Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1905, Page 2, Image 16

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Jintiary W, loorj.
About Plays, Players and Playhouses
I I atrical Manager' association In
ctitlo of Life, from admission to
theaters under their control la an
other of the mistake mad by the "yndl
cte." No matter what excuses tha man
altera give for their action, It amount to
an attempt to munis the press, and such
an effort I sure to recoil against lis
promoter. It will not do (or the men
who have made this mistake to flatter
themselves that Life Is without Influence,
for that Is where the biggest end of their
blunder lies. If It wera possible for them
to whip. Life Into line by placing ft boycott
flgalnst on member of It staff, they
might extend their warfare and by work
nig slowl.v upward, soon would be able to
control all tha papers In New York. It
would then ba an sy matter to push on,
apd In a short time we would find the
"syndlcata" controlling all tha newspapers,
n It now professes to control all tha
.theaters. Such an abhorrent condition may
ba Imagined, but It can nwfr be realised.
This far away from the scene of strife It
appear that (ha managers have made a
blunder from which they will be forced to
withdraw, and the retreat can hardly be
. gracefully accomplished.
That toy of fair play that Is to In
stinctive among Americana will prompt a
close Inquiry Into tha facts In the case, and
none af the ran b twisted Into a aem
blanea of reason for tha action taken. It
seams that shortly after th Iroquois fir
1,1 fs printed a cartoon, which Messrs. Klaw
Erlanger ooneclved to be libelous, Suit
for l,CO0 was brought agalnat James
Metcalfe, dramtlc critic of Life, and the
-paper Itself. On trial In the United State
circuit court In New Tork the csss wsa
decided In favor of the plaintiff. Almost
Immediately thereafter th resolution de
barring Metcalfe from th theaters was
, adopted by th association. This clou re
lation between the two actions robs th
second action of any force It might have
'-a directed against Metralfs by giving th
Inevitable Impression that It la th outoom
.. of pique and spit. Mr. Daniel Krohman.
president of th association, In explaining
- th action, said. It was taken because of th
attack of Life on the Jews a a race. He
cited Instances In which Mr. Metcalfe bad
gone out of his way to abuse the Jews
. and said the measure wit merely taken In
retaliation. Her th question arises. "When
did the New Tork Theater Managers' asso
ciation become th champion of the cause
of Judaism In America?" Isn't It rather
an Insult to th many thousand of In
telligent and Industrious Jew of th coun
try to even Insinuate that they are In nny
need of such defense? Mr. Frohman' ex
planatlon la hardly happier than the octlon
pf his association.
- ,. ...
Th following letter, written by Daniel
Frohman, president of th New Tork thea
ter Manager' association, published in the
New Tork Time January SO, fairly states
th attltud of this body toward James A.
Metcalfe, editor of Life, In excluding hire
from th theater It control: .
NEW YORK, Jan. W.-To th Kdltor of
th New York Time: There seem to be
some mlsupprehenslon and a great deal of
error about th attltud taken by th man
agers' association toward a oartaln repre
sentative or a weekly paper who has been
' denied entre to theaters represented by this
body. The resolution was offered, and its
language plainly expressed the fact, that
this party should be denied admission to
theater because of his scurrilous and un-caJled-for
racial attacks carried on for a
number of year by him In hi paper. The
resolution had, no reference to any Individ
ual member of thla organisation, nor did
It ooataln any allusion to anything h may
hav acid a th dramatic crltlo of hi
'tMpert In fact, front th date of It or
. (THnlsatlon until th present moment th
Theater Manager' association has never at
ny directors' or members' meeting men
tioned or discussed sny dramatic critic or
criticism. At h very Inception of this or
gsnlsatlon It was decided that It was not
part of Its province or object to ever dla
m (r tak up th o'testlnn of dramatic
criticism, but when this body was con
vlnced that this man wa using the thea.
tfra as a cloak to make attack upon th
' faith of those who comprise a liberal per
. rente of theater-goers It felt It was Justi
fied In taking such action In the premises.
Th embargo wu not even extended to the
paper, but wn a personal one to th man
, who had maligned a rnutarti tody of our
fellow cltlrens. Ws f'e-m It due to our
rn'ves and the press of Nw York flty and
th" country thit ou" attitude in this mat
. tr b made eloor. t trust vou may appre
ciate the HHtf ht letter.
, DANIEL FROHMAN, President,
Mr. Metcalfe Is proceeding along very
oulet and dignified line In th matter, and
ha been admitted to two or three thea
ters under th management of Charles
Frohman sine th pronunciamento wa Is
sued. He buy hi seats and present hi
. ticket at th door Ilk any other patron.
All In all, th "ayndlcat" em to have
thrown another boomerang;, or, rather, to
hav touched off another squib.
. Nanc O'Neill I the latest of th actor
. folk to tak her pen in hand and deal th
. dramatic crltlo a Jab. Bh ' ndora tha
statement mad by omon els that the
American erltle la a "gentleman with In
digestion," and save: "Thl la only an
. other way or declaring that th unfortu
nate artist before th footlights I at th
mercy of o alight an aocldent a an un
derdone or an ovsrdone dinner." Mis
' O'Neill mistake th craft by a wide mar
gin, for h proceeds on th theory that
th crltlo cats with th sams attention to
: detail a does th actor. Oh, no, dear lady,
not so. Tour crltlo a a rule Isn't so dell
cat In hi gastronomy tut all that, but he.
. I frequently called upon to overlook
. thing that happen on th tag th re
sult of over Indulgeno In something, either
fluid or aolld. by th "unfortunate artist."
But Miss O'Neill and others who ar ag
grieved 'have tbslr revenge. They can al-
', way Mil to a magasln something criti
cising th critic. If they will only mak It
' savage enough, and this give them th
, further opportunity of winding up with a
, llttl vslngloiioua shriek, auoh a thla from
Ml O'NslU' concluding paragraphs
But I hav staunch fighting blood In my
vein. From th Murray HUT theater to a
tour of th world and a "wind up" In
Broadway I aomethlug of a record for a
vouug, unknown actresa without backing
and atlll In her to.
0 It, Nanc I But you forgot to tell ua
pf that glorious "wind Up" In Broadway.
, tf th account that filtered through from
New Tork a re accurate. It certainly wa a
finish. It wa back to Boston, for Nanc.'
But the' young yet for ah says so and
ne looai forward to the hour when the shall
(eel tha exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribabie dread and
I ear. Everr woman should know that tha danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by tho uaa of Mother's Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens ar.J render
rvlieKl all thji narta artI
Mkist nature in it tublinyi 1 1
work. By its aid thousands
of women have patted this
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at fi.oo
bottle by druggist. Our book of price
uuuuy u
value to all women sent free. Addreta.
can afford to Ignore public opinion. Maybe
when she's older she'll know better.
Pugilists on th stage are the occasion of
mueh levity, And In da? from tha tint
John L. Sullivan first donned sock and
buskin have added not a llttl to the gaiety
of th nations. It is for this reason a re
freshing as It I surprising to find one of
these serious In his Intention to become a
good actor If possible. James J. Corbett
now has his mind set on the stage as a
profession, and a It Is his most certain
Way of earning a livelihood Just at pres
ent, it la essy to take htm as sincere In his
announcement. Those who have watched
him during his career since he first canto
before th public, soma fifteen years ago,
and are In some degre familiar with his
development In that time, will have Utile
trouble In convincing themselves that he
has as good as an even chance of success.
Hi recent appearance In Omaha showed
that he ha progressed wonderfully sine
his early experience as an "actor" and
demonstrates that he does possess ability.
He may not yet be capable of deep analysis
or subtle Interpretation, but for light com
edy parts he has both talent and adapta
bility. Experience will bring the rest of It.
He realises that 'he starts with a hsavy
handicap; thai, it Is. not an easy matter
to eflgc from the minds of th people his
achlevementa In th ring and establish him
self there In ' another character, yet he
feels that th task Is not beyond accom
plishment. In his new aspirations he has
the encouragement of men whose names
carry much weight In the affairs of tha
stage, and thla with his own determination
will go far toward securing him his goal.
It Isn't at all out of th range of possibili
ties that people who never heard of Cor
bett. the conqueror of Sullivan, will yet
warmly applaud Corbett, the comedian.
Some few Omaha people gave attention
while one of Oorg Bernard Shaw's playa
wa being presented here recently, "Can
dida," and aome others have doubtless
heard that another of the pieces by this
am man ef moods, "You Can Never Tell,"
has won a greet aucea In New York lately.
These msy be Interested In knowing the
estimate put on Shaw by on of the keen
est and falreat of modern critics, Mr. John
Corbln. In hi last Sunday article Mr. Cor
bln deal with Shaw from an analytical
standpoint and In part says:
There la an old. wall-tHMt nmvarh Rn.,t
th honoring of a prophet In hi own
countrv: but tha obvloua Knir ih,.
is mac nia propnecy
and other countries.
Is that of other men
Th VI.Ipm Is tha
voice or u. a. a., rmt tne words are the
words of Ibsen. Nletsache and the modern
socialists. Whistler said that Wilde had
the courage of other men's convictions.
Shaw has mad of them motley, bsubl
d bell with which to dance before
the British public and affright It with bis
Irreverent Jests. As an original philoso
pher he 1 nothing. But since th inlmlu.
Lie clowns of Bhakespsare, England .ha
never known such a breese of highly men.
tallied spirit, such a gal of Intellecuel
vivacity. England has rejected Shaw In
?i humble determination not to be fooled
ntp taking him seriously. America has
welcomed Tilm, I suspect. In the beliei
that his motley Is the real thing. Of the
two America Is by far nearer th true
"ft1".- 'r dramatist Shaw has failed
If ha has failed only by the narrowest
In only two matter, I take It. doe Shaw
fall abort of th stature of a master play
wright. Ons is technical and the ether i
a matter of human appeal heart Interest,
a tho dear Old Dhrssa li In huh nt
mm, it seems likely, he Would have vastly
prontea it the managers had been less
ttmia In backing him and he more sincere
In his attitude toward his public.
There I a good old managerial rull of
thumb that, eompjliat a tory as yoa will
and ' must you must always let th
audience Into tha secret to the full. Amia
bly human as the- multitude always is, It
has th foible of omniscience. In a novel
It may be possible to hold the Interest
mor firmly by keeping the reader In doubt
as. to what things ar all about. An in-
telnxent reader, will .turn page after page
In the
mnrti nope vi eaosiying
a. nlaueil
In th theater perhap because
the average nt Intelligence is low, perhaps
because of the working of mob psychology
tha dominant mood is found to be not the
interests or tne mma, but those of the
heart. Rmotlon, not curiosity, rules ths
day. The late Frank Mayo wa wont to
hold up "Pudd'nhead Wilson" as a model
in this matter.
This technical failure I very closely re-
tea to naw s lack or broad human np-
I A ft. :
peJ. Srlntlllant as I his
W t. ilaliclnualv
stimulating as is nis topsy-turvy philoso
phy, It never, with a single notable excep
tion, bites Into the substance of lifc--and
the drams.
His kreat champion In Ena-
W'llllam Archer, haa called his treat-
ment of love "bloodless erotics." That
Shaw Is able to reveal to lis on tha stage
the heart of Napoleon torn between jsl
ous rage of Josephine's Infidelity and a
cool determlnstlon not to let any matter
of passion stand between Mm and hia
ambition may well be doubted. Certainly
the love affair of Valentine and Gloria Is
aa bloodless as It la acutely philosophised
and psychologised. :
The only play where Shaw grapple on
anything like even term with human
character and human passions Is "Can
dida." Hers b haa ft clear them th con
flict between the pre-Raphaellte devotion
to beauty and the somewhat superficial and
arid morality of Chrletlsn socialism both
Intensely modern developments, snd in In
evitable opposition. "Tho conflict 1 In
dlsnenaabU.1' he sat In hi preface. para-
Phrasing the profound law of Rrunsllere;
"no' conflict, no drama." The central theme
of "Candida Is chosen with vast tact and
la -worked out with unfailing adroitness.
albeit with ttocaslonal recourse to the eld
tricks of the stage. It Is In alt probability
mainly for this reason that It I th only
one -of sjnsw's play trmt is genuine
is genuinely
Human, genuinely oeauiuui in a
genuinely dramatic. , . .
' Coming Eveats.
Maxlne Elliott will appear In th Clyde
Fitch comedy, "Her Own Way," under the
management of Charles B. Dillingham, at
th Boyd theater,' on Tuesday and Wednes
day evening next, and at a matinee on
Wedneeday. "Her Own Way" U a tory
of New Tork lire of the present day, and
depict certain feature of life In th smart
set Georgians Carley, - played by Mis
Elliott, doea not recognise th right of
relative and friend to settle her own love
affair for her. There are two men In love
with her a manly lieutenant. Dirk Cole
man, and an unscrupulous millionaire, Sam
Coast, her own cousin. Coast deliberately
rulna her entire family and entice her
brother Into ' futile speculation, so that
Oeorglanft may be helplea In her poverty
and be foroed to accept hint a a husband.
Meanwhile, Dick Coleman, fighting In the
Philippines, la reported dead. Still Georgi
an remain steadfast snd Insist upon
having her Own wty. Bam Coast, team
ing At last how hopeless his love for her Is,
departs and then the news carries that Cola
man wasn't ambushed after all and is alive,
though wounded. Incidental to the strong
sentimental interest In "Her Own Way,"
ther Is a rich fund of current comedy.
It tb joy ol tha bonachold, toi wfthot
it bo happine can b complete. How
sweet tha picture of mother snd babe,
angel tmile at snd commend tha
thoughts and aipirationt of tha mothar
bendirg over tha cradle. Tha ordaal through
which the expectant mother mttst pan, bow
erer, it ao full of danger And suffering that
1 II
There 1 also a novel scene In the first act
where four little children of the rich have
a birthday party In tho nursery, and dis
cuss the doings of their elders In a remark
ably knowing way. Miss Elliott will be
supported by the same company seen In
New York, the cast Includes Charts
Cherry. James Carew, R. C. Her, Fsnny
Addison Pitt, Oeorgie Ijiwrenre, Nellie
Thome and little Donald Gsllaher, a clever
child actor. The stage settings are rich and
elaborate views of modern Interiors.
At the Krug thester for four nights and
two matinees, starting with a matinee to
day. Murray and Mark, ait added addition
to the New York Casino success, "An Eng
lish Dslsy." will be the offering. M. Say
mour Hicks wrote the book. Waiter Slaugh
ter and A. M. Norden the music and re
arranged for the American atsge by our
own Edgar Smith. The dialogue is asld
to be bright and snappy, scintillating with
the moft graceful witty repartee, while, th
situations range from tha supremely ridi
culous to the grotesque. The lyric have a
delightful singing quality and are written
In Messrs. Slaughter and Norden' most
characteristic hand. Th music Is best de
scribed by hearing It. A few of the espe
cially strong song hit are, "I'm a Little
English Daisy," "The Coon, the Moon, th
Little Octoroon," "Spin Again," "Scenes
In the Musla Hall." "Suucy Sally," "Big
Indian Chief," "April Shower" and "Wine,
At the Krug theater for three night and
Saturday matinee, starting Thursday night,
February f, "Th Span of Life" will be th
uttractlun, Th ply I well known to the
theatergoer gnd ths Incidents of th
human bridge and the llghthoues scenes era
moll remembered. The latter I on of the
most realistic scene ever prssented In this
city. It shows th llghlhou with the
angry sea dashing all around and enveloped
in a heave mist. Th fog horn en a steamer
can be heard lq the distance gradually
getting louder and louder. Ths hero who
ha been wounded by th villain, recover
sufficiently to realise the Impending danger
of the slowly approaching vessel. Th oil
for th lamp haa given out, not a drop
being In th place; but boat from th
hore I sspsoted with help, and; through
the darkness the headlight of an enormous
steamer are een approaching. There I
nothing to b dan but ring th fog bell.
The hsro, with on arm useless, climbs up
to' the outside of the lighthouse, reaches
jhe beam and rings tha bell just a th
small boat from the shore arrive, bring
ing help. The huge ocean liner I seen dish
ing toward th rock. Th beacon light of
the Coffin rock break forth and a th
curtain descends you can see th steamer
backing away from danger.
Herrmann the OrsuTl the feature at
traction the Orpheum promise on It welt
varied program for a week, tartlng with
a matinee today. Heretofore Herrmann
and hi assistant have given the entire en
tertainment at hi engagement here, und
now that he wll appear in conjunction
with seven other act, th time of hi ex
hibition of the mysteries of the black art
will be considerably briefer, but he prom
ises the quintessence of his legsrdemgln
and Illusions given with a. very elaborate
Investiture In the way of paraphenalla. He
carrlea his own scenery, and assisting him
ho has Marie H,rmann, known a Queen
of Illusionists. lTedfrlck Hallen and Molll
Fuller will have a new one-act comedy en
Music and Musical Notes
.Calendar for the Week".
Tuesday Tuesday Morning Musical club,
10:30 a. m.; residence. Mrs. L. V. Crofott;
composers, Arenakl, Halin.
V., ,'i
riday Musical - department,- Woman's
ma. m., nrst congregational church;
an program.
HAT hase come over the spirit of
Mme. Melba' artistic dreamery
Her concert at the Auditorium
i l wa a. bitter disappointment to
her erstwhile admirer. She
seemed to take no Interest In the program
and her alnging, for her, wa positively
bad. In the Ardlti waits song, "Se garen
Rose," she did some work that would be
condemned In a good amateur. ' The fact
that every' vocal pupil for year ha
studied that particular composition msde
her careless execution atl tha more glar
ing. She reached the height of indifference
In the "Mattlnata," when she played her
Own accompaniment. She sang It, as It
were, "by the yard," with never a halr's
breadth of shading a to voice and with
her feet firmly planted on the pedals.
Doe ah think Omaha a bit cf the wild,
uncultured west? To judge by her first
enoor It would seem quite likely. Her
whole attitude during the evening wa one
of, "I must alng to these people and get It
Over With."
There Is, perhaps, another reason for her
,.,, ,,
ess. 6h lus been getting
pretty sharp criticism In other places;
both for her manner df staging and for
the insrtlatlo makeup of her programs.
Altogether, they may. not have been con
ducive to good temper. Everyone know
how Melba 1 capable of alnging If she
would take the trouble. Her poor, slovenly
work here la taken as a personal affront.
Either she Is getting abominably laty or
her heavenly voice has reached the aenlth
of ita perfection and 1 on the down grade.
The last euppositlon la ridiculous, from the
Scientific standpoint of the preservation of
the voice. Melba Is 41 year old and haa
been using her voice only eighteen years.
Nordlcft ha been alnging twenty-five year
(Omaha peopl will remember her last song
recital hsrs at the Kounts Memorial
church), Mafcella. Sombrlch ha twenty
eight year of beautiful work to her credit,
and Adeline Paul, th veteran prima
donna, ha thlrty-sla year of tady good
singing opposite her nam and thl I
eliminating the last ten year of her musi
cal career. It seems If Melba would
hav to plead guilty to an unprogressjvs
Her lack of temperament also show most
decidedly In conoert work. She establish
no aypmpatheUo communication with her
audience, consequently If shs doe not alng
well there I nothing left to enjoy. Her
personality I not lovable. Let ut hop
h will go to work and when h come
bauk again that ah ' will hav recovered
her wonderful art. Music lovers can 111 af
ford to lose Melba st her best.
Th concert promoter ax deeply Inter
ested in their next venture at the Audi
torium. It I ft rather bold one, but with
such an artist as Ysaye, th famou Belgian
violinist, who I on of th greatest living
virtuoso, they should be successful. It I
the Intention of the managsmtnt to charge
ft moderate entrance fee come seats to be
Ti cents and l apiece; the most expeaslve
but W W, with the exception of th boxes.
This should allow the music lover with ft
fat purse, and th one with medlumly
Una op, to enjoy themselves equelly.
What th concert promoter would Ilk to
do more than anything else would be to
cut bus a sufficient number of people, so
that they could put down ths prlo of tick
et to th point where every musla lover In
nd nisr Omaha could afford them. To
society Is not In th money-making busi
ness. Every oent that come In haa been
snd, will be lnveeted In bringing firat-clsss
rtiaix to th city. So far no money ha
betn lost Th officer ere willing and anx
ious to go on With the work next year If
the end of the season equals ths beginning.
Th Matinee Musk a! society of Lincoln
titled "The Sleep Walker." The Mallory
brother and Maxy Brook are accom
plished on a number of Instruments, Includ
ing chimes, the harp and various horns,
while both Ed and Frank Mallory ar
dancers. The remainder of the arts will
be presented by performer who com her
for the first time. Charlotte Ravcnecroft
has a pleasing personality that adda to the
attractlvrner of her rendition on the violin
and vocal selections. A condensed musical
comedy will t th contribution of Hen
nlngs. Lewi and Henning. whll Russell
and Lock r singers and dancer. The
Alphine family are acrobat and equili
brists. The kinodrome will show entirely
new motion pictures, Including one called
"The Escaped Lunatic," which depicts an
exciting cross-country chase. Wedntsday
will be Elks' night. The "best people on
earth" will attend In ft body.
The most notable feature of "Toodle In
Posterland," which will be given at Boyd
February t, a the fourth annual enter
tainment of the Omaha Press club, It the
variety and excellence of It music, which
Is by Miss Pauline Sturge. a former
Omaha high school' pupil. It rang In
quality from light opera to ragtime. Inter
spersed wtlh tuneful, populsr air. Tommy
Oels h furnished an abundance of Jollity
In the tsgt, and la top all there I ft
chorus that can really sing. Prof, Wlllard
Chamber of Foxy Grandpa, Calll Ballln
gsr Lady Bountiful, Oiadya Chtndler
Toodle and Dave O'Brien as Clarence, th
Cop, ar quartet that will be hard to
beat. Laura Campbell, Katharine Lyon,
Camilla Usanter, Nslll MoCann, Birdl
Whltford and Alma Schneider will appear
ae the "Qlrl In Red," and Messrs. Conk
Jin. Kelso, Cosh, Berg, Evans and Plliher
will do th double sextsits called "When
Your Chsperon Is Far Away." Mia Wln
spesr will appear aa Mercedes and sing a
tender luluby. called, "Sleep, Honey,
Sleep." Calll Bellinger sings "Slumber
on Toodles," Mis Chard will play "Violet,"
and with a male sextette will alng "Violet
W Maiden Fair," Th following po.
pie will be In the ct: Will Manchester,
Ed Cogley, Mamie Penned, Eva Stutsman,
Ruth Wariek, Lucille Zlnk Edna Jewell,
Mlgnon Meredith. Edith Cameron, Caro
line Flbeger, Martha DeBolt, May Weaver,
Mis Dixon and Messrs. Stover, Miner,
Travis, Dodge, Wolf, Webber, Abbott,
Allen, Hamilton, Cosh, Brslnard, Suthoff,
Kelso, Ealllnger, Smith, Dunlop and other,
lomt Aotor itorle.
Templeton and Mme, Rsjans were
gossiping. "By ths way," said ReJane, "1
can't understand why you kept away from
America so long. Why did you rmaln suoh
a long, long tlms In Paris?"
"Because." rep:ied Miss Templeton, "It te
the only city In the world where a lover uf
the derma ean go to th theater night after
night and be sure that he will never aee aft
adaptation from the French."
Alfred Henry Lewi, In hi stageland
stories In th Saturday Evening Post, I re.
ponslbls for the following Interesting tale
on May Irwin:
"Miss Irwin I a round personags of mid
dle year and more than middle weight! to
look at her would not mak on think on
willow or sllmly bending pine. She 1,
withal, of a frugal genius, and economical
to a degree that would evoke plaudit from
, ', ' '
engaged Gadski for a aong recital which i
wa given last Friday night. The admla. 1
ion fee wa II to every part of the house, f handled by an American au
Partlea were made up from yarlou. town. . Ethel Barrymore cloved In New-tork fast
and there were special railroad occommoda-
tlons. Madame Gadnkl gets something like
$1,800 a night. Th fact that the mnaager
dared make a straight price of $1 for every
et enow that they have faith in their
patron, and also that they ar working for
art and not a bank account.
The muelo library left by Theodore
Thomas la valued at (160,000 andli th -suit
of forty years of collecting. It Includes
rare edition and autograph scores, given
him by the great musician of Europe. The
working part of the library was left to the
Chicago orchestra for their continued use.
It is an Interesting fact, and one highly In
dicative of Mr. Thomas' character, that he
bought every year all the muslo used by
his organisation. His annual bill wa some
thing like 13, CU0. Hie collection of 10.C00 pro
gram book will be given complete to the
Newbery library,
: Mr. Thomas wa persuaded some time
ago to undertake "his autobiography," to
be published by a Chicago firm. Th first
volume will contain th history of hi life
and work up to last fall; the second, 8,000
program specially selected from the 10.0C0
that ha ha conducted. There ar also a
few essays, ono on "Ths Art of Program
Making," another op "Encores," and a
third on "Late Comers."
A few remarks might have been made
on "late comers" the night Mr. Qane played
at the First Baptist church. In spite of
the fact that the concert did not begin until
nearly 8:10, about a sixth of the ftudlenoe'
camo in after the first number. We should,
perhaps, be thankful that we have arrived
at the point of keeping straggler In abey
ance unui tne intermission arrive.
rthaleas. It I disturbing when one ha K
Joyed a particularly fine intxDrU.tlon to
b suddenly Jostled rudely back to earth
by ft swinging door, gust of air and llttl
bunch of belated ticket holder acuttllng
down th aide. It Jar on one e mood.
Listening 1 a fin srt and on woefully
neglected In these day of hurry and many
Intereat. Soma rare Individual are so
constituted that thy can throw aside all
the annoyance of their aurroundlnga and
lose themselves absolutely In whatever 1
engaging their attention. . In them the
power of concentration almoat amounte to
genlu. But th average person bag to
he assisted In his quest to "take in" and
appreciate what la be for him. A quiet,
attentive audience of fellow llstenere Is a
tremendous help-
If w could only remember that what we
do and what we do not do affect other
people perhaps more than ourselves, we
might occasionally change our method of
it was a great disappointment that .Da
Motta, the Portuguess pianist, wa obliged
to cancel his date at Boyd January M.
H h been playing with much auocess,
according to the notices.
te ana; Preal.
Th Musical Art soclsty. under th lead
ership of Mr. simais. will give it econd
concert Trldsy evening, February W, In
Council Bluffs.
Mr. Cusoaden ha postponed th Philhar
monic club date. fh coucert will eome
the very last of February. Mr. Laneberg
I to b tho soloist.
Henry W. Savaea'a Knrllah erend nru ra
iiuiuir urcueatrs rs engaged to
liesr u uaunt April ft), and fit. Th
"r'!u" consists of "otneiiu, ixihui
' "L
firm. i srmen," ' U
isuser." "11 Trove tore
"ravallerla Rusiuwna.
' La Bouerae." "Tann-
"I. rag liaccl" and
The artista' recital to be given Under th
direction of the musical department of the
Woman's club will iJte plac February i
In the auditorium of he First Congrega
tional church. The performers are from
IJitcoln and moat favorably known Mrs.
Hersog, 'iuio; Mrs. Hagenvw, viwlln; Miss
fclcle.J cellist .
Hetty Oreen or Russell Sage. She told me
thl herself.
"It was when h came from bet dressing
room ready to go en for th eond at. I
chanced to be on the stage. Miss Irwin
was gorgeous In a red dress arterial red.
She swung around, with th remark:
" 'Do you se thl drese? Cos. 18n and I
hot parting with money. Th Ant night I
had it on Jim Ford spoiled It.'
"Thereat I expressed surprise and sym
pathy. " 'It wa like this.' she observed. 'I
donned the dress, red being my weaknessi
I thought I'd never looked so well. Of
course, rm rat; but still I felt that for
once I wa beautiful. Jim Ford was back
of the acenes; I confided to him that I ex
pected to make the hit of my life. I pirou
etted, even if I am the slie of a load or
" 'Don't I look like a peach?' I asked.
No," aald Ford; "you don't you look
Ilk a tomato."
" That w hat he rwld-a tomato: and It
almply rulnedfthe dress. I've hated It ever
since; but. of course. It cost tlPO-whlch
sum .doesn't grow on every bush and I'll
war It out If It kill me.' "
According to an English actress ther
was one a fishmonger In a provincial town
who had a flt of itage manl. so he studied
and went to th Sheffield theater stage
to plsy In Shakespearean drama. His
mother, , rustic, much against her better
Judgment, went to tost ungodly place a
playhouae. All went wsll till Polonlus
aald i "Do you know m, my lord?"
"Excellent well," replied Hamlet, "you
ar a fishmonger,"
That wa enough for th mother. She
arose and shouldered her way out, ex
claiming loudly, "Let roe get out! let me
get out I I knew they'd Insult our Jack'."
Th stag manager of -the spectacle
"Mother Uons." th a me being W. H.
Carelten, ft six-footer, was having trounio
with soma of th children employed for
th ballet.
At th matin the other day he discov
ered that two of the children had gone upon
the stag without makeup on their faces,
which I necessary for them a for the
oubrette. and o he summoned the cul
prit before him. "See here, you," he
coldad, "don't never let roe catch you
again coming on tha stage without your
makeup. I, la a very awful offense, and I
will have to fin you for It."
"Teth, sir," lisped th offender.
"Now thl wilt coat you ft cent, mis, and
you, too, young man, and If I ever catch
you doing It again it will be I and 6. Now
"Yeth, ir," they Hammered, and scam
pered off.
That nlfht when he got to th theater
he found th children waiting for him.
On llttl hand clinched ft penny and the
other ft couple, "Her' your money, sir,"
thsy volunteered,
"Oh, I don't want It now. We never
collsot fin until pay day, and then wo
take it out of the salary."
"Teth, but when w get our pay we
want It all," they Inslstsd, a though it
wa th greatest thing in the world. That
wa mora than th (tag manager could
stand, and h grabbed up the little one,
kissed them soundly, makeup and' all. and
sent them on thslr way, each with a
handful of small coin to safeguard them
against similar emergencies In the future.
Gosl from Stageland.
"A Wlf'" Strategy," written by George
MlddUton for Margaret Anglln. Is p re
nounced only moderately successful. A
Mabel McKInley, niece of the late presl
dsnt, William McKInley, Is booked to ap-
Eear at the. Orpheum for a, week beginning
unday, February t. '
It isn't quite up to the dictionary, but al
most. The "Old Gorgon Graham" letters
are to be done Into a Play . by George
Horace Lortmer and Paul M. Potter. .
Orac George's' new ploy, which she Is
now rehearsing, to be produced next month,
la to be called "Abigail," and U ftn Amer-
night and will be on tour again. Robert
Eneson succeeds her at the Hudson, playing
"Strongheart," a new play with an Indian
Sir Charles Wyndham closed hi New
Tork season last night. He Is succeeded nt
th Lyceum by "Mrs. Ijefflngwell's Boots,"
the nw Thomas comedy, fa whioh oste
opathy haa a part.
In order to keen the New Tork theaters
full Ada Rehan 1 to be Jumped back to
Gotham for another short engagement, be
ginning February f. when she will present
three play at the Liberty.
Thl evening the Woodward A Burgess
Amusement compsny takea over the Tootle
theater nt St. Joseph, and wlU operate It in
connection with their other theater at
Omaha, Kansas City and Sioux City.
Carl Belter will be home from St. Jomo
on Tueadsv. And if you think Carl hasn't
got a story to tell. Just ask him the first
time you meet him. You'll forget that It's
winter after you've listened to him for a
few minutes.
wife accept the attention of a dishonorable
suitor to bring her husband to terms and
after she has succeeded foolishly confesses
the meane she resorted to and Is Imme
diately accused of infidelity. It all Comes
out right in the end.
"Sana Gene," done over into an EngUsh
musical comedy and called "Th Duchess of
Dsntsle," produced In New Tork under the
personal direction of Oeorge Edwerdes, has
been pronounced the best thing she has
sent over since J'The Mikado." Ivan Caryll
provides ths muslo for It. ' .
In summing up ths shortcomings of Harry
Gordon "L'nole Theodore" Quench said:
"Yes, dominoes, and then P1'1 ,Pnv BT1?
then golf, and the pentterttfery." And Bill
Murray sat there and let ft smile staai over
hie stern Scotch countenance, as eeraphlo
a If he had Just holed out in one.
Monday evening Blanche Walh will get
her chance, being presented el the Herald
Square theater in New York in ft Clyde
Fitch comedy, "The Woman In the Case."
ft Is totally different from anything she
has to play In fer many years. In that she
doesn't die and Isn't at all Jealous. Just
Imagine Blanche Walsh without one Jealous
Last high t wound tip the engagement of
"Woodland" at th Herald Square theater,
.Nfw Vok-. ,J.u,t. whV Mr: J". f"?
to do with thia piece I not indicated a yef.
He haa Just taken "The Yankee Consul"
bsck to New York and Sent "Th Shogun"
on th road Instead, and it may be that he
will now allow "Woodland" to fill some of
the western date he so abruptly can
celled. Omaha would like another glimpse
of the forest and Its merry and tuneful
Mot t Recover a Fanioas Roll
Which Helped Vaaqalsh th
Barmy la ISIS.
Whatever may be the objection to raising
th hull of .th battleship Main from th
mud of Havana harbor none of them can
hold In the case pf Commodore Perry' flag
ship, th Niagara, which It Is now proposed
to raise from the bottom of Misery bay. lit
Erl hsrbor, wher It ha reposed for three
quarter of a century. Th ship wa built
In Erie, and when it day of usefulness ws
over was sunk out of sight, and for a long
time almost out of memory. The house
committee on naval affairs ha orederd a
favorable report on the till providing money
Tor raising the Niagara and turning It over
to the etata home for disabled soldiers and
The Nlsgara was th flagship of the man
who performed eff Put-In-Bsy In September,
1811, the unprecedented feet of compelling
the surrender of an-entire British squadron,
and as auch It should fairly share that af
fection and veneration which th American
people have long lavished on the Constitu
tion and ons or two other historic ships,
none of which really performed such a
glorious part in naval war as fell to th
share of Petry flagship.
This national neglect can b attributed In
great part to the fact that no gifted lyrist
like the author of "Old Ironsides'' ha em
balmed the Niagara' achievement In death
less verse; aitd In part, perhaps, to the
American tendency to forget the day of
small things. The Niagara wu little If.
any larger than on of the bouts which ,
Price. 15c, 25c, 50c 75c Matinees, All Seats 25c
Sunday Matinee 10c 25c, 50c
SUrtiixj With a Matinee 'WiJ'JV 1
An English Daisy
By Seymour Hicks.
Three N,,ht .nd . THURSDAY. FEB. 2
Saturday Matinee, Starting;... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmJzmtmmmmmmmm
LEWIS PONAXETTA Presents Sutton Vane's Mas
terpiece, The Greatest of All Melo-Dramas
A Car Load of Special Hmjery, Mechanical anil Elwtrlcal Effects.
A large "lid excellent company, including the nonnietlaa. A Majrnlfl
certt I'rodiictlon. The Acme of ItcalUm. The Tlunaclc of Scenic
grand uro.
Ntxt Sunday, Billy B. Von
A Big Mm leal Melsng
The KUJaid Fwlummy
Original New Verk Theatre Preductloa and Cempsny.
Tuesday and Wednesday-Special Wednesday Uatlnee
In the CLYDE FITCH Comedy
PRICES Mzhts. 25c, 50c. 75c, $1, $1.80.
111 1
The Dsllgatfal Tkree-Act Musical Csady,
Word and lyrics by T. P. OBTZ. Muslo by PAULINE 3TUR0ES
Twenty-two Big Musical Specialties. See Foxy Grandpa, Happy Hooligan.
Sunny Jim, Clarence, th Cop, and th rest of the funny paper characters.
Hear "The Knockers,'' "Did You Ever Run Across s. Thing Like That,"
Violet was a juaiuen rair.
a.; i ., . , i-. n M. x i j us
modern 1,000 ton battleship carries on Its
deck. In these days a 2,600-ton war veaael
Is not considered worthy of ft plac In ft
line of battle and Is used chiefly for aea
police duty, yet th combined tonnage of
Perry' aquadron did not exceed 1,500 ton.
An ordinary lake freighter I largr-Clv-land
Plain Dealer. .
Wfher It Grows, It Valao sad Hew
It I Prepared (or Ship
neat. Th United State la not a mahogany
growing country, unless Cuba may now be
ssld to be a part of the United States. It
Is a tropical wood. It horn Is In Central
America and In Cuba, Jamaica and Santo
Domingo, The Islands, say the Missis
sippi Valley Lumberman, give the emalleSt
but heaviest snd prettiest wood. British
Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua give
the most and Mexico the largest timber.
The richer, solid, heavy varieties come from
the Islands. These will not float. They
are susceptible of a high polish, and the
wood has a rich, wavy figure. The pretty
figured plecee of wood are of great value.
A six-foot piece (which Included the crotch
of a tree) In ft certain shipment will bring
about KC0 when cut into veneers.
No matter where a shipment of the wood
comes from, or what variety It la, there ar
always more or less of th fin, flaky (tick
that mak veneer. Mehogany I a pheno
menal wood In that it doea not warp under
any condition of weather, use or age;
neither doe it shrink. It Is of great beauty,
hardness and durability. In no other wood
can these qualities be found oomblned with
large else, uniformity of grain and rich
ness of color and figure.
The island timbers are eight to ten feet
In length by twelve Inche In diameter,
some tram Cuba, however, reaching thirty
five feet In length by two feet In diameter.
Honduras squared Umbers are a long
forty feet by two feet In diameter, and th
three-foot and four-foot timber come from
Mexico. The softer mahogany come from
th swampy lands. There are no mahogany
forests; ths trees are not grouped that
way, the Individual trees being more or
less widely sepsrated. Llks other trees,
the core Is the poorest part, Often being
A schooner losd represents an expendi
ture of about Ill.ObO.' That I not alt for
the timber, labor and freight, ft consider
able part of It representing "grease" to th
Spanish customs officers, whos favor 1
not obtained by a smile. Ther r ho
saw mills In the mahogsny growing coun
tries. The treee when cut down r squared,
by hand. An Indianapolis company ia
going to hav them hewn In octagon snap
hereafter instead of squares, believing It
wll get it per cent more timber out - of
them in this way. Oxen are used for the
haul to tha water, and the timbers are
rafted and floated to larger streams, where
larger rafts ar made and sent to a loading
port. Having arrived there, the lumber
man's troubls and expenses are not half
The coming and going -of ship to thes
small ports are not regulated like the run
ning of railroad trains. It may be an
nounced that a ahip will be there on tha
th and there ia ft great scurrying to get
.the timber ready
When the ship do get
Walttr Slaughter
Months at tu ttioDc Tiiefttcr, Hoeion.
Months at tli Cnslno. New York.
pars In England, ami Still Kunnlng.
$2. Mating, 25c '50c, 75c SI. $1.50.
' ' nmla..Lli..LiUii.uiarpr
- - si.oo
'Phone 4H.
Week Comitieticittg
Sunday Matinee, Jan. 29
Herrmann the Great
In HI Palao of Enchantment, Assisted by
Queen of Illusions.
Fred'k Hallen & Molly Fuller
Mallory Bros, and Brooks
Refined Musical Artists.
CharJotte Ravcnscroft
Muslo nd Song. '
Hennings, Lewis & Hennings
In ft Condensed Muslcsl Comedy.
Russell & Locke
Singer and Dancer.
The Alpine Family'
Famous Ungllah Acrobats.
Novelty In Moving Picture.
Prices 10c 25c, 50c
Coming-Feb. 6
Niece of the Late President
Table d'Hote Dinner
Calumet Coffee House
Privats Dining Kesas I Annex.
ther they will not wait for th arrival
of their timber cargo, but will sail uway
without It If It I not ready. So tha raft
re anchored. There la a worm, or marine
borer, that likes mahogany, and he goes
prmptty to work. If th ship doe not
arrive on time and I not sighted within a
flay or two the timber must all be hauled
up on the beach or every timber turned
over daily. The worm doea not make
fast time In boring, and If the aids he I
working cn I turned to the hot sun be
fore th borer get more than an Inch or
o In It will scorch him to detv-W
Tork Sun. , ,
i I
J i
. LullLiLJ liD ;
A .