Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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DiTls ! drum.
Iefferts glasses fit.
Stocktrt (nil carpets.
Duncan sells the best'. shoes
PTamblng and Heating. Hlxby 4e Bon.
J.untlre H. M. FlrlrtM I III tilth Mia (trip.
Dra. Woodbury, dentists, SO Pearl street.
Duncan flora the best repairing, a Main.
lo to night school, Western Iowa College.
Plate rail for vour dining loom. Tor
al at Hater's, "phone ml
whwil driwms. n.-actlce and niuxia t-
pers. c. IS. Alexander. ?.T3 M'way.
Ifarrlnge licence were Issued yeetcruny
tu O.rtrs I,eo M'W.p, aged 'J2. aiM Kva A.
Hnmkfi, sgd IT. both of Council HlufTs.
Suit whi brought In the dlxtrlct court
ctrdy for the disposition of a lot,
tlit property of the. V. N. Curtail estate.
The new proprietor, T. J. UNflHh, will
open the Blue Kihlinn oalonn Monday, Feb
ruary 0, Willi i full ptotk of new goods.
Miasourl oak dry eurdwood. $0 a rord,
ends $175 par load, shell' bark hickory J
pee cord, delivered. William Welch, 1 North
Main. Telephone 12.
We wlel. to thiuik the msiny friend for
tha kindness Hhown ua during the sickness
and death of our father. Henrv O. Miller,
Mr. and Mr H. A. Otto and family.
Andrew M. Pwanann. egod fin, and Sarah
Maria ttninmu yesterday were Riven a
license tu tewweil at their own convenience.
The aged couple ramn from Stanton, la.,
to r.-eiitr their old relation.
Conrnd Hive, No. 1, Ladles of the Mnc
cutteea, will hold H special meeting to
morrow afternoon at 'i:m lit the home of
Mra. j. LhcIkiw. l'i(3 Sixth avenue, and
make ar'angemeuts for regular reviews.
The rase against W. U. Wrenn. charged
with heaving a coffee cup at the head of
William hi'Pnuan hecau he would not
wait lunger for an oyster stew, hue again
been continued owing to the Injury to
the pronei utltig witness, tfronnan I as
yet unuble to leave hie room.
Peter Kslsun, who with hjrf cousin,
Nea Nslsnn, wan arretted several day
ago on a charge of Mealing corn from
a Car In the Milwntikee yard, was yester
da.v hound ner to the grand Jury. Hin
bond wna llxed Ht t.'JoO. NcIh Nelson whs
Hit to Jail to serve out h fine of l' and
Charles Anderson and Frank Vaughn,
who Friday purloined 1) pounds of plug
tohaccn from the I'eregoy A Moore com
pany, were yesterday lined $10) and coma
and eent to the county Jail. The sentence
will hold them until the grand Jury meets.
It la alleged thnt within mi lieur after
the pair arrived In Council HlufTs the pair
had stolen a ham, a horse blunkut and a
pair of Ice tonga.
Warm Time Anticipated it Meeting of
Portland Hold Mining Company.
I at 11: .7) a. m ; Sunday achool at 11 m.
i Young people' meeting nt 7:U p. in.
Sermon at T .30 p. m.; every Wedneedny at
8 p. m., prayer meeting. All wht under-
tand Swedish are cordially Invited.
Kvrnta of rant Summer Tlionght to
llne M rengt bencd the Hand of
Hla Opponeala la the Long
llranii Hut tontrit.
uiallpnx la rratlla.
The city autlmritlea now admit that they
have little hopa of stamping out the sniiill
Ipox epidemic which haa hi-en elowly grow
ing for some wceke. Vrjuerday the homo
of Kd Hejnolds. Joi N'irlh Sventli street.
Wiia'nddfd to the rlfty-slx other reshlen'-ea
now under quiirntitlnc. Tliero are nt the
prearnt time nino patient at the detention
Many member of ouarnntined familh
refuse to oluy tho law nnd aa a result
neighbors report the matter to the poll. c.
The department almost powerlreti on the
matter, as the city haa neither the money
hor the to guard euch house. It Is
I alleged Mint Several physicians have been
.. , ., ... , , ,, .... derclect In reporting smal pox ensca owing
The annual meet tig of the stockholders ' . . , . t
, . . " ., . , , ... ,. , to a dletigreement between the two achoo s
nnd d rectors of the Port and Clold Mining !.,,,,, ,. ,
,,, , , , , , ... . " to what smallpox really Is. Thrre have
company will bo held In this city tomorow . llmoru ,.,.,,. .,. ., ..
and It Is expected thnt the hardest kind . .. ,.,
, . ,,, , , . i i nnd a a rreult the patients themselvea rc
of u light will Ix- inado to oust Jamea ,. , .... . ..
turns, the present head of the corporation . , miirr c(jn nn
Uust year the anils were unnt.le to oust ,,,...,, gIve bl b for ft fc .
Hums, although It was alleged that bond- H(jlc of 1)(.f,jrp ,
lig tompaulea who held claims against .
him threatened to swing Hums' own stick l.eflferf'a t.lnsscs t It.
against himself. Kyes fltteil right at I.effcrt s or no pay,
Ituring the recent troubles In Colorado ; We have the best optician In the west.
Hums has steadily fought the Mine Own- j I.rftcrt's. Jewclera and Opticians, 4(9 V.
era' association, one of the strongest fao- j Uroadway.
tors in American mining companies. It Is
sure that every shnre of stock thrown on Pavfapnrl Quits School Hoard,
the market in the last year will be voted Secretary D. V. Koss of the Board of Kdu
i.galust Hums, who has been fighting cation received 11 letter from Colonel V. J.
the Bame stockholders for the last three Invenport yesterday In which Colonel ;
years, always winning when the annual Davenport resigned as a member of the
meeting was held. I hoard. Mr. Dnvenport has heen at tloulder,
Although Council niufia Is the homo of Colo., since Inst fall, on account of his
the compa.iy, the proceeds are confined to helth nnd, owing to the uncertainty of hts
hotel hills which urc a part of the annual , return, decided to resign. At the next regu-
when Mr. Henry Eherhardt hnd Miss Klla
llaaa were united In marriage hy the Jlcv.
Hlirauer of the Herman Kvatigelhal churrh.
The bride wore a daintv gown of white
silk mull nnd carried hrid-a' rosrs. The
couple were attended by the bride's sister
nnd I rot her. Mr. Mans linns and Miss
Msggle Hans. The bridesmaid Wore a tlm
t.le gown of white orgnndy, Mr. and Mrs.
IImis will make their residence at the
bride's home. s:! Hast Hrnadwav nnd will
be at home to their friends after Minn 1.
A reception and entertainment was given
ThMrsdnv. evening in the Masonic temple
by H.-.rniony chapter No. ?r. order of the
Kastern 8tar. complimentary to l"nlty Re
Is knh lodge No. S;td. The enjertalnnient Was
Riven as a return of like "courtesy shown
the Knslern Ktnrs by the Rebekahs some
time ago. Ourlng the rtrst part of the even
ing high five wn played in the parlors nnd
later the guests repaired to the main hn II.
where the following program was rendered:
Vocal solo, M!s Hcolt; rudlug, Maxel
Hrown: vocal suln. Harry T. Ijiingstreet,
nnd mandolin and gnittir selections by the
Kvans hrothrrs After the progmm a
bounteous suiter was served In the during
hull and Interesting talks given by mem
bers of Isith orders.
Democrats and Repnbllcan Opponents
Planning? to 1 nlte for that
Htnall Depositors Object.
Jifoceedlngs have been commenced In the
.federal court to liHVe J. f!. Caton of Ded-
i lil.. in., detdnreil h bankrupt. Cntnn wna
prrsldenl of the Dedhain bavings bank, nnd
ahtirtlv after he took a vacation the uffalrs
of tho bank were-found to be In very bad
Before lilii departure for parts unknown,
Cnton transferred nbnut worth of ae- i uddrd Insult to his threats to the aerloua
visits of the dlrcctoi!
Matters In District Court.
The Jury in the ense of Dorn and Mc
Jlnty against George Cooper yesterday
brought In a verdict for JKX) ditmuges for
the plnlntlff. The case had been on trial
two d-iys and practically every resident
of Ncola and vicinity had taken one sldo
or the other. At a former trial the Jury
found for the defendant.
C A. Beno of the John Beno company la
named as defendant In a suit brought by
Charles Evans of Omaha in the Cnlttd
States court In which the local merchant
Is asked to give up to the tunc of 10,0(t.
In November Mr. and Mra. Kvnna and the
latter'a sister were Hrrcsted ut the lnstunca
of Helm, who in company with Omaha of
ficers Heat-died the Kvans upurtmenta for
property alleged to have been stolen from
the Beno atore. It ia alleged that Beno
lar school election one member will be
elected to All the vacancy in addition In
those elected for the full term.
I.rffert's for high grade watches, all
mukes. largest stock to select from.
Real ICstate Transfers.
These transfers were filed for record yes
terday: Mary A. Shoemaker and hushnud to
eiorcn Peterson, lot 7. block 1, Galcs
burg add., w. d , $ 105
Oeorgo Hansen and wife to Nels Pet
ersen, part lot 1. Williams' subdiv.
of Mill lot, w. il l,a)
curltlcs to Jhe Carrol County bank to cover
1 a shortage In hla account with the Carrol
bonk. It Is now alleseil by smaller depos
' Itora that the Carrol bank Is not entitled to
a. preferred claim, but that ull the losers
'tt' should receive their share. Previous to tho
y bubble bursting, Caton was known as ohe
oi tno ioremost men oi me lown ana
court y.
, for Hrnt.
An excellent office location Ht 10 Pearl
street. Only four doors from corner Broad
way and Pearl street. Centrally located on
ground floor nnd a nice large show window.
Cll at 10 Pearl street, Hoe office. Council
Bluffs. .
t lAiffert's for expert watch. Jewelry r-
l f pntrlng and engraving. The work we do
f In this department is absolutely high grade.
( Wo guarantee the prices the lowest for
1 tlte good quality of work done. Services
"V, prompt. Ix'ffert's, Jewelers and Opticians,
A W. Broadway.
y Gilbert Broa. will commence cutting lee
r ct tho water work reservoir Monday, Feb
r.'rf ruary 6. Men wanted.
Rooms and cafe. Ogden hotel.
Lefferfs for diamonds on MONTIItiY
PAYMENTS at most reasonable prices.
X. Y. Plumbing Co, Tel. 25i . Night, K6fi7
s Big Winter Term Opens Monday,
Jan. 2. 1906. New Classes In all de
partments B P. MILLER. Prealdent.
Manaato Temple. 'Plinna B614.
physical detriment to Mrs, Evans, who wna
In a weak condition. Kvans also alleges
that he was subjected to great degradation
by being forced to change quurteja and
also lost hia job on account of the Beno
Judge Thorncll has announced the fol
lowing assignment of cases:
Mon-cfay, February a Goldstein against
Sheriff Morgan et al. Shields against
Tuesday, February 7 Way Against Aylcs
worth. Bromberg against Evans Laundry
company. Rafter against Andres.
Wednesday, February x Ijuuptnann
against Stubbs et ul. Iand against Hol
lenbeck Bros.
Thursday. February fl Pnlen against Rock
Island railroad. Hacfner against Muber
Bros, et al. Cory, executrix, against Leon
ard et al,
Friday, February 10 Wade against City
of Council Bluffs. F.IIsworth ugalnut City
of Council Bluffs. Chernlss against Motor
company. Hawkins against Motor com
pany. Saturday, February 11 Squire & Annls
against Chicago G. & K. Co. Oglesby
et al against Butler. Ferguson against
Pottawattamie county.
Monday, February 13 Kstes aguinst Mil
waukee railroad (special). Clatterbuck
agalnBt Under.
Tuesday, February 14 Meneray against
City of Council Bluffs. First National bank
against Schocning. Hays against Clurk.
Wednesday, Fenruary 15 Potter against
City of Council HlutTs, two cases. Clatter
buck against Motor company.
Thursday. February 1H Marks ugalnst
Houston et ul. Anderson against Motor
com. a ny.
Monday. February 20 Howard ft Howard
nguinat t'nlted States Kxpress company.
Fogartv aguinst Chicago Great Western
Tuesday. February 21 Ilannan against
Novelty Alunuidcturlng company et al ispe
Wednesduy, February 22 Tlbblts. admin
istrator, ugalnst t nicago urcut western.
a a m a d Ai r o
U V.
KatabUahnd 1ISI.
jre.mar ana MIb 8t r flwos's Sho Staro
''i You can borrow any fttnoiint or. ealtl. aonts,
' .0 I , .hnl.l fumlluH ur Bhw ehltl ttMUfitV.
i ' ii l'rniti uin lo ruafW on nn lpi l ny tint
. v'i ' ,,, uit surrooor, und laMreu rodHml sccordinily.
I ? , X ,...1 ....Hllilallilul. l UKIll r.llH. 4.eif HIMI
Air evenlns till t.lvi Uiurday ynia till
!T. Y Plumbl.iB Co. Tel. 'JZO. Night. FC67.
28 PEARL ST.raos,os'
Lady Attendant If Peslred.
3Bi mffi-SRBH
t V,' 1
5 I
I a '
.' a n n n n r
h t
Hnndar Services,
tt. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church, Rev
G. W. Snyder, pastor; services at H a. ni..
T:80 p. m.: morning subject, "Talents;'
evening subject, "Power of Song." Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m.; Young People's so
ciety at 8:45 p. m.
First Church of Christ (Scientist), serv
ices at 11 a. in. In the Sapp block. Sun
flay school at noon. Wednesday evening
service at 8 o'clock.
Second Presbyterian church, Rev. Harvey
Hosteller, pastor; morning subject, "Be
cause of the Cold." In the evening, "John,
the Beloved Disciple."
Second Church of Christ (Scientist),
morning service at 10:45 In Woodman, hall,
Merrlam block, subject. "Soul." Sunday
school nt 11:45 a. m.; Wednesday evening
testimony meeting at 7:45.
Swedish Baptist church. Rev. C. J.
Chrlstianson, pastor; sernron every Sunday
Two transfers, total 1,31)5
Leffert's for diamonds of finest qunllty.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
PICS MOINKS. Feb. 4. -(Special Tele
gram.) A movement is on foot In the
Klghth district to unite the democrats and
Independent republicans to defeat Congress
man Hepburn because of his attitude on
the Interstate commerce question, letters
have been received by Des Moines demo
crats, stating that plans nre being made to
hold n conference soon.
Captain Guy K. I,ogan of Ked Oak,
county recorder, was today appointed as
sistant adjutant general.
Governor Cummins issued a requisition
today foe John Wilson, alias Frank Ken
nedy, under arrcrt nt Yankton, 8. D., and
wanted nt Sioux City for the murder of
Joseph O'Brien.
The National Masonic Accident associa
tion of Des Moines and thn North Amer
ican Accident Insurance company of Chi
cago have been consolidated. The Chi
cago company some time ago took over the
Knights of Pythias Insurance company,
which It has continued to conduct as a
department to its regular business. It Is
the Intention to conduct the Des Moines
company as a department In the same
manner. The consolidation was made
necessary by the need of a larger capital
by the Des Moines Masonic company.
Thousand nf pretty Vnlciitiues, 2 for q
Uirgc Viilt'iitim roltlcrs q
Tretty Imvo Valt'iitint'H 3c
,u tii i-itfst XovpMck 6c-6c-8c-IOc-l5c
Kuvelopi'8 frt't' with all Valentines routing 5c or over.
Iluinlsonie UcMcjnH in boxes ut all prices.
;'niir Valentine. 2 for q
wlieii tho ilitit fmst couica if your plumbing
W uot In t:i m"1 order. A poor plumlxT can
ruin your homo In abort order. If you
wont your work )truMrly nt tended to, ami
dono in a sclent lrte ud w orWniutillkc uw li
ne r. we will give you iwrfpct sntlsfaiilon.
Inuannl Aetlvltr Manifest AmoiiK
Tlione oclally Inclined.
Mr C. P. Rhensrd lins been on tha air.!;
list this week.
Miss Cora Smith has Just recovered from
a severe nttack of the grip.
Mre. J. 8. Yetsrr has been called to Cndli,
O., by the serious Illness of her mother
A dance was held last night at the Ornnd
hotel by the United Commercial Travelers.
Miss Cherry Wells entertained n tmmher
of friends Informally at her home Thursday
Mrs. Ueorge Jackson of South Flist street
Is confined to her home by a severe uttuck
of tho grip.
Mrs. Apted nnd son. Allen, of Denver.
Colo., are the guests of Mr. Arthur Apted
of West Pierce street.
Mrs. Elsie Tyndnl of Salt Ijtke City, a
lormer reaiueni or (. ouncti mulls, visited
iriencs in me city inursjay.
Miss Ethel Hnrcourt returned Friday to
her home In Fremont, Net.., after a pleas
ant wij.i wun inenas in tnis city.
Mrs. J. C. Sandhorne of Atchleuti. Kan.,
ib spending ine winter wun ner Non, Mr.
oanuuorne or secona avenue.
Mr. Oeorgo Keellne and daughter, Miss
Edna, left Friday evening on a trip to Jack
sonville, Fla., where they will make an ex
tended visit.
Mr. and Mra. Dell O. Morgan of Oakland
avenue entertained at dinner Thurexlay
evening In honor of Dr. and Mrs. ,J. C.
Waterman. Covers were laid for twelve.
The I'nlty guild of Grace Episcopal
church will entertain Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs. H. O. Running of 300 West
Broadway. All friends are cordially In
vited. The Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's
church met with Mrs. M. F. Rohrer of Vine
strctt Monday afternoon. The time was
pleasantly spent In sewing. Refreshments
were served.
The ABC club was pleasantly enter
tained at the home of Miss Joe Clausen of
East Uroadwuy, Friday evening. A daintily
appointed luncheon wus served. Mrs. I.. A.
Uruy will be the next hostess.
A "ground hog day" social was given at
the First Baptist church Thursday evening
for the purpose of permitting the new mem
bers to become better acquainted. Refresh
ments were served and a Jolly time la re
ported. Mrs. August Bereshelm of 53 South Third
street entertained the euchre club at her
home Thursday afternoon. The club prize
was won by Mrs. B. M. Sargent Twenty-
four were present. Dainty refreshments
were served.
A Jolly sleighing party was given by Bo
no's clerks Wednesday evening in spite of
the cold weather. After a drive about the
city the merrymukers repaired to the home
of Miss May Rod, where they enjoyed an
oyster supper.
The Kensington club met Monday efter
noon nt the home of Mrs. W. A. Stone of
X1 Lincoln avenue. About twelve were pres
ent. The afternoon was spent in sewing
fur the children of the Creche. Refresh
ments were served.
The C. M. L. club met with Mrs. J. J.
Hughes of 235 Tenth avenue Wednesday
afternoon. The first prize was won hy Mrs.
George Tinley und the cut for all prise was
awarded Mrs. P. Gunnoude. A dainty
luncheon was served.
Mrs. W. E. Dawson of 803 Seventh avenue
entertained the Seventh Avenue Card club
at her homo Wednesday evening. Twenty
four were present and each gueut was pre
sented with a favor. A daintily appointed
luncheon was served.
Thursday afternoon, nt the home of Mrs.
D. O. Morgan of Oakland avenue. Mts.
Morgan, Mis. Cl'irk htiii Mrs. Srhnorr en
tertained In honor of Mrs. J. C. WateriMan.
First prise was won hy Mra. True. A de
licious luncheon was served.
The Ducky Thirteen Card club was enter
tained at the homo of Mrs. Ralph Williams
Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded
Mrs. Huthaway and Mrs. Canning. Dell
clous refreshments were served. Mrs.
Hathaway will be the next hostess.
Mrs. C. K. Taylor of 1030 South Fourth
street, entertained the women of the Kro
nnmlcal Curd club at ber home Thursday
afternoon. The prizes were wen by Mrs.
Uenrgi Roberts and Mra. Warren Acibill.
Mrs. James Spate of Klghth street will be
the next hostess.
The Unity guild of G are Episcopal church
was entertain, d by Mrs. I, P. Dahelle ut
her home on Avenue Ii Friday afternoon.
After the business meeting a dainty court
luncheon wa served. The outside guests
were Miss Anna Mikesell and Miss Mar
garet Henderson.
Mr. B. Or a til entertained the AJux club
at the home of Mr. T. N. Peterson of
Fourth street. Monday evening. The first
prises were won by Mrs. Henry Peterson
and Mr. Henry Sterling, and the booties'
were awarded Mrs. Grahl and Mr. I.elTerts
Mrs. Henry Peterson of Bluff steet will be
the next hostess.
Although the weather kept many away. It
wna an altogether Jolly and enthusiastic
crowd that attended the dance given by Mr.
f'hnmbers In the Armory Wedresday night.
This Is the first of the dances Mr. Chambers
will hold In the Armory every Wednesday
and It Is to be hoped that less attention
will be paid to the weather and more to the
good tin'" to be had at the Armory.
The girls of St. Uatherine's guild renrgnn.
licit last 1 uefday at the homo vt Mrs. E.
H Dnolltile of 107 South Seventh street.
The chosen officers are as follows: Miss
HHra Hesley. president: Miss Mabel Mur
doch, vice president; Miss Margaret Stubhs,
secretary. and Miss Amanda Bui kmait.
treasurer The girls will meet at the home
of Mrs. Doollttle again next Tuesday to be
gin preparations fur their Easter sale.
The semi-monthly program given Friday
afternoon by tho Ulrls' Uterary society was
os follows: Piano solo. Miss Viva Wind;
Redding. M kh Bessie Day: recitation. Miss
Catherine Mv.r house; debate, "Kem.lved,
That convict labor by contracts should h
aliollshrd." the affirmative was upheld by
M'ss Bessie t'b.y tind Mlsa Fay Hrown,
the negative was taken by Miu Margaret
Flti'koi.Ker and Miss Haul Brown. The de
cision of the Judge was Z to 1 in fa Mir of
the affirmative. The next program will be
furnished l.y the seniors.
A v-ry qnlrt home weddii.g look place at
th home of V. liuxe edj.rml.. y evening,
PaDKhter of Mrs. lallor- Donates Old
Tpr of Locomotive to Nehool.
AMES, la., Feb. 4 (Special.) The
mechanical engineering department at the
Iowa State college has recently rerelved
an addition to its museum collection In the
form of an old and ancient type of a loco
motive. It comes as tho gift of Mrs.
Jesse Mallory Thayer of Charlton, la., and
was donuted without expense to the col
lego in any form. Early lit the fall Presi
dent A. B. Storms received a communica
tion from Mrs. Thayer offering the engine
to the college if they had a suitable place
to put It.
Tho engine Is unlike any type that Is In
use today and Is a curiosity. The engini
Is three feet, narrow gauge, Forney type,
having outside valve motion and the driv
ing wheels and cylinder on a truck separate
from tho boiler, which is contrary to more
recent methods of construction. It Is
equipped with the old fashioned funnel
stack, small drivers and tenders and a
headlight seemingly out of all proportion to
Its weight. It is In bad condition, the
woodwork being rotted and smashed and
the metal rusted In spots, but a compara
tively small expense in the repairing and
paint which it will receive will add much
to its appearance. The Chicago, Burlington
& Qulncy and the Chicago A Northwestern
roads transported It to Ames free of
charge. It was at one time the property
of the Denver & Rio Grande. From cast
ings on different parts of the engine It
will be observed that It has also been the
property of the Union Pacific, Denver A
Gulf Railway, also of the Denver A Bout'.i
Park railway. Mr. Mullory bought the
engine and used it In the laying of the
double track at Red Onk, Ia.
Earermaror Will Publish Charges
Against City Administration.
MARSH ALLTOWX, Ia., Feb. 4.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Plans nre on foot to launch
a new newspaper and political venture
In this city within the next few days and
sensations galore are promised. Joseph
Whltacre, a young man formerly with
the Marshalltown Herald, will put out
a weekly publication called the "Free
Press." There will be no subscription I
charge, the paper being delivered by car- j
Hers. Tho first Issue will appear Friday i
morning, February 10, and the news space '
will be devoted to local matters only, i
In the first seven Issues will be published
the charger of Joseph H. Egermayor, In
dependent candidate for mayor, against
the present city administration and many I
sensational statements are promised. As
Whltacre stutes, its purpose will be to '
I give the people of Marshalltown what
I.nwson s "Frenzied Finance" la to the
Wall street kings. Arrangement to pub
lish tho Egermayor articles were made
yesterday and It Is ft u ted thut Eger
mayor has worked for the last six months
In preparing this matter. The venture Is
expected to be floated by advertising and
If enough patronage can be secured it will
be a permanent addition to the press of
the city. I
Awarded the GOLD MEDAL at the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition for
Superior Quality, Purity and Perfection
of Age
.. . 10l:.LA. '
ye m
1 E
February 7 and 21 March 7 and 21, 1905
toCheyenne, Laramie, Rawlins,
and all intermediate Wyoming,
Kansas and Nebraska points.
Limon, Ft. Morgan, Sterling and
all intermediate Colorado points.
to Colby, Oakley, and all in
termediate Kansas points.
One Fcir t0 pnts n ansas anc Ne-
nn. .o fnummtm, braska west of and including
not .to ui ii. ia Nrtrtrta Manhattan, Kansas, Columbus
and Western Kansas, nor $11.00 m
iu kuni east of oakiey. and Beatrice, Nebraska.
Inquire at
Thone 31U.
tnatltnte at SheuanUoali.
SHENANDOAH, la., Feh. 4.-(Spoclal.-Tk1hv
Was the third and last day nf the
Page county farmer's lntitltute, whlrh has
been In annunl seaalon in the armory building-
In this oity for three days. All the way
through the Hireling has been one nf great
interest nn1 hus attracted a blRsrr crowil
than ha4 prohnhly ever attended a meet
Ins of thla kind before In so'ithwestern
Iowa. And this wus deeplte the fact that
the weuthrr wus the worst we have had
In years. The next meeting- will be held
In Clarinda at o date to be fixed by the
executive committee The officers for the
cornlnf year nre: D D. Stitt of Coin, pres.
Ident; H. H Hatcher of Slienamlouh. vice
president; J. E. Suwhlll of t'lurlnttu. secre
tary; Charles Houston of Clurindu, treas
urer: executive committee. t V. Douthlt
of Clarinda. 3undcrman of Clarinda nnd
V. T. Woodman of Coin.
Sunday school convention was held, Ht
which ft long nnd well prepared progrum
whs rendered hy the following: Kev. (leorgs
Reeder, Nephl Yocum. If. V. Ucebee, II.
Madsen, Mrs. J. M. Hoyd. Heiwlo MuKlroy,
Hohert Wise, Mrs. Hatliv Swan. Mrs. E.l
wurd tlaali, Cora Burnt tt, Mubcl MrElruy,
Kate IJennatt and Arthur Thomns.
hi IT
M 4
Klremeu Klert Ofltrers.
WOODBINK. la, Feb. 4.-rSperial.)-J.
M. IlouKh honk and ludder company has
elected the following: officer for one year:
Chief, J. J. WVIhm; assistant chief. David
Veagcr; president, O. B. Itlgg; secretary
and treasurer, ftnlph Uarrlsc.n; foreman,
Frank HeniuUl; uaslsiaut formnn, i.'harlca
Wllncy and Keiiyon. For the henefll
of the hook und ladder rum:any mi the
evening of Wednesday, February t. the
Woodbine Dramatic company will present
home-tulcnt play entitled "Tatters." with
the following urtors: Ahhle Ilenedlrt, Ed
ward lilevinv. Reuben Morae, Arnold Hen
nett. Ch.irle. WlWey, Mrs. Minnie riever
neH, Fred Morse, William J. neveriiess,
Halph HarrlMjii and Joy Hutler.
NuadM) Heboid ta r nt luu,
BKKHICKTOWN. la.. Feb. I. --( Special. -At
tho H'-el'c i low n church thla morning a
Iowa t'oinomnlstlr Mtirlety Asked to
I'ay Birk Taxes.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. T"eb. 4 A seiiaatlonul
suit has been iMgun ngilnst the Amutii
mclely. Judge 8. H. Falrull .f low.i
City, In behalf of taxpayers, alleges thut
the organization Is ope of the grentcst
rommunhule bodies in the I'nlted Ktules
not paying taxes. As a result of this
complaint Judge ttyiniilnn t.I Iowa City
hu ordered County Attorney Wallace tu
In nig hii action Involving from IJ.imxi.ouu
to xt.KO.OiW.
c i O 111 LJ H cl I
Ion Farmer lnrane. j
A.VIKS, la.. Fell I. (bpeclal. ) Andrew
Kitchen, a well known and highly re- I
Mpicted farmer residing vouthweet of town, I
hus been declared Insane and Iihk been
taken to the asylum at Clarinda. I
Fralt tiranrr. Meet.
MIHriOI'RI VAI.I-KV. hi., Feb. H.-(8pe-clul.)
The Harrison County Fruit (irow- !
ers' association held a meeting thla after
noon ut 1 o'clock at the office of A. I). i
Hohbrook and perfected plans for the sea-
son's work
III, lajuretl la Fipioaloa.
WHKKI.INO. Y. Vi... Feb. I - Five men
were seriously In lurid, two probably fa
tally, by an explosion today which wrecked
the paint works of the Wheeling Corru
gating company The canst: of th cxplo
slu is not known.
Very Low Rates
W Homeseekers
and Colonists
To Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Indian and
Oklahoma Territories - Every 1st and 3d Tmsdays
Specinl one wn,v ctilonint rules In nhove oinl.s nil IVb.
2xt mid .Miiich 21 kt , mill to cei tiiiii pointH in Colorixio nnd
Stopovers will be nllowcd within transit limit of l."tlavs
jfoini; after reiiehiu; tirt lioineHeeKers' iolnt en route.
For further infornuition or Iunl l'iiiiiililcls, FoIiIith,
MupH, etc., address any ajfent of the company, or
Pass, and Ticket AgL Trav. Pass. Agt.