V THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 14. 1903. X Kl i ( ( ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Situation Weaker and Market Lower Tkrongh KerYoiunot. WALLA WALLA WHEAT FROM ANTWERP Vara Visible falls Ol lleaslly r the fk and ftperalatloa la Light IM-ath ( Ki-PreslHeat Haatlll af C bit-aga. OMAHA. Jan. 13. 16. It wheat market continues a little wnKfr. The n-latlvc weakness of Chlcag.) and of Minneapolis broke the Chlcag. i market and reports of nla hy the eastern longs In the southwest rmj.tfil a slump at Chicago. Ft linia lout 4c Thursday, which brought It to only V: above Chicago. Minneapolis lost If, leaving it only 40 above the May In Chicago, whfrfan it was a few days ago 5c above the oavl'm mar ket. These tilings caused liquidation. The May opening this morning was at II 154. wherejia the close of Thursday was II 164 The highest point of the session was fl lh1 and tho lowest $1 5S- Toward the close the market strengthened! up. ending at $1181. The Juiy lost 4c d.irlng the s sJor . The cesb wheat market i much duller today. Chicago aold .") bushels of No. 2 hard wheat at S4c und r the Mar in store and alao 15.0n In mixed lota. Milwaukee reported 35 Kansas City wheat in transit to New York; wold at oVvc over the May In New York. Minneapolis eash mar ket l He down on No. 1 northern and iMiluth Is the same. St. Ioui retorta No. 2 red In store filing at $1.17V which la a drop ot Ic. Kansas City aold 35.ono buahela of Pa'IHi: co.ist wheal to South western millers at 11.13. New York has received a second and larger cargo of Walla Walla red wheat, shipped from the Pacific to Antwerp and reshlpped to this country for a better market. This seems to have been a paying venture, tho wheat being bought hy east ern millers. The Increase for the week at Port Arthur and at Fori William la only 81. On) buahela. The primary receipts are 4.'tl.oi, agulnsT "jo.')1) last year. The hlpon'ma are JMI.(aX. against 3U.Wi-bush-e.sl The treasury announces it will not collect revenue, on by-products of milling of Canadian wheat which comes In bond. The drawback of 99 per cent of the duty Is allowed on the flour when It goes out. in proportion to the amount of Canadian wheat contained. The corn exports for the day amount to 65,000 buahela through tho Atlantic sea board and 120,o0n through gulf ports. Tha Interior took 36,000. buahela. The specu lativ market continued without a pulae of excitement. Argentine reports a slack torlgn demand and a light movement from tha Interior, and an easy market. Tha Argentine visible supply is 1,612.000 buahela, against 1.929,tK) laat year. The primary receipt are unexjiectetlly light, being 355.UOO buahela, agalnat 734,000 laat year. The shipments are 376. 0W bushels, against 834,000 laat year. The oat market continues dull. The ahipmenta of oat on sales amounted to about ku.OOO bushels. The markets closed at noon today be cause of the death of ex-President Hamill of the Chicago Board of Trade. Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. 3 hard, MS lbs., 11.034. Omaha Cash Prices. AVIIEAT-No. 2 hard. U.7til.t0: No. 3 hard, 11.034; No. 4 hard, iWcfcll.O.'; No. 3 spring, 11. ui. CORN No. 2. 394c; No. 3. 3'ic; No. 4, 394c; no grade. UWT.wV; No. i yellow, 394c; No. a yellow. 384c; No. 2 white, 39V; No. 3 white. 394c. OATH No. 2 mixed. No. 3 mixed. 274i52t4-; No. 4 -.nix-Hi, 2u4t27c; No. 2 white. 29o; No. 3 white, Zi'tc; No, 4 white, 28c; atandard. 2JsAjU29c. . Carlnt Hecelpta. I Wheat. Corn. Oat Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . fniluth 8t. Louis .... Omaha 12 .... 85 ....254 .... 65 .... : .... 23 194 30 28 Prices at Mlnaeapolla. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade: Articles. Opeu. I Hltfh.l Low. Close. AVheat Mav July September l.W.l 1.1? 1.14 I 1.14V 934 93'j 'l.lSll.MB 1.1:41.144H 93 . 1 934 B bid. Grala Markets Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Thurs day at the markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat May ... July ... ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... ... July ... Wheat May ... July ... Corn May ... July .. Wheat May ... July ... Wheat , May ... July .. Wheat May ... July .., JEW . Today. Thurs. 1.164 1.164A KANSAS CITY. 9S 444B 414 A 4 444B 45 .... I.11H4 .... 894 ST. LOUIS. 424 42V 1 164 95 l.4 90 424 4;'4 43 B 434 B 1.174 94 4-4 43t MINNEAPOLIS. UCLUTH. NEW YORK. lib l.2?s 1.164 l.Hs 1.164 1 15 1.164 1.034 YORK VKMCKAI. MAHKET A arlons Aaotatlona of the Day uu Commodities. NEW Y'ORK, Jan. 13-FLOt'R Receipts, 17.13 bbls.; export!'. 7.852 bbla. ; murket stead v, Imt slow; winter pntent, $4.00 fld.85,' wlntur atralghtH, (5.305.45; Mlnne eota patenta. (5.tto'jMi.35: winter extras, 13.65 Ht.JW. Minnesota bukera'. It JitM b5. wlnier low grades, f3.4eti 4.1i. Kyo Hour, ateudy: fair to good. t4.4ma4 7u; choice to fancy, 14 75 i !.. ttuckwheat flour, steady, J.'.So per Pw lbs. CORNMEAL Easy: line white and yel low, i.2o; coarse, new. Jl.t'T&UV; kbn dried, IrvntjlLlO. RYE 8teady; No. 2 western, 75c, uckeit BARLEY Easy; feeding. 44c, c. i. f.. New Y'ork; malting, 43ic. -. i. f.. Now Y'oik. WHEAT Heccipts. 37,160 bu. Spot, easy; No. X red, 11.20, elevator, and fl.2iV I o. b., afloat; Ni) 1 northern, liuluih, 11 264, f. o. b., a float; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, H.114. f. o. b., aflou. The early weakness In wheat waa aascclated with poor cables, bettnr Argentina weather news, favorable western weather. Willi street selling In Chicago and liquidation. Finally the roar kei rall.td oil coverli a, and cluhed steady at 4tj4c ut decline. May. I1.154'(il 16. closed at 1.1; July. II. IC -164il.i4. closed at II ;4. September closed at 944c. CORN Rcetpt. lll.MU bu.; exports, 4.4:W bu.; salea, lo.ow bu. futures and 24.UUO bu. spot. Spot., steady : No. S, R24-. elevator, nnd S2c, f. o. b., arloat; No. 1 yellow, 624c; No. 1 white, Z4c. The option market was again quiet, but ruled flnn, with the wet, closing 40 'net higher. May, au4'"6o4c, closed at &Va. OATS Recoipts. lutf.&oo bu.; exports, 200 bu. Spot, film: mixed oats, 2 to 32 Iba., .1463740; natural while. & to 32 lbs.. 374'if 3i4c; Clipped wHIte. 3 to 4 lbs.. g!4&41c. HAY Firm; shipping, 624u67c; good to choice, l0;4 HOI'S totsady: state cvninion to choice, 1904. JS-tiJTo: I., SotuMc; old. 14-; Pacific coast, loot. XWMci 3tl4M:; olds, 143 17c. ' HIlES-8teady; Galveston. 2 to 2fi lbs., lac; California. 21 to & lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, L4 to k'i Iha 144c. - I KATMK.M Firm; acni.- 34'axbc family. Ill OA Ik Oimt hi! beef hams, f 2 PROVISIONS Beef, steady bviyw: mea 21Su: packet, tli.taa 5.d0; city. extra India iiifu, il :-fJ18..v Cut Kieat". noniinal: rick led bellies, I.7&tr7.u0; pickled shoulders. 1124; pickled hanio. a.7fcf.0u. Lard. ); western ateamed. I.T5'b7.o3: ivrlned. atead'; continent, 17 10: South America. 17.66; cum. pound. MV,'4tt7.eO. Pork. rliaK family, lit t"til4 5"; lurt clear. iltr.trtri.11O; mesa. 112. Tla 11.26. TALJOW Hull; city. 44c; country. 44 444e- ' ' T ' RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. t tjf4-; Jaran. nominal. Bl'TTER Fli ni; held creamery, common to extra.. 31tl274c. rilEKIK-Stroi g; atate, full cream, small, colored and while, fancy. 124c; tine, ll-v; lata made, colored and while, poor la choice, V0U4r: large, colored and white, fancy. IV. fine, llVwUV- late made. cu. ored and white, poor to choice. 4aJic. Evii iS- Strong: western fau'.v selected. SI' : western average bct. 81 K . POLl.'lHV, Aiivt, hi tn. weklet ii chic kens, 114c; fowls. ISV-e; turkevs, 14Vc; drad. firm; westera ciuckens. 114llSc, fawls. llfl L'V; turkeys. i6ajlc. CHICAGO CRACt AD PROTiaiOa Featares of tha Tradla aod tlealag Vrlcea Beard ef Irsi. CHICAGO. Jan. 13 Favorable crop ra pcrta from Argentina formed the chief f-auao fif a weak wheat market here today. Final quotations on May wheat show a lose of Sc. A'orn is up 4&4e. Oats are practically un ianged. Provisions ar up it74c. Sentiment in the wheat pit throughout the entire session was bearish. At the opening May was off Sl4o to 4V at II l.'.'dl 164. The initial weakness was due largely to a eliarp decline at Liver pool, resulting from bearlah advices on crops In Argentina. Another fan tor. how ever, thut had considerable Influence was the well prutertd condition of winter wheat in the Fnlted States, reports from the west and southwest being unanimous In the assertion that the heavy snow of the laat forty-eight hotira would be a great lnerlt to the crop. The hulls found li'tle to encourage them in the cash alt uatlon. there being only a light demand for cash wheat In all markets. About th; only iwm of bullish tenor was the con tinued light receipts In the northwest. iJurlng tho greater part of the session pit traders were free sellers, and early In the day there was considerable selling by commission houses on stop loss orders. After trading was well on the market ral lied on liberal purchases by a leader of the lungs. Mar advancing to I1.1SNS1 164 When the support was withdrawn the mar ket yielded to the general liearishness, May dropping to lt.154. Some recovery was made on renewed buying by the snme operator, but the market closed easy. Final quotations on May were at II 16''al lfi4 l lesrancfs of wheat and flour were equal to M.W) bu. Receipts were S4.121 bu., com pared with 250.500 bu. a year ago. Min neapolis. Dtilulh an4 Chicago reported re ceipts of 320 cara, against 364 cars last week and 449 cars a year ago. Small receipts and light country accept ances furnished the incentive of fair buy ing of corn by commission houses, result ing In a firm market. May opened un changed, at 444c, sold up to 444c and closed at 444ft444c. Local receipta were l."4 cars, with 1 contract grade. Firmness of corn had a steadying effect on the oats market. The volume of business was extremely light. Scalpers did most of the trading. Mav opened 44i'c lower, at ScVMlc. sold up to 614ifj14c and closed at the highest point. Local receipts were 6s cars. The provisions market expetlenced a con siderable revival of Interest, trading today being of a fairly large volume. The best buying was by shorts, slthotigh commis sion houses made substantial purchases. Comparatively light receipts of hogs was the principal bull factor. At the close May pork and ribs were each up 74c. at 112.70 and fi.724 respectively. Lard was 5c higher at tS74J90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 18 oars; corn, 241 cars; oats, 59 cars; hogs, 22. "00 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles.; Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Tcs y. AVheat May July Corn Jan. May July Oats Jan. Mav July Pork Jan. May La rd Jan. May July Ribs Jan. Mav Juiy I I I ,1 15V 1 164WI I 1 164 1 1641 VU9 99 1 lov'l l4i'l 164t I 1 1V 1 94& 98ti4 994fr4 414 444: 45 fj4 I 414 414; 414' 414 444 444 4446 4 '444 454 45 l4 454 45 (4 jr4 304 301,; 30 :'4y3i 3144 304 314h4 304-&41 41464 304'B31,S14'4 1 12 424 12 424, 12 374 I S bo U 13 1Z C6 624' M4! 700 6 43' I 6 ft) I 8) 65 6 90 624 S24 7 0241. 7 00 474 g 4T 75 65 1174! 85 12 374 1Z 70 5 65 6 90 7 00 i4 314 314 12 30 12 624 6 60 8 85 6 95 6 45 fi 40 6 724I 65 S 874! 80 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm winter patents. $5.10 5.20; straights. l4.8O4j.0i; spring patents. !5 00tt6.60; straights. 1404.90; bakers, 12.70 to 3 9u. WHEAT No. 2 apring. 1.121 .15; No. 3, 11.0241 1 .15; No. 2 red, it. 17V?1 194- C0RN-N0. 2, 434c; No. 2 yellow. 434c OATS No. i. 304c: No. 2 white, 324 S24c: No. t white, 313314c. RYE No. 2. 74m&-75c. BARLEY-O00H '--ding. 364j37c; fair to choice malting, 31. 'a 47c. SEEDS No. I flax, 11.16; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.23; prime timothy, 12.80; clover, coni tract grade. IIS.OO. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $12,374 11.40. Lard, per Ion lbs., 16.65. Short ribs sides (loose). !6.124''q.374. Short clear sides (boxed). t6.aCtii624. Receipts and shipments for the dav were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 23.MO 20.500 AVheat bu.... 29,000 33,io Porn, bu 213. 4o0 l9.9no Oats, bu 92.8i" 99.p Rye. bu 4.000 5.0n0 Barley, bu 60.200 SS.&W On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 19:9c; dairies. H4fi?4o. Eggs.flrm at mark, cases included, 22'y27c; firsts. 27c: tine firsts, 29c; extras, 31c. Cheese firm at 114 12c. At. I.oals tirala and Provlsloas. ST. LOCIS. Jan. 13.-AVHEAT-.Vo. 2 red, caah. elevator. $1.17; truck. 11.18; .May, $1,1641.17; July, 95rjaa4c; No. 2 hard, $1. 121.13. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 43c; track, 444c; May, 43c; July, 43Uc. OATS Steady; No. 3 cash, 304c; track. 314fc24u; May. 314931V; No. 2 while, 324c FLOVR Lower, as result of break in wheat; red winter patents, $3.30116.40; ape clal brands, !5.504?6.65; extra fancy, It.tfoSi i.do: clear. $4.4Sf40. 8EEU Timothy.' nominal. $2.0082.40. CORNM E A lv Steady , $2.40. BRAN Dull ; sacked, east track. 866fiSc. HAY' Firm for best; timothy, $.0iK8 13.W; prairie. $6.0iFi9.50. 1 HON COTTON TIES 93c. BAOGINO 740. HEMP T W I N E 64c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old. $11,374; new, $12,624. Lard, higher; prime steamed. $6.35. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. $6,624-. clear ribs. $6 874; short clear. 17. uu. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7624; short clear. $7,874- POULTRY Firm ; chlckans, 114c; springs. ll'fcc; turseys 11'jc; oucks, 11c; geese, ko. BL'TTER Firm; dairy. 16ti;5e. EtlOS Firm; 24c, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu creamery. 241 J04c; case count. Receipts. Shipments. S.Oiio 12.K)0 40.ii N.ono 19.0" .W000 61, (Ml 25.0i)0 Kaasaa City tiraia and Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 1. WHEAT lAwer: May. 11. 04 tr 1.1164: Julv. 894i)!Sc; cash, No.. 2 hard. ll.Ofeil.lO; No. 3. II u5u 1.07. No. 4. SOcftl.M; No. 2 red. $1.121.13; No. $. $1.09ql.ll; No. 4. $1 O.Mjl 0. Receipts. 62 cars. CORN 8tead ; May. 42t;c42Ve; July. 424'ij424e; iash. No. 2 mixed. 424c; No. 3. 42i-; No. 2 white. 424c; No. 8, 42c. OATS Stendy: Np. 2 white, U432e; No. t mixed. :'4i3u4e. HAY Steady; choice timothy, I9.ififll0.00; Choice prairie. $7 5n. RYE Steady. 75c. KOCiS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, tie No. 2. whltewood cases included. 25c; case count. 2SWc; cases returned. 4e less. BL'TTER Creamery. 23r27c! dairy. lc. Receipts. Shipments. AVheat. bu. ...-..-. i ... 49.600 , j,).(hk Com, bu 13,il , 43.300 Oats, bu 7.000 ' ' 8.ml Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. Jan. II WHEAT-Spot, nominal; future, qulrl; March. 7s 40; May, ta USd- . CORN Spot. American mixed.' new. easv at 4s Id: American mixed, old. quiet at 4s l4d; futures quiet; Msrch. 4s l'd; May, 4s lA,d. ' Milnssksa brain Market. MILAVAUKEE, Jan. 13-AVUKAT-Ouiet; Nu. 1 northern. II 1W1 17: No. 2 northern. 1 l'iil U: May. $1.UI.1A.. t n 1 r. -c niKnfr, o. 1, ei't. K A RLE Y Steady: No. V:4j 3'llc. CORN-etrady; No. 3. 4.4j43c; May. 44c. Palalb Grala Market. Dl'Ll'TH. Jan. 13-WHKAT-To arrive: No 1 northern. $1,144: No. $ northern, 11074. On truck: No. 1 northern. $1,144. No. 2 northern. $1,074; May. $1,174; Julv, $1 UU: S ptemher. Mr. OATS To arrive and on truck. 29Vc. ,AviJo; sample. Mlaaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan 13. WH EAT May. $1 16V. July. $1,144: September. !4c FLOUR First patents, tb.4tifi6.iii: second Uateiils, $t,.:iaM: cesl clears. $1154.35; in'enil clears. j ts.it? 2 70. BRAN- In buik. $4. Philadelphia Prudar Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 11- BUTTER Siesdv: extra western i reamrrv. 30c. , F.irOS Iull: western fresh. It at mark. ' Peoria Mirkel. PEORIA. Jan. U -CORNrAjuotrd liigher; No. 2. 4:4c; No. 4, 41c, id grade, 4owy NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS General Treud of Prices it Higher and Closing is Firm. BUOYANT RISE IN UNION PACIFIC laterbnroaah Rapid Transit and Asrthers sernrltlra Make (n High Heeords on the I arb. NEW YORK, Jan. 13 The fele oscilla tions to which the price movement In the stock market has now fallen was In nn upward direction today. There were vari ous nominal explanations for the new di rection of the movement. The teal reason was the simple one that prices h:id moved downward yesterday. In the present torpid stale of the public In terest In the market, the professional traders whose operations maxc up the dealings, have no taste for following prices far in either direction. Hence the hort ness of the Ihratlons. The opening trans actions shorn oil more animation and vigor than for several days past, but most of the day s total dealings were Included In the first and lust hour of truding. A num ber of favorite stocks maintained their re cent predominant Interest today, and their movements were the determining intluence uion those of a number of stocks on the Stock exchange Itself. Northern Securities and Interborough Rapid Transit both shot up violently to new high records, with cor restsmding effect on their Hilled Hlo k oil the Stock exchange. In the volume of their capitalisation and in their representative character, these stocks, of course, rank with the important market leaders on the Stock eX' hange itself, although they have never been listed for dealings on the ex change. But the response in the local tractions and In the triiiisi-ontliientiil group today was sufficient evidence that the deal ings in the curb market were an influence un those stocks. Published reports of a plan to combine all the local traction companies was re sponsible for the movement In Inter horougt), while the buoyant rise In North ern Securities occasioned estimates for the relative Increase In value resulting from the stocks of Its constituent companies and of the enhancement in value of Union Pacific holdings of Northern Securities. The movement in the rest ot the market seemed to be to a large extent sympathetic. There was an advance In the price of refined sugar and It was rumored that the Read ing net earnings for December would make a very strong showing. Sterling exchange was slightly easier, but rallied before the close nnd London discounts were marked up a fraction, promising no relaxation in the foreign demand for gold. The foreign trade statement for December showed a decline tn value of domestic exports of upward of $33.tMi,0uo, thus helping to ex plain the scanty supply of foreign . ex change. The decrease in value of cotton, compared with the preceding December, was I23.69.S. Xt, hut the comparison is with the record monthly exports of cotton. There has been a drop, however, of nearly $11. ft") In the cotton exports, compared with November, showing the effject of the de cline in the price of that commodity. The value of breadstuff, while $0.641. WO less than In the preceding December, has risen to the largest total since March, undoubt edly on account of the expansion in the out ward movement of coin. The promise of an expansion of upward of lUi.nuu.ooo in the cash holdings of the hanks for the week Increased the strength of the market In the late dealings. The strength continued to center largely in Union Pacific, but Us huo.vant upshoot made the closing firm throughout and at about the best level of the dav. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value, $5.36.0un. United States new 4s, coupon, advanced 4 per cent on the last call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 2.010 do pfd 1.5"0 Atlantic Coast Line. 2i Baltimore & Ohio.... 24.HV do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeaku & Ohio., l.eu Chicago & Alton 6v0 do pfd Chicago O. AV 1.3u0 Chicago & N. AV MJ C. M. & St. P 17.4.JO Chicago T. & T " do pfd 7oo C, C, C, & St. L.... Colorado & Southern. ) do 1st pfd 2i) do 2d pfd 4i0 Delaware A Hudson. IftS Deluwure, L & AV Denver & Rio Uratide 3m) do pfd 6K) Erie 3.5oO do 1st pfd 7.3O0 do 2d pfd 3,000 Hocking A'alley Ik) do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern 4t do pfd 2.i I & N win Manhwttun I, !) Met. Securities l.fso Metropolitan St. Ry. 16.2 Mexican Central 4.4uo Minneapolis St. L. ) M., St. P. & S. St. M. s.Sot do pfd 2.1 Missouri Pacific; 7.'t Missouri. K. A T 5.6ki do pfd i.V) N. R. R. of M. pfd... l.eKt New Y'ork Central 4io N. Y'.. O. & W 7.iti Norfolk & AVestern.. l.luO do pfd Pennsylvania P., C. C. & St. I..... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 2d pfd. St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific. do pfd Southern Railway. .. do pfd Texas & Pacific T., St. L. & AV.. do pfd Union Pacific .. do pfd AVabash I'M do pfd 4t AVheellng & L. E AVikconsiit Central.... 3"0 do pfd 3i0 Adama Express Amtrn-nn Express I". S. Express AVella-Fargo Express Amal. Copper 81. Km American C. a.- F :oo do pfd Ameiican Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice inn do pfd '. sou' American Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Ixomotlve,... 1,3" 1 do pfd 'ju American S H m'l do pfd 100 Amer. Sugar Refill. .. 4.1'JO A me. Tobacco p. c Anaconda M. Co '.-"i Brook) vii R. T li.l Colorado F. & 1 3.9H") Consolidated Ll.is l.StO Corn Products 3.0110 do pfd t Distillers' Securities. 5 General Electric 2.7xi International i'apei. mo do pfd International Pump do pfd National Lead 1 North American ' 2ii Pacific Mail :) Peoples lias I.ucv pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel ....... )) do pfd 4iu Rubber Uooda 7't do pfd tKi Tennessee C. Ic I.... l.Ont I'. 8. leather 1 ) do pfd 1.7'l U. 8. Realty 6A l 8 RubbfT l.W'i do 1 f d J'1 I'. 8. Bieel 3.J.i do ptd 42 J A'a. -Carolina Chem . tiw do pfd Weetliighuuse Eire. 1i AVestern Union luu Kx-iiivldend. Total sales for tliA day Ml 122 103', t.64 100 122 1014 3.1"0 1334 1324 4S 414 224 2074 1734 14 a 224 614 364 14 324 K 404 784 624 90 474 404 224 I074 1714 10 i :v 224 61 4 3-i 1S34 32 " s4 774 61 4 90 4.000 ir 15S 2N4 534 14o4 172 77 1174 234 : 934 1504 f'i-4 324 t;4 4:4 1434 41 794 274 624 1394 1704 76 1104 224 57 90 148 1"54 314 ta 4-'4 142 4l4 784 21,000 1374 1364 53.900 t4 79 " 32. 1 M) Jin) l.loo ;:il l.ts) 33,700 l.Ust 4.2m) 81 ) 2.101) lull 113, lou !) 3..4 834 714 574 iv i4 1164 a 344 364 1174 97-4 4 4-4 2i4 4'.4 75 334 824 704 244 57 654 lln 344 96 334 364 li4 974 214 424 734 334 si S 34 l4-l, 81 4 1114 1424 ni" 614 464 174 204 1h 364 184 2'3l. S.,4 244 lor 444 lu74 246 . 14 l ti :,'t 714 114 I114 79 374 Kr4 30 034 3i-s iu 181 4 93 344 I044 1 1114 14o H4 61 4 4.4 196 14 .04 764 364 187 -4 S64 244 !' 4:i )i,4 2424 16 4 2;4 bG 70 134 I014 77 74 I.104 ' 914 - 1054 1M4 9:4 874 1.11,4 121-4 1034 954 1334 li'l 474 414 80 224 205 1734 . 104 ,:vo4 90 224 61 4 3i 1834 335 324 864 404 78 62 89 934 1574 294 554 28 53 1404 17' 14 76 1174 234 57 914 1494 1;4 324 634 424 1434 41 794 92 1374 764 80-, 914 844 364 83 714 664 1164 344 964 344 36 D34 1174 97 214 424 184 214 444 2: 213 120 23" 744 334 924 314 93 64 374 16 374 34 S 1044 814 111 1424 924 1114 614 404 1974 2i4 . 764 364 1874 .234 38 86 344 l'4 444 1"74 3; 89 2..4 . 164 69 264 944 714 134 1014 74 374 Ha .4 294 93 344 l'V., W 4 ' W4 Tn'.'w shares. k 4 tearing. 12.-The batik clearing for ha OMAIIA. Jan Friday are tl.422'3.61. For tl same flay Ust vear tbe weie tl.2,t.t-'!. an incrraee i f $229.1 2i...i fr 1, Trrnsnrr Mtetement. - W ASill NtiTtiN, Jan 13. Today's state ment of th treasni -.- l-u'i'e iM v eral fund. ex--lus1r of he $i;Ai''Vft'i0 gold rserve tn tl"e division tif redemption, shows: Available cssh balances, $141.l48.0iv2; gold, I69.67J.745. Btairaa ok tasociiTF.ii baks tlearlngs of the Great Cosamerrlal t enters of 4 onntry. NEW YORK. Jan. 13 -The following tahl, compiled by Pradstrctt. showt tlfs bank cleurlngs at the principal cities for the week nucd Jaauary 13. w ith the per centage of Inctease and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year; 1 ' i i Clearings. Inc. I Deo, : ! CITIES. City New Y'ork: Chicago Boston Philadelphia . Ft. Iouls Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincii.natl Kansas City .. New Orleans . Cleveland Minneapolis .. Detroit lxnilsvllle ..... OMAHA Milwaukee .... Providence ... Buffalo Indianapolis .. St. Paul Ixjs Angeles .. St Joseph .... ltnvfr Coiumbus Memphis Seattle, Richmond Washington .. Savannah Albany Portland. Ore. Fort Worth .. Toledo. O Salt Lake Peoria .... Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Molnrs Spokane. Wash... Tacorna Orand Rapids New Haven Dayton Norfolk Springfield, Mass. Worcester Portland, Me...... Augusta, tij Topeka Sioux City Syracuse Evansvllle Birmingham Wilmington, Del Knoxvllle Davenport Iattle Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, AV. A'a Wichita Akron Chattanooga Springfield, III Kalamazoo. Mich.... Y'r ungstown Helena Lexington Fargo. N. I) New Bedford Canton. O Jacksonville, Fla Lowell Chester, Pa Oreensburg. Pa Rockford. Ill hinghamton .....'.:,. Springfield. O Bloomington, III..... Wulney, 111 Sioux Falls. 8. D... Mansfield. O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111 Fremont. Neb ' Houston .., '. . KSalveston ICharleston. 8. C Cedar Rapids Totals. I. S Outside New Y'ork... I $1 915.587.132'; l:4 2i.77i 1K4.54.818 130.O7S 131 64.022. KS. 43 12. m! ;.4.7 3i.lxt.iH9 27.81.siVi: 23.748 7VJ 24.468.318 . 15.977.024; 17.('.MS' 11.707.9841 iira.z)! 9.348.0331 8.T76.942 8.594.'ij 7.13.932 7.833.81 6.2K2.5iS . .32.li2 4.819.611' 7.44f.,745' 7.133. 6.786,51; 5in.422 . 4.11. 8711 5.415.iVii 4.O60 W1 4 411.633 4..985 4.72-8.133 3,933. ' 4,.'):4.u7! 3,m4.4M' 3 881.176 3.418.254 3 965.8jr :i.6",4..88 2 731. 5S 2.9V..16 2.975,iM 2 181. ,va'. 2.743.7.I5! 1 977.072 . 1.893.470' 1.651.9s1 1.599.182. 1,760. 681 . 1.797.2-4 1.111,282'. I.700 1771 1.S11.7171 l.l:.582 1.593.114 1.359.R26 1.46.096' 913.041 . 1.220.214 . . ti95.040 631.781'. 592.677 . 831. 207 1.228.644 1I25.H11O . 928.771 . 849,6561 1.015.291 610.2K3 751.084,. 73.88! 795.911. 549,028 . 551 ,''. 1.524.328 562,707 481.597'. 436.301. 482. 497.SH01. 510.262' 413.028 . 364.8!)i 218,597'. 170,719'. 332.643; 278.273i 185.3o2. 18.729.78.. 12.9S5.0K 1.349.369 566,572 U.5.Oft3 I 989, 446.164 1 39 1 14 22.5 , U 2 13 17.4 8 1 & I 8 ,. 10. 0 . 16. l. 15. 5i. 10.2 . 16 5 . 0 4. 2 6 . 10.7 . 10 Si. I 11 1 . .'. 7.7 . 67 2 . 8 . 1 4 . 15 0'. 8 6. 10 01. 9 1 . 15.1 . 6 2 . 18 0 . 23 4 . 0.3 . 2.8 . 7.0'. 37.5 . 15 4 . 16 3 . 29. 8'. 32.7,. W3'. 13 6 . HI. 11.9,. ,.8:7r 9.5;. 13.2.. 11. 21. 22 6'. 14 6. 25.H. 0 2 OMAIIA LIVE. STOCK MARKET i I Cattle Eeceipts Very Light and Prioei Baled Steady to Strong. HOGS ADVANCED A TRIFLE HIGHER Active Demand tor hrep and l.nmtia ana with Light Herrlpla Market AA a s trllte, nllk Prleea Jnat tbont teaH). SOl'TH OMAHA. Jan. 13. 1"6 Receipta were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official AVednesday Official Thursdav . Official Fridav .... 3 4 2.9 u.: 11.3:.. ... 6."i ... 3.H2 ... 3.183 ... l.t Five days this week ... .18 148 Same das last week 10,157 Same days week before.. 9.741 Same three weeks ago.. 12.232 Same four weeks ago 21 218 Snme days last year 22.617 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of esttle. hogs snd sheep at South Omaha for tha vae t . . . I . . ; . k. .MnA..UAn ..Itk Uf t ' . .. unir, .Mil ' ''1111 I ll-r II ' ' ' - mu r in. . . . J T . . rwu. 1 r- 111,-. i".. 28 4;2 35 531 .. . 7,069 72.S27 70.797 2.03" 52.518 7S.69I .... 14.176 Hogs. Sheen. 2.7 a 25 .tl 6 16i' 10.12 4 223 10.262 4.012 4.n 40m ;.4"l 2462i J0.241 26.IW 19 n".' 6i( 47!l9 21.143 39.732 S l 34.11 39.a'2 vear. Cattle Hon Sheep Tk , . . . . - "e luuowing tsmc snoas tne avria price of hogs st South Omaha for the last aeveral days, with comparisons: Date. 1904. 190t.l.;1901.iUMO.ltBS.lasl Dec. 19... Dec. 20. . .1 Dec. a... Dec. 22... Dec, 22... Dec. 24..., Dec. 26. ..I Dec. 26... I Dec. 27... Jan. Dec, 2S...I Dec. 30.. I Dec. II... Jan. 2. ...I Jan. I.... Jan. 4.... Jan. 6 Jan. .... Jan. 7..,. Jan. 8.... Jan. .... Jan. 10. .t Jan. 11... Jan. 12... Jan. 13... 4 V-4,1 4 60'-! 4 44 H' 4 SSy 4 38H! 4 4 In 1 4 42SI 4 il'vsl I 4 (6 I 4 5i; 4 47 19t5 4 89 I 4 431, 4 44 4 46t 4 45 4 19) 4 J1 - I Ot 4 $4: ' 4 w: 16 4 45 f 18 4 47 6 27 1 :n ; 4 64! 6 16! I 44 4 64, 6 S3! 4ft 4 12 ( 35 4 2i 6 2! 1903 6 X7! 1904 4 l I I 411 I 4 K I 4 67,: 4 61V 4 63' 4 77 4 s 4 58 4 65 4 60, 4 62! I 4 53! 4 61 75; I l i f 4 ;T 3 3 "t $ 04 4 79! I 94! 1 6 061 4 61, 4 011 I J I 4 KOj 4 02i t il 06 I 4 04i 3 17 t 4 6 I 3 41 ; j 1 19! I 83 4 111 1 M : :;.i 4 8 4 o:i, 3 41 8 72! 4 96 ' 4 21! 2i 4 771 4 Hi I 4t 6 35, 1 4 Hi i 46 M 4 901 3 61 19U2 19"1 I!"1". 18V9 tu 4 96 4 f 3 :., G 19! 4 961 4 29 6 34 6 39! 6 49' 6 40) 6 40' 6 46 6 48: I 29 6 02 5 04 24 6 09 5 05, 6 09 3 06 6 15 3 14 8 14 5 25 6 04 , 6 23 1 5 17 6 00 ! 4 2 4 3 4 3,'. I 57 3 44 3 47 4' I 3 42 4 34 4 38 4 35' 4 41 4 49, 4 (V.i 3 45 3 50 3 55 2 60 3 55 26.2'. 0 4, 13.0 . 21.1'. 27.61. ii'.h' 30.1 . 44.0 48 9 16.1 0.5 101.5!, 15.8 18.8;, 1 12.0i. 12.9'. 26.3!. 33.41... 23.6 20.7 l.S 6.0 1.2 8.9 '.'i'i 2H 4 .5 27.4 .1 12.0 28.2'. 10.2;, 167 1.037 4 4'i8 l.ii5 l.B7 345 1.831' 837 247 2.045 1.519 117 21 65 .... 8 55 , . . . . . 10 121 .... 646 CANADA. Montreal . Toronto ... AVInnipeg Ottawa ... Halifax ... Quebec ... A anceuver, Hamilton London. Ont St. John, N. H A'lctoria. B. C Totals B. C. 1 23. 525.040' 18.7'. ja2.04s.357j 36.9 . ....! 7.066.k45 86. . tri; 1.K4.348! I f I 2.128.630' 17.21. .:.".'.il.J9S.7 1.4'. tAAJ.44.24 22.5!. 18.0 1,134.937 1 2.2! 1.125.326 48.6 1.178.fri6l 34.3; 991.984 ! 40.5 ;$ 64,276,202 ! 24.8' iNTILE PAPER-4'g4J tN'ot Included in totals because containing other Items than clearings. I Not Included In totals because of no comparisons for last year. Xew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13.-MONET-On call, steady at fiJ per cent; closing bid. l'j per cent; offered at 2 per cent; time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days, I per cent; six months. i't'ai per cent PRIME. MERCANTI per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, closed firmer, with nctual business In bankers' bills at $4.675n4i 4. 8755 for demand and at $4.8515'u4.852u for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.85H'4.86 and $4.88jt4.8S5; commer cial bills. $4.844. SILA'ER Bar, 60'ic; Mexican dollars. 47'c. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, firm. The following are the quotations on stocks and bonds: V. S. ref 2s. leg. .104 V Japan 6s, ctfs.... 96; do coupo 104VL & N. unl. 4s.. .1027, do 3s, reg ht Man. c g. 4s lo'A, do coupon 104S.Mex. Central 4s.. 75 do new 4s. reg.. 13) I do 1st inc 2i do t'ojpon Vll i M. & tit. L 4s do old 4s, reg...loo's.M . K. & T. 4s....l'' do coupon loii' do 2s 87 Am. Toh. 4s, ctl's 72 ,N. R. of M. c 4s. 81 do 6s. ctfs Hv'N. Y'. C. g. 34s.. 10 1 Ctchlson gen. 4s..l'3 N. J. C g. os l.i4 i do adj. 4s 91' No. Pacific 4s 105 A. C. L. 4s lui , do 3s 77 U Ac . 4s 1"4 N. & AV. c. 4s... lo-jil do 31-.S 96 lO. 8. L. rfil. 4a... 974 Cn. of Ga. 0s lU'a Venn. oonv. 3'f.s. .loSii I'l iReadliig gen. 4s..lnl, 7I4 L.AI. M. c s .116', )': 8 L.&S. F. fg 4s. 8V 811 St. L. S. W. c 4s. 81 tiT Sealioard A. L. 4s 8'4 82 So. Pacific 4s 95' sii wo ruiuway as rexaa ft P. is. T.. 8. L. & W. . 74 fiilon Pac. 4s.. . 91A, do ennv 4 lta,,r. S 8. 2d 5s.... .!(; Wabash Is Distillers' Sec. 5s 79 do deb. B .. ... Erie p. Hen 4s. . ..lol'i! W t stern Md. 4s. do gen 4s 914 AA'. L. K 4s... F. W. at D. C. Is.. li'l iWls. Central 4k.. Hock. A'al. 4Vta...liHI Bid. tiffered. Indicates Sunday. Indicate? holldav. The official number of oars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses C. M. ft St. P 6 ... Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 t'nlon Pacific svsteni 8 15 1 C. ft N. W 3 4 F., E. ft M. V 7 So C. St. P., M. ft O. .. 5 5 7 B. ft M 8 1 4 C, B. ft tl 10 9 C, R. I. ac P., east.. 6 14 C. R. I. ft P., west.. .. 1 Illinois Central 2 4 Chicago Ot- Western 5 3 Total receipts 56 96 28 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing to Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour ft Co Vansant ft Co McCreary ft Curey AV. I. Stephen Hill ft Son L. F. Husx Mike Haggerty J. B. Root ft Co Other buyers Totals." 1,594 6.324 6.035 CATTLE There was an exemely light run of cattle here this morning even for a Friday. Packers have hardly been getting enough cattle tar the laat few day and to day's very light run was rather a disap pointment. Buyers were all out early, and there was Considerable competition on any thing that .would do to kill. The few beef steers that arrived sold readily at steady to strong prh es and some sales looked a trifle higher. The fact that buyers started out In good season Ihis morning in spite of the fuct that the trains wore very alow In arriving was a good In dication that they were anxious tor sup plies. The quality of the offerings on the whole was not very good, but still there were a ffw good cattle on sale, us high us $5.25 being paid. As compared with a week ago, there is not a great deal of change in the market, particularly on the more de sirable grades. The demand for cow stuff this morning was also active and a little stronger prices were paid In the majority of cases. Even the commoner grudes. which have been neg lected of late, changed hands freely at bet ter prices, so that all the early arrivals were disposed of in short order. This leaves the market for the week on the bl ter grades of cows Just about steady. Corn mim tn fntr rows fnav be n trlH,. Inu-er Hut ( not enough to attract much attention. Bulls seemed to lie somewhat neglected today and prices wero a trifle lower. A'eal calves sold about steady. There were not many stockcrs and feed ers In the yards, hut theie was a great sufficiency to Meet the requirements of the trade. Speculators aa a rulo had about all the cattle 011 hand they needed, so that I trading today whs rather slow, with the feeling weak except in tne cae or some thing of good quality and weight. Rep resentative sales: BKtt e : bens. do 1st Inc.. do 2d Inc C ft O. 44s c. ft A :o,s '.. B. ft Q. n 4s. C. R. I. A: P. 4s. do col 6s CCC.&S. L. a- 4S. 101 Chicago T. 4h... 88 Colo. Mid. 4s. Colo, ft go. 4s Cuba ', ctfs.. T. ft R. a. 4s No. 1... 4 . 1 15... 7. . . 5... 13... 17.. ..118 ..121Vi is 84 ..lll ..1161 .. 9o, 6,1., 91-V 9"Ai 918, do account Anxcoiida ... Atchison do pfd Bal. ft Ohio.. Can. Pacific . Ches. ft Ohio Chicago Gt. AV C. M. ft St DeBeers D ft R G... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd.. Illinois Central P.... London stork Market. LONDON. Jsn. 13. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Cons., money.. 88 7-16 N. Y. Central... .1464 ss 9-16 NurfOlk ft AV fsi-i, .. -V do pfd -J5 .. 694 Ontario ft W 42 ..1024 Pennsylvania 7 . .l'i4-,iRjuid Mines 114 ..138 'Reading o .. 4V do lal pfd 47 ..23 do 2d nfd 43 176VSo. Railway 35'-( . is ao ptu 084 . 32 80. Pacific 6,4 . 784 I'nlon Pacific ....117'.? . 40 do pfd 9'.H4 . 7'jVj V. fl. Stoel 311 . 63 ' do pfd tn .IC'ti Wabash I-ouls. ft Nash. ..14Sy do pfd 434 M . K. ft T 314 Spanish 4hj HJ'u Ex-dlvldend. SILVER Bar, firm, 27 11-lCd per ounce. MONEY 2o24 per cent. The rate or uiscount In the open market for short bills is 2442 9-16 per cent; for three months' bills. J-I6iu2'S per tout. Foreign Flaanelal IJNDON. Jan. 13. Money was In limited supply in the market today and the de mand was Increased by Stock exchange requirements. Discounts were firm. An easier condition Is hoped for after the Rus sian loan is out of the way. Trading on the Stock exchange was Irregular, though prices were fairly maintained pending the outcome of the settlement. Consul were barely steady, owing to the turn of the money market and the fear of impending loans, but It closed a fivctii 11 belter. Home rails dropped. Americans recovered slightly to above parity after the opening dullness, nut with little support and closed steady. Foreigners were the most 'l.eeiful rpot. Jupanete were the feiture. Imperial Japa. btsc 6s of 19u4 were quoted at fa4. Rus sians were harder. Kaffirs were weak on reahratlors, BKRLIN. Jan. 13 On the Bourse todav coal and Iron sharea were lower on account of 1 h coal t-trike. which weakened other markets PARIS. J in. 13. The tone oil th Bourse todty was firm ard prices wera tending up Wiird. Fciiat-uii imperial 4 mere n noted at 0. lu isml Russian bonds of !: at 4:9 A v. .... 660 770 983 .... 955 ....1190 ....1H7 ...,1WS ....1074 173 Pr. 2 50 3 30 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 9jj 4 8l 4 10 No. 9 , 3. ti. 4. li Av. ... l'JWi ....10,0 ,...10"8 .... 985 ....1295 ....13 .4 . . . . 1.23 ,...liw 1308 STEERS AND STAGS ..14.5 X 25 2" 1209 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ..1162 4 40 COWS 1... 1... 1... 17... I... 1... 35... 2... 22 in 3 1 5 1 1 1 0 I'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 5 1..... 6 t 1 1 1 .. 90 . . 920 .. 78o . . 740 ..1110 .. 866 .. 678 . .1070 .. 730 . . 720 .. 929 .. ft) ..1105 ..l'MI . . 725 .. 928 .. 917 .. 99) .. 780 .. WW .. 930 . .l"4o .. 910 .. 970 ..12i ..158S .. 650 ..1190 .. 921 .. 695 .1"8I 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 ii 2 00 2 0o 2 00 110 2 15 ' 2 ' 2 2G 2 25 2 25 1 30 2 35 2 41 2 ri 2 50 2 So 50 2 61 3 HO 2 60 2 HO 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 65 2 65 1.... 1... 3.... 1.... i 6 6 8... 9 T. 9.... 13.... II... 17.... 4 ... 12.... 16.'.'.'. 5. . . , 12'.... 1.... 5. 7. 17. 1 . . sio . .125" .. 93 .. 8S0 ..1110 ..1110 ..II 91 ..J'i.,1 . .KW8 ..l''7'i .. 81 . ,1'lf.O ..lOJii .. 833 ..1"9". ..11161 ..lKCi . . 1U67 ..13TO ..U'OI . .1220 ..1"57 ..113o ..125 . .1"82 .. 960 ..1"MO ..I'M ..I'l20 ..17 1370 COWS AND HEIFERS. Pr. 4 o 4 15 4 lo 4 25 4 75 4 75 4 75 1 a 25 4 ou . iu 2 75 2 90 2 90 2 ! 2 9" 2 no 3 no 3 00 .1 n 3 1o 8 10 3 15 3 15 3 2o 3 3 90 3 2i 3 2 ". 3 -a 3 25 3 25 3 3n 3 to 3 1', 3 35 3 611 heavy begs apparently ahowli g tha most strength Trsding wss not psrtloularlv ac tive, but still the hogs kept movlrg toward the scslfs. and ss the late trains came in they Hlo changed hands without a great deal ef trouble. The hulk of the aeneral run of hogs sold at $4 624i 4.05. with the iignter weights nvstly st 14 The choice heavy hrg sold largrlv at 14 8T4. with a top at $4 7 Trains were ver-v slow In ar riving, so It was late before the market came to a close. The hogs that came toward noon sold to a little better advantage than the early o-!f, ss packers ail seemed to be anxious for supplies At mmn. however, there were soil some trains lmck. Representative sa s : No. Af 8h. 80 192 ... 84 202 40 63 1M 7.1 J?9 1J0 74 2u7 4o 1 ... 68 240 40 7 173 8) 70 232 3 63 i'39 ... 67 3" 40 61 225 80 56 36 80 84 249 2i 60 263 Mi 58 270. 120 29 . . H0 255 to 51 :'8 lao 66 272 ... 62 276 40 60 3H 54 324 120 65 ;ia ... Pr. 4 o 4 a 4 4 n 4 4)1 4 60 4 on 4 4 so 4 634 4 24 4 62'4 4 624 4 6V4 4 624 4 824 4 62'4 4 A24 4 64 4 624 4 624 4 6V4 4 624 4 624 nitr-EI'-Receipti No. Av 27 84 . 78 . 72.. 103 26 . M . 66 . ' . 67.. 68.. . . 68.. 39 . 64 $7 U 73 4JS 70 W Ph. Pr. 40 4 6.'4 ... 4 624 ... 4 624 . . 4 L'4 80 4 62 4 ... 4 62' 4 40 4 624 1 4 fi2'4 ... 4 624 ... 4 624 11 4 or. 80 4 6i 16U 4 65 ... 4 60 ... 4 66 40 4 66 ... 4 65 40 4 65 40 4 65 ... 4 65 40 4 674 ... 474 ... 4 674 ... 4 674 and the lambs trains .331 ..2i4 . .2. ..213 ..2?S .." .197 . .208 ..9 ..232 264 .243 ,.-7 .227 .2.17 . ..2no ,.26 . .307 .271 283 72 256 of sheen were light thin morning and were very slow In arriving. The demand though, waa as brisk a ever, so that buy ers watched the trains and everything changed handa aa faat as it arrived at lust about steady price. The quality of 'the curlings was fairly good. Western year lings dd us high as $6.26. which is the top prl-e mi far ths season. There were some more of the same lambs on sale that brought $7.10 yesterday. The gu.ilitv of today s arrivals, however, was not so good, and they sold for $7 00. which win g.-nerally considered a steady price, quality consideied. There Is nothing new to be said of feed ers, as receipts are very light and the de mand is sufficient to hold prices slesdy. quotations for fed stock: Good to choice yearlings. $5 7.VSS.25: fair to good yesr llngs. ;'i.2'5io5.7i; good to choice wethers. .i.'J04i6.5o; fair to good wethers. $4.754j5.iiO, good to choice ewes. 14 I'm 4.76: fair to good ewes. l4.iio4i4 25; common to fair ewes. $3 50 ''13.90; good to choice lambs. $6. 7547. i5: fair to good lambs. Xv25t!4i 75: ferisr vearlinas. i .x'iio.o"; reeuer wethers. ewes. n.2.'o3. 10; feeder Representative salea: No. 64 goats 16 wesorn cull ewes 17 western ewes 110 western clipped wethers loo western cllped wethers 672 western ,ewcs 187 Colorado ewes 30 western cull lambs 319 western lambs 801 western lambs $ western ewes 1 western ewe 12 western ewes 511 western ewes 481 western yearlings 486 western yearlings and weth ers 236 western yearlings 1ml western lambs $4.a'a4.0: feeder lambs. $6.4orq6.76. W i't. Pr. 1l 3 26 88 3 76 1 4 uu U 4 60 l' 4 60 l'i 4 50 list 4 60 66 6 00 68 f 26 75 7 00 80 4 60 90 4 60 86 4 60 103 4 50 9o 6 76 88 6 00 88 6 25 73 7 20 ( Hit A4.U LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs a Shade Lower and Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Jan. 13. CATTLE Receipts, 4,') head; market steady; good to prime steers. $5.7a4io.35; poor to medium. $3.75f 6.50; Miockers and feeders. $2. 25-S 4. 25 ; cows, $l.Xfi4.5v; heifers. $2.l'5.25; tanners. $1,254 2.5o: lulls, $2.0011.35: calves, $3.t4i7.00. I IOGS Receipts, 31.000 head: market shade lower: mixed und butchers, $4.&ui 4.80; good to choice heaty. $4.56r4.874; rough heavy, It.rM.Mi; lighted, 4.45fi4.75; bulk of sales. $4.66'fi4.75. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 6.000 head; quality poor; market steady: lambs strong: good to choice wethers. fc.Oikaj.OO; fair to choice mixed. $3.90n4.90: western sheep, $4.254i5.eo: native lambs, $5. 767.65; western lambs. $5.757.50. Kanana City Live Stock Market.' KANSAS CITY. Jan. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.4(0 head. Including 360 southerns; market strong to 10c higher: choice Port land dressed beef steers. $4.7516.50: fslr to feood. $3.6o$4.76; Western-fed steers. $3.&0t? 5.00; stockcrs and feeders. $2.7544.26; south ern steers $3 604r4 76; southern cows, $2.'253 3.25; native towi, $1.754.00; native heifers, l2.GiKl4.50: bulls, $2.6O&4.00; calves. $3.0(vg. 6.50. HOGS Receipts, 8.500 head; market steady to 5c higher; top, $4,824: bulk of sales. $4 60 itr4.8o: heavy. $4.764.824; packers, $4.65tf 4.80; pigs and lights. 4.uvgi4.70. .-111-,-,. 1 VI. 1 4 II UL" It !. , niiDr.r .a . i ' urtinDir-nnTiiiio, 1 -r head; market strong; native lambs, $6. ('Mr' 7. .15: native wethera. 14.756.76: native fed ewes. I4.25fi5.0o; westerns. $6.75: vearllugs, $"i.5t8i6 4.O: western sheepi $4.26)5.oO; stock crs and feeders, $2.6oi4.60. 8t. Lonla Lire Stock Market. ST. LOFI8. Jan. 1$ CATTLE Receipts. 1.7(Xi head, including 700 Texans: strong and active; native shipping and export steers. $"..0iK,(i6.(i0; dressed beef and-butcher steers, 4.Woo.40: steers under 1.000 its., n.a4.ii; slockers and feeders, $2.BO'ft3.75; cows and heifers. t2.254t4.4o: canners. $1 .75ii2.25; bulls. 2.tV(43.75: calves. $:i.5n'(i7.26: Texas and In dian steers. 2.7a'!4. o; cows ana neirers, $2 Hi ICS Receipts. 4 5jii bcud; market mod erately active and strong: pigs and lights, $3. 754 4. 40: packers, 4.i-q4.7o; butchers and best heavy. $4.704)4-'- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. loOhead; mnrket nomlnallv steady: native muttons. 4.tit5.(l; lambs. $5.0"i7.26; ulls and bucks. $3.ooj4.50; slockers. $2.&i3.6i); Texans. 83.00 Si. Joseph Live mock Market. . . ... I. ... L'llir lar, 1-1 , F J." I,a, HI , JOtir.l II, dan. .u. ...,.- celpts. 550 head; steady: natives, $3,604)5.40; cows and heifers. I1.754M.40; atockers and ieeuers. s-.iuiu'. HOUR Receipts. 8.O0O head; 5c higher: llgnt. $4. 7804. 65; medium and heavy, II. (Ml. 4 SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 1,371 lu-ad, stronger; Colorado lambs, $7.25. Sioux Cltr Lire Stock Market. SIMl'X CITY". Jan. 13. iSpeclal Telegram) CATTLE Receipts. 200 bead: market steady; j-eves, $H.SOCi6.sO; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.20 4.50; stockrs and feeder. $2.24 fj.iao: calves'aiicl yearlings, $2.25i3.25. HOI 5S Receipts. 4.3UO head: market steady; selling, $4,4044 65; bulk. $4 4otM.ES. Stork la Klgbt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha l.3'l 4.'n 4,tio Sioux City 2O0 4.800 Kansas City , 2.400 8 Sou Lam St. Louis 1.7U0 4.5) inn Ft. Joi-eph 560 8.0611 1,371 Chicago 4.OU0 31 .1x1 ti.jui Totals .,10.150 60.950 12.671 975 Nj 48) 1023 630 680 7'J 640 724' 1446 10:10 142U L'7n 13u 2 9u 11. 3 00 HEIFERS. 2 35 2 2 4u 1 2 5o 3 2 60' 1 2 67 BULLS. 1 5n 3 26 2 35 2 .V) 2 6i .WIS 8 00 i 65 1. 69n 9iii 94 6Vi lie. .)4:i I.330 .171 .17.8. l6o 3 ' 3 nn 3 15 2 2 1 2 70 2 85 2 9n 3 1" 3 25 3 50 STAGS. afio 2 If. -ALVES . . :a I 75 1 22n 6 00 ;.... 2 75 ! 95 $ 25 . ji 4 5" 1 18-1 .'. 5 1 210 4 75 3 144) 5 60 lou 6 00 1 110 5 5o STUCK CALVES. 372 1 '' 8TOCKERH AND FEEDERS 470 , 7MI 9i nr.; . ol . 6 2 nil i ' , 1 2 eow s. 2 lieileo 1 M 3 !" S 25 3 Mo SOl'TH 885 2 60 8x5 ! 50 r. 33 65 2 2V. '.'.'.'. 4 741 . 6..' .in.' . 7 80 .117 . 812 t 3" 3 :t'i I 4" 8 4n 3 65 3 7u II04-.8 There was DAKOTA, in feeders im: :; m 1 a feeders. 10.12 1 4" 1 much smaller mi 11 of hogs here this morning than wsi generally expected und us a result the market strengthened under the Infl lern e of a good local ' aeman'r. 1 ne general mat set couio be quoted steady to 24c fcigher, the choice Boston BOSTON. Jan. cent: time .aunt, closing of stocks Atchison adj. 4s., do 4s Mex. Central 14 Atchison do pf J Boston ft A I Boston ft Me Boston Ele Fmhburg pfd .. Mfx. Central I't re Mamuette. I'nlon Pacific Am. Arge. Chem , do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube , Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. ft T.... Amer. Woolen .,, ' IO pfd Dominion I. ft S Kill sou E. I lieu. Elf -"trie .... JiUws. K'ectric ... do pfd Mass. Gas I nltad Fruit .... fnited fhoe Mi, do pfd I". S. Stee! do pfd AVest g common. ; Bld. "Asked. Iteek Market. !Vo4, Iii ud bonds: 3' aiu! 944 lo2n 744 lo;- ut, : 1754 157 113 i 117 20U: 864 r cent. rio'j Otfi Adventure Allouex Amalgamated . Amer. Zlm- Atlantic i-t iigham Cal. ft Hecla. Centennial .... Copper Range Daly AVesl .... Dominion Coat Franklin Gruncy Isle Rovale 44'Mhss MiniliB . 142 4Mlrhlan 188 IMrbawk ....... 14 4 Mont. C. ft C. 224 Old Dominion Mi Iflsceoli 184 Parrot 2494 "Qullicy 14 SJiatinoil 134 'n a tack as Trinity 3is ('. S. Mining... 1.-!' S. Oil i4 I'tah 4 mui ih 3i '94. 91 83 AA'luona Wolverine clal .. 214 .. 714 .. 124 ..ISi .. 33 ..61 .. 25 ..6,4 - li'a .. n V) .. 12 .. 114 .. 144 .. ... 44 .. 28 .. .5 . . 23 ..II.. . 9 ..129 .. .. 2 4 .. lo-a v ::,2-: . . 1"7 err York Mlaleir. Stnrka. NEW Y'ORK. Jan. 1.1 The following are tle closing qt'.. .l.o.s i n mining stocks: Adams Con Alice llreece -6 Brunswick Con . . j Couistock Tunne' 9 Con. Cal. ft A'a. .171 Horn Silver 15o Iron Wlver 200 .eadvlllo Con ... i II. tile Chief lOnisrli) , Kmhlr 'Plvoenix 'Potosl !Svage 'Sierra Nevada '.Small Hopes ... ..Standard . .37 , .lo , .109 .. li ,. 42 .. 52 "l-VO CoSee Market. 1 NEW YORK. Jan U.-4'OFFKE-Ku-lutes openeil at an advance of & points rut Julv and unchanged in ether position. The absvn-4 of fic-sii offenuKS grtduilly uttrsited some scattering (jui.snd and pr. toward the ciuse advanced, being bnally net V'll" (siiiita higlier. riulrs. Ja.uuu bags, including Msircli, 7c; May, ic, Sep tember, 8 4"c. Octotvr. 8.45c; rierfibr, i8 65.-. Spot Rio stradv; No 7 invoice, V- OMAHA WKOLk'tLK M R KE T, taple ana Faery rroalnr. E.VG8 Candled sto k. 2lc. LIA'E IVL'LTHY Hens. tK: loosters . ; turkeys. 1.V . ducks, a,-; geese. . . sprb g chb kfiis. 9c. DHKSSED ' POVI.TRT-Turkeys. l,TISc; ducks, lieu 1 2c; geese. 94i1i-; hlckens, l'"o lo'c; toosters. 6c. BI'TTF.R-Pai king fancy dairy. lv,il:v, prints. v. FRESH FROZEN pickerel. 7c; ptke. 9c stink. 17c; cra niery t holes t- 24i 2' c; riSH Trout. 10: perch, it-; bluensh. l.c; whlfeflsh. 14V; salmon. 13c: tedanspper. 11c; lobster igrcen). 3tv; lobster tboileai. He; bullheads. 11c: catfish. 14c; black bass, c: halibut, lie; crapples. l.c; bulTslo, ic; white bass, lie; frog legs, per do., 26c. BRAN -1-er ten. $15.0". HAY-Prlces quoted by Omilu AVhcless:e Dealers' sssoclation: CI olee No 1 upland. $t.o0; No. 2. 64ai. me-lii.m. $6.50. coarse, le.oo. !;p straw. $5.60. These prices are lor hav of good color and quality. OYPTr.HS-New Yotk counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per can. 35-?: standards, ret cat). 3V, bulk tstandards). per gal, 1 60; blilk (extra seleeisi. per gal.. $1.7$; bulk (New York counts, per gal., $1.10. TROPICAL FklTl'B. ORANGES California Kcdisnd navelt. a'l Ises, $2 75ti3.00; choice navels, $2 ty8fl2.i6; California seedlings, all sues, $2 .OuS 2a. LEMONS California fsncy. $2.76; 306 and $60, $3.78t4 1X1; choice, I3 2i.it I 50. DATES Per box of lo-lb. pkgs., K.'V; Hallowt'en. In 70-lb. U)Xea. per lu.. 54jc FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton, 359 $5c: imports femyrna. 4-crown. U4c; -crown. 14o; 7-crown. lc; tancy ImtMirted (washed). In Mb. pkgs IStrlfk?; California, per case of 36 pkgs., $2.y BANANAS Per mdium slsed bunch. $30$ J25n: jumbos, $27rvu3.6". .... . ., GRAPE FRL'IT f'er box of 64 to 64, $i P6.50. FRfIT8 APPLES Home grown Jonatltana, rr bbi.. (ft 2b; Ben Davis. ""5; -v'ew Tork Kings. $3.25; New York Greenings. $20; New Yciii P"lJn-.r,. $2.73: Colornrto Jnna th:.ns. o". 77- W;ne S.ipe. per bu box. $1 6" PEARS-t'tah. Coloiadc ana California, fall varltles. per box. $l.iv,i 76. '"ANIOTpnlFS Wisconsin Bell and Bugle, per bbl . $8""i; Wisconsin Bll and i inty .md jrin.'M. ier bbl. I7.76; per box. $2.76. liRAPES-lmportcd Malagas, per keg, $6.'iffi 60 T A NU ERIN E8 Florida or California, per 4-btx. $2.60. A'EOnTAFLF.S. POTATOES llome-giown. in sacks, per bu.. 4'k-; Coloraoo. per bu.. 00? TI RNIPB-Old. per bu.. 40c; Canada ruta baga, per lo.. le. ( ARFOT8 Old. per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c. RF.KTS old. per bu.. oOO. SAW BEANS Per bu.. $1.95ff2.t ONIONS Home-grown, red, lit sacks pr bu . l. CO: fpan-ti. per crate. $2.00; Colorado vellow. per lb., 2c: white, per lb.. 2Vc. C t'Cl ' M B E R S Pe r dox . $2.2592.60. TOM A i'OEb California, per 4-ba8ke crate. T" 2"- CABUAGE-Ilollsnfl seed, per M... ic, SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln drll per bbl.. $2 60. CELERY-Per do , 4j50c: California, 46c. RADISHES Hothouse, per dot, 46c. ONIONS New, " southern, per doa.. 46c. M 1 SCKI LA N KOU8. 8AUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per kef, $ 50 "CIDER New York, per bbl.. $6 20; per 4. bbl.. $3 26. CHEESE AVIsconstn Twins, full cream, 2'4'(tl3c; Wisconsin Young America. 13c; block Swiss, new. luc: old. 16447c; Wiscon siu brick. !c; Wisconsin llmburger, I34:. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c: No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 84c; No. 2 sailed. 74c; Nc. t venl calf. Be; No. 2 veal calf. 7c; diy salted, 6iiH". sheep Hells, 2tcii Jl 'i; horse blues, $1 5041300. . N17T8 Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb., 1 ;.; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c; ieians. large, per Ib.j 12c; small, per lb.. 10c: peanuts, per II),, 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chili walnuts.. rier lb., 12rol84c; almonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell. ier lb.. 15c: chestnuts, per lb.. 12441 15c: new black walnuts, per bu.. 75fj90c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu , 11.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 13. WOOI Of the 'mar ket the Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: There Is a fair business lu small lots ot scoured, pulled, greasy, territory and fine nnd medium fleece. The little mills are the best customers. A'alue continue firm, but have not Turtfier advanced. Con tracting In the west continues, though with less vigor, as buyers have paused in view of tariff revision possibilities. For eign markets are very firm, with higher, prices expicted at the London auction opening next Tuesday. Antwerp Is higher this week and at London sheepskin salea prices advanced 24f'74 per cent. The ship ments of wool from Boston to date, from December 29. 19n4. according to the same authority, arc 8.823.824 pounds, against .SAT. 249 pounds at the same time last year. Tha receipts to date are 6.962.249 pounds, against 6.779,286 pounds for the same period last year. ST. IXJl'IS. Jan. 13 AVOOL Market wsa nominal: medium grades combing anrt" clothing. 2(i29c: light tine. 18fi224c; heavy fine. U'ilSi-; tub washed. 2,4j41c. LONDON. Jan. 13 KH EEPSKIN3 ' Fifty-five thousand sheepskins from the Cape of Goud Hope and Natal were sold here toilay. Fine grades were in gooil de mand, coarse grades advancing 2'd. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. m.-METAIS-Whlle Hie ndon tin market was a little raster, with snot closing at 4.1'to 17s 6.1 und futures at 130 17s 6.1, the locnl market ruled stoady. with spot quoted at $29.1246 29.25." Copper was firm In the local market, with-' out showing anv special chnnges. Irfike l quoted at $16.37441 16.50. electrolytic at $15,124 15.374 and casting at $14.7lVfi.12... In some cases, it Is said; these prices might be shaded somewhat, but the majority of holders are not disposed to grant any con-' cessions. The Indon market wa a little.' easier at 6 ls for spot and JS 17s 6d for futures. Lead was unchanged at $4. 60 1i4.70 in the local market, while In Indon It was a little higher ut 13 16s 9d. 8pelter was uui-hung 'd Ht 25 2s 6d In Loudon.' while the local mark' ! was firm, with spot quoted at $6.20476.30. Iron closed at 54s Is! In Glasgow und at 49s in Mlddlcsburougb. . locally the situation continued firm, with No. 1 northern foundry at $17. 50fi 17.96, No. 2 northern foundry ut $17.oo4i 17.60 and No. 1 southern und No. 1 southern soft foundry at $17,754) 18.00. 1 4'ntton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jan, 13 COTTON Steady: sales. 4,S5u bales: ordinary. 4 5-1Sc:' good ordinary. 6V-: low middling. 4c:r middling. 64c; good middling. 7 3-l6c: mid dling fair. 7 1-16e. R-ce!pta. 8.152 bales: sto4-k. 4:t4.S96 bales. Secretary Hester's statement of the world a visible supple of cotton shows a- total visible of 4.631.286 bales, against 4.617.979 bales last week. On this the total America Is 3. 807.266 bales, opsins sun 9-9 bules last week. NEW YORK. Jan. 13 COTTON - Spot closed quiet. 10 oointa higher; middling tip lamls. 7.2bc; middling-girif,-T.454-. Sales. 3" bales LIA'ERPOOL.'.lan. IS.-COTTON'-Bpot. fn fair demand, prices 3 -points' low si: Amer ican middling fair. 4.2481: good middling. 3 92rl: middling.- 9 8181; low mldd'fne. 3 6S.1; good nrdlnsrv. 3 D4d: ordlnsrv. 3 ttfal. ST IH"TH. Jsn. 13. COTTON Qui": middling 64c. Hilcs 13 bales; receipts 3.) bales; shipments. 14 bales; atocK. 40.937 bales. .... trlla and Hoatn. OIL CITY. Jan. ja (I1 Credit bala'oc 81 4:': certlflculi no bid: shlnmenis. To ts4 bbls : aveesee, 71 4g bbls.; uina, 65.132 bbls : vr-ruge. 6i22ti l-t'l" fbluuieiila Lima. 63 7 Mi's.; aversga. '' " t-V'.. ; runs Ltnvi. tfl.au I 1,1 i : .i. e. ,B 54 ?77 bb's. KAVVN'AH. Jan. 13.-Tt:RPENTINE -Klt? -V";c. somwi'iim: .4 i c f'V'; p -. p r.W.- . e-..T0..;w; G. $2'.85J2.IT74: II. t2'5, I. 13.40. K. $4.1. -t Snaar anil Molaasea. ' NEW YORK .t4n. IT SrGAR Raw sfong: fslr refinli . 4 -16c: -Ccotrliigal M t ii-l6c: m d-issr-s suear. 4 5-1 v. e nii.ni fir'": No 0 5.4ie: y,-.. T J4-: No. . S.30c- No. 9 5 "5c; No. 10. 8 V-; x-n. 11. '"e; No 1" 6 0V-: No 13. 4 9'ic- No 14. 4 9: coofec'loi.ers" A. 6 c: "iciu'il A. 6 '0c; cut o. T5c: i"-"-h-d. 6 7ic "owdered. 615c; granulated. 6.05c ; cubes. C.COc. Edwards -Wood Go- Incoriorn'ea 1 Haln Offices Filth and Roberta Strettt 5T. HAUL. HINN. 0KALERC IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Kraach tlltlee. 110-111 Deard ,l Trade Hide. (Daa. Nab. Telepaaaa St4. 212-214 Exchange Mdg . South Omaha Sell Phone i!4 lndtpeodent 'Pouae a.