4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. 1903. 1 I; i r BROWS OBJECTS TO DELAY fiailroadi Want Postponement in Tax Injunction Case. SET FOR HEARING IN OMAHA MONDAY Mat Treasurer Imdm a Call for Re drmplloa of Slr Thoaaaa4 Dollar Worth of State (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 28.-(Speclal.)-Attorney General Norris Brown will go to Omaha to morrow to be ready to argue the demurrer In the railroad tax Injunction suit, which will be called for hearing: In the federal court Monday. A railroad attorney tele phoned to Mr. Brown that he desired the cane postponed because of the sickness of one of the attorney. Mr. Brown, how ever, will object to any further postpone ment, for he has Invited the county at torneys of the state to be In Omaha Mon day, and a large number of them will be there. For that reason he will Insist on the casa belnr arg-ued. Call for State Warrant. State Treasurer Mortensen has Issued a call for warrants to the amount of $G0.no to be delivered February 10. The warrants are numbered from 107,9S to 10,6fi(. This will make $226,000 worth of warrants that have been called In by the stale treasurer during this month. Judge Good of Wahoo and Attorney King of Osceola were before the senate Judiciary committee yesterday arguing In favor of the district attorney bill. BHD OF trCTESSFlI ISSTITtTE Bart Coaaty Farmers Have Interest la Meeds. at Oakland. OAKLAND, Neb., Jon. 28.-Speclal.) Friday's session of the Burt County Farm ers' Institute proved as Interesting- and was aa well attended as the previous day. The first toplo discussed was "8mut Poi soning," by Dr. V. Schaeffer, In which all were Interested and many questions were asked. 'The Selection of the Duiry Cow" was the toplo of State Lecturer C. II. Ilin man of the agricultural experimental sta tion, and was well received and proved of great Interest to all farmers. D. P. Ashburn, state speaker, then spoke on "Corn Cultivation," and made many valuable suggestions along this line. Then followed the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as fol lows: Andrew White, Lyons, president; George F. Smith, Craig, vice president; C. W. Babcock, Lyons, secretary and treas urer. The Oakland Male quartet opened the aft ernoon session with a song, followed by . C. II. I Unman, who discussed "Principles of Feeding." Much Interest In this sub ject was manifested by the many questions asked. "The Selection and Care of Seed Corn" was the next topic for consideration and was handled by D. P. Ashburn, who gave the farmers many valuable pointers on this subject. "The Hand Cream Sepa rator," by C. II. Hlnman, was very valu able, and he pointed out the necessity of great care In handling milk and cream. It was one of the most Interesting topics of the institute. The evening session was opened by a y solo by Mrs. W. II. Myers, followed by a short, well rendered address by County Superintendent Eugene? Brookings. "Fads In Education" was ably discussed in a faper by Miss Ida V. Colson. Assist ant State Superintendent E. C. Bishop was present and addressed the audience on "Our Present Rural School System and How-to Better It," which proved of great - Interest. 'The School Premises and Their Influence," by Prof. W. II. Myers, princi pal of the Oakland schools, was very ln- terestlng. He made a plea that our school 3 yards be beautified and our school rooms r made more pleasant. This closed the most successful Institute ever held In Burt county. The Interest was Intense throughout the entire session, and the attendance so large that at times peo ple were unable to gain admittance to the opera house. BLAIR. Neb., Jan. . (Special.) The first session of the Blair Farmers' Institute was held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week In the county court room. The Wednesday afternoon session was opened Toy an address on "Feeding Baby Beef," by Joseph Wing of Mechanlcsburg, O., and was followed by "Poultry on the Farm," by Miss Mary L. Smith of Addlson,IIch., and "Sheep Feeding in Nebraska," by Watson Tyson of this county. The evening session , was given to "The Farm Home," by Miss y Smith, and "Notes on European Travel," by Mr. Wing. Thursday morning's session was opened . YOU CAN INTEREST HIM Any Man Over Fifty. Tou can Interest any man over fifty year of age in anything that will make him feel better, because while be may not as yet have any positive organic disease ha n longer feels the bouyancy and vigor of twenty-five nor the freedom from aches and pains he enjoyed In earlier years, and he very naturally examines with Interest any proposition looking to the improve--Jment and preservation of his health. "He will notice among other things that la stomach of fifty is a very different one from the stomach be possessed at twenty- five. The greatest care must be cxerclsea as to what Is eaten and how much of It. and even with the best of care, there will be Increasing digestive weakness with ad vancing years, A proposition to perfect or Improve the digestion and assimilation ef food is on which Interests not only every man of fifty but every man, woman or child any age, because the whole secret of good health, good blood, strong nerves, is to have a stomach which will promptly and thorough ly digest wholesome food because blood, nerves, brain tissue and every other con stituent of the body are entirely the pro. duct of digestion, and no medicine or "health" 'food oan possibly create pure blood or restore shaky nerve, when a weak stomach Is replenishing the dally wear and tear of the body from a mass of ferment ing half digested food. No, the stomach Itself wants help and In no round-about way, either; It. wants direct unmistakable assistance, such as Is given by one or two Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal. These tablets curs stomach trouble be- rauseahelr use gives the stomach a chance to rest and recuperate, one of Stuart's Pyspspsla Tablets contains digestive ele- mnU sufficient to digest 1.000 grains of ordinary food such aa bread, meat, eggs. etc. The plan of dieting Is simply another name for starvation, and the use of pre. paled foods end new fangled break fast foods simply makes matters worse, as any dyspeptlo who has tried them knows. As Dr. Bennett says, the only reason I can Imagine why Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are not universally used by everybady wno is irouDiea in any way with poor digestion is because may people seem to think that because a medicine la advertised or sold In drug stereo or Is protected by a trade mark must be a humbug, whereas as a natter of truth any druggist who Is observant knows that 8tuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have cured more people of lndlges lion, heart burn, heart trouble, nervous prostration and run-down condition gener ally than all the patent medicines and doctors prescriptions for stomach trouble combined. by "Selection of the Dairy Cow," by C. It Hlnman of the experiment station at Lin coln, Neb., followed with "Selection and Care of Seed Corn," by D. T. Ashburn ef Gibbon, Neb., and "Evolution of the Texns 8teer," by Samuel W. Stewart of this county. The afternoon was occupied by Mr. Hlnman, Mr. Ashburn snd County Treas urer E. Z. Russell with papers on "Prin cipals of Feedlnx," "Corn Cultivation" and "Hog Industry," respectively. Thursday evening rinsed the session and an address on "Agriculture" was given by Chancellor E. B. Andrews of the State uni versity. The cold weather was very severe on both days, but the attendance was good and beyond the expectation of those In ch.-rg! of the meeting:. The lectures and papers read on the various topics were well received, and expressions of appreciation for this first session held at Blair Were heard from farmers from all over the county. A good attendance of women was present at each session, and the courtroom was filled to hear Mr. Andrews on the last evening. The mnnagers nre well pleased with the result of this session and nn extra effort will be made to prepare for next year's meeting, and an elaborfate program was promised to the farmers at that time. Farmer Crashed by Tree. WEST POINT, Neb.. Jan. .-(Speclal.) Adolphus Buttchen, a farmer living six miles north of the city, was Instantly killed -last evening while felling timber on an adjoining farm. The deceased was cutting down a tree and, being very near sighted, did not notice that he had cut almost through, when the tr-e suddenly fell, crushing him to death. The deceased was a married man, a renter, and the father of a family of six small children who are left In poor circumstances. He will be burled Sunday under Cat hollo aus pices. I.oalsTlllo Farmers Oraanlse, LOUISVILLE. Neb.. Jan. 28-(Speclal There has been an organization formed and Incorporated at this place known as the Louisville Co-operative Shipping associa tion. Following are the names of the offi cers and members: L. C. Stander, president; George Stohlman, vice president; A. R. Stander, secretary; H. H. Defining, treasurer; August Stohlman, Charles Kraft, Andrew Stohlman, -II. Thun. William Stohl man, John Bass. The company has Just built a large storage building and Is ready to do business. Bellevne Wins at Basket Ball. PLATT8MOUTII, Neb.. Jan. 2t.-(Spe-cial.) The first game of basket ball be tween the Plattsmouth Turners and the Bellevue college team was played In this city last evening and resulted In a score of 44 to 11 In favor of the Bellevue team. Wife Goes Back to First Choice. TORK, Neb., Jan. 28 (8peclal.) A recon ciliation has been effected between Levi Dean and his wife, who Is also Mrs. Wil liam Dean. Levi came to town yesterday and met his wife, and both have gone back to the farm, near Blue Vale, this county. SMOOT HEARING AT AN END Attorneys Hart Intll February 4 to File Briefs and Revise Argsmenli. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The Investiga tion of protests against Senator Smoot of Utah retaining his seat In the United States senate was concluded today by the committee on privileges and elections, and when a report Is drafted by the committed the investigation, will pass. to the whole senate. One ' question of great moment which will be fought over on the floor of the senate Is whether a two-thirds vote or a majority of the senate Is required to expel a member. Mr. Tayler. counsel for the protestants, holds that a majority vole will suffice, In the same manner that . a majority vote will prevent a senator from first taking Ills seat. It will be several weeks before the committee will be able to report. The committee allowed counsel until February 4 to revise their arguments and file written briefs. Only one session of the committee was held today. Mr. Worthlngton, counsel for Senator Smoot, concluded his argument and Judge Tayler closed the case for the protestants, Mr. Worthlngton closed with the state ment that a great deal has been said about the matter of the protection of the home, which was said to be the real reason for the prosecution of Senator Smoot. "If this Is true, I cap tend," said Mr. Worthlngton, "that Mr. Smoot should retain his seat, be cause It has been shown that he has coun seled nothing but good, and Gentiles who voted for him did so because they knew he believed In upholding the laws of th land and that he led a pure life." Judge Tayler, In closing the arguments, made no effort to follow any particular line of argument, but he declared that Mr. Worthington had misinterpreted his re marks on the subject of revelations. He stated his position anew, but followed prac tically the same line as In his opening statement of the case. Mr. Worthlngton had talked at length of the effect of the manifesto and Judge Tayler declared that divine order to have been th result of th "politicians club," the manifesto having been Issued at a time when the country was stirred by the Roberts Investigation. He devoted nearly his entire time to answering Mr. Worthlngton. No new arguments were advanced. DINNER OF THE GRIDIRON CLIB Prosldeat Roosevelt Anest of Corre spondents at Baaanet. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28,-The Gridiron club celebrated Its twentieth anniversary with a dinner at the New Wlllard tonight which was attended by 250 guests. Includ ing th president, members of his official family, representatives of th courts, th senate and house and the army and navy, aa well aa men of prominence In literary, sclentlflo and business worlds. While the anniversary was recognised In making Major John Carson president of th club and In the production of a souvenir which told the story of a score of years of successful dining, the dinner, like all others of this famous organisation of Washington correspondents, dealt with present events which were treated with th usual levity and burlesque and satir ised, while th prominent guests were roasted In th good natured and witty way that makes Gridiron dinners so en joyable. Th presence of Mr. Roosevelt afforded an opportunity to make pointed allusions to doings of the administration and views of the chief magistrate. The Inaugura tion of Major Carson aa president with a rough rider accompaniment and a refer enc to the charge of the prealdent's regi ment at Santiago, was managed by a khakl-clotbed band which played "There'll be a Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight." Appoints Knnsna City Maa. WASHINGTON, Jan. tl-The president has appointed Colonel W. R. Nelson, editor of the Kansas City Star, as a member of ths board of visitors to th naval academy at Annapolis for the present year. General Felix Agnus of Baltimore ' had declined a similar appointment owing to the fact that he will be absent from this country at the time when th board makes Its annual vtait to the academy. LO W CHICAGO RATES. Via the Northwestern Line, February I to 10, good until February 14, account meet ing American Motor League, City offices, 14U1-14U. Farnara street. Th only doublo track lias to Chicago, r e- taft talks of the tariff Favor Bednctioi of Duty on Tebacce and Ssgar from Philippines. ARGUES BEFORE COMMITTEE OF HOUSE Matter of lf-GoTeroaieot In Men tioned and a Little Political Illsensalon Follows la the Meeting. WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. Secretary Taft made an argument today before the house committee on ways nnd means In favor of the Curtis bill reducing the duty on sugar and tobacco from the Philippines. He con tended that as the Philippines belong to the United Stales, thereby Imposing a sa cred trust on this government. It la our duty to establish and maintain th best possible conditions there. "Certainly," ho said, "the present status of the Islands, so far as our relations to them are concerned, will remain the same throughout the present generation and probably longer." With this In view, he maintained, It would be as Just to establish a tariff between the states of Ohio and Pennsylvania as between the United States and the Phil ippines. Ultimate free trade would have to come between the islands and the United States. Secretary Taft asserted that con gress had already enacted a measure which was eminently unfair to the Islands. "You have declared .that In 1906 American bot toms shall carry everything that Is shipped between the United States and the Phil ippines both ways. It Is possible th house of representatives or the senate can Impose on these people a domeetio policy with reference to the carrying of goods, snd yet withhold the opportunity of mar kets for these goods? "No, sir, I am not ntl'.-npr to admit It. I do not think congress will be so unjust and the peoplo here representing special Interests may as well put their house In order. The American people are not going to allow Interference with the policy that Is going to do this country honor." Williams In Debate. This policy. Secretary Taft said, was settled at the last election. The demo cratic . members from the country might not agree with him on this point. Mr. Williams (Miss.), the minority floor leader, asked the secretary If It were not the republican policy to give the Islands ultimate Independence. The secretary affirmed this, stating that such would be the case when the people of the Islands were capable of self-government. "Self-government as the American under stands It, or the Filipino understands It?" ssked Mr. Williams. "I doubt if they ever reach the self governing capacity of the Americans," the secretary replied. "Well," asserted Mr. Williams, "there Is not so horribly much difference between you and tho democrats. You believe In granting self-government when the people are ready and we believe In fixing a date for their Independence." Secretary Taft Yes. that is practically It. Whenever they reach the condition where they have a reasonable public opin ion which may be relied: upon to restrain radicalism; when Inter-island communica tion has been established, and when con ditions generally have become settled then, If they desire independence, give It to them. If they don't; If they desire a bond which might become sweet by coming Inside our tariff wall, that might be con sidered. Mr, Williams Even then you will make them a self-governing colony? Secretary Taft Yes, sir. Mr. Williams remarked that the repub lican position at first was that we were to keep the Islands forever. M'KEXZIE BEFORE THE COMMITTEE Stockman Tells of Troubles Throaffh Actloas of Railroad. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. Murdo McKen aie, an extensive cattleman of Colorado and Texas, complained before the senate com mittee on Interstate commerce today of Inequalities, discrimination and poor ser vice on the part of the railroads In the matter of the transportation of cattle. He cited Instances of delay in shipments to the markets, saying that such delays often meant the loss of tl a head. He admitted that shippers had protection under ex isting law, but said that In most cases the cost of legal proceeding would be greater than the value of the stock. He said the cattlemen want power given to the Interstate Commerce commission not only to fix rates, but to regulate tho char acter qf service. In continuing the statement begun by him yesterday Judge 8. H. Cowan, repre senting the southwest cattlemen, took up the question of railroad rates on cattle shipments. He said that there had been a gross increase since 1S98, the average in crease In shipments from Texaa points being 84 cents per 100 pounds. Questioned by Senator Elklns whether there had been a corresponding Increase In the price of beef, the witness replied that th reply to that question would de pend upon th viewpoint. "To th man who buys beef ther has been an Increase," he said, "but to the man who sells there has been a decline. Judge Cowan answered that a commis sion would be Just as competent to adjust rates as were the railroad traffic, men, be cause the data on which rates must be based ware as available to one man as to another. 'But." suggested Senator Elklns, "th consolidation ef railroads destroys com petition." To which Judge Cowan assented most heartily, saying that was th point of his contention. He claimed that through Its decision the supreme court of the United States practically had repealed the third and fourth sections of the Interstate com merce law relating to preferences. Extends Civil Service Law. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28,-The president has Issued an order, effective March 1, tak ing into the competitive classified service ait customs service positions In Alaska ex cept those restricted to th navigation season only. Eleven Iajnrod in Explosion. WELLSVILLE, O., Jan. a.-Eleven men were Injured, two of them very seriously, as a result of the explosion of an air drum In the shops of the Cleveland Pittsburg railroad here today. The building was par tially wrecked. Scientific Core for Fits Science has at last discovered a cure for a disease which even the best physicians have considered Incurable, epilepsy or fits. Elixir Koslne, as its discoverer, a well known Washington scientist, terms It, Is now on sale In this city, and In every case where It has been tried has demonstrated Its wonderful power to strengthen the nerves, feed the nerve centers with new fore and (strength and cur epilepsy. Th discoverer of this Elixir Koslne has so much faith In this remarkable remedy from the marvelous results following Its use, both In Washington and other cities, that he guarantees a complete and lasting cur where It Is used or he will refund the money. Tou run no risk In taking Elixir Koslne on these terms. Begin the use of this great remedy today and be well' and strong and free of epilepsy seic ures. Price, fl.in. Mail orders filled. Elixir Koslne Co., Washington, D. C, r Beaton Drug Co., Co, loth and Parana SPORTS OF A DAY. EVENTS ON THE RCNNING TRACKS Phil Flaeh Wins the Aadnbon Stake at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 3.-Captain J. T. Williams' colt, Phil Finch, had no trouble In winning the Audubon selling stake at a nule and worth l,'5!o to the winner to day. Tlie colt was always a favorite in the betting. Florentine s defeat of Rapid Water was the surprise of the day. Weather clear and track fast. Kesults: First race, five furlongs: Agnes Virginia won, Mon Amour second, yueen Esther third. Time: l:ifl. .., Second race, nve and a half furliVigs: Fannette won. Contentious second. Belle of Portland third. Time: l:ftvV Third race, live and a half furlongs: Florentine won, Rarld Water second, 8ad duccee third. Time: 1:1V. Fourth race, the Audubon selling stake, one mile: Phil Finch won. Gay Hoy sec ond. Monaco Maid third. Time: l:4fc. Fifth race, one mile and hfty yards: Au Ruvolr won, Fox Mead second, Coruscate third. Time: l:tt. fclxth race, six furlongs: Far est won. Inspector llalpin second, Uarlus third. Time: 1:1 V SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. . Results at Oakland: , , First ruce, five furlongs: Meada won. Fay Teinpieton second, Son Jose third. Time: 1:j-i. j Second race, five and a half furlongs: Waterspout won, Educate second, ITi-stano third, lime; 1:13 V Third race, seven furlongs: Clnclnnatus won. Anvil second, Sol Uchtenstelu third. Time: 1:34V , . ... Fourth race, one mile and an eighth, California Oaks stake: Loretta M. won, iJel Carina second. Lady Goodrich third. Time: 2:liV , , , ... Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Major Tenny won. Modicum second, G. W. Trahern third. Time: 1:57. Sixth race, six and a half furlongs: Big Beach won, Albert Mr second. True Wing third. Time: 1:27V LOS ANGELES, Jan. &J. Results at Ascot park: . .... First race, one mile and a quarter, handi cap: Sceptre won. Dr. Long second, Flea, third. Time: 1:22. , Second race, six furlongs: Counterpoise won, Happy Chappy second, St. lnifred third. Time: W. , . Third race, one mile and a quarter, the Ascot handicap: Oxford won, School Mate 'second, Horctlus third. Time: 2:t"S. Fourth race. Brooks course: Iras won. Golden Light second, Montana Peeress third. Time: 2:04. , , Fifth race, one mile: Tim Payne won, McGrathlana Prlnoe second. Emperor of India third. Time: 1:41V. Sixth race, one tnlie and fifty yards. Blissrul won, Ralph Young second, 1'adua third. Time: 1:44V HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 2.-Results at Evsex i-ark; First luce, seven furlongs: Mutual Bene fit won, Two Step second, Pathfinder third. Time: 1:32. M , Second race, three furlongs: Parvo won. Mint Boy second, Minna Baker third, lime: :37. . , .... Third race, seven furlongs: Martlus won, Dundall second-, Maraschino third. Time: 130. Fourth race, seven and a half furlongs, tho Arlington hotel stake: Canteen won, Baikal second, Coppullteld third. Time: ;34-. Finn race, seven furlongs: Red Thistle won. Jigger second, Scotch Dance third. Time: 1:J1. AMONG TRE BOWLERS. The teams of the Omaha league stand as follows in the race: Played. Won. Lost. P C. Omahas Bl M 13 .745 Drexels Bl J 14 Onimods SI 34 17 .w7 Stock Yards 61 a ,W Krug Parks Bl 27 24 .B25 Waverleys Bl 22 29 . 4..1 Armours Bl 21 30 .412 Black Kate 45 1 29 .3o6 Storz Blue Ribbons 48 1 4 84 . 21(2 Woodmen 48 12 3 .2p0 For the weekly cash prizes on the alleys of the association the following are win ners: At tenpins Huntington and Hartley tied with 277; Berger and Mullln tied with 23 In three games of ninepins, and Mullln has 91 at Kankakeo, whiqh brenks the alley record. Teddy Neale's total of C92 In three games of tenpins Is still unbroken for the monthly prize In the league games. Average of league bowlers at end of seventeenth week: Games. Pins. Average. Frltscher 9.&50 198 4j-48 Potter Bl 10,085 197S8-B1 Zarp 51 10,078 197 81-61 Huntington 51 9.825 192 33-61 Chandler 45 8.630 191 36-45 Glerde Bl 9.7W 191 46-61 8 Prague Bl 9.757 191 16-61 Neale 45 8.W9 191 14-45 Emery 51 9.749 191 8-51 Zimmerman Bl 9.73H W0 46-51 Denman 4S 8,142 190 22-48 Clay Bl 8,710 190 20-61 Cochran 47 8.81'5 18912-47 Hartley 51 9.640 1 1-61 Jones 45 8.463 188 8-46 Banks Bl 9,561 18714-61 Berger &1 9,518 186 S0-B1 Reed 61 9,614 186 28-61 ttodees Bl 9.4S7 18 1-51 Griffiths Bl 9.V6 18 Tonneman 48 8.924 186 44-48 Francisco 4 s.sus io a- Bengele Bl 9 4f8 185 23-51 Hull 42 7.739 1 84 11-42 Encell Bl 9,875 1R3 42-61 Conrad 45 8.2.S3 183 18-45 Oreenleaf 45 8.223 182 33-45 Brunke Bl 9.290 1S2 8-51 Tracy 39 7,076 181 17-: Htapennorsi i j" Schneider, L. J 51 9.206 180 26-51 Nelson 36 6.493 18013-86 Hughes! 45 8.111 180 11-45 Hunter S3 6.933 179 26-33 Johnson 36 6,472 179 28-36 Pmead 27 4.850 179 17-27 Sheldon 15 2.694 179 -15 Adams 46 8.065 179 10-45 Forscutt 39 6 989 179 5-39 French 61 9.114 178 36-51 Gideon 1 200 17714-18 Collins 18 8.184 17616-18 gtiles 36 6,363 176 27-36 Wlgman 42 7,4!n 178 28-42 Elliott 42 7.409 176 17-41 Chumlea 18 3.171 176 8-18 Anderson 2 219 17519-24 Williams 21 8.03 174 9-21 Marble 30 6.232 174 2-30 Molyneaux 24 4.177 174 1-24 Weber 36 6.247 1 73 1 9-36 Stearns 12 J.069 172 6-12 Schneider, F. W 24 4.117 171 13-24 Sutton 27 4 615 1 70 25-27 McKelvey M 6.129 170 9-36 Yates 33 5.606 169 29-33 T.sndon 39 6.698 169 7-89 Zltsman 36 6,062 161 4-S6 WASHINGTON CLrB 131 NEW HANDS Base Ball Team Traasferred to Com pany of Local Capitalists. WASHINGTON, Jan. President John son of the American league arrived here to day and closed negotiations whereby the Washington Base Ball club passes into lnoi hnnits absolutely. Several substantial 'business men have bought the controlling Interest and the club will enter tne sea son In better condition financially than ever before. In the reorganisation company the capital stock Is Increased to 45.0OO. First Bssemsn Stahl will be playing man ager and the team will go south for rre llmlnnrv training, returning heme Arvrll 1 for exhibition games. Thomas C. Noyes will be president of th club. TRANSFERS Or BALL PLAYERS tTolambna Fnrebasrs Releas of Ms larfcey aad HlcUey. COLITMBIT8. O., Jan. . Th Columbus American association baseball club has purchased the release of Pitchers Ma lnrkev and HlcVey, who were sold to the Cleveland American league olub at the close of last sesson, and has traded Catcher Abbott to the Philadelphia Na tional league club for Shortstop TrTuls wltt. Columbus has released Catcher Simon to Peoria, Til., and Third Baseman Purtell to Decatur, 111. Basket Ball Monday. The representative basket ball team of the I'nlverslty of Kanste will clash with the first team of the local Young Men's Christian sseoclatlnn Monday evening at the Auditorium, where th big games sre now being conducted owing to lack of room at the local gymnssliim. Th lineup of the teams will be as follows: U. of K. , T. M. C. A. Bliss forward. ...G. Wlllard C.) Bnrlow forwr rd J. Clark MMIer center... Hansen Ad-ims (C.) gusrd Wlllard Miller gird An'Wson substitute Harris Referee: V. 8. G. Plank of Lawrence, Kan. Umpire: A. C. Jones of Omaha. Omaha Team is Beaten. LYONS. Neb.. Jsn. 28 'Special ) In the beat game of the seu"n. th Lyons basket ball team deftated the Carpenter Paper company am of Omaha by lhe score of 27 to 21. The game was fust and furlniu from first to last. The feature of ths ranie was the individual work of the visitors, but the fast team work of the locals kept the bovs In the lead throughout th con test. Kefere: lliil. Umpires Cornier. ASKS PRESIDENT TO - ASSIST Eaperor William Would Carry Out Plan for Exchange of Instructors. GERMAN PROFESSOR DISCUSSES SCHEME Approves Idea In General, bat 9aa It Hns Some Dimmit Phases Which Most Be Overcome. BERLIN, Jn. 2S. Emperor William has directed t lie ambassador of the United States, Bame gpeel; von Sternburg. to lay before President Roosevelt In official form the suggestion of an exchange of profes sors between Germany and America that the emperor mentioned to Ambassador Tower on New Year's day. The ambassa dor, who sailcl on the Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse January Z. only carries an outline of the projtct which the president will be asked to approve and co-operate in making a working plan. The impcro:- has invited several German professors to present him with their ideas on the subject. Prof. Adolph Harnack, one of tho.xe Invited, writes in the l'reus slsche Jalirhueeher that the great schol ars of the middle ages were not tied fast to any one country. They lectured at Naples, Bologna. Paris, Cologne and Ox ford avid their students followed them. Prof. Harnack explains the advantage to students of spending part of their period of study abroad. An exchange of students, he adds, necessarily suggests an exchange of professors. Only a few students can now have the advantage of study abroad, but larger numbers will get that advan tage when the professor himself goes abroad to lecture. He refers to Lord Kelvin, Sir William Ramsay and Nanscn, the explorer, as having lectured in Berlin. Prof. Max Mueller, Prof. Harnack ulo points out, came to Strassburg lo give lectures while retaining his Oxford pro fessorship, and adds that Prof. Gregory of Leipzig Is American by birth, and a pro fessor at a German university, and has glvan a course of lectures In America. Wonld Have Long; Visits. The simplest means to inaugurate pro fessorial Interchanges, according to Prof. Harnack, Is to invite distinguished pro fessors from abroad to give courses of four to eight lectures. But this Is not enough. The best thing, if it can be done. Is to call for an entire six months'- tour, or even longer. In doing so, of course, no country will Import a professor when It has a bet ter one at home; it will always be best to let th students hear the language of the literature and economic and social affairs of another country from a professor of that country. No amount of industrious study will give German students the In sight into these things that we can get from a native of America. It is of all the civilized states the most remote for Germany in space, but Intellectually the nearest and most closely related. "In exchanging , professors," continues Prof. Harnack, "we think In the first In stance of America. Harvard and Berlin are already negotiating a plan and will have to begin with caution , and within modest Uirjlts. If the idea is sound it will then grow of Itself. Difficulties will have to be overcome, like the six months tours beginning and ending at different dates, and no university will be readily willing to Jet a favorite professor off for even a short time. But the difficulties are not insurmountable. Distance hardly counts any longer. The conviction that International duties have arisen for men of science, who must carry the plan to suc cess, will aid In disseminating, leavening and strengthening the bond of fraternity." Homeaeekers and Settlers. On the first and third Tuesdays of each month the Iowa Central Railway has on sal round trip excursion tickets to points In Minnesota, Dakotas, Canada, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc., at rata of one fare plus two dollars. Re turn limit twenty-one days from date of sale. Stopovers allowed. For rates, time of trains, etc., call on agents or address A. B. CUTTS, 1 G. P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn. NEBRASKA.' 9 BEAT THE KAWS Basket Ball Team from Sanflower State Suffers Defeat. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Kansas University was defeated to night at basket ball by Nebraska Wesleyan in the Wesleyan gymnasium, the Metho dists annexing the long end of a score standing 62 to 37. The Jayhawkers ex celled slightly In passing the ball, but Wesleyan threw her goals with better ac curacy, in which department of the con test the Jayhawkers were outclassed. Cap tain Lowell and White did the wuir work for Wesleyan, while W. J. Miller, the agile center on the Kansas five, scored more than half of the points credited to his team. Lowell's free goal throwing was particularly spectacular, ten of Wesleyan's points resulting from his efforts. Kanaas will continue its Nebraska tour by play ing Omaha Young Men's Christian associa tion Monday night in the Omaha Audi torium. The score: Wesleyan. Goals.Fou1s.Tot. Atwood, forward 4 0 1 White, forward 8 0 IB Lowell (captain) center T 10 24 Smith, guard lot Kuns, guard 10 3 43 10 62 Kansas. Ooals.FoulaTot. Bliss, forward 0 0 0 Wlnnagle, forward 2 0 4 Barlow, forward 3 t ' ( W. J. Miller, center 8 6 21 Adams (captain, guard 2 -I 6 M. B. Miller, guard 0 0 0 8 87 A keen appetite and pow er to properly digest the food is the certain result of taking a dose of the Bitters before meals. Besides ton ing up the stomach and aid ing digestion it is also spen did in cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kid ney Ills, Costiveness, Chills, Colds and General Debility. Try it. PamYpovALeJU-3 rt.l A a. At M V m.. wt ia x.i'a7Li4 rarsjj: i tar fcr rnu ur hi c an, w vp BxAn u Is UKS Vulrf iutilU kiM na4 likhMilbboi Tab lkir. Rra lsre iuhMttiUMM ul liali. tiwM. Ha ' lriti.l f m4 4 la MftiMpf Sr PartUttUr, TatlBBnlis U4 "lIUf for l.JlM,Bfc Wuw. f ra arm Mali. I . Toliaualala. Sua M all Diawu t'alafcaataa rkaasUaJ Cay. .,. mmn raii.i. raw Sitters Ikawsntn 1 Profits for bo Buyers SI28.00 BUYS AM UP-TO-DATE STANDARD PIANO Slightly tisp.1 rtiriKlit-. all thoroughly rcn!rod at our factory roM nnder a wriinti gtuirnutco- at prlivs way lHow oompftltiou during our Bargain Room Glearing STEGER & SONS EMERSON IVERS & POND BAUS PEASE SINGER B To innk buvlng lively tlilx work nil hnv? born marked down $S5.00, IIOS.OO, $1 -.. to, Vll'8.(, fH-MR to $20t).nt. Terms-SIO.OO Cash, S5.00 Monthly Thono aro tho ltost horgnina oftVrod for years. Out-of-town buyer should write for descriptions, etc., at once. Address: Schmoller & Duoller The Lowest Price Plainly Marked on Every Piano (313 Farnam St. Omaha, Nob. D O C TOS j We make weak men strong strong In every way strong enough to succeed In the battle of life; men who command respect, admiration and love; men who force success. If you are suffering from any dlseas, you want a prmarfnt cur. Tou want all that science can do for you. You own it to yourself and posterity to bo strong; and vlRorous in mind and body. Ths doctor who makes a specialty of treating diseases and weaknesses peculiar to men Is better qualified to treat you successfully than the perioral practitioner who scatters his faculties over the whole field of medicine and surgery. Specialty work nowadays Is called for and demanded. We do not scatter our faculties, but concentrate, them upon our particular speclulty. We have made a life-long study of the dis eases and weaknesses, so prevalent among; men, and have been the means or restoriiiK thousands of affllctod sufferers to complete and perfect health. If you require medical attention, you should avail yourself of the services of specialists of recognized ability and experience who nre eminently qualified to advise, direct and treat such cases. Whatever your nilment, be sure and secure help from the ablest and most experienced specialists. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal Kidney, and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men duo to Inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, self-ubuse or the result of specltlo or private diseases. rniCIHTITinM FDFF If you cannot call, write for symptom Manic LUiHolJLIAIIUli I MLL office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I JOS Tairnana St.. Bat I3fh and 14th Sts.. Ossa atria, !Nh i Light and Airy Tourist cars are clean and light and airy. Overcrowding in TOURIST CARS ie a condition that is abso lutely avoided. The seats are upholstered in rattan, and at night the berths hung with heavy curtains. Bevel plate glass windows ornament the sides of the cars; the wide vestibules are enclosed and traveling is made altogether comfortable. It you cross the continent In one ot the tourl.t sleepers of tba UNION PACIFIC You will enjoy your trip and save considerable money. Inquire Cltr Ticket Ofltee, , Some workmen do good work, in spite of poor tools; think what they might accomplish if they used up-to-date devices. , A merchant may succeed on ac count of good business location, hard work, the ability to make friends, or other requisites of business success without advertising; think what such a man would accomplish with the aid of a modern business tool like adver tising. TELEPHONE JKIS AND A MCE ADVERTISING MAN WILL CALL AND TALK IT OVER. VOSE & SONS CHICKERINQ GABLER KIMBALL ERBE DAVIS 1834 Fafana ., via T 31 v ' 0 i! Mi I; ' i i 5