THIS UMA11A DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JANTA1J V 27. 190.". t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Mirketi, Speculative aid Caib, Are Stronger. NORTHWESTERN RECEIPTS FALLING OFF Cara ftpeealatlon linH. bnt Sales far lis part Art Hfllr-In Cora W ell t leaned Oat. OMAHA, Jn 26. Chicago was about the watcs: of tlie ht mnita ti'.i. rr. g. out ail of them Bhowed a stronger torn- and cloced with a slight irtumc over the market of Wednesday, t hlcag u tan Ht one lime lc above Wednesdays market. Llvoipool closed with an advance on the May of 4c; Berlin strengthened up at the close Paris advanced from 10 to lie; Antwerp was unrnanged and liuda I'cst cropped 4c The cash t'tnnnd was generally hlter The millers were reported ax buying better. Chicago reported the Hale of iai.tsaj bushels of winter wheat. Ht. l,ouis WMa credited with raah transactions to the miuii of ao,o bushels; Kani City, 2".( bushels. Chl-sgo No. I r-d sdvanccd Minnear)- Ha No. I northern, in store, 4c, and the ;no. l northern wcnt'Tat l'so under the .May. Duluth advanced 4j; Kansas City, 4tlc, ana wt. t,ouls, a.,.. Omaha advanced li and he demt.nd wu more liberal than for several days. Minneapolis flour production for the week was Itfn.MO barrel. against H'ti.lw laet year, the decrease being 3h.ikiO barrels. The week has been very dull with all hut one or two mills. Minneapolis waa stronger In antici pation of a ahaip decrease In receipts They have fallen off today, being 24.1 vara for the whole northwest, against ) last week and )m) last year. Secretary 8haw aald to favor the suspension of duty on wheat brought Into the country from Mani toba for seed, because of the poor quality or tnat now in the northwest. The pri mary receipts were 26.ti8 bushel, aaainst 477, OHO bushela for the prvcedlng weeK and axs.iiu last year. The shipments wore 261,- bushels, against 270,S;'il bushels for the preceding week and 2fc6,886 bushels last year. The speculative market In corn was very dull again, the fluctuation being only ,('. The rash market, however, waa somewhat tronaer everywhere. One coininisslnn house. In Chicago bought 800.000 husliels of may corn tms morning, hut It Is not Known for whom. New York reoorto corn sales for export In the Inst two days of 344. bushels. Of tbla 100,000 bushels goes to i'orlogal for shipment early in Fenruary. Chicago sold 4o.oo0 bushela to the gulf and 66,000 bushela to go east. New Orleans re ports the clearance of 885,0uo bushela for tne continent. Cl.lcago at present Is more anxious for a reduction of the rata east than for one on the Chicago-Omaha roads. Ho much Torn and oats have accumulated In tha market that the need la to ship It east. I tie speculative market, while dull, showed very little corn was to be bought st the present figure. Muscatine county, Iowa, reports 60 per pent of corn crop in that section moved nut. Chicago hsa not taken It, but tha starch and glucose fac tories at Oedar Rapids and Uuvenport. The cribs are rerjoited eniotv and the feeders to have no surplus. It Is thought no mora corn win oe aula until arter ins spring planting season. The primary re ceipts were 428.220 bushels, against 4H1 .2cV0 hus-liels for the preceding weeks and 4tj0.wK) bushels for last year. The shipments were t28,7 bushela, against 226.t4 and 402.378 bushels. Omaha (ash Sales. WIIEAT-No. 3 hard. 1 car, 67 lbs., Il.flf.14: 1 car, 56 lbs., 1.Q4: 1 car. M lbs., $1.08; 1 car 66 lbs., 11.02V 2 cars, 68 lbs., tM. RYE No. Z. 1 car. 56 lbs., 77o. Vaikt Cash Prices. WHEAT No. a hard, II.Oityl.M: No. 3 hard, $I.0244)r1 .054; No. 4 hard, 90cj$t.OO; N11. I spring, ll.of CORN No. 2. 40o; No. J. 394c; No. 4, 384c; no grade, S3ny37o; No. 2 yellow, 40c: No. 3 yellow, 39c; No. 2 white, 40c; No. 3 whlt4 34c. OATS No. 3 mixed. 29c; No. 8 mixed, 284c; No. 4 mixed. 274o No. 2 white, 24c; No. i white, ZHa; No. 4 white, 284c; stand ard, 29'4c Carlo! Receipts. Chicago 12 244 64 Kansas City 10 Minneapolis 210 Uuluth 21 Ht. I-ouls 1 27 21 Omaha 7 62 4 Prices at MtaaeapoJIa. Tha rang of prices paid 1n Trllnrt-Apells, aa reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, waa; Articles. Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Cloa Wheat May July .. September 1.15 1.164 1.144 1.1 1.134 1.124 1.134 947,l 8441 ml .1.124 844 SEW YORK UKXKKAL MARKET 4.atatlsns af tha Das' oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Jan. 26-FLOrR-Recelnts, 18.061 lbs; exports. 1.314 lbs; dull but steady: Winter pt. tents, $5.60(fl5.86; win ter straights. t6.t0fni.Vt: Minnesota pat ents. lS.tioftiii.20; winter extras, t-l.tio W4 30; Minnesota bakers', H.iMti 4.H6; winter low grades, J3. Wo 4. 10. Rye flour, ateadv: fair to good. U 4oei4."0; choice to fancy, $4 75 (65.00. Buckwheat flour, dull; per 100 lbs., CORN MEAL Steady: fine white and yel low. l. IS; coarse, new, 11. 0601.074; kiln dried, $2.M.'1. lo. RYE Nominal. HARLKY Dull: feeding, 48V4c. c. 1. f. New York: mailing. 4u'oR2c, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT (No receipts) spot firm; No. 2, red nominal elevator. 1.21 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, S1.17U f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, ll.U4Jl.HH f. n. b. afloat; while the sheculatlve wheat trado waa father quiet today, bulla with the aid of atrona; outside markets, light receipts, 11 better northwest rash demand and higher cublee, forced prices up a cent a bushel In New York. Close showed Sfilc net ad vance; May tl l&Gl lrt S-lil; closed I1.16; July, 11. 084(1. 03V,; closed, tl.tflV CORN Receipts. 60.200 bu.; exports, 4ti4 bu.; spot Arm; No. 2. 5?c elevator and 6146lc f. o. h. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5Jc: No. 2 white, 53c. Option market was dull her but generally firm with Chicago, clos- lna- c net hiahcr: Mav closed 5oVc OAT8 Receipts, K5"0 bu.; exports, 475 Mi.; spot steady; mixed oats. :tti;r' pounds. 3i4V9H7c: natural white. 3kii32 pounda. 37'u sue; clipped wnue, pounna, SJHtdHlc. RlCE-rflteady ; domestic, fair to extra, 2Tti54c: Japan, nominal. HAT Easy; shipping, 60itf5c; good to choice, totalise. HOPS yuiet; state, common to choice, 1904, IfVtfSSc; 3tvfi33c: olds. 144jl6c; Pa- clflc coast. 19o4, 29&35c; 1903 , 2132c; olds. 14 ftlUc. HIDES Firm; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs., lc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., lc; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 14Uc. UEATHER-Kirm: acid. 24J6.. PROVISIONS Beef, pteady; family. $11.00 012 00; mens. to. 00.50: lieef hams. 122.(09 7350; packet, $11.00; city extra India mess, $15.00617.00. Cut meats? nominal: pickled helllea, 6.7Mi"O0; pickled shoulders. $6 50. l.ard, quiet; refined, ateady; South America, 17.75; fiimwimd, 4SiHc; pork, quiet: fam llv. $140oi145O: short clear, tl3.wn913.5o; mesa. S13.irVttia.TS. HfiTATOES Weak; lug Island. $1 7."4? $2.00; atata and westerns, $1.26 1.4n; Jersey sweets, 2 (KMif 3.T6. TAI.OOW Easyi eltiitiOO per package), 4Vf4Wc; country, (packages freel. 4vu4Hc hl'TTJCR Irregular; s.rcet pric. extra creamery, JlsjlV- Official prices: Cream erv. common to extra. l!f(-Tc: creninerv. held, common to extra. 2-127v. state Hairy, rommon to extra. 1Sf;2tk'; renovate,!, 1'iinimoii to extrs. ltWiAlc; western factory, cninnioii to choice. l.'tVJHc; western Inilta tlon creamery, tominon to clioice. mu'tc. WJOS Strong: western flrsts. 30o; west ern seconds. 2i'ji2Hc. POI I.TRY-Allve. steady: western chick ens. HVc: fowls. 14c; turkeys, U(Hc. Dressed, firm; western chickens, luultc; fowls. l;Vjrl3tc; turkeys, liu.lic. Kaasaa City Urslla sail Protlslona. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 26 - WHEAT Higher: May, tl.MVu I. OS', ; July. ',i;.c; caali. No. 3 hard. tl.0Mwl.07; No. 3, $l.Ha 1 t: N". 9'$' 03; No. i red tl.12Al.13; No. S.; No. 4. tUsVnl.Od. CORN-Mlgher; May 4:ti4m,c; July. t'Tc: cash. No. 2 mixed. 42Wu4.'c; No. I. 4Jtt 41'i-: No. 2 white, 44V: No. 3. 440H4V'. OATS-Sieady; No. 2 white, 3;v; No. 3 nilM .tie. HI'TTKR-rVreamery, 3'o27c: dalrv. lac. V:10-lllglier : Missouri and Kansas, Hew, No. 2. whitewond caaea included. 27c; case count, 25c; cases returned: He less. HAY Steady: choice timothy. $rt5'Kttl0.00; choice prairie. 17 ft'u7.30 lit r. Bieauy, ,,c Receipts. ....104 imi .... 14.l .(! Shlptnent 4o.iii0 21 ( Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oat, bu Taletla See4 Market. TOLEDO. Jan "lid January, (7.52: 71 hid: April. prime tlmoihv. $1.3, -SEED-Clover, epot Krhrtiary, $7.V; March, i, prime 'r alslkr, $; Dalnth Grata Market. DrT.tTH. Jan. I -WHEAT- To arrive No 1 northern. 11.13: No 2 northern. l ng On track: No. 1 northern. $113: No. I northern. $1.06; May, 11.15; July. 11.14',; Sep tember. i.V?. OATS To arrive and 011 irai.k. 3'tc. tHlt'Abtl GRAIH ASD rinVI9IO Reaarta of Redaeed tocks of Wheat CHICAGO. Jan. 2.Reports of dwindling ato ks of wheat In the hands of farmers southwest caused a net gain of lc In the price of Mav option here today. Corn Is up V: onts show a gain of and provisions are unchanged to !V4jc down. Wheat opened strong and higher. Re ceipts In the northwest were restricted and the cables showed strength In futures abroad. Mav started with a gain of tiC to V". at tl 15,' to $1.1. Commission houses with selling orders around $1.1 brought about a recession to $1.16c1 K'S. but their offerings were eagerly nheorle1 by pur chasers for short account. Advbes gener ally both from northwest snd snutnwest were to the effect that the cash demand waa Improving and holders were Inclined to wait for higher prices. Advices of re ceipts of hut M.Oil. bu. nt St. Ixmls and Kansas City against l'".2,(1 bu. st those points a vear ago and further report that the farmers have no wheat to ship gave nw Impetus to values. May touched tl.HS il.l; and ruled strong during the remain der of the day Indications that southwest ern millers will soon hsve need to replenish depleted stocks was also given consldenWon by speculators. The closing figures, nt I1.11S were within a shade under the top prhe of the day. Primary receipts were :C"n.ono bu. Clearances of wheat and flour were equsl to lWi.ono bu.. against 271.800 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 243 cars agiilust 4 Inst week and 304 cars a year ago. Early trading in corn m-as active but al most wholly of a professional character. The close was st the best price of the day. tE'ic for May delivery. Local re ceipts were 244 cars. Oats were firm but dull and neglected. Covering of a short line by a local specu lator caused other shorts to cover and brought about a small advance. May. which started unchanged to shade higher, at 30' tjlc to 31c became Arm at 31Vic. closing at that figure. laical receipts were M cars, liemand by packers and some of the com mission houses Induced by light receipts of hogs gave a Arm feeling to provisions early. There was a disposition to sell by local traders later, and a small Initial ad vance was lost. The market steadied at the lower level, the close showing but slight losss. Mav pork and lard were off 2V. $13 13.024 and $".06. Ribs were unchanged nt $.90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow wheat 36 cars, corn 2o3 cars; oats. 00 cars; hogs. 30.000 head. The leading lutures ranged as follows: Artlcle. Open, j Hlgb.j Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat May 1 I I I 1 i5s 1 iih.i iwai i 1 ! i 1 i.i 1 ir;V 1 I'iSi 1 154 98 July Corn Jan. M ay July Oats Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May July Ribs Jan. May July 43 43 464 464 43 1 424 464 4u4h ' 45 iV 4oVa 464uH 45flr .e ;"'(! "2 314,304"1 tl&4! 304 12 -74' 12 824 It 024; 13 ( 6 874 6 874 7 Ofi 7 074 7 174 7 20 sown I 314i 304; 30 314 3oS 1 12 85 18 074 12 85 1 4 It 124 12 96 6 to 7 10 7 20 ( 65 I 90 7 06 6 90 ( 86 124 7 04 7 224i 1 15 6 C4 96 70a 6 65 6 674 6 90 7 024 6 674 6 90 7 02 4 6 8741 7 00 No. 2. Cssh quotations were as follows: FLOt'R Quiet; winter patents. $3.1o? 5.20; winter straights. $4.6066.00; spring pat ents, $6.000 6 60; spring straights, li.Mii.W, bakers $2.tiOi.1.80. WHEAT-No. 2 spring. $1.11(91.15; No. 3, $l.oofl.15: No. 2 red, ll.17Hitil.194. CORN No. 2; Wc; No. i yellow, 434c OATS No. 2, 304c; No. 2 white, 31V314c; No. 3 white, S0fc31e. RYE No. 2, 764c. BARLEY Oood feeding, 37c; fair to choice malting, 48ft4Sc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.15; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.22; prime timothy, $2.00Cg2.75; clover, contract grade, $12.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bb., $12.80fi) 12.85. Lard, per 100 Iho., $ .874. Short ribs sides (loose), $.5"KfJ.76. Short clear sides (boxed), lt.62Hi.874. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Klour. bbls 22,300 25,200 Wheat, bu 110.100 37.000 Corn, bu 303,100 176.9i0 Oats, bu 104,400 147,700 Rye, bu 11,200 9,000 liarley, bu 62,700 32.300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 19Ji29c: dairies, 18cr24e. Eggs, steady; at mark, cne Included. 2(626c; flrats, 26c: prime firsts, 28c; extra. 30c. Cheese, steady, ll12c. St. I.oala Urala and ProTlslons. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 26 WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, $1,144; track. $1.16461.17: May, ll.164jl.lSH; July, 954C; No. 2 hard. $1.11. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 434c; track, 444r(l444c: May. 434c; July, 44c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 31c; track, 124c; May, 314o; No. 2 white. 3.14i334c. FIjOUR Qulot; red winter patents, $5.40 66.50: special grades. $6.60ft6.70; extra fancy, $4.90tifi.lO; clear, $4.404.60. SEED Timothy, nominal at $3.00(2.40. COKNMEAI steady, $2.40. BRAN Dull! sacked, east track. 80c. HAY Dull and unchanged; timothy, $8.00 12.50; prairie. $6.009.50. IRON COTTON TIE8-93C. BAOOINO-TV. HEMP TWINE 4c PROVt8ION8-Pork, lower; Jobbing, new standard. $12. Lard. Arm; prime steam. $6.46. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts.' $6,624: clesr ribs, $6,874: short clears, $7. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7.60; clear ribs, $7.64; altort clear, $7,874. POCLTRY Quiet; chickens and springs, 94c; turkeys. 134c; ducks, 11c; geese, 8c. BI'TTER Quiet; creamery, 24(&31c; dairy, WllZhc. . EGQS Steady at 26c, caae count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10,000 12.000 Wheat, bu.i... 16.000 63.000 Corn, bu 28.000 60.000 Oats, bit 22,000 48,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 26. BI'TTER Firm; extra western creamery, 30c; extra nearby prints, 81c. , KO1I8 Firm and lc higher; nearby fresh, 29c at mark; western fresh. 29c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, fancv, 12Vdl24c; New York full creams, choice. 12c; New York full creams, fair to good, 1 1 44M IV'- Mlaaeapolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 26-WHEAT-May, $1.164il.lH4; July. $1.13ftl.184; September, Mc: No. 1 hard. $1.16',; No. 1 northern, $1,144: No. 2 northern. $1.10. FIH'R First patents, $6.206.30; second patents, t6.ooflil.1il; flrst clears. H.154i4.36: second clears. $2 602.70. BRAN In bulk. $18 60. Mllwankee drain Market. MILWAt'KEE, Jan. 26. WHEAT Up higher; No. 1 northern, $1.15(1.16; No. 3 northern, ti.owii.iii; mav, 111a. RYE Firm; No. 1, 814c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 52c; sample, 370 51c. CORN Firmer; No. 3. 42(SMJ'4c; May. 464c bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Jan. 26. CORN Higher: No. 3, 42lc; No. 4. 414c; no grad, 40'4c. Cottoa Market. LIVERPOOL Jan. 26.-COTTOX 8doI ii. moderate demand; prices Mil points higher, American middling (air, t.ltid: good mid dling, 3,K8d; middling, 3 76d: low middling, .164(1; good ordinary, 3.50d; ordinary, 3.34iL Futures coened firm and closed eaavi American middling g. o. c: January. 3.57d: January and February, 3.67d; February aim March. J j!j; Marcn and April. s.64d: April and May. 3.68d; May and June. 3.71d; June and July, 8,74.1 : July and August. t.76o, August and September. 8.78d: Seitember ami October, t.tud; October and November, J.8:'d; November mid Decemher. 1 Kid. ST. LOl 18, .Ian. W.-COTTOX-Qulct and 4" higher: mlihlllng. 6,c; sales. 1:7 bales: receipts 655 bales; rhlpmenta. 269 hale,: stock. 43.62 bales. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. COTTON CloaeiJ quiet. 10 points lower; mlddliia uplands 7c: middling gulf. 7.26c: sales. 465 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 26.-COTTON- Steadv; ordinary, 6 l-16c; good ordinary. 54c: low middling. UWc; middling. 5 6-8ci good middling. 6 16-16c; middling fair. 6"-lc; receipts, 7.228 bales; stock. 187.70s bale. Kt Saturated A a a lea aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. EVAPORATED APPLES The market la quiet, with prime suld to be offering at slight conceaaions from recent figures. Common are quoted lit 4jTjc, prime at 54i54c. choice at Vdc, fancy at 4'0"'1'- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRCITS-Pmnes. according to count advices, are in strong poaition local situation shows little feature with prices no lielter than steadv: quota tions range rrrin 3 to 64''. according to frade. Apricots are In small supply and lie market in sellers' favor. Choice are quoted at I0i104e; extra choice. Iltil2c and fancy at I215c. Peaches also rule Hrni, with an advancing tendency, though de. maud Is small. Choice are held at 4410c: "'( chuka at 104tll"c. and fancy at 114 012o NEW YORK STOCKS .WD BINDS Storm Beitrioti Volume f Bniines at tha Stack Exchange. FOREIGN MARKETS LEND CHEERFUL T0N Prnrlamsllo, lasaed at t. Petersbara; Also lias a Soothing FftTect aad There la Tleaty af Bay Inc. NEW YORK, Jsn. 26 The effects of the great storm on stocks were perceptible to day onlv In the restricted volume of deal ings, the attendance st the Stock exchange being a gmd deal curtailed. But, while dealings were on a small scale, the tone was rlearlv strong. The widespread ob struction of traffic and the mterr jpllon to earning power by the storm were evidently considered to have had their due effect in an early decline. That decline following two previous days was regarded as having reached adequate limits and to have ap proached tlie point of risk of overselling the market. The professional element, there fore, reversed Its lttltuda and bought stocks today. The bright weather following the storm is not to he Ignored as sn influence on the speculative sentiment in a market so strictly professional snd where so large a proportion of the dealings originate In the board room Itself, any more than the severe weather of vesterday was to bo lost sight of as a contributory influence to the gloomv tone which prompted the sell ing of stocks. The tone of foreign markets gave a cheerful Impulse to the opening course of the market. The proclamation issued at St. Petersburg was accepted as an Indication that the Russian government still hits the situation In hand and that the agitation of the public mind there was subduing. Rumors also continued to circu late of a likelihood of overtures toward mediation to end the Russo-Japanese war. Prices of Americans were up in Ixmdon before the opening here and buying for for eign account followed when our market opened. Stocks which were most acutely depressed yesterday were most affected on the re covery today. Amalgamated Copper, from which the dividends came off. was specially sentiment, with ' considerable effect on sentiment. The recently conscious firm ness of the Erie securitlea was still notice able snd strengthened the current supposi tion that thla property Is to figure In some Important coming railroad deal. The cot ton carriers were strong, apparently on account of the corroborative evidence con tained In the census bureau's cotton gin ning report thst the present crop would be a bumper one. The most conspicuous movements of the day were in specialties, not all of which were explained. The strength of the Chicago Terminal Issues was connected with the reorganization plan. Southern Pacific was Arm on the expected beneflt of the refunding plan. At chison was Inclined to lag. apparently from dissatisfaction at Its bond Issue. The clearing out of weak speculative ac counts hv vesterday's sharp reaction nor mally benellted the technical situation of the market. Rates for time money further hardened to some extent, which Is the only effect perceptible from the continued large demand for our gold. Remittances to Cuha on account of the Cuban loan subscriptions, the last installment of which remains to be paid, will soon be added to theae re quirements. Discounts were easier In Ion don today and the price of gold there was reduced, while sterling at Paris rose a fraction. Rates for exchange here were held steadv. With the gathering force of the upward movement stocks became fairly buovant late In the day. most of the lag gards being brought forward to share In the movement, and the closing was very strong. Bonds were strong; total sales, par value, $7,990,000. rnltcd States 2s Hdvaneed 4, the 3s 4 and the new 4s 4 per cent on call." The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged aa follows: raies.jiign.j'w.vioee Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast Lint. Baltimore & (ihlo... do preferred Canadian Paclflo ... Central of N. J Ches. 4k Ohio Chicago A Alton ... do preferred 3.6il 87 X64 86 li4 100 800 121 l-'l 4.9"0 1024 1014 6i) ' 964 964 2.6UI) 1T24 132 1004 1214 ne 964 1324 1934 484 424 80 224 3.800 484 O0 424 0 82 4.4O0 224 474 41H M 22'j Chicago G. W Chicago & N. W 4.4(10 226 222i 22M4 C, M. Bt. P Chicago Term. & T. do preferred - C. tT. C. & St. L... :5,700 1794 1724 -1744 4 .IT MlI 6.4(10 4' 154 264 94 24 614 JO'.m 10.800 i0 1.100 2I0 1.0) 24 944 244 61 4 28 944 24 61 4 Colo. Southern do 1st preferred,... do 2d preferred ... Dela. & Hudson Del.. Ick. & W Denver 4 R. O do preferred Erie 36', 36 364 9O0 1824 184 1824 900 341 340 336 31 100 854 8.54 854 43 414 424 804 79U 804 664 644 .110.400 ' do 1st preferred 14.200 do 2d preferred.... 14.700 Hocking Valley 8'4 89 4.800 1564 1544 16 2H 551., 600 294 29 19 1.400 59 4 59 51 8.9 137 1:154 1364 ' 700 1704 169 170 PW 754 754 76 1,100 1164 1154 1164 6.3(10 224 214 224 do prererred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. 8treet Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & 8. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo.. Kan. & Tex do preferred N. R. R. of Mex. pfrt. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Out. & W Norfolk & Western.. do preferred Pennsylvania P., C. C. & St. L Reading inn till o 4 6.H1O 97 914 964 1.100 156 1514 156 4.2"0 1064 1054 K54 600 314 31 '4 314 1.0(10 654 6'4 65. 400 4.1 424 42'i 6.000 14.14 24 1434 4.9(H) 444 4.14 444 700 784 78 784 9t 12.90 i;!64 1:154 1364 100 76 73.400 874 854 874 914 87 354 804 70V 25'X do 1st prcrerrea do 2d preferred Rock Island Co 31.700 do preferred St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. 500 Bt. Louis 8. W 700 do preferred 60O 354 '7( 26 61 664 :i44 '704 25 6i4 654 118 334 97 334 60 664 11S4 344 97 ;4 34., 514 II84 98 214 434 isvj 21 474 234 219 119 240 721 31 91 K 334 94 6 354 10 38 .144 1074 854 1'9 1M Southern Pacific .... 44.9110 do preferred .... Southern Railway do preferred 2,6(10 HK4 8.1(10 341; 100 97 5410 34 Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & do preferred .. Union Pacific .. do preferred . . Wahash do preferred . . W. 100 52 52 .101.500 1184 1164 :10 98 98 4(10 3.000 400 214 44 184 214 414 18 Wheeling & L E... Wisconsin Central. do preferred Adama Express American Express.. T. S. Express WellsjFargo Exp Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed fill .... do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt U'fg. do Preferred Am. Suaar R'f'a- Am. Tobacco pfd. c. Anaconda Mln C.. Brook'vn Raotrt T.. 56.800 8( (0 100 loo 71 33 34 704 ;; 9?4 34 llfl 1.6' 10 I.S11O 9 900 39 35 108 3D .134 K(. 844 117 14 '4 91 lo4i S!4 44 197'A 174 74 36U 18U4 2I4 K54 g.500 119', 5"0 141 4.601 94 1 5o0 1(16 8. 4dO gts; 6 4'K 451, 5.5(111 go 900 18 70 1 744 :o ::7i4 frVt f6 2.201 22 914 Kk5 Kit, 45 201 18 744; 374 18.-.V!, 14 76 ?8 861: ,4 98 41 1K6U 964 r Ti "''4 "4 9 704 11 Jftl V, -' i (., "V '4V Colo. Fuel . Iron... Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do preferred 'Kstlllers- Secur General Electric ip'smaHonal Paper. do oreferred Ip'ertist'onal Pump do prefe'ied .... (io v74 87U, National Led 1oo ?4 54 Vor'h American kv) 99 ciflc VII ""(O 4.1', 434 People's oas J.uio p;v, .m pi-egm-d flteei Car.... 5O0 .4 -.; fir, preferred 100 89 89 Pullmsn Pal. Car pe.iuhM" 8tel "0 1 int! rtT pre'-ned "on u s Robber Goods 300 ?ip; ;; do pre'erred "Tern. Cost A Iron.. 1f'A T't su V S. T.oslher 10 40ft lis 14 1" r-f.-red 1014 t a p..i. v f 8 F'lhher v t ' l" d - or"eed 'w l"o I g ! . i v -. 4rf. An preferred 91 ("( '(; . 04 VI-"Hr,tp-Cnr Chem.. 2 "o "1 " n-e ' rred A 1, teti ; iet ipf,),""'., Elec.. 1 "( i' p-e. V''e-, t'pl.M, (00 r,l ;r 4 Total sules for the lay. 804.710 hir.. Treasnry Mateineat. WASHINGTON Jan. 26.-Tody s state ment of the treasury balances in the gen-e-al fund, exclusive of the $ gold reserve In the divlelon of redemntlot. slvw- Available cash hulame. tl.'H 7-t ' 7! : gold. $5. 393.673. ' Raak ( learluas. OMAHA Jsn. 26 -T lie bank clearings for Thursday were $l.ixlo.k64 For the same day a year ago they were $1.152, W 14. This Is the firt dav this year thst the clearings have fallen below those of 1904. Sew lark Mesey Market. NEW YORK. Jan 2S.-MONEY-On call, steady, 1,)1 per cent; closing bid. 14 per cent ; ' offered st 1 per cent. Time loans, slltrhtly firmer; sixty days. 3 per cert; ninety days, S4 per cent; six months, S4y 31 per rent. STERLING EXrilA NO E Steady, with actus) business In hankers' bills st $4 8573 for demand and at $4 R64(Vrt4 yo for sixty day bills: posted rates. $186 and $4 84; lommerrlal bills, $4 854. SILVER Bar. 614c; Mexican dollars. 474c BUNDS Government, strong; railroad, strong Closing quotations on bonds were: t'. S ref. 2. res do coupon do 3. rrg do coupon do new 4. reg.. do emipoa du old 4r, reg .. 1"4'4, I04 H !('4( Japan ctfa... I- St N am. 4a Manhattan r. g. Mei Central 4a. . ..1034 4, .1'', .... 74 .... :ti4 4... Sfo, ....la4 .... Mi) . 4a 14 do Itl Inc Vlnn. A St I. M . K. T. 4a do t N. R. R. of M. c N Y C. g St,,.. M. 1. f. g. ,.... No. Pai-ISc 4,.... do V. A W. r. 41 .. " S U rt.lg 4,. )nn. ronr. 3(,a. Headtng gen. 4,.. st. L. A I. M. c st. l. a i r r ..HIS do coupon t'1 Am. Tobnwo 4t, otft 73 do , ctrs , At' nlson gen. 41. . do adj. 4s Atlantic ('. L ta Bl. fc Ohio 4.. do ! Ontrtll of Ga S, do 1st lor do ?d Inr Chen Ohio 4',. Chlriio A A. IVi C. ,H 4c Q n. 4a C H. 1. A P. 4e do col. lit . .. .I'X" ...13S losl 71 ....Itn .... i: 10.1 ....lo-JH at 4a ! I... 81 . . . . .... 11 s ici I04, ll' 1S I" n 1('S St. 1.. S. W. c. 41. lea hoard A. L. 4a .. ,4o. Parlftc 4a n Rallvlf Toxaa A P la T.. St. l. A W. 4a I nlon Pai-IRr 4a do conT. 4a (' S. Steel Id bt... Wabaah la do deb. R Weatern Md. 4i w. A I.. K 4a Vila. Central 4a sn .Ha1, .1M4 . 4 .inf. . f . no, . ", . r . 13 n-r. s. L. 4, t ncio Ter. 4, fT(. Colorado Mid. 4 741. ( olo. A So. 41 9!4 4 uo tm rtr, l. A K O. 4l lot ixstlller,' Sec. 6,.... 7 Erla prior lien 4a l1(t do gen. 4, F. W. A I), r. II Hording Val. 4(a.. Mid offered tit no Doatos Stark Market. BOSTON, Jan. 26. Call loans. 2Htl4 1'" cent: time loans. 3t4 per cent. Ottlclal closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaoa adj. 4a... do 4a Mn. Central 4a.. Atchlann do pfd Ftnstnn A Albany... "Hoalon A Main,.. Doatos Klrvated '. . . KUchhurg pfd ... Max. Central N. V., N. H. A H. I'era Marquette ..... I nlon Pacific Amer. Arg. Chem. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T A T Amor. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 8... Edlaon Kite. lllu... Oneral Klertrio ... Mas,. Elsctrle do pld Maaa () t'nlted tYult t nltrd Sho, Mach.. do pfd I'. 8. Steel do pfd Bid. "Asked. Wealing, common Advent ur, Allouaa Amalgamated Amr!raa Zino .. Atlantir Hingham 'a I A He. la Vont,nntal .'opper Range Osly Wt iimlnlon Coal ... r'rankiln Jninc)- tale Roal Mass. Mining Michigan vtohawk .rinnt. c. A C Od Dominion 'areola .arrot Vulnry jliannon amarark .'rlnlty 8. Mining .. l .. ', .. :" .. 71 .. 1:4 .. l4 . . 10 . .46 .. 2"4 .. ;, .. no, .. an . . K .. S4 .. 54 . . Ill .. 114 .. M .. 4H . . .'S .. ..102(, ..inoi, ,.:ss ..174 ..ISt ..146 .. n ..2.x .. M ..114 .. I .. 4 4y. . .14U ..1441, .. Z1V. . . K.1 .. 1 ..IDn .. li .. M. .. SS, .. u .. S3 .. tS .. ts . . i'J . .in .. ..126 74 . . :t .. 104 .. 414 . . 44 .. 114 ..!( I. 8. Oil t tah victoria Winona V'olv,rln, I.ondoa stock Market. LONDON, Jan. 26. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds acre: Conaola, money afStN. Y. central .144 . 71.4. . 44 . 4.. . 4 . II . 44 . 47 . 44 . 344 . n . 74 .1204 ,1(N) . J4 . 944, 214 . 4.1 do account 4 Norfolk A V. Anaconda iW do pfd Atrhiaon do pfd ... 17 V (Inlarlo A W. ...l(!SfennaylT,nla Baltimore A Ohio 104 Rand Mlnaa Canadian Pacific . l.H Roading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Southern Hallway do pfd southern Padilc .. Union Pacific do pfd V 8. Steal do pfd Wabaah do pfd (h. A Ohio... Chicago (it. W . . C. M. A 8t. P. DaHeera I). A R O do pfd Krla do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd ... . Illinois Central . Loula. A NaMh.. M., K. A T . 4 5 ' . 23 1774 . 13 . 24 . 77 . 41 . 114, . .1674 .141 ,. 3241 Rpanlah 4a W4 SILVER Bar. uncertain, 284d per ounce. MtiM',)-;w per oetit. The rale of discount In the open market for short Ulls Is 2 7-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 24 per cent. New York Mining Storks. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. The following are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adama Con 23 Allc, 7 Rieec, 2" Brunawlck Con 8 ComMock Tunnel Utile Chlaf ... Ontario Ophlr I'hoenlx Potoal Small Hopea .. (avago . ( .3(0 .400 . 11 . i: . 24 . . 12 . 3 .ltr Con. Cal. A Va 1MI Horn Silver 1M Iron Silver tot tlerra Nevada Leadrllla Con .... Offered. J-'t-'tanderd OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condltloa of Trade aad Quotations oa Staple aad laser Prodaee. EGGS Candled stotk, 25(326c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9c; roosters. 6c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, lKo94c; geeee, 8c; spring chickens, 8Hc. DRESSED POfLTRY-Turkeys, 184J19c; ducks, 10gil2c; gceae, 0c; chickens, W( K4c; roosters, 091c. BU1TER Packing stock. 18c; choice lo fancy dairy, Wrote; creamery, 23'&29c; prints, 30c. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 9c; pickerel. 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 7c; blueAsh, 12c; whlteflsh, 9c; salmon, 13c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, (green), 30o; lobster (bolted I, 33c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black baas, 25c; halibut 12c; crappies, 12c; buffalo, 7c; while base, 11c; frog legs, per dpg., 25c. httAft rpr ton, gio.tai. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $6., ?.-.. 2, fS.EO; medium. $5.00; coarse, $1.50. Rye straw, $6.00. These prices are lor nay or good color and qual ity. OYSTERS New York counts, per can, 45c; extra selects, per can, 85c; standards, per can, 30c; bulk standards, per gal., $1.40; bulk extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk New York counts per gal.. $1.90. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California Redland navels, all Mixes, $2.7583.0O; choice navels, $2,500 2.75; California seedlings, all sixes, $2.00. LEMONS California fancy, $2.75; 3u0 and 360, $3.75; choice. 83.2b3.ov. DATEP 5-'-;: . c; 3"-!h. nkgs., $2.00; Hallowe'en, in 0 lb. boxes, per lb. 6H4f6c. FIGS California, per 10-Ii. carton, iot 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 124c; 6 crown. 14c; 7-crown, 16c; fancy imported (washed), in 1-lb pkgs., 16&18o; California, per case of 36 pkgs., $2.25. BANANAS Per medium sised bunch. $2.v8'2.60; jumboa, $2.75(B3.60 GRAPEFRUIT Per box of 54 to 64, $5.00. FRUITS. APPLES-Home grown Jonathans, per bbl.. $3.50; New York Kings. $3.25; New York Greenings, $2.60; New York Bald wlna, $2.76; Colorado . Jonathans, $175; Wlnesapa, per. bu. box, $1.60. PEARS-Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per box, $1.60 CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bb; . $7.75; Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and jerseys, per bbl., $7.50; per box, $2.16 URATES Imported Mnligas, per keg. $6.0i4jti.50. ... TANGERINES Florida or California, per H-box, $2.50. r.,.e. VEGTETJtBLES. 1 Ol AlOES Home grown. In sacks, par bu-' ,.!;; Colorado, per bu., 60c. ri RMPS-Old, per bu., 40c; Canada luta bagas, per lb., lc. CAKROTS-Old. per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS -Old, per bu.. 40c. HKETS-jld. peV W. 60c. sy BEANS-Per bu., tl.9Mi2.uo. UMims-llome grown, red. in aacks, per bu $l.u); Spanish, per crale. $2.14; Colorado yellow, per lb.. 2c; white, per lb., 240. CI CUMBERS Per dox., $2.26(h2.5o 1CMATOE8 California, per 4-bnsket crate $2.6(k&3.oO; Florida, per tf-basket crale, 1 5. Oil; 5 00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc. SWEET POTATOES-Kansaa kiln dried, per bbl.. $2.50. CELERY Per dox., 25i&We; California, 46o. RADISHES Hot house ...V ,i ifl"' ONIONS New. southern, per dux.. 45c. CARROTS Now, per dox.; 4oc. BEETS New. per dos.. tie. TURNIPS New, per dox., 45c. LETTUCE Per . box. of about fifteen heads, 60c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT WlKconsIn, per keg., ..Si'1!-?:'?' Vorlt' Per bbl'- 5-; vr half bbl., $3 25. 1 CHEESE -Wlscongln twins, full cream, 12yql3c; Wisconsin Young America. 18c; block Swiss, new. 15c: old, 16cgl7c; Wiscon sin brick. 14c: Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green, lc; No. t green. 6c; No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 3 salted, 74c; No. 1 veal calf. c; No. 2 veal cslf, 7c; diy salted, 81 14c; sheep pells. 2sc6$l 00; horae hldaw, $1.50(63 00. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c;; No. 3 Soft shells, per lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; mall, per lb, 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., tc; Chili walnuts, per lb.. 126134c; almonds, soft shell, per lb. 17c; hard shell. pr lb., 15c; chestnuts, per lb.. U4,&l5c: ne black walnuts, per bu., 75490c; ahellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; large hickory nuts, pr bu., $!.. Liverpool Grata Market. L1VEHPOOL. Jan. 36. WHEAT - Spot, ateady; No. 1 California, 7a. Futures, quiet; March. 7s24d; May. 7sl4d; July. 7 14d. CORN Spot, stesdy: American mixed, new, 4a i,d. Americsn mixed, old. 4 1o'd. Futures, quiet; March. 4a 14i, May, 42'd. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Gaul Receipt Moderate acd While Best Grades Sold Steady, Other, Weak. HOGS OPENED A TRIFLE STRONGER Market on 1st sheep and lambs at Standstill lining to Bad t'ondU tlon of Mattoa Market la East. Few stales I nevrnly Loner. SOI "I'll U.WAilA Jan. 26, 19. Receipts wert Otnciai Monuay Olllclal Tuesday... tiniciHi tuueia omclal Thursday.. t sltle. ilogs. Sheep. . ,.3.4oi a 000 ,. 4.:o o, , ll. .01 I, MX) ll.tell 1.4 n.o .2t) Four days last week., same days Isst weea.. Same das week bet ore eauie tnree weeks ogo I4..6 .l.t4 ;4.sm6 1 1 ; 31. 1" ri io .44 .S22 31.8.S 2i.2o:i 4..K1 2',tk.2 3.091 S4.i.i 44 t-anie lour weeks ago 6.147 lAame days last year 1&.9R6 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana fur tha year to date, wun comparison wiin issi year: 1906. Cattle H"gs 1.3.T.4 Mieep 113 lf(4. 4..Oi9 1'.7! 132.614 Inc. Dec. ."05 ia.6 The ottlclal number 01 cars of stock brought in todav ov ,acn road was; lattie.Hwg Ml p.M ses. C . M. St. P. Ry 4 abash I .. , I nion i'adtlc system 7 lo U C. At N. V. Ry 4 r'., E. a Al. . K. K 23 22 .. .. C, bt. P., Al. ei O. Ky... 18 2 ., B. av M Ry 31 24 a 1 C, K. It w. Ky 4 3 C, K. 1. V P. Hy., cast.. 6 8 V.. It. 1. at 1'. Ky., west. .. 1 Illinois Central 1 .. ,. Chicago Great Western. 4 i .. .. Total receipts 104 Km 18 1 The disposition ot uie nay's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcuaHlng tno num ber 01 bead indicated: Bu era. Cattle. Ilogs. Sheep. omalia Packing t o Switt and Company ... Cudahy Packing (.0... Armour Co Swift and Co., country Carey ei Benton Mecrearv & Carey ... W. I. Htephen Hill & lliintxingcr .... Huston Co !; l.l9 il 7M l.,-7 .... 7:o 1.619 73s 3hV, I . IH-J 3:i 9i .... 41 34 hi 33 53 56 31 199 86 101 6"0 280 .... 1.826 Wolf V M urn an Mike llnggorty Hoi Degitu J. B. Hoot V Co Bulla A- Kilne 8. & 8 Other buyers Totala 3,024 (1.106 3,206 C.v i 1 L.E Receipts of lvalue weie not at all excessive inis morning, out the demami uid not seem to be very heavy eltner, mj ineru Was 00 lite to tne trade ana It was miner late oelore a clearance was made. 4 nere were oniy a lew licet steers In tne yards and moM or those that did arrive were 01 only common to fair quality, so in leauty there was not much to interest buy ers, i ho belter grades ot tnose that were oltereu oiu in just about the same notches iney uid yesteruity, but when it came to tne coiunioncr Kinds tne market waa very slow and tne feeling weuK, nome sales beinu quite a little lower than yeaterday morning. The demanu tor the better graces of cows and hellers wus fully equal to the supply and the market on such kinds could saiely he quoted steady and some sales looked to be a trifle stronger. Both shippers and locul packers were anxious for tnem and the comparatively small number on sale was soon disposed of. The common and medium kinds, though, were Slow sale, wlm prices unevenly lower. Buers did not seem to care whether thoy got them or not. atift as a result salesmen in a good many cases had to take off quite a little before they could dispoan of what they had. Bulls, veal calves and stags were not very active, but the prices paid In most cases did not show a great deal of change from yes terday. There were only a few stockers and feed ers In sight this morning, bnt nol a great many apparently were wanted. The mod heavy cuttle were In good demand at steady prices, while the common and light weights were neglected and nurd to sell at steady prices, tne same ss has been the case tor some time past. Representative sales: UCIbF 3 11SEKS. No 1... 24... 10... 18.. 1... 2. . 1 6.'. 14... 13... il... 4... 16... 16... ft... At. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. ...lift 4 0 ...1103 4 10 ...lost 4 to ...1244 4 20 ...1210 4 20 ...1217 4 20 ...1164 4 25 ...1282 4 30 4 40 ...1218 4 60 ...11:17 4 (0 ...12 4 60 . ..laal 4 MO ...1601 i 20 I 25 I 46 I 40 till I 75 1200 I 76 SIS 3 76 8 76 66... 21.. 14.. HI.., 14.., II... 1". . . 20... -'I... 17... 10... 16... 20.. . 20. . . 1071 3 0 3 15 1104 fcoR 11K2 3 16 3 to 10411 I SO 1102 3 SO 1(144 4 00 K0 4 00 STEERS AND COWS. (1 1036 4 60 cows. 1 40 I 00 1.... no 2 s 3 1 I 60 6 102 1 (.I 1 790 1 60 23 900 2 46 2 856 1 75 7911 2 6 1 870 1 76 1 too I 76 2 16 1 6 3 1070 16 4 8(15 1 0 1 1230 2 76 6 1024 2 on 4 70 2 76 1 8H0 2 00 II 991 t 16 3 8ftS 2 IK) I 964 J to 1 !0 J (III I. 11105 J g.l 970 2 10 10 Ill 2 to 3 1033 2 16 .1 1010 I 00 1 1120 2 2: 3 910 3 00 1 740 2 26 1 80 3 00 3 1123 2 26 17 1005 3 no 1 9Gfl I 26 22 922 3 05 1 1I6H 2 2.-i lo 1074 3 10 1 9!4 i 25 2.. U66 3 in 2 920 3 26 21 1044 ' 3 IS 1 1040 i 26 1 1070 I jo 1 1001) 2 25 19 889 3 20 1 IIih) 2 86 41 10nl t ;o 5 1040 t 35 I 1200 3 25 17 94 2 ih 1 1.160 I 26 1 1160 2 85 1 1010 3 25 1 490 2 3.'. 87 1061 3 So 1 1110 t 36 II 1014 t 30 1 905 2 40 12 11.42 3 (0 1 10SO 2 So 1 1360 t 60 1 1060 2 fin I 1450 3 66 1 924 2 fl 7 1281 3 65 1 770 t (6 1 tno III HEIFKHH. 1 740 f 60 8 830 S IS 26 '4 2 90 3 lni 1 60 II 899 I (10 20 740 4 00 7 690 I Oo 14 1047 4 05 1 770 3 00 BULLS. 1 1160 1 90 1 isio I (10 I 9o I 40 1 19J0 3 00 1 1420 2 be 1 1190 3 00 1 1020 I 60 2 1225 3 00 1 1326 I 60 1 ....1720 I in 1 8o I 45 1 1630 3 10 4 1270 2 ". I 1710 3 16 1 640 t 65 I 13(,0 I 20 1 1300 3 70 1 156U I 40 1 1520 I to HALVES. 180 3 00 2 175 6 (10 2 240 I 60 ' 2 17U I So 1 100 4 60 1 150 j 40 4. 150 t 00 ' STAGS. 1 1460 3 10 I 1480 3 10 STOCK CALVES. I i in STOCKEKS AND FEEDERS, j 6.:.0 2 50 9 112 1 40 3 153 2 00 19 (93 3 40 15 668 3 60 36 671 3 60 1 630 8 00 9 bso I So I 760 3 20 10 70, J M 1 9 JO :l 25 4 92". 3 60 I 613 8 26 12 mi 1 ,s I 7(i 3 ?M 30 720 I 70 14 6..8 I 15 II Uo I 76 II 759 Ili 1 1260 I o 6 706 3 40 38 H7 j ,5 I 818 I 40 8r. j 5 jl' 143 8 40 27 197 4 00 nrwlrt Receipts of hogs were modem'. this morning and the market here opened a shad stronger than yesterday, the bettei frades, such as shippers could use, showing he most strength. Trading was nut psi tleularlv brisk, but still the hogs kept mov ing toward the scale and the hulk of the eariv arrivaia row uiriiuam 11 m rairiv good season. After part of the hogs hail changed hands the feeling was not quite so good and packers only offered about steady C rices, so that the general market coulu est be described by calling it steady to strong as compared with "yesterday's av erage. The light hoga sold largeiv from $4.70 down, medium and mixed loads from $4.7" to $4.75 and prime heavies from $4 75 to $4.80 and ss high as $4 85 waa paid. The extreme close was rather slow and the bulk nf tha late sales went around $4.70. or no more than steady with yesterday. A fuirly good clearance was made by noon. Representative salts No, ss. rr No. . 8h. Pr. 21 384 ... I 75 16 371 80 4 72' "9 172 0 4 60 to 831 ... 4 2(, , 14 ... 4 60 75 2'(8 ... 4 72',, 2.. 153 ... 4 60 40 25 4o 4 72', H 151 . . 4 40 6 -.Irt 240 4 72', 7 171 ... 4 to 71 27 ... 4 72', M 169 ... 4 41 7( 226 ... 4 2'i 114 177 4o 4 66 73 246 ... 4 J2S 74 8"t 40 4 674 79 211 ... 4 72', 76 19(1 ... 4 IT 44 26 160 4 72', U, r-d . . 4 17', 64 264 80 4 72', 7( U ... 4 67i, 49 247 ... 4 72', 77 7 ... I 4 64 21.7 120 4 66 219 ... 4 414 68 261 ... 4 111, ;,7 ri" ... 4 TO 7f 249 ... 4 75 69 . ...2H ... 4 0 46 26.4 ... 4 15 26 ...244 ... 4 70 24 2i7 ... 4 76 41 221 10 4 7 '(' . 210 ... 4 76 60 204 ... 4 1 14 ....'...' ... 4 75 66 171 . . 4 70 6 20 . 4 76 74 !AJ 1 4 70 66 276 240 4 78 62 249 ... 4 70 65 2r 80 4 74 69 2M . . 4 70 -r. :kl ... 4 78 64 ltd 10 4 14 14 321 ... 4 II 4S 4 71 0 4 .. 4 7t . 4 71 4 7S H III .. 4 71 .. 4 77', .. 4 77', .. 4 in .. 4 M .. IS . M . 44 . V 7a . so . T . . . tt . . . 71 . M.. :.. M . 51 I as 4 ti't 4 V IK HI i 7!l 44 42 1 rrs . 4 7j KEEP rhers was s very modersle run of sheep and lambs here this morning but evidently there were too msnv to meet the requirements of the trade The market st all points, though, was in bed shape owing to the condition of the eastern mutton mar ket, together with the storms In the east. At this market nock era did not seem to cars whether they got anything or not and ss s result trsdlng was practically at standstill, and sslde from a few bunches which sold unevenly lower there was no business transacted before noon. That be ing the case, there was not eno.igh done to establish values snd about all that could be said of the market Is that It was extremely dull and weak. Quotations lor ted stoclt: Good lo choice yearlings. $60is60; fair to good year lings, e6.6co.00; good to choice wethers. $8tXia6 5u; talr to good wevhers. $4.7505 00, good to choice awes. $4 aOttS.op; fair to good ewes, $4.0oU4.60; common to fair ewes, 3.60 413.90; good to choice lamtis. $7 00-iJ 1 .50; fair to good lambs. $.7tVS7.00; feeder vearllnga, $4.5u6.O0; leeder wethers. $4.26n4 5, feeder wes, $3.26g3.-t; feeder lambs. $6 60jC 2i; Representative sales. 133 western cull ewes 11 western ewes 7 western buck lambs. 91 western Ismbs western feeder ewes.. 261 western ewes 1 western wether 91 western lambs 25 Mexican yearlings l"9o Mexican yearlings . t 25 4 25 6 75 6 60 t a 4 18 t 28 5n 6 30 00 119 107 62 to 92 ion 67 78 76 (HIC.KiO LIVE STOCK MtRtvKT Hogs a Shade Higher, hat Rest of Market 1 .0 Tver aad Weak. CHICAGO. Jan. 2tt. CATTLE Receipts, t.tno head; market weak to loc lower; good to prime steers. $5 .60416.20; poor to medium, $3 6013 66; stockers snd feeders, $2.2fvt)4 10; cows, $1.264 2ft; heifers. $2.QO6.1S: csnners. $1 2ii'k'i6; bulls. $2.(avo8.80; calves. $2.76f!7.(0. HOGS Receipts. 26.000 head; estlmsted to morrow. 24.0(10 head; market shade higher,' mixed and butchers, $4 70itf4.5; good to choice heavy. $4.9rtfi5 oo: rough heavv, $4 7oj 4 75; light, $4 7stl4 86; bulk of sales," $4.774tf SHEEP AND I-AMB8-Recelpts. 14 000 head: market for sheep steadv to weak, for Inmbs weak to lower; good to choice weth ers. $4ki8.50; fair to choice mixed, $4 note 4 80; western sheep, $435455.50; native lambs, to 65 (.60; western lambs. $5,604)7.40. Kaasaa City Me Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 245 -CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,500 head. Including 1,000 southerns; market, best steady: others weak to 15c lower. Choice export and dressed beef steers. $5.266.75: fair lo good. $.V(kB4 85; western fed steers, $3.Sofi6.4o; stockers snd feeders. $2.75fi4.15; southern steers. $3.26tr 4 ooj southern cows, t2.2ofi3 26; native cows, tl..oii3.86; native heifers. ti.7tVB1.76; bulls, t2.25ti3.75; calves. $3.00f6 50. HOGS Receipts. 15.I.O head: market strong to 5c higher; top $600; hulk of snloe, $4.7tKj)4 86; heavy, $4 9o4 5.00: packers, $4.81f 4 824; pigs and lights. $3. fotgn. 86. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. S.UH) head; market, 515c lower- native lambs. $6.(a7.35; native wethers. $5.0035.50; nutlve fed ewes. $4.5oi.16: weatern lambs, tii.OixfT i.i; wiatern ferl yearlings. $5.761i6.5o: west ern fed sheep. $4.50ifS.6o; stockers and feed vin. .3.6(Kj5.50. err York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. - BEEVES - Re ceipts, 196 head: very Ml tie trading; market steady; few stockers told st $1 lo; (uils and cows at $1.76i3 73. Drvned oe . Exports. 454 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 327 head: 4 val veals 25c higher, others steadv to 6c lower; veals. $4.7610,00; little calves. $4.00 64.50: bum yard calves. t3.003.75; fed -alvia, $4.00; no westerns. Dressed calves, slow and un changed; city dressed veais. $:i.(K(!( 1 1 5n; country dressed. $6.0012.60; drekjil barn yard and fed calves. S?.'K7.00. SHEEP AND LAMH8 - Receipts. 32! head: sheep, steady; iambs, very slow mid wesk; sheep, $6.00; culls, $3.0Ofi:,.75; iambs $7.0(Xfi8.O0; no choice; culls, $8.00. HOGS Receipts, ,I Vi4 head; mink, t auraiiy; oruinary Pennsylvania plajs, $..)5. Ot.. Lonls Lira Stork Market. . f8J" ,''P9' 2'-:ATTLE-Reoelpts, 2,000 head, Including 800 Texsns; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $5.fi6.0; dressed beef and butcher steers, 4 H.&5.36; steers, under 1,000 lbs., $3.2fyh6 00 stocketssnd feeders. $2,264.26; cows and We?--,U-'mt-2l'; .cannrs. $1.75432.10; bulls. t2.Bfxil3.7B: calves. $4.00037.50; Texas and In- WftsTBo'1""' ,2'6"t41iS; cow "nd heifers, HOGS Receipts, 10.000 bead; market strong; pigs and lights. $3.8tVff4.60; packers $4.75(M.!0; butchers and best heavy, $4.!Kr SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3.000 had: market steady: native muttons, $4 50 ffrt5.50: lambs. $6.0037.28: culls and r.,1,-1,. $22401.50; stockers, $2.0Ot3.26: Texans, U.nO it. Joseph Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Jsn. 26.-CATTI Ji-Re-celpts. 1.159 head; market steadv to weok; lis 1 Ives, $3.75(36.40; cows and hel'fers, $1.7oo 4.35; stockers snd fenders, $2,754)4.15 HOGS Receipts. 8,661 head: market steady to 5c higher: light. $4.7&4.0; me dium snd heavy, $4.765.00. SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts, 4.745 head market steady; lamtis, $7.30. Stork-la Sight. Receipts) of live stock at the five principal iM.ile South Omalia 2.500 Kansas City 6.5no Hogs. Sheep. 6.2") 6,200 15,0110 8.661 lO.Ota) 26,0110 5.000 4.745 3.000 14,000 St. Joseph 1,160 Ht. Louis 2.000 8,0i) Chicago .. Totals .20,159 55,851 32,945 Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 26.-WOOL-Owin to the exceedingly small stocks of domestic wool available, actual business In the Boston market Is unusually dull; territory wools are noticeably scarce. In no previous year has buying been no general. Pulled wools are somewhat easier; foreign wools are lit fair demand and hold firm. Quotations Idaho line, 184rrjl!lo; heavy fins, 16ftl7c: tine medium, l4(ul8c; medium. 2223c- low medium, 23ir24i!. Wyoming line, li 441 184c heavy tine, loftier; tine medium. 174(al84c: medium. 2J'n24c; low medium. 23(0.24,. 1 ..1, and Nevada fine, 174?lc; heavy fine, IjM 16c; fine medium, l?4(ji8o; medium, jMU'j.u" low medium. 23'rf24c. Dakota fine. 187l8c: fine medium, U'glHo; medium, 234i24c; low medium. 23(4 24c. Montana due choice, 21ft 22c; fine average, lmn-yic; fine medium i-nuiee, ik-.c, atrrnge. i;nBuc; staple 22 )23c; medium choice, 23ft 2oc; average 21 422c. LONDON, Jan. .-VOOL-Tlii. offerings at the wool auction ales today amouiunl to 13.000 bales. Tha tons wss generally firmer. The selection if merinos viis the largest offered during tile series. Following are the sales In detail: New Hou n Water 5.900 bales; scoured, 10.a(!i10s td ; gr-itav 44ti (ils44d. Queensland, 1.800 bales; scoured Is 3d(ils lid; greasy. 7igild. Vlctri'la. ! :v bales; scoured. Is&ls5d; greasy, 64d81s 4d South Australia, 49 bales; greasy, !&l04d New Zealand, 3.600 hales; scoured, uudift' Is 3d; greasy, 9dQls2d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 4( bales; scoured, lst4d' ST. LOI Oil Jsn. 26 WOOI Knmln.r medium grades, combing and clothing 23fj 2c; light f1ne. I8224c; heavy fine, iTu-lSc; uu-w aavntru, t I will. Metal Market NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-M ETA LS-While the london tin market was a little lower at 120 los for spot and 130 for futures, the local market ruled a little better with spot generally held at from $29.00(330,00. Tha copper market continued firm; there are rumors that some sales have been made of lake nt $15.75, but the reports are without present confirmation and It cannot b found that dealers generally are asking for more than $16.60; electrolytic Is quoted at $16. Ki and casting at $16.0015.25. Lead was quiet, but unchanged at t(.46iil.&5 In Ihe local market and at 12 12a 6d In London. Spelter was a little easier abroad, clos ing at 24 15s. l.ocftlly the market was unchanged at $4 2(9.3tt. Iron was stesdy at 63s 8d In Glasgow snd at 48s ad In Mid dleaboro. Locally Iron Is firm, with No 1 foundry, northern, quoted at $17.6o4J17.:iS' No. 2 foundry, northern, st $17.50: No. l foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry soul hern, soft, st $i7.75 ll.H). ST. LOCIB. Jan. 26. M ETAT.B Irad. steady at $4,374. Spelter, quiet; at $6 1M 6.20. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Jan. 26. - Sl'GAR Raw, uuirl: fair refilling. 44c; centrifugal M tent, 64c: molasses sugar. 44c. Refined, quiet; crushed. 6 85c; powdered, 6.2Jc; granulated, 6 15c NEW ORLEANS, Jn. 2.-8rOA;: Strong; Lpen keitle, 3V44c; open kettle, centrifugal. 44tt64c; crntrlfugsl whites, 54 tu4c: jellows, 44i54c; seconds. 3443144c MOLASSES -Unlet : open keitle, I3if2tir, centrifugal. 7J16c. Syrup, ateady, Zf)jK-. CoaTee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 24--"'OFFEE-Ths market for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 10 points In respt use to better European cables than expected, (losing quotations were .at a net . ?1T 4 7 f U . . . . 4 7 40 :j . .?: 4 t" 7 741 . jm tm 4 n ti tsi ISO u-a 4 7 73 ?t . fl IS I TI'di U lot f4 aa 4 7fi, 4 T4 f i 4 ;i, m ;i . . 4 7Jv, 4 jni l I4 4 TJ', i MI t I 7! 11 ton tM 40 4 7fv, 44 XI 5M M 4 ftvj, 4 tot 140 4 7"4 74 X advance of 8010 points. Ssles were re ported of I47.7yi bigs Irrludifg March st T jesKKV: Mm, 7 h fi 7 on,. : Jolv. '7 76c; August. $7'V; Peptrrt er. 7 85 October, K4J9I4V; November, 8 1MS2IV; Peoemmr, tkS 26.'. ' Porelga Financial. IXNDON. Jan 2 Supplies of money wre scarcer in the market tcxlsy owing ot the Joint stock banks calling In loans for month-en. 1 ptiiposes. luscounts aere steady, (m the Stock exchange prices In many directions a-ere firm and a fair amount of business wss trsnsacteil. The settlement pmerrease-d satisfactorily, tlie bank rettirm leliig a favorable factor. Consols hardened. Home rails were frruuently higher, though the latest traffic returns acre disappoint ing. Americans opened ti!l. In response to the loos,- In Wall street, and rallied to well nlxtve parilv. Erie and Philadelphia ! and Heading were the features. Atchison Topeka fsnts Ke snd New Ontsrlo Western were in fair domain! Prices closed firm. Foreigners were quieter. Japanesa closed under the best quotations of the d-iv imperial Japanese government 6s of 1!K4 were quoted at 100. Kaffirs were flint on Paris buvlng. BERLIN. Jan. 26-prtccs on the Hours todav generally were firm. PARIS. Jan. 26 ITIces on the Poursa todav open'd verv firm, owing to the Ini pro ed advices received from Russia. Prices closed Irregular on sccouot nf a rumored Spanish ministerial crisis. Russian Im perlsl 4s were quoted st 8-.35 and Russian bonds of 1!M at 4M30. Oils aad Rosin. NEW YORK. Jan. M.-OILS-Cottotiseed. barelv steadv; yellow. 24'ili44c Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, steadv st 664ft66c. ROSIN-Steadv; strsined. fomnmn l good. $.' 874(U2 90. . . OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 26.-OI LS-Credlt bal ances. $1 42; certificates, no hid; shipments. 76,975 bbls ; average, 70.90'J Nils.: runs. 91.050 bbls.; average. 60,tS bbls.: shipments. Lima, 80.335 bbls ; average. 61.615 bbls.; runs. Lima, 70.966 bbls : sversge. 67.40 bbls. SAVANNAH. Jan. ai.-OILa-TurpenllnK. firm, 524c. . , ROSIN-Firm: A. TI. C. $.'6S; D. 2.o; ), $3 76. F. $2 ; G. $2 95: II. $3. SO; K. $4.lJ; M, $4 60; WO, $6; WW. $5 It. THREE MKKTIt;ai AT MITCHELL Starksaea, Wont tironers aad I'onltry Men to Hold ( onventlon. MITCHELL, 8. D.. Jan. 26-i8peclaI There will be three big gatherings In Mitchell next week which will bring Im mense crowds of visitors to town. Tha South Dakota Improved Live Stock Breed ers' association, the Wool Growers' asso ciation snd the South Dakota Poultry asso ciation will all hold their annual meetings, beginning Wednesday morning. Secretary Wilson of ihe Stock Breeders' association, asserts that there will be nt least J.Ot) farmers and stockmen here, Tha special feature of (heir meetings wllj"rt tha stock sale which will lie held enVh "after-' noon In Ihe Corn palace The building hast been fitted up with stalls' nnd pens for rattle, horses, sheep and swine to accom modate 200 head, snd all the room Is tsken. The stock to be offered for sale Is all regis tered stuff nnd Is Ihe pick of fifty different breeders in the state. Wednesday morning the Wool Growers' association will hold a session, for which A literary program has been prepared. Wednesday morning. KelH-ttary 1. tha State Poultry show will open lis doors on the first floor of the clly hull building, which will afford amp's room, light and heat for the big show. Secretary Scallln gives It hs his opinion that there will be over 1.180 birds al the show. W. 8. Russell of Ottumwa. la., and W. C. Ellison of Ps waukee. Wis., will Judge the birds on e hlbitioii. Eight silver cups have been con tributed to the show for special premium) In various classes, while good money prize are offered by the management In all de partments. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record January 26, ItnS. as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded altetracler. 1614 Farnam street, for The Bee: P. Hoctor snd wife to J. F. Tondreau, lots 12 and 13. block 2. Maple Grove. .$ 9n W. T. Graham and wife to 8. Man ctiHco, lot 3. hlock 6. Shull's 2d add.. t Mary B. Harris and husband to J.' Carroll Whlnnery. lots 29 and $0, Stewart ;... 1 .. 4,300 Elisabeth Kuhlman to Maud C. Sher man, lot 6, block 1, Redlck park 1 Florence A. Chase and hushsnd to Shimer, Chase A- Co,, lot 22nth nnd Ames avenue subdiv., . S.OOO Mabel V. Shimer and husband to same, lot 38, block 6, Jerome park, and other lands .: 13.076 Fanny M. Potter and husband to Mil ton Trust company, w 45 feet of lot 2, Cherry Garden t O. E. Johnson to C. C. Montgomery, same , f Milton Trust company to O. E. John son, same , 1 Edwards -Wood Go. (Incorporated) ruin Office: Fifth and Roberta Street ST. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Braaeh Oniee, 110-111 Board al Trade Bid.. Omaha. Nab. Telephone SB14. 212-214 Exchange Sldg.. South Omaha. Ball 'Phone iia Indstxmdsnt 'Phone a LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Nolle Is hereby given that tha Board of County Commissioners hi and for tha county of Lincoln, In the elate nf Nebraska, will receive sealed bids, marked "Bids," for the construction of one single-track wagon bridge with two turnouts across tha) North Plutte river at a point due north of the town of Hershey, Lincoln county, Ne braska, until 13 o'clock, noon, Central time, of .he 6th day of February, '1805; said bridge to be about 8,200 feet long. 10 feat wide, the two turnouts to be nol less than 16 feet wide and 72 feet long, piling II fast long and 8 Inches at top. and burr or. whit oak, stringers 24 feet long-arid l4f Inches wide and 3 Inches thick, and of Oregon fir; flooring to be 10 feet long and I. Inches thick and of Oregon fir and according to plans and specifics lions adopted by ssld board and on file In office of county clerk of said county, and bidders may submit their own plana snd specification Bids to lie at a specified price per lineal foot for completed bridge. Each bider must accompany his bid with a certified check In the sum of $600 as a guaranty that If contract la swsrded t him that he will enter Into contract to build said bridge according to his hid, arid upon the awarding of the contract the con tracting party must execute and deliver a good and sufficient bond, with at least two good and sufficient sureties, residents of the stste of Nebraska, and one. at least, resident of Lincoln coiiiily, Nebraska, or signed by a surety company, In the sunt of $3,000. to be approved by the Board of County Commissioners, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all conditions under such contract. ' . The county commissioners reserve- th right to t eject any and all bids. Dated this 6th day of January, 1906 FRED R. OINN, County Clerk. J 1S-20-21-F.1 UOVRHNMKKT !UTICii CHIEF Ql' A RTERM ASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., Jan. 21. 1905 Sealed pro posals In triplicate subject to ths usual conditions, will ha received here until )'l o'clock a. in., central standard time, Feb ruary 13, I806. and then opened In tha prestnc of attending bidders, for in stalling stand pipe, hose and hose real In new storehouse at Quartermaster's De pot, Omaha, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application lo this office, where specifications may be obtained. Pro posala to be marked "Proposals for stand pip, hose reel, etc.," and addressed to LlHUt. Col. J. E. Ssa-yer, Chief Quarter master. J26-27F10-UM CHIEF Q' A RTERM ASTER'S OFFICfT--Ornalia. Neb.. Jan. 16, 1M06. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here and by qua rtermasters st the posts named herein, until 10 a. nr. central standard time, Feb. 11. 19f, for furnishing fuel and forage during th remainder t.f tha fiscal year ending June 30. 14, at Forts X). A Ruasell ard Mackensle, Wyo., and Fort Des Moines, Is. Proposals for delivery st oilisr places will be entertained. IT. 8 re serves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Informa tion furnished on application htr. or to quartermasters st stations named En ve'opes containing proposal should b maiked "Proposals for Fuel and Fnrag " and addressed to Lieut Col J. E. Sawyer. C Q M. JJ6-24-J7:2a-Fll-U 1 I - - '1 Mfim t a ," '.,', . ' I