TITi: OMAHA DAILY REH: FIJI PAY, .TAXt'Ai.V 20. 190... GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARhEl Will Street Spoils the Markt for the Small Men. EASTERN LONGS THOUGHT TO BE HEDGING , ML t Amr1nn mired, old. 4s ly; March. 4s ld. Ma lid 4s r-i- 2d. nit i.o (.ni ad provimo. aletlee Hear cller nf lis Mitt t orn 4 hlmin Mnrkrl Ont of Line t p.lfke V illi, Oats. OMAHA. Jan. 1!. irC. Tlie Wall afreet spci ulat"is are spoiling th whflt msrkrt tor the little rier.. 'I ha. part of the speculating public which In Called tho "outside" ati'l H good palt M! the regular crowd arc lesry or the situa tion. The market Ik narrow. Tni' cruw.1 as rule It-am to get long or hm t env consider hie Inn1. rer,n ha Imn selling the May today and It has not settled ii Aa there In already n big rlioi t lino out by thin hail It In (inspected the eastern pool 1 putting out an anchor against wncat bought through other houses. Aimour sold bout 60,000 bushels. The shorts who wore ao eager to PHI Wednisdav have been buy In today. The market all mm nlng fluc tuated between fl .15'. .ind tl.lh'.. Llvrr pool closed with an ad ame of o; Lon dot and Antwerp closed without a change; HTlln wan steady to e down: Buda pesth Closed c stronger, and I'h i is was from toady to 5c strong,!. Of the 4f'S cars received by Minneapolis 194 oaiiM from two hue hous s wt.h h were clearing out hedges. Tli movement tm not general and when these ma liuiifH get through moving their wheat. receipts are expected to be small. Tlie unexpectedly large movement ronilnuod today and the, city received 374 oars, again"! l.w for last ear. Tim Minneapolis sto. k have de. creased 2u0.oni bushels In live days. Th primary receipts are M!7,W bushels, against 871,000. bushels hist year, which Is n Inrger Increase than expected. The shipment were 270.000 bushels, against SuO.ohi hueh- Slsi A Ulna 1 1 Argentine movement is pre lrted for next work. ' Tho condition of winter wheat Is very much Improved by the covering of snow. The cold' weather has had ilnle effect, as nearly the whole winter wheal llt Is blanketed. The. pros pect Is much better. Valentine sold about' rAlmu hu.-hela of May corn this morning around 4i'. The Chicago market la from ': tj iju out of linn with the Atlantic and the gulf. The "orn demand U lather snmll and ihe re ceipts also continue light. The foreign markets. MperUHy Liverpool, ate sllfthily below tha American markets Jusi how. Ilverpool advanced id tod.iy at Ihe rlose. If an Increased corn detr.aml Hi'rlrigs up before thft receipts become inur." lihenil It la probable an advance In the nmrket will follow. The receipts now coming will not cause any weakening. Chicago reports u considerable buying ot'the January corn at under the May. Tne lirlmary re ceipts and the blpnmnts show a decrease. The receipt are 4S1.00O' bushels against H0.00O. and the shipment i'.'V.WHI bushels against 6.17.000. In oats It l.i supposed Arnmur l selling heavily. fpdlke Is another seller. The market continues heavy. Omaha C'aah Sale. OAT8 PTo. 3 mixed, Stc. Omaha Cash frlcea. . WireiT-No. lird..-$1.0flfi.l.0S; Xo. S hard. $l.04U; No. 4 hard, DUcSl.u:'; No. 3 srrlng. n.of. COHN-No. 2. 3'4o; No. 3, 39 ;. No. 4. SSc; no grde, l?u jtw : No. 2 yellow, Ca'ac; No. I yellow, 3'c; No. 2 white, Ao. white. Sc. OATS No. i mixed. Hc; No. 3 mixed. !c; No. 4 mixed, Z'UH'v; No. '1 white, -((4c; No. 3 white. 29', c; No. white, 28',sc standard, ot'c. . Carlot Ileet(t. ', Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago lit, 244 72 Kansas City M H Minneapolis 374 iMiluth .. 21 Ht. Ixiuls W 27 41 Omaha .... ll Hf . 2i Irlca at Mlunea polls. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Kdwards-Wood com pany! 110-111 board of Trade, was; i Article. I Open. High. ' Low. Close. 1 Wheat May July 8epteniber 1 l&Hr; 1Bti IT!. 1 IS', 1 11' JWii 1 14 1 ll'a !,!', M.W V4NUtW .KKKAI. MARK KT itaotalloas' of the' Day on arluua Commodities. NEW YOitK. Jnn. H.-eri-OrR-Receipta, 17.!i bbla.i ; export,; a.iftti bbla.; mai ket rpilet with prices lower to sell; winter patents. l5.5oGi;' winter straights, n.(M6.V; Minnesota patents. $j.fc.Vin.3o; winter extras, 3.t'g4.:; Minncsotrt biiKera. $4.3u4.tS5; winter low sjrndes. :!.4rri4.1. Rye flour, ateady;. fnlr to good. $4 14.10;. choice to fancy, S4.7&Q5.l. Hiirkwhuiii Hour, dull at l(fii.l per cwt. CORNM1SA1- Btoudy: fine, white and yel low, 11.25; coarae, new, Sl.u6ftjl.U7; kiln dried. I2.lnifta.10. RVK f'otnlnal. BARLEY Quiet; feed, 4.'ic t: I. f. New Tnrk; malting. VtMuic. c. 1. t. Huffulo. WHEAT- Recelits. 2H.4i bu.; ixnorts, 2S.Siil bu.; siiot market weak; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. S1.1VH f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1.2fiS f. o. h., afloat; No. 1 hard, Miinliuba. tl.llH f. o. b., afloat. Market oMied euaicr on account of commlnaioti houses buying, mid apart from a brief rally on western bull support was weak all day, declining rapidly after midday under prospects for liberal Argentina shipments and stop loss Helling on rumors that the bull crowd had un loaded. The close showed Vul'nC net lows. May. tl.14Vh-l.lo 15-ltJ. closed ill 11 HS. July, ll.nZ'tjl.OiV closed at S1.02k. CORN Receipts, 177,375 bu,: exports, 4. eSS bu. Bpot market steady; No. 2, S2c levator and 51c f. 11. b., 11 float; No. 2 yellow, tZc; No. 2 white. 52,'. Market opened steady! but was forced to yield to the wheat break and to elevator sell ing; In Chicago, closing net lower. May, bfftinh 7-ltic, closed at oO'.c. OATS Receipt .81.m bu.; exports. 2.0S" bu. Spot market Irregular: mixed. 2ti to .'12 pounds, jrTtyf'S.Sc; natural white, 30 to 32 pounds. 37411139c; clipped white, 3ti to 40 pounds, 39Vu42c. HAY Steady: shipping, U2H'fi7i c ; good to choice old. SiVfl'sTtc. KEEI Irregular; spring bran, $1S."0 for January shipment; middlings, $19.10 for January shttmicnt. HOPS Quiet : state, common to choice, HUM, !&u37c: 1303. :ioi33c: olds. 14c; Puclllc coast. IS04. 2i4i3tic; liiS, JcVffXk-: olds 14fil7c. HI1KH Klrm: Oolveston, 20 to 3Ti hs., 18c; California 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; 'icxua dry. U to 30 lbs. HHc. I.KATH KR Firm ; acid. 2tttiLHc. VROV18ION8 Heef. steady; family $11(10 CI2U0; mess, $: .ocnH .So; beef hams. $22.((it f-'.J0; packet. $Hi.5ik.i11.oI: city extra India mesa, tlVooimT.nc. Cut meats, nominal; pick led bellies, in.7r&7.ni); nicklcd shouUlers. $ii oft: pickled hams, Ja.71yri9.Ki. Ijird, imiet $tx); pickled hamH,tK.7ri''ri9.no. T.ard. steady'; western steamed $i.7.u7.iJ; January clnaed at $.!Dri:i7.iiG; retlned. steady; continent, $7 05; South America. $7.fc5; cominund. $475 AS.12. J'ork. steady: family. S14.(aii 14.30; Short clear. S13.254ilil.ni): mess, $1.1 (HKii I3.f). TALIA)V Quiet; city, 4V.c; country. 41 RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 2T r.Uc: Jnan, nominal. POl'I,TRY-AIIe, hrm: western chickens, IV: fowls. 14'c: turkeys, mdlc; dressed, firm: western chickens, lllaKc; fowls. 13 13lo: turkeys, 15'h 19'.c. KUrtS Easier; western selected, choice trc; western, average best. 27c ' eatnres nf the Tradlag aad I laslaa I'rlces oa Doart) af Trade. i'IIICAI'.o. Jan 19 Heavy ll'iuldation I'oln.alng a prediction of greatly Incresseo onpmenis from Atgent'ria caused a fall I - s biish I today In the pric e of wheat. A fraction of the loss was recovered, May h' at at the ( I jsc tiotng off ILjtilSo. Corn is down ',',- Oats show a losw of ,t '. .10.1 provisions sre practically nu cha need. The wheat market opened fairly steady Mtit Ma 11m liiina-d to tfrc lower at l.l-. to $1 .M'(i 1. !.. Trading, however, iked animation. News In general was lavorahle to the bears. Receipts In the norihwe.t wcr" considerably In excess of the total for the corresponding day hist week. Cash markets nlo were very dull. Roth dt. Louis and Minneapolis sent messages le.Pi'g of extremelv or demand1 for casn wheat. Primary receipts showed a com plete loversal ,,f form, today s arrival be. it g .Viti.im bushrls, compared with only 371. l'i biiehels a year ago During the first part of the session fluctuations In pries were limited to a narrow range. The highest point on Mav was reached at $1 I.iite In the duv a sharp break m-curred and May sold off to $1.14'4. The decline as primarily due to an announcement by Jl Hiitlsh statlstlclanMhat this week's ship ments from Argentina would approximate ain.iam birshels. an egalnst 21" bushels last week The break was nccompanled by heavy selling Many stop loss orders here were reached 011 the decline and tended to Increase the weakness. Part of the loss was regained on covering by shorts, but the market closed weak with May at $1.14S- Clearances of wheat and flour were eipial to 47.lf bushels. Minneapolis. Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 4" cars, against 314 last week and 357 a year ago. Influenced by higher cables and light re ceipts, the com market was quite Arm early In the day. Later the market weak ened on heavv selling" by n prominent holder. The break In wheat also had a depressing effect. Mav opened unchanged to higher at i".tii4f.'c. sold off to 44S.W 41:l,c and closed at 44-1.I&4IV. I.ocnl re ceipts. 2t4 cars, with I of contract grade. Cunt limed light receipts Imparted a firm tone to the outs market at the start, but later prices sagged off n. trifle In sympa thy with the weakness of wheat May epened unchanged to a snade . higher at ;;i'c to :',i.ji(,f i,c, sold off to and closed :it aoVuSli:., Local receipts were 72 oats. Only 11 very limited' volume of business was transacted In provisions. Offerings were not large and tlie demand was com paratively litiht. At Ihe close May )ori was off 2V'i5r at $12 i4. Lard and ribs were each unchanged at $.S5 and $'l.'"i7Vj'rt 6.7'i. respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. U caj-'i; corn. 217 crs; oats. M cars; hogs, al.ir heart. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. I Hlgh. Low I Close. I Tes y. I 1 lfi'.lr I HS 1 lU US' 42' 4 45 45 3di 8iu Wheat I 1 . Mav 1 16'xU; ! al !: 1 la'.l 1 14U Jnlr ! 9Si9!Vfi..! 9S 9S5I9SW Corn- I 1 I I I Jan. I I I ! 42',; Mav 4Vti45il 4,5', 44SH? 441,4tt " July '.WW III' 4oS'r,J4 46-VH' 45',,' 45 ' Oats- I I I I I Jan. I 30',' , .W.I Mav 31'4i. 3HihM i'i30'a31l July I 3is 31S! ' 31 I 31 I Pork I I I- I Jan. ! ' ' I 1! 871V 12 42', May I 12 62H1 12 Si I 12 B2V 12 85 I 12 H7V, Lard- t I I I I Jarl. I 24! ii" I 6 2S,! fi5 ' 6 R2S Mav I ti K'J',i 6 85 I 8 S2,l 85 I fl KS Julv I 6 95 I 8 97VI 6 9a I 6 974' 97'i Ribs- I ' I l Jan. I 1 1 42H! 8 524 Mav I 6 H7l 6 7' I 8 87' 8 70 ! 7o July I 6 824 s2i,i W I 2'il6 82H No. ?.. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOI'R Kasy: winter psteuts. tWit 5.20: straights. $4.8tmS.un; spring patents. $S.t)i&5.50; straights. $4.50)4. W); bakers', $2.6 4i3n. WHKAT-No. 2 spring, tl.iynl.lo; No. 3, tl.D2frl.14: No. 2 red, tl.16Val.19V.. CORN No. 3, Ho; No. 2 yellow, 3e. OATS No. 2. 30'nc; No. I white, 32c; No. 3 white. 313ic. . RVK-No. 2. 73c. HARLEY-O001I feeding, 37fr3c; fair to choice malting. 43'i48c. SEKr8 No. 1 flax. $115: No. 1 northwest ern. $1.12W:t clover, contract grade, $13.00.. PROVISION 8 Mess pork. pr bbl.. $12.40'3 12.45; lard, per 1 lbs., $.12S; short ribs sides (loose). $6.2MjJ6.60; short clear sides (hoxetU, t8.nfKrti.G2H. ' r- Recelpts and shipments for the day were ss follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla......'.'.. 23,100 25.000 Wheat, bu 83,0(10 8H.8"0 Corn, bu 276.900 120.500 Oats, bu 68.600 102,200 Rye. bu .- l.ooo 3,0oo Barley, bu 61.9t) 19,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 19.'ov10c; dairies. 13H'ii24c. Eggs, weaker: at mark. I ensea IncliKUd. iWu"iv; firsts. 23c; prime nrsts, 2c; extras, cneese, nrm, utw 12c. t. I.oals Urala and Pro visions. ST. LOCI8. Jan. 19 WIIEAT-I.wrr-No. ! red. cash, elevator. $I.14: truck' l.iatQl.lriH: May, $1.14',jl.l4; July. H4Ho: No. 2 hard, $lMrjil 12. CORN I-ower; No. 2 cash, 43c; track 44He: May. 42V; July, 43S'. OAT8 Weak: No. 2 cash. 31c; track fsc; May. Xlc; No. 2 white. 32V,c. FLOfK Dull; red winter patents, $5.4M 1(0; spclul brands, fi fti'if V70; extra funcy tU efitifi lo; clear. $4.4ti4 .). SEEDS Timothy, nominal. $2.0DH2 4" CORNMEAL- Steady, $2. It). BHAN Dull; sacked, east track. i&ai;c. HAY Easy; ttraothy. $S.iwu 12 jo; prairie. 8 (Xa9 60. IRON' COTTON TIE8-93C, RAt50INO-7v,.'. HEMP TWINE 8',c. PROVISIONS Pork. loaer; lobbing, eld. $11.37H: new. $12 82H- Iard. unchanged; prims steamed, $n.3u. Dry salt men la. steady: boxed extra shorts, $8t.2',; clear ribs. $.7H; short clears. $7 in). Bacon, steady; boxed extra Khorls, $7.50; clears, $T8JH: short clear. $7.7H- POCLTHY Chickens, lower: chickens nd Srlngs, 10c; turkeys. 14V; ducks, 11c; geese. Sc. Bl'TTKH Elrru: creamerv, 241i31Hc; dalrv. lbVt25a FX308- liiiwer, 24c, esse count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls s.ctn 2't.ioo Wheat, bu 4;.ori ,v. r,tt Corn, bu 27 ') 44.000 Oats, bu 42.i So.eOO llntMtl Cirala Market. MVERPtKIL. Jan 19 -WH EAT-Spot. 'ilsl; No. I California. 7a: future, unlet; Msrch. 7 Sf. May. s U'.d; July. ii ll'.d. iXiBJI 43p.it,- atrlet; A ma Mean mixed, 'new, OMAHA wnol,K5At MARKET, Condition of Trade and Qaotatlona oa tapla and Fancy Prod ace. KfGS Candled stock. 28c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9". roosters. 5c; turkeys. 15c; ducks, JgflHc; geese, 8c; spring chickens. 9e. DRESSED POI'LTRY Turkeys. Kfclflc: ducks, lefrll'c; Reese, 10c; chickens, 10 lUHc: roosters, 6fi7c. BI'TTER Packing stock. 17V: choice to fancy dairy, lyi20c; creamery, 23fr'29c; prints. fsH. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel. 7c; plks. tic: perch, ?c: blueflah, 12c; whltefish, 10c: salmon, 13c; redsnauper, 11c; lobster (green), 30c: lobster (boiled), 33c; bullheads. He; catfish. 14c; black bass, 26c; halibut, 12c; crappies, 12c; buffalo, 7c; white bass. 11c; frog legs, per dog., 26c. BRAN Per ton. lli.UO. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' "association: Ct.elce No. t upland. $0.00; No. 2. $5 50; medium. $6.00; coarse. $4.50. Uyo straw, $5.50. Theue prices are tor hay of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York counts, per can. 45c; extra selects, per can. Sao; standards, rer can. 30c. bulk (standards), per gal., $1.40: bulk (extra selects), per gal.. $1.75; bulk (New York counts), per gal., $1.(0. TROPICAL FhCiTS. ORANGES-CallfornU r.edland navels, al' sizes. $2.75(3.00; choice navels. $2.6oV2.7a; California seedlings, all sues. $2.0032 1:5. LEMONS California fancy. $2. To. 3U) aad too. $a;bH O0: choice, $3.63 50. DATES Per box of JO-lo. pkgs., $2.00; Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxea. per lb.. 6Hia6o. F1US California, per 10-lb. carton. Tot) 85c; imported binyrna. 4-crown, 12Hc: 5 crown, 14c: 7-crown. l(c: fancy Imported (washed). In l ib. pkgs. lG&lc; California, per case of S8 pkgs.. 2. 2T BANANAS Per medium sised bunch. $2.00 62.50; jumbos. $2.76ri3.Ba GRAPE FRUIT Per bog or $4 to 84. $5 0 6.50. , A APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, per bbi.. $3.26; Ben Davis. $9.25; 'ew York Kings, $3 S; New York Greenings, $2.t0; New Yciit fltl'Jwins, J2.75; Culoraau Jona thans, )-, 75, Wine Hups. rr ru. box. $l.o0. PEARS Utah. Coi..cado ami California, fall varieties, per box. tl.ROWl 7S. CRANBERItlES (icoe". Bel! and Bugle, per bbl , $.00: Wisconsin Bell and Cherry and Jersjys. per bbl . 7 76; per box, $2.75. GRAPES Imported iralagas. per kef, $6.no'it8 60. TANGERINES Florida or Callfornlg, per H-bcx, $2.60. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, In sacks, per bu . 4u'; '.'oloraao, per bu., tfOc. Tl'HMPS-old. (r bu., 40c; Canada ruU bagas. per lu.. Ic. CAHFOTS-Old. per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS-Oid. per bu.. 40c. BEETS Old. per bu.. oOc. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1.9602.00 ONIONS Home-grown, red. In sacks, per bu., $l.oC; Spall'".',. per "rate, $2.00' Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c: white, per Ib.i !Hc. CCCUMBERS-Per dos., $2.25tt2.SO. TOMATOEb Culitornia, per -baskel crate. T3 V. CABBAGE-Holland seed, per 'b.. i'a. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln diK-a per bbl.. $2 60 CELERY Per do. , 2b360c; California, l0. RADISHES Hothouse, per dog . 46c. ONIONS New, southern, per dog, 46a MI6CE1 LANKOUi. BAUER KRAUT-Wlsconsin, per keg. $2 60 CIDER New York, per bbl., $6 20; per H bbl., n 2$. CHEESE-Wisconsin Twins, full cream, 12H13c; Wisconsin Young America. Uc; block Swis. new. 16c: old. 16ul7c; Wlaoon kin brick, tic; Wisconsin lunburger, 13o. HIDES -No 1 green, 7c: No. i greea, (c; No. 1 soiled, tHo; No. 3 salted, 7Hc; No. I veal calf, kc; No. $ veal calf. 7c; dry salted, f0l4c: sheep veils, 2bc$t DO; borse 1uuve, $1 (v-lo 3 00. NUTS-Welnuls. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 14e; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. t soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. J hard shell, per lb., lie; pecans, large, $er lb., 12c; small, per lu.. )0c: peanuts, per lb.. c; roasl'd esnuts. per lb.. c; Chui walnuts, per lh., 12wl3'c; almonds, soft shell, per la, 17c; hard thell. per lb. Lo: chestnuts, per lb. U'HOIm-; new black aalnuts. per bu . 75"i9o- , ahellbark hickory nuia. per u, 1 75; large hickory nuts, par bu., (l.M. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Movement of Prices i Irrfgalar and Higher, with Lirge 8tlt. VIOLENT ADVANCE IN READING talne Knrreil (bote IM and There la a Reaction In Entire Mat I ndertone nf Anxiety In ludaat rials. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 Transactions on the Stcik exchange were not aa large today as yesterday, hut sales reached shout the l."'."0"-share mark and the less congested d-slingx in Reading sufficiently accounted for th cont-ai tlon In the total. The move meM of prices was hesitating and Irregular, the level fluctuating constantly In both di rections throughout the .lay. The violent sdvanre in Reading Instead of piovlng an Inducement to the buying of stock else-wh-re developed Into a poeitlvelv deterrent factor. The rocket-Ilk rise in thst stock to above 90 In the first hour proved a wet blanket to enthusiasm and the upward course which prices had taken at the open ing wss reversed. When Readltg was let back and quieted some price were pushed upward at some other point and efforts made to revive the animation of the mar ket. It was diligently sought to convey the Impression that the exdted rise In Reading was due to Its heavy earnings and the hlghlv prosperous condition of the anthra cite trade rather than to any large out standing Interest. Rumor continued very busy with assertions of a short Interest In the slock which was In distress and there was much conjecture as to Its Identity. At the same time the way in which the pros perity of the anthracite trade and the great earnings by the coalers were enlarged upon made a diversion of the speculation into the other coalers, the eaalest recourse for the market leaders. The movement turned first Into Ontario ft Western and then Into the Erics. Ontario Western had the ad ditional advantage of rumors that the mi nority holders would be dealt with favor ably in the newly dominant New Haven control. Amalgamated Copper enjoyed an early advance on the strength of tho In crease in the dividend disbursement by a subsidiary company ami the expectation of corresponding action by Its on directors during the riav. But the speculation In the stock proved unusually quiet for a day set spurt tor dividend action, and It was under pressure on reactions m It li the rest of the market. Besides the misgivings moused by the fears of trouble among a short interest In Reading, the threatened strike of train men in the Pennsylvania service caused an undertone of anxiety through the whole market. The Industrial situation has been singularly ftce of labor disturbances for some time past and the intrusion of this factor aroused a feeling of Hnxlety as to its possible spread. The reports during the day of the. progress of the conference on tlie subject were followed with keen inter est. The earnings since the soond week of January which came to hand failed to show the samn rate of Increase over those of last year which has been the rule In the recent past, thus confirming the views of traffic officials that a mld-wlnter lull had occurred in trade activity. Talk of dis putes over western and southwestern grain rates also received intention. Brooklyn Rapid Transit weakened on the report sub mitted to the State Rallroftd commission concerning the large outlay which would be require,, to secure the effective operation of the system. This movement and pres sure against Reading iind Amalgamated Copper helped to make the closing easy. There was a broad and active demand for bonds of practically all grades and the course of prices was generally upward. Total sales, par value, fi.ou&.twt. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Th range of prices on the New York Stock exchunge yesterday was: sillies. High. Low. close Aicnison o,.vp do preferred 600 lijn", oKi, Atlantic Coast Line.. M 122 122 Baltimore & Ohio.... 20,8"" 10.1H 1"2H do preferred iv) 9tiVs !H Canadian Pacific .... 7i 134 l.H Central of N. J B'X 195 194 Ches. & Ohio 7,300 60'i 4 Chicago A Alton .... f0 42s 42 do preferred Chicago G. W I.3.11) 23H 22' Chicago & N. W 7.2i) 213 209H C, M. St. P H.9.1O 174 17.TS C. Term. Trans... 4ut) 9 8S do preferred 1,610 19H W C C, C. & St. I...... 2.000 92H 91H Colo. Southern Iu0 2'.'H 22H do 1st preferred SOU 6I? t do 2d preferred Dela. Hudson Del., Lack. & W Denver & R. G 100 32 32'i do preferred Erie 153..-.O0 do 1st preferred 24.2i) pfd L.. do 2d preferred Hocking Valley .. do preferred ... Illinois Central .. Iowa Central do preferred ... K. C. Southern .. do preferred ... Iiulsville & Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities .. Met. Street Ry.... Mexican Central Minn. & St. L... M.. St. P. & 8. S do preferred .. Missouri Pacific . Mo.. Kan. & Tex do preferred .. N. R. R. of Mex. N. Y. Central ... N. Y.. Ont. & W.. Norfolk & W do preferred ... Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St. Reading do 1st preferred do 2,1 preferred Rock Island Co do preferred St. L & S. !". 2.1 pfd. St. Louis S. W do preferred Southern Pacific do preferred Southern Railway ... do preferred Texas A Pad lie T., St. L. at W do preferred Union Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheeling L. E Wisconsin Central... do preferred Adams Express : American Express... U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Exp Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foun do preferrfd Am. Cotton oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Smelt, i- R'f'g.. do preferred Am. Sugar R'f'g Am. Tobacco pfd. c Anaconda Mitt. Co... Brooklvn Rapid T.... Colo. Fuel Sc Iron Consolidated Gas Corn Products do preferred Distillers' Securities. General Electric luterpational Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's dan PresKed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car Republic Steel do preferred Rublier Goods do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron U. S. Leather do preferred T. 8. Realty I S. RublK-r do preferred V. 8. Steel do preferred Vlrglnla-Car. Chrm.. , do preferred Weelnghnuse Elec.. Western Union ,400 1.100 6.300 6.401) 13,200 2.Si) l.&ou l.ooo 7,200 3.500 2oi) rv) inu 6.10O 6.100 2, 4' m 4on 7,no0 4:1. 2oo 4.9") 41, 79", 7?, 63 92H 156i 3114 59 141 169 7H 11714 81) 94 1493,, 107', S3' 4 67H 44 H 144H 45-., 79', 40V4 78 7K til; 9H 155't 294 66 140 16S-V U 1154. 23', M 93 H 149 107 32', 66H 43 142H 44i 79-4 27.100 137' 136, .208.400 2.500 2.000 67.600 1.900 200 3.300 7.600 23.HCO 9 m 9.600 loo 700 90, 93' 89 37H. 71 til' j 674 HT'4 5(5 9614 My 7, 9. "4 87 37', 83 Tl'i 26 594 66 117H 34' 6 34'4 84,600 1193, 1143. 3D 100 400 200 21 ' 4314 454 ' 214 43I4 -1 "4 45", 300 220 218 56.6U0 2.5i) 400 600 ' 'ion 401 600 1.200 201) S.4") l.loo 6.20 900 1) IS. 200 2.2(M 500 7u0 6110 4. 3i 20 76 33 92 35' 37H 36 35 l'V4 86 114 144 93 112 64 47H 19m 20 .. . . 374 lsss S.i 78 100 l'l 2.100 2.600 Ho loo 200 800 6o0 3oo I0 am t.n Don 2) 2.'JiO 6) 4 0 60.ono l.fti 3iO o 300 ar. ! 46 107H 37 89 248 ui'4 69 27 95 H 72H 13', 10?, 79i4 36H IftoH 30 4H Sn4 108 182H ICH 74 H S3 '36'' 34 H Kfi X4' 113H 143 92H 112 62U 47 197' I 19J '37H 187 ll4 25 1ml 45 106H :iv 89 46 154 88 2ii; 13; 1(! 79 v I9'4 V, 35, K 181 92H Total aajes for the day, 1,047, 2uu shares. 87. 1004 122 102 96' 4 133H 194 494 41 80 23', 211 173H 18 92't 22', sis 35 1N2 3. 3'-H 88 41'i 79 79 62 90 158 29 65 30 68 i4oj 36s 75 H5'5 23S 67 Mi 149 107 33 66', 4Z 143 44 79 92 137 7fi. 87 9i4 87 37 83 71 26 61 67 117 3.i 96 34 34 63 119 97 21 43 18 21 45 238 220 120 238 74 73 92 34 94 61, 37 15 36 35 lift 85 113 143 92 110 62 47 197 19 76 37 187 22 77 38 87 24 as 45 i6 37 89 244 15 88 26 91 Tl 13 103 7S 36 loo'i S4 36 107 181 2 reserve In the divl'lon of rciVniptfon. stows- Available cash balance. $l9:ii4.5j: gold, 6".78.41.l. er York Mnaey Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 MONEY -on call, steady st I'u3 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loan, easy : sixty days. - r cent; ninety days. 3 per cent; six month. 3"i3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE lAI'EK 4fi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE- Strong with actual business in banker- bills at $ 77" for demand and at $4 A5.C for 60-d.1v lulls; pasted rates. $4.6" 1.8; coiameictal bills, H 4fH.5' j. SILVER Bar, 6"c; Mexican dollar. 47'e.'. tfo'NDS Government, steady; railroad. firm. The following sre the quotations on stocks snd bonds: IV g. rf la. r....b'H' 'rn u rtf S "Nil.. ii . unl. ,R io, M.nha't.n 4, t"4W Mex I'enrral 4. . . IWSi .!o 1 In.- I.tia, Minn A St I. l'4:M . K. T. 4... pi5V: iln I't 4 , N. H. R. ot M 6n rupns fto i. rrg 6a rnttpon ito sew 4. r di, inlipnn it., aio 4. re io coupnn Am. Toha.-o 4t. rtfl. no Ss. clf An hltnn. Sn. ) . . . . rto ad). Ailaiiilr r L. 4s B'l. A Ohio 60 tn. of Oa. do in int en M tm- f hes. lihln f-hl'-xu A A. 3't I). D n. .. . C, R. I. A r. .... do lol. Rt C(V. St. L 4a. . 1"? t04 74', .'' . . ll ... n , i . . .!" ...!. ...!' Chlcaan Tsr. 4. loloraiin Mid .. Colo. A So. 4,.., Cuh. fin, rr f s 1 A R. O. 4 .... tt? In y c t ' iiiy. J ' 1 .' I No P(-lfl.- 4, tet I 4i li I"4NN '. r 4i. ".I. . L rlila. 4s tin', prnn ronv. :iW. slV Rdlns Ban 4 . 71, St. b. ) M. 1 . in-sj Iff, St. L AS K. fr 4. ' III 1st I.. S W. r. 4..... 1V ini4'SaaN,r1 A I.. 4 So. fi.inc , So. Railv.r & -Tmi r li SMI T . !t 1.. A W 7.1 irnlos Fa in - 4. . So mi, 4 1o6"'C. S Steel M S lIS Wahah 1 W'4 lOnttller.' Seo. t MO do dh. R Kris arlor lien 4 1014. , Wefle rn Md 4 do sn. 4. 'r. w. A L. c. u. Horkltl. Val. 4'j... Bicf .in: , . 'S .tie's 1IS . M tun ll- . MS in1 . si w i r. 4 tin lWli. leninl 4 IMS Boston Stock Market. BOSTON. Jan. 19. Call loans. 2'li cent; time loans. 34 rcr cent, closing of stocks and bonu: II. Afrhlt,on adj. 4i.. do a Mex. l entnl 4. Atrhtt.on ! pM Hr'Ston & Albany. Hunt on A Ms Ui. . Himton Klev.td . Kitihlinra pfd ... Mex. Outr.1 .... K. Y., N. II. A Ire Marquelt ... I n ion Parirtr Am,r. Arge. ('tim 1I0 pfd Amfr. rneu. Tube. AmfT. Sugar pfd T A T Woolan . . . . pf.l lli.mlulon I. AS. IJ.IiMin Ktrr. Illu. general Klet-trln .. Maaa. Kin trie .. do pfd M,. Uaa t nlled Krull t'nlteri Shoe Main. do pfd V. K. Steel do ptil Asked. Bid. do Am"r Aiupr. . 95 West Ins lonunun .lu!',. Adventure . ifi Alloite, . H7 Amalaaniaird .inon, Awerli-an Zlne ... ISi Aitantli- .17.1 Hlnaham . .l.,7 1 al. A: lleela .lO Ontenntal . --n .'upper Ranxe .jeHt lialy Weat . afti-a loinlnlnti coal ... .lit1 Kranklln . Jn1 drani-y . 7S tele Royal 4', fjiB. Mining 14J Tilii-btmill . l.lx Mohan k ' . .14 Mi nt i'. A C... . 21 Old dominion . 4 Ojcenle . 11 'Parrni .:MV 'Quini-v .1H7 shannon . 14 Tamara. k . 6'i Trinity . ', f. S. Mining .IMI If. 8. oil . Kg t'tah . U Ivirli rla . :tiii Winona . a;iT.( Wolverma st'a 3 per Ortii lal .. 9") i'i .. Ji', .. 7t', .. K" .. . .,". .. i .. 7'i .. I' .. V .. II', " .,?' 1 1 .. 1: .. .!', .. 4 .. 2i .. SI', .. rn1 ..11.. ' ..l.i) . . 8 ..214 . . H'Na .. 4."s .. h't .. IUj . . 1" London Block Market. LONDON, Jan. 19. Closing u.uotation on storks and bonds: fonrola. money ... Mi-It N. V. Central 14l do airount .- Nerlolk W "IS Aiiai-onda S do pfd Aii-hUun Oniarlo A W 41 do pfd lot Pennsylvania i"'t Hnl. A Ohio Ii'i'i1! Rand Mlnet 11 Canadian I'eilfk- 1.17H Reading t'hea. A Ohio nl'-'a do 1st pfd 47 I'hlrago Ot. V ;'4 do Id iM 44 l'.. M. & St. P 177 Southern Kailnay ill HeDVera 17 , do prd Ilenver A R. CJ 13H Southern Pailtlc K' do pfd 7ki I'nlon I'aclflr 122 Krle 41 do pfd ' do Jut pfd 79 f. B. Uleel 3- do 2d pfd ! do pfd ' Illinois Central 10 eVuhsnh Iul. A Naah 144 60 pfd 44 ' St., K. A T 94 rtpaiflah 4 fc"4 New York Mlalagr Hacks. NEW YORK, Jan. II. The following are the i-loaing quoiations on tinning stocks Adam, Cos Alire Prases Broaevtrs r " ( oma,o-k Toaeat Csa r-l. A Va-. .rn 'ivar ... Iron Silver LeadTiUa Cos ... as . ' I LIU la rhiaf 'Marts Ophlr PKiMiait Potnal Savaga Sierra Nevada Soaall Hopaa .. Stan tare i ,.r.i .tu . . IT . rr . u . 01 1M Treaaarr stalraaeat. WASHINGTON, Jan. l.-Todays state ment of the treasury balance in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $1DQ,i),uo gold PM.VER Bar, quiet. 27 13-16J per ounce. MONEY lfi2 per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2rg2 9-18 per cent. Foreign Financial, LON'DON, Jan. 19. Money was In quiet demand In the market today mid supplies were less plentiful. The discount business was slack, but rates were firm. Trading o,n the Stock exchange was inactive, with a better undertone, and was restricted owing to the uncertainty of the political situation. Consols were easier. . Americans opened sleadv. The strength of specialties, notably Philadelphia and Reaolng. was sustained. The rest of the list whs stimulated by con tinental supporlt Erie. New York, On tario & .Western and I'nlon Pacific were the features. Baltimore & Ohio was bought on dividend estimates. Prices cased at the last hour and closed dull. Foreign ers dropped, owing to the eaaier prlcoa on the continental bourses. Russians were af fected bv Paris selling. Other interna tionals were offered. Imperial Japanese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 93a. Copper ,shures were easy, lu sympathy with other metals. Kfl fills were weak, the bears) taking advantage of scattered liqui dation. LHler Kamrs were a snaue nruier. PARIS. Jan. 19. Business on the Bourse todav opened dull. Prices weakened and at the close were feeble, being influenced bv the reports of disorders la Russia. Rus- i r.....i ... ,,,,,,to.l ul i ami Slllll llllieiai v " " Russian bonds of 19o4 at fiiiu. BERLIN, Jan. 19. Prices on the Bourse today were somewhat firmer. Weekly Statement Hank of England. lyONDON. Jan. 19 The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve Increased 1.557.00u, circulation decreased 296,nnu. bullion increased fl.280.M3, other securities decreased 637,lKiO, other deposits Increased 696,(900, public deposits Increased 274,000, other deposits Increased 596.000, public de posits Increased 274.(h). notes reserve in creased 1,541.000; government securities unchanged. The proposition of the banks reserve to liability this work Is 46.7D per cent as compared with 44.52 jitr cent last week. Weekly Statement Hank of France. PARIS. Jan. 19. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation decreased 6.500,000 francs, treasury accounts Increased 9.800,000 franca, gold in hand increaswd 11.3(").000; bills, discounted, decreased 15, (100,000 francs; silver iu hand lucreased 8.150, ooO francs. Hank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 18. Thursday's bank clear ings were $1,337,611.14. For the same day last year they were $1,316,158.68. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 19. WOOLThe Boston wool market Is notably qulel for domestic grades. The bulk of the clip held here Is fleeces and medium territory. There is con siderable Interest lu the foreign wools coming forward and their possible effect on tho situation here, for manufacturers will have to turn their attention to foreign grades to replenish Uielr stocks. Territor ial wools are quiet. Pulled wools and all foreign wools are firm. Quotations: Ter ritoryIdaho, fine, 18fjl!c; heavy line, 164) 17c; Una medium, 18'-yl9c; medium, 22'i 23c; low medium. 23i24c; Wyoming, fine, 17(fjl''; heavy line, 15(fc16e; fine me dium, li'ittlS'jc; medium, i3ij24; I'tah and Nevada, tine. 174j18c; heavy line, 1516e; tine medium, 17'fllsc; medium, 22'u23c; low medium, 2M((24c; Dakota, Hue, l(gI9c; flue medium, 18ylc; medium, 234 24c; low iiib. ilium, 23424c; Montana, Hue, choice, 21'a1 22o; fine average, llnr2iK-; fine medium choice, 21i'22c; average. lS'JUc; staple, 2otf 23e: medium choice. 2.'!'u'25c. ST. IXJUIS. Jan. 19. WOOL, Nominal; medium grades, combing and clothing, 23 29c; light fine, 18i22c; heavy fine, 14i 18c; tub washed, 27ifi41c. LONDON. Jan. 19. WOOL The wool sales whic h were to have been held here today wera postponed on account of the fog. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 19. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 7.25c; mid dling gulf. 7.fc0c. Salee. 464 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 19. CoTTON-8put. good business done, nricea 6 iHjinta lower; American middling fair. 4l&d; good mid dling, 3$7d; middling, 176d; low middling, 3 78,1: good ordinary, 3.4d; ordinary. 3 33d. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 19. lVTTON Quiet: sales. l.tVat bales; ordinal")'. 4 7-16c; good ordinary. He: low middling. 6c; mid dling, 7c; good middling, T$-16c: middling fair. 7 13-lc. Receipts, 8.17a bales; stock, 898 182 hales. st Lorra Jan. lA-OOmN-tuly: middling. V. Males. 171 bales; re,celnts. 7uu baits; shipments, 13 bales; stock. 42.281 baits. Taffe-a Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 19. COFFEJi-Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advanca of $ points. In sym pathy with staadv European cables. But there was very little demand, and while the estimates far tomorrow's Uraallian re ceipts were lighter, the market graduallv eagged off. closing eieadv at unchanged prices ta a decline of & points Hales mere reported of 27.ViO bags. Including Febru ary at T.tbc ; March. 7.80c; Mty. H.OOvrH.iaV; July, 111"': September. 8 4tUh.44c; lie, em ber. t8f.Hf.74si. Bpet, steady; No. 7 Rio, OjJAHA live stock market Cattle Rather 81ow 8ale, with Common Kinds Considerably Lower. LIGHT HOGS OPEN STRONG, CLOSE WEAK Better Grades of Mieep snd l.ainlts old freely at Steady Price. Imt Part Fat Rather MoVt and Feeling Weak. POfTII OMAHA. Jjtn. 19. 19.5. Receipts aere: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monrlav 3 177 5.965 5 471 Official Tuesdav 4.579 11.11' 1'.M1 Officlsl Wednesday 3.C99 9.6T3 6 2,'. Offlclal Thursday ' 3.4' 11.(8M 70 Four davs this week. .14.255 37. 756 29 718 Same davs last week ...16 14S 47.365 2.5l Pame davs wrek before., s.741 25 741 24 "M fame three weeks ago.. 6 147 7.922 3.4 l Same four weeks ago 11 :t8 770 21. '91 Sim davs last rear ....14 079 20.11 :.SfrJ RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hops and sheep at South Omaha for the car to date, with conipai ison tUth last year: 19i 1901 Inc. Dec. Cattle : 4:!. 151 49.H93 5,942 Hogs 121.516 110 291 11.255 Sheep 83.465 107,447 23 ?2 'ihe following t.ihle shows the a vera g" prii-e of hogs at South Otnsha for the last several dajs. with comparisons: Jsn. Jsi. 8.. .. Jan. 4.... I Jan. I Jan. S....I Jan. 7 j Jsn. t Jan. .... Jan. 10... Jan. 11... Jan. 12... Jan 13... Jan. 14... Jan. 15... Jan. 16... Jan. 17... I Jsn 1. .J Jan. 19...1 I 1905. 11904 11903 ll02.lfll.U.i199. 4 39 I 4 611 4 46 I 4 'R ' 4 50 I I 4 61 I 4 62 I 4 57; 4 61' 4 63. 1 R9: 1 4 r.tv 4 sou,' 4 65. 4 771 4 68 4 58 4 65' 4 601 4 62 1 4 631 4 611 4 75 4 73' 4 ti? 4 74 I 4 09 4 71 f. s7' 6 n 6 SCI 8 1i I 6 29I Ct: ; 6 34i 24I 6 39! 6 09 li 49' ( 09' 6 4n !5 6 401 6 14 ! 6 04; 6 46' 6 48 8 30 6 41 6 49 6 50 6 39- 6 00; 6 14' 6 22 6 15 6 17' 6 22: 4 901 4 96' t 021 5 04 ; 5 05' S o.i 3 14 5 27.' 5 231 5 171 I 5 16; R 26' 5 27! : 2v 5 29' 5 27. 4 91' 3 57 4 ?9 t 67 4 271 3 44 4 371 3 47 4 35: 3 41 I 3 42 4 341 4 $" t 45 4 :iol 3 to 4 411 3 55 4 49; 3 1.0 4 53; 3 55 I 3 56 4 58 4 r.-'l 3 52 4 is I J 41 4 55 :i 51 4 54' 3 "4 Tndli'-. Sup'-: n itc ho"'1"- The official number of ca-s of atock brought in todav bv eat h road whs: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H s. f.. M. & Ft. V 1 30 1 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 5 I'nlon Pacific system. 20 21 25 C. & N. W 4 2fi 1 F.. E. M V : 33 C.. St. P.. M. A- O.... 25 6 2 .. B. & M :3 21 S 1 C, B. A (J 5 3 r.. H. I. & P. east... 13 7 C. R I & P.. west 3 Illinois Central 2 8 Chicago O. W 3 1 Total receipts 14" 106 32 1 The disposition nf the day's receipts was ss follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of hesd Indicated: Buyers. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omiihn Packing Co 4o0 l.yTT Swift and t omnanv sni 2.o;8 wis Cudahy Packing Co i'5o 510 S.yii'i Armour A- t o o84 2 J 40 0,2 Cudahy, Ploux City 1.".24 Armour. Sioux City I.:!oo .... Carey ii Her ton 18 .... I.nbman & Co 31 McCrearv & Cnrey 55 .... .... W. I. Stephen 15 Hill Huntzinger 57 Huston & Co 12 Hamilton 17 L. F. Husz 17 Wolf & Murium 31 Bulla 9 Sam Wertheimcr 62 .... .... Mike Haggerty :ft Sol Degan 2 .... .... T. B. Root & Co 04 S. A S 189 487 6X9 Other buyers 204 .... 581 Total 3.298 11.296 6.826 CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run of cattle here this morning lor a Thursday and .with rather unfavorable reports from other points packers set to woi'K to breuk prices and succeeded to quite un extent. i lie market was slow in opening and It wits Into liclure anything llko a clearance win made. There were good many beef steers In cluded In tho offerings, but the quality was raiher Inferior, and in fact there was not a well-finished load lu the yards. Packers were bearish from tho start and very Indif ferent on tno common to medium Kinds. The more de,lrablo bunches of those of fered sold without a areat deal of troublo at prices that did not look a great deal lower than yesterday. Trading was slow on all but the choicer grades, with prices fully a dime lower, i here was considerable 1111- evetincss in the market, so thut sonic sules looked much wen so than others. The cow marki-t iilso suffered to quite an extent. Tho better grades were not over 6"il0o lower, while the common to medium kinds were fully 1001.)C lower, lu other words, buyers evidently wauled to take off the bulk of the advance of the early part of the week anil they met with conKlderablo suorrss. it was lute before even tho bulk nf the offerings was disposed of. Bulls sold a little lower in sympathy with the decline of Klecrs and cows. Veal calves sold about steady. There weio very few slockers nnd feeders on sale. The demand was fairly good and as a result prices hrld steady. Quite a few warmed-up corn cattle went to feeders for more money thnn the packers would give, but it was green cattle that speculators were the moat anxious for. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av- ''f. No- A. FT 1 KID S 7i 20 ll'W 4 0 17 m7 3 "' f.S 1210 4 to Ml i in 18 12:'9 4 tu 1 1000 3 HI !... liifi 4 6H 1 1104 3 0 111 I2U6 4 5 11 114 4 li 18 1414 4 ill 21 12l'3 4 20 IS 1S4 4 5 13 lin 4 20 1SS i 00 16 1112 4 .10 ( 10113 a 0 1 118H 4 Si 7 0127 i 70 3(1 1U4 4 .V . W 1144 3 In 21 111ft 4 40 II 1014 3 f. J 1124 4 4i II 1122 4 in 11 U6II 4 4 2!l 4 II) 8TEERS AND HEIFERS. 14 K" 4 IK1 ID 1120 4 00 STEERS AND COWS. 20 H47 3 2'l 20 10IW I :, 13 MS 3 to ;7 1U2II 4 24 1J lull i 70 1191 4 40 COWS. 1 t(KI 1 ii ID M t IS 1 1100 2 no 1 1130 8 15 1 1125 2 00 t luftO J 14 1 Ill" 2 i, 11 . 1034 3 IS I ?J) 2 40 1 WI 3 11 3 24 2 to 17 1IKI7 3 20 17 872 i to t 112.1 I : 13 SW. 2 t I'-' J2, 3 2i 1 1070 X t 30 1105 3 20 I 1 tSO 2 10 I) n J 25 12 l"ki) ! i'i 20 1046 3 30 7 2 70 1.1 1115 3 Hi. t 'l 3 "a 18 M8 S 5 ( 10O0 2 75 17 lool 3 40 2J 13 2 15 l!o 3 to ;6 l'"7 2 HO ' t ir.eO 3 50 24 !( "" 1 13i0 4 00 I 1070 I 05 COWS AND HEIFERS. 70 2 2:. 13 I2 76 HEIFERS. 1 sts t Jo " 7:. 3 10 I DI7 3 01 7 JJ0 3 71 BULLS. 1 1:160 i 35 I 10811 71 1 I2t0 8 80 1 1710 3 00 1 H11O 2 to 1 i;io I 10 1 16.10 i 6 1 210 3 7a CALVES. a 124 t 00 ;: i3 i to STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS t luHO 2 45 1 270 3 00 1 inn t 75 6TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. I 10 I HO 7..,' I4 3 10 4 750 3 24 22 118 I i 1 720 3 26 t Hi 8 o 1 ; 700 I 10 12 875 I to 1 810 3 50 10 1081 I 5 i ilt 3 50 ' 3t 1152 4 00 HOU9 There was a liberal run of hogs here this morning, which made packers feel rut her bearish. They were anxious tor light weights, however, owing to the fact that there have been few on sale tor ihe lust several duy, and such kinds Hold strong to 5c. higbcr, or from 84.55 down. In other words, hogs weighing around 20) poutids sold in much the same notches ss medium weights. Mixed and heavy hogs opened steady to a shade lower. Trading was slow, except In tho rase of the light weights, but the situation grew noise In stead of better, and the market closed weak. Medium-weight hogs sold largely at 14 52 to (4.56 and choice heaviea from 14 55 to (4. 66. The weakness today was as noticeable on the good heavy bogs as on any other kind. The bulk of the offerings was disposed 01 In good season, tut It waa late before a clearance was made. Repre sentative sales: No. Ar. . Pr. Ke Av. Ik. fr. 34 14 . . 3 75 : 251 40 4 (5 24 HI M 4 30 77 1 4 ... 4 85 71 li ... 4 45 2 245 ... 4 8. U ... 4 45 13 .284 10 4 81 , val ... 4 6 70 245 200 4 it 42 1ST . 4 80 84 331 loo 4 55 I Ill It IMI 54 244 111 4 58 42 IU 40 4 80 87. 283 130 4 88 57 281 ... 4 l4j Ill . 4 55 54 . Ml . . 4 1V, 71 261 1" 4 55 83 278 340 4 I: ' M 3S 180 4 58 Jl 227 40 4 ;." 17 2T4 40 4 i. 41 2:4 4 i2'a 17 2l 80 4 i: ill... tn 4 52 v, 58 28 8n 4.1.; hi :18 U) 4 51, 287 120 ,5!-, 71 212 tie 4 its, 8il U ... 4 17V, TO 177 .... 4 ..'s, 82 :tn !io 4 73 -Ml ... 4i2i 12 ...340 .... 4 1' S l- tea , i in 1 :', T J7i n 4 s ,e 4 .,7, I' ... 4 :- : vn , hT, 74 .4: . 4 5." . . . f "14 JJ7i, 77 r.i id 4 ti M i? 4 7i ;4 . . 4 4;., 5;t 74'i I s:'t 11 .',3 . 4 5: 71 .',4 . . 4 :, . jm ... 4 t."a wt t; 71 1'8 4 4 Jn 84 .. . 324 lliS OTI, lu .27-4 " 4 .12 sj HI 4 17', 7v0 4 5." 73 .. ... 2 4" 4 871, 51 il 8(1 4 55 71 274 n 4 57, 57 '"- IK 7- ....:'. 4 i?' 81 ....... 7e ) 4 M 285 80 4 87U, 74 2-. l.'O 4 55 4t. .It I8 4 871, T 77S ... 4 Pi 87.... 74 I!0 '8 871, rs .'! 4 55 .... ;:4 . . 4 :, 34 !7 80 4 85 ! t . . 4 '' 38 2,3 ... 4 14 .',4 4 57 ..' .' 40 4 55 4 348 4 n 48 Test . . . 15 74 .... IN' 4 an in :a 4" 4 56 17 . . 316 2a 4 27i ... 4 ii in .... m . . 4 e f V ... 4 6" 5 . ... ll 5 7s :m ... 4 15 i 7i ! 4 ar', 1" ... j; . 4 5.". 40 .413 ... 4 STsj SHEEI' There wss quite a lll-eial run of sheet, and lambs here li.ls morning, but the quitntv wss not up to the usual standatd. In tact there was scan-elv a weli nniFh.il bum h cn tie niarket That fact, of course, had s tendency to make the market appear n trifle slow. In realit, however, the more dislrable grades were active snd fully steadv, while the common snd part fat kinds were a little slow, with the feeding weak rather than otherwise. The bulk ol the offering wss disposed of In fairly good season Among the more desirable bunches offered wss a string of yearling which sold for SO 25 and a bunch of native lambs which brought $7.50 There is nothing new to be said of Ihe feeeder situation, ns the demand Is still fullv equal to the supplv and anything at all good meets with ready sale nl good strong prices. WJuo:a,lona for fed stoi: Oood to choice )earlings. 16 ("Vir6.50; fslr to good year lings. 5.6i"'u6.uO. good to choice wethers. 13 t.i"ya lair to good we, hers. I4.7MJ5 i"1. gooil In choice ewes. 4 iivj 4.75: fslr to g'1"-! ewes. ".4.11041 4.25; common to fair ewes. 83.51) tiJ.90: good to choice lambs. 7.(t 7 50: fair to good lsml. ,6 7547.00; teener yesrllngs, $4 50(5.i'; feeder wethers. I.2e'rj4 50; feeder ewes. S3 ZfSA.'io: feeder lambs. $5-50476. 2o; Repri setitauve Miles; No. Av. Pr. 222 western cliimed ewes ln'J 4 ' I.t4 western clipped ewes 77 2u7 westeru feeoer ewes 9N 74 western ctlt.oj.fl iet hers 86 479 western ewes 99 4 65 98 western ewes 1"3 4 55 224 if stein ewer 96 4 i0 229 wevterti ewes 1"4 4 0 231 Western ewes I"l 4 o 2 western ewes 12" 2o9 western ewes l"n 2 western ewes 110 4 in 1HI western clipped yearlings 76 6 4 wi.teru ewes 70 6 Oo 3 western wethers 113 R -" 233 western wethers 136 t 40 6 western cull lambs Ks 600 97 western jearllngs 91 6 00 377 western yenrllngs '8 6 "0 26ii western yearlings 98 8 15 176 western yearlings 1"0 6 1 124 western yearlings 93 6 1R I08 native lainb 93 . oO 102 native lambs 85 7 50 2 western bucks 190 3 50 44S Colorado ewes " 4 25 6") western feeder lambs R 4 50 462 western ewes l' 4 55 478 4'olorado ewes 99 4 62 1 western ewe 100 4 7o 15 western cull lambs 69 5 0) 1 Colorado wether Ho 5 2.1 59 western wethers 99 5 35 521 western feeder lambs 68 6 ") 421 w estern yearlings 92 6 25 105 western lamtis 68 6 En 275 western ewes 101 4 tw 4 "0 4 1" 4 to 4 75 4 75 CIIICA4-0 I.IVK STOCK M.IHKKT Cattle anal Hogs steady to Lower Sheep. Mead jr Lambs Loner. CHICAOO, Jan. 19.-CATTLE Receipts. 19.000 head; market steady to loo lower; good to prime steers. t5.iO-8.25; poof to medium. 3.i.vnn.oo: stocacrs ami imini, J2.2Ti3i4.25; cows. 1.2,V( Ifi; heifers. I2.iit' 5.10; conners. tl.25Crj4.45; bulls, )2.1'KU4.10; calves. $S.0Cu6.9o. HOCS Recelids, 30.00(1 head: market steady to 6c lower; mixed and butchers, Jl.4i"c4.65; good to choice heavy, 4.6i)dl4.70; rough heavy, 1.4fliH 50; light. $4.3fy&4.55; bulk of sales. $4.4.Vy4 57. SHEEP AND IUMRS- Receipts. 17,000 head: sheep, steady: lambs, 10c lower; good to choice wethers, t.tN)in6.5fl; fair to choice mixed. S4.oftt?i4 90; western sheeji. $4.35(ii6.50; native lambs, $5.7ofc7.li5; western lambs, I5.T5 037.65. Kenans t Ity Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,500 head, including 2"0 southerns. Market steady to loo lower 'Xiolce export and dressed beef steers, $4. ,.y6.75'. full' to good, $3.501174.75; western fed steers, 13 50 tl5.25; stockers and feeders, l00(Q4.25; southern steers, $3.5ori4.76; southern cows, I2.2&(8.2: native cows, tl.7nti4.16: native helt'crs. t3.lHXij4.50; bulls, 2.&0U4.0ti; calves, H.ik6 50. HotiS Receipts. 14.000 bead. Market steady to 5c higher; top, $1.85; bulk of sale, t4.6trti4.H0; heavy, t4.76jy4.85; packers, t4.6ojj' 4. Ml; pigs and lights, t4.0o4.72. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 6.000 head. Market steady and active; native lambs, tO.ooOi7.5ii; native wethers. $5. 261)5.75; native fed ewes, $4 265.15; western lambs, $i;.uoii7.60: western yearlings, t3.totiYi6.6ii; western sheep, t4.7Vii6.75; stockers and feed ers, $3.0XKji5.00. M. Louis Mir Mock Market. ST. LOVIS. Jnn. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 3,5'u head, Including l.&oo Texans. Market slow ami lower; native shipping and eport Meets, $5.60; dressed beef and butcher steet s, $4.00415.00; steers under l.ooo lbs., $3.25134.65; slockers and feeders, t2.Otrf13.6ii; cows and heifers, t2.251t4.ii6: canners. tl.75'u. 2.10; bulls, t2.90T43.5O; calves. U 6"j7.25; Texa; and Indian stcirs, $2.5(Vu6.75; cows and heifers. $2.l'0(i'13.50. HUHS Receipts. 7,000 head. Market steadv; pigs and lights, $3.754.60; packers, $4 554.60; butchers und best lie',;', t4.U6 4.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head. Murket steady; native muttons, . $4.6o Cu6.5o; lambs, $5.67.50; culls and bucks, $.'.(XK(i4.00; stockers, 2.0c'i,3.00, Texans, 3,1. no ij 5.0(i. r4V York Lire Stock Market. S'EW YORK, Jan. 19. BEEVES Re. celpts. 322 head; nothing doing; market feeling weak except for Btrlctly good beeves. Exports today. 250 cattle. CALVES Receipts. 80; feeling steady; lit tle calves, $4.00; barnyard calves, nominal; dressed culves, slow: city dressed, $9.l)(Kj 14.00. a few extra at $14.60; country dressed, lemur 12 50; dressed barnyard and fed calves, $4.(i6 IK), HOtiS Receipts, 7.639 head; no sales; market nominally steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.409 head; sheep, quiet and steady; lambs, slow and eaalcr, qlmllty considered; aheeu, $4.00 5 25. a few choice at $6.00; lambs, $7 .258.00. Ht. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. lt.-CATTLE Receipts, 470 head. Market steady; natives, $3.6M5 :5; cowh and heifers, tl.76g4.30; stock ers and feeders, $2.75'd4.00. HtMJS Receipts, D.09S head. Market steady to strong: light. $4.4uV(j4.70; medium and heavy. t4.66iit4.77H. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 3,399 head. Market steady; Colorado lambs, 17.35. Sloas ( lir I 've Stock Market. SIOCX CITY. Jan. 19.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE -Receipts. 900 head; mar ket steadv; beeves, $3.5'iil6.75; cows, bulls snd mixed. $2.2tK(f3.60; stockers and feeders, $2. 75(03. 60; calves and yearlings, $2.&j3.40. HOOS Receipts. 6.000 head; market steady, selling at t4 304 4 65; bulk, H.4(i'a4.50. Stock In Mght. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western maraeis yesteraay; i atiie. South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City ., Ht. Ijouis ...... St. Joseph Chicago Total 1,400 O0 7.600 3,500 470 11000 34,770 Hogs. Sheen. H.Ourt 7,400 8.000 14, (M) 6.0110 7.000 2,000 .W) 3.399 30,000 17.000 "7.096 84,799 Metal Market. VKW YORK. Jan. 19-METALS-The Iondon tit) market was higher, with spot quoted at 131 I'M and futures at 181. Lo cally the market, while quiet, according to all accounts, showed a firmer tendency, with sput quoted at from t29.5tf?9.0. Con ptr was also higher In the Iondon market, with spot quoted at 88 Ts 8d and futures at 68 10s. Tho local market continues Arm. with soma producers said to be ask ing prices that are enough above the quoted range to lie prohibitive for the tlmo being. Lake Is quoted at $1660, electrolytic at tlR 37f16.60 and casting at $16 00tm8.26. Lead was quiet but firm st $4 tK'tT'4.70 lu the local market and at 13 17s 6d In London. Spelter wan unchanged at 34 17s 6d In London. Tne local market shows a slightly easier tone with spot quoted at $6. 204130. Iron closed at 64s In Olasgow and at 4Ks 7d In Middleaboro. Ixically Iron waa un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, la quitted at $17 501 17.86; No. 2 foundry, north ern, at $17.50; No. 1 foundry, southern und No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at tIT.TiiV'li.uo. Oils ad Rosla. ' OIL CITY. Fa.. Jan. 19. OILSCredit balances. $1 42: certificates, tio bid; ship ments, 81 597 hblt.; average, 69698 bbls.; runs. 84.096 bbls. : sre rage, i'i, 304 bbls Shipments, Lima. SO sr bbls ; average. 60 I1W bbl, ; runs, Urns, 81 bbla ; average, 64 -411 bbls. Dalala Urala Market. DL'I.l'TH. Jan. 19-WHEAT-To arrive: Nn I northern, $1.11: No. 2 northern. 1."4; on track, No. 1 northern, fl.ll'; No. 2 northern. $1 04; May. tll'V,. July. Ji ll',: Septerolief. a-jv,,. oATt To srme and on track. .V,'. saaar ane) Mnlasaes NEW YORK. Jan. 19 - SCO Alt ll.iw . strong: fair trrlnlug. 4c; centrifogul test. ; niobisses sugar. 4c. KerVned firm. N.. ti, 6. Vs-. No. '. . 7 ; No It, . No. 9, S3.V; No. 10. b .IV; No. II. 5 l,ii , No. 12. R lo; No. 13. 6 'i-. No II. 5, ; come, t on ers' A. 6c; mould A. i'. Vv; cut leaf, n ie . CTuslied. R6., powder. rt, a2'; grstttilaied, 6.1R.-: rubes V XI'.W ORLEANS. . J. in 19. Pl tlMt Steady; uiin kettliv .ti4c; open k,ttb' ceiitrlfug.il. 4t5c; ccntt ifug"! wnlt. s'j'', yellows. 4'.5 7-lM". seconds. 3t4 H-V'c MOI.AfSK8 gulel; upeti kectli-. 1jIm-; i-entrifugal, r4ilc. Syrtip. etead) . 21r.ts- Evaporated tpples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 - E A POR ATEI APPLE" Market Is less active; common sre quoted st 4f)V ; prime, R'U'.V,c; hoi.'e. M fit 6c; fane. t7o. 4 AL1IVHN1A DRIED FRI'ITS -There l some extort Inquiry tor prunes, quotalioiis ranging from 2c to 6V . sic.,.llng to grade Aprnots are firm: choice are quoted t l"filo,.; extra choics. lltil2c; fancy. 12 16c Peaches sre In practically Ihe miiw posi tion as apricots, with choice hol at 9c, extrs choice, 1o?i ivt,. ; fancy. 12H1.V. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 19 Bl'TT ER -Stead,- and In fair demand; extra western creamery. Six.; extra nearby prints. 32c. EHO! Market 2c lower: nearby, fresh at mark: western fresh. 26o at murk. CHEESE-Firm and In fair demand; New York full creams, fancy. 12Ot2'c; New York full creams, clmkc. 12c; New York frill creams. lair to go.i.1, llnrilc. Mtlvvankee liraln Market. M I LWAl'K EE. Jan 19 -W II EAT-TVes : No 1 nortlvrn. $1164)1.17; No. 2 northern, $110Till4; Mav. $1.11 bid. RYE - Firm No. 1. M'-V. BARLEY-I-Irm: No. 2. .Vic; sample.' 3T Rlc. CORN Firm; No. 3. 42 ill:?.'; May, 44c Naked. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 19 -Wll EAT -Mit . $1.14: Jul. $1 11; September. a:ii;; No. 1 bard, tl 14: No. 1 northern, tl 12, No. 2 northern. $1 07. FLOI'R First patents. $0. .ij7.4i); se.ionil patents. $6 1iH :H; rlrst clears, $1 l i 1 .:(.'.; second clears. t2.t")i2. 7u. BRAN In bulk, $13.:i. Toledo Werrl Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 19.-REEDS Clover, cash and January. t7.67; February, $7.7"; March, $7.75; April. $7.05; prime alsikc. 7.!i; prime timothy, $13.14. WORK FOR DISTRICT COURT Bar Docket for tlie I rbranry Term Is the Ileal leal for Many 4-nrs. . . , Clerk of the Courts Brosdwrll lias com pleted the bar ducket for tlie Februury term of court, which begins Februury U. There are on the docket 1.453 civil cases und 222 criminal cases, a larger number than has been on any docket for three or four years. At the opening of Ihe February term a yeat ago there were 114 criminal cases docketed und at the October term 245. For the last February leini the total was 1106 and two years ago l.i;. Indicating u steadily Increasing criminal business. The large increusc this year Is partially ac counted for by the numerous cases grow ing. out of Die South Omaha strike, many of which have originated since the Oc tober docket was prepared. 1 Former County Attorney English left for his successor a great many criminal cases, but this Is owing a good deal to the fact that the number nf. cases filed during hlg term was much larger than any oounty attorney has had to handle for sev eral year past. Judge Day has transacted a much larger court business than has been the rase for four or five years past. As a result Deputy Clerks Jay A. Russell and Qeorge O. Seay have had to write 1,506 Journal pages, of which 425 are devoted to criminal cases alone. There are 400 pages of bond records, and the Journal work on the scavenger lax rases Involved the writing of 470 pages. In this .one branch of the work as many de crees have necessarily been entered as lu all the balance of court cases combined. The Judges of the district court have filed a formal agreement or stipulation for the adjournment of the October term sine dla on Saturday, January 21. All cases now pending In court are to ba continued to the succeeding term, which opaiis Febru ary 6. SORENSON'S LITTkE JOKE lie Smokes lp and Dreams of Stretch ing His Legs I'nder a Desk In the I nlted glates Senate. All puffed up on himself for having re ceived a complimentary vote for .L'nited States senator In the legislature, Alfred Sorenson raised the price of a telegram today and sent the following message at his own expense- OMAHA, - Jan. 19. Hon. Elmer J. Bur kett. Senator-elect, Lincoln Accept con gratulations. I shall aee you In Washing ton two years hence as Millard's successor. Shake. ALFRED H0RENSON. Arrest Alleged Coon ter fellers. CHICAGO, Jan. 19-WIUlam McDonald and Stella Davis, alleged members of a gang of St. Louis counterfeiters, were ar rested here today. Many moulds and dies wero secured. HEAL ESTATE TKAX8FKRM. Deeds filed for record January 19, as fur. nluhed by the. Midland tjunraiitee and Trust 4'Oinpuny, bonded abstracter, 1614 Fsrnam street, for The Bee: C. N. Owen and wife to 7wry L. Mil ler, lot 12, block 12, South Omaha. ..$ l.SuO Mary A. Flnnlgaii and husband to Floyd II. Chllds and Henry Lan drouth, lot 3, block 25, Populoton ' Park 1 Andrew J. Anderson and wife to J. Radur.lnier, lot 11. block 1. Ander son Pluce J'S Friwards-WnhitRn. mm mssmssw aawwu uw (Incorporated.).' Halo Offlca: Fifth and Roberta Street ST. PAUL, niftN. i ... i N Stocks. Grain, Provisions Ship Yotir Grain to Us Braaek Oftlee, l!6-!ii Board af Trade Bia.. Omaha, Nek. Telephone 71814. 112-214 Exchange illdg.. South Omaha. Ball 'Phone tla. IntUaendent 'Faooa i. LEGAL JvOTICKS. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOB STATE PRINT IN O. Bids will be received by the Btate Print ing board at the office of the secretary of state at Lincoln, Neb., on or before 2:;vi o'clock p. m. Monday, January 3o, lsoS. for printing and binding the following reports and publications: LOUO copies Poultry As sociation. 2.000 copies Dairymen's Associa tion. 1,100 copies Banking Board, 2.0uo copies Inaurauce Summary, lO.ooo copies Atbor day program and t.OOO copies Labor Bureau bulletin; also miscellaneous printing, lith ographing, blank book and stationery sup- tllea for Boldlers' and Sailors' homes si 111 ford and Grand island, Insane Hospitals at Hastings ajid Lincoln, Olrls' - Industrial school at (leneva. Institute for Fee ble st I tided Youth at Beatrice, supreme court, secretary of state, state treaaumr, auditor of publin accounts, governor, commissioner of public, lands and building., aupeilu tendenl of public Instruction, adjutant gen eral, Labor Bureau, Game and Fish com mission, Insurance department. Banking department. Irrigation utp8Utat4nt ajtt Li brary commission. Hpedflcations for same i-aui he found tin file In the office of the aecretaj-y of stavle All bids must be accompanied by a K)nd equal In amount to tne prohtl cosK of the work Uld upon. Trie board reserves Ihe right to re i net any and all bids. . , Lincoln, Neb . January It. ifri'i STATE PRINTING. BOARD. By LON W. rttAZIER. , .4 Secretary to 4 he R.mrd J20-21 A2-23 U