Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 19

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    January 22, 1905.
ImiBrtM Variety of Schema Designed to
Eesoh the Ewj Harks.
A Nebraska Proposition Awarded the
Prise for Its Mmple, npm
Handed Rrarli far l ove
lorn fni'kera.
"Swlndllrg Through the Postoffire?" I- the
title of paper In the New York Inde
pendent by Edwin W. Uwipih, assist
ant attorney of the postnnVe; dfpartm nt.
The poattlon of the writer enables him to
give official detail of the many fraudulent
ar hemes of tno get-rlch-qulck order with
which tht country haa been afflicted In re
cent yeara. Many of theae awlndles are
familiar to weatern people and Incidental
referencea to them will provokn a variety
of emotion. Mr. Iawrence writra:
By far the greater part of the time of
the officials who administer the poatal
frauda and lottery law la occupied with
cases arlalng under the portion condemn
ing fraudulent schemes. This section of
the law haa alood since 1S72. From June
103. to September. 1K4, 327 frniitl ordera
were Issued. Of these, tlilrty-one were
aaalnat forclKit lotteries sttetnritlng to
operate In thla country, four against do
meatlc lotteries, one against, a pool-selling
establishment, and 201 against frmidulrnt
chemea. Home of these latter, us hond
Investment and diamond contract com
panies, embody both fraud and lottery
features. Hundreds of endless chain and
other schemes have been suppressed with
out the Issuance of "fraud orders.' When
a business la not Inherently bad and may be
conducted legitimately, opportunity Is given
the parties to abandon their fraudulent
methods or representations, If circum
stances warrant auch action.
As shown by an outline of some of the
schemes, the protection of fraud orders
extends to all clusses of people rich and
poor, educatd and uneducatod, farmer
and merchant, financier, manufacturer and
laborer. '
Turf Investment compunlea advertise to
receive money to be used In betting on
races, the winnings to be paid the patron
after deducting 10 per cent fee. The fraud
la that the company falls to place tho money
on a race, simply paying the patron two
or threa alleged weekly dividends In the
hope of securing more remittances from
him, and. after obtaining as much money
as possible, a notice Is sent him that the
money haa been lost oil the races. The
company pocaetJ the money. It haa been
the practica of these concerns to continue
payment of alleged prollta until the money
in their hands amounts to hundreds of
thousands of dollars before the losing
notices are sent out. The fraud order was
of no avail, as the parties Immediately de
camped with the proceeds. Bookmakers
and other gamblers In conspiracy with
them were always ready to furnish manu
factured evidence to the effect that these
Concerns placed money on the races. It
therefore appeared Impossible to obtain
satisfactory evidence upon which to base
en order until the fraud waa consummated.
Race Betting Fraada.
The paat year other methods have been
adopted by the department, and the
schemes frustrated In their Inception. In
order to obtain remittances thu concern
make false representations of existing
fact. In .he advertising statements and
tables of the Co-operative Turf Invebtment
company of New Orleans, purporting ti
show tUia past record of the - company,
transactions for every week showed mar
velous sutjcesp.ln betMug, 4ut the com
pany omitted its report for two weeks,
ut which time It had sent notice to In
vestors that everything had been bet and
lost. This mlBled the reader to believe the
company always won and never lost.
Maxim & Oay of New York and other
titles, represented that they won on races
they never bet on, and quoted alleged In
dorsements by newspapers of standing.
These Ind-jrementa were found to be noth
ing more than puld advertisements, uud
one of thesa had never been ucveptud and
printed. These lucts, coupled with the
knowledge Unit, without an exception, the
hundreds of this kind of companies which
the Postofllce department has failed to Is
sue orders agulnst have resulted In tre
mendous fraud, warrant tho Issuance of
fiumVr cf ordera have recently been Is
sued against such companies operating on
ihe Pacific coast.
Contracta with the same basic principle
for the purchase of homes have been used
by companies, and hundreds of laboring
men. easily appealed to because of the
home feature, have been deceived. The
remaining few of these are fast being dis
poned of. The endless chain coupon scheme,
whereby one waa led to believe that a
suit, skirt or other article could be oh.
talned for l or 15 cents, was operated on
the same basis. A person would secure a
coprm for 2T rents and nd this to the
company with II, receiving four similar
coupons. He would reimburse himself with
tl by scilltig each coupon fT 2 cents.
When the four coupons sold wrre returred
to the company with tl. he would receive
the article. The four purchasers of cou
pons would have u like opportunity, and
so on In geometrical progression ad In
finitum. Borne wnuld get the article, but
aoon coupons would become so numerous
that they could not be sold, or, if sold,
would not be returned to the company.
Thua a large majority lest everything paid
by them. This m heme has taken numer
ous furme, but all have been condemned,
From Held to Field.
Swindlers are quick to seise upon a new
field for their operations, and, following
the development of recent years In mental
science, absent treatment, and the like,
are resorting to these to defraud the pee-
Die. The miDortunltles tn thla line ars
vast, for the work Is all done at a dls
tsnce, the credulous are ready to grasp
at something new, and an attractive mys
tery seems to surround these false person
ages claiming superhuman powers. In fact
there Is little tangible evidence against
thern. In passing tipon these esses, tha
department assumes that the treatment
honestly administered is efficacious. The
fraud Is found In false representations as
to cures claimed to huve been made, un
truthful promises of personal attention, as
devoting tlftcen minutes each day to each
patient, when it is found that there are
2.000 or more, and other statements of fact,
the existence or non-existence of which
can be actually ascertained. And from
those circumstances, when found, there
necessarily follows the further conclusion
that, without deciding whether or not a
belief or opinion Is correct in these cases
such belief or opinion Is not honestly en
tertained. The department has Isfued or
ders In two notable caaea. vis.: Helen
Wllmans Tost. Seabreeze, Fla., and It. E.
Dutton, Lincoln, Neb. The former has
since been convicted upon an Indictment
found against her for fraudulent use or
the molls, and the latter sought rellet
against the order In the vnlted States dis
trict court, but the order was sustained
by Judge Hunger.
Boldness and Credulity.
The boldness of some men and the
credulity of others are startling and won
derful. Tho following show soma of the
representations made to secure a remit
tance without Intending to send anything
In return: That a court rendered a de
cision authorizing the writer to proceed
with the distribution of prises awarded in
a contest, upon which an attachment had
been placed by creditors, and the ad
dressee's prize la a "horse, lilly buggy ana
harness" worth 275, which will be shipped
upon receipt of for freight charges;
that men are desired to work In a com
pany store at 100 per month, and a pass
worth $23 will be sent one desiring to take
the work, but only upon advancement ot
$10 as a "guarantee of good faith"; that
employment at the Worlds fulr will be
furnished by "The Bureau" for all sorts
of clerks, waiters, etc., at salaries of 1160
per month, but U "good faith money Is
required. A person In Blnghamton, N. Y.,
advertised to loan money on property, to
purchase or sell houses, farms, etc., and
tipon receiving an answer, he said a per
sonal examination ert the property was nec
essary and that therefore he must have
money sent him for transportation ono
way. After remitting, the victim would
hear nothing from the company. A con
cern in Syracuse, N. Y., advertised to pay
12 a day for meu to distribute circulars,
tack signs, etc. To secure work 11 must j fi
of a sewing machine thet would cost from i without foundation In fait. I AH winter a
be sent. A list of 1,000 numes 01 nrrna
doing extensive advertising was the only
return. Farmers all over the country are
Induced to semi" butter, cheese, cider, ma
ple aiiKur and produce of all kinds to
cities by professional crooks, who quote
a high price, but never Intend to remit for
the goods. Such cases frequently reach
the department.
Men actually seem to have reached the
belief thut they can "gather grapes of
thorns and figs of thistles." A man In
orders. The dapartmont is not awaro of a j Belfast. Mo., advertised that his "business
concent of this kind now operating. In
many of tho cases the fraud hus been
auormoua. The U. J. Arnold company
closed Its doors with liabilities ot ,,u
was peculiar." that he dealt In money ot
several kinds and hud a "money making
method" that would enable one to nrqtilro
good cash by exchanging bank bills for
and assets of $73,000. J. J. Hyan had prac- j coin, if $2 Is remitted he said he would
lleally no assets to meet $i,3uo,ooo liabilities.
A few weeks ago u man undertook to
operate this scheme at Saratoga, under
the name of Hiram Stokes & Hon. .Upon
receipt 'Of his literature by the, depart
ment, the mail was withheld from, deilv
rry by telt graph to the postmaster, and
the party disappeared. The Inspector
learned that the man obtained over $l,0rtt j
In the short space of time ueoe.ary
elapsing between thu lu;inco of his circa- i
lara t Ita prompt uc.iuii ut the dep-nt- !
ment. Hundreds ul uw.u: were held up
by the order. j
Alleged wheat and cotton funds are
operated in u similar way. It Is even more
send samplee of money representing $50.
A confederate. $50 bill was sen!. A man tn
Minneapolis with greater enterprise ad
vertised "$ao for $1 not confederate." I'pon
receipt of $1 a book containing directions
for removing "kluUs" from negroes' hair,
how to mal:e "obesity soup." etc., was
rent, with the Information that It "con
tains $50 worth of Information nnd schemes,
to you get what wo stated."
So Kae).
The folly und greed of some people Is
in., illustrated by the laige number who
I emitted, (3. expecting to get a well
equipped bicycle, in response to an ad
vertisement giving a detailed description or
difficult to obtain evidence against these : u, ulni received only a cheap watch charm
before they reap their harvest and dlsap- j the design of a bicycle. Also by those
pear. ! sending a like amount obtained from seli-
Dlamond Bobbles. ! ing bluing for a company, expecting to
Diamond or merchandise contracts find 1 Bet return a large and valuable sewing
. ,.Av .ale and it is a constant effort fnr 1 machine. They received a smull hand ln-
the department to suppress these. The gist
of too contract Is that upon iwiyniciit of
$1 a week by the contract-holder, when his
bccoui'S the oldest outstanding contract, It
will be redeemed nt or fc! for every
dollar paid In. The company Invests no
money, but keeps for Itsilf "0 pur cent of
all receipts. It simply lakes the money
paid on io or three subtctiucnl contracts
to pay ,off a former one. It cart pay con
tracts only so long us it can obtain u con
stantly IncreasiiiK number of new con
tracts. As its liabilities incresKe, its as
sets decreaae. Ultimately the bubble, must
buret, and the greater the succeaa of the
company in obtaining contracts the more
widespread will bi the disuster. Judge
Kohlsaat has characterised this as "a
literal demonstration of the old saying,
'Tha devil take tha hindmost.' " A large
blrumeiil. labe.ed the "Suc-gy Sewing Ma
chine," to .bo fastened on the edge, of a
tuhlo. Anticipating complaints, the com
pany Inclosed with the machine the fol
lowing circular:'
We havo your letter, and would advise
you to keep cool and not make any riiMh
statements before you are sure as to what
you bio saying.
You seem to think we iiRrced to send
you "nn un-to-dute, high grade sewing ma
chine with all the jatest a Uaohir.ents."
If you can show i.h tu our advertisement
where wc mado any such agreement, we
will send you such a sewing machine.
We wi!! go over the advertisement with
von. word for word. You will note the
first word Is "free." That means that
somethli.g la given sway. Next we see.
"an up-to-date, high grade sewing ma
chine with all the latest attachments, costs
from $50 to 11." This is simply a plain
statement of fact, telling you what such
n sewing machine would cost you If you
went to buy it In a store. We show a
picture lu the advertisement of the kind
ill Flie
Every mother f 1
great dread of the pain
end danger attendant upon
the moit critical period
of her life. Becoming
, a mother should be a aource of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal makea its anticipation one of raiaery.
Mother' Friend ii the only remedy which relieve women of the great
pain and danger of maternity; this hour which ia dreaded at woman'
severest trial tt not only made paipleis. but all the danger ii avoided
bv it use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the use of Mother's nflsvAfs. AintA
Friend. "It I. worth its weight in gold," I 'JftJftP
says many who have used .t. $1.00 per 1111 V fi IB JP
bottle at drug stores. Book containing
valuable information of interest to all women, will FCaTilfrk
be sent to any address fret upon application to Iri'EffMf fla
CLU7U REGULATOR OO,, Atlanta, 0a. ill .WBati
pn to Si'l
Then we ssy. "don't throw your money
sway." This, you will admit. Is good ad
vice, tt simply means that you should
nnt waste money on high-priced sewing
New. havina alven von this sued ad
vice, ws go on and say "but take advan
tage of our generous proposition": and
now you are ready to are what the gener
ous proposition is.
Next we say. "If you wish to own a
sawine machins thst will do excellent sew
Ing aend us your name and address, and
asree to sell only So packages ot ur
washlna blue at 10 rents a package.
You have accented our nronosltlon: you
have sold the biue; you have sent us the
amount received from the sale thereof
S3, and fulfilled the terma of our propoal-
t on
You will find, tipon reading the adver
tisement further, thst we distinctly sgreed.
on our part, after you had sold the blue
and sent us our monev. to simply send
you our new automatic tension sewing
machine, sa n reward for vour efforts in
Introducing our blue among your neighbors
and friends.
This Is exactly what we have don, as
you or anyone with a grain of common
fens must readllv ltdmlt.
Me hope you will sit down and write ns
a letter ann apologise for insinuating inm
our object was fraud. You have hurt our
feelings very much.
we would ailvlae you not to answer any
advertisement sgaln until you are abso
lutely sure you understand it.
All will admit the propriety of the name
given tha machine "Hoesv."
Nebraska la tbe Raaalag.
A Tennessesn at Knoxvllle displayed
equal genlua when, under the name of the
Button Top Bedeprlng compsny, he sent
elaborate circular matter with an offar,
aa waa alleged, to Introduce his new In
vention eet forth In detail. He said: "We
will sepd one sample spring, charges pre
paid, on receipt of $1. If you do not like
the spring after seeing It. you will be un
der no obligation to accept the agency,
as we do not want an agent that cannot
recommend this spring sbove all others.
We will give $2 for esch recommendation
wo receive and use. We send only one
sample spring t: a firm, "and under no
circumstances will we send two or mors
springs at this price." The last statement
Is doubtless true, for the $1 brought only
a small coll of wire.
McCook. Neb . has contributed one of the
comedy stars on the fraud order stage. The
advertisement raada:
The Oreat Secret How you can make
your lover or sweetheart love you; they Just
must love you; they can't help themselvrs.
This secret la based on scientific principles
and cannot fall. Send 2S cents in silver to
Prof. A. H. Thole. McCook, Neb.
The proposed secret Is thus divulged:
Your letter of recent date at hand, and In
reply will sav that to win the woman you
love you must constantly think with your
whole soul's Intensity that you want her to
love you; In addition to that you must not
drink. Keep clean and neat In your dress.
Be polite and attentive to her. Be generous,
for women hate stinginess In men, but
dearly love generosity. Be hrave. ror
women hate cowards and love bravery. Be
firm; women hate trlflers. Walk with your
head and shoulders well thrown back; be
dignified; be courteous, and every Inch a
gentleman Flnttery goes a long ways to
win a woman, but don't overdo It. Uon t be
bashful, as women hate bashfulness In
men. but love bold men. Youra for suck
ers, Frof. A. H. 't noie.
From Jonah's Gourd.
A few years ago an sdvertlsement ap
peared In religious papers that the writer, a
minister, on his visit to the Holy I-nd.
chanced upon some seeds of Jonah's gourd
of Bible fame, and secured a few to bring
back with him. These few he desired to
distribute among Bible students, and on
receipt of a dollar would send one. Among
the thousands of orders was one from a
well known Connecticut authoress. She
wrote the seller that she had tried the seed,
but feared the severe climate was account
able for Its failure to grow, and so she sent
another dollar, .hoping she might be suc
cessful with the second one. It was sent
her with the remark, that, true to the Bi
ble description, tt "came up In a night and
perished In a night." and probably escaped
her observation. She was advised to watch
this one closely. Investigation developed
that the story of the alleged minister was
entlfely false, and that pumpkin seeds,
boiled so as to deprive them of their germ
inating power, were sent. A scheme, the
converse of this, was to advertise "A Book
for Gamblers, $1," and tend a Bible. One
Individual claimed to send directions and
material for drawing a tooth without pain
or 50 cents. Paper and pencil were sent,
with instructions to draw the tooth on the
Home work schemes, appealing to needy
widows and the infirm, are In favor with
swindlers. A great many of these operat
ing in New York City were suppressed last
spring. The Majestic Lace company ad
vertised that $15 could be earned weekly by
working at odd times at home. An order
for $50 worth of medallions was sent, bat
the applicant was required to remlt$3 for
a machine which, cost 38 cents. The com
puny offered 3 cents a medallion: It was,
however, impossible to make over three an
hour. The result was that, out of 1,230 per
sons remitting the $2, only $i6fl was received
by them as recompense, the victims becom
ing tired of their work soon after starting.
Schemes of All Kinds.
Twenty dollars per LOW for copying letters
at home Is another Inducement. A dollar
must be remitted for the outfit, .which con
sists of a pen nnd penholder worth 5 cents.
Not until remitting Is the person enlight
ened as to the letter, and It then appears
to be of such a nuture that no one would
care to copy It, or Is much longer than rep
resented. Mushroom growing has been ad
vertised In a similar manner. Remittances
of $$ are required for apawn coning about
10 cents, and their cultivation, pictured l y
the company aa being very easy, la found
a tedious task.
Numerous advertisements appear in all
kinds of publications offering a premium
of a "rifle, a solid gold brooch or ring with
genuine diamond, a gold watch or aewlng
machine for a few houra' work" in selling
a doten boxes of pills for '5 cents each.
When the $3 from the sale of the pills Is re
ceived by the company, It sends a letter
s eying the person could not have read the
advertisement correctly, aa It ia necessary
to sell 100 or more boxes to secure tho pre
mium desired. The task dlsgusta the duped
peraon and the company, having received
$3 for the gooda. heara nothing further from
To a limited extent the department can
proteet the public against fraudulent min
ing and oil companies, and has Issued a
number of orders against such concerns In
the last year. But the extreme difficulty of
procuring sufficient evidence, and the fact
that such evidence as can be obtained con
sists largely of opinions, mitigates against
A number of alleged brokera tn Wall
street who claim to finance corporations,
float bonds, etc., havs been investigated by
the department and their fraudulent meth
ods found to be the cleverest met with.
An old rchema has been to secure amounts
of from $5 to $60 aa "good faith" money for
outftta to be uaed by agents employed, the
agency being pictured In rosy colors by the
company. The outfits and ageucy would
be found to be worthless, so that the work,
If begun at all, would soon be abandoned.
Another plan successfully operated by a
number of New York concerns Is to send s
letter expressly or Impliedly stating thst
the recipient is entitled to a prlie or pre
mium by virtue of some contest entered Into
by him. and that, upon receipt of $1 or ao
to cover boxing and packing charges, the
article won, which Is stated to be a silver
dessert set or fruit dish, gold watch or dla
mond ring, will be sent. To complete tha
deception, the signature of the party, ob
talned from lettera purchaaed from con
cerna conducting prise or premium rontaata
Is Inclosed. Ths so-cslled prse or premium
Is a cheap article on which the company
makes a large profit.
Numerous articles have appeared In tha
pre., mauve to the department's action
against patent medicines. Most of t?,ea
I have becu grautiy JVagg..uU and ara
constantly Increasing tendency w:es noticed
10 cover the pages of newspapers and peri
odical with fiffenelve and rbtrene adver
tisements cf alleged cures fur Inst manhood,
vitality, etc. It ws a growing abuse, and
the department directed Its attention ti
their suppression. It developed that these
wers mostly quack medicines of the worst
type and that good administration de
manded thst fraud orders be Issued. Of
course each case has bt-en treated sep
arately. Klghteen orders have been I'sueel
In the last year In these cases where fraud
clearly a. beared.
The Rev. Hudson Tor says that opium
In China "Is doing mure harm In a week
than the united efforts of all our Christian
missionaries are flolng gm d in a year."
Miss I.uella Miner, a graduate ef oberlln
In the class of 1M, ami fur many years a
missionary In China, has luen made exec
utive head of the Brldgnian school for girls
In Peking, China.
It Is rumored In Rnmklyn that Bishop
McIonnell of that cltv will be made coad
jutor of Archbishop Williams of Huston.
To this promotion would also be added tho
right of succession.
Rev. William Kirk Hrlee arrived front
Kngland this week to take charge of the
Fourth Baptist church of Chicago. He
was formerly pastor of the Tabernacle
church in Nottingham, Kugland. J
Several collegea and universities In the
western states have big .Young Men's
Christian Association bunding enterprises
on hand, and many new buildings are al
ready started. The association has Invested
millions of dollars In new buildings the
past year.
Cardinal Ingenleux. who has Just died
In France, was one of the greatest ec
clesiastics on the continent, lie was the
one hundred and first archbishop of Khelms
n I .I...,"
nil'i llllll'l l lie I rftiini- . ' n , u . iiv.a i ii'
will probably be the last.
Mgr. itroderick. auxiliary bishop of
Havana, who Is soon to relinquish his post
to take up his residence In the I'nlted
States, has been especially c harged by the
Vatican authorities to interest himself In
the collection of Peter's Penias among
American Catholics.
Rev. K. W. Wottrott. the American mis
sionary who for twelve years has been
laboring In central Africa, is visiting this
country. He works among the people of
the Batnamcas sect. He will not return
to India until late In the summer.
The coal miners In Pennsylvania are
forming Young Men's Christian associations
ror mutual Improvement. Thirty nt these
societies have been formed and the state
committee has put five secretarhs In the i
field to assist In the work. Thirty-three
hundred members are already on the i
rolle. I
There are said to be In the Turkish em-
plre $.120 mosejues. 379 of which are in
Constantinople. The Moslem clergy num
ber ll.dOO. The American board haa now
In Its four missions in Turkey 130 American
missionaries. There are over IM.OOi) pupils
In Its 4X7 schools connected with the mis- j
slons. !
The ceremony of Investiture In the pal- i
Hum of the Most Rev. Archbishop Moeller !
will taae place at St. Peters cathedral,
Cincinnati, during pontifical mass on Feb
ruary lo. Cardinal Ulhbons will deliver the
sermon, and it Is surmised that the Ht.
Rev. Bishop McCloskey, the venerable
Metropolitan of the diocese of I,ouisville,
will perform the ceremony of Investiture.
1316-17-10 Farnom
I Mm
In Which to Buy Furniture, Carpels, Draperies, Rugs and
Curtains at This Great Sacrifice.
Capital punishment still exists In Bwitt
erland, but all death sentences imposed
within tho last half century have been com
muted. When an unmarried woman dies In Bra
gll the coffin, hearse and livery of the
coachman are all scarlet.
Strangely enough, the Home for the Aged
Atheists, Just opened In New York, is en
dowed by Christian believers only.
The Sonoma county tCal.) Medical so
ciety has decided that after January 1 it
will exclude "lodge doctors." The society
objects to the system of attending lodge
members at so much a mouth.
Several large new hotels are being built
In Rome. The natives complain that the
city la being modernized and Anglicized.
Several bars, with barmaids, have recently
been opened, and the Cafe de Roma now
has a grill room.
BUI "Crow-Catcher" I.ang. one of the
Greatest long-distance runners the world
as ever seen, is an inmate of the alms
house ut Balford, England, a decrepit,
withered old man. His record of 9:11 for
two miles, made In 1MJI, Is-still tha profes
sional record.
A Japanese statistical pamphlet states
that a Japanese may divorce tils wife for
talking too much. The latest' annual figures
show that, with fewer than 300,000 Japanese
marriages reported In the year, there were
more than (io.OOO divorces.
Removing snow In New Y'ork city is a
large Item in the city's annual expense bill.
It costs about $35,000 for every Inch of re
corded snowfall. Last year it cost tho cltv
$7.,5,lH"0 to remove the snnw from the streets.
The uverage fall In New York is thirty
Inches, but though th snow season hardly
haa begun twenty-three inches have, fallen
thla winter.
There is an establishment in Brussels for
teaching the lugubrious art of grave dig
ging. It was founded by a cemetery com
pany and was so successful that It re
ceived official approbation. All candidates
for the CHjst of sexton In Belgium must
have been graduates at this unique uca
demy. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, who has been sick
In a hospital in the east, has In r pet log
Installed with her on the bed in the hospital
ward, and the attendants have strict In
structions to provide him with warm cream
for breakfast, part of u well-done lamb
chop for luncheo: and breast of spring
chicken with cream sauce for dinner. He
also has a midnight supper, consisting, as
a rule, of portions of a bird or game.
The five sons of Mr. and Mrs. William
I.eroy of Kavette county, Kentucky, cele
brated their birthday together. Kuch came
Into the world on January 13 th" first on
January 15. 1S0. Without exception since
then the fifteenth day of the first month
of the year has brought a new member of
the l.eroy family. Singularly, Mr. Keroy's
birthday Is December 15, Just one month
earlier, and Mrs. I.eroy'a entrance Into the
world was cm February 16, Just a month
A Big Cut In Couch Covers;
All our couch covers oro placed
on siilc nt n groat reduction. Vt
m slioviinv: niHuy stylos und qtinl-Itl.-s.
ll.OO for MAO,
Heavy revcTHlblo couch cover, 72
Inches wide, our regtilHr $0.00
cuh1H,v, .In unary sale A Cfl
lrkv eiuii TsUU
91. WO for 8-4 e.
MOKE DAYS In which you cnu
buy a $1.00 linoleum )4t
7Pp for 4Se.
M()UE DAYS In which you cuu
buy a 75c linoleum
Monday. .Inuuflry SI. we will a sale such ns we have)
never before attempted. In our IK. 1'liH Y DEPARTMENT. Thin sale
Include our entire stock of I'orelint nnd Domestic Tapestries and Drnpery
Mat taiIs. I.nce Curtains mid Imported M idrnssfs. Nut even our drapery
It'imuiiiiK nre exempt from llila mile. Yc ctin only quote a few of the
Now is the time to have your old furniture recovered when materials
are so cheap.
Hdc for lAc.
.iiUuch English Cretonnes, never sold for less than -.V I f"
.Tan tin ry Snle IOC for i. m.
Silk Gobelin TgstrieM, ."si Inches wide, worth $-.."s - I "JIJ
.lantKii'y Sale i It 10
HI. .VI for f.1e.
Domestic Tapestries. eV inches wide, nil colors, worih $l.."s OC
January Sale UUC
Lies Curtains
We are showitif; hundreds of
style of lace curtains, in nil quali
ties and deslgus, ut prices tK)
tempting; to be overlooked. We
herewith mention a few.
M.iW for fl.Zfi.
nuffled net cut'inliis. with lace nnd
luaertion. 3 ynrds long, regular
price per pair jL'.i", I OR
fas.OO Rosa for $18.75.
MORE DAYS lu which you cau
buy a $35.00 Wilton Velvet or
fA0r.ln.8t.e:.rug 18.75
January sale for $2 54).
Heavy corded Arabian ivt cur
tuln, 50 inches wjde. ;tia yards
long, many styles to select from,
worth $3.75. 0 Cf
January sale sCaOU
4.0O for X7.
Enrge Mock of Irish point lace cur
tains, full length and width,
worth $4.50, January
gale price
1.25 for Kite.
All our fl.2." Madras, beautiful de
signs, rich colorings, made to
harmonlr.e with the wall d'eoiu
tlons nnd surroundings, go in
this gale at, OC
Don't Overlook Our Late Im
portation In Madras Drapery.
Wo arc showing a very large
assortment, our own importa
tion nnd exclusive designs, all
50 inches wide.
91.7.1 for 9I.M.
All our $1.7."i quality, which comprises
many denisim nnd colorings, no In
this January sale at, I flfl
per yard IsUU
per yard
A woman whs one of the competitors in
a plowing contest lutely held In Derby
shire. ICiiglRiid.
The world's largest dredger Is now
docked at Liverpool. It Is am feet long,
nnd run raise l.uuO tons of hard materiul
gn hour.
Pineapples are now sent successfully frnm
South Africa to liurop packed In u special
kind of pout, which prevents rot or mold.
A fir tree whs cut in Oregon recently
whirh m:nlr nine suwlngs uv. raging four
teen feet in leeiigtli, scaling 2 MM leet board
An on ma rt thli handion I
1 AXrfU hunting om, sum
WW M I Vsrl winder a setter,
sad oil) or valuable preMiiti aa Mr
ogua, br ? lung our ftos Jew
Irr. Dnt S a Mat,
order tosiay a&d wa will truti
you with u of our fast-eelllug
noTeitie, sell them at 10 ccjnta
earh and return to ue tha which you will raotlTe
from their sate and we will
send you a beautiful Sollg
4al4 (lnlthed Watsh-Ceala
and Caarea tha eame day that
money la reeelred. Address.
OepU (it. Hi Havtn, Cann.
measure. The product of this one tree will
bring more than 11, cm.
About l.uiO.Otw ttlcgrams ure sent over the
world's wires daily. In 1913 the totiil win
;i6!.M8.4i4. Kngmrid sent 92.471.IWO. United
States wus second, with yl.litU.UOO. Germu.
KuhsIh, Austria. Belgium and Italy id
lowed in the order named.
There has been pructlcally no demand
for Amerlcin agricultural Implements In
China up to date, and present Indications
art! thut It will .he a long lime, exeept lu
Manchuria nnd north I'hinn, before the
conditlnv.s will be such that modern farm
machinery will be useful to the Chinese
with their small garden farms and cheap I
labor. !
The cold storage of fruit hns grown to
large proportions, nearly 3,U0U,0U0 barrels of
ii'inliH the last winter us a result of In
vestigations during the last year. It is
found that the condition in which the
fruit is grown and the- manner of handling
it di'tiTiniiie 1o a large extent its keeping
quality and ultimate value.
The lilting of massive Iron and slecl
plates, weighing four, six and twelve tons,
by magnetism Is now done every workday
lit a number of largo steel works. The
magnets nre suspended by chains from
cranes, and pick up thn plates by simple
contact and without the loss of time con
sequent to the adjustment of chain and
books In the older method. It Is also found
that the metal plates can be lifted by the
magnets while still so hot that It would be
Impossible for the men to handle them.
A magnet weighing 300 pounds will lift
nearly live tons. i
The total coal production of the I'nlted :
States Is now at tho rat of l.OOO.UOe) tons a j
clay, and tho consumption of coal by rail- ,
roads Is piiuul to 40 per cent of this, or i
4if,ju tons a day. The fuel bill or a rstl
road contributes about 10 per cent of the
total expenses of operation, and to 40
pe-r cent of the total cost of running the
locomotives. A leeeomoilve will consume
on an average 6,0no worth of coal per
annum, and tor a road having an etiutw
ment of l,t Ioomotives tho coal bill Is
approximately J.i.uoo.uoo.
Ii could not be
30 good if ii were
not made rid ht
AGENTS Hugo F. Bllr. 1324 Douglas
Street, Omabn. Tel. 1544. I-ee Mitch
ell, Council Bluffs, Tel. SO.
THE ORIHIXAl. rem?rhat "Utile tbe Dandruff Oertn."
w &. r
I lit: LAUiCb OHjt.wl
to a gummy and aticky hair dressing,
or one thst la full of sedimentary
chemicals Intended to dye the hair.
The marked preference for a dlnty
dressing, particularly one that over
comes excessive oillness and leaves
ths hair light snd fluffy, Is reflected
In the' en. r. nous bino 01 icoros
Kerpiclde. Ladies become enthualgath)
over Its refreshing ciuality and ex
quisite fragrance. It destroys ths
mlnroblc growth In the scalp, cures
dandruff, stops falling hair and glvea
it a silken gloss. BTOF3 ITdllNG
Brat iter. Sead c. ittntfft. t HEtplCIDE CO . Deal. H. Dctrelt, Nick., far a aaaisla.
0 ' " 1
4C 3rae
U aTW SWAawa- I jsrs-s 1 m, 1 sag. , .
HeaJth for Every Womixn.
Wine of Cardui makes it unnecessary for any woman to make a charlge of climate to secure
health. This has been proved hundreds of times before it was demonstrated in Miss Ferris's case.
It was not fresh air that she needed, so much as a healthy and regular working of
the functional organs. When Wine of Cardui corrected the functions and strengthened the
organs by its tonic action, new life and spirit was the result.
Any woman who has not the means to secure the services of a specialist or take a
change of climate, can feel sure of quick relief if she will take this great woman's tonic,
which is within the reach of all women of moderate means. Don't think expensive
treatment is necessary to make you well. Wine of Cardui has brought health to over
1,500,000 suSering woaea. All druggists sell 11.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
1023 Emerald St., Madisox, Wis., Sept. 20, 1903.'
I was anakls to work for lotus monthi ai mj health seemed to b Terr delicate and I bad bo
ambition, to get well. Tbg doctor prescribed a change of climate and added that I bad female
weakness which needed treatment. I told Lira that it was impossible for me to leave Wisconsin,
as 1 did not hate tbe means. I took bis medicine for same time, but found that it did not help
me in tbe least. A friend wbo had used Wine of Cardui for ovarian trouble, augjotted that 1
take it nnd I did so, a I was ao discouraged with tbe doctor's medicine. I found that in a few
dart 1 wm beginning to feel better and in two monthi I waa able to go to work again, bad no back-
Miss. Bessie E.Ferr.3,
1023 Emerald Street
Madison. Wis.
acne an more ana no more pains at toe monthly period. r r-y
I am pleased with what your medicine did for ue and jJ . fU j-fltAA.l4J
congratulate you on having such a fine preparation. (Jt'atu4V
raasioasT, raraaaAt, camoa.