THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY. JANUARY 13. 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Market Nerrotu Through Fear of Eastern Manipulators. CASH WHEAT MARKETS ARE DULL TODAY Ihlrtr Per teat Less Krfdrn la Kat Market Aeltancea on Smaller Receipts. OMAHA, Jmi. U. llnifi. The market m nervous thin mcnlng attj fluctuated rapidly in a una1: With out much rmun. The Miv ee.iel at tne losii.g price or V!neiJay, which waa 1 17. The movnr..rnt waa tietve'ti fl.lT(-t Mnii ILIUM,. Tn July slacked off very aiiaiitly a.,(1 wan rithnut teat'ire. The ITinclHl urarum.r.t for the wraknm shown VNeelnesday wan th rumor that New YorK huha weri shipping out their wh-at ho.d ins. Thlg macl Minneapolis anel St. Loui iwrticulaily wmk. This ia noticed moat In M. Louis, where h few days ago the mar- "v. n .s; move i nuago ana la now my IV to lSo over .hlrntr. This Is rfimnrBilinlv i . . - . i . v ,T I'inri, -i"pci-lllil J H) 111,. n it hern i contract la No. i red, which s-lla i. iik'mho at ac over the .miv. The eaalernera are evidently supporting the C'hi- saro market 'the cash sltuntion In wheat la duller today, in Minneapolis the dullness la caused i.y tin- mlllera taking (train from store and leaving tho dally arrivals, which are aulri in hm ,.r u,ni j ... - .. l northern la lo under the May, No. 2 ? "iiuer, .o. a ranges from 11.04 to ..... . ...,., , vj minor- t a . rPop'" 2T" ,'"r8 ordered out of store i ' unras mere tiave dr.-reased In rlva dyya oin.ourt htishcls. The Minneapolis receipts wore loo more for this day laat y''f l,,lulh received ft) curs, aa -i innay. me is orth western Miller saya tho Imreaae In flour production this uarreis. u ueing tne larg ".-1" wepKs. the production was -.'1. ... against 3;tt,:(S5 lost year, Conflicting lnrormallo:i Is telvcn regarding the flour tie. iiiand. some saying it is good and others iiiat the mills are not selling what thev grind Russia reports the condition of the tfl-na h ...... . . .... . . ... " ) in tne sonm as excellent. Argentine tables say rain ia Interfering wiin the harvest and the surplus will be larger thnn lat year. It had been H a ;V",eieio advance. It la figured from 20 to : per cent. less leaders '. mini. . , i . . . . ........ i .. - ,kt. year compared with last year. Then the i.-ri niaiinrr of mo corn makes snout per cent lees necessary. So It is argued In Mom oila.Ar. H.. ,. -1 . . . . . . i "J- The movement lx lighter, the farmers -i"w.B mimn intention vl noiuing up their rain tintll the market la better. The snows Interfering wKh country movement wiii-niso cut down the receipts con- siuiTHDiy. -mo trliuury receipts wer 434.0W) against m.m last year and the shipments were 471,000 against 4M.0OO laat year. The speculative market eased off a littlo during the seM-lon, the Mav losing ."in uiiti me juiy " cent. i ne cash market was xllghily better owing to the decrease In i-"i-el:ts. I The oat ni..rkt continues to float along without any llxeil tendency. The receipts iif nuti I... i . r.. 1 1 n .. i.i. ..... ' " ....iwi. .,.1 v I'upiuri amy , uui the oat are known to be yet In farmer's iiaiMis so toe aecrense In movement makes no iijiirieuce witn tne Darket. , Carlot Iteeelpta. .. , Wheat. Corn. Oats i nicago Kansas City Minneapolis . ft. Louie .... nulutb. ,. Omaha Oraalia ( ash Halea WI4RAT V u 1..,. IJA1 8-No. 3 white, l'. ar, 2S'c 1 Omaha t ash Market. WHKAT--No. 2 hard. tl.OS'ijl.t'i; No. hard, 11.07: No. 4 hard, D."ir5i.03: No. IK .12 43 44 17 7 290 44 !: 41 19 lii J1.07. spring, 11. Og HJ1 Mc; Do grade.' S34jJ7': No. i yellow,' 3Wn; No. a yellow. 39Vic; No. 2 white. Stt'e; No. 3 whits. xu. OATB-Xn '1 hil.ail Mi... W. 1 l.l l'7H(32Sc: No. 4 -.nlx'sd, L'ii'27c; No. i wnne, ae; No. 3 white. ;s;c; No. 4 white. 28c; standard. 2Vg)c. Prlrea a Mluneapolla. Th range of prices raid in Minneapolis', sa Miiorte'V,. hjr. tli li'ariJs. Wooct- -cettt-pany. li4-110 lioard of Trude: -. Articles. Open. ! Hlgh.l Low. Cloae. AVheat '1 I May .. 1.17H MTtfc 1.16H July l.lMj l.lRI 1.141 1.14 Heptember ... H3t 93 M?i 93, Grain Markets tlaeerhere Closing prices of grain today and Wednes day at the tnatketa named were as follows: CHICAGO. Wheat Today Wed'y. May l.WAA 1.17 juiy W!l Corn " May 44',4B July 45 KANSAS CITY. Wheat ' May l.(V4 July Corn 44iB 45",B l.OK'i Way ... July .. Wheat May .., July .. Coin May .. July .., Wheat May .. July .. Wheat May ... July ... Wheat May .., July ... 8T. I.OU1S. 42H 41" i 1.17H MINNEAPOLIS. 43 4i 4HB 1.184 43 B DULUTH. 1.HIH 1.14', l.UA, 1.15 , NEW YORK. l.lti'i 1.0SV 1.17 1.1&VkB 1.17 l.lnB 1.1H 103, NEW YORK OtNEMAI, Uaotatlona MARKET Yarluna of the Day u tommodltlea. NEW YORK, Jan. J2.-KLOUR-Recelpte. U.t0 bhla.; exports, 8.BI7 bbls.; market wua unlet but firm: winter patents, 15.60; winter stralglita, 5.3tfg6.4!.; Minne sota patenta, i5.8Miti.35; winter extras, 65 (14.30, Mlnnosoia hakera', H..4o5; winter low grades, 3 4.rjtW. Bye flour, firm; fair to good. tt.ttKii4.7V; choice to fancy, U '5 W&.OU. Buckmheut flour, dull; 12.6U jmr luu lb. CORNMEAL Easy; fine White and yel low, fl.Sa; coarse, new, ll.os'tf; kiln dried, 10. KYU Nominal; No. 2 western, 75c asked. BARLEY Lull; feeding, 44c, c. I. f. New York; malting, 4o&5Jc,-c. t t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, none; exports, none. Spot market easy; No. It red, $1.214, eleva. tor: No. red, Sl.Zlfe f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Duluth, 11.27V f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, fl.uVt t. o. b. afloat. Options opanwl barely ateady tinder poor English cables and a bearish Price Current report. Later they rallied on adverse Argentina news, small western receipta, bull support and covering, but were unsettled In the laat hour, closing easy under liquidation at hc net decline. May, $1.16 3-154(1. 16, closed at tl lilS: July. $l.o3&l.uJH. cloaed at 1.U3'4. CORN Receipts, 109,050 bu.; exports, 69.. 03 bu. ; sales. 16.000 bu. futures, lti.Ouu bu. spot. Spot barely steady; No. 2, Mo, eleva tor, and 61V f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, !2o; No. 2 white, 52' to. Option market waa Inactive all day, , but waa ateady at the west, closing net unchanged; May, 5o7-ltk-, closed at 60'v-'. OATS Receipts, t5,2uo bu.; market ateadv; natural white, HO to 33 Ins., 3ry3Sc; clipped white. K to 40 lbs., 30 40V- HAY Firm; slilppU. tiJJo; good to choice, 8ofi7Vio. HOPS Finn: state, oommou to choice, 1904. 2a87cj 1. 30-S3c; olds, 14o; Paclllo coast, 1904, ?53ic; 19u3, So&J:!c; olda. 14ib 17c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., lac; California, 21 to & lbs.. 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to to lbs., 14i)C LEATHER Firm: acid, 24826o. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 111. 09 triSoU; mess, 9uwr9 60; beef hams. 132. Ood 3 50; packet. $15.5tKjj 15.60; city extra India mesa, 114 6oil 5. Cut meats, normal: pick led bellies. M.76457.00; pickled shoulders, a.i:: pickled hams. tl7K'9.oO. Lard, steady; western stesnied, 17.05; refined, steady; coil tlnent, $7 lo; South Amerlcau. $7 06; com pound. ttiU'Vn7.00. i'oik. barelv steady; family. tl4.(xfal4.5o; short clear, ll3.35iJi4.ou; mesa. (I! Tf.rilS '.'S. TALLOW yulet: city, 4'4e: country, 41. J4V. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. Jff c; Japan, nominal. VJTTER Steady; street price, extra creamery. 2(018Sc. Official pruts, cream ery, common to extra, lfi3c; creamery, held, common to extra, 21 a 77c; state dairy, common to extra. lijj.':i-; western factory, common to choice. 14$ Uk', western imita tion creamtrs. rommon to i boiue, 170-3c. f'HEEHt-Strong, atafe. fill cream, amalli colored and white, fancy. l:"4c; flue. llc; Uie made, colored and ehiie, poor to choice, 4JllSc; large, colored and white, fanry, i;C; fine. 11'4'611'.tc; lata made, col ored ard white, poor to choice, SV'Jllc. KJOS Strong; western fancy selected, Oe; western average beat, 10c. lOl'LTHY Alive, firm; western thick ens, lle: fowls. l4c; turkeys. l.T.iHc; itr-jw-d. firm; weatern thickens, llViili.-; fowls, liai.,1.c; turkeys, 1519c. CHICAGO URA1S A!D rROVIIO. Feat area ( tie Tradlag aaa t loslag Prleea Hoard ( Trade. CHICAOO, Jan. 12. Conditions favorable to rrop development In Russia, as well as In the Cnlted Stales, made a rather weak wheat market today. At the close May wheat was off corn down 'i'Vc and oats and provisions virtually unchanged. Following lower prices at laverpool, the wheat market here was rather weak at the opening, Msy" being off a shade to h,nc at l.l'l 17H The weskness of foreign markets was said to be due to a report from Odessa to the effect that the whest crop of southern Russia l In excel lent conditl' ti. The heavy tall of snow In the Cnlted Ptates throughout the west and southwest wit reported aa affording ample protection for the winter wheat crop of this country. There has previously been considerable unxictv as to the possible damage by cold weather. The bulls., how ever, found encouragement In the continued small movement In the northwest. How much of the falling off in receipts was due to th extreme cold weather and how much to the smallness of reserves) was, of course, a matter of conjecture. For a time there appeared to he a preponderance of selling orders In the pit. In consequence piles ease off a trifle. May declining to l.l':. The volume of business at no time assumed any great proportions, scalpers doing mot of the trading. Later the market sud denly became quite strong on a fairly ac tive demand from several prominent com mlsHli n houses. An assurance from Minne apolis that the flour mllla there would not close down waa a possible reason for the revived demand. On the bulge May sold tip to 11.17V). During the iat hour of trading another reaction occurred, the ad vance in prices bringing out Increased of fering?. Toward the close the market be came quite weak, May declining to Sl.lti'i. Final nuotatlona were at ll.lftvii MG'tc. Clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 42 i bu. Receipts were 515. Ho bu., com pared with tl.Hi a year ugo. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of an cars, against us last week nnd 4TZ n year ago. F.arly In the session a rather firm under tone, was manifested In the corn murket, the bullish Influences being higher cables! light receipts nnd an Improved cash de mand. A weak roint in the situation. however, waa In the continued absence of short business. Later selling by scalpers cauaea an easier tone. The weakness of wheat was a late factor. May opened a shade to o higher at 44ttr41T4e, sold be tween 444jo and 44c and closed at 44Vs,c. Local receipts were 2X2 cars, wlUi three of contract irade. The situation in the oata pit showed little change. Trading was quiet and sentiment Waa a trifle bearish. May opened unchanged at SIV. soul between lie and smfcaiS" and closed at 114c. Local receipts were w cars. Provisions Vera Arm early as a result of higher prices for lings at the vat-da. Commission houses Were fair buyers of iaru ana nos. iater some pront-taklng de veloped and an easier feeling prevailed. At the close Mav nork was off 2Uc nt I1282H. May lard unchanged at $6.8?V! v.?o aou mis a anaae lower at w.tra. Estimated reeelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 28 cars; corn, 1!U cars; oats, 66 cars; hogs, 11,000 head. Out of respect to ftie memory of former President Charles D. Hamml!!,' who died last night, the Board of Trade; will close at noon tomorrow. The leading futurea ranged as follows: NEW YORI STOCKS AND BONDS Desire to Sell Predominates the Market and Trading it Strictly Professional. VALUES ARE GENERALLY LOWER Artlclea. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Cloe. Yes'y, 'Wheat Muy July Corn- Jan. May July Oats- Jan. Mav July May Lard- Jan. May July Ribs- . Jan. May July II ItJVS 1 lflj 1 17U ',n1i;99,''d;M 41U 444 4 12 30 12 70 OB 6 87H S 42Hl ti.H 62V,j 1 1H 1 16V 1 1.,'t.l 17i', 4141 4141 414 4Hi 44' 44V,i 44l,,44l;i4 al 459 V 45,5. 45S 304 31'i 31 '4 SfV4' " 30V. S0 3lV!SH4'&Si 31 I 31" 31H 31,30Ti4r31 314 12 30 12 774 i 6 90 . 7 09, I 45 ' i 72H 86 12 30 13 62Vx 6 80 6 8JV, t W. - a. . 6 40 t 66 10 13 30 12 624 6 60 8& . . 40 65 W 13 324 12 66 1 6 eo e 85 4 96 80 PROVIS16NS Mesa pork, per bb'l.. H2.30 B12.:a. Lard, per ir lbs., xb.60. thort rlh: sides (loose). Ji!.l-",i'a.374- Shot t cleur side No. I. Cash quotatlona were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter omenta. tR.WH) 6 20; straights. t4.804ro.ilO; spring patents. I5.O0i3S.60; strajghta, 4.504.90; bakers, 12.70 03.80. WHEAT NO. 2 soring. 11.1211.16: NO. 3. tl.Ol'iij.1.16; No. 2 red. Il.1844fl.204. conn no. a, 43c; no. 2 yellow, 44c. OATS No. 2. 30mc: No. 2 white. 3H,c: No. i white, tl2c. K K NO. 2, 75C. BARLEY Good feeding. 36(3 37c: fair to choice malting, SI'S 47c. SEEDS No. 1 nax. 11.IH; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.23; prime timothy, $2.80; clover, con tract grade, ns.00. riha C3 (boxed). K.&04U1.G34. Keceipts ana cnipments ror tne nay wero as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla H.noo ih.ihis Wheat, bu 91.KH 79.500 Corn. I hi 246.5HO 2m,0oo OatS. bU ; 117.WI0 nye. ou r.iw s.mi Barley, bu 71.5ti0 42.500 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm; creamorles, lSKp.&c; dulries. 17(&24c Egg. Arm; at mark, cases Included, lipase; firsts, 2e; prime flrata, 28c; extras, 3oc. Cheese, ulcady, lltj'lio. (It. Leafs Grain aad Provisions. ST liOUIS. Jan. 12. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 rea, casn, elevator, i. 1 1 - ; iracK, tl.l86l.lH4: May, tl.l4; July, 94c; No. 2 hard, l.li31.H. CORN Ixjwer: No. 5 cash. 43c: track. 444U44c: May, 42VS427ic; July, 434c. OATS Steady: No. 2 caah, He; track, 214'32e: May, 314c; No. 2 white, 334Ti;i3c. FLOCR Dull, ateady: red winter patenta, t5.4oue.BO; special grades, t5.tttkft5.75, extra fancy, tS.OOffS.lS; clear, t4.5y4 7(k BEEI Timotny, aieaay, i.-.wKtyj.w. CORNMKAIv Steady at 2.40. , BRAN Dull, heavy; sacked, -east track. Wihan. . , . HAY uuli; timotny, imwcisw; prairie, I6.0OU9.60. .,,: IKON (WIUN T1I.B-WC. BAOllINU 7Vc. HEMP TWINE-4o. PHOVI8ION8 Pork. easier: jobhlns. 111.30 old: new. 112.56. Lard, lower: mime. steam, $.&)- Dry salt meats (boxed), steady i extra shorts, x.ns; clear riDS. ShK,1, snort clears, t7. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, 17.60; clear ribs, 17.024; short clear, $7,874. I"OLLTRY Firm : chickens. 11c: snrlnirs. 11c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 11c; geese, Ic. Mb i i fin r lrm ; creamery, 24W30'4c: aairy, iwpjoc. EOOo e irm; 2tc, case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbli s.two 11.000 Wheat, bu 44.000 39.00) Corn, bu 32.000 to,M Oata, bu 42,tiuo 3t,0no Kansas City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 12. WHEAT Steady; May. 11064: July, 9o-ac; oush. No. 3 hard. II oS'81.10; No. 3. tl.054il.07; No. 2 red. Il.lial.l; No. 3, ll.0SKal.ll; receipts 71 care. CORN-Steudy; May. 424c; Jur. 4rtic: cash, No. i mixed, 424-'V.c; No. 3, 4134' 424c; No. 2 white. 4!4c; No 3. 42e. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 314?j32c; No. 2 mixed, 31o. HAY Steady : choice timothv. I9.5tiA lu.tki: choice prairie, $7.50. H v i- Mteaov, ijc. BITTER Croumery, 23427c; dairy. 19c. EOtJS Steady ; Mlaaourl and Kansaa. new No. 2 wliltewood cases Included. 25c: cuse count, 23V; cases returned. 4c less. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 64.8K) 87.2i Corn, bu 2V) 48 i)iin Oats, bu 6.000 t.tuo Minneapolis Graia Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 12.-WHEATMa v $1.10411 ll: July. I114S: September. $1134; No. 1 hard, $1.174; No. i northern. $) 11V FLOCK First patents, S0OTi: second patents. t6.00' 40; first clears. It ir,ii4 i second clears, ti 61 "82.711. BRAN In bulk, $14. U). I.lvereael Crala Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. H WW F A -rH... nominal; futures, quiet; March, 7s Smd: May. 7s Sd. . 1 li U V c . . . u . inia.i.n 1 . j . . .-... .. u., vmw.r . n111u111.11 miAni, (l, 4s lo; American mixed, old, 4a 11(1. Futurea M . XI . . . . k. I , , . . . . . . , 1 iiini, .,jaiii. ! iiu, mj, 4 S1. Dalath Grain Market. DL LCTH. Jan 12-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1, 11.14',; No. t northern, tl.024: on track. No. 1 uortherii, $1,144; No. I north- em. 11.0.4: May, II 164: July, 11.15; Sep tember. 94.-. OATS To arrive anl on track, 2 Contradictory lleporta from Wasb Ingtnn Relatlie to Legislation' on ( onimerre nail Tariff ( ansea Apprehension. NEW YORK. Jan. 12.-9elllng prcloml- natea ovtr liuylng In toxlays stock opera . Hons, but t lie transac tions were no less I strictly profeslonal than they have been ever since New Yeat s. The traders seemed I prompted to sell mnlnly by their d.sappo;nt- ment aver the Pithily of previous attempts to get price liisher. Some of the day s de velopments offered a nominal cause for t lie depression, but there was litt'.e evidence of real liquidation, the traders simply endeav oring to anticipate what the ai Hon would be of real holders of stocks. There Is un doubtedly considerable unsettlement of mind amongst speculators over '.he varying and contradictory reports from Washington regarding the legislative program. The weight of opinion today was deiinitely on the side of aggressive insistence by the president upon measures to regulate rail road freight rates and corporation affairs, with tho question of tariff revision rele gated to the background. The financial district showed Its usual seiisitlven.'.s! to the agitation of these sub jects. The action taken by the Pennsyl vania, directors towards a $a'i,OU0,(U bond Issue had an adverse effect on bullish senti ment, although pome such action has been pretty clearly expressed. The announce ment, however, seemed to serve as a re minder of the large volume of pn table cap ital Issues by the railroad companies which are to be faced in the not distant future. It hue been urged by the advocates of active speculation that the great Interest which have these Issues in view would be anxious to foster an active stock m irket to assist In floating them. But that did not prevent a characteristic reversal of the point of view In today's trading to the apprehen sion that the pnwpect of new offerings would Btagnute the demand for securities already In the market Some of the stocks winch have had the bendlt recently of ru mors of Increased dividends were notable sufferers In today's reaction. Baltimore & Ohio was the cotisplcuoim example and was the leader of the decline. Illinois Central was similarly affected. The movement of these Ktocks had a large sympathetic ef fect on the whole list. On the whole, activity was reported for time loans for the longer period ami the further advance In foreign exchunge offered no prospect of any cessation of the out ward movement of gold, although discounts In London were appreciably easier. London was a seller In this market, however, on balance, aa was purls in the London mar ket, in spite of the reported succers of the Russian loan In Berlin. Incidents In the banking world, such as police court pro ceedlnga In Buffalo In connection with a bank failure and tho causeless run on an Institution with many customers amongst aliens In the East Side section In this city, were factors of some discouragement to the speculative temper. The late resumption of Manha t in's unexplained a'lvanco iheckel me uecune, uut tne closing wait heavy. Bond were Irregular. Total sales,' par value, t4.i;i5,0t)O. Cniteel States government bonds were all unchanged on call. Following were the alea and rang of prices on the Stock exchange todav: were depressed. Japanese Were In good de mand. BERLIN, Jan. 12 Business on the bourse today was generally dull. PARIS. Jan. 12. Prleea on the bourse today were Arm at the opening, but later became heavy. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at W and Russian bonds of 1:M at be). SHl.s.Hlh 0.300 lutAi 1214 1034 W.4 i:a Ki 4 47 42U 13.3110 1:14 7.3HO ) 1.100 in) two Atchison do pfd ftoo Atlantic Coast Line.. Km Baltimore & Ohio.... 52.: do pfd 2tm Canadian Pacific l.Hfn) Central of N. J 300 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 4nn Chicago & Alton 401) lo pfd Chicago (1. W Chicago N. W C M. & St. P Chlcajro T. & T do pfd C., C, C. A St. I Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d ufd Delaware Hudson "ml ici Delaware. LAW.. Denver & Rio Gratnlo do pfd mm Erlo 27.200 do 1st pfd 4.9K) do 2d Pfd rot Hocking Valley 3110 do pfd l) Illinois Central 7,"o0 Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern 500 do rfd 7no I & N 1.3110 Manhattan L 13.3UO Met. Securities t.Mt Metropolitan St. Rv. H.fioo Mexican entral 7 son Minneapolis & fit. j.. j, M., St. I". & S. St M do nfd Missouri Pacific 4.100 Missouri, K. & T do pfd LY10 N. R. R. of M. pfd... 3.000 New York Central.... 2.1i) N. Y., O & W 300 Norfolk & Western.- 3.200 do nfd iiai. Pennsylvania 1 3I.7ik) 1'.. C. C. & St. L 11111 Reading 47. loo no 1st pfd 1.300 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co G.5m do Pfd Too St. L. A B. F. 2d pfd. 100 St. L. Southwestern. Inn do nfd am Southern Pacific ..... 20.iiii do pfd :'.?i,(i Southern Railway.... 2.4110 do pfd Si Texas & Pacific ...... 31m T.. St. L & W inn do pfd 1m Union Pacific 42.k do Dfd ."ail Wabnsh do pfd am 4T.-ii Wheeling & K K Wisconsin Central do nfd Adams Express ' ', Amerleun Express tT. S. Express Wells-Fa rgo Express Amal. Copper Low. Close. 1724 loN. 204 224 61 4 40 7S 2'i m W 159 . 2X4 634 1 4 1714 74 1174 24, 5)4 I004 :'l 43 1434 41 7H4 93 1374 774 "14 92 3ii hi "04 2414 67 tii4 llti 31 !;4 344. 3ti't 54 11. "4 974 30.HX) 74U 34 4ml 9H0 344 112 1424 92", 111 Kl4 4U4 Vi 2114 78 37' 1M!4 234 774 4. I'll 400 2.700 l.ltiO ) 9,5nO ; l.Vm 2'tO l'lO 1.100 f(IJ 2.5O0 4tiu American (.'. & F. do pfd American Cotton Oil Omi 3," do pfd American Ice inn eni do pfd loo 57 American Linseed Oil do pfd Amor, IxK'omotive do pfd American S. & R.... do pfd Amer. Sugar Refln.. Amer. Tobacco, pfd c Anaconda M Co Brooklyn R. T Cultirado V. & I Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper do pfd International Pump.. ao pro : Natlonul Lead 2uo ;i-V North American Pact lie Mall fro Peoples Gu 3nj Preksed Steel Car do pfd pn Puilman Palace Car. Lim Republic Steel !,, do pfd ,u Rubber Goods 0j do pfd Tennessee C. & I I.ImO U. 8. Leather 2,9no do pfd 2.700 C 8. Realty yj V. 8. Rubber I.ofji) do pfd 1 K0 V. 8. Steel 12.611O do pfd 20) Va. -Carolina Cbem.. 6,wm Va. -Carolina C pfd. 2,m Westlnghouse Elw.. lim Western I'nlon 400 Ex-rights. Totul sale for the day, 4&7.509 shares. 444 I0J4 i 244 1H', oU K7 7M4 134 1014 7s 3i4 1014 294 9-J4 374 14 14 924 W lim 1214 121 101 "4 11114 1324 1324 191 191 474 474 414 40 .... 8.1 224 224 .... 2f3 ' 1714 1714 10 34 20 (i 2J4 22M. 014 ti' .... 354 184 1S3 .... S3S .... 314 Sti 8.7 394 394 774 774 l 4 1 4 90 M 934 93 1574 15&4 .... 294 .... 654 2S 2 624 62'4 1394 140 1H9 171 744 734 1154 1154 23 23 :.t4 s; .... s4 .... us lOrV.4 1"64 ..'.... 31. a :t 414 4J4 1424 H2-4 40t' 4n4 74 7S4 93 92 13H4 13H4 774 77 . H ' 9l 9K .... a.1'4 354 3H f4 f34 704 7t4 24 217, 57 6tl4 T4 654 ll4 1104 344 344 94 94 344 344 304 3114 54 534 1144 H44 ' 974 974 .... 214 424 424 .... l!4 . 214 .... 454 .... 23ti .... 212 .... 110 .... 2:;4 7:14 7314 334 334 .... 924 i4 34 . . 94 04 04 37 37 .... 154 .... 37 344 344 .... I044 81 81 112 111 141 1414 934 924 109 1084 004 14 45-1, 464 19f4 1904 SO", 204 78 775 304 an4 li 1SU 23 W4 74 .... 38 .... (W 244 244 .... 100 44 44 l'KJ lli4 .... SH4 8'4 S4 iMt lli 1H4 '4 684 ivi; itjii ... 94 70 704 134 134 1014 1014 7S 7 374 S74 I1104 1004 29 "9 914 9?4 354 354 107 lOli. 184 179 924 92. Forelan Financial. LONDON, Jan. 12. Money was compara tively easy In the murket today and the supplies exceeded the demand. Ducounle mare weaker. Business 011 the Stock ex change waa quiet and prioea were steady. Gilt-edged securille-n were cheerful, stimu lated by cheap money, while the eueceks ful Iss'.ie cf tiie Russian loan In Perlin In crtwaed the feeling of confidence, though 1ioft Honals held off In the abaence of put lo support t'oiinola declined a fraction at the close. Americana opened somewhat ir. regular, iinprow-e to above iatiiy on mod erate bu)log and closed dull. - Russian r Terk Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 12-MONEY-On call, steady at 2624 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered at 24 f"r cent; loans, very easy; sixty davg and ninety days, t per cent; sir month". 3'tyS'l per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4844 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, closing bids easier, with sctual business In bank ers' bills at 14.87554 8790 for demand and at l4.K,l"-q4 V.15 for Sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.4fl4.M and $4.684.884: com mercial bills. $4,844 SILVER Bar. 54c; Mexican dollars, 474c BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The following are the quotatlona on stocks and bonds: 1' a rt. 21. rea....14n Jtmn e. itfi L. N. unl. 4.. lft'H !HaBhitt e. 1 l1S Mi Central 4n . . I 11 i to 1 In'' Ill 'Mine, a St. I.. 4. I M , K. tt T. 4... 1S o It tr. rtfl 7I. N. ft. R. of M tti N. T r. . J' l"'4 V. J C. I is. . MS No. Ta lBc 4i... .lot1 do 14S N. W ... 4l .Ui o. a. L. rfd. 4i . fl Pnn. conv. H . 7'J 1 Resiling (en. 4 .1M'4 St L. A I. M. t si1 st. u a s. r. ti 4l . . . so roupnn do 3a, reg . do rotipou do new tn. do eoupoa du old it. do coupon Am. Tobaroo do rifn. Atrb.son gRn. do aoj. Atltntlu C L 4r . Pit A Oil In 4 lentral of lla. ft.. do In Inc do 2d lnr Chen. Ohio 4W" rhlrato a A. S'ii C , B. q n. C k. I. P. 4. do eol. to TIT. St 1. g. 4. (Kliago Ter. 4.... Colo. Mid. 4 Colo. A So. 4 e'uha hn, cut r. a r. o. 4. Iilrtlllen' Eec. it. Krio prior lien 4t do gen. 4t F. W I). L'. II Hmklng Vsl. 44a. Bid. 4 l"w: . . at u a w. . . tt 'SMboard A. L. . . PRH So Pai tae- 4a . ..10IH So. Ratlwajr H. .. 4iS T-n P. .. 74V, T.. Bl. L. .. 2 Union Pacific 4a. . .1"44 do conr. 4a . .10e f. a steel id 6a. .. 71 Watah la ..lot I do deb B . . ii W'Mtern Md. 4a ... ..lid W a L R 4a.... . 1n4 Wla. Central 4a. . .. ..I02S ..tors .. rss . . is .. M4 . .. .tm M4 e 4a It . .. .ludli ....134H . . . .u1 .... 77. ....1H!, .... 7t ....MM ....tOIH Ja-.ttda 4a. H OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bett Cattle 8troug, Others Sold at Jat About Steady Prices. HOGS SHOWED SOME IMPROVEMENT Sheep ld at Generally sternly Prices, hat l.anaba Were Aetlre and f if teen te a Hnarter Higher Than t lose of Last Meek. SOLTH OMAHA. Jan. 12. 19 0. llogs. Sheen. e i 4 :ri Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monday S.ool Olhrlnl Tuesda'v 5.JS1 Official Wednesday J.272 Official Thursdsy S.t"i Four days this week...l$.aa OLitl 20.21") Same days last meek.... 744 25.741 24.ilM Home days week before.. H.147 7.?'-2 S.'l Hame three weeks ago.. 1I.20K .77 21.0s! Same four weeks ago 1H.74S M 55" 2..H.3 Same days last year lO.lhl 25.47 37.'? RECEIPTS KOR TIIE YEAR TO HATE The following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last yir, imr, 1104. Inc. rec. Cattle 20 9;! 31 525 ogs b-.ieiT, a. 417 3.5W Sheep 4jttKl SX.lm .... 2"."Jt '1 ne following table spows the averae price of hoga at 8otitli Omaha for the last several days, with comparisona: I 1S04. 10. 190.-.. lUl.lun.189. lSi. , Pel lids : er cent. Official Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Jan. U.-Call loans. 2Mt ;P, per cent; time .nans, ..7il' closing of stocks and bolt Atohlaoa adj. 4a 44' Adrenturt do 4a lft?HAlloua x. Central if 74H Amalsamated Alihlaon MS mrli an Zinc do pfd .I'M lAUanllo Ilnrtnn Albany Ji.1 Bingham 17a Tal. & Hecta. UHHiCmtannlal US icopprr lungs . . tfVDalv Wat L'lli ilinmlnton t'oal . Hoaton & Mafna Hnnton Klerated .. Kltrhbuig pfd .... Mxti:n t'aninal .. N. Y.. N. H. & H fnloa Pacific 1W4 Franklin Amer. Arg. t hem. .. J"x Orani do prd Amer, Pneu. Tut. Amer. Sugar ... Date ae,u I ...1174 Dec. !... uii D- ,15 Dec. 2g... :v.ui,i 2. .. ... i IJec. 2o... ... ih Dec. 2... ... iS-4 Dec. 27... ... it Jan. I....1 Dec. 29... I Dec. 30.. Dec. 31... Jan. 2.... Jan. 3.... Jan. 4 ... Jan. 5.... Jan. .... Jan. 7 Jan. 8.... Jan. .... Jan. lrt... Jan. 11... Jan. 12... 1 4 5 4! 4 3 i 4 604! I 4 444) 4 S4 4i 4 80, 4 3S4I 4 45 4 41 4 , 4 47( I I 4 541 ti 01 S08 1(1 6 la ti ill ; it t 0 06 00 o t 8si 191 44! t s 4 791 4 811 4 80 I 4 S. I SJt S "I t wi t n 4 Oil 1 M 4 02 i 34 4 (Hi 3 SI 1 47 do pfd Amer. T. T Amer. Woolen ilo pfd Iomlnlon I. a... L4tt,on Kite. Jllu.. (General Klartrlc ... Maaa. Klactrlc do pfd Maas. Oaa 1 nltfd Kruit t'nltad Sho Mah. do ptd V. 8. Steal do pti Westing, common , Bid. "Asked. M'a.Ule Rorale . 4'a Maaa. Mining .. .141 Michigan .131 Mohawk .144 Mont. C C. . :Hlotd Dominion .. . ili'tiOaceola . lau, Parrot &2 guinea .114 . 11', Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity I. 8. Mining. ..lOftttiP. 8. (Hi. 6S4 2 3 Ptah Victoria .. Wtnona Wolverine ... ll .... I!" ... 114 ... :t . . .tiuO ... 24' . . . KHU, ... IS ... fl ... U'4 ... ... 2S ... ... 12. ... Mi ... 44 ... St'a ... M1 ... ', ...106 ... f4 ...lift ... ... H ... IOH ... 4t ... 3 ... 114 . . .Ill 4 London 'lock Market. LONDON, Jan. 12. Closing' quotations on stocks and bonds: , .. tH:N. Y. Central.... .. Si Norfolk & W .. &V do pfd .'. ass Ontario 4 W ..ion I'ennnylvanl .... . .lofiS Rand Mlnea ..Ui Heading ,. 4 I do lat pfd .. 21'il do 2d pfd ..n4j Soul hern Railway . . 17" do pfd .. 3S floutharn Pacific . .. 7'l'L.'nlon. PaclBc .. 4"H: do pfd .. 7l V 8. Steel .. Cto do pfd ..182 Wabarli ..144 d Pfd . . 82 ' Span I eh 4a ....... SILVER Bar, ateady, 274-164 per ounce, MONEY IV 2 Pr cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent; for threa months' bills, 24'0?4 DPP cent. Console, money .. do account Anacond Atchlann , do pfd naltlmere Xr Ohio Canadian Pacific . hf. & Ohio Chicago Ot. W. .. C. M. ft. 8t. F.. Pelleera Denver It. 0.. do pfd Erie ,.. do let pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central ., 1)uta. ft. Xeeh M.. K. ft T 14a 111 1 af, 42 704 114 41 4 47 42 Ai'i it 74 1114 S'l 944 22 4H'i - - , Reav Vorlt VfnJTa- Stocka. . . NEW TORE,' ,IaO.' i'-i The following ate the closing quotatlona on mining stocks Aflame Con .... Alloa Hreecs Hrunawlrk Con Comet ork Tunnal 20 40 Con.' Cel. Horn Kllver Iron silver .. Leadvllla Coa Va...,..170 ...ISO Little Chief Ontario ........ Ophlr Phoenix Petoal Savage Bierra Nevada .imall Mnpea .. standard t ...37; ...ta ... a .1. 2(1 ... 4.1 ... i2 ... 25 ...140 Bank Clearlnga. OMAHA. Jan. 12. Thursday bank ttlear tngs are $1,522,453.61. For the. same day laat yeur they wero $1,522,382.07. CHICAGO I.IVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogi Five to Ten Centa Higher and Sheep Lower. CHICAGO, Jan. 12. 4'A TTLE Receipts, 13,mj head: market steady; good to prime steers, $5.40i?it!.35: poor to medium. 4S.7ojij, 6.4t; stockers and feeders. $S.2ft'g4.2; cows. II. 25S4.40; heifers. IOtfitfiOO; canners. $1.25(8' 2.5(i; bulla. $2.0o4j4.25; calves, $a.0tH7.00. HOUH Receipts. 37,i) heud: estimated tomorrow, 2U,(im head; market oft 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $; good to choice heavy, $4.7004.874; rough heavy. $4.60 tlA&; light, $4.45'il4.70; bulk of Sales, $4.ti5 4.774- SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, la .000 head; sheep lower; lunibs. 611100 lower; good to choice wethers, $4.lsi4i5.tiO: fair to choice mixed, $3.8oe(i4.85i western sheep, $4.25 j6.ii; native lambs, $5.75ij7.K6; western lambs, $5. 75'c 7.50. Kansas City Live stuck Market. KANSAS C1TV, Jan. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,501) head; steady to weak; choice export and dressed lieef steers, $1.7510.50; fall- to good, $;i.5IK!i4.75; western fed steers. $3.5015.25; stockers and ft"oriers. $2.763.75; HOtttheru steers, $3KKt43.75; southern cowa, $2.25!t4.2A; native cows, $1.75 4. M; native heifers, $2.50Cg4.5o; bulls, " $2.5id4.0O; calves, $3.0tKjjti .50. HOOS Receipts. 9.00U head; strong to ac tive; top, 14.10; bulk of sales, $4.rWcj4.75; heavv. $4.76'S'4.S0; packers, $1 8054.76; pigs and iighta. $3.Rg4.0u. SHEEP AND IMRS-Receipts, 2.400 head; market strong; native lambs. $o.ixr 7.25; native wethera, $4.75ft5.76: native ewes, $4.01X15.00: western lambs, St.00a7.25; west ern vearlings. $5.5t; weatern sheep, tA.Wu !' stockers aJid feeders, $2.504.50. aiooi City Lire Stock Market. SIOCX CITY. Jan. 12. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipta, 700 head; mar keta about steady; beeves, $3.5Oif5.80: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.2Si(j3.B0; stockers and feeders. $2. softs. Do ; calvea and yeuillngs, $2.2.Va2.50. ' HOGS Receipta. ' 4.000 head; market strong. Be lting at $4.40$4.t; bulk, $4.StK"rf 4.5a. Stork la eight. Receipts of live atock at the six prlnuipal western marneis yesiernay; Cattle, South Omaha 3,( Sioux City 7( Kansas City 3,600 St. Iiuls 4.000 St. Joaepli l.StW Chicago 18,000 Totals .2S.5ot Hogs. Sheep, loon) 3,400 4.000 9,'K) 2.400 IO.O11O 1,500 0.902 2,b.t0 37.000 18,000 7K.H02 28.130 4 11 4 tr) 4 211 $ 5$ 3 41 4 89 4 81 4 5. 21 4 77 4 14 $ 4 Ji - a "l C 80 4 ml ' I 3 61 19')2.l1901.il9O0.!18i fi ST 4 4 31! B7 4 424 4 514 J 4 04, i 33, 4 56 I 4 61 1 4 614, 4 til 35 4 47 4 t2; 25 1905. 1904. ,1303. 4 3' I 4 On it 37 4 4341 I 6 30, 0 19 4 W 4 77! " I 2. 6 02: 4 m 6 21. 5 04 4 5S 6 ,14 6 24' ' 4 So 1! 39 H OH, R 051 I aoi 6 49, 09! 3 OH! 4 34 4 2 t) 4o e 15' 3 14 4 8S. $ 45 I 6 40 t 14, 0 20 4 ;mi uo 4 53 I ti 04' 6 23 ' 4 41: 3 55 4 61; C 4tii I 5 17, 4 40, 3 B 4 44k. 4 44 4 45 4 50 I 4 til 4 2 4 57 4 2 4 2' 4 Z 4 3! t 6: 44 3 47 3 4k 3 42 had tliey been her yestrCfi' . The geti rnl rnn'of rattle tlinugh soler in Jut nNvit the same notches they did yter.lnv. but salesmen found It much e-t1er today to dispose of their holding. The cow mni kt was also mote active than yeaterdty sod the choicer gr.tdes of cons and heifers commanded a little stringer prices. The common to fall grades, though sold nt about sternly prices. The demand for Inferior kind did not seem to lie pai tictilnrlv brisk, which explains why sslentcti were unable to alliance prices 011 that klnil. Mot every thing changed hands In good season, though of course the slow hitIyhI 01 trains prevented an early close. Bulls, veal calve." and Flags did not show enough 1 hang" to be worthy of mention. The demand for heavy feeders of good qusllty was as brisk a ever and fully steady prices were peld. When It came to the lighter weights, however, the murket was slow with the feeling weak and thut was particularly the case with common light cattle. There are a good many ejttlo in the.' yards, weighing lioin 1 to ! pounds for which the .lemand seems to be very Untiled, although speculator have been offering lo make conceeFlona In prices in order to move them. Rcpnsentatlve sale.-.: BEEF STEERS. Nc. Av. I'l. lute. av Pr. I H41 4 7 1 1 Tt 4 cni 7 Ml t, 1; iim, 4 o.-, I IC-40 i w 19 1014 4 in 4 at: a as ss tia 4 10 11 7 2 50 I I"4 4 U 4 47 1 75 1177 4 l:, 1IWS 7R 4f tt.1t 4 2" 2 121 22 1M( 4 .. 7 7m 3 t II 1154 4 r.i 71 )M 4" IMS 4 So i M lit 24 11S4 4 7 ! nan 4 no 40 1T7 I o I 4 4 m Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 12. COTTON-8pt cloaod quiet and 5 points lower: middling upland, 7.10c; middling gulf, 7.86c; sales, 1.5o0 bales. LIVERPOOL Jan. 14 COTTON I u fair demand, prices 8 points higher: Amerleun middling fair, 4.23d; good middling, 3.90d; middling, 3.x3d; low middling, 3.71d; good ordlnari', 3.75d. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 12.-COTTON-Quiet; sales. 1,125 bales;, ordinary, 4 6-lfeo: good oidinaiy, (4c; low middling, (Tc; middling. 4c; good middling, 7 3-lc: mid dling fair. 7 11-ltk;; receipts, 4,114 balea; atoe k, 7oo. ?! bales. oT. IjOVIU. Jan. lS.-COTTON-Market Ho lower; middling, 64c: sales, 40 bales; receipts. 10O balea; shipments, 2 bales; atock, 40,661 bales. Oils aa ttoaln. OIL CITY, Pa.. Jan. H OIL Credit bal ances. $1.42; certificates, no bid; shipments, 54.120 bbls.; average, til, 801 bbls.; shipments, Lima. A. 9X1 bbls.; average. 67.032 bbla.; runs. Lima. t2.21? bbls. ; average, 53.520 bbls. RiiSIN rirm: A. B and C, $2 56; P. $4.; E. $2.70; y. $2.75: G. $2.90; H, $; I, it tn; K. Hu6; M. $4 5o; N, , $4.71; V. O., $5.00; W.. S5.15. Coatee Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 12.-COFK EE-Market for fgtutea opened at unchanged price In reiHHe to featureless cables. The close waa net unchanged to i point lower. Sales were reported of '.'Koto ba; May, 17.956 sou. July, as ltriS 16: September, lA.4vtfH.ia. 6ot, 't'Hcli -'o. 1 Rio l 84c, Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. The official ttumlior of cars of stock brought, in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, eneep. ti ses C M. & St. P.. Wabash Missouri Pacillc Lnion Pacific! ... C. N. V P.. E. 4 M. V C, St. P.. M. & O.... B. ft M. Ry C, B. ft Q . K. C. ft St. J ('., R. I. & P., east... C. R. I. & P.. west... Chicago J. V Illinois Central 3 3 12 5 2! IK 41 13 18 18 II 37 5 20 12 t 3 4 Totul receipts ....129 l.VI 111 2 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha racking Co 308 Hwirt and company it Cudahy Packing Co 1,02 Armour ft Co Cudahy Co. (Denver) 113 Armour (Sioux City) VuiiNant Co 21 Carey ft Benton liS Jiohman ft Co 93 Hill & Son S Huston ft Co 10 H. F. Hamilton 9 Wolf ft Murnan R4 Sam Werthetmer 82 Mike Haeeerty ft Co 90 Sol Degau 42 J. B. Root ft Co 90 Bulla 33 Other buyers 3o 1.210 2.537 2.911 4,C 540 1.4N1 1.079 351 1.039 493 Totals CATTLE Receipts liberal this morning, (lav's storm-a large arrival - were , originally intended yesterday's market, hut did not Ret 3,939 11.802 3,947 of cattle were quite but owing to yester- proportlon of today's tor here In time. Buyers seemed to be more anxious for supplies this morning and as a result they were out in good season ami trading was mote active than yesterday. About the usual proportion of the offer ings consisted of corn fed steers, but the quality was again only fair. As high hs $4.90 was paid for pretty good cattle. Tho general markot could . sateiy De .quoted Heady and In many cases some of the more desirable grades undoubtedly brought a little more money enan cney wnuin nave 11 . SO.. si! 3i.. 12.. STEERS AND COW8. ...78(1 1 li 12 1073 .... 2 4e H 0t ...1044 1 7.'. STEERS AND HEIFERS 506 SW 7S M0 T7 70 11 W eon lion linn . . . : . 1 1 20 loan ;n SI4 l .-.! tneft lino mo looo to'l 1020 tm 1120 32 J tons 142IS IXfO 1031 1VM 32 (. im.i tnno 1U04 82l 713 44 ! din U-'l am) 1410 1310 1410 2S0 150 120 220 2 50 10 COWS a. 1.. V.. 14.. 7. 1 4 I., 12 . 47.. 1 C. 1 It 1 7i. 1 77. 1 7. 1 7; 2 00 ; on 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 1" 2 Oil 2 Itl 2 10 a ir, 1 is 2 15 ! IS 1 20 t 2't t 2K 2 27. 2 27, 2 J" : ts 2 W) 2 40 2 Ml 2 o .', t 0 2 0 t 2 2 H t 70 HEX Ens. 2 40 4 I tw 17 I to SO S 70 22 t th 21 BULLS. 1. is 17 4 23. 12. 14. It. 1 3 HI. t 2.. 11. 1.. 2. 10. I... 1... i c : 2 S3 2 m STAOS. 3 40 CALVES, a 25 1 3 r.n 4 (0 9 no ..t"0t . . 72 ..!0e ..II ..llHl! .. at; .1057 .1047 ..in7 ..l:tao .1101 . M2 . 1121 .. 47 . .U'PO . 11 40 . . 93 . !2'4 . . ; tso .. 97 ..ll4 . . (. .. tt ..1025 . .1120 ,.Vi0 . . ICM'I ..12471 .. !7 .. SOI ..12tT. ..I.'tll .. lit .. 70 .. 4.-, .. I0 . . 70 .. am .. 171 . . 9i,5 .. "71 ..till) ..171(1 . . 120 140 ISO 210 4 0.1 4 lo 1 70 2 71 75 1 71 2 74 2 2 HS 2 o no 2 0 2 5 1 00 1 0., 2 iai S 00 I Oo 05 I in 3 10 .1 to II 10 n in I in 3 10 10 3 10 3 r. i r. 20 a 20 3 3 to 3 3i 3 40 1 40 I 40 3 1.1 I 20 a i. X 40 3 3 20 3 2:, 3 St r, no 0 :o 5u H tir. 4 tS 1 2! 4 4 71 oj ' 4 7' 7 ?1 4 t;.. 224 ll-c 4 7, 27 l.H 4 4.'W 7". . .. 4 57', 71 277 IM 4 tl'i 7 . . 4 ac 4 Ml . . 4 4: , a; ti ir" 4 4 -7 la 4 7 '? an 4 so 54 xit li 4 (2a 2 y ... 4 an M 14 iv 4 2' fl 71 4 ' 4 11 I V' 7 2.11 ... 4 7 .. 4 4 4Sa -t 4" In 51 24 1" 4 " 4. 71 2 0 4 2i 71 . :' 4 en 74 .41 an 4 47 43 S13 las 4n t ta . . 4 2a W 2J.t !(' 4 to f 2S1 t'O 4 ;, o .'ia to 4 ao t . .. 21 17 t o I7 4 n ? ?!i ... 4 ? l.'t Ul In 4 4" C1 2.4 ... 4 tt ill 40 4 co ;i 71 s 4 : 1 s -70 200 In an -os 0 4 4!' l 14 . 4 4 as 74 ... 4 a.' 7 710 tl 110 4 IU ... 4 .'ia ft ;t o 4 In 17 ... 1:11 t" i 4 ::j o 4 in 2 240 4 7.' 271 110 4 ' 211 . . 4 7'i .V. :.t . . 40 10 4 42', si.t e 4 a-i at rs$ 4 4 as 'a .'. 7:1 120 4 i as .-' . . 4'-" a 7 ..iw 24 4 : ti io 4 :' 71 217 40 4 o SI 24 . 4 1.' ... 4 to 12 ...03.: do 4 (f. ;i no 4 00 ;." .its i.'o 4 i. 71 : 4 a 14 !,-. .'. ' 2: ti IS M 277 4n 4 70 ,1M 12 4 31 32 sil If' It 217 40 4 (to !. 7? 10 I A 7S1 . 4 tt 21 t ... 4 ft, Tt 240 1-.-0 411 7.' 20 ... 41 14 244 Ml 4 to 70 211 ... 4 at. as 2J 0 4 SO ! 1'1 . . 4 M J 2M 110 40 tl t- ... 4 as M 314 12V 4 t 4 I'1? 4'1 4 47. 1 J71 IW 4 10 14 .'M ... 4 4 41 .'14 . . 4 :", li :)! 4 ".7 27 170 4 17', 1". 344 SO (J US :i:'l . . 4 7t, lb :HI . . 4 -1 i 249 to 4 3i, 71 20 120 4 U fl 3M 0 lt, tl 21 10 4 M 22 ao 4 I 24T Bo 4 ti 41 310 10 I ?i, t.4. .11 4 I7' 4i atr ... 4 2 at an 4 7' 45 244 0 4 ' M.'. -I." 4 4 4T aa 317 . .. i i, a :oa ... 4 t' C2 871 320 4 I24 17 Ml 40 4 471, SHEEP Th -re was a fairly liberal tu STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. wo .. 731 .. 714 .. 7,80 ..1020 .. 7: .. ii .. 714 .. 714 2 40 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 S 2S 3 30 s n 3 : 1. , 1.. 19. . II.. 6.. M.. 41.. 44. . . 110 .. 740 . . 07 . jooa .. 21 .. DM ..1020 ..101 It ..1047 I 40 3 40 3 4o .1 4li 3 45 3 53 3 .", 3 75 3 30 NEBRASKA. 24 feeders.. 995 3 35 HOOB There was quite a liberal run of hogs in sight this morning, but the market was In good shape. At this point opening prices were right around 5c higher than yesterday morning or 2yff5c higher than yesterday's general murket. Trading waa fal'ly active on the early arrivals nnd most of them were -liHposed of In good seaaon. The bulk of the sales went from $4.6" to $4.85, the most popular price being $4.6t'i. Some of the choicer load? sold at 4.(S7'4 and some of trie com moner hogs and light htuff hud to no under 4.60. The latter part of the market was slow and weak, as packers took advantage of the late arrival of trains to bear the mar ket. The late hogs sold largely at $4.57H autl $4.fi0. unless they were common, when they had to sell for less thnn that. At noon there were still some hogs unsold and one or two trains reported had not arrived. Representative sales: No. . Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh Pr. rj 155 ... 4 60 17 24 10 4 6214 of sheep here. i-onslibTlng the condition of the weather yesterday, but the demand was fully equal to the supply and an active aiid verv satisfactory market wn experienced. liuyers were all out early and practically everything changed hand as rapidly as offered. The tiuallty of th sheep was hot particularly choice, so that the sales, on paper, do not look very high. Considering the quality, bowwver. the prices paid were just about steady with yester day. Soma fair wi thers sold fur 5.S. fair cartings for $5.75 and fair ewes for $4.7.1. The demand for lambs was even mora I rlhk than for hecp and prices paid today wore safely 15ft'J5c higher than those In force at the close of last week. As high as $7.10 whs paid for western lambs of only fair quality and some natives brought $7. 35. The demand for Inmloi has been in excess of the fcupply alt the week. Wuntatlons for fed stock: ( locxi to choice yearling. $5.7iVc'ill25; fair to good year lings. ari.25'iif.75: good to rholce wether. g!.ial .50; fair to good wethers. H.75ii5.t; good to choice ewes. l4.4o4."n: fair to gid ewes, $4.iilt4.25; common to fair ewes. $3 do i3 90; good to choice lambs, $t.754i 7.25: fair to good lambs. Sil Jniil.75; feeder yearlings. I4.5O4j6.o0; feeder wethers, $4.2X4. io: feeder ewes, 3.25'(i3.7o; feeder lambs, $5.4016.74. Representative nli: No. western ewes western ewtis western ewes South Dakota wethers.. western yearlings western vearlings western iambs N 515 2i 219 2(j 421 2no 17 western lambs.. 275 western lambs.. 1 buck 2 buck lambs 9 western ewes ISj western ewes 10 western wethers lings) , 805 native lambs ... 50 western lamb . 271 western lambs . 4K western lambs .., 37 native Iambs .... 1 goat 1 goat 11 goats and year- Av. Pr. HV5 4 55 104 4 55 Hi 4 75 l'i 5 25 78 5 t 97 5 75 87 6 75 TS 7 10 77 7 10 i:t0 2 tVt lor, 4 104 4 55 90 4 75 4 6 00 83 8 25 75 7 10 76 7 10 77 7 10 102 7 35 120 3 00 140 4 00 137 4 00 Hi. Loots Lite attack Market. ST. IX"H1S. Jan. 12 CATTLE Receipts. 4.1X41 head, including 140 Texons; steady tn lower; native shipping and export ateers. $5.oofr6.6U; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. $4.006.40; steers tinder 1,0"0 lbs., S3.25ft6.0fl: Btoekers and feeclers, $1.50 .1.75; cows and heifers. $2.25401.50; canners. $1.75i'2.26: bulls, I2.004j1.6B: calves, $4.00(87.75; Texas and In dian steers. $2. 75$ 4. 76; Cowa and heifer, $2.oO3.60. HOGS Receipts. IO.OiiO head: Ftoady: pig and lights. $3.754. 30; puckers, $1.50(&t.H5; butchers and best heavy. $4.(H4.76. SHEEP AND LAMBH-Recelpt. 1.500 head; market strong; native muttons. $4. 0) (?)5.40; lambs. $5.0007.25; culls and bucks, $2.26i4.2o; stockers. $2.fXKg3.00; Texans, $3.00 Sjj.OO. 84. Joseph Live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.368 head: weak to 10c lower: na tives, $'I.5(fif).40; cows and lielfers. $1.75( 4.40; stockers and feeders. 12.7ifi4.25. HOOB Receipts, 8.902 head; steady to So higher: light, $4.45(91.60; medium and heavy, $455'o4.t. SHEEP AND lA.MBfiRecelpta. 2.8M khead; weak to 10c lower; Colorado lambs. $7.v;. MOT Continue, to develop alrpuclh and the increase in interest indicate thai tue market is steadily broa(Vninc aud tnat th prospects for a great acarcity of tlie wune before the next crop is available, In Iwoonilug to be a nettled fact. The high prices reached at the beginning of the week waa within a miibII fractiou of the extreme top, established eome two mouths ugo, in addition to hig-h prions for tho future, the cash wheat everywhere Is in excellent demand and nt one-tluie No. Northern sold at May price. At no time was there any great doubt as to the course prices would take aud the same holds true for tho futures. If you will take the pains to Investigate conditions nnd muke comparisons with other years instead of looking at price If this has lHeit done and InvstnieutR In wheat are made In anticipation of a very material advHUi o eventually, it would bo ill liar mony with every'hlng that usually goes to establish a higher murket for a com modity. Scarcely an Item of news has come tip for the trade to consiiler lately that did not. denote Ktreugth aud sound ness in our domestic situation.. Uet-eipts In the Northwest are down to a figure where milling retiulremenla necessi tate lira wing large (uantitles of wheat from store. Bradstreet's report places Interior elevators stocks at' about T.Vi.tNNi bushels against 7,HM),iaa) bushels ft year ago and ll.snU"0 bushels in UK);!, and says the decrease lu country houses last wo-k was around .HUX' bushels nnd thut without reinforcemeuls to runners deliveries thorp is likely to be nothing held buck except the small reserves in first hands at 11m end of the next six or eight weeks. A Dulutli authority estimates thut the country cannot supply the mills with more than tJS.OMMKH) bushels lo August 1st and that the requirements for this time during 1U04 of 81.00O.00o bushels, must be curtailed to the extent of dlfferencf, 4r OttO.OiMj bushels. Crop experts uow go still further with reference to our probable further supplies and concludes that wo have only pi,io,(No bushels avuilable for export for six mouths and for reserves .inly 1st, llif. Already the inquiry for wheat ia being felt keenly. The lowest grades have advanced 2 to 10 cents lu tie last- ten days nnd No. 4 spring wheat is i:rt: n nusnei nigner tunn a niontn ago. j nere con tie no uustamng tntj worth or wheot 'because the buying Is for Interests that want It to use, or, understanding Its future value, arf seeking to control thj suibII stocks of contract. The only question in doubt it) how high will Ihe price go to offset these persistent de-. mands. A good manv well informed people In the tracto rreneve in $1.2; ror May. some look for fl.. Of cour-- tho lsn-sibiliiy of mtchiug either will depend upon how urgeut are the. orders for flour during the spring months. If tlx? visible supply should decrease rapidly, as now see in likely, a situation will be created Unit would give u these prices. Another decided source or anxiety to snorts is tne -ounniou or winter wueat, wiiun went into wmter ten . .. . r, , t . . i . ... . , I . .1.1 ... , I ..I ..l.l ., . , . . 1 M . , Jailntu under Uie tcu-yeur average, uie piuui is huiuii nuu lacaiug in ig"i, nuu biuiuoi even muiiemieiy tiuisvoranie weather develop, the spring might see a sensational oltuatlon, and In this event higher prices mHy be expected to pre vail right through into the year following. j These are 1he i-onditlons lu wheut today, stated' briefly. The prospects nbroad are quile similar, ao far- as the vital question of supplies and demands are concerned.' Broomhall predicts that world's shipments for the rext four mouths will not average over O.Whj.WiO bushels weekly,-while minimum requirements of the L'nitod Kingdom demand 8,100,000 bushels. Tlie loss so rar to wortu g stocas rroiu tue nign point is lti.isai.taiu ousneia during De-. teuiber. and 6,'TiO,ooo bushels so far In .lauuary; from this it Is eusy to ace that the iwsltlou of wheat throtlghout the world la strong, and offerings of Uitb cash ami toe future nave come unaer I lie control or tttroug huuds, and it would certaiuly seem like a good time and an easy matter to advance prices. .7 , 7? , The market for months, or since prleea reached tliie level, have had only normal fluctuations, this is for; trill rea son that traders huve followed theories and facts.' Wo. uow have a very strong statement of facta before Mix.' Our wlieat is dJsappturlng on every' baud and nothing is left ou the farms to move to the front, all talk that top prleea have been reached for aucb an unusual situation, aud no far from rel!tf Is unreasonably, and more than mull temporary de cliuea la absurd. ' It seems to us. therefore, that wheat should be liouglit whenever It acts weak, and that it la plain consumption has overtaken our production. This condition ha been developing for several years, aud has rapidly dur ing the last year, on account of the crop being of inferior quaJity. aud so much has already disappeared that ao early exhaustion is fearoi You should keep your attention on thing of this clmracter and absorb offerings from thoai who would discount them. Minneapolis. Duluth, Omaha, Winnipeg. -mm (M (INCORPORATED.) Main Office: Fifth vnd Robert. Sti.. St. Paul, Minn. DEALERS m STOCKS GiUUQ PeiOuISIBuS Branch Office: 110-11 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Telephone '3514. 212-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. Bell Thorve 216. Independent 'Phone 5. a