Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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will be takea antll 12 m. for the
ertltlna mm aatll M p. hi. for
Ik morilni mm4 Svnday edition.
Hairs 1 l-2e word rl Insertion
1 a word thereafter. othl takra
for less tha e for the flrat Inaer.
Una. ' Theae adrertlaemeats nut be
ran eoaseeatlvel.
Adrerl'laera, by requesting n
bered check, eaa bare anawpra il
dreaaed to a aambered letter In rare
f Tha Bee. Aaawera ao idilttiitd
will ba delivered preaeatatloa al
A. C. On, A. M., LL. B.. President.
A. J. Lowry, Principal.
Corner Seventeenth and Harney Streets.
Student are still entering every, week.
A number will enroll Monday. When young
people learn of the genuine merit of our
school, when they find out that here the
tudenta receive Individual Instruction, that
here they are under teachers of practical
experience of the highest rank, that here
they are taught BOOKKEEPING by the
actual practice system mailing out and
handling all the business papers right from
the first day that here GKKGO bllOKT
HAND Is taught and for very good reasons
it Is the only school In the city that makes
a specialty of It that here they are
TAUGHT typewriting, how to use and tako
care of all tho standard machined; that
here they practice from two to five hours
every day. and every page you write Is
corn ctcd and returned: here they lire Kli
QUIRED to do tiling, carbon work, mimeo
graph work, letter press work; here they
are given practical ofllco drills and a hun
dred things explained to them which are
required in the business olllce. etc., then
they are sure to enrool with us.
THIS is why the business men are calling
on us continually for our graduates; THIS
is why we are plurlng our graduates as
fast as they compu te tho course all be
cause they have been thoroughly educated.
It means something to get Into thu right
Students may enter any time.
KKMKMBKH we give FRKK a Y. M. C.
A. or Y. W. C. A. membership to every
student entering for a full term.
Apply for catalogue and collego literature.
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
R 622
Pianos for Rent,
$3.00-$4.00 Now Pianos. High grade. Rent
allowed it you purchase. Pertteld Piano
Company, lull farnum. Telephone "OL.
Open evenings. . R 624
EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat
In; all business conlidential. 1301 Douglas.
ANTI-monopoly Garbage Co., 6a aV. 16th.
Tel. 1779. R-626
Tel. SCO. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. Wks.
P. MELCHOTR, machine works, 13tli and
Howard. R-628
OMAHA Safe and Iron works makes a spe
cialty of tire escapes, shutters, duors and
salts. U. Andreeit, prop., 1U2 U. luth at.
5 P. C. YEAR
From $6u0 to $fi,0uu loans on real estate at
6 PER CENT PER YEAR. Ail good loans
wanted. Call or write and get my sys
tem. W. L. Eastman, 111 Farnam,
Omaha. R M723
.WE build to order and furnish free esti
mates for repuirlng and retlnishlng pianos.
Write for catalogue or 'phone
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St.
K 104 FU
V. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER.
. Two 'phones, 1966 and L2873.
R-M993 M7
HI SOUTH llTil. TEL. 254.
We trust everybody. Flannels and colored
goods laundered at our risk.
R M172 J23
FOR expert piano moving telephone lt26.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam.
R 405 FU
MECHANICAL draughting, tracing and
blue printing; map making a specialty;
work guaranteed. J. Emery Lester, 4JU
Pax ion block, Omaha, Iseb. 'Phone 17fc.
PRESSORIUM, best cleaners and dyers.
1324 Farnam. Tel. 3600. R 601
' COAL New kind soft coal. "Yukon" Egg,
16.26 ton. Harmon & Weeth, 'phone Uj.
IF YOU are looking for Investors or require
agents, an advertisement in tho list of
Sunday papers given below will get them
quicker than any other way. we will
fdace a four-line (26 words) advertisement
n the Agents, Help Wanted or Business
Chance column of these papers one Sun
day for $10.00, cash to accompany order.
Write us for estimate on speclat news
paper or mugaslue lists. Progressive Ad
vertising Agency, Second Floor, 197 E.
Madison St., Chicago 11L
Detroit News-Tribune,
Chattanooga Times,
Chicago Tribune,
Ban Francisco Chronicle,
'f, Seattle Times,
Dea Molnea News,
Louisville Courier-Journal,
Sioux City Journal,
Chicago Record-Herald,
Dallas News,
Minneapolis Tribune,
Omaha Bee Milwaukee Sentinel,
Denver Post,
Kansas City Journal,
' St. Louis Globe-Democrat, '
. . New Orleans Picayune,
Cincinnati Enquirer,
Indianapolis Star,
Kansas City Star,
St. Louis Poet-Dispatch,
Memphis Commercial Appeal,
San Antonio Express,
Pittsburg Dispatch,
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
' R-624 lfix
&LECTRIC light plant, water works and
power plants built; approved projects
financed. H. 8. Ash a, iadi) Humboldt at.,
Denver, Colo. R 4be lis
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tall musical Instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged, 114 8. lfth at.,
Omaha. R
WANTED Inventors, patentees and me
chanics and everyone interested in pat
ents and inventions to send for our In
ventors' Guide. This 60-page book sent
free. Contains full information about pat
ents: How to obtain a patent, what to
Invent for profit and how to sell a patent.
This elegantly printed book sent free to
any addreaa. O'Msara Brock, Patent
Attorneys, til 8 V St.. N. W., Washington.
D. C; New York office, ISO Broadway.
K-4tf3 16g
EAGLE loan office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential- 1301 Douglas.
R Mfi
'GOOD housekeeper at Canadian office, 16th
and Dodge. , Attf
LADY stenographer wishes position for
practice. Address 1711 Burt street.
A M3HI 14
SITUATION - wanted, by stenographer;
young man. 18; willing, all-around
worker; reasonable salary. Addreaa P ,
Jir. A-M57 1
BRASS and aluminum easting, nickel plat
ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41
N. Main sU. Council Bluff.
"Just As
Nothing Is ever Just ss good as the thing It Is claimed to be "Just as good .
That which FOLLOWS the lend of anything MUST be BEHIND that leader.
- You can't get "Just as good" a business education ss
will give you at any less tuition fee than Boyles College asks. Some of Omaha's
best business men hve told people that they couldn't get as good a business edurs
tlon as that which Boyles College gives Its pupils for ANY price at AN1 other Busi
ness College.
A Waterbiiry watch can be botiaM for a single dolKir. But the dependable van
ham watch rannot be secured for that price.
The pupil, not the professor, pays for the cut In the price of tuition. A cut
prlee means a cut-down education It means lack of Individual attention It means hur
ried Instruction It means poorlv paid and therefore incompetent teachers.
Tho last thing von should think of In selecting a business college to attend Is
what It Is going to cost. The first thing to look at Is the QUALITY of the Individual
Instruction the arrangement of the course-the thoroughness of the training tho
personality of the teachers of that business college.
Individual Instruction Is only given by that college having a full equipment or
HIGH GRADE Instructors, like Boyles Col leg?. Practical Instruction CAN only be
given by instructors who KNOW, by actual contact with the business world, what the
business world demands, that stenographers, bookkeepers and telegTaph operators
shall know, like Boyles College Instructors. And such a grade of Instructors demand
and are worth salaries that compel Boyles College to charge a right price for a right
business education.
The best Instructors are to be found where the best salaries are paid. The better
grade, of youi g men nnd young ladles are to be found where the best instructors are
employed. Boyles College tuition rates have never been cut and never will be cut
until Boyles College decides to cheapen Its grade of Instructors cheapen Its grade of
graduates (.heapen its quality of students.
H. B. BOYLES, President,
Boyles College Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
MEN TU LEARN barber trade; free rail
road tare upon uur; to convince
ou ot this oeing me Beat aud oniy m
iiuoic, muni piactical barber college in
tin: Limed btaies. u'mu lor catalogue
tunny. W'rsit:. n iiuruer lusiiiuiti,
Ornaiia, Neb. 6-to
WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM V Able-bodied
unman iuu men, uciwecn ages ui -1 ana
citizens ot Limed, ui good charac
ter aim lempcne lid oils, who tpeUK, read
and write .ngnah. tut inioriuuiion apply
to Recruiting Oliicer, ljm and uougias
His.,, Liiicuui, Ncu., or bioux cay,
la. B &I3
MOLER'S Barber College, Denver, Colo.,
uatiiis tiiu uuibc uuuu lu weeks and
guarantees position bpeciai terms.
Write. , B M528J10X
1 WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug
store uuu doctors. Kiucsl, 701 N. Y. L.
U 4iJ
WANTED Men to sell garden seeds to the
farmers; wruo me lor terms at once; big
wafcencan lie inaue. Address O. 1. Conk
lln, ticeosman. Red Oak, la, B M113
SOLICITORS, cither sex, every town.
S heatun-Wulker, 004 Bee Bldg. B MttiO
YOUNG man with fair business ability,
willing to work, to prepare for good
gov t positiou. See C. B. Scranlon, 410
Bee blug. B-M34 iix
WANTED, three electrotype finishers to
take place of striKeis, highest wages;
permanent employment; railroad fare paid
to Chicago. Rand, McNally &. Co., It
Adams St., Chicago. B-M3W lto
WANTED, first-class civilian barber; Co. I,
Ft. Crook; can make V6 a month; refer
ences required. Address Captain Palmer,
Ft. Crook, Neb. B M3l 14
WANTED, first-class military tailor. Ad
dress Captain Palmer, Ft. Crook, Neb.
B M383 14
Liquor salesman.
Sleiiogrupher; good education.
Manager for general store.
Bookkeeper, experienced.
Stenographer for law office.
Gents' furnishing salesman.
Crockery saleslady.
Lady olerk; German.
Call or write for list of vacancies.
40 N. Y. Life Bldg.
.' B-M429 14
WANTED, clothing and shoe clerks. 1106
Farnain. Apply in the morning.
B-M430 14
WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., luo Oakland Bank
Bldg., Chicago, 111. B M437 lix
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position; good
pay. American Union, Poutiao Building,
Chicago. B 533 lix
LUCRATIVE position for men with rigs,
covering several counties, selling our to
bacco and cigars to merchants; old es
tablished house. W. C. Hurt Tobaoco
Co., Danville, Va. B 6o4 15x
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute circulars, samples and advertising
matter; good pay; no canvassing. Co
operative Advertising Co., New York.
B-&5 l&x
WANTED District managers to tack signs
and distribute samples and circulars ot
our goods; substantial salary and ex
penses. Address Kublman Company) Dept.
E-tt, Chicago. B-W31x
TRUSTWORTHY person, each district, to
manage business for wholesale house; $20
and expenses paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary; position permanent. ' Address Mr.
Cooper, Como Building, Chicago.
B 606 lix
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manuacturlng house; local territory;
salary tX, paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary. American House, Star Building,
Chicago. B-602 lfii
DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal-
Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis.
B-601 lBx
A POSITION Is open for managers, sales
men, bookkeepers, technical men. Sala
ries, $1,OUO-6,000. Write for free list and
plan. Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union
Square, N. Y. B-812 lx
WANTED Knergetic, trustworthy man to
travel in Nebraska, establishing trade;
experience unnecessary; salary, expenses
advanced: references. Kel-Bro Mercan
tile Co., 60 WabaBh, Chicago. B6U7 l&x
WANTED Local man In every town In
the United States to distribute advertising
matter; no canvassing; permanent; $3
dally. Fred Leach, Chloago. B 608 Ux
WANTED, two men for 19u6 to travel and
collect; $20 and expense paid weekly; ex
perience not necesaary; self-addressed en
velope for reply. Addreaa Travelers"
Dept., Star Bldg.. Chicago. B 4J 15x
WANTED, everywhere, men willing to dis
tribute samples, tack signs, etc., at 13.00
dally. Permanent. No oanvasslng. Con
tinental Distributing Service, Chicago.
B 490 lSx
SALESMEN Real estate; good opportun
ity for right men. For particulars ad
dress F. C, room 1301, No. los Fulton St.,
N. Y. B 474 15x
t Insurance men. Industrial (salary).
1 traveling salesman (bugglesV
t traveling salesmen (skirt mfg).
1 traveling salesman, pharmaceutical (sal
ary). 1 drug manager.
1 real estate salesman. $, pom.
10 Insurance men (salary, com. and exp.)
1 expert stenographer.
10 crew managers.
10 stoek food salesmen.
1 exnertencert elevator boy.
10 solicitors, D" per cent.
HART, 41 and 4u2 N. Y. I4f.
B-ttlt IS
BOOKBINDER wanted: one who can finish
ordinary blank bok work; steady altua-
tlon. Address H. C. Basler, P'ipt . Atch
ison, Kan. It MG10 18
MEN We teach the barber trad In few
weeks bv our method. Now Is the, time to
learn. Positions guaranteed; board pro
vided. Can nearly earn expenses before
completing. Call or write, Moler Barber
College. 130 Douglas st. B-MMJ Vx
WK PAY lis a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry rompeund.
International Mfg. Co., Parsons. Kan.
n-jno is
M EN WANTED to sell full line of hardy
fruit and ornamental trees. Work full or
part time, as you prefer. Pay weekly;
outfit free. Lawrenc Nursery Company,
Fort Madison, Iowa. S
MAN to travel; referencea required; salary
$21 per week; expenses advanced1. J. P.
Ziegler & Co., 3:3 Dearborn St., Chicago.
sures an Inei-sse In civil service ap
pointments. Those intending to take the
next examination should send to the Co
lumbian Correspondence College, Wash
ington. D. C. and secure Its free civil
service announcement, containing dates,
salaries, places for holding examinations
Hnd questions recently used by the gov
ernment. B
DO YOU want fo Improve your position.
Increase your pay? Read our 80-page
book, sent free. Our mail courses In
Electrical and Steam Engineering helped
thousands. Students helped to positions.
Electrical Engineer Institute, New York.
FIRST-CLASS solicitor wanted. Splendid
chance. Room 11, Bushman Block.
B M404 16X
pointments last year. Chances b't er now.
Ry. mall and all other examinations soon
In every state. Booklet 231. giving posi
tions, salaries, examinations, namiue
ueetlons, etc., sent rree. ixai i jot. ini.,
asningion, u. j.
WE NOT only locate women and men of
ability In paying situations, but find In
vestments for your money with your serv
ices. We have a number of such op
portunities at present.
Hera are a few of our vacancies not re
quiring Investments:
2 soap salesmen.
Manager for general store.
2 bank men.
Experienced solicitor and appraiser for
Experienced drug salesman.
Experienced grocery salesman.
Salesmen for safes.
These are all good salaried positions.
Call or write for complete list of vacancies.
B 694 IS
CLERK or bright young man to study at
home for government position under civil
service. Exams, soon. 410 Bee building,
after 1 p. m. B M616 20x .
WANTED, a first class harness and sad
dlery salesman, to visit the trade In east
ern Nebraska. Must have experience.
'Good salary. Apply Bucks taff Bros. Mfg.
Co., Lincoln, Neb. B MG58 15
WANTED, press feeder. Morehouse & Co.,
Council Bluffs. B 657 16x
ANY person to distribute our samples;
$18.00 weeklv; steady. Mgr. "Empire." 4
. Wells St., Chicago, III. B 602 lox
USE Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic.
C 1D8 14
WANTED, .Intelligent ladles to demonstrate
a good product; salary paid; no charge
for outfit. Apply at room 704 N. Y. Life
bldg. C M369 17x
GIRL for general housework; three in fam
ily; good wages; 'call morning. 1142 Geor
gia avenue. C 874 13 x
WANTED, competent second girl. Apply
2324 Harney st. C M379 14
Anyone wishing to learn a perfect system
of cutting, titling and designing ladies'
garmenta, pleas! apply at the Bon Ton
Tailoring Co.; reasonable prices. We also
cut patterns. 1416 Farnam su 'Phone 6138.
C-M408 15
GIRL for general housework. 330 West
Broaaway, Council Bluffs. Mrs. Snyder.
C M444 14
WANTED, a competent woman to wash
every Monday or Tuesday. References re
quired. Mrs. Fort, 824 Worthington Place.
C 449 16
LADIES to do piecework at their homes:
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe st, Chicago.
C 640 lEx
LADIES! I have a very desirable, honest
" position to offer one lady in each locality
which sheuld easily pay any woman from
$16 t $25 per week. This is a bonatlde
proposition and If you can spare only two
hours per day do not fall to write to
Mabel E. Rush, Box 1L Jollet, 111.
C 537 15x
WOMEN t sew at home; $9 per week; ma
terials sent everywhere free; steady work;
plain sewing only. Send addressed envel
ope for full particulars. 8. E. M., Dupont,
Philadelphia, Pa. C 629 15x
$20.00 AND expenses paid each week to
ladles as district managers to distribute
goods ana make collections; experience
not necessary. Addressed envelope for
reply. Woman's Dept., 62 Dearborn. Chi
cago. C 606 16x
EARN $10 weekly copying letters at home.
Send stamped envelope for particulars.
A. P. Wynkoop, Durango, Colo.
C-600 16x
LADIES, $28 thousand copying short let
ters at home. Material sent free every
where. Send stamped addressed envelope
for copy of letter and full particulars.
Kastern Co., (17 Heed Bldg., Philadelphia,
Pa, C 618 16x
WANTED Young girl to help around tha
house; no cooking or heavy washing.
Davis, 8221 Poppleton Ave. C 47$ lox
WANTED Preparers, apprentices snd
competent millinery salesladies. Inquire
Monday, p. m., millinery department,
Hayden Bros. C 476 15
WANTED, capable woman to manage a
new business; no canvassing Bamsonlon
Respiratory Development, 12ti6-12ii9 Broad
way, New York. C 471 lix
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, small family; big wages.
Apply 611 S. 29th Ave. C M809 17x
to LADY demonstrators; salary and ex
penses. I crockery salesladies.
6 ladles for Insurance.
1 housekeeper, out of city.
HART, 401 and 403 N. Y. IJfe.
C-61J IS
GIRU wanted for general housework: small
family 226 Charles Bt. C M583 16
LADIES having fancy work to sell, em
broideries, Battenberg, drawnwork. Also
to do order work. Stamped envelope.
Ladles' Exchange, $4 Monroe, Chlesgu.
C 648 16X
WANTED, laillea to learn splendid paying
profession. We teach hair dresxlng, man
leurlng or facial massage in few weeks
by our system. Graduatea earn $10 to I4
weekly. Call or writ for particulars.
Moler College, 1302 Douglas st.
Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas Streets
More New Classes Monday Morning in All Departments.
The winter terra has opened most auspiciously. There has be'ii a lnrtre
number of new students enter nil depart uients. The Omaha CmmnenMnl College
Is now the busiest place In Omaha. The elasses in the Hutilness Department,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy nre largely attendeV nnd the work Is
growing most interesting. No Institution In the country Is dolus better or more
thorough work than Is now being done.
Day and evening sessions nre now b.'ing held. If you faunot attend the
Day School, by all means attend the Night School.
Any person desiring to become a stenographer should Investigate Mosher
Shortlmnd. It never pays to exp'rinient with new and untried systems. Mother
Shorthand has past the experimental stage and yon run no risk in learning it.
Cheap systems are coining upon the uiarket every day and those who are jer
Kna !"d to learn them are laying dearly for the exeriment. We nre always
glad to compare systems and to demonstrate the superiority of the Mosher system.
LADIKS. earn $12 to $13 a week at home
conducting n branch mall order business
in your locality. Easy work; no canvass
ing. I'tillze spare hours;,-no outtit re
quired. Chicago Specialty Co. (Kst. 1SS),
Chicago. C 571 i:.x
WANTED, good ugcnU. Cull Room 43,
ilea building. J I -IS lix
NEW vlcevc protector lor oltlce and house
work; write today; get territory; quick
Balen; other Bonds. L.udles Supply Co.,
forest avc, Chicago, J -M415 18x
iA 1)1" agent wanted, goods sell at sight,
luo per cent prolit; send stamp for sample
und lernui. Lock liox t4t, Aluipioketa, la.
J 15x
'I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one
agent. New. Detnund. Quick sales.
Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la.
J 55J 15x
AGENTS WANTED-lIold fast hat fast
ener; the only one operated from Inside
crown of hat; sample, J cents; no stamps.
Moser & Lukcr, W orden, 111. J 64J 15x
FREE SAMPLE to ugents, self-lighting
pocket lamp, size of pencil, takes the
place of kerosene lamps, candles and
matches; credit given; rapid seller; see
ing' believing; send stamp. Premier Mfg.
Co., Dept. 67, 32 Park Place, New York.
AGENTS Read In dark. Nameplates,
signs, numbers; 2oO per cent profit. 8am-
ileg free. Wrlsht Supply Co., Englewood,
11. J 11)8 15x
WANTED, agents and solicitors to rep
resent ' largest sick and accident society
In the country; big commission; easiest
selling policy In the world. American
Benevolent Association, St. Louis, Mo.
J 493 lx
AN agent, either sex, In each town, to sell
high grade shirt waist materials and la
dies' suitings by the yard. It is a money
maker for tho agent. Try it. Direct
Cloth Co., 2C23 OUv St., SU Louis, Mo.
J I9tj lox
AGENTS, Aurora ; Diamonds are - perfect
Imitations of real diamonds; no difference
in appearance; easily bring fl to i each.
! Studs and Stickpin to agent, ldoz., 1
3 doz., 5. Cash or C. O. D. by express,
Eubjcct to examination. Don't miss this
fine chance; send your order now. Daisy
Novelty Co., 3-4 S. Main St., Fond du Lac,
Wis. . J 494 lax
AGENTS drop everything and sell Wonder
Waterproof Shoe Polish; it's a winner.
Two full-sized bottles free,. Wonder Shoe
Polish jCo., Dept. 4, Chicago. J 492 15x
$76 WEEKLY and expenses easily made
writing life, health and accident insur
ance; experience unnecessary. Write
Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo.
J 493 15x
LADY AGENTS making less than $25
weekly should write for catalogue and
terms; we start you in business and make
you Independent; outllt prepaid. Women'
Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. J 611 16x
$000 PER MONTH and $20 per week for
traveling expenses may seem big money
to you, but It can and Is being made
selling my patent for making smokeless
gun and blasting powder at 8 cents per
pound; it can le made In any kitchen
without any machinery; you can travel
all over the world and make moro money
than you ever dreamed of before. Be
ware of fakes, advertising a Binokeleas
powder. I am the Inventor and hold
the patents. I want a general agent tn
each state at once to travel and appoint
agents. Particulars free. J. A. Stransky,
Box 600, Pukwana, S. D. J-5t4 lfix
WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall
getting our liberal offer; $6 dally sura.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 621 16x
AGENTS wanted to sell Squeezle easy
a . . 1 n n . . .... ,..:, Id V ...
saver ever Invented; can be sold to every
home; 800 per cent profit; our agents are
averaging $6 dally. E. Hilker. 871 W.
Grand ave., Chicago. J
AGENTS, you can make anything and
. I 1n.A n .. .1 .nJn.l. In . I , r l,...t
rvt ryilJIHH vioiwia nitu irauautc ju ........ .
night with our luminous preparations.
Leyden Chemical Works, CCti East lS2d,
New York. General agents wanted.
J 473 15x
AGENTS wanted. Perlllat Automatic Muslo
Leitf Turner for piano, organ and all in
Btruments. Endorsed by Sousa and lead
ing musicians. Larse profits. Perlllat
Mfg. Co., 1181 Broadway, New York.
J 1(16 lx
WE PAY $18 a week and expenses to men
with rig to Introduce poultry compound;
year' contract. Imparial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. J
EIGHTY MILLION pieces advertising mat
ter for distribution In lDc.'i; contracts
ready; men wanted everywhere; stamp
brings particulars. Write quick if you
want position. National Advertising
Bureau, 12 East 42d St., New York. J
AGENTS wanted. Hell our $1 bottle Sarsa-
partlla ror 3oc; Dest seller; zoo per cent
profit. Write today for terms und terri
tory, F. R. Greene, 115 Like St., Chicago.
AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting
glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye
book tells how; write today. JacksonUn
Optical Codege, College Place, Jackson,
Mich. J-
BIO MONEY In squab; they sell for $2 to
$4 a dosen; cheaply raised in only four
weks; writ for our free book about this
rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
U AUsntlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J
AGENTS, $75 per month and expense to
ell advertising iigns to merchant and
manufacturers. Su Loula Co., St,
Louis, Mo. J-
AGENTS $W) a week guaranteed. Auto
matic washers, ell themselves. Agent
writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women;
took ten orders." Time, 45 minute.
Profit, $50. Guaranteed to do a washing
In SO minutes; furnishes Its own power;
require no labor; cost less than arry
other machine; free sample and exclu
sive territory furnished. Automatic
Washer Co., Station V, Chicago.
J-6C9 Ux
AGENTS World' greatest Invention; 60
candle power gas burner on S feet ga
(no mantle). Bell like hot cuke. You
cun make $10.00 per day. Sample prepaid,
lfx i'arisian Lamp Co., 125 La Sills st.,
Chlcagu. J 667 lfix
EXPERIENCED salesmen wanted by huge
nianaufacturer of lithograph advertising
specialties, calendars, etc. Competent men
with successful records lllwrully dealt
with. AddresM Tobln, 73 aud !76 Rroad
way, Ktw York. tM lfix
WANTED, agents to sell the old reliable
K:imey Medicaor. Over BO.oiii now in. use
l.'sed in every home. Exclusive territory
given. The Rumey Medlcator Co., Mil
waukee.. Wis. J 6u3 15x
$5 TO $10 a DAY made by conducting n mall
order .business at home or otlice during
spare hours or evenings under our suc
cessful system; small expense starts you,
We furnish complete outfit, catalogues,
stationery, advertising, etc., supplying
merchandise ns order come In to you. A
line business; cash coming in dally. Kx
ceptlonal line mail order goods. Cata
logue and complete Information for 4c,
Chicago Specialty Co. (Est. 1885), Chicago,
J-672 lix .
AGENTS. Sl day. "Novelty Show Cards."
"Window Dlsplav Signs," "Merchants'
Price Tickets.'' Something new; l.fmo va
rieties; catalogue free. National Advertis
ing Co., Dept. 26, 1457 Ave. A, New York.
J titiO 18x
WANTED At once, traveling drug sales
man, acquainted with trade In Iowa, Min
nesota and Nebraska. Address S -i. Hee.
M411 13
WANTED, everywhere, people to copy let
ters at home spare time and return to us.
Good pay, materials sent free. No mail
ing or canvassing. Enclose addressed en
velope for particulars, and wages we pay.
Guarantee Co., Dept. 448, Philadelphia, Pa.
532 lox
WANTED, road and city salesmen In touch
with wholesale and largo retail grocery,
tea and coffee and department store trade,
to carry our patented Aluminum Coffee
and Tea Makers. A perfect device of
large sale. Liberal inducements. Give
reference and territory covered. Dept.
8., The Wisconsin Mfg. Co., Manitowoc,
Wis. ; -627 16x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commission with
advance of $100 monthly. Permnnent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 6-' 16x
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska, by
an old established house; referencea re
quired: state lines handled. Address Man
ager, 707 Houser Bldg., St. Louis. Mo.
639 lox
WANTED Salesmen to sell attractive pro
position to general trade, season 1906; can
easily earn $3,000 net. Lock Box S7,
Cedar Rapids, la. 641 15x
TRAVELING salesmen by large wholesale
house. To sell general" stores In Ne
braska; position permanent. Watson,
Sales Manager, 66 Fifth ave., Chicago.
657 lfix
HIGH CLASS encyclopedia salesmen can
find a remunerative proposition with a $50
weekly guarantee by applying at once to
F. D. Mayer, St. Louis, Mo, 616 15x
SIDE line traveling men can make $25 to
$50 per week carrying side line of most
up-to-date advertising fans of our ex
clusive special designs. Season now open
ing. Apply at once. The Kemper-Thomas
Company, Fan Dept., Sta. II., Cincin
nati, O. 617 15x
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by
large Cleveland'Johhlng house to fill va
cancy for 1905. High commissions, with
$35 weekly. W. S, Flnley Co., HO Pros
pect st., Cleveland, Ohio. 022 16x
wins out and I pleased; office or road
position; nothing equal to It; $209 per
week can be made; can be used as a very
profitable Bide line; samples light and
furnished on references; correspondence
conlidential. Address Box 356, Chicago.
509 15x
EXPERIENCED patent medicine salesman
to dealers; good permanent position; sal
ary or commission: references and bond
required. Box 655, Chicago. 610 16 x
CORRESPONDENCE desired with Bales
men having established trade In any ter
ritory on ladles' fine shoes. Established
factory. Address P. O. Bex 348, Cincin
nati, Ohio. 491 15x
AGENTS Something new every mnn buys
50 per cent profit. Send 10 cent for
sample. Managers wanted every city.
Federal Shirt Co., Security bldg . Chicago.
J-584 16X
CIGAR salesman with or without experi
ence, established trade, every section ex
cepting Illinois and southern state. Good
pay. Gould Cigar Co., Cleveland. O.
m i5x
A FEW capable salesmen, staplA line with
strong Inducements. Something entirely
new. High commission, with expenses
advanced. Permanent. Sales Manager, 25
W. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich.
FURNISHED room, furnace heat, near two
car lines; references required. 1S22
Siinnoy. E M454 lGx
FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for
gentlemen. 1712 Capitol ave.
E M4o3 17x
ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16tb & Chicago.
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Fsrnim.
SINGLE or ensulte, furnished, or unfur
nished. 2220 Douglas. E M5&4 lftx
NICELY furnished single room, modern.
Tel. A2638. t21V So. 19th. K 70 18x
NICELY furnished room, complete for
light housekeeping; also nicely furnished
Bleeping room. huH So. 21st St.
LARGE or small, nicely furnished room.
Reasonable and within walking distance.
'Phone black-4669. 616 S. 22d st.
E-6U7 18x
E CU1 18x
ROOMS furnished In the latest style 26 per
cent cheaper than all competitors. Terms:
$25.00 worth. $1.00 per week. Omaha Furni
ture A Carpet Co., between 12th and Kith
on Farnam street, E 482 It
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fins rooms,
ladles' cafe, privat dining r.; open-nights.
LARGE all modern front room; Walnut
Hill and Harney car; $12. KM2 Cuming
t. B 11370 17X
$1.00 to $2.00 per week. 421 8. Ulh St.. on
block oouth of court house. E Mfo8
EI.FGAN'T front rooms: steam heat, bath,
gas. Flat (. Duvidge Blk., 18th and For
cam, t-WS
FURNISHED room; on car line, furnace
hfcut. gas, bath; gentleman preferred. ltU)
& lOlb, VUCIM 17k
SOUTH front parlor. $024 St. Mary Ave.
E M131
THREE housekeeping rooms. 1813 Howard.
E M39 lfix
MODERN room, hot water heat. flrt floor.
Si N. 17th st. U MttO 14X
ELEGANTLY furnished parlors; lso
housekeeping rooms; steam he:it. 22..4
Farnam st. Flat 6 K M44A li x
O. M. E , TEL. 611.
THE SHELTON, 25th and Dodge. Ideal
home for the winter; pleasant rooms,
. strictly modern, home cooking; reason
able. F-6S5
$360 UP; single meals 15c. 1019 Do.lee.
F-M738 IS
MARRIED COUPLE, or two yming men,
can obtain nice r " in nnd bonrd. moilern,
by calling at 617 l'-rk ave.; 'phone F-::2o4.
2Klfi FARNAM ST.. two lsrge rooms on first
floor, single or en suite: steam heat, ilrft
class board; prices very!e.
TO lady In rlrgant modern flat, private,
i9th and Leavenworth sis. A'U!re-s S 31,
lice. F M160 17x
YOUNG man wants ro nmiHte; warm
room; references exchanged. 2418 Cas st.
K-MrtT.1 17x
ROOMS and board; modern
heated. 2(i So. 19th.
snd well
F-;7 lSx
NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat,
modern; also tlr.e table board. S"9 So.
isth St. lx
WANTED By young marled couple, room
and board In strictly private family;
everything must be first clas nnd near
South Omaha line. Address S. S,
Hce efflee. K--M34S 15
WANTED, desk rim In ufflco centrally lo
catcdT 8 23. Bee. K 451
BY refined y.mng msrrled couple. In strictly
private family. 3 furnished rooms for
light housekeeping: none but strictly
nest, e'en n and iuodern rooms wanted.
Address S 29. Bee. K 475 lox
GENTLEMAN wants permanent horn,
with board, not to exceed $-'" er month:
close in. Addriss: S 2f, Bee.
K I5S lfix
WANTED Before April 1st. a mo lern
house of tw Ive or mere rooms. Mii"t
be in good neighborhood. Address: S 27,
Bee. K Mi's
WANTED, place for student to work for
board and room. Address Omnhn Com
mercial College, or telephone 129.
K-CC9 22
If you have never had your .palm read
you should consult Mine. Gylmer at once.
It would certainly be a revelation to any
one who Is In ignorance as to what a
Ufa reading 1. This wonderful woman
ha established herself as the lender of
the profession, and her long residence In
Omaha ought to be evidence to the most
skeptical that shu Is genuine. She Is
recognized1 throughout the country as
being superior to all. Aided by a special
gift, she has devoted her entire life to
the study and practice of palmistry, and
now she Is conceded to be the best.
If In trouble see Mme. Gylmer, she can
help you. Her advice will set you aright.
She Is pleasant, refined and accomplished
and always appreciates the real predica
ment of those who need help. Her sym
pathetic nature prompts her to exert
every effort In behalf of those who are
In trouble.
Mme. Gylmer also ha the finest equipped
parlors of any palmist In the west.
Therefore your call will be made pleas
ant. 716 N. 23d st. S M663 16
GYLMER, scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d
. S-619
MRS. FRITZ, Clairvoyant, 1621 Leaven
.8 M359
YOUR FORTUNE told by the most relia
ble clairvoyants; send birth date, dime
and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln. 490 N.
Clark St., Chicago. 8-503 lfix
MME. FRANCISCO, the occult wonder.
Greatest clairvoyant who has ever vis
ited Omaha. Consult her and be con
vinced of her superiority over all others.
She has no equal. Parlors, 1724 Capitol
ave. S 4f9 lfix
MRS. BELL O'NEAL (colored), sclentlflo
palmist, mystic card reader. Advice on
all affairs of life, photos read. 2214
North Twenty-first. S M4ti2 Ox
211 S. 28th ave., 6 rooms $16
2X02 Pratt St., 6 rooms 17
911 S. 81st St.. 6 rooms 20
8224 Cuming St., 7 rooms, modern 80
22d and California, 8 rooms, brick 40
K2 Lothrnp, 8 rooms 25
4013 Seward, 8 looms 21
First FI.. N. Y. Life Buldg. Tel. 178L
a D 629 15
MME. ALLURA. PALMIST, clairvoyant,
.card render; seventh daughter of a seventh
aaugnier; aavice on an maieri oi iovb,
law, . business, speculation, etc. Pnrlors,
704 S. 17th. B M128 17x
DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator ha
brought happiness to hundreds of tinxlou
women. No pain, no uuuger, ne Interfer
ence with work; relief In $ to 6 days. We
have paver known of a single failure.
Mall order promptly filled. Price, ii.
R. 87, 4 Adams St., Chicago.
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and Irregularities of women, from any
cause; experienced and reliable. Address,
with stamp. Dr. Pries, 1511ft Dodge St.,
Omaha. 604
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani
tarium. 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. -628
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies boarded nnd adopted, Mr. Gardell,
2216 Charles. Tel. A 2til8. ft
LADIES $5f0 reward If our remedy falls to
relieve ueiuyru iiioimii.v uoiioub, no pallia
or operation; safe relief, $3; particulars
free. Woman's Private Institute, Dept. I,
185 Dearborn St., Chicago. 638 16x
LADIES treated successfuly by .mall;
write today, stating how long sup
pressed. Dr. Briney, 183 State SL, Chi
cago. LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
other. Send 4c stamps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles." in letter by return
mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia, a.
LADIES When In need, send for free trial
of our never-railing remeny; reuer quicg
and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee,
DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist o
women ana cnnaren; uu year prucuca
Office, 2206 Coming. Residence telephone
316: ofliee. 8SS7
WANTED, to borrow. $2.00 t $20,000. for
one to three years, at 7 per cent interest.
Will assign mortgHgj on Nebraska farm
s security, and submit security to cash
ier of any bank in Omaha for approval.
P 38. care Bee. M 669 F3
$1,800 Three years, at 8 per rent, private
party; will pay back $16 monthly Interest;
to run until full amount la paid; real es
tate security. Particulars, address S 16,
care Bee. 375 16
Johnson Institute. 616 N.Y.Llfe bldg. Tel.lM4.
MRS. JOHN R. ML'SICK. Osteopathy Phy.
. , . , I .... I. ' I ' 1
DR. FARWELL, specialty nervous dlease.
BI2 N. V. Life.
poCKETBOOK containing sum of money.
Grand Union Tea Co., HI 8. 16th St.
, JTound 467-14
TIL 1625.
Concert Grand, Knahe Piano $.'A00
Used Upright. Stelnway ;0.00
Used llabv Grand, Emerson $175 00
Used Upright. Weber "." "0
Used Babv Grand. Kranlch & Bach....$:icVH0
Used Upright, Chfckerlng J19600
The above Instruments are practically a
good as new. See our stock for bargains.
Schmoller & Mueller,
Sole Ktelnway Agents.
PRIVATE homo during confinement; ba-t-les
Hdopted. Mrs. Dr. King. N. win.
Tel. 3m. U-108 Jll
LARSON A JOHNSON, cut rates to all
points, luii Furnam. Tel. Bill., Hem
bcr Ameilcan Ticket Brokers' Ass n.
M. 1-". Write or come; need you. Anns.
U-636 16
PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano; $2. Perneld Piano Co.. 1611
arnuin. L 63
THEATRICAL masq. costume. Ueben,
1410-12 Howard. U-M
"VIAV1," way to health. 0O Bee Bldg.
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; in fact anything- ou do not needl
we collect, repair und sell for cost of col
lecting t the worthy poor. Call phong
4135 and wagon will call. U Wl
OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramge Bile
U 696
MAriNFTIP treatment baths. Mm j.
nlUlNC 1 IV- smith. US N. 16, S ft. R. .
U 3ti0
Massaron cures middle-ear trouble.
Acoustlcon aids the hearing ss glasses
do the eye. Hutchison Acoustic Co.,
N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 18. ..
I U 697
U 6M
TRUSSES made ana fitted to men, womsn
and children. 1408 Farnsm St.
THE H. J. PEN IX) LD CO. v6n
SenO for price list and Samples.
2uii Douglas tahxK, .
TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 7-0.8. 13th.
DON'T fool with your eyes; bo careful who
examines tl.em; we lest eyes free tor
glaHe und guarantee katist'uctlon.
Leading Opticians, 14u Farnam.
TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Ton la
U 466 J14
CHRONIC and nervous diseases success
fully treated. Dr. Jackson, 311 Ramge blk,
teed by Kuhu & Co., Ulh it Douglas Sis,
U-M666 31
F. WM. KRELLE Architect, 604 Bee bldg.
Tel. tm. VM3A F6x
EXPERT PIANO tuning by factory tuner.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Tel.
1625. U 403 FU
WE rent sewing machines 76o week. Ws
icpuit- nit iiiuKea di iiitujniiies. Deconu
hand machines $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.
Tel. 1663. Cor. lfiih and Harney. U 400
WANTED, a young lady with from $26 to
$(0 to invest to take the agency at Omaha
for a good paying article; state where
Interview can be had at oace. Addreaa
S 19, Bee. U M421 16
FINELY educated young lady stenog
rapher, refined Christian, physical cultur
lst, wishes friendship of refined, strictly
temperate gentleman to form physical
culture club. Addreaa S 2L Bee.
U-630 lfix'
WEALTHY lady unencumbered, seeks ap
preciative husband. Address Mrs. Cole,
606 Walnut, Room 7, Philadelphla.
U-628 15s
THIS Is your chance to get the season's
popular favorite, "Dreams at Twilight
Waltzes" for 23 cents. Illinois Music Co..
6414 Prairie avo., Chicago. U 666 16x
HEADACHE cured In ten minutes by my
mechanical device. Price, $1.60. Lasts
lifetime. Cure guaranteed. Don't use
harmful chemicals. li A. Turner, Jr..
Calcls, Ala. U 647 15x
MARRYi-Wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory free; pay when married; entirely
new plan: send no money. Address II. A.
Horton, Dept. 297. Tekonsha, Mich.
U-644 16x
CATARRH Cold, Instant relief; thousands
using V. J. Catarrh Remedy, are you?
Bend 25c, coin or stamp. V. J. Remedy
Co., 1016-186 Dearborn St., Chicago.
U 542 lfix
LADY ef 60 ha $40,600. Alone In the
world; wants a good companionable hus
band. Address Curran, 1242 Wabash
ave., Chicago. U 660 lix
Marry Wealth and Beauty.
Descriptive list free.
"Elite," S46 Fourth Ave., New York.
U-618 Ux
Manufacturers of paste for all purposes.
Tel. A-26u2. 221(jCumlng. Established 1BSS.
POSITIVE speclfto for rheumatism sent
prepuld for $1.00. Guaranteed remedy) by
physicians whose life study has been uric
acid diathesis. Uro Sclalty Co., 1196
Beaubien St., Detroit, Mlfch. U 467 Ux
THE STAGE Thorough, practical training
for the stage; professional engagements
secured; circulars. New York School of
Acting, 28 East 23d St., New York City.
U 472 15x
SUPERFLUOU8 hair, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 423 N. Y. Life.
A WEALTHT and attractive maiden want
without delay kind husband to relieve her
of business cares. No objections t hon
orable, capable floor man. Address Cook,
C7 Flournoy, Chicago. U 670 lfix
A WEALTHY, middle-aged American gen
tleman want cheerful wife. No objeo
tions to sincere poor woman. Address
Mr. John, 408 Ogden, Chicago. U-673 15x
ATTRACTIVE widow, very wealthy, wants
Immediately good, honest husband. Ad
dress Aetna, Oneonta bldg., Chicago. 111.
U-666 lfix
GENEROUS professional man, worth $60,.
000, desires deserving, Industrious wife.
Money no object. Adreas Mr. C, 67 Clark,
St., Chicago, 111. U-665 lfix
letter carriers, railway mall clerks and
others. Young men, study at home for
spring examinations. Fur particulars sen
C. K. Scranlon, 410 Bee building, after i
p. m. L 616 lfix
LADIES Avoid trouble by using "Perfect
Protector;" no exposure; particulars lOu.
Perfection P. Co., North Bend. Neb.
U-669 16g
HESS & 8 WO BOD A, Hli Farnam. -678
L. HENDERSON. 1519 F.nnam.
Tel. 1X8.
iBL feu.