Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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irkMi rkJe snd a cumber cf wrr
brttse. At the next cuncfl meeting tM
I claim wi 1 he ref-re3 to the ctr iforny
""""""" I for inveisatlon.
ieJ YercbaaU Prpiiif t Git a! ptik m ew Dee.
Banquet lo&d libt Th pei: tns t pavirg
7 -t i - : I ' h street In now 4ue. The total "
CX)VLRS TO B lAiO FC W;KOPtO nmic of thi ork anouct. to t:ini rrc. ,Si;VV,LR LINGtRS LONG DOWN THERE
ertr owner In this district aav until
March 7 of tfci year to P? 7 rn After that
Elmo:! Central Yia Sing? tie Pnliei of
Tarawa PteiLrala.
Ceearllaaaa Qeeeeaa (lM t r
taarter raaatn Wblrk Will !
rraea th Salary af Ar -
cttr osiu.
The directors of the recently organised
KeUIl klerchit,' association beld a rret
SI Monday night at Eagle' hail ana prac
tical competed JTngirett for th
tjanqjet to be b14 on lb evening of Feb
ruary IS. Owing to the absence of John
Flrnn. who la cfcalrman of the emertin
nvent committee, srm eVtalls were left
for Mr. Ply en to a: tend la when be re
turns horn, la speaking ef the director'
meeting. Joseph Kontckr. president e( tbe
mrtr i:)on, said the membership was
growing and that the benqoet we gulng
lb be a soreai 1a very way. "All biul
fcesa men in Sutt Omaha will be tarried."
aid Mr. Koutsky. "Mora than this.
will Inrite some of the member of the
Retail Merchants' association In Omaha to
attend and give ua a talk. We expect to
lay plates for not leas than U members
and guesta The banquet will be held at
Karles ball, Twwnty-slitn aod J streets,
axd will be served by a South Omaha
caterer. Jnhn Flj-nn. W. W. Fisher and
Henry RM holt -ve cbarre of the banquet.
A committee is to ro forth and soUcIt
rnerr.bers, so that ajnilotlon received may
be acted on at the regular meeting of tbe
association In February. While tbe direc
tors meet once a week, there la oaly one
meeting a nv nth of the association when
Tnembwshlp applications are rated oil
It prveare to be the Intention of this
i association to interest every business man
la the city in the work cf boosting for
South Omaha Tberxpectatloa is that the
banquet will interest a great many local
merchants who are a little slow in handing
in tbetr name for membership,
Qaeeaaa Opseaet salary Isrreaae.
Councilman WHllam Qurenan who is one
of tbe members of the charter revision
committee, states that be la opposed to any
amendment of tbe charter whereby the
salaries ef city employes will be raised.
Reeea Blaeaa aad Hire. la "weet
fa Ralaay Air Tataaebew by
Irety Bleats fraaa lera
date the taxes beooroe d'H'Mjueit ard win
draw Interest at the ra'e of 1 pr rnt per
month until paid. All of the pr'-perty own
er interested eigrved the r.4itk to pare
and the dry treasurer thinks the spe-.!
taxes will be paid In fun before March T.
Increased Farelteaeat.
B-iperlntenoVet McLean of the publl
echoo raid last evening that the second
semester opened on Monday wfh an In
creased enrollment. Tbe superintendent
desires to notify parents who wish to send tnf e'ghteen and a quarter pounds, which
WlUiam H. Brill, ulptrict paser.ger
agent for tbe Illinois Central, has re
turned from Florida, where he accompanied
a party of tetnicts. As souvenirs af the
trip Mr. Brill snows a sweet potato welgh-
Mr. Quecnan aald: "I think all of the city Thursday aftmoon
their children to the first primary grade to
do so within two weeks frcm the openlrg of
tbe second semester. As rrgards the exami
nations held last week Mr. McLean stated
that tha number passing averaged aboo
'he same as last year, there being no
noticeable Increase or decrease. Thoe wb
failed to pass will spend tbe second semes
ter In going over tbe studies of tbe first
Pal lee fcaat, Raree.
Notice wss sent to police headquarter
yesterday that a horse belonging to George
Oreen was down and could not get up. An
Investigation showed that the 'horse had
been left In an alley near Twenty-fifth and
H streets all might and waa suffering
greatly, being too weak to get on Its feat.
The horse waa shot by Offlerr Qrahara
Every day the police are called upon to in
terfere la rases where people are trying
to drive smooth -shod horses over tbe icy
Magic City Oaeslp.
Mrs. Herman BeaL Twentr-flfth and Q
streets, is reported to b Improving quite
On Thursday afternoon Mra. J. H Van
tuien will entertain the Magic City King's
Mrs. L. C. Gibson will entertain tcvlay in
honor of Mra Irving P. Johnson of Miidxe
apolls. Mrs. W. EL King will assist.
Coroner Bradley will today Investigate the
death of Frank Barto. the man found dead
la bed at the Formaxtrk bote! Monday.
Mia Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
George H. Brewer, is confined to her home
with a severe attark of throat trouble.
The Ladies' Aid soolety of tte LerW
Metbod:l church wiU meet with Mra.
Lrtle. Twentieth and Madison streets, on
officials are receiving ample salaries for
the work they perform and that no change
In the salary list should be made. My
ttentlon has been called to a bill either
Introduced or about to be Introduced In
the legialature paying the members of the
fir and polio board a saiary of 000 per
annum. These member iw draw a sal
ary of tit a year. In place of lncreaeing
the wages of the police commissioners I
have suggested to tbe charter revision
committee that the Increased amount be
given to tha firemen. If this cacnot be
kne I would suavest that tbe same
amount of money, H.OftO per year, be used
for the extension of water mains In all por
tions of the city. By extending the main
and locating hydrants tbe people at large
would be benefited and thla la what the
council ia looking after at the present
City Engineer Reeelvea elee.
Tuesday afternoon the city clerk sent to
City Engineer Beal a copy of the Kiewit
resolution directing him to look over the
prevent high school building and prepare
estimates of the cost of altering tbe build
ing so as to be suitable for city hall or
other public purposes.
Msyor Koutsky happened to be In the
office af tbe city engines when the notice
was laid on the engineer's desk. The
mayor said: Tp to the present time the
city council ha not .made an offer of any
kind U tbe sehoel district for the ftrrchase
of this property. This matter has not
been considered by tbe council at all. and
tbe only talk about securing the present
high school building for city purposes hs
been In the newspapers." Continuing, the
mayor said: -."Engineer Beal Is away be
hind In Ms work and I do not see how he
can spare any time Just now to go over
such a propostHon. The held record made
last year sre being made out and the tax
aaseffsment for Railroad avenue paving
la being figured out. Beal will be kept
busy in hie office for two month at least
catching up on tbe work done lust year.
It will be trme enough to make estimate
of the irohablc cost cf changes in the
high school building when the city snake
a proposition to the sotool district for tbe
purchase of tbe property. i
rLartty Ball De-oaratioas.
Fred Elter. who 1 chairman of the com
mittee on decor ' inn for the annual charity
ball ts be given Thursday night at the Ex
change, aald laat evening that the deoor
tlons would be aoroethtns; out ef the ordl-
Tbe severe cold and the etronx north wind
yesterday greatly Interfered with business,
as very few people were to be found on the
Colonel J. B. Watklns has been elected
president of the South Omaha club. M. W.
Cahuw Is vice president and Harvey .
Moeely secretary and treasurer.
Funeral services over the remains of
Frank Eber will be beld this afternoon at
t o clock at the late residence of the de
ceased. Rev. James Wise will officiate. In
terment at "Laurel Hill cemetery.
Osaaba rraasaerlea Ar Paylg a
Recard Flgare ta the -Far
sa ers Saw.
Tbe usual shrinkage In the receipts of
cream at this season of the year ha
caused Omaha creameries to jump their
price for butter fat from 2C cent to 2S
cents, which la the highest price paid In
six years. The real reason for this ad
vance ta that creamery men are anxious
to get farmers out of the habit of doing
their own churning and It i thought that
thl price will materially increase tbe re
ceipts of cream in a very short time.
When farmers rsn take their cream ts
their nearest statkts and get 2s cents fur
it the creamery men claim that farmer
are realising from I to 10 cents per pound
of butter more than tbey would if they
did their own churning. i
This is simply one of the many schemes
of local-creamery men for increasing their
output. They have a ready market for all
the butter thejr can tarn out and that
being the case tbey are doing all they can
to develop tbe dairy interests of Nebraska
and western Iowa, as well aa northwestern
MlBsojrl. At the present time cream ia
Lipped in here from points v nxllet to the
wt and half waj to Lx-a Maine on the
eaai. Northwestern Miseourl 1 also aup
plying a good deal of butter fat, but an
active campaign Is being carried on in
that section to Interest farmers in th
dairy business. Before another y-ear has
parsed It Is expectt-d that th amount re
ceived from Missouri will be increased
many times over.
Efforts are not being confined alone to
new territory, as there Is-plenty of room
for increasing the number of cows milked
in sections where dairying is already being
,arrtad on. Even under prefer. t condi
tion Omaha manufactures more butler
thui anv other citv In tbe United States
nary this year. It is proposed to have a ' snd If the present campaign for more butter
rarden of flowcra Paim. ferns and flowers ( rt ta carried on In the future, those who are
tn abundance have been arranged for and 1 1n a potion Ui make predictions say that
will be placed In tbe spacious dining room j , . Um Omkha will far ouldl.tanco
I nursaay inrrnooa. im worx or Oeco- i
rating will commence aa (na as drnner (a
electric llshts will be used and then there
ail oomvetitora
will be tbe usucl amount of flags and bant
ing From this ball the boenltal association
hopes to secure ot:tte a f and for the sup
port cf .the Institution. It Is stated that a
laige number of tlrkets have been old
A Bather Da bust rial a Filed.
John P. Culkin filed -notice of a claim
against the city yesterday afernoon for
U, .. He allege that he fell oa a aidewalk
sa Twenty-fourth street while on the way
lome about ten days agu and sustained a
b pecked up on th east coast cf tbe
penins ula, and a green coooanut which ha
knocked out ef a tree himself. There were
thirty-six people In the party and It waa
tbe first time some of them bad been east
cf the M.s:r.ppi. The party went via
St Louis with a daylight run from Nash
ville and Chattanooga to Atlanta, which
gave them a view of historic Lookout
'Florida was a revelation to most of tha
people In the partv," said Mr. Brill. "When
we left here It was cold and wintry. When
we arrived there the rosea were In bloom.
The sua was warm, birds were slnglnc aAd
tb fragrance of aummer waa la the air.
Jacksonville has been entirely rebuilt sine
tbe fire and tb ancient architecture that
once mad It quaint and unique ha been
replaced ir modern, up-to-date building
like those you see In the north. One of
tha sights was a visit to the ostrich farm.
They are great lumbering bird, rather
docile and they seem to thrive and do
well. Some of them are very tame and
I saw men axd boy ride them. They
drive them, too, but they didn't happen to
have any harnessed up th day we war
there. Most of the party went to St- Au
gustine and visited tbe old city' gate and
historic point about the place. Ten of
the party continued to Miami, where tfcey
took the steamer for Havana.
Cattlessea ttelag ta Cwba.
"It might be interesting to add that there
ware seven cattlemen from South Dakota
In tbe party. Tbey went ta Cuba to buy 'II.
009 acres of graslng land with a view to
railing cat tie. Tbey have an idea that they
can do better there and they were willing
to make the experiment. They have a
peculiar old Spanish law there. They can't
kill cattle. It seems, without a license and
they collect a regular butcher's tax. Cuba
promises to be tbe Meal winter resort for
Americana Since the Americans have got
In there the sanitary conditions ar almost
perfect and Havana Is as clean as a whistle.
Tb temperature is a! way tb same and a
more attractive place to spend the winter
can scarcely be imagined.
"Cm the return trip soma of ths people
visited Chlckamaugua park, near Chatta
nooga One of the Nebraska regiments was
stationed there, and It was of interest to
the Nebraskana in the party for this rea
son. One of the phenomenal things to m
was the wonderful products tbsy ar able
to get down there with fertiliser In sol:
that formerly were not considered of much
value. In one front yard I saw trees af
great, yellow oranges that Just made the
mouth water. I paid a visit to the Ormoad
and Daytona beach. Tkia is twenty miles
long and the ocean view is magnifloent.
They say It is one of the finest beache lb
th world, it Is white and hard as a pave
ment. I saw Barney Oidfirld taking a spin
In his automobile."
At a special matinee this afternoon Sara
Eernard and Hattie 'Williams will be seen
again in ' their fine musical farce, "The
Girl from Kays." This evening will close
the engagement. The next attraction at
the Boyd will be Richard Car' la'est pro
duction. "The Maid and tbe Mummy," a
fanciful sketch tht give a reat cope
tor the exercise of the author Imagination
and ability aa a humorist. It is furnished
with music by Robert Hood Bowtr. and
the ve-d!ot ha so far been "the best ever."
It abounds with catchy song, snappy
dialogues and funny situations. Th eif
gagement open Triday. last until after
Sunday evening and includes matlne per
formances on Saturday and Sundcy. 8ets
are now on sale.
-The t.lrl free Kay's ait the Be yd.
Sam 1-iemard snd ecmranv. with ItatU
William, in "The Girl trom Kays.' a
farcical eocaedy. with music, in three
cir; book by ywn Hail, irusie by linn
Onll: utir flir-tKr of Froh
mn snd G-torxe Edwardes The casi :
Max Hogt'nt.eimer . Sam Bernard
Harry eiordoo Oeorg Howard
The Hon. I'ercy ntrthiatje
Ernest Lambert
Mr. Chalmers George R. Spragje
Tbedor Ooeoch. K C Louis R Grieel
Jospb, hail porter at Faicton bote! I
Oaorae Honey
I Archie Pembridge .. Maurloe Laving
I Pepper, page boy at Falctoa botel
I .77 FralA McCuliouan
I Frank, waiter t Savoy. Paul Leckr
j Winnie H "..-borough. Tb Girl from
! Kay's Hattie William
I Nora Chalmers Katherine Hutchinson
: Ellen, her fraid Grace fnjd ey
Mr. Chalmers Carrie Lee Stole
After ' A Chinese Honeymoon" and "San
Toy, one rubs one s eye ad asks twice,
"Is this truer on, seeing "The Girl from
Kay a" and being told that it too I Im
ported from England. Not that England
hasn't given a lot of good thing to Amer
ica In the way of drama and opera but
th recent attempts at musical entertain
ments, as per sample cited, were such a
to make ua think ur dear friend In Lon
don wer merely spoefing when tbey sent
them over. But Thl Girl from Kay's"
has tbe solidity and th lubsLanc that la
essential, and at th same Um It ha th
tight and airy about It that make it doubly
palatable. It talis a good story la a jolly,
sparkling sort at way. and whit th songs
and other feature ef the evening ar ail
moat enjoyable, they ar cot at all essential
to the enjoyment of th clever comedy
that 1 unfolded meanwhile. Mostly, tb
action of tha comedy is baited while a
song Is introduced or a dance or concerted
movement of tb chorus la executed. But
this la ail den so well that one feelt like
voting a resolution to the author sad di
rector, Sam Bernard haan't been thl far away
from Broadway In an age, and yet b
seemed as much at horn In Omaha a on
"the great whit way-" It may be that
tbe genuinely cordial wwloom gtven him
bad a UtUe to do with it, but b certainly
gave us the best be had last night. "Suf
ficiency." His Hoggenhelther Is a creation,
artistic an4 well rounded out. He has as
much reason to be proud of It as Irving
to feel satisfied with bis Shylock or Mans
field with his Ivan. It is sublimated art
that enables Mr. Bernard ta do hi comedy
role with uch nicety, not exaggerating at
any point, nor undervaluing any, but neatly
balancing one mood against another, so as
to make the character complete and th
performance the best given by a low comed
ian here In many a year.
Hattie Willis so was another "girl from
when last seen here, but that another
story. Aa tb young milliner with an ey
for a millionaire, she conducts herself with
Just enough of reserve to make the part
appear not too mercenary. Her songs ar
given with a finish that is delightful. Her
vole 1 pur and strong and delightfully
bandied. George Howard. Mis Hutchinson
and Miss Dudley also sing very well.
Ernest Lambert adds to tb fun of the
evening with a queer character creation. I
and Miss Clifford dance her way into
favor, while tb Pienut quartette was an
Immense hltH
The rhoru Is a revelation la Its way. It
ha all that Is ordinarily asked for In a
chorus, youth, beauty, sprtghtliness, ability
to sing and move gracefully on the stage,
snd then soma And th arrangement of
the work for the young people is such as
keeps them pretty much In action, with
the most p)ksir.gvf results. The larg
audience that witnesed th opening per
formance at the Boyd last night was quite
enthusiastic In Its expression of approvaL
"The Girl From Kay's" will be given at
a special matinee" Joday and again this
evening, closing tbe engagement. The play
runa full three hours, and you can't af
ford to mirs any of It- So be sure that
you are in your seat for the matinee at
I o'clock and for the evening performance
at S sharp.
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How dn Engineer
Saved a Child's Life
Special Correspondanc,
From WichK. Kant.
Kr. Joseph Tx.k. i-wnuj at 4S8 W. Ssd
Street, thi erty, cn of th eldest and bet known -.rrr- tn
t Stat cf Kansas. tT. an inU-trtirf 'jorf ia which h saved
tVt Lf of Wary, th beautiful child of c.tjoo fore-ran Wad Ray.
Wanr wa awaat eamDan far her rmthr. and aha aJwaya ran
with amiling- and jcyful f to mt bar faihr at ha earn from
work, ar.d bar harpy ditposition banihd ar.y carat or worrita that
b may hava had.
For two montha litCa Mary lay at tha point cf daUv TS famTy
physician had called in contiiltautm thraa of th mott akaltd ef ha
professional brother, Tbs food doctor did a21 hi the r power.
with not a tpark ef improvarritnt ta Mary " condition. They loat
aJ hop, aad told tha mother that bar btba flarURf couia not eve.
The Rescue as Told .
by the Engineer
A yar aro I wa troubled o with my stomach I tVnjjit I had
cancer. Jn bunoay arrrioon 1 naa tucn para i cotua oara.j tianu iu
I m at at Wichita, whtrt wa had thra hour lay over before rornf to
S:'ma. 1 wnt to Arch McVicar'a dru,' atora, and ai.kd for a do ef Bra-no
Soda. He aaid that would only beip for a ftw muaut and racom
mended Kodil Dyspepvi Cure for a permanent cur. I boufht a bottle
and had immediate relief. 1 took four bottle and am cured n'-r.y.
I have run a locomotive engine far twenty-e'u;ht yaart, of that time on pienrr. where we only have
twer.ty minute for meal. That is what ruin railroad tnen'a
atemaefca; that it why I thouctit it my duty to tU you about
th mtdicina. ao that my brother could be rel tvtd in ca of
trottle of thi kmd.
I have been a B. L. E. for twenty-aeTea year; run on MaP.RR.
twenty ye&rt ; am known nearly all over Kama. About a year aro, now.
our section foreman. Wade Roy, from RueHa, told me hi little firl had cholera
infantum, and wa given vp by three doctor. While ! lay at Kiowa 1 boui-ht a
new bottle cf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and while eitting in th coach I read a tettirnonial where children had been cured
by takir.f- twer.ty crop when dot tor had sen them up, to I poured half of my new bottle in the old one, and when I
got back to Rje'iia, I stopped the engine in front of th (action houce and gaTe him the bottle and told him ta read the
circular erd ute hit own judgment, that the medicine had cured me. Next morning he waa at Anthony smiling anfl aaid
th child was better from th ffrtt dote. ' In two weeks the waa up and running around, and a more grateful family
wa never seen. With best withes I remain, JOS. TACK, Engineer Mo. P.RR, 42 a W. nd St, Wichita, Kansas,
, ne tn:ee
year Die
diufViter of
rve up by
. . ota w i
4 i Tec ta
a VTi - I tmoi
I vl. ' 1 Her H.SOO.
I 1 eu-w
I -,.JcMia-a
aV J M-iLX-'i. I
V 4v"J?1 Mr Mary I
V iVrlrsahi'Bi)etal
Digests What You Eat
Relieves instantly and cures permanently Indigestion, " Dyspepsia
Sour Stomach, Weak Stomach, Gas on Stomach, Belching",
Puffed Stomach, Catarrh of the Stomach
and all Stomach Troubles
that are curable.
Dollar battle hauts 2 1 times
a much as the trial,
frr 69 cent f rt.
Praeared at tha Laearatars
of fe. O. OeWrtt 4k Co.,
Ixn-ers of good act'ng sre enjojing a
treat out of the ordinary at the Orpheura
thl week where Mary Shaw, the dis
tinguished star, is tppearinp In a one-a.-t
corsedy entitled "The Siler.t System." There
sre a number cf other ac ts on the nrograra
that are scoring heavily. Among these are
Joeephine Sabel. the dashing comedienne,
with popular songs; the Qulgley brotaera,
with a bright rapid-fire dialogue, and
Egrt VanalFtyne, the player, end
Louise Henry, the funny Ral Bklr.ner girl.
A matinee wlil be given Thursday.
Medtral aeletr laslalla Oflrars aad
Talk 0er aae Bwataes
A well-attended meeting ef the Pouglas Mcie Co and the TA'esiera Wheel Work
I County Medical society wa beld last even- ' H blfc and proi.erous Inptltutiou. Mr.
lug at the lier urana notei. rtie meeting i uaraner sianeo in biifunes twenty year
Gardner aad HI -Baaaer" ladaatrlra.
Rufaell E. Gardner, "the Barrer Btggv
Man." is generally conceded to be ths
Urgeet manufacturer of buggies In Amer
ica, his Immense plants in Ft. Lot:, form
ing one of the show points of it city.
He I proprietor of th Banner Buggy Co.
the Imperial Carriage Ca, v.e Oeark tl
The annual meeting of toct holder of i
the Ptt Insurance rompany of Nebraska 1
wa hHd r'fterday at tbe home offlpe of
the roeipiny, room 1 New Tork Life build-
lng. Report of the officer were pre- j
sented, showing extneme.y satisfactory re- j
suits for the yenx in Increased volume of
business written, and ia substantial gair.s
in assets and surplus. Election resmltefl
as frtllom-s: Han. J. E. Boyd, president; K.
A. Cudah;-, first vice president; Luther
rralie, steca-'id vie president; A. J. Love,
secretary snd treasurer; K. P. Fitch, as
sistant evcj-i'tary; director. J. E. Boyd. E.
A- Curiahv. J. C. Cowic. E. V. Lewis, Jchn
6. Brady. L. M. Keece, A. J. Love.
Ask lor the 1905 Kodol Almanac and 200 Year uaieiutdr.
Atteallea, G. A. It.
The members of I". S. Grant poet No. 110
are requested to attend tbe funeral of
Comrade Lewis H. Potts from his late resi
dence, southeast corner of Ninth and
Leavenworth streets, at 1 o'clock Wednes
day. January 5- T. A. CKEIGH.
F. B. BRYANT. Commnr,iJ(r.
JWr Et-erj Sealed PacVage
1 Lo Wiley's
v I Cbooolata Donbona A
flia guaranteed to be ia perfect 1
I I condition or moacf refanded. I I
I I A guarantee klip ta each peca- I I
I sg as half-pauBd or mora. II
V JaWtr XatMf Kmmf JL
iVm Walter M. Urwtary CJ
I k wTOM, lAa. - 1
was n adjourned aceaion of the last semi
monthly meeting. The retiring preslJent,
Dr. H. P. Hamilton, Introduced the new
p resident, Tn. Jamra 11. Peabodr, who en
tered at once upon hi olBce, with the other
new officer for tk ensuing year, whs are
Dr. V. H. Biabaugh. vice rre)cient; Ir.
J. H. Aikin, ecretar-: Vr. Millard Lat.g
leld. treasurer, and Vr. S., K. Ej.alcllnj.
Toe election af three delegate to th
meethg of the Stat Medical society, to b
held et Lincoln In May net. resulted as
fUiowa; L'ra X. V. Lord. J. M. Alkln aad
W. H. Biabauh.
A paper was read Ky Vr. R. D. Mason,
followed by a cuasicr..
The question of a permanent meeting
place for tbe society wa taken up and dl
rueaed, as under thu recent rules ef the
Commercial club the mrcberchlp of the
Madteal society la the club is not suffidt-nt
for ft to be aaUtlad to tbe sa of th club
rooms for Its in th future. Tha
matter was Mat definitely eettled. going
ever to t)a aext ejeetli g.
apo practically witheut carltaL
H- ha lately gone Into tlie mana'.actor
af hamet on the same Urge sclj a Uf
other lnteresu. and ha engage to look
after thi end of the busipes A. - Truaa.
formerly cf Memphl. we.l acosvn to the
harness ard wlilery fade.
Russell E. Gardner is aaia to fce the only
buggy minufacturer who sells direct t ve
hicle and ha-tiee detler. cuctlng cut trav
eling mn'i trxpens and mlr'.aisaeB' cota-mlskions.
A. F. Bhe'dcw of Chlca-vo. presldetit aJ
founder ef the Bbeldan Fhcol cf Bciei.r"nc
Salasoianahip and Bwmm Success, h
iiccepted an Invitation v3 address tba'com
snercisi club and tavt'ed guests Tuursdsy
evening, January 36. t o'clock.
Prta Daara.
B. x r rtsas for best dancers I t f.hoff baO
tonight (WeJneWay. January Admi.
sloe. ID cents arA S cents.
Oaaleat at the Krf Taalaht Praas.
Ises ta Shaw ike Ceaaiae
There'll be something doing at the Krug
theater tonight. The "t Uine a traveling
company pitted tta buck and wtag dancers
against tbe local talent, some ef th roomy .
stayed la Omaha, and now the boy witb ,
the kgbt feet are goiasT after naora At
any raxc, alanager Breed sa) he ha tn (
loegeat list ef entries for th contest to
ea pulled oJt do a a there toaigbt thai mma
var seen Is Omaha. Aad eaca one r y tba
local dancer I so aaruest la his . lit.
ssant that be will get the cola If
shake a fact off te do It. ' "
Against this "The 6mart t t- j. m
carp ef aear Vhe are not th.,r
businaaa and they promise 0 Uj
was ued to a
PnK, :re5.Vrhe .rK3r'nd",,ln
,hiTwCrl?i, rrlval. cf weeterrr at
u.l Vf Z "' "lfhl K'Tt T. B. New'
Yolk ar X r"T"-: 5er F -f
V J. . Ti saser af Seattle
Fell Tares, a WU4w.
tile RindMrom. liine at SfCl Bancroft
street, wa arrested t.y Sergeant Hayes
laj yesterday afternoon, charaed with
being drunk and disturbing the peace.
FJndetrora had leen driT.king during the
afternoon and about 4 ocWk, while in
front of the T'.o?too store .lipied snd fell,
hi l.eaj trik!n; a laree plate glarr win
dow on Sixteenth tr-et. breakiiin it While
the gla was broken. Rliltrom had
w not Irjurecl in the lean.
Net ire ta Reliaei,
FirM mfithly cwrd patty and dance of
Omaha tribe No. IS. I. O. R. M.. will he heid
T'dnei-d6 v tvcnlr.g. January .IT., at Metro
politan hall. 14th and Jd: Friend of
tbe order arc reci-jeMed to attend. Adrni
slon C C. MERF.JAM. Chairman of Com.
H. C. ELWARLS, Keeier of Records.
Annual sale intantc wear now cn. 1.1111
putian Bazaar, IMS Pour' a
Jack Percel la Dead.
The police received the followit g telegram
last evening:
"MC'F.GAN CITT, La. Jan 54. Chief cf
Polir. timaha. Neb.: Jack Percel -died at
Gibson yesterday. He ha a sister in
Omaha. Flease notify Iter
"R. J. BLACK."
The fvllce do not know .f anyimdy War
ing this name. Any person knowing of tiie
wherehouis of the lster will piaase notily
the po'.lc.
r. .
, a-- J
A Prominent Feiture of Our Coa.1
Our business methods
are clean, straightfor
ward. We have the
coal all grades. Satis
faction guaranteed. A
trial order will convince
Omaha talent look Ilka It
poet wcea in new peer. , ,
uica means taai in cor y mmt w
goinc so! las ta sea. TV. t.. -u, w. .
kacMeatal to tha par.,, Kr
thi evatUsia.
Colds. Headaches
and La Grippo
a. waa y
U. IluiutU.
' draagtsi raarsa
sui tauua rtf yeax auey .
?Cw-talM No Qoinlne).'
Caieasea, Opiate.
It bavta ao be ertt sat H4ow aSaaurk. Vt
aair to tMidnaia.lja. Mini mi rtacit
re Lea (Cast a las He Qsdeiae).
asasBRs CUARAHTTr) t0 ro tti.1 IV BaaB
Vfcersaea McCoswett Drug oa, ear. Jst j
252 3 252
The real tt of coal i "ZERO." Ilt-re are eonie "
"wro" tjtialltlcs:
I f OEARK Clint.. K.R4I i
II tiuwE u nr. I
3 BEST HAltD ftI H-tK f I
1 Our autotuatJo nw h take out dust and dirt and
T1 y1 lu ,,ost mdmon. We vxant your order I
and U-llove it will pay YOU to bur from us. Try 1L
1838 H1R,1:Y ST-
fit 252 - 252
f "Follow the Flag "
T-v I LEAVE. OMAHA 6:30 P. M.
11 i B H
"Vti ...
la; ' f
ft. . S A
' be a
laaann a I
Dre brndbur 1506 FAR.NAn SEtr&
Tewtl Ertrw4-t4 Wlth - k Tke a est awtaaatlwe
exit Palav avsrvr s reaseved wIib
Ma. ektit u. LI I I.nrvVTU e4i4l
Dally excursions to all tbe wintrr resorts
of tbe South at greatly reduced rates. Ask
us for rates, time tables and all information
so when you leaTe you frill know where you
are at.
Wabash City Tlckot Office. 1001 Farnatn
Htrry E. lioerts, Q. L P. D., Oniht, Rob,
anaia awaata