Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1905, Page 6, Image 20

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For and
Aatalveraarr af the Typewriter.
JP N ANNIVERSARY or vast alg
V I ntfleanre to working- women wn
1 observed In New York January
17, when Mrs. M. A. Saunders arse
presented by her aasoclatea with
u bJta watch Inecrlbed, "To th pioneer
typewriter operator."
Mr a. ajnflere la the flrat woman In the
United fJtatea to adopt tha typewriting ma
chine In correspondence. That waa nearly
a third of a century ago. Stonnaraphy
waa mora necessary thn ever before In
the history of correspondence. Today,
after thirty years' UHe of the machine, aha
has a record of loO worda a minute on the
typewriter and there la not a mrrenpundrnt
In New York dictating bunlnesa letters
with whom she cannot keep up without the
Use of shorthand notes.
When tha typewriter came Into the mar
ket In 1174 Mrs Blunders was a widow, with
tha responsibility of a l-year-otd daughter.
She had been a teacher in the night schools
of New York and having had a knowlndga
of mualo aha thought tha opportunity sug
gested In an advertisement would be worth
a letter and Its S-cent stamp.
The typewriter people responsible for tha
advertisement received 100 aiiswera to tha
ad and out of this number three name
and addreasaa were taken, a representa
tive calling upon each of these women,
leaving a catalogue Illustrated to rrsemblo
a sewing machine, and afiklng that each
Of tha woman call at the o flics of the com
pany. Of tha three women selected Mrs. Saun
ders called at the downtown offices, where
he waa shown tha first typewriting ma
chine aha had aver seen. Her Interest was
aroused Instantly. At the auggestlon of
the management aha had one of the writ
ing machines sent to her home fur prac
tice, and after a few days she received
an offer from the company promising a po
sition as demonstrator and saleswoman Just
as soon as she established a record of sixty
worda a minute.
It wa here that her knowledge of the
keyboard of the piano aerved her. Hhe
waa unusually quick with her fingers and
t within three weeks she had reached tha
necessary efficiency. Her flrat work waa
In New York, demonstrating the adapta
bility of tha typewriting machines and
making sales according to tha Interest
aroused. After she was given a traveling
position, going all over the country, teach
ing in the sales offices in the larger cities
and In many ways demonstrating the value
ef the machine.
The flrat machine used by Mrs. Saunders
sat upon a sewing machine frame to which
the machine treadle was still attached.
There were only capital letters possible to
tha machine and when Mrs. Saunders left
the typewriter company to take a stenog
rapher's position with a life Insurance com
pany In Brooklyn, she took this machine
wltk her, using It there for thirteen years.
Then, as the company began receiving let
ters on double case machines, It felt that
It should keep up with progress, and It
bought a new machine, having both the
capitals and the small letters.
At the present time Mis. Saunders Is as
sociated with an Insurance company In
New York snd she Is aa rapid as ever In
the use of tha typewriting machine. In ad
dition to bar regular work as correspondent
aha Is seoretary of tha National Associa
tion of Audubon Societies, snd In this post
tlon she has to maintain wide correspond
enre with other aooletlea and with In
dividuals Interested In the habits and tha
protection of North American birds,
Laatfc and Grow Fat.
Woman laugh too little. Whether this Is
duo to their lack of humor or to childhood's
training In gentle manners may be ques
tioned. Certain It Is, says the Youth's
Companion, that a hearty laugh In a
woman' voice li rare music. An audience
of women rustles with amusement, but sel
dom laughs. A group of girls giggles, but
does not laugh. A woman reading the most
brilliantly humorous story seldom gets be
yond smile.
When Sir Walter Besant, In his clever
skit, "The Revolt of Man," . pictured the
time In the twentieth century when women
should have usurped all power, political,
ecclesiastical and social, he shrewdly noted
that laughter had died out of England; and
When men revolted against their feminine
tyrants, they came back tq their own with
peals of laughter,
A Tarts doctor has recently opened a
laughter cure. It Is a private Institution,
and tsrge fees are charged. Thn patients
sit, round a room, and at a given moment
begin to smile at each other. The smile
broaden to a grin, and at a signal to a pest
of UugUer. Two hours a day of this
healthful exercise are said to cure the
worst case of dyapepsls. But whother the
habit of laughing easily and naturally could
be aoqulred by thla proress Is doubtful. The
etudent of the art of luughlng might And
himself In the condition of the centipede or
classic fame, who.
was hsnpv till
One dnv the tond In fun
NM. "Pray which lea; goes after, which?"
This strained his mind to auch a pitch
He lay distracted In a ditch,
Considering how to run.
Tkey Make Miarrh Windows.
People have grown accustomed to the Idea
that thla la the woman's age; that a
woman's opportunities are limited only b
her personal ability. Bttll one oocuslonullv
hears of a woman's incursion into a line of
work that Is novel, and yet so entirely suit
able that the wonder Is It was not at
tempted long since.
Miss Mary Y. Stone and MIhs Julia P.
Wlckham are two Brooklyn women who
have fitted' themselves to work In atained
glass, the processes connected with which
were wholly in tha hands of men until a
few years ago.
The. "rat step In the making of a stained
glasa window la, of course, the design. This
Is sketched in oil or water color and serves
as a color guide It is accompanied by a
design In black mid white, which gives the
required dimensions and lead lines.
From, this cartoon two tracing are made,
One Js, fastened on a glass eusel, and Its
lnee) are followed on the glass with black
paipt. , The other tracing la cut into arc
tons that are to serve aa patterns by which
to cut the colored sluts.
By year of study with well known paint-
' ASt Sickness, overwork, trouble
those deadly enemies of women's dearest
tr&tsure) (her beauty and complexion) are)
rendered well nigh powerless by
A treat scienuuc niscovcry ioou n r
the skin, replacing" wasted tissues, fiHirj
! out wrinkles, causing tho skin to throw
,flf what Is unhealthy and discolorine, and
J to sssumo tha beautiful transparency ar.4
e!vety softness o! youth and health. Pot
' lasting throe months, 75c, at all druggists.
H yea have aay eefecto ef skin, scalp er general
W:ia, write me. Cerreesuieace eulitiled.
Mr NKTTI8 HAHKI SON, Uermatoleglei
H West 27U f, Nsw Vert City
for sale ky Phexman A McConnell lrug
V 0. W. Cur. lota an Podge, Oinabe.
ere and draughtsmen. Mis Wlckham and
Miss Stone were both thoroughly equipped
for the s rustic psrt of their occupation.
"Wa began our present business In s very
small way," said Miss Stone, quoted by th
Ttrooklyn Ksgle. ' First ws took the dlr
ferent colored glasses snd designed lamp
ehedee of thsm. Then gradually our confi
dence Increased, and now we have not time
for uny but large orders of stslned glass
ornamental or memorial windows."
St. John's church at Centre Moriches,
Long Island: St. Mary s chapel, Raleigh,
N. J., and Christ church at Coxsaekls-on-the
Hudson all have windows which are ex
amplea of their work. Two of the windows
In the last mentioned church sre figure sub
jects, and the flesh work that Is, the paint
ing of the fares, handa and feet, which Is
often relegated to other artists by design
ers who have not mastered the difficulties
of painting on glass Is all done by them.
w Field fer Wenrn,
The proportion of female help In all the
big hotela In New York City is rapidly In
rroosltig. Women bookkeepers and cashiers
have supplanted men almost altogether in
the larger hotels. Uicept In such big
Pisces aa tha Waldorf, they are rapidly
gaining control of the hotel kitchens.
Where efltalency la equal proprietors prefer
women, claiming they are more honest.
New York hospitals whose kitchen systems
are now under the supervision of women ex
perts are the Roosevelt, New York, Toft
Uradttate, St. Luke's and Bellevue. In
the rrsabytertan a dietary expert has
charge of the nurses' clasaea In hospital
and sick room cooking. Theee young
women are all graduates of such Institu
tions as Drexel, Armour's, Pratt's or
Teachers' college, Columbia. They are not
mere cooking teachers. They have taken
a college course in chemistry, bacteriology
and the kindred branches and are qualllled
teachers as well sa practical chemists and
cooka. In New York City alone there is
a aufllclantly large number of theae ex
perts holding positions of highest Im
portance to form an association of about
fifteen membera
Hare No Right to Grow Old.
"The change in this matter of growing
old since the time when the woman of 38
felt herself too ancient to wear a flower
In her mp is Interesting," writes Margaret
Poland In llarprr'a Bazar. "It la especially
Interesting at that dreadful moment when
we first realize that we are ourselves no
longer young. It ia an extraordinary mo
ment; pain, denial, rebellion, hopelessness.
It arrives In many different ways. It used
to come with spectacles but nowadays tho
babe wears spectacles; aometlmes It creeps
upon us with a little stiffening of the
joints; one does not run upstairs quite aa
lightly as one did. It may even reveal
itself in the Impatience that Is felt because
people do not speak qulto as distinctly as
they should an impatience to which the
younger generation rudely refers as deaf
ness. These aro gradual intimations that
we are not aa young as we were. There
are abrupt ones especially there la the
glance Into the mirror some morning after
a aleepleaa night. Probably every woman
over it has known the start of astonish
ment and dismay that comes wlUt that
glance a creased and tired complexion, dull
eyes, wrinkled throat; well, these symptoms
need not be catalogued, they are too un
pleasant. The woman who has had this
alight shock before breakfast glances at
her looking glass many tlmea that day,
and always with a growing comfort, for as
the day passes things change; her faoe,ls
more alert, her eyes brighter, her double
chin Is, somehow, firmer. No, It was only
fatigue from a bad night; not age, oh, no!
"When we get breath; after the first
shock of what we eaw, let us look steadily
at that weary faue and then thank God
that he haa aent us notice. 'That age,'
let us say to ourselves, 'la akin-deep. Hor
rid, too, of course. And we must give
some attention to It In any honest way wo
can, because nobody wants to be eathetl
cally uupleasaftt to anybody elae. But real
age that we must be on the watch for.
These tired eyes, tills dull complexion, are
in themselves of Blight Importance; as
wurninga they are of enormous Importance.'
And quickly we will begin to throw up de
fenses against Our subtle foe. Self-examination,
the search for symptoms, Is the
tlrst step.
"Are we dull to other people's anxieties
and concerns? Do they bore us'.' Are we
shut up within our own plans and pains,
our own pleasures?! Selfishness!
The beginning of the end; the flrat gray
hair, so to speak. Are wc complacently
aatisllsd with things as they are? Do we
resent the Innovation automobiles, or
servants' unions, or any other new, es
thutlually objectionable or materially dis
turbing thing? Are we contemptuously
impatient at change? Stagnation!
"Do we feel we are certainly and entirely
riant In our theories of life tuid conduct, of
even of urt or science or amusement?
Are we sure that we are the people and
Wisdom and religion will die with us?
Thut orthodoxy, is our doxy, and hetero
doxy is every body cist's doxy? Intoler
ance! Hlindness, deafness, senility of the
soul. Here, then, are the three deadly
symptoms of old age: Selfishness stagna
tion intolerance. But, happily, wo have
three del'cnsea which are invulnerable; if
we use them we ahall die young If we live
to be a hundred. They are: Bymplhy
progress tolerance."
Etlquet In Stationery.
Here are the latest principles of the etl
quelle in stationery, as laid down in the
Now York Sun by an authority on the
All visiting curds, from the nursery to a
bUhop's palace, are of plain white board,
absolutely without ornamentation. No
crest, motto or gilt edge muy appear.
Hand wilt ten cards have not been in
vogue since the Kmpjess Eugenie set the
vogue for engraving, which hud only ap
peared tentatively up to her reign aa a '
lubhloii authority.
A man's card is never so large aa a
woman a Ho Is of less social importance.
ill correct man'a card thla season meas
ures three inches by una and one-quarter
inches. It curries the name written out in
full and the dub name In the lower left
hand coi'Mr.
The cards of matrons and spinsters are
at mm c.t one size, which the bplnster ru
gurds as a triumph of persistence over
vanity. That former little maidenly card
looked aa though she were compelled to
admit her matrimonial failure in life. To.
day, wUh her card Sx:4 Inches, she Is an
nounced with the autne ceremony as her
mother or younger married sister.
Her name is written out in full, unless aha
ia the eldest daughter. Then only "Miss"
precedes tho surname.
If the name is Jonua, as aometinxs hap
pens In the best regulated families, her
mothers name would be in full, as Mrs.
Mortimer Stuyvesunt Junes; Imr grand
mother, the dowager, merely Mra. Junua;
the eldest sister, plain Miss Jones, with
out one redeeming smart preface, aud her
own, Miss Margaret Siuyvesant Webb
Cards are a third larger I lis 11 they were
four yen 1 ago, when initials were per.
nilsKible to accommodate tnis embarase
meiit of riches in family middle names.
Nearly all cards for metropolitan duty
carry the address In the lower right hand
corner and ut home days in the lower left
hund, corner. The adiresa of a country
housd gives (lie name of the place atid
railway station, or the etieet and (tattoo.
the Women Folks
though the name of place Is much more
For formal a IT sirs the debutante haa no
Individual card. He name In full le en
graved on her mother's card dlreotly under
the mother's name. It Is only for her per
sonal use In sending gifts, occasional calls
and small courtesies that she appears un
chaperoned. Where a mother with a family of daugh
ters la receiving, all the names are en
graved In order of age on an oblong invita
tion card, or after the mother's name la
merely "the Misses Jones." If there In s
debutante daughter with two older sisters
still without the ring, they appear ss "the
Misses" In one line and the younger girl
on a separate line.
VlMIng cards are used only In sending
Invitations of the most general or Informal
nature, For muslcalea, a dinner of a doej
or so, a smart formal afternoon reception,
for a debutante tea or a dinner dance ob
long cards are used, with the names In the
center, the address In the lower right hand
corner and the announcement and hour in
the lower left.
For ultra formal elaborate dancing re
ception, evening musicals or very large din
ners .the folded note Invitation Is used,
with some expression of pleasure at the
thought of meeting the guest.
The question of titles on cards is of little
embarransme-nt to women in this country.
There Is Just one rule, they do not use
tlwHr husband's titles on their visiting
cards, unless It Is a dual card. A husband
must go with the title. "Bishop and Mrs.
Sloano" or merely "Mrs. Initial Sloanc;"
"Colonel and Mrs. Jones," or no title.
These twin cards are useful for sending
regrets or paying formal calls when there
are men In the family or In sending gifts.
Leaves from Fashion's Notebook.
Panne Is as much in demand as velvet.
Moire ribbons are the tioveltiea In this
Plum color shading to amethysts are the
New embroideries show the faintest touch
of gold thread.
Among the Jewelry novelties Is a dog
collur of bright Jet.
Mother of pearl effects represent the lat
est note In foulard silks.
Both oranae nnd lemon yellow are much
favored for evening drew.
Oreen. brown and blue are predominating
colors in the new trimmings.
Keel Hon and Russlun seal promise to
displace walrus leather for handbags.
Trimming upon trimming will be a char
acteristic of the spring styles in dress.
For elegant evening wraps a favorite tint
Is a delicate shade known ns peach pink.
Lounging robes of matelasse in delicate
hues are as handsome as they are comfort
able. There Is no doubt at all about the coming
Bhlrt waist. It will be linen and it will
be embroidered.
Metallic flowers, made of gold and silver
Hints on Latest Fashions
For the accommodation of readers of The
Bee these patterns, which usually retail at
from 25 to 50 cents each, will be furnished
at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply
is now kept at our office, so those who
wish any pattern may get It either by call
ing, or enclosing 10 cents uddressed "Pat
tern Department, Bee, Omaha."
Slsses 3 to 10 years.
Blies, 1 to ( yeara
H SXfr
It possesses blfhljr
tise i eorrect eala
babies pur
S7 mrfmrt
trails aad Usttmoalai.
gaure, are worn for hair ornaments and
evening gown accessories.
Parisian fancy fa von the marquis hat
with trimming massed at the beck and the
brljn turned up in a variety of waya.
There ia a growing tendency for eeml
decoilete dreesee. with elbow sleeves, for
theater as well aa for restaurant wear.
Valenciennes lace Is used to trim the new
orgsndies, which are very iheer In texture
and exquisite In design. The lace la dyed
to match the dominant color of the floral
pattern. ttlhhon of a contrasting hue is
comDMwra witn me al tor tnmminf.
Very handsome are the embroidered bands
In linen, craah snd batiste which ere to
be used for trlmm!ng linen ana otper
wash dresses. There Is plenty of room left
nn either edge to allow for attaching to the
plain fabric. These bands will be used for
panels, almost all the new skirts requiring
sometrung of tnis sort.
Is still very much the thing, and most of
of thla order. The robe patterns, too,
both in linen and batiste, are In eyelet de
eigne. The heavy raised embroideries are
also popular ana there is a nign-noi ae
iin which ia much soueht for. ocD.irently.
How it is to be successfully laundered Is a
What Womea Are Doing;.
The Ideal wife siwaya makes the best of
everything especially tne test 01 oreaa.
Mise Ide, daughter of Henry C. Ids vice
f overnoc and secretary Of nnance ana jus
Ice In the Philippines, has Just succeeded
It starting a society for the prevention of
cruelty to animal in Manila
Mme. Ie Bargy. who Is regarded in Paris
as the naturai successor of Mme. Sarah
Bernhardt, has been on the stage only
three years. She looks more Knglisli than
1-rencn ana speaks Ungllen nueniiy.
To be the first Indian woman to atudy
law Is the ambition of Miss Laura M. t or
nellus, who Is now In l.os Angeles getting
ready to enter the law department of Stan
ford university. Elie la an uneicia gin.
who until recently has taught In the Sher
man Indian school.
Ijidv Rachel Bvnr. a daughter of the
earl of fcHratford. conducts a aohool for
millinery for otitlewomvn. where a train
ing 1.4 given both for those who wish to
start In business for themselves and others
whose only in terns t is to maks their own
nats. .
There la a move on foot among the Mss
ter Masona of Indian Territory to provide a
monument fund for Mrs. Klixa Albsrty, a
Cherokee widow of a Master Mason. It
Is said this woman has cared for and reared
twenty-one orphan children. Judge Henry
M. Kurman of Ardmore. one of the most
prominent Masons In the territory, In an
address recently eulogised thla woman by
alng: "Brethren, while we have been
proteasing Masonry tnis woman nas oesn
living Masonry.
No surprise Is felt In Ixmdon society over
the announcement that the duchess of Man
chester Intenda to remain for aome time in
this country. The voune duchess, for.
nierly Miss Zimmerman of Cincinnati, gava
offense to the smart set over mere oy aa
sumlns; airs of social superiority. Besldas,
Instead of doins; as tha Romans did, aha
refused to participate In the gamming
games so popular in London and even nave
outspoken expression to his disapproval of
such amusements. The result was that
Bhe found her social ambition thwarted In
various ways, and It is now said that she
came back to America In a fit of pique, to
remain for an indennlte perioa.
Sixes 32, 24, 36, 3b. 10 and U inches bust
Blses 2 to 0 years.
Not all
womea em a
hone to Dose aa a
Pf .oOel of beauty, 1
' but tne aret req
uisite for ettraetWe-
am. a eare. soft, white
fjM aala aad a beautiful eemptealoeaiey be
r& Meaeseea by every womaa waa oauy
aetleepHe, soothing aad baeltag quan
las perfections, aud brims tae eiooat 01
youth aad beauty to the enceke, Keep tae ia er
aad bteiujr.
ecaeme ad tetter) removes black
heeaa. freckles. Din Die, redosts, sua
spot aad taa.
lose aud letloa eeaabiaed cleera
of all Impurities and keeps it M rfP
TlmA VlV of B S A SW
lead for rut book of por ART
OataaaaU. Obi.
by Beaton Dru Co.
and all dr.i(iats.
"( (S T '
qThe highest type of FAMILY SEWING
MACHIN E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY
Imitation tho Sincorest Tlottery
Cheaply mad Imitations of obsolete form of Singer Sewinc
. Machines are offerad by merchandise dealer to deceive
aa unwary public.
They to directly from maker to uer, aad can only be obtained
from the Company's employee.
Sold only at SINGER STORE,
1514 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.,
and 438 North 24th St., South Omaha.
Dandruff I oontar'ou diaeaae oauaed by a mlorobe.l
TUB ORIQIINAL remedy that
Vevkre'e rslsMs sen eoait Ue Isto. II tks
esseraff BMtreke kas asitrer kslr ttU
UIm an Ml th ml, bld asd thlslne. all
tsasalM sre venhlsw. But, Ilka tk stress.
Uru( Stores. $1.00. Sesd .Oc. ttajii, It rtEitCICIDd iJ . U-vi. ri. D.-irs.i. d.c.i.. ur 1 uiil i.
SHERMAN & MeCOMMELL DRUG CO.. Spoclal Affcnts.
A positive
guarantee that
Uricsol will
cure your
goes with
every sale.
8hmrtan & McConnell Prut; Co., 16th
nn rivt trA fits Hmihi em anthnrizil
of TJrlciiol at $5.00, a posltlTe rnarantea
that Uricsol will enre your Rheumatiara.
Urteaol Is the areat California remedy
that dissolves the uric arid depontts and
remove the causa of rhenmatlam and
uricsol will not harm or injure any
part of your body, on the contrary It will
tone up the stomach, create an appetite,
stimulate the liver and kidney, remov
ing the excess of uric acid tilat cause
bo many aliments, chief of which ! rheu
matism. Write for noomet ana aiei iiat
The Uricsol Chemical Co.,
Lea Anaelee, CaL
Beauty Strength
Brain Workers, Nerveus,
Fretful, Weak end Care
worn people restored to
health fey the uee ef
Thef Iniare restful lwn, fare NerTouiriMl,
Bloiirh, Kidnej snd niiidilrr tiniiltlra. sod piu
due I'lunisnaaa, sirvnvih sni Vuslity, tuns up
th nerres and purify ttia nlwd.
tly Mall I.OO. ar a hoaee a.Tt
Alas arrra Laaall v Unr Pills, M ete.
For aampla Tablets, eaeloee lO eaota to
THE KFRVAM TARl FT CO.. Clnelnnatl. 0.
Sold b- Beatun Drum (o. and all '
wii.i. positivislv tun:
WMnv and I.lvpr Disease. Rheumatism.
tilnlt HaikIscIip. Krvainilas Bcrnfulu. ('a-
turrh. IndiKf !:tinn. Nouraiitla. Nfi'vousn(ss.
iiyspipsia. Syphilitic llHeues, ronstl)u-
tlnii. J,:fi.wu people were irruu-u in im.
All 0rutlt-
7 - rm?M X. frK. -mJ iAM '..1
.Every IVornan
U uliniUu i nil should know
im tin i ue vtoiiiivniu
MARVEL Whirling ipfsy
tttMWr !
l.k wtmr smUl far H.
tf ha l aiinulsupp.? II
IAIC1 kl.. Mii,k.l lift
oim-r. Imi and lump fur
...II ..UMllltl MCll llirMIIIIIM 111
T,,wl.lf In Ucl a mill! LtO.,
4ll'arkU.i. aura.
tot sale br
CH.'rfFKIl'S VH.OC PTORK8. ' lit a an!
CMasu sts. : Bo umaria. mih and si,
Council tiluKs. lib Ana alUo sts.
UUN A CO.. Uia auj Luuaiaa .U..L
aw a v
'klllallia Dandruff Oerm
U Msrsldies ttnx while lit still reaslsi la
ihm fiJliftlM. ihs hair la Irvad frem dl
tutlitUf, IB hiir Is fra mm
tad basis ntturtl srewth seals. Pes
aUs( dtsdruff r (tlllnj, htlr. Waodtrtul
raaultt follow tks uaa et Htrplolda. It Is ta
aiqulilta hair drasstBS- topt itchlni el the
aoals iRttaatlr.
Daily excursions to all the winter resorts
of the South at greatly reduced rates. Ask
us for rates, time tables and all information
so when you leave you will know where you
are at.
Wabash City Ticket
Harry E, Mocres, Q.
Don't get the idea that it pays to stint
on your expenditure for stationery.
Whenyoucan'ttalkto a man in person,
you ought to impress him as favorably
as possible with your correspondence.
For aome time. It him lieun fvry dlllU-ult to wcure liuge o 'floes, In a
good buililiuu, in Uniulm. Ill nortli aud vast eidi of the slitb
tiuor ot
The Bee Building
Are licitiR rosrraiiKPil. Hy uiiiUini; i pjli(atiii. at once, we will
divide I lie s.nie Into ntlces of any size, to suit your rc'iulrcitientn.
'i'lirse ortli-es are iiartiiiiini-ly tleslrablo. on .tccoimt of linvlnji splenJhl
I i it 1 1 1 nni Till be nolslipd In hardwrioil tliroujiliout. Make our appll
i s tlon at once.
H. C. Peters & Co.,
Drnakmnras sred to Stay Tared he
N UU. Jar. Ay CM f II il ,t nf
siitr. tej. coffi! food th.t m kfit't krxm't-te
Whit R bt-ofi Fmiy IM rurt or rtfutrnT
r1'it 4 ap IM t"T ftll alroh'he drlnkt, tit tT
Mi pitiffit a a eonw tnM mbra , "tiip
'n.Iii trlnk t r 4rM:.kr4 Tnn m;( 1 fnr anr
to htr rp't, i alcohol' Uqtir -r
Uflir, Hhu h-M-oii Ke-m'-nv n nm im't ma .
I hftUtafi'l ft prf nsnrot ur, an1 In ad MM 'n r -ftrr-
th !' tm r normal h ith. it c
nvrrra. Increasing th til oir and dtrroi a
lion to riai trniptaiion.
Mr Anna Mrtort,
I'rrM uprit .i(iM
of tb Vuman
( hrltfan Tenu-ar-art-
I nlon, Loa
A n i 1 a . al .
Hi fa : I btr
teirJ Whit ttib
bor Rm df on
v rf n b I I I n I t I
4nj:.kard. and tha
rurn havf bn
many I t-hrrfulljr
rKomnipnl aril rrt
dom Whit RlNt-iTi
Kfm1r. and
any woman tn f
It to any ivlatlva
tuff rln a; from drun
knne, "
U'Mta Pr W R.
Mrs. Anna Moore.
Rrowft. 2i Tfmont Pt , Rottrm for trial parkata
and letter M arlvl. fra In plain aralvd anveinp.
All itttera confidential and dratrnyrd at aoon aa
Whit Ribbon Rmdv anld br drumlfrtt ,trf
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Omaha 8chatfT-r Drug Mtr. 18th and i-Jiicao St a.
A bonrdlna school for boys.
Honm life. ThnmtiRh inntrucilons. "
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I Harry N. Russell. If
H Head naatar.
Only One Dollar a Year.
the Flag "
Office, 1601 Farnam
A. P. D., Omaha, Neb.