8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlsesseats tor tkeM ealassas will takes watlt IS as. far tka evealaaT a4ltloa aatll S a. aa. far tha aiaralac Mi Baaday ealtlea. Hates 1 l-2a a wwl rmt laaartlaai la m war thereafter. Netblasj takes for leaa thaa BOa far tha aret laaar. tlesw Tkn aavortlsesseats aiaat a raa eeaeeeatlvely. Advertisers, ar reaaesttas; a " ferret cheek, caa aava aaswers aa dressed ta a aasafearad latter la eara af Tha Aaewars aa will ha aellvered aa preseatstlea af cheek. MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRAPHY, Sua! nana. Shorthand, Typewriting-, Normal, English and CivU Service Couraei. DAT AND NIGHT. BOTLE8 COLLEGE. MAIL LESSONS In ssorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping and penmanship. Bend for catalogue today, atatlng whether inter ested In correspondence or residence work. II. B Boyles. president, 18th and Harney sts., Omaha, Neb. R-M882 TRY KELLY'! TOWEL SUPPLT. Telf 8530. R 667 ETE, ear. nose, throat clinics, glasses flt- tad. Dr. Wilkinson, R. 12, Crelghton Blk. R 265 26 CITY SAVING BANK pay 4 per cent R 668 Mercantile law and eollectlona. Our system collectt. O. T. Voorhees Co., 1261 Pitnos for Rent, 13.00-14.00-New Planoa. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Perfleld Plane company, ittu farnam. Open evenings. Telephone 7uL xv ew KAOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing: ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-671 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. a N. Mth. Tel. 1779. R-672 STOVE&FURNACEREPAIRS Tel. Wo. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove RepJks. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makea a spe cialty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, prop., 1V2 H. 10th ct. R 676 EYE STRAIN relieved by expert optical treatment; glasses to Ui; prices right. Bennett . R-m M'B build ts order and furnish free estl matea for repairing and reflnlahing pianos. Write for catalogue or 'phone 1626. Schmoller A Mueller, 1311 Farnam St. K 404 Fll D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 166 and L2873. R M991 M7 MILLWOkK ST-rSS architects' plans and specifications: save contractors money. Wentworth. 618 Pnx ton block. R 143 F22 TRAVELING bags, suit cases. Stetson hats. C. H. Frederick Co., 1504 Farnam. R-745 F18 KU CITABLE Life Assurance "Strongest In the World" H. D. Neely, Mgr., Mer chants National Bank. R 744 F18 FOR expert piano moving telephone 1625. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Famara. R 406 Fll CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere P. H. FbJIMn, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R-67 PRE8SORTUM, best cleaners and dyers. 1324 Farnam. Tel. 8800. R 601 COAL New kind soft coal, "Tukton" Egg, $6.26 ton. Harmon A Weeth, 'phone 2417. R 680 OUR perfect work disarms erltcism- dls ' courages prejudice and makes friends That something essential to satisfaction la always found in a Chicago Laundry bundle. 314 N. 16th. Tel. 206. R-M728 F18 FAILING EYESIGHT RESTORED Our New Torlc lens Is the latest wonder In optical science. The field of view is en larged more than live times. They cost more than other lens and they are worth It. Consultation free. Huteson Optical Co., 213 So. 16th. Paxton block. R MTU Fll CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 21L 80UTH 11TH. TEL. 254. We trust everybody. Flannels and colored gooda laundered at our risk. R-M160, F23 FREE, PLUMBINGS Tel. 1049. R M241 26 WHO'S your tailor? It should be Dresher. Too busy making clothes to close. Open evenings. 1515 Farnam st R 204 K. J. DAVIS, SAFE MOVER, HEAVY HAULING, lilt FARNAM. TEL. 363. R-M754 M3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS QUICK MONEY sometimes a necessity. Our facilities Hie unsurpassed for quick and confiden tial service. We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Warehouse Reoelpt, Live Stock, eto. We also loan to SALARIED' PEOPLE On their own agreement to repay; no other security required. With us you pay for what you get and only for what time you keep It. It Is our motto to try to please. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell otheie; if displeased, tell us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Ill Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 226. Uletaplished 1393.) 306 So. 16th St. X-fiS4 LOANS made on ail kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 33 Paxton Block. X-635 MONET loaned on furniture, salary, 1 haraes, etc. : half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214, at 2u S. 16th SC. Tel. B 2964. X-wa MONEY loaned sail rled people and others without security; easy payments. OtUces In 63 principal cities. Tolman. room 714 New York Life building. X.-4U0 MONET loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, homes. Duff Green Loan Co., Barker block. X-639 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, III 8. 13. X 840 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 44 PAXTON it LOCK. X-641 EE FULBR, 426 Paxton block, fo tat watohes. diamonds and Jewelry for loans y- X 641 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry roans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X-443 SALARY and chattel loans. Templeton, 211 Bee Bldg. X-644 BOWEN'8 MONEY; easy to get on furni ture, planoa, horses, cows,- jewelry. Plain note If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-46 PRIVATE MONEY A PRIVATE PARTY WILL MAKE loans em furniture, pianos or other se curity at very liberal rates; you have the privilege of paying back In small In stallments. Address T 14, Bee. X-704 WANTED TO BUY SHONfELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 821 N. Y. Life, pays highest price ur bonks. Tel. SUM. . N-61 SQUARE PIANO in good condition. Kll Farnam. N-M280 WANTED AT ONCE. One MO horse-power boiler end engine, In good running order, new or second-hand. Alfalfa Meal Co., Omaha. Neb. N M96S BUY Laudeeo'g antiseptto hair tonic, N-Ml Ml WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas. NOW OPEN. New classes in an aeparimenu. Bend for catalogue at once. MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road fare upon our failure tc convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college ia the United States. Write for catalogue today. Wsetern Barbtra' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 67 GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Vvouiu like a connuential talk with tha Em ployer ana tne Employe of Bs.i'1'ls.t viABS lauor this mormng. First, you botn aumit that your Interests are mutual. That m, witnout tne Employer there couid be no work for the Employe, and without tne Employe the Employer could accomplisn but littie. Hence without both tne Em ployer and the Employe there would be no call lor an Employment Agency, But In asmuch an we have both the Employer and the Employe, we find there Is a place also tor an Inier-communlratlng Agency who should occupy neutral grounds between the two and wnoso business It should be to serve both, fairly and Impartially. To en deavor to accomplish this end we bpcued this new Agency and we ask the co-operation of troth the Employer and the Employe. We Intend, as far as possible, to Demon strate the fact that the Employment busi ness can be conducted as fairly and squarely as any other business. We snail endeavor to protect the Inter ests of the Employers of all classes of la bor, from the highest clerical position In, the Counting room down to the housemaid or the garaener In the home, by the re quiring of references In every Instance and then by securing written testimonials from former Employers and other sources, and shall send no help to any Employer except such as have a proper record. To those seeking employment we will say that our books are open for your applica tions and.' if found worthy, our time and best endeavors will be at your service at all times. But we shall be frank with you, and if we have no place for you we will tell you so and not endeavor to All up our books with names of applicants at so much per head giving the Inference that we have numberless positions In waiting for you. But we wish you to bear in mind that this Is the dull season of the year, and whilst there la not much demand for help Just now, with the opening of Spring we look for a large demand for all kinds of em ployment, and If you have your application on file in the right place your chaucca will be ahead of those who apply later on. Now, Mr. Employer and Mr. or Miss Em ploye, If you are In sympathy with this kind of an Agency, give us your hand and we will help you. GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 223 and 223 NEVILLE BLOCK. 'Phone MIL B 981 6x MAN HUNTERS. We are hunting for men and women with brains and ability to 011 high-grade vacancies. If you possess these qualifications we will place you In a paying position. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. 840-841 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 986 WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY-Able-bodled unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux city. la. B 873 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug stores and doctors. Knlest, 701 N. Y. L. B 6s8 IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk wltii HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B 689 WANTED Pressman who can take charge of a pressroom; must be of good moral character and executive ability; ulso man to take charge of composing room. Ad dress T 12, Bee. B 166 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., school of practical plumbing. Send for catalogue. Address 4973-75 Easton ave., St. Louis, Mo. B M755 F3 06 SOBER, all-round printer wanted for fore man good country office; whop well equipped; power; write quick, stating wages expected. Chieftain, Tecumseh, Neb. B 770 HART, THE EXPERT, can get a position for SOME of .the people ALL the time and ALL the people SOME of the time, but I can't get a position for All the peo ple ALL the time. HART, 401 and 402 N. Y. Life. B-M802 18 MAN, energetic, willing to learn, under 35, to prepare for government position. Be ginning salary In railway mall service 1800 per year. Good future. 410 Bee building, after 3 p. m. B-956 7x WANTED By a Cincinnati wholesale liq uor house, salesman for the states of Ne braska and Missouri; to one who has a large established trade with good people the most liberal Inducements will be of fered both In reaard to salary and ex penses; others need not apply. Address, oox ino. tug, .in- wlth references, P. O. clnnstl. O. B 984 13 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Have just moved Into our new building where we have everything new and mod em. Forty revolving chairs, facial mas sage vibrator, shampoo apparatus and every facility for successful teaching. Htieclal offer for short time. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B M104 12x WANTED Clever young men for shadow ing and secret service work In Omaha. Address The Superintendent, 820 Hart ford bldg., Chicago. B M999 7x WANTED A good blacksmith; steady Job; best wages: no bums or boose fighters; W. G. C. wooster, Falrbury, Neb. B M998 Sx WANTED High grade salesman; none but experienced men need apply. Address w, , Bee office. B M993 WANTED Salesman, good appearance and gooa penmen, to call on local business men. Call Tuesday after 9:30 a. m.. Her Grand; ask for F. J. Hoy. B M992 7x WANTED FEMALE HELP 100 GIRLS WANTED to work on catalogue. iNeorasKa doming to. c 746 e I AM now In a position to handle high grade domestle help; none but the very best need apply and must have the very best references. Hart, 401 and 402 N. Y. Life bldg. C-144 WANTED Experienced cook; references required. Mrs. L. L. Kountie, 428 S. 39th. C 777 SEVERAL magazine solicitors; good propo sition, urumiaux to., sot Brown Block. C M806 11 GIRL for general housework. 704 N. 23rd. 1 iU IUB WANTED Ladles to learn hnlrdrvSHlng. manicuring, racial massage, vnironoay or electrolysis. Have Just nufWd Into our new building and have all Itiodern facil ities for teaching the work. Short time completes. Special offer for thirty days. Graduates earn splendid pay. Call or write Moler College, 1114 Farnam st. C M106 2x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Traveling salesman with good record; salary and commission; references required The Smith-Premier Typewrit ing Co. . M96 T WANTED, salesmen for Blatchford's Calf Meal, the old established milk substitute for raising calves; saves isomers half the cost of raising a calf; every flour and feed dealer should handle It; now la the season; write for terms and territory. Blatchford's Calf Meal Factory". Wauke gan, 111. MM T SALESMEN WANTED Experienced, to handle nonrust tinware In uuoocupied ter ritory. Elberal commission; rapid seller. Rochester Nonrust Tinware Co.. Roc hea ter. N. Y. M-103 7x WANTED SITUATIONS GOOD housekeeper Canadian office, 16th A Dodge. A-696 DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and stage: new cliases now forming. 'Phone F-1171. 27 A CLASS for adult beainners Is now form ing. Tuas. and Krl , I p. ro., at Morand'a. 16th and Harney. The cotillion and all the latest glidna are taught In one term. rrivule lessons and Wednesday assent lies. Call or tel. IvtL 714 :1 THE BEE goes into 30,000 homes daily, which means that it has more than 100,000 readers. A large percent . age of this number never fails to read the Want Columns This Accounts for the excellent returns that Bee Want Ads give. Bee Want Ads Do the Business A Trial Will Convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago DEWEY, European hotel, 13th A Farnam, SOUTH front parlor. 2024 St. Mary's ave. C O 4 THE FARNAM, 19th and FARNAM STS. VIENNA hotel. Private dining rmi. cafe. E nii NICELY furnished room, 1428 N. 19th, St. NICELY furnished room, 12 per week. 2227 NICELY furnished room for light house keeping. 808 8.21st. E M947 7x WE furnish rooms complete; our goods are stylish, give general satisfaction ana are 25 per cent cheaper than at the Install ment stores. Our terms, $25 worth 31 per week. Omaha Furniture 4c Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. E MD88 7 THE LA K OTA, 1613 Howard, rooms by the day or week. E auxi x FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, close In, modem. Including telephone. 704 8. 16th St. E MHO 9T FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-601 THE 611 ELTON. 26th and Dodge; Ideal home for the winter; pleasant rooms; strictly modern; home cooking; reason able. . F-603 1616 FARNAM ST., two large rooms on first floor, single or en suite; steam neat, nrsi class board; prices very reasonable. F 804 GOOD room for two, gentlemen preferred. a o. tn st. r wo NICELY furnished, warm room; good board; close In; reasonable. 62n a. istn. F-768 x BOARD and room, 13.50 per week; 21 meals. oniy xz.oo; single meals. 160 ; gooa noms cooking; give us a trial. 1619 Dodge. F-7S9 6x FURNISHED rooms, with or without i a. i ji i a .01, i . 1 -. uiHini, who u ay uoaru. ion v.bijuui m.yv.- F M916 7x ROOM and board for two at 116 N. 25th St. F 930 EXCELLENT room for two; furnace heat, gas light, hot and cold water bath, best location. 1714 Douglas. F 978 7x THE ROSE 2O20 Harney st., nicely fur nished, warm rooms, reasonable; also good board. F 977 7x BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU want to buy, sell, rent or ex change your property or Business, oorrow money quica; see uompion-watts 535 Paxton block. Y 691 WHEN you want tox buy, sell or exchange your property or ousiness quica see j. 11, Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. Y-592 ATTORNEYS, everywhere. If you have an account, note or cigum 01 any aina againsc person, firm or corporation we can settle it for you. THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. main flocr N. Y. Life. 'Phone 132. Y-106 ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you in or out of business. Y 593 A GOOD hotel, well furnished, doing good business, in central neorasKa, ror sale, or will exchange for good farm or ranch lands. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. Y-76 FOR SALE OR RENT Maloney theater building, loos-iwi-itxra vspuoi avenue; dux 100 feet ground floor space. Apply to Henry Rohlff, 2669 Lavenworth st. Y 770 ATTORNEYS EVERYWHERE Accounts, .. Mltma a t t )t niralniil vtAvatr, firm or corporation. The New Church Co.. main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. Tel. 133. Y 41215 IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. S. Sales Bureau, (34 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y M464 FOR SALE or exchange for hardware or Implements, jovaci v ium vyt nines irom Tllden, Neb. Address Tilden Land Co., Tilden. Neb. Y M684 8x FOR SALE, my meat market, tools and slaughter house filled, and residence. Ous Konagle, Yulan, Neb. Y M696 HOTELS exclusive. Hart. 401 N. Y. Life. 1 ui. is Ail CARPENTER shop, residence and paying DUSinesn; simi, iwi i.a.aiiivi, rcttinuii Bros., Germantown, Neb. Y-M744 9x FOR SALE Splendid hardware business, established twenty years ago by present owner, who has made a competency and wishes to retire. Annual sales, 130,000. Is well established and paying; will sell at Invoice and throw In good will. Will take good farm near Omaha In deal. A splendid chance for anyone looking for established paying business. No agents. Address Box 796, Omaha. Y M753 7x W1L Invest 12,500.' What can you offer? Address W 3, Bee office. Y M924 11 r A DOCTOR will relinquish a good location lor practice in uuinrPirrn neui aantL, Investigate at once. Address T 60. care Bee. Y-MS85 7x FOR SALE, for cash only, clean, up-to-date stock or dry goods and millinery, one or the best towns in state; best location In town, or stock can be moved. Address 8. M. Morgan. Friend. Neb. Y M917 I CAN SELL your business or real estate, no matter where located. Properties and business of all klnda sold quickly for cash in all parts of ths United States; don't wait; write today, describing what you have to sell and give cash price on same. A. P. TONE WILSON, JR., Real Estate Specialist. 413 Y Kanaaa Ave., Topeka, Kan. Y FOR SALE Pool roran, 2307 North 24th street. Y-M107 x FOR BALE A tailor shop at Fremont, Neb. Fine location; doing good business; owner going to quit trade. 26 will buy It. T. 11. Pearson, tth street, Fremont, Neb. Y-M1018X A POSSIBLE FORTUNE FOR 110.00. Can you spare $10.00 per month for a few months where the Investment promises a fortune? Address for plan and high est bank and commercial references, Goddard Svndlcate, Suite 122, First Na tional Bank bldg., Cincinnati, O. Y-M100 Tx FOR SALE On account of sickness, con trolling Interest In gilt-edge gold mining claim; If you have ambition to get rich Investigate this. 22U6 Lake St.. Omnlis. Y MW7 13X LOST AND FOUND LOST, on Friday, gold chased locket from silk fob. Please return to Bee office for reward. Lost 792 FOUND Ths right place to have your eyei tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found ta LOST A ladles' gold watch and fob. A liberal reward will be paid. Return to J. L. Brandeta A Sons' Jewelry depart ment. Lost MK04 9 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M- MACFARLAND, New York Ufa Bldg , rooms 304 and 119. Tel. I'M tn FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $250 v cash Balance 6 veara, buys your choice of I lots on Bristol St., near 28th; paving, permanent walks and sewer all paid. The Byron Reed Co. 212 S. 14th. RB-771 FOR SALE. Blue Lake Park, consisting of forty acres or less, nearly one mile lake front. For particulars inquire of the owner, Geo. Reed, Onawa, la., R. F. D. No. 1. 'Phons 801. RE 294 27 CTEIAS-Williamson Co.. u RE-611 FOR SALE One note of 11.800, due In one ?'ear, secured by first mortgage on good mproved Omaha property, bearing 6 per rent lr.tcrest, payable semi-annually; also one note for $1,600, due on or before three years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 26, Bee office. RE-M463 Choice Loans For sale Secured by A-l Improved real estate. 2. $1,600, 6 per cent; 2, $1,200, 6 per cent; L $700. HENRY F. DA1LEY 'Phons F-2216. 601 Bee Building. RE M915 1 s - j j for your real esi I A L J business anywh V . h . I I can sell It. I m a v-x fi.nrt riescrlntloi lowest cash price. City, Mo. for your real estate or ere. 1 mean it. Send description and W. K Mlnton, Kansas RE- FREE EXCURSION to beautiful Indian Territory. Soil richer than Iowa at ',4 the price. Easy terma. W. E. Mlnton, Kan sas CHy, Mo. FORTY acres of land for sale or will trade for small stock of groceries In food town. Address Postmaster. Pliny, linn. RE M996 9x FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, -Colorado and Wyoming 1 low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RJ3-17 160 ACRE FARM $85.00 per acre, located about 16 miles 8. W. of South Omaha and near Springfield. New 9-room house-, large barn, double corn cribs, sheds, new windmill,' etc. All good land and under cultivation. Posses sion March 1. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St, Omaha. M964 11 WE have some choice farms for sale In Iowa and Nebraska. U. 8. Sales Bureau, 634-636 Bee Bldg,. M939 7 ONE OF 'THE BEST FARMS IN SARffY COUNTY On March 4tli. Id05, at the court house in Papllllon. there will be sold 120 acres of the finest farm land In Barpy county. This farm is situated midway between Spring field and Gretna and will be sold at public auction by referees under an order of court. This Is an excellent opportunity to get a fine farm cheap. For further In formation address E. R. BEVIN8. ATTORNEY, 1517 Farnam, St., Omaha. M-989 7 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to 10,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.80 per Inch If set in large type. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. D 611 II fl 1CPQ In all parts of the city. R. tiUUOCO c. Peters A Co., Bee Bldg. D-423 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611H Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-620 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. 1498. Office 1713 Webster st. D-C21 UnMCPQ In all parU of the city. Ths nUUaCJ o. F. Davis Co., 608 Beebldg. 'D 619 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. (16 8. 16th. Tel. 1464. D 621 JETT cleans, lays carpet A-330X 2017 Cum. D M868 2686 DOUGLAS, ROOMS, $27.60. D-424 CHRIS BOYER, 22nd and Cuming sts. Tel. 2049. D -M567 SIX-ROOM brick, modern, 1621 Kyner ave. D-M44I llx HOUSES FOR RENT. I The Byron Reed Co., 213 8. 14th. D-773 14 FURNITURE of 10-room rooming house; house modern; house for rent. 1711 Capi tol Ave. 0-M913 7x FOUR nice rooms. 816 8. 26th. Apply next door. D M941 13x WE don't ask Installment prices for our goods. You save st least 25 per cent We carry the largest stock In Omaha. Terms, IJ& worth, $1 per week. Omuha Furniture A Carpet Co., between 13th and 13th, on Farnam street. D-M986 7 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office, whloh rents for 110.00 per month. Price Includes heat, Ugbt, water and lanltor service. It la located on tha fourth floor of The Bee Building and ?s lust the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office in the best office building In town. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. - 1-771 1-STORY and basement brick building, 10O1 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First National bank building. I- IF you apply at once we can give any-' one desiring a large office space, almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north light. R. C. Peters A Co., Kiutal Agents, U round Floor Bee Bldg. I-T71 FOR RENT or sale, Maloney theater build ing. 1609-11-11 Capitol ave.; very large floor space, rround floor. Inquire of Henry Roulfr, LKth and Leavenworth sts. 1-M47I OFFICES In the Neville block for rent; elevator. Janitor service and ateam beat; IlKhtest offices In tha city. Cor. lffth and larnsy. 1643 F28 STORE. 2112 N. 34th st. C. Boyer. JM and Cuming. Tel. 2049. I-M7 PERSONAL DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 1 A 8, 1605 Farnam. U-2 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 811 Ramge blk U-7S2 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES MaeesJe Tesal, Csr, lata as Cspltel Ave. OMAHA CHAPTER No. 1. R. A. M. -Regular business meeting Tuesday eveul.ng st 7:30 o'clock. A. HUGH H1PPLK. Sec y. NEBRASKA LODGE No. 1. A. F. A A. M. Regular business meeting Tuesday even ing at 7 0 o'clock. CHARLKS t SHOOK. Mister. W. C. M LEAN. Secretary. KSIGHTfl OF PYTHIAS. FLORISTS HESS A 8WORODA. 1415 Farnam. -U L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1"M. -43 if I is ALFRED DONAGin.'E, JR., 107 Farnam. Tel. 3333. -664 POSTOFFICE NOTICE TRIUNE LODGE No. 66, K. of P.-Meets every Tuesday night at souhwt corner Fourteenth and Dodge. Visitors welcome. A. H. RAWITZEH. C. C. J. C. BREW INGTON, K. of R. and S. G. A. R. ANY Information regarding James J. Btur geon of Dublin and County Armagh, Ire land, will be thankfully received by R. H. Sturgeon of Iron River, Mich. He was in umana in una, u-M(l 1 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; 13. Perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam. U 648 THEATRICAL, tnaaq. costumes. Lleben, 'nv-u iowara. u THE Salvation Army solicits csst-off cloth ing; In fact anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of col 'tlng to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4IX and wagon will call. U 611 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge blk. U-648 EYE SPECIALIST H. HENKER, eye specialist; glasses per fectly fitted. Rma 307-3 Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney. U-M221 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCH1NG BUTTONS Send for price list and Samples. lHb GOLDMAN PLfcAUNG CO, 2oo uouias dtoca. 'iti. li36 U-C49 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13th. U-o0 DON T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines them; we test eyes free for glasses and guarantee satisfaction. . THE H. J. PKNFOLD CO., Leading Opticians, 14U8 Farnam. U-661 RP.7FMA absolutely cured. B. J. Scan- " neil, 609 Ware Block. U-715 F28 EXPERT PIANO tuning by factory tuners. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 16. U 403 Fll PRESSOR1UM .P PRIVATE home during conflement; ba bias boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. A 2613. -U66S We rent sewing machines 75c week. We repair all makes of machine. Second hand machinea $5 to 110. Neb Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U-654 TRUSSES made and fitted to men, women and children. 1408 Farnam St THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. U-63 OMAHA souvenir view mailed free to any person sending; us the name of any one owning a square piano or organ. Perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 Farnam St Tel. 701. U-M162 F23 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and iregularltiea of women, from any cause; experienced end reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611ft Dodge Ht, Omaha, 0-666 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 723 1st ave., Council Bluffs. Ia, Tel. 774. U-626 TRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3630. U-067 M AnMPTir treatment A baths. Mme. mAVjnClIt. Smith, 118 N. 15, 2 fl, R. 2. U-3tt HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE "E3T8. Massacon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids the hearing as glassea do the eye. Hutchison Acoustic Co. N. Y. Ufa Bldg-. 'Phone 1999. U-653 LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to all olnts. 1408 Farnam. Tel. B2US. Mem er American Ticket Brokers Assn. U-669 IT'S FREE! Send stamp for copy of Chi nese Slave Girl and her young American lover. Address J. Boyle, 61 D St., N. E., Washington, D. C. U 690 Six HANDSOME widow, worth $66,000, wants Immediately able, industrious husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldg. Chicago. U M7l7 22x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Manufacturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A-M63. 3210 Curalng. Established 1888. U- CULTURED gentleman, 35, engaged In real estate business, would be pleased to correspond or meet with affectionate woman of means. Address J. T. L., Box 4, Pliny, Minn. U M9M llx MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interference with work; relief In 8 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Price $2, by mall. DR. R. O RAYMOND REMEDY CO., R. 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. 660 Garfield Circle No. 11. Lallea nf the Ornnd Army of the Republic, will give a high-live party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George fciien, aJ uecaiur street Tueeday even ing. February 7. A good time Is promised FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for ladles, never falls, $2, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. M700 LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no ether. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. CLAIRVOYANTS GTLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d. 8-425 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven worth. 8 2 MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1T14 California St. 8-M6S9 MME. VIOLA, CENTER HOTFJI Mrs. T. 8. Boyer, trance medium, palmist, psychic reader and phrenologist, reads your life correctly. FREE TEST. FREE TEST. Send self-sddressed stamped envelope for trial reading. ' $10 N. 17th at. Tel. B-2M7. 8 M980 11 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign lady queen of clairvoyants; everything told, past, present ana future; satisfaction or no pay; also a marvelous magnetic healer. MI7 North 18th st. 8 982 6x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W-806 FARC and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. lttia W-8U7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1620 Douglas W U8 WANTED City loans snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-809 MONEY TO LOAN Payns Investment Co. W 610 GARVIN BROS., 1(04 Farnam. Lowest rates rv 011 LOWEST rates on city property. 6 per cent on farms In eastern Nebraska. Bern la Paxton block. W 11 TO LOAN-$l.io on Omaha property. L. D. Holmes. 712 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. W-M1U6 1$ DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Miss f urdy. h-ne A-'-T,. OLDS OAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES Are tteiiabfe like 01.D8MOBU.ES. Several slightly used engines CHEAP. 1116 Farnam St, Omaha, W MM8 11 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tablea, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy Davments. Send for ratalnu. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th tit., COMPLETE line new and M-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dolge. Tel. 2020. Q bA 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Dertght, 1119 Far nam. y bt ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AT A BAR GAIN. We have about 200 feet 0. stranded electric light cable and one 800 ampere knife switch. Address Bee Building Co., or see n. 11. linages, engineer, Bee Building, Omaha. Q &S3 MOTOR FOR SALE We have for sale a 10 If. P., llO-volt, direct current, Northern motor. This motor Is In perfect condition in every way. Ad dress Bee Building Co., or see W. K. Bridges, engineer Bee building. Q 774 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers. 100-horse power, which have been used but six years, made of firebox sttel, triple nvited butt and strap Joints, Insurance company permits of pressure of 125 pounds They are now In use and can be seen at boiler house, resr of Bes building. Can be delivered at once Call or sddress W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha Q M902 FOR BALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, comprls ins comulete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Be omce. vj 863 CORN cribbing, tek' poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-ply white basswood. 901 Douglas. Q 631 ENGINE FOR SALE 1 4x4 Sturtevant vertical engine, automatlo engine, cheap. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee build ing. Q 775 FOR SALE, carload of drivers and work horses, Just in from Iowa. Melcher A Schwager Livery Barn. 601 So. 19th. Tel. 23S2. Q-M247 ALMOST new Densmore typewriter at sac rifice; cash or time payments. Schmoller A Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Tel. 1625. Q-408 11 FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $126; open pneumatic runabout, $60. Drum mond, 18th and Harney. Q 632 GOOD carriage, rnnabotit wagon and har ness, cheap. Johnson A Danforth, 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sts. Q 631 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q M699 FOR SALE, Incubator, brooder and green bone cutter; good as new. James Pear son, Germantown, Neb. Q M743 9x BLOWER FOR SALE 1 No. S Sturtevant blower, In perfect con- aition, win be sold cheap. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, en gineer Bee building. Q 776 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BAROAIN 30 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 in. In diameter, 3 Countershafts complete. 40 Feet 1 16-16-ln. shafting, with couplings ana nangers, togeiner wun aDout 40 feet of 6-Inch belting. These are nil In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. -1 112 8ECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fittings call and look over tne following supplies: 2.6-Inch Jenkin s globe valve. 1. 8-Inch Austin horizontal separator. 1.4-inch Austin vertical separator. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steami plana and are In good condition. Address Helulldlng Co., or aee W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 682 FOR SALE A one-horse power electric mo tor in gooa conaiuon. Appiy nayaen Bros. Q-983 8 FURNITURE, Carpets, Stoves and every thing for housekeeping on easy payments. The largest stock In Omaha. Omaha Furniture A Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam street. Q-M987 7 PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK, i VMrCTAn Crounae Block Corner of LYNGbTAD lSth St and Capltoi Ave. 683 KRAMER T CHANDLER, QUICK PRINTERS, 1108-08 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised is our hobby. 684 J. M. BIRPLESS, reliable printer; estab lished 12 years. 203 8. 19th St., Omaha. 686 THE Nebraska Printing Co.; everything new and tip-to-date; prompt attention given to all orders. 113 8. 14th, 3d floor, phone 6SS0. -M677 YOU will loae money If you don't let us figure on your printing. Tel. 3831. Great Western Printing Co., 1618 Chicago. M7c FW FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column put an ad In and you will soon get It. Z-h! PIANO for horse. Perfleld, pianos. 1611 Far. Z-161 Fil WB have farms to trade for merchatidl of all klnda Bee BMj. 8. Sales Bureau, 634-636 Ji M940 7 TO EXCHANGE for hardware, lumber yard or mill, ona of tho host 1,600 acre grain and atock farms In the county. For full description, write Fred L. Bar clay Stuart, NeJ); Z-MI02 13 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 N.Y.Life bldg. Tel.H4 613 MRS. JOHN R. MUHICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office, Neville block. Tel. 2833. 614 DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous disease. 613 N. Y. Ufe. T?.16 PATENTS II. A. STUROIEH. registered ettorney: pat ents, trade marks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 517 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 681 DATCMTC SECURED OR NO FEE. rAIClllJ ADVICE FREE. American Engineering Co., registered at- torneys. 5'4I liee HM g., Omaha. 219 KJ4 FARMS FOR RENT FOR DAIRY OR GARDENING. 60 acres i't miles west of city and four blocks to street tar; house five rooms; will leise three years. !f0n per acre. To acres 1 mile east of Irvlnston, no Im provements; t'l.Oii per sere. George A Co., 1H01 Farnam St., Omaha Mifii 11 (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending Feb ruary 11. line, will close PROMPTLY In sll eases) at the General Poet ome as fo) lowe: RKOI8TKRF.D AND PAR-CELfl-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-Post mails for Germany close at 5 p- m.. February 6. per s. s. Kaiser wilhelm der Omsse: February 10, per . ,s. Patricia; and on February 13, per s. s. Main. Regular and supplementary mslla close t Foreign Station (corner of West snl Morton streets) half hour later than dos ing time shown below, (except that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour Ister at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. ryfH,AY 6 m. for NAPLF CITY and GENOA CITT. per s. . Dentschlui.d (mail for other prts of Italy must be directed "per s. s. Iietitsch land "): at 8.10 a. m. for ITT ROPE, per s. s. Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. via Ply mouth. Chertwurg and Rremen. WEDNESDAY (S)-At 6 80 a. m. for M'ROI'B, per s. s. Teutonic, via (Jucene town and IJverpool; at 9 30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Cltta dl Napoll (mall must be directed "per a a Cltta dl Nanoll"). THURSDAY (91-At 7 a. m. for FRANCTO, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, OREi-X'U and BRITISH INDIA, per s. La Lor- rnlne. via Hiayre (mall for other parts nf Europe must be directed "per s. s. La lorralne"). SATURDAY (ll)-At a. m. for EUROPE, rer s. s. St. Paul, via Plymouth anl Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland must be directed "per s. s. St. Paul"); at 6:30 a, m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Lticanla, via Queenstown and Liverpool- at 8:80 a. m. for REI.G1UM PARCKLS-POBT MAILS, per s. . Zea land (regular mall for Belgium must he directed "per s. s.Zeeland"); at 8:30 . m. for ITALY direct, per s. a. Necknr (mall must he directed "per s. s. Neckar"l; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"). Malls for Month sad Central America, West ladles. Etc. TUESDAY (7)-At 9:30 a. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a m.) for NICARAGUA (ex cept East Coast). HONDURAS (except Last Coaht). SALVADOR, PANAMA, CANAL ZONE. CAUCA DEPARTMENT GE,..7.0,X,MKIA- ECUADOR. PERU, BOLIVIA and CHILI, per a a Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. , Advsuce"); at 12 111. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Crown Prince; at 1:30 p. m. for BARBADOS, per a. s. Proclda (mail for Trinidad and Guiana must be directed "per a s. Proclda"). WEDNESDAY (8)-At 9:30 a. m. (supple, nientary 10:30 a. m.) for INIGUA. HAITI, SANTA MARTA and other places In MAGDALEN A DEPT. COLOMBIA, per s. s. Frutera: at 9:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at 19 a. m. for BELIZE, LIVINGSTON. PUERTO BARRIOS, PUERTO CORTEZ and PORT DIETRICK (Cabo Oractas a Dios). rer s. s. Ask (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Ask"). THURSDAY (9)-At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHB, per s. s. Eaperanza (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Es peransa"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12.30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, fer s. a Niagara (mall for Mexico, via Tamplco, must he directed "per s. a. Niagara ); at 12:30 t. rn. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for BER MUDA. ST. CROIX, ANTIGUA, DOMIN ICA. MARTINIQUE. ST. LUCIA. BAR BADOS and GUIANA, per m. s. Pretorlii. FRIDAY (10)-At 12 m. for YUCATAN snd CAMPECHB. per s. a Daggry. SATURDAY (11) At 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per a a. Zulla J mall for Colombia, via Curoeao. must be llrected "tier s. s. Zulla"); at 8.30 a. n. (supplementary 9:30 a, m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and GUIANA, per s. s. Parlma (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per a s. Parima"): at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo. via San Juan; at 9:30 n. Hi. (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for FOU-. TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COLOM BIA, except Cauca and Magdalena De- ?artments, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa tlca must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per B. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 12 m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. a Hoi alius. NOTICE Five csnta per half ounce In ad dition to the regular postage, must lis S repaid on all letters forwarded by the UPPLEMENTARY MAILS, and letters deposited in the drops marked "Letters for Foreign Countries," after tne CLOS ING OF THE, REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional post age Is' fully prepaid theresn b" rtamps. Bupnlementary Transatlantic Malls are also opened on the piers of the AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9:00 a. m, or later; and !ats mall may r deposited in the mall boxes on the piers of the Ger man Lines sailing from Hoboken. The malls on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mailed on the piers of the American, White Btar and German (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (let ters 10 centa a half ounce) on other lines. Mails Forwards Over la a, nte Ex cept Traaspaelsle. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes al this ones aany, except inureaay, i a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mnnrinvs Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICti CITY Overland, unleas specially addressed ror aespaicn uy sicaiBei, vwais at thla office dally, except elundav, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sundays al 1 n and 10:80 n. m. NEWFOUNDLAND, (except Parcels-Pot Malls) By ran 10 curia oyaney, nn thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.; Sundays at 8:30 p. in. (connecting mails close hst every Slonday, Wednesday and a)alttr dayj. A MAI by steamer. tiimahv. 1 thence by steamer, closes at this office at nvim n in Wednesday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, ciurn t um umi.. uuii ac cept Sunday, at 7 p. m.; Sunday at 4.39 BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Malls) By tall in juiaini. ri-- iuu iiii'iiw vy steamer, close at this office at 4:80 a, m. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East uoasii ana a twrf oj iu . New Orleans, and thence by steamer, m.a this office dally. exoeDt Sundav. 1:30 p. m. ana im.ou p. in.; sunaays . m. ana iiu.au p. m. tuonneciius ores here Mondays at 110:30 o. m l COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and tnenCS ny lenuivi, u;uvi una uiiioq dally, except Sundays, at 11:10 p. m. and 110:10 p. m ; Sundays at 1 p. m. and I10 :.0 n m (connecting mall closes here Tues days at 110:30 p. m NICARAGUA (Eaat Cosst)-By rail to New Orleans, ana lliencv uy sic-amer, clones HI this office dally, except Sunaay, ai i: p m. and 1 10 80 p. ni. ; Sundays at II p. m. knd 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes i.ro Werinaaosva at 410:30 D. m.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE By rail to INew urienns, it., aim incuwv uy lemmer. closes at this office dally, except Sundays and Mondays, at 1:80 p. m. and llu:S p. in.; Sundays st II p. m. and 110:80 p. in. (connrctliig mall closes here every Buncisy at I0:30 p. ni.) Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. m. pre vious day. , TrssspaclBO Malls Forwarded Over laaa Dally. The schedule of closing of transpacific malls Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to pert of aalllng. The flnsl connecting mails (ex cept registered transpacific malls des patched via Vancouver. Victoria. Tacoma or Boat tie. which close 6 p. m. previous day) close at the general postoflice, New York, as follows; HAWAII, via San rranclsco, close at ( p. ro. February for despatch per g. a HAWl'l"1 JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA ami PHILIPPINE 1BI.ANDB. via Sun Franclsc.i. close at C p. m. February 9 for despatch Srr a. s. Korea. APAN. KOREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via S attle, close at 6 p. m. February 9 for deeputch per a. s Bhlnaiio Maru. ... JAPAN, KOREA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Tacoma, cloke at 6 p. ii). February 10 for d-spatch per s. s. Peleus. JAPAN (except parcels-Post Mslls). Ko RKA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE 18L ANDS. via Vancouver and Victoria. B ' . close at 6 p. m. February 14 for despatch per s. s. Empress of Chine NEW ZRALAND. AI'BTRA LIA (egcepli West). NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban FiBe I il t i JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thencs bv steamer, closes at this office st 7 p. m. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia, ami at 11:30 at il P mall clo U 5 '5 Si '4 4. w