THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JAM'ARY. 17. 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Manipulation H the Guessing. Crowd FARMERS HOLD LITTLE WINTER WHEAT World Mil-aint of nhral mid (m-lirrrn In tUHilr ap. fly nf lorn and He rrrait In (lata. OMAHA. Jan. i0. Tha wheal market shotted :gn of wfak ness IhlB morning. The day opened at 8l.lf,4, or :o above the c!os of Hafurdsy. Tre r.ljhcn point, reached arly In the session, was li.lT'.. ft"m whleh the marK'i gradually icl oft until by noon it had reached 81.11V The July was not so actlv. the manipulator not tiring interested In If Juet now. It opened at W"jO, '.' up from Saturday, and dragged down to tnu lv tioon. Thfl wheat market la a problem Jiit now. It la a question what the big longs and short mean to do and not a question of the supply and demand. Despite rumors t liquidation, the, majority c.l the trad ohtinuea to think the Wall atrcel line la intact. The wheat vlalMe decreases bush el. An estimate from the south flares the amount of wheat in tin; farmers' bond In Kajisas s 11, bushels, In Nebraska. S.H'O.OOo bushel and In Oklahoma 1.6OU.00O bushel. This totHls about 2n.OW.oo bush el, against :U.n00,iji bualicl last year. The world a wheat shipment itmw n In crease except or thin country. America, for the week shipped '.5,C) bushels, against 1. bushel laat work and 3.V" bush 'la laat year. Ruasla whipped l.Ksi.uH) bush ela for the week, agiilrist ;:.3o4.0'e bushel lat week and only 4iti."W bushel a year ago. Another large Increase la In the lianuhlan Hhlpmenta, they being 466,un) buahels for the week and onlv i,4.j) bush ela laat year. Australia shipped 'M. buahela during the week, making the big decrease, from & bushels last week. Tin Indian shipments ahow the greatest In crease, being 2,700,a) bushels for the week, against 2K,) bushels last year, llrootn hall estimate the requirement of the Im porting countries this year at 42.ow.i quar ters and the avalluble exporting surplu ua t.l.onO. quarter. The larger Homing eup Pllea thla year will make a difference. .Minneapolis r porta a slightly better caali demand. King of Toledo la reported as earing that tne milling situation look very bad. because of the InCK of export de mand. ' He raya the lurgeat Ohio mill laat year exported If? r cent of Ita product and thla vear haa been able to plure 4t per eent at heme, being fortunate. 111 Helling that which It could not export. Th corn export from the Atlantic count laat week amounted to l.4uo,00o bushels. Tho. world ahlpmenta of corn are 5,4H).0 bnah cls, against 4,'24.(iOO laat week and 2.3O8.HO0 laat year. The Increase la duo to America .md Argentina, other countries decreasing. The flgurea for America are ,3ta.() buah ela for the week, 2,5i,o0 week before and 720,000 laat year. Argentine 1.81H.0O0 buah ela. week beforo l.lS41.00n and laat year 1.242 000. Russia shipped 4.axl buahela. ngaiiiat 120.000 for the week preceding and 2S.f-.iO laat year. Danuhlan exports nre nothing, agalnat 31M.0UO Inst year. The corn afloat tor the 1'nlted Kingdom la 7.241. il buahela and for the continent IWOUUM buahela. being an Increaaa of 1 .SMi.OOii ImihIi ela. Tha vlalblu aupply haa Increaacd m buahela. The vlalblA aupplv of oata hna decreased U?.nOt bifehela. Tbla dec reane waa rxpei td curly laat week and baa ettengthened the fioaltlnw of the conrae grain. It did not ead, owever, to an active market, nnnln f'nah Malea. WHEAT-.No. 3, 1 car, M Iba.. 1.06; 1 car, hi Iba., Jl.'lo. OAT8-8tundp. 1 car, :flic. Umaaa aah I'rloca. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.07tl."9; No. i hard, ll.iS; No. 4 hard, VOcftf 1.02; No. i aprtng, fl.OS. COHN-No. 2, 39',,c; No. 3, 3!4c; No. 4. a9'C po grade, 33u!7c; No. i eliew. 3r-'4c; No. 1 yellow. 39'4c; No. 2 whlic, Kc; No. i white. 3i4c. OATS No. 2 mixed. iVV; No. 3 mixed. -'He; No. 4 mixed. T.Wc; No. 2 white. 2-tiic; No. 3 white, 2!kj; No. 4 white. JVSVao; a la n da rd, 2V. C'arlot lleclpia. Wheat. Corn. Oats. fllVi'-; fine. HSc; lata made colored and white. p-or to rnoioe. anii'vc; large rm ared and hlte fancv, lie; flnp. ll'iflUV; late made colored and white, poor to choice. 'illc. Ktit.H Market atrong: weatern fancy, Wted lc; we"tein. average beat. 3r-l-OI'l.TKY Alive, atrong: wett-rn hl k- ttw. Uc; fola. 14ic; turkeve. lSfillc. Iiraed. frm; lrrn rh'rkena. ie13'tc; fowla. l.'il.1c; turkey. Iwirli'K- (lilt ACQ r.HAIM rROlIOS Featarea af the Tradla anal (laalag Prlrv aa Boaral f Trade. fHir-AOO, Jan. 1 txjwer pticea for caah what In all marketa had a weaken ing fffert on apeculatlve valuea here to day. Wheat for May delivery closed at a of ItilUc. Corn is off ic. Oats are down Sfi'oc Provlalona are up a ahade, to 5 centa. The wheat market opened tirm, with pria ahowing aome improvement over Katurclnv'a closing fiuotatlone. May b-lng up tiitic at fl.lfktil.lT'i; within a short time May aold at tl 17V The principal reaaon for the Initial flrm neaa In wheat was the bullieh pflranoe of world a ahlpmenta for laat week, the total amount being leaa than the eatlmnted conanmptlon of the Importing countries. In thla connection alao the decreaaed movement from Russia and Argentine had considerable Influence. Commission houses were tha chief buyer during the early part of the session. Offering ware rather limited and came principally from alper. Aa the session advanced, however, the selling became more pronounced and senti ment In the pit turned bearish. The cause of thia change was gossip received from outside markats felling of a lessened de. mand for cash wheat. Advices from Ft. Ioula Indicated a continued Increase In re celpte of wheat at that point. Vrom Mln neapolla rani report of a poor cash de mand and of an Increase of the move ment from the country. Commission h.maes were free sellers during the latter part of the session. Mav delivery gold off to II. la1 and cloa.d at'VCI 1.15H- Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1.S) buah ela. The amount on passage decreased t6. OiO buahela, while the visible supply de creased RHI.Oki bushels. Primary receipts were STlftO bttshela, compared with !"' buahela a year ago. Indlratlona of a htavier movement, aa manifested by an Increase In the visible aupply, had a weakening effect on the corn market. Inatead of an expected de crease In available stocks there was an Increase of 3Vi bushels, notwithstanding the amallness of laat week's receipts. Com mission houses were quite free sellers throughout the day. Buying waa from sruttereU source. Mav opened a shade to e higher at 44'f4.1c, and closed at 44Ac. Ixtcal receipts were 290 cars, none of contract grade. Weakness of othfr grains caused aome selling of oata but a decreaae in the visible supply held the declining tendency In check and prevented any material hies. May opened a shade higher at .'tlc, ranged between V31e and 31So, and closed at 31c. Local receipt were sixty-nine cars. Influenced by a decline In hog prices the provision market waa somewhat easier early In the session, but later a firmer tone developed on a firmer demand. Trading was chiefly In the May products, although there was a fair business In July options. At the close May pork was up ! at Sl.oT'i, lard waa up ? V at IHilTij. ribs were a shade higher at H72H. Estimated reoHpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 38 cars; corn, 400 cars; oats, lit cars; hogs, 38, of io head. The leading future ranged aa follow: Chlgo Kariaa City. Mlnenapolls . imiutn ; Ht. IyOVl Oma ha i.' i 6& 5"6 ........ a .104 2HO 14 49 M rrlrea at Mlnneapolla. The Hinge of prices paid In Minneapolis, na repot red hv the brimarda-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat May July September I I 1.17t 1.17V M.-.H 11SS ,. 1.14V, 1.14S1 1.13 1.13 ,. S3-' Kli Kl 93t Grain Market Klaewhere. Closing price of grain today and Bntur. at the marketa named were a follow: CHICAGO. Today. Bat'y. , l.lSt l.ltH ' day Wheat May .. July ., Corn May ,, July . Wheat May ... July Corn Mav ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July ... What- May ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... KANSAS CITY. 444 A. 45' s li9 A 44,A 43-- 8T. LOUIS. 1 Ooj 9 4'.'i 4."t 1.15ii l.'. 1 ." 42S 42', 4-."n 4J1, MINNEAPOLIS , - M."i 1.13 NEW VUKK. 1.15', l.WH, 96T 4.1 43VjB 1.17', III', l.ltiB 1.10SA. NEW lORK EKRAL .MAIIKET (natation of the May on Varloaa Commodllle. NEW YORK, Jan. 1.-K1.0L'H-Receipta, 15.3to bbla.; xiorta. I,3!i4 bbla. ; rales, 3 !isj ks. ; flnn. dull; winter patents, u.5oif 6.KS; winter straights, tii.Mii 5. 45; Minnesota pat ents, JS.itj.3j. winter extras, $J.,(u4 i; Minnesota bakcra. l.:Kti4.0o; winter low grade, 3 4M4.10. Kye Hour, firm; fair to good, t4.4dj4 70; choice to fancy, ( "J.I. Huckwlie.t flour, alow, l2.n)i!.lM et' cut. 1 URN. MK A I8ted : Hue white and yel low, SI. 2ft; coarse new, Zl.0Titfl.U9; kiln dried, t2."wQllt. MYK Nomln!. BARLKY-Uull; feeding. 43i,c. c. I f.. New Yurk; mailing. 45ft Mc, c. I. f. Buffalo. Wilt) A T Kevel v t a. ,i"5o bu.; sales. 4,4u. POU bu. futures. Snot, firm; No. 2 red, $1.21. f. o. b., i Moat: No. 1 northern, Uuluth, tl.2'e, f. o. b, aflcat; No. t hard. Manltolwt, tl.UU, f. o. b., afloat. Opening higher on Mrm IJverpool eablca and a little covering, wheat later turned weak, liquidation being Induced by heaviness In outsldo markets, norihweai and' Wall street selling and larger western receipt. The close ahowed nt decline. Hulea Included No. I red. May, Il lbVcrl li '. closed at tl MW, July. tl.02S-lVAl.d3Vt. cloacd at'S; Hep teniber. M'taWM W'. Ioh. d at MV'. CtiRN Kecelpts, ilH.3t ha.; exports, J71. (20 bu.; aulea, li.'H) bu. future tind 24, (0 bu, i-pot. The spot market was tl regular; No, 2. a2V elevator, and 5ITc, afloat; No. 2 yellow. Hl,; No. 1 white. j;l4c. Futures opened tlrmer on cables and bull aupporl, but weakened with whear, closing V' net lower. May. (aW6 -lic. rloaed at sUVe. OATS Receipts, IJH.Oui bu. Spot, firm; mixed. 2 to 32 lbr.. X7.'gc; natural white. :tn to 32 Ilia., 3nSir; clipped while, U to 40 lbs., 40!c. Opllona were nominal. rregular: princ bran, tin. 70 for January shipment; middlings, $19.10 for January slilpiueiit. HAY Klrm; shipping. (t'SotTHc; good to choice. ui(7Hc. MOPt- r'lrni: state, common to choice. HM. f37c: 1H3. .ti33c; olds. 14c; PaclHc cossl. ISs-K. 2lc; 1!""3, UOfSSc; olds 1417c. IIlnKS Steady; Galveston 30 to to lb., ISc; California 21 to 2j lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24,10 lb. 14V,c. l.KATHKR Mlrady; cld. 242c. I ROVlolONis Beef, steady; family, 11100 12u0; mee. ts V 9 ou : beef hams, t ( 3u; packet. tlO.&otj 11 lO; city, extra IndU i'iea, Il5.ixnil7.. Cut n eats, lutnliml; plck lel bellus, to .-N' w; pickled anouiuers. Vi a; pickled hams, t. 7bh 0). l.ard, steady; weetern atvamed. trt.9in7.u5; January closed at ti IkVu 7.U : reflneii. quiet; ctuitiuent. IT 10; Houih America, t7 IB; voiupound, H 76fl6 5o. Pork, steady; family, tll.tsni 14.30; .short clear. tl3.2 l (w; nie., tll.uu4jl3.6o. TAL1JW Imll; city. 4V. country. 4SJ RtCE Quiet; dometlc, fair to extra 2'i (i.SUc: Japan, nominal. ' ' BUTTKU-Market Him; street price, extra rreniery. 0c. official prices: Cieani'iv, loinmun to extra. Kiosk ; iTcamerv held, roinmou to extra 2-''u&c; tjte dairy, com mon to xtrn. s.(i2Sc; reunited, common tn extra, 1wri JTU-; western factory, common in extia. llft'U; etrn Imltuiiou cream- rv. rr,nitnou to choice. I7i.'4i . ''HKtKK -Marker nrm; state. fu: cream, small e.i orcd and m hlle lanev 1;'V ; tine, U.t . lalu nut' colur. d uiil mlilte fsnc). Articles.! Open. ! High. I Low. Close.! Yes y. Wheat May July , Corn Jan. Mav July Oata Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lrd , Jan. May July Rlbs Jan. May-July 'l KA. I ari 174; 44T.''1-4n' llft'xIBV 31 12 ) 12 65 e xr Su r. 4n ( 70 to 1 15', i 1 17U 1 15H4S1 l'i 1 15, 9S 9t(x 9Mstl M 42 41T,; 46S'44il 45S' 45S, 30S SO '4 :ilS,303l 31'l. 31 12 3D 12 75 66 90 7 00 a 43 72H So 42 ! 41 414 44'i'H4o 45', :. 46-H :!'' 3'i, .11 31Voi4 31 1 ;iu. 12 40 12 i 1 K 96 45 6 70 89 12 50 12 72', ti S.1 5 7 no 4R I 6 S5 37', !74 2S kS 974 45 724 ho No. 2. Cash quotation were as follow: FLOUR Steady; winter patent, td.livg; f.20: straights. t4.S0-tj5.00; spring patents, la 00(16.601 Straights, t4.4Ofl4.90; bakers; t-'.W 3 .SO. yUEA.T-N0. J.pjln, .JlJ2iai.J7; No.-3 red. tl 17'iftl.2t)4. CORN No. 2. 4.1c; No. 2 yellow, 43c. OATS No. t. 0c; No. 3 white, 32ib324p) No. 8 white, SOJc. RTK No. 2, ',Wllc. B A RLKY Good feeding. 37HT3c; fair to choice malting, 458Vc. BKKDS No 1 flax, ti lt); No. 1 northwest ern. $1.23; clover, contract grade, tl3.00. PROVISTONS-Mesa pork, per bbl.. I12.4J; laid, per lno lh.. short rib aidea (loose). KUtffi.&O; ehort clear side (boxed). t6.304rS.;4. Receipt rd ahlpmenta for the day were aa follows: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbla II.40O 8 M Wheat, bu 9, .V7.2A) Corn, bu 3S4.0 1S2.7U) Oata, bu K5.DH0 Rye, bu t 2.0Oi 4.) Barle-, bu 42.VY) 2,2i3 On the Produce exchange today the hut. ter market waa firm: creameries. 19fi30i.'j dairies, 1H4fi24c. Egg, at mark, ca'c In cluded, zrsf.c; nrats, ;tc: prime nr a, jirj extras, 31c. Chteee, steady; U'glic. St. Lonla Oral) an Provisions. ST. LOl'18, Jn. 1. WHBAT-Loweti No. 2 red cah, elevator, tl.l6H; track, tl 17U; May, 11.1514) 1.16. July. mri'Jt; No. i hard, tl. 11. 124- CORN Steady: No. t caah. 43c: track, 44i44ic; May, 42Tvti 41c ; July. 45H'H45V. OATS Steady; No. 2 cah, Sohc; track, Jlc; May. SlSc; No. 1 white. 3:&324e. KLOl R Steady; red winter patent, to. 40 ft 5 50; epeclul brands, tn.tiuiio.70; extra fancy. $4.95ti6 .10; clear, t4. 4014.60. 8 KED-Timothy, nominal, I2.002.0, CORN MEAI Steady at 12.40. BRAN Dull; aaoked, east track, 7u&c, HAY juiet; timothy. a.0o4ji:i.ou; prairie, IO.tOti9.tO. IRON COTTON TIE8-93C. BAOO!NO-i7e. IIKMP TWINE 64c. FROVISIONB-Pork, higher; Jobbing, til 474, old; tU.724. new. Lard, lower; prime ateum. tfi.274. Dry ault meats, teady: boxed, extra hort. 17.50; clear ribs. 7.24: short clear, 17.874. POULTRY Chicken. lower at W4c; springs. 104c; turkey. 144c; ducks, 11c; geese, sc. BLTTTFR Firm; rreamery, 24fl30ic; dairy. HWLSc. OGS rlrm at 25c. rase count. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl U.onu . . lo.uuo Wheat, bu Willi 41.IU0 Corn, bu 5O.OU0 Sti,i) Oat, bu 67.0uo 31.0XSJ Kaasas Clr Grain and Pravlalaa. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 16 WHEAT Mar ket lower; May. tl .0641 O&Hl July, i74c. Caah: No. 2 hard. 1.07l.OS; No. 8. 81.04 1.07; No. 4, 97ctl.OS; No. 3 red. tl.134ll.14; No. 8. $1.091 11. Recelpta, 141 cars CORN Market steady; May, 424fi424,e; July. 424j42V. Caah: No. 1 mixed, 4:1411 4A; No. 4. 42J424c; No. 1 white. 424c; No. 3. 42ie. . OATS Market steady: No. i white, 31 Wa S2c; No. 2 mixed, 304'a3tX,c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.5O10.00; choice prairie, 87.50. RYK-Steady at 74c. BOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. t whllewood rase Included, Joe; caae count, 25c: caae returned. 40 lee. BC'TTER-Crenmery, (27c: dal-y. lc. Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 112.ti s; i.00 Corn, bit 64 1 - ?7.?iu Oats, bu t.Ouu T.raa Visible Sapply of Orala. NEW YORK. Jan. 11-Th visible supply1 of grain Saturday, January 14. a compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat. 39.ta6.000 bushels: d. crease. tSSl.Ouo bushel. Corn. 11,129,0m) bush, els: Increaae. 36.0U0 bushels. Oata. gO.Soo.Oia) buahela; decrease. tnl.OOu bushela. Rve, 1.773 0m) bushels; decretise, bushel. Barley. (.371.000 buahela; decrease, 3S3, OOO bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. If WHEAT May, t1.1iVal l5: July, 81.13; September, H3i.c; No. 1 hard. 81.14: No. 1 northern, 81.141: Nn t northern, 1109V, 6 l.lQV FLOUR First oatents. .4nfl.50: second patents, tti30: Itrst clears. t5.15jo.25; econd clear. I.' uOill 70. BRAN la bulk. tU iu. Vllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. IS. - WHEAT -Easier; No. 1 northern, 81 IS4: No. 1 north ern 11.1191 14; May, tl.l5S115A.. asksd. RYE (Strone; No. 1. 814c. BARLEY Firmer; No. i 61c; Sampls, 37 (j61r. i JRX-.c higher; No. t. 4ij43V; May. 44c. asked. Mverneal Uraln ssl Prevlslea. LIVERPOOL. Jn. 1 WHEAT Snot, nominal; future oulet; March, 7s 44; May. s liyi: July. M 114a CORN Bpot. easy: American mixed, new, 4a: American mixed, old. 4s 10td; futute steady; March, 4a ld; May. 4s iii. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Transactions in Wall Street Eichangs Rise Above the Million Hark. EARLY MARKET ACTIVE AND HIGHER talon I'aclfle AnHancea eteral Polata and Later All the l.aln I I. oat t losing Prices l.onpst of the Day. NEW YORK. Jn. IS Transaction on the Htock exchange rose above the mil lion share mark today and with the in crease In animation there was considerable show of strength. The conspicuous move ment In Union Pacific exercised a sympa thetic Influence on the whole market. But during the coiirs t.f the d.iy when the movement In that tok showed signs of having run Its' If out, the tone for the rest of the market also gave evidence of hesita tion and difficulty in resisting the reac tlon. After its 6-plnt rise of last week and with Its advance today through the. flgMre which had been pointed to in the civrent speculative gossip aa the objec tive of the movement. Union Pacific nat urally came In for aome heavy speculative profit taking. The accumulation of orders over Sunday, whl- h had ben attracted by the buoyant movement of Friday and Sat urday, helped to tarry the stock up through the offerings to realise to a high record for the. movement of 1204. An addi tional J-point Jump In Northern Securities on tho curb kept up the parallel between the two stock ujwin which the movement haa hinged throughout. The evmpathetle responses in Bout htm Pacillc and St. Paul waa only moderate and In the railroad list at large wa even lesa notable. Among tho Indust.'ial and specialties, however, there were various oiuts of ef ffctlve supplementary strength. Amalga mated Copper whs j specially active and strong under the Influence, of the near ap proach of the period when the dividend la usually acted upon. United Statea Steel preferred was effectively bought, although Its advance was somewhat belated, and the current gossip regarding the showing of earnings for the December quarter wo more hopeful than lant week. The sub sidiary stel companies snd railroad squlp ment companlis as well ok the electrical and smelting companies showed the gen eral effect of the metal trade condition. The money market we.s very easy In all departments and for call loans was prac tlcally glutted as th result of the heavy Inflow of currency from the Interior last week. The paying over by the national banks of the Hi per cent Installment of government deposits In accordance with the coll of tho secrftary of the treasury seemed to be entirely without effect on the ease of the money market and the gold export prospects were cquallv disre garded. The congestion of money litre had on unfavorable rather than n cheer ing effect, especially as It wa accompanied by a tone of less confidence on the port of railroad traffic officials throughout tho country. The car supply waa reported distinctly easier front ail quarter and some falling-off In tho freight movement was generally submitted, pointing to a midwinter lull In troile activity, which In duced some feeling of hesitation In specu lative quart"!. The alleKed threat of Isir troubles tin the Pennsylvania system, although officially denied, hpmnl to be the reason for the separation of the stocks of that group from the day'a upward move ment. The day's buslnrxs was not only largrlv cougest.Hl In a few prominent atocks, but came from concentrated nirces, less than half a dos 'H lnrRe hous..4 being credited with dealings nn; where up to 00.0110 short apiece. The pressure against the market gained force, with the result, that the Pa cifies and St. Paul closed at net losses, while the earlier gains were much reduced throughout. The closing was easv. Bonds were llrm; total sales, par value, f.7-.i". United States new 4s advanced 4 per cent on call. Quotations on t n New York Stock ex change were as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. 6.7IO M' g4 son lili4 im ii. 4') 12.1 12?'i li'2 4iO 97 isn la.soo 1:144 m l' 19lt 1914 3.5"i) 4 4s'4 4H) 424 414 Atchison do pfd Atlantic. Couat Line.. B. O do pfd Can. Pacific Central of N. J Che. & Ohio Chicago ec A do pfd... Chicago Ot: Western 13.9m) V. & N. W 2,4v, t. M. & St. P 22,1'K) Chicago T. & T 3' do pfd K) C. C. C. & St. L. . . . fc'n Colo, ft Southern !K do 1st pfd p ao pi" Del. it Hudson. Iel.. I tt W... V. & R. U do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley no pro 23V"23', 2W 173--S, H 20'. fl 234 614 2071. 173", 10 2'4 914 224 (,14 T.566 1M IM M. L HI. Central Iowa Central dii pfd K. C. Houtheirt... do pfd I.. & N Manhattan L Met. Securities.... Met. St. Ry Mexican Central.. Minn. St. I. M., St P. & S. Ste do pfd Mo. Pacific M-. K. T do pfd Nul l It. R. of M N. Y. Central... N. T.. Ont. & W Norfolk &. W do pfd Pennsylvania ... P.. C C. & St. Reading ao 1st prn do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Ft. K & 8. F. 2d pf St. L. 8. W do uifd 80. Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Texa & Pacific Tol., St. U & W do pfd Union Pacific.... do cfd Wabash do pfd W. & iAike Erie Wis. Central do pfd Adams Ew American Ex U. 8. Ex Wella-Fargo Ex Amul. Copper Anier. Cur & F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil to pfd Anier. Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.... do pfd Anier. locomotive. .. do nfd Amer. Smelt. & do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Amer. Too., pfd cert Anaconda Mining Co Brooklyn H. T Colo. Fuel & 1....:... Con. Oas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. (Jen. Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Nat l Lead No. American Pacific Mall people'a Oa Preased Steel Car do pfd Puilmsn P. Car Republic Steel do pfd RubbT Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal & I U. S. leather do pfd U. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber dVi pfd V. 8. Steel do rfd Vn. C.iro. Chemical. . do old We'tlngh. Electric... Weatern Union Tutsi sale for the 4") 60.3i) H.l'i) 2.4H) 2"0 1"0 t.h") i" 7oi) 1.9"0 6.2i 3.90) 1.5 ) 7. R) 5.2 4 0 2.100 2H0 2S.00U .... 4.3111 5.HO0 pfd 12,4v) .... 3.200 .... 5.501 .... 2 l'lO 4S.1IM 30 106,6(1) 40 300 27.500 4. I 9ll 1.70 . 2.7.M .132.1) . 2.4') . M.4O0 5m) . 2,.io 1"0 w .276 feu 100 V) . I.TijO 100 9m) 3J0 Wl. 400 1.100 2-10 10) 1464 404 7v', 62 9 9.1 157 284 te 14114 17114 764 1174 234 69tl4 944 1494 14 32' 6 14 45 1444 424 so !H'i 13S4 M4 92 M 374 W4 714 264 694 si.'.; 1174 354 964 S54 364 54 I.114 a' 444 1S4 23 464 3(4 n 35 864 4" 774 614 9 9.1 156 24 53 14o4 lt4 76 II 64 234 69 9.1 149 1"4 314 634 44 1434 414 794 9.14 1374 Hoi 914 (.44 364 K.1-4 71 254 tv4 674 1 1; 344 96 4 35 364 Ui 11M4 74 214 434 2 46 754 334 93 35 3u0 4 4 3'I0 2. i 110 R.... 12.30 9a) S.f ) 1.9.10 2. 9t 2.2 14.4C0 f-00 1.4H1 4l .0 2io S.) l.("0 9U0 374 354 l'4 3 ll 2" 1434 9.1 H2; 634 4H, 19S4 20 77 irs-ii 234 7T7 374 if 1424 111 "IS IS 4 I! "' pi4 23 100 Ion linn 4.4 4") ') J.2i0 1 Joo l.luO "i,i: LOW 4. MO t lm 4o) 71 1) iw.7m 8,7'0 im) 5.4n 200 day, 26 linl 4.14 1 H4 Xl4 90 17 704 27v 74 1024 "94 3 1-4 314 94 .164 i'4 llt'V ei-4 i.r7.4 2-1 lmi 45 1'74 .11 t4 i4 70 274 71 LIS 102 79 37'i 1" S"4 944 : 14 xn 93 n shares l'C'i 96 191 " SO 214 J08 173; 10 2-H, :o 61 M 1i1'4 340 324 S64 61 4 90 92', Ifirt 29 T10 2Hi 534 1404 1'9 764 117 234 5x 9.1'i I491J I1174 314 614 44 143'i 9? 137H 764 914 914 844 364 Kl 7itH 254 54 674 1164 344 964 35 854 63 11K4 97 214 4.14 114 22 46 236 213 1SD 233 764 834 93 34 94 64 3H 154 374 354 14 1-24 1124 1424 924 1114 634 4714 'Z 11 374 190 23 77x 384 iZ 44 I'm 454 174 IX 9'1 !44 & loiZ 754 ii'"4 1 924 Baak Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 16 Today' bank clearing were ll.672.UV04: for thexameday last vear thee were ll.4M.4V.67. For the week they ere fa. 170 812 29; for the aama petlod last year they were 87.900 178"9 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Jan. ll-Today's tat nient of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclualve of the tl.TOtm ma) gold reserve In th division of redemption, 1 shows: Available aah balance, tl 42."l'.-T. : gold, tn4.6.M.3i. e Tark Meney Market. NEW YORK. Jsn. 16-MONEY-On call, steady at 2"a24 per cent; closing bid. ! per cent; offered at 24; time loans, very essy: sixty day. 24 per cent; ninety day. 3 per cent: eix months. 31.14 Per rtnt. TRIME MERCANTILE PAPF.R-44144 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong: closed easier, with sctual business In bankers' Mils at 4 87fi"t4 S766 for demand and at t4.85.Ati4 for slxtv-day bills: poste.1 rate. t4 ".4'(i4 96 and l.t!i4.84; commercial bill. t4AV,i4 S54. 81LVER-Bar. 604c; Mexican dollar. 474c H' NPS Government, firm: railroad, firm. The following are the quotation on stock and bonds: T. nf It. r ...insbspan . etfa Ml eeurns tnakU N am. (1 in de l. rf 103 Manhatian r 4i ..in7 4o ro.ipon 1l4jV.t Onlnl 49 74 40 new . re tH ! 4e 1st im 4 do tnuami Itli.'Mtnn a t I,. 4s.. T do old s. re 1. H M.. K T. 4s de roypon lt'al dn tr St Am TsUoro 4k. rtfs. 1 S I N . R, R. ef M. c 4. ? 4 a. ctfa til IN. V. r. Hiit At hlson .n. 4i lWS'N J f . la 134 4e t. 4a 4H;N rsrlgr 4 14 Atlanlle C U 4s....t1Si ' 714 Hal. Otiio 4s IHHiN W. e. 4 12', 3V, 34iO 1 rtd 4s Cnmi af Oa. ...lil1 Pnn Vf 1114 d Itt Isc. 4j ' Heading (D 4( 1H do 24 Inr Tl'St. b. I. M. r. la 11TH Tha. A Ohio Hijs ...t' IS'. U A P. V. f. 4. rbi.sio A. as... I. 9. W r. 4s.... l r., B tc Q n. 4 .. 1"0V4 Seohntrd L ... 9 C . R. I. A P. 4i.... V, o Prtr 4a ', d. inl. ts MS o Ra'lssr I' rcc. a- st L. 4. T1111 P is Ul"4 'M-ao Ter. 4. '4iT.. St. b. W. ta.. tr, Colo. Mid 4 74 t'lilnn Pt.-tSr 4 104( Colo. 4t 80. 4r M I do conr. 4 11H "b f,. nfa 104VC 9'eel ;d ht .... ti D R. G. 4 Ii"'l Wah4h It H, I'tciallers' c. la ... 74 1 4n db. R i 4j Erls prior lira 4a ...1"? Western M 4s I 4 fen 4a :''W'. a L E 4 "4 F. W A T C. la ...11I)V,WI. Cenlrsl 4a I Ho.-klng Vsl. 4ta ...lei'il Bid. II. Boston BOSTON. Jan. cent: time loans closing of stocks A'rhl.ns tAi. 4a. do 4s entrsl 4v. Atchison do pfd Ronton A Albany poalon A ftlslne. Ponton Elevated Kll.hliura pld .. Cantral ... N. T . X. II. A Per Marqiistte I'nlnn Par(9e Atnar. Arg. Them.. do pfd Amer. Pnsu. Tune... Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T A T Am.r. Woolen do pfd f dominion I. A Kdlson Kler. Illu ilenaral fleetrlr .... Mm. Electric do pfd Mi'i. lias t'nlied Krult l nlle.1 Khos ytarh... do pfd V. S. Stsel do pfd ftock Market. 14. -Cell loans. n4'i34 per . . . I ,ll,.UI and btinds: . 4H.W'satln common ... .111:4 Ad ant urs 74 . 74 lAllouea H'4 . Amalgamaied TH tol Amrrl.'an glnc 1114 M Allantle 174 .17H Blniham H .17' '!. A Herla SIKI .143 Cantennlal '.'J . H Tapper Hane '4 . Dalr West 114 . .2 r.ijmlnlon t'oal 40 HIX Franklin 11 . I'll Oran. f Ht . 71 lale Rnval !7 . 4"4 Mm Mlnln II j 14.'S Ml.klgan lit .1311 . Mokask .'.4 .1444 Mom r. A r 4', . 12 Old Dominion 2 . 4' tnvtola M4 . 11 Parrot It'i .;M4 Wolmr Ill .10 Shannon s-4 . 1.114 Tamars'k 130 . Trinity . MS I'. 9 Mining 2344 Ion V. 9. Ull If . . t'tah 41 . :i!4 VMorla it . jokj Winona IS . 4H Wolverine 1041 London Slock Market. LONDON, Jan. 16. Closing quotation on stocks and bonds: (onaols. money MS N. V. Central 147t do ai rount Norfolk A W 1S Aniironda b do pfd 94' AtfhlKon Ontario W 4:4 4 do pfd Iiw't Pnnv1vania ""H nalllmore A Dhlo. . . .ll-a Rand Mlora H'4 Canadian It7 Reading tl'i l haa. Ohio i 4u lat pM 17 hi. ago 01. V u- do H pfd 4.1 C M. A St. P 17 So. Rallmit M liellwra 1 do ptd 9 lioer ft H. 0 iS'i So Panr? ill do pfd it t nlnn Pa.'IAc 1?J Kris 41V, do ptd do 1st pM in. V. tt. Slesl ll'i do :1 pl.t M'a do pfl X' llllnoia inlral tI Whafh l.oun A. Nash 144 do pfd 44', M.. K A T Jit gpanlah 4a H SILVER Bar, steadv. 27 11-1 W per ounce. MONEY 14T2 per cent. The rate or discount in the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent; for three mouths' bills, 24t2 9-16 per rent. New York Mlnrntt Storks. NEW YORK, the closing qu'. A .lama too Alio Hra..-a Prunttwlrk con . . . I. omatock Tunnel Con Cat. A Va.. l:ork Kllvar .,. Iron Sliver .: Ladvllla Con .... Jan. 16. The following are ...1.0ns on mining stocks: 24. .. D .. It '.. I 9 ..IS Ull la I Mat .. Cntarlo Of Mr Ffin inealx otosl .:-..:.... Slvlff. 1J' tHutrtt NsTtida ..."Ismail Hopes ... 1 I Standard ...... .17. 18 . 7 . It . 4! . 47 :. 25 .160 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Jan. 16. Money ws plentiful In the market today and the demand waa quiet, discounts were steady. Business was xliglitly increased owing to bMier money and support of the continent. Consuls were Arm early In the day. but cloed easier. Homo rail were active In anticipation of dividend. American in sympathy with the strength of Wall street were firm at above parity. The New York bank statement In duced support, noticeably in the cuse of Atchison, Topeka Ac Santa Fe, New York, Ontario aY Western and 1'nlted State Hteel, while I'nion Pacific and I'nlon pacific pre ferred strengthen! consequent on rumors of a Northern Securities settlement. The operation mostly were profteaional, the continent buying moderately, prices closed easier. Foreigners were fairly active. Ru. shins hardened on the budget ptatemcnt. Japanese were maintained, imperial .lami nesc government sixes of 1904 quoted at 9ha) rTERLIN. Jan. III. Price 011 the Boura. today were firmer on the probnb.e settle ment of the coal strike. PARIS, Jan. 16. Prices on the Bourse to day were quiet; Rush la 11 Imperial foul 9 were quoted at 96.60. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. l.-COTTON-Mr-ket, eteady; closed steady to 3 point nd anre; middling upland. 7.25c; middling gulf, 7.50c. Sale. 8,430 bale. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 16. COTTON Firm; ale. 6,900 head: ordinary. 4 7-16c; good ordinary. 54c; low middling, 4c; middling. 7c; gooa middling, 7 5-16c; mid dling fair, 7 13-16c. Receipt, 10,56 bales; stock. 393.265 bale. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 1. COTTON Spot, in moderate demand: prlcfs unchanged; American middling. t.x2d. The sales of the day were 7.000. of which 1,000 were for speculation and export, and Included 6.&U) hale of Americun. Receipts, 38.000 balea, Including 36,000 bales of American. K11 turos upened quiet and closed steady. American middling, g. o. c, January, 3.71d; January and February, 3.71d; Feb. ruary and March, 3 74.1; March and April, 3.77d; April and May. 3h1; May and June, 8.f2d; June and July, 3U6d: July and Au gust, 3 Kid; August and September. S.o'Hd; September And October. S.99d; October and November, 8.90d; November and Decem ber, 391d. ST. LOl'18. Jan. 16.-rOTTON-8teady ; middling. &c. Sales, 410 bales; receljits, nom: shipments, 50 bales; stock, 40.870 bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 1. METALS Tqe London tin market experienced a had break, closing at 129 17s 6d for both spot and futures; the local market wss quiet; some dealers were reported to be asking a high a 129.05 for spot, but the majority of quotation range around 1-9.25, with 829 80 bid. Copper closed In London at 68 12s for spot and 69 tor futures; locally the mar. ket Is unchanged. Lead was a shade h'gher at 13 loa loci; the local market waa llrm and unchanged at 84,I4 70. Spelter was unchanged In the local market: London was a little lower at 25. Iron closed at 64a 6d at Glasgow and at 4a 7d In Mlddlebor ougli: 'locally the situation I ealer; there I talk of a better situation for southern ? cades: No 1 northern foundry I quoted ut 17.20; No. i northern foundry at tl7.6; No. 1 soft southern foundry at tl7.76ej18.0O. ('079 Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 16 COFFEE Mar ket for future opened steady w;th October 6 points higher and other months un changed. There seemed to be compara tively little coffee fur sale and trading was quiet nearly all the session. Toward the cloa-e the demand quickened consid erably with trade interests and .commis sion house buying and the market waa finally steady, net unchanged to 6 point higher. Sale were reported of 96.000 bag, Including: April, c: May. 8.1j)s.l5c; July, 6. toe; September, 8. 55c; October, i.toc. Spot, teady; No. 7 Rio, 4c. Oil aa (tenia. OIL CITY, Pa.. Jan. 16.-C'redit balance, tl 42; certificate, no bid; shipments, si, 633 bbl., average 99.315 bbl.: run, 124.559 bhl., average 63,32 bbla.; shipments. Lima. 125. 97! bbla., average 67.621 bbls.; runs, Lima, 12S. 357 bbls.. average 66.647 bbla. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. 16 OILS Tur pentine. 634'- ' RotSIN-Flrrn: A. B r. 82.55: D. 82.60: K, 12.70: F. 32 76; O. .874: H. 83 10; I. 83 .4 : K. .; M. 84 50; N, 84 76; W G. 85 00; W W, 86 15. agar aaej Melasce. NEW YORK. Jan. 14 Sl'GAR - Raw. strong: fair refining. 44'-; centi-lfugal 9.1 teat, 6 ',c; molasaes ;gar. 44. . Relined, firm. NEW ORLEANS. Jan It Sl'GAR -Strong; open kettle. 841144c: open kettle tentrifugal. 44u44c: centrifugal mhltca. 64'i yellow, 44fj0i-16c; sreoud, J4ul4i t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Firlj Actie with Little Cbsnge in Knlicf Price. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Brisk Demand far sheep and l.amk anal with Moderate Receipt Trad. Ins Ma Active itllh Price Mrong to a Dime Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 16. 19u5. Receipts were: Cattle. Ifcg. Sheep. fifflclsl Mondev 2 3 t J" S.OlO Ssme ilar lat week . . . . 6.U 2 7'1 2-5 Same dav week before.. .2il 6.2T7 11.91 ianie three weeks ago... 1.494 -'7 691 Same four weeks ago 3.t;0 8.5"4 8 7" '8 Psme day last irar 3 466 S.7o 13.9 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipt Of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th r to date, with comparison with lat year: I. 1 lec. Cattle 31 1!K 42.161 10.9SJ Hoga s 9i 9:..DVI She. p 6A747 M.-WS Th following table snom the verge price of hog at South Omaha for th last eeveral days, with comparison: Dat ( 1904. 19M. 19T. 11901. IUW0 I1998.I1S98. hie, 1. . Dec. 21 . rec. 22., Dec. 23.. Dec. 34.. T:ec. 96.. Dec. 26.. Dec. 17.. Jn. 1... Deo. 89.. Deo. 80.. Dec. 11.. Jan. J... Jan. 1... Jan. -4... Jan. 6... Jan. f .. Jan. T Jan. 8... Jan. 9... Jan. 10.. .Ian. II . Jan. 12.. Jan. 13.. Jan. 14 . Jsn U . Jan. 16.. 4 V.141 4 3-)' fn a I" 4 7'- 1 J ! 4 6041 I 01 01 4 79 8 94i I M 4 4441 4 94! I 04! 4 61 4 Oil 1 31 4 INW 4 19! t 11 I 4 901 4 02 1 4 4 WV4, 4 46 II 081 ' Vtl a 4 41V 4 47 6 27 9 1.91 4 86: 3 47 1 1 aa 1 aa I aa I sa 4 4241 4 641 Ml 11 4 89 4 11 4 614: 4 56 I 4 614 4 47 1905. 4 38 4 4J4! 4 444 4 77 4 414i 4 ffl 4 45 I 4 58 4 60 fc 44: :tsl 4 9 ll 4 09 4 64 ! 6 23! 71 1 4 951 4 211 9 64) 3 44 4 81 4 12 4 S3 1904 4 61 ! 8 46 1 61 4 CI 4 62 H 4 771 i 14 85 t 251 I 4 14! AI K)l 4 991 1908.11802 I19nl. l9i.ll"99 87! 6 Ml 4 94! 4 ' 8 7 80, 6 19; 4 91 4 29' I 6T 291 ( 021 4 I7 8 44 4 21' : 6 04, 4 n I 4( 6 34 6 24i I 4 68' fl 39' 6 091 6 061 I 4 60! 6 49! 6 u9: I 06 U 4" 15. tt 401 6 14, 04 4 36! 4 62 4 674 4 53! 4 61 4 61 4 634 4 75 4 694 4 73 I 4 69( 4 514 4 74 6 46 4i 6 86. A 41 6 49 " 1 6 00, 6 14 6 22 6 15, 8 44 1 43 4 34' 4 8S I 46 4 851 3 f.0 6 231 4 41! J 65 6 17: 4 49 3 Ml 4 3 3 14 5 25 B 16: 5 26 6 27, 4 6S 4 62i 3 56 3 66 a 3 52 Indicate Sunday. Indicates holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle, Hog. Sheep. H'ses C. M. 8. P. Ry 4 4.. I nlon Pa.ltic system. .19 8 16 C. N. W. Ry 1 2 .. F. E. M. V. R. R..32 24 2 C. St. P. M. & O. Ry.i.'i 4 1 B. & M. Rv 30 11 7 C. 14. tt u Ry 4 11 K. C. St. J 1 .. .. C. It I. A P.. east 2 9 11 Inols Central 6 Chicago Great West.. 9 3 1.. Total 132 H2 25 ! The dlsnosltinn of the day' receipt was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : 1 .'at tie. Hoc. ahec Omaha Packing Co 395 K51 210 Swift and Company .5 1 4.'.5 1.149 Cudahv Packing Co 941 1.724 1,0; Armour Co 574 1.7W 2.952 ansnut & ( o t.4 Carey & Benton 6 Lobman & Co 127 McCreary & Carey 24 Hill & Hutxliig.r lln Hamilton 12 L. F. Hiisz 167 Sam Wcrtheimer 43 Mike Hagerty n J. H. Root & Co 71 ..... Other buyer 232 Total 3.222 6.798 5.467 CATTLE There waa a moderate run of cattle here thla morning, so that the mar ket held up In good shape, in nplte or tne fact that Chicago had 11 liberal run with a break In prices of a boot a dime. The market here was fairly active, particularly on the better grades, so thai an cany clearance waa made. The demand for the better grade of be'f steers ws quite, active and price held generally steady. The quality of some of the offering was good, s is shown by the fact that s high as 85.R) wus paid. When It came to the commoner kinda the market was not particularly active, but still the prices paid did not show a groat deal of change from the close of last week. Most everything waa out of lliet hands at a reasonably early hour. There was considerable life to tho cow trade, and that was especially true in case of the lieltcr gradea or such as sell from 83.00 up. Buyera all seemed to be anxious for cattle of that kind, and with a limited supply the market ruled active and strong. The klnda that sell from 83.ia down were nol very active, but still the price paid were Just about steady with those In force the latter part of last week. Bulls, veal calves and stags showed very little change. Trading was not very active, but there wa no quotable change in ruling price. There were not very many atocker and feeders on sale, so that although the de. mand was not particularly heavy, the market held Just about stead.!. Good heavy cattle sold freely at steady prices. The same a usual of late, the light weights were rather slow, hut the price paid could not be nuoted anything but steadv. ltcprcsentativ sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr ia K) S 10 43 lllU 4 " 1 770 1 40 1 10l.ll 4 SO 1070 I SO 1 102ft 4 ZS 1 440 1 HI S 10K7 4 24 1 Mo a to 34 1 zoj 4 an , tt.t I 70 511 U'4t 4 0 12 1104 a 75 U K'3 4 0 It Kl IM 11 1175 4 3S 10 107 S 0 IS Ilsfl 4 Mi 1 m a to 12M 4 40 io7 a s 1 1:120 4 40 10 100 4 DO 19 Ulti 4 40 t(l 1171 4 DO Jl 1207 4 Kl 1 llfc) 4 Ou SO i:i4 4 7i 1234 4 1 -4 143.1 4 U 1H 4 10 23 134 6 t0 It 1171 4 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ;i 1I8 4 40 STEERS AND COWS. 10M J 9 15 1195 4 ! a 117 4 15 COWS. II 747 1 44 1 1040 t 75 1 MO I t I ... IMS I tS a 111 1 91 t 75 1 (0 I 7i IS loss t 75 4 tiro 1 75 17 11(15 a 76 I IM 1 40 2 145 3 so Ill 1 W 7 1067 t 0 I 191 1 0 4 1)10 t to t., 1(40 J 00 11 M2 I 10 J 10 t 00 I J41 ! SO nor 1 00 so ui I mi 4 H J i 00 II 10O4 I 00 J 460 I 00 14 1071 t M 1 ioo t 00 t Ill I ou 1 126 I 00 043 1 00 J 471) I 1 1 1110 8 00 1 1110 a is tu 1 00 1 tit i 16 1 1175 a 00 a 4 11! 1011 I 00 4 1111 a ts 1 IIM 8 0 t 771 t 25 1 110 8 SO ft 441 a J5 1 1820 8 0 a ion a at a mo a o 1 no s a a lam a 00 j 110 a 25 1 104 I Ml a ioj a 24 4 141 a 00 ia mo a is 4 ioui a 04 14 nsi a 10 1 1124 a 10 1 1140 2 30 1 1440 I 10 j 1210 a o 10 loin 1 1 1 740 I 35 I 1340 8 11 no am a iio a is I tt! I 15 4 ISO I tl I l'o4 8 1-1 1 1240 I 25 14 14 t as 11 in! 1 n t 1114 a 40 . 14 111 J 24 1 J1140 a 4i 1 14 iis.7 t s 1 1140 t 4 14 112a a 14 It Ml I 4 1 1110 I 1 low a to 17 1041 1 m 1 UM 1 60 17 ut a ao 1 1160 I 60 1 o a 14 4 nit a 6 t ttao a -m 1 7JI t 60 Jl . 1U7I I M I..'. 106J I 64 a 1044 8 40 I 10:, a 66 17 11. ;a a 41 I 1O60 8 40 4 1240 8 60 I 1100 I 40 40 1065 a 66 4 10H a 45 1 100 a 40 1 1160 2 76 1 1340 16 COWS AND HEIFERS. II J. 621 I 00 5 1041 8 11 HEIFERS. 1 860 1 60 1 464 I 61 t 740 t 04 1 176 I 16 1 146 I 20 - 1 7W t 46 1 II I it I Ml I 1 440 8 96 ( Ill I II 1 464 a ao a ioo 3 ao 1 6a0 I 40 14 441 IN a 116 a 45 i 1110 a at I s 8 64 4 70 I 40 8 644 3 60 14 8 46 BULLS. 1 1434 8 00 1 14M 8 44 1341 a 06 I 1110 t M 1 is jo : it 1 6 a 00 1 1U0 a J 1 14uU I 40 1 1160 a 6 1 1570 8 no 1 7:0 60 I UtM I an I line a 14 1 Ills, a 14 1 1 tiki : 64 : 143 a to 1 12 8 46 1 1IHSJ a 6a 3 13.6 I at . .1 al 8 60 CALVES. 8 ?I6 4 4 1 100 4 71 : : IS 1 ... . im i ao STOCK EKH AND FEEDERS 1 ,iW I 44 t 640 J t a rr : 34 1 us 1 vs 2 64 t 60 4 441 a ti 1 till 8 61 J 1 I 25 44 H 3 50 2 sua 1 aa 2 47 2 4" 14 M: lr.6 6 704 2 70 24 f.t ) 4l I T44 t II It M IS t. i) a 17 4 e t 941 8 t nr. a 4 1 t a no : tu a t t - sn 14 a 17 I 40 ? 11. I ...I17 J to 6 7 a i 11 ... m 1 to 7.M 9 ea 1? " 8 41 4 J I 16 2 t: M ; . J 111 t set s 54 1 670 IK r0 I 60 8. k a jo 2 as a s a a an n :o 1 ;i t 446 a to P A. Tesat-Neh. t steers. ...lien .1 7 v ci.w s .... 91 8 8 bulls 1137 2 S 1 bu.l -non : 00 Hi)08 There n sr.. rmous tun of hogs In Chl.sgo this morning, about MHO being n sale. At thla and ther market receipt were also anile liberal for a Mon flay, that the tendency of price waa downward. CMcago a quoted 1V lower and price here broke all the wny from '.Wc to Inc. Lightweight were right around . dime hmer. medium weights .Vfitoc lower and prime heavies lioc lower. '.Ight. weight sold largely from 84 40 to fl.Sti. me dl tm weights 84 60 nd 84 V nd prime hrav. les from 14.4) to 84 974. the top being only 2. lower than Saturday' be.t price. A will bo n from these euotat ions, the fang of price I now wider than It tin been for aome tlm pat and itimmission men are warning their customers to remem ber that light hegn are not 'llltip to ns good advantage as the heavies. Tr-iding was not particulars active this morning. o that while the bulk of the offerings ws disposed of In fairly good season, th morn ing whs well advanced before a clearajic wa made. There was very little change In the mar. ket up until noon, the late arrivals selling In much the same notches a those that came In early. A few car, however were atlll reported back. Representative sales. S At. h. Pr Nn Av Hk. rr 8 I"' ... 4 10 45 121 ... 4 98 a 26 11 ... 4 21 "t .27 120 4 2't 77. 14.. 40 4 30 41. r4 40 4 75 !. IK It 2." 140 4 ".."'a 45 1S2 ... 4 44 24 40 4 57 lo 4 4.'. 41 26.-1 ... 4 6lt 44 144 .. 4 46 75 ?0 . . 4 62i 44 117 40 4 46 II i-22 . 4 H' 77 14 ... 4 46 10 311 10 4 !' Tt aif 120 4 46 M H" ... 4 62", 1 lit ... 4 4;i4j 45 24.', ... t tl', 4 206 ... 4 47V, 5 :! 40 4 .!', 6 200 10 4 471, I 2.'4 4 .V. 1 220 ... l 41, 271 1fl 4 S. 1 207 ... 4 M 47 IT7 81 455 44 144 ... 4 5 41 271 50 4 65 8 .80 . . 4 60 7 t.ll f) 4U 76 244 40 4 54 65 34 ... 4 65 2 2"4 . . 4 40 40 Sto ... 4 65 71 Y,I ! 4 So 6 HO 40 4 66 5 824 Its) I 60 61 2 240 4 6". 41 225 ... Ill 44 40 4 66 5? . fin SO 4 60 41 IM 4" 4 65 0 in -....4 54 7(i 34 4t 4 55 4 tea . 4 50 6 25 10 4 57'i 4 204 0 tit 64 80 ... 4 874, t" 212 ... t 60 61 1:4 . 4 614, 40 141 ... 4 50 74 172 180 4 40 71 22i 10 4 60 It 131 lu 4 to 72 2H ... 4 6f'l 64 ,. .141 ... 4 40 75 ..2 ... 4r,V 40 144 ... 4 40 9S lit ... I 614, ll 122 ... 4 9H t 245 ... 4 814 tt 971 ... 4 66 71 215 4ft 4 6214 4S 167 80 4 471, SH EKP There iight run of sheep and lamhs here thie morning nnd with an active demand the market ruled active and strong The quality of the offerings was, if anything, better than usual, and in lacl some of the offering were the best thnt have been here this season. Buyer were all out early and everything wa disposed of In ahort order. While the general market waa strong and active, gome sale looked a much a a dime higher. Quite a liberal proportion of the receipts were from Colo rado. Ewe from that t-te sold a high as tt.w. yearling t 15 1 6l wether toiA while lamb brought 17. v,, which I the highest price so far thin season for a big elring. A little bunch old for t7 5); western yearling sold for t 25. There were practically no feeder on sale, so Unit a fair tc-st nf the feeder market wo not made. (Quotations for fed atock: Good to choice yea nines, to.75l-tti.25; fair to good year lings. 96.2C'i5.75; good to choice wet hern, t5.ong5.DO; fair to good wethera. t4.Tfcfl6.0o. good to choice ewra, t4.4u44.75; fair to good ews. t4.un44.26; common to fslr ewe. 84.50 il9o: good to choice lnmh. 87.0n4i7.5'): fair to good lamb. tS.7Mf7.00; feeder yearlings, t4.Eo.n5.iO; feeder wether. 84.26'(j4.5'): feeder ewe. 8.1 'JM! 3. 75: feeder lambs, f5.40fi5.Ta. Representative sale: No. Wt. Pr. 2 goats 95 OH t western ewea 9i 4 60 rjti Colorado ewee Ill 4 0 2jd l.'olorado ewe loo 4 .') lot) Colorado ewee Iu9 4 85 4'i Colorado ewe Hi 4 fci 1 Colorado ewe lS'j 4 86 300 western wathers 99 6 40 479 western wethers TO 6 40 1 Colorado wether 13" 5 5) 9 native lamba 66 6 50 239 weatern yearlings 66 6 to 127 native lamb 77 7 26 619 Colorado lamb S5 7 40 3 western lamb 7:1 7 10 10 western cull ewe 92 3 25 10 westeril full ewe xf 3 25 1 western stag 110 4 uo 127 Colorado ewes 4 50 240 western ewe 97 4 ts) 56b western ewe 82 4 GO 56 western ewe 8!i 4 00 15o western ewee 90 4 Ho iJH western ewe 90 4 90 11 western ewe 98 4 84 frifj western wether 114 6 50 i4 western wether 115 6 60 10 western yearling 61 ( 26 34 western yearlings 78 6 26 2 western lamb 05 T on 4 western lamb 7 7 00 6 Colorado ewes M 4 75 68 Color do ewes 94 4 75 60 Colorado- yearllnga 102 6 50 1 Colorado weather 90 6 &u 146 Colorado wethers 102 6 50 196 Colorado yearllnga mi 15 CHICAUU I.IVK STOCK 91 4 R KET Cattle and Hogs Are Loner, Sheep 9 Irons. Lambs Firm, CHICAOO. Jan. 18. CATTLE Receipt a. "2.! head; market steady to loc lower; good lo prime steers. lohKnii.o: poor to medium, t3.i5u5.45: loc) er "id ff 12 2564.25; cowa. tl.2fn,4f0; ial'fr, IZ.00V 5.U. ; tanners. 61 2Mr, , ..tMi 4.L.. HOGS Receipts, 65,000 head; tomorrow. 30.0UO head; market 5"jl0n lower; mixed mid butchers. 84. 46114.70: good to choice heavy. t4.ii5fj4.8o; rough heavy, tl.40-M.45; light, 84 sf.Tl4.ii3; iiuiH or eaies, i oo-ri 4.00. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts. S.t0 head; sheen atrong; lamb firm; good to choice wethers. 8 .". tifsfi 6. to ; fair to cholcj mixed, tSS"".' 19": western sheep. t4.3u'; native lambs. (5.7BW7.75; western iambs, f5.75oj5.80. Kansas City lire 8 tuck Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 16. CATTLE Re ceipt, 6.51 head. Including ffti head south ems: market strong to loc higher; choice export and dres-sed beef steers, 84.754-6.75; fair lo good, f "1.5m) 4. 75; western fed steel. 83.50(5.00; slocker and feeder. t2.75'(i4.25; southern teer. 88.5nn4.75; southern cow, 82.25t3.26: native fl. 754)4.00; native heifer, t2.5otj4.50; bull. 82 25(n4.iai; calve, t.'l.K(l7 1)0. Hot IS Receipt. 3.5(0 head; market steadv to tc lower; top, 84 77 : bulk of sales. 4 5ot4.7; heavy, t4-7("j4 77H; packers, t4.56ti4.73: pigs and lights. 4..fi4t5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.UI0 head: market steady to active: native hi nibs, to una 7. 50; native wethers, ft. 755.75: native ewes, t4.26ltt5.0o: western lamba. fti.ui 4(7.40. highest slr.c 1908; western fed year lings, t5.5isi3-i.56: western sheep,. 84.755.90; Blocker and feedera. f2.6tKIi5.0O. St. I.oola Live stack Market. ST. LOI18. Jan. 16. CATTLB Hecelpta, f.000 head. Including l,0tJ head Texan; market tcdy; native shipping and ex port steers, fo.OonftOo: dressed beef and butcher steer, t4.006a.50: teer under l.OuO round. 13 X'Ua.lw: stockers and feeders, .5o(iJ.76; cow and heifer, t- 2M)4 8o; can ner. fl. 752.10! bull. t2.5O0j4.HO; calve. fS.OO CT'O; Texa and Indian steer. 82 7544 76, with choice fed up to f5.00; cows and heif ers. t2 Uotfl.l.oO. HOOS Receipt. S.uoo head: market lower; pig and light. 83.7wij4.4li; packer. f4.u5t7 4.75; butcher and best heavy, 44. Mf 40 . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, i.m head; market ateady: nstlv muttons, ti .75 41540; lamb. t5.oia7 K5; cull and bucks, t2 2.Vii4.75; itocker.; Texantt. f3.00 tJi.DO. t. Joseph Lit ltck Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. K. CATTLE Re ceipt. 1.4J& head; market steady: native. 2.605.40; cows and helfere. tl.75i4.40; stcckera and feeders, t?76fi4.15 HO 18 Receipt. 4.857 head: market teady to 6c lower; medium and heavy, t4 HnftM 75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 6 591 head; market steady to strong; lambs, tT.Oo; yearling. f4 60; ewe, f 4 SO. tlotag tlty Live gteek Market. Tele. mar- 1 ket steady; alocker. loc higher: beeve. f3tu.i6; cow, hull and mixed. t2.2698 fr): locker and feeder. f2.75j3.$u; calve and yearlings. t-2Wl36u. HOGS Receipt. 4 800 head: market 61oc lower, selling at t4.0ul4 5u; bulk. 14 4u.i4.4i Stock In 9lgU4. Receipt Of live stock at the six principal western market etrdav: Cattle. Hoy. 8hee... South Omaha 2.8ur) 6 fie) 6 lj Sioux (Htv 8 SW 4 Sirt Kansas City 6.6n) 3.5iai 7. I'M Ht. IjuuI ..... l.M Jl S.4) St. Joseph 1 489 4 457 511 Chicago W.'i") '.i.OoJ SIOI'X CITY. la.. Jan. 16-fBr-eclal frsm )4?ATVLE Receipt, t.00 head; et steady; alocker, loc higher: b Total ,.47.4:t9 61,157 45 601 Balath Uratlii Market. lL' l.l.'TII. Jau. K.-WHEAT-T0 an lv.: Nu 1 norlhcrn. tl 13'g; No. 2 northern. t!.ot-Y On truck: No. 1 northern, 1 .13-; Nv 2 loithetn. fli,; Msy. fl.lHej; July, I IS1: Sept niber. . ti.TS To r-e and e" tra k. I?"e. OM.4H 4ltOI.LLF: HIRKRT, tpl aatl raiser r red are. E'70g-rsndle,1 stock, . I.IVK ItiL'l.TKY-Hn. tc: rooaier. ! tut ket. 16c; iliu ks. 9iVV', gees'. Vi spring chickti. 9o, HHKS9KH Ptiri.THY-Tutkev. 17319.. ducks. litilJc. ',-, in, , chickens. 10"t l,Ac; roosters. . I4CTTKR iMe klig st.- k. l7Uc: rh"le t. fancy delry. 14n2"r; creum ry. .,4-T29y ; prints sOc. FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. 10e; Icketcl. 7c; pise. Jc: nerch. c: blusflsh, Jc; whitetisli. Im-. salmon, 12c: ledsnspper, lie; Inhater (green). 8-V; loliattr (boiled). Mr; bullheads. 11c; catfish. "4c, black bass, .'5c, halibut. I2c; crappie. Uc; l.ufTaio. ic, whit ba. 11c; frog leg, per dog. Jit. HRAN -Per ton. ii uu. HAY Price quoted by OmiM Ttio legal Peielei' asaorlniion: Choice Nc 1 upland. K''; No. 2. t.'.S'''. medium. 8.V); coarse. 84 9". Rye strew, f.. 50 These price r lcr tin ot I'l'iU coior and quality. OYSTERS New York coun4a. per ran. 45c; extra selects, per can. 3"wc. standards, rer can. VV, bulk (standards), per gal, fl.4; bulk textra elcclsi. per gal.. 11. ; bulk (Nw ioik counts), per gal., fl.80. TROPICAL Fltl iU ORANOES Calllornl;. T.eulsnd pvl. H dies. 82.75vS.00; chute navels, 8-.6dX76; California seedlings, all else. 82 00a :6. LEMONS-Calltornla fancy. t2.76. aa 200, 83 75-1(4 011; rliolce. 83iMll60. DATES Per boa of Jlll.. pkg.. tl.OO; Hallowe en. In 70-lb. boxr. per lb.. Htc. EIGS-Callfornl. per lo-lb. canon, ;M tic: ln:portd bmyinu. 4-cion, l4o; 8 erown. 14c; 7-crown. 16c; fancy imported (wached). in 1-lb. pkga. 11.41 lie, Caiijornia, per case of 8 pkg.. 12 21 HAN AN AS Per m-rtlum siged bunch. tJ 09 b6i. liiml-oji, 12.76-03.60. onAPr 66 60. FRCITS APPLES Home-grown Jonathan. bbl.. 11.26: Ben I'... t- 2o; Ms Kings, fu.J: New Yorit Greening. New v.i.'t I il,lv;r,s. 1275: Coloraoo th ins. ..: 75 W ne Suds t-?r 'iu. box. 81 60. PEAKS Utah. Coi.-.ado ana California, fall varieties, per box. t) 6tf1 7i. 4RANBERRIES - lVicoe Be"! gnd Ougl. per bbl , fl.00: Wisconsin Bell and I herry and Jeri.-y. per bbl . 87.75; per box, f2.76. GRAPK9 Imported 6ralag. pr keg, H (fi 60. TANGERINES Florida or California, pet Wrbcx. 62.60. VKrarTABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, in ac-k. per bu.. 4"c; Coloraoo, per hu., bOc. TCRMP8 Old. per bu., 40o, Canada ruta baga, per lo.. lc. I. A RFOTS Old, per bu., 40c. PARSNIPS Old. per bu., 40c BKETS Old, per bu.. 0df NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl.KQSM ONIONS Home-grown, red. In ack rf bu.. tl.oe; Span"!.. per crale. t;'iKit Colorado yellow, per lb.. 20; whit, per III., w. CI CI MBERS-Per do , t. TOMATOES California, crate. i 2r.. C A H14 AO E Holland se.d. per 'h... ie. SWEET POTATOES Kna kiln drlett per bbl . 8! 50 CELERY Per de.4, JfcHWOo; California, 16c. RADISHES Hot iiouse. per dog.. 46c. ONIONS New, southern, per doj , 46e. MISCEI LANEOl.'S. SAl'ER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. 82.50. CIDER New York, per bbl., f5 30; per V bbl.. 8:126. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream, r.'VnU : Wisconsin Young America, lute; block HwIk. new. 16c; old. 16917c; Wloon sin brick. Mo: Wisconsin llmhurgcr. 13c. HIDES -No 1 green, 7c: No. 3 green, ejej No. 1 ejlievl, NWc: No. 2 salted, 7Vic; Na. 1 veal cslf. 9:; .No. I vel calf. 7c; dry salted. S4il1e; sheep cells, iacyfl 00; horse liiuss. fl VW13 Otj. NUTB-Walguts, No. 1 soft shells, tiw crop, per lb.. 14c; hsrd shell, per lb., 1.1c: No. 3 aoft shell, per lh., 12c; No. 2 harit shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lh., Tc; toasted peanut, per lb., 9c; Chill walnut, per lb., 12$13Ho; almonds, aoft shell, per lb., lfc; hard shell, per lb., 15c; chestnuts, fer lb.. 12Va'fil6c; new black walnut, per 111., 754390c; shellbark hickory nut, per bu , 11.75; large hickory nut, per bu., fl.50. JF. FRL'IT f'r box of 64 to 64. tS 0 per York t2.H0; .Ton. I.264M.60. Ier 4-basket Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 1 WOOL Of the market the Commercial Hulletln says: There Ih a fair busin- In small lot of scoured, pulled, greasy, territory and fine and medium fleece. The little mill re tho best customers. Value continue firm, but have not runner aovnccci. cop. trading In the'- wt continue, though with less vigor, aa buyer have paused in ytew of tariff revision poeaibllitte. For eign markets nre very firm, with higher prices expected at the Ioadon auction opening next Tuesday. Antwerp I higher this week and t London sheepskin sale price advanced 2t(7 per cent. Th ship ments of wool from Boston to dste, fre-lii December J9, lWH, according to the ssme authority, aro 8 823.824 pounds, against 9.6i7. 249 pound at the snme tlmo last year. Th recelpta 10 date re .9HJ.249 pound, agnlnst 6,779.286 pound for the same period laat 'st! LOCI8. Jan. 1.-WOOL-Nomlna1; medium grades, combing and clothing. Wf Jc; light flue. lSt22i,c; heavy line, 1431ic; tub waahed, 271) 41c. NEW YORK. Jnn. 16. WOOI-Firm; do mestic fleece. 324)35c. Philadelphia l'roduce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 16. - BUTTER Steady, fair demand; extra creamery, j'c extra nearby prints. 32c. EGGS Steady, hut quiet: nearby fregll and western fresh, 3c at mark.'1 CHEESE Firm, but quiet; NW York full creams, fancy. 12'c; choice, 12'c; fair to good, H'tOjllVtiC. Elgin Baiter Market. ELGIN. Jan. IB -BUTTMH "Firm, 29'4c an advance of Ho from last week. Sale for (he week were 429,000 pound. REAL ESTATE THAMFER. DEEDS died for record January 16 a fur nished by the Midland Guarantiee and 'lYust company, 1414 Fumaro street, fur The Bee: ... 1'nlted Real Estate and Trust company to Ida A. Maxwell, let 12. block 6. Maxwell Secund add f .'1 Mary M. Reud tu. M. Benson, lot T, Uock 6, Drake add . .1 M. Heiion and wife to Julia Uurike, lot 7. biock rt. Drake' add l.tou F. A. Heningnr et til., to same; ham l,iJ T. Hoctor and wife to J. W. Murphy, lot 1, block 21, first addition to for rigau Place , 250 A. U Stephen to J. W. Mitchell, lot 9, Windsor Plac 7 00 Emma C. Johnston and husband to Guasie V. Erbes, lot 7. block 0, Spring Luke Park 650 E. C. Well and wjfe to Mary J. C. ' Ryan, lot 13. block 8, Iogan Place.... 1350 E. K. Benaon to Ann Richards, block ' 191 and 4 block 192. Florence 9.V) Omaha Realty company to C. D. Beaton, n. I:t2 feet lot 1 and t, block Sat, West Elid add 2.5'4 J. 8. D-vrle. administrator, to T. W. Blackburn, lot 20, Paulsen's add.... i.ouO T. W. Blackburn und wife to C. lviiel- ber; same 2J0 O. Hpanswlck to Marv Spanswlck. lots I and !), block 4, yiie x Parmele's Add . ;....:.... 1 Olivia K. Ruth to H. G. Jacgattn, lot 2. hloe-k 4. Forest Hill..: l.'JOo B. Jetter to J. Grimm, lota 1 and g, block 2 Drew Hill , 6.5 Martha C. Lauter and husband to- G) M. DeBult. s'4 lot 44. Nelson ' 1 O. M. DBot and wife to Martha . ' Iauter and huelmni'.. nH lot 44, Net. on add .... Irene E. Thompson and wife to (1. M lie Bolt lot 44; same Charles DeBult and wife to O. M. D- . Bolt. 4 lot 44. Nelson udd ,1 Josephine P. Brlshln and huFband to S Anderson and wife, lot 9, block t.-' Florence Iu0 W. V. Bennett and wife lo A. ' 1. Carter, e. So fet of lax lot 26, aec. 81-15-13 l.tsa) Msry F. Stout to P. 8. Stout. Iqts 9 and 10. block 132, South Omaha 1.00 C. 11. Brlgga and wife 10 J. McCauley, part lot 6. bl(x k 1. Shull add tfA t. V. Sholea company to Is44ie) L. Llhb lot 1 and 2. Barkalow Place ... 7.X) H 8. Thomas to S. Anderson and wife, lot 1. block 80. Florence Ill) South Omaha I -and company to South Omaha Hospital awoclatfon, lots 7' ' and 1 block 37. South Omaha 1.00 J. H Rlngwalt and wife to Mary O. Ftlngwalt. middle 4 of lot 6, block 26l. city 1 Edwards -Wood Co- ( Incorporated , nla Office: Fifth and Roberts Street ST. PAUL, fllNN. dkalTrs I Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grnin to Us raaek Office. 110-ltl Heard af Trad Bide Oaaaka. Slab. Telagk 88M. 212-214 Exchange Bid.. South Omaha. Ball Phon 31A lndtBilBt 'Pboo 1