Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
5rrts E-? STtrr, Irrzi t Ti-
It CotEa ILkr.kli far ti-j Etlir
ax. Prmtar.
Jtputen Bj th, Lfrula-
f .
Kk Ft
TC'Kja JilB. 3-Tv JbPtim ci4''-r-
fj-mA Teairrr Baa-trr Bi Trj rrit'J
?r;erda5 tntsmuTt. v rtr"; -ire
ammou. trp...l.r-- FiW;i.i
fr-jig Kiaa Oioa. tae Grtra J- -T nc
ftajtun jir-irei. te riatTDrct It vaa
ukrs la fiaaa-
Tfca capture nf a:tbr rrra.r?T la r-j-m4.
fewt so dr.a fca i n rwwad.
T rn coiirt a.t 6ilo tJ r-t
rfiuiemd daciaitma i U caaea c f c
tt raprCTad ntjr)!r WTtuj taira Uir
Th Ir3rtE- rppT-t ba.a bi rac-r-d
rca J&jiasae KuKbunai hadg3aj-rr:
la th rarrart rfifn'j :t bTnm "i
6t tfcat r.iLna -rt Briij ajOfd
bu Osw r"-4a.r.
A Ja.parfe Of-tartm.t urrrux3-d Ru
a.aa (fcnjr a.D ac tcira in tr
VKjT.TTT r-f tu -at rT a Oi.a-aj.a
(i JiLakTt and lairwd tSf-m . :
Kuw.u f.:t r mr 3i. Tb
Jkrw ca.iiurd a'. r ft aj te
Iut-nx.t OrraJ ifijA'-br.kfi
-r a . aaa -J-:it AJ't
rrT e,'".tt at Sat CYrh.B :trr
rr-at-d te tb nartc ?arr Ui'siti
Ja.;ia?r rai-aJry mr-i.uijt-r tt,c T
fcauK.wi Rjiwitn to th r.o"-tKd of
lnon MonflaT rrt.-rf .Jacj-iry If
Ttt r-;Tt Uial U a.rt-
-oa.i.a arnf capa and ttiat tn 'T ttw-m a-r
many !trir.y - 1 re Ctiinwae ciiartanea
ar.d pi-ta..
ta4t Vark. aa la Wanalaa.
ST. PETEiSEirE'5. JajL lS.-Ear:y tDday
Ui airpicyaa ef th 'v Si.rit)
work djiid tc a-iort tt u-jl t.f tu
Putirff ajod Fxrnco-K.-raeiiio vm-il. S-t-p-iaex.C7
tie mr'ti of tti Nr work
XbfuriDad Tbeir 2naa.a-rr that TXy tai
(uu cut oa a general tr ke.
Tl a-trike art ia bccTT;T,ti vrj-a7rire-
Tocirt-t tim ar its.w men out
oa trikr aad tttc dstb!iu prra.d.ra
to ta bo colt on ir:;i, a njcia en.iuy ci-er
ati.Ma) c(iera.t:Ta. Mprunars fcxvt rj-rn raZd
for toniM-rVw. at r.JCO t arxLLitic
democratic ieadwa a tU .ua ttxur utraoat
euetvai to oucvert th ptr-xkc tctc a vast
jKiLticaJ deonosav-atinn, atuch. ai tbe jra
cst cnata EU4tht bava moat aenoua ereic
Bwaii. TUe author" tlt-a ar adtH'Uij every
pracaatxig ta avoid as outDrtadL. b-t tt
aociaiiauc 4ecsoc7ata ar ipcrr.sf oa li
atrlkra aad tksera la paat dasiser C a
im ami ,.Tk Taa Tj m im. fclch atcd
a liaiw irara ta aa feitawd ky raci i(
da-antaaau atta accampanana by rrtntt
bloedatwd. Tb ctty la fuB nf aenaatiocai
ruroora and riaCjx 1m imtmjy eip-rtfd.
Tb taiiowTg ar ta Oevanda af tb
PutlkoIT aarka trl.r:
Ttrat Tba if'-rriTaul af th foreman and
th rvrntatetnxt of men diaautwr-d tar
k-liirrir te the unjon.
6-cjid Ehi hoara work per day
Third Th vahaaia rf nrk to t mad
fcy a iona. oommiiif cf vorlmet and &ra-
Foertl TV araintB)ct of a Joint per
EiarrT oonamittr ft. arttt.rauuL
Ktrth A a ot w ecjita for
unaa-iied atuu utOtir
S;xth Ovr-tan work not to b ablitfr&tary
and te b paid fw at o.-utn ratea
arrntk-IIx Bia m to bear in coat e
nxilen&nd work a hen sot resporuLtuc
fur jj.
Etth A tr.rEli'JD wnt pf ffi pecta Per
day f'T uzi.jed taxna-i laDnr and the ea
at.i.uh.meni af a crerf) frr crJAc-ett.
Ninth Itn proved aoecicjaJ atteDa.ncc.
Tf'J laprond aan.tary cf-no-uotia ra
the workhi.'t. eape-il;T ta ta amitlui.
Eieij lBunuity rruis. yjr; lar Trietu far
T --th Tna avarac rata at pay dur
LaS th atrlka-
Jaaaam Sarry Draanateal TrUa (
rat af Taraea Mmmf Crrr.
TOK3Q. Jaa la. Tha Kary d --partus eat
LBBOtracM that a-rcateea oScera and Bea
vera aitst wrtk th torpedo boat cmamanded
by Uetitena rt .'a-ala ta the attack en the
Euaa.aa battjeanip cW-Tatepil at Port Ar
thur .D-eBttbr 14.
The enrr rr nder ef the Japaneae third
aQuadroa j-eportinc th details erf the n-stt
attack ea th S-ratapal reren-iber 14. aaid
that whii aeartthins lor ta Kaamaa atup
torpade Buat ccma-ianded by IJetstenaxt
Kaa-aia aaraan oet froea tta connrad anips
and taerc waa anxJety lor the aafety of the
Cilrar atec-kAaiaai Aeraari af Cavwa
aa Paatfc af Vila ar WMatala
CrTTCAOO. Jaa. Xa-Tb death af Mrw.
Joan Jtjtnaon. wha waa (uaatd aoday tor th
aacuad tiaoa wlthra a fw aaura lytsa; in ta
ruart tiefoew her fcnrae ta th atock rarda
diau nl, at beanf tsi-st-a-aiad by tha pcace.
Tfc waaaaa huatand aaa been arreatee.
peadinc the air-coma of th inquiry. Two
pedartrlaca fcuiad tb wai&aa ta flrwt u
aad carriad bar into ber hcima.
Johnana.. the huebaad, at alirard ta hay
aaid: Threw bar out. I don t want her
h. a" Njt kxhc af-teraard pa am r aty found
ber la tha atrert tfurn A puuoa aatbuaoa
tr. ber ta tha boapital. bat ah chad while
aa tha etanvtr-ny tahte. Th phyavtlan -praaaafl
tha epttajoa thai daaU rant ted
fr-oat aotiadi and ezpuaura. Jahaarai la a
law-""" UHr eaant4
FwAaaa Da la TaeatT-feu
CHICAOVTa Jaa. U. Tare sudors oeaths
arttbia tb bast t waaty-asur ktut bar '
-eurrad ta tb faaally cf Thasnaa ni i
sal smew a ta rtrs-taarciaj arcWai la Ctu
caxa. Taatarthvr wart rwacbad'th fasaUs
that Jaaoaa alaeaaa, tb -eoanxtiat am.
bad aa at Kao-Aaaaa. A lev bwu-a aster
th Baotbar, atra . ataehaa. was takes
til wr-b baart diet aaa at a railwaj ata
tia bar ajh abed after r-ninc takwa ta
atarcy hospital
Today a tekarraai was rtwiti that
Tbiatcaa Ms eh a bad sued ta LeBter.
wtHar ba a act last wa f a vwauot
Tb sua-rrr-a nf tb fami y are txraa aia-t-rs
af rtnaiill ateebaa . Tb aew ef bat
eeaib raarnad tb a-air-rs as ttM-y
taa-ac tb iiatiaim a( tbaur Btoa
ta tb fiaii.-r bans
vjstry is. cuTj
I liiait te r"V--
Rt af tb Frealeeet ef
Tat.: :ir : Tr c-- 's
t"t-s-r-ei : rs or, t-
Lfiii-t i ".he El r s- ; a.. : Trs rr.-r.-r.:
ar.2 lb r"--rt tir-tiel it- tit a.kd
:t -r. tr rr.c-v,c; ..a 1 y cur-r t--:r
fr.i-T: intl'i a v-w ear-r-i is i ' r-d.
M b-t w.11 brs cor5'ru--or
cf f f r.-j r if a nw cabinet this
aftem-iot.. K- has F-.?r.r5 tr-! the r rs
tftt t? the s-t.-. K Fi.--. -i th
;-e'f-r:i cf tie :. - r- cf ce; t-es
Pa IX' -f the TT f"1- .TXf TeT f
at 4 c -K.:k in th rax rf forraer ar d at
S r e.ock rr the -ase if tre '"fr Trs
vr ' rx--s wL e:e-m'r ttf-m M.. Louon
w. ;tt-: ir f m-rr, a tr--!--T- M F. -urier
criLrs- r ocr-Ty the first pc hot
b .- r.'irrf i - less c--tk r r - at first
cwmat to the -.jf trat a K: ari-r cabonw
i-iii-i U. iLT.t: tt
1 urt t b t'T to p-Tt
-fi '
i arc '-at
a-.-n-j-- 1 c -
r.m r t
s- f -.1 . r
tn r- -jtr
a t - t tr. r
r. r;-u:.. ' i. tr....' "T i- -.n ' rtam
'. ar d r:t:-d r . ' " i -t
t: fcrt-ea .r-t this rr-tjk-.- d- r-'i
n to m; t.- rt-iiji: tfca 7-.'atfaza
, -r Tt
Th r'T'-Buer ther rer-xrw ht c-rurn i
ttr tb iart ri!t't! m-'ths. E oar be
hua beet: trark"4 at is "iir tf ard "tn
patem maiitiro rf c)r-.-E.j and carjssai
ita. wtaft Ptitrticted 'h work th
major-tr. and aid.
I ha tti-.tri'-d fom fry ftct aca net
the.r ma-ve-a )tr rrm'.na; men "5
a-e tr, bij-lc er..... be.rf-- r,f tria: rat'jh-
i th i- -.i it i eisv tj
ip that I mar t p-t irto the rr-.-o--
at a: m-'arrt urK'C 'm r tctit.-a-!y
tr ft-nt -.t.f.tirt. traa rnnr .;-r-r
- Tf; r-r'-'k- iio i'T rf ! e. i TDr.t
Ther5-r rr i tcy i.v to rti.-. f-'.--ar,:.
Th rie rf tt rf:.irtr. it r.irS tn..r -eTn-iy
arrrT the rr rf tb rn r:r.TT
iit t"i I tJire t5 waT To preside.
Tb r-er pntti cut ttat the ma)or-j.
a.!-bcr.jrt redwr-ed. KtJl a majT-'y. and
thtt therfree th part pr'lirx cf the xrir
u Fb"t;d rontirue ta ft-era the fort.h
ce,jt;r m.r!rr-r. a3 cloae wtth as ei
rrea.''!! rf rt.h is tb eft-ma trtunirh of
tfcf po!ir-r d-s-rti the pr-aett "pre-jtxrta-on
bra-ruiiar of the r-"-rjona.rT eiem ct. "
It. Loi-t-et iatr arrj"-.t3t-ed hia intention
rf ror t'-..- trie ieadera of tr- tnaj'rrty
r-Ttiia put rT th ierton of a
rr-ir.-ntry. a n tn pre. dTt detr first
to itcK-jtr th eo-op-a t: ta cf the
in at:ppc-rt cf the Tainjatry.
CEitt trEiT i tmu
I Eraart $kai 1TXJIS3 acrlkera Saw
Oat la ajiataa- lrrtaav
ESSEX. Germany. Jan. IK The exart
1 EumUr ef rtriaer retorted by the r
i erttntieEt ntiiE cfficmis this morturtt araa
The r-j-remment corrtritrt-iei'-nerTi ar ar
tiTe ta their eacieavwr to atttj th di-
ectoit or ociTi rsTstrc
iff iiilm a .
Vtrg Sritavaat Traaaae.
ST. rETTEF-EBTEG;. J ilk. If. Th repart
ctrrulated by a LoridcTi a?ry that
General Trepoff. farmer cratf of po-lce of
MoarPT , had tes aaaaaainatad ti rs hi
way t thi city la TCTfui!defl. Th jr-neral
haa arrtTed in St PVTfrvoux.
Tarklart lr Satiafax-lary.
LC'NTOX. Jan. IS The Glaarcrw eabia
daKpatrbes with respect to th apeed trtaa
cf th Allan Jn stearoeri Victrmijj
and VrrFirih.-: wer prema.Tu.-. Th teat
cyf tb tittian tr th bniidera f-aDed aH
expertatioiia The fsht-ris probab1.r win ua
lierarc. f:,rtna apevd tnaia befer rebnaary
Th Victrrrtan ai-ila on it maiden Tojif
frtm UrpcxJ Siarrh 3 aad th Vira-ttiiui
April fi. They arc in tha Ca3adaa nt-ai.
ltaatr Belarlaa ta
HAJtBCEG. Jan. la. Th new wa re
reiTed ber tcday that th Hant burr-Artier -ltran
line ateanaer Bfciina.n. which aaiJd
from Earry Iw-centber 7 and Pt Vincent.
C r-aceasrjar IS, far Batatria. tad been
wrecked on the coast of Kadaataacar. It
waa added that th crew had bees aa-rad.
but that th ah:p waa a total kiaa
ltaJaaa Kill raap.tria aad lajarea J
Baa Si- la Ktckt
laikrt I
VETV TOP.K. Jan- li Th ruatem cf aa
Itaiiaa baaer to iat hia heav-y oeii-rery
baaket in th dark baEway cf aE"EAet j
tree-meet whiie h dfriivered tu a area j
lhr .'Urh th bua. today reeaaad ts a caar- ,
rei in wtiu-fc Fasgua. Totontlia. aet-d .
waa kHied and hi niece, Mr. Mini Trtur- :
Velio, aced K.. ao badry wrwndWd that sh
prt.batly w2 tiit reeff-rer fceth i-ictiin
wer tahid. JiLra Tctorvelki ldectined tta ;
t", SJ-ratTr rerrart. aa tb man who I
killed bar unci and cane ber own tn- '.
Joriaa Ka was captured after a aharp
rtita by th poiica
Tha baker had disrerarded fracoent wartB- i
testa no to iearea th baakat in the a a j ;
where acyon paaw -- throih wort'J fan ,
in er ti ta tha darkrieaa. When the -L-nitca- ,
himaetf fen crer th basset t:day h de
rided te hare the marter seled. The Q'-ar-reJ
f alk-wed and TnttorteiJo and his r;e--
want ta the janitor s aeaistano. "When
Ferreral was captured a few mmote later
aad brouatt back te th tenement h tire
It th wouaded wamaa t idtnufy t-m the
rfficara and their pnajner wer at-row-ded
by aa andrry atKb aad the policemea had ta '
vtt their way ant.
la.b Capitalist aa Per-artew ta
Appeal frwas - af
mi a aaa Jafa
CHICAGO, Jaa. IX Far tb first tixn ta j
many years the Vetted rrtatea district ocurt
af appeals ba barn asked ta pass on a
case mr-j.'Tt-ti diaaiaaor trot,hiea. la tha
Unrted Elates ctrcu-t cert trtcay Jadfe
Ban bora decided that Lanf afacJaea. a
wealthy arun awner cf Ev-uaa, leahti,
axainst w trots suit for arparai zaaihie- '
nanoa haa been broufrst tj bis wife, baa
tht rxtt t take aa ai'peal troxa a recent
daciaios of Julr Farbora. ta a tick atae
Kesxat waa aroerad ren-,a nrtod t tbe cue- i
tody af tb eberi-E.
fctara.rzu is uat an banda, but la arder
ta raae th hu1j cf his peraonal lit-
arry be baa teno airrreaxiered tiznaerf ta 1
tb IMT f Afw tao-ry decision llaren- :
li f-r-uaciwl bai. ar.d will be at Llert ,
oa tts kxicd pe-idrrs the r-tsuit af th ap
peal B waa tmpr-UKid ox a writ af a
eaaat lasjed Jude ttuna. Th ami
alWed xixktTxi aiteasWa Wacux tha -city
t earrapa tb st-paraia t'r-a'.cs j
prav aad 1 a J
ralnn RMvn ta Wirt at
ai Firf-wttTf ta
af 1 Uta.
F---?C'N Jfr. : Tb rr k- rf tr- pt-
-t. tr.::: ---t h fi j r.Te, t "ti'-
' -"1 y,i! 2. in arJ ha b-r
m r 'Cre fir aitt ro .Ttr to Tb fr-eat
ha. ir.T tn'. nf--t. -f Fa- P:-t- pe--l
wp ae--,d Tr.iT tr-e
ti-te t.f i ----v.r "Wii-iaat I, I-t.rr: Tn
"T '"tt.9 rf ar. aa 1 n rt a1- r-ted ty
bt b atar tfa-f tree it 5 ' p"nt-rre at a r'i at t"e atte tune t"iay
'."- !--."- rrtr-T tr werk tt ptc
ti'.r T" T"er rrt rei jet. m. s-s.:ttFl
t'T r j-k an 2 w,jh he dinr-irjti-tint;
b.-ai..e rf tb -e-- k jc- rat. ef
Tim tra etaM-hed. but tt waa iri
ir.a: ce-n -r T-'-cltLa tttiaj tr-reet -rmt the
m-tfe rf rharctr? rr-es tn r-tFt rf r"t
tT. tr cw-ierr ar.5 tbe :rr prl-
tf -te c,-t.h s-i ft . t tj ctor.. i.sirrp tr
ar. averar- marrrr.. rT. w-.irt th marufar-
turrt are - pay a ir,tT3
rn r-t-n e-trtied frnetc tbe p
rf per rer.t
-t Ttn t;
Apr! 1.
aid-a -"irari tr p-c-yf cf t c5e
1 t.-a-.if a a -.-v-tory J
T1' r.T Iter.' r.trr-;r-e e-rp"e4 -a.t
as n-a rtjor wtr today a te-i? of aertW i
I n-ert- he'te-r-ra- that the e'-'d'-rt rpirtt ef '
-r rr,ari.''a-rt:r-rTi tf rT. st -jt ui-J '
A; ft; a i.'Tl'Jer. i cr -ticTeai-? -sfcotli th
c.rr-r --earn the fi--re ahrt GcTermr j
T'" ci! w.I fx t ar rrtB'-a"i"T that tc i
rr.1 cwr wfn a 'tr f. lay d-w-n jtach
a-ffe a a-".", tu te in--scpatii.i w-.t
reaacrntL' jrrtjt t-T th Etill
j Ti" inaxtifa srr pe. the other hani feej
that the:r c-rr-er-loe that they are new l
ptr'r.-r a re aa r. a-h as -n wi-ntrt 1
', wC' be ef.a btttshi by tie rttjnri tn-
- veanstatjor. !
V-ee-rtir r"-orlas. la a aateraent taipt-e-fi ;
after t.b pf-rer-nc-e exprei-ed egr-erlfJ 1
pleKft;- that tne martif a cttrrera tafl t- '
cptd e-ce a tf VI fed ftim "f arbirra- 1
! t,-.r and said that be i: t-tire treat the :
tLr..I-r-iti"t5 aeed ti-w ;.lEre; wuld "- ;
its a few year rr a potrt that w--;i pre- ;
i-ett a ree-u enre rt "these S-TS-enliirtir J
ani p:t:ftil rt:ke j
.real Jay at FlU Bti-ree. I
FAlI EJi Vli.-t. . Jh IS. The new
of tb (w'tieroe-ct cf tiie ict-5 -fndiha- mlT j
striae a a recen ed m this c:tr with -ta-j
thuaiastc. Th port-hat of b-lietihs on tha
n-a-spajier tKiard and the apf-faranc cT '
extra a-tK& on tt- atreeta cue tainx.s
th tTi tw-erced the for an a-tn:iat !
it-nrnec. tt otpourihr M it pecp.e. Vi ij !
tail an h 'r of tr- ton that word first j
cam to the citr if a settiem-mi tij streets
were ctl. aed with men and women, rrrtnr :
every rr, ar , f aatation of Jcj. tunnc the aft- 1
ern:cn the crewels and the dexaonstraii-rj-a !
Increased. Ta rcjiKiinat waa part'Cuiarty 1
markt-d amiir.- the a-Ma-nr aa eaaf-a.'-rtt
a ha aad lext t-rrppart to the striae. Thee i
bav been amorfr the pnnc. pai aefferert ,
from r-rlxanoa. aa they hare been depeaa- i
est ta many cases upcin the 'up bx-uaea '
whij th union meg ber hare re-ceired
sirike benefit money Harder less marked I
than that amc the wr-ritinat men and !
wctnen tu tn rej'.iicir.a; of the store keep- i
era. to many of whorn the prolonged strike
haa been a senons bit w.
Rlaiary af tb Sra-BBTarl.
Th cotton mil. atrika. wiuct be-ran her
on July . I-. was th rrt'atest Lsturb
aace th textii tndnsrry of America has
eer ksott Whesr the mills irvuiced trc
t.bliated to ooae their atas about 3. mm
operatiT-e were ttroan OLt of work. Se-r-ttty-one
m-Ha. enr-trf'-ied by irrr-ttu-ee
corporaaor-a. e"-rpei the machir-ery. and it
remained kii unti. the of Novem
ber, since which tune mt of tht- far' rri-s
tar beer rtrhhir.y p-nera-rr with ktf-t
than half the ustial force. The strike was
cLrect y in to a reductiiin of llij cents tn
wapes Th milis had reduced wag-ea It' per
cert e-ftt months prer-ioualr yh m:Ii
affected tr th strike hare a corrbinei cap
ital of &,(i teMi and hart aw.fkst eprndlea.
r-urm th tlm tne mill wer closed the
opera tire lost nearly CJWi.iiwi- w-kly. ana
th corporations about C2.(ie. Th agt-ra-fratc
direct ios-s to ail mtererta up to to
day is estimated at ftiiy Si.a.-t'0.
Dr. Eaasae-rt Prfa af Eaveavaapaaeax.
"V f -. nf TVrtmj b Head ax
BVaaae af Ft I ker-la-Law.
IJ'7HMC'Nr. bto.. Jan. IS. Zt r-m-rt
PrTice. head p-yairrlan cf th North
American Crtpper rrompary at Encamp
ment. Wyo.. was shot and tiled at th
txtnn of F. Id. Leakey, his fa-her-m-iaw.
three miles s-futhwest of here, taday. Zt
Perdu s will was heid ten:norar..y . but
sbe waa allowed ta remain a: her father s
horn lMiixt After six years of married
Lfe.. alra Periu left ber hue band tws
years aro. Rarentjy ah and her husband
became rxrcnciid to each other and last
wet-k they eaxn to th hoeo cf her par
ents ber together. They tr-tradtid ta
lei-re for tj-ycsaaiXeT ti-e-rh.T today Mra.
Perda refased t leer fy bef ar th coro
ner Jury tud y and th m-mbers of fcer
family would fr-ve no definrt tea-trmocy.
I'erdne was shot throuarh th bark of the
head, apparently, as he B.eri He earned
a Lfe insurano po?icy tr Z s wtfe s faror
It was 1-tj-nad tunlxrfct that a brwther of
sirs. Perdue at nudni-h last ais;st cam
to F-irhmemd and swea-a csut a warrant
char-r-ti Ft Perdu w-.tx carrytnc eun
cealed weapona.
eat Aaa play r natal
tea paw. l blUty
STW TCEX, Jan. IL Chars ad arttb
fraud, sncactinduct and -noiaticin of law ta '
connection e-fih the uisiiecLiue ef th ex- 1
crural je ataataer Genera, tuocum, whica j
was buroad ta East rtrer last Jus wttb a
kss af Hurt thax arras, Joha W. Flam- j
int and Henry Liadherc, tsrmarb at- (
Lachad ts tn loca. unit or tc Lnitad
Slates isirpectar of sin, rr be ; a r pieced
va trial bafor Juctfr Thomas ta tn ex-tra-tnal
bran --.a rf tha X. c-iad fiiaraa car-cut
Tbc indicTTnn t a fair, at FVanirn and
L.r fberg at tit ett. oa tb aecmoa of tha
l mied sua las statutes which aaakca tieatiert
la th laspectuiii able, as tb f
wbM-b tf aa d-.r-e. nana.aut-str.
Tbe trial f tb tw fn ibis xier-aex-l t
Bpeetors is oacsudarad tmp-jitact btr-iauae
tt at te b f -fl---wd by th prtjar- Iktai of
tb asfcrer af th Ganerai a. t-ara and the
mob here at tn ILnaaarVaker
ronif r J. awaara af th tbsbi j
rsacr Mterta
mm Trial ta-r
ta bastrmaa
BCLT l caucus
MriBSka far (ihH
lattva Vaatar.
:i-sv x err
ro - i't tt- e-tn; ban-t t 'CC tut rkra.-
cf Ti-jn.aa iL Niirjira th r-;r-.-a-t
it. r'3.ine f tr I rt-t-c 5 e-r.-t.r
t: s-.-ce-S Frantna At - .----.. a a -ee
eievti.-n ha i tut a aafr.a. rea. ted it
n. rhjiee t"iT tz 'be Ji:: --. n if tht
e-ar.s-airt. W in tn txtp'-it if ft,;,
a hi. ckfi Lj iiali tt f . i-r I 4,1
Iir.n a."', tn :-.- f:-r
Fraj-i C. Kert-ha Ft l.u:-- a he tn
the F - i: -ei r5-po-ext ( ! N n: - in
Lb caucus, IsnnTr-ttiailr after the sec -i-i
ball t. ahi-ii retried as f:'j:ti the i ..r.t
aeseirn al.iftumed art ;..E,,'r:t, tt-:
ihj :r. w. t retuxut-d at djH
i-4-itrr.i u. . C- a--K Keret.a
Frt.. -r.n 1
'i'r, tr f.-ttt baltt Xielrit.s-ha lit referred
" 't- two r-B thaa tb- caa-ber re-i-
--d f.r eit-ctajn. Cor are ree. red SI
ani Kerer-s &.
Tr-e d-f-at rf atr S-wrtThaus t-; p-e-dicted
tiday f rCi-wtn- a e-.feret..-e cf the
Ke-n- r - - -.t. their t-aaer u--'t if :re
the B-!-e-i of tbe mct ma..-t.
Tb nrt br-ak carte wren the nam
of K-re--ee:.tat---i e J--tn L. tu
caTjea s-.'nc after the pperEr ; f th jnit
seaKi.-'h- Tbe c-jJJ f tbe joint sessrr. be-a-n
immclia:--.r after tr art, .--m-rt
tf tbe uas rerte-cay in the pepa
rate boufea tor t tried 5ttc s-t-atar. I of Pj' hanan. tf is
t.-ve r.,(Vt member of tr house, cast his
ba'jot ftr C Ke-ene and t-s txi..;it;
was fvjew-d r-y G.urer Eran'h of Lifaf
erte. F K. C-.ok of Htre. C. Eljott
cf Jf;t Jarae F-uacb rf Jarptr ani
C'irver Grace cf Ft. 1 rfi; is,. Cra the sec
ond ballot GentF? Half lit of Newt ft
switched orer to Kerec? whie E. M
Kirkham cf Camden left tiie ratal cf tbe
cs ac-u n:tr.mee and rtttei f rrr It Fe"J
Jotn of T.'t-
Thi eremt Jfr. fedr.;haas rce;-efl
tie f iClcwmat frt m C ftarresman Barthfiit.
T-'n i.iire str-d tbe or.fcj p-b'r t
fatr'y won tne pt-s. Tbe jiarty Is prtuaer
of ?: than erer. Eeart-est cctnr-a'. ia-
After tb Jrmt f aioti aSjttiirat-d the
br-tel lotbj- raf.i.'.lr tli-n! ani disctBi;-ns
of ax-riai--d mtensitr ec.Fut-4. After a nm
the repaii:car rrwmbers of th leans-a-are
teud a conference. F-epreaectat-v B tun
gyr was the ttt-ly noe of the m-c a no beted
N e.drthrhaus tr-daj tbi attended. He
t-rk nc part in th- eocfere-af bey end Us
tecinat to tbe discuaeauo of tbe srtatt!"-..
A teleat-am from Jdajrc "STCjaaa "BTaj-ner of
Kansas City was read -.n which Mxy'T
Warratr staffed that b wwttld accpt c
(ffice that lnis-ht etva,e to fcim thfuct
treachery Sothe members tere Inrd-hed
ta take this tej-arram aa indicatlr.a- that
he woiili not accept tbe senatorial poea
tion if a bolt was asade ib his farnr and
cnnniim mat d.
Th cor-ference seiertefl a ectn-htrte to
see that ail members wer present tomor
row at the Jcrttt aewown and ta arranate frr
parra with omocra.ta, if ar-y mrembera were
abariliittly enable to be oa band. Farther
than this aothlnc waa a-omplihea.
.At th sua tr-oe th dtaaaccaiie aaa-b-ri-
of the bousw hei-i "a cauc-us xa3 21s
cuastd paans tar r-earrrar.!xttir Ore tsmse
and de-iresthe; Speaker Hill. No Aefiart
oc-ncl-isrrrcs were reached. It is rarrent.
however, that anemia they attempt this
they wiii J ut with th Kerens rrpublicans
in tiettin It Fertj.LiX for speaker.
It'sTrftinf V-t elo;mett are expected
torhorrtw. Claims are made by the antl
N.tdrtntrhaBB fttrrea that trteen rotes wtil
b takao front th Ndrih-haus m ei.ft-h
tomorrow. They say that tart-f yoted far
r 't twine on joint ballot the peda-ed rcjem
bers have doae ttrej- dutr and are nw
free to rot fur another candidate and. If
neceasary. te Jooi in a call for another
caucus on a senatorial Bi-Tr.-na
Fe-arftl Mltrttp af Pti-ty tkat At-
teaapta ta Oaea Lass ber Stall,
rtat la CalaraaVa.
Z '"7-.Nir-' Cio Jaa 1?!. After fearful
sufferings, durrh which iar man was
frocn to death anc anoithtir it-carne in
sane, the rimrit.! oemb-rs of a party
taat tried to pen the E ra- Lumber
company s raiir-iad from Li-mterton to
E-vado tare bees res-ur-i
A train crew with a franc cf sho-Feiers
left Lcmbert.-n last "W -cnesciay Tbe road,
which folk-ws the si -j-e of the
ChCtineiital Cirice. a as blockaded by :
enow sul tit way to Elrado. thirty-two
mules S'-uth c-f Lum-.-ertji- Xnfts tr-.m
tre to fifteen feet eeep wer encoujitered
and th wainer was uctenaely coil. Th
train reached a point twelve rr.ies sc-Bth
c.f Ltmtrnn,. wbec th supply of coal
and water ran out and tne entire arty
was forcec ttii re rr air. t-hre f.Tty ftx-fct !
boora. '
EngineeT P-edmond hai both cf his feet
treaer and a number of the thoveiert i
were f-'it b-tten. Two Mexj--ar sho-rtlers '
srarted t Limbe-rt.or.. Cne cf them aaa
froaen to aeata. The other was rescued
by H was t-rr'hly fmat-r and
had becitrh lEntn Tbe party waa ,
rescued by a rthr.f t-a-n sent cct from :
Era-do The r.iad is st1 bi.ickaaed- '
Sew Trk Dar-t Artwraey Bearia '
at Atteaapt ta Claaa tb i
VET TOFX Jan. 16 Bereral weD
knt'W-n alie-tc a-arr. bier, ail tf tneat said
to prt; ne-an ef i-.f places tn this etTy.
call'r-d on Iiisrrr-ict Arto-ney Jerome today
in ra-cTie to sut.pi -et-s..
A r-eat e-uar.tjty ai ftamhlinaT parapher
nalia was also sailed today by representa
tives of th district anor-nty a ofoe.
btor than li subpoeaa wer issued
from th district attorney s of ra today
aad serTed a-y in pebee apon keepers of
aHeared pool rooms
Mr J-.rom's attempt ts clo the pool
reetoi wlfl tetin lcrrur-r- w It is under
stood that Commissioner VfeAdoo is c.
operaUh: arrth the djtnt tt-irney tn
that work.
art bat a f "bkrf af
rma4 lire tar Craabad FWe.
PTatELO. CoJe, Jan. JA la a dVpoacrlaa
by atra E.aath Shaw, p-aaecter fcere ta a
beAj-rta- ta th distnrt encrt ta th eiitos
fraud cases. bLra. a-iaw deruares that an
ass'-sw-d Ckuef af I-etect-ra E. H- n" ' 'iirm
ta rr,. k ir f nut d..a-na af fraudu'leat resria
tratioa eheets axd bad reot-iTed pe.y t.-uac
rum f.T mn dianx V
atra Enaw has baea la rcstody air- tbe
strand jury begaa inTestaruae) clvcocas
fraaUa and tb depoaitioo waa Laaca a
oraar la ascw bar frea&oxa.
i i
; IrivrraliSi L.fn G-et Tr;rttfT ITT tl? . Tvwm rtlirf at uki mHn: , . .
:-,vs ..x"j-.Fr fpst o rp3c.
(-aetitt aet-rlee-a at Trtalty Ciaral
itreaaef by l-ar Tkraaa-
tAaie-a. ta -raa by
iltbt Brewer.
The or-e-j-.a s?f . ' .-rt- eec-'tiS ct a.'"'
t the S-xt.r: X.r..r-r: ! -ct '. ir e
F-TtetiiEt Ep;s -'-pa. Ct --th of tht Vr--ed .
5 t-'tstsiir c-f tit .t-rth it the i. .
caah a.-.d B..BS -taarj .'.-is-ic'j. n f C .-
ra-,. I'ti..h. Itti. J htar.a il-si- Nirasa.
N.'-t :aa:ta. f-a-ha ai.i S.--'t I'aa.a
t atat ". Trr ty catb-' -a- s c ty a.
li 3 - Tbe VTrman I a-x- .a"? cutlr-'t e
cari.e first ox the prr-rram.
Tt,t c;r..i-4t -rri"--s a-- itr;rR-e ai-f
a --re th i.c: if the f;a:-i -rra of a
f-e-i tt-.- tj .f pe. p r-it' the ma t b c
of tbe catbed-. f rr;' y at 1 -.h-r'"t:
c.raan.. w:t.h C parirt 5 ms .-f A rtur-t at th s"t c v.t
tbe firs; fjte t the p-.-cs. otia. atl ft
iarx- vested itor fL"d m. fo.iraei t fr:y
: f tt te pr era. and f-"-r Ufrh; p ir
ih-eir sarrec. lai rt bes Tbe '. e-iira"t -.f the serv,--e a ai C-ad:t..r Eih. p Tr..
l.ttis .f 'I'tnar-a. asis:-d by Iishi-t F1 r?
T.-t.t. I.' li. -p of M..S"oti'-. aoi ;r-f
ia-r.t tf th Ef.-' pa. ard cf; cf
the Vnitec States. Fjihoa Can -eron ila-h
if North I'aaota EUsh.p I- 1- r-t wer if ,
Mtirtah ana F-er W K. atcx". arr.r
deacot tf Nerrasaa. j
Baabap rtari Set-aawm.
The rt'emt-f serm-.-n waa pretihed ly Hi :
F-er E. Brewer. I' iuhep rf bi.,r- 1
lat-a. front the text. First Corjithi.ns ri 1
3i. ' I", eiery man a ,t tht same a-;- ,
ir- a here-n he was caec " He said tz
l!i ca inars we- f-ir tb of th
w;i-,i t, jo not a. wars cuasmJer thai
i oeet ri-ih .ort' -.d nf i!.' -r .
tats at ii..r-a we had ea-ied civth. ,
'j'jO ca-r.ts stir us stn r.-r ti.ah at ,
are. aif-n are oit-eniirhee crit:. o .jctije j
re-ausv cf la-lures ata a't.i.".4eiDeEia
Ht may hare i .nret t -t -:-ocij r.M ac-enrxpvis-h.
throaarh . atr-es ana aes-pai-
W e cah all acui.n.p Jsi. rr jch ly er-Ti:x-ti'
tn. There ar aoci t.e ani a-icia- :
ta ns whim ar.-cTr J :is-t c or trtie. i-o ;
jid wora wb-jct has ncf te j -u to a-rt-i.ithc
hrm anc tun and Lstht on tb th 1
end !
1 do ret tieliere that the women s m- j
i-iary oi the cturrt t--e;ihs to unje-stand !
us own ir-f? jence.. I-w you comprecend '
that trt-oirh the Christ. a e women tr.i !
tbe- is Fo-a more than one an 3 one-na.f I
mi.j('t oia" each y-ar tr. missi mar-j'
work? Ip. oo Dot the ntaasur of
J ur strei-crih" I ou hat o ne more to
i a if the iturct miits. rtiar 1-fe ;
than tbe bisoops. Fore.m misootis are
tne frsi of 'j-d a tnrU m in woriQ Me
hve to sin the woria f-tr Christ and hies
it T His name. W e a ant tocay lb ODe
c. l''oh o.i.iars called for frjm dan F-'i-cio
for missionary work in the for.ata
teics. It - : come. if nai this year, ti
next. I prtadic-t ttiat this year wi . be a
never cn m rr.iasior.ary a-ora than ever
t ;ore If w oo eur aaty to tbe rfcurt-a
tr rouhoct the woria we wj d oar duty
te-tit-r ta the ,-ur-J at aur d-vra I bop
tnmt tb spirit ot these metinra will a-s
out and tou' ta every heart- Let us stm
tf dc ear laaajers wort anar
tbe kinr-duiiB of ibe worid abaii becoxn
the kintrdoms cf the Ixw-Tk.
At the cioee of tb se.i t ices at tb cathe
dral tn women deieatate we entertained ;
at iTcncheon at tb Gardner Memorial Parish j
betake. j
Sebrmakua fateree Beartaa. j
Tb q uartfr-y corferenc cf tb Woman I '
Atxiiiary f Nebraaka met at Z Je Wednea-
day afternoon m th cathedral cry-p-. The :
room a-aa crowded to Its utmost capacity
aad eTet: rtandinx- rtxim was at a praatuum.
M-s. Albert No of Cmaha. president of I
the Nenraaaa auxiiiary. preaided. with Mra.
Hamilton ef Cmaha as secretary and Sirs. !
Ellen M. Sifane cf Socth Omaha as treas- i
Mrg. Thomaa EsCin of th Junior Auxili
ary read th report of that orpar xauor for
the last year.
"The rrport cf tb treasurer shewed that
JK had been raised sine iat May. Of 1
if. tan' had a-one to th support of borne ,
misF:rns and the balance for tenerai m.a
siotiary worA
A propcia-.tict was read from Mra VFarth-ln.-trtn
that she wrali r:v ' trward a
schojrabi.p in the St. John cul-ete at
ghanx-hai. China, which :a a missionary in- ;
stircte. tf the Nebraska Acx-liary would !
raise 5 for th fortn missiotiary Seid. !
ronaticts wer called f;ir and tn a few I
moments J-sS was raised for th purpose- i
' sum wl b dutiated to the missina j
field at Tcsuo. Japan- j
A resolution was adopted by an I
mous standi! rote that th auxiliary j
heartilT enicrse tbe 'forward mcTem-ct"
instituted by the Jur-Jor Acxiiiary tnd that .'
it would extend the movement every en- I
cotiraa-t-ment. Tbe "fwrward movement"
applies to feneral missionary work under
taatrc by the Jun.or Auxiliary
Dterrirt C aalei Osrtei,
Tbe met-tir-f of tbe district conference of
the Woman Aax-uary beaac at I o clock
i- the cathedral. -ita U x-reat buiid.n,;
rrctaed to the very doors Eis.bop TTa
Lam of Cmaha in a br.ef address extended
a cordial tuninit on behalf of the fc.s-t.ooe
the church and th peop. of Omata A
cj-mn fillowed and the mtetzj was tht-n
turned ever to Mra Noe, trea.deut of the
district auxil-ary. rcihop. T.ttlr was u-rr-uced
and adcresoed the cotterec vpon
-The Ftity of the Church to th Co.ored
Fti'p- -" He bt-atai. by coaMtrttxi the
Woman a Auxiliary on the auspicious
a- r.rtr of ns wrk ani bneffy r!e-red to
tis vls-t to Cmaha thirty and is.. y-fir
years afo ia h-s go. r f and rom.t' from
Salt Lake City; c-f ta mejmjrit.s t.f Bit-hot-
Ciaras.'r-. his sisy wrtx J M. vV ex.. worth '
and hM assocjiui'ii with Iiean Garrett,
a cos consecration sermon the speaker
preached, and pad a kifh tribute tu
womana wrk it th fcwt-ix-a and domestic
Bi-saionary fleiia. F-eatard-nx tn ctur-h a
daty to th colored sort, b aa.di "1
atrut speak arrth m-.ct ex;rtaess &r !x
j.j.'j.ixienc of ti work la oth southern
states and on-y with that some of tne
southern hU-hops were here te tell you of
their obaervauons and experience. I anid
U-t lor the present tt would not be
expedient ta hae special b.shops for th
colored caurchex W caa f ir tte preaeat
work trs-eiher under en C. ea prayer
buck and ta fear or I would be eppoae
o tw sets ef bishops and two aria cf
wor A The conditions are Bettiiiuj them
selves. In tb mexwtj let as - the
peotie eur beip, lot and sympatxy -taaa
aaa tb War.
Er. A. B- Llord. efneral aacretary ef
the Board xf Missaoo sr.osie upon th sub
ject ef "The MTotiian s A. X.. lacy aa ju-iK-e
t tbe Board of MaiotiA" Be saic.
Tb wamm too reprefcect tt aux-hary
4 . Ube WOOlcrn a ill. re; r.aetl It, r pXuull
tnd ar jenea trie ati"w a.-- arm
a hat is x-to tor tae euurch. We uav
t sW"iti aur in h-irue ri i.
fim we atiempt to C" inii' tne ljrtuarr
tuA of me.oriary t-a fcjt we sti
aes rtt-xir .f w stop wit kt ,.g
yV anil ti iue- Li" at nut x it- u u-erinai-t
ei-h-y G d a pietutu'e. s-ur v,
i4ni uu troiaa' ti ti-rm
nebfaska weather fcrecst
S a ta
a- ai
rte-a:. fear.
. . i9w 1 a. aa .
- - r-t I . a. .
S P- ta.
P- ".
! s- a.
P. a,
f a.
P .
P- as.
1 a. aa.
31 .
Frtttthitii Traiiart 1 et e ta ea
Oat aaa art) ta lata) Sa
tlerl tVrnleateat.
In A"er a prc
. Xr.a-r
: I'- -.:..-T at..
E . :t : -u . j .1 f.a.a-. i T' j-t-?r.
rated a .-. hav.t.f r- a - -i ar !.-
r-' T .rst f-ii'.tr
.it- b---1: r--- 'i a- : :
ar-t nrl
-i ir.f It- A'ij-rl'-rf '
t:.. t i r-T---. -d a:.' frt.r c- cf-eor
l. :t. Ht- ir- ca.-5 a rt-t'.it f
b'icr- -f i:-f--.t: : r - . - -w r.. rr- -
t.t sari fit-al a"J n "".11 o .
tj.k-n fci-iif ft .f.--nes rettei.
it c ..rt.p.r j am the trit-T.rr.-etr-
At f. c m-' r. rf tr c. n'--en
t -
rx-t itri.: Y. i.r r Att-t-rj' dt :ei
-.6 ee rw-tl"r ---p. tr "r V-l sri air.
f-.-i i... -f--e ir.: le -t xt-t iiitk a stb-
r,-rt ar ho i-. tier i.e. -
Tb- q ,es-.i -r a: ,jt m that of :re
pc.s ---y f.r -.c t -rk'-r,-h Tb- c-f par.y
zn-re a -,ft! b-krrar to Ks:j-t f-e-
r:- n in ree-.r r
f arj-s Th -t
.; imoti t es or. ii." w."
rts ,'i'r.Mi-d err r-.y to
V- -a s-ut.ny tb t-tir.mec side
the i-its. s-'f
tf.-i rtb-r rai.r.aJ c- ba-y r. t v
-i- 'fcn'i.-. M-j. tr aa-d a h-i
tr -e a io-'.o" :i e
The or to'-r ! r tr ittfn'! is vrr
ii-c- t a J o tb fa-t tbe b-t-art n
r-.-is T- tr -tf t..rl c-.d m rt r arid a ber
--r ar rr-rtelH "o a 1" -T.i. te'T .- ad
id tit-T e.riet tb:rr.' -s tr tbe r-s
f --..rtT2'- pnecraoa-a. or at the least. :
rjt.i; co is
't j tr fi-e-' y-r-rr Ar - .
b-J-r made r rW". " .
w - was thrt 'r.k d-'f e- er s
w- or --:r - rtit -o--- pa -n-
iar cf the d-.e d-t-ai T.. bd f'" " t -- '
-J ti.r"-es. '"'11 d be t"3 frt.i s .
w-tr - -s n-tj ther w-e artua.r r.- .
r- '- ftr-re 1
1- H-v.-t -- tr ray t etrt-s j
wax si'- t - a ft-x tas .
w ., n' t-e bt- s. -.oner -t-n.
Cot ere- r. pe-r, in ca-s I
Sir lee salt it was not a q'jesti.'E of .
rem utie-ri ti-ir.. bu: thai the b-akerriT! were j
ttt-:itr to perfc-m the duces of another
ciass excel 't in sime extrarrti.nary emera- I
J.1.1 raassrtte Take. Twatlsa.ay af j
Tw Iraeaaet fa pew j
Swaalaau j
I'DTE?. Colo.. Jan. IK In the court of
appeals chamber thi afternoon tb com
rte of twexty-sertrn asembers of tb
aea-rsa aaaeaabry. e-xturea rfpeiicana aad
EirM tVaras-t- bpoiiaet r la-ax lb cam-(
teat of James H. Peabiy toe th seat of ,
G-fTeracT Alra Adams, held its first open
aeasifa and tor testimrrcy frr.ui tws wa- ,
Harry C. Riddle, mmony m-'tntier rf th
Tterwr Election cosauisifi. was called as .
tb first wttrness by Attnmey 'Wikis V Ef
tot, counsel for contestor. Mr P-iddie ex- ;
piamed tn mar-r is which diarrict rep-'
irtr-atioiia are cone jrted. and stated that
reatiatrxrioo book er wtt.nhe.d by the
county c.erk from all republican Judfs whn
appeared on tbe day prior to eiectictn ana
offered to .-n for tbe tio. Mr P-idcLl ;
affi-med that the clerk had strict :nstrr-ar-tions
from tb major-rr members of the
commissi -ic to tu-n crer all poll book to
democratic Jucxres.
"When Mr Fuddle ccrcl-joed Joseph Tot
ter, a waiter. tfStif.ed that be-ween T and
o c)ok on the day of election be roted
at least twenty ti-nea He sad that l:ps
cortalmt names and adiresse were irren
to him ty men whom he kntw to be pr'-mJ- ,
nent in the pc-tirs cf the iiwer wards cf
the citr, and he was hhftructd ro rot th
democratic ticket- H declared eirbt or tea -men
accompanied b:ns on his t ps ani that
they. too. wer fumiahed with slip and '
instructed hew ta rote To a cue- J
tK.a as to how many bal.ots be -as ice- t
in- the ettlre Cay. the witness replied that
be had rtrted not less than forty times ane
perhaps more fhan that.
Two wrtceaaea were examined by tte
comm.rre to-riarht. Joseph Coyie and Karry
Stj-r.a-er. They TestT,ed t rerieatir.f o
ti(Cti-c day. HTeTle aseerr.r.x tie roierf
in tb peart borbood cf liH' time, ani
-nr.rer s'lmittiTif that be cast at least i'i
rotes.. Both said thy ro'ed the dem'-icrarjv
ticket earn time. j
Ststeaaeat last laterwtat CaWBtere
C as las ia Will Lk lata
tta lTwitbat.
CrnCAGO. Jan. la Tb. Ct.rocicle to
rn -irrTW W'TJ aay: reerw.oe. of r-Ua shlp
ments froxn Otnaha and Kansas C!y to
European ports ria Western lires throuxrh
Ntw Orleana, Gal-reatoc and other x-ulf
pt.rta. is beir-a; rnQcfc-ed into ty the Inter
state CBTtsrrr commissi-oa. Th coxrimis
sii.a will try to learn whether secret re
bates are r-sporisitue for tbe djversioa of
et-m frram ahipmenis fr-m Atlantic
ports via Cnicax- to the ruif porta
It ia claimed that tbe as of special rates
a tirh is leas tha tbe c.irmal tariff, hare
been directly repocibi fir shipment of
nm amount-net to over 4 faai.iHKi bushels,
from Omaha and Eanaat City by lftcal
and Caua arraia stjers. ty way of New
CrieabiB irirtead ef Ctiaar' and the At-
lahue porta
Pwr-aser Kills His r m eel heart leraat ,
b Baw t raaat t aa
laaaaewtat slsrrlaae. I
. i
6AVAiVNAH. Mi. Jan. II Martin ',
Pumfo. a weH-io-di farmer Ijvtxf ;
seres mues Boutheast ef ber. Uit.xtt shot
aad ttataxtly ki-jed M:a Mary Newman,
ta whom b wa etttix-ed t 0 ttmtj.
becaua she refused te marry him at ance
M-se Net-mac a as a schoul teacher and
an htteadel ts a-ar-rj Pa-ilaxTt v isa
aaeciAt after th cloa of ber term of
act -id. .
Sssseaaewt ad aareaa I raae-la Jaa. I a.
.-1 N-w Vers S-u.ed. M.j-r.c f ,-,r
Li rr-.e .-; nu-o rai rn. for fi'rf'-rcv.rt
Lijn.rjtrpu. few- 'ieni a Arn.ea c a. .1 or
as rWaitit.
At c o;-.tixcii Aj-ri ed : fK-ar 11. from
At iixti aior Arrleed from .
r.a F-t m-ico . e w--i if rr.,m n
Ai M v'm Arrived I'r;.,r:iu -i .(
J.ifce. N Bk
At luvtr; Mi 6a-ied. Iml'.i', f..r Nw
TutA I
Amred. Te.toiuc. from
gTjj (;J5 TOGA
r.itcr L--tt-.a---cai;T Ci-rd ""trs Es
Irpetn rr iht EaZL
rErLfts hZ ts 1TH TrI rFEiJDEaT
La-r-al !.: lzz Qr-erruca cf tba.:as
Icqiirt- l..ttLis.
Tatar aatrrtatua I etlla tba
Tart aad lre a Tbiab aa
Lura seiiiaa ta
F- rr. rt- . -s; r.ient .
.'--- J-r. la '; 7t"im
ti n. -kt- i c i 1 an .'.n a .a pr
-.-u i :i : e-.te Ktlir irus. a
a r.r -rt :J term -1 a.x - ear ls
... .ri r. 4 nta-. n ji..h. ci'ivttikw
a- .at, i.-wi cf he . a.-t.-e at Uka
i i--i : a as m i. tht reult , f tha
st-.a-t i .- t-s in t-je law i.-iki - eattij-ta
Um'it.4 u-iem. -d tne cbuji't wi Jar. Bara
e:t i.r the 't. ...ju. tat: hau.
-h -Li the j-..hi crtc ret i a aaa hoo.
aaa i ita :b :t caoa.n.j tilt rial nfhcaia,
i-:i4-iHfj -.iix-tus tsi lniM-i.f and
i'- - "J uia-ntri tu rrxitiss u ' ect-
L'n ii' ct oCh. cm ci the ar-uo.iicraitXt Z
:tt. tn t ji-i : i uittttttrl G.Tts-ntir Atcvi-r-li
t- a uu ;.-oti jut ouikett was tn uhf t-a:.ii4t arc respenuea cj
-i..iua a .in aaireM ct ne u h, , r x nriarr
i -b an hc-r "he "na'.or-e.ect presented
-i. (lit-itit apt-.- an.-e. t taa-tmiec. lb
0. aia c-saj su.t ani b.aca tie ax
pma carnal. s ia hot .i-e. li. a;-ext haul
Atti rarfu.. prrvareo m advance and tie
Ut-ivtry aht ltd p..n-y si t-tues th bar
voushea atienoant u;.-n repti.-iii4 n from
ta-mur7 It. seterai jiattt tt -n-erpoaied
ea-t.m;n.-ruii--.itA rem-u a and it a a her
that he a as a: hi b si. at i eif u-.- a r ma
n.on ani e-i:uii.a; ret-pC'naive aj-hiaua.
fiat! "A lib kMHt rla
Ha rdereh-e to h puaituon fin th Que
Uou t-i ra.criad rate ree: aiion surrea bis
1. tn,i ht interjectec tn rtuuxa 1 y I
.1 wuaii lu nec:Mar igr bua ta re
peal n-.-a he ai jou necaus ht bad appeared
wa Hi' ;.isii'wrmt utu ouantut Nebraaaa dur-
'he tiam.k.h aua had yuii-lc.j pecx-rd
t.iutw-.l to k-i-uu shou.dtir ta ahouKier witb
r-.eaioen: fio.itti.i m tit poiit-ies n aboiaid
reconumena : .ir the ad i aacenat-ti of ta
Wh-if p-xitniai-.c tc be secaliur tta- the
entre sia.e aid ai its peop be could nut
beii, U11-4 atx-t at tne oemocrai in tc
ltirrir tu ube E'a -ia rr s -?; aasurad
U be built, but not aa a resait af demo
cratic effort. Tkj also - ejicitcw aiijas use
from tb r pu-Micats rurasii'i -. a ho aaarc hjr
far in ta anaj-irrtr. .;njftoaiit, m-etoetu'.
wa the auic that auaaatel Asia wr a t rrmttT
tsat be waa opposed te present tart3 re
riMKiTi. iepiauaiors ariSetnbaed bell. uncer
tain wether they aatreed with him or not
an this point- 1c h-a final tareweii aa cen
trreanmas for tne First district he showed
real fet--mx and bus vole aim oat broke. He
was accorded a round of hearty applause
at the conclusion and held a impromptu recept-oa in front cf tb
n-ieaker a oat a here most of those within
access crew .ted around h-m to co-.xrrat-iale
b -ri
Mrs. F-urkett was preeent to share in her
hufchanc a tieratit-n to iiew hont ra. Te.e
rrain a-so were received before th senator--.
ect ieft the hall The first a as from
w" F.. Andreas, a ho had ait n been ma-hui-eci
aa a poeeibie competitor for the ptace
to ah ih he h-id been choeen. Mr Andrewa
wired. 1 you upon eiec
Ui.t aa sr-iur "'
Teieraj ih- house and senate- rutihf
separately, ch.-s Mr. Eurkett by Ilk uf the
L'f rtr util'it mtrttitri, and today a pra
ceeajta were merely to ratify those of
Tuesday in due cor.forrnanoe with tte fed
tra. (.oaiui.uat.
Ja'al Caateatlea rrerfU(a
Fi-? ire ih houe toia it receet at 11
t c ic-k tc a wail ti joint cocTenxce th
ara-ieries and tu-r were t-led anth spec
taiora Many women were In the audience-
One in'-erefied speciaior was Georsra
VS'. trf-ra-e. rec-ent fusion nominee for fos
emor aud ono an unsuccessful candidal
for ax-nr-st the mil. whja ua
vfctiori it tne seal of American pnlrtiea
he had come to aitness. Mr. Berjt f&i
itted tht alcirt.-sa of Mr. Eurkett witb
tloiest attenti. n.
fpeaker Rous called the bouse to order
at U C arid tr-.ttptiy aa the hand of th
bit ciock rntt on trr .rure twejr th
rriembjer of th senate. Lieutenant Gov
ernor MrC-lon leai-r.x the co.uar.tu fut4 rtprentntttv tail and to.k seata ia
fr-. nt The lieute.iar.t t.-vemor was seated
b s-ue r;air F-ouse-
-Gentirrien cf the joint a.-rnhiy," spoks
Lieu--nam Gt-reraor McGnton la rrieaa
ured arx-ds,. "you art met lor the parpoa
cf tb election of a t'r-itad tare
en.tor Tt cierk of ta aetata will raH
th roll f determj. the are present.'
Th roll a as called by First Asstataat
fiecretary Greer y and only Beoatnr Hart
of Aoams was absent. H has baca da
tainei from th first of th session baca-u-iw
tf il-tena
S;ekkrr P.oua caiied for the roil oJ! ay
Read-tx Citra Eamard. and P-oapiafl of
Saunders was th "t y ahsrrte. That fiart
if th rr-nuts of btb bouses of j esorraa y
rrtfnrx th bHotm for eetistfr was read,
nca-it.- Iu-kett had receired US rote.
Alfred -renon of C'maha and Repraiiaata
tT r-iieriat tif Rock on each aad B. L
Metcalfe th tin fusloa Tocea
! rr.
laiaaeal Elee-tew by BrCUtt.
'in pursuance with th aBihortty ana-f-rred
by tn revised of lb Unit eel
S-alea." spoke Lie ..tenant Governor bio
Gi-Uin. 'I hereby declare thai Haa. stiwr
J Burkert has been ecia I'titsd fluaie
staai.T for the full term of aix years ba
f,-,T.i7.4T Inarch 4 "
This formal proclamatioa waa . aailuai
wttb exinuaiaatir a;plause Then, oa at
ticaa of Fj-s"tt.ii tt Lancaster P
th arpokutment of a cotnmirtee to eetrfy
th setatt-r-eiect of fci eiectioa aad -cort
him to F-epreextatire can ta in aas
tb joint roe vernon. Lieuterant Got -xor
alt-Gin ub taaiad fcctatar tw- iwil. toepra-setia:-!
Fi.j'.r. of Valey and J-.rpreeer.UB-tr
Fe-ry of Fumaa
At IH 14 this rtimxii te nteri th ha 1
aits 6-r.t- Buraett. acrostpe-Xve) r-y
G tuor Mi key Loo a and venesnect
tb-t-a ariiae as tbe na fc-r.aiuf aaa firat
rtri-il at tbe er t-ar. e to th houae. It
cix. Mr -ued as lb- Sist ibf U3bed farty fll.
dr. to tre aiajr i in rirr 1,
ar 3 sVra' ir Ei.irkett Hiax.rfesT-j m-a as
!n i-J t-r tne coedial srret-ur.s; be had re
teived Sai-Ul.C tie bowed tuit recinutjoai
ef rr tntitxte aad sp.ik ts mrmr stisv
.iurs aa L pasaed thane As tb aetlj