TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY 14. 1MT CATARRH, A NATIONAL SCOURGE PE-RU-NA. A NATIONAL NEE NEW TURN IN TRACTION CASE Judge Holmes Appoints Receiver on Appli cation of Citj. AFFAIR GROWS OUT OF DELINQUENT TAXES Stat Treasurer laaaes Call for the Redemption af Block of Stat Warrants oa Jaa. ary ZtK YOU CUT THE PRICE IN TWO YOURSELF. jar "Thirty-eight million people, which is half of our entire population, suffer from some form of catarrh in the course of a year. This demonstrates the great need Pe-ru-na in every home to protect the family against all catarrhal diseases." COLDEST DAY OF SEASON Twenty-Six Degrees Below Zero Lowest Temperature Reported in State. TWELVE DEGREES BELOW ZERO IS COMMON la soata Dakota, Just Across the Krbraaks Line, a Minlraom of Talrtr Dcreei Below la Reported. ,fi:Th PLATTE. Neb., Jan. 13.-tSpe-i iai Telegram. ) Following the heavy snow laJl of the 11th the weather here ha turned extremely cold. At 7 a. m. the thermometer registered 22 below and hna remained around 20 below all day. and the indications are at 7 p. m. that H will be colder and the temperature fall lower than lust night. There will be considerable suffering among stock in certain localities, as the weather has been so mild all winter that a great many people owning stock have not yet brought them in from the hill pastures and otherwise provided for . their care. There has been no wind for three days and ranch men who depend on windmills to draw the watar supply for their stock are being brought face to face with a water famlnn, and if the weather docs not change soon there will be losses of stock for want of water. - ALLIANCE. Neb.. Jan. IS (Special Tele. gram.) The thermometer at 8 o'clock this morning registered 22 degrees below zero, four degrees higher than during the right, when It remained stationary for several hours at 26 degrees below. At Ardmore, 8. p.. Just over the Ne- breaxtastCOCOA is distinguished from all others by its full flavor, delicious qual ity and absolute purity. Tk Lmty Jtttifl ok nut Jr Tie Walter M. Lowney Co, gOSTOa, MASS. AjDilicioJis Draught ii hi nisiraawawsBWJl a.lWMl IJlll.lMBfs g -- -, ntatri; i iiilili-tii1iiiiiliiliflMTt.il Ufl braska line, the thermometer dropped as low as SO degrees below zero and now stands at 28 below. Fortunately, there Is no wind, so that humanity and stock are not suffering to any great extent. NORFOLK, Neb., Jan. 13 Twenty-six degrees below zero was registered here to day, the coldest In many years. The baro meter reads 80.50,, the highest ever known. The weather la calm. LINCOLN, Jan. 13. The coldest weather of the season was experienced here today, the thermometer registering 12 degrees be low zero early In the morning. In western Nebraska it is still colder. GENEVA, Neb., Jan. 13 (Special.) This morning the mercury fell to a) below zero, but as no wind blew, it did not seem so cold. WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 13. (Special.) Following the heavy snowstorm the weather has becomo Intensely cold, the thermometer ranging last night from 14 degrees below to 17 below this morning at daybreak. No particular inconvenience is felt by anyone by reason of the cold snap outside of the annoyance of bursting water pipes. The snow la exceedingly welcome to all. LINWOOD, Neb., Jan. IS. (Special.) Last night was the coldest of the season, the mercury going to SO below zero. It was 2 above at noon today. About ten Inches of snow covers the ground. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 13(Spe clal.) Last night was the coldest this win ter and the mercury registered 14 degrees below zero this morning. FREMONT, Neb.. Jan. 13.-(Speclal.)-The mercury this morning stood at 16 below zero, which is the lowest this season, and two degrees lower than at any time last year. Work putting up Ice has begun In earnest and sleighs are in demand. YORK, Neb., Jan. 13 (Special. ) Many thermometers registered 20 degre.es below zero this morning. The cold Is not as se vere as if the wind mere blowing. York county farmers have fine, large barns and sheds for sjock and no stock in York county will suffer. ' DES MOINES, Jsn 13 Twelve degrees below zero was registered in central Iowa during the night. It was the coldest night of the winter. Low Temperature In Ksaiii, KANSAS CITY. Jan. 13. -Today was the coldest of the winter in the southwest, the lowest temperature 14 degrees below zero being reported at Dodge City. Kan. At Kansas City it was 1 below zero early to day, with a further fall of 7 or 8 degrees predicted for the ensuing twelve hours. The following temperatures are re posted: Concordia, 10 below; Wichita, 2 below; Ok lahoma City, zero; "Amarlllo, Tex., 4 below. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 13-Lat night and today brought the coldest weather of the season 6 below zero and hundreds or men ure employed in cutting ice on the rivers. STOHR JOINS jURRIMAN LINES General Tea file Manager of the Great Western Will eocceed B. Campbell. BT. PAl'L, Jan. 13. It waa announced to day that P. C. Btohr. general traffic man ager of the Great Western railway, had been appointed assistant truffle director of the Harriman lines, with headquarters in Chicago. Mr. Stohr will autume his new duties January 21. He succeeds B. Camp bell, who has become fourth vice president of tho Northern Puolric Johnson Coanty farmers to Meet. TtCUMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 13-HpecUI.)-The annual meeting of tho Johnson County Farmer Instituio will be held In Teount h Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, Febi uary 1, 1, 4 and 4. Ths ill t day will be devoted to a good roads meet ing. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Continued Cold In Nebraska and Iowa Today Tomorrow .ot So Cold. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Forecast of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: For Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Missouri Fair, continued cold Saturday; Sunday, fair, not so cold. For Kansas Fair Saturday, not so cold In north portion; Sunday, fair and warmer. For Colorado Fair Saturday, warmer in tho east portion; Sunday, fair and warmer In the northwest portion. For Wyoming Fair Saturday, except snow in northwest portion, warmer in cen tral portion; Sunday, fair in east, snow in west portion. For Montana Cloudy and warmer Satir day, snow in north and west portions; Sun day, snow. For Illinois Fair and continued cold (Sat urday and Sunday; fresh northwest wmds, becoming variable. j I.ocal Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BUKEAT.1 OMAHA, Jan. 13. Official record o? tem perature and precipitation eomparei with the corresponding day of the las three years: , 1906. 1904. :. 1902. Maximum temperature... 2 34 as 47 Minimum temperature ...12 14 li Mi nn temperature .1 L'4 27 3- l'rvtipltutlim no .mi .00 .00 1 emporature find precipitation rfpartnree i "in normal at Dliniria sinceMarch 1, ltM, and comparison with the last two normal temperature 14 Doiiciemy for the duv I... . "' is Total excess since March 1 '"loj Vprin-l pV Pi- (!,,., 7 )ncn Deficiency for the day 1 .02 inch Total pivclplt.-ition since Men. l.2 5( inches Deiielenoy since March 1 . 4.98 Inches Excess for cor. period. I!i4 1. l.N) inch in iicienry ror cor. period, 19o3.. .86 inch Temperature at 7 M. Jxlmum Tem- Tem Station and State of Weather. Rlsmarck, clear .. peraturl pera ture. Rain fall. at 7 p. Cheyenne, cloudy Chicago, clear Davenport, part cloudy Denver, part cloudy .. Havre, snowing Helena, cloudy Huron, clear Kansas Cltv. clear North Platte, clear .... Omaha, clear liapld City, part cloudy St. Louis, clear St. Paul, clear Salt Lake City, clear. Valentine, part cloudy Willlston, clear T indicates trace of Indicates zero. L. A. WELSH clpltatlon. T.,ocI Forecaster. FOR AND iNFANTS INVALIDS No more walfful nights if you give your bajy Mellin's Food. Mellin's Fiji babies sleep well. A potal request l bring M&npl of MIIW MELLIN'S rcJO CO, BOSTON. MAIS. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 13. tSpeclai Telegram.) A receiver for the Lincoln Traction com pany waa appointed this morning by Judge Holmes of the district court. The judge will not disclose the name of the receiver, however, until January Su, the tlrst day of the next term of court. The appointment of the receiver is tho latest development of the somewhat famous tax case and waa made upon application of City Attorney Strode. Xer Corporations. - The Interstate Telephone company of Wilsonvlllc, Furnas county, with an author ized capital stock of tlO.Ou), has (lied articles of Incorporation in the office cf Secretary of Stal.e Galufhs. The Oxford Home Telephone company of Oxford, with an authorized capital stock of JuO.OOO, has been Incorporated by the fol lowing men: J. F. Butterfield, W. II. Cow gill and F. H. Wheeler. The Compton-Roblnson company of Cedar Rapids, with an authorized capital stock of H.000. bos filed articles of Incorporation In the office of the secretary of state. The In corporators are Hopo It. C'ompton, Henry L. Robinson and Franklin C. Robinson. Call for Hate Warrants. State Treasurer Mortensen has Issued a call for another block of S.W.000 state gen eral fund warrants, numbered from 10850 to 107795, Inclusive, for January 20. Within a few days he will have to pay for the S100, 000 Lancaster county Midland railway re funding bonds. Cbtof Justice Holcomb has signed an or der granting a supersedeas to Charlea K. McMoniea, who appeals from the ruling of the Burt county district court on his appli cation for a writ of habeas corpus. The appellant waa arrested for operating a pool hall and sought his freedom by means of the writ. The bond was fixed at 4u0. Albert Longs for Violin. Hans Albert, the noted Omaha violinist whose rare talent haa endeared him to thousands of people In various parts of the country, declares he will give a free con cert at the Lincoln insane hospital, where he occupies an apartment, aa soon as his 11,000 Stradlvarius arrives. Hans Albert waa placed In the asylum yesterday and will be detained there indefi nitely. He waa brought here from Wayne, where he gave a concert that charmed and thrilled all who were fortunate enough to attend It. But scarcely had the beautiful strains of his magnificent musio died away than was Omaha's distinguished violinist taken Into custody b officials, convinced that though he had entranced and still could entrance all within range of his art, Hans Albert was Insane. Indeed, ho had but recently been released from a Council Bluffs sanitarium. Thus far Albert's1 valuable instrument, for which he hourly longs, has Wot been en trusted to him, for Dr. Greene questions the wisdom of handing over to a man un able to control his mind a violin worth S1.000. Small Bor Conse Larceny. HUMBOLDT, Neb.,r,, Jan.' JR. (Special.) Roy Allen, a 14-year-old school boy of this city, waa placed under.' arrest yesterday at noon by Marshal Todd, a warrant having been sworn out by Mrs. Clara Grinstead charging the lad with having purloined her gold watch, valued at 145. from, her home on December SI. The youth steadfastly de nied all knowledge of the missing article and was locked up In the city jail. The time for his hearing was set for 5 o'clock In the evening and In the meantime the accused was put through a sweating pro cess by the officer and prosecuting wit ness, finally acknowledging that he took the watch, but asserted that he had dis posed of It by throwing It Into the cess pool at the school grounds. Explosion Wrecks Building. NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Jan. 13. (Spe cial.) The fine residence of Dr. Dent of this city was partially wrecked this morn ing. On account of the severity of the weather the water was turned out of tho pipes in the hojse and this morning, after a fire had been started in the kitchen range, the water was turned on, and as soon as it came Into the pipes In the range part of the water waa turned to steam and on account of the great pressure the pipes exploded and blew the range all to pieces, one of the children barely escaping a piece of steel which passed with great force near her. The explosion was so terrlfio that the windows In that portion of the house were broken and the door also blown open. This residence had Just been completed a few weeks ago at a cost of several thousand dollars. Settle vtth Bridge Company. FAIRBURV, Neb., Jan. 13(Speclal.) The county commissioners were In session jeuterday and compromised their differ ences with J. W. Towle It Co. of Omaha. LaHt n-onth Towle Co. obtained from the district court a writ of mandamus, di recting the commissioners to award them the contract for highway bridges for 1005. Last week the commissioners notified the bridge firm that they were ready to sign the contract and Towle & Co. refused to sign the same, whereupon the board ' de clared the $o00 deposited by the former for feited and advertised for new proposals. The matter was settled by Towle Se Co. paying the costs of the mandamus suit and the advertising and receiving the bal ance of their deposit. Fatal Accident at Kehawka. NEHAWKA. Neb., Jan. 13. (Special Tele gram.) This morning while H. C. Labolr, employed by Isaac Pollard in hauling ice, was driving his team across the Missouri Pacific, tracks an engine struck the wagon, throwing Labolr to the ground, inflicting Injuries which are pronounced fatal. The wagon was demolished. Labolr's home is in Nebraska City. Newspaper Change at Falrbnry, ' FAIKBL'RV, Neb., Jan. IS. (Special.) 8. A. Merrill, county treasurer, has bought the half Interest of A. H. Hammond In tho Falrbury News. Lew Shelley retains his interest in the paper and will have the active management. Mr. Hammond has purchased a half Interest In the Falrbury Times, to which he will devote his time In the future. Baptist Association Program. TECUM8EH. Neb.. Jan. 13.-(8peclal.)-The Nemuha association of the Baptist church will hold a "Christian stewardship conference" In Tecumseb Wednesday, Feb ruary 1. Several churches are included In the association and many delegates are ex pected. Newspaper Changes Hands. MADISON. Neb., Jan. 13. (Special )-A deal was made yeaterday afternoon where by Phil Sprecher of Norfolk became pro prietor of Iha Chronicle at this place. Mr. DOLLARS DOING DOUBLE DUTY 1MIE glad new?, to the economical fashionable man, of the extension of Our Great Half-Price Suit Sole, to enable all who could not be waited on la?t Saturday, to Ml' IF"" ft 1 IMffl 1,1 uKfctavi'i mmm iil Stupendous Overcoat Clearance 25 to 50 , Reductions Involving our entireetock of newest overcoats, the greatest assem blage of beautiful coats ever brought to Omaha. Black Kersey Chesterfield Overcoats Scotch Wca.vc Belt Coats Fancy Tweed Great Coats Melton Suriout Overcoats in thb most stupendous showing ever Store and all at the Greatest Sacrifices A Great Black Suit Offer ISO single and double breasted black suits of fin est Thibet fabric, hand tail ored throughout, hand fit ted Venetian linings, hand felled seams and hair cloth fronts, retailing the world over at $16, extraor dinary special offering at Sprecher now owns and edits the Press at Norfolk and will move hre as soon as he ran dispose of his Interests at ths latter place. m of rliraikH. BEATRICE, Jan. 13. Frank Raits, one of the loading ice dealers of this city, yes terday commenced harvesting Ice. which Is of a flno quality and about ninu inches thick. BEATRICE, Jan. 13. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. Brown, who wt-re unltr-d in marriage lit Omaha Wednesday evening, arrived in Be atrice latit evening to make their future home. "Mr. Brown is day t li'rk at the i'ad dock hotel. SEWARD, Jan. 13. J. M. Phot-ley has sold his twenty acres of ground about half a mils north of Seward to Mr. Maurer of Aurora for Su.luO, or 5JA per acre. Tho hind has hardly any more than ordinary improvement. SEWARD. Jim. 13. Carl A. Bemis, an at torney of Seward, whs married at David City today to Miss 1'hnehe Schaff. form erly of Mllford. but now a resident of David City. They will bo at home In Seward after February. GRAND ISLAND, Jan. 13. Tho work of putting up lie Iihs tiouii on all the ponds and lakes In tho vicinity. At Scblinmer's lake twelve-Inch tee Is reported and the harvest was begun by fcwweplng off nine Inches of snow this morning. PLATTSMOUTH. Jan. 13. A letter from Senator Albert J. Beveridge at Washington, D. C, to Mrs. I A. Moore of this city, president of the Plattsmnuth Women's club, states that, us requested, the objectionable word "aex" has been stricken fruiu the statehood bill. YORK, Jan. 13. Al White lias sold a half Interest In his furniture and qineimware business to A. Mctz of Seward, Neb. Mr. Metz is one of He ward's leading business men. The new firm will add to the jitock, making it one of the largest ttoeks of furniture went of Lincoln. SEWARD, Jan. 13. At noon yesterday, P. N. John of Seward and Miss Clone Mat thews of St. Anthony. Idaho, were mar ried at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. John, of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Webster Davis of the United Brethren church. BE WARD, Jan. 13. Peter Cameron, an old resident of beward, died at the Soldiers' Home in Mllford Monday. The remains were brought to Seward Wednesday and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. George V. Williams at the Presby terian church. Interment was made In the North cemetery. YORK. Jan. 13. Louis Woodruff, who re ceived sentence of four years in the eiil tentlary. was taken yesterday to Uncoln by Sheriff Brott. Woodruff had appealed his case to the supreme court, which af- EOQ AND IRON CURES ALL ILLS CAUSED BY Bad Deficient Impure BLOOD On Bottla Produce Results. Sherman McConnell Drug Cu , ltth aitd Dads Els., Uma-U. Ntb. aess- r A J d. - X as. M n. a .anm -w .aw .SbbbbbbbT m - B . a CORRECT DRESS FOR buy this Saturday will create another sensation among the knowing class who appreciate such enormous savings just when they most need the suits. Suits of High Art tailoring, involving the best garments of the season, duplicate? of which we havesold for exactly double the price you now pay for them the in one great and record rep u JU Extended additions havo boon made from our regular stock, making hundreds and hundreds of Suits upon our tables for Saturday. All sizes are here, but lots are bro ken, making but two or three sizes of any one pattern. i Ml Former tW OO Rrnken All Former $25.00 Broken Lot Suits, $12.50 All Former $22.50 Broken Lot Suits, $ii.25 All Former $20.00 Broken Lot Suits, $10.00 All Former $18.00 Broken Lot Suits, $9.00 All Former $15.00 Broken Lot Suits, $7.50 All Former $12.00 Broken Lot Suits, $6.00 a ii r- (ia nn n i a c..:i. r aa Tourist Elysian Coats Fancy Tweed Overcoats attempted by any Omaha Retail Ever Introduced. Men's $1.00 Stiff Bosom Shirts, 50c. firmed the decision of the lower court, and Isst week a petition was signed by hun dreds asking Governor Mickey for clem ency. ' BEATRICE. Jan. 13. -Camp No. 270, Mod ern Woodmen of America. Installed these, offlcera at a meeting held last .night: G. II. Van Horn, venerable consul; R. A. Phelps, worthy adviser; W. H. Arnold, recorder; A. P. Sperry, clerk; R. N. Mudge, escort; D. C. Itambo. watchman: J. K. Craig, sentry; U. L. Reed and A. J. Johnson, man agers. GENEVA, Jan. 13. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Frank Gamble was buried from the Christian church, Rev, Thomas Griffiths officiating. Mrs. Gamble died of paralytls. She was about 60 years of age and leaves qulto a large family with their father. Only a few days ago news came to them of the death of their eldest son, John, of typhoid fever, In Oregon. HUMBOLDT, Jan. 13. Relatives In thin city have received word of the tragic death of little Harry, the 7-year-od son of Carrie Maine, at Lisbon, O., which resulted from tho lad encountering a trco while coasting. He sustained Injuries that caused his death two days later. Mrs. Maine was formerly a resident of thta city and has a. number of relatives and friends hire. SEWARD, Jan. 13. A painful but not fatal accident happened to the little son of Andrew Christian of near Vtlca, last Sun day, when lie and another little boy were out playing with a revolver. Ill some way the weapon was discharged and tho bullet entered the Christian boy's bat K, but, for tunately, the wound did not prove to be dangerous. Dr. Denner of (.'Ilea, rendered the necessary surgical aid. YORK. Jan. 13. Mr. Sheparddnn of the firm of Marshall & Shepardson sold lib) in terests in the business and the stock of farm implements and buggies has been con solidated with that of Belcher & Belcher. It Ls understood that Mr. Frank Marshall has entered the firm of Belcher & Co. and will continue In the business here. Mr. Shepherdson Is interested In the Lutshton roller mills urn! will devote time to it. SEWARD, Jan. 13 A young fellow was robbed of S.IS In money and an overcoat by a companion at the home of Mrs. Brlteu baugti, in East Seward. WcdncHiuy morn ing. The thief immediately left and no trace of him can be found. The .two young men hud been trusking corn together In this locality during the fall, nnd but re. cently came to Seward. The h'ime of, the fellow who took the money and Overcoat Is In Montana, FREMONT. Jan. 13 The regular meet ing of the Dodge County Medical society was held yesterday. A dinner waa served at Iiocill ut the Eno hotel and a business session was held later at Dr. E. W. Martin's oflice. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. E. W. Martin: vice presi dent. Dr. Thomas Grant, North Bend; treasurer, W. J. Dacree; secretary, Dr.' A. B. Overgaard. The principal paptr of the session was read by Dr. D. It. Davis of Omaha. HRADSHAW, Jan. 13.-Shennan Benson sold his loo-acre farm near Bradshaw this week to Henry Berger, a York county fanner, fur t per acm. Mr. Berger 'had sold to Mr. Eberlly his 120-acre farm fur h0 per acre. It is only, a few years ago that Mr. Benson purclianed the (arm he sold for 1-0 per acre. York county farm ers believe that the best farms In this county will sell ior $lu0 per acre, nd m -ny are buying now ut the advanced pHci uvcr one year ago. PLATTSMOUTH. Inn. 13 While Lonrs 1 Heluemaii was walking along Sixth direct near the Burlington shop yards' gate, shout S o'clock last (veiling, lis discover! a usu (0) MEN AND BOYS. famous makes of the world making sale at exactly Lnt Suits. 15.00 NwP -ill Mens Furnishings at Half Men's Finest Imported Silk Four-iu-llands, Tocks, etc., reg ular 50c qualities, at 3C Men's 25c Fancy I Jose newest stripes and figures, grand C. special values, two pairs... sisC Men's $2.50 and $2.00 All Wool Sweaters, in the newest favored colors, extraordinary ( offering, at vpl3U m i S h s,u,,tM' hiAe the road, appar d' enured assistance and the Sci man was carried Into a hou2" nearby und a physician aummoned. Had J'.VJ'.1r,u"ut, n,un "-"mained in the snow ?JjLVhe mer,u,y degrees below zero a neof"? &VTa WUUW httVB bM" GRAND ISLAND, Jn. 13.-Tha count v 'uV?,1.,,lrt'ly '""Wi"--". organized this efk b.v the reelection of Oscar Roeser aa chairman, trie election being hv acclama tion C ontracts for the printing and pub lications were let today, the Independent securing classes " and D. the Wood River Sunbeam Class B and the Watklns Prlnt ng house of Hastings Class A the blank books. The Independent was declared the paper for the publication of the delinquent tax list and the proceedings of the board. BEATRICE, Jan. 13. Yesterday, In the district court. Judg- Bubcock granted an Injunction to George W. Nichols nnd Gnorge Bus.-, restraining Thomas W. Moore from cutting timber on ihe fMrrn of the Moore estate, which In located In Grant town ship near ClatonlM. The three men are ex ecutors of the Monro estate, but as the lat named ban been cutting wood and hauling It from the farm, the plaintiffs con cluded to put a, stop to it by going Into court. The cas will be heard in the dis trict court in March. , , WEST POINT, Jan. 13.-Mrs. Michael Gal agher, the aged widow of the late Michael Gallagher, died at the farm home, eleven miles northwest of the city, on Wednesday, and was liiterred in the Catholic caineterv here this morning, Rev. Joseph. Rueslng celebrating the roquiom mass. The deceased was 80 years of age und. with her husband, homesteaded land In Nellgh township forty years ago and has lived here continuously ever since. She leaves a, family of two sous arid three daughters. Mrs. Galls ghee was noted throughout her long life for he piety anil many Christian graces of char acter. Her demise Is mourned by tha en tire community. NO SUBSTITUTE feas yet been found for cod' liver oil. There are so-called extracts, wines and cordials of cod liver oil that are said to contain the active principles but not the oil itself. This is ibsurd on its face. You might is well extract the active prin ciples of wheat and make bread with them. . The best form of tod liver oil, that can be digested and a-ssimilated most easily, is Scott's Kmul lion. , WeTl mat ymm a aunrl hoc COTTiiUWis,rtM4.bu Xm