Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Zc&l ti i Reformer Hot in Great Evidence
, When Cotnty Attorney.
Oat of HO t ases Aaalnst tiasnblers,
Llqanr Dealers, lHsarderlr Iloases
Mahoner Tried Oalr TwtHe
Convicted Only Hf.
Timothy J. Mahoii"jr aa elected county
attorney In November. 1M. and nsi.utr.rj
tha duties of that offl' e Januury 7, lsy.
He van re-elected in Nov. mliir, lk,.. and
finished Ma acrond and last term January T,
lxM. For th four years of h i term tha
following In a tummary of the raws covcr
ln( violation ot the criminal tode relative
to gamb.lng. kecriins: and imi lnts inii.g din
orderly houses, bribery and i.:.itlona of
tin; various jiruvislons of the S.ucumb la
m they appeur oil the court records. With
the cnaea begun during Mr. Mahoney's
term are also Included cases carried our
fiom his predecessor. ,
Of the number cited below thirty-three
were directly due to Indictment by grand
Juries, the remainder being un..tinst purtics
who had been tried and bound over to the
district court by polios judges of Omaha
and South Omaha, Justice of the peace and
parties who waived examination and were
bound over for trial without a preliminary
hearing In the lower courts. In a nutshell,
of trie 110 cases cited. Including the indict
ments by grand Jury, forty-tight were
nolle prosequi and dismissed, forty-three
carried over to his eucccssor, seven
pleaded guilty, twelve were tried, five were
convicted and seven scflultted. and of the
five convicted one was, nollo prosequi after
ward, and the defendant discharged at the
request of the county attorney.
l.lajaor Sellers Let tiff.
Docket t, I'age 270 fttata ngalnst C. G.
Bwanson: transcript tiled November
lw(7; hai ge, selling llnuor on election day.
t'ontlnued December 31. February 7, IN,
Mav & August 4, January 7. 189. l'ls
mlssed March 16, I"i9, and defendant dis
charged. 1". J. Mahonev, county attorney.
Ioeet t, Page 14 State sgHlnst John
Simpson; transcript tiled November 21, lx7;
charge, selling liquor without a license.
Continued December 81, May 2. l; August
4. January 7. 1W, and May 11, 19. Nolle
prosequi entered June 21, IS. T. J. Mi
Iioney. county attorney.
Docket 7. Page 14 State against Oscar
Rvan: Indictment filed February , 18s8;
charge, gambling. Continued August 4.
January 7, IK; May 11 and July ii. Dis
missed December JO, U8. T. J. Mahoney,
county nttorney.
Pocket 7, 1'agn 39 Rtate against J. R.
Baldwin; transcript filed March 24. IKfcK;
charge, gambling. Continued May 2, August
4. lt8; January 7. May II, July 27. 1X9.
Dismissed December SO, 1M3. T. J. Ma
Iioney. county attorney.
Docket 7, Page 89 State against James
Faulkner; transcript tiled from police court
March 17, 1S8S; charge, gambling. Con
tinued May 2, August 4. lSKS; January 7.
Mav 11, July 27. January 2, 10, and May
3. ISM. Dismissed July 7. on motion of
county attorney. T. J. Mahoney, county at
torney. Docket 8, Page BR State against John
A. King; transcript filed April 7,;
charge, keeping gambling fixtures. Con
tinued Mav 2. August 4. January 7, lS,
and May 11, 1889. Dismissed June 21, 18X9.
T. J. Mahoney, county attorney.
Docket 8. Page 111 fttate against Minnie
Falrrhlld and Hattle Jones: transcript filed
April 23. ISNi; charge, selling Intoxicating
liquor without a license. Continued May 2,
August 4. 1H88; January 7, Mav 11. July 27.
1HJW; January 20. May 3, 18!. Dismissed
July 7. 1 on motion of county attorney.
T. J. Mahoney, county attorney.
Docket . Page 220 State against Uw
Jilbbon and Bill llogan; transcript filed
July 20, 18X8, from police court; charge, sell
ing liquor without a license. Continued
August 4, 18X8; January 7, May 11, July 24.
1W, January 20, May 3, 1890, and January
14, 1891. Dismissed May 6, on motion of
county attorney; order defendants dis
charged. T. J. Mahoney. county attorney.
Docket 10. Page HS State against Robert
Trice: transcript filed from police court,
September 17, 1888; charge, selling liquor
without a license. Continued Junuary 24,
May 11, July 27. 1SSS, January 20 and May
S. 1890. Dismissed July 7, 1890, on motion
f county attorney. T. J. Mahoney, county
Kasy With Social Evil.
Docket 10. Page 319 State against Jennie
Belmont, real name unknown; transcript
filed October 28, 1888; charge, keeping a
house of III fame. Continued January T,
May 11, July 27. 1889. January 20 and May
8, 1890. Dismissed July 7. 190 on motion of
county attorney. T. J. Mahoney, county at
torney. Docket 10. Page 329 State against Flor
ence Wotsell; transcript filed October 29,
188; charge, being a prostitute and va-
5 rant. Continued January 7. May 11 And
uly 27, ltu. Dismissed December t, lMt,
by county attorney. T. J. Mahoney, county
Docket 10, Page 346 State against 'Wil
liam Hoffman; transcript filed from police
court, October 27, 1888; charge, selling
liquor without a license. Continued Janu
ary 7. May 11, July 27, 1K89., January 2o and
July 7, WW). Dismissed on motion of county
attorney. T. J. Mahoney. county atturnuy.
Docket 10, Puge 347 State against AI
Burke; transcript filed October 27. 1888;
charge, vagrancy and being an Inmate of a
house of prostitution. Continued January
7. May 11 and Julv 27. Dismissed December
20 by county attorney. T. J. Mahoney,
countv attorney.
Docket 10. Page' 348 State against Goldte
Burton; transcript filed from police court,
October 27. 1ha8; charge, vagrancy and be
ing a prostitute. Continued January 7,
May 11 and July !7. 1889. Dismissed De
cember 30 by countv attorney. T. J. Ma
honey. countv attorney.
Docket 11, Page 47 State against Charles
Kaminerer and G. A. (.Justus: transcript
filed November 14. 1888, from police court;
charire, selling liquor on election dav.
Continued January 7, May 11, July 27. 189:
January 20, May S, August 9. 1890, and
January 14. 1891. Dismissed May , 191. on
motion of county attorney, tirder. defend
ant discharged. T. J. Manoney, county at
torney. Docket 11. Page 331 State against Charles
8. Hlgglne; transcript filed January 7, 189;
charge, selling liquor after midnight. Con-
fillies on Miles
Are walked by the billiard player, as be
moves around the table. That la the
only exercise many a city man gets. It
la this lack of exercise in the shut-in-life
V. Mil J "...
bined with irregu
lar eating; and in
digestible dish e
which tend to tnaVe
tbe dtv man the
yictini of stomach
When there Is
undue fullness af
ter eating, with
belching, sour ris
ings ana other dis
tressing symptoms,
prompt use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
will effect a speedy
cure. Ia the most
extreme cases of
disease of the stom
ach and other or
gans of digestion
and nutrition, the
rersistent use of
he " Discovery "
will result in a com-
filete cure in nlue
ycigbt cases out
every hundred.
The prl I would like to five your 'Goldea
Slsdical Lascovery ' I canuot uiter ia word or
litscnbe with pea." writes James B. Ambrose,
Lsq., of loH Mifflin Street. Huntingdon, Pa.
"I was lakea dowa with what our chyuciatia
said was iutiigruiua. I doctored wits the best
srouud acre sad found no relief. I wrote te you
suJ you rut me a Question blank to fill out and
I did so and you then sririMd me to use Dr.
Ptrtce's Goldra Medical Discovery I took three
bottles ud I felt si good tbat I stopped being,
as I think, cured Ikin no aruiptosu ot gut
trie Uoublt or lodigesuoa sow
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser Is sent on receipt of stamps
to pay si pease of mailing only, bend
at ono-cent sum for jvapcr covered
book, or l stamp for cloth bound.
Address Die. JU. V. llcrce. Buffalo Jj. Y. .
tlnued Msy 11. July 2?. 1. and January I",
May 3. im Plsmis-ed Julv 7. 18.l.
Ioeket 11. Pss 3M State against J. IT.
We.sly; transcript fld J muary 17. IV';
rha-ge. sellirg Honor without a 'license.
Continued May 11. July 27. W, and January
70. Msy 3 ami Augu-t 9. V.0. and January
14. Wl. Dismissed M.iv on motion of
county attorney; defendant discharged.
Discusses nambllns; Cases.
Docket 12. Psa-e S3 State against James
Fleming; transcript filed February 4. 1W;
charae, gambling for monev. Continued,
May II. Ju y 27, ls-W January 30 and May 3:
D.smsssed Julv 7. lv'.
Docket 12. Page 1:;4 State again'. Van
Sing; transcript filed February V,. W:
charae. keeping opium Joint. Defendant dis
rbared from custody April 17 The entry
"dismissed nnd defenlant discharged" Is
strli ken out and upon the opposite pace
under the heidir.g 'Items of f" appears
tl.A fntlnm-lnv ".liiitrmont tffsmssed. fiO
' cents.' )
1"k"t 12. I'ag" ;sn State ngainst Mirnl"
i FslrcMhls snd Charles Kdenhrg: trnns-
I crlpt filed March 2.".. lkK: rlmree. sdllng
liquor on Sund iv Conttnnrd M iy 11. ,K"''.
July 27. 11-i. January 20 and SI iy J. PW.
inmlssed Julv 7. I").
Doiket 1.1. pnae lJ-State ag.ilnft Birdie
Mann and K. Miles: transcript filed March
iw; charge, sl lrg liquor on Sunday.
Continued Miv 11 nnd Julv 27. isv. nnd
Jar.u-iry 20 and May 3, 1S!'. Dl?mlsed July
7. lvn.
Dock-t V.. Page 7.state agiiln?t John
Dm-, real name James Hayek: transcript
fl ed April 8. ivv.; , hinge, wiling liquor on
Sundri). C;, ?,! . : y.. Jury em-
r.anneled Ju te 12: verdict of guilty June 13.
Defendant ordered In custody of the sheriff
to await sentence, recognizance U0. Filed
motion for new trl il June 17: motion over
ruled Jure 2. Defendant sentenced to pay
s line of $Prt nnd costs, to be committed
ii n t : I fine nnd costs are pal 1. Sentence kus
pended June 2T until the first of next term.
recoKniznncr fixed it 0; enter" 1 recogni
sance of defend nt with Henrv llacehrln as
' surety. Continued July 27. (This is the last
Docket n. Pnge 311 State sgalnRt John
Doe. real t.nme D. A. FUalr: transcript filed
May 22. 189; rhatge. selling liquor on S in
dav. Tried June .1 188!: verdict, not guilty.
Docket 14, Page 323 State ngalnst William
Van rirmnn; transcript filed August S, 18'9;
charge, selling liquor without a license.
Coiulntied January 20. May 3, 185"0. Dis
missed Julv 7.
Docket 14. Page .",:4 State against Charles
Kimmer: chan e. se'ling liquor without a
license; transcript filed August 9. 1W. Con
tinued January in Mav 3 nnd August 9,
1M. January it. IST'1. Dismiseil May 6 on
motion of county attorney; defendant dis
charged. Docket 14. Page 3"." State ngulrst F.nrnest
Meyer: charge, selling liquor on Sunday:
transcript Hied August B. 18S0. Continued
Junuary 20. May 3 and August T. 1S!, nnd
January. 1891. (No further entry.)
Postponements (ialnre.
Docket IS. Page 47 State against If. K.
nuhrnan; transrlpt filed August 24. 18S:;
charge, selling liquor on 8 inday. Crintiruvd
January an. May 3, August 9. 1890. and Janu
Hty 14 Dismissed May 1. 1891, on motion of
county attorney; order defendant dis
charged. Docket 15. Page 237 State against Wil
liam F. Whalen; transcript filed September
23, 1889; charge, drunk and disorderly. Con
tinued January 20 and May 3. Dfsmlsstd
July t.
Docket Ifi. Page 347 State against Wil
liam Kkerslck; transcript filed December
80, 18M; charge, selling liquor without a li
cense. Continued January 20, 1890. DIs
minxed April 3o; defendant discharged.
Docket lt. Page 4o State against Jerry
Ryan. Fllod October 29, 18,-9. Indictment by
grand Jury. Charge, attempt to bribe. Con
tinued January 20, 1890. Default of defend
ant May 3 Suretv recognizance forfeited.
Continued to January 14. 1891; May . Aug
ust 15 snd January 23, May 7 and July .
1X92. Dismissed at reuiuet ot county at
torney December 23 1892.
Docket Pi, Page 87 State against Charles
J. Wandt; Indictment bv grand jury for at
tempt to brllie, filed October 29, 18S9. Con
tinued December 30. 1889; April 30, May 8.
August 9. 1890; January 14, May 9, August
15, 1MI1; January 23, May 7 and July 30. 1892.
Kntered noil prosequi December 23, lk92,
at request of county attorney.
Ilrlbe Giver Not Kven Tried.
Docket 10. Page 88 State against Charles
I. Wandt: Indictment by grand Jury tiled Oc
tober 29, 1889; charge, attempt to bribe. Con
tinued January 21, April to. May 3, August
9, 1890; January 14, May 9. August 15,
January 23, May 7, July 30, 1892. Dismissed
at requeat of county attorney Dectmber 23,
Docket 18, Page 87 State against Jet tie
Reynolds; transcript; charge, selling Honor
without a license, filed March 29. UHo. Dis
missed April SO. Defendant discharged.
Docket i9. Page 68 Btate against August
Vtoff; transcript filed May 20, 1890; charge,
selling liquor without a license. Continued
August 9. Dismissed December 24 by county
Docket 19. I'age 81 State against Katie I't
off: transcript filed May 23, 1890; charge,
selling liquor without a license. Trial June
20, 188". Verdict, not guilty.
Docket 21, Puge 84 State against Michael
D. Roach: transcript tiled September 26. 1890.
from police court; charge, attempt to bribe.
Continued Jutuary 14, 1891. Dismissed May
t. on motion of county attorney. Defendant
Docket 22, Page 160 State against Charles
Wilson; transcript filed December 8, 1890;
charge, procuring ami Illicit intercoure.
Continued January 14, 1891. Dismissed April
J, on motion of county attorney. Defendant
Docket 23. Pago 302 State against H. B.
Kennedy and Charles itlbblns; transcript
from police court, filed February 24. 1891;
charge, keplng gaming devices and fixture.
Continued May 9. Nolle prosequi June 29.
189l on motion of county attorney. Defend
ant discharged.
Docket 24, Page 63 State against Dan Gel
ser and Nell Price; transcript tiled March 29,
1901; charge, keeping gambling devices. Con
tinued May 9. Trial June 9. Verdict same
date, not guilty. Defendant discharged.
Docket 24. I'age 333 State against A. A.
Tavlor. Dan Oelwer, D. K. Ryan, J. P. Good
rich and Charles Millor; transcript Ihed
May 11, 1891: charge, gambling. Continued
August 15, 1891; January 13. May 7, July 30,
1892. Nolle prosequi December 23, 1893, at
request of county attorney.
Docket 26, Puge 27 State against Louis
Kibbler; trunscrlpt filed July 23, 1891; charge,
keeping liquor to be disposed of without a
license. Continued August IB, October 14.
Trial bv jury October lt. Verdict return, d.
not guilty. Defendant discharged October
16, 1891.
Immoral landlord is Discharged.
Docket 28, Page 141 Stute against Joseph
Wlshartlnger: trunscrlpt filed August 7,
1901; charge, renting building to prostitutes
for lewd purposes. Continued August 15,
1891; January 23, 1SW2. Dicmissvd August
19, 1892. on motion of county attorney. De
fendant discharged.
Docket 2t. Page 142 State against James
Lung; transcrpit filed August 7, 18U1 ;
charge, keeping an opium J. .int. Continued
August In. Dismissed December 9. De
fendant discharged.
Docket 27, Page 48 State against Ueorge
Sawyer; transcript filed September 17. 1891;
charge, keeping gaming fixtures. Continued
January 23. May 7 and July 30, 1892, Nolle
prosequi December 23, 192, at request of
county attorney.
Docket 27, Page 49-State ngalnst Antony
Webber; transcript filed September 17, 1S91;
charge, obstructing view of saloon. In
formutlon filed October 24. Nolle prosequi
January t. 192. on motion of county attor
ned. Defendant discharged.
Docket 28. Page ;i9J State against Frank
Shannahan: charge, selling malt, spiritu
ous and vinous liquors without a license;
transcript filed January 8. 1891; trial, Feb
ruary 19; verdict returned, February 20;
guilty s to fi.-st count, not guilty as to
second, third, fourth snd fifth counts; de
fendant sentenced to pay a firs of 4io and
nuts and stand committed until paid. Or
der, recognizance fixed at 1600; execution
of sentence suspended thirty days; defend
ant released on bond. Time to file pcilt!"n
In error extended ten days, April 7, 1892;
time to file petition In errcr extended until
Mav , April 20; delivered transcript to u-
ireme court June 11, time for submitting
ill of exceptions extended twenty dav
from June li. Nollo prosequi. December 23,
1892. at request of county attorney.
Docket 28. Page -314 State against Joe
Rowles; transcript tiled January 8. 1892;
charge, selling malt spirituous and vinous
llqugrs without a license; continued from
May 7 to July 30. Nolle prosequi, Decembe.
iX at request of county attorney.
Docket 28. Page 395 8tute against Wil
liam llenneger; transcript filed January 8.
lK'2; charge, selling malt, spirituous snd
vinous liquors without a license; continued
May 7, continued July 30 to Junuary 7,
l'l (the end of Mr. Mahouey's term.
Docket 28. Page ;i9ii-?:tute ngslnst J.
Thonisen: transcript filed January 8. lkJ:
charge, selling m:ilt. spirituous and vinous
liquors without a license; continued Muy 7
snd July 30 to Januury 7, 1893 (the rod of
Mr. Mahoney s term'.
Docket 28, Page ;I97-Ptste ug.-iliist John
Duder; transcript from Justice of the peace
court filed January 8. l"92: charge, ellin
malt, spirituous snd vinous liquor without
a license. Continued May 7. Continued
Julv 30 to January 7. 1893 (tbe end of Mr.
Mahoney s term).
Many Charges teatlrtluas.
Docket 38, Puge S9- Stste ugaxiist A. P.
Hnnsen. transcript from Justice court filed
Januury k. If J. charge, selling mult, spirit
uous and vinous liquors without a license.
Continued Mav 7. Continued June 30 to
January 7, 1M! (the end of Mr. Mahouey's
1 ocket 28. Puge 399 Stat against Ole
Olson; transcript filed January H, 1892:
rhurge. selling nuilt. spirituous and vinous
liquors without license. Continued Mav 7.
Continued Ju'v So to January 7. 18M fthe
end cf Mr. Mnlioney'i terin.
Docket !8. Pug 4ofl State ngalnst If. I.
Wnolbridge; trunscrlpt filed Jrnuary ;
chsige, selllns; mult, spirituous and vinous
liquors without license. Continued from
Jus'ice court May J. Con'lnued July to
January 7, 183Q (the end of Mr. Mahoney's
tern-, i.
D'kst Page 1-S'ate against 1'hris
Jensen; trnnscripi iileo January 8. 182;
charge, selling malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors without a licens.. Continued M.y
7. continued July 30 to January 7. 13 (the
end of Mr. Mahoney term,.
Docket t. Page I Ptate against Henry
F.'nser; transcript filed January . 1892:
Hnrce, selling ma't. spirituous snd vinous
llqitors without a license, continued May 7.
Contlqtied July . to January 7 (the end of
Mr Mahoney's term).
Docket 29. Page J-Stete against Fred
Koch: tran-rlpt filed January 2. I'M:
charge, selling mslt. spirituous snd vinous
l!quors without n license. Continued May
7. Cont'nued July to January 7 (the end
of Mr. Mnhonev's ternn.
Docket j. Page State Against Jn"oh
New; trnnscrlpt filed January 8, 1S92;
charge, aelllng malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors without a license Continued Mav
7. Continued July ,V to January 7 ithe end
cf Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29. Pare 5 State against Join
Johnson. f'rt real name unknown: tran
script fled Janusrv 8. 1892, from Justb e
court: chnrge. selling malt, spirituous and
Mnous lion ors with' ut a !loene. Continued
May 7. Continued Julv 30 to January 7, 1893
(the end of Mr. Mahonev s tertni.
Docket 29. I'age C State ngalnst Emlle
Prasier; transcript filed January 8. 19-:
charge, selling malt, spirituous nnd vinous
liquors without a license. Continued May
7. Continued July 3ft to January 7, IV (the
end if Mr. Mnhonev's term).
Docket 29. Page 7 State ngalnst Hans
Frnhm; trnnscriot from justice court
filed January 8. 1'9C: charse. selling malt,
oirltuous nnd vinous liquors without a
license Continued Mav 7. Continued July
JO to Janunrv 7. H93 (the end of Mr. Mn
honev's termi.
Dorket 29. Page 8 State ngnlnst O'apger
first res! n'" unknown' trsncrlpt fl'ed
January . 1c02: charge, selling malt, spirit
nous snd vlious liquors without a license.
Continued Mn' 7. Continued July So to
January 7. P90 (the end of Mr. Mahoney's
Dorket 29 Tags 274 State against TTans
Frnhm: Indlc'ment filed by grand Jury
Februnrv 9; charge, selling liquor without
a license. Continued May 7 to Julv 30
Continued July ?n tn January 7 (the end of
Mr. Mahoney's termi.
Big 1-egacy ot totrled Cases.
Docket 29, Pat -ii Fred Hunsiuger;
filed indioiment of trund Jury, cnaig
Ing soiling of liquor without a n
censc, lebruary 1892; defendant
picaued not guilty nnd waa released
on bond February lo; defendant wltndraws
plea of not guilty and enters plea ot guilty
10 nrst count and nolle prosequi as to sec
ond and third counts May 14; sentenced U)
puy a line of $300 and costs and to stand
committed until paid; bond nxed at ;. and
defendant released on bono; time to rtle
petition in error extended ten days, April 7;
lime to Hie petition In error extended to
Mav 9, April w, delivered transcript to su
preme court. May 7. (No further entries
uurlng Mr. Mahoney's term.)
Docaet A Page 2iii State against August
llartman; filed Indictment ot grand jury,
February 9. 1892; charge. Belling liquor witn
uut a license; pleaded not guilty nnd re
leased on bond, February 12; delendant
withdraws plea of not guilty on March 14
and enters plea of guilty to first count:
nolle proeequl as to second and third
counts; sentenced to pay a fine of M and
eostM and to etatucommlttcd until nne and
costs are paid; delendant remanded to the
custody ot the sherltT. (No further entries
during Mr. Mahoney's term.)
Docket 29. I'age 27.' State against Ceorge
Hill; indictment of grand Jury filed Febru
ary 9. 1892; charge, selling liquor without
a license; defendant arraigned and pleaded
not guilty, Februury 10; continued to May
; und Jtny 30, and from July so to January
7, 1893 (the end of Mr. Mahoney's termi.
Docket 29, I'age 278 State against A. P.
Hanson; tiled indictment of grand Jury
February 9. 1892; charge, selling liquor with
out license; pleaded guilty to first count,
April 11; nolle prosequi as to the second
and third counts; defendant sentenced to
pay a tine of and costs snd to stand
committed until the line and costs are paid;
entered recognizance with William Krug us
surety for 4.i0; defendant discharged; nled
bond for replevin of tine.
Docket 29. Page 279 State against l.ew
Hihbler; filed Indictment of grand Jury Feb
ruary 9. 1892; cnarge, selling liquor without
a license; arraigned and pleaded not guilty.
March 4; continued May 7 and July 30 to
January 7, 1893 (the end of Mr. Mahoney s
term). , , .
Docket 29. Page 280 State against Chris A.
Jensen; filed Indictment of grand Jury l-eb-ruary
9, 1892; charge, selling liquor with
out a license: defendant arraigned and
pleaded not guilty, February 13; continued.
Muy 7 and July 30 to January 7, 1893 (the
end of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29. Page 281 State against James
Knapp; filed Indictment of grand Jury, reb
ruary 9. Is92: charge, selling liquor without
a license; defendant arraigned and pleaded
not guilty. February 10; defendant with
draws plea of not guilty on March 28. and
pleaded guilty a charged In the first count
and nolle prosequi as to second and third
counts; defendant sentenced to pay a fine
of $260 and costs and to stand committed
until paid; sentence heretofore entered Is
vacated and the defendant Is sentenced to
pay a tine of 1100 and costs, April 5. and to
stand committed until paid; defendant en
tered Into a recognizance With Isaac M.
Knapp and J. H. Hungate as oureties; de
fendant discharged; continued to January T,
1893 (the end of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29. Page 282-State of Nebraska,
against Fred Koch; filed indictment of
grand Jury, February 9, 1892; charge, selling
liquor without a license; defendant pleaded
not guilty and released on bond, February
12; continued Mny 7 and July 30 to January
7 (the end of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29, Page 283 State against Herman
J,! Motte; filed Indictment of grand Jury
February 9, 1892; charge, selling malt, spirit
uous and vinous liquors without a license;
pleaded not guilty on Februury 12 and re
leased on bond; continued May 7 and July
30 to January 7, 1893 (the end of Mr. Ma
honey's term).
Docket 2. rage mu i '"i
Olsen; indictment of grand Jury filed Feb
ruary 9, 1892; charge, selling liquor without
a license. Pleaded not guilty; released on
bond February 12. 12. Contlnuod May 7
and July 30 to January 7, 1S93 (end of Mr.
Mahoney's term).
One Offeuder Pleads Guilty.
Docket 29. PHgo 285 State against Pete
Peterson and John Johnson; indictment
of grand Jury filed February 9, 1S92; charge,
selling liquor without license. John John
son pleaded guilty as to the first count and
nolle prosequi as to the Becond and third
counts March 31. Defendant Johnson sen
tenced to puy a fine of $150 und costs und
to stand committed until tiuo and costs uro
paid. Commitment issued. Peter Petersoji
pleaded guilty as to the first count April ,;
nolle prosequi as to the second and third
counts. Sentenced to pay a fine of 81o0 and
Costs and stand committed until paid. Com
mitment Issued.
Docket 29. Puge 286 State against Harry
Robinson; Indictment by grand Jury tiled
February 9. 1892; charge, selling liquor
without a license. Pleuded not guilty
March 9. Released on bond. Continued
May 7 snd July 30 to January 7, 1893 (end
of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29. Psge 287 State against Henry
Ruser; Indictment by grand Jury filed Feb
ruary 9, 1892: charge, selling liquor without
a license. Pleaded not guilty and released
on bond February 12. Continued May 7 and
July 90 to 'January 7. 1893 (end of Mr. Ma
honey's term).
Docket 2s. Page 288 State against Ed
Rothery; Indictment of grand jury filed
Februury 9. 18S2; charge, selling liquor with
out a license. Pleaded not guilty nnd re
leased on bond February 11. Continued
May 7 and July 80 to January 7, 1893 (end ot
Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 29, Page 289 State against Joseph
Rowles; Indictment by grand Jury filed
February 9, 1892; charge, aelllng liquor witn
out a license. Pleaded not guilty and re
leased on bond February 13. Withdrew
plea of not guilty and entered plea of guilty
to first count and nolle prosequi entered to
second and third counts March 14. Sen
tenred to pay a fine of 1)00 and coats and tn
stand comuiftted until paid. Defendant gives
bonds. Sentence suspended thirty days
Mav 18. Delivered transcript to supreme
court May 7. (This Is last entry during
Mr. Mahoney's term.)
Docket 29. Pare 290 State against Oustav
Sesseman: Indictment of grand Jury filed
Februnry . 1892: charge, selling liquor with
out a license. Pleaded not guilty und re
leased on bond February lo. Continued
May 7 snd July 30 tn Junuary 7. 1893 (end
of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Dockt 29. Page 291 State against Ernest
Sochi; indictment of grand Jury filed Feb
ruary t. 189i: charge, selling liquor without
a license. Pleaded not guilty and released
on bond February 12. Defendant withdraws
plea of not guilty and pleaded gulltv to first
count Msreh 14: noils prosequi entered to
second unit third counts. Kentenced tn pay
a fine of tKio and costs and to stand com
mitted until psld March 14. Sentence sus
pended thirty las. Released on bond De
livered transcript to the supreme court
May 7. (This is the last entry In Mr. Ma
honey's term.)
t'sBtinaaarea tome Easy.
Docket 29. Pace 292 State against Frank
Shunnahun; indictment of grand jury filed
February 9, 1892; charge, selling liquor with
out a license. Pleaded not guilty and re
leased on bond February 10. Continued
Msy 7 and July SO to January 7. 1893 (end
of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 1.9. Page 293Stst against Fred
Stask: charge, selling liquor without a
license: Indictment by grand Jurv filed Feb
ruary . lw2. Pleaded not guilty and re
leased on bond February 10. Continued May
7 and July aft to January 7, ifrl (end of Mr
Mahoney's term).
Docket . Page 24 Stute against Jnrg.
Thomsen: Indictment of grand Jury filed
February t 1892: charge, selling liquor with
out a license. Pleaded not guilty and re
leased en bond February lo. Continued
Msy 7 snd July to January 7. lv'l (end
of Mr Mahonev's term"
Docket i9. I age :n- State against Charles
Thienian; bleu indictment oi grand jury
Ftbiuary 9. 192. charge, n hn.j liqu u
withoul n, license; piead not at.d re
leased on Kmd February lo, io: tii.U' d May
J ::d July jo to January 7. IW end
of Air. Mahonev s t'-rm)
I'o ket .9. I'age 2' Mate sksI: St llenry
Voiltedt; tiled indictment it srtnd Jury
February 9. !?.; charg-, .1 iior
without a license, plead not g;n iy nnd r -leaded
on bond I ebruary 12; continued Mav
J nnd July 3" to January 7. 1833 ithc end of
Mr. Mahoney's term'.
lockct 29. Page L97-State against Marry
Wooldrldg. , ti,.il Imlictm nt of gtnnd Jury
February y. ;s92; charge, tellli g llou r with
out a Ibense; plead not gunty ami r based
on bond February 11, continued Muy 7
snd July 3 lo January 7 ithe end of Mr.
Mahonev s termi.
Docket :9. I'age :9-State against -John
LutHler; tiled Imiicimmt of grand jury
February 9. 1892; charge, selling liquor
without license; plead not gtul.y and ie
leaseij on bond February 12; continued .May
7 and July ? to January 7 (the end of Mr.
Mahoney's term).
Only Heal Proserin Ion.
Docket 29, Png. C2-State nguinst Dan
Oeiser and William .Vessel h. us. transcript
fib-d from police c unt K'ir-ary 12. I 92,
charge, being common gamhleis; ti,n M.iy
2; Vttdlct of auuiy .i.i 7 lor botn and
each fined IP") and costs a-.d three montna
in the county jail from Mav 2V to stand
committed until tine and costs are punt.
I Dch ket Jo. l uge 4. State nga.nst James
IFudden; filed indictment of gia:id jurv
February 27. IM.'; rhatge. selling 11 itmr
without a licen.-e; plead not guilty and re-
lewwu on ootid .Marcn N w .in
drawn plea of n ; guilty and enters a plea
of guilty to first iount March 28; nolle
pro.-equl as to second and third counts. De
tendaiil sentenced to pay u tine oi 1'0 and
costs and stand committed until paid. Re
leased on bond. (Nothing lurthcr none (lur
ing Mr. Mahonev s teim i
Docket 3o, 1'a'xe 4t State ;;galn-t Kd
ward F. Mori.irity; indictment of grand
Jury filed February 27. 1892; cl.aiRc. pro
posing to receive PriL'e; plead not gudlv
and released on bond. Trial. Marih li;
verdict, not guilty. Order, defendant dis
charged. Dociict 80. Page 40 State against Ed
ward F. Motiarlty; filed Indictment of
grand Jury February 27; charge, proposing
to receive bribe; plead not gulltv nn.l re
leased on bond F'ohruary 29: continued May
and July 30 to Januury 7 (the end of Mr.
Mahoney's termi.
Doiket W), I'age 47-8tate against R. F.
Madsen; hied indictment of grand Jurv
February 27. lMtj; charge, proposing to re
ceive a bribe; defendant plead not
and released on bond February 29; c intin
ued May 7. Trial. June 9: verdict, gulitv;
sentenced to puy u fine of KUj and custs,
to stand committed until paid.
Docket 30, Page 49-State ugalnH Daniel
P. Reamt-r; indictment bv grand Jury filed
February 27. 1892; charge, bribery; con
tinued May 7 and Julv 30 to Junuary 7
(the end of Mr. Mahoney's termi.
Docket :i". Page ni.'l-Stuto against High
Low; transcript tiled March 5. xy2; charge,
keeping nn opium Joint: pleH.l not guilty
April ro. Trial; verdict, guiltv; line, Joo anil
costs, defendant to be tontliicd until paid.
Docket 30, I'age 229 State against Wil
liam Rutts; transcript iiied irmn police
court March 21. ls?l; charge, liquor
without a license; released on bond; con
tinued July 3i; plead not guilty; continued
November 15 to January 7 (the end oi Mr.
Mahoney's term).
Docket 9). Page 24fi State against Kate
Sumnierkomp; transcript tiled trom jaillee
court March 21. Id92; cnarge. selling liquor
w ithout a license; releasi d on IriiuI and
continued May 7. Trial. Juno 13; verdict,
not guilty; defendant discharged.
Docket :). Page 247 Stute ugainst Kale
Stimmerkamp: transcript (lied March 21.
'rom Police court; charge, keeping
malt, spirituous, vinous and Intoxicating
liquors for diaimsal und sale and with the
iiient to dispose of and sell without a
license; continued Mny 7; nolle prosequi
July 28 nt request of county attorney.
Dot set Sh 'age ;i5 blu.e against Fred
Ahrens and (leorge h. Davis; imnscrlpt
from police court tlle.l April n. 1K:C; charge,
keeping a dlsoiderly house; continued Mav
r. defendant released on bond. (Nothing
further done.)
Docket 30, Page 36.1-Stiite ngalnst Wil
Ham Nesselhous; trunscrlpt from police
court filed April 11. H-92; chnrge, being a
common gambler; continued Mav i and July
30; nollo prosequi December 23, ut request of
countv attorney.
Docket 30, I'age Jcfi Slate against Peter
Smith and Nels Johnson; transcript from
podc court filed April 11. 1S92; chnrge, ob
structing the view of saloons; continued
?. y 7.n.nd Jll,v 3,1 ,n Junuary 7 (the end of
Mr. Mahoney s term.)
Docket 31. Puge 12-Btate against R.
Douglas and M. A. Sherman; trunscrlpt
filed April 20. lsf.2: chnrge, gambling: con
tinued Muy .; trial, July 6; verdict, not
Docket 81. Page 44 Rtnte
Ahrens; transcript from police court filed
April 26, 1892; charge, soiling liquor without
a license; continued Mav i and July 30 to
January 7 (the end of Mr. Mahoney's
A Bnneh of olles.
Docket 31. Puge 178-8tate against Henry
Hornberger; transcript from police court
filed May 14, 1892; charge, allowing gam
bling on premises: continued July 8o; nolle
prosequi December 23.
Docket 32, Page 45-StHte against Ixone
Anderson; Pled transcript from police court
June 21. 1892: charge, prostitution: con
tinued July 30; dismissed December 3
Docker -XL, Page 5n-Ftate against Conrad
Welderman: transcript from police court
filed June 21. 1892: chnrge, selling liquor
on Sunday: continued July Co; nolle pros
equi December 23, at request of countv at
torney. Docket .12. I'age M-State ngalnst Minna
Wlrth: transcript tiled from police court
June 21. lk92; charge, felling liquor on Sun
day; continued Julv So to January 7, 93
(the end of Mr. M ihonev's term).
Docket 33. Page 1f.9-State ngalnst Chnrles
F. lgin; transcript Hied from police
court September 1.1. 12: charge, renting
rooms for gambling purposes: continued to
January 7, 1893 (the end of Mr. Mnhonev's
Docket 33. Page 170 State ngnlnst George
Rettys: transcrlot from police court filed
September 13. 1892: chnrge. renting room
for gambling purposes; continued to Janu
ary 7, 1898 (tho end of Mr. Mahoney's
Dorket 33. Page rt88 Stnte agnlnst Hank
Degnn: trans'i'lnt from police court filed
October 21. 1892; charge, keeping saloon
open on Sunday continued to January 7,
1891 Uhe end of Mr. Mahoney's term).
Docket 34. Page :',25 State gain.t Fred
Miller; Impleaded with Wllhelm Stottcn
berw. doing business "ndcr the name of
Miller Stottnb"rg; filed transcript from
the police court December 7; charge, sell
ing intoxicating Honors to minors; con
tinued to JanoM-y 7. 1893 (the end of Mr.
Mnhonev's term).
Docket 34. Pnge 32'1 Stste ngnlnst Fred
Miller. Impleaded with Wllhelm Htottn
berg: tmnscrint from police court filed De.
ceniber 7. 197: charge, selling In'oxlcn Mn
liquor to P'lnors: released on bond to Jan
uary 7. 1893 (tbe end of Mr. Mahoney's
PltTTI.F, OF TIIF. YitrSflgTKn.
Little Elsie Mamma, when good people
die do they climb the golden stairs?
Mamma I suppose so, my dear.
Llttlo Elsie Why don't they patronise the
Teacher What letter comes after H?
Small Boy Dunno.
Teacher What have I on each side of my
Small Boy Freckles.
"And why," asked the Sunday school
teacher, "chould we respect old nge?''
" 'Cause It's mostly tho old people what
has money," answered the smut! bny who
wus unable to think of a better reason.
"Why, Margie," said a mother to her lit
tle daughter, "what are you crying about?"
" 'C auee," sobbed the tearful little miss,
"I s-started to m-make my dolly a s-seal-ekin
sack and it crime out a c-callco
Sunday School Teacher I'm sorry, Dottie,
to SfO that you have such a bad cold.
Dottle's Uttls Brother She ain't got no
B. 6. T. Why, what bus she got?
D. L, B. A new lace handkerchief.
"What in the world ure you doing with
your shoes and stockings off this cold
morning?" asked the mother of ti bright
youngster aged C.
"Btudyln' my lesson," answered the little
fellow. "This old book wants to know how
many four times five Is und as 1 ain't got
enough fingers l'e got to count my toes,
Isntkwrsl oloulst Hales.
(Ju February 21st and March 21st the
Iowa Central will s-ll special one-way set
tlers' tickets st half fare plus two dollars
to points In Nebrsska. Colorado, Kansas,
Mlsssourl, Arkansas, Oklahoma und Indian
Territories, Texas, etc.
Don t full to consult agents or address,
A. II. CI TT8.
4i. i'a st 'I. Minneapolis, Mluu.
An American muti-cf-war's man. sshore
at Oravesend, rear London, awoke the
otrr morning to find himself attired In th
uniform or u Rritish soldier. Nf sooner had
he wandered out Into the Street than a
pt -Wt stepprd him nnd told him to button
up his tn::ic or he would be tsken to bsr
rs k. He snught refuge In a police sta
tion, where it was discovered that a de
seittr had changed clothes with him while
he slept.
(ate t R Trolleg tars.
The Pink Mink marshes In Indiana r
alive with wildcats, snd it Was Intended to
have a hunt and clean them out. as there
nightly noise has Interfered seriously with
wtek-day prayer meetings and Sunday
nlaht services.
A halt was called by John Hey of Wins
mac, who believes that the prowling felines
can 1 used to help operate the new electric
line. In brief his plan Is to arrange chutes
through which the cats will be driven. In
these chute will be a series of revolving
brushes, which will be low enough to scrape
each cat's back.
This brushing will produce electric sparks,
whic h by an ingenious contrivance will be
conducted to a storage battery. From
whence In turn It will go to the trolley fee
Tied Can Explodes.
Two boys, a battered tin can. a piece of
string, a homeless Cog. the mother of one
..r ihn t,nt nn.l ber infant these were the
I dramatis perronae In a lurid melodrama
i In Rush county. Ind. The boy. George
! (Joudv and Cornelius Winslilp. found the
I .... l,l well. with a
l ull Ileal nil o uniiuiiin u p...B.
piece of string they attached It to the tall
of the dog. Mrs. Wlnshlp opened the door,
attracted by the howling of the dog. Enter
dog. Explosion. Mrs. Wlnship and Infant
hurled through doorway, badly hurt. Two
rooms demolished. Crib snd furniture
wrecked. Can contained nitroglycerine.
Whereabouts of dog unknown. Damage,
Thrillinw Death on.
Singing with his last breath the words of
the hymn he loved so well. "Jesus, Lover
of My Soul." Enoch Montgomery Blchards,
a musician of Wllkesbarre. Pa., died on the
9th instant. He was stricken with pneu
monia several days ago, and when It be
came evident that be was to die he sent
for his pastor und some members of the
church and asked a quartet to sing the
hymn. As he made the request his voice
was a mere whisper and could barely be
As the hymn started be motioned to the
attendants to bolster him up In bed. and
then, to their surprise, as If with super
human strength he burst forth In a full,
rich bass voice nnd sang the hyoxn with
them. So firm and strong was the voice
that It was hoard by his sorrowing rela
tives downstairs.
A look of the greatest happiness lighted
his face as he sang and when the last note
died away he slipped backward and the
next moment was dead.
An t nexpected shock.
The waiter had shown me to a table and
before I' had ordered he brought a woman
of about flo and placed her across from me,
relates the Kansus City Star. The car was
swaying and bumping over a new piece of
track and tho old lady seemed perturbed
by the Jarring and the noise. Her hair
was nearly white and It was waved over
the temples. A little bonnet was held In
place by broad silk ribbons, tied very care
fully In a very regular bow under her
right ear. A turndown collar of white and
a long, thin chain holding a pair of glasses
were the only relief from the black silk
frock. There she snt, the primmest old
woman I had ever seen away, from a
mohair sofa. There was even a trace of
pucker to her mouth. Just to accentuate.
Most apparently on her way to tho Mis
sionary society's district convention.
t had contemplated having a small bottle
of alo with my roast beef, but 1 ordered
milk Instead. While I am a believer In
personal liberty I do not permit my theor
ies to Inflict themselves upon others. I
ordered milk Instead of beer and the
waiter spilled much of It on me and the
table as the train swung around a sharp
curve. The old lady noticed my mishap,
but her face bore no trace of slightest In
terest. With her In hearing distance I
would not have risked laugNng at any
thing. In the cold, business-like voice of
tho class leader she ordered I could have
told what it would be before she said a
word she ordered two eggs boiled medium,
dry toust, and a pot of hot tea. "It must
be hot," she said. "And, waiter," she
culled, as he turned away, "before you
bring the eggs I want a Scotch highball."
That Is what she said. The car made a
particularly wild lurch Just then, which
helped me -to hide my surprise. That was
all that saved me.
Mean, Meaner, Meanest,
There -were four of them In the smoking
compartment of tho car when the traveler
from Chicago happened to say: "That re
minds me of a man out in my town who Is
to mean that lie makes the members of his
house write small hands In order to save
"A friend o' my father's, sun, wus even
wus. than that," same promptly from the
Bitltlmorean. "He stopped the clock at
night, suh, becnuse o' the wear and tear on
the works."
Then the Phlladolphian : "Well, there's a
good old Quiiker out In Wayne who won't
read the papers. Wears out his glasses,
suys he."
All three looked Inquiringly at the man
from New York, but he merely amiled and
rang for the waiter to take the orders.
Smart Set.
Delay Has Been Dangerous In
Do t lie right tblujr at tbe right time.
Art quickly In tltuoH of dnnKor.
Hacknclie is kidney danger.
iJiMin's Kidney Tills act quickly.
Cure ull dun-easing, dangerous kidney
Plenty of evidence to prove this.
.Mr. II. J. rtpragg, 14-M South Kith
street, upholsterer and cabinet maker
by triide, nays: "I had kidney and buck
trouble for four year and during the
hitter part of thut time u fie red more
thnu tongue ran tell. Many a time my
wife had to help we out of bed. Once
ou my feet I did not feel so bad. In ad
dition to this I hud difficulty with the
kidney serretions which greatly dis
tui'lied my rest night. Procuring Drwu's
Kidney Pills rrt Kuhn & Co's drug store
corner L'th and Douglas His., I took.n
cotli'se of the treatment. It cured ine
end did It quickly. I cannot praise thin
remedy too highly."
For sale by oil dealers. Price 5u
rents. Foster-Mllburu Co., Buffalo, X.
V.. sole BKrntH for the Fulled Htates.
Kouiember the name, Doan's and take
no tubstltuts.
KW stl UC 4 1, MMBKR. "4; 4.1.1. 4. UT
HK tRTS," HI t AVtillT OV
Although the "(Islbtnt Henrts" two-step
the latest by E. H. Kelly, has been pub-
lished only a few weeks, it bids fair 1
outrival the popularity of his character
istic march. "Southern Smiles'." for which
the publishers refused Ml offer of S.o
for the copyright. It Is remarkshle bow
quickly "(j.illatit Hearts'" hss become so
W'ldely known. Musicians snd people who
are capable of Judging, say It is not duo to
the fact that It is by a composer who has
written a number of hits, but to distinct
merit alone: snd if a particularly pleasing
When vou are first aware of nnv private disease, weakness or drains upon
your vitality, then it rs that vou should decide an, important question, one that
means much to our future health and happiness. If you procure the proper
medical advice without deluv vou wil secure to yourself that health, success
ind enjovment of life which ls'every man's lot. whose bright nnd steady pits,
rb-ar nnd healthy skin, active brain, congenial m ik.-np. nnd physical develop
ment show that no contaminating inlluences of private dlr-euses are devastating
his svstem. That no mental, moral or physical weaknesses are depleting his
manhood, that no reret drains upon his vitality arc robbing him of his sub
stance and making bis life n miserable, failure.
We make puny, weak men strong, und every vital irgan perfect. Infiltrat
ing that old feeling of youthful tire, vim and courage. Do you want to be
strong, possess nrrves of sttel. self-coiuld-nce, str-nxth In every muscle, am
bition, grit, energy and endurance, in order to make your life complete? Ve
have gladdened the hearts of thotiHinds of young and middle-aged men who
were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to perfect specimens of phys
ical manhood, full of vim. vigor and vitality. If ou ure lacking In. these
essential elements of manhood, or suffering from
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Elood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney
and trinary Diseases,
or any disease or weakness due to Inheritance, evil habits, excesses, self-abuse
or the result of specific or private diseases. It behooves you to tuke proper
steps to rid yourself of such a condition, as It will cause you bitter regret and
humiliation In after life. We cure this class of trouble quickly, safely snd
rnilCIII TlTlnil CPCE . If you cannot call, write for symptom blank.
lunoUL lAHUn met office Hours-Sa. m. to 8 p. m. 8undays. 10 to 1 only.
Farnatt St.. Bst. 13th aril 14th Strsett, Onahi. NsY
cured by
d in rti nnn s
What on tf many says shout this great remedy:-"EG-AN-1URN
surcd me of liver nd kidney trouble which
would not yield to any other treatment. G-AN-1URN
Is no hslf eure, but cure outright."
Thomss J. Vesey. 185 Lexington Avenue, Chlcsgc-
Gees tor OHILOREI, Better for
Mid, BmristM. by till MT9EIH mEMCM U3tmiT0RT, CKIUOO
Shciinun ac McConnell Drug Co.,
In Uinfer
For some time, it has been tery dlflleult to secure lanro ofljrea. In a
good building. In Owaho. Ihe north aud cast sides of tbe all til
tloor of
The Bee
j,, ,a I 8 rearranged, ny tuukini; application, ot once, we will
divide the spice into offices of tiny size, to suit your re.iulremente.
These oftlces are particularly desirable, on account of hnvlnf splendi.l
Ufht and tvill be flnished in hardwood throughout. Make jour aDD1-
lions at once. ,
H. C. Peter3 Co.,
-;ot:xi) FI.OOR-BKK nt;ir.niNf!.
1 melodv. which, s rnsv to plsy ard hum.
has snvthi.ur t. 1. with It. "Osllant
i ltesrfs' s i.iold be the composer's great
est success
The J W Jenkins M.ns Music i om
psnv. of Ksnsis City. M v. the publishers
of :'t;nliunt Hearts." tnive Issued In th
last few eirs it number of the biggest
musical tits Tbe most popular among
thm pre " A Whispered Thought." novel-
en-. "Southern Smiles" fraternity P-elle,
two-step. a:d th. mg. "My Mercedes.
"Mv Kit i til In Thee" and "1 alt Alone
for You "
Ctirr. nt musical reix-rts show the gret
popularity of "My Mercedes" and "A
Whispered Thought." The phenomenal
sabs of these two prpular piece '
reach nmnv ihousandi per month, tn s is
. i - . .i.i.aai sir miTll.
Iinolmf fVUHMHV l till" I".
for E3ED
. v..' W. -
'.-..1 71 i. ; - -
are often the after-effects of
Grippe, Colds, etc..
instantly and permanently
rtG-AN-IURN iron)
Pith nnd Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb.
A uy1iir oT time nnd money means
liiiU'h (o tlif liiisy hustling people of
Aiiioili'ii. Why not wive a whole day
on your trip lo
Jiy Mpt'tfn "TI"' OvorlntKl Houte."
Von n n n void a lontf journey and the
imnnvpiiii of Wiuter truvol. The
fast I ruins on the
Union Pacific
via OiiiuIiii, rciich Sun FmnsWo many
hours rpib'ktT thnu any other lino.
"The Overland Route" all the u-ay.
E. I.. I.OMAX, U. P. A T. A,