Chicago & A do pfd Chlcaao Ot. Western 8.200 j. ac is. w C M. A St. P Chicago T. Sc T do pfd CCC & St. L., ex-dlv Colo. A Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del.. L. & W D. & it. ii do pfd Erie do 1st pfd 5ii0 122 122 12: 8,9U0 1H6'4 1044 10474 200 97 97V4 97 4,200 134"4 133 134S4 200 28,40) 6i'i 494- 60 42 80 23Hi 23U 21L Z" ZJ1V4 210 14,100 176H 176 1764 2.100 1,500 "i'.soo 4KI 17V4 'V4 24 64 1.1 lti 29 2 64 4 88V 2,100 19414 192' 100 1.3'W 22.0(a) 3.2110 do 2d pfd 1,800 40O 200 324 43S 80 85 '4 90 91 32H 88 14 44 8HI4 66Mj 91 91 2.3110 15(4 156 400 31V4 31 400 68 61 3.NH0 31V 31 10,000 m 88 3.000 138 1374 1S7V 2.200 171'i 171U 171 IO nakfs UJlT U1" Ol1 74 1U 1 30 96 264 63U . 3Si4 198 845 32 87 43T4 8OV4 65 8H 9 156 31 67H 81V4 08 27.900 128 I2014 120H 1,600 22H 22iZ 22U 200 614 m 1,800 100 991 100 600 161 15914 159Vi 8,700 108 107 107S 300 31i 31 31V 300 66'i 60V 66 V 3.800 14814 147 1474 13.700 46V4 44V 46 41.200 84 812 K3s 93 66.2(10 1e)i4 139 140 Hocking Valley do pfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L. Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. A 8. Ste M. do pfd .f..... Mo. Pacific M.. K. ft T do pfd Nat'l R R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A W Norfolk A W do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. L. ... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd... Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd So. Pacific... do Dfd So. Railway do pfd Texas A Pacific Tol., St. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W, A 1-rfike Erie... Wis. Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex...... U. 8. Kx Wells-Fargo Ex... Amal. Copper Amer. far A K. ... do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.. do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil. do pfd Amer. Ixicomotlve do pfd Amer. Hinclt. A R... 24.) do pfd 2') lUiV 118T, 118,. Amer. Sugar Ref 8.CX) 114 143 144 Amer. Tub. pfd certlf 13,ln0 W 98 994 Anaeonna nt. ,o. Biooklvn R. T.... Colo. Fuel A I.... Con. Oils Corn Products do pfd 1.500 784 Distillers' Securities. I.OjO M4 General Electric 4n0 17 Inter. Paper !,3oo 23 do pfd 1.800 774 Inter. Pump loo 3$4 do pfd Natl Ieid 17.2HO 324 No. American l.lm Pacific Mall (HO People's Gas 1.2O0 Pressed Steel far 8ia) do pfd HO Pullmen P. far 6110 RepubUe Steel !.00 do pfd 4.100 Rubber Goods 2.600 do pfd Tenn. Coal A 1 4(i.5fl0 77; U. 8. T-athor i6?oo 14H do pfd ?3 V 10 V. t. Realty 11.700 W4 V. 8. libber R.7w 3"i do pfd laoo 1034 V. S. Steel 21.700 31 do nfd eir-dlv 44.) u. Vs. Cro. Chemical.. 700 3.1 do nfd Weiinarh. Fiectrlc Western T'nlon J00 93 81 94. 934 91 35 , 81 'I 73 264 63 674 H83; 34 974 36 36 54 1224 97 23 45 23 &i 248 744 334 93 36 '6 40 37 87 51) lr.l 14.900 (SI- 37.900 494 18.7m) 2104 9.4m) 22' 600 62,Su0 100 1.000 18,300 700 WO 2.000 14.300 13.6IH) 7IK) 4.90 6H0 2,HX 800 300 56.200 600 1,100 9110 '21V) ROD 100 15.900 4'H) 200 l.LVJ "joo 3.61x1 'L300 8(1 9:14 934 91 34 8u4 72 26 62 66 118 344 974 38 . 36 634 1214 97 2.' 45 23 50 246 73V4 33 93 344 '64 3!'4 364 S2 i 474 205 22 74 36 81 944 9:14 914 34 4 s 63 674 1184 3414 974 30 38 634 1224 964 22 45 18 22 50 246 233 130 240 73 33'i 92 844 3 S!l7i 111 37 36 11 014 1lW '! 48 20''4 22 78 SO Li 4 1X54 18!4 T'H 3"4 76 38 88 314 103 lc.'4 1034 43 434 43 loV 35V 89 244 10 t 25, 109 3H 89 ?4B 10V 7" 274 734 13 10i 884 38 101 so. 9 J 1 . 34 92 Total sales for Ihe day, 984.8uO shares. 1 308 96 84 244 1 7d 11 97 76 111 89 374 103 l; vv 914 3X V74 179 92H CoBTee Matlael, NEW YORK. Feb, 7. 4' IFF EE Market for futures ot.ened steady at unohanged prices to an advance of 6 points on atuady Eiirmwan cables and modnrste RrasllUA receipts. The demand was slack, but there was little offering and later the market showed some further Improvement on Indi cations for light Sao Paolo receipts tomor row. After having shown a net gwJn of utiout 6ui0 oolnts on sales, however, orlcee eased tin undr liquidation and was finally J steady, net unebangHI to a points higher. Hales were rer-ted of 46 0O8 bags. Including Marrh at T.18c; Mav. 7.4Ar: July. 7.68: Au gust. 7 76c: September. 7. (Or. and Decem ber, i-lKus-ltc, oixit. quiet; ,N'a 1 lUu, Ihaa NEW YORK. rb. 7. -The following are tl' closing quotatlnr mi mining stocki: . . f. M fll ..Its Cki.l A4aau Ca A I It lir4H- llrantrk Cea . Cuinainik Tunnsl I'en. l'l. A Vs. Hors Silver Irna Sllvr Laillll i on . le . if. .. 11 . t . . ! ltd .MS ANnint paid. '.utle ( kief t 'ntr: :i 'lDhlr 1KA PbentK 10 Foloal . .! II sirra Kr4A 4 Small Hopea St4naar4 Treaenry Stafemeal. WASHINGTON. Feb 7-Today's stste raenl cf the trasary balances n the n eral fund, exclusive of the gold reaerva U the itlvUioa of reuruiptmn, Fhows- Available cash balsnce, 3142,490892; gold, 343,251,148. Xew torn. Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 7-MONEY-4ln call, steady at 1P2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per r-nt; oriered at 2 per cent; time loans, steady; sixty days. 2tt.1 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 34034 P"f cent, PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-344'4 per cent STERLING EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business In bankers' bills at l 87f"d 4: for demand and at 34.8S66--f4 ,;0 for slxtv-day bills: posted rates, 84.864 and 34.7; commercial bills, 34864. SILVER Bar, 14c; Mexican dollars, 474r- Hi )ND8 Government, steady; railroad. Irregular, t losing quotations on bonds were: V. 8. ref. !a, rt... .104, Japan j. ctta MS so eeusntt Mi l. N unl. 4a IW So to. ref 1A3V Manhattan e. m. 4a...lnt do coupon l'il-vMv central 4 74' do new 4a. res 1.11 Mo lt Inr M So tnupon 1 Jl iMInn. 4V St. L 4a ... T 4o eln 4s. ref MV4M . K. T. 4a mi do coupon HA I do ?a t' Am. Tnbarrn 4a, ctfa. 74 N. n. R, of M t- 4a. do a, i-lfa.. Atihlann cn. 4a do ad). 4a Atlanta ('. I.. 4a... Hal. Ohio 4a do la Central of Ua. 6a. . . Mo 1st Im do 2d Inr ChM Ohio 4Sa.. Chlrago a A. SiB. ('.. B A q n. C, R. I. P. 4a.. do col. Sa TCC. A 9. L. (. 4i chlcafn Ter. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a... I',. In. A So. 4a Cuba 5a. itfa P R. I). 4. ... fMatlllera' Sec. r.a . Ena prior lien 4a.. do gn. 4a W. I). '. la. H'knig Val. 4'a.. Bid. .117 "N. T. C. s S"a 1ft ..IM'alN J. C. x. la 1M .. M4 Nn. I'ailflc 4 !" ..mi's do 3a 77', . .1' ;"N. w. f. 4a mi . . IO B. I. rfda 4a 9 ..lltP-nn ronr. ty im .. l Keadlng (en. 4a......l02 .. IHI. L,. A. I. M. r ..ln 1st. L. S. K. f 4a. !a . . J 1st 1,. s. w. v. 4a... -' . .liS Seaboard A. L. 4a M . . 1, Sn. i'at lflr 4a W .. MV'Ku. Hallarair la U . .H'S Texas at P. la 1:-4 . . rvT.. St. L,. w. aa.. 84 .. 7S il nlon racltli- 4a I'M .. do com-. 4a 1!'S ..inS'l'. . at eel ad ia H44 ..lKlu.wtbaah la IIS .. 79V 1I0 deb. B ' . Weaiern Md. 4a SS .. 2S W. A L. K. 4a M ..iii"a, wis. central 4 J4 Boston stork Market. BOSTON, Ken. 7 -Cnll loans, 2' cent; tlma loans, 3j4 per cent, closing on stocks ami bonds: Atchlann adj. 4a Advnntura ,. do 4a lf'.'H AUii '. .. Met. Central 4a 74 Amalgamated Atrhlaon .. 8 lAnieriran Klov do pfd 1i Allantlc Boaton & Albany... .2H iillnghHni Hoaton Elevated lai. a iieria... .141 Crnlennlal Kl'rhhlirt pfd Maalcan Central '.. N. Y.. N. H. aV II. Per Marquette .. t'nlon Pacific Amer. Arte. Chem do pfd Amen Pneu. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd . . 14. Copper Range . . .57 1, Daly West .. iliomlnlon loal . .12:4'Krankiin .. 21 (Irancy .. XI 1 1 le Ruyala .... . . fiVMaaa. Mining .. , .14ni, Mlrhlgan . I W Mohawk Amer. T. T 144V,-. Monl. C. aV C. Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. t: 9. Edlann Klec. Illu... General Elei-trlc ... Maaa. Klertrlc do pfd Maaa. Gaa I'nlted PruJI United Shoe Ma,h.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlng. rommon . Bla. "Asked. 15' old Dominion . Oareola . 18L, rarrot .251V Qulncy .1MV Shannon . 11 ITamarack . 6SV4 Trinity . 4i4i a. Mining.. .104:1'. 8. Oil 7 ;t;tah is 4' 811 Victoria .. Winona .. Wolvertn j'ira per oniclal ..... ti 1K 74 11 )' :?' fi 1; 6Sl 1''4 61 1V 6 r. 1: U'i hi 41 2' -7 110 4 131! 10 MS ' 411 44 114 Ul' London Stock Market. IONDON, Feb. 7. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: fonaola, money .... I -14 NT. V. Central lf.tV do account -l.Norfolk & W M: Anaconda 6l do pfd S Atrhlaon 8!)klOnlarlo A W 4": do pfd l"4i Pennaylvanla 714 Baltimore A Ohio. . . . 107 Rand Mines 11 Canadian Pacific l'TReadlng 4 Chea. & Ohio MVa do lat pfd 47V Chicago Ot. W 23HI do Id pfd 4 C, M. ft fit. P movj8n Railway 36V DeBeera li'H do pfd 9', D. ft R. Q 'So Pacific . do pfd 79v,i'nlon Pacific 1244 Erie 44 do pfd loo du lat pfd I', 8. Hteel 314 do 2d pfd MVal do pfd Illinois Ceniral 15a Wabaah 2.1 Loula. ft Nash, 140V4 do pfd 4v, M, K. .ft T... 32 V Span lab 4a 9 BII.VER Bar, steady, 284d per ounce. MONEY 24'if24 per lent. The rate of discount Jn the open' market for short bills is 2 7-Hi'("-'4 per cant ; for three months' bills, 2 7:lfi per cent. Bank fleering OMAHA, Feb.-7. The bank-clearings for Tuesday were 31,221,749.93. For the same day a year Hgo the.-rlcartnga were 31,187, OMAHA ' WHOl-CS ALfc MARKET. Condition t, Trado p it Qo'otstloos on - "Staple and rsscr1 Predict. EGOS Candled stock,,' 35c. LIVE POULTRY .Chickens, 94ftl0c; roosters, 5c; turkeys, 15o; ducks, 10c; geese, 8&9c. . DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys, 1820c; ducks, llUc; geese, 10llc; chickens, 10 11c; roosteis, flf 'c. BUTTER Packtng stock, 19Vc; choice to fancy dairy, 22ia26ci creamery, 23&'.'ac; print. 30c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout, 9c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 3c; perch, 7c; blueflsb, 12c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 13c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, (green). 80c; lobster ibolied), 83c; bullheads, 11c; catnsn, 14c: blacK bass, 20c; halibut, 12c; crapples, 12c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; frog leg's, per doa., 25c, BRAN-Per ton, 317.00. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 86.01 No. 2, medium. 35.00; coarse, 3160- Rye straw, 'o.00. These firlces are for nay of good color and qual . ty. OY8TER8 New York counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per can, 3ie. standards, per can. 80c; bulk stsndards, tier gal . 3i.40; bulk extra selects, per gal., 31. (6; bulk New York counts per gal.. 31. 90. TROPICAL ''FRUITS. ORANGES California extra fancy Red land navels, all sizes, 32.50; choice Redland navels. 32.25; choice navels, all rises, 32.00; California Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, 32.00. LEMONS-Callrornla. fancy, 32.75; 300 and 360. 33.50; choice, 33.25. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs., 32 00; Hallowe'en, In .0 lb. boxes, per lb. 644J6C. FIGS California, per 40-io. carton, 5 86c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 124c; 5 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c; tancy imported (washed), In 1-lb pkgs., lti18c; California, per case of 36 pkgs., V&.'ti. BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, Il.764i3.26; jumbos. 32.5O&3.00. GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 64 to 64, 30 00. FRUITS. APPLES New York Kings, 33. i5; New Vork Greenings, 32.76, New York Bald wins, 32.75; Colorado Jonathans, 4.1.75; Wine-saps, per. bu. box, 31.50. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bb)., 33.00; Jerseys, per bbl., 37-75; per box, 32.75. GRAPEb Imported Malagas, per keg, 6 '. 30. TANGERINES Florida or California, par 4-box. 32.50. VEaETAB.tE8. POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per bu., 45c; Colorado, per bu., fcc. 1 l xm ira-uia. per lu., uc; uanaaa ruia bagas, per ib.. le. CARROTS-Old. per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu., 40c. BFETS Old, tier ou... wo. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 3I.952.00. ONIONS Home grown, red in sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanlali, per crate, 32.60; Colorado yellow, U'.r lb., ic. white, pci lb., 2',c. crCIJMBERS Per doi.. 32 25. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, 34.50. CAP.BAOE Holland seed, per lb., lic. SWEET l'OTATOES-Kansas kiln dried, per bbl.. 32.60. CELERY California, 454p76c. RADIHHES-Hothouse, per doz., 45c. ONIONS New, southern, per doz., 4ic. CARROTS New. per doz.. 46c. BEETS New. per doz.. 45c. TURNIPS New. per doz.. 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen heads. 60c. RHUBARB Per doa. bunches. 75c. PARSLEY Per doz. bunches. 75c MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT-Wisconsin. per keg., 12.60. CIDER New York, per bbl., 35.60; per half bbl.. 33 25. CHEESE Wisconsin (wins, full cream, Kav'alSc; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block 8wls. nsw. 16c; old, 16bl7c: Wiscon sin brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmuurger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 8tyc: No. 2 salted. 7c; No. i veal calf, 9c; No. 3 veal calf, 7c; dry salted. 614e; sheep pelts, '.'ictiJl.Ou; horse hldee, Il.6u4j3.00. NUTS Walnuts, No 1 soft sheila, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 3 soft shells, per lb.. 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., l.V. small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c, Chill walnuis. per in.. 124J18V: alrhofida, toft shell, per ib., 17c; hjrd shell, per lb., 15c: chestnuts, per lb.. 12Vtf15c; nee black wulnutu. er bu. 75490c; shellbaik hickory nuta. per bu., ei.ii; lair hickory nuts, per 11. iv. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Very Slow in Arriving, Which Delayed Market in Bad Shape. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE TO TEN LOWER Receipts of Mieep Qalte Liberal and W hile More Desirable tirades olil Freely at steady Prices. Com mon Kinds alow and Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 7. 1906. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday' 1.9S8 3.903 6.316 Official Tuesday 4.6W 3.500 8.10) Two dava this week .. 8.618 13.4 13.418 Same davs last week.... 8.4-2 10 6.3 10.271 Same week before 8.370 17.335 13.3t Same throe weeks ago... 7.758 17.13 1H.112 fame four weeks ago.. . .10.39:4 11.358 12.3a"i Same days last year .... 5.S66 1 4.439 17.038 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following- table shows the receipts of cattle hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale with comparisons with last year: 1905. 1901. Inc. Pec. Cattle S4 513 S7,37 Hugs 24,OMi 229.933 15,153 Sheep 14.979 182.' 22 33,04"! The f.Ilii-',ng table shows the BVft-Hge price 0r hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison": 19i)l. I19II0. 11899. -r Jan. 16... Jan. 17... Jin 18. ..1 Jn. IB. ..1 Jan. 20... Jan. 21... Jsn. 22... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. 26... Jan. 26... Jan. 27... Jan. 28... Jan. 29... Jan. 30... Jan. 31... Feb. 1... Feb. 2.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 4.... Feb. 6.... I Feb. ii.. ..1 Feb. 7....I 19'I5. 11904 '1903.11932. 6 49 6 15 6 601 6 17' 4 t 6 221 4 74; 6 39 I 4 6Xl 6 47 6 27 4 791 6 K9I S 16 6 63 6 02 ft 0 03 4 61V,; 4 74! 4 60V4I 1 61 4 67 4 I 4 86 4 6.1 4' 4 Mi w:-x 4 71 4 72-4 4 bJ 4 64 Vi 4 6ti4 4 t3 4 H9 4 70 4 72 I 4 74' 4.81 I 1 11 4 82 I 6 271 3 30 6 2i S 2T.I 8 61 1 41 3 61 4 89: 4 871 4 81 4 81 1 4 79 4 91 8 66, fl 08 6 111 6 73 o .1 6 12 t) 54; 5 95 1 6 64 5 98! 6 ,4 b UOI 4 6i 4 l 4 6& 4 641 3 54 4 64 I Mi 3 5 13 4 631 6 15 4 68 3 e- X 1 ui t (l 5 13 4 48; 8 v t 181 4 i! 4 02 4 72 4 73 4 84 4 81 0 68 a 6 G8 6 70 6 80 ti 82, 6 77j 6 71 6 9i 6 93 j 5 9:1, 5 95; 8 12, H 181 6 03 6 22 6 29 5 25; 5 17 22 1 I 8 57 8 63 3 68 3 70 3 64 3 64 4 62 4 64 4 65 4 Hi 6 20 1 4 & 3 64 I 4 J2 1 89 5 31 ! I 3 69 5 23 4 86; 6 21 1 4 70; 3 56 a 28' 4 68 : 3 68 Indicates Sunday. The official number or cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M & St. P. Ry... 7 9 Wabush 1 1 Mlunnnrl - V,.IH. It v t .1 U. P. System 38 IK 22 ('. N. W. Ry 7 in V k" . M V v . . 41 i 1 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 61 15 1 B. & M. Ry 36 16 13 C, B. Q. Ry 5 6 C, R. 1. & P., east.. 12 17 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 7 10 Chicago Gt. Western. 5 8 Total receipts 209 159 38 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Caltlo.Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Packing- Co 366 1.5.3 712 Swift & Company 7H1 2.694 3.374 Cudahy Packing Co 1.103 2,240 WKi Armour &: o w 4,1. j.. Lobman & Co 167 W. I. Stephen 64 11111 & liutitztntier 152 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 57 L. F. Husz 19 Wolf & Murnan lb Sum Wertheimer 3 Mike Haggerty W, Sol Degan 7 J. B. Hoot & Co 6t Bulla. & Kline 52 S. & S 29 ..... Other buyers 222 if Total 3.960 9.590 7.468 c ATT T. IS- Quite a liberal run of cattle was reported this morning, but the trains were so late In arriving that It was the middle of tiie forenoon before buyers went Into the yards, ana it was wen along to ward noon before mucn ousiness transacted. The beef steer market was slow, with the tendency of prices downward. Some of the choicer grades sold at prices that did not look a great deal different from yes terdav, but when it came to the general run of cattle the market was slow, with hida arenerallv 6c to 10c lower. Salesmen all thought they ought to get steady prices and as a result trading was slow and .a good many cattle were carried over until afternoon. The demand for cows and heifers seemed to be about equal to tho supply and after the market opened trading was quite ac tive, with prices Just about steady. In fact some of the kinds that Just happened to suit buyers sold at a little stronger prices, but as a general thing Ihe market could best be described by calling It active and steady. Bulls, veal calves ana stags soia in prac tically the same notches they have for some time past. . The market on stockera and feeder was In falrlv Rood shape, as there were not many Included In the offerings, and, as speculators were all willing to take a few. prices held up In very satisfactory manner. Oooa neavy came, 11 unywiiiig. were a trifle stronger, with others just aouut steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. AT. Tr. No. A. i 11 to I 11x4 4 ot ....1(178 4 It ....114 4 16 1 1 SJ 4 to 10 1225 4 XI IS...-. UT1 4 tu 40 1420 4 SO 123.1 4 46 :S 162 t IS 35... 14... 11... tills and Hoalu. SAVANNAH. Ga., Feb. 7.-TI RPEX TINE Firm: 2c. KOHIV-Hm; A. B. '. 3765: D. 3257V,: E. 32.t;:Vs; F, 32.06; G lilfflH: H. 31 15: I. 31.5"; M. 34.00. N. 34 76; WO. (5 M: WW. 35 15. OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. 7 -OI!.e'redlt bal ances. 31-89: rertlnVatrai. no bid. Shipments. Hvansylvania. 73.942 bbls.; serage, l.6u bbls.; runs, Ivnns) Iranla. 19.7'i bbls ; aver age, 6 l2 bbls.; shipments. Lima. 75 9Ki bbla : average. 7U.417 bbls ; ruaa, I 16, . (63 bbls; average, 42,482 kU 1 ou 2 ru 2 HSR a WM 1 1051) 1 60 U S8 I to I u 7 3S J 0 1 1137 I X) 17 1146 l 1 12) 4 00 14 11H3 4 00 bTlliUB AIIO LUWB. MH.l 2 6h 32 1144 4 110 . ...lfinl i ! 2i 1331 4 46 ....1142 3 10 COWS. t 795 2 00 144 I 00 7 644 2 0 6 8H I 00 ( 874 II 30 12 .1131 S 20 , 401 2 40 11 101 a ts j US6 2 45 14 1063 I .10 f, 1070 2 76 62 I 0 1 1010 2 76 II lil.1l II 4(1 J 5 2 16 4 1IIJ0 3 40 - 1145 I 65 . .1067 I 40 6 1020 2 85 4 1131 3 ID 16 107S S Wl 1 H132 I 50 16 :.. 32 8 SO 2" 1043 40 2 035 J 00 4 11WI 3 t6 14 47 1U1 n mill 3 ,6 a 414 2 00 2 1?6 4 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 W I 30 BULLS. 1 610 I 75 CALVES. 1 ;o l 60 l. ill I oo 1 180 4 76 1 2IK1 6 60 I 1 lJU 6 00 6 174 6 in 1 160 i 00 ) 230 6 60 HEIF'iria. 14 TU I 70 7 W7 3 V 4 KM 3 J6 4 1126 70 a 446 I l (4TOCK CALVES. l S0 J 35 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. a 4(1 J 16 3 350 1 20 BTOCKEKS AND FEEDERS. 6 ..' 474 9 60 1 773 I 36 1 400 3 00 65 471 S 40 t til f. 10 6 1112 I 45 t SIT I 26 43 02 60 6 '. .': 3 .16 M SOI 1 70 1.11 I 35 14 1034 I 76 SI 407 Ji 42 817 1 40 HOUS There was u liberal run of hogs in sight at all points this morning and packers made use of the opportunity to break the market. The steady upward movement of the. market all last week was not entirely to their liking, and as a result they made an effort to take off quite a slice of the advance and succeeded lairly well. The general market could he quoted 5&10c lower and trading was not very active at the decline. Light- hg unless very choice i.eeined to suffer the greatest loss. They sold largely from down, though som ratner IlKhl weights of good quality sold up to 34.75. HtiK tiers and mixed hogs wont from 84.724 to 34.77V4 and heavies from $4- to 34.86, with a top at 34 to. Only a few of the packers and some of the ship pers were lu the market at the opening, so It was rather late In the day before a great deal of business was transacted. The latter end of the market was worse Instead of better tliun the opening and the late sales were mostly 10c lower and in extreme cases lightweights sold as much as 10c to 16c lower. Home of Ihe trains did not arrive until afteroon. so that It was late In the day before anything like a c!iraucr was made. Kepreseulallve sales: Ka. At. 84. Fr No. At. bb. PY. mj 174 ... 4 15 43 ...!f.4 ... 4 76 7) lat 4U 4 424 41 H ... 4 7 J 77 1 60 4 46 41 Ml ... 4 It I I M 40 4 45 71 274 ... t 7t 71 122 40 4 M 48 to ... 4 75 71 3i ... 4 44 72 20 ... 4 76 73 It7 ... Iim 10 171 ... 4 Tt 4 117 ... 4 47j 44 24 140 4 76 71 214 eo 4 47a II In ... 4 74 tt 'l 40 4 47w, a; Jjr, ao 4 7i 7 tuS ... 4 47i, .42 4i ... 4 Tt 41 1. e0 4 6T M 227 ... 4 16' ,a JSM ... 4 47, 7! 227 4,, 471 Si i7 . 4 70 4t SHI to 4 71 (0 ...SS .... 4 10 it B4 ... 4 76 t7 JIT 4 TJ 47 .' . . 4 7 47 t-4 40 4 in 61 lt 140 4 Tf'a 7 .JOT . 4 70 II 141 ... 4 17i 77 ..... . 247 s 4 t ! lan 4 TT', ... Itl ... 4 71 t. m to T7 41 iil to 4 10 41 tu ... 4 Tit WE OWN AND OFFER $500,000 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Omaha Division 3's liu Aujiust 1, 1 131. Interest diivhIiIc lYbniiirv 1 a nil August 1 in New York. Drnomination, f 1.000. Tlici44 bonds nrv a dirpct oblifiiition of tlic Illinois Central Kailronri Company ami are additionally secured by a firnt mortgage on pari of tlie main line between Chicago and Omaha. The Illinois Central l.ailmad Company is earning over three and one half timet its interest charges. It has paid dividend continuously since ISM; and since IMS at the rate of o per cent or over. At present it is paying . per ceut on $!.i.040,000 of capital stock and recently de clared a semi-annual dividend of mt cent. Listed on tbe New York Stock Exchange Legal invest meut for Savings Hanks and Trustees in New York, Massachusetts aud Connecticut. Price on Application Special circular on this and other attractive issues ou request. N. W. Harris & Company 204 Dearborn Street New York CHICAGO Boston 13 v " 4 TO 44 ...JIT 140 4 TO 71 .142 ... '4 TO 41........WI 10 4 TTH fl 14 ... 4 T 24. J!T 140 4 71 to 144 :.. 4 70 14 217 1 4 T71, 2! 174 ... 4 70 70 144 10 4 77 46 0 0 4 TO 74 271 ... 4 7T't 74 214 10 4 70 f 74 217 to 4 to (4 121 ... 4 70 It HI 120 4 til tt tl-0 ISO 4 70 41 34 ... 4 40 4t 214 120 4 TO tt 27T to 4 ku 21. ...... .144 ... 4 70 ao 244 ... 4 to 7 227 ... 4 TO It 11 ... 4 10 13 !S ... 4 70 44. ...... .2M ... 4 1'! 42 202 ... 4 70 DO 2& to 4 to 3 !- 40 4 70 47 4 ... 4 to 47 tt4 40 4 10 M 1.11 ... 4 to 71 23T ... 4 72 '4 t4 K2 ... 4 Ml 44 US ... 4 721, i : IM 4 tn TO 120 ... 4 "H 44 IV ... 4 In St J05 10 4 T2L 42 Ill ... 4 10 4 3M ... 4 731 44 :M ... 4 to 34 -It ... 4 TH4 4 Wl ... 4 l!4 73 Ill 4 T2"a II 121 ... 4 I2,i Tt 221 ... 4 7t4 44 970 M 4 42 13 m ... 4 TtVh M 241 ... 4 M't 71 142 ... 4 721, 44 109 ... 4 lt, 7 Ill 10 4 711, 44 IM 110 4 I24 4T. 211 ... 4 Tl"4 M 2t ... 4 Ml 22 224 ... 4 T24 43 174 ... 4 If. 71..... ...247 1(0 4 721, 4 401 ... 4 H 54 211 40 4 Tt 8I1KKP Receipts of sheep were quite liberal this morning snd buyers were In clined to be a little bearish. The demand, though, was quite large, so that the more desirable Rraues met with ready snle nt Kteady prices. The common and part fat kinds were what felt Ihe effects of the bearish tactics and the market on these grades could best be described by callliiK It slow, with the feeling weak. The bulk of the receipts seemed to be mnde up of wethers and ycarlinfts, and quite a large proportion of them could not be claxsed better than fair, which, of course, made the market slow. Good lambs -were In active demand nt fully steady prices and as high as $7.35 was paid. Common kinds were a little sdow. the same as was the caHe with sheep. While It waft late before Ihe hulk of the offerings was disposed of. still moat of tho desirable grades were sold In fairly good season, considering the slow arrival of trains. Quotations for fed etoc; Good to choice yeiii'linirs, $.KVd.r0; fair to good yenr yearllngs, l;.(XHifl.25; fslr to good year lings. 15. 60fc6.00; good to choice wethers. 5.(XS-5.&0; fslr to good wethers $4.601 5.0H; good to choice ewes. $4.5(Kcr5.0i: fair to grind ewes. S4.0Ota4.40; common to fair ewes, $3.50 fe'S.UO; good to choice Ininbs. $7.fK)f47.W: fair to good lambs. )fi.5U7.00: feeder yearlings, $4.5SB6.0O; feeder wethers, 44.26U4.60: feeder ewes, $3.&4J3.76; feeder lambs, 45.50ig6.25. No. Av. Pr. 1 native buck lo t w 6 native cull ewes 3 00 6 western cull ewes 94 3 oil 60 Colorado cull ewes TO S 60 48 native ewes 100 4 50 48 western ewes 113 4 80 261 western ewes "I 4 75 511 Colorado ewes 8 4 75 4X8 Colorado ewes 4 76 125 western ewes 99 75 226 western ewes 90 4 75 1 western ewe 150 5 oo 178 western wethers 97 6 45 33 western lambs 64 6 50 Ii western Itunbs 60 6 60 10 western null lambs 64 C 00 143 western lambs 62 t 00 176 Colorado yearlings 81 6 06 602 Utah lambs 8 6 60 63 western lambs , 69 7 00 108 western ewes 88 4 i 178 western ewes 99 4 80 12 western ewes 92 4 80 4 western yearling ewes 72 6 25 3 western wethers 1"0 6 35 218 western wethers 7 6 3I 304 western wethers 1 6 40 18 western yearlings 90 8 00 2 western yearlings 70 6 .6 15 western yearlings 6 26 276 western lambs 63 J 90 Zt'iO western lambs 81 7 S.i aM western lambs 81 i 85 110 western ewes v 1M 5 " 1 western buck lurch ! 8 lb 1 western buck 200 3 i5 5 western cull lambs 4i'. 4 i5 41 native ewes 115 4 90 22 native lambs S 7 00 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MAHKKT Cattle steady, lions rive to Ten l euls Lower, Sheep (Heady lo Ntronir. CH1CAOO, Keb. 7. CATTI..K Receipts, 8,000 head; market, steady; good to prime steers. $5.6iyq6.26; poor to medium, $4.idW 6.46; stockera and feeders. $2.S6'a4.8i; rows, $1.25(5:4.85; heifers, $8.00414.80: catnierx, $1.25 62.66; bulls. S2.flufy3.9o; calves. $:.00&7.J5. HOQ8 Receipts. 85.000 heud; estimated to morrow, 45.000 head; market, JCatoc lower; mixed and butchers. $4.7.iuu.OO; good to choice heavy, $4.!; rough heavy, $ if?4.80; light, $4.Mj4.85; bulk of sales, $4.iu 'U8HfOKP AND LA MBH Receipts. 1804) head; msrket for sheep, steady to strong; for lumlis, strong; good to choice wethers, $5.KMj0.0o; fair to choice mixed, S4.5tKfi5.25; western ehecp, $4.5O0-(O.OO: native lambs, $5.75 68.00; western lambs, $6.7568.01 Kausas City Mve stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 7. CATTLK Re ceipts, 7,l head. Including 600 southerns; market steadv; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.ll0ii6.75; fair to good, ll.lii'iv 4 75; westert, fed steers, t.l.bMf.b; stoekers and feeder $3.0fSi'4.26; soulhern steers, $12664.35; southern cows, ti 2i,iij3.26; nullve cows, $1.7?ii?W.iW; native heifers, $2.5oi4.2j; bulls. $2.264(l.66-, calves. $3.00441.75. HOGS Ruceipls, la.imO beau; tnurkel 1ilc lower; top. $.').n5: bulk of sales. $4.W'fi6.0i; heavv, $4.96i?c5.i; packers, $I.80J5IO; pigs and lights, $4fify4.95. BHKKP AND JAWBS-Recelpts, 9.C00 head; market 10c higher; native lambs, $6.767.66 highest In twelve years; native wethers, $6.0oaC.66', native fed ewes, ll.Tu 5.25; western lambs, eH.6mS7.46; westein fed VearlingH, $6.2fa(i6-76: western fed sheep, $4.76 5.116; stoekers and feeders, $:i.506.n". Block In Sight. Receipts uf live stork at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Bouth Omaha ..'. 4,660 .5H 1,100 Sioux City 1,6") Kansas City 7.0H0 lS.Oial 9,600 St. Joseph 2 860 11,621 4,4n5 St. I.ouls 6.0i) J.iXlo l.diai Chicago 8.000 35,0i 18.0UJ Totals .S.rlJ 84,121 41.(05 Jesrph LIt Hook Market. ST. JOBKPM, Mo., Keb. 7. CATTI.KRe celpts, 3.8A0 hetul Market steaxly to weak. Natives, $; cows tuid heifers, Sl.tiMl 4.25; stoekers and feeders, $2.6664 00. 1IOGI4 Receipts. 11.621 head. Market 1U 10c lower. Lights. $4.75i4.9o: meillum and heavv. $4 80fy6.O7i.4; bulk of sales, $4.Nii6o.ui. HHKI0P AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,4"5 head. Market stronger, iiniln, $,.wi. ioax ( Hi live Stock Market. SIOl'X CITY. la.. Feb. 7.-(iei lal Tele gisni.) CATTLK Receipts. l.ftun hd. cows, bulls and mixed, t'!.6o4.1 Go; stnekers snd feeders, l-.7iiJ3.tii. calvra and ytiwrlings. $2. 36. lI'MtH-Receipts, 6.000 heud; market big IV lower, selling at $4.456440; bulk, $4.&u 4. 7a t. I.eals Mve Stock Market. BT. I.OIT8. feh. 7.-4,A'ITLK-Re. Ipte. t.Wa) hetul. including 4 010 Texans Market steHdy. Native shipping scwl export steers, $4. 16(416 XI; dreeseil beef and B lti hera' sieers. IJ W fl 4, 7f ; mrers under I.Oki pound, tl .tn J .5; stm-kers and feeders. 2.214 on; os and heifers. Il'.w-Tj I Jo. rsnners, (I 75'i2 66; bulla, Uura--5", cahes, IJf77.j, Teiaa aud Metzger & Pedrick's GREAT NEMO L'S DUOE BROOD SOW SALE AT COUNCIL BLUFFS, Ifl., TUESDAY, FEB. 14,1905. SALK AT KIEL" HA TIN. If you want to raise pigs next yer Hint, have Ihe else and hone nn well ns tho (Inlsh to win In Hny compnny, come to this snle and buy a due sow bred to the ptnte Fnlr Winner and sire of Stale Fa,lr Win ners, Nemo L's Imde. CATAIXXU'F.S NOW HKADV. E. M. METZGER, FAIRFIELD, IOWA. S. M. PEDRICK, OTTUMWA. IOWA. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, !'et. 0, t. Otseillery Capital and Surplus, $600,000 ri4KI MURf HV. rrts. UTHEI DRAKE. Ctihler. HANK T. HAMILTON. Astt. Cssster. ft ac aire senounta 0t banka, t-enkara, eorpor stlona. firms and iDdltlduele os faeopable iarma. rsrelfn Eli-kanae beught aa4 Mid Latura el ereiil laauad. svallabla la all Srta ol tfea world. Interaat paid ea Tims Cartl6cataa of Pepoatt CoilArtlona nada promptly and aaoaeialiMUlr, Wa raqaest Mrraepeadaaoe. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated.) Halo Office: Fifth and Roberts Street! ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN ' Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Braaek Office, 110-111 Board ef Trails Bid-. Omafaa, Neb. Telephone S14. 112-214 Exchange Bids.. Bouth Omaha. Sell 'Phone HI Indsoendent 'Phone t. Indian steers, $3.STi(ij4.TC; cows und heifers, 1.0((iA."o. HO(i8 Receipts, 9.0(10 hed. Market lower. PiKS and Ua-hta, H.T.Vul.tKI; puckej-M, li.lwp 4.K&: butchers and best heavy, (4 faVil 5.fU. SITKEI' AND IAMBS-Rccelpts, l.HiU head. Market steady. Native muttons, $l.&o'a5.M; lambs, Ifi.UHiu.TO; culls and bucks, $2.0iii4.dU; stoekers, $2.UiKij3.GU; Texaus, 3.ut (&B.oa. () Wool Market. . BU8TON. Feb. 7. WClOIIn the Huston wool market business Is Hunt on account of the small stock of domestic wool In dealers' hands. Outshle or pulled wools but little more can be brouKht forward until the next clip Id resdy. Much if the next clip or territory wool lias already been contracted for lm the sheen's bucks by esatem dealers. With dginenlle wooU nearly all sold. manufHcturers will be ob liged to depend InrKfly on foreign wools to meet their needs while walling for the next clip. Values hold Hnn, as follows; Texas, twelve month, nominal ; eight months. 21t;'J2''; fall. 2Kfc21c. 'alirornlH, Hunilolt und Mendocino, 2i(u2i,,i;; north ern choice. 2S)ift JtSc : average, iftlo; middle counties, WtfJIx-; southern. l.Vrl7c. trreirnu, rasteru staple, a1re; clothing;'' IS.?!-; valley. No. 1. 2fic .Idulio. flue, Jftti-IHV; fine ineilluui, lH'olfo. Wyoming, line. VWii lHo; fine medium. 17Vtl!l!c. X'teJi sfal Nevada, fine, IT'u'lSo; tine iin aliini, 17V4Mn. Dakota, tine, iC(il!ic; tine medium, lVtVlUc. Montana, hue choloe, :;H XV; Hue averuRe, IMfKUc. folorudo, tine, JfilUc,; fine me dium, 14V(jl7c. BT. 1-H'I8. Fob. t -WtMII Market steadv. Medium Krudes, comMng and cloth, lug. iil'if-SVn-; llalit line. H'nTl ; heavy tine. 14c17c; tub waahed, 27441c. Melal Market. NK.W Y(JRK. Fib. 7 -M KTA l.S While spot tin was firmer In the luiilin lOHrket, closing at i:il, with futures tiiichar-KeU at lilifl 7s tkl, the local market was easier us to prices and quiet as to trade. Hpot Is ' quoted at S-" ""if f'" Cupper was easier again In London with si.ot clotlng at i;i7 5s and futures ut i7 lis M. lucHlly Ilia situation remains unchanged with pm dure is as a rule firm lu their views, ul tliough it is reported that some few lots can be bought ut a shade under quotations. Lake la held at SIT,. Do; electrolytic at S16X1, ftllO.&l and casting at h.wal'j-i. The Im dun lead market wus lower al 12 Us 3d. l.ocallv the market remains firm and It N said that supplies iivulluble for prompt dellverv urn lljjht. guutnt Ions range from 14 45 to SI.W. the former prh-c beltift for full car lots. Hpelter was unchanged ut 1.SS In London and at V loHi 'JO In the lix-nl msr ket. Iron closed at It's M In Ulusgow Hnd at 47s d In Mlddlesboroiigh.. Lically trim was unchanged. No. ) foundry northern 14 quoted at V' bOViV.K: No. 2 foiindiy north ern, SI7.WI; No. I foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. S1T.TI BT. IJVI8. Feb. 7 -MKT ALS-l-ead, dull at S4 35; syt-lter, dull at tic. fotton Market. NKW YORK. Feb. 7 -f'OTTOV-Bpot dosed nni't at 5 l"ints higher; middling up In mix. i.Diic; middling uir, SOTx.; suli-s, I'll bsles. I.IVFRI'OOL. Feb. 7. -fH.TTON-Hpit. pood biiHlnese done; jirlces 16 points higher; American middling lair. 4.fcsd: good mid dling, 4.-d; mlddlliig, 4.1l.d; low nuddliiiv. 4 04.1; good ordinary, J.HUd; nrilinary, 3. 74,1 . The hales of the day were lu.UW bujea. of wh'ch 2.(ioil were for si('i uluUcn and export nnd lnclurtel 4..i) American. Receipts, 11. fat bales, all American. ST. H'li. l eb. 7.-4'TTN- Klrtti. ,to higher; nilddllnie. 74,i-: sales. VS bales; re eTpis. none; shipments. 3IJ bales; stork, 4B.IM bsles. NKW iRI.KANH. Feb. I.-I'OTTON -rapened higher, closed tlrra; ssles. SM I, le; ordinary. 4T,c; good ordinary tS-lIc; low middling l-h',c: middling, ti I -1s ; good nildil'iin. i:Mtc; middling f-lr, S'cj r relpti!. 8,1 IS baies; stocji. S44,74 bale, -