THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY. JANTAllY 31. 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulliih Fijnrei to Ekow WBnt Stock Imaller Thin Litt Ier. VISIBLE SUPPLY PROBABLY AT LIMIT DeaaaaeJ Elwnltrf Mill Make tp for LArer httl lrki Sow at Mlaaeaaella Milling IIm ta Be More Art lie. Omaha, j-.,. ;. vv It mould erm Ihuunli the high p tnt lor the Mamie supply hcl I een reache i. Jhls maa pre-dicteej earlier in the ar. but th rfrfipn large to the tur pnee acme of I h muee guv. Th" incra.; ,nJ ek. however, wns 4 n buhei The air la full r.f buhlf-h sentiment giv-n out la tonit quarter Among I- the statement thai 8t Jxiul- had i..j.onri uh la of contract wheat last jear a t this time and new ha a only ".. bushel. It i added the last hit of atralgtit No. ; rea there ha wn old to miller and Int-pecled out for shipment. Tr rt of the No I red In eai.J to be e mixed with riregon whesi that the miller prefer to bu tie '. i red. The receipts ai ru. l...ul and at Kansas City are aunt to l.e running under the )at year receipts. The ermtnesatcrn mill art Just coming Into the market rend a Terre Unite house Saturday oii j.m bushels at Jl.i to T3 to an interior mill. Hy March 1 the... mlilirs. It is predicted. m,ll all he buying freely winter mhat and the authority murders where the supplv is to 4-ome from. The Chicago stocks cannot t-e Increased and a part mill have to he ite-d to supply thia southern milling demand An elevator cr.rr.rany In Minnesota reports Jan uary 1 It hail 1 Mmi buehel of m heat and now baa only half that amount and i se-ll-Ing dally with almoin r.o country move ment. In thia quarter It la believed the farmera have no more In tlielr hand" than will furnish seed and will supply th county mlilera. Under three conditions It la won dered where the heavy northmesnern re ft the coantrv elevator Chicago, Mlnnc neapnlia stock are Increased at the expense of the rountrv elevatoia. Chicago. Mine apolla and Dultith received 5ni ran, against 721 laat week and 4.3 laat year. The Commercial Weil adda some bullish talk. The effect of the sufiplv on the situation In the northwest la given under three head. First, from row until Au gue4. Minneapolis and Duluiti will receive a dallv average from the country of lens than In at vear. Receipt, secondly, at Minneapolis from Kansas will be ;..1.000 or bushels leaa than laat cr. Tlilrd, the ahlpmenta from Minneapolis will be ma terially greater than Ian year. The mies tlon la, will trie 2.(i0,ti bushel larger atneka there thia year offset the Increaaed tcmand and ahlpmenta from the rest f the country. The paper thlnka not and believes the demand will dereae the atocka ao low that hy May they will be leaa than lit year at that time. The amount in l!! ma 11.wi9i buahela. There la also predicted a lamer mllllnc output from January 1 to May 1. Laat year shut down mere frequent, nom- flour bookina; cover operation to March 1. Omaha Cask BaJre. CORN No. i, 1 car. 'Hp. Oaaaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. tyWlA: N'n. 1 hard. llOi-Sl. (a: No. 4 hard. Wcii$l.0, No spring. ll.OT CORN No. Hc: No. J. 4(c; No. 4. j3Vr: no rrade. 5'c. No. 2 yellow. 4Hc; No. 1 yellow, 40c; No. 2 white, 4c; No. S whlf!, 40,c. OATB No. t mixed. 2c; No. 3 mixed. 3c; No. 4 mixed. L'HcnVkc; No. 2 white. Jc: No. 1 white, 2c; No. 4 white. iTVif I'Ik-, standard, dairies 1H-,6-. aSy: t merk. f itciuii. Z'-V- nrete. . prime fire's. .c, extras, . Chee, firm, ll lit. Carlot Receipts. Chlcanto Kanaaa City MinneapoUe . iMluth PL. Ioula Omaha, Wheat. Corn. Oat Ik 37 ir V. 3 in 6 m h 44 w MJaaeapolls W heat Market. Th range of prlrea In Minneapolis, as reported by the iJward-Vuod Grain com .any, wae: , Commodity. I Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat t 1 I i May 1 lis 1 '1V 1 KV 1 1 July 1 13 1 1 13 1 14' September ... 9. 861 MS: ( HK AUO GRAI AD ' PROVISIOH Feat ares af the 1 radios ad Closlaug Prleea Rearel af Trade. CHICAGKj. Jan. 30 Improved demand for flour In the northwest wae the chief reaeon for a strong mbeat market her today. At the cloa May waa up 4fiV:, corn la off ,fr1c. oats are almori unchanged and pro visions made a gain vt iyildc. Htrength developed in the wheat market after a rather weak otenlng. At the start the market waa bearlsnly aftected by lower tirlcea at Liverpool and the weekly atatls tics, which were quite disappointing to bulla. The amount of breadxtnrfs on ocean raaeage shorn ed an increase of 1,936, OA) tn. n addition the world shipments were larger than expected. Furthermore the do mestic aituatlon waa less reassuring to bull traders, receipts In the northwest oelng in xsa of those the corresponding day a wear ago. After opening unchanged to V lower at tUBl.l." May declined to ll.US on general selling by pit trader and com mission bouses. Iuritig the early part of the aeseion thtre was very little demand. A a result trading mas inclined to dra. On free coveting by abort prlcea were forced steadily upward, the market closing at the highest point of the day with May at Sl.ICH01.rsV C learance of wheat and flour Were equal to 44.6tM bu. Friniary receipts were 704. bu., compared with T;'4.5no bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chlcag i reported receipts of sol cars, against ,31 cars last mock and 43 cars a year ago. Owing to prospect of a more liberal movement sentiment In tbe corn pit waa rather weak. Throughout the entire day cash houses and local bears were ready seller, but the demand waa limited. A a result the volume of bushiepa was small. May opened VVAc lower at 44V944V" 4Tc auld off to 44Sc and closed at 44V 4'c. Local receipts were 371 cars, none of contract grade. Business In the oata pit waa much livelier , than has been iu evidence for the last month, (in selling due to lileral receipt the market made a alight dec Hue early in the day, but nearly all the loss was auhee ejuentlv regained. May opened unchanged to a shade lower at Sw:'i:'c. sold dawn to I0So and cl aet at Local receipt a were 1.12 tars. Notwithstanding lower prices at the yard following heavier receipt of hog than ex tecled. the provision market waa firm. Speculators were Inclined to support the market and there waa a fair demand from eutsldere. At the rloae May pork waa up Twoloc at SlssuvUi.MS. lard was &c higher at $7. l ib were :'Sc higher at ue .. Ksilmate4 receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. M care, com, i cars, oaUa, 14 cars; hog, bead. The leading future ranged aa follow: FW IflIK CF.ItRAL M 1RKET Oaotatlaaa a( the lr ea larlees Caaaaaodltlea. NEW TORK. Jan. ? -FLOt"R-Reoeirt in bhla ; (Xports. ISM bble : market ..T1 bbla : experts l.4 bhl ; market dull with a atedv andert'.ne: M It-e.ta baker. tn liat i0: wtrter pa'enta. 15 5"f. ; win ter Tniahtn. iLjbfii t"; winter extras. 1".T4'. winter lw grade H4n4 1;. Rye flour, oulet: fair to tni. U e74 .70, i hoi.-e to fancy. 14 TVrfc no. Buckwheat flour, dull; Jr rti t V2 10 "ORNMKAI-4Steady; flre white and vrl iow n coarse, new, Ill (r;S. kiln ! dried I-h i3 in i RVK Nominal ! rtARI.KV Plow: feedlna. 4.Ti.r r I f New Tork rraMrtR. -ti'V.-. r. i f Ruslo. WHKAT Rer eipt. 14 SjS hu : fr.t mar ket f.rm: No ? red, nominal elevator. No. I red. II ns f o b.. ot: No 1 norttern. 1'jluth fl.;TS f o b. afloat. No. 1 hard. Manitoba, fl IIS f o. b . afloat. Options mere firm till dy ex. ept arv.tii the open 1 nr. when dep-eed by 1-arifh statitk. Riivh.g stimulated by a Mroog Si lou: ina'k't and prediction of smaller reoeipta, the M'wf showing S41c net hlaher Mav. II liVul 1. ciosed at II KV JjIv. II c.'Sul closed at ll-UL'S: fcp- t-nrer c)..pd at Wc t'uR.N Receipt, 775 bu.; export JTl. 4i7 l.u ; ;k.i mark.-t enaj'. N'. - rSc ele vator and ol'c f. o. b.. afloat: No el lom. MSc; No. 2 white. ilV- options q'llet here nil dav. cloning nt lower May i I-eed at OATS-Re.-elpts. bu.: pot market b rely steady : mixed oa. X ti Jt i-'.uiid" .V.y.jsTr: rsl white. Sfi to 32 pounds. 37 'o.N : natural white. Ko. i. to 4. p"tim!, 3Hi45cv HA V Q'il t . shipping. rXff.( ; good to choice, aoto ec. HOI'S-Hteadv; state, common to choice. 1"4.; ISajO. ,q1i-: otda. 14jle; Pa cihc coast. 14. 2iiCr, l&a. 2iic. olds. 14 HirK Firm: Galveston. HI to I lbs.. lc; Cslifornia. .'1 to a lh.. lc; T.xas, dry, 14 to U H.S . 14i.c. LKATHKR Firm: acid. :4.e. FROVIBION8 Beef, steadv: fsmilv. fl K S12 mesa, l Wa y: beef hama. IJ2 iK j Sii; racket 110 ifill Art; city extra India me, !iii17 Cut meats, nomine'; pick led lielllea.; pickled shoulder. '!.. 60. pickled ham. Ik7-g?l.. Lard, firm; western steamed. 17 ; refined. barely steady; continent. 7 15: Bouth Amercan. 17.75: compound. Mtii 12y lork. stead'-: family. U4 (ifK14 50; short clear. tlS.WSla.'x): me-s. II 2rflU7B. TALIOW Barelv steady: city (12 per pkg.). 4e: country (pkga. free). 4S4Se. RICK Firm; dometk;, fair to extra. :'' far: Japan, nominal. BX'TTETJt Strong: street price, extra creamery. I4Jf.'Sc; official price, creamery, common to extra. 1M) c : held, common to extra. I&3ic: state dairy, common to ex tra. iHaiic: renovated, common to extra. lXfj23S, western factory. common to choice, 15453c: western Imitation creamery, common to choice, W6I4C. EGOS Firm: western first. Hoc; weatern second. 27flrc; southern. 22fc30c; refrig erator. HM7 24.-. POVLTRV Alive, easy: western chicken, lie; fowl, lie: turkeys, lac. Iiressed. firm; western chicken U414c; fowl. l.'ISc; tur keys, 154jj30c. ST. IvOUlS. Jan. . WHFAT-No. 2 red cash, elevator. II 14S: tnu k. II 171 1; May, II. IS': Julv. lc; No. t hard. 11 l-'S CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 4SSc; track. 45 4f.Sc: Msv. 4.1st: July. 4r(Sc. OATB Weak: No. 2 cash. 3!c: track. S?1T a:: 'Si31c: No. 2 white. tS'SM''. FLOl' R Tnill ; red winter patents. fe.3F.,f S.5u: stectal brands. 15 c&6 Si; extra fancy and straights. 14 Sd'ho I.: clears. 14 80. 8FKl Ttmothv. steadv. U VKfK.Vi. CORNMKA I e Steady, 12 4". WRAN Imll and teady; sacked, east treck. KMrKTc. HAT Quiet; timothy. R.0f"Si: ; j.rairie, rtWii 50 IRON COTTON TIES 93C HFMP TWIXK Sc- PROVISIONS Pork, higher: jobbing, new standard mess. 111 ". Ijird. higher; prime ateam. W.40. Prv salt meats, steadj-; boxed extra shorts. i 4KS: clear riba. I.7H; short cleara, 17. Racon. ateady: boxed extra shorts, 17.60; clear ribs, r.KS; short clear, 17 S7S. POCI.TRY Julet: chickens. 9c: springs, 10c: turkevs. 1SS1: dicks. IIS: geeac. Sc. RTTTER Firm: creamery, :14431c; dairy. lfr!5c. EGGS Higher at K'V. ease count. Receipts Shipments. Flour. t.bls is.ono 13.000 Wheat, bu W.Ofio afi.A "orn. bu ftn.oirt lo.orrn Oat, bu......... 4fi.(i0 r.uuo Kaasas City Grata asid Provisions. KANBA8 CITY, Jan. SO. WHEAT Firm: Mav, 1.0KS1 06: July, "c; cash. No. 2 hard. 1101.10; No. . ti OfcSI.OS; No. 4. 6c4j1 05: No. Z red. P.II&1.14; No. I. ll.KXtf 1.11. Receipts. If car. CORN Firm: May. 4-Te; July, 4.1,c: cash. No. 2 mixed. 4?Hc; No. 1 iSStC; No. 2 white, 44c: No. S, 44S?- OAT& No. 2 white, 31.4j32e; No. 2 mixed. Sic. RYE-?iV877c. BI'TTKR Creamerv. tMt71c: dairy. lc. HAY Steady: choice timothy, t9.ao910.00; choice prairie, 7 2W7.S0. HOGS Firm: Mlseourl and Kansas, new No. t white wood case Included. !7Sc; case, count. 2c: case returned. So less. BCTTER Creamery, M-fitfc: dairy. lc. Raceipts. Shipments Wheat, bu n0 4u.0ii "orn. Itu W.jno S1 ft Oata. bu SO.Ono 9.ni0 Phlladelahla Predace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan SO RUTTER Klrm and In good demand: extra western creamery. r: extra nearby print. 23c. EGGS Steady and In fair demand: nearby fresh. 2Pc at mark: western, freeli, 29c t mark. CHEESE Steady and In fair demand; New York full creams, fancy. 13S": New York full creams, choice. 13c; fair to good, HS&Hc. Visible Sapply mt Grata. NEW YORK. Jan. i The visible supply of grain Saturday, January 2. aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange. Is as follows: Wheat. 37,mo bu. ; Increase, i.nio.ono l.u. Com, ll.AR2.nisl bu.; Increase, 170.000 bu. Oat. m.KKSfno bu.: decrease. 4a.0im bu. Rve. l.!sa.' bu.: decrease, bu. Barlev, .o..(W bu.; decrease, 3 J .". bu. Articled ! Open. ( Hlgh. Low. Clo. Yea y. s Wheat May July Corn Jan. May Jttly Oata Jan. May Julv Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July I I I I II 15,V 1 1N 1 15SS 1 I 1 I ii iCtl-42S: 4JsmS 44S ' 4..' 4JSS-SJ sS', I 1 15S s 42 (42io42S. 4-'S 44S44S&S 45S 4i,tfS 45 S I i S' Si -S "S)SNI S et'S 'S IwstJS, 't.lrt 77s' 1! rrsf 32 75 12 71 ! 1 3 83S, 12 KS 12 K2S C T7S nr. : 7s sa C US a. ( W 1 UTS S s 1 w n T 05 ?. 7 " 7 IS J ots T ITS 7 IB I ITS1 ! K.'S s7S 7 ICS IN I i No. t 4'ash quotations were a follows: FlArt'R Steady : winter patent. I5.1lr? IV; winter straights. 44 i5'': spring put- en i a. B,8oti0. spring atraight. t4i'M40: bakers ( iuI8 M WHEAT Ni S spring. IllJnl l. No. I aprlng. Uu2a)l.; No. 2 red. II 17S4) 1 1. 'OHN No. 2. 4Jk-; No : yellow. ..c OATb-No. 2. lie: No. t white, XlSt3Jc; N t while. 'S"!1" RYE No. 1. T5c HARlJCy Good feeding, re; flr to rh. ice nialttg. 43(1 BEElv-No. 1 flax, fl.lti; No. I northwest, eiu. 11 M: prime timothy. C ICS. ilovtr. contract rrade U5a PROVlSION8-Me!. tjrk. per hhl.. H 75 tllMi. Lard, per 1j If. , Km Shoi t rilis sidea ( M.."..;o. fcliort clear aide ibt.xedi. t. srsu I7S roiiowing meie th receipt and alup- tueiit of Hour gnd Tin ir. bhls. V hut. pu. Cfi, bit Oals, hu. ... K. ba ... baxl . bej. IW the Produce grain: rvecco is aniiiaiients ... 3C.ltl .,. o4i 42 7'iM . .. fr -i 7.7 14 yia. ... 4 ao ... n.wv ii. tut M-hane today the hut- erea met i IS-; Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWACKEE, Jan. SO-WHEAT-Sc higher; No 1 nor'ern. 1 l'l If.; N". northern, fl.l'djl.14; Miy II 16S91 l asked RYK-Rttady; No. 1. 1Sc. HARLEY lc lower; No. 2. BltiSJc; ample, SCfi Wv. CORN lower; No. S. 42S94.V; May, 44'c. X4laaeawlls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS Jan SO -WHEAT-May. fl.lo: Julv. II 14: Ret.temlier. !ic: m.i. 1 hard. I1.17t: No. 1 northern. fl.US: No. 2 northern. 11 ". FEOUR First patents. iyvfirV e.nd patents, ! 1094 30: first clears. 14 154 35; aecotid cleara. 12 SkGi 70. BRAN In bulk, til W. NEWYIRK STOCKS AND BONDS Etalingt Are Ltrg Witt Wide and Cos. (tint Fluctuation.. NET CHANGES FOR THE DAY API SLIGHT AaaoaeceiMcnt That "apreme loart Mill Relieve rtbrra erarltle (ase ead That Issae Dona Fight Pnlats. NEW YORK Jn. -There was great variety In lod.y stoi k maraet. xiiti iarg deaiinrs un.l wide and citatit (luctuat!"n. hut the net charge d I m any d'-giee orrestKind with the w:d movements of the day. The mainm rlt g of the nculatinn mas the action ol the ; r m.' oart in the N-Tthetn P-cirlti' s cae- lJist meeks l.ii..ynr.t r in the atock which have reeponded to the various development in the Northern Se n.rlti's . aM- ma no. Uted m:th m genrHl cctnic'ion In Wall street that the co.irt had reached the rt terml-atlon to refuse the etltw-.ii of the Hsrriman party for a mrit of certiorari to revitm the d i.lon aeslnst them In t!.e courts, hy perm.ttl.-g the Immedir.te uisirlh itii-n of N rtnern Se curities ajwet such aciion by Ihe court It mas f !t m ould practically determine Hie contest The anomaly f strenRth 1 om n by the stocks of l th side to the contest on account of a deiin mhhh mould, be a defeat of crie aiii- appaientlv -fiii'l notice. The movement .f ; st"ik toj:iy Be. med to demonstrate by tlie.r final aclin that their hdvaiue has not b mi Influenced bv consideration of a ilei isl. n in the North ern Securities case. fM; it mas also ahowrt that there had tn a In! ge rpeiuidtle f lomlng In this eto k mhi.h euppi-s-d thnt this mus the irfluen. e that ni"vi the mar ket. Thus tl.ere ma Icavy unloading mh n It became known that the a. turn of the supremo court would have the rff. ct of coti tiiuing the Injunction under which thu Northern Securities company i tied op. That stock itself fell back nearly eight t on the curb market and 1 nion Pa cific. Southern Pacific arid St. Paul wire acutely affected in the exchange. The d -ttrmined accumulation (f I'nloti I'n. :flr at the b.mer levels and its vigor.. us movement upwards aenln presented n other cause" for the advance and the msterious m.r of the railroad "deal" again averted Itfe f on the speculative temper. I'nlon PaaiK-. Southern Pacific. St. Paul. Chicago A: Northwestern and ailied at.-.-ks, Erie. Nem York Central, the Junior Vanderbnt and KanSHS City Southern mere all infl.ienct d Immediatelv bv the suppositions of the deal. , Disclaimer of the d'l storlea said to besith official function, but ationymoua lv reported, bad no effec t on the elucidative excitement, iiutf-ide of this InPuence there? mere no clearly defined factrrs In the mur ker There was some disposition in at tribute the etrong recovery to the retrtat of the bear interest which has made demonstrative threat against the market for some time past The epecial strength of Amalgamated Copper was attributed to this cause. Interviews with railroad traffic offi cials pointed to slight interruption of the freight movement by last week' storm ob struction and the merchandise movement was aid to be well maintained Foreign factor fell Into the background. Money was again very easy and the prospects of large additional exports of gold caused no disturbance. Except for the Harriman's and Vanderhllts there were not many Mocks that recovered to above Paturdiiy and the closing was steady and nt very far on the average from B.iturday s level. ponds continued to lie well absorbed both on the stock exchange and over the counter but depression of some of the speculative issnies made the movement Irregular. TotaJ par value. 17 475.C' I'nlted Statea bnds were all unchanged on call. The quotation on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Sales. High. Lk w Close. fir were d ill on reaVtatlcr and ! k of Paris support and rloed above the m orst qitotst'or.s of the day. HERLIN. Jan. '. Price on the bourse todar wer weak. PARIS. Jar. .-PtI es on the boure toliy were irregular, tut at the c'ose the market was Arm Cred t Ljorna se was efected by the rpptH ninees of Preldent ;rmln. Russian Imperial 4" were quoted at and Russian Krds of K4 at !'. 4m Yark Mnaey Market. NEW YORK Je ? MONEY On call, steady at r; er rent; closing bid. 1 rr cent; offered at 1 per cent, time loans, very easy: sixty da and lonely das. 3 ter cert: six months. ?- per cert PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER-SS'5 S cent. fTKRI.lXI EXCHANGE Easier, closed firm, with actual business In banker hills at 14 !Cii4 TO for demand and at 14 Vvi' I 4 4 for s:xty-day bii.s. posted rates. II f". ard M'c'-S: commercial t.his. n SILVER Rar. t'c: Mexican dollars 4Sc Hi ..S I overnnient steady: railroad, Irregular. losing quotation on bonds mere: l" re? :. rl .. TM .I.pan . ts . . 6o reupnn 1"4 LAN unl. 4S"... 1"'4 ito . - Vinbattin r l"" dn tpupcm 14" Mn cenl-al 4s ... 4 it t 4 -eg do 1st Inc !"4 in outeT U:S ''lLn 4V St L 4" 4e old 4 fg J . K. T 4 . !! do oupca i'1 do li K"H Am Tulja 'o 4 f't Tf R R r M c 4 : o . if. m v Y. v. a :s .... '"" A:i'.-i gen. 4 . .. 14 "V. J C g .... ITS, do adj to Psnllr 4... Atlantlr L. 4 11 4b a " b a Ohio 4 P4 N m . . 4i ici do a ' 8. L. rtdg 4 tetilrml of 111 6s .. f-nn conv :if ... HS d- ; mi Fo4trg gl ... do 21 in. 7'H -i L. 4c I. .M - ; If.H " A Cllo 4t IssV P U A s r ' 4 fl brii A J' - i. f m im c P w b 4 '""-s eslarcj A I. 4i . s i ! r i r 4 . .v s- pi-ifio 4i -, do col. S Raileir f 1li cc c s Lis .i"J 1oi P n . . ::i l bi'lo Tt. 4o T . St LAW' . ;t Colo. M14 4 T4,1 uiMi Psngc 4 I" Clio fc P 4 ." 4 . c ub i-t'l t F Steel :d & . . . S4 Ii A Ft. G 4 ... I"' I mitiih Is !'" iMstllle-s Sec-. : Mb B Er- rcir,r lien 4e .... 102 fW.rn V1 4 .. . do kii 4 :S m t I. F. ' i r w I r is 'Hi w (mini 4i -i Vl. 4-ti. . .llii Hid. i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Tfiirtble Gr.dei of Both Brf 6 t-eri tod Cow 0?nl!y Ten Ripken HOG MARKET JUST ABOUT STEADY 4 tolerable Imsmtrtsrst la Pcaased fnr heep and l.aaaha and Tra4. lag Ralrd trtlve nlth Prlrea Mostly a Dime Higher. SOUTH UMaHA. Jan : 'PS Rere rts were .ef '.e. nor Sheer C'ffi-ial Monday I r 4' . Same dsv lat mee J :'.; f. 6 ii &.IHI v wk lf,.re . S 1"T h o S.471 Same three meek ago . ;.T Same fonr weks ago... :M 11 "11 Same day last ear 1 .ii.t. S.S.4 V -.SM RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The fcllowlrg table show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheen at South Omaha for the year lo date, with comparison with last year; 16 K4 Inc. fee. catt v- :,,.o:i .... .6."i M'TS i:.6.(i IM.". 14.951 She, lli.T.S 16f..4M T1 Tlie I illomlng tab.e sn. ,.ie average trice of hog, st South Onialia for tb lat "eral das w,i!i comparisons: i IMi ;l04 .1A ir. It"1 ! Atchison dj pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore Ai fllilo.. do pfd Canadian Pacific Cen. of N. J Chesa. Ac Ohio Chicago & Alton do nfd Chicago Oreat Wm. 1 ;'.i io.jw in 3 i.i T.ftii ?"i nri C. A N. W 14. C.. M & St. P Chi. Ter. & Trans... 4o do pfd 5 C. C. C. & St. luls 13 o Colo. & Southern.. .. l.T' do 1st pfd 4-r do M Pfd 7" Delam-are & Hudson. 4"" Tic) . lac k. & West I. at R G I"" do pfd Erie lJR.ft do 1st pfd 14,ii do Id pfd 6.v Hocking Valley do t.fd Illlnola Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ixiiils. Ac Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St Ixrnls . . M . 8t P. & S St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T do pfd Nat. R. R. of M . r-M New York Central N. Y.. Ont. Ai West.. Norfolk & Western... do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C . C. & Si. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do r'd St L.& S. F. 2d pfd. 6t. 1... S. W do pfd 6outhern Pacific d pfd Southern Rallmay do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & Weet do pfd Vnlon Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. & L. E Wisconsin Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex I'nlted Stntee Ex Wdls-Fargo Ex t Amal Copper Am. Car & Kdry do pfd Am. Cotton Crtl do pfd American Ice do pfd Linseed Oil fd. it lir.'S WS WS IKCS 4! 4-;s M 2ib 177 ITS :S 1-c'S fi:: K lKlS 'ai MS 44S of' ITS la 1.2 1"1S ! -1S3 :ir, 4S, 43S S2. 2S T4!S Jii If :S 2S MS IS slS 65S 4 i"l 1:S l."S 4oo jc ion f,s r'S :' ms '- m s K4 fn 2 1,,., uts viS 17i T"S 17 3... 7CS 1.4'VI 11?.S i 23 i: l :ui 'i 'i.'lii' 4 KlO 2,il 9 1"7 sr. 147'', 44" !7 l.r7 31 S OS I4SS 44 7x STl T " l-'-S l'CS lit-'S 43 S S-'S 244S 17.1S IM, ?' I'll ire s ICS 3' 31 l h-.S 4:iS ICS 'S 7S l.iS 1HS :rS a rv 170- 76 llnS rs M Ml l.-.T'i lo-.S 31 S ft'.s 4-S l:. 44a, 7S Roitll trk Market. lHr?T"iN. Jan. 3" Cull loans. 2S cent; time l.ans. ."ci4 per ent. closing on etneks and londs: nh!iun 44 .... so A..enture .lc. 4 ... I"-1 A i.-uel TA A -t.i. Iitimi.ed . vmerlc-aa Ilnr 1'"V A-.ltllf . 4 H.-toiTi lT a He. 11 . 14 tnennlal . . . . . c "l!er Range . H' !: Wen Sj Itominlen Coal 122m KrirHlin ! iirtwy 9'i In. Roti le . . . . 4S MiBirt .. 141t Mi Iill 1)1 MoMak 14ok Mont r A ('... :S end lotninton ... Sf-W Olla 1 , Pir-ot Sbl UiurnF ite Shinnon ii Timirafk ii Trir.ny it'i I . fi Mltoni ... 1"5 V s Oil f'i' 24 1 Vi'iona t" m ir.ina M-t Wol.eruil m tirti rial Jan. Jan. ln. Jan. Jsn. Jan Jan. I... Jan. Jan. f 10., Jsn. 11.., Jan. 12.. Jan 13. . Jan. 14.. Jan 16. Jan. 16.. Jan. 17.. Mm. (eotnl 41 A'.'falson do pd Hofcom A A I ha 11 . . H'sion Elerned .. Kttrbhurg lfl Xcl Cerilral . .. N. Y . N H A H. pere Marquette . . . I nion Pic-lKc Amer. Arge. Chem do f'i Amer. Puew. Tube. Amer. Sugar de pfd Anifr. T AT Amer. Wo. ilen do pfd Iic.m!nlon I A Kdlson Elec. Illu. . lieneral klectrtt ... Min. Electric do pfd aliss. Gis t'nltecj Knot I S. Mach do pfd V. S Steel do pfd .... WeKting rotnmun Bid. ""Afkcd. . ;: - .. IT a r . ii. . S74 . I.".-. . : l" . 5 ' .. I" US .il . s . :, . . . S7 lis .U-s . 4 . :r T. . 41S 4", 1.-"i)7 32. 2K) 137'i i3;s 1 34 ' 4 15.'' 7oft 2cl .ill 2i TA lY 3 im .:sk 900 .-" ' ' in'i SSS.luO ""4.v'l Sii I'm ..1 & lileergieiol Grata aal Proilalea. LIVERPOOL. Jan. A WHEAT Soot. teady; No. 1 California. 7 Future. 1 steady; March. 7aTd; May. .s'.d; July. '(RN Spot. Cjtilet: American mixed, new. 4a SL American mlxel, olt, 4s Sd. Future. ji!t: March. 4s Sd , May, 4e ld. Dvla-th Orala Xirket. DlLt'TH. Jan. aa-WHE-AT-To arrive. No 1 northern. II 1SS: No. I northern. ll.OCH: on track, tin. aorthern. II 13S. No. ! northern. IIOS: May. 1.1S)L13S. Jul). H14S: September. KSc. Taloda fteeal Market. TOLEDO. Jan. W SEED Clover, cash and January and February. 17 67: April. 7 47S: October. KMi; prime alsike. 7 : prima timothy. JltS Peerla brain Markrt. PEORIA. Jan. to CORN-Iimer: Nr. t, flVH4Jc: No. 4. eeilr; no grade, 4j4fc. Oils aael Raala. NEW YORK. Jan. M-OI1.8 Cottonseed oil. firm: prim etude, nominal, yellom-, 24S tiic. Petroleum, easy: refined. New York. 17.25; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 17 2i. in bulk 14 SO Turiientine. ateady. B&SOecjc. RiiSI N Steady : strained, comnrfin to good. 2 ITS OIL CITY Jan. 10 OIL Credit baUnees. 11 42; certificates, no bid: hipmenta. Ii6 0j bole: average. 7J.&S4 bbla ; run. 17.177 bbl ; average, 47.. 14 bbl.: wblpmente. Lima. 14c. wtii bbl : average, 4.TT4 bbl ; runs, Lima. 114 S" bhls ; average. o.r2 hi. Is SAVANNAH. Jan 3rt-4.ilLeiTuiTer.tlne. fl-m. e-Se Roein. firm: A. 14. C. t- . It. 12 16: E. II 7; K. tt.Ti. G. I2.Hu: H (x 12U; I l:l K. 14 it. M. U H. N, 14 7J; W D. U. WW. C IS. Am. tlo Am. do Am. Pf Jy.comotive. . I'M. Smelt. A- Rcf do Pfd Am. Sugar Refining. Am. Tob. pfd., certif. Anaconda Mining Co. Rrook. Rap. Transit. Colo. Fuel A Iron Consolidated tlaa Com Prcducts do Pfd rilktlllers' Securities . General Electric International Paper . do pfd International Pump . do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mail People's Ola Preaaed Steel Car do pfd Pull. Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron... I. 8 leather do pfd V. S. Realty V. S Rut.ber do pfd V 8. Steel do pfd V. -Carolina Chem.... do pfd Westfl.gnouse Elec... Western t'tilon Total ale for th dy, l.jn.SuO sharea agar sad Melassra. NEW YORK. Jan. 3u 81'OAR Ra w, flrai. fair refining. 4-V-: eentrifugal. isi test, l-4c. nioiasses sugar -4S- Rerlned. teal ; No. 4. loic. No 7. -. No. I. ... : Xo. . lav-; So. 1 IVtc: No. 11. ijir, No. 12. lac: No. Ii. iuec. Nn. 14. & : confec tioners A. c. tnnuld A. tkic: cut loaf. kr. . enisled. 4X6r; Pomderrd. t.26c: gianulaled. t-lic; c ubee C 4-. M ilAtiSKS -Firm: New Orleans, ojen kettle, fo-'i to rhout. 2S'iic. S1.4ai 1 "cm l' ".'. 1 Irtl 1"0 is 1 4 4.3'i Mi 5.WI IP T.l I.&cl'l 1 frtl I'll 1.1-lt 7''n liO H2 34", K2S 7S MS ft'S C7S US 34. 17 S 34 S MS 123S 44 IS 73S 4 3S IB', 111S WIS no-, 142S 4 K7 fr :4s ITS -- ! 3 S tje i 3.. 1 l.Oili I'D :7S in. S7- 1S- 34S 2-S is..s B--S 31" 33S ;s 34S 'MS '21s 4 S :i 4."S 71 S X:ci, 9-.S 34 S7S liS ':vS K-S n s 141 MS ii; wrS 4; 13 1-4S ss 'y. 11 43 1'H.j 37 PI 4111 lfi lf.H 1 13S -s soi rrs ;s '4 '7? "ii 4 1" 141, lis f ld.'S Yi .6. Hi' K1S HS 7i. S7S iS J.'., Ji 71 31 2S", 42. A "m:; . XT. IS soo im )4)S I'M - lit 2S S-S MS S7S 91 S K S--S tu S 70s t.S 11"S T.t J7 ?4 34 f,.-S 123 r.7s 21 ; " ix av 4:S 240 221 1J. 040 ii, WS 33 S 1 , 1 liS sc. 3.-S ll" vs ii-S 341S MS l'S'S K.-S Jl' Ms fcl 71 v, 4S 2e4 1 m;s X V 42U 1:S '"S 1S 2W it i-S fT M 71S 13S vns w lft-S MS ?4S HT ! 2S A mronda At.htion do rM Iliiflmore K Ohio l inidcin Parlflc . I lin 4t I'lilo . I hi' igo tit m. . . C . M A St. P.. tcelW.ra llencer A R. O. .. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 3d pid lllmoii On'ril ... bculs A .NlKh... Jl , K. T SILVER Par 1.V1 I.oadon 9tork Market. LONtiON. Jan. 30 Cl'.sing (juotalioii on etui ks tnd tic.mlo mere: Consols, montr .. ll-l N V Central do account 11-14 Norfolk A "A !. dc. ped :S "ntarie W lai'l P. nnf. Mania . . . l'.!t Kiiol Mine l.'isw Heading 4 do IB pfd i-ll 1 in 2d pra . ... lw Poubem Kaileir ITS.' do pfd 33 Scut hem Pi iflr t t'r.lon Pirlftc 44 : ', pfd f.:, 44S Jan 19 Jan. H . Jan. Jan. Ii... Jan. 3... 4 ?l I 4 4?S' 4 44Sl 4 4S 4 46 4 SO I I I ..I Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 27 . Jan. 2. . 23 24. .. Jan. Jan. 4 (1 4 (..' 4 B"S 4 1S 4 3S i 6S 4 elS' 4 i'U, 4 66S 1 4 at. 4 ;.7 4 1 ; 4 3S ! 4 i-c, 1 4 71 4 7?S 4 4 MS 4 :s 4 4ii 1 4 77! 4 4 .' 4 4 (rH 4 (21 I 4 531 4 CI 1 4 71. 4 73; 4 4 74 t S7' S ( ID! I II I ( 3 I 1 4 M 4 n 4 m 4 C7 4 SI 4 SI 4 7 I 3 4 3i i 4 4 c 44 I 40 .V 4 41 60' I 3! 5 47 It '1 6 rr K 6 K 73 4 If. u4 C R4 C 74 24' I (V I C 1 I 14 8 04 I S 4 14: 'U .5 I 17 Ii , 4 77' S if, t K Ii3 4 5 14 12 b Ho r. 4 i(. 4 4 s I Hi a 04i K 0; I 061 3 14! i 2 I 23. t 17. s I I IS I 2.1 5 27, I Hi B J i 27 a f. 7 5 13 S 1 S J2 !i 1J f. lit n 12 5 2 S 26 4 4 ti' 4 37 4 35 3 f I K7 1 44 J 47 3 44 I I 41 4 34 4 VI 4 361 4 4! 4 41 4 it I 4 BK 4 ii 4 AM I 4'c 4 6i I 61 4 M 4 M I 9 I f I U 1 I K i b4 3 &'. 4 63 4 MV 4 4 4 4 4 42 4 S2 4 M 3 f4 3 54 J " a I el S M 3 1 37 1 C 3 3 70 . K2 . 1 ,lt. 111 . j:s r s 8ii d pfd . . Vi'n .... di pfd . . Ppinnh 4i . 44 S I 'S I 1 I 1:4 s SS .11 ,e.i. 44-1 sS steady. . 1-lbd per ounce. MU.M.1 2ru2S lr cent. Tne rate 01 aiscouut In the open market for short hill is 2 7-ltV'i2S per cent, for three months' bills. 2 7-lnciJS per cent. Hew York Mlnlsg Morka. NEW YORK. Jan. SO The following sre the closing quotations mi mining stocks: Adima Con 2" I.mle caief ... Ontario Iciphlr ' PlioenU t I'OtKSl Svsge Sierra Nevada t- rm 1 1 Hi.pea .. idtatiuard ...... Alice Prrece Hruaawlk Cna Comatork Tunt.el Ton. . A Va Hern isilver Iron Silver Leadville Con ... Oflered. :i:. 4 :-7', . 11 . 10 . 52 lit) Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3fi.-Tod,'iy utate mvnl of the treamity balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1oi.i.iii gold reserve in the division of rclcmptii.ti, shms: Available Co all balance, 1 Ji.577. 1S4 ; gold. 4,7Si.3W. Bank 4 learlnaa. OMAHA. Jan. 3d -The bank clearings for Monday mere fl.sS7.931.n2. For the same dav a year ago the clearings mere fl.l!', Vmj 63. Forelga Flaaarlal. LONDTiN. Jan. 3d Money tu steady In the market today. The tall included trr ceiit ol Caiiciiaii Pacific new oidinary. iiscoutit were weak in view of th- eaaiir 11. one v after the ih end KiiKliieaa 01. the Steak mat. guiet TL fea ture mas the atrength of Americana. The Nem York bank a element elimultrd w rallojis in thia department. 1'nu.u l'a clftc. Erie and Sjotbern Pa.-iSc ru sharply. Canadian Pacific mas supia.rted on the Ieceml-r stat-n.nt The market e iapsed in pieces after tue receipt of New York s iet:ti.g and ci..-.J meak t'ons .U mere mell supported Forelgmr mere ln'.i eralelj ai-tue. the Manchuri.n nem a bucn . lug up Japai.eae and tne eminent euppori ll.g Rui!lil Inietldl Jif.ii.e-e g.ern rrieiit 6a of 14 mi quoted at kf- Wool Market. LONIXiN. Jan. 3c WCKJIA miscellane ous selection, numbering .23 bales, was offered at the wool auction ale tcjday. The demand mas good und mlthdramals mere frequent. M-tinos sold readily at full ratee, m-ltli the exception of fine South Australian, m hleh m ere held too high Cross bred sold m-ell: Americans have evidently filled their require inenis, as they are not buying Folloming are the sales: New South WkJcs, 7ti bale, scoured. lOdijln Sd: greasy. BStilld Queensland, l.anw balis: acoured. l(u: fSd. greasy. HSulld. Victoria. 1.7ii balc, scoured. HSd'al lSd: greasy, tSiuls 2d. South Australia. l.u bales; scoured. Is Sd'tfl "d: greasy, b'a llS'l. West Australia. 1.7sJ Iiales; greaey. t'Sr0l''S'1 Nem- Zealund. 2 UW bales; acoured, Wols ,d: greasy. Cd5tfln 2d. ST. LOl'IS. Jan 30-WOOIy-Nominal. medium grades, cora'.lrg und clothing 21 43 21c; light fine. lv.r22S ; heavy fine. 14 lc: tub m-pl-i-d. 27-j41-. BOSTON. Jan. 3' WOOI Of the wcv.l market the Commercial Bulletin ha this to say: The volume of buainesa how 1 moclerato expansion Oood-slred trades in Ohio fleeots have been put through. The ( general maraei im ijuir-i alio liie ii.oe le nc.l o bullish. There ie no break in values, but high limits are being urged. Foreign wool are accumulating. Yet American buy era continue active o,erations in foreign mar ket arid local dealer are sti'.l contracting in , V, f -jjt A! a thirri rf the tcv-rl. torlal clip of 1N.IS is already engaged. Snip- j ments or mcc.j rrom IJoston to flats Trom I Vcember 2S. Y'4. Hc-cording to the nmc authority, are l!c,i"7 4W .unds. against 20. fl 134 pounds at the same time last vear The receipt to date are 17,57s 21 pounds. gainst 12.3711. S67 pounds for the same period last year. Indicate Sundnv The official number or car rf stock brought In today by eat h toad mas: Cattle. Hogs She p. C . M St P. Rv 14 Mo Pacific Ry 3 V. P. Svstem 12 4 13 C. ft N W. Ry 12 4 F.. E. ft M V " 5 C , St. P . M. O Ry B 2 4 R. ft M. Rv S3 11' 1 , R ft 4 Ry 12.. C. R. I i P. east 6 3 Illinois CentraJ 1 Chiciigo Great Western 4 3 Total receipts IIS H The disposition of the duy s re. elpts m..s as '.illoms. each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated Cattle Hogs Sheep. Omaha. Pac king Co 171 4-.J 7e Swift and Company 71 I7 4.. Cudahy Packing Co .'H 1.272 2.1i Armour ft Co 2-7 s-4 l.. Armour ft 'o.. S City Carey at Benton o Lobman & Co 113 M.-Ciearv ft Clark 14 W. 1. Stephen 61 Hill A- Hunlzinger t7 Hamilton ft Km liscliild . . . i F. L. 1 1 usx 1'i Sam Wert helmer 327 J. P.. Root ft Co 211 Hulla ft Kline 7 Other buyers 143 M 4.578 4.424 a smaller run 01 Total CATTLE There mas cattle here today than mas generally ex pet-ted and a result the market ms In good shape, omlng to a fairly liberal de mand frm ail sources. Refaort from other points mere also favorable to Die selling interests, no it mas not long before everything except the late arrlvuls ma dis posed of. There mere only a fem- cars of cortifed steers In the yards, and most of tliese mere of the shortfed variety The mm net on the more desirable grade ma active and generally i dime higher, and as there did not seem, to b enougu of them to meet the requirements of th tt.ide, it did not take long for salesmen to dispose of mhat they bad. Even the commn and shortfed cat tle sold to lietter advantage this morning than they ddi at the close of last week. The demand for the better grades of cows ami heifers m;.a uiso active and such kinds coul.l safely be i :rt"l a dime higher and in some rases sales were made that looked even better than that. When it came to the common and medium grades the Im provement mus not quite so great, but still even those kinds sc. Id strong to a dime higher than they did at tbe dose of lat meek. Trading was active on the early ar rivals, but of course the slom- arrival of trains prevented an early clc.fe to Ihe mar ket. Bulls sold at a little stronger prices- than on last Friday, but veal calves brought Just about the same prices they have for some little time. There mere quite a few stockers and feed er In the yards and owing to the heavy onom storm speculators meie a little afraid to get too many cattle on hand. The good heavv cattle sold without much trouble at right' around steady price, but others mere a little slom- and in aome cases sale mere made a little lomer Representative ale: Bt.EF STEERS. No 12 . 1 . J ii . 7 . a . V-.. 1:1 . 1 . 1:1 I 1C67 . til .1!' 11": .ldln .1073 11T4 .11U lf4fe .toss 3 1 e. S I o 3 4 Ml 4 W 4 nr. 4 I 4 1" 4 !' J 10. STEERS A7ND COWS. -Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 3V METALS Accord ing to London cables there waa considerable covering of tin by shorts, also aome Amer ican buying, with the result tlmt prices Jsed firm and higher at fir spot nd 130!7s6d for futuie. Ixieal'y up plie available for immediate delivery are SHld to be limited and are very firmly held, spot liemg quoted at from f3( to 1.10 5n. al though It la stated that tin for delivery later than February can be secured st around JS( 25. Ccper ma w ithout special feature In the local market continuing firm at 113.50 for lake. I la 37Sftli).6i for eli-ctro- j tiic aj.a si au.iK'ci ior casting. 1 ne London market i a little higher, with snot quoted st C 17a td and futures at C The London lead market was alao a In He higher, with spot closing at 4.121".s. The local market mas uncharged at 44 4eVtt4 c Felter was unchar ged ai In. 3f.ini ) In the local market and at 34 las in lxindoti Iron cloaed at t2 Id 4n Glaseow and 47s losd in Mlddlesborough I-ally the market ma reported firm, but rather unlet: No I foun dry northern Is ouoted at J7 &I7 75: Nn 1 foundrv northern. 117 V: No 1 foundry neitiern and No. 1 foundry' aouthern soft. I'- 40. ST. LOPIS Jan Sei VETALB Led. dull. 1133. Spelter, low er. 16.(16 asked. CsaTee .Market. NEW YORK. Jan 30 COFFEE Market for future opened steady at uncharged price to a decline of i point a Fer time tbe market was steadied by the fair shorn--lug of the European market and advance in Braxilian market Rut inferior re ceipt for the day mere large and with the estimate for the Immediate movement eieo full, proves tomard tbe close weakened un der liquidation and the market maa finally net one banged on Januarv. but fu 1 otiit lomer n later ni'inthe- Salea wete letM.rte.i of 24 7 bags Including March at 7 i7 c. May at 7 7oi7 7ic ; July at Ttaiuac: tiot.tem Iff at k.l',til-M.' Leeren.ber at I A'. u 4 4-n-. Spot, nominal. No. 7 Hi... a Hoc. HkUkr Market. CINCINNATI. O. Jan. Hi -WH ISK Y I'lstlllrr Piiiil.eJ goods. teadc. on ln of f 1 M. CHICAGO Jan. WHISKY Steady, on Imlsis of 112-1 for m Hi"! ST. 1A,11F Jn -.-VHl3KT-Blea!y; higu m.i.ea. fl Si. t . 1 . 1 . s 4 . J id.. It., rt . 4 . 1 . 1. . 1 . .. 1 1 . 1 . .u-i: .1(142 1 (C4 .lir. . s:-t 77c . 1C2J . 1 .1".C. . 11 l.l;.ll 7!, .11IV1 . M.1 .!!( . 1176 im: . o .lmifl tcmi. . "T i:' . ii'i . k:.c ,!in . ; 1 si . tic . SCO 1 40 1 t t no . 11 . ' COWS 1. . . ?! "j 4 . 1 . As .1231 .1170 .1211 100 m .im nil .1:14 ut: .1114 . 113 .1.151 IS 21! 1241 Pr 4 1( 4 It 4 it 4 it 4 11 4 20 4 4 3 440 4 40 4 .-. 4 III 4 kt 4 Li 4 :t t 1.' : n S 2."' ; h : u : jr. : 11 : 41 I 4 I 40 1 4CI 2 M I'l t M 2 Mi : io 1 2 2 Mi I i M : to M I S5 3 Ik) Ml 114 . ii; 3 0.1 i:ki 1114 .!' . Hi 1.171 t TO .11' 2 75 !0 11. .!-. .1270 . MI 11U0 TT. t ! i TH t 7i 1 M t K, t o 17. 7 1 ii 11. 1 . 20. 14. 11. 1 IT. I.. . II 4 1. t II 1. 14. I I! .1015 . M7 . tl . ;. . in . kill 110: .I11M .1104 . Ml . 07 . US .140 . V47 . 77 . -l . I .C .12u7 1330 IMi .l!r.K) ins lnjo 1042 . I17 .1271 .1172 111 I .1244 iri t tu t Kt II (Ml I 0 i 3 tt S 14 I 14 I II I r 211 I 2i : 2t 2S 1 :-s 3 2l 3 30 3 30 I K I U I -b ?, 40 I 40 3 .i I 4i 3 to 3 W 3 W I ti U I 40 COWS AND HEIFERS i:i IK 3 uvm j go STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 20 2 10 Mi t If. I 4f . Jisai mo tit ri loO . .'. . .1I0 ..nil . 1410 . . iMO . . likO 171 J i 4 t 00 t , 3 10 1 HU-I ! M-rtH. 4-f 3 ti t ii i u I I 71 3 M I U f ' 3 I" 3 U 3 to 3 tt I K. t m W IN 4 s 47 1 i .... 1 . . BULLS 8TAO8. CALVES lJ- . co IMM .lueje II. I M 3 U I 4i I 7 I 7 I M I SO I 4K' II 0 I Irt law t . .i:m it 1 lie t n .1 1(4 t 34 . sv 4 O0 I Ijo I ti ( .Ill 4 - 1 ,M f, -4 1 in 4 ta 134 t ' J 1 t SI- 1 1MI i to 1 ll i BTAGB 1 ... 1170 I It 17 if'-i I i,, STOCKERS AND FEEDkitJ , Su 1 fl I 7ft. 3 0 3 UM I TI 14 Tea la ; lies I "t 1 t la J 41 IK. t 174 1U 1 io- 3 oa 4 .441 3 to 4 4 m -4 1 11 I ; I an 1 , ( u t 3 si. 14 , 1 u 1 bo 3 34 t 10J0 g 4 4 tet 3 an 1 lul J l I I it 4 asi 1 to inAHrt. r eeder.. W ll 4 feeders . 170 I 79 2 feeders ! 1 74 W. J. Hunter-Idaho. 4 feeder. .111 S I stag llli 2 7l 14 feeders . 44 Hi I cow 171 f feeder l'V3 J "ai bulls lee) 2 r. HOOP There m- a moderate run of h gs here this morning, so that although dvtcr from other fons were unfavorable to the sel'lrg I t eret the demand here was suffl. ciert to hold price steady. Packer tried to bear the market a little at the opening, b-it thev had to raise their Mda and the earlv arrivals acid la )ut shout the same potcbe aa did last Saturday a offer. ng Trading maa quit active after ruyer and sellere got together on price o It ma not long before everything ecert the late sr ruais w disposed f. Lightweights d largelv from 14 sti down, medium nd mixed l og" fr m 14 S" to 1 4 K and rhou-e heavl'S from 4 ba to f4. Prime heavy hog weigh ing around foity-four pounds were lackn-.g In the ear.y recelrt. so that the lop waa not good as on Saturday At the non hour llnre mere t 111 several oads which had not arrived, but a few hog that rame In list liefore noon I1 t good strong price. a some of tbe p1 k ers apparently had not filled all of tielr more urgent order. Representative salee: a a. rv rr. Ht. s. i-r g; :!4 a IM ?i an 4 at ft- ....! M at 114 4 1)1 u : . 4 14 t 2i i 4 le aa Ill . 4 to U 27 4 4 It im l:' 4 I.- II" 4 67-, sj 1st . . 4 tf. 11 ;o ... 4 r. y4 2i2 2"e 4 2 t 2;. ... 4 1- 1 ft 40 4 I: 211 4 ITt, (ej jl; 1 4 f.:, aa t 4 M if 4 11 T" m ... 4 Ire, 75 ....: 40 4 , II 14 . . 4 " 75 2.1 . 4 M 17 ! S IS t: z, . 4 It M 171 12 4 . .-ol 4 at J 111 4 4 4iia . .4.1 II lie t) "1 1' I K- 41 . . . IiJ . . 4 14 7t -i " 4 tl U 2 4 40 4 fi 4 2U 0 4 t , .... 141 If. I U t4 20 . . 4 tt SIIEk.l'-'I heim mas numerate run of sheep and lame here ml mirnita7 and u( tt-e mutton market in the eaat was In muca latter condition than mas the rase ia meek pac Kera took hold tree y ana an se me end higher market mas exe Tie need, in fact buj.-ra mere out at an cm ly hour an.l eerilung that aould do to kill changerd hanaa aa laat as oflered The gen h gn.r mid in eitreme. cases there nmv etal market could neiy lie fju .t-a dime hae been a little more Improvf ment than that, on the o:her hand the kinds that did rot suit packers could not be quoted more then etr' tig. Some lair lamba ".d aa high a 37 and some Colorado ernes J.ronghl up to 14 7i. The feeder situation has shomn no change as the d. mand is still fui.y cutisi 'o 'he suriply mid good stuff will sell as high aa at ny time. Wuotations ror ted to.t: Good to choice yearlings. f4 ooff-i ; fair to good year lings, a.cti4 1A1, gtHd 10 choice wetnera. lo'ij!. 2o. fair to good methera. l4.Sc"!)! 0' good to choice ewea. 14 ifrtJ4 t: fair to good ewes. Mflot i; common to fair ewe. 3S i tine; g0od to choice lambs. 17. (in;. 21; fair to gooo lambs. J oOfn "0; feeder yearlings, feeder weilie., 44 ietl4 ex', feruer ernes. 3 2f.ti.V75 feetler lambs, fa.ofiiw 25. Representative sale: No. Av. Tr. 1 goat 3 1 buck liw I 113 western ern e 4 o 124 mestern ern es 4 40 242 western emc W 4 50 43 mestern erne 314 4 0 m estern ernes 4 S western ewe IK 4 75 X western ernes 120 4 7i r3 Colorado ernes 1'" 4 71 2ln mestern mether 317 10" metern laml BJ 1'iSCi mestern vear ings so 6 lc lii mestern lambs 73 2n 1.H7 western lambs "S7 6 tt 245 western lamba 17 " 244 mestern lambs xi " ' 44 meeiten ern es SI 5 1 buck iu J 75 net; mestern ewea 1 4 671 mestern erne 112 4 S 62 mestern methers 10 5 2 1 western lamb 70 V 3 mestern lambs S 7 2 ft western cull Ismb US 6 TH AI western yearlings ! 4 25 li mestern lambs 71 7 l) CHICAGO I M F. STOCK M4RKF.T. tatlle Tea la Filters teal Higher, Hog Five feats Lower. CH1CAOO, Jan. 30 CATTLE- Receipt. 21.'K'e licad. market. 1'olSc higlier; gcxal to j.rtme steers. If.. rt4i 2: poor to medium. Si." 4); stockers and feeders. t2.4eT4 2T.; corns. 11.25434 3h: heifers. 2.iitr5 (; canners. I1242xi; bulls, Ji.4iaS4.UM; calve. f2.;.Vti 7.25. HOGR Rec-lpt. ii head: eatimate.l for tomorrow. 40.(o bead; market shout c lomer; mixed and butchers. 14 HOfM 771 ; good to choir heavy. J4.7(i4J4.o: rougti heavy. 14 5544 B lights, M7-4 474 . bulk of sale. 4 t"rj4 75 SHEEP AND LAMBS Rec elpta. Sn.OoO head: market for sheer, strong; lambs, a shade higher; good to choice mether. JSiX) t5 5; fair to choice mixed, I4."0ti4.!.; west ern sheep, 34 4rhn.n: native lambs, li.socc 7; meetern lambs. i.l.V. er York Live Sleek Markrt. NEW YORK. Jan. Sfl.-BEKVE8-Re- celpt. 4 7M head; steers, alum and l'ol5' off; bull and corns, steadv; few cars un sold: steer. 14 ltKci3.;0; oxen, 1.1.71: bull. 12. 7514. 25; heavy export bulls. 4 40; coma. il.iv43i; enporta lomorrow. u cattle. sheep and X.7( quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. Plh hexd; market firm; vel. l6.eTiij4e.75: choice, $10: barnyard calves. C 20jT4O.': westerns, til (ifsfja. Ii1; dreseed. steady; city dressed veal. IJloc per lo. ; country dreaned. htfi2tc. SHEEP A Nil LAMBS Receipts. 2 Cf 2 head: good hep strong, otlers Fteady; lambs. 15c higher: heep, 4 .rgb Si; choice, fs; yearlmge. 17; lumbi. 7.0iei.3&; one car. to. 37i. HOOS-Receipt. 14. 2S head: market ea ler; state and Pennsylvania. l.nOfej6.7S: out side sales, 6. 26; rough mestern, fx. 76. J according te grade, for Callf'rela fru'.!. I Oregon pmne rrg high 4c for the I larger s-aes. Apt rets re main urn hnge. I at 1'5r,efc f r choice. iii.'c fer efra 1 choice are! l.'fllSc IcT 'l'P. Pea.-bea rule P,rm at Ve,n!. f-r . e l.-e. lci-er' c for I extra choice and st ll'ifl.'c f.r fancy. OM4H 14 Hlil l ttl K M (RKF.T, readllloa ! Trade aacl waotatloa lag-le ad Fancy Tradare. prj.;a randd st"rk. 27c LIVE POl'LTR V-He-n ; rasters. ; turke . ISc: ducks l,,91'v. g . fltV ; ir"ri chicken nREPSF.ti J'Ol'LTRT Turks a. lf.(llr: ducks. llHc: gese. lofjilc; chukens. ltf lr r.oteters. 4y7c- ril'TTER- Packing stock. I'-'CV: rholi-4 to fancy dairy. -"uC-'c ; rem-t. 9f2ci print c. FRESH TROZEN FIPH - Trout, lc; pickerel. V; pike. V: rc!i. 7'-; biueftali. Uc. whltetish. sc. salmon, lie: redar.appet . lie- lobater. (gte m. ; lobster thoitedi. Mc:' 1-ullheada. 11c; c1flh. 14c. Ma -k bn. 2.1C; halibut Uc. crappies. 11. . b'ifTalo. ;c; white lure, lie: frg ieg. per dog. 3c. HRAN-Ter ton. IlKk. HAY Prlcea Quoted y Omah Whole aale Hav L'ealt r' assc'.atlon . ci-oiea No 1 upland. . N v 2. f si : r-!!!ii. .; coarse, list' Rye strm 15 w. The f.rice are for hay of egood color r.d qjal IV. OTPTERP- New York counts, per can. 4.V; ertra vl-r!4. per can. 3cc standard. pe can. V; bulk atandarus. r gal. II 4; bulk cxtr see ts. per gal . fl 71. bulk New York counts per gal., II SP TROPICAL FR'TTS. ORANGES Call lornla Krdiand navels, all aige. U 75, choice tiavels 12 ii; Cali fornia Mediterranean sme-t. all sigs. I2.n. LEMi IN C.lifoi far..;.. t2 .75. I" and Jfil. Mfci; rholce. 1125 DATES-Per be of t-lb. pkge.. fj no; Mallom-e'en. In .'. Ih. Iccxes. per IU. v,a.c F1U8 California, per n-lo cartrm. eof Sic: imported Fincrni. 4-cromn. 12tc: I crown. 14c: 7-cromn. ISc; fan.-y ImroirteJ wshedi. In 1-lb pkgs . 14)lc; California, per case of S4 pkgs.. f 25. BAVANA8-per medium slxd hunch, t:wri: vimbos. r-'7f-4j3K GRAPEFRC1T Per box of 54 to 4J4. 15 04. FRUITS. APPLES-Nrw York Kings, fl 26; New lork Urc-ei.iners. 12.', New York P"l mins. 12 75: (dorado Jonathan. 1175; Wlnea.. per bu ii"i. fl iu. PEAR8-l'tah. Colurauo and California, fall varieties. p.-r box. II. St. CRAN REKHIE8 l. onvln Bell sncj Bugle, pe r I bl.. 17.75, Jcree v s, per bbl.. 17 ; ler bom. 12 75 GHA Et- Imported Malaga, per keg. 4 f. TANGERINES Florida or California, par H-box. 2.0. VEGETABLES POTATOES Home gtown. In ck. pr bu.. toe. : coiciado. per bu.. mic. TI KMPS-Oid. par bu . i; Canada rulg. bafaa. per It . lc. CARROTS-Old, per bu.. 4c. PARSNIPS -Old. bu.. 40c. BEETS tild. ier bu.. tux-. NAVY BEA NS Per bu , 11 9545:0ft. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sack, per bu.. 11.00, (Spanish, ;er ciaie. 12 lo. volorado yellom-. per lb., 2r: mhlte, per lb.. 2Hc. Cl'CLMBERS-Per do.. I2254J150. TOMATOES Florida, per 4-basket crate, J2 30re 50. CA P. B AGE Holla nd seed, rer lb.. l"c. SWEET POTATOES Kansaa kiln dried, per bbl.. 12 50. CELERY Per dog . 25Oc: California, 40. RADISHES-Hotliotise. per dox.. 45c. ONIONS New. southern, per dog., 4ic CARRi )TS New, per dox . 45c BEETS New. per dox . 45c Tl'RNirs New, per do.. 45c. LETTCCE Per box of about fiftean hed. B"c. RHl'BARB Per dog. bunches. 75c. PARSLEY Per dor. bunches, 75c MISCELl-ANEOL'S. SACERKRALT Wlaconln, per keg., CIDER New York, per bbl., $i'..30; per half bbl.. 26. CHEESE Wisconsin twin, full cream, US fl 13c. Wisconsin Young America. 13c; bluik Smiss, nem-, 15c; old, lexfcrKc; Wiron am brick. 14c ; Wiaconsin finiburgar. 13c. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c; No. 2 green, tic: No. 1 salted. kVsv; No. 2 salted. 7V:; No. 1 veal calf, kc; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; dry salted. 66 14c: sheep pells, 2&ciull(.n; horse hldax. tl.5lj3.00. NLT8 Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard ahell, per lb;, lie:: No. I soft shell, per lb.. Uc; No. 2 hard sheila, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb, 12c: email, per lb , 10c, peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuta. per lb., 12iil31c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; cheat nun. per Ih.. lZVxCfilac. nem black malnuta. per bu.. 75'oX; ahfllbaik hickory nut, per bu.. 11.75; laige hickory outs, per bu., tl SO.. . Cottom Market. NEW YORK. Jan 30 ("OTTOS' Spot closed quiet, 10 points higher; midland up lands, ;.loc; middling gulf, T.lsV. Sales, l'i bales. LIVERPOOL, Jsn. 30 C-OTTON Spot, in fair demand. 2 points higher; middling fair. 41c; good middling. i.Kc: middling. 1.77c; low middling. 3 65c; good ordinary, 3 51c; or dinary, 1.35c. The aales of the day mere 10,0(111 bale, of which 2.OH0 mere for specula tion and export and included t.Ki Amer ican; receipts, bale, including 2a.S( American. ST. IXII IS. Jan. . COTTON-Sleady to 'c higher: middling. 7c Salts. S6 bale: receipts. Sflfl balea; shipment. 242 bale; lock. 43.H23 lmie. Kaaan City 4; rata anal Preilataas. KANSAS CITY. Jan. HI CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.4(i head; Including 6M southerns; market steady to 10e higher: choice export and dreesed beef ateers. I5.254j6.75: fair lo good. 13 oh 4 SO; wwtern fed ateera, ti Mi.'rf a 4"; stockers and feeders, I2.7n4j4.0b; south ern steer. Il.25'&4 So: southern cow. Ii.infj 2.25: native com. II 7Vg4.0n; native heifers, 12 .6."h4.S; hulls. flaSfjl; calves. 9 HOGS Receipts. 7.fJ head: market meak to 6c lower; top. 14 ': bulk of sale. 14 U'H 4 75; heavy. t4 70ci4Su: packers. 4 1434:6; pigs and lights. P.KM14 40 FHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt. f. 5J head, market, sheep, steady; lambs, strong ; native lambs In.ouetf" 26; native methe-a. l4 2f.'85.S5: native c. f4a5ejfi; meitern lamb. Iiei7i5: western yearlings. IVitwti b:i5: western sheep. 14 5"4j5 25. stockera and feeders, 3 Micji.OO. IM. leoala Live Klork Market. ST. LOCI?. Jan. 30. CATTLE Receipts. 4 boC bead. Including 2 aj Texan; market ateady to strong; native shipping snd ex port steer. 15 cuicpt v dreed beef and nutchfr steers. 14 W"!6 Jfl; ateer under l.n louiida. M Viiii 0; atoekera and fe-eders. 12 25'(J4-25; com- and heifer. 12 2F.ftA.Sr.; can ners. U.0W Si; bull. 12 44 IK.; clve. IX fincfjC.ou; Trxa and Indian steers. j 5"0 4 76: corns and heifers. f2(ti3 50. HOGS Receipt. 7.n head; market siea-lv to a shade lomer: pigs and lights. !3 7514 30: pac kf rs. 14 (4 75, butchers slid beet heavy, 14 n. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1 Os) Lead, market strong; native muttons. 14.50 474Yhi: lambs. fS.("Si7 On: culla and bucks, 12 2.V&4 50; atoe kera. 12 ccjt 50, Texan. K jt.e". Kt. Josepk Uve Slock Maeket. ST. JOSEPH. Jn. lo. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.1K7 head: market steady to siroitg; native. eW 76cjJ5 40; cow and heifer, fl 7543 4.76: stockers and feeders 12.7614 Id. HOGS Receipt, . (2 head: market weak to 5c lomer: light. 14 5fij4 7i; medium snd heavv. 4 406 4 fa). SHEEP AND LAMPS-Receipt. 3.7X9 head; market for sheep strong, for lambs IS fjl!5c higher; lambs. 17.35. loaa lly Live Stork Market. SIOCX CITY. Jan. 30 ISpeciaJ Telegram) CATTLE Reeeipta. 2. Is head: market strong: stoc kera alow; beevea. 13 ao&r. 71; com, bull and mixed. 12 25160; aloe krr and feeder. 12.75V 146, calvea and yearlings, 12 25J 3 40. 11-Mi!-Receipts. 4.0uu head, market 6e lomer; selling. I4 10i4 6: bulk. H 4e'ij4 41. Itoek la kt. Receipt of llva stock st the sis principal western markets yesterday: fmitle South Omaha i-twO Bioux Cltv 2.iui Kanaaa City Mi 81. lxiuis 4.4O0 St. Joseph 1.17 Chicago n.uuu Total .7r Hem. Sheen. 4tVi iMt AOun 7a 4 6 7 ooft I i) 1 ; im U-wii 2O.0UI 71 0W 34 tSt Dry Caad Market. NEW TORK. Jan. $0 DRY GOODS Market quiet. Puylng doe not Increase rapidly and yet In certain quarter an lm pruiemrtit la noted. Prices remain un changed In spile of rumor to ihe conirarv Here and there alight change have been rcM-nrded. but aa a rule the market la on the old baaia. with seller generally combatting any eflurl for a reduction. Evageoraled Apple aei Dried Frails. NFU YORK . Jan -EV A PTiR ATIT1 APPLK44 Maraet iron a lit e rhaiiae -..m. mon axe ouoted at 44n ir prime. i9i,c: choice. R-jic; fancv. 4B4)7r CALlFiJKMA DRIED FRriTS-Prur.ea of the largert xea are raid t., be In limited supply, iuotaiions rar.g-ng from 2c ta i'c. BOUQUET FOR ARMSTRONG la Arroallag Realgaatioa of Aaalataat secretary of Treaaary lreal drat Approve Work. WASHINGTON. Jsd. Jo.-Robert B. Arm strong, assistant secretary of the treasury, aa heretofore announced, has tendered his 'resignstion to President Roosevelt to take effect on March 5 next, and it haa been a-ceepted. Mr. Armstrong' letter of resig nation is under date of January 16 and the president acceptance h of the (arne data. In accepting the resignation the president wrote Mr. Armairong aa follows: My Dear Mr. Armstrong: I accept your resignation aa eanlMant secretary of Ihe treasury to take effect March I. 1906. I wish t tills time to express nir appreciation of the seal Industry and marked administra tive ability with which you have performed your dutiea and to express the heartiest good wlshee for your future. With regard, sincerely your. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Mr Armstrongs successor has not yet been selected. REAL KIT4TK TRtFKRS. D-ed filed for record January 10. ss furn ished by the Midlsnd Guarantee A Trust company, bonded ahetiacter. 114 Farnani street for The Bee. D. J. King to B S. Spearman, lota II and 12 block 2. Lipton Place J3.0-Jt E. C. Worcott to Julia Wolcott. No. 42 feet of Bo. 77 fteet of lot fan. -Glees additle.n 1 E W. Wolcott and wife to J. Toney. So. 36 67 feet of lot HO, Olsea addttlua MM H. A. Moe to Mrs. E. Ppeleey, lot 1L block 2. Moe Hub ; 4 SherntT to W. F. Peet, pan lots 14 Jt4l 16. block Z. Park place US S Kais and mile to '. C. Morgan. lots 12 to 14. block 14. Wilcox addition. ... 54J W. A. Biranton to O. Y. Baker, lot II. block . Crelghton Height 1 G. M Lee to Bridget King, lot and 7. block 7. Popf leton Park 66 A. P. Gulou and wife to Carrie M. Hackett. lot , block Jo. Omaha ...U.4ja H. A. Westerfleld and wife to J Rad tnan. lot . block 1. Omaha View .... 1 B. Jetter to A. Jlndra, lot 45. block 2, Druid Hill addition JS0 J. C. Drexel, Co. Clerk Douglas county to Sarah i Barrows, pari of Lerov Ave. Add.. 12 to a Ber.on. and other property, no t-cnslderatlon F. C. Marten tu E. A. Balrd, lot JC and U. block 4. Cainobeil e addition St) P. lenipaey to D. Olaeii, lot 15. block 1, Hoffman Terrace JXs) Michigan Mutual Ufa CUk. 10 4 . C. Moigau. lot J. and other lota In block 14. Wilcox addition I. "70 Tukey Land Co to I F 1mm and Walter Best. No. l lets 7 and 4. block Ieasentus Saratoga addition nd other i-rvperty 44) D Olaen to II. A. Wolf, lot II. blue k 1. Hoffnittn Terrace 24) Ualiel C. eGttc-n and husband to U F. Knox and wife, lot 21. block 10. Clif ton Hill I.1.J0 Edwards -Wood Go. if 1 n rfir rw4r 1 4Ml ngi OffUt I tltli asid Rb4rta &lrsti ST. PAUL. fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisioi Ship Your Grain tu ll Jraatk Uakes. Illt-lll gail of l-ra I 417- 4aafca. k. Trlikat SAl HI 714 Exchange tildg South. Omaka Jil Pkoae LA Icdeoeadai.ff 'r-kome 1