TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, JANUA11Y 21, 1903. 12 Blf Sat: Men' 1 25 Shirt I at 50c I-1 U UJ UA I I M is Saturday Men's 2 50 Shirts at 98c Grand Clearing Sale S Overcoats and Suits Everything Must Go Big Cuts in Price. A Speciat Offer 20 Reduction On all our fashionable Roers-Pect Co's Mcn's Suits and Overcoats This clothlnfr it known to careful dressers throughout the country as the very bett clothing that Is made It is only rivaled by the work of the best custom tailors Every garment Is hand made Ad a clearing sale special we offer you the choice of any garments In our great stock at 20 Off United States Government Bonds afford the purchaser no safer protection than entrusting your orders for groceries and meats with us. Iloiling Beef, per lb.3c Corned Ileef per lb..4c Spare IJibs, per lb..6lC Pork Loins, per lb. .7C Pork Koast, per lb. .6$C Mincemeat, per lb...7c The Inviting appearance of our poultry expresses its su periority In terms more con vincing than words can con vey. CHICKENS, OEESB. DUCKS, TURKEY At Remarkably Low Trices for Saturday. 26c 12c 12c 25c 33c 22c 25c GREATEST Sensational Sale! EVER HELD IN OMAHA. Sexier GREATEST BARGALNSin MEN'S CLOTHING Ever Known. All our Men's $20 Overcoats and Suits All our Men's $18 Overcoats aod Suits All our Men's $16.50 Overcoats and Suits All our Men's $13 Overcoats and Suits Strictly Fresh Eggs, per dozen Shrodrted Pineapple, per ran Ornted Pineapple, per ran Imp. Smyrna Figs, 4 doxps Baker's Chocolate, per pound Baker's Cocoa, H-pound tin Crram of Wheat, 2 packages Summer Bros. Exponent of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Telephones 736. 13. 171 Your Choice Saturday 8 CLEARING SALE MEN'S PANTS All the best odd patits in our stock the finest patterns the latest styles in our . great sale. These pants are made of all wool materials latest cut ngnt up- to-date in style most of the odd pants have been sellingat $4and $B also pant3 taken from suits that are worth up to $13 your choice Saturday, at .98 mmmm& HAMILTON SUCCEEDS MURPHY Elected rresldeat of the Omaha Gaa Company and Clabaaah Ad vanced to Vice. Frank Hamilton has been elected presi dent of the Omaha Gas company to fill the. vacancy mads by the death of Frank Murphy- Tho company should have had Its annual meeting and election the second day of this mdnth,. but it was postponed twice because of the various Interests which -were loft "without ' a head by the loss of Mr. Murphy. Aft.er. the street car com liany and tho' Merchants' National bank had chosen their presidents, the gas com pany could do the same. Secretary Cla baugh was advanced at this election to the position of vice president to succeed George Barker. Dance Tonight. '". Jolly Eight club's lively ball this eve'g. psthoff hall, 16th and Cass. Fine orchestra, a (rand, good time for you, yes. Oents, pBc Welcome. , , Maaonlo Fnneral. Funeral services of our late brother, Dr. C. G. Spragve, will be held at Masonlo .hall Sunday at I p. m. Brethren will as semble at 1:30 p. m. Friends invited. C. I SHOOK, Muster. Marriage Licenses. Ths following marriage licenses were Is sued up to noon, January 20: Name and Residence. Age. , Manly Bryant. Omaha.. 23 Nora Foley, Omaha... 23 frMward Rosmundt, Omaha 24 Anna, Jensen, Omaha 18 Paul tW.' Wisdom'......'.. 23 Sadie? P. McLean, Omaha 24 Jos-iptt VogI, Omaha 30 .Francis Muler, Omaha .' 36 Aaron Rayford, Omaha , 22 Marie Cartwrlght, Omaha ii 1S-K Wedding Rings, Edholm. jeweler. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NO. eOS-LADIEa' WRAPPER. " Thirty-two to forty-two-lneh bust. '. For tho. accommodation of readers of Ths Bee thee patierns, which usually retail at ' from K to W cents each, will be furnished at tho nominal price of 10 cents. A supply IS now Xent .at . our ofllce, so those wha wish any pattern may get it either by call fcg or enclosing 10 oenU. addreated "Fat' lora Peyaruueot, oet Omaha," 1 SATURDAY'S Big Doings at the BIG SALE. Men's full Suits, 12.07; these suits will be split up as follows: Coat, 99c; pants, 69c; vest, 39c. For $4.90 we give you choice of suits worth up to J10.00. For Sti.ltO we give choice of the finest suits from the lilns wanger stock, amongst them double breasted all wool unfinished worsted, the same suits are sold all around us for 15.00. Strong Suspenders, 9c All sorts of Caps for men and boys, 12c Saturday we will include men's Corduroy Caps Just think of It 12c Men's overalls, 26c. Blanket lined Duck Coats, 69c. All kinds of Handker chiefs, So. Wool Hose, 9c. Silk Bow Ties, 6c String Ties, 9c. Fleece lined Underwear, 26c Jersey Shirts, 26c; also all klnda of other shirts, worth up to 75c, your pick, 26c. Choice out of Blnswanger boys' Shirts, from size 10 to 14, your pick, 15c; the biggest snap ever offered by any body in boj-s' shirts. The best known dol lar brand of shirts, hundreds of them to se lect from, sale price, 4Sc Young men's (up to age 20) coffee brown Suits, 12.48. Men's Corduroy Pants, 98c. Men's Cordu roy Suits, $3.90; men's Overcoats as low as 1.48. Black or blue beaver, $2.90. Heavy ulsters, $3.90. Overcoats that Blnswanger sold for $12.60 are being slaughtered for $4.90. The above are Just a small portion of the many good things now on sale on our second floor. On Our Main Floor You can have unrestricted choice of our finest Overcoats, including the Alfred Ben jamin make, and worth up to JJj.OO, take your pick for $16.00. Gents1 Furnishing Specials Shaw Knit Hose, 20c. 60o Suspenders, 6c 60o Four-ln-Hands, 26c 60c Golf Gloves, 26c Mufflers worth up to $1.26, 45c. Dollar Shirts, 4So. $1.60 Union Suits, all colors, 76c Alsc cut prices on Ear Muffs and flue Sweaters. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., ISI9-I52I DOUGUS ST. .FKSHION IN HAIR Siva womb fcetttttiM he-4 of hair, ud half t ban I a of katutjr vol, That beautiful Tltiaa tint, rtrfc bronxe ihartaa, mallow a; old affect, warn chaatnat hita, tia produced o.jr by b Imperial Hair Regenerator Tfca ltaWrl Hal Cim far C.nv or !,-hrf T Hat'. Makcathahaiv tlt and piot-v. 5 104 It t uV. mJ vMivhaltealad fist. ha,l lot tu.or.hleL hJU lPriICoe.Mfi.U lil'V.IWSu.New Yofk lhenn A McCoonoll Drg Co., 11th Dodgo It a. School Shoes You can find the school shoes you're looking for at this store. You will find the girls' and boys' shoes at this store that are made to fit easy and comfortable; that are made to look neat and nice, and that are made to wear long and well. Vrm will And an loi3TYirn at th(a fltnrA who know how to properly fit the I feet of any boy or girl. You will find at this store that prices are right as well as the shoes and fit, a and nowhere else can you get such values In school shoes n our specials at $1.50 a $2.00 I FRY SHOE cq Johnson , Goodlett Co. Pick something from this list and let us show you how well we can serve you. No better goods or lowerd prices can be found anywhere. 25c 25c 25c 10c 7c 10c lie a iYiTHvxfiE n 1 cTTnMJ MYCIENI UO XI o Far Generrhai, Sleet. LsseerrtieM. Sptrsister. rkas. Piles 4 All UnkMlthi ttiual DiscSsrsta NO PAIN. NO STAIN. No Stricture. Frcc Syringe. sve-a tmrm rntMUf al UlMw.'kl At brusgiits, ur tvnl o say sdilroM tor at. M ALVDOR MFC. CO.. Lancaster, O., I.I L for Menstroal Suppression .,.UM. kMo??.i PEN-TAN-GOT al U OmiKi br ShernuB McCooiitll Orus Co. UU erews aiiti, TrsU tmiUi. M s ti I beue M EVAPORATED CREAM six cans for PRUNES large. Juicy four pounds for ORANGES large, fancy, sweet On Navels per dozen " RICE 4 pounds best quality for , RIB ROAST per pound PORK LOINS per pound IiAMI) LEGS per pound BACON lean breakfast per pound CAKES 3-layer white, nut, orange, choco late, caramel or cocoanut in - each OUC BREAD pure milk e per loaf "v OATMEAL Yankee 26o size lQc BUTTER Idlewlld and Meadow Gold at cut prices. Joknson & Goodlett Co., 80th and Lake Its. (iHOCERIF.S, MEATS AND BAKERY. Phones 157S and 4T43. Jewels and Fancy Beads for making fancy collars and dress trimmings. We are receiving daily new things in Jewels and Beads from our buyer in New York and have had all the latest things that come out In this line new shades all the time. If it is beads you want we have them in all kinds and colors. Take a look before buying. Yarns, Hosiery and Underwear as usual. IJOS. F. BILZ, I 322 So. 16th St., Omaheu oO00 Oooaaooaaoaaaaooo B S. E. Cor. 12th and Farnam Buys from Montgomery & Co., their entire stock of Clothing, etc. Same goes on sale Saturday Morning at 9 OXlock. Come early before this and that is' sold out. Every article will be on sale for one-half coat to manufacturer. Carefully read over the bargains and convince yourself that the prices are right: $30.00 Men's Suits 9.98 $20.00 Men's Suits ....$7.00 jflu.OO Men's Suits $5.55 flO.OO Men's Suits f4.00 P30.00 Overcoats ?9.9S J20.00 Overcoats 7.00 flo.00 Overcoats $5.50' flO.OO Overcoats $4.00 1 10.00 Ulsters $4.00 5.00 Sheepskin Lined Duck Coats $2.28 $1.50 Blanket Lined Duck Coats 74c $8.00 Astrakhan Double-Breasted Coat and Vest $3.98 $5.00 Chinchila Pea Jacket $1.98 $1.50 and $2.00 Men's Pants, your choice 74c $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Pants, your choice $1.25 M-00 and $4.50 Men's Pants, your choice $1.98 $2.00 and $2.50 Corduroy Pants 9Sc $1.25 great assortment of Boys' Pants 48c 50c, 75c and $1.00 Caps, your choice 34c 25c and 35c Caps 17c $2.50 Soft and Stiff Hats, all shapes f4c $1.00 and $1.50 wool Fleece Lined Underwear 49c 25c Cotton Underwear 7c 50c Wool Hose 22c 10c Heavy Kockford Hose 5c 5c Kockford Hose 3c I' . f. ! 15c blacky brown and fancy Hose 7c 50c and 75c Suspenders 19c $1.00 Dress Shirts 48c 75c Dress Shirts 38c 50c Dress Shirts 24c $1.50 men's blue all wool Shirts 88c 500 sample fancy Wool Shirts, worth $1 to $3 78c 75c and $1.00 fancy Neckties 29c 25c and 50c Fancy Neckties 19c 50c and 75c Neck Sweaters 19c $2.00 and $2.50 Sweaters, all wool 98c 15c White Collars, all styles 5c 15c white hemstitched large border Handkerchiefs . . Cc 75c and $1.00 Golf Gloves 44c 25c and &5c Leather Gloves 12c $2.50 and $3.50 nand Made Shoes $1.78 $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes 99c $1.00 Felt Boots, all sizes 24c 75c and $1.00 Low Cut and Storm Rubbers 49c $0, $7 and $8 solid leather Suit Cases $3.98 $1.50 and $2.00 Suit Cases 98c $9 and $10 Alligator Lined Traveling Bags $4.9S $1.00 Alarm Clocks 49c 50c and 75c Cuff Buttons 14c $1.50 and $2.00 Watch Chains 74c $2.00 and $2.50 Kings 99c ADLER'S Southeast Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VETKHINARIAN. Ofllce and Infirmary, 2Mh and Mason Sta, OMAHA. N EH. Telephone iJ9. For aal by itcalua Drug Co. ez SATURDAY ONLY Chocolates, per pound box 40c Bon Bons, per pound box : 40c Bold elsewhere for 60c per pound. There are re better Roods In Omaha all are daintily parked In our own boxes for the bint irada. We make these special prices to Induce you to visit our new store. JACOB KOPP, The Candy Man. Kopp'a Medicated Cough Drops, per pkg 5c. None so good. 13 FARNAM. 'PHONE 4272. : OrHi J ti pTWEWE MILLION PACKAGES SOLD LAST YEAR - SNoneSuchMince Meat! m. n- n..L . ik I id f Vilnihlt Premium. IB Z'tlB 1 US rsCKsKCe Willi lui hi . simu.uc,iis ium I-- - 1 fmui iouii co. IllACUiC.ltllOtt GREAT SALE NEW SHIRT WAIST SUITS, M0ND AY WOK TRR RRLIARLt STORE. GREAT SALE NEW SHIRT WAIST SUITS, MONDAY Great Clearing Sale Men's Suits and Overcoats. Jfpi Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffner ds? Marx MEN'S SUITS. JT.V. to $12.50 vahipa, in ulnRla or flonbl brvastod, brown or oxford pray mltonn, blue iind Muck clieTlots, fancy mlieil ORslmons nn.l tan corduroy. C C fifl clearing- sale price )7eUU MEN'S OVERCOATS $7..V to $12.r0 values, medium length, in all wool blue, black and brown kerseys, black and oxford gray Irish frieze, brown and oxford pray meltons, gntnt snaps, tit onr clearing -C C glfl sale 1.I00 vlO.UU 2.ro to $.1.00 MEN'S PANTS, in all wool cheviotH, caKsliiKM es and cor- C CI C duroy Saturday 1.3 f3.rit) nud $4.iO KNEE PANTS SIITS, in two piece, double breasted styles, ages 0 to lrt years C 1 Cfl Special, Saturday, at pJJ TOl'THS PANTS SUITS, in com plete variety of stfi and ' CC llfl Btyles, on Kilo Saturday at...3.UU SHEET MUSIC "In a Sleigh With the Girl You Love, "Hack, Hack to llaltimore." "IJolly Hock," big coon hit FIELD DAY TWO STEP. Zenith Knicrnipzzo, lMun Grass Echoes, Fighting the Flames, Ever Thine Waltzes, IVoubador., She Was from Missouri, Semi nole, loin Intermezzo, Good H.ve My Lady Iiove, Memories Dream Waltz, A Bit O Hlarney, Sntislied. "He was Only a Private, That's All," sung and illustrated at the Orphcuin. All of these big hits only 14c per copy, by mall, l.V. "Don't. Cry, Katy Denr," Pork Chop In ttv? Sweetest Flowfr that Grows 15c for these two hits by mall, 17e. Uncle Sammy and My IJttle Hag Doll, lDc for these two hits by mall 17c SiAYDEPJ BROS. BROKEN LOT SALE Saturday-DREXEL-Will Give Per Cent Off ON THE FINEST AND BEST MADE SHOES IN TITH WORLD. ALL HEAVY WINTER GOODS. These Prices for Cash Only HBest qunlity imported patent colt, double A jo Qtl fill soles, regular $5.50 4eIO H Best qunllty French enamel kid lined, double A ZZ 1 11 111 sol , regular $0.(W feOtF H Women's imported patent colt, Blucher style, A alldoulile sole, regular $r.00 H Women's kid and calf button and lace, double C H Hull sole, restilar ?5.0O O.lO Clapp Boyden Boyden S. 6c M. Special Custom made, velour calf, Bluche1 doubleJ GLf sole, regular ?0.O) HtiJJ Imported, French enamel, kid lined, double A QQ sole to heel, cork filled, regnlnr $0.50 4'00 Genuine French calf, strictly handmade, EZf (loutde sole, ngulnr $"5.00 fteOvf French enamel, genuine kid lined, double CJ -e M. KJ sole, regular $5.00. 300 pairs of women's broken lots, $3.00, A E? $3.50 and $4.00 ehoes, one price lijJ DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 FARNAM STREET HAMS BACON LA RD We got in this week four tons of tho choicest Hams, Bacon and Iard. And now we are going to sell it at the lowest possible price. We'll save you money if you trade with us. MOKRELL'S IOWA PRIDE HAMS i Picnic).. .. Cudnhy's Diamond G 1 1 r Ilanu A It1 Swift's Premium Hams Ctrtlahy's Rex 1 ()0 Bacon 1 Armour's and Swift's Fancy Iinnni . . . Pork Roast, nonnd .... Tork Choi), I 8c 11c 7c Siiare Ribs, pound . . Prime 1Mb Roast, 10c.gc 5c pound Pot Roast, pound Ulj Boiling Beef, l - Veal Stew, nound. . . Veal Roast, Cp pound nL nome Made Pork Rnusnge, 'T'f w pound . BPirCTAT, RATES TO BOARDING HOUSES AND RESTAURANTS. Mv-agvnma lianiFYi oih and Capitol Ave. Tel. 1796. litW I liaL IilAnlVln I O 16th and Harney Sts. Tel. 2899. MinnwwilllMMlHHDBBSnBBnBal It is ourbusiness to know some thing about coal. Will tell you the truthabout what we know. CHl-KOKFB LUMP, $5. 80 ( Good value for heating stoves can't be beat CHEROKEE NUT, - $5.23 for underfeed furnaces. Rock Snrlnes Lump, $7.40 j Ignitus quick, and for laundry or kltohea iolt tprings Nut.' $7.40 stores there is no better coal. I This Is a Seml-Anthraclte coal, high In eor . , ,. i tn J bin. quick heater and good laster. For fur- BOnaOZi ArkaQSaS LUHIP, 5(.0UIiars and heaUng stoves It is a moner I suver. Those are our leader., but wo have all the OTHER GOOD GRADES OF SaU AND ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOU WELL, CENTRAL COAL & COKE COMPANY, . . . a A nvnO Of. eft Phones 1221. 1005, 4718. UM'"' i on the Kuhn'sGlycerole of Roses No other aratlon OR BALE AT KLHN B DRUO BTORB. IsTH AND POUOLAsV ALL FIRST-CLASS CAFES, CLVBS AND BUFFETS SLMVE c;doik?s 8LKVLO EVERYHttUV THttCM 1