fllE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BfNTUY. FKBIU'ARY 3. 1903. REPUBLICAN CLUB BASQUE I Young Republican to Hald Annual Affair in Lincoln February 13. MISSOURI OFFICIAL AMONG ORATORS H. K. Atfirarl Reappointed liy the Governor ftaaM-rlatenrlent ml the limitation for the Deaf anil Dank at Omaha. (From a Staff Correspc ndent.) M.NCOL.V, Feb. 4 (Special )-The annual 1) liquet of the Young Men' Ri publican lub will b held at the Llndcl hotel Mon day evening, February 13. The tweakers are A. L. (Jale of Lincoln, Attorney Gen eral Hadley of Missouri and W. I Ourley of Omaha. H. O. Dobbins of Lincoln will act at toastmaater. Steart la Reappointed. K. E. Stewart of Omaha wax reappointed superintendent of the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha by Governor Mlrkey. Mr. Stewart ha Riven splendid satisfaction aa the head of thla Institution and hia ad ministration of affairs haa been compll mm ted by the governor. firm "la Brinks. Meadow Orove la to have a new bHiik known fla the Menrinw nrovi. Fnpm,-. Ami Merchnnta tianR, with a capital stock of llO.flro. Th Incorporators are W. 11. StocRer, J. R. Baaton. A. J. Dunlevy and J. V. War ' rick. The Tarnov 8tate linnk of Tarnov la riled Its articles of Incorporation with thft Banking board. The capital atock of thla proposed bMnk la fio.oon. and the In corporators are D. L. Gallagher and II. M. Little. Captain John J. Pershing and hia bride, who arrived In Lincoln thla evening from the east to vlalt relatives, were tonight tendered ait elaborate reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Whedon, Tuxt hundred invitations were Issued. Captain and Mrs. Pershing leave tomorrow evening for Cheyenne, the former borne of Mrs. Pershing. Then they go to San -Francisco, railing on the 14th to Toklo. .la pan, where Captain Pershing Is to bo atatloned as United States military attache. 104 sj .Mi la OF t.KRO WEATHFIl Thermometer Makes Rome Low Rec ords Thronghoat Nebraska. HARVARD, Neb., Feb. 4. (Speclal.)-The tfuvernment thermometer during last night fell to a fraction over 22 degrees below aero. This Is the coldest registration of the Winter. The mercury haa not risen above Cero since February 1 and the oldest set tlers cannot recall when the mercury has continuously remained below sero for ao long & time at this point. Snow haa been falling again today and with the fine cover ing of snow on the ground moat excellent sleighing Is being enjoyed. OENEVA. Neb., Feb. 4.-(Speclal.)-Last night the mercury dropped to 25 below. The night was quiet and clear. NORTH I-OCP, Neb.. Feb. 4.-i8poela).) Silica January s sixteen Inches of mow has fallen and It hns all remained where It Tell, it Is many years since so much snow haa fallen without high winds. The tempera ture baa ranged very low, falling to 34 de gress below aero several times during that period- and for thirteen days It did not rise above the ero mark. No damage to live mock has been reported to date. SUTTON, Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special.) The thermometer stood 88 below this morning at sunrise. The teach crop la greatly dam aged throughout thla locality. I FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. WSpedaU-The ifovernnienl thermometer stood at 23 below this morning. It haa moderated during the -y fnd, this, -afternoon rwiehed 10 above, the warmest It baa 'been since Tuesday. Sleighing la perfect, but owing to the cold but few cutters are out. atAlL STARVE BY THOliAM)-, I'aabte to aerateh Through Froaea Snaw far food Many Die. Nebraska city. Neb. Feb. .(spe- lal.)-Furmers say that thousands of quail r starving to death In this county. The country roads are lined with quail aearch Ing to. something to eat and In many cafeea th little fellow-, fly Into barns and gran aries in search of grain. The thawing and ino mm inirty anya lias formed coatings of Ice over the ground through which the quail cannot scratch to aerure food. Jn several Instances entire flocks Of them have been found in hedges huddled togetr.tr, dead, caused by the se vere weather and luck of food. Many farmers ore feeding the quuil on their places and hunger tempts them to leave thrlr hiding placen while the grain Is be lug scattered on the ground. Fugitive Ha Feet Froaen. COLUMBUS, Neb., Feb. 4.-(8peclal.)-Jolill Matea, a young Polish lad who lives n Nance county, Is at St. Marys hospital JjU this city with a pair of frozen feet and Sa Chances are that both will have to be amputated. 'John tried to dodge the sheriff, who wunted him on a charge preferred by a PollHh girl near Genoa, with whom John had been kteplng company, but not hi promises. He was traced to Silver Creek, where It was sold he had taken a train for thla city, But It Seems Instead (hat he cut for the sandhills and slept In a haysttu k With the mercury 25 degrees below rero. He wS found the next morning badly fmscn and brought to the hospital here. Matea ha g record of shooting a man In Chicago a few years ago and Jumping a $4uo ball bond. traaiire 4 atme of Death. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb 4.-(8peclal-Jamee, th S-j ear-old son of James Herd lltohka. a farmer living a few miles north of IMs city. . Is dead aa the result of a peculiar1 accident which happened to him last summer. The lad was attempting to get a bureau drawer cpm to replace a small bras' nail, which he was holding In hit mouth aa he opened the drawer. It quits an effort und In the attempt ths lad swallowed the nail end a few days thereafter became quite 111. Medical aid which was summoned failed to locate the nail and even the tse of the X-ray proved of no avail. A couple of months ago in a fit of Coughing the lad threw up ths nail In a badly rusted condition and It Is presumed It must have lodged In the bronchial tubes. The removal of the for eign substance seemed to bring little relief to the patient nnd he continued to fall steadily until this werk. when he grew rapidly worse and died. Funeral services were held this afternoon nnd Interment was at the Bohemian cemetery. HITCH IS THK TKI.fcrilOSE MKRtiKR Stockholders Withdraw Consent for Male to the Hell C ompany. FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 4 (Special. There Is but little probability that the Bell Telephone Company will succeed In absorbing the Fremont company, although some of the organiicrs of the latter com pany lire trying to bring about the merger. Some of the stockholders who had con sented to the combination have withdrawn their consent and are satisfied to let mat ters remain as they are. If the company sells out at uil it will undoubtedly be to the Independent company uf Lincoln, so that Fremont will still be a station on the Independent lines. ' WIDOW KIUS eOll !MRACK Mrs. fiallant Alleges She Has Filed Proof of Husband's Death. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Feb. 4.-Spe-clal.) Mrs. I.ena A. Gallant, widow of the late Philander Gallant, bus brought suit against the Tribe of Ben Hur to collect $1,400. the amount of a policy held by her husband. In her petition the plaintiff al leges she has filed proof of her husband's death but the lodge hns fulled to pay any part of the amount of the rollcy. Phil ander Gallant was one of three brothers who nrc supposed to have been drowned hiHt March while duck hunting on the Missouri river and whose body has never been recovered. Raptlsts at Teromseh. TECUMSEH. Neb., Feb. 4.-Speclal.) A Christian stewardship conference was held at the Tecumsch Baptist church yesterday and was well attended by ministers nnd delegates from the Nemaha association. The program was full of Interest. Rev. t G. Pope, pastor of the Grand Island church, spoke of the 'Tastor's Relation to Syste matic Giving." Rev. C. W. Brlnsted, gen eral missionary of Omaha, spoke of "The Claims of Christ Upon Wealth." Rev. C. A. Cook of Uloomsfleld, N. J., spoke on "Christian Stewardship." Rev. D. D. Proper or Des Moines, la., used ns bis subject "The Missionary 8plrit of Giving." Local talent assisted In the program. Court Work at Aurora, AURORA, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special. )-Judge Evans closed the January term of the dis trict court last evening. Twelve cases were on the docket for tho term. Two of the cases were Important, that of Brown against Brown, involving the omission of grandchildren from the will or their grand father, and the case of the state ugalnst A. M. Glover, known as the "cold storage" case. The Brown case was taken under adviiement and the court sustained the city ordinances In the cold storage case, which prohibit persons from storing liquor and distributing the same to others In an attempt to evade the Slorumb law. Indictments at Humboldt. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb. 4 ifRneolal 1 The grand Jury has not yet adjourned, but has disposed of the t WO tirinclnnt c..ea from the end of the county, returning indictments against Otis 8lmfna and Wil liam Perkins, colored. The Hrot n,.m,i i. charged with assault upon tiie person of Chris Stucke with Intent to kill. This is the Nlma City affair where a billiard cue Was used In settling u gunl. quarrel In a pool hall. Perkins Is charged with forging tha name of Mrs. Anne Mc Kenney of this city to a check of $1 and cashing tha same at a local bank. Rndorae Ferrar and Kyd Mills. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. I. (Special.) The Royal Highlanders have adopted a resolution declaring "That Dunnottar castlo Indorses house rolls No. 85 and SO, Intro duced by Hons Ferrar and Kyd, feeling as sured that said hills are Just, equitable and for the best interests of the government of fraternal beneficiary societies." These bills are hot altogether In harmony with that of tho Fraternal congress, the Ferrer bill particularly being for indepen dent Jurisdiction In thla state. !evw of Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH, Feb. 4.-The Elks gave their fourth annual ball In this city Thurs day evening. BEATRICE, Feb. 4-The business men pf t ortland arc making plans to organize a telephone company. CHADRON. Feb. 4-The Crawford bowl ing team came and defeated the Chadron team by thirteen pins. But this Is not the end of the contemn. PLATTSMOUTH. Feb. 4. The Platts mnuth Woman's club had a very pleasant and highly Interesting tlmo at (he homo of Mrs. O. W. Oilman Inst evening. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 4.-The Epworth league committee of the Nebraska City dis trict Inst night decided to hold the district convention of the league In Weeping Water next June. CHADRON. Feb. 4-Mrs. Betsy C. Prince, aaeri 93 years, died at the home nf hur nu. daughter. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hartlett. sh eaves nve graiiacnuureu und eight great grandchildren. PLATTSMOUTH. Feb. 4.-Dr. T. P. I.lv Ingstun was called t Paciilc Junction to dress a fool of Alfred Kroon. whli h was badly cruxhed by a car wheel while he was wuikiiik in ire uurungton yam. PLATTSMOUTH. Feb. 4.-Father Joseph Bartek. who has been the Catholic urler at the Bohemian church In this city for four years. .1m to be aucceeded by Father iMiwuuKi mo nrsi or next month. I'HADRON. Feb. 4. Snow and then more imw in mm leai sieigiuug we nave had this winter. In fact, summer lamed until the holidays, but now the thermometer stays down all the time, once 22 below aero. TECUMSEH. Feb. 4. -The attendance at the Johnson County Farmers' institute yes terday waM VPry much increased, due to the modification In the severe weather. Inter esting sessions were held throughout the any. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 4 Mary Hln haw, daughter of Mrs. ?. L. Wilcox, died at the home of her mother from consump tion, aged 11. She came to this city with her parents fourteen years ago. The fu- Jl' L. .J'- liJ (DT 15 lb TbG rading Contractors , Bids will b received until 4 o'clock p. m. February II. for removing approximately 33,000 cublo yards of earth from tha site of J. L. Branded & Sens' new building. For further information see J. L BRANDEIS & SONS or JOIKJ LATENSER, EWEY WIN 1LJ FURNITURE CO. 115-1117 FARNAAl STREETS- PARLOR FURNITURE $KMtt nn pnrlor chair, uinhnenny back, ullk A C A daiiirtsk aat, closing nut trlif Tw $12.( Maliotfany parlor chair, ninhoRany wltb 1A turwntry sprlnif sr-at, cloalnu out price... UIU fl".o) Solid mahogany inn pnrlor chair. Hup Hgnnd woo1. fine dnmnsk upholHtervd sent. Q flfl clewing out price Uv $JU..V Mahogany arm clialr. hltfh lwck, green Q AA daninsk srat, closing out price O.UU fll.jO Inlnld ltotnun seat, carved back, tufted H y C tapestry Heat, closing out price itJ $(.3 Mnliogany nlde parlor chair, pretty de- I "7C nlgti, tajieatry neat, closing out price T I J $."i0.on Fire piece parlor suit, mnliogany finish, frame rtanmsk, upholstering, very good design, "11 C A closing out price $ J3 '11Z) Mahogany firm rocker, fine figured wooii Z C silk diimnsk weHt, closing out price I f $).) 2 piece solid mahogany suit, to lie Upholstered In goods to suit purchaser, frames now EE rtfl made tip In muslin, closing out price.. J JiUU $0tui Mahogany frame Turkish chair, now in muslin, to be covered In gotnls to suit purchaser (( closing out price afUU $42.(io Oolden oak davenport, tnpestry tiphol-JJ f( stcred sent and linck, closing out price. aWAUU iftti lmvenpnrt bed aofa, Antwerp oak frame, mr tapestry upholstered, closing out pri',e.l'UU U DINING ROOM FURNITURE Ji.riO Mahogany dining table, 8 ft., extenslonl Q JA fluted legs, rich design, closing out price I O J U $31.5l Mahogany dining table, French legs, trt rich plain design, closing out price. . . . tJ03 144.00 (olden oak buffet, handsome pattern, tl AA hand carved, closing out price ftt33 $75.00 (lolden oak buffet, large French plnte EJ A A mirror, closing out price..... J I UU fliiO.tMi pining tnble. golden oak. pedestal ten- fA ter. 5 ft., round top, closing out price., i ".UU $43.oo Hound top golden oak dining tulile. AA Fivuch legs, closing out price "UU $2t.ro fctet of four side and one arm mahogany dining chairs, box frame, closing out f f CA price Ifc.JxJ $."0.(KI Hot of six Ride und one arm mahogany dining chairs, new pattern, closing out TT nl price .U V 3.00 Coldcil ouk dining chair, cane sent, closing out price . $2.00 Uoldon oak dining chair, cone and wood 13.11 seat, closing out price 1,JD f.'I.OO Dining chuir, box frame, golden oak, f( caneiseat, closing out price aUU $3.50 Box frame golden onk dining chair, ' fA closing out price JU $210.00 Dining stilt, maliognuy. t'olouial design, side board, china closet, and round top dining (E table, closing out price, 3 pieces "lOJ 4t!2.oo Diuing suit, haudsome solid mahogany through . out, cousisting of sideboard, china closet, round table, six side chairs, one arm chair, $7fl closing out price U 2.25 CLOSING OUT SALE A sale that Is attracting attention from far and near. Never bsfore haa uch a complete and desirable stock of fine, medium and cheap furniture of every description been offered at such ridiculous prices. Retiring- from busi ness absolutely. Positively every piece of furniture must be sold regardless of cost. We are the largest and only exclusive furniture house In Omaha, and have a complete stock of furniture of every description If you do not find what you want in the list that follows, come and seethe values of articles that we cannot describe -each and every one which Is marked at a special price nnd which also contains the regular price ticket. Many pieces at cost, and a great many at half cost. Our Farnam street building for rent or sale, possession given Ala r.h 1st. Here are some of the values PRINCESS DRESSERS IIS.WO Onlden O'lk Trlneess Dresser, very large k'hss, clusins; out f .4 7 ti prke I iJ. 1 J 1!'.'V Unlden k Princess Hrrsser, shaiwii kIhss, double swell bnse ;;,r,;re,:K..m'.1. 16.00 37. HolaVn ouk. very large Princess Presser. full quarter-sawed, ol-li-hed. Iiand carved, very lre oval ;;ri,;;or:.'K,:".,i.8..u.t 30.00 u&M IhIh.rhii I'rinctas 1 1 if DreM-r. closing out price. --VV 20.00 Curly birch t'rincens 25 flfl firesser. closing out iirice-' Hirdfl-ye niHiile I'rlncesi ()f Pressor, t lofinn out pi lie"-" :.m Ulrds-eye maple t'rlnre-s 'Ift ff Presser. cloliie out price. 3().C(i Hlrds-eye maple Princess 2tl llfl Pretver. ( losinif out lirice. . vv ti'O.w 41.30 si.ru) 3.no 27.0TI 34. ui 23.00 53.00 45.00 30. mi CHIFFONIERS Mahogany Chiffonier, with removs ble mirror, cl out m (Q Dirds-eye muple Chiffonier, carved flame, closing out 'lO til price ..t O u . VJ Vf Hlrds-eye mnple Chiffonier, swell front, large mirror, A. Oil closing out price "'" Hlrds-eye mnple Chiffonier, very pretty pattern, shaped front, large mirror, closing out 27 00 Curly birch Chiffonier, pretty pat tern mirror, shape 1 top. 21 fHt closing out price 4 i J r Curly birch Clilffonicr. double swell front. French bevel mi r- 27 (DO ror, cloning out price "''"U lolden oak Chiffonier, large mirror. closing out 1f 7 ft v. m oak Chiffonier, iuarter- nrlce. . i, olden sriwed, fwell from, lar(;e f U mirror, closing out price.. Maiiogauy t hiffonii r. very Colonial design, with large mirror, closing out .j.QQ AirthoBany Chiffonier, with band carving. closing out price Mahogany Chiffonier, with large mirror. closing out price largo ornamented .36.00 best mnke. 24.CJ0 BED ROOM SUITES $19 Oo Three-piece bed room syj" suite, closing out price. .. kj 22.50 Red room suite, ff closing out price i M JJ 3.0O Tliree-plece bedroom suite, solid onk. large mirror In dresser, 22 mi closing out price 32.( Three-piece bed room suite, golden oak. Urge side dresser, 2rS 1.11 closing out price JJJ 3;l.7G Three-piece bed room suite, massive design, closing out 2H 00 "4 0 Three-piece birds-eye maple lied room suite, very pretty design, best quality, closing outy QO M.'-K-Three-ploce golden oak bed room sultt. very maswive. richly ornn mi nled with hand carving, extra large mirror In dresser CJi IC closing mil price uiJ.UU 119.50 Three-piece solid mahogany bed room sulie, closing out 00 IRON BI3DS Tbl Heds house $ 2.25 2.50 3.50 5.00 6 50 0.7S 12.00 17.00 21.00 1.40 1.50 eSlgn. nil 2.S0 sale Includes all Iron and Hrasn at reduced prices. Kvery lied in tlu? miuit be closed out. Iron bed, choice of color. closing out price Iron bed. choice of colors, closing out price Iron bed, heavy scroll di color), closing out price Iron bed, choice of colors, prettv scroll, pattern, closing ttfl out price O.OVI Iron bed, continuous post. choice of colors, closing 12- out price SCJ Iron bod. well llnished. strong n:td substantial, closing out a a price CJmMiJ Iron ui-d. four-poster de sign. Hliick and gold or white and gold, closing out y (Sl price J iOU Iron beil. richly brass trimmed, closing out J 2Q Heavy continuous post Iron bed, with brass lining, closliiR out price IO.OU Hundreds of Pieces of Den a.nd Living Room Furniture in weathered and Antwerp onk. also nil parlor rsblnets, music cabinets, ladlea' desks, und other furniture In this great clearing sale. LIBRARY FURNITURE $7i.tNi Miilioir.'iiiy three section Imokcnsc. Iiiiiiilnoinely llnlslicd with h sninll iiinotttit of clioico PA (( lut ml rarvlnir, clnnini; otit prlcp JuiUv $ri".t MslioHity lunik ense, tltic tlcsltfti, enrved claw fcot. two section wlilo, I'losinc out flA i.iicr rZ.UU $:t.".s llnlilcti onk lilirnry tnlilc. live drawers, PA closlim otll price MtijU ?:HK.it Maliognuy lilu-.try tdble. very i-holc pattern. curved cluw feet, under shelf, closing E Hfi out price &D.J3 lf4.l.ti Maliogtiiiy lilmiry tttble. t'olotilnl 1e- Tf AA sijjii, very iin litilsli, elnslui; out price . JJt U U !fN.(it Mnliogutiy llln-ary tiiMo, I'rench dcslirn. lifliul- somcly liiltul eiirveil timi polished, O A A closing out price OOivU $JtMt I.eallier clinir. uoldcn oak frnnic, A X 1 C slecjiy liollow design, closing out priev . . J ?4.i.tt Lcnllicr. malioany fntine. win a nil fi( cliail. elositi out price JD)f SoL'.tKt I.eatlier Turkish rocker, spring nrliiH, A A flft tlnesl work, eloxiiiK out price T'T'-UU Jji.Jl.rHi Weitlliei- oak Morris elinlr, Spanisli'r leather seat ai" lmik. closing; tint price mJ.J U "" DRESSERS $.'t."i.(H) Hlnl's eye liiaple dresser, hluiped I'rench bIhss, double swell front, closing out J QQ ."Plti.tm I'.ird's eye dresser, full circle front, lartre French licvel xlass, closliiK out 00 $;iMNt Bird's eye dressci', pretty oval French A flft Im'vcI kIiiss. cIomIuk out price $)3 ytiJ.tHi Hlrd's eye dresser, larjre 'landsunio desliin, hand enrved inline, very linse kIH'4. A,f fill lositii; out price TOiUU SJSi.tut Curly birch dresser, new design, pat- ft tern inirror. closlni; out price awaC.UU ?i.'t!.iii) Curly birch dresser, large fancy tiliaped mirror, carved standard, closiiitf out 32 00 $."tl.."it .Malmsany divsstr. pretty shape top, (?A with lare nilrror. closini; out price. .. .aCO7v S.M.tK) Mahogany tlifsser. swell front. CA (iosiiii: out price l JU $:i.".tK Mnliogany dresser, double swell front, A AA closini; out price LJrtt .f47.txt Mil hominy dresser, very lurtfe oval mirror, cir cle front case, clnsinj; out IJ 00 ,."i,s.(k Maliov'auy dirsser, very liaudsotiie, Iiand carved posts, law. massive design, A t( closim; out jirice TiUU SIS.tN) (lolden oak dresser, French bevel 1A 7 ? Kliapcil mirror, closing out jirice lY J f-l.txi !olden oak dresser, full swell quarter- J J sawed front, closing out price ...10 !f.".l.ri(l .( lolden oak dresser, full nunrlcrsa wed, ff very pretty pitttern, tiosinj: out price. .. OiUU .'(i.'U.tHi tloldeii oak, full (itlaiiersawed dresser, double swell front, oval mirror, closing out 7 fg l'flce .". (HI Uoldcu oak dresser, liauilsouiely Iiand A A AA carved, best make, closing out price. .. .TviUU Office Desks tnd Chairs t Big Reductions. Baby Carriages and Go-Carls in this Sale at About Half Price. Parlor Tables and Taborets All Go at Tremendous Reductions. All Children's Chairs, Etc., at Big Reductions in this Sale. neral servfees will be held Sunday after noon from the homo of her sister, Mrs. A. O. Kramer. PLATTBMOUTH, Teb. 4. The report of Superintendent K. L. Rouse shows the en rollment of the Plattsmouth schools to be 1.147, while last yoaf It Was 1,224. The per centage of attendance, he says, la the low est In three year BEATRICE, Feb. 4 The annual meeting of the Beatrice volunteer fire department will be held March 1 and there Bre already a numbr of aspirants tot the office of chief, among whom are J. t Bchlek, John Scharton and Jacob A. Klein. FREMONT, Feb. 4.-Fred Spauldlng was bound over t6 the district court on the charge of stealing $45 in cash and an over coat from his uncle, U 1 Greeno, while the latter was in jail. He could not give bonds and went to Jail to await trial. BEATRICE, Feb. 4.-Mlss Anna Miller, assisted by her pupils in dancing, gave a dancing party In Nichols' hall last evening, which was attended by about titty couplca of the young society people of Beatrice. The music Was furnished by Jenkins' or chestra. BEATRICE. Feb. 4 A misfit soclol Was held last night by Miss Anna Day's Sun day school cluss at her home on North Eighth street. The guests came attlrod In "mlsllts" of every description, and the af fair wad aa enjoyable and entertaining aa it was novel. CHADRON. Feb. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oilhim on awakening this morning found their 14 month-old boy baby dead in his crib. Ho had not been very well for a few days, but seemed all right when the parents fixed him for the night, and no sound was herd. FREMONT, Feb. 4. Charles Rourke. a bartender, Who waV to have had his trial In police court this morning on the charge of assaulting At Cain, failed to show up und Is believed to have skipped out. Cain Is still confined to his bed. His injuries are more serious than they were supposed to have been at first. CHADRON, Feb. 4. District court was in session one day this week. Judge W. H. Westover presiding, finishing the 1904 term. It was expected the Crawford Irrigation case would take up the whole week, but as me leaning counsel, juoge namT or iveur riey, has not yet returned from Washington, there was no business ready. NORTH IXJL'P, Feb. 4 Mrs. Elisabeth Crandall. one of the oldest resident of this county, C!d Thursday of Hrlght's dlsf ease. She was born In Deerfleld, N. Y., In 1S2S. In 1S4G ahe married Maxoit Crandall, who survives her. They emigrated from New York In 1851 to Wisconsin and have resided at North Uoup continuously since IS-). NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 4.-Tho women of Bt. Mary's Catholic church have been holding a fair at the Orand Pacific hotel all this Week. The dining r sim and parlor am prettily decorated and large crowds have been In attendance. The fair will close this evening and from present Indi cations the faJr will net the church more than $l.uu). HASTINGS, Feb, 4. Thursday evening the Hastings Commercial club, of which Mayor Miles is president, held Its first ha li nnet at I lie Bostwlck hotel. Hereafter tha bumiuet will be an annual function of the organization. The affair was given in honor of William Manss. industrial com missioner of the Burlington system and in former years a resident of Hastings. M'COOK, Feb. 4. The aherlff of Seward county arrived hero last night after Perry I. Bargent nt Seward, Who Is wanted In that town for emheaslement. He left for Seward tills morning with hia prisoner. Sar gent Is chnrged with selling I0o worth of grain belonging to hia employer and leav ing the team at tha point of shipment. 6r gent was a member of the First Nebraska regiment. UHANU I6UAND, Feb. 4.-Superlntehd-nt Deuel of the Union Pacific, with Messrs. Thomas and Hohenierhorn, was In this city yesterday, considering the removal of tho freight yards from the center of the city In consequent e of Complaints of blocked eromiliigs and several serious acci dents. The company Is acting in the mat ter upon mutually agreeable llnea with the Cummerclal club. OSCldOI.A, Feb. 4 A rail haa been Is sued, signed by Hev. o. U. Punath of the German Methodist Episcopal church, O. A. Johnson, pastor of tha Evangelical Lu theran church; Knux Buude, pastor of the First Presbyterian church; C. J. Johnsun. Liustor of the Swedish Baptist church, and L. M. Qrlgsby, pastor of the First Metho dist Episcopal church, all of Osceola, for a season of fasting and prayer. HUMBOLDT, Feb. 4.-Tho annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Humboldt Building. Loan and Savings association se lected three directors to serve three years, as follows! W'eml Hkalak, Jamrs B. Davis and E. L. Crane. Official reports were read showing the association to ba In fine ahape, with llil shares of stuck lit force and a demand for more moniry than the suclety had on hand. A second series will be Blurted at once, tha books of the secretary already being open for subscriptions, and a Hiimcient number are pledged to assure at Icaat :' more hares. WILL BE A LAW THIS WEEK Prsildent is Eif ot I to Sign Eoiebud Exleceion Bill. When writing to advertisers mention The Bee, . . RICHARDS FEARS IT IS A PRECEDENT This, However, In ot Looked I pon aa Tantamount to Objection Klnkatri Talks on Ills Measure. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 4-iHpeelal Tele gram.) The president will sign the Rose bud extension bill In the opinion of tho South Dakota delegation. Senator Gamble took up tho bill this morning with the chief executive and was referred to Com missioner Richards of the General Land department. Mr. Richards bad no par ticular objection to urge against the bill except the precedent that It created. This, It la thought, is not tantamount to an objection nnd it Is confidently expected the bill will become a law before Febru ary 8. Representative Klukald, who Is con siderably worked up over a-; attempt made yesterday In the public lands committee of the house to amend his extension bill permitting settlers on land Included In the 640-acre proposition to commence set tlement later than contemplated In the original act, said today ho would rather the bill should die than surrender the lights obtained In the bill. He stated that lie. would not have pressed tho bill lit view of the adverse report on the measure from the secretary of the In terior, but Senator Gamble having been able to pass his measure regarding Rose bud. Judge Klnkald thought It but right to attempt tho passage of this bill, the equities of which were so manifest. Tint When the committee on public lands sug gested an amendment that ot the f.Hik) Improvements to be made on n tllo-uero homestead, IS rents per acre should be TREATMENT OF PILES tirmnenre of Core he Trtie Test, Many so called pile remedies w'lll afford the user Blight tcmisirary relief and the majority of those afflicted do not expect more than this. The average sufferer, after having tried every preparation recommended f'r the cure of pllea, comes to the conclusion that there Is no cure except by an operation and rather than undergo this "last resort" he Buffers on, resigned to the situation, so far as may be. The attention of those Interested hi lnvltc to the following ex perience. "After ten years of wittering from blind, bleeding and protrudln-r piles an dafter using every remedy 1 c Vjf hear of Without any benefit, t finally bought a 50 rent box of Pyramid Pile Cure and used It with such good results I bought next a dollar box, which finished up the Job. That was nearly six years ago and as far ns pli'S Is concerned I am cured, and have neve? felt a symptom of them sinnv "Many others have usVd this remedy by my advice with the same results and I al ways recommend It to eofferera with piles." C. II. Potts, Burlington, Kans. Testimony like this should convince tho most skeptical the Pyrntnld Pile Cine not only cures, but cures to stay cured. It is in the form of a suppository, can lie applied In tha privacy of the home, directly to the parts uffeeted and does Its Work quickly and painlessly. Druggists generally, sell this famous remedy for B cents a package and suf ferers are urged to buy a package now und give It a trial tonight. Accept no sub stitute. A little book desrrlbbig the causes unJ cure of pilea la published by the Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall. Mich., and same will be sent (res to any addrenaifor Ilia tuklng. spent each year and proof mado each year to the local land office, It Was carrying tha mutter too far and ho protested. In view of the minority report on the bill Kln kald la barred from calling the bill up without unanimous consent and he has decided to stand on his rights unless H Is obviously tho wish of his constituents that he should accept the amendment as proposed by the committee. Representative Kinknld today Introduced a bill authorizing the secretary of the In terior to cause a resurvey of the certain townuhipa in Rock and Brown counties, Nebraska, namely townships 2u to "J8 (in clusive) north, of ranges 17t 1W, 21, 22, 23 and L'4, west of the Sixth principal' me ridian. Dietrich's Alaska Bill, Senator Dietrich was Informed today by Senator Dillingham, chairman of the sub committee having Dietrich's Alaskan bill In charge, that tho committee on territories will take up the measure Imemdiately after disposal of the statehood dill. Senator 1 i trich is greatly encourcged at the recep tion his bill Is receiving, not only from the president and tho Department of Justice, but from residents In Alaska, who, knowing the condition there existing, believe that some such measure as promised by Senator Dietrich is absolutely necessary for the wel fare of that country. Congressman Burkett today recommended the appointment of hi. B. Loman u post muster at Lrownville. Dr. R. B. Mullen of Broken Bow, Neb., was In Washington today und lunched With Judge Klnkald. Dr. Mullen Is taking n post graduate course In dentistry at the fnlverslty of Maryland. Charles K. Veils has been appointed con structing engineer III the t'nltefl States reclamation nervlce, having charge of the Pathfinder dam In Wyoming. Mr. Wells will establish temporary headquarters In Denver pending the letting of contracts for the building of dams and other structures, He Is an engineer of broad experience, cov ering construction work of many kinds in the west. His last work, previous to joining reclamation work, was on Wuchusetts dam at Clinton, Mass.. where he served as en gineer of the reservoir department. Albert Bernhard, formerly With the Oer mnn National bunk of Hastings, but now taking a course of law lectures in Boston, was tho guest of Senator Dietrich today. R. O. Pugh haa been appointed postmaster at Oamble, Lugehbel county, S. D., vice George Stover, resigned. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: Charleston, route 1, R. B. Lamb, carrier; William South, substitute; Croton, route 1, Patnuol Wilson, carrier; O. Cells, substitute. gan, both of whom are ill with pneumonia, is better today. PIlOtEKDIVtid OF THK SEATK Statehood1 an1 Aarlenltnral Appro priation Bills Discussed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 4-Mr. Long oc cupied most of the time given by tha Senate today to the statehood bill With a speech In support of the bill as It stands. He i especial attention to the portion of the bill providing for the union of Okla homa and Indian ' Territory ns one state and urged the Importance of giving self government to the people of that section. In connection with the agricultural ap propriation bill there was considerable de. bate upon the question of forest reserves. The bill was not disposed of. rnm kkimnus of the hoi be Treaty with Newfoundland. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.-The senate com mittee on foreign relations today authorized a favorable report on the Hay-Bond reci procity treaty. It was amended In a num ber of Important particulars. The treaty Will be reported by Senator IxhIkc, who has heretofore opposed It. The amendment meet the objections raised by ine New England Ilshing Interests. The treaty provides for reciprocity In products of the United States and Newfoundland. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Know In Nebraska, lonii, Kansas mid South Dakota Today and Prob ably Monday, WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Forecast of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Kan sas and Missouri Snow Sunday and prob ably Monday. For Wyoming Fair Sunday and Monday, except snow In extreme south portion. I, oral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'REAl', OMAHA, Feb. Inofficial record of t"tn- r era tu re and precipitation compared wUn he corresponding day of the last three years: M. 19 M. V.m. linrj. Maximum temperature. . . 1 2 K !) Minimum temperature. . .10 S 7 11 Mean temperature ,. 8 M vi Precipitation 14 .00 .SI .10 Temperature and precipitation departures, from the ncrnial at Omaha since March 1 and eoinpMilson with the last two years i Normal temperature If! pellrlency for tho day :;u Total defielrncy since March 1 115 Normal preelpltstlon in livo F.xeess for the day., 12 Inch Precipitation since March 1 M.iR Inches Deficiency since March 1 I.T.'i Inches Excess for cor. period, liH4 1.KX Im hes Deficiency for cor. period. IDoa 1. 511 Inches Indicates l-elnw aero I A. WELSH, Local Forecaster JUST PLAIN DRUG PRICES Diplomatic nnd Consular Appropria ting! Bill Is Passed. WASHINGTON. Feb. 4-The house today p:issed the diplomatic and consular ap propriation bill, carrying $2,107,047, which is uti Increase for this service of $76,718 over tha current appropriation. A number of minor bills were disposed of by unanimous consent. The debate while the diplomatic bill was under ro islderatlon was very brief and w- devoted to rallrosd rata legislation and reciprocity treaties. Sick oaajrrsMiin Are Better, WASHINGTON. Feb. 4-The condition of Representative Marsh of Illinois and Representative eUniuel W. Smith of Mlchl- No Irrelevant Reminiscences The figures at left together with the LITTLE figures at RIGHT represent the "REAL MILK In the cocoanut." Pic Graham's Lava Oil and Hiitteimllk Soap, for fio 25o Packer'a Tar Snap, for Ifcc $1.00 2-gialn Quinine Pills, for 2v: $1.U0 Plnaud's Lilac Vegetal, for IHo Joe Hays' Harllua Snap, for 14c 4l'c Hind's Hiey and Almond Cream for , :.9t. Thesa prices hold "good" EVERY DAY In every week until furtlur notice. Sao Pozzonl's Powder, for 6 eskes Floating Hath Soap for Eagle Condrned Milk, per can... Good Rulli Syringe, for Infant's Syringe, for ', $100 Newbros llerplclde. for $1.00 Mull's Grape Tonic, for $1.0U Sijulbb s Sarsaparllla, for $1 00 Munvon'a Paw-Paw, for $1.00 Rurnham's Sarsaparllla, for $1.0i Hyomel -complete, for... $1.00 Chrystal Tonic, for $1.00 Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, for " $l.iXi linker s Parley Mult, for Full dozen, for $1 00 King's New Discovery, for..'...'.'... $100 I.huo(one, for See Ll'iuosone for $1.00 Hromo Scltzrr. for ... $1 im Temptation Tonic, for !! Mistletoe ('ream, for Kii: Kirk's Juvenile Soup, for . ric l.lsterlne, for $100 Malted Milk, for Hood Fountain Syringe, fr Good Water ting, for S0c,. die and Sherman&McGonnell Drug Co Cor. Sixteenth and Poi'ge Streets, OMAHA, NEH. Write for Catalogue of Rubber Good and Mtuklii' 20 J'.c lav 50:.' "0 ?!! 7o T.ic 7!ie 611c 7Wc 7c 7!e 7,"c .Ml 7se 7 Ho 4.1e 7c 4:c 4:ic 7se ;,' LOOK FOR IKE SIGN at the Auditorium Corner. It point the wny. Xl;lit. or day, To tlio place to liny COAL Any Klntl Yon AVnnt. Quality1' Price South Omaha Ice & Goal Go. Telephone 455 MacCarthy Cartoons What May Be Expected In a MiicCailli made unit llawlf'KH fit, small; fashion, fx coining ftjlc, , inoilisli attcriiM, dura ble fabrics. All six. W in n't afford to let von in inn ONK. If wi? do, we ina.v "niisH" you. $23 t f ."0 wail piicp rantfe. MacCarthy Tailoring Co., $o4-n6 B 1th St. Next Door ta Wabash Ticket Offlos. Pi, ana lsW.