Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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May Wheat Off and Crowd Wonder Whit
Eaiterners Are Doing.
riant In (rfi F.sperteil Bflnffi
ratten and Armour Moetnent
In Weat Wry MaM, hat
tocks lucrnir.
UMA1IA, Jan. i;, ir-5.
The esetern holders of the May seem (
tent to let the mrk t drift fur the present
i r thev are unable tn support it. Chicago
la relatively the highest maiket, mid for
tht reason It has been difficult to keep thr
price up there. Murh slllng has been go
ing on for some days in Minneapolis and In
Hi I.uile, arid It I thought H IlKely In some
unarters Hits was not hy lorn I longs, hut
by the nsternr rs, who have been disposing
of th'lr wheat In those markets and hold
ing Chicago steady. The position seemed
k this morning The opening was at
II 15, thin being ',0 under the cIokc of
Mnnda. The high point was 81.15V Sev
ersl time before noon the market reached
11.15, hut did not go below It. The market
It now off 2c from the high point reiirhed
last weak and a reaction may he flue. Liver
pool la down ,c. Ht. Louis Monday closed
the May Sc under Chicago, whereas a
week ago It was 3c over Chicago closed
only under Minneapolis. SVju under New
York and 3V under Toledo.
Reports taken from mills, elevators
and stations In Kansas. Nehraska and
iklahoma show these houses have now
2$ per cent less wheat than they had at
tliia time last year. The amount then
was flHo.fmn and now It seems to be a.(ifV.
The Kansas millers seem to have antiol
imted the shortage, for their stocks now
art only 3").ihi0 under what they had hist
ear. Rut theso stocks will ernhie them
to run full time for only a little over a
month. In Kansas it Ih estimated 15 per
cent of the main Is yet In farmers' hands
and In Nebraska 2.1 pfr cent. There si ems
to be 14.QMn,iU) less In Kansaa City terri
tory than there was at this period last
year. Mexico reports a scarcity of whtat
and flour, owing to the Insufficiency of
the crop. The price Is going up sharply. It
Is auld. and practically all the wheat Is In
the hands of the mill. rs. This will be
exhausted, however, hy th" end of the
month. The question Is raised: "Will the
duty from the t'nlted States he discon
tinued during the shortage?" ot nine
millers recently meeting In Chicago seven
are reported to have said they had twice
the flour on hand they did at this time
laat year. Bradstreet's shows a decrease
In wheat of S.fiOT.Oft). This is only about
half of the decrease for the preceding
week, which waa ,3!if.(Hi, but quite close
to the decrease for the same week of hist
year, that being 3.9i,A
The corn market la apparently to have
the Interest of a fight between the Patten
and Armour contingents. I'atten la known
to be long In the corn and has been giving
tba market open support on the weak spots.
Armour, on the contrary. Is supposed o
ha back of much of the selling which has
been going on lately and to be helping
tha decline. The corn receipt In the
weat continue to he very light and If the
movement from the farms la not more
liberal within two weeks the stocks at
the seaboard will bo very much reduced.
Bradstreet's shows an Increase for the
week of 1..127.mi. This Is very uniform
with the Increase for the preceding week,
which was 1.333.(Xi(. For the same period
last year, Iiowever, the stocks declined
v The decline In oats for the week Is This Is not as large as has been
anticipated from that of the preceding
week, which waa 2VK8.Ki. For the same
week last year the stocks Increased, aug
menting Zan.ouo bushels.
Omaha fash I'rliri.
WHKAT-Ko, 2 hard. .fl.tWHil.08; No. 3
hard. 11.04'j; No. 4 hard. Merrill. a::; Nu. 3
spring. i. (j7.
CORN No. 2. .'iff'ie; No. 3. 3!lo; No. 4,
"c( no grade., IXi'uWc; No. 2 yellow, 39'4e;
No. 3 yellow, 3Q'tv, No. 2 white. SUUc; to.
3, white. 39c. .
OAT8-N0. 2 mixed. 2Htic; No. 3 mixed.
'JTtyfTL'Si; : No. 4 mixed, 27c: No. 2 white.
2'c; No. 3 white, 2!ic; No. 4 white, 2tift
'.'Sl'jc; standard, 211c.
Carlnt Receipt,,
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago . .. ;;i 41,1 yjo
Kansas City 12" til It
Minneapolis 207 ... ...
fuiluth 4ti
Ht. lunula - .VI iX
omatwr. a; nu
Prices at Minneapolis.
The range of prices paid in Minneapolis,
as reported h the Ldwards-Wood com
pany, )l'i-lll Board of Trade, was:
Articles. I Open. lllrfh.i Low. Close.
May .
I 1 I
is : 1 !
1.15-a' l.brV. 1.15 LIS3-
ily I Mi,. 1.13 I 1.12V 1 . 1
ptemher !3'j !3',; aJUi IJW
Grain Market Klsenhere.
Closing prices of grain today and Mon
day at the markets named were aa follows:
Today. Monday.
May July
May Jul
May July
May July
May ...4.
May July
May . July,A i.ifevj
ST. LlJCl!i.
43' 2B
,. 114',
' 1.1 5,
KW 1 (IRK .KM;H AI. l 4Hk KT
.Uuotatloaa of tlie Day ou
NEW YORK, Jan. H.-FLOI R-Recelpta,
bbla.: expurlst. I I. bis.; market
howed alight linprovtment on demand, hut
was lower to seil; winter patents. 5..'ii!rj5 fci.
winter straights, Ift.ikxil 6.4.1; Minnvaota pat
ents. I5.864fti.33: Winter extras, J.i.lxxiu v:i;
Minnesota buavera, 14 PXai iKr, winter low
grades, 1 45.rn4.lo. lie flour, firm; fair tu
aood, 4.4o04.;t; choice to taucy. Si.".irio.uu.
Buck wheat flour, iulet, I2.t)0i2 10 per cwt.
CORN MKAL Easy; tine white and jel
low, 11.25; course new, l.o6'0l.u7; kiln dried,
liVK Nominal.
BARLKY-l'un; fi cuing, 4.14c. c. I f..
New York; malting. 4.VbG2c, c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHKAT Receipla, l.Sio bn. Spou easy;
No. t retl, notnlnul, elevator: No. 2 red, 11 20,
f. o. h. altoat; No. 1 northern Luluth, II. XH,
t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Munltobai ll.UVs,
' f. o. b. afloat. A seven; early break, due to
waak Llver)HMl cables, less active uasli de
maud reportu, larger Argentina offerings
and liquidation waa followed by raillea on
bull support uX Chicago, letter the market
ruled irregular, cloning ea-.y nt a partial
iftSe net advance. Mav. Il.l3l0l.l51.
closed at I1.10S; July, t1.02V'4l.U3 7-lb. closed
at 11.02',; September, Wo WSc. closed at
CORN-Reoelpts. 13D.075 bu.; exports, W.&oO
bu. Spot market barely steady. No. 2 yel
low, 62c; No. 3 white, S.'.c. Demand waa
MUleter here, but quite steady, followlnf
(ha west, and closed net unchanged. Ma
0SfS"Sc. closed at 60 7-liic.
0AT8 Recelpta. 62.a) bu.: exports, 4, Rill
bu. Spot market steady; mlx.d, 2 to 32
lbs., 1, 4) Sic; natural white. 30 to 32 lbs., -iS'tt
HAY Steady; shipping, 2ii7H.-; good to
choice old. 2tj87c.
KEKP Irregular; spring bran, I1S.70 for
January shipment; middlings. 119. 10 for
January shipment.
HOPS-Steady; state, common to choice
14. Xc: 1!3. 3o33r: olds. 14c; Facifld
roast. 1M. WiStio; liWS. SiVn'SSc: olds 14(til7c
HIDK8 Wuiet : (ialvesluti, 'JU to ii l
Uc; California 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry'
I to lbs 14Sc.
I.EATHKR-FIrm: acid, l'4tt2t.
rROV1810Nt4-Beef. ateadv; family 111 Is)
j'lIOt); mess. t txwls 50; beef hams. H ftm
2230; packet. 10 &oW1.60: city extra lndli
ioes, lis.uanlT f. Cut meats, nominal; nick
lad bailies t .ttOi'.iK); ptekled houiners, .a:
pickled hams. I. 7Mt uo. l,rd, easy
western steamed. M fi,-67on; January closed
at MiaJti7; refined, barely ktedv; ron.
tlnant, I7: South America. I7UI. mm.
r.ound 14 76(16 124. Pork, ateadv: familv
114 0i(il4.3n; short clear, 113 2i4 li uo; ineaa
li.l U'SlJ 60
TALlflW-Ey; city, 4V; countiv. i.n
k ICE Qulat : domestic, fair lo extra
OeSc; Japan, nominal.
fOfLTRT Sleadv: chicV.n. 1
:; fowls,
in; weat- J
" c; turxeja, 133 11c lireatcd, fi r
em chlekn. 124flllc; fowl. 121J1JO tur
ker. iMrifc
BCTTKR Firm; street price, extra cream
ery. 3ft3'i,.-; ofTlclal price, extra creamery.
KOOS-Market strong: western fancy.
Delected. "Ic: western, average best, Sac.
CHEKS' Market firm: state, fui cream,
small colored and white fancy. 12Jc; fine,
IIV; 'ate made colored and white fancy
12',i-; fine. llc; late made colored and
white, poor to choice, ffll'ac; lar col
oied and white fancy, lie; flue. HVdllWc;
Into made colored and white, poor to choice,
Featarea of (be Tradlas aa4 ( loalna;
Prlrea on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. 17-Inerensed ehlpments
from Argentina had a debilitating effect
on efforts to advance the price ot wheat
lure today. At the close wheat for May
delivery was off v. oats are up 4ti4c;
corn and provisions are practically un
changed. Tho wheat market had a weak under
tone throughout the entire session. Initial
quotations oti Mav were off r to VtdHc
at 11.14 to II 15-Vd 1.154c. Scattered selling
hy commission houses and pit traders was
the Immediate cause of the opening de
cline. The chief factor responsible for the
selling pressure was a brfak of almost a
P nny In the price of wheat at Liverpool.
The weaknesa of the English market wa
in turn said to be due to cheaper Argentina
offerings. Indicating an Increase In shlp
menta from that country. After the first
rush of selling had subsided the market
here became somewhat firmer. The fact
that northwest receipts still continue to ar
rive In decreaaed quantities had a ten
dency to check the general desire to sell.
Total primary receipts also were much
smaller than for the corresponding day a
year ago and thle had a slightly bullish ef
fect. Following fair buying by the leader
of the bulls pit traders made moderate pur
chaser resulting In May advancing tn ll.lo'a)
1 lf. Weakness of cash wheat at all the.
principal centers, however, had a depres
sing influence on speculative trading, and
the market soon sagged off again. The
close tu easy, with May at 11 lfV Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to
i3.i bu. World's visible supply as shown
bv Bradstreet's. showed a decrease of S.irni,
bu. i'rimarr receipts were 4!.'Xi0 bu.,
compared with 29.0f) hn. a year ago. Min
neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 374 cars, against 273 cars last
week and 470 cars a year ago.
In sympathy with lower prices at IJver
sol the corn market was rather sy
early In the session, with considerable
selling by commission houses. The con
tinued small movement, however, brought
out a fair demand from shorts resulting In
a firmer undertone during the latter part
of the session. Small estimated receipts
for tomorrow were a late bullish factor.
May opened a shade to 4o lower, at 44)iC
to 4S'g44c. sold up to 4AC, and closed at
44144Jc. Iical receipts were 415 cars,
hone of contract grade.
A decrease of (hs5,0CS bu. In local stocks
for the week had a strengthening effect on
the oats market. Elevator interests were
f;ood sellers early, with cash houses the
cst buyers. During the Intter part of the
day trading was largely or a scalping char
acter. May opened unchanged to 'c
lower at JO'iic to Sic, sold up to 3Hc and
closed at Sl4fi31'c. Local receipts were
12o cars.
Provisions were dull and a shade, easier.
Continued heavy receipts of hogs caused a
weaker opening with commission houses
selling freely. A steadier tone developed
on fair buying by pit traders. At the close
May pork was off 24 at 112.70. lrd and
ribs weer each unchanged at Si.874 and
H. 724.
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
2ti cars; corn, 14X cars; oats, 38 cars; hogs,
4K.004) head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows:
Articles. 1 Open. High. I Low. I Closc.l Tes'y,
Jan. Mav
Jan. Mav
Jan. Mav
1 1 rvft 1
1 ivv l ii
11 K4
1 13V ' lv
!W'4 9fV4
1 u
f 424:
43 Y
'si til'
42 4;
(.i1. 4.i' .'11
I "..I
31 i
So' 314V
. 31 1 :ii4i
12 50
12 724
6 fi.'.
7 Oil
12 4241 12 46 j
12 66 I 12 7)
824! A K5 '
S24I 874
6 95 i 7 00
12 424 12 45
12 70 i 12 724
6 M
6 X I
61 I
6 874!
7 ! I
524; 6 45 I S 424! 6 45 I 45
6 70 I 7241 t"4' 724! 72
fi 85 I ti 85 I 85 j ti 85 I 6.85
No. ?.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOl'R gnlet ; winter patents, S.V10t
8.20; straights. 4.80'h5.oo: spring patents.
5.(KK!j6.50; stralebts. 4. 504.9); bakers', 12.60
WHEAT No. 2 spring.; No. 3.
1.0271.15; No. 2 red. 11.17i&i.l8V
CORN No. 2. 43'c; No. 2 vellow, 434c.
OATS No. 2. 304c; No. 2 white, 3146 32c;
No. 3 white, J14c. '
RYE No. 2. 744875c.
RARLEY-Oood feeding. J71j38c; fair to
choice malting. 42648c.
SEEPS-No. 1 flax. 11.15; No. 1 northwest
ern. 11.23; clover, contract grade. 113.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl.. 112.45
ft 12.60; lard, per loo Inn., tt.5; short rlha
sides (loose), Kiofiii.liO; short clear sides
(boxed), 8.504iBti;4.
Receipts and shipments for the day were
as follows: Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 30.SO 21.500
Wheat, bu. 34,000 30.1(0
Corn, bu 310.2(0 203,600
Oats, bu 137,700 179.100
Rye. bu lua tj.KoO
Barley, bu 957.600 45.800
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creameries, lft&28c;
dairies. 18 240. Eggs, steady; at mark,
cases Included. 2227c; firsts, 27c; fine firsts,
29c; extras. 31c. Cheese, steady; 11Q12C.
Nt. I.onls Urala and Provisions.
ST. LOI'IS, Jan. 17.-WHEAT-Veak; No.
2 red, cash, elevator. 11.14; track. $1,164;
May, $l.lf4; July, S)54c; No. 2 hard, $l.lutjj
CORN Firm; No. 2 cash, 43c; track, 44c
May. 4ilf434c; July. 434c
OATS Higher; No. ; cssh. Sic; track,
31Vii324c; May, 31c; No. 2 white. 324'g;
FLOt'R Steady ; red winter patents.
$&.4(a5.5o; special brands, R.ihi6.70; extra
fancy. 4!XVoi.lo; clear. 4.404.GO.
KP:D Timothy, nominal, $2.002.40.
CORNMEAI-Steady at $2.40.
BRAN Uull; sacked, east track, 8tifi88c.
HAY Dull; timothy, $8.0013 (H); prairie
HEMP T W I NE 64c.
PROVISIONS - Pork, easier; Jobhing
$11.46, old; $12.50 new. Lard, unchanged;
prime steam. $6,724. Dry salt meats
steady; boxed, extra shorts, K624; clear
ribs, $6,874; short clears. $7.0o. Bacon
steady: boxed, extra shorts, $7.50; clear
ribs. $ short clears. $7. $74.
POl'LTKY-Slow; chickens. 104c; springs,
104c: turkeys. 144c; ducks. 11c; geese. 8c
Rl'TTEH - Higher; creamery. :432c;
dairy. lilia'25c.
EOOS Firm St 26c, case count.
Recelpta. Shipments.
Flour, bhls 9.000
Wheat, bu 53.000 .14 ncn
Corn, bu ,3.0t) 4o.(ni0
Oats, bu 58.UUU 2,t0
Kansas City Grala and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 17.-WHEAT-Steady
to lower; Mav, $1.06',; Jnlv. 89c
casli. No. 2 hard, $1.04; No. 3. $
No. 2 red. $1 .13; No. S.
CORN Steady: May. 42'h424c; July.
42Hc; casl). No. 2 mixed,- 424ca424c; No. S
41c; No. white. 424c; No. 8. 42c.
OATS Steady: No. i white, alWirlV: No
2 mixed. :Hiec.
HAY' Steady; cholci timothy, $9.6010.00;
choice prairie, $7.50.
RYE Steady; 72STc.
EtKSS Firm: Missouri and Kanaas new
No. 2, whltawood caaea Included, 24c; caae
count, 2&c; cases returned, 4u less per
Ill 'TTER Steady; creamery, 2S27c;
dairy, 19c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 7.6"0 So 40i)
Corn, bu 23,20o
Oats, bu 12.0t) $.000
Available Rapply of Graia.
NEW YORK. Jsn. 17. Special cable and
lelegraphlo oommunlcaflon received by
Bradstreet's show tha following changes In
available supplies as compared with last
Wheat I'nlted States and Canada, aaat of
Rockleti. decreased 1.307.0U) bu. : afloat for
and In Europe, decreased 3. O,000 bu.; total
supply decreased I.&O7.0O0 bu.
Corn I'nlted States and Canada, east of
Rockies. Increased l.!27,Oufl bu.
Oats I'nlted Statea and Canada, east of
Rockies, decreased 1.4-1, Out) bu.
The leading decreases reported this week
Include un estimate of atu.uo bu. at the
northwestern lntrlor elevatora, dO.OUO bu. at
Fort Wort)). .54.000 bu. at depot harbor;
62.OU0 bu. at Goodrich. Out ; 51.000 bu. at tha
Milwaukee private elevatoia. and 60.UU) bu
at port Huron. StocVs held at Portland
Me., iucreaited lo4.lX) bu. l.aat week's total
was revUed to Increase the stocks held st
tioodrlch. Otit., which sra to be Included
LUarataal Urala Market.
ateadv; No. I California. 7; futures, easv;
Mitrch v HSd. May, lis loSd; July, 6a lOSd.
I't'RN-Hoot, easy; American mixed new
3s ll d; American mixed, old. 4s lt4d. fu
tures, iuiet, .Maicn, t, Ma), 4s 14,4.
reaturet of Strength in the Market An
Varied by Soft Epoti.
Omaha Placed nn a een Per (eat
DM Mend Haals anil Advanre
Mnelren i-o-nta Market
, Weak anil loner.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17-There were feat
ures of strenarth lo today's stok market,
but they wtre varied hy soft spots here
and there. On the. whole the market
showed the effect of the large distribution
of speculative holdings which was eff ted
on the opening bulge of the week yester
day. There waa decided shrinkage In the
volume of the dealings along with the hes
itating and Irregular tone which was de
veloped. The seeming culmination of the
rle In t'nlnn Pacific was of a sentimental
effect on the whole list, but showed clearly
the want of the stimulating Influence
which the stock has exercised for sev
eral daye past. The serving of formal no
tice of the Intention of the contesting In
terests to apply for a writ of certorarl to
review the opinion In favor of the North
ern Securities company was understood to
have the power of a. stay on any distribu
tion of the assets of that company pend
ing the final derision of the I'nlted States
supreme court. This served ns a discour
agement to the rumors which have been
Industriously circulated, that a compro
mise, a prompt distribution of Northern
Securitlse assets and the comprehensive
readjustment of railroad relations on the
whole transcontinental field would tie an
nounced at an early date.
1'nlon Pacific rose steady over last
night's level several times, but It was con
stantly affected hy the feeling of the de
mand In the efforts to resllxe. The weak
ness of Amalgamated Copper also bad a
sentimental Influence, the more so aa the
price of the metal was further advanced
and reports continued persistent of an In
tended Incre.ise In the rllvldind rate. Divi
dend Increases and prospects played a con
siderable part In the day s market. The
placing of Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis
A Omaha on a V per cent dividend basis
caused a rapid rlst- of 111 points In that
stock and removed the hopes of Increased
disbursements on some other Issues. Kan
Ma & Texas preferred. Chesapeake A. Ohio
and American Srmltlng were manifestly
affected hy such hes.
Reading was easily the center of Interest
In the market and there was no specific
news to adjust Its fresh advnnce. The
large amounts of (his stock which have
hn taken out of the market to effect the
distribution of Its control among other rail
roads has left the floating supply so small
that It responds readily to operations de
signed to move the price. For this rea
son It has breome a favorite with the oper
ators who desire to make an effect on
speculative sentiment. It proved by no
means equal, however, to 1'nlon Pacific
as an Instrument for that purpose.
The outelde market held Its recent large
share of attention today, although actively
shifted from Northern Securities Into In
ternational Mercantile Marine, which. to
gether with Northern Securities, was one
of the late creations In tho period of whole
sale output of new securities, which was
too late to get through its preliminary
stage In the outside market and make Its
entry on the stock exchange Itself. A vio
lent break in the new I'nited Stutes Ship
building stocks also brought into renewed
notice an oil episode In the outside mar
ket. Nothing developed to explain either
movement. Prices on tho stock exchange
faded away In the latter purt of the day
and the closing was weak and generally
slightly below Inst nights level.
Honda were steady ou a good demand.
Total sales, par value. $5. 115.000. I'nlted
Statea bonds were all unchanged on call.
Quotations on thu New York Stock ex
change were as follows:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Atchison 1,700 884 874 874
do pfd OHO M14 I104 lmii,
Atlantic Coast Line... 100 122 1:2 1214
Baltimore & Ohio 12.8(0 lo2 101-14 lol
do pfd Mi,
Cunadian Pacific 11.500 1314 133S 134
Central of N. J WO 1S34 1X3 m
Chesapeake it Ohio... 407 484 4iij
Chicago & Alton HO 42 42 4t
do pfd 80
Chicago Ot. Weslc. 11. 7.000 234 23 234
Chicago & N. W 3,9iO 3o!4 208 2tis
C. M. & St. P 7.800 174'i 173 173i
Chicago Term. T... luO 10 10 !,
C. C. C A. SI. L 5"0 !0l SI . 914
Colo. & Southern lmi 224 224 224
do 1st pfd 100 t!l li U14
do 2d pfd 30
Delaware & Hudson.. 200 1834 183 I824
1")., L. & W 335
Denver & Rio Grande 50 32 32 324
do pfd 81;
Erie .,. 14.100 40' 3; 3!i;
do 1st pfd 3,700 784 774 77
do 3d pfd 400 614 61 '4 l!1 4
Hocking Valley 894
do pfd 100 924 924 SO1
Illinois Central 3.KO 156 1554 1554
Iowa Central 1.200 30i 30 LWi
do pfd 500 564 5 50
K. C. Southern 294 284 :i4
do pfd 6.000 55 531, 55'i
Louis. A Nashville.... 3.40 1414 1404 1404
Manhattan I l.0 1094 169 W
Met. Securities 1.800 774 "7 7t'.
Met. St. Ry 9. MO 118, 117 114
Mexican Central 8.7'o 24'4 234 :3H
Minn. & St. L 410 60 594 584
M.. St. P. S. S. M. . :.(0 914 934 93
do pfd 200 150 1494 1494
Missouri Pacific 9.5tO 1074 1064 lf;4
M.. K. & T 12.3oO 32S 324 324
do pfd 8.900 fi.", 644 us 4
N. R. R. of M. pfd... 1.100 444 43 4 43i
N. Y. Central 1.600 1434 1424 14'J4
N. Y.. O. K- W 2,2(0 424 414 414
Norfolk Western... 2.500 794 784 78vi
do pfd 92
Pennsylvania 18.St 138 1374 1374
P., C C. & St. L 764
Reading ., 197.3(0 834 814 83"
do 1st pfd 91"u
do 2d pfd 900 854 85 8.
kock, isiana 10 ,ou a :;iii, ;ii;i
do pfd 200 83 S3 8.-,
St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd.. ROD 714 714 71
St. Lotiln S. W 2,!)ou 264 25s, 254
do pfd 1.2(0 694 594 59
Southern Pacific 46,4(0 6S4 674 ij74
do pfd 6.O10 117', 1101, 117',
Southern Railway .... 2.2(0 35 344 34
do pfd 2(0 'M 964 96',
Texas & Pacific 1,700 36', 344 344
T., St. L. & W 34
do pfd R.1
1'nlon Pacific 102.200 1194 1184 1184
do pfd
Win 98
' 4 !"''
do pfd
W. & L. E
Wisconsin Central ..
do pfd
Adams Ex
American Ex
410 214 2m, 214
4"a 434 41
leu 18, 184 18i
4o0 224 22'J ""4
KO 46 46 4n
215 215 213
I'nlted States Ex
Wella-Fargo Ex
Amal. Copper 73.300 76 747, 7474
Am. Car & Foundry.. l,o 334 S3 4 mat
do pfd 300 93 93 93
Am. Cotton Oil 3,
Am. Ice J00 6'4 6'4 6'4
do pfd HO 37 .17 804
Am. Unseed Oil 200 ln'4 1514 154
do pfd 3u
Am. Locomotive 1.4"0 3.".', 35 344
do pfd 3iO u 105 I115
Am. Smelt. & Ref ng. .36,30 85U 82-4 84V4
do pfd 4.4(0 114 112 113
Am. Sugar Refng S1.3ut 1444 1424 1434
Am. Tobacco, pfd cert 7iO 92, 8214 9214
Anaconda M. Co 3iO 112 1114 II114
Brooklyn R. T 53.WO b 644 634,
Colo. Fuel & Iron 5.800 48 47 474
Consolidated Gaa .... 2.100 1!)64 1964 19.;,
Corn Products 1,700 191, 191.4
do pfd ro 77 77 764
Piktlllers- Securities.. 8.0 S84 & ;aj
General Electric l,9m l!to; 1S81, I8R4
International Paper... 100 J34 234 224
do pfd 774
International Pump 384
do pfd 100 87 874 64
National Lead 4o 25 ;5 24V
North American 1o po loo 100
Pacific Mall 9iO 46 45 44,
People'a (Ja 7o) lus 1074 jn7
Pressed Steel Car 4(0 38'4 S74 374
do pfd 894
Pullman Palace Car 243
Republic Steel 2iO 17 141 1.514
do pfd 4o 711 oo !ii
Rubber Oooda 9uu 274 274 'r4
do pfd 94
Tern. Coal aV Iron.... ?.0 T1; 72 71
V. 8. leather 144 134 is;
d" p'd 3.KO 10. 10? 1014
I. S. Realty ho 79v. m' 7:v,
I'. 8. Rubber 1.4o) 37", 37 3K4
do p'd io pyi4 loui:. j,,u;
V, S. Steel Soloi :ti. ,u
do ofd 47i a-.i , 9414 944
Vs.-Cerollna Chem.... l.Mii SiS 35 85
do nfd mc
Westlnahciise Elec l.n IMt; !
Weh tei n 1'nlo'i 7(i "' V.', U2 92
Total tales for the duy, 85t.7oo aliares.
New iork Mlslng Stocks.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17 - The following ure
tha closing (u
I.- on mining stocks:
A4anu cos
BruQtwLk on .
i IHUSio. k Tusn;
( oa. & Va S i ...
Iron Sllrer ....
Udvlli 111 .
Llltla l liwt
Put Ml
Slrr, N,t,ft,
1 Kioal I Hope, .
. J7S
. 14
. Hi
. i
. ft
. I
. 34
Treasary xtatruieul.
AriHINliTliN. Jan. 17. -Today's atsta
inent of ihs treasury balances 111 tha gt-u-
ersl fund, exeluslva of the $15000. orni gold
rsrve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $14.9I8:
gold, $S4.IK.190.
H York Money Market.
NEW TORK. Jan 17-MONEY-On call:
Market very quiet. 1WT4 per cent; closing
bid. lc; nffered at 2. Time loans: Market
easv; slxtv days. 2 per cent; ninety days,
3: six months. 3634.
per cent.
after decline, with actual business In bank
ers' hills at $4 87&." 4.8760 for demand and
at $4 852514 MO for slxtv-dav hills; posted
rates. $4.fcVfi4. aod 4.884H.s4; commer
cial bills. $4 854 8.i4
SILVER Bar. ic; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Market steady for both govern
ment and railroad.
The following are tlia quotations on
stock and bonds:
V. a. rf . rrf
An eoupnn
do St. res
1o coupon
An new 4s. rrg..
1I0 cnupoa
e.i old 4, ref...
. .PI "4
Japan a. tifa
1.. N unl. 4 . ...
Manhattan ' . a. 4
M. I'entral 4a
do 1st tnc
Minn. Ft I.. 4a..
M . K. A T. 4a
do ta
S. ". H. of M. c
v t c. a.
v. J c a ht
No. Pai lflc 4a
do .la
N W. o. 4
.. S
. I 'ft
.. 74
.. S
. .1"0H
.. I:
a atv,
. 1.HS
.. 77.
.. TV
. .10 .14
no coupon
Am. Toharro 4. rtf. 71
dn 4 rtr
Atchison sn. 4s...
dn d). 4s
Atlantic C. 1. 4..
Ill A otilo 4 . ..
do JK
rentral of Ot. 5a..
do 1st Inr
do 2i lac
f'hea. A Ohio 4',a
t hlrago a A. .4,a.
(' , n A q. n 4a.
C . It I. A P. 4a
do col. .,
. . lftS
s. L t(4. 4a
. 1UN Pann ( onr. .14a
. 914 Raadlnc can. 4a.
ll V
. ii, st. u. ar 1. m c. aa .iii1,
7r', st. i.. a a r. f 4a.
. 41, St. I,. S. W. r. 4a ... M
.p4 Saahoant A b. 4a.... ("
. S24 So. tv-ltir 4a 7
. Ma !4o RallwaT ta Ill',
civ. s L. a
4a. .10:4 Tun P la 1Z1
S T at. I,. A W. 4... M
.... ?4- I Dion Parts,- 4a l4'
... . It 4 1 do rum. 4a Il4
CMcafo Ter 4a
Colo. Mid 4a
Colo. A So 4a.
Cut im. tfa
D A H. li 4
liiatlllenT 8e,-. As.
Erie prior lira 4.
do gn. 4
F. W. A 1. C. la
Hnrking Val 4',a.
.tS4H' S Steel ltd 5a t,
.101 IWauai-h la 111'.,
. n 1 dn deb. n 47
.tni'ilWeatern ld. 4a M4
. SlViW A I,. K. 4a 4
,TI0',iWla. (antral 4a 114
.110 I
London "lock Market.
LONDON. Jan. 17. Closing quotations on
stocks and bonds:
Consola. money ... M 6-lfrN V. Central..
. !4
. 44
. 41 S
. 71V,
. lit,
. 42
. 47
. 4
. sr.,
. t '4
. M14
. 31 h
. i
. 4f,
do account
S Norfolk 4 W . ..
do pfd
OS 'Ontario W...
li4Kand Mlnea ....
do pfd
Psltlniure ftr Ohio
Catia-llan Parlflc .
Che. or (ihlo
Chlcaao Ot. W
('.. !d. & Ht. p....
L). II. U
do pfd
do lat pfd
do !d pfd
Illinois Ontral ..
Louia. A Naah....
M , K. A T
do IH pfd
do 2d pfd
Southern kalla-ay
do pfd
Southern Parlfir ..
I'nton Parlfli
dn pfd
C 8. stael
do pfd
dn pfd
.. tt
. nvi
.. ii
.. u
.. 7S
.. 41V,
.. 7'
.. 03
. .ID
Spa" I ah 4a
HILVF.R Bar, steaoy. :7 )J-ld per ounce.
MONEY 14'a- per cent.
The rate 01 discount In the open market
for short hills Is 34 per cent; for three
months bills, IWiH-bi per cent.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Jan. 17. Rates for money were
tolerably easy In the market today. Trad
ing on the Stock exchange was quiet, hut
the tone was undecided, prices mixing u
sagging disposition, though the- offerings
wire light. Consols were dull, which hud
a depressing .influence on other securities.
Home rails were Irregular, undergrounds
were favorable, owing to the dividend and
general Interest In the new electrical 11 r
langciuent. Americans recovered from the
opening dullness. Philadelphia ft Rending,
New York, Ontario & Western, Missouri
Pacific and liilon Pacific were the pre
dominant idocks. Prices generally closed
steady, but Southern Paclnu was buoyant,
cloning ut fti-V Grand Trunk was easy,
bidders selling In anticipation of poor tratnc
returns. I iiteiniitinnala were In good de
mand. Japanese were dull. Impi rml Japa
nese government 0s of 1!)C4 were quoted at
lis',. Kaffirs drooped on continued liquida
tion und unconttrmed rumors of trouble
with Chinese laborers.
BERLIN, Jan. 17. The tone on the Bourse
today generally was firm, the coal strike
not making a deep impression on the trail
ing, owing to the belief that the difficulty
would be settled.
PARIS, Jan. 17. Prices on the Bourse
today were Irregular and at the close tlm
market was Indecisive. Russian Imperial
4s were quoted nt Ho and Russian bonds
of 190! at 98.
Statement of Bank of Germany.
BERLIN, Jan. 17. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Himk of Germany allows
the following changes: C'ah In hand In
creased 47,307.O0Om. trcsSury notes Increased
2.Uio,0(iOm, other securities decreased 62.620.
octini nnd notes In circulation dccrecacd
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Jan. 17.-WOOL The Boston
wool market Is notably quiet for domestic
grades. The bulk of the clip held here Is
fleeces and medium territory. There Is con
siderable Interest in the foreign wools
cumins; forward and their roaniule effect
on the situation here, for manufacturers
will have to turn their attention to foreign
grades to replenish their stocks. Territor
ial wools are quiet. Pulled wools nnd all
foreign wools are Arm. Quotations: Ter
ritoryIdaho, fine, lRMjftiMc; heavy fine,
16H'17c; fine medium. liu9c: medium, 22fa
23c; luw medium. 23ra4u; Wyoming, line,
17HifU(Vsc: heavy tine, 154jf16c; fine me
dium, 17',y&lH',ic; medium. 2oY24; I'tah and
Nevada, tine, 171ji)ic; heavy Hue, l61(ic;
fine medium, 17Vfctriac; medium, 22ft2"c; low
medium, 2324c; Dakota, tine, lKtglDc; tine
medium, lo'ii9c; medium, 23H24C; low me
dium, 23'a'-'4c; Montana, llntr, choice, Li'Tj)
22c; fine average. 19ff2oc; flue medium
choice, 21(522c; average. 194jiOc; staple,
23c; medium choice. 23(g26c.
IjOSDOS, Jan. 17. There was a large
attendance at the opening of the first scries
of the 1905 wool auction sales today. Uev
eral Americnn representatives were kren
bidders for cross-breds, which they secured
at a per uent advance, and also several
lots of good" merinos. The selection was
small, only 6.8(H bales being offered. Hume
and continental buyers reduced the sales.
New Zealand new clip and good sllpea
were In demand and wire taken by home
buyers at prices in sutlers' favor. A moder
ate supply of Cape of Good Hope and Na
tal went to home and German buyers at
rates unchanged tu 5 per cent dtarer.
Buenos Aires wool sold well at an ad
vance of 6 per cent. Following are the
sales: New Kouth Vales. 1,I0 bales;
scoured, !H4i2d; greasy,' Mtla 2d;
Quei nsland. duo bales; scoured, Is fxinjls Hi;
greasy, O'.'&lUvd; Vlcturia, 10a bales;
greasy, lCiiloHd; Houtli Australia, Sou
bales; greasy, gdlt'ls; West Australia,
1,100 bales; scoured. Is 6d; greasy, PmjUVid;
New Zealand, 1.200 hales; scoured, lati'
1 4d; greasy, lld(&is4d; Cape of Good
Hope and Natal, 4( hales; scoured. Is 3d
Ifi Is; gitasy, t,u(iliH4l; Uuenos Ay res, !ut)
bales; greasy, t4$10VI.
ST. LOCI8, Jan. 17. WOOL Nominal :
medium grades, combing and clothing, 23
(i2!)c; light tine. lX(i22c; heavy line. 14
l&c; tub washed, 27uilc.
Helal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17.-MKTA1 J5-The fea
tures of the metal markets lodiiy was the
advance In the price of oopper. which
seemed the result of one of the lending pro
ducers raising Its selling price of electro
lytic. Lake copper here was quoted ai
$15. 50; electrolytic at $15.37'., with some
dealers asking as high as ll.i.ji, and casting
at $15.oi"& 16.25. London cabled an advance
to J.ii8 17a6d fur spot and i:6!i 8s 9d for fu
tures. The London tin market advanced
also, closing at VM for spot and 13o6a for
futures. Thu market waa quiet; trade aeema
mure or less unsettled aa to price. Spot la
generally held at from $J 25 to $13.824, with
outside prices a trifle extreme, perhaps,
while talk Is current of slumps In future de.
livery. Lead advanced to 12 18s9d In Lon
don, but remained firm ut H.('O'q4.H0 In the
local market. Spelter was lower by about
2s ltd in the London market, where spot
closed at 24 17std. Ixically, however, the
situation shows firmness and spot Is quoted
at $ii.2(i4j6.35. Iron closed at 54s In Glasgow
slid at 4ks 4id In Mlddlesborough. Locally
Iron la unchanged, but firm in tone, while
producers declined to grant any conces
sions: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at
$17. 50(tl 19, Vi. the iiikide prices being more or
less nominal; No. I foundry northern Is
held at $17.60 and No. 1 foundry southern
and No. 1 foundry southern soft at $i7.7Dp
ST. LOCI8. Jan. 17 MKT A 1.8 Lead,
steady at $4 S2H84.2H. Spelter, easier at
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-COTTON-Spot
elosnd quiet; middling uplands. 7.2-c; mid
dling gulf. 7.60c. Sales. 290 hales.
Steady; sales. 2uou bales: ordlnarv. 4 7-lii. ;
goud ordinary. 64, c; low middling, 6t; mid
dling. 7c: good middling, 7 5-1- ; middling
fair. 7 13-16c.
fair demand, prices 5 points higher: Amer
ican middling fair. I.27d; good middling.
S.!1: middling. Sh7d; )ow middling. 3.7."d;
good ordinary. Xfcld: culinary. 3. 15i. T li
nn If of the day were 9.( bales, of which
3.0110 were fur sneculatiou and export and
included O0 hales of American. Receipts,
li.oat bales. Im ludina H.'"- American.
HT LOl'IS, .Un. 17. - COTTON Ujlet;
middling. 7c. Sales 410 bales; receipts ;4t0
bales; shipments. 6 hales; stock. 41. 1,15
bah a
Peatrla Market.
PEORIA. Jan. 17 -CtiR.N-I-i-in ; No. $,
4-V, -No. 4, 4lLjc, no grade, a-'jc
Cattle Receipt Quit Hfarj, but Deiirable
Gradei 8old About Steady.
Better tirades nf heep and lambs
Irtlte and Meady, lnl I'arl Kat
Kinds a l ittle jtlorr, with Keel
ln Weak, Feeders tron.
Sol'TH OMAHA. Jan. IT, 196
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
UTTKiai .-Monilav S.177
Official Tuesday 4.400 1U8'
6 4.1
Two days this week ... 7.H77
Same days last week lo.xM
8ma we. k before .171
Hame three weeks ago.. 2.89
Same four weeks ago 7.185
Same days last year .9i:9
it :u
The following table shows the lecelpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, with comparison with
last year:
19i&. 14 Inc.
'fl Jn.473 4.' 104
Hogs 11m -A,-, OA 4.92
Sheep 7. n 8 84.953 .... 17.236
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Data I 1904. I190S. 130e . lt01 . (lS'JO. 1S9.
Dec. 19..
Deo. 20..
Dee. 21..
Dec. 22.,
Dec. 23..
Dec. 24..
Tioo Oft
4 6041 4 301 M ni; a 1:
4 . 1
4 79
4 1
3 '.'' J '.'$
I Hi $ t$
4 Oil $ M
4 $041 I 081 0
4 444 4 $4
4 s4 4 m
4 $8, 4 4i
f 16
4 02 3 81
4 Mi J V
ll 1 06
4 47:
4 S6I
I 4
aa 1 la.
I Dec Ml!
i 42
4 641 I $61 19
4 $91 4 111
3 44
I'eo. 37..
Jan. 1...
Deo. 2..
Dec. 30..
Dec. 31..
Jan. t...
Jan. 3...
Jan. 4...
Jan. 6...
Jan. t...
Jan. 7...
Jan. 8...
Jan. $...
Jan. lo..
Jan. 11..
Jan. 13..
Jan. 13..
Jan. 14..
Jan. 16..
Jan. Hi..
Jan. 17..
1 ' 44: o
4 tU, 4 (wi
4 S4 331 6 221
4 96
4 77
4 311
4 66
4 02
4 62
4 fit
36 6 So I
4 26 1 ti 80,
4 14
4 141
t 4$
$ a
4 614
4 39 i
4 901 I S 61
1901. 1900. 1S!9
4 96 i 4 S3, 3 67
4 961 4 29 $ 67
i 871 2!i
6 S0 0 19
4 434i
4 4H,
4 77
4 68
4 ftf
4 66'
4 60
4 tU
6 -'!
f a ;
t 021 4 271 S 44
6 04 j 4 7 3 47
, 4 3 S 4S
6 2S
4 46
4 60
6 34i 6 24
6 891 ( 09
5 06!
I 061
3 141
6 26'
3 42
4 841
4 S4 $ 46
4 36 1 3 00
4 411 66
4 49! 3 60
4 631 3 55
I 3 66
4 RS
4 62l 3 52
4 4 3 4't
li 491
0 40
6 la
8 14
6 04
4 61
4 ti
t 40
4 67t,; 4 S3
4 61V 4 451 1
6 2i
6 17
6 46i
4 6.11. 4 76
6 48
6 00
I 69 V
4 73 4 36j 6 14:
4 69; 6 411 22
4 74, 6 4 6 16
5 161
6 2fi,
5 io
4 61 "a
4 04
I 6 60 ' 6 1
Indicates Sunday. Indicate holiday.
The ofTlclal number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses
C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 3 2
Wahaah 2 3
Mo. Pacific Rv 2 7
I". P. System 33 30 26
C. & N. W. Ry 4 10
F., K. A M. V. Hy 62 39 1
r St. P.. M. & 0 19 d 3 2
B. & M. Ry 40 2N 13
C. , B. & Q. Ry 17 12 1
K. C. & St. J 1
C H. I. At p., east... 7 8 .. ..
Illinois Central 9 8
Chicago Gt. Western 1 5
Total receipts ....lKfi 106 43 3
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of bead Indicated:
Cuttle, lloira. Slu-i-u
Omaha Packing Co 5:3 l.C.Ol 4ti
Swift and Company 920 753 n.uji
Ctldahy Packing Co 1,335 3, 103 2.SIH
Armour & Co 558 3.209 l,3."i2
Vanxant A Co li7
Carey A Benton 44
I.obman & Co 12
McCreary & Clark 17
Hill A Son 130
Huston AY Co I
Hamilton & Rothschild.. 53
L. b Hun 20
Wolf & Mil ma ti 4
Sam Welihelmer 84
Mike Haggcrty 63
J. li. Root Ai Co 73
Bulla At Kline 20
P. & S 150 200
Other buyers 270 ..... 3,042
Total 4.399 1J.112 10.096
CATTLE There was quite a liberal run
of cattle here this morning and for a
Tuesday receipts at other points were also
lairly large.- The demand, though, seemed
to be in good shape, so that prices showed
very little change from yesterday on the
desirable grades. Trading was not par
ticularly brisk, but still the cattle kept
moving toward the scales and the bulk
was disposed of at a reasonably early
Anything desirable In the way of beef
ateers Bold right around steady prices.
Packers, though, were Inclined to be a
little bearish and In some cases cattle
had to sell a shade easier, but aa a rule
the kinds that suited puckers brought
right around steady prices. As high us
$5.25 was paid for a big string of pretty
good catt'e. Warmed up and common
cattle were reglected, more or less, but
Hill the prices paid did not show much
change from yesterday.
The demand for the better grades of
cows nnd hellers waa brisk this moruing
und a little stronger prices were paid. In
fact, some sales were us much as a dime
hlghtr. Owing to the liberal demand for
such kinds, the more desirable grades
were soon disposed of. The common to
medium cattle were not as active as the
better grades, hut they sold at generally
ste.ady prices without much trouble.
Bulls, veal calves and stags also sold In
Just about the same notches they did
The demand for stockers and feeders
was Just about equal to the supply, and In
case of desirable heavy cattle It was a
little In excess of offerings. The market
nn light and medium cattle could be
quoted steady, with choice heavies strong.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Hr.
t '- 3 15 1 Ut 4 ltd
17 1041 J M II 1 4 15
S7 25 II 1.6 U 1164 4 .1.'.
II 1140 I m SI 1171 4 II
M 1UH7 3 l IS HS4 4 u
G 1140 S to t.7 1S4 4 4.1
J6 100 4 1)0 12 1111 4 411
2 U4I) 4 (H W 1U2 4 40
43 1103 4 OH 3 Kll 4 4S
1 11S4 4 10 1 U-4J 4 46
90 4 10 l U4 4 fiO
ti 1141 4 Id 10 MSU7 4 Ih
;4 110.1 4 15 :i l 4 i.5
1 1231 4 15 J2 187! 4 HI
I U'04 4 !li 42 IL'KI 4 i
1 li! 4 tn ! K-na 4 tn
Vi ll 4 If. 17 13M 4 M
12 11 4 2i S4 li:4 i u
7 1014 ;i 2J jo 12:10 4 u
14 7 3 iO
1 wo i sr. m 7s 1 o
7 3o 1 00 10 urn j o
1 70 I no 17 12M j 00
I r3 1 0" 7 1U4I 3 00
1 .vi i 2u 7 naa 1 00
? i t 149(1 3 00
7 oi 2 K 4 1110 3 no
1 .0 I 25 1 lOtu 3 10
2 I'lo 2 S3 I iiwi 3 o
J M3 2 SO- 14 iota I l,i
S tl.t t 35 13 l(lf.3 t 111
1 l is is io;i j is
1 1020 ; so is iooj 3 15
t HOD Ml 4 12, t u
1 HUKI 2 HI 104 ,M 3 tu I
J M 2 HI 4 t.11 I to
1 1 1-4(1 I So 21 1(IJ I 24
S 740 2 50 t tfel I 25
1 1 I 50 1 13) 3 10
7 ll I 45 a 1070 I 10
10 1074 1 70 14 ut I Ml !
1 1170 I K It 773 I ti
1 IOK0 t JS I 1045 3 40 I
II. I 0 1047 I 44
17 Ml I 12'-'l I 40
7 1041 t IS 1 .-..lo0 I 40
1 1110 I 15 1 Mu 3 So -
10 131 t i 1 14W in
23 1011 1 ail 1 1150 3 -hi
U 174 2 15 1 IIWI 1 60
i 1144 1 II 14 108 3 21
J alJO 8 8-1 8 7M 8 10
1 750 IH 1 100 8 !0
4 442 3 04 14 I3 3 71
11158 3 10
1 124 3 M t 1110 I 71
I luoO 8 21 1 11-20 2 IS
1 1140 I 40 1 1510 3 M
1 1124 8 10 1 17V 3 00
1 1310 8 50 1 lOiiO 3 00
1 1800 3 45 1 1 lvil 3 10
I t4 3 45 1 1210 I l
8 1111 3 48
1 100 8 00 1 200 4 71
1 20 8 00 3 20U i ut
4 I0 8 71 I :-0f, i iw
t ' 3 71 1 140 5 5,
i IH 3 71 2 7li I 44 1
11 Ut IH 5 3D4 8 45
4 lit It 3d 440 3 50
4 115 I la I im I 50 ,
1 420 8 IS 1 Wi I i
4 471 8 10 I ) I a
J 700 1 14 14 Ill 3 411
4 742 8 35 I 114 a 5
; 110 I 44 12 li, 3 70
HOtlH There were anout 10.Nio hogs on
sal-) here this morning, which Is tlie heav
iest run so fsr this year. All other mar
keta were quoted about 5c loner, and a
a result the tendency of prices was down
ward at this point. The break here, how
eter. only amounted to 2',c to ac.
the (rateet decline betug on 1 lie lighter
weights Trading was not very active,
but still the "hog changed hand ai a
fslrlr (roeid rate and the bulk waa disposed
of st a reasonably early hour Light
weights sold largely from 14 45 down, me
dinm weights around 14 4?H end 4 60, and
prime heavies, from $4 50 to $4 65.
Ttalns kept arriving ail the morning and
st noon there were still some coming It,.
There was t ot much change In the mar
ket before noon, hut the same as usual the
feeling on the extreme close was a trifle
weak. The market today does not show
trie full decline, owing to the fact that
tltere were not nearly as many light
weights on sale as there were yesterday.
Representative sales:
No. At. h. Pr At Sh TV
rv is . 1 ti 11 r io 4 50
m IM 4 5 17 !J 10 III
7 Hi u I S 44 251 to 4 5D
H lt 4(1 I 4 44 0 an 4 o
74 191 . . I 41 . IJI 10 4 50
2.. 2.i 120 4 4 4 20 . 4 54
71 Jl . . . 4 4S 7 24.1 lo 4 40
7; t: ... 4 44 7 22 20 4 y
73 214 ... 4 4S 52 27 . . 4 M
71 1t . 4 45 ai 117 1 I W
41 254 20 4 4t M 2 ... 4 In
44 214 .. 4 47H Te J" ... 4 5
72 533 In 4 4714 77 Jit . 4 Ml
7? L-44 lo 4 47l 45 3S1 10 4 50
1S4 74S 200 4 4. 54 ? 1 4 50
; ... J2 40 4 47', .224 ... 4 8
47 241 40 4 4T4 57 215 . 4 50
(I H 40 4 474 14 :1 140 4 10
81 - ... 4 47' 51 ?4 40 4 M
1o til . . 4 47V, ! 224 s 4 80
7 721 .120 4 47H 44 ?0 !t 1 W
74 rm 10 4 47 V, 0 270 fort 4 54
74 21 ... 4 4T, 15 ?n to 4 10
2 221 ... I 47', 17 241 8 4 l,
57 21 tn 4 47V4 54 S"4 40 4 I2v
II 141 44 4 471, 51 SOI 10 4fi-4
61 216 ... 4 474 54 274 ... 4 SSV,
17 232 ... 4 47' 72 231 ... 4
II 231 .. 4 471, 3 874 ... 4 5 24
7 214 ... 4ta . 277 ... 4 52V,
42 tat Ml 4 471, to Mt ... 4 52V,
Id 140 . . 4 471, 44 833 . 4 IJv,
It 270 120 4 47V 41 244 144 4 52',
73 243 10 4 17 V, 4 21 ... 4 124
71 1- ... 4 47V, II n 40 4 IS
II 247 124 4 47', 55 155 .. 4 M
28 !1'4 . 4 47 '4 14 J-1 200 4 55
tl 21 40 4 ITV, 1 3" 55
70 344 40 4 47V, 54 32T 80 4 65
IS tSl 0 4 47V4 50 354 80 4 66
I- 264 . . 4 Ml 41 123 M) 4 6T4
55 140 40 4 60 64 324 84 4 40
7? 244 . . 4 6" 51 244 . . 4 40
44 3l 40 4 14 64 316 ... 4 o
84 840 40 4 10 46 340 ... 4 10
7F 225 10 4 60 24 344 40 4 0
32 21 . . 4 60 48 3 ... 4 40
& !7 44 4 50 41 348 ... 4 40
71 247 ... 4 M . 52 370 ... 4 44
71 131 ... 46o 43 34 ... 4 45
43 311 80 4 84 66 831 ... 4 45
SHKKP Receipts of sheep and lambs
were more lllieral this morning than they
have bee-n for Borne time past, but pack
ers still aaemed to be anxious for desirable
grades and the market ruled active and
steady on anything at all good. When It
came to the part fat kinds the market
was not ' unite so brisk and sales were
made lu some caaea a trifle lower. As
high aa 14.76 was paid for ewee, wethers
5 50. yearlings $6 25 and lambs $7.36.
There were a good many feeding lambs
Included In the receipts balay. but there
were several orders In the hands 'of com
mission men, so that good strong prices
were psld for all desirable grades.
Quotations for ted stock: Oood to choice
yearlings. ts.76i?e.26; fair to good year
lings. 36.26&5.75; good to choice wethera,
$5 iii'd5.8; fair lo good wethers. I4.764i5.00;
good to choice ewes, $4.40(4.76; fair to good
ew-'-s. $4.(kS4.26; common to fair ewes. $3.50
(&3.90; good to choice lambs. $7. 00417.50: fair
to good lamba, $6.767.00; feeder yearlings,
$4.5ii076.eO; feeder wethers. $4.26'fl4.5: feeder
ewes. $3.2vV-a3.76; feeder lambs. $S.40j4.76.
Representative sales:
No. Wt. Pr.
3M weeterh ewes :.. 101 4 624
4ti3 western ewes 1"1 4 H2Vs
HW western ewes 101 4 62V4
230 western ewes loo 5 00
2 western cull lambs 55 6 00
319 western wethers UK 5 50
5 western lambs 92 6 6"
tl weetern buck laml 90 6 75
2i0 west rn lamba 66 6 75
55 western lambs 101 7 25
13 western ewes X9 4 oo
.1 western ewes 80 4 26
475 western ewes 97 4 60
344 western ewes 10' 4 06
336 western ewes Ml 4 06
24:! western ewes H 4 65
1 western ewe Km 4 65
299 western ewes 114 4 65
131 western ewes 113 4 05
428 western ewes H'4 4 75
435 western ewes 102 4 80
229 western yearlings and weth
ers 94 5 Kfi
476 western yearlings 90-6 00
1 western yearling so 25
279 western lambs 32 7 10
241 western lambs 81 7 35
Cattle Steady, Hosts Five lo Ten
Cents Lower, Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO. Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts,
7,000 head; maiket steady; good to prime
steers,- $5-6Mi6.25; poor to nietHuni. 3.7Vd
6.45: stockers and feeders, $2.251i4.35: cows,
.$1.25414.60: heifers. $2.00ft6.20; fanners. $1.25
'J.du; bulls, f2.Mtfi4.2o; calves, f3.0ofi7.00.
HOOS Receipts, 45,000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 40,000 head; SWloc lower; mixed
and butchers. $4.408-4. 7o; good to choice
heavy, f4.6ct&4.76; rough heavy, t4.40ffl4.50;
light. $4.3ucn4.60: bulk of sales. f4.&0Hj4.60.
HHEEP AND IAMBS-Recclpta. 18.0t.)0
head; sheep steady; lamba strong; good to
choice wethers. f5.OO06.6o; fair to choice
mixed, $3.90(fM.9O; western sheep, f4.35S5.60;
nntlve lambs, f5.76i&7.75; western lambs,
Kanaas City Lire tork Market.
ceipts. 10.000 head. Including 4uo southerns;
market steady to strong; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $4.77)5.75; fair tu good,
$4.5tifu4.75; western fed steers. t3.50C(in.2.';
stockers and feeders. f2.7W4.25; southern
steers, $3.60&4.7&; southern cows. $2. 25frj 3 2S ;
native cows. $1.75&-4.00; native heifers. $2 50
f(j45o: bulls, $2.26'S4.00: calvew. f3.Ml7.UO.
H008 Receipts, 14,500 head; market
steady; top, $4.8o; bulk of sales. $4.65444.77,;
heavv, $4.75'ii4.H0; packers, $4.6ui4.75; pigs
Bnd lights, $4 0ra4.67ty.
SHKKP ANI LAMBS Receipts, U.t'00
head; market steady; native lambs. $6.(iJ
7.50: native wethers, $5.0i)fl5.76: native ewes,
$4.25ffi5.O0: western fed lambs. f6.OOfe7.40;
western fed vearllngs. t5.5(Ka6.60: western
fed sheep, f4.i5f6.75; Miockers. nnd feederg,
81. I.oula Live Stock Market.
ST. IX)l"I8, Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts,
5.500 lirad. Including 2.500 Tt-xans; market
Blow, steady; native shipping and export
strers. f5.f86fi1.0A; dressed beef and butchers'
steers. $4.uoCuG.ln; steers under 1.0tm Ihs., 13.2.1
.4.7o: stockers and feeders. $2.00(3.75: c-iws
and helfera. f2 25Q4-50; dinners $1.7.V&2.10;
bulls, $2.70'&4.75; cows and heifers, f2.rtjdi
HO(7S Receipts, 12.500 head; market 5c to
10c lower; pigs B4id lights, $3.75i4.4o; pack
ers. It r5fj 4.7i; butchers' Hnd best heavy,
$4 6Mj4 75.
SHEEP AND LAM R8 Receipts, 3 007
head; market steady to strong and active;
native muttons. $4 ,Vku5 26: lnmbe. $.'i.iaV7.25:
culls and bucks $2 25-54.50; stockers, f?.uri
3.10; Texans, f300t66.().
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 17. CATTLE
Ricelpts, 2.9 9 head; market atejdy lu we-k:
natives, f3.fiu1(5.S5; cows and heifers, f 1.7514
4.36; stockers and feeders, f!.75'&4.15.
HOGS Receipts, 11.7N7 head; market
mostlv 6c lower; light, f4.40iii4.65; medium
and heavy. $4 604 76.
SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipts. 7.317
head; market vteady to 10c lower; lambs,
f7.26; yearlings. ft'..5o; ewes. f5.ti. '
loos rlfr I. Ire Slock Market.
SIOl'X CITY. Jan. 17. (fipecM Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts 1.700 head,
market strong: beeves. f3. 600 6. 00; cows,
bulls and mixed. $2,307(3.50; stockers and
feeders. $2.754j3.75; calves- and yearlings,
f2. 25i 3. 60.
H( KJ8 Receipts. 5 800 head: maiket was
steady, selling at $4,804(4.55: bulk, $4.4(itt4.45.
Stock In lht.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday;
6. ail)
.1 'a 41
South Omaha...
Sioux City
Kansas City
St. lxiuis
Si. Jnaeplv
..31.679 luo,r,7 42.637
Coffei Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 17. COFFEE Ms rket
for futures opened barely steady at a de
cline of oa 10 points under liquidation, pro
moted bv larger Brasllian receipts. Havre
rhowed further weaknesa lattr In tlie ses
sion and with demand here limited the
market waa finally steady, but at a net de
cline of 15ra20 points. Sale were reported
of 122.(14) bags. Including February. 7.k5c;
March. 7.&$7.Jc; April. 7 66c: May. 4jtJ.!0r :
June, f 15c; July. 154t.2(k; September. 140
tiKfOc, und November. S.tOe-: December, .(D
i(8.70c. Spot Rio steady; No. 7, 8",c.
Oils aad Hoala.
OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan 17 -OIL-Credlt bal-
mn, $142',: runs. 61.607 hbls . aveume
t.o.rtm hbls: shitiments. Lima. 62.074 bbls.,
aerage, 50 tif9 bb'.s; iuiui, Lima, 15,u9 bbla.,
average 55 834 bbls.
Firm; $1.67',,.
ROSIN-Flrm: A. B. C. f;'5i: D. MM; K.
U.iHtl!.'tU: F. $2.72'yr2 77',: 4. t2 8r,f) H.
K. lo: I. $3 46: K. t4.06; M.J4.60; N. 44.75; WO,
fi.OO; WW. f5.15.
Ir (iondi Market.
IJuvltig Is slightly bitter owli g to the i u
nouiicemrnt of eerisin revisions and the
willlugneks of hujers to snticlpate theii
lieeds further ahead. On msnv lines the
ljsiblllt y uf rcdut lions la ganarall.v de
nied, with an adNkucliig ttndency notod.
Jnhhers are dnlng mere business, espe.iallj
from store trade
OM4.HA wnnl.ESII.I! NtflKFT,
reaaitln-a af Tra)e anal Qantatlntie ai
taple aa4 Fane Pn4e-
EdOS-Candled stock. is-.
LIVK POl'LTRY-llens. ; toostera M l
turkeja. 15c; ducks, iif , geese, t-c; sp-li,
chickens. 9c.
lRK.fiKl POCLTRY-Turkeys. 17J19c,
dticics. lO'.iir,-; secsc. I"c. (hiikrns. h-1J, rootets, 6(i 7c
HI'TTFR -Packing stock. 17W: choice to
fancy rtalrv. IVdJuc; ireamer. 33ti2c;
prints. .v.
rickerel, 7c; piae. 9c; uerch. ic. tiluetlan,
?c; whlteHsh. UV; salmon. 13c: tedsnaprer.
lie; loht-ter (green), 30c; lobster (boiled ,
3c; bullheads. He; catfish. 14c; bl.ick basa,
26c; halibut, 12c; crappies. 12c; buffalo, 7c;
white bas. 11c; frog legs, per dug., 25c.
BRAN Per ton. $15 uu.
HAY- Prices quoted hy Omaha Wholesale
Pealers' association. CI oice No 1 upland.
$t); No 2. $5 50: medium. SfvOO; ..wise.
$4 50. Rye straw. $5 i These prices ate
lor hay of good color and quality.
OYSTERS-New York counia. rer can.
45c; extra selects, per csn. Xr; standards,
rer can. 30c, bulk tstandards). per gal.
$1.40; bulk (extra selects), rer gal . $1.7
bulk (New York counts), per gsl., $1 80.
ORANOES--California r.eiiland navels all
sixes. $2ili8 0ii; choice navels, $2.60v2.7.
California seedlings, all stcs. 12.00-4,?
LKMO.NS -(. allfiirnla r.tney. xz ; 3U
300 aa
9til) 8.4 7F.ri4 U0: choice. 83 25n3 50.
DATKB-I'er box of o-lb. pkga..
Hallowe en, in 70-lb. boxes, per ID.. ve.
Flitfl-Californla. Aer lo-lb. carton, .
Imported bmyrna, 4-crown,;
croan. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy importe4
(washed). In 1-lb phis. HV& lc; California,
per case of 36 pkgs.. l.' iT
BANANAS Per medium sisad bunch, U M
C2.50; lunihos, $2 76ibS.6().
CJRAPE FRUIT Per bog of 64 to 44, fi as
66 60.
APPLES Home grown Jonatlians. rer
bbi. f3 26; Ben Davie, fv 26; New York
Kings, f3.7i; New York Greeniiigs, f2 60;
New ci! Jlaldwins. $2.75; Colurano Jona
thans, s-l 75 Wine Saps, titr 'tu. box. $1 .
PEARS iTtah. Coi.-iaiio aim California,
fall varieties, per box. tl.6oal.7ft.
CRANHERRIE. IVtscoe-i". Re!! and
Bugle, per bhl.. $8.00; Wieconsin Hell and
Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl . ;.75; per boa,
44R APRS lmnorted Mnlacas. tier keg.
I HO'-rj 60.
TANiiKKiNES norida or cainornia, per
H-bcx. $2.60.
POI AloES-llome-grown. In sacks, per
bu., 4nc, Colurauo, per bu.. 60c.
Tl'RMPS Old. per bu.. 40c; Canada rule
bagas. per lo., lu. .
4'ARFoTB Old, per bu.. 40c.
PARSNIl'3-Old. per bu.. 40c.
BEETS Old. per bu., uio.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. fl.f6Q2.00.
ONIONS Home-grown, led. in sacks, psf
bu,. fl.w; Span er -rate. 2.MI
Colorad-) yellow, per lb., .V; white, per lkv,
CI '( 'I'M BE RS Per dor.. $2.:.(J2.50.
TO.MAI'oEb Calilorni.t. per 4-baskek
crate. '! V '.
CAilHAOE - Holland scert. per 'h., 4'ie.
SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln drleeX
per bbl., 12 50.
CELEhY Per do, 2o'u60c; California,
RADISH ES Hothouse, per dor . 45c.
ONIONS New, southern, per doi , 46c.
8 ACER KKAUT WlscoiTslii, per keg,
CIDER New York, per bbl.. to 20; per
bbl.. $H 26.
CHtfiESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream,
12Vi4il3c: Wisconsin Young America. 13c;
block Swls-., new. 16c; old. 16t17c; Wiscon
sin brick. Mc: Wisconsin liniliurger, 13c.
HIDES -No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 t-altc'l, hVjtii No. 2 salted, 7',u; Ni. 1
veal cnlf. c; No. 2 veal calf. 7c; dry salted,
5jl4c: sheep acltl, 25cv7jfl 00; horsi hiues,
fi n
NUTS-Walnuls, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per Ih.. 14c; hard shell, per IK, 13c:
No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard
shell, per 11).. 12c; pecans, large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per Ih.. 7c;
roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chili walnuts,
per Ih.. 12413Hc; almonds, soft shell, per
lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnjts,
fi-r Ih., 12Wi15c: new black wnlnuts. per
hi., 7i'(i90o; shellhark hickory nuts, per bu ,
1.7i; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60.
Vulvar tail Molasses,
NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Sl'OA R Raw,
firm: fair refining. 4V: centrifugal 90 test,
5'c; molasses sugar. 4c. Refined, firm.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 17-KrOAR-Strong:
open kettle, H'litHi'; i-entrlfugal,
4'4-Ji 4-t, o ; centrifugal whitca, dSojo 7-16c; yel
lows. 4Vft4 5-ltic.
MOIAHSESgulct; open kettle, Iffl'-'fc;
centrifugal. 7tflHc.
SYRCP Steady: 21fi2tlc.
Philadelphia Prodnce Market.
Steady; western creamery, 3uc; extra
nearby prints, 32c.
EGGS Steady ; nearby fresh, 28c, at
CHEESE Quiet; New York full creams,
fancy. 12v,(yi2c; choice, 12c; fair to good,
Mlaiieapolla firaln Market.
$1,155,; July. l.lJS,(fri.l24 : September, 93i4-tf
9.ic; No. 1 hurd. tl.15; No. 1 northern,
$1,117,: No. 2 northern, $1.09.
FLOl'R First patents, $6.:nti6.40; second
patents, fii.1urm'i.0; first cleats. $I.15QI.;m;
becontl clears, $2.6ufi2.7u.
HRAN In bulk. $13.50.
Milwaukee firaln Market.
Easier: No. 1 northern, ti ltif I.16iy: No. I
northern. fl.liMil.13.,: May. $l.li4 bid.
RYE Strong; No. 1. MfuWc.
RAHLEY Firmer; No. 2, Me; samples, 88
4)51 4e.
CORN Firmer; No. 3, 4:!fr43ho ; May, 44
(&44'c bid. ' ,'
F.nallsh t'oal Market F.xclted.
NEW CASTLE. Eng.. Jan. 17. Tlie coal
markit was greatly excited today 1n eon
seqiience of the extension of the coal strike
In Germany. Prices advanced from 12c lo
31c per ton. Freights to Rotterdam and
Hamburg were riuoted yesterday at 87c and
today uie f 1.18 In f 1.25.
Pululh firaln Market.
Dl'Ll'TII. Jan. 17. WHEAT To arrive:
No. 1 noil hern, fl.127,; Nn. 2 northern,
fl.OoV On track: No. 1 northern, fl.'ai
Nu. 2 northern, f 1.057,: May, tl.147,; July,
fl.13: Hepiember, !)3c.
OATH To arrive and on track, 21.,o.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Jan. 17. SEEDS Clover, cash
and January, t7.77V4; Februury.; March,
17.85. Prime alslke, fs.uo; prime timothy,
Biaporalrd Applea anal Dried Frails.
APPLES The market continues firm, with
common held nt 4i5c, prime nt 6c, choice
at 541160 and fancy at 5Hfl7c.
DEEDS tiled for rfcord January 17 as fur
nlshed by the Midland Guarantee and
Trust company. iKimiei abstracter, Mi
Farnnm street, for The pee;
Hannah Sands to H. M. Llgliteneteltk
lot 15. block K, 8n utulcrs A Hime
baugh's add 4.. t 10
II. Cohen and wife to Jane K. Ciilkili.
lot 6, Windsor Place 550
Agne.s T. flomore to Geoige A Co., loi 3.
block 1. Boyd's add 4
J. A. Canning to George Co.. und. ,
of lot 19. block 2, Potter's add 1
J. I. Hedi'-k and wife to Mary A. Good
rich, part of ne.'4 of sw.V, of 22-15-V..
The Merchants . .
National Bank
of Omaha. b.
U f. DtMt'lirr
Capital anJ Surplus 600.000
riAKI Mtl)HY. PT4S.
U'nH BRAKE. Caikiar.
PlAX, I. IMHILTOI. Ant. Caasler.
81844,4 soeouDls at baaka. Larikara. eorsAr
attooa. Inava xa4 tndlviduala oa favajfbl,
Fsralfa Eiraaaia bauikt aa4 aoia,
Lattar, ei erallt Iaaua4. STalisbla la 'all
8Mru of tka warm.
Intarsn M an Tlraa CartlloAtas of Pepestl,
Callauvloaa saata piostptly aoe aaaaauaaHy.
W4 raejuest arraala4aBas.
(lncorporaieu i
ruin Oifit: Fifth aad Roberts Streets
ot am in
Stocks, Grain, Provision
Ship Your Grain to Us
Branrli OtDre. Il-lll Uearal ! Trad
Ula1 l)aa she. 4ek. Teleakoae at4k
212-214 Alldg.. (touth Omaha,
all 'Phone Ua. loitDeodaat 'Pbuae k
Etords -Wood Co-