V THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 19. 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrrrlltranti for tliese eol-mns Trill b take II IX a, for tli ftrilif edltloa and muiti .H a. as), for the ntorala and Paaidar edition. Rates 1 J-8 a wor Tst Insertloni 1c a word thereafter. Nothlaaj takeu for less thaa SOe for the )rt Inser tin. Tkrw TMlimfiH anil be raa cwneecatlTels'. Advertisers, br TfqiMtlat a urn. hered check, raa hare " ad dressed to a Bannered leltrr la ear of Tba Bee. Aaawera ao addressed rrlll be delivered: oa preeeatstleu of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS 190? WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Yet It is Not Too Late to Enter. Business, Shorthand and Typewriting; Normal. English, Civil Kervh e and Teleg raphy courses. DAY AND NIOHi " CORRESPONDENCE COLRSE In shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping and penmsnshli.. Send for catalogue today, stating whether interested In mall lona r.r residence worh. H. R. Boyles, President, lMh and Harney streets, Umahu. TRY KKLLT'STOWLLSUPPLT. Tel. 3530? R o-u PRESSORIUM Clothes Pressed. 1324 Farnam. L'-H9l CITT SAVINGS BANK pay 4 VT Pianos for Rent, $3 (,0-IUKV-Nw llanos. High grade. Rent .illnwed If you purchase. Perneld Piano t ompeny. J611 Farnam. Uelephone .01. EAGLE Loan' Office, reliable, accommodat In; all business oonfldentlal. 1301 Douglss. It o.2 ANTI-monopoly Garbage Co., 6a N. 16th. Tel. 1779. STOVE &FURNACEREPAIRS Tel. 960. 1207 Doug. Omaha Btove Rep. vv as. g "Bail I. MELCHOIR, machine works. 13th and J 1 o ward. H-m OMAHA Safe and Iron works makes a spe cialty of ftre escapes, ahutters, doors and tales. G. Andreeu. prop., 102 B. loth at I P. C. YEAR 1 rom t to loans i.n leal estate at 5 PER CENT PER YEAR. Ail good loans wanted. Call or write and get my sys tem. W. L. Eaatman. 1108 Farnam. Omaha. R-M.23 WFi build to order and furnish free estl ' mates for repairing and reftnishing pianos. Write for catalogue or 'phone I626. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. H 104 FU D W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, law and Lu73. R M993 M7 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. ill bOUTU 11TH. - .' TEL.. 264. We trust every oody. Flannels and colored goods laundered at our risk. R-M172 3 'U FOR expert piano moving telephone 1626. Schmoller & Mueller, 1318 Farnam. K 40 FU MBCHANKAL draughting, tracing and tiiue printing! map making a specialty; work guaranteed. J. Emery Lster, 431) Paxton block. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 1788. K-843 CUT RAT IS railway ticket everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. I606 Farnaui. 'Phone 784. K 68! PRESSORIUM, beat cleaners and dyers. Farnam. Tel. 8800. J, R 601 COAL New kind sort coal, "lukon" Egg, 6.2o ton. Harmon Weeth, .'phone R Mbi EAGLE loan office, reliable, accommodat ing: all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. U MuU fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS yuK BALK New Hiid second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; eusy payments. Send for catalogue. Hrunswlck-Balke-Collender. 407 8. loth St., Omaha. Q-M429 COMPLETE line new and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 674 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Q 6S1) Electrical Supplies at a Bargain ve i,a.,t nuulil ..u 1... w b.l'aliucu 1... ...it) light cabin and one ktu ampere knife t. uch. Address Bee Building Co., or seu W. II. Bridges, engineer, Be Building, Omaha, v Q 63 FURNITURE, carpets, stoves and every thing for housekeeping. Terms: $25 worth, II per week. The largest stock 111 Omaha. OMAHA FURNITIJHH & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam at. Q-699 17 SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE 11 iu wnni a utfieu.ti ... muiin uuiha cul ana look over tnu loliowing supplies: 2. 6-Inch jenitln s globe valve. 1 b-lncli gale valve. 1.8-lrich Austin hurlxontal separator, 1 4-inch Austin vertical separator. 1.4 II. P. horizontal engine. 1 hone have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., ur see W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee uutld mg, )mahu. y 'kU TWO HEAVY 8TEEL. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, 100-horae power, which have been used but six years, made of firebox steel, triple rlvlitd butt end strap joints, insurance company permits of pressure of 1-6 pounds. They are now in use and can be seen at boiler house, rear of Bee building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engi neer. Bee building, Omaha. y MHoj 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman 4s McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. (4681 H. P. ENGINE. Sa have one six-horse power horiiontal engine. The engine has never been used. Tll sell it for about one-halt price. W. U. Bridges, engineer. Bee building. y 111 FOR, SALE, several scholarships In a flrst club standard school in Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short I. uid and typewriting. Inquire at Lee otllce. -t Q SiJ CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, (-ply while basswood. 901 Douglas. W08I PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. l Pulleys, from s In. to 48 In. In diameter, 3 Countershafts complete. 90 Feet 1 7-18 la. shafting, with couplings and hangers. 40 Rfet 1 16-ls-in. shafting, with couplings and hangers, together with about 3uo feet of belting from 3 to 8 In. Thee are all in first-class condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. g-iii MANTLES, all kinds. 1407 Harney. Q-3 BUTCHER BLOCKS cheap. 1407 Harney. U 337 ALMOsT new Don sm ore Typewriter at sac rlflce; cash or time payments. Schmoller & Mueller, U13 Farnam St. Tel. 1615. Q Hi FU FOR SALE, fine two-seated sleigh, very reasonable, -jeiepnone aw. w na 11 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this oolumn put au sa in ana you win soon get It. Z-WS1 WILL EXCHANGE New Sawver circle and oval fiK-tuie mat snd glass cutting machine for a mv 1 caisiu mimeograpn In good condition. Address 8 2t, Bee " Z-Mfe8ia PIANO for huri. J'srfltldL plaiosM611Fsr, WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE . Omaha Commercial College, 17th and Douglas, NOW OPEN. New clsse In nil ueparlments. Send for LStaiugue st once. B 44 WE are daily being called upon by the larg est empioers 01 Omaha ana tnls vicinity lor 11 is 11 grade he, p. lo aoppiy this tie menu we can use u great nuinoer ot good applicants. Can or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. B iND Abb N. MO-841 N. i. Life. ... B-701 17 MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road tare upon our failure to convince ou of this being the BEST and only re liable, moot practical barber college in the United States. Write for catalogue tea. Western Barbers' lnstit'iie, Omaha, Neb. B 64i WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM Y Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of HI and j. citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, w ho speak, read aud rlte English. For information apply lo Recruiting Oltlcer, 13th 'and Louglns Hts., OmUia, Lincoln, Neb., or bktux City, la. B 81 I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug storei and doctors. Kniest, 7ol N. L. B 41 1 WANTED Men to sell garden seeds to the farmers, write me lor terms at ome, -"s waKencan be made. Address O. P. J ,on.,K" lln. Seedsmsn, Red Oak, la. B M113 SOLICITORS, either sex. every n- heaton-W Biker, S04 Bee Blag. 0 MEN We teach the barber trade In few .. 1, - k.. ... . . I XTAr tm . h time tO w rrrrtka vy wui luciuuu. .o - - learn. Positions guaranteed; board pro vided. Can nearly earn expenses befors completing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, UV2 Douglas St. B M56'- 20x CLERK or bright young man to study at home ror government position unner civu service. Exams, soon. 410 Be building, after 2 p. m. B Mbl lx IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a "heart-to-henrt ' talk wun iiaki, THE EXPERT. 401 N. Y. Ufc. B-MSS3 MEN WANTED to sell full line of hardy trim ann ui iiRmemai irpi. ui n ium ui Iart time, as you prefer. Pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Fort Madison, Iowa. B SALESMEN, real estate; good opportunity for rlglit men. ror particulars anurous F. C, Room 1201, No. 108 Fulton fit., New York. II M707 18x WANTET A good man who has an es tablished trade can make a goon thing carrying our line of clothing In Ne braska, Liberal commission paid torlcht man. None but first class man with KoimI references need apply. Address Slayden-Kirksey W'oolerTMIli, Waco. Tex. B-M712 -4 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED, ladlrs to learn splendid paying profession. e teach hair dressing, man icuring or facial massage in few weeks by our system. Graduates earn $10 to 115 weekly. Call or write for particulars. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C-M561 :ox WANTED, expert chocolate dippers. W. S. Baldurr, I6i) Farnam. c i a WANTED, experienced girl for general housework; best wages. Mrs. u. n. i.aKe, ZM Dodge St. C 672 18 WANTED Girl to do plain cooking, at The Creche, 19th and Harney sts. C-M81 19x WANTED, competent girl omall family; eood wages. Apply w.4 nortn sa sireei, South Omaha. C 615 19 I AM now In a position- to handle high- grade domestic help; none but tlic very best need apply, and must have excellent references. Hart, 401-402 N. Y. Life. C M703 20 WOMEN to sew at home. 19 per week; materials sent everywhere free; steady work; plain sewing only; send: addressed envelope, for full particulars. I". K. M., DuPtrot. Philadelphia, Pa. C M708 lSx WANTED SITUATION GOOD housekeeper at Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. A 646 WANTED, position as manager of cloth ing, dry gooes or gen. mase. store; ien years' experience with good stores; Al reference. Address Mgr., Box U27, Ge neva, Neb. A M690 2x SITUATION wanted at general work; wages no object. Address a Si. Bee. A Mi3 lgx AGENTS WANTED NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; write today; get territory; quick ' sales; other goods. ladics Supply Co., Forest ave.. Chicago. J &H16 lSx AGENTS, 10 day, "Novelty Show Cards." "Window Display Signs." "Merchants' Price Tickets.'' Something new; l.Ourt va rieties; catalogue free. National Advertis ing Co., Dept. 25. 1457 Ave. A, New York. J 660 18x WANTED, good men on salary or com mission to sell our oils, greases snd paint; experienced men preferred. The Crescent OH and Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. J M7( 18x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED, salesmen vlBltlng undertaking trade to sell profitable side Hue; some thing new; no samples necessary; perma nato trade. The liulslzer Co., Dei Moines, la. M711 18 BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU want to buy, sell, rent or ex change your property or business, borrow money quick? See Compton-Watts Co., 636 Paxton block. Y 631 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick see J. 11. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L 2270. Y-6i'S ATTORNEYS, everywhere, if you have an account, note or claim of any kind against person, Arm or corporation we can settle it for you THE NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., main floor N. Y. Life. 'Phone 13J. y-ioc ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 1st Nat. Bk. bldg., can get you In or out of business. Y 533 SHOLE8-ARMSTRONG CO., 72S N. Y. Life. Tel. 49. Y 5J4 FOR SALE Blacksmith shop. 18th and Cuming st. Apply Mrs. Shields, 1611 Elm street. Y M842 FOR SALE, drug aud grocery store In southern Nebraska. Address 8 17, Omaha Boe. Y M412 lx FOR RENT, corner room in new block; suitable for drug store; near opera house, J. T. Gleaaon, Fort Dodge, la. Y-M432 20 FOR SALE, clean, up-to-date stock of dry goods aud millinery, one of best towns In state; best location in town: or stock can be moved; retiring from merctiutile busi ness. Address S. M. Morgan, Friend, Neb. Y-M440 20 A GOOD hotel, well furnished, doing good business, in central Nebraska, for sale, or will exchange for good farm or ranch lands. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb. Y-67 FOR SALE, five $2,000 notes bearing per cent interest; payable annually; due Sept. 21, 11)08; secured by gilt-edged farm lands. Address S 38, care Bee. 1 Y w 18 FOR BALE, first-class meat murket, doing large business; must sell on account of poor health. Address P 41, Bee. Y-M705 24x FOR SALE New millinery stock and build ing containing sume; either separate or together: town of 1.5uo in northwest Iowa; for particulars address-S 39, Omaha. lies. Y-M713 24 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE $376 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $125; open pneumatic, runabout, $wi. Drum, mond, lMh and Harney. P 643 NEW sample buggies snd farm wsgons for sale cheap. Andersen-Mlllard Co.. 1M8 Capitol Ave. P 121 31 GOOD carriage, runshnut wagon snd bar. liens, cheap. Johnson & Danioi'th. 8 W. cor. 10th and Jonas St. rUiA FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. E 648 DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 649 ROOMS furnished complete, in the latest style, i'o per cent cheaper tnnn an com petitors. Terms: $26 worth. $1 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on rarnam st. E 70o 17 NICELY furnished single room, modern. Tel. A2638. 621 H So. 19th. E 670 18x NICELY furnished room, complete for light housekeeping; also nicely furnished sleeping room. 808 So. 21ist St. E 608 18x LARGE or small, nicely furnished rooms. Reasonable and within walking distance. 'Phone black-4669. 616 8. 22d st. E-67 lSx VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladies' cafe, private dining r.; open-nights. E-550 $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 422 S. ISth St., on? block south of court house. E MlftS ELEGANT front rooms: steam heat, bsth, gas. Flat 6, Davldge Blk., 18th and Far nam. E 980 SOUTH front parlor. 2021 St. Mary's Ave. E--M131 TWO furnished rooms, light housekeeping strictly modern. 5C5 S. 21st ave. E 673 17x LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. The Lakota, 1613 Howard. E M6S5 l!'x LARGE front room, reasonable; walking distance. 1707 Cas st. K M7t 2x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-654 THE 8HELTOV. 26th and Dodgo. Ideal home for the winter; pleasant rooms, strictly modern, home cooking; reason able. F 666 $3.60 UP; single meals 15c 1619 Dodge. f M33 18 2616 FARNAM ST.. two large rooms on first floor, single or en suite; steam heat, flrat class board; prices very reasonable. F M426 ROOMS snd board; modern and well heated. 626 So. 19th. F-671 lSx NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat, modern; slso fine table board. 809 So. 18th st. F 666 18x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WB LOAN ON Furniture. Pianos, Live Stock, Salaries. WE GIVE Rest Rates, Easy Payments, Quiet Service, . Any Time. WB WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. ' OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) 306 S. Kith 'St. X-C06 LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curities, slso on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If In need of MONET. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton Block. X-607 The J. A. Hutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. 614-615 Paxton Block. X-609 MONEY LOANED 8A LA R I ED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-610 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, I.crses. etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now, room 214, at 209 8. 16th St. Tel. B-2964. X U MONEY losned u salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., 8 Barker block. X 613 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry. horse3, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X 614 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 614 PAXTON BLOCK. X-615 BEE FULLER. 426 Psxton block, for luaus on watches, diamonds and Jewelry. X-616 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 617 SALARY nnrl chattel loans. Templeton, 213 Bee Bldg. X-618 BOWEN'S MONEY, easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows. Jewelry. Plain noto If steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-Ml:ll MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loads. . C. Peters & Co. W-63D FARM and city loann; lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. . WOO PRIVATE money. F, D. Wead, 1620 Douglas W-460 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W -538 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 639 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. Lowest rates. W-541 LOWEST rates on city property; 5 per cent on farms In eastern Nebraska. Bemls, Paxton block, W 631 CLAIRVOYANTS GYLMER, scientific palmist, 71s N. 23d S-619 MRS. FRITZ, Clairvoyant. 1621 Leaven worth. 8 M369 MRS. BELL O'NEAL (colored), scientific palmist, mystic card reader. Advice on all affairs of life, photos lead. 2214 North Twenty-first. 8 M402 23x THE CALIFORNIA LADY, MME. FRAN CISCO, palmist, clairvoyant, card reader; readings, 60c. 1724 Capitol ave. S-M'iM 18x MRS. I. 8. BOICER. nee MMe. Viola, mlth uJt asking a queetiou. gives satisfactory advice on all affuirs of life, directs on road to happiness and prosperity; re liable safeguard from rocks of failure and misfortune; those wishing development In clalrvoyancy or spiritualism call 9 a. m. aud arrange for same; wonderful develop ment In 6 sittings; trial reading 1. 3js N. 17th St. 'Phone B-2547. 8-M687 21x MHS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California st. S M6S9 MRS CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN HDV QUJCEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; eervthlng told, past, present ajid future; satisfaction or no pay: ! a wonderful magnetic healer. Sn7 N. lsih st. S-M688 lSx . MME, ALLMA, palmist. 704 8 17th ,t. a M7w :fit To assume that the purchasing public are incapable of think ing for themselres, or are unwilling to take the trouble to think, is to pay them a very poor compliment. When the subject for thought is a matter of personal interest, it will usually be fount! that the people think for themselves and do some very effective thinking. Hence the necessity of a well written advertisement. Write your ad in a straightforward, simple manner, and if it is a bargain you'll lind a buyer. ' Bee Want Ads Do the Business. A Trial Will Convince. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H. $2,100 Home. H. Nearly new 6-ronm cottage, has city water, sewer, gas and hath. so. front on paved street, brick wnlk. No. 1308 Madison ave., rents for $22 per month. MAPLE ST. HOME 6 rooms, nil moil, in, hesl.les reception hall, bath room und attic, electric light and gas. full cellar, line furnace, built by day's labor, full two-story, cement walk. cholc location. Easy terms. Many others In all parts of tho city. Hastings & Heyden, FARMS. FIRE IN8UHANCE. lrio9! Farnam Street. RE702 18 C18- Williamson Co.. v Ji ?L?.ldr RE 662 FOR SALE One note of $1,S00. due In one year, secured by first mortgage on good improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent interest, psyable semi-annually; slso one note for $1,600, due on or before three yenrs, Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, secured hy first mortgage on good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable parties. Address the owner, S 25, Bee office. RE M 153 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weekly goes fo 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell st a reasonable price you will tind a buyer among them. Tho cost of an advertisement is small 2 cents per word in small type or $2.80 per inch If set in large type. FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kancas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. K. Co., Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE 685 FARMS FOR SALE Six quarter sections of good Improved farm land near St. Edwards, In Boono county, Nebraska, from $40 to $66 per acre, ac cording to improvements. Terms one fourth cash, balance ten yours at 6Vi per cent interest. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. RE M442 23 KEYA PAHA CO.. farm and ranch for sale: 960 acres 12 miles from R. R., on Niobrara river; good buildings and fences; 80 acres in cultivation, 15 acres in alfalfa, 2o0 acres hay, balance In pusture; plenty of timber and living water In pasture. Would consider small Improved farm In eastern NebraHka. in exchange. Price $12,uno; terms, $1.0110 cash. If not solil by Februury 15. will rent on good terms. Peters & Klttermnn. Stan ton, Neb. M531 18x FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACREs six miles N. VV. city $3 per acre. 60 acres three miles west of city, 4-room house, near car line to per acre. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. V ' 697 22 FOR RENT-HOUSES HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D 667 Hni!9P; O. F. Davis Co.. 508 Bee bldg. UUUOLJ m all paltB ot tn, city. The D 668 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 15UH Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-669 HOUSES furnished complete 25 per cent cheaper than Installment store prices, and our goods are very much better. Terms: $2.1 worth, $1 per week; $100 worth, $2 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam st. D69H 17 WE MOVE Dlanos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Offico 1713 Webster st. D-470 HOI IQP5 ''I all parts of the city. R. C. IIWUJCO peters & Co.. Bee Building. D 671 PAYNE-HOSTWICK & CO., choice houses. 601-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D-672 McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 615 S. 16th. Tel. 1454. D-674 People's Ex. Co. hauls trunks. 'Phono 4262. D-M168 J32 JKTT cleans, lays carpet. A-3302. 2017 Cum. D-M35S 2566 DOUGLAS, 8 ROOMS, $27.50. D-M424 4-ROOM house, 1508 Military ave. 6-ran in house 2508 Decatur st. Chrte) Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2'i49. D M710 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE in The Bee building carries with it all the conveniences snd advan tages in the way of heat, light, Janitor tiorvlco. all night and nil day and Sunday elevator service. A $10 office is now vacant-. Call at once. R. C. Peters & Co, ground floor. Bee building. 1823 8-STORY and basement brick building, 1003 Farnam, 22xlu0, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat l Bank building. 1566 IF A GOOD light Is needed, we can show you a north Iront office on the fifth floor, a splendid room, at the moderate price of $20. H. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. 1822 FOR RENT, at 916 Farnam St., over 6,0o0 square feet of floor space; ran be used for storage or light manufacturing: will rent all or part at a reasonable figure. 'Phone 2702. 1697 BARBER shop for rent at 20th and Mar tha. 1-M342 PRINTING PRINTING HIGH-GRADE WORK. , VI1m..L- Pn..L m w n9 LYNGSTAD lbth St. and Capitol Ave. 661 KRAMER & CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS. 1106-08 Douglas St. To de liver work when promised Is our hobby. 58 J. M. 8IRPLESS. rellahle printer; estab lished 13 years. 203 8. 13th St., Omsha. 669 DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and stags. Tel. F187I. MORAND'S mid-winter term for adult be ginners will open 011 Friday. January 6. Legxona Tuesday aud Friday, 8 p. m. Have $2 by Joining the first of tho term; success guaranteed. Children meet Sat urday. 3 l. m Private lessons dully. Always open; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. Call lith and Harney, or Tel 1041. -M198 J23 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Before April 1st. a modern Iiouhh of twelve or more rooms. Must b 111 good neighborhood. Address: 8 27, Bee. K M406 WANTED, place for student to work for I h lit 1 I and loom. Address Omaha Com-iuc-rt.'Ul College, or telephone 19. av-edsaa PERSONAL PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 N. 16th. Tel. 3669. L 1 J 19 LARSON JOHNSON, cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. B2113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U 692 "PHONE 701 snd your piano; $2. Farnam. man will call and tune Perfleld Piano Co.. 1611 VJ 593 THEATRICAL masq. costumes. Ltehen. 1410-12 Howsrd. U-694 "VIAVI," way to health. 350 Bee Bldg. L 696 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing: in fart Knvthlnr vmi do not need; we collect, repair and sell for cost of se lecting to the worthy poor. Call phone ,100 ana wagon Will call. U-Ul OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Blk. U 69 MAONFTIP treatment 4 batiis. Mme. nlVJnC I 11 Smith, 118 N. 15, i fl. K. 2. U 360 HELP FOR THE DEAF'. FREE TESTS. Massacon cures middle-ear trouble. Acoustlcon aids the hearing ss glartses do the eye. Hutchison Aeoustlc Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phon 1999. TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'FHONE S530. U 68S TRUSSES made anit fitted to men. women and children. 1408 Farnam St. THE H. J. PEN FOLD CO. 17 691 ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING BUTTONS Send for price list and Samples. THb GOLDMAN PLbAlING CO.. 200 Douglas tilocK. IcU 193b U-6O0 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U-4W1 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines tl.em; we test eyes free for Classen and guarantee satisfaction. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO.. , Leading Opticians, 1408 Farnam. U-602 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk. U 428 J25 SCOTT'S DIGESTIVE TABLETS Guaran teed by Kuhn & Co.. 16th & Douglas Sts. U M666 31 F. WM. KRELLE Architect, 604 Bee hldg. Tel. 3096. U-M974 F6x EXPERT PIANO tuning by factory tuners. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 403 Fll PRESSORIUM F,a0rnhrm.IreaSeudll2i4 WE rent sewing machines 75c week. We repulr all makes of machines. Second hand machines $6 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel, 1003. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 400 W. H. GREEN of Wayland,' N. Y left for South Dakota June last; heard from once at Elmwood, Neb., where all trace was lost. Height 6 feet, age 48, weight 175; quite bald, brown moustarhe. Infor mation, regarding him would be rewarded by Mrs. W. H. Green, Wayland. N. Y box 1. , U M682 24x MEDICAL rr, ..FOR WOMEN ONLY. k2RA.TMONP'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 1 to 6 days. We have never known of a single failure. Mail orders promptly filled. Price, U. &Ri- RAYMOND REMEDY CO.. K- 87, 84 Adams St., Chicago. eo3 DK-JPRIES tr" successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from sny cause: experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1611, Dodge St.! Omaha. PRIVATE home during confinement; bsT bles adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanl- i?r,uS; 728 l8t ve- Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. PRIVATE home during confinement; ha boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden. 2214 Charles. Tel. A 2618. 06 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y.LI fe bldg. Tel. 1664. -620 MRS. JOHN R. Mt'SICK, Osteopathy Phy sician; offico, Douglas block. Tel. 2823 621 V .AIiwFI't'' "Peclalty nervous disease. 613 N. Y. Life. g2 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGIES, registered attorney; pat cents, trademarks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha -M739 DON'T GET A PATENT until you know how. My experience and advice In patent matters free. Address J Emery Lester. 430 Paxton block, Omaha! Neb. 944 FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -67 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1258. 678 ALFRED DONAGHUE. JR., 1607 Farnam. Tel. $333 48g FOR SALE PIANOS A HIGH-GRADE Royal upright piano, used two months, cost t25, for sale at $150; easy terms If desired. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam at. --697 IT WANTED TO BORROW WANTED, to borrow. $2,000 to $20,000. for one to three years, st 7 per cent interest. Will assign mortgage on Nebraska farms as security, and submit security to cash ier of sny bank In Omaha for approval. P 38, care Bee. M 669 F2 LOST LO8T, Saturday, ladles' gold watch, Laura engraved on Inner case, contain s gentle man's picture. Return to Bee office snd get reward. Ixist 676 17 WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. , N 660 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Llf Bldg., room lo4 and 319. Tel. 1552. -481 DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 'phon A-27S6. 1 -339 A. C. VAN BANT school, 717 N. t Llf. SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES Masealo Teaaele. Car. lh A Caplfel Ave. BFLT.FVUE CHAPTER. No 7. R. A M Puslness meeting Wednesday evening, January IS. I!. A. T. Avers. Secretary. POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. s changes mav occur at aiiv timel. l-rrt .....II. .. V. . I. . . . . I.,.. Uary 21. 19u.". will close (PROMPTLY III ail eases) at the General Post (elite as fol lows: PARCELS-POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels-Post mulls' for Germanv close at 6 p. m. January 16, per s. s. Kronprim Wllhclm; January H. ht s. s. Bluechei, and January 2;, per s. s. Chemnitr. Regular and supplementary mails rlose st Foreign Station (comer of West and Morton street! half hour later than clos ing time shown below, (except that sup plementary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station 1. Transatlantic Malls. WEDNESDAY (18-At K..10 a. ni. for EU ROPE, p,.r a. a. Majestic, U (Jueens town and Liverpool; at 7:0 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. m. Am sterdam mal! must he directed "per s. s. Amsterdam "); at 8:3 a. m. for ITALY direct. pr s. s. Lombardia (mail must be directed "per s. s. Lombardia"). THURSDAY H"i-At 7 a. m. for FHAXi'R, 8WITZERAND. ITALV SPAIN. POh iUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. a. la Gas fogne. via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La (iascogne"). SATURDAY (21 1-At 2:3o a. m. for IRPi LAND, per s. s. Umtirla. via Queens, town imsil for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. a. Umbrla' i; at 6 a. m. for EURoPrT. per a. s. New ork, via Plymouth ami Cherbourg: at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per . r Inland (mall must he directed ' per s. s. V Inland"): ai :.i a. m for ITALY di rect, per p. s. Koenig Albert imall must be directed "per s. s. Koenig Albeit"). Malls for "onlli and Central America, West Indies, Kte. WEDNESDAY (IS)-At 8 a. m. for HER- oti. i'a. per a. s. B-rmudian; at 9::i a (supplementary 10.30 n. m.) for 1NAGUA. HAITI. SANTA MART A and other places In MAGDAT.ENA DEPT. COI.O.MH1A fer s. s. Adirondack (mail for Si. Marc, 'etlt Gnavn anil Aux Caves must be di rected "per a. s. Adirondack"); at 10 a. in. for HAITI, per s. s. Prlns Willem I. (mall for Curacao. Venezuela, Trinidad and Guiana must he directed "per . s. Prlns Willem 1"); at 12.30 p. m. (supple mentary 1 11. m ) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee. THURSDAY (19) At 8 a. hi. for CUBA. YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. . Vlgilancia fmall for other parts of Mex ico must be directed "per s. s. Vlgi lancia"); at 12 m. ( supplements rv 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per s. a. Seneca, via Nassau tmail for Mexico, via Tamplco, must be directed "per s. s. Seneca"); at 1:3"! p. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Eastern Prince, via l'ernambuco. Maeein and San tos tmail for Northern Brazil must be di rected "per w. s. Eastern Prince"). FRIDAY (2i)-At 13 in. for GUANTAN A MO snd SANTIAGO, per a. s. Matnnzas (mall must be directed "per s. s. Matnn r.as"i: at 12 m. for ARGENTINE. URU GUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Robert Adamson; at 7 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY (21) At 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 9:30 s. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Colombia, via Cur acao, must he directed "per s. s. Phila delphia"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca and Magdtilcna Departments, per s. s. Sarnla, inuill for Costa Rica mu.t be di rected "per a. s. Sarnla"); at 9:30 a. ni. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and GUIANA, per s. s. Fontahelle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must bo directed "per a. s. Font Bbelle '); at 10 a. m. for OI HA. per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; nt 10 a. m. for GRF;NADA. TRINIDAD snd CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maraval; at 12 m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per e. s. Madura : at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. CurityhH, via Mutanziia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Curl tyba"). KOTICE Five cents per half ounce In ad dition to the rrgular postage, must he prepaid on all letters forwarded bv the SUPPLEMENTARY MAI1.8, and letters deposited In the drops market "Letters for Foreign Countries," after tho CLOS ING OF THJ'J REGULAR MAIL, for des patch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional post age is fully prepaid thereon by stamps. Supplementary Transatlantic Malls are alto opened on the piers of tho AMERI CAN. ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur st 9:00 a. in. or later; and late mall may be deposited in the mall boxes on the piers of the Ger man Lines sailing from, Hoboken. The malls on the niers onen one hour sanH n 1 lialf before sailing time, and close ten minutes nerore sailing time, (inly regular postage (letters 6 cents a half ounce) Is required on articles mulled 011 the piers of the American, White Star and German (Sea Posti steamers; double postage (let ters 10 cents a half ounce) 011 other lines. Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. 1 CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at this office daily, except Thursday, at 4:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mondays. Wednesdays nnd Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer, closes, st this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. nnd K:;it p. ni. Sundays at 1 p. 111. and 10:30 p. ni. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls) By rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at J p, tn.; Sundays at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mails close here every Monday, Wednesday snd Satur day,). JAMAICA By mil to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office ot 7 p. m. Tuesday. By rail to Philadelphia, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 10:30 n. m. Wednesday. MlQUEIyON-By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes fti this office dally ex cept Sunday, at 7 p. in.; Sunday at 6:30 p. 111. BAHAMAS (except Parcels-Post Mails) By rail to Miami, Pla,., and thorn e by steamer, closes at thlx office at 10;30 p. 111. Tuesday and Saturday. BRITISH HONDURAS. HONDURAS (Esst Coast) and GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, nt fl:3o p. 111. and lu:30 p. 111.; Sundays at 11 P. 111. nd H0:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 110:30 p. m.) COSTA RICA By rail nt New Orleans, and thence bv steamer, doses at this office dally, except Sundays, st 51:30 p. in. and lu:3o p. 111.; Sundays at 1 p. m. and (10:30 p. ui. (connecting mail closes here Tues days at J10:30 p. in.) NICARAGUA (East Coast) By rail to New Orleans, slid thence by steamer, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at fl :30 p. m. and 110:3-1 p. 111.; Sundays at 1 p. 111. and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Wednesdays at fl0:30 p. tn.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE By rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closes at this office dully. exept Sundays and Mondays, at 1 :3o p. 111. and (lo:30 p. m. ; Sundaya at fl p. in. and 10:30 p. ni. (connecting mall closes here every Sumlay at 110:30 p. m.) Transpacific Malls Forwarded Orer laad Dally. The schedule of closing of transpacific, mails is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex cept registered transpacific malls, which rlofa at 6 p. in. previous day) dose at the general postofflce, New York, as follows: HAWAII, via San Francisco, dose at 6 p. in. January 16 for despatch per s. a. Alameda. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malls), KOREA, CHINA and PHILIPPINE IS LANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, H. C, close at 6 p. m. January 17 for de spatch per s. . Empress of Japan. JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA ami K,eclally addressed mail for PHILIPPINE IH- . LANDS, via Tacoma. close at p. ni. January 20 for despatch per s. s. Kcerntin. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA, CHINA and sTllly addressed mull for PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Han Francisco, close at 6 p. ni. January 23 for despatch per h. s. MuticTiurl.i. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS snd GUAM, via Kan Francisco, close at t p. 111. January 27 for despatch per U. H. transport. HAWAII. JAPAN. KOREA. CHINA and PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, -via. Sun Fran cisco, dose nt 6 p. in. January 28 fur despatch per s. s. lxirlc NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (exc-pi West). NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA HAWAII and KpecUlly addicsned in.ii for FIJI ISLANDS, via Hun Francis- o close st 6 p. in. January 28 for dpi ! per s. s. Sonoma, llf the uu.iid ktearnc carrying the British mail for New Y.i land does not arrive in tiins to conu-i-with this despatch, extra malls eloslm st 6:30 a. 111., 9 JO a. m. snd 6 p m.: Sun ds at 4. 30 a. m., a. ra. and p. m.- POSTOFFICE NOTICE will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). FIJI ISLANDS, and specially address mall tor AUSTRALIA and NEW CALE DONIA, via Vancouver snd Victoria. H. C close at 6 p m. Jnnunry 28 for ri-sr-atch per s. s. Mlowera. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. in. Kehrimr 2 for despatch per a . larlpoa. MANCHURIA (except New Chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded via Ruia. NOTE Unless otherwise sdilressed. Wi Australia Is nrwsrdd via Europe; New Zealand via S:n Francisco, and certain plai-es in the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially addressed "via K11 ropn'1 must be fully prepaid at the foriRn rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San iTsn clsi o exclusively. WILLI M R WILLCOX. Postmaster. Postofflce. New York, N. Y.. Jan. 13. UUVEIOMKST NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTF.R master. Fort les Moines, Is-, Iecemher ?i. 1!M). Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will bo received here until 2 p. nv. Standard time. January 19, laud, for constructing, plumbing, steam heating snd electric wiring at Fort Dee Moines. Iowa. 1 field officers quarters. 2 double sets capt. tins' quarters, 2 double sets lieutenants' quarters, 1 double set quarters for civilian employes, 2 double calvary barracks. 2 double stable guard and shop buildings. 4 calvary' stables. 1 wagon shed and addition to quartermaster's store house. Information furnished on applica tion here or st depot quartermasters ollio. U. 8. A., Chicago, III.. Saint lxuils. Mo, and Omaha, Neb. United States reserves right to accept or reject sny or all pro PokhI or parts thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should he endorsed. "Pro posals for ," address L. Hardeman. Q. M. D-20-21-22-23 J 17-18 PROFOSAU5 FOR SUBSISTENCE stores Office Purchasing Commissary, IT S. Army. Omaha, Ni January 16, 1! 5 Sealed proposals, subject to the usual condi tions, will b received st this office until 10 o'clock s. m , Jan. 37. l!t. nt which time and place they will be publicly opened for furnishing subsistence stores as follows: Bscon. flour, sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will be given to articles of do mestic production. Blank proposals an1 specifications can be obtained at this of fice. T. B. HACKER, Purchasing Commis sary. Jan. 17-1S-19-20M I.RGAL NOTICE". Sealed bids will be received st the office of the state superintendent of pub lic instruction, capltol building. Lincoln, Nebraska, until 9:00 a. m., Thursday. Feb ruary 2, 190,, for the furnishing and In stalling of opera chairs In the new ehspel building at. Peru, Nebraska. In accordance with the plans snd specification to ha found on file In the office of the state su perintendent of public Instruction. A cer tified check of five hundred ($Mi dollars Is required to accompany each hid. Th Board of Education reserves the right te reject any and all bids and waive defects. By order of tho Board of Education of the Slate Normal School. J. T M'RRIEN. Janl7dl0tM 1 Secretary. RAILWAY TIME CARD r.MOS STATION TENTH AND MA14CT Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive, a 9:40 sm a 8:"5 pin a 4:10 pm a :. sin a 4:20 pm s 8:10 pm a 7:50 am a 7:1 pto Overland Limited .. Colorado Cal. Ex. Cal. & Oregon Ex... North Platte Local Fast Mall a 8:n0 sm a 8:20 pm a 7:4R sm a 7:40 am b 4:30 pm b 1:30 pm Island A raclflc. Colorado Special .... Beatrice Local Chicago, Hock EAST. Chicago Limited . . a 3 :. a m a 7:10 am a 9:6f pm a 5:15 pm bll ..i0 am a 1:20 pm a 3.TI put a 5:05 pm a!2:40 pm Chicago Daylight Local h 7:00 am Chicago Express bit: 15 am Des Moines express ....a 4:i rm Chicago Fast Express, a 5:40 pm W EST. Rockv Mountain L't'd..a 7:20 am Lincoln, Den. & West. ..a 1:30 pm Oklahoma & Tex. Ex... a 4:15 pm Chicago (.rest Western. St. Paul Minn... St. Paul & Minn... Chicago Limited . Chicago Express .. Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express K. C. & St. L. Ex. ,.a 8:30 pm ..a 7:4,1 km ..a 5:go pm ..a 6:05 am a 7: in am a 7:55 pm a1o:30 am a 3:30 pm .a 9:30 am a 6:00 am .all:lupua a:0opm Chicago A Northwestern. Loral Chicago all :30 am Mail a 8:10 pm 8:30 am 10:iW put 11 :o0 pin 9:15 am 9:30 am 7.05 am a 9:30 am 8:30 am a 3:4.'. pm M:35 am 10:35 am Daylight St. Paul a 7.50 am Dnvlleht (iilcaiio a 8:00 am Limited Chicago a 8:26 pm Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast St. Paul a 8:15 pm Local Sioux C. & St. P..b 4:00 pm Fast Mall Chicago Express , Norfolk & Bonesteel.. Lincoln . I-ong Pine. Deadwood Lincoln. Casper & Wyoming.. Hastings-Albion ...a 5:50 pm ...a 7:40 am ...b 7:40 am ...a 2:50 pm 5;1j pin ...d 2:50 pm e 5:15 pm ...b 2:50 pm 5:15 pm Wabash. St. Ixwls Express 6:30 pra 8:20 am St. Louis I.ocal (from Council Bluffs) 9:liam 10:30 j m Shenandoah Local (from Council Bluffsi 6:45 pm 2:30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Expresa a 7:2 am 10:3S pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:03 am Minn. & St. Paul E...b 7:25 im M0:3i pm Minn. & St. Paul L t d. .a 7:50 pm a 8:00 pm Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul. Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:55 sm alLW pm California-Oregon Ex. ..a 5:45 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:20 pm a 7:85 am Des M. & Okobojl Ex. .a 7:55 am a 3:lu pm BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MAKO Borllng-lon. Denver - California.. Northwest Express ... Nebraska points Lincoln Fast Mail...... Ft. Crook & rinttsin th Bellevue. &. Plattsm th Hellevue ft Pac. June. Bellevue & Pac. June. Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa ixical St. inuls Express . Kansas City & Ht. Joe. Kansas City ft St. Joe. Kansas City ft St. Joe. Iave. a 4:lo pm ,all:10 pm a 8:50 urn b 2:57 put ,b 2:52 pm ,a 7:50 pm ,a 3:80 am ,u12:15 pm !a 7 :10 am ,a 4:o0 pm a 8:06 pm a 9:16 am a :26 pm ,alO:45 pm a 9.15 am .a 4:2a pm Arrive a 3:20 pm a 6 .11 pni a 7:4n pm al2:6 pni ali:25 am b 8:32 am a 6:55 am a 3:55 pm a 7:25 am a11:oo pni all:45 am a 6:46 sin a 8:06 pm WF.HMTKR DEPOT 18TH WEBSTER Missouri Paciae. Nebraska luteal. Weeping Water . via b 4:50 pin Ml :40 am I hlraio. M. Paul. Minneapolis A Tw'city Passenger. ..b :3o am b 9:10 pm Hloux C Ity Passenger.. a 3:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 9:10 am A daily b dally except Sunday, d dallf except Saturday, e dally except Monday. CORPORATION WINS A SUIT tolled States "tee! Directors Do Net Have 4e Ilerlare Com men Slock Dividend. TRENTON. N. J.. Jan. 17. Vlra diancaL lor HtevenBon today filed sn opinion u talning the demurrer of the United Stat Steel corporation In the suit brought against that company by Alfred F. Stevens to compel the payment of dividends on Hie company's common stock. The daulslnu practically dispose of th whole rasa Slovens filed a bill to enforce the payment ot dividends on the common stork; out of alleged accumulation of profits amounting to January, 1904, to $-16,000,000. tfteveua claimed that the company was obliged un der the statutes to ue hls noney for ths) paying of divldenda on the common slock. In sustaining the demurrer Vice Chancel lor Stevenson says that while $66,000,000 Is a large amount In Itself. It Is only 6 per cent of the company's capital stock, and there Is 110 proof to show that the rompauy had this money in actual ranh. ' It might hava been Invested, he says, In niatrrlal and there Is nothing to Indicate a poll' y 011 th" psrt of the corporation to favor the Interest of its preferred stockholders to the detri ment of the common to kholdrrs. Moie than this, he says. Mr. Stevens' bill does not sllege a slngl fact thst shows that ths reteniion of thee accumulated rroflts was nut Justified by the requirement of th business operations of the company. The sustaining of the demurrer 1 HJ. aUnt to dismissal of Mr, Stavacc' bill.