TITE OMAHA PAILY PEE: SATTRPAY, .TAXTTARY 14. 1903. hi If CLEARING SALE SPECIALS IN OUR HOSIERY DEPT. WOOL LEGO INK For ladips' and children, all sizes, worth np to 75c choice 25c LADIES' HEAVY WOOL HOSE In black and gray, wort h np to 30c, at 19c nOYS' BICYCLE nOSE In all uizes, worth up to 25c, at. 12C , From 11 a. m. to 12 m. 25c Children's Nibbed Wool Uone, at 15c CHILDREN'S FIOSE Extra heary fleece lined, worth 15c to 19c for the one hour per pair 7ic Limit of four pairs to customer. Bargains in Men's Underwear 11.25 TO $1.50 SHIRTS AND DRAW ERS In natural wool, pink or blue, Ithfr single or double breasted. womierful value Satur day, at 75c $1.00 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In natural wool or camel's hair Clear- X"-..: 69c-49c 100 dozen heavy Fleece Lined or Ribbed Shirts, 50c values in uia Clearing Sale at, garment. 19c $1.50 WOOL TOP SHIRTS In Itsrht and dark colors great Q Clearing Sale snnp, at UC MEN'S WOOL HOSE Very heavy, worth 25c and 35c Clearing Sale price 19c MEN'S HOSE In Merino or fleece lined, good value at 10c Clearing IT1. Sale price, pair t2 WOOL SWEATERS For men and boys. regular $1.00 to $2.00 values choice Saturday. . , 49c 75c TO $1.00 COTTON SWEATERS For men and boys, C at Ji 19c BOYS WOOL MITTENS fi Choice, per pair DC NEGLIGEE SHIRTS-In nil sites and best patterns and materials, worth 50c to $1.00 choice Saturday 25c Drug Dept. Specials Hot Water Bottles, each 38c Fine Toilet Soap, "71 c nr box 2 per box Creme Marquise Orange Flower Skin Food 15c 15c Poszonl's Face Powder, box Tetlow's Swan's Down, 1 O-. box .'. Colgate's Tooth Powder, box 15c Graves' Tooth Powder, 12C Lee's Egg Tar Soap 15c Corn Plasters,. . Rn per box ot Cucumber Cream Lotion, bottle "w DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Emtio Weather Prodnoss Irregularity in Distribution at Many Feints. GENERAL OUTLOOK IS CONSIDERED BRIGHT Maauvacturera Report I. arse Volume i New Orders Iron and Steel Mills Are Busy. NEW YORi:. Jan. 13.-tR. G. Dun & Co 's Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will ay: Erratic weather produces Irregularity In general distribution at many points and southers business is quiet because of the depression In cotton, but the general out look U considered very bright. Manufac turers report that confidence is warranted by the number of new orders, while the de liveries on old contractu are of satisfactory volume The best news comes from the Iron steel Industry, while footwear factories are busy, woolen mllli are In exceptionally rood condition and activity la assured mong cotton aplnnera as soon aa the raw material market becomes settled. Failures for Januarv thus far compare very favor ably with last year's return, railway earn ings IncrenFed 6.8 per cent over those of 1!M and foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows a gain of K151.K!7 in Imports and a loss of only f'.81,933 in ex ports. Although bSBlnean Is distributed some what Irregularly owing to local conditions aa to supply of fuel and other materials, the iron and steel Industry Is moving stead- GRAND PRIZE Awarded to 1ST0LL&C0 i LEXINGTON, KY. BDNDJ.LILLARD EOTTUDLNES n Calling Cards Special 100 elegantly engraved calling cards and plate, for ...69c NEW STOCK GARMENTS MORNING HOUR SPECIALS From to 0 A. M. Flannelette wrappers from O to lO A. M. MerrerUed sateen underskirts, each '. 25c 39c From ft to 9 A. M. 7 Astrakhan fur coats, Skinner satin lined, badly damaged in shipping, O eil choice sS,0J MARVELOUS VALUES 77S gs.rrn.nts secured at loss than half their real value. Here's how they go Ch.ldren s coala. worth up to $3.60, j QQ Ages from to 14 years. ' Come early ana NEW WOMEN'S COATS Here's where we got the manufacturer's right. You could not buy the material tor the prices we ask. Saturday will be the greatest coat bargain day ever shown in Omaha. Those who waited can now secure the best bargains of their lives. :5 00 and Wu.00 coats gQ 4.600 WOMEN'S SKIRTS secured at 45c on R98, $6.9s. 16 its and Worth more than Big Clearing . Sale of Shoes In our two big shoe departments. We do not want to carry over a single pair of winter goo.Is and huve marked them at less than the regular prices; oil some of the shoea they are almost HALF PRICE. Boys' and youths' $1.50 school shoes, very durable Misses', child' and women's $1.50 button or lace shoea.. Men's $l.CO and $2.00 fine turn sole slippers Women's, mioses' and thllds' fine jersey leggings, rt'.tc, 4!c and 30c o shoes, Brooki Bros.' $5.00 and $4.00 patent leather and vicl kid, men's O. C. buckle arctics, $3.48 and , 2-98 The biggest Hue of Grover shoes carried Agents in Omaha for the STETSON. CROSSETT and JOHN MITCHELL shoes for men and the ULTRA, GROV ER and LOUNSBURY. MATTUEWSON & CO. shoes for women. l!y forward. Statistics of pig Iron pixduc tion and consumption at the opening of the year testify to even greuter prosperity than was anticipated. Nor Is stability threat ened by speculative Inflation of prices as yet, although that Is a danger that usually menaces any revival of Industrial activity. Coke ovens !n the Connellsvllle region are producing at maximum capacity and there is no handicap to progress in Pittsburg, but storms and strikes still tiffed fuel supply at some other points. Railways are placing large contracts for all forms of equipment and the demand for billets and bars Is so urgent that the pre miums above list prices are merged on some transactions. Thus far the new year has not brought the anticipated demand for leather, but tanners are conlldent that the activity will not be long delayed. Prices are fairly steady. Failures this week numbered 324 In the United States, against 3H last year, and 8 in .Canada, compared with 24 a year ago. BKADSTREET'S REVIEW OK TRADE Great Activity Manifested In All Lines of Manufacturing. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. Uradstreefs to morrow will say: Activity In industry, particularly Iron and ateel and allied trade, furnishes a con trast to conditions in distributive trades. In which there is sumo Irregularity, with seasonable quietness predominating In all but a few sections. The undertone of the general situation Is, however, one of strength; the potential demand Is thought to be very large, fitoiks in all hands are light and the tone Is one of confidence. Midwinter dullness rules wholejsule trade In most lines and speculation In securities and staples Is quiet to dull al generally steady prices, generally speaking, manu facturing Industries having three to four months' business booked ahead are running very full and display more surface uctivity than does new business. The season for clearance sales In retail lines Is well under way and a large distribution Is being stimulated by special price and by season able weather conditions in mesi sections. A notably tried trade at present Is that of cotton goods, which feel the effect of recent price declines In the raw material In backward buying. This Is most notable at the east und at some large central west ern markets, und is responsible for reports of a smaller volume of spring business doing than a year ago, when cotton and cotton goods were advancing rapidly. Some cancellations are reported In this line In thu southwest. Aside from this, however, the volume of advunce orders la of good priyortlons. Hardware manufacturers report three to four months' orders ahead. The shelf trade Is looking up at the e:ist, with buyers taking higher priced goods more freely. The woolen goods trade Is In a strong position, owing to the strength of the raw material, which Is being bought heavily In Argentina and Australia 'or American account. The Iron and steel trate Is producing at close to the maximum, the coke situation lias Improved and famine prices are no longer asked, and eft coal has been helped by cold weather wnd a bett r supply of cars. Rank clearings show gains not only over last week, but over this week a year ago. Railway earnings returns Indicate a very full business proceeding through the coun try and failures are rather less than the normal cleanup Involves, though the aoiitr. contributes more than at corresponding periods In recent preceding years. Collec tions as a whole rank as fair to go .id. though the south still complains and some extensions are naked. Business failures In the United BtatM number 296. against 27S last week, 315 li the like week in 1904, 234 in 1U03, 2K1 in 190 and 2) In ltoi. in Canada failures for the week numb?t 24. as agalr.si IS last week and St In thU week a year ago. Wheat, including flour, exports fo- the week nded January S are 5O0.!tt0 bu., as agilnat 1.411,947 Inst week. 2.(71.215 this week last year. 4.K7S.62: in lHtK and 4.6IM.2C2 In !"'!. Fror" July 1 to date the exports are Iii.i;i.:i4 bu.. against 92 291.324 lat year. 139.!KU.nn In 13 and 153.4T9.WT In 1WU. Corn export f.-r the week are 2.932, OH bu., against 3, 184, MB last week, (77.769 a year ago. 2.3SH.U12 in 1902 and 2ii.3 in 1901. Ktom July 1 to date the exports of corn art 21 G11M1 bu.. egalrst SO.sai In 1903, 15 91). 930 in 19o2 snd 19.761. ros In 1s1. Tall for Bank Statements. WASHINGTON. Jun. 1J. The comp troller of the currency today Issued a cull for reports of the condition of national banks at the clove of business oa Wednes day, January U. MY DECS nm IIU1BLI ITORE OF WOMEN'S FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING Our buyer, on his recent trip to New York, found the manufacturer heavily overstocked and willing to accept al most any cash offer. This belns the case. h- could not rslst waking exten sive purcliasea and secured nearly $44t,O0O worth of women's garment at a little over $15,000. Do not buy a single garment any where till you have seen our marvel ous bargains. T.BOO WOMEN'S WAISTS In flannels, Test ings, brllllanttne ami m C tfl silks, worth up to U, your choice illf of the entlr. line at fc V w SOO BILK WAISTS In taff.tas, peau de sole and fancy silks, mad to sell at nuu .ov ana ..ia, come in sites 82 to 46, choice Saturday 2.95 Lino WOMEN'S WAISTS In finest flannels t flannels, 1.49 Imported voiles, nun veiling, etc.. worth up to Ml, your choice From ftiSO to 9 MO A. M. Women's ehojlder 1fn shawls IvC From 9iB to lOi.TO A. M. 15 00 Astrakhan fur 4 ft muffs I.UU From lO to 11 A. M. 60 Women's cloth capes. Skinner satin lined, w to 40 incne long, in teds, blues and cantors, choice 2.98 IN CHILDREN'S COATS Children's coats, worth up to 5.00, 2 QQ Children's coats'wo'rth'up to $10, '"q get your pick. $100. J16.60. JlT.60 and H8.60 coaU at I1U.00. $12.50 and $13.60 coats at JG.U), $7.t0. $S.60 and $9.U coats at $6.00. $6.60 and $6.00 coats at 7.50 5.00 3.50 2.50 the dollar, now on sale at $1.98, $2.9S 13.98. double the pr.ee. 98c 69c 48c Child' $1.00 hand turn sample shoes Men's 85c house slippers in the west all sizes, styles and widths. BRIEF MESSAGE TO CONGRESS (Continued from First Page.) sideratlon for a long time. The senator said: Secretary Taft desired to utilize Mr. lirlstow's services In connection with the work of constructing the canal and hat had the Idea In mind of appointing him 11 commissioner to investigate trade and freight conditions ever since he returned from the isthmus of Pnnamn. The presi dent readily acceeded to Secretary Tuffs suggestion, and ns the work will be en tirely congenial Mr. Brlstow has ucccptot) the new icsltion. Mr. Uristow has had Interviews with the president and Secretary Taft regarding the affair, but his final determination wns not reached until today. He will continue as fourth assistant postmaster until Janu ary 20. NAMES NEW PEXSIOS COMMISSIOXEK Conirreasroan from Illinois Appointed to Place by President. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The president has appointed Vespasian Warner to be commissioner of pensions. Mr. Warner is now a member of congress from Illinois. Mr. Warner is from the Nineteenth dis trict of Illinois and was re-elected last November for the fifth term. Ho was strongly endorsed by members of congress and a number of veterans. Arbitration Treaty Untitled. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The senate to day ratified and made public an arbitration treaty for pecuniary claims which was signed at the second conference of Ameri can states at Mexico City on January 30, 1902. It provides for the submission of such claims not settled by diplomacy to The Hague court, unless both parties prefer that a special Jurisdiction be organized. The treaty is to be In force five years. The All that is best in whiskey you will find in Old Underoof Rye It is thoroughly matured, soft and rich I lift' iffll BMBaBaBBBss , "1 f ! The Henty Books "The finest line of boys' books published, regular price C 25c, special Saturday..'' CLEARING SALE CAPS Men's caps, regular $1.60 and OJJ $2.00 value at J 0 Men's caps, 35c to $1.00 values 19c 19c 22c 98c 50c girl's caps at 6Tc stocking caps at - A fine line of men's lints at $o.00 down to Suit cases at from $2o.00 down to 1.50 3.50-5,00 Extra special values at Hot our prices on trunks before buy ing tiiey're moDey savers. See These Shawls We have about 150 hand made circular and square shawls of finest Shetland floss which have become slightly soiled In handling. Not n shawl in the lot worth less than $1.00 and up to $2.00 jour choice Saturday, as long as they last Sheet Music Sale For the next few days we will offer Billy and 4 others, or Good-Bye My L$dy Lovt and 4 other pieces, C for iatfsjC By mail 29c. Take advantage of this "IJ? and got five hits for.... JC Defective Vision Carefully Corrected PROPERLY FITTED LENSES PERFECTLY ADJUSTED FRAMES Money Saving Prices. countries signing the treaty are Bolivia, Colombia. Cota Rica, Chill, Dominican Re public, Ecuador, San Salvador, United States, Guatimula, Hayti, Honduras, Mex ico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uru guay. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE Dai' Occupied In Debating; Swayne Articles of Impeachment. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.Further consid eration was given in the house of repre sentatives today to the Impeachment charges against Judge Charles Swayne of the northern district of Florida. Today there was a uutlceable lack of Interest In the case except omong a few members. Mr. Llttlelleld of Maine asserted that there had been ' no hunting or hounding" of Judge Swayne until as a result of the O'Nell contempt case. O'NcIl sought to get his revenge 011 Judge Swayne and charged that since O'Nell died his funds were to an extent carrying on the prosecution. Messrs. Powers of Massachusetts and Ferkins of New York spoke for impeachment, while Parker of New Jersey opposed such action. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SENATE Isrlslatlve, Executive and Judicial Appropriation nill Passed. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13 The senate to day passed the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill and also a num ber of private pension bills. The questions of granting pensions for service in the In dian police and of allowing gratuities for injuries received by workmen while In the employ of the government were debated ut length. Nominations Confirmed. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The senate to day In executive session confirmed the fol lowing nominations: James D. Yeoman, to be an Interstate commerce commissioner; Irwin B. Laughlin of Pennsylvania, secretary of the legation to Japan; David E. Thompson of Nebraska, ambassador extraordinary and plenipoten tiary to Brazil. Postmasters: Iowa Albert, R. Kullmer, Hysart. North Dakota Peter C. Burfenlng, Kulm. Also some naval nominations. The confirmation of Commissioner Yeo mans was opposed at first by Benator Till nvin of South Carolina, who said It was understood that Senator Cockrell was to be Yeomans' successor. Senator Dolllver re plied that there was a friendly under standing whereby Mr. Yeomans would re sign after the close of the present session In favor of the senator from Missouri. Thereupon objection to confirmation was withdrawn. Cancels Date for Hearing. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The Interstate Commerce commission lias cancelled the ar rangements for a rehearing of the case of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, In volving charges that the company was given rebates by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. The action Is In ae cordance with the withdrawal by President Ripley of the railroad of his request for a rehearing of the case for the reasons given In his published telegram to the commis sion. Favor Yeoman's Confirmation. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The senats committee on Interestate commerce today agreed to report favorably the nomination .if James D. Yeomans for Interstate com merce commlsstoner. Gross Postal Receipts Increase. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. The gross pos tal receipts for the fifty largest postnfflces in the country fr December, 19u4, as com pared with December, lis3, shew a, ncj lav- MYIB3s TUB RII.UBLI ITOHB. Great Furniture KJ IJ sjr- De returned. No. 543 FAnRICOII) COUCH Cost $27.00 Sale Price.. $12.00 No. 800 UEI), DAVENPORT Cost O.OO Sale Price.. $1500 No. SoO Couch Cost 18.50 Sale Price $7.95 No. 933 j COUCH Cost $18.50 Sale Price $8 50 No. 644 J COUCH Cost $9.85 Sale Price $3.95 No. 846 j COUCH Cost $16.00 Sale Price $8.25 No. 389 A COUCH Cost $14.00 Sale Price $7.50 No. 3131X COUCH Cost $16.00 Sale Price $6.50 No No No. 846 COUCH Cost $10.50 832 j COUCH Cost $12.50 846X COUCH Cvst $12.7o No. 84Gi COUCH Cot $12.60 No. 2107 COUCH Cost $18.50 Hale Price No. 1503X ADJUSTABLE END COUCH Cost $10.00 Sale Price $9 50 No. 1502 ADJUSTABLE END, WITH BACK, COUCH Cost $25.00 Sale Price $12.50 No. 15323 ADJUSTABLE END, WITH BACK, COUCH Cost $22.50 Sale Price $11.50 No. 733 BED LOUNGE Cost $13.50 Sale Price '..$5.85 No. 703 BED LOUNGE Cost S12.00 Sale Price $5.95 No. 1010 CI I A IK Cost $10.50 No. 873 DIVAN Cost $10.00 No. 3417 CHAIR Cost $7.50 No. 1210 DIVAN Cost $10.00 SEE THEM AT ONCE GREATEST VALUES EVER SHOWN Cutting Down Grocery The beet bulk laundry etarch, per lb.... 34c i 3 lba. fancy hand picked navy beana loc H lba. Japan rice Wo 6 lba. kiln dried oatmeal 10c 10 lba. rreeh kiln dried cornmeal 15c 3 lbs. best pearl tapioca, sago or bar ley., loc fure rye nour, per 4-10. H;tm b.Mc yuart tana KOlilen table syrup 7'-ju 3-lb. cans solid paikid tomatoes 7MiO 8-lb. cans Boston bakrd beans 7VsO 3-lb. cana gulden pumpkin, hominy or squash 7V4c 3-lb. cans pure apple butter 74.; 2-lb. cans early June sifted peaa 74c 2-lb. cana sweet sutrar corn 7fta 2-lb. cans fur.cy wax, string or lima beans 7Hc Pearllne, per package 'its Gold Dust, per package lfio 10 bars bettt laundry Hoap 25c Mince meat, per package 60 crease of about 9 per cent. The highest Increase was 22 per cent, at Peoria. 111. The only decreases were 4 per cent at Port land, Me., nnd thirteen-hundredths of 1 per cent at St. Joseph, Mo. The receipts at New York Increased almost 6 per cent and Chicago almost 14 per cent. Badu-ea for Merit Men. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. General orders Issued by the War department announce that by authority of the president a badge with ribbon will be issued to each officer and enlisted man In the service to whom a certificate of merit has been or hereafter raay be Issued, and that campaign badges with ribbons will be Issued as articles of the uniform to officers and enlisted men in the service entitled thereto. APPROVE PRESIDENT'S POLICY League of Commission Merchants Send Telegram to Chief Exe cutive at Washing-ton. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 13.-At its session today tl.e National League of Commission Merchants ordered the sending of tho fop lowing dispatch to President Roosevelt! We, the National League of Commission Merchants of tl.e United Slates, In con vention, most heartily approve of the rec ommendation to congress relating to the regulation of railroad and transportation matters, a:- embodied in your message and pledge our.-elves to earnestly support you In your efturt to secure needed legislation along these lines. A special committee was appointed to go to Washington and appear before the proper committees of the house and senate ln an effort to get better transportation facilities and cheaper rates than are now being charged by private car lines, and particularly th" Armour lines. Goorge Tlppln of tho state horticultural society of Misscjrl, made an address pron. lslng the hearty co-operation of his society In the plans of he commission merchants. rM3rCiSar Satis factiotPCl ' ' ' AI! the aroma of the pure Having all those qualities t"r S '''f7 that contribute to an all-aatigfying, after-dinner smoke, are in V : .' 'jy "Banquet Hall Cigars at 10 centa. ; ". f , ri ; -v -; , They're mild enough for the "Domestic ' man and Havana enough " ' k'or ,he "imported" man. Made In various strengths but always , , , -- ' J sift, smooth and even smoking. r ' , . f jf Ytyll find ' Banquet Halt" superior to sny cigar you ever bought at -T ' "" ' 10 knts. Try the first one you'll smoke the hundredth. Ml I ALLEN BROS. CO. M. FOSTER C0. f OMAHA DISTRIBUTORS . Maktri. Ntv Ytrk X I I ' - Under Other Flags By the Honorable W. J. Bryan, Special 1 5 at Sale Continues Everybody knows I Q. Donp the enter prising Omaha Couch and Parlor Goods Manufacturer. He has the reputation of making- a little the best roods on the mnrk't. His factory burned down (with the exception of the sample room) the first week In December last. Stored In this room were a great many couches and parlor rleces, packed In burlap, all ready for shipment. These goods were only tn a few cAsea Injured bv water. When the . burlaps were taken off the roods opened up with a few exceptions In gfiod condition. We have bought the whole lot at a fraction of the post to maaafaetare and plare all oa sale at prices aerer even dreamed of by as. Come and see these goods. The prices will astonish you. Here are some of the numbers and prices. Mall orders flld If the number called (or Is not sold, on re- ceiyi ui uiurr. in turn cscs money will Sale Price $5.50 Hale Price .$5.95 .$6.50 .$5.85 .$8.50 -Bale Price Hale Price Sale Price $495 ! Sale Price $8.00; Sale Price $3.85 ; Sale Price $4.75 1 0! Our Imnimi Stock Mmt B rilCtzS duced-Bxcvatlnf far ew 1 V Bull ling- 1-lb. package corn starch SVc I'reeh. crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per lb 6VC SIjAUQHTERINO DRIED FRUIT PRICE3 8-crown Muscatel raisins, per lb 8c 4-Crown Muacatei raisins, per lb 6Vc Choice California peaches, per lb 6c Fancy Crawford peaches, per lb 7H Kngllfih cleaned currants, per lb 6c Fancy Grecian cleaned currants, per lb. "He California dried grapes, per lb 7o Virginia red raspberries, per lb 2ic Fancy California apricots, per lb luc 12-ounce pkg. Reeded raisins 6c FRESH FRUIT! FRESH FRUIT! ORANGES! ORANGES! ORANGES! The balance of car of fancy Highland sweet navel oranges to be sold at, per doi -5c Theae oranges are o!d regularly every where from 4oc to SOc per dosen. Fancy new Hallowe'en datea, per lb.. ..5? New Colorado white clover honey, per rack 10 California figs, per pkg FREE DEMONSTRATION OF BREAK FAST COCOA. EVENTS ON THE RINNING TRACKS Four Favorites Beaten on Muddy Track at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 13. Kain through out the night made the track neep in muo. Four decided favorites, ail of them well supported, were beaten. In the other two events, which made up the card, there was no positive nrst choice, itesuits: First race, six furlongs: Poseur (3 to 1) won, Faywood second. Flying Charcoal third. Time: ltt. Second race, one. mile: Sarah Maxim (3 to 1) won, Harry New second, Athellng third. Time: 1:4!4. Third race, Machelon (S to 1) won, Ha kim second, Fannette third. Time: 1:48. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards: Montebank (2 to 1) won, Lady Chariot sec ond. Aurumaster third. Time: 1:51. Fifth race, rive and one-half furlongs, Parlsienne (10 to 1) won, Belle of Mllford second, Hoceo third. Time: 1:11. Sixth race, one mile: Leader (8 to ) won, Fa lei nan second, Olendon third. Time: 1:51. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. Oakland re sults: First race, five and one-half furlongs: Sir Preston (3 to 5) won, Puredale second, Ueorgie Black third. Time: LllVi. Second race, six furlongs: Albemarle (3 to 1) won, Haluault second, Bell Reed third. Time: 1:18. Third race, one mile: Al Waddle (3 to 1) won, Lucreece second. Jack Hobart third. Time: 1:47. Fourth race, one mllo and seventy yards: War Times (9 to 6) won. Scheno second, VlgoroBO third. Time: 1:51. Fifth race, six furlongs: Tennyburn (5 to 2) won, Roval Red second. Phalanx third. Time: 1:17. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Alice Carey (5 to 2) won, Lady Kent second, Red Cross Nurse third. Time: 1:3). LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13. Ascot Park re sults: , First race, short course steeplechase, handicap: Alliance (4 to 1) won, Declmo tecond. Flea third. Time: 3:08. Second race, three und a half furlongs: Silver Wedding (5 to 1) won. Father I SPORTS 'OF A DAY. 1 1 1 CLEARING SALE SPECIALS IN OUR CORSET DEPT. fl.BO W. B. COKSETS In pink rind blue broche with the new high bust, tapering waist and long Oft hip Clearing Sale prl. e OC W. B. CORSETS Mndc specially for stout figures, sixes in to 100 38, exceptional value, at 1,UU bPc to fiOc Bustles .tnl lllp l'n.1 our Clearing Sale price l Saturday mOK GRAND RIBBON SALE ALL COLORS-AM. KINDS-ALL WIDTHS. Moire Taffetas, soft finish Taffetas. Sntin Taffetas, plain Satin and Gros Omln. All the broken bolts of All Silk Ribbon, ranging In pricy from 2"c to ;i.V per yard, go ot one price Satur- A day, per yard 1UC Bargains in Ladies' Underwear UNION SUITS Extra licivj fleece linetl, open down front, extra sikm'UiI value Sal unlay at Clearing Sale 7 C price 6 C RIBBED UNION SUITS Open on shoulders or down front, 75c to 08c values choice Sat urday at Clearing f.Q Sale price m yC 00c VESTS AND I'A NTS very heavy, ribbed, well made clenring sale price )JC LADIES' JERSEY KNIT SKIUTS Worth up to (lite Clear-f Q Ing Sale price JJC-IJC $1.00 VESTS AND rANTS-Speclal Clearing Sale value, at 69c rs-Foi quality 25c AND 3!)c VESTS AND I'ANTS Foi boys and girls, extra fine quality fleece llu-d choice 25c-15c From 10 Till MA. M. Children's l'leeco Uiied Vests and Pants, in nearly all sizes for the one hour at the sensa- f A tlonal low price 1UC Limit of 4 Rarments to customer. Fl:z$ Meat Prices ?:!?, Lower Than Ever. 17 llts. leof hud $1.00 Fork loins Pork roast CVio Sim re ribs G'aC !Bulk lard, compound He jcudahy's Diamond C hams HVjC ICudnhy's Rex Racon He I Bacon, other brands lO'c 3-lb. pall lard, any brand liTo 5-lb. pall lard, any brand 4Jo Rib Roasts Sc and Co Shoulder roast "c and Co Spring lamb lejrs 00 Mutton lugs 70 All brands of fttney cheese. Catcham second. Cash Box third. Time: 0:42. Third race, six furlongs: Tim Hurst (S to 1) won, Judge Denton second, Kahlalan third. Time: 1:13. Fourth race, one and an eighth miles; Position (6 to 6) won, Albert Knrlght sec ond. Invlctus third. Time: 1:54. Fifth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Rough Rider (5 to 2i won. Wenrlck second; Heather Honey third. Time: 1 :47V Sixth race, Slnuson course: 'Edinborough (5 to 1) won. Sea Sick second. Bronze Wing third. Time: l:l!l. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 13. Results at Essex Park: First race, three furlongs: Fngo (7 to 1) won, Mobur necond, Dr. Mcl'urty third. Time: 0:40. Second race, six furlongs: Critical (.1 to 5) won, Fru Fllllpo second, Peggy Mino third. Time: l:2o. Third race, five and a half furlongs: Nervator (H to 5) won, Mlmon second. Maverick third. Time: 1:12. Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Tos cap (even) won. Mamie Worth necond, Wild Irishman third. Time: lMrt-'i. Fifth race, live und a hulf furlongs: Del phi (5 to 1) won, Massa second. Asterisk, third. Time: 1:11. Sixth race, one and a sixteenth miles: Ingolthrlft (4 to 5 won, Swift Wing, seo ond, Tetenoir third. Time: 1:56. CHAMBERLAIN DENIES REPORT Magnate Says St. Joseph Team Re. mains in Ills Control. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 13. President Chamberlain denies the report sent out from Omaha that the, fit. Joseph Western League Base Ball dull has been sedd to Roy Runclo of St. Paul, supposed to bo representing the Trbeau and Burns Inter ests. The citizens of St. Joseph have raised a fund of $4.Wi) with which to start tho local team next season und Chamberlain, will continue at Its heud. FIRE RECORD. Farm House Near Rlverton. SIDNEY, la., Jan. 13. (Special Tele gram.) The farm house of Julius Winkler, near Rlverton, was destroyed by flio today. Winkler Is an old man and has been con fined to his bed two years with paralysis and had to be carried to a neighbor. f