-4 V V 1 1 TTIE OMAnA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 9. 1903. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Spring Bnyen Beginning to Arrits and Lirely Market Soon ExpotJ. COUICTIINS ARE VtRY SATISFACTORY Hot Maay Cfcaiiaes Bulla Trice, at FeeJIa Wu (inoA aa4 Fire a Practlnallr All IJaes. Omaha wholesalers are now devoting the major portion of their time to iirlng kusi-m-xm. A few early buy.rs have aireiuiy arrlTed on the market hikI th-y Have given aome aemhlauce of activity to house traiie. Traveling mm tmve linn doing an excellent buHlncMH on the road no thai tne iinmi.nl of gurais now being sold la very atlnf aciury to the fibbing Interacts. In nearly all ra.-es it la found tnat the total volume of busi ness tor the month of January lll be considerably heavier than the case a year ago Bnd aa lona a that la the ciue there la not much room for complaint. I lie work of filling udvance older of spring lln-s la being puslif d with all possible arx en and aa the number of advance ordera wu unuaually large I hi season It Is requir ing extra men and extra hours to gel the goods shlppc-d aa rapidly aa desired. Kvery warm day makes reialiera more anxious fur their spring stocks and it will not be lung noTV before they will all be clamoring for early shipments. There have been very few changes In rul ing prices on staple lines during the week under review. 1 here Is unmistakably a firm feeling on practlrally all staple lines of good which gives confidence In future valuta to both wholesalers und retailers. In other words the markets now being ex perienced are the kind that both buyers and sellers like to operate on. Collection are generally reported as being quite HHtlffartory. The recent cold weather has helped retailer to dispose of some of the- heavy stuff that ha been bothering them for the last few weeks and as a re sult they are meeting their payments more promptly than they were a short Ume ago. Hnaar Market Firm. Wholesale grocers report the demand for their line of tcood aa being fully up to ex pectallona and a little better than a year go. The market 1 also In a good healthy condition and very few ohanges In ruling prices havo taken place since last report. The sugar market must be quoted firm with the tendency of prices upward rather than otherwise. I.ochI Jobbers would not be surprised to ee higher prices go into ef fect at most any time. The coffee market La also In a strong position the same as has been the case for some time past. 1 hose boat posted arc still of the opinion that the top has not yet been reached. in the canned goods line the fajct is noted that there Is a disposition on the part of jobbers all over the country to hold back their ordera on future canned goods, and a a result sales of futures to date have been exceptionally light. In spot goods gallon apples are still attracting consider able attention and present Indications are that the supply Is very limited. I'llec have advanced from 25c to 30c per doxen over the lowest point reached and some holders are asking for a still further advance of 16c per doxen. Canned pumpkin Is being called for to quite an extent even at the advanced prices. Spot corn and tomatoe are without material change though there la a consider able quantity of poor quality of gool of both lines being placed on the market at low prices. The demand for dried fruits Is quite 1 active. That la particularly true of evap i orated apples, peaches and apricots. It la claimed that the supply of both peaches I -1 .... t .... Am 1. . .ti ul tm unrv Hmltd I There Is not much change In prunes and 1 raisins, but the supply of the better grades Is reported very light. Large quantities of rain-damaged goods though ate being offered at low figures. The movement of rice la now reported as being unusually heavy. The consump tion la also large and a a result the mar ket on low grades, as well as on fancy Japans and fancy heads. Is good and firm. While there have been no particular changes In the fish market, prices are firm, and. In fact, those who are in a position ' to know say that there will be advances on . a number of lines at no very distant date. The demand Is surprisingly heavy, and when the Ienten scamm sets in there should be a very heavy movement. Dry 3nIs Mora Active. There wn c Increase noted last week In the mnd for spring lines of dry goods, hi., .it the same time it is un doubtedly true ' at the extremely cold weather had a tendency to Keep many buyers at home and also to make them rather slow to place liberal ordera with traveling men. Everything at the present time points to a very active market from this ume on and a large number of buy ers are . expected to arrive in the near future. The recent cold weather has helped re tailers materially In their efforts to clean up their winter heavyweight goods, and aa . a result It is very doubtful if more than the usual amount will have to be carried through the season. Merchants who have been In the city all agree that they have had a very prosperous seaaon, and, while heavyweight goods have dragged to some extent, the unusually good demand for other lines has more than made up for the deficiency In the demand for strictly cold weather goods. There Is no mistaking the fact that mer chants aa a rule are very hopeful regard ing future business, and they are going to carry liberal stocks so as to be In shape to take good care of their trade. - There have been no new developments In the dry goods market. Woolen goods are very firm the same a they have been for some time past and cotton goods are selling in Just about the same notches they were a week ago. No very startling fluctua tions' are. being predicted for the near future. . nardware About Steady. Hardware Jobbers still report the de mand for their line of gooda aa being ex ceptionally good for the time of year. Com paring the trade they have had this month with that of January, 1904. they find that this year has been much more successful. The demand out through the country in a retail way has been something phenom enal, and as a result merchants are con stantly running out of season and staple goods and are sending In liberal orders. They are also buying freely of spring lines, so that, taking the trade In general, whole salers And that they have been doing a rushing business all the month. There have been no advances in leading lines, but at the same time the market Is In a good, strong position and the general tendency of prices In undoubtedly upward. Tt would cause little surprise If several lines should go considerably higher. In other words, a good, healthy, firm market Is beng experienced on practically all ltnea. Better Demand for Leather Gooda. Merehanta are reported as buying more freely of spring and summer lines of leather f oods than, they have at any former time his season. Traveling men of late have been meeting with excellent success and local Jobbers as a rule say that they have sold more goods for spring delivery than they did a year ago. Indications are enn Hdered -favorable for a continued active demand, so that Jobbers are much pleased with the present situation. There la nothing new to report regard ' ing the rubber situation. Traveling men are taking quite a few orders for fall .shipment, more in fact than was expected. It seems that merehanta are anxious to take advantage of present prices and di not care to run chances on having to pay 'more money at a later date. Fralts aad Vea-etahles. The cold weather of last week rather out down the demand for perishable goods, particularly the early part of the week. 1 On Friday and Saturday there was a much better movement which made the total sales for the week fairly satisfactory. About the only Important changes in ruling prices Is a alight reduction In both oranges and lemons. All other lines are selling in practically the same notches they were a week ago. ' Vegetables have also fluctuated but little. Each week a few more varieties of fresh vegetables arrive, rhubarb and pandey being among the latest offerings. The prices being asked for the various lines will be found In snother column. '" 'Receipts of poultry have been rather light and as a result prices are good and firm. The egg market naa been rather un settled, the feeling being strong one day and weak the next. The butter market Is In a good strong Kosltlon, and in fact, prices are at the Igheat . point they have been for some time past. The strength this week has been partially brought ahout by creamery men advancing their -rice of butter fat from S cents n "S cents. This, of course has a terderry to make farmers sell their cream Inticatl of making It into butter and causes a corresponding shrinkage In receipts of packing stock snd dairy butter. CosTee Market. ' NEW YORK, Jan. IS. '"OFFEB-Fu-tures opened steady at Wilt) points sd vanoe, in keeping with Kurnpean cables and smaller braslllan receipts. The de mand was moderate, but seemed to be broadening out s little with fresh buyers contributing toward, the support of the market, and prioe ruled generally steady i to firm, closing steady at a net gain of lOni points, bales were reported of S1.7W Vs la'tfuoin; January at 7 rj; February, .9 26c: Dwpm- ?so. 1 Rio, 8 -16c. tier. I.46'. r3pJt, nominal OMtllA WHOLEStLE MARKET. t aaltlon ef Trade aaa Qaotatloas an staple and Faster I'rouace. FAJ',J Candied stock, 2ifj27c. I.IVK roi.'LTRY Hen, fee; roosters. Rc: tuikey. I.Sr; du ks. ylc; geese, SflSc; ; r-iTh g chicken. sc. . PIIKSSKD I'Dl'I.THT-Turkeys. lHflfc: : thicks, lllil-'c; geese, lnjjllci chickens, pKij Ji'lic; roosters, tVi7c. Ill'TTKil racking Ftock, lSfilSV; choice to fancy dairy, iM'u'c; creamery, 2.1'u-c; I prints, Soc. riti'.cMt r i.i i.rj.i r ipm itout, !c; i t'lrkt-rel. So: pike, w: perch. 7c: muefi.h. i-c; whltetlsh, !c; salmon, 13o; redsnapper, 11c: lobster. (greni. lobster iboliedi. ' it-lc; bullhends, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass. J.'h-; halibut Uc; rrapptes, 12c; buffalo, 7c; while bans, lie: frug legs, per doi , &c. ' lUlAN-l'-r ton, tli.CK,. HAY Trices quoted by Omaha Whole sale 1 1 ii Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. ISO-. Nr.. 2. i.-..a.': mc.iium. So.; I coarse, II to. Kye straw, fo.uti. These prices are for hay of good color and qjal ity OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 4.rpc; extra sebcts, per can. 3ic standards, per can, 3'V; bulk standards, per gal., $1.4n; bulk extra selects, per pal., $1.75; bulk New York count per gal., 11 .HO. TROPICAL, FRUITS. OR ANGUS California Redland navels, all sizes, IJ 75: choice navels, JJ.2T,; Call lornla Mediterranean sweets, all siies, IL0. LEMONS Cilifornia far.uy, $2.75; 3U0 and 3). Mfio; choice. 3.l!5. PATKS Per box of 30-lb. pkgs., 2 .00; Hallowe'en. In i0 lb. boxes, per Hi. E'gSc. FIOS California, per l"-lo. carton, loif Sic; Imported Hmvrna. 4-crown. U'c; 5 crown, 14c: 7-crown, 16c; fancy Imported (waxhed), in 1-11) pkgs., ltulsc; California, per cafe of SB pkgs., BANANAS Per medium slxed bunch. $2.ti2.5C; Jumbos, S2.T54i3.SO. OHAPEFKC IT Per box of M to 64, So.00. FRUITS. APPLES New York Kings, $3 2S; New York Greenings, lli.tlu; New York Raid wins, 12.76; Colorado Jonathans, 11.(5; Winesaps, per. bu. box. $1.60. PEA 118 Utah, Colorauo and California, fall varieties, per box, SL50. CRAN1IKRR1K8 Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $7.75; Jerseys, per bbl., $7. on; per box. $2.75. ORA PES Imported Malagas, per keg, t6(Of(j.60. TANGERINES Florida or CallSornla, -pet Vi-box. S2.C0. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, in sacks, per bu., 4uc; Colorado, per bu., t0c. TURNIPS Old. per bu., 40c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. CAHROTS-Old. per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu., 4uo. RlET8 Old, per bu., boc. NAVY BEANS Per bu., S1.95SZ00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per bu.. $1.0o; Spanish, per crate, $2 15; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; while, per lb., iWc. CUCUAIHERS-Per dos., 2.26tf2.50. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate, $2. 2(K?ii.50. CADRAOE Holland seed, per lb., Hie. SWEET POTATOES Kanaa kiln dried, per bbl.. $2.60. CELERY Per dox., 2550c; California, 4oC RA,I1KHE3 Hothouse, per doz., 46c. ONIONS New, southern, per dos., 46c, CARROTS New, per dox., 46c. MEETS New. per dox., 4oc. TURNIPS New, per Uox., 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about fifteen head. 60c. RHUBARB Per dox. bunches, 75c. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 76c, MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg., CIDER New York, per bbl., $5.20; per half bbl.. $3 25. ... CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12t13c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swisi, new, 15c; old, lil'17c; Wiscon sin brick, 14c; Wisconsin ltmburger, 13c. H11JES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, No. 2 salted, 7$je; No. 1 veal calf, 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c; diy salted. IMI14C: sheep pelta, 25c'al.U; horse hide, $1.6oS3.00. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. He; hard shell, per lb., 13c;: No. 2 oft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chili walnms. per lb., 12f(jl3c; almonds), soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c: chestnuts, per lb., 12H(&15c, new black walnuts, per bu.. 76i)90c; snellbark hickory nut, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., 11.60. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Jan. 28 EVAPORATED APPLES Market was quiet and without change; common are quoted at 4(6 5c, prime at 51.'U54c. choice at bWmic and lam v at 6V47c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes remain quiet and are without anv nuotahle change, prices ranging from 2c to tMc. ac cording to grade. Apricots are unchanged at 1010i4c for choice. Iligl2n for extra choice and 12&lc for fancy. Peaches are July, dune: fceptemr.er, S.ftaft.Sc To Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Indian and Oklahoma Territories Every 1st and 3d Tuasdays Special one way colonist rates to above points on Feb. 21st and March 21st, and to certain points in Colorado and Louisiana. ONE FARE FOR THE FINAL LIMIT OF TICKETS, 21 DAYS. Stopovers will be allowed within transit limit of 15 days going after reaching first homeseekers' ioint en route. For further information or Land Pamphlets, Folders, Maps, etc., address any agent of the company, or T. F. GODFREY, TOM HUGHES, Pass, and Ticket Act. Trav. Pass. Agt. OMAHA, I Low Rates South and Southwest The Rook Islam! Sytttem offers the following low round trip ratoti from Couui-ll Bluffs and Omaha on February 7th and 21tt and March Tth and 21st: Amarillo, Dalhart. Dallas, Houston, Galveston, Austin, mont, Corpus Christ I, aud points. New Iberia, Crowley, Jennings, Lake Charles, Alexandria, and many other Louisiana mints. Dawson, Tumumeari. Santa Alaniatfordo, Roswell, Carlsbad, and other New Mexk-o points. El Paso, Texas, and Demlng, un tne nates the regular Homeseekers' rate of one fare plus $2.U will apply to all Oklahoma and Indian Territory points If less than ll.s.Kft; otherwise 18.8ft round trip rate will apply. Also very low one way rates to all points on Rock Island and Frisco Systems In Arkansas, Kansas. Oklahoma. Indian Territory, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado, on sale February 21st and March 21st f quiet, but Arm. with choice quoted at tsli J,., f-xtta choice at lOH'plO'Vc and fancy at llVi,itl2c. Metal Market NEW YORK, Jan. H METALS There was the usual Saturday inactivity In metals ond prices underwent no material change. Tin was firm, with the inside price a htile higher, the range being from t'.'S.BO to Ho.25. Copper was unchanged at $15 50 for lake, Sl.VHiLyFilS.&u for electrolytic and S16.m9l5.2j for casting. Lead, qubt, $4 45-i4.55. Spelter, $'i.2t'6.30. Iron remains grm at recent prices. Harry I). Davis, undertaker, 411 S. 15th. Table De Hote Dinner Sundays at Bal duff's from ll:3u a. m. to 8:30 p. m. 60 cents. Ga and electric fixtures, wholesale and retail. Nebraska Electric Co., 13th and Harney su-eets. Invest Constant Oil s-.ocx. Sol N. Y. Life. Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats. I ladies' eults, skirt, millinery, etc : cash of j credit. People's Store. 16th and Farnam. Have Root print It. Did you ever eat Kopp'a Moiasses Sat inetts? Try them. 1303 Farnam Street. Edholm, Jeweler. 16tn and Harney. MONDAY AT THE GUARANTEE Our remnant sale of Men's Suits is prov ing a great success. We have picked out some additional odd suits worth up to $18.00 some of one size, others of another and you take your plcg for $7.90. We in vite the most skeptical people to look these genuine bargains over It's a rare chance to get the Best at a moderate outlay. ON OUR SECOND FLOOR . We have many things that ought to In terest you. If you have time, we like to show you through this array of bargains it matters not whether you buy or not. Here are a few sample prices everything else goes In proportion. Men's corduroy suits. $3.90. Smoking Jackets, $2.98. Men's heavy pantaloons, &Sc. Rain coats from $1.80 up. Odds and ends of all sorts at Just a small fraction of the original cost of production. Dollar shirts, 48c. Shirts that sell usually for 75c, your pick 25c. Mufflers, 15c Jersey coats, 69c. Suits and overcoats that are easily worth $10.00, only $4.90. Fur overcoats from $6.90 up and so it goes on, nothing but bargains thnt no one that can raise the money can afford to miss. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. $5.00 Silk Vest Free AS LONG AS THEY LAST WE WILL GIVE WITH EACH $17.50 TAILOR MADE SUIT OF CLOTHES ONE $5.00 FANCY SILK VEST FREE. GRAND PANTS CO. 205 N. 16th St. 'Phone 8410. Very Low Rates FOR HomeseekerssCoIonists ROUND TRIP Plus $2 NEB. Fort Worth. Waco. $13.85 I $18.85 San Antonio, Beau niauy other Texas Kosa, Torrance, S23.85 : $30,35 New Mexico. . . . For further information call or write F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. i. 1323 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEB. r.....alele...a.e.e.............v..alaB.Tle..i An Attractive Pyramid REARED Bankers Reserve Life Company 5 OF OMAHA, BUSINESS IN FORCE 1898 $530,500.00 1899 $775,500.00 '1900 $2,t5S,000,00 1901 $3,421,500.00 1902 $5,234,500.00 1903 $6,911,500.00 im $9,343,250.00 1905 $12,500,000.00 a A SOLID CONSERVATIVE WESTERN COMPANY B. H. R0B1S0N, - - President Just The Word Coal Ought to be enough this time of the year to bring you in with an order. Everyboly in this city knows the kind of coal we sell and the way we handle it. Those who have tried our MONARCH COAL say they want nothing better. It comes from the Sheridan district is the hardest Lignite coal mined no soot, no clinker, no sulphur, little smoke, clean ash holds fire longer than any soft coal known. LUMP $6.50 JJUT $6.00 ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER. 2l91.si.i?8l,2l!- 0. B. HAVENS & CO. CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS Oar store has Inna- nren known as one of "popular prices." The old time "drna-a-tal's profit" Is something we hare never known. 1 Onr principle of conducting; business Is to SKI. I. KVBRYTHIXG we handle AS C1IKAP AS ANYONE quality considered. We Issue a CATAMlOl K, which Is brimful of Interest to ilru buyers and whleh may be had for the atkinsr. SOME SAMPLE CUT PRICES 1 Newbro's Herplclde for Tlte ft Mull's Grape Tonlo for 7!c fl ftuulbb's Baraprllla for 7Hc at Munyon's raw-Pnw for TiJe l Ilyomel InhHlcr Ontflt for....Tc lOO 2-Graln Quinine Pills 2tlc floo Porsonl's Powder for 2-Sc 2Re Ha r fin a Soap for 14c 1 Burnhnin's sarsaparllla for....ic ft Crystal Tonic for ft Duffy's Malt Whiskey for . ...TOc 1 Baker's Barley Malt for 7So (t8.00 ppr full dozen.) This is the best Malt Whiskey made. $1 rUnar's New Discovery for Te 91 Llquosone for TOc AOo Uquosone for 4'le ft Bromo Seltscr for Tc Krtc Bromo Seltscr for 4.1c fl Temptation Tonle for 4ftc 26c Mistletoe Cream for TOo 2Ro Kirk's Juvenile Soap for ....lOe 25o 4711 Juvenile Soap for lOc noo I. Uterine for 43c fl Malted Milk for 7c Good Fountain Syringe for ROe Good Water Baa; BOc, ABc, 7Ko Write for Catalogue of Drugs and Rub ber Gooda. Shpan&McConnallDrugCo. Cor. Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, OMAHA, NEB. Shoe Bargains This Week We shall continue this week the splendid bargains In high grade shoes that we offered at yesterday's big sale. Don't fall to see them They 'er great. Johnson A Murphy's Men's $6.00 French Calf. Hand Sewed, Potay last this A I fit week Hoyden's Men's tO.OO Patent Colt and Vlcl Kid, dooble soles 4.45 this week. 8. A M.'s Men's tS.OO Patent Colt Lace, douhlo solos, London and AC PotKV Inat thin welc JtJJ Men's 13.50 and $4.00 Box Calf Cordo van and Patent Colt, this Q5 Women's $.00 Patent Kid and French Calf Bhoe. made by Laird, S.f Schober Mr Cn this week J.KJJ Women's H 00 Vlcl Kid, double sole shoes, made by Wright & O Ci Peter's thin week Misses' $2.50 Patent Leather dress shoes this week 1 451 296 pair Women's $3.00 and $3.60 shoes, mostly small slses on bar- 1 -A S. gain table Fry Shoe Co. 16th and Douglas St., OMAHA. B B 9 B i BY WE NEBRASKA. . Several Shoe Specials If It's shoe bargains you want. don't foreot that Droxcl has the lxst. Our khIo has boon a big suc cess for when we advertise shoe barKalns everybody knows they are genuine. Head the following list: 100 pairs of men's shoes, sizes 0. O'jandT, AnndB widths, mostly plain toes, luee and ' congress stylos the Greatest bargains ever offered, at per f fl pair l.UU Women's Shoes, turn or welt soles, broken lots, regular $3, f PA $3.50 and $4.00 values. . .1. D U Women's Spring Heel Shoes, broken lots, regular $2.00 and $2.50 values Misses' Shoes, broken sizes, $1.50 and $2.00 values, at 1.00 regular 75c tlanan patent We still continue selling Women's double sole. colt, bluchers, $6.00 values 4.50 Hanan Women's double shoes, $5.00 values, at sole. kid 3.75 In men's and women's Hanan, Boy den's and Clapp's men's shoes we still have a few lines In double sole winter shoes that we are giving- 25 per cent off. Drexel Shoe Go. 1419 FARNAM STREET, Omaha's Up-li-lili Shoi Hun A6K FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. Ladies9 I Sweaters.... In Blouse or Norfolk styles. The swellest made. We can fit and suit you In any size or color, from (2.50 to $5.00. There Is none better made than ours. Sweaters for boys, fl.OO, fl.25, $1.50. Iluster Brown Sweaters, $1.50, $1.75. Stockings like mother used to A make and beads as usual JOS. F. BILZ. 322 So. 16th St, Omaha.. We are sole agents for the Pictorial Review Patterns. AGENTS WANTED Tb. Hit of th Season Pin. MckvlsdBadg. You can Butt In for lUcSsnt postpaid tor Dim. 322S. 16th 5t. Omaha, Neb. 1 TWENTIETH . CENTURY FARMER est Avrlealtaral Weskln, See Our Big Bargains, on page 8 of Illustrated Section BIAYOEESs THE RELIABLE STORE. BnfsnfeBBBBBBBBanfnTJsBBBBSsaBBBSBBa GREAT CLEARING SALE OF MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS STILL GOING ON. Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffncr fc? Marx HAYDEE3 BROS. 14077 14077 British Thermal Units. n o,mrt nf OZARK (Arkansas) ANTHRACITE COAL con- talnti the above. , , i1K ToHtfd recently by an expert, whose r.am we are not at Utt erly to publish. We ourselves were asUnlnhod at the result, lie further reports as follovrsi "Fixed Carbon 74.70 High Thermal Efficiency" This test was made without our knowledge and as a matter of personul Information, the expert dealrlns- to determine what coal to biiv for hla own furnace. Other srnde were tented, anil, al though he was formerly not our customer, he now uhps Ozark and stateti that In his furnace the results of his chemical and me chanical tests are borne out. No other ilraler ran furnish "Osark." Price fS.BO. Automatically screened and delivered In the "big yell-o wagon. ' Sunderland New Offices, 1603 Harney. Phone Exohange 232. 14077 Dr. Bradbur 1500 DENTIST Tsetfl Extracted With out Fain. Fillings 50c up Crovins $2.50 up Brldre Work $2. 50 up Plates. .. . $2.00 un Ask for B E ST B E C A US w J-," VSTS taa'lUr bV T. tar era, ST. LOUS. A few dollars of your earnings every week. The man or woman seeking the safest Investment for his or her funds will find absolute security and profit by opening an account with us. 6 per cent paid on saving accounts. Why not begin to acquire the saving habit today? Omaha Loan & Building Association Office, 1T04 Farnam. Bee Bids. O. W. Loomls. Pres. O. M. Nattlnger. 8eo' ..ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS.. WE SELL ABOUT FORTY KINDS Prlcoa from SI. BO to 9S.OO Write for Catalogue. HERMAN A McCONNELLDRUd CO. Cor. lth and Dodge fits., OMAHA. MEPUN0W0M5H. Cm Bl( i (or ssDSteral suchirsw.tna"""'' Irritstlani .r ulortlo et SIIIll risbiM lEvlChlSlCo tor Jo'miui I by smim 1 er hh Is lm ""Wfl kif .) rt. BroalS. I Si M. or S bottlM SJ 7S. a SBBSBBOTsrBBBPvV M u MrkMr.. See Our Big Bargains, on page 8 of Illustrated Section MKX'S SflTS AND OVKKCOATS-at . $5.00 Men's suits, made up In single and dou bio breasted styles, In fancy mixtures, and plain colors all well made, reg ular $7.., $10 aud $i2 inn aults, on sale at ?UU Men's overcoats, made up In medium lengths. In Irish frieze and kerseys- ' In plain black snd seal brown, niaja with good linings and trimmings- regulnr $10 coats C flft on sale at a.U II MEN'S SflTS AND OVERCOATS at . . 7.50 Men's line suits, made up In atl shades and styles, from all wool fab rics, regular $12.00 and .7.50 $15 values at Mer. s overcoats. In medium and long lengths. In vicunas, kerseys and Irish frieze, in plain and fancy mixtures all sizes, regulnr $12.50 and 7 C( $15 values at 1 1 JU Special Sale on Men's Pants Men's flne pants. In all shades an4 colors, In stripes and plain colors, good material and well made, regular $2.50 and $3 values our special sale price, Monday f CA $1.05 and I.U Boys' knee pants, In cheviots, casM meres and corduroy, worth CH $1, on sale Monday at Jr 14977 V Bros. Go. 14077 jrARNAW Fourteen Years) Sam Location PHONE 1754 Tho most aeusatlva nerves removed with out pain. ' Loose teeth made solid. Written Ouarantee QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO I sasjsjrpaMffrMSJFiri T 11 I r0,1" to emH"'1"',' "l'-rToB MERcTciGAa CO.. Reverie of tii3 Man Who y Pays the Bills." 0 That coal I bought at tho Auditorium Gomel certainly makes a good fire no dirt or smoke. Lasts well, too. All the coal we get from there is clean and of good quali ty. They have plenty of teams and always make prompt deliveries. I can 'Phone 455 and gel any kind of coal I want the same day. ror Menstrual Suppression':,:?. .. r.r."!Sl. PEN -TAN-GOT oil is Onuhs br Sbaraas A WoCoanSII Cruf Ck kuu emus siii. Ttas sumIM, U ssai t s H If" isilife