10 THE OMATTA DAILY REE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1P0.T Bit Sale Ladies' raucrn nan-- ts f.BBS S Bi? Sale LaJiei' MaiHn Underwear Extraordinary Remnant Sale TODAY More than a carload of new spring remnants placed on sale for the first time. Nice plai whit 40-Inch lawn, worth 15c per yard. Dotted drapery Swiss I6lc Air remnant, per yJ varrl 10c Lo n s d a 1 e cambric in mill lengths per yard Remnants of 8R In. bleached mus lln from our hi sale, nil grades and kinds, at per yard 71c 5c Finest qnality 40 Inch lawn per yard. . . Very fine India linon per yard. AH the Low Grade Bleached Muslins Generally Bold ii n to 7o ner vard so at. ier vard 2' - C 1 ' L it 2 J-4 Wide Fine Quality Unbleached Sheeting per yard . . Extra Fine Quality of Unbleached Muslin Worth 10c C tifir vard at rer vard - v i y Fine Ginf hams Worth up to 25c Per Yard In mill leneths at per yard "2' 15c 8ic Mill Lengths Stand ard Prints 'SClp per yard.. . ,J2' Scotch Ginghams the 12c kind in f 1 mill lengths at, f per yard Mill Lengths Dark Colored Per- C ' cales, per yd.. Jt; New Cotton Taffetas next season, in mill lengths at, per yard Dotted and Lac Striped Silk Mull ami MotMlln l Sol worth 60c per yard. In mill lengths, all col ors, por yard.. in aa aoi 19c Plain Silk MullS and mercerized eta- f fj mlnos & voiles Iff po at, per yd. . . One Big Counter of new spring cut- f ton voiles at. 1 1 Br avw per yard An entirely new thing for f A lUt SPECIALS IN LINEN DEPARTMENT The balance of the fine 60o quality mercerized table damask in mill ends, while it lasts yard , 15c Remnants of toweling, in one and two yard lengths worth up 12io per yard for remnant. 5c Remnants of table da mask. In IV to 8 yard lengths at remarkably low prices to clone them, out some are slightly sollrd, but otherwise Perfect. Greatest January SaJe of DRESS GOODS REMNANTS 39c Yard for Remnants of 3, 5 and 8 yards that sold up to $1.50. On this square are blank and all colored goods fine French voiles, real Scotch cloths, Imported black dress goods, mohairs, etc. Yard for all remnants of Skirt and dress lengths that sold up to $3 yard. Cloths for Jar-kett, broadcloths, finest French voiles, Sicilians, Pana mas, English tailoring cloths. Dress doods at 12c Yard All the goods that sold as high as 25c and 39c a vard three, five and eight yard lengths, at, yard. 50c Imported French Flannels and Walatlngs at 19c Yard Also all dress goods that sold up to ftOc ' yard, fur children's f f dresses and ladies' suits, I tf at, yard AfK Thonsands of importer's sample pieces In the basement at 12c 5c Remnants of Silks from Clearing Sale 50c Silks at 15c Yd. Plain and fancy silks in ,-black and colored, taf fetas, foulards, China Silks, velvets, etc., that have been selling! f at 50c. go at, yd. WC 75c and $1 Silks at 45c Yd. Fancy silks for suits, colored taffetas, Louis enes, fancy moire, black taffetas and metallic velvets, at, yf yard JC ANOTHER GRAIN ELEVATOR Merriam & Holmquisi Will Build New Plant Coring Summer. BUSINESS ' REQUIRES THE ADDITION iathan Men-law Admits tha Intention, but Declines to Ktata Juit Where lit w Bulldlnar Will II Located. Merriam & Holmquist will build an ele vator. The owners of the largest elevator now In operation In Omaha have practically closed with property owners fur a location and will be rtady to build a new house In a short time. Bp ml of handling will be the object in view rather than large storage capacity, and the new elevator will be designed to accommodate 1K) cars a day. As the formalities of securing the title have not been 'completed, Nathan Sdorriam declines to njune the location of hU new house. It will not foe built in the Omaha Grain Temlnal's tract and it will be so located aa to give switching facilities to all railways entering and leaving Omaha. "We are somewhat circumscribed In our business," said Mr. Merriam, "by our present location and capacity. Our ele vator now has a capacity of only about fifty cars a day and Its location U not the best in the city, ho that we have had to deal with more or less delay in getting our cars out. We were in a position to tiave done a considerably larger business, but had to turn away soma of it for want of facilities." The new elevator will be built on the tank system, which is the new idea In elevator construction. The main building Will be of wood, but it will have iron or, steel storage tanks, which can be multi plied as business requires. The old house on Seventeenth street north of Izard' Is on the Missouri Paclflo tracks and was a part of the Woodman property. It Is suggested the new Mer riam & Holmquist house may be on the Belt line, but the builders deollne to deny or confirm this assertion. They say they have high ground, which has been tested, and. are practically certain of securing it. No contracts have been let, but building will be begun early and the house Is to be ready for use early in the summer. Marrlatre IJcenaes. Following are the marriage licenses Is sued up to noon January 19: Name and Residence. Age. Aaron Rayford, Jr., Omaha 22 Marie Cartwrlgnt, Omaha m Irving T. Hounald, Omaha 25 Florence Cater. Omaha 2o Herbert Rldgley, Omaha 40 Irene Castor, Rock Island, 111 2.8 Arthur J. Marsh, Omaha 25 Rose L,. Baysel, Omaha 18 18-K Wedding Rlnga, Edhoun. Jeweler. Abbond to Go Back. Deputy Sheriff Mat Brown of Alva, Okl., Is In the city to take M. J. Abboud to Okla homa to anawer the charge of obtaining money .under false pretenaes. Abboud la charged at the city Jail with being a fugi tive from Justice. The prisoner will resist being taken from the state and has re tained Attorney Hurley. Abboud Is said t have been indicted by the grand Jury at Alva, where he left last May. Invest Constant Oil stock. 801 N. T. Life. CORSET SALE FOR SATURDAY. Broken lines in the best makes of corsets, W. B., Lagrecque, Kabo, It. & G., Nemo, Warner's, P. N., Royal Worcester, Thomp son's Glove Fitting. fl.00 corsets for 50c, fl.50 corsets for 95c, $2.00 and $2.50 corsets, white or black, long or short hip, for f 1.25, $3.00 corsets for $2.00, $3.50 corsets, white or black for fl.75, $5.00 corsets, medium long hip, $2.50. These corsets are all up to date and straight fronts. MR.S. J. BENSON. SGH10LLER & MUELLER, 1313 Farnam St. have a straightforward busi ness proposition on Pianos Every piano marked in plain figures at its LOWEST SELL ING rRICE, instead of its Highest. No discounts possible fully $75.00 to $150.00 less on a high grade piano than the "get what you can'' dealer's lowest figure, and No Uncertainty about the price being right or the quality being as represented. A very nice "Chickering'' up right in good condition reduced to $155.00 $10 cash and $5.00 monthly. Piano Moving Is a knack. It is properly done only with exporionce and proper facilities. We have our own wagons and covered vans, our own men educated to move pianos a department in itself, under our sole management We move pi anos every day, rain or shine, safely and economically. Telephone 1625. l Weather Forecast Friday, Fair. MMOfUDS Of late we have heard from those no t in the trade that articles In various papers had bfen read by them about the anticipated decline In price of diamonds. Diamonds, In our Judsment, will never be lower In price than now based on the following facts: Each year the production of the old mines has been less, and, no new mines of any consequence having been found, the result mum be an Increase In price. We have them yet at prices so reasonable that we are willing to refund you 90 per cent of the purchase price at any time within a year. A Sensation! Sure Enough! Brokaw Bros. Hand Tailored Frock Coats and Vests Sizes 28 to 35. Worth up to $20.00-Fact! From 9 to 11 forenoon w A T C II T II B S E II O U R S i COAT.. 99c PANTS ...69c VESTS 39c FULL) $5 gY SUIT 1 d.U B ' We find on our hands a couple of hun dred men's suits which Blnswanger sold at $5.00. As they do not compare with what we usually sell for that price. In order to get rid of them quickly we decided to close them out at 12.07 for a full suit, or 99c for the coat, 69c for the pants and 39c for the vent. Sizes run from 84 to 42. Neat dark colors. Other Big Snaps Are Chinchilla Coats and Vests (Pea Jacket 12.90), Astakhan Coats and Vests with quilted lining, $4.90; Men's Gray Overcoats, 11.48; heavy black Beaver Overcoats, 12.90; heavy gray Ulsters, $3.90; all wool heavy Scotch OvercuaU with satin sleeve lining, $4.60. Dollar Shirts, 48c One of the best known dollar brand of Shirts, and plenty of them, 48o. And hun dreds of equally good things at equally big savings to you. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO., ISI9-I52I DOUGUS ST. A CONTINUED STORY We were ON TUB CUT-OFF LIST AGAIN In our last chapter. About this time, or a short time, previous, we eetab- llul.u4 T T Ll t I . l.1 I i L j I ' 1 err. . t-. . . ... COUNCIL BLUFFS. That, of course, made .1 J " ....11 III..... j . ' iuo cuuucii oiuiib uiuggiHis iuua; they seemed to be willing to let their customers go to Omaha and buy their drugs, but they di'l not want tliel? nicer dlt u-)w,i i. A Mil. i.Im Jhk- fri POHTBU us tu the patent mediulne tru.t ana that tiunoh notified the NuNJAHb u. that If they llowU ua to quote prices in Hint paptc they would, discontinue ad. vtriising in their pir, we had dully been lloint ths Noniarell Cur aa stuwuwa' 8' 'v2Vhl. Ulutla OrugsUta suu. VKNliX commenced, u.ing eimus In tlie Nonpareil, BUT they 1MD NOT quote out prloaal All at once out price drug More aigna w.nt up in front of nearly every drug store in Council lilulTel WUYT (To Be Continued). . NOTICB After January ath the prlee of Peruna, Paine' Celery Compound and Laxative Bromo Quinine will be ad vanced! We told you ao aome time ago. Better get a bunch today. SGHAEFER'S gffio"S58. E T. TATE3. Prop. ISth and Chicago 8ta., Omaha, 'Phone 747 and 797: 4th and N Sla., Bouth Omaha. Phone No. 1: 6th Ave. and Mln St.. Coun. cil Bluffs, 'Phone 333. All goods delivered In either city absolutely free. T ilEPUTT STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, wtn and Uaaon St OMAHA. NEB. Telephone S3. for Menstrual Suppression l?. SZEZSL PEN-TAN-GOT ol Is Omh br Sh.raiaa MoCson.ll Drug Cm. kuu roM au, Ii Mud, t a .i $ i, , From 11 to 1 afternoon From ! to 3 afternoon From 3 to 5 afternoon From 5 to 5:30 afternoon From 5:30 to 6 afternoon , AND LOOK AT THIS! This Ad Is Worth a Quarter to You. Clip it out, bring it when you make purchase, and it cuts 23c from the prices above. Friday only. MAIN FLOOR. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS ON THE BIG BARGAIN SQUARE 10,000 yards fine Dress Goods, worth $1.00. $1.25, $1.59, $2.00 and $J yard 5.00 4.50 i 4.00 3.50 2.50 2.00 1 to 7 yard pieces, worth up to $1.25 yd. All one price 25c yd. All ' Day Friday, Black and Colored Dress Goods at 25c49c 1 to 7 yard pieces, worth up to $3 a yd. All one price 49c yd. Worth up to FRIDAY $3. 00 yard. FRIDAY VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS AT OUR DOMESTIC SEC TION FRIDAY Wash Cloths,' Friday, each lc Spatchel Doylies and Mats, lace effects, worth up to 25c Friday,, each 5c NArKINS 500 dozen fine all linen Table Napkins, in two sizes, this' is a lot of manufacturer's samples put up in lots of 0' napkins, worth $2.00 to $2.25 dozen. Lot 16 Napkins for 63c Lot 2 6 Napkins for 75c REMNANTS OF FLANNELS All our Flannelettes in Persian and French Flannel detdgns, in lengths from 1J to 7 yards, sold for 18c and 25c yard, ail on one table Friday, 'yard 5c RIBBON REMNANTS All remnants of plain and fancy ribbons in lengths from 1 to 4 yards, marked at less than HALF wholesale cost. EMBROIDERY ENDS 500 Manufacturers' ends of fine embroideries in lengths of 4 J yards, worth up to 10c yard, Friday in, two lots. Lot 1 For piece of 4 J yards 14c Lot 2 For piece of 4J yards. 23c Bennett's Great Grocery. Full values and the best goods for little money. Grocery combination. Fifty ($5) Green Trading Stamps with the following list 2-pound package B. C. oats 10c 2- pound package H. C. wheat 10c 1- loind puckngo H. C. coffee 2Sc 1 jur cottage j'Hy ...Kk; 1 package baking noda ........4c 3- 1ouiid can tomatoes 10c 2- pound can com T. 10c 1 -pound packnge macaroni 10c 1-pound California ralslus ... Sc Total $Too CANDIES. Ten ($1) Oreen Trading Stamps wltUi one pound Bt'lltlower Wafers ..15c if rsTTW '3 mi TrrTn I-' It-"! fl ft- a Large Fortunes in the West Why not prepnrs to tart yonrs this year? Thousands of Acres of Land, of which large tracts have been reclaimed by Irrigation, are now oin for settlement To enable prospective set tlers and others to investigate these regions the t'nlon Pacific has put In effect a Round Trip Hate of ONE FA UK I'LI'S TWO DOLLARS, from Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas City, St. Joseph and Leavenworth. Proportionately low rate from Chicago and St Louis, on the First Bnd Third Tuesdays of FEBRUARY ) To many points In Kansas, Ne MARCH i braiika' Colorado, Montana and APRIL 1 ldaha v -FEBRUARY ) , n T IIIUC L To many points In Oregon, 10 JUnC f Washington and Idaho. Inclusive ) v Be sure your ticket read via Union Pacific For full lufoniiatlon Inquire . City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam Street FRIDAY IS REMNANT DRY. Watch Papers for Great Furniture Safe MONDAY. liilMY mm- THB RELIABLE TOR IV A Few Rare Bargains from L G. Doup Stock Still Left. See Them. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods. Twsnty thousand vard of all wool an A silk nd wool rrwa Ooo!. worth from 11.00 to 14.00 yard, In lengths of 2H to 10 yards. M and M-lnrh Siiltlns. Koltnrs. Volies, tt amines. Mohair, rvening shade c rcama and every inukfioable ahade, at a yard 39c and 49c. Ten thousand yarda all wool, silk and wool and wool and cotton, worth from BOo t $1.60 yard-all will ao at 221c and 14c yard BT THE YARD. 12.60 all wool Sultlng-9 64 Inches wide $1.SS all wool Suitlnas, 64-lnch at Sl.p and $1.26 goods at 75c 59c 49c 76c all wool Imported French Flan nels 12 yards to a customer All wool Challls, 75e grade at 19c 19c Many other bargains Ooods. in wool Dress SILKS Remnants of fancy Silks, In lengths of to 4 yards worth up to $1.00 yard i)B on sale FrULiy at yard Ov Remnants of plain and fancy Velvet, worth up to $1.90 per yard special Friday at yard 19-inch White Cllazed Taffeta for IE,, 1 19-Inch Blnck Taffeta excellent 75o lining at yard OW quality at yard 24-lr.ch Hro. adl Silks for Jacket OEn $1.0U Mlack Taffeta !" Inches wide lining at yard special Friday at yard. 39c 49c 69c Main Wash Goods Dept. Remnants of $1.00 fine Mercerized Walstlng, 76c and 50c Waistlim Madras, viAiorus, eic, worm irom twc. lo i.u. 124c Remnants of all' kinds of fine French Flannelettes and other goods worth from in 16c to 36c yard all at yard IVIC . 81c . 15C .... 5c Remnants of Suitings worth 19c yard eight to ten yards In piece yuru , Remnants of high grado Lining and Silks In Lining Department worth from 28o to 69c yard ;.. A large line of all kinds of tine remnants worth up to 20c will go Thousands of yarda of other goods on sale at very low prices. In Our Great Domestic Room. ...5c ..5c 12Hc Shirting, extra heavy, black and s while, long mill ends, at, yard. DC Llnlngs of all kinds, worth up to 36c yard, long mill ends, at, yard 12V4C Flannelettes, pretty new pat terns at. yard 26c Arnold's Flannelettes, all the new plnlds and Persian patterns, long mill . nr ends, at, yard 'Wt 60c Mercerized Table Damn&k from OSr the bolt at, yard -JV India Llnons, Persian Lawns and Wait ings, worth up to 26c per yard, IOc long mill ends at. yard i , lvw Ol'K GRKAT JANl'ARY MUSLIN AN WEEK. GKT OCR PRICKS. ' 60c Mercerized Sateen, In all colors, JOlo long mill ends at, yard...... aJfc Outing Flannel remnants, light and dark colors, excellent qualities, at, filr. yard Ojt 16c Cotton Flannel remnants at, yard 8ic Plain white wool and embroidered Flan net remnants at less than cost Table Linen remnants, 1 to 8H-yard) lenuths at half rtrlee. D SHEETING SALE CONTINUES "THIS . Orangesl Oranges Oranges We have Just received another car of Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, that Is ths sweetest and nicest fruit that grows. We b uy direct from the grower, thus saving tha broker's and commission house profits,' an d give our customers the benefit. . EXTRA SPECIAL FOR ONE PAT ONLY. All regular il'lc and 16c Sweet Cookies, this sale t pounds for 25o The best crisp Soda Crackers, pound.... 61a The best crlHp flutter Crackers, pound. 6So The best crisp Oyster Crackers, pound. 6Vi'i The best crisp Milk Crackers, pound.... 6Vo Friday and Saturday this car regular 35c to 4ic per dozen special per dozen Regular 26c per dozen special, per dozen NO LIMIT-ALL YOU WANT. SPECIAL IN HONEY. Colorado White Clover HoViey per rack. CRACKERS CRACKERS. CRACKERS. sale 25c .15c 10c The best crlsn Oln;er Snaps, pound 6Vio Malta-Vita, Egg-O-See or Xcelo, pkg...7Vo an n Mffftrerxn lM wis UUftli mom u is. 1 m m -i m m mmArv D5 r1 -f TORRID WASHED NUT Is positively the best fuel value ever offered Omaha consumers. Free from dirt, slack and : slate. Burns evenly, does not clinker and is very hot. TORRID NUT lasts longer than any Bituminous Coal. We have just received a fresh supply. Ster $6.00 PER TON 192 t ZARP 5T TEUaaj-OaTSj dr. wilkiso's ere, ear, nose, throat clinics. Tel. B 3323. Creighton Blook, 15th and Doucclas, Omaha. Dallv for Catarrh. Catarrhal Deafness, Adenoids-pf ten cause of mouth breath ing and deafness in children. Ill-shaped Noses, Chronic Sore Throat. Neuralgias, Enlarged Ton"" ! Growth. In Nostril.. Pulps pi, etc., Cleft Palate Harel p. Runnlni trs Noise In Kara. Cross Eyes straightened by operation Affections of Tear Tme? Headacha i due to eye or nasal or catarrhal cuuses, Affections of the Voles and "Sb"?h. IrrlUble Coughs, stopped up nostrils, result of liny Fever La Orippe Th. rlSi r free to the poor-11 a. m to 7 o'clock. Sundays, 9 to 12. No ?haw for wmlnatton of patients. Call or write and learn what can be done. Our Store is Rich nil w-' ....... nt the silversmith's art. For wedding r.7. .tlver Is the reigning fancy. Our stock of silver Is large and comprehensive. We invite .your inspection. nAWnlINrri a iuii h t m AND DOUGLAS JTS. OMAHA.NZn. geft WANT A WARM OFFICE? Steam Heated Offices in The Bee Building $10.00, $15.00. $18.00 and $25.00 PER. MONTH. U. C. PETERS D CO., Reotal Arents, Ground7 Floor, ttce Bldg.