Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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. .
Harts n drugs.
LerTert'e claaeea fit.
'kfrt sell carpets.
7he E'ki meet tonight..
Duncan sell the best school shoe
Plumbing and Heating. Blxby So-.
Ira.. Woodbury, dentists. r Pearl street.
Duncan doc the txxt repslrtr.g. 3 Main.
Oo to n:ght achoo', Western Iowa Colore.
School driirr.t. practice nd nunc pa
perm. C E. . Alexander, EB B'aay.
H. A. jonn and ChrJ Jensen are in Min
neapolis. A sp-claT m-etirg cf Boval Arch Mamni
No. ft wiil b hld tonight ftT work In tha
mark master' e-rr-e
Ain't tt funf.y what a difference rust a
few hour masr in dtlrverlr.- Hater de
livers cflcra promptly, do matter how large
or snaall.
Missouri oak dry cordaood. I a cord,
coba Si 75 per load, shell bark hickory $7
per cord S-iirered Welch, it North
Main. Telephone 13
The meetlr.r; of the Women
Christian Te peranee union will be bell
this afternoon at 29 at th-ir rem. 4J arul
4a South Main street. Visitor are welcome.
The funeral of little Kberman Hodder ui
held yestercay afternoon ai tiie borne of t
his Brr.ts in fTnaha. A i.uralr tf rela
tlves frind from Council Bluffs at
tended. The remains of H. C. Cook, fnrme1y of
this city, ware btoughi from Cianuda -terdar.
rceas'-d leaves a a ;fe and daugh
ter and one brother, C C. Cook of this citv.
The funeral WiJ V rieM from Cutl'-r at
J JO this arteruwon- lcterrnent a
Hill oemeteO'-
" alriUt .
A targe party of elerks from Beno a ore
enjoyed a-.imm rMe w edne.-iajr e-
In spite . the Intensely cold aeainer.
About II clo a the merryniaaers returned
to tbe borne of the Miew Kmld on North
aixth street, at.era an olT supper
a a i led tbera.
The Blu,7 Citv Gun club will hold a m-et-na-
this erening ai o lOvk at the Bluff
City laundry t. etecl. i.mcers Arranae
menta are lwu t n:ade to 1:. corporate the
club and tew grounds are f t- secured at
Laks Mir.iii At present the grounda
near the river and the motor line are beirg
At a competitive drill nf the H!(th School
Cadet yesterday afternoon Neis Nelson.
1" time Winner of the drill, finally low to
Krneec Uandftrom after a severe contest.
This placea Nelson again on the same basis
its if he riaa hot won a -nntcst. t.'ie medl
golna to the cadet who wins it three timet
in succe salon.
Ho r- r.w V tlrmv A Careen COUntT
farmer, has fjed a petition in vrlujtary I
bankruptcy, hi b has ier. referred o W. I
?. aiSTue. Hi unaecured claims amount to I
LOa.Tl. aecured claims to tlli 6". and he
ha perse na I property to the amount of ;
County Auditor Chevne finds his offlre J
rwooming llttwed up by tbe returns from
the assessors, who have partially com-
He has tesued an ultimatum to
the effect that aanaKaors must not return
their cenaus lists until they are all cum
ileiad. as he will not accept tnem.
w nM Ha.
H. N. Bucksdorf, ons ot the wealthiest on tne pBrt cf her. supposed husband as j tary of state. The Davenport Malting com
and best known farmer in Pottawattamie ground for her action. They were married j pany has changed Its articles of tncorpora
county, did vary suddenly In bed Wednes- . ln council Bluffs June . 1902. Mr. Hustln J tlon Increasing the capital to 3W.CKm. with
day his home at Trey nor v hen Mr, i
Bucksdorf arose in the morning she tried t
to arouse ber husband, but when she took j
bold af his hand she found It old. death
having occurred some hours before. Heart ; her nam, teng Elsls Moyes. She there
failure was pronounced to be the cause. i.upon jf, jjoyea. Now. It appears, the plain-
Th funeral will be held this afternoon at
S o'cloc k rn the Free Lutheran church, and
the remain will be Interred ln the German
Congregational cemetery.
. Tb aaonaaad waa a native of Germany,
who came to this country and located on a
rerjted farm in 1875. At tbe time of his
death he was owner of "0 acres of farm
land, was a stockholder in the Treynor
Havlnn hank and had a fortune estimated
to ne weria M"i." ra a ".-
and V married daughter, Mrs. V 11 nam
Trede. Both live. In Treynor.
(ksWiS-aatlaa ta Be Mara Strict.
The Board of Health has decided to be
more rigorous than heretofore In the en
forcement, of th quarantine regulations
apalnat arnaOlpnx. The trma of quarantine
Is extended from seventeen to forty days.
The cases until recently hsve been of a
mild type, but of late several bad cases
have developed, and- with fifty-six cases
now under quarantine ln the city and more
developing every few days it has become
apparent that something will have to be
done. .
In many families when a patient comes
down with the disease It Is either not re
ported by tbe attending physician or else
ne physician 1s called, so that many have
doubtless been exposed on account of this
Hatrakeei lastall OfBcera.
The local lodge of Maccabees held an In
stallation of officers Wednesday night, the
(wremonie being In charge of Frank Egan,
past commander. Btate Commander A. I.
Lee, who ia also Inspector general of the
uniform rank, was preeent. The new offi
cer are: Commander, C. A. Eppa: lieu
tenant commander. James Petersen; record
keeper. J. W. Klbane; chaplain. W. H.
Thomas: physician. Df. M. B. Snyder: ser
geant, Harry Bergman; master-at-arms.
Jame Johann; first master of the guard.
Henry Peterson; second master of the
guard. Harry Holden; sentinel. W. 'Whit
tle; picket, C. A. Epp. .It waa decided to
ckangs the meeting night of tbe uniform
rank from Thursday to Wednesday.
Ala iK (alias Cera.
The police rounded up the first of a rang
of oar thieves last night when Kels and
peter Nelson were placed under arrest and
given a severe sweating by officers.
Wednesday a car of corn ln the-4 Uwaukee
yards was broken open and about forty
Vaahsls sacked and earned away. Tbe boys
but night revpowaed to police suasion and
admitted that they and a number of other
hoys, whose names were given, had carried
tha com away, but the "Nelsons denied that
tbey had been the ones who broke open the
ear. Their companions will be rounded up
ten uoi tow and an effort will be mads to
panlsh severely those who broke the car
K. T. Plumbing Ce. ai. ZSt. Nlfbt. F567.
- Maa-rtaara lAeaaaaa.
The follow tng maj-riax license were is
sssed yestrrday:
Danta. Aurora.' Keb h
Bvena Vista Richards JX
rveosasnm . na sr w am n, i ri
JkaoUsl H- Miller. i. P4vntity Ptaua. Keb. B
Bi Winter Term Opens Moaday,
Jan. I 1M. New Claim la au oa-
K. P. AtlLLEB. PrwaiiSeat. .
Mas la Twaapla. Yktaave Mia.
mm Mdos
tllHIil M (MUM. fcfcfWC
Ml MCMritr-
t Mte a rimiau mi any UtL
Ma Utirm w-im4 ew4i4i.
i XleV Ut.' IMI
M -mc4 u ii i. uu-hji i wm i m
j.. T. iuvtu&f Cu Tei. tM. rKflT.
ImAy Alteadast tt Daatrea.
ft txrj. k
- - - - tkW-UUaJl
Prog Tirm Sued on Claim Error Wis Mai
is Prescription.
(art la A iked te I aravel a Taacle
Wtlrk Crwwa Oat af a Marriage
with at Mas Wki Had Tm
Maay Wlret.
The mistake of a prescription clerk ia
responsible for an $s,(H dtnuft ault which
ia now pending In the district court of tha
cour.ty. in which the drug firm cf Morgan
A lickey. the individual :ompi:n( ll.t
firm, and Frar.k J. Ainesrorth, their clerk,
are made defendanta George L. Ilicwitt.
aald to be an employe cf the motor com
par.)-. It the man who wants , part of the
druggists' Health. In
hia petl'-ijn he al
leges that be took a bottle to the drug
lore to be filled with a mixture th form
uia or which he had net obtained fnmi a
doctor, but wai parted on the octmje cf
the bottle. The mixture wa i Mended lor
a lame back and waa supposed to be rem
tHiaed Of nn nunc nt rvimmr.n ar.rf with
I two ounces each of Roth?lie a&lta anl
cream oi tarcar. j n ingredient t.-ere not
named aocording to the English method
but accordlnr to the si stem In rogue
among physicians.
Instead of putUng In the Rocbelle salts
and cream of tartar, Dewlu alleges the
drug clerk used antlmonr and potaaclum
tartrate hlh . u i. w. . . , - j.
verr clo.elr h, . . .k- ', .
that tbey are deadly poison If Itken in
large doaes, anile the others may I taken
In large quantities without serious results.
The ordinary dose of antimony and rotas
slum tartrate is said to be on quarter of
a grain to one grain when us J for medi
cinal purposes, but be took a heaping tea
spoonful. Shortly after he was seised with
violent romltlng and purgtng and in a few
minutes became Insensible. Doctors were
called in and after a tim ia v,.
ne ha waa brtmgHt
bout. but claims that for a month past
he has been unable to do any work By
the ,OB ot bi tlme- e flrures at W
Per month, and the Injury' to Ms health
and happiness he demands damages In tha
Marriage Twasrla fa Casrt.
Grace W. Hustln has begun proceedings
in the district court to nave her marrtaga
to Guy E. Moyes annulled, alleging bigamy
maiden name having been Waltermlre. Rer.
Henry DeLong performed the ceremony,
After marriage It was found, she sets
forth. triat Moyes already had a wife llvtnr.
tiff tn tbe annulment proceedings has se
cured another husband, which accounts for
her second change of name. HoMing that
her marriage to Moyes was not binding she.
married Hustln without , waiting for pro-'
ceedings for a legal separation.
County Atto-ney Hesa ha returned from
Avoca. where the grand Jury ha Jut re- '
turned two Indictments which have been
made public, the Indicted parties being
u)(er arrest
Ci. W. Williams of Wright
township Is charged with attempted crim
inal assault, his alleged victim being Mary
Bnmes. a H- year-old gtrL
Howard Relet an of Carson I Indicted Tor
larceny from the person. 3. A. Worrell 1
the complaining witness He claims to have
gone Into a poolroom and soft drink em
porium which Retstan runs in Carson and
there waa drurged and robbed of 111.
Expected to Be Preirstei te tbe
Mayor Heat Week.
The work of clrculatinA' petitions to
Mayor Macrae ln behalf qf the new Inde
pendent T-lephon company has been fin
ished, end it is expected the petitions will
be presented to the mayor the first part
of next week. Twenty-flve signers .were
required In each ward, but the promoters
did not stop there, but secured ISO names,
which was thirty more thsn the required
When the petition art presented to tbe
mayor be must call a special election, the
expenses of which will be borne by the
company, to decide whether a majority of
the voters want . another telephone com
pany In the city. The council, when the
subject was up before It stood 4 to 4 on
a final vote. The mayor cast the deciding
vote In favor of the franchise, but soms
good lawyers are r the opinion that hi
action wa Illegal, and that he bad no
right to vote on the Question. In view of
the possibility that these lawyers might be
right the promoters hsve gone on with
the work of petitioning as If the council
had voted agains, them.'
Faarral af Heary Miller.
The funeral of Henry Miller was held
yesterday afternoon at St. Paul's ehnroh.
The eervlcea were conducted by Rev. T. J.
Mackay of Omaha in the absence of Rev.
Mr. Starr, who Is out of the city. Music
waa furnished by Mrs. W. W. Sherman.
Mra N. O. Ward. W. 6. Rigdon and Dr. C.
P. Lewi a- TV. L. Thicket un waa at the
organ. There were many beautiful floral
tributes. The remains were escorted from
tbs residence on Vine street by the mem
ber of Excelsior Masonic lodge to the
church and to their last resting place la
Fablew cemetery. The services at the
grave were conducted according; to the Ma
sonic ritual.
Hew Castart with rmaarra,
John Mrlhop and John T. Stewart hare
returned frem Des Motnea. where they went
last week as delegates to tha Iowa and
Kebraaka Wholesalers .association. There
tbey met other delesrs Xe from the
snurl Rivw association and ad .pted a nd-
, form contract regarding; canned a-xtca. r
, e ' time eif'rr companies hare a
carted orders which they were not abie ta
fi'V, and the wholMULler ware afterwards
compelled to t lata the market aad pur
chase canned goods at any prloa they could
be obtained. By the new ccxrtraet wtta s.
carrlt.g rompanv it wTU hare u be Clad or
tbe differenos in price made gaai ta
Rooms and cafe. Ogdea hotel.
Fbvslelaae Orgaalsa Baelety. .
SJbNKT. Ia.. Feb. iSpeolal.) At a
ftteetmg held bare Wedaeaday tha pr.yaV
eian f this aounty reargaiUaad the Fre
tnojA County Medical society and adopted
the eonMteuUaa and bylaw prepared by
fhe America a MedMal aasodatU. Tha
fellow rrr efBeers were alaotad: Prwrteeat.
S. F. Cowger tf Rj vert no ; rice prasldenL
T. Q. af Bidaey; aacretary and
treasurer. E ZL Harris of Tabor; beard
14 Sanson. W. O. Morris cf atidaey. H. J.
rtper tit Randntph and J. M. Loralady of
Sidney. Regular BietUrg will be bald la
Sidney on the first Weduesday of every
month unions otherwise ordered. Tha sub
ject fear disousalua at tbe next meeting
aria be raapiratorr troubles.
OF IOWAlI"Ji.?u"iclAD() BEC!E.S A tR1Tlc
. i I ! Dleewesiae; rraywH . n tv.i.i.-. ew V.
laprfme Court liked to Pam ci QtiecT
Question in Dutije Cus.
Ckaaa-ea la Crosiad wade a Allw
f Its Isatallatla at tke EF
altlaa ts Be Held Sest
(From a Staff Correspondent.) j
PES MOINES. Feb. 1 (Special.) The
TVubash railroad Insist that an engineer
who failed to tlow his whlatle for far of
paralysing with fright a little S-year-old
ehi:d -which was oa the trade was not
nerligcnt In his duty, although the child
was run over and killed. The road has
filed a petition for a rehesrir.g In the esse
of Charla Grea-ory of Appanoose county
agwlnat tbe Tt abash in the supreme court.
The supreme court decided the case De
cember 17, sustaining tiie lower court tn
granting- damages. The road claims that
In one other case cited the child wai 11
years old and understood a warning signal
ard in another case where cattle were
klKed they would have been frightened to
run, while the child would have been sim
p'.y paralysed.
Model 8lae Farsa.
A model swine farm will be an attraction
at the State fair grounds this year. The
board of directors of the fair in session
today gave the State Swine Breeders' as-a-v-latlor.
authority to erect the farm and
will more tbe feed barn near tbe south en
trance to give plenty of room. The farm
mill be about feet square and will be
complete tn every detail and built accord
ir.g to a perfect scale The board has aiso
decided to miilte an -effTt this year to keep
the grounds clean. No wast paper will be
allowed on the grounds and no handbills
can be distributed. Men wi:j be employed
to go over the grounds and pick up all the
rubbish each day and garbage cans will be
provided everywhere about the grounds for
tha collection cf the waste. The matter of
doing away with tickets and having a cash
entrance fee Is still being considered. Con
siderable expense would be necessary to
make the change.
Asaes Maa Realgraa.
rrof. H. G. Var.Pelt of Ames College of
Agriculture has resigned to go to Purdue
university st Lafsyette. Ind . to take the
chair of ar.lmal Industry.
Kew Mate KaTlasrs Bask.
Articles of incorporation of the Pacific
Junction State Savings bank, with a cap
ital of have len f d with the sect -
privilege of Increase to tanO.ofiO. The Alta
Vista Farmers' Telephone company of Alta
Vista. Ta.. ha filed articles of Incorpora
tion, with a cspltal of f2.a"ft.
Det-taloa Mesas Harder Ftarat.
The decision of Secretary cf War Taft In
deriding- against the Iowa regiments In the
Pbiloh controversy means a bigger fight on
(he part of the Iowa Shiloh commission.
The controversy is over the Inscription to
go on the monument to the Iowa regiment
at the Shiloh National oemetery and con- H
cerns the question of the time when the
Iowa regiments were engasred In the bat
tle. Captain Carson of the Iowa Shiloh
commission threaten to" make public let
ters which he received from Major Reed,
secretary to the national commission, and
claims that Reed baa distorted hi letters
concerning the inscription. The Iowa eld
soldiers will carry the matter to the pres
ident and. If necessary, to congTesa before
giving up the matter.
Walker Aarala Ceavleted.
John Walker was found fruiity of the
murder of Isaac Finklestein. the verdict bo
!rg the second to Mint effect. The first wa
reversed by the supreme court. The trial
was the third ln one of the most noted
murder trials ln this county. Harry Levich
and John Walker, a colored man, were ar
rested for the crime. Levich was acquitted.
Settle Wa.e Dlfflealtlea.
Conductors of the lowa Central will get
an Increase ln wages as a result of a con
ference of a committee with General Super
intendent M. Sweeny and Superintendent
C. S. Hsyden at Okaloosa. The freight
conductors were given an advance of U
cents per 100 miles, from S3.1S to tt.Hu. The
conductor on local freight were given an
Increase of 10 cent, from K 19 to 12.40; and
the passx-nger conductors were advanced
from H17.S0 to 1130 a month, an increase of
12.10 a month. - The gravel train service waa
I ut on a mileage basis at the rate of S2.40
per" 100 miles. This service waa formerly
paid for by the day.
ranacra lastltate at Ikeaaaiaak.
SHENANDOAH, Ia.. Feb. 2 (SpeclaL)
Testerday' afternoon was fhe opening ses
sion of the Page County Farmers institute,
which baa a three day' annual meeting
at this place this week. The meetings are
bald ln the armory and between 40c. and
MO were present at the first session. Tb
announced program was rather closely fol.
lowed; the most Interesting number belns;
tha practical demonstration of stock Judg
ing by Prof, W. J. Rutherford of the Ames
Agricultural college. The corn contest is
exciting a rood deal ot Interest and the
display, of perhaps ISO antricj. acme of
them with twenty-five ears to the entry,
evidences why Klahna valley Is called the
great com center of t e earth. The prlaee
wlU be awarded on I riday afternoon and
the judging; will be done by H. B Kjxijrcl.
a profeaatonal corn lodge whoa home Is
near Oaiinda.
Im rr4
LOGN. Ia, Fab. 1 fSpemai I Yester
day afternoon tha ram hen of tha Harrraon
County Ctaru Belt Meat riuslm . isaorla
tjoa mat at tha Iigxn opera honse and
elected tha fcuk7wtna; mmin to sarve tut
one year: Preautsto. Fred F. Baebee of
tlMsmust; rtca prwstdsjxt, L I Hunt of
Lntran; secretary, Charles W. Bunt of
Lpfa; tre asnrer. a. M. Rlarlrmsn of Wood-
I tin- re-nrrrrinn waa passed endorsing;
the poatdoa of Preautanl Rooaevalt on in
craaauiti tha power of tha Interstate Com.
aroe canmrla no, Freaident Fred F Bea
bae was aalactad aa dMasrats to attend the
etata anreentton at Des Maine en Tues
day, February 7.
AariewltaraJ teeaety Bkserlaa.
MlSiiOUB.1 VALLET. Ia-. Feb. t ,Spe.
ciaL) At a diractors- maattxuj of tha Har
rison County AgrriaultaraJ aociary bald here
yesterday aftarneos tha following; officer
ware ejected for ana rear: Prealdaai, Ii
F. James of Missouri Valley; vtca preei-
deat. Frank Tskssr of Modaia; aacratai
W. H. Wlthsew of Missouri Valley; traaa
arar, W. J. Burke of Missouri Valley;
marshal, oeorga Coffman of Moodamln.
Flsht Asaaasj Saner Hsksra
MASOX CTTT. la.. Feb. X. Howard Rey
nolds and W. S Rernold of Vew Tork
City were arrested tonight on a charge
of assaulting Henry Jiarwood at a hotel
her. Taey were placed under CO-MK hoods
aad will appear Saturday tor prellminarT
baarUiS- All of those concerned la tha af
fair in bar attending the .National But-
tarmakers convention. Norwood a said j
te be la a serkiua condition, I
PIERRE. S P.. Feb. .Special Tele
gram.) Both house held short sessions to
day, the seriate preseTit!r, new bills by
Cooper, requiring ail part1e liable f r road
work to put In time or pay n SO a day, and
requiring claims agalr.rt estates to be ire
sented within the required time or b
barred: by Fayne. providing for an ex
change of supreme court rseicrta between
Sovth Dakota and ether states.
The bill to provide reculatlons for the or
gar.laation and control cf Ufa, insurance
companies In the state brought out a hot
exchange In the senate betmecn Lawson and
Rice. Bonney moved to amend the bill to
prohibit the Investment of tbeir surplus
outside South Dakota, North Dakota anl
Minnesota. Rice attacked the bill generally,
which he said allowed any seven men to
organise and did not require any reserve
from them until after the first years pre-
mlumi had ben received and that they ajn.hoid.
could secure the premiums snd do the van- ' Baron TauMe. the Rusrian Judicial ad
Ishir.g act. and that he wold aa soon trust riser, remarked that it was doubtless aom
a brigand with a bludgeon as the average ' strong, seafaring expression,
life insurance agent. The bill, which l In- Ctptaln Clado replied: "I will not say
ter.ded for an Aberdeen company. t,k-b it the phrase was strong, but It aas bitter."
Is well known expects to organise under Its j Csptaln Clado referred to an alleged mis
prisions, was defended by Senator Law- j statement that Russian torido boats re
son, ho took the remark of the Moody meined upon the scene without rendering
county senator as applying to the proposed 1 aid to the tram lers. He declared that no
organisers of the Aberdeen company. He . such torpedo boats remained,
declared that every age t rought Into ex-j Admiral Vkaa Afraid,
lstence its Don Quixote, who was tilting lm- j Hugh O Beirne, first secretary of the
acmary enemies, and that the Moody ' British embassy in Paris and agent of
county aenator was in the list. That If a , Great Britain, said he had heretofore ra
corr.par.y was organized of seven such men trained from asking a delicals question,
aa he It would be a calamity to tbe state, namely, ahy none cf tbe Russian ships re
but named the proposed incorporators of mained to give assistance after knowlne
the new company and def.ej him to show , that i-eactful fishing boats had been struct,
anything against any of them. i Captain Clado answered that Admiral
Rice replied heatedly that no personal al- i Rcjestvensky had fully explained that he
lusion was meant and that he was opposing had not considered the Injuries to tbe Bsh
the bill generally. ' leg boats were serious, whereas the squad-
The only house business waa the lntroduc- ' ron. having Just escaped from an attack by
tlon cf a bill br Clark to t.rovide for the
organization and control of t-ust companios.
Both houses adjourned to Tuesday of next
week. j
Learlalauare Asked to Make aa Appro- j Lieutenant Ellis of the Russian battle
prlatloa far It. j ship Alexander III aisa maictahed his tes-
MITCHELL. 8. Feb. I -Special Tele- timony on cross-examination,
gram.) At the meeting of the South Dakota I Admiral Foumier, president Of the corn
Live Stork association this evening a reso- mission, announced at the afternoon ses
luUon was unanimously adopted appointing slon that the commission had decided that
a committee of twenty-flve stockmen to go the statements made this morning relative
to Pierre to induce the legislature to grant to the British press neitlr assisted ln tn
an appropriation of t&.Otm f"r the erection ascertainment of truth nor contributed to
of a building which will be suitable for
holding the winter meetings for show and
sale purposes. The stockmen are united ln
their efforts to secure this appropriation
and expect to get it. In the resolution It
Is cited that Mitchell is to furnish a site
for the building.
This afternoon, with the thermometer 13
belw. 5f0 men were at the sale of eighty
head of cattle In the Corn Palace, and the
bidding was spirited. J. W. P.eedy's bull.
Efcjuerry Pride, topped the trices at IxO.
Tomorrow afternoon will occur the sale of
the sheep and horses, when the convention
will adjourn.
eearff Lleease la Caearll BlaVs te
Wed Aaather Kaaaa.
CHETENNB. Wyo.. Feb. 2 cSpecial Tel
egram ) Friend of W. C. Apgar. the
X'nion Pacific enrlneex, are am a led at the
announcement that he procured a marriage
license In Council Bluffs' Friday, as he Is
already married and bis wife here Is totally
at a Ions to aceoant for bs action. Apgar
left here December li. going to Sidney,
Neb., where it is aUasjt he became In
fatuated with Fanny VMek.'a waitress 1n
the railroad hotel. It ii said that Apgar.
while drinking, toid the Klrl he waa single,
and when she was called to Iowa followed
her there. Mr. Apgar is Investigating
and threatens o prosecute her husband
If he lias married again.
Faarral of Ckarlea H. Oskara.
The funeral of the lat- Charles H. Oghurn
took place Thursday afternoon from Ma
sonic hall. The services were held under
the Impressive' Masonic ritual by Covert
lodge" No. 11, of which Mr. Ogburn wa a
member. Notwithstanding the extremely
cold weather, the serv'res were largely at
tended. The officiating clergyman was
Rev. J. E. Hummon of Kountze Memorial
church. A number of beautiful floral testi
monials were grouped about the casket.
sent by friends and the different fraternal
orders of which Mr. Ogburn was a mem
ber. Th pallbearers were: R. S. Christie.
John W. Mulr of tbe Independent Order
of Fc resters; S. S. Wait. J. A. Daisell,
Charles Harding and John S. Innis. mem
ber of Covert lodge No. 11, Ancient. Free
and Accepted Masons, the last named being
also a member of the Ancient Order of
United ' Workmen fra'ernity. representing
that order at the funeral. The deroUonal , flame from preading to adjoining build
services were conducted at Masonic hall j inga C. H. Gilbert was injured in attempt
and were open to the public.
Lee Ballard.
P.IAIR, Neb.. Feb. 2. (Special.) A tele-
rrai waa received here last night by John
B&liard sinnounctng the death of his son,
Lee, at the United Stales nary hospital.
Mare Island, Cel.. of quick consumption.
Lrf-e Ballard enlisted at Omaha on October
rr. IKl. and wa at the time of his death
first-elaas apprentice, serving for the
three years aboard the United States bat-
Ueship New Tork.
u, aaaa Petersaa.
Miss Anna Peterson, sister of Mra H. N.
Wood, died at the Wood residence, lu&4
Gecrgia arenue. The funeral will be Bun-
day at Weetang- Water.
X will
a oold
r xar
9 v !: s
S ndonark.
r a. i
sM aortas fas year
Taat auiuber af mJt
ahaolaie gnsrenie
ifiii)lWil an oal.T ais houlaa Taj praportiaa
so in illiii j ssuail Uiei tt kmrcjj sist
ahaiau sat istll qiisioib. iib This
I Mini af taa aumx woaocrlui eaogh ledmias aa
I IT tOOl fCl THE tEll IH
IS aaaaa. SO aaata aad S1.O0
i Butaiis Captain Diilikeg Ipirit Shown bj
tl British Frtn.
Caaasaaalratloa (rasa Rajestreaaar af
tiek Character that Rerlsiest
Will Sat Make It Faa
lie at Heartag.
PARIS. Feb. I A conlinuanca of tht
cross-examination of the Russian officers
at today s session of the international com
mission dereioed considerable feeling and
several sharp exchanges of remarks. Cap
tain Clado parucuiarly criticised the hos
tile attitude of the British press. He said
Vice Admiral Rtlestvensky had written a
private letter severely condemning the
British pre.-'. u-!r.g one phrase which Cap
tain Clado sfcld he considered necessary to
torpedo boats. It was deairable to
draw the squadron, as scon t poasioie
from the vicinity of such attacks.
Admiral Beaumont (Great Britain) closely
questioned the witness tn who gav lD
order to fire. Captain Clado saying it aa
I lilmiral TliiiMltVMlikv
the high purposes ot tne commission ma
that therefore they would be stricken from
the record.
British Expert Teatlfles.
Counsel for Great Britain Introduced
Commander Keane. former chief of a tor
pedo division and a leading torpedo expert
of the British navy. He asserted positively
that mistakes were frequently made be
tween torpedo boats and otber boats mainly
because searchlights confused the ordinary
calculation of distances, and cited the case
of the British battleship Devastation, which
vss mistaken for a torpedo boat during a
ilsht evolution, and also of a c-ulser of 11.
X tons, which was mistaken for a torpedo
ont during the Mediterranean maneuver
of in.
Interrogating the witness. Admiral Four
rtier French) asked whether it would be
possible to mistake a battleship for a tor
pedo boat when a boat of th dimensions
nt a trawler wa alongside.
"Certainly not." replied the witness.
Admiral Fournier conaldered the pclnt
interesting, statin that such waa the posi
tion of the Russian, who had observed
the torpedo boats with trawlers along-side.
If a battleship Instead of a torpdo boat
had been there it could not have been
mistaken fcr a torrdo boat.
Admiral Doubasoff (Russian), saying the
question was important, asked Lieutenant
Bchramtchenko. torpedo officer of the bat
tleship Borodino, relative to the Impression
on board his ship when it was announced
that ti rpdo boats were pursuing the Kam
chatka The witness stated that "our suppositions
regarding the possibility of a torpedo at
tack were realised."
Christiansen, mate of the Norwegian ves
sel Adella, swore that he saw a torpedo
boat in the North sea on September 1
and that on the following day he saw a
similar vessel without lights sailing at
great speed ln the vicinity where traalers
crossed. The witness was uncertain
whether the second vessel was a torpedo
Balldlaar at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 1 i Special Tele
gram.) Fire early this morning destroyed
a store building ln West Beatrice owned by
Milo Hlllher and occupied by C. H. Gilbert
& Sons, carpenters and contractors, with
the temperature 23 degrees below ero the
firemen had a difficult Job to kaen the
ing to sav some of the content. Loss is
about fl.Jfiu, with tAOO Insurance. Th Are
is supposed to hare been of Incendiary or
igin. Catholic f'karra at Oeetem.
CREPTON. la.. Feb. I (Special Tele-
j gram.e-6t. Maiachl s Catholic church, tbs
largest and most beautiful ln the city, was
badly dumared by fire this morning from
. that started In the furnace room.
-j,, fn aepartment foug-ht tbe Oamea for
, t,OUra confining the fire to the biased
Interior, ahich sustained a damage of
Kaasas Boiler Mills.
KAJCSAJ3 CTTT. Feb. 2- A special to the
Star from Maryarille, Kan., says: Tbe
, After Exposure
to snow er rein a cold comes.
cure ia on nieht it will ajwari nrvpenS
if taken oa coming' ia oat oi the wet.
Delightfully pleasant to the taste. Irood
, a a . i j.
CDiiuren. uwi vm rjiwu.
last No anbsr I aaa tsksa wMk (eer odi
1 uaad a km of sianaanl sapaorarant snd ass
not banahead Hi im Isasi. I taan tnsd amsnsr swiaara
courta cure, taut ua no tatter tasuha msn with tb ecpao- I a than rscomnwaosa by drucria st Corme-
orv C-. to try Dr. Be.:' Plne-Tar-HcsirT and aftsr asVw
oaa 2&c sona I was canpietsty cured. This tsarimonial
aws unaoBcSwd. bn raa ar at Haeny to us tt ir any say
yansrcMm hi my eomion you hs by tar Uie beat
oaerk irrt"" oo the market. Your mT.
aMras-oa. t qo
i to i
la4. aa ea
4 oal of i.i.M- I
a rtppt ia us sous
is Uie aap oseeavsd
Pwducah, Ky.
Excelsior roller mills here we-e dftrovetl
hy fire early this morning The ls is es
timated at fcJD.i"0, Insurance. rB.ot.
MttXP 1FLANP Neb.. Feb f
clal ) Fred M. Glade, the star pitcher of
You Can Always Depend On
for absolute purity and general excellence.
Sold everywhere.
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