TIII3 OMAIIA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1905. 1 10 VANDALS LOOT A CflCRCH ! Tint Baptist Buffer Considerable Througk Burglars Wotx. Lou WAli DEFACED BY SCURRILOUS WRITINGS rlltaa Hobber? Canslte4 Taeadar Hlbt la Appareatlr Work Tout Loafers of LrOvr Brala Power. Vandal gained entrance to the First ' Baptist church at Twenty-ninth avenue and Harney street Tuesday night and de meaned themselves about as meanly as they well could. They pried up a window on the south side of the edifice without mi ah trouble and climbed inside, whero the atmosphere was quite warm and com fortable, as there had been a service In the church Tuesday evening. In the church there were two sewing machlnea belonging to the women of the Aid society. The burglars took from these all the drawers and scattered them and their contents about the floor. They also scratched and marred the machines. The congregation owned and kept In the church a silver communion service, which the thieves packed up and carried away with them. This consisted of a large goblet and six cups and of a tray and four small bread plates. Besides, several dosen pieces of table silverware, consisting mostly of knives, forks and spoons, were taken. The officers of the church valued this property at I1B0, but It will be worth nothing like that amount to the thieves. Deface the Walls. Besides stealing everything of value In the church that they saw which could be carried away, the marauders proceeded to scribble on the walls. One message te the trustees Informed them that Harry Tracy had committed the crime and that If they sought his capture he would kill them. There were other Inscriptions which have no place In a church, of all places. These effusions. In their construction and choice of language, Indicated that the perpetrators are of that class of young loafers who de vote what little brains they have to the study of lurid literature of the Tracy-the-Bandlt type. Entrance was made to the church after the last flurry of snow on Tuesday night, because the drifts had covered up the tracks of the thieves, of whom, - it la Judged, there were at least two. Unity church, located at Seventeenth and Case streets, was also broken Into on Tuesday night. The burglars did not fare very . well here In . the way of plunder. They secured only a mite savings bank containing It 60, but beside this found only a pair of shears, which they took. REPORT OF CITY ENGINEER Showing; of Honey Expended and Work Accomplished During; the Last Year. The annual report of Andrew Rosewuter as chairman of the Board of Public Works, which has Just been made, gives a number of statistics regarding expenditures that have been the subject of much controversy during the last few months, particularly the amounts paid out for work on the streets. His figures on the cost of side-,-alk Inspection differ materially from some e the guesses that have been printed. This Is the significant part of the exhibit: For the repair and maintenance of streets, crosswalks, nrldges, grading and other spe cial work ordered by the mayor 'and coun cil $6i,999.M was expended; street cleaning, Inclusive of material, machinery, repairs, etc., cost $39,090. The sewer department expended In the re- f alr and maintenance of sewers and the ex enslon, reconstruction, enlargements and adjuncts to the main sewer 135,780.17. For paving and curbing repairs by day labor fl, (22.65 was spent, and for asphalt repairs under contract 130,684.62 was paid. From the general fund StS.814.ilS was ld out for miscellaneous work. There was paid In the aggregate for In spection on paving, paving repairs under contract, district and main sewers under contract and sidewalks under contract and done under permits, 112.862.17. Of this 12,449 was charged to paving and aewer districts and will go back to the treasury from spe cial taxes. Over one-half the Inspection expenses, via., 16,871.60, is due to sidewalks. This em braces examinations of defective wooden walks for notices to owners to repair the same, examination and description of lots and subdivisions for legal notice to con struct new walks and the Inspection of all walks laid, both under contract and pri vately under permits Issued by this office. The aggregate length of walks laid and Inspected Is nearly twenty-eight miles. Of the above expenditure J1.260.7o will be re turnable to the general fund from the spe cial sidewalk tax levies, so that 15.110.75 represents the cost of the sidewalk depart ment to the general public. Whilst the con struction of permanent walks for 1904 Is considerably greater than the mileage of any single previous year, there Is no doubt that If placed under one responsible head a better and more satisfactory system of sidewalk construction and supervision can be devised and the cost of supervision, etc., materially reduced. Attention, A. O. V. W. Members of North Omaha lodge No. 159, A. O. U. W., are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Charles II. Ogburn, which will be held from Masonic temple, Thursday, February X, at I p. m. Bister lodges please attend. F. M. M'CULXOUQH, Reo. .W. H. KELLOGQ, M. W. Harry B. Davis, undertaker, 411 B. ISth. Thursday, Friday and Saturday All Men's, Women's and Children's warm lined shoes and slippers. Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, we will sell at the following greatly reduced prices: Men's 60 Felt lined O HO shoes now UO Men's 1100 Felt lined f en shoes now . "U Women's 13.60 Felt lined buttof ftf, shoes now Women's 13.00 Felt lined laoe fl Cf , shoes now w Women's G.60 Felt lined laoe 1 1( shoes now IV All Women's 13.00 Pelt Romeoa, f JCf brown, black and green now. All Women's tLW Felt Romeos, f fif red end bine AH Women's (L00 Felt Homeos)7at, black, now JOG AH Misses' and Children's U N 7trt Felt Mam - OB Oroxel Shoe Go. . ts&tx 1ty&-lj Sea Jtum AJQC JCflt Vl'R 3"lfOI OaXXta&Z Ladles' ults at $690 Saturday 'I JO to RAH Bit Sal Ladies' Suits OIL- Ladies'$3 Waists 85c Entire excess stock of Ia-dies wool waists bought from Max Roth, 50 Walker St. New York All up-to-date new style wool waists in the prettiest wool materials that are w fashionable this season. We bought this stock at an unusual bargain and all these smart waists axe priced far below their value for Thursday. Ilpre are waists of Alba- Big Bargains for Thursday in Omaha Ladies' Gingham Aprons Large, full, size ft aprons, of blue and brown checks regular 25c H -d 69c-98c value, at Ladies $2 Fur Scarfs 69c and 98c Cluster and double scarfs ot coney, electric and brook mink in baaeraent- at Ladies' $1 Petticoats at 49c Knit top petticoats with satin flounce, fkirts of black sateeu with high accordeon pleat bottom, regular $1.00 ZIL Bf putticoats banemeut, at h r V Ladies' $10.00 Winter f.50 I Ladies' $12.50 Winter .50 A Jackets, basement, at Jackets, Lavement, iter , at- Big Fur Specials for Zero Weather We olTer these very extraordinary specials In order to clear out our great stock of fine selected furs at the very height of the fur season. Ladles' Fine Fur Scarfs worth up to $10, at Ladles' Extra Fin.: $12.50 Fur Scarfs at Ladles' Selected Fur Scarfs worth 115, at 3.98 4.98 6.98 Ladies' Long Full Fur Scar a-The finest furs ever offered stA AQ the price regular val- A ues. at rfM Ladies' $27.50 and $30 Long Fur Scarfs Choicest furs yy CA in l ho city, at l&.dKJ Ladies' 36-Inch Astrakhan Jackets worth $7.60, tOO.OO and (65.00, at 25.00 SPECIAL NOTICE fOR FRIDAY We purchased from the United States Customs House the grandest lot of dress goods sample pieces ever shown In Omaha. You will find eight and ten of a kind to match. Watch Thursday Newspapers for Particulars EBBESBBSB IDEM- 5ie'KSOH3 ON SALE SATURDAY Men's $25 Suits at $6.90 ENTIRE RETAIL CLOTHING STOCK ot Wlilppla & Go,, 311 Broadway, N. Y. (Formerly Holtz Clothing Company) Forced to Retire from Business (On Account of Expiration of Their Lease.) on Sale Saturday, February 4th, AT UNHEARD OF BARGAINS I mwwm& X ' ' X : : 1. , Ti: jjll .v';i;V;' ';';;vVv.-' -J-y ', '., '. Gold Medal CHOCOLATES BOH B0HS The product of our own man ufacture unsur passed in elegance of the package and excellence of the contents. Thousands of pounds have been sold because of their superior quality and moderate price. PER POUND BOX ,.60c PER HALF POUND BOX ! '. . 30o Take A Box Home With You Telephone7H Baldtrf-f 1518-20 Farnam I IfDMJMNCTfi ! f))lLlll 0 11 III hZ B swr??- 'LUJkJI pi III Si fl I tifiWt&Z. XXJ 1 tross, French flannel, Atlan- H M 8 f$-f&2&CJL tic flannel and mohair the I aJ I m i4 new pleated front effects, H I rr I 1 wlthFrench knoFtrlmmlngB, R J "vt-A''.? V laces, braiding and appUque B 'i Ln -n-rt '"(.M.- ' "11 be mo8t PP"lar 1 VSVjT ahades. white, pink, light I 4FH7rA lfiL Waists that are poslUTely I f worth up to 13.00 each, at, I H " ' 8 C. WEATHER FORECAST Thursday, Fair. Green Trading Stamp Sensa tion in China Section A fine line of German, Austrian and Japanese China Muga at Tf 60c, 48c, 3."c and jC Forty (.$4.00) Green Trading Stamps with each mug. Handsome Colored Jardinieres, all colors, 5-inch, O-iuch, 7-lnch and 8-inch, at T"c, 4Sc and 9C Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. 100 ($10) Green Trading Stamps with any Jardiniere up from 75c 1(10 ($10) Green Trading Stamps with any Louwelsa or Knzane Vase. Royal Austrian China. 100-plece Dinner Seta, three decorations to se lect from, Thursday only 12.50 Nicely decorated Sails and Peppers, each 10c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. White and gold 12-piece Toilet Sets, complete with slop Jar and all... 4. 93 A Great Sensation on Our Main Floor Bargain Circle. LADIES' FLEECE LINED WRAPPERS Marked $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 all day Thursday, at 58c This is a Fur Winter. We Are Almost Giving Away Winter Furs. ASTRAKHAN COAT Size 36 to 38, price was $57.50 now 35.00 NEAR SEAL BLOUSE Size 3G, price was $42.00 now ....32.50 ALASKA BEAVER COAT 38 and 40, price was $125.00 now 75.00 SIBERIAN SQUIRREL Blended dye, box style, 34 and 36 price was $125.00 now 75.00 NEAR SEAL AND BEAVER COAT Size 40, price was $02.50 now 39 00 NEAR SEAL BEAVER, Near Seal and Mink Louis XIV style, very elegant.price was $125 now 69.00 NEAR SEAL AND PERSIAN LAMB COAT price was $125 now 75.00 FINEST NEAR SEAL COAT Blouse effect, elegant broca tille silk lining, length 2S inches, marked down from $80 to 57.50 A Book of dreen Trading Stamps with Bach Fur Coat Sold NECK FUR SCARFS Australian Marten, black and dark brown, full and long tails, $4.95 quality, at 2 95 $7.95 quality, at 4.50 $8.50 quality, at 4.85 Double dreen Trading Samps with Neck Furs Thursday Women's Jackets. Marked $5.95 for 3.95 Marked $10 for 5.50 Double Green Trading Stamps Thursday with Ladies' Jackets. Winter Underwear WOMEN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS, white, cream and gray, sizes -4 to 0, heavy fleoced, fine ribbed, regular 40c quality, on sale at..tC CHILDREN" UNION SUITS, all sizes, cream color, Jersey ribbed ff fleece, regular graded prices from 75c to $1.50 now from 50c to..lt)C CHILDREN'S HEAVY FLHKCED HOSE sizes 5 to 10, value from 2Cc to lOc, all now at 15c Nevy Spring Dress Goods Our Prices Are Always the Lowest. Special Offerings for Thursday. 50c 38-inch Fancy Worsteds, a new material for Shirtwaist suits, all the n v 1!X5 shadings Thursday, yd 62-inch Mohair Sicilians, Browns, Blues, Grays, Black, specially CQ adapted for street wear, Thursday, yd JC 42-lnch Melange Mohairs, a beautiful 1005 creation, Invisible checks, blue mixed, brown mixed, black and white mixed, a very swell suiting Thursday yd I DC COME AND LOOK AT MANY OTHER NEW MATERIALS. Thr; Shoe Sale j a BROKEN LINES OF DOROTHY DOnn TTTOTT KITHF Comprising $3.50 and $3.00, heavy and light soles, A O while they last m O Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. BROKEN LINES OF MEN'S FINE SHOES Box calf, vici kid, velour calf, all welt sewed, heavy and light soles, $3.50 and $3.00 values, at aCiJU Fifty .($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S GREAT Egm GROCERY i Wm Honey saying- sales dally in our famous grocery section. PEACH SPECIALS. Ten Ol.OO) Green Trading; 8tamp with three Qn pound can Omar Peaches IOC FEAR SPECIAL. Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with threa I ft-. pound can Omar Pears !Ol PLUM SPECIAL. Ten (Ji.00) Green Trading Stamp with threa Q- pound can Omar G. G. Plums IOW APRICOT SPECIAL. Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stampa with three Bp pound can Santa Clara Apricots I Ob Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with eight 0r bars Bennett's Bargain Soap iJ Ten (11.00) Green Trading Stamps with two packages OCin Bennett's Capitol Oats '"k" Ten ($1.0(i) Green Trading Stamps with pound Wm. Baker' lr Premium Chocolate Ten ($100) Green Trading Stamps with flva enr cans I. X. L. Corn DUl. CANDIES. Ten (tl.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Ofr niiio MoIajibx Kiiwea "Ub Watch for Gnat Sale ot Rockers Monday- THK RELIABLE! STORK. Watch tor Great Sale of Rockers Monday. Peerless Values in Muslin Underwear. ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO PUR CHASE THE VERT FINEST GOODS AT UN PRECEDE NTLY LOW PRICES, ' THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. TWO GREAT STOCKS OF DAINTY MUSLIN GARMENTS, SECURED PT OUR BUYER AT A GREAT BARGAIN, WILL. BE ON SALE DURING THIS NEXT THREE DAYS. LADIES' GOWNS, gracefully failehed garments. In fine muslins, cambrks and nalnsooka, daintily trimmed with tine embroideries, Insertlngs and lnces, yokes In all styles garments worth up to M.BO divl.l' d Into 4 lota A lie1 at 11.60. e. 75c and LADIES' CHEMISE, In Very ttt mate rials and newest styles, beadlnir, V alfin cienes lares and ribbons combining i trimming, making these the most hand some garments ever shown In Omaha it the trk-i- worth up to M.oO per garment, at H BO, 3Sc. 75c, ilOfl and LADIES' DRAWERS with full umbrel la flounces of beautlfull combined laces, embroideries and Inserting, garments well worth twice over sale t rice, which 14 29c 39c 49c LADIES' SKIRTS Undoubtedly the finest line ever shown In the west. Etrenielv dfcp anil full flounces of olld embrolOery. embroidery and Insertlngs or fine laces and Insertion and clusters of tucks mat erlals are the best, workmanship excellent actually worth 1150 up to $.0( tiOfl Sale price Jl.DS, $1.50, 98c. 75c, and - CORSET COVERS A line whose quality Is beyond praise a generous use of mate rials In even the least expensive makes of these garments enticingly charming worth up to $1.00 at iKfi 49c, 3UC. 25c, 19c and Surplus Corset Stocks. From three prominent manufacturers, all new, bright good". rna1e for hf sprtrif trade, but secured by us at a rousing bargain. WE GINK OIR C18IOMER3 THE BENEFIT Your choice of Wi dozen corsets and girdles corsets In plain and fanrv colors girdles in whiles, pinks and biues most, both have supporters at tachedthe greatest snap 49C-39C ever offered at Our regular corset stock. Is the most compplete In the city. Suprly your needs here. FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. Ladles' cambric drawers, laoe and em broidery trimmed, limit or I pairs to a customers for one IAf hour . hrlr. I4l2V FROM 11 A. M. TILL 12 M. $1.00 ladles' skirts and iown. extra full nnd well made-llmlt of three to a cus tomer for one nSf hour choice FROM 2 TILL 8 P. M. LADIES' CORSET COVERS worth from 39o to fruc with a limit of 3 to a customer at, cnoice ...... Come early Thursday morning. It will pay you well. Don't miss this sale. 15: Big Canned Goods Sale. OUR IMMENSE STOCK TO BE SOLD THESE PRICES: Gallon cans pickled peaches 3oc Gallon cans Baltimore tomatoes ic Gallon cans golden table syrup 35c Gallon cans Michigan apples 25c 8-lb. cans golden pumpkin "Ho 3-lb. enns lye hominy 7Hc 3-!b. cans California squash T'.iC 3-lb. cans Boston baked beana i'4c. 3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes 74c 3-lb. cans golden table syrup ....7Hc 3-lb. cans fancy apple butter "He 2-lb. cans sweet sunrar corn "c 2-lb. can Early June Peas 7Vo NO ATTENTION PAID TO COST-READ 2- lb. cans fancy wax, string or Lima beans "'ia 1-lb boM soup, assorted kinds 7ia 3- ;b. can fancy Bartlett pears UHo 3-lb. cans table apricots lljo. 3-lb. cans greengages 12-j" 1-lb. cun funcy Alaska salmon .bo 1-lb. can condensed cream "Vi Oil or mustard pardines, per can So FRESH FRUIT DEPT. Pure Colorado White Clover Honey per rack 10a Fancy ripe bananas, doxen 1-0 Fancy Hallowe'en dates, lb 5o Largo Juicy navel oranges, dozen 12o mm. LBS5001I IBS sja SS3a arjpwsij (Wsau3 ruSMwsii taraoorfifcM IVE REITERA TE TORRID WASHED NUT Is the most economi cal coal sold in Omaha. No slack, no slate, no sulphur, therefore little smoke, leaves little ash. A powerful coal for kitchen range and heater. Users say Torrid Washed Nut lasts a third longer than any soft coal. Do not take "something lust as good." Buy the genuine from us. ViMiii Pstwmi ll'l'i aSwA(V v.. ,HMi It w It isjaa-waib: mm mm mm mm mm wm mm tm "UKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE" .NONE SUCHFlNCE MEAT ! Itt List o! ViluafilB Primtums. irrmu-nati ei. SPADRA COAL Quality counts all coal is NOT alike. You will find a difference when you burn it. All our coal comes from mines that have a reputation for quality and' uniformity. Every load is carefully screened and is delivered when and where you order it SPADRA la the hlfoet grade of Arkansas Coal, and In burning It 7011 need bar no fear of trying an experiment aa It la a proved success nowa by our large Uat of customers who nae It with perfect satisfaction. SPADRA will do all that la claimed for It. and la rapidly supplanting Pennsylvania aflthraclta for use In furnaces and grates. SPADBA GBATE, ton $8.50 C. B. HAVENS & CC. WMftJ1' art j i sssjI ir .w. it rr.a-h.eiasfa: -sM 9fti f.i?jDn ctq stci zi?nr 1 ' Ml wines. urn Low Rafss South and Southwest The Rock Island System offers the following low round trip rates from Council Bluffs and Omaha on February 7th and 21st and March 7th and 21st; Amarillo. Dalhart, Dallas, Tort Worth, Waco, Houston, Galveston, Austin, San Antonla, Beau mont, Corpus Chrlstl, and many ether Texas points. New Iberia, Crowle?, Jennings, Lake Charles, Alexandria, and many other Louisiana polnta. Dawson, Tumumcarl, Santa Rosa, Torrance, Alamagordo, Roswell, , Carlabad. and other New Mexico polnta. El Paso, Texas, and Doming, New Mexico. SI3.85 SI8.85 S23.85 : $30,35 On these dates the regular Homeseekers' rate of sue fare plus 2.00 will apply to all Oklahoma and Indian Territory points if less than f 18.85; otherwise $13.88 round trip rate will apply. Also very low one way rates to all polnta on Rock Island and Frisco Systems In Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, New Mexico, Texas and CoUrado, on sale February 21st and March 21st For further Information call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEB. Bee Ads Produce Results Ask for a k QUALITY IS OUR mo I iui 1 Vsi BEST BECAUSE Ton sr. HOT raying for kill Jtff Ctaatra. BoW airot 10 lam xaiausw . l J 4 i r; 1,1 " :'l"ll::lj:,',:it!rr.eP....l,.l:,ii i' iTtACUtE, til rtn .1 Us.